NEW TO-DAY. ALBANY FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP A. 1 CHUf SKV, I'rop., ALBAWi ORE(i().Vi t . Manufacturer of Steam jE1x&x.g&9 FLOUR and SAW MILL !MLAOB:iBrEIl.-E", WOOD WORKING and - Agrictillsiral Machinery, and all kinds of Iron and Brass Castings JS- Particular attention paid to repairing ell kinds of niacliiucry. 41v3 3STOTIOE. -TE WILL I' -AY FOR GOOD BUTTEH y 22 to 25 cents a pound, and 20 cents per dozen for EliOS, in trade. Persons that corro to Albany will make money by culling at the Cash Store id" It. CIJKADLK A CO. to make tboir pur chases, as tbey aro telling goods very cheap now. Juiie2l-4i K. CHEADIiE & CO. NEW TO-DAY. JESSE! T a 200,000 POUNDS OF WOOL! For which wo will pav the HIGHEST CASH 'PRICE ! AVool owners will do well to call is us before selling. Sift- Liberal cash advances made on Wool. 34m3 P. C. HARPER A CO. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. WAXTED, tXFOKM ATIOX OF MR. JAMES MILLER, by occupation a machinist and engineer, a man about 41) years old, dark couipcxion, 5 feet S inches in night; formerly oi I'mladclphia, Pa., bat has been absent some three urywr jttti-, and when iuf heard from, six or twelve mouths since, was at Albany, Linn county, Oregon. Any in formation of hia or his whereabouts will bethank - fully received by his wife, Sirs. Anna Miller, Kc. 1S9 Maiden street, Philadelphia, Pa. May 23d, 1S71-40w4. 31DIIDER IHf AL1IAAY Has never yet been known, and no threatening of it at present. DEATH Is a thins which sometime must leful! every son t and daughter of the human family, and yet, At tiic 31ii!-lay Of jour life, if dieae lays bis vile lianas upo. you, there ia si ill a balm in GiUad" by which you may be restored to jc-rfict health, autl . pro long your days to a miraculous extent. HOW ? By calling on -with a prescription where yoix can have it com pounded by one experienced in tunc particular line. Also, constantly on hand a good assort- xnent of fresh Drugs, Patent .Mc-dii iocs, Cheiai- , icals. Paints, Oils, Dye-stuffe, Trusses, Ac., ie. Agents for the eelelrntel j I'nk Weed S?r2tedy, or Oregon Kbcuni.ii.ic Cure ; Dr. D. Jayne A ) eons uieuiciues, Ac. Ac. Spenee Positiv and Xcsa:in Powdars Isept in .stock. AVc are also p gents tor the Home Shuttle Sewing Machine, one of the most useful pieces of household furni - tare extant. Call and cxttuiuoi P.. C. HILL &, SOX. Albany, Juna 10, h, 1871 4) "Millinery aai Fancy Goods! MRS. M. A. BR1DGEFAHMER, SUCCESSOR TO MRS. DUXNIWAY) HAS JLST RECEIVED FROM BELOW an elegant invoice of new .MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS, such as- . . Fashionable HATS, BONNET. ' ' TELV ETr5. banwi ail g m .1 32 SXrMTJZ! . UPTON, BROKERS, STITZEL & REAL ESTATE AND GENERAL: A GENTS Sraxioli o zF" co, Albany, ! Oregon, J. C.MEXDEXHAI.L, - - Agent, f 1 EXERAL LAXD AGENCY FOR OREGON. J Established July, 186S. An office whero general information concerning the resources of Oregon can be obtained free of charge. Loans negotiated on first Mortgage, Real Es tate and Collateral Securities. We have for sale a large amount of property loeated in the town of Albany. Also, Farming lands, of every des cription, located in Linn and other counties in this State. An Infallible blood ri niFiEa. possess ing rare toxic and xtavixE properties certain cure for BHELHATisa, gout. aEt;itAi.csi.&. and all kindred Diseases. It completely restores the system when im paired by disease, revives the action of the kiDxEvs and CEXiTlL OBG.U9, radi cally Cures SCBOFIXI. SALT RUCtH, and all ebittive wad cvxmeoih Dis eases, gives immediate and permanent relief in dyspepsia, erysipelas. Tumors, Boils, Scald Head, Ulcers and Sores; eradi cates from the system all traces of Mercurial Disease, It is rUBEL vegetable, being niada from an herb found indigenous in California, It is therefore peculiarly suitable for use by Females and Children, as a blood pi:bi. FIER and BEXOVXTOB. For Sal. by at! Druggists- EEQtNeTOK, HOSTETTEB & CO. AGENTS, C20 and 531 Market Street, San Francisco. To the citizens of Albany and vicinity, and to the owners of Real Estate: We take this method of calling your attention to our place of busi ness. Having determined to open a Brim oh Of fice in your city, wo can offer yoa a medium for obtaining purchasers one that is appreciated by buycrs, as it saves them much time and labor in searching for what tbey want. Our principal Agency, at Portland, Oregon, is thoroughly es tablished, and the office so well furnished furgiv insr information upon Real Estate, that it affords the most complete facilities for all parties having business lit our line. ' S You incur no expense in placing your property on sale witn us unless a ea-ie is inaue. Office on First street, opposite Post-Office. JOHN C. MEN DEX HALL. Agent. Albany, Ogu., March 23, 1870. 2'Jtf. STITZEL & CPTOX, R E A L E S T A T E 15 R O K E RS, 3. C. 3!F,NDE'IUt.L, Agent, Office First st opposite Post OtHee, Albany, Ogn. 1TTAVE f r sale in the eitvof Albany, a desira- I ble Homestead, Lots 1. 2, 7 and 8, corner Third, Fourth nd Elsworth streets, ouo T th best localities iu the city. A good one and half story house, with all other conveniences. i.pply to J. C. MEX DEX HALL, Agent, Albany, Oregon a. w. STASAnn. A. COWAN & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODS FIRST STREET ALBAXY. , f p e ss ff f of LATEST EYIDEXCE ! They oGer a large and wel" ''cctcd stock of STAPLE imif 0S ! At Extraordinary low Prices cou Cash f 5 i-liic:o I CUKE THAT COtKil ! USE THE BEST REMEDY ! reat value Evcrv tlay brinB tr-u proof of tlic j of this Iu adtlltiun to a very laro stock, covering everything iu tlio liu of Cottons, we hare a comiie.e assortment of FAWCY DRESS GOODS! Latent utvlos of "Boys' and Muiia Ir. P. Mcrcflith. Icnti.-t. office 1 Sixth stroc-t. iiiatt foUtv : j CiNCixsAii. Officer 1. 1S. Messrs J. X. JIAiiUXS A f'O.-lats : About one year n&o I to'k a v-d b:ch sct:Ijl on ntv J li.n?, A violent tough whs. the toiiii:tjeuee. whi'-h iut-rt;:i.-vJ witlt suv.riiy. I esptftoratei j ire quantities of pljlcti anl smitft-r. Iurinr i ths huit wi titer I bccaine ?o mm-h rt'tl uocd that 1 ! wa.i cnnfhietl to my TLk- iisoac was r.tttT.d- Carpet, ! ctl wifh coU nud niht-wt ;its. A diarrluea I set in. My friomis tin.usrht I a5 in tte List ! stajrvs of eoasumptiuti, :tnl could not p-sibly get ! -well. 1 was rccoaitr.fjr.ilf-d t'j try j CLOTHING and FURNISHING GOODS ! 1 HATS, CAIS, tOOTS, gllOEf?, Ac. Wall-Paper, Paper & I.iaen i directed t' out stork of t'V 11 15 XX 13 txl sS MUX The formula was g to give it a trial. Cil !t fll'. Wijit-h :iud I tviU only s ulLH'cd me Id that mv t i if r-r ni.u.ui.Mc, , eoub is cut;rt'ly t-urc-I, ana 1 am now ame to at KTC. ; tend to liiy kuius ii usual. Vourg resprctru!tv to which she invites the t-ttcnttuu. of the latiica of j P. MKHKLL f ii. Albany and vie city- ! - Her goods wilt !e to wed as cheap, if nt cheap er, tuaa ever belt-ro on re I i!i thi markt-t, and their quality cannot fait to scivc t-atUfaetiou. Albany, April sf lSTl-Smiil i TUG JUS1LY CELGBUATGl) BAIN WAGON, JJECCUXIZED EVERYWHERE AS A first Class Farm Tfagon. Xo other Wagon has a Home repntption etjitnl io "Rain's" nake, and it is the only wagon that baa been tested and knon to stand this climate. Ia a word it is made uf the materials, and is the best finished w:tgon that etnes to this market We have diSer nt styles of Hounds and Reach, Patent do. (so called) include . RLAIX, YOVXG A CO. June 10, 1S71-J0 41Visconsiii?' AT PEARSOX'S OLD STAXD. rtEo. vi njf ed the stock a large assortment GROCERIES AND NOTIONS! olicita the patronage of his friends and the pub lic. The stock is well selected, aud will be suhl At- the Lowest Prices. We mean TRADE, and will give you VALCE RECEIVED. O I V E US A TRIAL. O. W. YOUNG, - Corner Eyt and Rroadalbin streets. All ufilicted with Cm-li r a:iv Throat or Lun truilbL should use Allen's Lung Halsam without delay. J. X. HARRIS & CO., Sole Proprietors, Cincinnati, Ohio. Do not be deceived vuu who want a cood med- icine. and desire Afif ft'tfxamJ lo not alhiw unprincipled dealers t- c!I vou a prepara tion called AHeu's Pectoral linlsam see that vou get ALLEN'S LCAG BALSAM, and you will have the beist Cough remedy ofiertd to the public and one that will give you sntis.fac.tiou. FOR SALE EY REDiNGTON, HCSTETTER & CO., 02f & i3l 3Iarket-st., San Francisco, Ciil., Agents for California an 3 Pacific States. nov5 JPSJ-Sold by all Druggists.-Ti 9-70 Especial aitvuti IKON AND STEEL AXD i Which is the largest and most complete this side uf lortiand. :c Yi,u arc iuvited to call aud cxaiaioc our goods and price. The highest market price in cab paid for Wool, ESacofi ai:d fard ! A. COWAX CO. bv Oct. 30, t00 3 J. C. 31 EX DEN li ALL, rV o t sx i y- X u b 1 i c , Heal Estate aid Insurance Agent, ALRAXY, OUEtlOX. IE'TS COLLECTED, AXD TAXES PAID f"r non-residents and others, milking out reui estate papers, etc. Olfice Parri.-h brick, up stairs. 36-TO Efought out: r J i.---" - 5'a9'.3''R''.''',' 1 X -C-R,i"i ! I do nut UU to inform you. reader, that Dr. VOU RIG HAVING PURCHAs? I X f t.r'-C - f "VJ . v"3' U - ; ! Wondci ful. or anv oth.-r man. h;.s discovered a of II. Pearson, aud added to it , ?-.r-'iri.'..V.rT'".''"!-.r i remedv thnt cures Cunsutiintioii. when the lunirs of t fCJA. J iKMr&9t!'Z'"-f&2irX-- '-..'- ' -.1 '" '." J arc nearly half consumed, in short, wi:l cure all I rt'r -v- . -SfSKyTS S-'iS f 11b t,.tl,. .,rnSn,t 1...H- .r .;.. matin 1 ia' 'v'tiife.g,fttig I j n,eu 'ive f'-rever, aud leave death to jday fur want ! , J 0f WO-k. j.lti ;s (ipsijjncd to make our sublunary We want your Produce, and will pive as good A bargain as ean be found in this burgh. Call nd eee a. G. W. TOLXG, Pearson', old stand, corner First and Croadalbin Jan21 streets, Albany, Oregon. v3n20 Established ix 1852. ARMES & DALLAIV3, Importers, Jobbers aud MANUFACTURERS OF Vood & Willow Ware, prooms, PaUs, Tubs, Churns, Brushes, Baskets, Twines, Cordage, Matches, Stationery, . Paper Bags, Clothes Wringers, .". Feather Dusters, Fishiug Tackle, Ten Pins and - . Balls, Etc., and General HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. Pireet Importers of Bankets from leading Get man and French Manufacturers. : AGBSTS FOR TBI Sara OP 0. F. Percussion Match Company's Matehcs, American Net and Twine Company's Twine. Boston Flax Mills' Twines. ' . . C. Conroy A Company's Pishing Tackle. ' Jlollingsworth A Whitney's Paper Bags, Sherman's Improved Clothes Wringers,' C. E. Griswold 4 Company's Feather Dusters, f. McLaughlin's Brashes. Ona stock is th. largest on the Pacific Oast, snb onr facilities for inauufactaring and iiuport QjC enabl. a to seii at lowest market price. JKySend for catalogue. : 3av3m8 1 St Sa&BSXjttfi-Bt., San Vrane'o. Fcr a few cents-yen cr.n buy of your, Crceer cr Crugsist a package of SEA II0G3 FAillliE made from, pure Irish Moss or Carrageen, which- will make sixteen quarts cf Elanc Hange, and alike quantity cf Puddings Cstard3, Creamc, Charlotte nviEEe, cc. It ist!io cheapest, healthiest and meet delicious food in tlio world. It makes a splendid Dessert, and. ba3 no equal as a light ond delicate food for Invalids and Children. A Glorious Charge!! Tim cheat riantation Bitters. T!dJ T.ii:trful vc0CtiiJl re Rtorfitivc i tltc s3cet-aMCiior of the fec-bie and debilitated. A a tonic mstl cordial for tlao - aged and languid, it, Isi&a co ctnal anion; blomacliics; ' As ;i rcictly fur tltc uenoii vcalm :s to i LicEi women are csicclally bttb icct, iJ is r-;;;?erM;4!r;!y every ctUcr :E:jtaKi. Iji a!l cliziinics, t rii tiiZj ftjsiijcrstc, cr fiiji:, it acts t v. rpcciilc fii every sccies of '.".j e.rd;T vtliicli t:3sd?raaRC3 the -ij ."s. us ! si;;d tiroalsa down rr;:: T firits. Tor laic by gncuto make our suutunary sphere a blissful Paradise, to which Heaven it self shall be but a iide show. Yoa Iiavo beard enousrb of that kind of butubuggcry. L'ut when 1 teil you that Dr. Pace's Catarrh Remedy vcill fuitiv;g cure the worst cases of Catarrh in the Head, I only assjrt that which thousand can testily to. 1 will pay $500 Reward for a case that I cannot cure, a pamphlet giving symp toms and other information sent free to any ad dress. This remedy is ; SOLD BY MOST DRUGGISTS IX ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. ; Price 50 cents. Sent by mail, postpaid, on re ceipt of sixty cents, or four packages rr two dol lars. Beware of counterfeits and wttrthlct imita ti'oa. Bee that my private i-ttnnp, which is a positive guarantee of Genuineness, is upon the outside wrapper. Remember that this private Ptarop, issued by tbo United States Government expressly for stamping my medicines, has my portrait, name aud address, and the words "V. S. Certificate of Genuineness," onffravod upon it, and need not bo mistaken. Don't be swindled by travelers and others representing? themselves as Dr. Sage ; I am the only man now living that has tho knowledge and right to manufacture tho Gen uine Dr. Sago's Catarrh Remedy, and I never travel to sell this medicine. R. V. PIERCE, M. D. 21m3 133 Seneca street, Buffalo, N. Y. The standard remedy for Coughs, luflueuia. Sort Throat, Whooping Coayk, Croup, Liver Complaint, Bronchitis, lilecding vf the Lung, and every affection ot the Throat, Lungs and Chest, including- CONSUAiPTIOX. Wlstar's Italsam does not dry up a Cough, but loosens it, cleanses the lungs, and allays irri tation, thus renwrino- ris cni of the complaint. None genuine unless signed I. Butw. Prepared by Seth W. Fowle Ji Son, Boston. Sold by Kedington, Hpstetter Co., San Francisco, and t by dealers genorally. , . UJiV NEW TO-DAY. o CO P3 W PS ft H H H H 0 0 o H o B a H 0 H 0 o a c3 0 Pi u nm la ei u rs S 4 s 0 et fl S o 0 0 K 8 0 0 e H H S e 9 w (5 o O H 0 0 R M 11 (3 H H a 1 s to s r 2 O'S a a sis r-H ie; CO O O A a im i S H H co b - i 5 85 . O h3 1 erv 5 o o S5 CQ -! oi f-l ' o a E3 " fl O GO' O) : , : Ci5 s f 0 CO 1 H co 6 at a - be SS 0 .1 9 a H on e ft 0 4 a 2 ! t im es 5a V 1-4 THE EYES 1 THE EARS I r. T. X. f-OsLDEIV, OC0UST AND AURIST, ALBANY, s 4 s OREGON. kfl R. GOLDEN IS A SON OF THE Lf noted old Opthalmio Doctor, S. C. , Cisfi"Golden. . .. , Dr. GOLDEN has bad experience in treating t-Varlou diseaso o which the eye and car aro nbject, and feels confident of giving entire satis faction to those who may place themselves under his oare, . Albany, April 10, 1869-31 B LANE Deeds, Mortgages, etc., on hand pijrres, ana I or sale low, at mis omoo SATURDAY, JULY 1, 1871- Subscribers finding an X after their name will understand that their subscription expires wit!: that Dumber, and they are invited to renew their subscriptions. Terms $3 per annum, in advance; six months, $2 ; three months, $1. pABAGBaVS. The Methodist societies of this city and Brownsville are now holding a camp meeting at Roberts' bridge. Rev. Mr. Sweeney will occupy the pulpit at the Collcga on the 9th inst., and the second and fourth Sunday, in each, month thereafter. All are invited to attend the services. ' A camp-meeting will be held on the old grounds near Ceotervillc, Hilbboro circuit, by the M. E. Church, commencing July 13th. The quarterly meeting of the M. E. Church at Buena Vista Will be beld on July 29th and 30th. Mr. A. Fox, long a resident of this city, in a few days starts for Yaquina Bay to take op a per manent residence. Carl Bosco dropped in en ns Wednesday, as full of mischief as ever. He is in the photograph line at prcsout. The best varieties of cherries have been selling from wsgons at fifty cents a gallon. . . A fine show of new jewelry, silver ware, Elgin watches, clocks, etc., at Titus's. Grant Ilaight, the handsome butcher, we are sorry to say, is down with the chills and fever. The daily Oregonian reaches us by the after noon freight train. , ; Geo. F, Settlcineir and wife go to Fish Lake next week on a pleasure trip. Dr. P. B. Rice has purchased a lot and will erect a house at Sodaville for the reception of his family during the heated term. . Messrs. Helm and Cranor are retained in the defense of Bill AVatkinds at Salem. On Thursday and Friday Messrs. A. Carothers & Co., were engaged in putting up a lare order for drugs and medicines for Dr. Geo. Whitney, who goes to Seio to establish himself in the prac tice of medicine. Mr. Frank Purdom is reported as very low with erysipelas. A koock-down on First street, Wednesday even ing, caused quite a little excitement for a time. We arc sorry to learn that Mrs. Ncwhouse, an estimable lady, was attacked with hemorrhage of the lungs on Wednesday. On Tuesday a little son of Dr. Junes, of this city, fell and dislocated an arm. Nothing serious is apprehended, we believe. Mr. John McKntghl left us during the week, for the Walla Walla Valley. John is going into the stock business. Mr. Ed. Merrill has a large quality of excellent lumber at his mill which he will sell low. He has als four yoke of large work cattle, wilh yokes, chains and wagon, to dispose of at a bargain. Mr. Sam'l Handsakcr, the Common Senso Gang Plow man passed through , this city, cn route forhis boms in Southern Oregon, on Sun day. Mr. II. has a bi thing in that plow. Travel over tho Willametto Valley Cascade Mountain Wagon Road has been larger than ever known before, and is still increasing. We send out lengthy supplement . with this number, which will doubtless prove useful to tho-e who wi.-h to keep themselves postecf in the doings of Congress. J. C. Mendenball. Esq., has moved bis real estate office to the new building on First street, adjoining tho telegraph office, which bo has fitted up in cood style, and looks as neat as a pin. Call on hint. For ice-cold arctic soda go to the drug store of A. Carothers & Co. The fountain is kept charged with ice, and the soda gets better the weather gets warmer. For a cooling draught these hot days there's nothing like it. Only ten cents a glass. A foot race between a lady and gentleman, "just for greens," on Wednesday afternoon, was lively, and would have been won by the lady bad she not held up, when some ten or fifteen feet ahead, to give thu gentleman a show. As it ter minated they came in neck aud neck a dead heat. Zed. Wilson, the man who murdered James Keliy on Sunday night ii Portland, is pretty well known hereabouts. We see by the Portland pa pers that Zed. h'is bcei indicted by tho Grand Jury of Multnomah for murder in the first de- grce. Mr. A. J. Winter, the artist, roceived a tele gram from Eugene City, on Tuesday, that a younger brother, William, was lying at the point-) of death, when he immediately started for Eugene City, accompanied by his brother, Jerry Winter. William was still alive on Thursday. Our friend Mr. Nathan Baumcf this city, and Miss Anna Nadlet, of Portland, are to be united in marriage to-morrow, in Portland. In advance wo extend to the happy pair our hearty congrat ulations. They will probably arrive home on Tuesday next. A race, between one of our oldest and most staid citizens, on foot, and another who was driving a dray, on "Wednesday, in tho hottest part of the day, was easily won by the gentleman on foot. The distanco was one block, and although the horse was urged to his best licks, he was dis tanced easily. It was tho fastest foot race we have seen in many a day. A young man named McDonald, stopping with Mr. Lee Burkhart, some days ago found in the wagon road a bearer coat lined with red flannel He requests us to state that the assertions that be had sold the coat and that there was money in the pockets when he found it, are both ontrse, and that the owner of the coat can obtain the same by calling at Mr. Burkbart'a and giving satisfactory evidence of ownership. : . Through the politeness of Messrs. A. Carothers A Co. we received, on Thursday, an assortment of large, fine cherries, comprising the following varieties: Clackamas, Yellow Spanish, Black Eagle, Royal Ann and Black Tartarian, the lat. ter. in our opinion, beinir the largest and best variety grown. The cherries were from the cele brated Willamette Nursery of G. W. Walling A Co., of Clackamas county. It was a toothsome present, for which the trentlemaa presenting faavo our thanks. Mr. Tbos. Smith, son of Capt, Smith, Agent at Warn Spring reservation, arrived in this city on Mondav. after an absence of some months in the Eastern States. We are all the more pleased to meet Tom, slnco ho brought back with ; him a handsome little wlfo from the Sucker State, who will doubtless make home attractive and keep Mm from ruaminir. " His grandmother also ae-r eompanied him, a lady of ninety years of age, who stood the trip remarkably well. We welcome them to a home in Oregon. There being no "performance" here on the 4lh of any kind, onr eitisens in quest of a place whero the day will bo appropriately celebrated can go to Corvallis, Salem, East Portland or Jacksonville. We bear it is the intention of some to celebrate the day by a trip to Sodaville ; others will go to Fish Lake, etc. A little effort on the part of our citizens and We might have had a pleasant and sociable old-fashioned 4th of July in or near this city but the effort was not mado, and -coin that otherwise wonld have went to fill the coffers of our business men here, wlll( b expended else where '.' ' Mr. Luther Elkine opened hooks and in the early part of the week called on soai. of or eitisena for subscriptions to stock in the Santiam Ditch and Canal project. ' We believe so far as he prosecu ted the matter he met with good success. This is a matter that is of the most vital importance to every citizen of this city, and each and every one should aid in the enterprise by taking stock in it. Where parties are not able-to take a whola share, let two or more unite, and thus hare a hand in the good work. Tile completion of the ditch, as wo have before taken occasion to say, will be of greater benefit to this city, directly, than the rail road. Let us act together in this tnatter and pat the enterprise through ia good shape. ; : Loopold Frum, the young man so suddenly killed by the caving in of a ditch at Sand Ridge last week, was the son of Judge E. From, one of the oldest and most respected citizens of Linn county. Until the news reached hint of the sud den and terrible tragedy which deprived him of a son, the Judge gloried in the possession of twelre noble sons and daughters, all of whom bid fair to lead long lives of usefulness. This, the first, death in his family, is all the more grievous from the sudden and terrible manner of its accomplish ment. None may tell the anguish that wrings a fond parent's heart at such a calamity. The fam ily have the united sympathy of the whole com munity. 1 ' ,: , .- V ' The friends of the Rev. Mr. Butcher, pastor of the Congregational Church of this city, made him a surprise visit on Wednesday evening, just after, his return from the general meeting at Astoria. . As an evidence of their esteem and kind regard, the visitors upon their departure left with their pastor several two dollar gold and a half pieces, and other coins of the realm. We congratulate Mr. Butcher on having such "surprising" friends, and hope they may take sdeb freaks often. llenry Merrill bad an accident last week which came near depriving him of his right foot. He was bringing a raft of logs down the river, when the raft struck a snag and the logs piled one on top of the other in wild confusion, throwing Henry down and catching his leg between two huge logs. His leg and ankle was badly torn and bruised, but fortunately was released before the weight became heavy enough to break the bones. Judge Babcr got as far as the mouth of Des chutes river, cn route to Walla Walla, last week, and after waiting a day and a half for a conveyance and getting none to carry him further, returned to this city. He says the high water in the Co lumbia haj done an immense amount of damage, farms all along the river having been swept Clean of fencing, growing crops, and stock drowned ; in some cases property owners have lost everything except the ground. He insists that the officers in charge of tbo O. S. K. Co.'s boats are the most ac commodating, polite and gtnial set of fellows he ever met wi h in any country, and he will never get tired of speaking in their praise. We are glad to seo Walter Montcith, who has been suffering with malignant erysipelas in the left hand for some weeks, is able to be out again. The band is still painful, aud it will be eomo time yet before be Will be able to nsc it Mr. Fry, and old resident of this county, has a few fine cherry trees from which he has realized three hundred dollars every season for scrcral years past. Crops, Etc. During a ride through portions of Albany prairie the present week, we observed several fields of late sown grain that will be en tirely profitless unless visited by a rainfall, and that soon. And although the majority of fields of growing gtaiu are far enough along to secure a reasonable crop, yet a good old-fashioned pour down from the clouds now Would greatly increase the yield of wheat the coming harvest. From observation and the opinion of others better able to judge of the matter, we are led to believe that the bay crop will not be as full as last season and it will be remembered that last season was rather below an average. The fruit crop will fall below last season, owing to the ravages of the caterpillar and other causes. Owners of large orchards inform us that their choicest fruit bear ing trees have pretty much all died, in many in stances not producing enough fruit for family consumption where, in former years, there were bushels to spare. More attention will , in the fu ture be necessary to this branch if our faimcrs wih to keep intact Oregon's reputation as a fruit growing country, s EutCAtlOMAt.-'-Tbc anDBal session of the Linn County Educational SocSoty will be held at Leb anon, commencing Thursday, July 13th, at 10 o'clock A. M. Addresses aro oxpected from some of our most prominent educators, such a. Rar.' Dr. Gear, Bar. , W. R. Bishop, and others. Questions of importance to tlio educational in terests of the county will bo discussed. wimple provision will he made for the entertainment of those who may attend All aro respectfully and cordially invited. v Toirist' Guide. Wo are in receipt of Ban croft's Tourist's Guide, a little work of 120 pagea, with blank leaves for memoranda, printed at Saa , Francisco by A. L. Bancroft k Co. It is a des cription of San Francisoo and the surrounding country, written in a graceful end attractive st Ie, giving all the points of note calculated to interest the stranger. ; It ia valuable as s guide, and will be thoroughly appreciated by the iraa-ekr, -Accompanying the Quid is a neat and complete map of Central California, on which are markftd out the various lines of railroad is operation and those in contemplation, ti. , - . Chasgb or Tir Time schedule No. 13, on the 0. A C. Railroad, went into operation ea 8na day. The passenger train leaves Portland every" afternoon at 1.30, arriving in this city at M f tho freight train leaves Portland every morning (Sundays excepted) at 7.30, arriving in this city . morning at 6.25, arriving here at 7.40 ; freight train leave Harrisburg at 8.10, arriving here at 10.15. The passenger train going north arrives at Portland at I o'clock P. M. ; freight trala going north arrives at same place at 6 P. 11. . Real Estate Tbaxsferi For the week end ing Thursday, June 29; "' e ' ., ' II. Bond to . E. I Wheeler consideration, $100. J. M. Johns to Wm. Goin considoration,$ll3. T. S. Summers to Jas. McCubbins ; consider- tion, $25. W. F. Richardson to G. W. Young ) censidera- tion, $375. - " - v !'' ,- . ' J. E. Bentlcy to S. C. Johns consideration, $1,000. Jas. Keeney to G. D. 0 virion ; consideration, $857 ;o. - .-.-.. Jas. Keeney to 0. J. Overton ; consideration, $1,000. W. G. Scott to Alex. Brandon ; consideration, $1,000. Grand total for the week, $5,070 60, : ' Educational. Partial arrangements have been concluded with Prof. B. K. Warren, one ef the most successful educators on the coast, to take charge of Albany Collegiate Institute. The Pro-' next week, when matters Will be definitely ar ranged. Look out for a first-class school when the Professor takes charge. i ' The Albany arrrived down on Thursday. She went to within six miles of Eugene City, but could get no farther owing to low water. She will make no more trips to Eugene this season hat will eon- -tinue to run to Harrisburg as long as there is a sufficiency of water. Mcsical. The Viooxtempa Bros, request us to say that they will give a musical entertainment in this city, on Saturday erening (to-night), probably at ParrUh Hall, and they respectfully ' invite the general attendance of our citizens. Of course there wiU be a large attendance tb.y al ways please. :.---:;-- :".... A Card. Will the friends who so kindly re membered Mr. and Mrs. Butcher with a surprise visit, on their return lost Wednesday eveniag. please accept our thanks fur the reception, ana generous donation. W. 11. BUTCHER. Gose Pbospectino. Uncle Jerry Driggs, ac companied by two old miners, "Messrs. Robi and Webb, left this city for Qusrtzville and vicinity on Saturday last, to inspect a placer claim and some quartz ledges discovered by Uncle Jerry sometime since. ; They were confident from the assay of quarts obtained from ledges and from prospects obtained from gulches in the ncighborhojd of Quartzvills, that good paying placer claims and rich quartz awaited their coming. It is the pro. vailing opinion of parties who have spent more or less time in that region that there is rich mines there that will amply repay those who have' the enterprise and disposition to invest ia opening them up. If these opinions should prove true, and there is good digging thereabouts, wo ex pect these gentlemen to find them, when we shall be put in possession of all the facts at an early day. We wish them the fullest success iu their search for the rich minerals. Now is rocaCnasce. -The citizens of Browns ville and vicinity never enjoyed a better opportu nity to secure first-class photographic work than at the present, and if they do not seize upon the opportunity thus offered they will certainly re gret it. Mr. A. B. Pax ton, one of the first artists on the Pacific slope, has charge of the Browns ville Photographic Gallery for a abort time, and as his reputation for securing splendid pictures has doubtloss preceded him, he will certainly be crowded with work. Mr. Psxtan is especially mi fait iu the "Rembrandt" style, the most ele gant and fashionable picture yet introduced, and we advise all, both young and old, who wish to secure a faithful representation of themselves, to go to Paxton's and "set" for a Rembrandt. Hi will give perfect satisfaction or- he won't charge you a cent. CaU at the gallery and see speci mens. - -' ' : ." I. O. O. F. Following is the result of the eloe tion for officers, to serve during the term com mencing July 5th, 1871, of Albany Lodge No. 4, I.O.O.F., held on Wednesday evening : L. Chea dle, N. G. i F. Graf, J. Q. j Cell. Van Clevc, R.S.; R. C. Clark, Treasurer, Mr. R. Saltmarah was elected Trustee, to 011 a vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr Wm. Tweedale. The offi cers elect will be installed at the Lodge room oa Wednesday evening next, in the presence of the members and invited guests, after which a colla tion will will be served. The Grand Master and other notables will be present, and a pleasant and agreeable occasion is anticipated. j risa wool. Mr. Vi, t. Ingram, of tbiscounty. exhibited to us oa Wednesday, as fine a specimen of wool as we have seen in this country. It was taken from the back of a Cotswold ram, and was from twelve to fourteen inches ia length. The fleece weighed fourteen pounds. The wool taken from a quarter-blood lamb, hut nine weeks old, measured three inches in length. Tho Cots wold fleeces brought forty-sis cents per pound. The Cotswold sheep not only furnish heavier fleeces of finer wool than the other varieties, but they are larger and make better mutton. Book Bmwtar. Frank A. Cook, of Salesa runs a first-class Book Bindery, where all manner ef binding is executed neatly and at low rates, fiend your work to Frank. See card elsewhere. Morrill's Star Artists performed to a good house, at ParrUh Hall, Saturday night,, giring general satisfaction. i fatal Accident. . One of the saddest accidents that has ever oc curred in the vicinity, happened at Sand Ridge, about five miles front Lebaneat, a Wednesday last, the 21st inst., resulting in- the death of Leopold G. D. A. Frum, a young man eighteen, years of age. At the time of the accident he was helping Mr. A, McDonald, a neighbor, to dig a ditch for underground drainage. At the deepest part, where they were working, the ditch . Was about thirteen feet deep, and eighteen inchc wide, wilh perpendicular walls, through a soft, sandy kind of rock. And not apprehending any danger, no precautious had been taken fur their safety. But during a pause ia their work, young Frum looked up and remarked that he believed it was going to cave in. Tho words were hardly spoken, when a mass of rock and cartli came down upon him, burying bun beneath it, and crushing him to death almost immediately, Mr. McDonald, who stood a few feet from him, was alsopartly covered by the falling mass. , lie) called for help, and although some men were shearing sbeep about two hundred yards away, could not make himself heard. But after a short time he succeeded in extricating himself, and then getting help, tbey proceeded to did out his companion. He was found tn Iu uniu And although his groans were heard fur a law minutes after the accident, it is supposed that he was entirely unconscious. ' m .11 the, luv nnrtina of the skull was found to have been crushed hj the falling rock. ' , - f ' . , ' The burial services were conducted by the Good Templars, of whom he was a member, and waa largely attended by the people generally.' " . . Tho deceased was a young anas generally be loved by his acquaintances ; he had a kind word and a pleasant smile for all, and .Us bereaved family have the sympathy of the entire.' ctmmu nity iu their affliction. "J' 'sr '1-- . .:. Tbo following resolutions were adopted by Centre Lodge of Good Templars r Resolved, That in the death of Bro. Frum tho temperance cause has lost a most zealous member, and Centre Lodge a most agreeable companion. ltolred, That while we grieve under this great dispensation of Providence, we also' bow in hum-, ble submission, aad say, Tby will be done: Hemic i, That we deeply sympathise with the. family and friend, sf the depCod Jn this their great bereavement', and that we ought to lay this sad visitation to heart. ' ' ' ' Jtetctred, That a copy of these resolutions to sent to the family ef the deceased, and one be furnished for publication. , - ' Whsbcas, It has pleased the Almighty (a bis all-wise providence o remove from as by death our worthy Brother, Leopold Frum, ef Centre Lodge No. 13 LO. of G.T., therefore, be it bv this Coanty Lodge I.O. ef G.T., Jtetotwttt, That while we bow in humble sub. mission to the divine will, we deeply deplore his early death, and feel that our beloved Order baa lost an efficient member, and the cause of Tem perance an earnest worker. ,-,.: Jletoictd. That we deenl v nvmn.tbtu with Id. berieved family, and tender them our condolence in their affliction, t ; , - Jiolcetl, That a eotiV of theM veaolut sent to the family ef th. deceased, and a copy sent; to the Oregon Goorf Tempor, the Alibt Rku isteb and the Stat Biakf Zkmoemi. Hon. J. F. McCOY. .. . MARY E. ECKLER. ' J N. DEKISON, .'-i Independence, Jane 24 1871." - Committee- financial and Comaiftrclat,' No change la geld er legal tender - 2 Baa Franaiaeo afaaw fl j' . . . 40, oats, nmTmTh to Liverpool, present quotations being Hs9d. " J1"' werketa (how no ehange. Wheat quo ted at, with none offenur;. No cbaaeennria. : ol produce. . j . tkf.c a. vili - " ... (mutt a, r c!ou, ' " Jf f8' 'W $' .'. rvi, Mr. Sam, ael ! Mealey and Mrs. tJisbelu 1 rxar. .r . June 38th, by the Lv S. O. Irvine, Mr. Rob. ert and LXse Irene Keidey. " "