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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1871)
SL " - 4 , ALBANY FOUNDRY -AND- MACHINE SHOP --riia'mfac'.urer of " FLOUIl aiid SAW MILL -cSk. C3 TT x 3XT 33 3e. "ST, WOOD WORKING - B.0'1 Agricultural ITInchiiiery, and all kind -of Iron and Prass Castings J&- Particular Attention paid to repairing ail kinds of ma. hincry. 41v.i T FOHAIIOjr OF JIH. JAMES MILLER, irbvoeciinititftti a .. .. i nin about 44 years bid, daik cmpexion, 5 feet 8 inches ia hight; formerly of Philadelphia, Pa., bat has bee a absent moma Thrte nrvuryewrt, and when ff, s or twelvo months since, wasat ftTSkn-y. Lion coan y, Oregm. .Any in formation ef bint or bis whreulh'ttt nrit be thank fully reo-ived by bis wife. Mrs. Anna Miller, Ke. 1S9 Mail.u street, Philadelphia, 1'. May, Xbjkiiwt i ,,-.-,., . Has nVtx yet bcu known, and no threatening of : it at present. Is a thing which sometime mi n't befall every Bon i all' ies."t. vs, HASS UUUliUl JIUIIJ ll-.I ( rpiIE HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR "V Z O Xs ! lclivered at our Wharf. Albany, by : "" " ) Apr v BEACH A M0NTEIT1'. .N E W -.TO D A Y. 260,000 POINDS OF WOOL 1 For which we wi par ,QB ' ESI GUEST CASH.' PRICE ! " Wool .owners ill do will to rail ..n us before .'lit.- rjyy-l iteial task advances on w'o!? :XS P. C I1AHPEP A CO. , THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. - - stitzel"& OPIOW, '' REAL ESTATE . BROKERS, G ES ERAL AGENTS. 33raxxoli o"oo, ilbany, Orcg-jn, J. C. iESI)EIim.l' Affent, jpl ENKRAL LAND AOEXCT FftR OHEtJOX". jr Kaiahtixlied July. If 8S. An uOiw when funeral luformntiou ronrcruin tUo rcourcs of Urosrou cD l dtHmed fri:o 1 charge. -t t. . ti Lo:ih iiO:rotiutcd on !ir."t Mi.rtagii, Real Es tate and Sci-ai itii-'S. : IVe bare for a:ilu a largd amount of fn pcrty located in the town of lbuny." A'sn. iurana; l.tiidri, of evvry le-i-rii'tooi, lucatfd in Liun nd oibur counties in new to day:: ?lt,tle Jlitl-day 0.' your jfe, "it dsraa loya hia vilo bands npoa you, thai is Siill "a. balm in itiU-ad" by" wliich yuu iaay be rest red lo prrfui-t h-nUb, au J' l-.inj day ( a niiravuloua extent. . By ej ir 1 lag on wiib a JtTipi- poandei by usj IHs wbTeyoii cn hare it, w- puamlct oy uo . exru'iiceu in tnat parti mar liog 4 so. eiatatitly'n. baud a good assort Die i'reeb Drus. Patent Medicines.' C'beini caU, Paints. Oil.-. ye-smf!s, Trui-es, Ac., Ac. Asjit sMr-tt ceieltraled .- - - . j or 0 S..ns Liik XVeeil Ketucdy, ;m Khmmute Curts ; Dr. D. "Jayne A uiedicii.e, Ac, Ae. ' Sj'ffiets' Posiijc au.teisalive Powders kept in stocky it e are rl84ti-uu lur tbu Bo4c Shuttle xScwiug Machine, "on iTtEc tost ttsefuhuK'Qvs of housubold farni-, tureitiit. Call juiii cAaini iu- i , ? If f H. t". HILL A SOX. Afeany, Jiuna 10 b. 197 1 4' , H u H aery sal F aucy G o o ft s ! hftSTVt. H. BHIDQEFARrslER, j('CCCE.Sit lO Mil!?. blWXlVTAV). I AS Jf.iT. UECEiVf D FROM. DELOAV I an l gauf iiivu'n e of near iiLLl2iEiU' A.N U FANCY GOODS, I sm-b as : Fjhibaabk II VT.. ; UoXXKTS. ViLVET, -' " " iiiiJB)X5. TUIMiJIXGS, ETC., to wbtrh elie invites ike attcutton'of tbe lauics nt AU.auy and vie nir-. Her gKls will I fond as cheap, if not cheap er, tbaa eer lerHr-j t.ffvre-1 ii tiiis- market, and tbiir quality eawu.t fail to ffiro sari.i.l.ti6o. THOiMiy, April o. ltl l-.llll-.l - TUB J VSTI.Y. CELEBRATED t BAIN WA(iOX, AalaiaTiKe ntooD ruairjrn. possess- y lag rare toxic and SiEit-is properties ' a certain "cure lor RBtiaArma, con, KECBALCIA, and all kindred Diseases. . ; -. It completely restore the system when im paired by disease, revives the action of the-; KIBXEn mmd .EliaL OKClS, raill cally cures scnoFtnLA, salt naEvn, and all EavrrnEa cvtaseous Dis-: eases, gives immediate and permanent relief in DTsrErsu. EBTsn-ELas, Tamors, ' Boils, Scald Head. tTlcers and Sores; eradi cates from the system all traces of Mercurial Disease. " ' ,v - It is (incx.v vecetable, beinjjmads ; from an herb found indigenous in Cacamta, . It Is therefore peculiarly suitable for nse by Females and Children, aa a blood ri.'ai. riEi BEistAroa. . . r . . t Far Ss's by alt Druggists. . , CCDIWCTOn, HOSTCTTCR CO. . AOENTS. .. ' . . CCS and C31 XXarket Ctroct, " " San Francisco. ' 1 . tf.f ' fl f fi 0' f, To tbe cUiJv'nj of All. tiny and vttir.ity, and to tbe owners of Heal l.stnte : e lake tlus ui :li xl of falling vfiur. a'teution to our pl.i.-e ut bitsi iiess. Having deteruimed to onen a Itraneh Ol tico in Jnr ri'y, we u Her on a luoiliuin for olituinm; pnruluecrs one taat is appreriatvd by buyers, a it furca tl:ein much time and labor in search in f fur what thev want. Oar prinoipal Afrvniy. at l'oytlanil.- Oregon, is thoroughly es-. tablibed, ami the otii-e so well turnu-bed for Riv ing information upon Rcat Estate, that it affords tbe rnret complete l.icilities for all parties having business in ur line. i t:; : $H3 incur bo cxcnse in placing your property on sale witb us unless a pale is made. Offico on First street, opposrre Post-OtEco. - JOHX C. MUNimXUALU Agent.. r Albany, Oiiu, March 2;!, J70.2atl. i; , ,. ,.. u STITZEL 'A tTTON', ' ' R H ALES TAT K I ROK K KS, j. C. l I-: S J V. NM -set-. OfTi- e First Ft oi p..,itj Tost Offisc, Albany. Ogn. rarAVK f.-r sale in the pitv of Albanv. a desira 1 j l.le ll.micst.-aiV. Lots 1. 2. 7 and 8, corner Third 'Finrth pnd K!swor;h arreets, one f the best i. a'iiitt..8 in ihoi its. i A good oue and, balf story liuus'. with nil other . com-emeiieea. a.jnily to - J. C. M EN D EN II A LL, Aent, i : fit .-r ' : . Albany. Oregon1 1 A., COWAN & CO., Whnlcsale and Retail Dealers in . . . STAPLE and FAXCY DRY 00DS '?'.,.FIUST STREET !..,. ALBANY. ; They offer a large and we elected stock oT STAPLE JDEIYT CiOODS ! At extraordinary Low Prices . CiiJsli , or ' Iiolxi.ce LATEST EVIDENCE ! CURE 3TS2AT COCCill USE THE HKS'f KEMEDY ! EvcryUlay brings siroD fir oof of the" great value LUNG B ALSAM. R ECSIZED EVERYWHERE AS. A FirstrXJIasS; Farm .Wagon. Xo tfii?r Wagon has a Home repntp'ion tqnnl to Bain"a uuke, and it is the only wagon (hot bas been tcrterl and known t stand climate, la a word it is made of tbe 6er materials; and is the best' finished wagon c-m s t this niarkt t We bare difierrnt styles of Hounds and Reach, Patent do. so calledl iot-lode l. ; ' . j 1 ' ' BLA1X, YOCXG A CO. ' JanelrlS71-4.) ' - -. 9-- : "TVisconsin" Bought OHt! xsmrxr store t . ii MAT PEARSOX'S OLD STAND. GEO. W. YOUNG HAVING PI RCHAS ed tbe stock of M. Pearcou, and added to it a, large assortment of GROCERIES 5-5AKl MOTIONS ! solicits ti e patronage of hi friends and the jiQ lic. . The stock is well ee.ected, and will be sold At the Lowest Prices. We -ciean TRADE, and will give yuu YALL'K RECEIVED. S I V EC S A TRIAL. , -S i ; . ., , o. W. TOUNe, " trrr First Bmadalbiu-aureeta. We want your Produce, and will gire a.' good a. bargain as ean: be fuuud-. i this biirnb.i Wall and xe us. U. W. Voi'NC, Pearson'; old stand, corner First and ttroadalbin jan21j ' ' . streets, Albany, Ores?"". ' ". l3u!S0 '' J5d f A15LISH f.D 1 IS 183-. ' Dr'. -r." Meredith? Dentist; : office Xo. 132 West sixih street, states a follows : VisciSXATt. Octoer 1. Mesfrs. 3. X. II ARC 15 A CO. Gents : About ore year ago I took a cold which settled on my lungs. VA vielent eouh was the '.consequence, wbi'-h incrca.-cd with severity. I expectorated lare unantities of phiejiii stud matter- During the last- winter I bei nine so much reduced that I w s Confined to'roy bed. The disease was attend ed with eld chill and night-sweats. A diarrhoea set iu. My friends thought I w as in tho last statres of et.nomption. and could not possibly get wcIL . ' 1 wa reciiinnieiidcd to try 1 1 m i Lung Balsam The f..rmuJa was given to me, wbiih induced me i, give it a trial, and 1 will only add that my mfri. is euxirely cured, -and I am-now able to at tend to uiy business as usual. Yours respectfu'Ir, 1'. .VKHKOllH. ; All afnicte.1 with C ush or siijf Throat or Lung trmiM.: sliooi-i hb APen's Long without K lay. J. X. KAURIS A CO., Sole Proprietors, Ciucinnati, Ohio. Da not be deceived you what want a good med icine, and desire Allen Lung fittl-mam." Do not allow unprincipled dealers to sell you a prepara ii. uncalled Allen's Pectwrat Balssm see t bat you get ALLEN'S LVXG BALSAM, and you will have the bert Conh Tenredy efferol t theTublic and ono'tbat will give yon satisfaction.,; ft ,wlW' FOR BALE BY . RED1NGTGN, KOSTETTER & CO., p2 A 531 Mret-t. San Franei-co, Cat.,; Agents for California an i Patfi'Siates. aot-5 siT-Sol d byH Druggists. -tS. . 9-70 THE ITEW FOOD. In addition to very lnrKO stock, covering ,' everything iu the line ot Cottons, we ' have a complete assortment of " ; .:l,...u ' , !.'. iUv:.;.: r ':'.;ss t.-j.i FANCY DRESS GOODS! Latest styles of Boys'; and Men's CLOTHING anil FDRinSHIM GOODS! ' HAT., CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, Ac. .' CarpcV T7a!l-3apcr; ' Paper & Linen Blinds, &.C., &c. - ( . I. - , : . ; . i. I : - E'Ccia! atteuujn is directed to out .stork of IKON AND STEEL .. AND !. . C.E'EfA&. JiiAElDWARK! Which is the largest and mopt complete this side ' ' i -of Portland! You are invited to call auu exauiino our goods and prices. . . i (- ,Tbe highest market price in cash paid for , . . - : ; .-. ? ... . Wool. Bacon anl Iartl ! . Oct. 30 1S69 8 ; A. COWAN A CO. ! i J. C. M EN DEN H ALU- ' " 1 Not st. x y JL n blic , ' Real Estate aid Insurance Agent, i iLBAXY.ii j : i : : : OREtiOX RENTS, COLLECTED. AND TAXES PAID for non-re.-idents and others, waking out real state papcrx, etc. OSec Parruh brick, UpsUlirS. ',; ;. ' , . .. i : S8-'0 LI US & DALLAM, orters, Jobbers ol ' , . " MAWTrrACTunERs or . Wood & Willow Ware, Brooms, Pails', Tubs,, Urusbas,- Baskets, -.ywiwen, Cordago, M a! obes, Stationery, Paper Hags. .Clothes Wringers,,. ,, Feather DuKteTf.. . Fishing j j i. l . . , , Taekl. Tei Pwta uud . -... -. BiilU.-Kte.ui and. v; ,::; Uensral ' - house FU3?nsim.a goods.. . Direct Imporlers of Baskets from leading- Ger man svud French .Maunfat turers. . 40EJTI r(e rn r.-or S. F. PeTenssion Match Company's Matches, Ameru-an Xt aad Tarna Company's Twine, " - B .ton Fax- Mills' 1 wines. " 3. C. Conroy C"Oian's Fihinz Tackle, ' . lldli'iKSworth A WUitn'y's Paper Bai-s, Sberiian's Iinorored Clothes Wringer;, - C. E. Oriswnld A Cmnpany'a Feather Iusiers. F. McLanghlui's Brashes. Ona atoek ii the larzest on' the Pacine Coast, sob our facilities foi luannfaetaring and import ing enable ns 'e sell at lowest market price. ETSbod for catalogue, i . 3$vSm9 SIS 317 Sacraaaento-st., franc'o. Fcr a 'fo-yf c-rAta you can fcuy of youi Croccr.or r;r'4S&ist' packass cf CEA II023 FAEINE froza piiro Irish IIoss or rarrn.jeea, 7hicl1 will . make drtccn fuartn cf Zlanc Mange, rid a liko qanti! y cf Fu4ding3 Icctard3, Creams, -Charlotte "sec, c. ' It is tie cheapest, healthiest and most . delicious Toed iix the world. It makes a splendid Dessert, and "hz3,;&o cfixxal 3 a light end delicate food for Invalids and CMIdren. i ; A Gloriov.g Cn&rt;b!! . THE CRKAT YQI;s TONIC. Plantation Bitters. : ' TliiJ wotsderf ul v cgetaDie re storativc is tlie BHeet-aiclor of the feefcie and debilitated. ' As a tonic and cordial ' for tlio aged and: ' lansuidj ; it I:as ; i;o equal among stornacltics. As a remedy for tJe nervous ivcaUncss , to whicSi womea are especially uo-c-ct, it is superseding every otlter stiufitlapt. In all climates, tropi cs:, tcmjKJrctc, c? frigid, it acts as x scciCc in every Etecies. of ;:i'Viilfr 'viiJci Kndcrmlncs the l:0fi'y f tre-tss! end Xarcafes clown t'.z ' -imi'l fpiritn. For rhlo by it:; .tisti, - . ! do not wish tc inlorm you, reader,, that Dr. Wonderful; or any other man, has discovered a remedy that cures Consumption, when the lungs are nearly bait consumed, in rbort, will cure all disease whether of mind, body or icetate," make men live forever, and leave death to play for want of work, and is designed to make our sublunary sphere a, blissful Paradises to which Heaven it self shall ho but a side show, V6u have-; heard enough-of that kind of humbuggery. , Rut .when I teil you that Dr. Sage's. Caturrh Remedy, ari poiitiretr cure the worst cases of Catarrh irt the He&i!,' I only assert that which tbou.mnd . can test try Jo. I will pay $a00 Reward for ease that I cannot cure, a pamphlet giving symp toms and other information sent free to any ad dress. This remedy la . , SOLD BY MOST DRTJOGTSTS IN ALL PARTS 1 ' - OF THE- WORLD. Price 50 cents. Bent "by ruail,f postpaid,, on re ceipt of siaty cenU. ior lour packages for two dob. lars.. Beware of counterfeit and teorthlen imita tiott "feee that my private Marnn, whwh ia a positive gn a ran tec of Genuineness, is ttporf the outside wrapptr. Remember tha this:: private Stamp, issued by the United State Government expressly fur stamping my medicines, has my mm trail, imuiti miiu " " ... - S. Certificate ot Genuineness," engraved npoa it. ana seed not be ufistaken. Don't he swindled by travelers ami oitrtra representing themselves as Dr. Sage I am theonly man now living that bas tbe knowledge and right to manufacture tbe Gen. nine Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, and I never travel to scU this medicine. ' i ' ' R, V. PIERCE, M. D. . 21m3 "t. 133 geneca street, Buffal,' S. T. " fit " ' 'v-a5r Tbe standard remedy for CTotlS'&S.Iiiflaenza. Sorm-i Throat Wkoopina Conyh, CVn, Liner every aueeviou 01 iu. i.niu, junngs and vbest. including CONSUMPTION. - i Wlstar's Balsam doea sot dry np a Cough, bnt loosens it, cleanses the lungs, and allays irri tation, tbas reatvt9 the cause of tbe eomplsinU None genuine unless signed I. Bvrrs. Prepared by Setb W. Fow'e A Son, Boston. ' Sola by Rediogton, Qostettet A Co. 6aa : Francisco, and by djr gsoerally. . , j -4ljf9, -S 'A M j M 55 n .tt H c ; H H M: . 0 H 0 a a 0 H 0 0 ii .'fa fi. CS fa ' ae , mt CS tW S mm- S '5' .0 s 0 0 0 A 0 it s M 3 IS ; 0 0 n 53 '5, : Ml o- . fa .: 9 a'. 00 55. O 55 ' so ' E-t : PS' 33'. ' ALTJATy: APVERTISEMENTSw WOHK SUSPENDED ON . THE '- , SANTIAM: DITCH ! 1 AT A MERTIXG HELD BY TUB STOCK bolders and member, ofthe Suntiam Ditch Company, t was resolved by tbe Company that, belord investing all our fortune, in so haaardous a speculation, we recommend to each and every one of thememirs i-tthe Society to secure' for their families a BUCKEYE SEWING MACHINE, so that in rase of a failure in the Ditch arrangement their families would have some means by which to gain a livelihood. , .( !i Eight Reasons why tho Bnctteye Sew ins Machine is Superior to all Others t 1. It is the simplest shuttle machine made. "r - 2.-' It has lf wearing parts. . .. 3. t has no aaiall springs and compound cranKS.. .' ..) , ,''. ".' .!. :. ' 4. It is 1ctter adapted to a large range of work without cbanjrei . ti.. .r ..ii 5. : It bus less pieces of machinery.. ; -, 6. It is less liable- to break uecdlca than ary other tnaehinev ' .-' ' . . . 7. 'The ' Pihiitllowfll wear longer than the shuttle in soy other ma-htne. , 8. That it has tbe best Feeding device, which will never wear out, get out of order, break nee dles, feed unevenly, slip on starched goods, or pu. kcr the seam, so that one part of the labile will cMiie out shorter tbaa the other, which all other feeds are liable to do. It makes -every stitch of an equal length. It is stronger than- vtbes feed". We cau lake a strong piece of e loth and put ens end iu our inachtue and the other end in any other machine, and guarantee that our machine will take the clotb from theother, in eon sequence ot tbe auperuir strength ef the feed. It U the only to d strong tuuugb to feud thick sol j-leather, sewing ou shoe soles. No souping the ct th or any other aid is required. . It bas no coinplicalcd inaclniiery, and therefore is nut liable to act out of order. It has a beauti ful tnovi uibtit, making nearly, two thousand ner minute. . - ' t- The KUCKia G fEWlXG MACHINE males the lock rttitch. the canto as tbo lluwu, Wilsi.u, Sinver and ll rence alike ou both sides. W offer a premium of ONK HUNDRED DOLLARS fi.r uhv m.unioe on tins -toast innu win ainKe stronjrer or uiore elastic rliieb than tbe BULK. tit. . tor lull piir:ioiMr aiHircss. t r iMINEK & PKAKSOU,1 ; 34v3. AiO!ny,..,vr... . S. A. JOHMS - f: ,' ! ,(.;' : .(.. ' i'. " MILLINER AND DRESS-MAKER, FIRST STREET, ALBANT, OREGON. Bridal and Moaraing Bonnets and Bats ri'., ',; msM to utaer. j Sreti'makiag- Dons in the Very X.atCt j -. -.(; ; btyle. . f i;-u i-ua j Also, the onlv agent for the SINGER SEW ING .MACHINE.,,, y-.i. i.-.u,;- -geUi-szuJi Tbe Ladies are requested to call and . examine the SINGEK, which is tbe only complete machine in use. Satisfaction guaranteed, or money re funded.,, ! . . . .. - r. :. , ': Albany, April S, 1871-31 v3 , '. ;' -. t , , For the Harvest of 1871! ; SATURDAY, JUNE 2 187L , , Subscribers flnding aa X after their same will Understand that their subscription expires wit!: that number, and they are invited to renew their subscriptions. Terms 3 per annum, in advance: six monuie, ; three months, fl. , r , LOCAL. AiFFAIRS 1 ai M m a m S ' .' to w w 5 is, S3 o H a . ts v ii s fM: Q & a o H . fa m o . u (U M o ,0 w S ' o fa .a " JS - w m fa 9 PS. .. .a . fa 55 ... . ' a 5 .'.j' ".. W" o V c ' a or?. . iJ CZ2 3 c. ft fa . is be 4) fa 0 a (4 I ' B ' o - ' fat 3 S.I en o a. MM EH r a, 1-3 I . l - "3 . s g Q CO ' fa i 0 'C EH a s II . a. (4 PITTS' THItESHERS ! HAIAES' HKADEllse T LATEST IMPROVED MOWERS ! 'ik . . ...': And njl kinds of '. -.' -it: Agricultural Implem'ts & Machines Ou hand and for sale. Also, THE CELEBRATED BAIN WAGON. April 2D. '71-34 BLAIX, YOCXG A CO., ; Albany, Ogn. . The Highest Price Paid For v WOOL, IXACOA' A: LAltD, at . ' BLAIX, VOUiU A CO S. April 29-34v3m ...... .-..:: JSTq-xxt Store 1 J. M. BEAGII V . ; ''"', Is now opening a Selected Stoclc of GENERAL MERCHANDISE! i 1,, .. Consisting-of-U- ";" " STAPLE AliD FANCY DRY GOODS, , . Orocer ies, Hardware, r CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE, i :i i Koots& Shoes, s , . ; raintsatOils, i i dec, &C.' .' ' ' .... ., . .... -r . ... , t. . J Which be is otTerihg to tbe public at prices cor reypimding with tbe times. '-' ' - All kinds ot .Merchantable Produee taken in exchange f tr Goods. . . ; Come one. come alt. and examine prices. Atlhe-old stand formerly occupied by D. Beach A Son. oppmnto Foster Briek, south side .tirs street, Albany, Oregon. 31v3 Iot ice to Buyers ! Any one winking a siniill farm, consisting of 105 acres of good land, one mi efr m Albany, in BeBbHimmity. Orugon, can apply at the Cash t tore of R. Cheudld A Co. . , i- ,1 i Also, a House and iot iu Albany ' i ' K. CIIEADLE A Co. Albany, April la. lS71-33ml. . . ..i Mlockliulders Election.,. OTICE The Stoekhold. rs in the Willamette i. w ail. y anil ia cauo nionntiiin narimnosn viMupsor are Hereby n tin;-d tnat thoir next an nual nevtiog for tbe election of a Btmrd of seven Director will be held at the r . ode Iu Albany, Linn county, Oregon, on tbe seoond Tuesday, the urn asy or Joiy, next, at 1 1 erncx r. m. -, i 'JAMES KLKINS, ' June 7, 1871-40 - , i-. ., ; , . Beeretary. THE EYES I THE EARS I Dr. T. i. .OIIZ&LV " OCUUST AND ATJRIST, : ; , ALBANY, ; -t t ; t-l; t" ' ORB00S- -. TkR' GOLDEN IS A SON OF THE 3 noted old Opthalinlc Doctor 8. C. Golden.. . "i i . . - . Dr. GOLDEN ho 'had experience Ip treating the varions diaeaaea to wbiob lbs eye aad car are ubjeet aad feele eon 9 dent of giving entire satis faction to those who may place themselves under hi. ear. ' . .'."'. , . , Albany, Apra iot IMS-SI , - ci jfti: jw -;. I -; A nLAKR Tieeda Mortgagee. etev' 4 . jp latest , alylos. aad for alo low, at this -ojd jaj.m tsjqifiq en.) 1a Oflfs OfsX 'pna 1O0AV SONQOd VlUU VVf V iaa a a - anna ? ioaii avsrnjs. .. S"""".iJo, , iiaja,. mif'jjj jjowg pvo wdj. ?at0 OXX0H" fpoOO 'Suiqsininjt uo a aiylom ni w poa id3 buh -oaiy uoduMsp pn spujs m jo 9K1HX0T3 Coa r "80 josaii aux dNVH ko AixMvxsKOo Sdaa: X. iif i..JliifprrnastSa I-,!"rJ' .';;' ! aaois o.viniori3 ? ii a k Post Okkicb- Norton.- The Post office in this city will be open on Sundays, hereafter, from ,1 o'clock to 2. and from .8l) to 4. P. M. - . E. A. FREELAND, P. M. ; . i i 'i' l i , -J .-, I., :vM.. Paraorahs. Blain, Young A Co. have sold on euoruioas amount of agricultural machinery during tbe week. . ... -r.. ,., ..j. A greater portion of the rail has been laid on the twitch ap tbe river front, r ; . 1 River ateamcTS stilt make ths Viifflen to Eu gene City. . . . .lf - HaniabnrA from all accounts, is the liveliest town in Oregon. ,, Business there is "flush.', f; : Fur a C-opy of the Brnithsouian Report for 1309, we are under oligaliona to Senator Corbett. ' Seven buildings have, been, erected in . JIalsey, and more ate to be erected immediately. : f . . ' Campiueetvag at Lebanon was largely attended lost Sabbath .i ' r. . . , s, ( , Strawberries have disappeared aad blaekberries will soon be in the markets. . -. r A heavy crop of bazle-nuts is promised this fail the bushes. are loaded. ".- -. .' s " , . Sparkling soda water can he obtained from a fino spring just opposite Peoria. On last Sunday Mr. HC. Clement was kicked by. a horse, in tbe breast, and severely hart. -, - . Judge W. Lair Hill, of Portland, was ia town on Saturday. t "- '' .. : , ' New p tatoes and green peas, made their ap pearance in our markets last. week. 1 Ex-City Marshal. Mr John Long, is proving a very ut.eutive anil effieicntSTtjeet Supervisor. . Mrs. Duniway,. editress of the Aew Iforthiceit. called on us Monday. Glad to hear that ber pa per Ts receiving such general eotuniendallon. ; Several families from' California arrived in this city during the wejkj looking for homes. ' Hope they may be accommodated'. .- ; ." j- Mr. Fred Peebk-r, together with his familyj bos moved to Sedarille, - seeking to benefit health by the are of tbo water from tbe springs. Two or three bridges between this 'city and Le banon are in a bad1- state of preservation. 'Their early repair might save tb. county a suit for dam ages. . " L Strangers are arriving in Ibis ejty ' by almost every boat and train, ! .joking for homes in Linn eohatjriT-?'' t U:' 5j.-W.-i? .i'.-. unst,. ,r:r.i The prevailing weather is the ' barvesUtim of our brewery proprietors,. who' HTi eaid ' try good judges, are making a superior artlelc of "lager. Mr. Cbas. Lobmeller, spiritaalist, lectured Inj tbe Court House two evenings during the week, to rather slim audiences. .'-ft ' A base ball club was formed in this city on last Saturday. The club exercises aliyost every even ing on the block fronting the Court House. ?"'"'-'' Judge Baber left us on Monday evening's train for Walla Walla. ' If bo likes the country he will probably invest. ' .U'M.ii! ' ' V'; ttv.i We were pleased to meet our esteemed and hand some friend Dr. Hodge, of tbe firm of Ilodgo, Calef A Co., druggists, Portland, on Wednesday. Our worthy Mayor has threatened to kill out-. right every dog in the city foot legged dogs for cansc . . -;::,".. j.'""ti 'rn ' ":;'- : -Ed. Baom, younger brother of Nathan Banm, clothing merchant of this city, arrived here on M'mday, twenty-twc days from Austria a quick trip, certainly. ! . -. .!?..;'".-;',, j.-:.i-:.;.'- Jlessrs. A-- Carotbcrs A . Co.- bare -ot their splendid new soda fountain is operation,' aid of course there's a rush for thecoolin?, exhiliratinz beverage.i Its real nice. Her.. Jamison, Nasarine, gave one. of bis inters . . e-tmg and elegant street sermon, owpomte the bank,- un . First . street, Thursday evening. He has good lungs. , ! The funeral of . tbe . late . Howard Mansfield transpired on Saturday lastv nnder the au.tpices of the Maouio fraternity, and was largely attended; Tbe funeral sermon, at tbe M. E. Church, wa de livered by the Rev. Mn Martin, of Salem. r , Mr. Mjlton Hale. Capt. Humphrey, Wm; Miller, and others -connected with locating the Wil lamette Valley A Cascade Mt. Wagon . Road ar-. rived safely at home so Saturday, all looking sad feeling better 'for the trip.. . t ; The f prints at S.da ville "are receiving . the at ; tcntion their merits, demand. , A neat little struc ture is Wing buttt "oyer them,' and o.hcr conven- ienetes for visitors erected. Persons intending to-visit Fish Lake during the present Summer for pleasure, will be -pleased to learn that Mr. John Claynool ' wilt bars a' neat little boat npon it Serene bosi.m' for their aecom- mo.ltioB.:iw ''. i JU-: Wa saw s gentremah iu this city the other "alay who came in to dispose of his wheats of which he stiH held 201 bushels.- He ' reported that some of his neighbors bod similar quantities' which they would dispose of. T - ".. -..ail:, -'jI! .-" ..-- ; j.. . . . . , . , :-r.r . '.: . . -: At the Dixie camp-ground to' Polk county, on last Sabbath, tt Ii estimated that there were over three thousand people In attendance Tbe meet ing was held ia tbo interest" of" the Christian Church. .,..ji;. : -Street improvements' are still the order 'of )be dny. Gravel, put on lost year, on Ferry -street, between First and 8eonl. is 'now hiring hauled off to-help fill up other streets' add give property. b jders a chance to re-gravel it. . Economy,! me b.y 1 ' '. . ' , ' i.--i:'v..t A little two year old girt living with. Its) pa rents at the section honse, a few '.rods from the depot, was put to" bed on Friday 'night of' last week, apparently in gotxl health. The next morn ing on going to tbe bed, H was found that tbe lit tie child bad gone to a better climaj The cause of ber death is only conjectured.' ; ' x- s "" i j Mrs. Chcadle, white arlvitag ber fast horse,' on Sunday, gave him a severe cut with the whip. The horse not liking such treatment, ill-mannerly uplifted bis hind legs shove lbs dash-hoard,' giv ing Mrs,' C. S severe blow in tbe face with on of bis feet. J- ' - ' , :'" " ' ' ' 'J ' -' " : i As Mr. Milton Hale of this city as crossing tbe mountains between. Fish Lake and Upper Soda, on the 13th lust.,' ho encountered a violent hail storm. He asserts that some of the hail stooes were as large as ben's eggs. On of them struck -him Ou tbe hack of tbe"hand, causing it to swell We bar reeeived another large stocl or print- ' ing fag ers, axid aer bow. "prepared to do esa wsrk In lh lias f bill-hads, circulars, blaak. . receipt, te ete.: W will sooa he la - fsssipt ef several hundred pounds sf new rype,brdrs, etcr all of the very latest style., therefor will be bet- ' t?r prepsrvd than ever to get up sse warh at low rates, j . , . j . ;, . -i, ' ' .,'iiJ.' r; , The excursion fronrCorvallis on Thursday , p steamer Albany, is spoken of as a large and pUss - ant occasion. The excursionists conldn't har struck a more genUemaal of aeoommodotiag set -of officers than those in charge of ths Albamf, la ,i any country. . ; . - . ! ,.. Hk. B.;W. Cundiff will fir up ItU irst kiln of 12j,C-00 brick Tuesday..; The foundation .for-.; i he county jail is about completed ready lor the ricki v . ' , r. i , , i John Meadenholl, Esq., real estate agent, ho , been very bvsy daring the week showing aad sell ing farms and city property to n.w comers. H. took oat two loads on. Wednesday. , ' . ; John Parker was severely hart on . Wednesday by tho upsetting of a car loaded witb lumber. II is somewhat braised up, but will, be about again ia a few days.' ; '-; '" . " ' ' Physicians report the health good throughout1. ' the connty. ( -- 5 . . j fit RiAL.EsTATB TnAN9rr.Rg. For tbe two weeks, ending June 22dr'"' ". ""' ' -''!;': " '."' l Walter Moa tetth to D. M. Thompson ; consiil-' emtin,100. s 'i--. . . ' . Vf, . . J. D. Hard to Mary M. Rice; consideration 4S..f ,.,,' ,.L.: ?i ,. . Mansfield A Lacy to L. Howard; consideratCon, t2ti0. j't, G. W. , Phillips ta Henry Shank : sons idera tion, $3,C00. ,. . - ,.. Isaac McClung to L. McFarland eonildsro-l't tion, f 150. t -i.-' -'- . ' . . i'i John Lupcr to L. McFarland j . consideratisa, . $li0. . v. ' " ....... - i . .,, L. K. Wishard to 3, D. Parsons f eoBsidera- ',. htm, f4,Sf. ' - ' '' - - i -' J. U. Elgin' to . J.. XL.: Irvine : aonsideratton, J. M. Berry to Irvin A Morris :' consideration, , $800. . . . -i . .. , .V John Stckels-ta B.' Tt: .a. i.v.ii VI .l..lll. . . - - i .. ' .1 ; t 1 i Geary; e6nsideratiob, nivl it; ' ' , i, ti ' If xjxrjsaxi.'sr.i PO'B TO BLEACHING AND PREssrsro ORDER, ' : - : : r-. - r, ., r Plain' nnd Fancy Sets-inn; i A '. FULIi tJlND COMFLETB STOCK OF J the latest Millinery now on hand,. with new aduitiont every month. on corner Bfitad athia aad Beeosd lffta, lbaay Or, f r,wj up almost as largo, as. two : bands, and proving very painful., 't' ' , Mist r A Pearson have a new advertisement in oar columns this' morning. ,. Tb.y are not ,only agents for tbe Buckeye Sewing machine,: but yoa can order tbronghtLem any other machine madet they will trade eew for old machines j repair and pat m g,ood shapS machine needing it, and In Tact are always ready to do basin ess ' ef almost say kind that la legitimate. 1 - .' , .... ... . ... .... . .. .. i ' A young man engaged in teaming, Is it wseW lost a new bearer coat, between this city aad the Santlam? ia one of the pockets of which there Was four dottars iri silver, :We learn thai a man n-" gaged aa a laborer dw where tbe ooat was lost from tho wagon, picked it irpy taking tb momy from, th. poek.t, and hid H an til the nextdat, tbas preventing tbe ewaer from bbtaraing the' gif ment when he retdrtted la search f R,' Thelhider shortly aftar traded tbe coat fa'aaethsr ' party Cs its Js, usiisiiiiiy.'"' i.s?ta .'v?t..v l . 0nFeLi.ows-Albaoy Lodg No. 4, f .O.OJT I on Wednesday eveing,r . elect officers -for the's current, term: commencing with July 6th.: iJm4 tallntioa of officers will transpire on th evening of the 5th .f ' July, J on ; which- eccasioa? th Grand Master will favor ai with bU . presence. A collation will be served often, ths r installation, and a refreshing season enjoyed. , AacVic Sora.-We cannot think of anything more refreshing than a glass of ice eold soda we-' w tcr. -It give strength and vigor to the whole system. T17. a glass and be convinced. . A. Car- ' -others A Co. are diipenstsg it, at their establish- ' ment, from Tuft's Arctic Aparatus. ? i-..!f? j'.t Goxi to Ocnoco. Father Joab Powell, at th -urgent request of the denisens of Ochoco Valley," has gone to that locality,' where he expects to re- , uud .owe time, prencuiug uiv gunj;..! win - f ing thepleasant weather. ; I '. " j", : The BBatsTEB.-Wa .are negotiating foe a double cylinder presa.; 'If we socuro it, it wiB cnabl a to nearly' double thtf present sir. of the Reoistsb. c We also propose Changing ths-- form, hereafter making it an eight page paper of .forty or .forty,, eight oolump. This, set in large facer new noa-. parcil and brevier, will make the neatest nd lsrg est paper iu Oregon. That's what's ths matter , with us. tTilftbe ciliicns of Linn county cnsbls us to pufilish a first-class 'paper by giving tha' Reoisteb' a hearty support I - There is no reosoa . why yon skoold hot have as complete andreUabl a netctptip4r as there is on' Che Pacific coast, and .,' yon shall have it if yon Wilt come forward witlf 1 youf subscriptions. A, good word spoken by oar" " friends noW win be of vast benefit to us, ttii by ' employing' the best talent to be obtained and a strict attention to business we hope to deserve all the good that may be said of us. As an Induce- ' ment io persons to nse u Bttle effort bt our behalf, ' we propose to forward, to any ono getting as six ' subscriber! and (ending as $18, an extra' Copy free. . To elnbs of ten the paper will he mailed at ' the rate $2 50 per cojry ; to clubs of twenty, at the rate of $2 2per copy. Single subscribers, $3i ' SaliscriptiorYs from tbe States reeeived in' greeu backs at par. - . 'f -'" J .J JJ-J ! -:!'-:,': 1 " 1 hi ?! 11.1 . il'--'.it iiCTf , Djiowxed at- Uabribbcbo .On Saturday,-. evening, just above llarrisburgi' a . number of f' yopng men, attochees.of th O. : A C,( Railroad j were in the Willamette river bathing. :A ' young., m.m named Samuel Wilhoit, aged about etghtoeCr B citixeo of Clackamas coanty, who had swam th. river several times during the evening, .an excel- lent swimmer, was heard to call oat as if for help ; butthfnking he was only "fooling,", no special at-', tentiqn was given him at the moment.'. Soon af- te'r making the outcry, Wahoit turned over- ob to ' his back, and tafck. lis was Immediately" fished t out, but life was extinct. His remains passed down on tbe ears on Tuesday.'-' ''. ' ' J;, ". ,"K T ' ' ' - ' ' ' . ' 4Jab Girt Coscaax.r- A: grind gift reoaerr. transpires in Louisville, Ey.. Ootober 31t. on?' Which occasion $550,000 wiR bo distributed to ticket holders, MrCfaoileS R. Peters; pviaoajl'j basiness manager of the lot Mercantile 1 Library; Concert of San Francisco, is agent for tb abork' which ia sufiicient guarantee that U wilLb sue-J ces. ... ges advertisement en first page., ,4 in . : BaEASTSftna Mr. B. V. Clement, wfaihrJ in tbe Oct of i ending a horse from the stable on''' Euaday last, reeeived a hick' from the -" aoimaV which kaooked him seaseUss.for' at time.1 On- bind footer the animal struck him fahf in' th b res St, sad bi physician sayt that the hresstoon " is split on the ineidew' ,Ms. d hi ablet be ehetrV at present'. -" "- '' '- ":-' 1 '' '0 , . T ' ' 1 1 . ' . T 1 , i Fatal Aerrmtrr. On Wednesday ,' St" San ridtr. a yong nu aged about eighteen, son of" Judge K. Frum. wo iastaatly killed) by (he ear- t ing m of a ditch which he was engaged in dig ging. - We could not learn any of th particulars.. , ' '.' 7 ' 1 ' ' ' . ' 1 ' ' 1 tyiaaBClaJp and ComaaerclaUr -vj.-ia Gold and legar tenders rcmalh 'os anoted last ' Week. - ' ' J ;:i; 1 - - : ii:'!,...-.'!..! . Baa FraacisBQ; mask .hi fm-nU, the following quotations: . . ) . ( j - Fl on rHeeerfed1 121c per barrel;' no qaota-v ble at $ S7J 80 for saperAaB, fT 7T 6 J foreatraa ! -y. ' .'ff.-tf, , 4c- :' -!0-'i Wheat Market 6 10s lower.-with light de- -mand, it being difficult to ple any tot. above' $2 40"aad from bo dw to hi Se for' fair. -LW- . pool quotation, lis ltd.-1 .. .; . ..n , Oats All tb way from si .75 to iS. - , . - , '.; Otioas Sales at 6e(3$l. '. - Wool Rated at S3ifee. ' Wew Yrk qneta-i lions give 3440e, . n ,- 1 No change worth notice . in. Albany marfceU. r Butter runs at 20o per pound, aad eggs ars plea- " tiful at SO per dosen.' - - - ' " ' Inherited diseases. Tb number of trausaalasi- , . bte com plaints is larger than is general y supposed. ' Not oaly scrofula and eoasamptioh. Vat raeama tism, goat, liver eomplaint, conatirmtlen, cerebral j affections, and probably dyspepsia, aretuaeritabl a Fortunately, however, tha heirlooms may be a-ot rid or. Cat off th entail with Dr, Walhtr't V gai" Sitting,. This powerful Vrtall Attarativa J and Invigoront, is also a blood depanet. It tew , m'-ves that transmitted poison from th eirea- tioa, and cures what are called oonstltutioaaj d--orders.?, -,-'' -. 1 '). 1 " ' $1,000 reward is offered by ths rvet" tij11 Dr, Piar-er's Alt. Exti or Golden L d Ia- -eovery furs medicine , that wilt equal, it- rf ts.,; care,of "LJv'cTComplalnt"or,,Bili.-'' Coa- .. stipation of the Bowels; BroBohfa! J! - and ' Lang diseases. srr eeach, aad a. Lod vmri- - nVrfovtba ear of seroialoee ' " eevar, 7 Eraptions, Tamors, Pimalee..) lo -as sad . i-..: es appearing apoa th facv hold ty eT" , r i- , I.-.-. ,t " - ,' J -i. ta Ibis oity, Jane X3i, b r-. 6. G. : I-vH. Mr. Jams 11, Long aad J- Uerrwm J. JLili , aUofUan soaaty. " . ' .