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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1871)
fUtair neuter . -.... Illt. C 8. OUcial la;er for Oregon. SATURDAY, JUNE 24, 1871 The Prince Imperial of France pro poses to tun for the Assembly. Wagons filled wjth emigrant families have reached Eastern Oregon, direct from the States across the mountains. A marriage has been arranged betweeu the Duke of .Edihtargand. Princess Thira ofDenmak.. .-...i.J, Man; Germans are leaving France for their homes tho French papers say- laden with plunder. "Gen. Forrest has been ordered to Wash ington to testify before the Congressional Ku-Klux Committee. The Democracy of Iowa have "accept ed the situation," and have adopted . the Ohio platform. . : Hon. J. M. Francis, editor of the Troy Times, haa been appointed Minister to Vreeeo. ... s- - . , - .. . . . The magnificent railroad bridge across the Mississippi river at Keokuk, Iowa, was finished and opened for travel oa the I4th instant. . , '.:. William Smith, is the champion hin- (civiiiocr ui iujcin-u. us lliirue lu six days, at a place near Saginaw; 165,500 shingles.' .' ' , VV J,--'."'" Mbs Barbara Cassell, of Virginia, has just received 2,000 damages for breach of prom tso ofrmarriaga 'froHi - Handalt Waddell. . .... . ,f..;t Vi,.y.- .; Goveornor Weston, of New.IIampshire, was inaugurated on tho 14th, and a grand military ami civil procession held in hon or of the occasion.- ,,i Shook Up. Our old Democratic fTiend, W. H.; Newell,, of the -Walla Walla Statesman; has been enjoying the aengnts or tever and agaoof late,' and teels considerably shook up thereby. In Pennsylvania there are now, it is aaid, nearly 90,000 members of the Order of Odd retlows, and lt year nearly -6300,000 was paid to those needing relief. CaeanatltaUonai ttadlal" -Outrage Tha outrages that are daily being per petrated; upon the Constitution .-'of the United States fey these perverse people called "Kadicals," move th bowels of compassion of our Democratic .brethren in a manner most terrible to see, and is calculated to awaken the compassion of the most obdurate , and bard hoarted. The latest outrage that culls for the Jar gest expenditure of ink and the greatest flow of language,, is the Ku Klux LilL By the provisions of this bill that staunch and tried friend of the Constitution, Jeff. Davis, and his patriotic adherents in tha. Iato scrimmage, are to be prevented, by force if needs be, from enjoying" the Constitutional privilege o lately enjoyed in all its rich variety, of .killing4 nig gers" and "carpet baggers" during their leisure hours. Of course it is plain to mil thiuking, reasoning men, that to inter fere with the pastime and pleasurW,;6f toe ixiutlieru gentleman as dtsplyed m Kn-Kluxing negroes and northerner", is an outrage, an. infrhigatcot of Constitu tional pri vileges that calls for tho ' cni. versal condemnation of the whole, world What tiglii arc; tha hireling soldiers '.of-. the Union to pollute the :' Sunny J Soiiihj that land of . unadulterated, freedom of thought and action, with their janhaiiowed presence ?; It is certainly an undeniable negroes and northern Sheep Baialnff Waol. The other dar Mr. Georse Morrow, a pioneer of Vancouver, started for New York to live. Mr, Morrow has been the .husband of five wives, and the father of twenty-one children. lie never put off till to-Morrow, what he could do to day. . Colored Cadet Siimb, recently dismiss ed from the West Point Academy, has bad his sentence commuted by the Presi dent to one years reduction in academic .standing, and he will join the first class next September. W. H. Watkinds, the SuperintendenS "of the Peniteotjary, who attacked S. A. .."Clarke, editor of the Salem Statesman, with a rawhide, and shot him with a revolver, is under bonds of $5,000 -' to answer for.the crime. 1 '-'H The. Philadelphia correspondent of the Ixndon Times thinks that Hoffman is the strongest Democratic candidate for Presi dent yet named, but says he is too much compromised by his connection with the . Erie Rinr. ' - ;". '"--- , Deaf and dumb clerks are on trial in some of the departments in Washington, There is no reason why they shouldn't succeed. Dumb waiters were introduced iato all the leading hotels long ago, and have satisfied everybody. . 1 'Kt t Tbe country around Ottawa Ontario, is threatened with a repetition of the terrible fires of last year. The "trholo country about Venbroke, Chelsea, Buck ingham bnd Gatineau Point is' filled with dense clouds of smoke, and the fire is rapidly spreading. . "1: 7 C Tl- V 'It is not so bad as we supposed.' 'Ilis Excellency, Andrew Johnson,; '-, spoke three hours at Knoxville; "before every man, womab, and child in the plase," and satisfied with one definition of his policy, avowed his unalterable determi nation of retiring to bis grave and ". his grocery. '. ....'s. -W. Stroman, a native of. Pentnark, committed suicide at Ellenburg, June 2d Having a difficulty witlr one NoTebtCEe fired at him, but without effect.'"; For this , breech of the peace the Sheriff started to arrest him, when ho shot him: self dead. ; , . .r . ,Tbe storm of the night of Jone 13th was the severest ever known in' the Umpqua. . The-Iarge hail stones stripped the fruit trees of leaves and yonn- fruit; killed several tame geese broke through ,roofs of houses and barns, and beat down whole fields of grain so as to. destroy the crop. ' - - - Grace Greenwood has been look in- at the heavens through the' telescope ofthe Washington Observatory. TD , :,:. about her observations to the Golden. A n? she exclaims with great appropriateness : "Tccy are bigger and brighter worlda than ours those planets of the first order. "I wonder if they are really higher and happier? Are there no Red Repub licans in Mars f no prize fighters' in Belted Jnpitcr? no whisky rings in Saturn 1 bo Laura Fairs jjj Vacua V' fact that these 'mud silla" have no-right under the Constitution of these 'United States to live "in or occupy any .portion of the' South wxfoa tlif.y belong, to. and .act with the ." Democratic- -p-arty in its ceaseless efforts to divide and destroy the Union. If, when immigrating to the South, they will unite with these high-toned South ern gentlemen in ..battering ..dowii ' the walls of freedom,' then if is the thing to let them do as they pletse then it is unconstitutional to throw a" single cnaeU ment in their way. - It is - certainly .;one -ofthe most incomprehensible things how this Government "of ours found, in the Constitution,- any -authority fir waging a bloody war. against that - great and good man, Jeff. Davis a man whot was fed and educated, almost from the day of his birth up", to 1861, by the liberality of this Government and 'his many , follow ers from the unny South; when the said noble patriots only intended to'over llfrow and destroy the Government to which they were indebted for all they possessed ! ;. Will ; not the whole ' world, when it is shown that a government took up arms and waged . a most terrible, and costly war to defend its : life from th c who should, by all the laws of nature and nature's God, have been the first in its defence, condemn as outrageous and sur passingly wicked the. conduct of such government in thus defending itself? And as the Government of the United States did precisely this thing, a fact that cannot be gainsayed, does it' not follow that it is the most diabolical gov ernment under the shining canopy of heaven? And here comes Congress, the lawing making power of this diabolical government, and with unblushing audac ity and criminal disregard of the feelings of the noble ' expounder and defender ot the Constitution, Jeff. ' Davis, and bis several friends and admirers, and passes an act which distinctly 'denies the 'right of Democrats - to. tnaini, and ' mob;' and lynch, ar d murder unoffending '?groes and white men ilia; is, mt&ffeiidiog only in ihii they dare to vote the Union tieket - - if . . . t . i ana providing puuisuuicnt- wncn sucn little acts of Southern 1 pastime - are , in dulled in! What a glaring' infiin-rment of the .Constitutional rights of Jcff.pavis: and his"pjtriuiie. followers,. t . prevent them from exercising' the elective fran chise by killing off the Colored folks aud Yankees ! .Of "course . it's high time to howr when tsnch -acts -ore? perpetrated. Thia has always been a privilege exclns ivcly enjoyed by the chivalry aod noof the ,.fniubceiIe';'nd-drookfn;..bnjr," Grant, comes io, and, usurping , unconsii- Intional and tyrannical power, proposes to pat a stop to the time honored custom by the me of - Federal bayonets I Can the great: Southern heart of Jeff. Davis & CoV bear sfueh tvtantiy . and not break ? Any jfntorl'erence jwith the sacred . privi . gei BeTetolore.enjoyca.Dy tne south, of converting wthe -"nncHjliever to the true faith oroJ exterminating nim irom tne earth, must iiot.lshalf-notlbe- allowed even if it cost a law suit. . ThaJscali- wg od incompetent military gentle-- man, U. a. Urant, niusi oe inrormea inat unless be adhere to the strict construc tion of his oath - to support the Constitu tion of these LTBite4;-;Statc o laid down by Jeff-'Davis mn& -ither lights of the lJaawsjraikrtmiftt. ho will bev?fliahle'f; to all the peoakies of perjury i'wWch . wilt certainly be , inflicted ..upoo ftim.-. when Jeff.., Da vis and the " De mocratio - party, get '. eooirol . of iha . Government fa m which they- have-eo ion ana unjustly been deprived !' It is hard indeed for .the trne lover -of his which should most- be -reprobated j-- ther abhor rent conduct -Of Grant "; in iprpposing to interfere .with . tbe . government of , the Sonth so- beautifully aod - satisfactorily Carried on-through the operations wor; tne sainted Ku-Klux orcanization. or mat oi th rlsnisablo -wretch. Sherman' who actually compelled the great and godlike Jeff, io' indulge'.in aa undignified; ran for life dressed in Mrs. Davis', petticoats! Both", however, arc unpardonabw. It is susues ted bv true and tried friends that the Democracv should hereafierj in hon or of the sainted Jeff., adopt the balnwj ralaa their emblem,. as under mat Dan oer they.-might prove of more service to the country than they have done in; the battlebeld or.m tbe legislative nans. n . A prominent gentleman of our town bein? asked a few davs airo if he nrODOS' ed building this Summer, replied t Aa immaterial is so costive, I shall refer it i unui Bert year. The wool interest, from a small begin ning,' has grotfn to be one ot tne most important and-profilable in tbe State, and gives promise of adding largely to the wealth and prosperity of our people in the future. It requires no large amount of capital to secure a flock or band of sheep, and the care and expense in their management . is but a small figure. There is a twofold profit in sheep raising i first, the natural increase; second, the clip. It is calculated by experienced shepherds .that tha yearly increase- will average fifty per e'en't:-a' band of one thousand, sheep producing five7 hundred Iambs. Probably the average 1 yield of wool is six pounds'' to the sheep, which will Vary in price according1' to quality. At present prices' the clip from one sheep would be worth $2 10 in gold coin. O.o shepherd can readily provide fr a band of five hundred sheen while in pasture." There are thonaands of acres in J Oregon that are pcciully adapted to sheep, rais Kig,. and we expect to see the field, more extensively occupied in the future for the several" reasons above nanied.- The gross frauds discovercd-in San Francisco in the "packing of wool for '- market, will doubtless- induce; wool merchants to offer a more remunerative price than heretofore -offered for washed wool.' If, as we are told, washing wool loses one half, why do not wool merchants advance the price sufficiently to .induce producers' to' send clean 'washed ' wool, instead of the un washed, as now generally practiced ? If the assertion is truc then wool merchants, can certainly anord to oiler a larger .aa vance; than nowi .bffered .for clean 'washed wool ten and fifteen cents per pound and thus lessen the chances of buving sand "and " . rocks "instead' of wool,' , and all concerned.", -"t giving more general satisfaction to - '"-' "' ---- '. Mr.' Greeley, on his farm, keeps a . run ning account with bis hens, double entry. When a hen lays an egg she runs around the bases, and when she strikes the home base, where the book-keeper is located, she sings out "tally one," or "tally two," as the case may, be because some of them are repeaters, and the book-kotper gives her credit, and charges her for her meals'. In this case Horace can tell what;, hens are shirking, and how much . he makes on each hen. lie says his experience is that roosters are a glaring fraud, putting on style around, and never ktyiug an egg ones in two weeks. - Poat Office Reform.- The Springfield Repullican, a leading. New England newspaper makes tbe fol lowing allusion to tbe recent changes in the English Post Office r "While 'our postal service has remained uoprogrcss ive for years, and Congress, even refuses to establish the two simple fundamental principles necessary to any well regulated system, namely, nothing free and everyv thing prepaid,5 the British service7 goes' on from one improvement to another quite rapidly. ' Within a year, newspa per postago has been reduced to a half-, penny, -and half-penny postal cards have been popularized j and" now the new postmaster general proposes that, the nnit of weight for all letters aod letter packets shall be doubled. w.,ile the postage shall remaif tfce 'same XKat thVtfeoe pe'nf! ny wilt carry one ounce instead of half ounce as heretofore. Furthermore, he propose - that the . first -. additional ounce shall add but half a penny to the postage, while above two;- ounces every half-pouny shall carry another two ounces. Thus aiwejre ounce letter package would go tor rourpcoee or eight cents, white lu tbis country the charge fr such a letter package would be I'l cents. ' It is - also proposed to modify the 'rates for money orders so as to .make tbeuichoaper for persons sending' small sums."'-The new plan is o charge one -penny for ten shill ings or less, and two-pence for one pound, and a pen ny additional pound. a Our wide extent of territory and sparse , population Over large sections of it forbid such cheap rates and such constant facilities as Great Britain, 'm its" compactness I of. territory' and plethora of population, can give, but it is quite time that: we" were beginning to make progress. The present stubborn stand still of. our postal service sis 'v both provoking and discreditable." ' The Rogue Kivee. Valley. In a late letter of Col.Taggart, Chief Paymas ter in the U. SA. -in this Department, to the Philadelphia Press, Is the follow ing neat alluf iou to Southern Oregon : : Lata in, the afternoon , of the second day, after crossing another summit," we descended into the beautiful Rogue river country one ofthe most genial and productive valleys onfthe 'Pacific -slopes where Wiutei is'almost "unknown, 'and w her "" th&-' S mui'r ' - nigh ts " a re Wa r n "enough to ripen Indian .corn. Here grapes grow in perfection, and even the hg is culti valcd, and . it the. summers were not too dry it would be dne of the gardens ot the world. As in the -il-laiuettc, there has never been a.failure of cereal crops. At three in ten morning we reached Jcksonville. 1 v- An Important Discovery V Portland Election. v f -j-trBK3AR"lCAJBr.E HoMICIDK. A u diffi Under this beadiug we find (he follow-; jog io the hist number ofthe Marysville' Appeal i . ' ' ; Wehavo been placed in possession of the facts concerning a new discovery in medical science, the importance of wbich demands that it be made public tor the benefit of suffering humanity; it beicg no less than- a specific cure for cancers. Tbe particulars regarding tjiis discovery we learn from a private letter written by Hon. George 0. Gorhatn, to his brother in this city. Mrs. Gorham, as is known to her-friends,-has . been . suffering foi many months with a cancer in the breast, and a surgical iopenitipn tot its rojnoval, atteuded with great danger, has been postponed ouiy that- -her general health migbt-sofficiently improve to '.give Sicf the necessary . strength to the ppcration. At this juncture, when, there were but little " hopes " of her ultima to recovery, Mr. Gorham learned that a new remedy for cancers had been discovered io South 'America.- known as thei bark of the "Cunduran;o" fee; that Dr. Bliss, a; leading physician in ..Washington lhad been" usiiijr it with great buc-cess, inthe case of the' Vice .PiesideutV moiher. iMrs. Mattnews,.'- and that several t cases were knon to Dr Bliss, wherein it had proved wonueifully. efficacious. Dr. Blws had at this tune only a sufficient quantity. of tho bark with which to treat two patients and consented to. take Airs. Gorhanas op6 'of theui. She waS :2ini- mediately removed "to W ashiogton from Boston, and attended to by Dr. Bliss. Ot the effect of the treatment Mr, Gorhaiu writes, under date of .May. Slft, as. fol lows ; .,,Vbince Tuesday ,tlie Zoa, she-has been taking a decoction of the Cuoduran- go bark, and since Friday -the 20th, itS'i effects Jiave been felt.' ' . It has ' red uced the rigidity of the shoulder, and, ,a.riu, softened the(iiduratitq ;abovthe colL-r bone, enabled her to move her;leit arm and turn her head without- pain, which she could not do before, and has.-bej'oud all question, tiej'an to. effect a cui'e. lie also writes that "another case of csu- cer n tne wouto, a case tnat seemed hopelej-sjy gone, and the patit'tit within a. feVt weeks ot tho grave, is rapidly jrield r I in.!' to the new remedy. It is tne opinion of Dr. IJliss that the Cuudurango bark is -as near a specific . for cancer, as quinine is lor chills and fever, and that he has do doubt whatever of eiiegjUug a cure in the case of Sirs. Gorham, and that, in all probability, within ; thirty days. i The' hist-tTy cf'this 'discovery is briefly as follows: .. The. wood or bark ofthe This Government has notified France and Germany that a bill for 1 damages to the persones and property of .American citizens during, the recent war will be presented at the proper time. '- It is probable that the, demand "wiU' receive prompt attention, and be paid without any difficulty. ' France is not in a condi tion financially to pay any large amount, but with the establishment of a stable Government her ; Ministers will have no difficulty jn ; jraisingj; theamountvGer- many's coffers aie -overflowing, and being cooylnced . of the justice, of the. claim, William will promptly contribute his pro rata. . ' :- ' - ; ' TP . " ' ' . . Sr. I The New York Sun, which has spas modically made some pretence to Repub lican filiations, 'has at lastsettled to it proper level as an. avowed Democratic paper. " It - endorses - tho"! : Pennsylvania Democratic . platform j , and - nominates William' S. Grocsbeck, of Qbioi forPres ident, and John iQuincys Adams, 'of lassacnusetts, Iof Vice"" President. ' It is a relief to-" know that henceforth1'' the i Catswo'rth " fired Democratic papers will be debarred X'Qm quoting- the "Sun's political "effusions 'as quoting- the Sun s poll Republican expressions.' : The Inka (Jliss;) Gazette gts 'off; tbe following elegaut morcean : Those drunken vagabonds, those polit ical . lepers, 'those red hauled ruffi-ms, those scowling cut-throats, those assassins of American liberty, . those traitors to common deceney, those outcasts from virtuous society, those emblems of a na tion's shame, those disirraeeful insults to to God's pierce', those dirty : violaters , of the Christian decalogue, those bt inheri tors of the haogmeo's heil. It is probably unnecessary" for us to add that these extracts, of billingsgate are intended tot the Republican members of the Legislature" of 31 ississippi-v It is probably i another example of jSoujtbern chivalry, and if so, knocks tbe spots from the oft mentioned "Oregon-style. ' r a l : , -, -- - - i Rouan Times im Montana. -Ad vices from Jlelena June, ?th give. tth following:' "'" " '." ". Frank-Kelley was shot and killod by a man 'named - tjfissady,-, alias Walker Also,, on Ten-mile ereek,' near 'Helena; lliomas' Catsworth,-Patrick McLaughlin and his son Michael, had a dispute about dividing, moneyj ' The elder McLau-bliu took- n: ax and .started fo?CUwortb; who fired a levolycr, the ball striking the sonj - wlm is not , ex pected to - recover yJVt the Portland municipal election on Monday, success perched upooHbe ban-. ncr of the "Radicals,' who made a !oan sweep, electing their whole ticket by largfl majorities. Portland can hereafter. be counted on as fastgrouh'(lcd in - Re publican principles, and of course is bound to flourish and prosper. "'-All hon or to the, citizens of Portland. :7- We' are more than ever proud of the ' metropolis of Orenoo. Result. Portland, city election oc curred on Monday ; following is the re sult : For 3Iayort-f 1,(..--Wa88erruan (R) beat Dr. AcVpm(C26. votg. For Police JudgerO-NV Deony-fR) 808 votes over A. M. Snyder (D). For Treas urer, JSd Backcnstos received 35ft inaore' votes i nan nis xemocratio opuoueui, o. Norris. For City Assessor," John M. Brcck (R) rejoices J n 324 nvnority over CL Ii.-ley (D). Of the four; Councituien e.ected, Messrs. Burton, Cay wood, ; II ill atd Combs are Republicans." The whole vote on "Mayor was 1,337, and oa .Police Judire, 1,354. 'Rah for Portling ! Ji Thomas and j Henry Gale have - lieen held to answer, in the Bum of $1,000 each for euaging la the rteent scriui- uiajze with Thompson of the Roseburg our State Department by the Government of Ecuador and a corauiunieatiorr eairie al&o from our Minister at EcuadoTiSetting forth the wonders of the new discovery, and f accompanied with reports to the Hcuador Government, by regular pbysi-; cians,' who were directed to make .'l them, ofthe cases treated and the results that followed The package arrived late -in March of this year at New. York, and ar rived at the State. Department April 0th. So wonderful have been the results of its employment that a supply of it has been e-nt for, which will arrive about June 15th. or Juiy 1st. at the farthest It is earnestly to be hoped that this new discovery will accomplish ail that it now seems capable of doing, tor it' will save muoy buman lives md spare a gieat deal of intense suffering. . ? ' -r ::- . :,: i-?' culty which occurred some months since - between two colored men, Darned Graham and Ward,' culminated . on Wednesday, in Justice Dryers court, Portland, in the death -of Graham. Sometime . ago Ward bad Gralum arrested, charging him with the "seduction of his . atep-daosrhter ; bnt as the Grand Jury failed to find m bill ; against him, ho was released, ints .... acquittal seemed to" embitter. Ward mora deeply against Graham, abd as be latteir was, with his wife, passing'the Jresidence . of tlie former, on Saturday last, rushed out and attacked-Graharft "wttn aciuo. For this1 assault :G'raham -had ;Ward ar; j. resred'. and dnrirrg Vf-eltriaia Grubaid was giving his tcstomony, Ward drew a heavy revolver and shot hJin through the heart, kiDtnf Kui InsrablljrT ..u.KK The MasonicGrand 'ldgtf,' irf1eson', ' at Salem , adjourned "oh'ShnTsAtit 11 - o'clock A..M;r.A f ery.pTeWbW..W!. , monious session is -reported.' . m . .... . ... - It is stated that President Grant will start for his visitr to California about th--; 15th of August; accbmpatiied by his Cab-' inet. He will not visit. Oregop. 'f ' ,- Vallandigham was burned at Dayton, Ohio, on the20ib- ins,t.i byTthe Maionio fraternify. ' "lho- proeessiow mile io length. ',.:.. , . ,..(,.' i The railroad bridge ores tlie Cascade portage is ao badlydaniaged thatil will traoaun - paas ovef was . two AVout the only row-dnrtng the -po on Monday at Portland,, was inaugurated by special policeman Giltuore, who man- ugeoj t, ,Pa!mer ptetty jseverely "! with a knifu. Fyr this exhibition,. of of ficial valor" Iie Vas arTeoted ' and "bound over-a.,$aO0,.,'i.' tata - ijus iaiil -s ibe some days before it. ' ' : Important Kxpkhi jient-'. In - Medit C1NES.- From a Washington correspon dence of J une 6th we copy this : : The , Interior Department to day .set apart a ward in the Columbia' Hospital in this city tor thJ purpose ol.lestiiig the eundurano, which, it is claimed, is a specific for cancer and scrofula. A Com mittee of five physkiaus has Tbeen ap pointed by the Medical Society of the District of Columbia, and the result of the test will be fully xeperted to the In-, tenor ieparti3cnt.' - - 1 , ' . , - y . . r. . , ' Pardon eb. By a private- letter re received by a uentleruaii in this city last ""4 ... ' . ' -A. ! AT 1 I .. I Cundurab-o tree, or shrub, was sent to ?'-n ITO" ownsv.ue eorasha, rar- . 1 ..... . J .- . I . 1. . 1. . . . .. n ... .. that Jacob K. Bear (Or Curtis), who was Two thousand five hundred women, indicted for setting .fire to- buildings in j ! Paris," have been sentenced to transporta tion to.JNuw CalcdoTfiTa. " ' 'A :-) i '.-''.; It E Ah E S T A T ED E A L E R, office No, ; U4. Vrout: Street , " PORTLAND - - - r - - OREGOX.. again T. killing Patrick' McLaughlin instantly: .' Catsworth came' in this morning and delivered himself up tohe Shertff tor triaT. '- - . The indications, jiow are ; that II. II Haight and jT3.."J;v Lewis' will ,ber the Democratic standard-bearers in the com ing political contest' in California fbi1 t"he offices. ,of foy ernof and ',, jjieute'n ant-Gov:' ernor, while Newton Booth and RoniUal-1 do' l"acheco willjbe 'their opponents Voo, J the -Republican ticket. - Mr. Booth .will nndonbtedly ; stamp the State, in Ithe event of his nomination,' and being 'an orator of the . first class, , will -,dpublees make many converts to the ticket. Um-i-i - : . I U. ft, 4' -. ; ' Wby , do' the Democracy 1 grumble' at j tbe acts ot Congress which, are enacted to protect. theldivTduali In. . hi - JulireD t rights, while they contend so tenaciously for- the oldjfugittvaiave jaw Which wed the powers of the iGoVernmen t fa tike away the liberties of men? Governments are instituted among men for their bene fit, and " there r carr be no? usurpation ?vf power, io the protection of their rights frou a merciiesa mob. . There - may be tyranny in refusing to afiord relief to the citizen. -- ''- i v Noah Austin of Lima, Xndiana, received a.jnnskct bajl in his bead, under tbe iel ear, at tbe battle of-Queeostown, Canada October, 13, 1812. ' .The ball could VnoJ bo found until a fortnight since, when it worked out into his mouth througfti the roof, ca.usirig his death nearly fTfty-nijne!. years.atter the wound. - . cs:-.; I , It is said that the Irish people in tli6 United States send annually to their reU atives. io Ireland..55,t)00,000. Part of this large sum of money is to aid them in coming-to America, and some' to assist them in keeping soul and body together under the British political and - social r ,J ; 'i "t , v; . jijj i.i'.r y-bf .Now Orleans Times has the follow-, ingln regard to.tbat indefatigable "t little ladyXM'-s.' 'Gaines, and her ' law 'suit J This eternal ..litigation' is again .upon 'us, with all its horrors. A-' proceeding t-Mnt long ago commenced in the Second Dis trict Court, to annul (bo judgment :once. rendered 1by the Court,' 'pi'oBating.j the jost- will in yfavor -fA M rk.-Gaiue - and recognizing heV .bcirship.. ; It was , upou this will the ' judgments of tbe Supreme Court of the United States- itf f:ivor"of Mrs, Gaines ate based. ..The suit to set aside a j udgmen t- w hich . bis prod uced these results, necessarily involves a great; deal of technical disputation, whioh,- we presume, ; will consume much time and J elicit a.vast'dtsplay ot haarvttplituog-imd legal polemics. It Sjs fortunate ithat I'so learned and. asttite a mngistrate S Jctdife pollens presides ovef ; this" trial. "The indefat igabb , lady i jwho,bfoi3f! over .forty years, has prosecuted her. claims to the pfope'ttj' 'of Dirhief Clark' Is stilloo'nandi battling for ber rights with undiminished vigor and pertinacity. .. .She 'and her suit have survived several generations of law yen aod 'judges.' ; " "V" " Mob Law at Lf.wiston. Followin'; U frbiu the Walla i Walla Union of the 17th:- ."" ' ! :-.-..--". ; - A week ago yesterday was the day ap--pointed for the haningof Walters, twice convicted of murder 'at Lewistou. For 1 8oine unknown reason, Sheriff Hunker of mat piacer raireu in carry out me aetiietiee of the law. That evening," Friday, June 9th. a party of men disguised as Indians, broke into the room, ot tho jailor and forced frdui hiiii the keys of "the jail, with which they proceeded to the cell of the doomed man. He had evidently heard them and sarin ised thtir object,;- as he was found ai ui'e l 'with 7a table fVgy - Wli ft ' which lie made vigorous'aiice." lie was soon over-powered by these make-bo-lieve Indians, a.n.4,. being takeu above town was hong to the cross beam ot a high gate to a. corral.. ,f What dbpo'sitior.was made ofthe body we have nollearucd Twiceitvtwojears tha people, of J Lew ton Tiave talen the law Inid "'th4if own hands and ended the earthly career of murderers. What' the escuse of the Sheriff is fornot executing the law in this cavev baa not been made 'pttblto;3- It is possible that ho may have a valid one, but it is not probable. Violations Or neg lect pf duty.on t he'pu rt of .publ ic officers, though very repreliensible, are ''not.', 'uti lesfreqtteut aud. ..long... continued, Jsufft eient excuse fur the populace to resort to mob law. " 1 I The drivr of tho Lcwiston stage ro porta that a man, whoso name ho couW not recall, suicided near Lewistou "three or four days ago. , i j . A corespondent of the New Orleans Ttmei, - writing . from -, Jefferson! 'Texas, May 27th, say 'Great excit'emeht' has been caused' here bv the riHPsiisre recentlv by' jbc Legislature of the bill granting a. ftu8idy to tne (ireat Central I'acibc road. Its organization at New-" York on the 23d instant"with" a " list of "Directors, whose well-known interest1 it is to build' he road, at, once, together with the sale just consummated ofthe Louisiana and Texas j rnad.' fyom Monroe to Shreveporf ' and tne biate liuotConnecting with tha South ern Pacific road, now. running,-out-, to Longview, Texas, all point, to tho speedy union pf the interests of these roads, and the making" of Shreveport the" starting, or initial point,' of the Grand Trunk Pacific road, whither, we predict, will be speed ily removed the workshops of - the 8outherf Paeifio Railroad - -. - ii, . j A Strang e Fact. Tho Jackson county (Illiuois) Areies tells this: ' I T learn of a good, kind; hearted wo man of Jackson county, in this State.who tMk a colt nix weeks old, to her . breast, and thus saved its life - It bad Jost"S its I parent, and but tor the kind interest tak en, it would,, have starved Sl It is sa'd that the colt would, whenever the lady was seen, run whinnying to her, and lay ing its head on her breast, would partake of food with great relih. r. v-w- l . k la a Skeneatales churchf, the j other :day; one of the female singers -iq the choir, while- inspecting"' a iieW bonnet underneath her, Jost ber -balance and tell over into-, the congregation. ,J?A.ftecihe funeral- -o- the people who were in the" pew where she - lit, the bilks who .sat in tnat part ot the edince suid was no use. for tha carpenters to fix np the wood work again, because iv was- bad ' enough when that, choir went up .or, (heir high notes, but .when they got to coming down with their low ones, why they preferred tosit nearer the pulpit that wus all. It was not that thi-y- didn't appreciate OJfenbaeb'a niusic, at 5all, but-theh those bras heels, you know. .'TfW a- ' : r ' f'-Jt : "The "rite- of circumcision is noy longer universally .- practiced among the Jew. Sixty-six -Jewish physicians of -Vienna have published m manifesto against it,",' takeu from Oregon City , last 1'all on a charge of embezz-leiucnt',' and "after con viction, sentenced to the Nebraska I'eni tentiary for one year, has been pardoned by Acting Governor-W.. 11 Jamej,.and on the Gth was restored to his liberty aud citizenship. -JSwiitmi . " A Congressman has. been sent to the penitentiary" for two years' for the crime of h:vig than one wife. jff f 1 At DavifVIlle, Yolo'county, oh "l'riday, June 9th, the iheruicmeu-r xtcod a : 139 degrees in the sun, and 103 di-grees" in the idiade..-; 'U: 1rn-'r'i j '- - ' --?;in 'The Chicago Common Council Vefuo to close the liquor saloons .oa. Sunday. A saloon keeper, fearing such -an ordi nance would pass, committed suicide. A' young man ms4' AtkinsV-oiid bit? wife; fel) a si stance of- 50 fcet , frtm a peak. in. the.Blua RideMimntainiK a few days since. a The baiiy , of i'Mrs- Atkins was .terribly. mangied,bsif , strangei to say, Mr. Atkins M Still Alivejind hope at his recovery are enterti,iod.A ); . ( , , I Ji country man, strolling through New J Londori' recently, hand in hand,' With his.? rural Phyllis, impatient to visit tho cir-; cusf. eso rfiaied 'i poo iteeing -huneh f 51I banaiias sn-pended in Trojt1"of " a " fruit toie. '-I'll he uioweil if the in ain't the highest heat'ia l-ever sc.'i Siphroiiyi,,JnC There was- an- old- buffer named Greeley: Who ::,t weof To prbiapis.'.ahd.,aid1ill'ealjii'. This country's a pbaiu, . '.:!. . oIi h i . AKrdoa t -Hhh waf a dam," '"'j--1 Said this ancient philosopher'eyv The lust letter -about- Dr ''' Livingston is t'rimi Colonel Shereef. liasVciJ.h Iben Ahmed.. . Liv. is not at uVoughjugbjigb, but is with the ; Hon. Mohamed lben Ghirib, at SJauskoso, waitiug for the car avans. '. .'-" -s . - i Mr. Doyle, 'ofTJrobkTvn," while sick, wow attended by his-: laithful Wife. She aitt ndi'd him with a poker, llij'has now gonc to the hospital aod.she to jail. . The A'ncw departure" - is supposed to have been inspired by the line of Long fellow . Live ttf die grcRl .men all lemind us y Wu cjuj 4uike out Iivib aullimi, 1. ';. i jitmt domrtiD)f4" Je.ivo bvhind u' '; .y , .fooiprinta on ilta land uf tiuio... - j r .-,;; ' They record of John Bishop, of Ari zona, that he has killeil, eleven men, and no one had thought much of it, but, .re cently, ivhfo ho stoje. a ahorse, j he -Vwaa sieved and hawg!d witboat -delay , - ' - .. . r- . .1- '. y. l I t..i ' ' --r ' : When the Indian -delegation visjred Central - Park tho OtherJrdayKrLiftle Raven' ex pressed, himself,; .as u'SeiiigJ more than his eyes --could carry, and the extent ofthe ocean: atj LoBg.,Uranch traut-ported them, with wontder.g4. i ,A Louisville girl, . whose !. lover 1di graced himself by sojne unlawful' deed, told. the unfortunate youth that she. could never marry him, but that she had $2,500 in her own ri-.rht which he could take nd go away and try to redeem hi character. Ho took the money and left. The'girl loved ardently and unselfishly. -j T-r The lamented A.1'Ward 'uwd o say (bat jf you wish toy capture the simon pure' Down East Yankees, you should "come the moral 'dodge On ' Iheni' The great Khowman' has'' an iiriitatnr in the editorial chair somewhere In the1 eityof Mexteov 'This knight ofthe' -qtrirTitr hnri rowed with Jhe thought "that young girls still hiving virgrn hearts are 'to be peen walking' about tfietreetif 'of the city at a lute hourV peering into gambling .places and frequenting casinos., The . parents and friends of eut-h Vilty1 Aand confiding girls ara cautioned. tn protect their cMK dren, lrombe evi) influences .which beset inBui. 1 uvi i given- iu snow tnat a it-ed iton are wot, wicked vbaeksliders and yor rupters of the pnblio moral.!. ' ' 1 l t'lv.nif , ci ivi'.. L ismil 10 mil uniiiAtu PORT b AN D, in the most dcirAMloiitfe, ton-- i istitig of LO'f ?; HALF BOCK!aad BLOCKS ". UOVSES an STOKES; al8,-i ; -ti j IMPROVED K ARMS, and vTnatlo' on- cnttivatetT LASOS, loeatsdJo A,L. paU.f thw 8TAT;for SAidS.i m ... i.t,K--.. " - REAL -STATK h"(T otter Preperfr pur-" chased fir - Correpiindent,' in this CITY anti' ihrcogliout tho STATE nJ TERRITORIES, wilh preat are and ion tie iiost ADVANTA-' ' GEOUS TERMS. - .!;- :' ' ;--. .wi HOUSES and STORES lemod, LOANS , ( KEGOTIATED, and CLAIAi OF ALL IESrf CRiPTION'f? PROMPTLY COLLECTED.- Ami -a General FINANCIAL and AG EJNtY BVB1- . . ESS traosactoiL.' " y . AGENTS of tLU OFVrCE in all tbo.CIT- IE3 and TOWXS in ihe STATE, will receive descriptions of FARM PROPERTY and forward the ant to tho above aJUrosi.- . : . i v '! St2Z ' I M ' ! 1 !. ' t Tho' War tit fiurepat !?; .!, ?t ZT Has nt last come to aa end and tbe fi.'ierjite olgoooT order and stable government Imvo MrhicVBd what' appears to be a complete tneeess." Not So ' tlie iiji war in Rrownsvillo between: tho old and new systems of Joins business, , wbich. ,has not', yet ' ' reached a U-rujiaaivon and read-pay coutomora confinoe to find bt TVhieU-c's st ire an opporrtrnt-' ty to get the'benefit of llli'ir pTtl h-iue'Kncr ftire lhi?a;ht., , ; Large additions bave-jtrat been madu to v me jPLfu, nuu fjt'pu; v jru'wiij vuppiy a laroc ... portion -of their wants from Wbet-ler'i' store, thuu from any Jtlrer ouerjt.iLiliahHicnt in thcojint) T ' ' j;v .W --. tfm . , . ,"Vy JV I ft 1 'ih"Pin KiUer' niAT Justly le styled the- " great iic1!:m.d if llioworld. fot4Bere..i no region ftbu globe, iatonvbich it ha not fniuid iu. Way.. and becn.lnrsely' nsccfand hinbly.'ririieJ. . Morels over, there is n. clime.t rbii bos not 'proved) to be well- adapted fot (tie tnrt ot 'c6slelralL , variety of diu-ases ft U is a. spedsTy and. ar ceawd jt'tt for barns, walds. cutaV broKer. wsandaan4 mt. , ous - other injuries u wall u .far dysinMry , .. diurrhfeu ahoVUbwel complaints generally, it i ad, J mirnbly suited for every raeeof men on the foe uftbetiloba. ' ,..,., ' - . ': It is a very stjrnifieant fact, tljat nptwilhstxnd ing thej'.ns period of'year tbftt-;Pain Killer" bnrf lei-u b Uie world,-it has'aeva. loO jvos-f whit ir its- popolariry, bitua the'-'eoarmry, tsjo.i call for It Has steadily tnoreaaad from its tratdia-.ii oovery, and at no previoastinia has thadaaaander it been so jrrent, or the quantity made been -a large as tt it to-day. ' ' '-."-'- - .... i Another siniScant frt in. .that nowtere baa the- . r..: VM in. 1-i vl. ... . .... i more generally use;! by families and indh'iduals, tlian it has boon here nt home, wher it ws iflrst dis covered and introdtti-e : That tlie Pain Killer Witt continue to be, whnt we bare styled i,' Tkm . 7-w( metfieiutt of r Wuriti, there eanaot be. tbw i sha-low ofa donbt-.rj'rovideOce Advertiser. '--jeme. - YWTE WILL PAY FOlt iGOOD- KITTTER .V V " 22 to 25 cents a pound, and 20 r.nt, dimia fw EG4, in trade - Phmwi that eonre to Aitwiy-wiu mane money ny calling at tlM,Casb otore or chases, as June 24-42 win mage money by calling at -Iha.Cashr ' R. CHE JULK 4.CO.U make (heir pur as they are sellin fcool very tmeap now.-2.-42 , J R. CHEADLB CO. t -U'Slap''yalay?-;jt.'.. TE TAKE PLEASLRE IN.ntBeTINH V w the attention of the pablie to the WblcbaaqaeloaaMy iijisiiC eMloiaJ Sheep Wash aowo ";.';,,-,.,.. " i- It ie on-poianons, due Wot diecolJr the wool " deadly to all parasitos iofetina' the akin at fil,. 1 a tha skin of 51.un and other annuals, and warranted free' from ' ' arsenic, mercury, mineral, ' and other' poisons '" An infallible Cure f. r. tha Scab, jierfeeiW harnw ' less to sheep,, and greatly improves the wooL It in also 0-ce irom any of those caustio properties !i found in many .other compounds, which rendetf ' 1 wo " on, mm am ueinmentai, nor v only -to its growth and, .weight, but also to Us " ' marketable valua." : . v.. i i .; . It van be nsed with perfect aafety at any season .f the your, a" faae.eeea found ia -practice, valuable for the following purpose" f 1 I lut. For carini scab, killing aori, tioVs. and oth.r arait,,liiih infest the skin ufifaiwr. " 2d pafaatti in of sheep. For strenetbcniDr and adilioir 1h i k. wool. i . .. , i . , ; , , - , 8d. For dippttrjf Lambs; ev while aacklnY1 ewes, a they cannot be injured by tbe1 materia). 1 : 4ib. For dipping Rams at any time ef the yean Wtiliout lnnvr uf 1 producing the exenriatioa -which mivstty follows the use of otaiar'd1, espe cially in the autuinn season. ' ' . " 6th: . Fr the cure uf mange, la lutreee aa'dt .bg'i T 6th". For the distraction of lice and rvrraia ia cattle. .'-1 . - .- , k t Full direction for use accompany each package. It Im Win. itsed in. Californin, wkh the- twos satU&iotory roault,. in -verifiaation uf wb,ea We' ; beg to refar-te wasflerotieeertiaeatea reent -well- ' known gentlemen. "-" - - t Wool growers should not mir to try tki in val" nable-preparation, whk-b w. have ever r eonft- i Ldenoe ia rannmmvading on its awn merita. . ". tor sale by Ideas r. CHRIST K WttiB, Baa i Franciseo, California, r 1 "" ' , i IV. rn ' A . ".. . BEACII A MQiflEITH, . . Jane 11, 1871-41 - . .t ' Albaay, Ore oa, i