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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1871)
V. S. Official Papor far Oreg-esv. SATURDAY, JUNE 17, 1871 Wells, Fargo & Co. suippad $62,155 io bullion last month from Owyhee. The Rose b org Ensign say the apple crop in that vicinity will be ltnmenso. The Roseburg land office sold 3,270 acres, for cash, last month. .The thermometer measured 02 io the shade at Portland u Saturday. -"- - Escaped. On Thursday afternoon of j Tn Plagce Threatening France. last week two noted convicts, Hackney 1 Poor, rained, desolated France is bard and Bargeman" ah'eu Shahs, made their I ly over one trouble before another is at escape - iron the State penitentiary at J her door, threatening to be more ezact- Salcm. Hackney was caught and return- 1 ing in its demands for human life than ed to the penitentiary on last Sundav. I the scenes of LIivmIv atrifj, Knt inmt but Shulu, at last accounts, wa still as 1 drawn to a close. Indications now are large. This fellow Shahs has been a that that terrible disease, ! more to be great terror to people of this Statecost- dreaded than war, that destroys ' whole ing many sleepless nights, and the communities in a day, cholera, is rapidly country is rife with accounts of his dotngs 1 approaching along the accustomed routes, since he got his freedom.' When he I and will soon be demanding more-victims left his quarters at Salem he was eneum-1 to swell the list of unnumbered dead. bercd with heavy Gardener shackles, and I One column has swept over the it would seem ! that; if the pursuit had I country from the Ganges to the .Black been properly followed up, Sbultx would Sea, traveled along the Volga and reach Sublime. -This from the Oakland News 2 Creation, affords no more delightful after the Vallandiubam resolutions in e . . w a 1 - speciacie tnan a Httie aog nxiog nis exss- 8tyic, 8ayiD2 that they should please c It is chronicled that on the 3d instant 1 now be engaged in making brick, instead I ed St, Petersburg, while still another has snow fell in Boiso City, . . One of the oldest settlers in Oregon, Mr. Charles Pope, of Oregon City, aged 63 yesrs, died on the 11th inst. , . in Wasco is of prowling over the country terrifying I crossed the Mediterranean and is busily women and children : and robbing at bis I at .work in ; Italy. IJotn " are moving pleasure. In view of the great nsisman- steadily and surely towards the scenes of agement of the State penitentiary of late, the recent strife, and will surely reach as exhibited in . the escape of convicts, France duiing the present Summer. The The Mountaineer is authorfty for, say- 1 and those, too, of the very worst stripe, j class of diseases which are ? said to have is it not time that Governor Gi over made j always been observed as the forerunners a change therein ? This thing of letting I of cholera now prevail in France, adding out one or two of the most daring erimi- I new terrors to her devoted inhabitants nals confined within its walls every few 1 The Summer msy witness more suffering weeks, to destroy property and prey upon and death in that ill-fated State than I our people, and then taking hundreds of ever witnessed before,; 1 J; ,11. dollars from the State treasury to pa for 1 v ' ' 11 . ' . " huntinrr them no. beside navino thmiaw ACCIDENTS NEAR J ErrEB80N, -x roi. . a f , ( j Q - ing that the peach crop - going to be immense. ' 'The Grand Lodge of I.O.G.T. met in Salem during. the week. There was a good attendance. - ... Grading on the O. & C. Railroad has been commenced between Roseburg -and j Eugene City. , , ; V : - The - Vancouver, TV. T., land office ; disposed of 4,804 acres of land during last month. . ; !'' ; Mrs. Woodhull says: "No more ba bies, or at least a poor article this or ithe ballot.", ; the leader off Bedrock vs. Vallandig ham ? De mocracy.- Pomeroy s Democrat goes Adventures of Joseph Hackney. BIS ESCAPE. This celebrated young man confesses . a a a . ww . perated teeth into the sleek calf of a TT ' " J ;"T' r pogy tor leaving 1 f ha llninAArara ta Ke - niraiviltf anf int 1 1 , TT 1 1 ? 1 a. A I - a Hnnrv hi ha ka. LL I.., a aw suiwiaw no tvucf vnaiuii "wJ Q6 HI... JUS WllUUUt Iir WMWIHBUI or a lonz-aufferiog jackass uplifting his ltn republicans, and , asks : , "la it pos witn the landlord and an -equitapie aa- suppliant nind legs to heaven, kicking tn j sioie mat soiituae salivates tne jaw tiu ij . fmnmtltt iha smh hn kirn I a f- 1 ,L: C mtl fni . n I MVS bUHb KUU IIIUVIKU with a stick with nails in it. , . .j,:. .u. h,m had most opportnnejy gone to sleep ... . . . I " .w-uiiBi.wig an1 he ihonzht Providence was aina. oo wan suoiimity any mrtner gor oucn reeolations, that, as there is no difference h lin, -d vr the fence to trv the ex beautiful Imagery, such pathos, such beten Republicaoisni and Democracy, pertinent of pursuit of freedom among grand ; and unapproachable 1 language 1 1 difficulties. Having staid in Mill Creek Just imagine . dog's teeth getUog undu- 8Uee8t8 the addition of the following to w,th u "ff6 ont f "'l ly experared I Or look if you please, ... harmony to the element in power : "TS? system" ovVT- at tne witchery enuraeed in ine -upu- eofd, That the arrest of C. lu much, he transferred himself, to terra irisr of the suppliant , hind legs", of an I Vallahdigham, the battering in of his hrma crawled under a brush heap, and Oakland jaekass towards the hevings I doors, the branding him as a traitor and laid there while several of bis rpursuers Such m assive intellect as displayed !fc?"i! Woatof the country" was passed over him. - One of them, thegc wno tooK tne pnse for hein? the heaviest man in tion. -.: Salem, took pains to stop on top ot bim Resolved . That all the Republican I aarhiU and the nr Assure came doan so party has done, and all it may do, has solidly that he will not believe that Col- been and will be right. . - lins weighs less han a ton or a ton and a Resolved, That where there is no dif- half, and he savs that he felt as if an el terence between uemocracy and Kepob ephaot had trod on him. ucanism one party or tne other, should disband at once. Resolved, That we put on the skin of a .; WIUIABt BAYZDMOlf, REAL ESTATE DEALLC, vTfllce, He. Front Street,. PORTJLANV - - - above could on class Wallapus. We learn Oakland's one ahead. ! ands more to the captors, does not show Taylor, of J efferson, gave us the follow- j to any advantage theboasted "economy" last Saturday : On the 7th, Maxwell thatwas to be brought to bear in regu- Johnson; who Uvea in the vicinity of ! lating prison affairs when the Democracy J efferson, was plowing, with the lines obtained the ; keys. Such outrageous either over his neck or around his body mismanogement, to call it by no harder when, the plow strikiog a stamp, with name, has nevet been equalleuVnd calls 8uel Iorce M to brc aouD, lree t loudly for a change. " the horse8 tarted, dragging him over the plow, bruising and . lasccrating nis from the San Francisco Chronicle "that a- newly-invented gun specially adapted tor killing fur seals, is the latest triumph of man's genius on thia coast. ' The : new weapon bas a noiseless report and is said to be so skill fully, constructed' that an - improvement jaekass and hew wood and draw water a. Lnnc.iKsnti.i Tt forour roasters. , ; ; ,u . - . . .ti I Retolced,- That the Democratic party has lnl r.) haan wtatMntnA thA lnTeiltOT I .. . . . .. . ... J j. r aisoand, and its members join in a car- aeeping tne , utmost secrecy op m iue pet-bag crusade against the long outraged present time. The gun has, however, land submissive people of the South v.. t.tA itiu ..U i1i itiliwt it The above resolutions are offered for - -- i , r . r- -orfc .J!r.Mr. ThA frfal of operations ,ne auggWHon oi uie euiucraw u vmy ' j r np AT. ESTATE in this CITT mod XAST PORTLAND, in lh mot dirbJ loelitle, eon i.ting LOTS, HALF BLOCKS sa4 BLOCKS, BOUBluf ana bivbm, , i ; TvmnvrD FARMS. u4 yalasU onltir.ted LANDS, located to ALI parts of ikm STATE for 8 A LB. , REAL ESTATE and otlior rLPnTZ ehsMd for CorrTHBt, tms yT througboat tao 8TATB ami TBBB"OBIBS, with grut oar aoa wo mmm OEOUS TERMS. ' : ' ; - . . HOUSES and STORES p0? NEGOTIATED, and CLAIMS OF tli CRIPTIONS PROMPTLY COLLECTED. And a General FINANCIAL sad AOBNNOT BUSI NESS tnunocted. ': ' AGENTS of thU OFFICE In all the CIT- tpq ..j TnwNR fa, ihti STATU, will raeuvo descriptions of FARM PROPERTY aad forward lbs saaao to tho above M4rm, AT THE FAIR GROUND whither Mr. Hackney went to keep his appointment with Shultx, he passed the night, part of the time housed io junn Savage's barn which is directly opposite, much disaDDointed because Shults tbrew off on him and didn't come to time, and as cold and uncomfortable as a man could be who was iust out of prison and later still out of Mill Creek and the mountain has been conducted in the waters of the North Pacific, the result of which was a large haul of fur seal. Heretofore this valuable animal has been killed during the breeding season, when it resorts to land, is utterly helpless and tike fur of an inferior quality. . .v 3 n:- iii - . - . waters iruiu iud oauuaui, uk u ton and, as a recipe to a waa)ed w wneB jn the creek bay ,n making political campaigns easy, fhe comforter that Joseph chairman of the commute on resolutions ' " . . . , f . , . , n i came near ukioc cuiu m uw should now have the floor to say ; 1 . " tne in mv little bed." : ssiwi i . . . . . . . , , .Friday morning early be started down venr the Preshyterinn General the old stage road towards Gerviaa, and - U I IU C UUUUl tl'ICU UJHC tii i .i e a n v.1- i i : . Ai;n;,-. on a On the 6th inst., James Cossulman, EniTrmi at. AT nsa A t Rr. . .M.MKI. t;m ;..mM .hi. n.. innti. h killed dnrim- at ; , f ... town he came up suddooly, face to face, .i :. .u t?-a.. . . ro "v"wv. -ra V-." ------- - -v"- " " " '".. with a German citizen ot Salem, travel iivingsix muessoumoi BrS, was the morning of the 11th inst , a showing pain. On the same day, a litUe four- Iticxed m tne stomacn oy . nurse ma occurred between Thomas and year old daughter of Jas. Miller, who taUUy injured. j eenry Gale, of the fusion ( Republican, resides just out of Jefferson, cot bold of Armada Jane Marble disappeared from jnd Wm. Thompson, of the ; Plamdealer some matches, during' the temporary (Democratic), in which Thompson re-1 absence of her maternal parent, which ceived wounds, through . the neck," face she lighted, settiog , fire; to her clothing, her home ia Portland, on the 27th of May, and her parents arc anxious to Tcarn of her whereabouts. The Chicago Timet, leading Democratic paper of Illinois, publishes the recent Vallandigliam resolutions adopted in Ohio, under the head of "Obituary."" The settlers in Ochoco valley are anx ious for the establishment of postal privi leges, thsir nearest post office now being j previous aad shoulder, and : his side grazed by still another ball, while Thomas Gale was shot through the breast, making a dan gerous and troublesome wouod, and Henry Gale was pounded over the head with a revolver, and severely hurt. The quarrel arose out of some newspaper, ar tide. , Mr. Thompson is credited with misunderstandings," having badly burning her face and limbs before help could reach her. Through efforts of the physician she will doubtless soon recover, but will bear the marks through life. - - . - t - 100 miles distant. : The trial of Mrs. Fair cost the citv of) San Francisco S5.300; ' Mrs. Fair paid : her counsel $12,000, and one of the daily journals paid 1,435 for phonographic reports of the trial a total of $18,735. Mrs. Belle W. Cook, of Salem, has recently published a volume of poems entitled, "Tears and Victory." It forms a volume of 250 pages, and is well spoken of by the press. killed his man, and severely wounded another, in California. At last accounts all the parties to this disgraceful affair comes a beautiful butterfly with black A correspondent of the Salem States man tells farmers how they can : prevent the ravages of the caterpillar in . their orchards ! "ThU worm (caterpillar) does not produce itself, but at the proper age throws off its worm form and be- the night time while sleeping in the water its head being merely enough above the surface to admit of .breathing. By this means, also, the teal may be pursued during the Wirter season, when its fur is most valuable ; its destruction during the Summer, or breeding season, as car ried on heretofore. " tended to ruin and exterminate the animal. As fur seals are now worth $25 in the London market it will be seen that a good catch would result in a fortune. The probablo results of this important invention will be that Congress -way pass a law prohibiting the killing of seals hereafter during the Sum mer months. . " of the two wings of Presbyterian faith The fund Committee recently reported to the Assembly convened io Chicago that the sum of S 4,706,000 has been collected. This unexpected announce ment occasioned great cheering in th Assembly, which at once appropriated $5,600,000 for the erection and repair of be"an to think himself a very lucky boy, cnurcoes, ci.iuu.iH.i tor noine insula tions of learning, 893:509 for f institutions and 818,666 for hotpitals ing leisurely with a cane, and with a leis urely walk, such as pertains to a leading stockholder io a hotel association. Both struck a startled attitude and each started to run. but fortunately tor Joseph the stranger made the mistake of running ihe other wav instead of after hitn. and he foreign Motion Ovebuuled. In the case of llolladay vs. Elliott, now pending io the Multnomah County Circuit Court, de- ! fendant's counsel last week moved for INCIDENTS BY THE WAV, He began to realize also that he needed a new suit of clothe?, and as no clothing Btores were convenient, to use his own ex rrcnHire lanffuaire. he "cracked six cribs." before nicht without success. II met a a number of railroad hands aloug tho road who-jo conduct was encouraging The grain crops all over the State are j leave to file an amended, supplemental or j even though they offered no material aid OREGON. were recovering. We are glad to hear it, and hope that this lesson, so dearly bought, will suffice. Men who have ca pacity sufficient to run newspapers suc cessfully, should certainly have sense enough to keep out of such ''foolishness" as shooting leaden bullets at each other. Another - Shooting Affray. At Salem on Wednesday afternoon, as the Change. Major Adams has sold his story goes, Willian H. Watkiuda, Super- stripes on the wings. Thia butterfly dur ing the summer and fall months makes a ling around a limb of the fruit tree about the size of a man's fiager, and on the in side of thia ring, of a gummy substance, she makes a great many little : cells in wbicb she lays ber eggs, and they are dormant during the winter months, ; In the meantime the orcbardist ' may : at pleasure take a suitable ladder and rex amine his trees and cut loose all these rings and burn them, j : Thus you may save your fruit and trees. giving the best ot promise, ana mere seems to be not a shadow of doubt but that the crops will be very near if not quite double that of any previous year some contend that the increase will be sixty per cent. : The fruit crop, however, owifag to the ravages of the caterpillar, will be ereatlr reduced, and fruit will therefore rule high. cross answer. Judge Upton s opinion is printed in Tuesday morning's paper and is a clear statement of the facts and law of the case. The motion was overruled. journal, tho Vancouver Rrjrsler, to Mr. Stephen P, McDonald, a . typo, i who. judging from the number before us, will keep the Register up to the mark as a first class journal. Success to Mc. inteodent of the, Penitentiary, attacked Samuel A.Clarke, editor of the Statesman, with a cowhide in Myers store on Com mercial street. Watkinds etruck .T at Claike with the rawhide, when the latter Enlarge. Wm. M. Hand, Esa., t . . lL. , , . -the jovial, oung man of the Mountaineer, ,nd fired ehots, hitting Clarke but ;1baa spread out some of late, and he now 8;slltly wounding bim In the hip, i prints a 28-eolumn paper. Bill deserves but damaging; some of the new - credit for his enterprise, and we hope the tothlox io Meyers' store. Mr. Clarke Mh... r i' : i ! it wr . ,i i - viuhuo v, 1? muuwui see , mill iioer- Mork About 4ub Boseborg Ar- rRAT. The Oregon ian of Wednesday has this m relation to the shooting affair misnamed, for evidently she is an Emma. between Thompson of the Plaindealer. I Sarah of Satan 3Irs. Fair may stand aside. An Ar kansas woman named Emily Sarah Lord is reported to have had nine hus bands in ten 'years. Two died with suspicious suddenness and three were di vorced. , What bas become of the rest is not stated. An exchange says she is and the Gale brothers of the .Ensign ; We have received a note from a person at Roseburg, dated Saturday evening, j which indicates that the difficulty be tween the editors of the two papers at ' that place negan on that day. J bia ac count states that Mr. Thompson of the Says the New York Timet f let us stiek faithfully by such leaders as we hwve It is all very fine to ask us to "throw over : General iirant. Jirst ot an ten us what sort of a man you are going ' to give ns in place of him? Is it to be a Republican who wiil Fashion, in the midst ot her many ec centricities, has revived the high shell combs of our grandmothers. Gold buck les hare also appeared, and as waists arc rapidly growing shorter and more decol lette, we shall probably soon see the styles of Recamier and the toilets of the First Empire the favorites. ' The Bulletin says that on the comple tion of the Oregon & California Railroad to Eugene City, that place will become the most prosperous and important busi ness point south of Portland. This is also the opinion of Eugencists, and they have already commenced backing their opinion with substantial improvements. We rejoice in her prosperity. ;y. lmt. Some genius has succeeded in perfect-: fng an invention which consists of con- r idenscd aoda water, put up in boxes,' con- laining material for sixteen glasses of as pure soda water as can be drawn from any fountain.' The - powder is charged i . with gas, sweetened and flavored - with , pineapple, lemon, orange, etc., ready for . use, and a picnic ' party can carry their .soda fountain in their pockets. ' .'r , The question of bow to secure an ade quate supply of water at fair rates is a - problem . that is exciting the greatest interest among the citizens of Portland. :Tbe owrers of the present witter monopo t ij in that city are demanding exhOrbitant j rates for water, and a portion of the city press is -advocating the erection by the city .of entire new .works, to be owned and jsofjlroiled by the city ; J j .-. i . r ii was conveyca , nm reaiuence, woere oe Qn S,turd, eTening sod attempted to was doing well at last accounts, wane beat him, but did not accomplish his I the Democrats, or a. Democrat who will Watkinds was arrested and put under purpose. J he bloody encounter in wnicn . b cooductinjr the country tcthe xi.UUU to appear oo tnursday morning r"?.." ;r verge ot civil war.UHid probably end by telegraphic report, on tne louewing morn-1 i6"s ""V"" y before J.'J. f Murphy, J. P., for exam ination. ; Observations in the Statesman hng'when the parties would appear to measurable calamity ? with regard to tne escape oi onuuz and I have met again expressly prepared, tor a tha general management of the State moTe serious affray . The meagreness ot Prison is. said to be the cause of the the note before us, as to facta and eausea oi tu aaray. is suen ; ui we nie uu comments. : . . hooting. Bill Watkins, as he is general ly called, is a man of powerful frame and muscular development, while Clark is a small, feoble, lightly framed man, who, it avnerallv nnderetood. i nun mm. son's new schooner was launched last batant. , This being the state of the case J Saturday; that work on the light house people generally will form a poor opin- s being pushed with vigor; that settlers . A . ' - ' v',. ... ... 1 :J1 Cli: . I. - A Ana, n ion oi tne courage 01 uiu uataiods. mpiuij uumg uy wu We don't propose at this time to express t'yi hut that there are still many good C. D. MoClure. writing to the States man from Vannina. Hav. savs that Simo- to h 1. 'The ticket nominated ' I . ...... not suit at an, and every man on certain to be defeated time, and several delegates withdrew one of them telling the Convention to go does it is tloppe4 Over. ' Under this heading the Bedrock Dem- ocrat has the following sareastie remarks over the recent conversion to Demoe- do the bidding of L. of Mr. W. A. Me Phersoo: We see it stated that W. A. -Me Pher son, ex-State Printer, has renounced bis radical belief, embraced the Democratic faith, and is now ' connected with the Salem Mercury. As we have not received the Mercury for two or three - weeks we do not know this of our own knowledge. Under ordinary : cireunmtanees we al ways cheerfully welcome any one who. wrengV haa trie cour- Tbe Democracy of ' California afe having it rough. The Sacramento Dem ocratie County Convention had a -terrible seeing that he is age to forsake his party - and join the Democracy. When a man is convinced he is wrong, it ia his bounden duty to forsake the course he is pursuing .and attach himself to that organisation which he thinks is right. But in the case of MePherson we have no idea he turns over to the Democratic party because convinced that the Radicals are wrong. He has been a Radical as long as it During tho recent troubles in Paris, Bismarck notified the Commune that in case Minister Washburne'a residence was an opinion in the matter, but would eug- locations vacant ; that Ooatta is rapidly MCke,jt the Germans would bombard would pay him ; he was a Radical while , ..- 1 L u V. rl mimv, iu it i, thn Km iihnnraon I r, - , ., . . , inev UlVluea ine loaves auu iw - u" W.T" " -T5n.i " " -f--- raris anu give inearisiane aucn hif he was m R,dical while be cnminais nimseit turns criminal, it is " y, b4 - "-y warming np as they bad never exper- was 8tat0 Printer and in the hey-day of surely time that an outraged people call P transportation company, oimpsoo a ,enced before.: . It is n necessary to say nrosneritv. holding the best paying office Tha Ores-on Ac FumnHn Tm;, I to strict account an administration that saw mill is located there, therefore is des- .hat tho Rnnmnn muAiI . nr i in the State : but when that failed, and a r &. ........ i . . ..i r :vr v- i ; .. , , ,... Society, located at San !. appoints and keeps him in hiirh ? official ted to rank among the commereiah residence.r - f S benator miiiams quit oieeuiog tor mm . ... A r t j l ,i :: I ,..:i 1 k. towna nftlreimn. .i I. V i " ,"r-?rr - - jr.. v. .auuuemenis iw r - v J V' i ' ; : . . . All Rat oronertv bv gambling, aud ' bis party immigrants from Europe. An agency 1 w ior a crime oi mis cnaracter, is im .t. r r.A.A ;--k.i:.1,- a. would help him no longer, helben sud fcM beca "liahed by the Company at pristfoment in the. Penitentiary for not .. . . . ntmrtt . ei8 near Portlltnr d rcsoec. de.n,y bccome9 on.inced.,.tb5a ,h,e 5adi- Fianlfort, Germany, and . ITerman - O. Muller, a veteran editor aad an old rsideot of California, has gone to take f abarge f it, ' ST -- n m t J ly - j jj " 'v ''r i1' -i .- . Tbef Cincinnati Commoner (Dem.) esys; X party must know when to ab . dicate. It may easily find the proper . time to do so by self examination, wheth ,4t has a great man around whom to tally. t Whenever k efforts to bring out Its real statesmen fail, and fail repeatedly M Aatbo. case iu 18, 1848, 1852, and 1856, ia the Democratic party, it ought to admonish it that the career that destroys parties is at work upon it. To i o through the motions of party, when it hV S f to gi?e it tone, is "-S!?11? Psr,' coodi- , n mm m isa years. nor more than tec The Bulletin gives the escaped high wayman, Shults, notice that, if he made his escape from the penitentiary with the intention of . "going for" tho School Directorship of 'Portland, he has made a err an f mwlnlrA A that city has a No. 1 Director, Col. " Dennison, ' who has made his 100-marks, and has capacity sufficient j show for "turning an honest penny" a . . .1 a . . " ' m. a . a ing. some what ; alarming. iot content I nveiy Ausun and Ames, between wnom with having frustrated - the ingenious a fjod had existed for ipmetime, met on schemes of the Hal tford Democratic I the high bridge in that city, and after "wmaatora" and viron .T,l Ki ba( I lama wonfa Tt.nltn Jtriw l Smith . A they have actually captured, tried, con- Wesson five-shooter and fired at Ames, demned and sent to the State prison, one wounding bim severely. Ames immc of the fiaudnlent Demoeratie , voters, and d!,.,i rrmrnwA M Tt.t; nA threw propose to serve the Register of Election, .. ' A, ., ' i.; . who was a party to the frand, the same h,m 0T6r tfia bndS. distance of twenty way. Evidently, a poor Democrat hae no ,nl water, wnicn was wd lee in I deep, from whence he was fished out and to jail. Ames wound ia serious and his, recovery doubtfuL "i . - r r- - - - l j i t i: w ;-.( ... - av to bust the fund without outside help ; f vooueciicui. tie anouia go o xmcw Bent - v ..i, -iai ...W ! l KpMp thera is no such office to " vr ." '"" "H" I , l led hn minht tlnrt.fnnTanial omnlnvinntit ... . . - m . . J I - - t-.ib hi itiai nr nrnipnr i dim will iih.k uiui i - .0. ... . . . J , V.r : , " iaincKmMoi.ii..goloTeriii voiusa The Yreka Jbumu of the per, aouowessr 10 ouuna- ' - - county, by mo vipwai. .. . , , , .... ... ' ... . . " . : :.z . " I ftiiniai tr tia .. An .vim1 biuI The great inquiry now is, what became oomea to us enlarged I new dress. The Journal 8th inst.. in an entire is now a ai- Al the recent marriage -.? of Boss i Tweed's daughter to Mr. Ambrose Mc- teummertieid a "phiai, the oontents of r paper, and one of the neatest Ginnis, leather merchant of New Orleans, which were to set tbe Ocean on lire, and printed snd ably edited journals on the tbus destroy tne world i 11 our inenoa p,ol2o CMgt. We eoorratnlate Bob on thia evidence of his success. the bride's dress was composed entirely uiCf?" lit e death srneil now I of lace' ''S 87,000. Tweeds resi- eu out to.uriaL u.eace. WBa " noWe." - ' . ni , fcllnw. f . A loving heart and a pleasant eonnto- aiu uouiaaiaaelye. ' I mansion ever was before one smau item i " " " -j . I nance .are commodities which a man being 1.009 rose bnda. Am tha wouidtt s uwy m.aa, w.ri roc- u should never fail to lake home with tthyu a eon who ohi,, t 1 bridal rvn . . r n - I "orsDOsition" ifeaerally on tbu coast s I him KJOtoer'e second marriao liitA n S rin. I m . I tl, t PaMininn and annills it makes -- , . S3 a. I - aaanA ai x run tn niwTinr x -r lanr n tm i m. udw uiiMivaw - --r j of the Herald could get hold of that pill i wouldn't they shut off the wind of the i Bulletin aud Oremmian . fellows I ' But i rinik ft n . I tw&n.K: . T .- man awv ,1alEtr!. 9 .r..:.. - VOBling 1M.W, fnllaw almost aloD Over t the bare I far nardina tn ornm nn till La hAflnmM win:r..,. , t-iiw in w-w, ) , i - . -r . "77 It tftkes more than a thousand ir sard a whale. ca's are wrong and he will join the Dem ocratic party, it e know not what others may think, nor do wo care ; but, as for onrself, we have no faith in such conver sions. Mcpherson of course can - profess Democracy ; he may vote the Demoeratie ticket; but he can do nothing more with our consent. He must take a back seat and stay there. He will bring no strength to the party except bia own vote; he will work injury, to us rather than benefit just a Kanaka Jim bas o the Radicals since he flopped over to them ; and we think tho Mercury editor we mean Upton did not exhibit his us ual sagacity when ' he took MePherson into full fellowship, and permitted him to become one of the exponents of ' Demo cratic principles ia the state of - Oregon, i Such are - our . aeotiments, and if any one don't like them be need not .endorse them, and he can take tbe less of it, t Don't Cail oh Her. The editress of the New Northwest complains that the clergymen of Portland do not visit her. She should be aware that the gentry have long Dun i way with the practice of visiting those - who think for them selves. Walla WaJla Union. The Masonic Grand Lodge meets ai Salem next Monday. Cheered by their signs of sympathy he went on and towards nfht he saw where some dame had mended her leigo lords pants and hung them up to dry. r The shades of night were falling fast. He thought before the shadows passed, he'd have a pair of pants at last But, as that pair of pants hecpied, and just before the eventide, the dame came out and then untied those pants from off the clothes line and all his hopes were dashed. ' 'Twa ever thus in childhoods hour,' etc Friday night he laid in the brush almost exhausted and recommenced his Journey toward morning. : Determined to have a little on his head and to find something wherewithal to comfort and replenish an interior that had become a sad emblem of the hollowness of earthly hopes. nis capture. . Towards night he entered a French man's house on tfc prairie, represented that some escaped canvict had robbed him and forced an exchange of ward robe, and was welt fed comforted by the unsuspicious Gaul, and also received a hatJ Then he went on merry-hearted, but hfeenTs to have met a little boy who noticed his peculiar garb, and told his father about it when he got home, and his father, with Thornberry of Gervnis and Lobdell of Salem, went for him, and wouldn't have found him, hid in the brush, only they scared a flock of swine, that tried to run into the sea and runj-o near as to start op and make himself vis ible. BACK nOME AflAlS. Joseph Hackney is a. lively young man, aud kept his captors from soing to sleep by his vivacity in relating the fore going incidents. He jreaehed home agaiu Sunday noon, not in the "Presidential Car," which ' passed up a little before, but by the regular train, and is again a happy and contented prisoner ot the bounty of the State. -Statesmdnof 13. 31 ore New Departure. The De mocracy of the Twenty -first Civil Dis trict Tennessee, the second largest outside of Nashville, at a Convention, May 31st, adopted the following i - Inasmuch as the present Constitution of the State of Tennessee gives to the colored man every civil and political right eojnyed by the white man. It fol lows that tbe validity ot the -1 ourteentn and Fifteenth amendments to the Con stitution of tho United States forms no substantial fcsue before the people of Tennessee. Therefore, in our opinion, oo person ot paper that shall only want to continue the agitation of that question is entitled to the confidence or support of the Democracy of this State.. The report of the Convention goes on to say: "".. U,,;;,.-' -. The list of 'signers embraces ex-Gov ernor Henry S. Footc, late - member of the Confederate Congress ; lion. John C. Thompson, cf the late State Constitu tional Convention ; Rev. A. L. P. Green, and a number of others, among the most influential and best citizens ot the State, many of whom were practical rebels dur ing the war. The resolutions will be signed as they are now indorsed by every lemocraiie Tuir iu i wtsutjr urat lms trict, and wiH undoubtedly be adopted in every county in the Sate. ;..r The War la Eurep. Has at but com to sm and and the friend oi good order aod stable government kaye achieved what appear, to b a complete smeu Hoi o the war ia BrowMTillo aetwwa tb old and yiteaa of dolag baaUess.' wkieh bas not yet readied a tenaiaatioa j aad toadyaj eaatomer eontioa to Sod at Wheeler' store aa opportuni ty to got the benefit of taeir aradaaea and ton- thonght, ? Large addittoashav just been made to the stock, aad people eaa probably supply alargoc portion of Uwir waats -froin Wheelor' tton, tbaa Groat any otaar oaaatublisbMat ia taoeounty. fri..wT.tB iriIl.rnBM'r tnetty bo' styled tho mat Medicine of the world, for there ia no mxioa , of the globe into wbieb tt has not found U wej, and been largely ned and Wuhly prised. More over, there ino ellmo to wbieb U has aot proved t be well adapUxl tor too care i wm"" variety of disease ; tt iea rpeedyaa mfo remedy for barn, sealds, ent, Drawn, w 7 oa otber Injuries, mm wen mm ." ' disrrbosa-nnd bowel eomplnint geseraiiy, tmmn mirnbly suited for every race of aaea on tho face of tbo rlobe. !- -i) '.'-. It is a Tory itgnitleut tact, that ajotwimamad-,. . ing the long period of years that 'Tain Kilier" bin been before tho world, it hn never loot one whit of it popolarity, bnt, oa tho contrary, the call for it ba ateadily increased from Us rK dis covery, and at no previootini ha thedemand for, it been o pnl, or tbo qnantily mads boon o large a it i to-day. - Another ignilieant fact is, that nowhere has tbo Pain Killer ever teen in higher repute, or oee more generally wd by families nod individual, than it ha been here at home, where tt was flrat ; discovered and introduce I. That tbo Pain Killer will continue to be, what we hava styled it, TJe great mJkim of tie Wortd, there cannot bo the shadow of a doubt-Provideneo Advertiser, jane. NKW TO-DAY. ALBANY FOUNDRY AND '"!'. MACHINE SHOP, A. F. CHERRY, Proprietor ALBANY, OHECO, - - ' ' ' Manufacturer of '- . . . t-.- - Steam 3EIxx4Slxa.o99 FLOUR and SAW MILL , MAoaiia-zaxi.'S'. WOOD WORKING ' .and ., Agrriculf urnl JTXachinery, and all kind of Ircm and Drass Caetlns Particular attention paid to repairing all kind of machinery. 41v4 - Sheep Waslt. WE TAKK PLEA8CBE IX DIRECTIKO Ihe attentioa of tits pablie to tn "Glycerine Dip," ; wbicb i nnqnealionably the most Kflieacioei Sberp Wash now in nae. ......... It is aon-poisonoaa, oVie n diseeW tho wool, deadly to all parasite infesting the kia of Sheep and other animals, aad warranted free from arsenic, mercury, mineral, and : other poison. An infallible Cure f r the Scab, perfect Iv harm less to sheep, aad greatly improve tbo wool. It i also free from any of those eaastie- properties found in many other compounds, which render tbo wool dry and harsh, and arewdetrimeatal, net only to its growth aud weight, bat also to its marketable value. . It can ba nMwt with nrfWt mft.t mtmMwmmmnm if the yeer, and ha been found ia practice, ia- valuable for the following purposes j . . - litt. For curing scab, killing aenri, ticks, aad olh,.r parasite which infest tho skin of sberp. ' Id. For strengthening aad aduiug lustre to tho w xi. 3d. For dipping Lambs, even while tucking ewes, as they cannot be injured by tbo material. 4tb. For dipping Ranis at any time of the year Without danger of produc4ng the excoriation which mostly follows the use of other dips, epe eia'ry in the autumn season. . .. 6th. For tho euro of mange in hones and dog. Cth. For the destruction f Uoe and vermin, ia cattle. - - -.v.. , m - Full direction for nee accompany each paekago. , It ha been used in California, with tbo must satisfactory result, in rernentma of wbieb we leg to refer to numerous certiSoaies front well- Wool growers should net fait to try thU Inval uable preparation, which We have every eoaS deoee in reeommeadiag on it own mnrita. . For tale by Messrs. CHR18TT s WISE, Saa Francisco, California, or BEACH MONTETTH, . Juno 17, 1371-U . . . Albany. Oregoo. i 0X00,000. GS-IF,Tf FESTIVAL OMAHA, - : : NEBRASKA Juxxe OO, 3X273. TICKETS. TWO DOLLARS EACH COUP1- 0, VKK VULhAK MACU. ,mw oe-e)ai ' owof oo a oatoaeoen . GIFTS TO BE AWARDED s " Cash Gift . . Cash Oift... 1 Cash t! ift I Cash Git . Cash Gift.. Cash Gift., Cash Gift. 1 Cash Gift. Cash Gift Cash Gilt., I Cash Gift I Cask Gift... Cash Gia- 1 CashGia... 1 Cash Gift. 1 Cash Gift.. 15 Cash Gifts. $500 each.., IB Cash Gifts. $250 each- 30 Cash Gifts. $100 each. 50 Cash Gifts. SoO each. IO Cash-Oifta, $30 each. 100 Cash Out. 2 eaeb . lOOfr Cash Gina, $10 eacb ... 10,000 100$ Cash Gifts, $jach.M. ................ 5,ti 2310 Gifts', amounting to........ 100,0M Which will bo diatributed by tho Mutual Aid AssootAvioa. -.-- ' .-.' x , .. a-ThU enterprise 1U be stmduetedla aptw. oiaely ainuler manner to tatof te l-e Granol Gift Concert of tbe M4.ACASTILS tlfiBARY ASSOCIATION, of Ban Fraaeiaco, which gave Bach UmivrttU Satitmtliom. Good, respoaaibl agoata wanted. Liberal commissions allowed. , . - - s. for full ftwtsnuan adjrat LTFORD 4 CO.. taAa. ITebraaka. Otaoo. 'CaMwoU Uoek.. i. . $30,000 15,000 10,000 e.neo 1,000 ,ooo 1,000 i,ooo 1,000 1.000 l.ooa '1,00 1,000 1,000 ,400- s.soa 2.00U 2.&0A 8.000 3,Wft 1