4 VOL. 3. ALB ANY, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 17, 1871. PUBLISHED COJLIi. jrrica 0:1 corner TCIIT SATORDAT IT I CXEVE. PEBRT AND FIRST-8T8. TERMS IN Six Months Single Copies ADVKRTISINGl Transient, advertisements' linos or less, first Insertion, ' insertion. $1. Larger advertisemeats- ins iberal terms; K AS VST Si I VANCE, . ...Three Dollar Two Dollars Ten Cents ATES. ' i erSquare of ten each subsequent xted on the most V'IlaAsAroteUre4.".ew rjtpetoek or colored inks, cards ir ftordon Jobher, etej-r-we are: pre- M'ed to execute- all Klaus 01 priming in & pwi manner and fiftv per cent, cheaper tnau ever be fore offered in this city . , , " - - . . . - -. -i : i. . ' , - ' ' . ' - -Agents for the Registor. , The fillownig gentlemen are authorised to re ceive and receipt for subscription, advertising, - etc., for the Register ; JIT K AM SMITH, Eaq. ...... Harrisburg. JTodse 6 H. CLAUG11T0N... Lebanon. PETER Hi: ME, Esq Brownsville W. R. KIRK, F.q - K. E. WHRELtTR, Ecq Seio. T. II. REYNOLDS, Esq -. Salem. O. P TOMPKINS, Esq llarrisbur". L. P. FISHER, Esq . "Frisco. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. JOHN CONNER, B A Iff RIN G .. "ABB ' ' ' ' EXCHANGE OFFICE, ALBANY, ORECOS. DEPOSITS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO check at sight. - , . Interest allowed on time deposits in eoin. Exchange on Portland, San Francisco and New York for sale at lowest rates. Collections made and promptly remitted. Refers to II. W. Corbett, JUcnry Failing, . P. Ladd. S- Ranking hours from 8 A. jr. to 4 P. M. Albany, February 1, !S71.22v3 "BUSINESS CAHD3. ; C. MEALEY ; DEALER IN & MANUFACTURER' OF 37 XT KTITU - and - CABINET WARE ! 13 e deling, Etc.', Corner First and Broad Albin streets, . ALBANY, OSEUON. J. QITIXIS THOnSTOX, j. TTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW h Office No. Ill First Ftrect, bctweea Mor rison and A ldtr, opposite the Occidental llottl, Portland, Oregon. ""' Will practice in the Superior and Inferior Courts of the State, and in the District and Cir cuit Court of the Uuitcd States, giving special at tention to the collection of debts in all parts of " Oregon, and . obtaining discharges in Bank raptcy, which, since the last amendment to the law, ma- bo obtained from all debts contracted prior to "January 1st," lSG'J, without rtffiard to the per eentao which the assetts may finally pay. : .November 20, 1870-12v3y: . ; jjS" particular attebtios paid to "3 OROEKS OP AX.Ii KINDS ADVERTISEMENTS. LOOK I1ERJC ! .u SA3V FUAACISCO STORE! V CQRWBtt KIRBT AMD PCB&T STREETS, ; ALBANY.-.....;.,........, OREGON. Keeps constantly on- band a full assortment of STOVES, PUMPS & TINYARE I I will have for sale the celebrated Xla,xn.ozxcl ' Hoolt cook stove, and other leading styles. ?.? -Also, manufacture all kind of Tin, Copper and SUeet-Inm Ware, -. - in the best style, at lowest rates,-. FOR CASH r .COUNTRY. PRODUCE. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CITY DRUG STQRE. a. cAoTnms. " t Bv SALT ARSH. ':aV carothehs &co., . - f ' DRUGGISTS & APOTHECARIES, " ' "(Foster's Block, First street),. : - MRS. VAN T ACTOR,' ' - DBAX.BR IN MILLINERY - AK0 'FAKCT Goods, Lebanon, Oregon, baa just received an elegant invoice of stock and goods to which she invites the attention of the ladies of Lebanon and vicinity. . 35. rroanee win be taken in exchange for goods. ... , , E. VAN V ACTOR. May 13, 1871-363 ' ALBANY, j i t ORECON, Always on hand a full supply of Ths Farest Wines and Lienors, . ; fur MeflTcinal purposes only. - . :', A well selected stock of is ::;. Groceries , ami Crockery I will always he found at my establishment." - i I will sell all goods in my bouse, for Cash or Produce on delivery, cheaper than ever before offered in this market. " igj. All kinds of repairing done, on short notice, and entire satisfaction warranted, at my. Stove aud Tiu Store. ', , ,-. , ,. . ". ? - , . JULIUS GRADWOIIL. Nov. 19-11 , , . BUILDERS, ATTENTION r SASIIBLWD AD EOOR F A C TOR Y ! Mitiii in . - Drugs; Chemicals, Medieincs. PAINTS OILS, DYE-STUFFS, French and ..American Calogries, : ' MANDKERCniEF EXTRACTS, CONFECTIONERY. in his. lino October IVJS-S ijUDOB KBI.SAT. - - JOSErH HASXl-S. KELSAY & HANSON. Attorneys anij Counsellors at Law. (Partners for Linn county.) - OFFICE In Tost OfTU'o Building, (up stairs') Albany, Linn county, Orejon. , 9tfv3 L. STRUCKMEIER, MERCHANT TAILOR, v 1 ALB ANT, OliEtJON. -TC3T RECEIVED, A LARGE ASD WELL (J selected stock of French liowls, consistine of Cossimcrc?, Boavers and Doeskins, and all manner of Fancy oods of the best quality. lif Suits made to or.cr. 4fi . L. STRUCKMEIER A CO. ceo. r. settlejVsIEr, I R U G-G I S T. (Successor to D Parrisib,,s New Ruililiug-, l-'irst Street, 8. B. ALTHOtSE. S. WRICRT. J. r. BACKKSSTO. ALTIIOUSE & CO., ITOS STREET, (OX.TDE UIVEB BANK), ' Pure , TVincs . &.., .X.iqiior., " ' . f for medicinal purposes"' Fine Tobacco and Cigars. &JS) Physician's Prescriptions and Family Recipes compounded wita care. December 31, 1870-17 " - Dlscriptive Ll&t NEW.: TO-DAY.' D. TITUS, Dealer in J. WATCHES, ' OLOCES, JEWBLRT, ETC. ' 3&3 Renairine of Clocks. Watches. Jewelrr. Ac, attended te. AU work warranted.' " 81 vS A Strange Story. A BAUGAIIV OFFERED! A Slendld Drug Business for Bale. ' " WIBnTNOnffOrRBTIRB FROliV ACTTVB busine.s, owing to proiraeted ilUfaealtb, the undersigned offers hia large and nourishing DRUG ESTABLISHMENT in this city for sale at a low figure for CASH. ' Apply soon, if you want a bargain, to - - :. : !.. .. .. GEO, F. SETTLEMEIR . Albany, Oregon. Daily Orcgonian copy onemonth and send bill to this offiecjse 27 ' K"otioe. GREATER W. Wakefield,) ALBANY, OREGON. ALBANY, OREGON. T EEP ON HAND A FULL ASSORTMENT, iV. and arc prepared to ITixi'Tiisli. to Order, Doors, ISIisids, J. Wi Ulesitrey. C1 EXTLE.MEN'S BOOTS MADE TO ORDKR R en short notice, and with, neatness and dis patch. - " " - jzyy- Al". Kinds of Repairing Sone. ' Albany, June 11. 1870-40 I. IS. RICE, HI. U., PHlrSIClAH AND 'SURGEON, Albany, - ----- - Oregon, OTFICE ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF MAIN Street, ' ' Albany, April '70.-32 DEALER IN- ik'ugs and Medicines, CHEMICALS, PAINTS. OILS, GLASS, ETC. 3 hand and receiving. IV. s. C CONSTANTLY o J larre stock of " ' Groceries and Provisions, , ' Wood and Willow Ware, Tobacco, Cijrars, Con fectionery, Yankee Notions. &c, Ac, holcsale and Retail, opposite R. C. Hill A S.nrs dru store, Albany, Oregon. jn40'T0 W. D. ANDREWS. UTI.TABirEL. ZXiltabidcl & Co., DEALERS IN GROCERIES AND PRO visions, Wood and Willow Ware, Confec tionery, Tobacco, Cigars, Pipes, Notions, ete. F rst street, adjoining the B nk, Albany, Oregon. . ; vl . All articles warranted pure and of tiio best quality. jf Physicians Prc?criitions carefully compounded. Albanv. Oct. 17. !SfiS-6tf LIVERY, FEED & SALE S TABLES! ALBANY, OREGON. 3IOXTG03IERY & BARTCES, , PROPRIETORS. A ' E ARE PREPARED TO FURNISH the pnblic with neat turnouts in the way IT Stylish Buggies & Carriages .a?:a s t S t . HITCBELL. J. !t. DOI.PB. A- XlTZ. . Xlilitchell, Dolph St. Smith, . VTT0RNEYS A COUNSELLORS at LAW, Solicitors in Chancery and. Proctors in Ad miralty. OSce over the old Post Office, Front street, Portland, Oregon. - - j I ' JAMES A. WARNER, Civil Engineer & Surveyor. IS PREPARED TO DO SURVEYING AND Engineering. Uses improrved Solar Compass. Onlers by mail promptly attended to. Re.i'ieuce on 4th St., apposite Dr. Tate's rcsidenoe, Albany -Oregon. - nI9-6m On th-; most reasonable terms. Our livery is all new and of the latest styles, and we shall take pride in giving our patrons as neat and reliable an outfit as ean be obtained in the suit, Horses boarded at reasonable rates, by the week or month. Hack and Carriages furnished for parties, Ac A shara of public patronage is solicited. j I MONTGOMERY 4 BARTGES, ' Albany, December 17, 1870-15- v:.-i and Sasli, .- fuih as Crown, Panel, Rand, and Section Mold ofallsi7.es. . WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES I Flooring;, awl nil other kinds of " ' Ruildingr Material - CITV PROPERTY FOR SALE , 'bt STITZEL & UPTON, " Real Estate Dealers, Albany, Ogn. CITY OF ALBANY : Lot 3, " block 6 Good house. Lots 3 lind 4. " 2 unimproved. ; . Lots 1, 2, 7. 8, 19 Good house and stable. Lots 5 and 6, ' 2 Good house. Lots 5 and fi, 130 . " , Lots 1, 2 and 3, " ft house and two stables. 9 Lou . " CO " " Plenty of excellent fruit a desirable homestead INDUCEMENTS ! Now offered to the trade than ever before, as we . sell for ' - t Cash : or .Trade ! ' In hand, and, having dispensed with long credits can sell - - . - f i-:. 15 per cent ' cheaper ' Than any bouse giving 12 month's time, or any kind ot a credit system, can oiler to the trade. Come along with your Cash or Produce, and see what you ean do at the CASH BTOKK of It. CritSADiitS A CO. N. B. Cash paid for all the EGGS offered. : ALSO . " Are prepared to do MILL WORK t furnish Shl kcr Fans, Zigzag Shakers, Suction Fans, Driving Pulleys, of any kind, at onr Factory on Lyon street, (on the river bank), nest below Markham's warehouse. - !ALTHOUSE fe CO. Albany, February 0,1863-4. " ' Lots 6 and 7, Lot 1, Lot 8, Lots 2 and 3, Lots Lot 7, Lot 4, Lots 3 and 4, Lota Lots Lota 3 and 4, Lrit 4, -" 24 Good hou?e. 14- " aud stable. 103 " 3 20 ' i ' ' 60 .unimproved cheap. " 5 , . , desirable lots, lis 1ox house. 7J acres ' good timbered land, one mile from Albany, in Benton county. ' Ten Homestead Lots, (5 acres each, mile north of Albany Forry, at $120 each. . For particulars apply' to V jr. C. MEN DEN II ALL, : -Real Estate Agent. . Office in Parrish Brick, Albany, Oregon. 40 A Great Bargain..' v , ... .. milE FARM " KNOWN AS "FARMOUNT 1 Lake" is offered for sale at $10,000 in coin $4,000 in hand, and the remainder in six equal annual payments, with interest from date. The tract is in good shape, being nearly a square, con. turning about 6fi0 acres of rich soil ; and is diver sified with forests vast, fair lawns, lordly oaks, and willows sitting by the lake, tbe woodland and prairie so alternating as to make it one of the most attractive places in the State. It is situated on the west side of the Willamette river, 'within half a mile of Albany, rhich is known as being in the heart of the best agricultural portion of Oregon, Tbe location is healthful, : It has a good stone quarry, about 100 acres under fence, a two- story frame barn with shedding 90 feet snnare ; large and handsome new bouse two-stories high thoroughly painted inside and out, the large eup boards and book.; ae.s being fixtures, and tbe house having under its whole length a good dry cellar. In addition to thesetbere is a neat welV bouse, a wood-bouse and all other, necessary out- honFca. x here is a meadow, large pasture, or chard, garden, Ac, Ac. It is susceptible of be ing divided-into -foar farms, all'of -tham' having good soil, fuel and rail timber, and three of them narinjr stock-water. For particulars address J. C. Mcndcnuall, Esq.. Albany, or the undersign at Portland. " Feb. 14tb, 1871 2v3. ' Attorney at Law. CO., well selected i TIZE OLD STOYE DEPOT ! JOHJV RRICiCiS, DEALER IS STOVES, COOK, PARLOR &B0X. of the best patter- A7.SO ' rowELi.. i-.ri.is iJ. Powell Fllun, : -" A TT0RNEYS A COUNSELLORS AT LAW X and Solicit rs m Chancery , - . " - -i , Is. Flinm, Notary Public,) , - v Albany, Oregon. Collections and conveyances promply attended to. , . , fT' t - GEO W.; GRAY, X. X- WOITLD SOLICIT THE PAT--ronasre of all peesons desir ing ARTIFICIAL TEETH and FIRST CLASS DENTAL itera tions. Nitrous Oxide administered for the pain leas extraction of teeth, when desired. , Charges moderate. ; Offim in Tri-;.fc A fin ' brick block. Resi dence, first bouse south of Congregational Church, Irontiqg on Court House block. . Albany Oregon, July 2, 1870--43 WAITED. 10,000 -:ix i .... . B U S II EL S OF OATS, for which, the highest market price will be paid, in CASH; at the itore of N. S. BIT BOISE Also, Batter and Eggs, in unlimited quantity, for which the highest market price will bo paid in con. can and see iner ... --' ; . -.,:: Albany, Aug. 20, 1870-50 v . - , S20.00 A DAY ! TO MALE AND FEMALE AGENTS To introduce the celebrated $25 CO -s ullAEYE SHUTTLE SEWIXO STITCH ALIKE ON BOTH SIDES, and is th. rfS?f!5 1J.l,fD4cd, hu"le roachioe In Ik! Hf.i4.8": "old ' 40. to ase bvT, ;r , "'lson e1. an are acknowledged Ar' iVw?. . votn free. Ad- 20vim rJiAttoOH, Gee.'Agts., , 20v3tf Albany, Oregon THE NEW ENGLAND MUTUAi. Llris Insurance Company of Boston is the ouly company on tms coast, gorerneu uy iue Bflassachnsetts Non-Forleitnre Law. This comnanv was incorporated A. D. 1835, and has accumulated assets of over $000,000 00. Tbs following lapsed policies bpve been paid on this coast under this law : .; ' - : Over duo at time Tiu, Slieet Iron and Copper War S anJ the usual t3Sortmcnt of Furnishing Goods t be obtained in a i -s. No. of policy. 33018 20160 i. - 30ad1 Of death. 0 months. . 4 months. ; 3 months. 10 days. 1 1 months Atut. insured. $ 5,000 . 10,000 1,000 2..W0 .5,000 Had tbe above policies been in any ether com pany, they would nave oeeo zortvited.- The above facta speak for themselves, and to the wise aud prudent fuethcr comment is unnec essary. , EVERSOX & MIDDLEMISS, ' GENERAL AGENTS, : :: ' SAN FRANCISCO, l . FiTi n ri J Local Agrent, i i Albany, Oregron. February 25, 1871-25y ,. rCRWIIwG. - -:. TVB'lVIIVCt. as U3 CO : V 14 Q . t- on i ax PBKPaaan oeo ALL KINDS F ; TURNING Jt I keep on band aad make to order RAWZSIDB-BOTTOItTSI CQAZRS, ft ? -Aan ii :"'JZ-;:M- Splnsiiigr Whttli y Shop near the "Magnolia Mills." Albany, Nor. 8, 1868 JOHN M. I METZLEB, NSW STTUS PICTURES. THE "REMBRANDT Is the most popular style ofc Photograph now made.: Call and See. i - A.-jJ- v ii Jan. 14-19 Albany, Oregon. yjT' Repair nca tlif and promptly txfutett, "TS - i v - firen reasoHaoteJernK. n5G . . "Short reckonings, make long friends." Front stret..-.....L., Albany. Next door to Mansfield A Co. ' " . doc5'68-I , 'f -,-' Iflro2 JJirGl 3FlxI XVSli. KCIIV & Having just received a Large and .. Stock of . HARD WARE - , sren as. ' ' - FARMER'S & MECHANIC'S TOOLS . . . i : : . ii COSSISTtKO ,! OP ANVILS, VICES, BELLOWS, Hammers, Hammers, . v , , ' . Sledges," Sledges, Saws, Saws,' Saws, ' Planes, Planes, Planes, CorssCnt and Mill Saws, . Together with a large assortment of IRON AND STEEL Nails, Nails, Nail. i uiaif0 kiiuic, uiiugcj Axles, Thlmble-Skcias, Bolts, AlC, sac. ... ... ..... ,, ,c -u,-- '; Also, a -well. Selected Stock of Wagon Tlmtoer, SPOKES. nUBS, BENT RIMS. SHAFTS, POLES, HICKORY AXLES, ETC., All of which we are now offering to tbe public at low rates. - As we make tbe business a spec ialty, we can and will keep a better assortment at lower prices than aDy house in this city. Receiving and opening a largo and splendid assortment ot WOOD ANX WILLOW WARS, ' Which we offer at reduced rates. : " ' T r . , .W. H. KUHN A COi In the Montcith Fire proof Brie, First-st. March 12.-70-27 .' v., ' FIRE AND MARINE 1 iivsuraivce cohpawy; ' SAN' FRANCISCO CALIFORNIaV ! ' Total AsseU.:.::. (Gold) ...1.T?T 36.63 ' ' J. HUNT, President.' ' , v.iVi-5. Wk. ALVORD. Vice President. ' 'A. J. RALSTON, -Secretary, i.i . ? ' A. BAIRD, Marine Secretary. , , ..: - ., " A Stitch ' in Time Saves Nine !" Fire . and Marins : InsuraiicB Comiiaiy ! . .. Nos. 416 and 418, California street, San Francisco, -' - - ' - California. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE Cash Capital, lu Gold Coin, T5O,0O0. s Deposit In ' Oreyon, 50,0O0. - Losses Promptly anif'Equittihly AdjutlefL And i'aid in UoM Uom. ' rpirilS COMPANY having complied with the 1 . laws ef Oregon, by making a deposit of fifty thousand dollars, is now prepared to effect insur ance against Loss or Damage by Fire, and also against Marine and Inland Navigation risks, on liberal terms. - i OfSTAYE TOTJCHARD, Pres , .CHAS. D. HAVEN; fieo'y. - - - J. C. Albany, 1871-18 MENDEMHAtX," Ag:ent fori Albany. AEIXAiY DOOK STOKE. ESTABLISHED IN. 1856. " . : 1. ... ,. "" " " '" Tk E A L E R IN ' EVERY VARIETY OF U Miscellaneous Books, School Books, Blank 'Hooks, Stationery; An. u Books imported to erder a .uuri nonce. ..... ' .:v .i'i' liustn Albany, Oregon, December 3, 1870, 3r The leading Fire and Marine Insurance Company on this coast. jJtCf-SjOjOOO deposited in Oregon.- - xgf Losses Promptly and Equitably adjusted ana paid in uoiii voia, -... - LADD & TILTON, Geo. Agenta r For Oregon and ' Washington Territory JOU.COIER, Agent, - - ALBANY, OREGON. A . March 4, '71-26y . , - II. C. CLEMENT, I 3T. T 33 3Et 4 LL KINDS OF PAINTING, GRAINING J and paper-hanging.- Walls colored aid whitened. Orders promptly attended to.' y Shop over Adams' Wagon Factory... 31vt IS HEREBY OIVESr, THAT' I': HAVE opened a . , , t - . Eivery and Feed Stable ! in the town of LEBANON, where I will bo con stantly on hand to attend 'to the wants- of' the people. i ,,, .... .')...,,:' I will run a hack from Albany to jLeuanon ana Soda Springs, on Saturday of each week. - . All business entructed to my caro .will be promptly attended to. - - Lebanon, Sept. 10, 1878 lvSmS .f Potatoes !" Potatoes J " aft III ecived and in per bushel, by S-' : t juarcn li, its i-a7ti . etore, for ssle at $1 25 N. 8. DUBOIS. Patroulse Home Manufactares t SETTLEMIRE'S KtRSERT, Six miles Soath of Albany, Lluu Co., -' rfi: .!i.. : lTeatir . tlx Ii,iilrroixl. I S 0 LICIT THE ATTENTION OF ALL persons desiring to purchas Fruit trees to call and examine my stock, which is composed of the largest and best selection in the State, con sisting of Apples, Pears, Cherries, Plums, Prunes, Grapes, Black Berries, Currants and Roses.. Also,' - i ' Black and, White Walnut, English Wal 'nut, nickory, Penan, lledbud,, Honey Locust, IJackbcrry,. ' and a number of other varieties of trees and plants too numerous tu mention, all of which are offered at low rates, J A HENRY W.' SETTLEMIRE.' December 17, J870-15 CITY , MAKKET, -I FIRST STREET, ALBANY, OREGON,' J. E. HARRIS & TaROPRIETOHS. We shall S, HAIOBT. CO., en dearer to I'? always keep on hnnd a full supply of all rf. ; '"Kinds of Meats!; all of whUk-waiie of-tbowy 'best quality v The highest market price paid for Beeves, Hogs and Sheep, t j . - . , . s. ' Third dooftrcst SfFerryj-on south side of First streets. J- L. HARRIS CO.- - Albany, Dee. 13, 1870-15 D'R o o r.i o : . RISEN FROM THE DEAD. .w . , Several days ago a jeweler on Mont- gomcry street - received a visit from an old friend, one-whom in 'former years had been a companion of his in a-little village in the State of Tennessee. - They had not . met for many, yean, and, of course,, -had much to say about ancient friends and long-gone incidents. . r-Do yon remember Henricka," said the jeweler's visitor, "our -young lawyer, the ':Pride of the Village,' as called him. whose brilliant career;. ended so . unhap pily 7 Not many hours ago, while in cargo a express office, I ec countered, a gentleman -who ' bore a strange - reaem- blanee to 'our unfortunate acquaintance. so much so, . indeed, that: I tuougbt . it was Henncks himself risen from, the dead."' Nonsense ; v "poor Henrick'a crave is many, hundred miles' from us, far away in the lennesaee village. V "BsaL" said the other, "do von not recollect hia iiajbit ot throwing back hia head Whan speaking, and that - scar on the cheek which, ho swore he received in duel ? My specter had a scar,- but only had 'a side' planae at him, and he leit bciore I , conia satisty, mj cariosity further." r "When next you see Henrick's ghost, track it to its sepulchre, John, and ' wo shall lay it together, as the Romans say. And so they parted. . - . , THE PBJPE OF THE - VILLAGE hn Truth is stranger than fiction : and wild and improbable as the following narrative may appear, yet the writer has it from the gentlemen' alluded to in ' the introduction, both ot whom are mflaen tial and respected members of society. The hero of this strange tale now holds an important position in this State, and only three individuals on the Coast are aware or bis past lite, come may say that to unveil his, secret for the purpose ot giving a sensational nlory to the public is malicious and morally wrong ; bnt our defense-is, that it ran never injure the individual never lead to the discovery of his name and that a tissue '- of fact so strongly tinged with romance, is wor thv of publication. IIo has since his resurrection for dead he was in tho con viction of several thousand people led a useful and honorable life, that in itself would be sufficient expiation for the errors of the past. So to begin. About twenty five years ago, in a .-. village in I eonessee the name ot the viiluge wo shall not give lived a young lawyer, whom, for eonvenience sake, shall be called lien ricks. . His : talent' as an - advocate and fluency .in political speeches soon marked him out as a rising man., ii others, with marriageable daughters, invited him to their houses i young ladies smiled on him and cast ' their nets; fathers produced their best wines when Henncks filled a chaic at the dinner table' and in. fine, he became at once the pet of-, tho village, In every important suit he was the lead" mg counsel ; in every ball the belles favored one : . w every riding party- the -commander and.- the director, v But ilhe doctor's , daughter blue-eyed and - golden-haired with , her . soft ' ballads and gentle ways, won v the' lawyer's heart. Many were their walks in the tender gloaming, 'under sycamore and elm ; their meetings in the morning before tbe sun had robbed the flowers of the dewdrops and so their courtship went on. And when at last they stood before the alter, the neighbors agveed that never - before was so auspicious a wedding. . - , - - t -.,.. , , BOWING TEX STORM.' . As the years passed over the heads of Ilenricks and his : bride their prosperity i increased. Children with ; the mother's eyes came to them and blessed the house hold, while clients poured the shekels into the -Judge's fioffers. The humble cottage where the honeymoon was passed was exchanged for a stately , residence, the long walks for a carriage ' with crest and servants,' and all the pomp of riches. The Judgo s wines were the 'best in the county, and .the J udge's r hospitality brought htm a . legion of .friends. Din ners ot the most expensive character were -a daily occurrence, until people wondered" how even their host - could afford such luxuries.- But the Judtre was -changed.., .Not that he became proud or eold, but crow's feet gathered thick and fast under the eyes", add the forehead gamed "many wrinkles. : A cram, .the gossips said the Judge; is overworked and careworn, he - seems to be losing his powers of enjoyment. However, spite of wrinkles and crow's feet and moodv the ball, for v stranger to ii c: ' Midnigbt- peals ford as a t" expected at the t . . earden where ,tLa-tI-ll u the perfume ef Bamtner f. i . . , 1 m . i a i T the splash of ftmnUics trz 1 ..r refreshing io the sultry ni;U; 4f" 1 conservatory rich wita the weil. j 4 tl tropics, and from the nooks end v-roer marpie iook ooiaiy uown o iu w- - -ing groups below, the guest tils to 'the supper-room.! The rarest efforts ef th skill of the maitre de evtsine are there f wines born ia the French hillsides and T mellowed in the nobles' cellars bcibl out from delicate Bohemian glaesee' while erotesQUe piles of ' swtUmeata assert the : cunning of ihe pastry . eook Tbe Judge is at the bead or ui trjMi - his healibhaa been drank with all the;., honors,abd Leas risen te return AmVi ' But ere the applause which rre4 tie toast had subsided and before the" Judge's - pa were opened, two stranrers enter the supper-room," approaching; t" kost and one tapping him on the shoulder says in a clear voice-heard from one end 01 the hall to the other : "John HenrSeks. I arrest you for forgery here is tjr warrant' - : ' V . THERE WAS HTJRRYIrtO TO AMD HA Had an earthquake shaken the Judee'e' mansion, it could not have produced more consternation than did this extract diners' arrest. But how did the prisoner, the host, meet, this unlooked for contretemps!1 mv . .was a stot witn tne oota, surprised stare or as tonished innocence, but with the ath of one who received a long-expected calanv Uy. His 1 wife begged or bint to speak, but be waved her aside. .Tea minutes afterward be was whirled away from that brilliant ball, from - wilt and ctuM ctKI friends, to be lodged iu a felon's cellv WHAT THE WOBIiD SAID. The village was astounded ; the charge gradually leaked out, even before the preliminary examination Judge Ilen ricks had forged bonds to the aaaotmt of over half a million. The Government was determined that he should be telJ up as an example. , How the paras. tea disclosed their true nature., and east stones at the man at whose table .they hsd feasted, and the true, loving, manly hearts clung closer to the -unfortunate -ono whoso shr had found him out. Never a day ' passed ' without the true ife, the strome ivy that clung to the tottering oak, visiting his coll and cheer' ing him wxth bopes of acquittal. . Hut one day after , tho wife had passed .out, vno jailer looaeu into nis prisoner can, dui it was "empty, tue siuuge nau utsap. pearcd. - " ... .. . '.. : . Morning' saw - many a 1 Gotef nmefll official on horseback in pursuit of-the fugitive. The wife was closely interro gated, but she declared that she knew nothing of the husband's flight. ' She had left him in the evening with the few delicacies and books brought , to pass the solitary hours, and imagined that he had composed himself to sleep before she left Wood and -brush, swamp and tanglewood were .closely searched, hut no trace of the forger was discovered. On the . fourth day -a stray horseman' from tbe main -body fired his pistol as a signal to his comrades. He was standing over a dead body when his comrades arrived, a body dressed in the Judge's clothes, with his nrivate documents ia tbe nook eta aad a erest on the ring that encircled the finder of the cold stark band.'. . Tlli WVStVJLL.' t-.'i ? i ." . , JViA47ftMt, eto, and few, Indeed, of the mourners that followed the bessae to the grave murmured of the faults and follies of tbe cold clay . in its rosewood eeCta The widow, pale and hsr-ard with the burden of a mighty grief, stood by their fresh grave and her tears fell, thick and fast when the clay fell houow and mourn- tuU; on the casket. "Ashes to ashes. -dvst to dust," iu the minister's dull . monotone ; rcqui'fcat i pace oa the plaie marble - headMoae, and the remaioe-ef the hrilliant, . the . prosperous- bat erring Uenncks .were left to mingle wita ttsr yellow clay. -. ' .'' i. . n I, I ! I mi IM jeweler s store on Montgomeey street. twenty years after the event , .t eeoraea ' 1 " - - CONVICTieW ' ia nave met nim, Aienricas nismu. Nay, Holmes, this time I have not been deceived. Come with me and I- will show you the dead alivethe Jaxlt o!i, gray and careworn, but still the hero of tn K-wtRaM tJt dsvs and .restless nishts. the Jadtre's HAVING GONE LARGELY INTO house was open to olL Parasites were tbe manntacuiro 01 t ALL GRACES i-4 of cncc:.:3! I am prepared to furnish the Oregon public with as good a broom as ean ho obtained on the eoast, at Portland price. Crdors solicited.' - ' ? Address all orders to. BLAIN, YODHC A CO., Qereral Agents, Albany, Oregon. . ' W. D. BELDIXtK . Albany, December 3. 1S70-13V -' t AJLiBAIVY J3AXII HOUSE. ruwHB UNDERSIGNED WO0LB-RWRPKrvr 1 fully inform the eitisens of Albany aad vi cinity that he has "taken charge of this establish ment, and, by keeping clean rooms nad' pay in r strict attintic to business, expects to . suit all tnose woo may iavor mm sua their patronage, liaviog heretofore carried on nothiug but ; . . First-Clase Hair Orasslag' SaieeuSai he expeo's to rive entire satisfaetioa to all, ' f sar- Children and Ladies' hair neatly ent and shampooed. ; w JOSBPH WSRBJEJt , , ' ' - : .ssjrS r . . , -- THE - PTJB1IO . ARB HEREBY ; WARNED ' not to trust my son, Jacob P. Martin, minor, as t will cot bo responsible for amy vdobts r bis contracting from and after this date. - r. 6GLVIA MARTifr. HarrUburff, Or., May 19, 1871-58. numerous, but true friends were also there who loved .the ; generous, whole souled man," whose bounrv was so unlim ited, i . ; Snai sj-s.'.-.ii'i REAPING THE WniRLWItf It was the . eishth anniversarv of, the Judge's marriage, and the Judges man sion was in a blaze of light from roor to Dasement. ' A long lino or -earriagoa was s-. drswn un outside the stately porch, and women in beautiful chenes and with all the fascination, of society's queens swept up the pictured ball toward the ball-room. , Mrs; Henricks and her hus band received eongratulatioos aed pres ents from their guests. ;. Music with "its voluptuous swell" wooed young hearts to the dance and unslloyed enjoyment, pleasure-bubbling and sparkling made eyes look brighter and forms more madly as they moved in the waits over the smooth floor..' And -heated and -flushed from the glorious exercise and arm-inarm the dancers wandered In - the eon aervatory, end gentle questiona were asked and of t rerponses. given uvretura. But it'ia idle to describe the pleasures of wonder in the viUace oT d seven days Tennessee.: -. The ieweler took his hat aad the street with bis friend. ' Here he comes. -Look at' him, and tell me, am I not right : - ! The tall, sp'are man, face to face With ' the landssarkg of the past, grew pale and staggered before his silent accuser ; waved his band - deprecating!?, threw hsck his hair with the oli gesture aad with bowsd bead passed the only' tTO men Q the raciSo Coast who keev tie story of his guilt 'and who tatrvtijl at the mystery of his resurreetios.. , . .t r ib -' ': 4 .CCI.WIO - 4 :: - ';' , W e have only givu tke t!L!a CcU ef this strarge story,, v' oci exr yin'l Ja or embellishment.. . . i a t" v v .'l t ia in the swanp,: wi;V tLa i. . 's'b f r ments, was bom, . cr t V tl j heo "tf this extract;' j r rr " i I -rs: ZZ, theprinc!7'l r.:.i v" irjt, r " v holds a hi-h i -,i i'' -j : "ita. v 1 j wife and ftt.;:j i - t : ' :x 1' r tTuth is strar. tlA i. .-JL.-y.-rL. '. ' ' AYheB yci z'K rr t winter, re- you ciz .;-, ' hoes you duj the poUtoss x'.Ji if