HEW TO-DAY. j A Newspaper d the Present Tiroes. ' 'I IntacvIsJL lor taoiila- Havr on Earth. Taclodmg Farina S. JTcrha .lci. Mcrebants, Pro."'' femonal Men, WuiKsi-a. T:iiaicrs. uaj a 1 ia--. ner of llone.-t Foi.. ajj tbe Wives Sons, and Daughter ot all 13,33. v... ONLY, ONE DOLLAR A YEA It I OSB HCN3RIB COPIES FOR. Or less tttan Onf Cent a Copy;. Let there be a 650 Cm! at ev.srr Post Office. SEMI-WEEKLY SUN, S3 A TEAS, of tba same siza.ant, general ".iarictor o '' THE WEEKLY,' bat with a cxean-r variety of miseolarcntu realms, arid farahlita- tlie nffs to its miHciSSD.iwits ci eater frssuaess. because It eaines lwre a weeStastead of once only . ' THE DAILTSrX, SO A YEA It. A preEmtnanilv rail newspaper, wita t lanres; c.rcjmijii m Uie woruL. 1 Kre taiie. Jdent. rt 1 arl0- In ,.,,. A lYh. newt from Tvr.f where. I w . cen:s a eopy ; by S ui fjTHE HIGHEST CASH PRICE, PAID FOR . W O O, Xji J delivered at our Wharf, Albany, by Apr.22-33m3 BEACH MONTEim. 200,000 POIJXDS OF WOOL! ; For which we will pay the III.U12ST CASH PRICE ! Wool owners will do well ti call .n us before se'ling. ; ,5r-!?J Liberal cah advances mada on Wool, : 34n3 P. C. HARPER A CO. NEW TO-DAY. STITZEt & REAL ESTATE A S D '.! GENERAL AGENT S UPTON, BROKERS, TETAAI3 TO CLUBS. THE DOLLAU WEEKLY StTN. f Jve copies, one Te-r, Noarwir nrdrm.s-d ' T . ' Four ilollan. Ten eopte-s one veir. sen-.rateir oj I-ci ea r,,d aa extra omy to Uejenr aj T .Hit,) ' a -. Eislrc Bollarn - (.aati.riejri7 tj ue ,---f up nf cmt. Fifteen Uolturs. itv enn one lear.loone a vdrn, tte Sm- eec y one yenr t . evttewa of ! Thirty-tUreo Iolisn. mtWeij one ye..-.--.. .-..(r n- o wnM. . " rji-T-1 73 Ooliar-. n'l tue I-ai'y ro.- oiu- re .r x.. . r - Mity ;ol!-rC. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. 'Sl LSI:''"' Trrx G..O yciil. i r.r. -..-:) Iv , SUN. Ten errr.r, o-c re- P-::. n r t 3 t"-.-:-u t v. InT'M f lfir- tua wr-A.:tJi. I. "W .t j i.-.r.. ii,,s rcji-ii. :;ca. n,t Vort C!tv. J 1 Lli-U EAI PAPER, nil si.s i..t I f and for sale at tins office, low for cash. R. h. Mcdonald co., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS CAS rSAITSISSO, CAL., Call tlse attention of Dealers to their 1arre assort, meat cf " Neviy Arrived" Ooods, composed la part of the following articles. tojrlthcr with eTcry thine kept in a well mpnUed WHOLE SALE UBIU STOliE. FBEPn ITt-r09. I TTT.TE3fS 1f.etai:at-b Patixt HtDimts, I Drvsoists' Bcxsciss, TRVS9KSs SrPPOCTKBS i SUAKER HERES. . F.6SBXTIA.1. Oils,-. . I FtsFi'MEfiiK, ... KEBOaSSJB QlLt, . IftUTSAlil) OlU, Widen we offer at the lowest Cash Prices, and are determined not to be undersold. . C E. McDONAiD & CO., Sjji Fbajkcisco, Cal- FOH SALE, Our Irng Csincsa li.rauii ciaco, Cai. Al .tr ir l)S-t wishes iue our thanks for An Infallible blood nmiFiEn, possess, ing rare toxic and xeklvue properties a certain cure for rheuxatism. tour, SELBALCia, and all kindred Diseases. - It completely restores the system when im paired by disease, revives the actios of the kidxevs aal coital omcAits, radi cally cures SCBOFULA, HALT BOEtia, and all eki-pttve rtT.VTEOL's Dis eases, gives immediate and permanent relief . in DTsrErsu. ebtsitelas. Tumors, Boils, Scald Head, Ulcers and Sores; eradi cates from the system all traces of Mercurial Disease. It is niELT vegetable, being made from an herb found indigenous in'CaiuEaraia., It is therefore peculiarly suitable for use by Females and Children, as a blood ri al. FIES auad BEKOVATOR. F'or Sale by all Druggists. EEDtNGTOK, HOSTETTEB & CO. ' ' AGENTS, 529 and 531 Market Street, San Francisco, ranoli o JTf 00, ZLIbany, Oregon, J. C. MEXDEBilULL, - - Agent, ' A 1 ENERAL LAND AGENCY FOR OREGON. fjT Established July, 1S68. An office where gt-ucrul information concerning the resources of Oregon can be obtained free of charge. Loans Decollated on first Mortgage, Real Es tate and Collateral Securities. - We have for sale a largo amount of property located in the town of Albany. Also, Farming lands, of every des cription, located in Linn and other -counties in this State. To the citizens of 'Albany and. vicinity, and to the owners of Real Estate : We take this method of calling your attention to our place of busi ness, llavine determined to-open a Branch Of fice in your city, we can offer you a medium for obtaining purchasers one that is appreciated by buyers, as it saves them much time and labor in searehiutr -for what they want? Onr principal Agency, at Portland, Oregon, is thoroughly es tablished, and the office go well furnished forgiv "ing information upon Real Estate, that it affurds the most complete facilities-tor all parties having business in our liuc. ; Ssut-.-You incur no- expense io placing your property on sale with us unless a sale is made. - Office on First street, opposite Post-Office. JOHN C. MKXDENllALli, Agent. Albany, Ogu., March 23, 1870. 29tf. STITZEL ' UPTON, REAL ESTATE BROKER 6, J. C. MESUESIULI,, Ag-eiit, Office First st opposite Post Office, Albany, Ogn. AVE for sale in the city of Albany, a desira ble Homestead. Lota 1, 2. 7 aud 8, corner Third. Fourth cud Klsworth streets, one -f the best localities in Hie city. tA good one and ibolf story house, with nil other conveniences. pply to .. J. C. MENDEXHALL. Agent, , . . Albany, Oregon tft ft A. CuW.l1. A. W. STAICAHD. COWAN & CO., Wholesale and Retail Scalers in STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODS FIRST STREET...:.... ...'...ALBANY. LATEST EVIDENCE 1 CUKE THAT1 USE THE BEST Every day briujjs st ng pro. :f lu:3 CO IT i II ! REMEDY I if of the great vrjuc 7o. 132 West Pan Fran and expres- the liVcr;? patronage we have- re.ti.cd for more than tKonty-ono years, luriag which period we have been sK-aJiiy enael in this Orag business io : Califurnia, we be,; to say in conse.jueure of the rapid growth-of Dr. Walker's Cnlis'ornia Vinegar Kitters, now spread over the Tnitad States and eiiuotrics far beyond, we are nectsritated to devote our entire time to said business. We are the Oldest Drug firm on . the Pacific Cast and tu 3 orly n, coa'innoas under tbe fame proprietors shu-e IS 9. and have Heicrinitic-d tu set! our laricprospi-rus, and wull cstalihslicd bn?iniss on f.vr;ibl ttrms. . TUi k ajaritjyjtunrty f.r men with m;ras, of enw-ins into piofitaule buiinesa ivnh advan-ta;.-s ter Wf.ya oGcred. ? . . A'or particulars enquire f , B 11. MoliOX.M.D .t CO., R. IT., McDos alu, ) . V, h ...legale Irusgist. J. C. SPEcr.n. f San 1'rancnco, Cal. X. 11. tTntil a sale is ixade shall continue our importations and keep a large stock of fresh j goods constantly on Jiaud, and se!l at prices t ! d.-fy competmou. The Great Medical Discovery ! Ir. WALSES'3 CAXJTOB-NTA. VINEGAR BITTERS, 5s Hundreds cf Thotisaiids Tl-cy offer a I:irge and wel" lected stock of STAPLE DRY WOODS ; At Extraordinary Xow Prices FO R Oaissli or Xroclvxce I S3 Uear ftftimony to their Wonder- J.U1 I.IU1UK9 5 E.B" 5VVHAT ARE THEY?g3 ft" n if.1 f n III fell PI S;: . ---i - Sri w5S Br. r. M;rcdith, PcntU t. pfaco Sixih street, stavs as followE : CtscixxATr. October I, 1SC9. '- aicssrs. J. X. IIAHP.I.S & CO. Gents r About one year ago I took a cold vrhk-h sjttled on my lungs. A violent c-ougb was the consequence, which increased .with ssverity. I expectorated large tytiaatities of paleia cud uiattur. During tho last winter I became so much reduced that 1 was confined to my bed- The disease was attend ed with cl l ehills and night-sweats. A diarrhoea set in. My frien-.ls Ihongbt I was ia the lust stagva ef consumption, and could uot possibly get well. I was recommended to try : -cVlleix's LiiingBalsam j Tbo f.jrniui.i Wits qiven to nic, vrTacli induced me' to five it a trial, and I will only add that my r.-oPfh '.s entirely cured, and I nm now nblo to at-. ' V-ni ta my business is usual... Yours rep-tfu!!v, j , ' P. MEREDITH. ! Ail affiii'ted with Couch or any Throat or Luug trouble should u5 Al'en's Lwng Balsam" without delay. J. N. HARRIS & CO., Sole Proprietors, Cincinnati, Ohio. .. : ' CABTIOX.'-'-V.--'.--: j XJ o not oe-ueceiveu you v. oo wans a goou med icine, anil uesire "jliu-rs Ianj litiuam, JuJo not allow unprincipled doaltrs to sell you a prepara tion called Alien's Pectoral Balsam -see that vou get ALLEN'S LUXU BALSAM, and you will have the best Cough remedy offered to the public and oue that will give you satistaction. . FOR SALE BY ' Y. ' RECINGTGN, H0STETTER & CO., 62SI 4 531 Market-et,, San Francisco, Cal., Agents for California and Pacific States nov5 '.S0Sld by all Druggists, 'fe. : . 9-70 THE NEW FOOD. -fcfA at .Tft' .-ar'r-' r--art-' J- , In addition to a very largo stock, covcriag everything in tho lino of Cottons, we have a compete assortment of FAFsSCY DRESS GOODS! Latest t'tyks ol Boys' and Men's CLOTHING aM FUPJISHIKG GOODS ! HATS, CAPS, EOOTS?i SHOES, Ac. Carpet, Wail-Fancr, Paper fit Linen Blinds, &c,! &c. Especial attention is directed to our stock of ikon and; steel ' a:td r : E.l4liI?AI HARDWARE! Which is the largest and most complete this side - " ff Pcrtlaud. - Ycu are invited to call aud esamiue our. goods and prices. The highest market price in cash paid fcr Wool, Bacon and sLard ! NEW TO-DAY. Oct. 30, 1S69-8 A. COWAN & CO. J. C. M.ENDEN HALL, IVo t sx t y X ublic, Real Estate axd Insurance Arjent, ALBANY, : mi : : : OREGON. RENTS COLLECTED; AND TAXES PAID for non-residents and others, making out real estate papers, up stairs. Office Parris etc. jUiaee A'arrisn brick. tat:-. Og 2 THEY ARB NOT A VILE "'SB M l rU - l n I M V 53Z ts r r i u n i ii iv , .-wr Made f Poor Ram, "vVblsUe;, Prouf Bfilritsi and Refuse Liquor dtctcr;l. spiced and wcatened to please tiis taste, called 1 on lea," AppetiBcra, Restorers." A-C-, that lead the tippler on to drtLokenncss and rain, bet are a true Medicine, made from the Native Coots an X Herbs of California, free tram nil Alcoholic Btinjulitnts. They oro tlioliltEAT BLOOD PUKIKIKSt anil LIFE OlVIXtJ 1'JilN CIPLS a perfect Innovator and lavlgorator of the System, earryisa; oH all po5sotnc matter and restoring t:ie blood to a hcaltfcy coaditlom. No person can taie these El :tcrs according to dircc tion and romain long nawcil. Far I Blammutarr nail Clirouic Ithca - suirfBB nod (-our, lyyapcmtisl r I iitli iretlo, Bilioa lmltCHt. nod later mittCBE Fevcrt, IMaeaac (if Ilia Silood, Liver, Kidneys, and liladdcr, tUcse Itit ters have boca most suecsafnl- eiath JDis cam are caused by Vitiated Btoad, wiilcU Is treaerally prodneed by deraacement of tua ' DitrestlveOrtra.ua. " :' DVtiPBPKIAOB JKDIOESTION. Beadaehe. Fain la tb.3 Sbonldera, Cobs'.is, T;rht aess of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of - the Stomach. Bad tosts ia t'jo Moath B.lioas At - tacks. Palpitation of tho Heart, Inilamiratloa of - Pio I-aiiEa.Paln la tliereslons of the Kidneys, and akandrcd ether painful symptoms, are tho off springs of Dyspepsia. - ? ' -' - - " They tnvlgorats the Btomach aad stimulate the - torpid lrvev aad bowels, whieh renderthem of an qnaUed eaVcacy ia clcaaslng that blood cf all taparitiea. trad imparting newlifa aad vigor to ' the wbole system. FOB niSEAE8,Erar4.oas.Tottcr, . Salt Enenm. BlotciuM. 6pt. Ilmplca. rostalcs, v polls, Carbancles, rang-Worm, Ecald-Head.6orO' : Eyes, Pry sipclaa. Itch, Soaria. Dlscolorationa of tho Ssla, Bamors and Diseases of tae Skin, of what vernama or natars, era literally dag op and carried oat of tiro system ia a clior' time by he tue of thess Bitters, One bottla Ja such eases win convince the atost lacredcloos of their . curative effects, . Cleaass the Vitiated Blood whenever yon find tt imparities bnrstino; tbroagb Uc skin (a Pltn ' pies. Eruptions or Sorest cleanse it when yon ;flnd It obstraeted and sluggish In the veins j ' cleanse It wiiaa it is tool, Had yonr f eatings wilt tell yo wkea. Keep the blood pore and the Jiealta of the system will foBow. . . - PHt, TA FR and other W O larking la tba system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed- For fall directions, read carefully the circular around each bottle, , 1 J. WALKER. Proprietor. K. H. MuDONAlD ; CO, XreKg1ats aad Oca. Agent. Ssa Fraaetaeo, Calaad S3 aad B4 Cotauieree Street. Kw York. "ICU PT -H pnCSOISTf. AJT0 DEALEIta, 3 For a few csnt3 ycu can buy of: your Grocer or rraggist a package cf SEA II0SS PAEINE n'ad frpm purs Irish IIoss or "arrajeen, vliicli will make 2lcoa quarts cf Eliric Hange, aud a like quantify cf Puddings Jjxtard3, Creams, Charlotte ZHucse, zg. j It is t!ie clieapest, hca-Itiiiest arid most delicious food, in tuo Vv-orld. It makes a splendid Dessert, and has no equal e.3 a light and delicate food for Invalids said Children. A Glorious Chaugo 11 . nin cnnAT Avonr.i: toxic. ' I da not wih to lnforur you? reader, that Dr. Wonderful, oranv other faian, has discovered a remedy that enres Consurnptiou, hen the lunjrs aro nearly half consumed, in. short, will, cure all uiseases nhether of miud, body or es:ale; make men live forever, and leavo death to r-li? f'r want cf work, and is designed: to make our sublunary sphere a blisalul Paraduo, to which Heaven it self shall ba but a side show. : You have heard enough of that kind of humbugjrery. But when I tell vnu that Dr. Safe's Catarrh Remedy tcr'H pontrnef' -ure the worst eases of Catarrh in the ileal, 1 only assert tliat wbicb thousand can testily to. 1 will T iy 3j0O Reward for a case that I cannct cure. A 'pamphlet giving symp toms and other information sect tree to any ad dress.' T his remedy is j SOLD BY ilOST DRUGGISTS IN ALL PARTS - OP THE-WORLD. Prico 50 cents; Scut by mail, postpaid, on re ceipt of cist; cents, 'or four pacVages for two dol lars. Beware of counterfeit and vmrthlcn imitar ti'tnt. eee mat my private btamp, wnicn is a positive guarantee of Genuineness, is upon the outaitlo wrapper.. Remember that this private Stamp, issued by the United States Government expressly for stainpinRs my medicines. Las my liviuub, uniue mm aiuirco, atu tue words "U. e. lertiucato ot Ocauineness," engraved npon it, and need not be mistaken. : Don't be swindled by travelers and others representing themselves as Dr. Sage ; I am the only man now living that has BMun..igu ou'j iiftui io luauuiacture the Gen- u,u . u.aLiit xeuieuy, ana x never travel to sou tnis meaieine. - ' - I.-. P.. V. PIERCE, M. D. 21 q3 ' 13.1 Senaca street. Buffalo- N. V ' . ; Iiaata.tion Bitters. TZis .-icoistferful vcgetalile re storative i tlie alicet-aucUor of tlia feclslc aud 3clilltatecl. . As a foiilC' aud cordial tor -tHo aged and iiiESisid, it lias no equal Qmoirj stcmacliica. As a remedy fti- i lie Bcnoaa vcaJsacb . to m Z:LcU wis?s tare especially sua 'act fit ssipersediiss every otJier .-ilair.Jaai. Xa rJ.1 cUiissie,tTopi--f ra::x ratc, oa fri5l?7'i nets a f?icr.s ia every specica of ': -'.; xrV.'.l t:tsJerB!inc the : :i:'nzt ! ujttl breaks down t 1 i-pirtts. ; JTor sale ty - ; !.:. ,x .... .....R-V-i ij-.- (i . 4 - The standard remedy for Coiutdb, Infiaensa, flare Throat. Whoonina Couah, Oroun,., Jiivcr Complaint, Jronehili, hletdiag of the Lung, and '. .. . i try L , n . evei-y anection or- tne xnroat, juags ana v. ucoi, iccludinj? UOJUBUJViriXWJM VVlKtar's Balsam does not dry up a Cough knt. Innaon. it. ri.imsQfl the lunes. and allays irri tatinn. thiui remmtimi the caute of the complaint. o-nnninx unless sisrnod I. B UTTa, .-. - Prepared by Beth W. Fowle A Son, i Boston.. ; Sold by Bdingtoai Hoatettor ?o.f San Francisco, and bv dsejers jrenerulir. ' s ' . - : S5 CO H . M ft a 0 PI 0 H H 0 H 0 o o Pi o 13 t . . H E-l O TV, H rrj 2 0 B 0 , ' fi o 0 R o: - TfK a a S 6 .... 1 to ' V w u S.4 es u It; es ft) s ' SBB i ' -.s v e S a ssr e s H H sal e H at t3 a I? - u o 03 on o o ALB AN In WORK sUSPENDeT&. SANTIAM DITtJHri A T A MEETING HELD BY THE STOCK J holders and members of the Santiam Ditch Company, it was resolved by the Company that, before investing all our fortunes in so hazardous S speculation, we recommend to each, and every one of the members of the- Society to secure for their families a BUCKEYE SEWING MACHINE, so that in case of a failure in tho Ditch arrangement their families would have some means by which to gain a livelihood. f , , Eight Reasons why the Buckeye Sew lag machine is Superior te all Others t 1. It is the simplest huttle machine made,' 2. It has less wearing parts. ; . ' " - 3. -" It has no snall springs and compound cranks... . .-"V fi' -! 4- It is better adapted to a large range of work wilhoutchange. ' y : . r &. It has less pieces cf machinery. i: 0. It is less liable tojoreak needles than any other machine. . . ? : 7. The Shuttle wilt wear lunger than . the shuttle in any other machine. i - : 8. That it has the best Feeding device, which will never wear out, get out of order, break -needles, feed unevenly, slip on starched goods, or pucker the seam, so that one part of the fabric will eotne out shorter than the other, which all other feeds are liable to do. It makes every stitch of an equal length. It is stronger than other feed.. We can take a strong piece of cloth and pat one end in onr machine and the other end in any other machine, and guarantee that our machine will take the cloth from the other, in con sequence of the superior strength of the feed. - - It is the only feed strong enough to feed thick sole-leather, sewing on shoo soles- No soaping the cloth or any other aid is required. , It has no complicated machinery, and therefore is not liable to get out of order. - It has a beauti ful movement, making nearly- two thousand Stitches per minute. The BUCKEYE SEWING'MACllINE makes the lock stitch, tbe-sanie as the llowe, - Wilson, Singer aud Elorenee alike on both sides. We offer a premium of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for any machine on this eoast that will make a stronger or more elastic stitch than the ltUCK EYE. For full particulars address. . MINER & PEAKSON, i' General, Agents, 34v3. " Albany, Or. llts. A- JOH3S, MILLINER AND DRESS-MAKER, FIRST STREET, ALBANY, OREGON. - T X 21 me -will res wiu ew their SubscriK-a. understand tnat -h. that number, and they . M-h subscriptions. Terms $3 per annum, in advance six months, i f three months, $1. '- ; - Post OrFics Notice. :The Post office in this eity will be open on Sundays, hereafter, from 1 o'clock to 2, and from 3.30- to 4. P. M. -, : ' j ' E. A, FREELAND, P. M, Bridal and mourning Bonnets and Bats Made to Order. ; --, Bress-makio? Done in the Very Latest . btyte. ". - - Also, the only agout for the SINGER SEW ING MACHINE. The Ladies are requested to call and. examine the SINGEI1, which is the only complete machine in nse. Satisfaction guaranteed, or money re funded. Albany, April 8, 187I-Slv3 For the Harvest of 1871 ! as a CO es ' it Z ;2 t3 es es .22 S n? -- & sr. . ZT an Si u d- - t 1 fi r 0 S U co ' " tu q: 1 9 -I in i- ! - U -J A I Q. 2 1 oa 0 -g 0 r, fi -n e a . PITTS' THHESHERS ! HAIAES' HEADEItS! LATEST IMPROVED MOWERS ! .And all kiuds of Agricultural Implem'ts & Machines On hand and for sale. Also, THE CELEBRATED BAIN WAGON BLAIN, YOUNG A CO., April 20, '71-31 Albany, Ogn. - Citt CouKmi, Met on Wednesday evening. By resolution Mr. John . Long was appointed to superintend tbe work on the streets ordered graded aad graveled, in tho place of tbo Committee. Af ter allowing several bills, the Council adjourned.. Strawberries. On Wednesday - Mr," John Millard presented us with the first tame straw berries we have seen this season aid they were huge ones, a half dozen or so, sliced up and smoth ered io cream, being amply sufficient for a mod erate appetite. ; Postponed. -As returns from tiokct agents have not all got in to the office at Omaha, tbe drawing has been postponed a few days, until full returns are all in. The drawing will doubtless transpire about the middle or latter part of the present month.! Enough tickets nave already been disposed of to insure the success of the enter prise. So say the Omaha papers, and so write Messrs.' Lyford A. Co., the agents, N ' Gose to EnoE.ii!. One of our oldest eitfsens, Mr. S. Montgomery, left us during the week, bav ins invested in tbe hotel business in Eugene City.! We predict that the St. Charles, under his man- foment, will prove a big thing exactly meeting the wants of the traveling Community,, and pan ning out well for Moot. Success to the old boy, anyhow. -" - '" " '' '': ''' ;. .'."'.:- New Paper. Mr. EH Carter issues to-day the first number of his Heal E,tnt Speeial, a month ly journal which will be distributed free. It eon- tains much valuable information with regard to Linn county, Ac, which will be highly appre ciated by all, especially people at tho East who are casting longing eyes to the Pacific slope-.-Sue- cess to the Special.. . -, Fell, is the Race. Micky Murray, a lad of some eight or nine years, aecidently fell into -the mill-race the other day , but being on the swim, he kept his nose above water until another little shaver ran up to the hotel, a distance of three blocks, and informed Micky's father, who came aad fished bis boy out. " ' " T ' Lis Cocstt School Fvsd.- Linn county has a school fund amounting to about $90,000, which is kept on interest at ten per cent., payable anna- ally. This fund will soon amount to a sum, tbe interest of which, when so applied, will aid very much in the establishment, and maintenance ofa system of free schools ia tho county. The Dis trict school fund for the pros-snt year amounts to about $7,0C0, This fund Is used in aid. of tho District schools within the countv. -". Tha Highest Price Paid For WOOL, BACO. & LARD, at BLAIN, YOUNG A CO'S. April 29-34v3m3 KToatct Store S 35fl"ew Qr ods! a o PS r-H P-l to m ' m Sal Ni 'S. s SB w a a o ti . M OT O U H. W W M . i i Q O 1-3 3 ta EH . H - a a b c - a w 0 fi 9i 3 ' S ' es . W : U : U O ii ? 5s w tax fi s J. M. BEACH Is now opening a Selected Stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE! Consisting of STAPLE-AUD FANCY DRY GOODS, v. Groceries. - Hardware, CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE, . . Roots & Shoes, - ' JPainls fc Oilsj . Which he is offering to tho public at price cor responding with the times. All kinds of Merchantable Produce taken in exchange. for Goods. . Uoms one, come all, and examine prices. At the old stand formerly occupied by D. Beach A Son, opposite Foster's Brick, south side Firs. street, Albany, Oregon. . 31v3 THE EYES ! THE EARS 1 Dr. T. It. ooivnrcir. OCXTLIST A1VD ADJUST, GOLDEN 13 A gttN OF THE noted old Onthim; ti..,v a r Oolden. .' . . Dr. GOLDEN has had experience is treating the various diseases to which the eye and ear are iabit. and feela rnmfl.iont r . ..ti. faotioa to those who may place themselves under siab can. . Albany, April 10, 1869-Sly : " - ; ALDAH r , B LA K. led, Mortgages, eto.i- oa hand lateas siyies, ana lor sale low, at this ofo A Stitch in Time ' Saves Nine!" TTisrxo3r ' Fire and Marine Insurance Company ! Kos. 416 and 413,. California street, 1 San Francisco, - ' - - California. Imfbovemests. The new building on corner of First and Broadalbin streets, ercit.d for Schmocr A Strong, is ready for the plasterers. The new City Unll will soon be in readiness for occupancy, the walls and ceiling up-stairs, having been duly plastered. Mr. John Conner, Banker, has torn away the old frame adjoining his brick store, and will soon commence tho erection of a brick building for a bank. Mr. B. W. CnndifF, we believe, has tbe contract for the brickwork. I.NFor.MATiox Wasted. V.re call special atten tion to the advertisement in to-day's paper of Mrs. Anna Miller for information of or ab.int her husband, Mr. James Miller, who has been absent from her three or four year, as she does not know, whether he is alive or not. To relieve her anx iety and distress, any one kn-wing of Mr. M.' wiicreabouls please address her or this office When last beard from, Mr. Miller was residing in this city.-.' ; ' j ' REMEiisenED.---Tbe young ladies who oriirina ted and so successfully carried out the Fair for the benefit of the V. P. Sunday School Library lart week, presented IhisoQice with a largo and deli cious cake, Friday of last week, for which we ti-nder-nur best bow, and tbe thanks of the entire : chebans:. May they always be plentifully sup plied with pocket-money, and when they get uiarriea wen, .tnat s xneir ousiocss, ovi our?. : ' Officers Elected. At the annual meeting of tbe Albany Fire Company - No 1 on : Tuesday evening, the following oflBoera were elected o serve during tbe ensuing year s President, M . V. Brown ; Foreman. Joa Webber j 1st Assistant, James Hermn ; 2d Assistant,' Fred. Graff; Sec retory. A. N. Arnold ; Treasurer, M. B. Crane. Friday evening was appointed for drill, at which time a day wonld be selected for housing the en gine in the new quarters. ; Gonto ro Brownsville. Mr. A. B, Pastoo, the taleutsd artist, who has been operating . with Mr Winter for some months past, havinz con- cluded hi engagement here, goes to Brownsville lor a lew weeks, wncro ne wiu ii6 " -t,. with some of those splendid Rembrundts which has given our gallery such a splendid reputation. llrownsvillians Mesiring spienu pi"" go to see Paxton, as, aniess they come to the gal lcrv in this eity, they will be anable to secure sack faithful representations this side of San Francisco. Father Shepherd who, accompanied by Dr. Alexander and others, has been to tbe mountains on a hnnt during the week, sneaks' in high terms of the Willamette A Cascade Mountain WagAn Road. - Travel has already commenced -over the road.' They met Parrish and Laf-llette, wuo were driving three hundred and nny be.irt or cat- la into the Ochoco country, on vreiines.isy. sev eral other parties with bands of cat le were met making their way to ucnoco, oesiaes n ams ana pack trains. Tbe mountains are tail nf deer, and our party succeeded in getting thohr share. - STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE Cash Capital, In Gold Coin, 8TSO.OOO, Deposit In Oreg-on, 950,000. Losses Promptly ami Equilubh Adjusted And "aid in Hold L'om. THIS COMPANY having complied with the laws of Oregon, by making a deposit of fifty thousand dollars, is now prepared to effect insur ance against Loss or Damage bv Fire, and also against Marine and Inland Navigation risks, on liberal terms. CHAS. D 9. C. .Albany, 18U-18 GITSTATE T0UCHARD, Pres. UAVEN. Seo'y. . . A-fent for Albany ALHAAY HOOK STORE. ; . ESTABLISHED IN 1850. ; E. A., FRKELAND, vt n a v. IS R IN -EVERY VARIETY OF 1 1 MisceUaneous Books, Sehoql Books, Blank. Books. Stationery, Ac. Book imported to erdee at short notice. - " ; '.' ' ' . Albany, Oiegon, Decembers, 18i., ; ! lVotice to Buyers I Any one wh-hing a Bmall : fann, eonxiiting- of 105 acres of good land, one mile fraea Albany, ia Benton eounty. Oregon, can apply at the Cash Store of K. C beadle UO. . Also, a House and Xot in Albany. R. - CHEADLE A Co. Albany, April 15, 1871-32B11,! . , Drvqs asd Medicisbs. Fred. Hill has a way all his own of informinglhe reading public of the fact that he ia engaged in the sale of an almost endless variety f drugs, merticires, chemicals, painU, dyes, toilet goods, and lots and gobs f here. We came very near omitting to mention that he is also agent for tbe sale of a neat little Sewing machine, which the ladies should see, without fil. If you are troubled wiih rheuma tism, eout. eholie. corns, hydrophobia, measles. night sweats, ranmpa, aloshoverness, T anything else, co to Hill A BOB, ana u mey aon t cure you. you can juBt bet yonr botam dollar you'r a gone in folks that sure. DiEij.--Io. this city, on Tuesday, June 6tb, at tbe residence of her brother-in-law, Mr. 4 Frank Parton, Miss Hattie Morgan, in the 20th year- of fcp m. Rita was buried 00 Wednesday atter- noon, a large number of our eitimens following tbe body to its last resting piaco. Thb Llttlk ConVoBAi..,for Jnno closes volume twelve of this valuable Juvenile. ; The next num ber begins a new volume, and ale, a new J'ory. by that best of writers for ehildren. Entity Hnnt ingtoa MMlsrentitled, "Samme Days at Kirk wood." All new subscribers beginning- with the new volume will receive the June number free. Terms, St 50 a yean or 5 ewe for six months. Address John E. .Miller,, Publisher, - Chloago, Illinois, ' ' ' ;. -, " ':; ; '' " - f5 -5,-. 4 " j af Aciwstar-rWAOiis--Speaking of Agrleul taral machinery, Messrs. Blala . Young A Co. adverUse to sell, at their wareboase in this eity almost every article needed by a fanner. : GO and sue. In addition to their large stock of imple ments in tbe agricultural line, they have received and are now ready to furnish the Bain Wagon, which has gained such a celebrity on this coa t. They have all the various styles and aires. If yoa wat a good reliable wagon at low figure, call on. Blain, Young A Co.- ... . ... :": ,4 ..; ,:i& Woot. Buyi-r jtennrally conwde thia artu-le worth Se per pound. Several loaas have delivered during the week.. ( Pa rag rams. IneidenU.il we might mention that the weather Is all that esa be 'desired,:, and slathers of it.' "' - - ", Judge Kelsay sojourned among us a fetr days, upon some law business intent. Tbe Judge has a large and extending practice. , One of Allen Parser's ltttla gtrli came horns ou Tuesday evening, front hnpting strawberries, se riously poisoned. The timely appoarance of the ' family physician barely saved hex life.: - " -' Mr. McBride (brother-in-law of Jess. Parrieh) -and ton, arrived ia this city on Tuesday, direct' trora Iowa, their former home. ' - - ' A night watchman is now maintained by pri vate subscription. ' . ;-.S? - '.fj- 1 Miss' Hattie Morgan Was baried on Wednesday dfternoon. '?; "'. '.-S;.: n ,:i " .- ' . j jiJ.''4 At the eleotion on Tuesday night, Mt ' Honry .. Meyer -was -the only opposiogeandidate Mr J Br jwn had for tbe Presidency of tho . Fire Com : pany.i:i. fUi.----..;-i:,; t-'i i;j.'V';: ' The New York C irons will : spread its eanvaa iu this ' .city: on tha evening of the ISth next Tuesday.,, v' 4,!.';' r-;,.l,..;ivi.i:'-.;-'! .";iii-roi.l!;.'j ; I We send out a supplement to each eubseriber' this week -4oU of good tending in U. - -i- I . "The Summerfield Case" was so good a thing we could not refrain giving onr renders a ehsoeer tu read it. It will be found on the - 1st nd . 4th pages. ; - -,,! ' v;.f ,' - ,. , . :. Miss Hattie Morgan, who died on the Cth Lust., was to have been united In marriago to onr yonaa friend Straader Price, in two weeks... He has tho , universal sympathy of the commncitY ..Lniis tcrv rible bereavement, , , f . 3 ..,fl,.. . Tbe Little steamer Calil-jpc has been busy dur- ing the week forwarding material from this point to tbe Harrisburg railroad bridge. ; . - . 'j ' '; Mr. Wm.. Tally came down from Corvaltis on Tuesday on purpose to pay his subscription to the. Register.. Bill is bound to be a wealthy nu. .-, An election for new Board of directors of the . Wil. V. A C. Mt. W. R. Co. is called" for ths" thirtcccth day of July next " . ' ' '' : Harris & Co. have Been furnishing delicious' beef steaks of late. For all kinds of 'Sice meat-, goto their shop. ',..' '" ' ' ' '" ' -"' ' Now that warm weather has set In, with pros pect of so remaining for a while, it will only be a matter of prudence to keep a good lookoutagalnst the ehancca of fire. Moas-coversd loofs demand", especial attention. - -' - n"' ' : The O. A. C. Railroad Is now flnisncd to 'a point opposite Harrisbnrg 100 miles from Port-" land.' '''''"' ; ' ' . ''' - r Real estate transactions have been quite "pcerl' " during the week.' .---. - It is reported that work on the bridgo across the Willamette at Harrisbnrg will commence 'on Monday."" -.'. .;--..,;..:...-..'-, . - - . ; Report has it that Mr. Hogg la negotiating for tne purcnaso 01 we w, v, u. m n.tt. o. lands. .'..": ' k 'r;' ' ' ' ,i '(-' "-''. -' ; ' If you want any kind of agrieulrnntlmachiaerr, go to Blain, Young A Co.'s for ii . -' A Fifteenth Amendment received a spanking recently, -'cause he was "glvin of his sass.", . i ' Tbe City Cunncil held a special meeting on' Wednesday night. 4 . - ! .. Willamette river is falling. .'. i The ancient and honorable society, called the "Honorificabilitadanitatibasqoes," will probably take a part in tbe 4th of Jury festivities at Salem. .The largest and most lucions strawberries to be obtained in the State are cultivated by onr popu lar nurseryman, Mr. John Millard. - - - : The net proceeds of the Yonng Ladies' Fair last week was $132.50. .. A neat picket fence has been-erected to front of tbe residence of Mrs. Miller on First street. - B. W. Candiir has some 60,000 or 70,000 brick ready for tbe kiln. It ia not his intention, we be-, lieve, to make more than five or six million brick this reason. ; - , . Tbe present fine weather is being improved by the owners of fine stock, and gay r buggies and carriages and fast teams appear oa the Roods G'lang Avecbe. ' Among others we notice that Frank Parton drives a fine $-100 eoH, that steps out well, and gives evidence of speed, - ' Abe Hacklcman'started on Friday (yesterday) -for Ochoco Valley, over the Cascade Mountain Wagon Road, with one hundred and fifty head of cattle- He is accompanied by Tbanton Hackle- -man, John Davis and Ned Maazey. .. '. . .. ...I During the week several families from Iowa hare settled among' us'. And a number f other, are looked for on tbe next ocean steamer, two or three of whom have rented residences -in advance . of their arrival, through friends here. , y- -. ' 31arktts changed, business fair. .. San Fran cisco quotations show a decline in wheat $'2 35 ' idfl 50 per hundred is the latest.. ... ... On the 5th instant Mrs. Johnny Brandenburg t presented her worser half with a bouncing boy: baby, which makes Johnny smile all over. .. ; i That soda fountain will soon be spouting at " Cerotbers A Co.'s It is direct from Boston. A China railroader at the front broke an anEW a few days ago. - He was brought to tbe eamp ta ' this city. , . -r .... . Father Shepherd and his granddaughter. Miss , Litsie Smith, start for Iowa on Monday.' , ., Real Estatb Tsassactioss -Por the two weeks ending June 8tb, 1871 1 j ',-;"' J. M.Johns to M. it,". Logan t consideration, : Hugh Fields to John Cogswell ; eonslderstion7' $2,000. " ; .' "'' - . State of Oregon to John Beard ; consideration,' BrlO- ':,''." - Wil. V. A C. Mt. Rd. Co to John Grlssom j ' consideration, $30. ' - ' Alex Kirk tc A. J. Warren j consideration, w: M. Steel to A.J. Hodges ; consideration,.' frfiflO. '- ''-;-''- ' ' State f Oregon to Martin Bilyeu j eonsidera-- tiou.$200.- , - ',. - . " '.-' State of Oregon A. J. Bilyeo j consideration. --n - - Robert Johns to J- r. jacwoy , nuu.,j E Ili-eins to is. uyru : oraiKK. J. M Elliott to W. C. Galaher eonsideration. J. . Riee to J. . V- uru 1 wuwii $1,275. . . . ' "i l; Hisrein to..sasannan xtBwiura vu..-- tion.tloO, : ' ; . . ' J. B. Comley t Bqttire iuonigouiori , .- oration $200. -. -.'.' E. R. Geary to J. M. mcwshohj tiou $0,600. - - ' ,, ' Hays Mickey to is. . n. uwj i , .... Jos-'nunsaker to Ni Williams ; coneMsratlea." $200.' "''' ' i In-Mesaerlasa. : T ' j'smiksoK, Jons 7th, 1871. ' ! At a regular meeting of the Santiam Lodge Wo. 27. l.O. af O.F. Jon Is tbe foUowtoc reeolu,, Hons were adopted, in regard to the decease of our; lamented Brother, H. N: George.-. ' AW. That while Santiam Lodge Ka -JT I O of O F. bow with humble submission to.the , w'ill'of Him wboholdsln the hollow ofHisbaodhe "ir. ,.f KfV. and death, we et taonrn with pro found sorrow tbe removal of onr beloved brother 1 from our midst. . ' r---- - . JtemUred. That by the death of II . George, another liuk has been broken, bat the ebatn which binds the Brberbod uniteagaln in bonds of fraternal love. We have lost a brother "Whej was dutiful to bis Creator, and fratornal to his fellow man ; our Lodge haa lost a true Odd Fel low r home an affectionate father ; the publis ao honest eitixen. ' :J: '":'. ' ' , ' s . oW, That ws tender to the widow, and fatuity of onr beloved brother la their nour of sa- pramo sorrow, our siuoenjaud heartfelt sympathy 1" cherishing the remembranee of hi many kindly virtues, we will not forget the offices pf troth sod . friendship in behalf of our brotherhood. Mtotd, That a eopy of sheas resolathsb be toancmitted to the wife if tbe detaased brether, by the Secretory of .the Lodge, with Ue seal of the Lodge attached, ', ": " . Hoitl, That -the Albany KselsMsV ervd Albany Demi.erat be reajnetted to poblish a eopy, oftheae tuilitlons. . E; N. THOMASJ. . J. W. KOL A'S D. .'- ' O. B. ROLAND,- A l'l' 4 v;':; "43 CnssssHsssjn j ; . I