The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, June 10, 1871, Image 2

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    . V, S. Official Paper for Oregon,"
SATUR DAY, J UNE 10 1 1 87 1
The Herald goes the Valiandigbam
platform straight.
The "Thumpagorians't. are to give a
grand parade on the 4th at Jacksonville
It is announced that 20,000 Communist
prisoners : will, be ' transported to New
Commercial relations between Germany
and France have been restored to the
a me Tooting as before the war.
OU, 5i t Democracy Never Changes t
Democracy is la great distress, and a
div'sioa- teems to be inevitable: The
Democratic State convention of the State
of Ohio, on the first of June adopted a
platform. . The first and ' second resolu
tions read thus : - v '
1st. Denouncing; (ho extraordinary means by
which they were brought about, wo recognize as
accomplished laets tbe three amendments in fact
to the Constitution recently declared adopted .and 4
tne tame are no longer political issues nerore the
country, v-v ..-
2d. We demand the rule of strict construction
ax proclaimed by the Democratic father, accepted
by statesmen ot ttlt -parties previous to the war
and embodied ia the 10th amendment to the
Constitution, to be rigorously applied to the-Constitution
as it is, including the throe recent
amendments above referred to, and insist .that the
amendment shall tm be "held to hare in any
respect altered or modified the original theory wf
the character of "the Federal Government, but
only to bare powers delegated to it, and to
The Coutemplated Railroad.
"'' ' Aa' Encyclical letter has been issued extent and 'do more to ham abridged referred
filing on Catholics throughout the world LtS
to etve thanks to Godou the Occasion of i absolute execution and enforcement of the Con-
'Iv ;i,:i tstitutionasit aow U, s
iuc a ujjc o juuun. ..
so as to secure equal rights
to all persons under it, -without distinction of
race, color or condition. .- -.', , ;, .
. Vallandighani submitted a motion for
and will be issued next week.
. . . . .in ... , ; , . i - .. i . I'
t,,. From Nefr York it is stated that con
trary to expectation, John P. Hale is re-
-eoveringhis health, and his friends are
talking of putting him in the political
The' San. Domingo report and accom
panying documents are at last completed Ute adoption of the platform, ot which the
above resolutions are a part, "and his
motion carried.,' A few .days later and
the. same platform, (substantially; ,was
advocated and carried through : a county
Convention in the same State, with the
assistance of Vallandighaii. Yallaudighani
1 1 1 1 1 I : i i i i r i.
It is reported ; that Senator Corbett was aeuounceo, auu u,s A.ur u
:n ... it.- . - . 0 was me leauiu ppiru iu iue uuuuiv cou
vtM not go to Europe the present Sum- 1 . . , , .
, . . I ventton") was claimed to bo aoti-JJeuio
- . t- - t ,i j - ' cratic. No Democratic "editor of this
, - v: (State was , picpared tor such a radical
.j . ; "" . i .- ' j change. In fact, it was claimed by the
J; .Three , members of the Nova Scotia Oregon City Enterprise that with, such a
. Government have been appointed a dele- J platform the party would have nothing to
gatioh to confer with the Government of enter the next Presidential canvass on
iiovi ocoua ana rnnc fcawira 8 xsiana and the assertion was true. The recent
Vwith a view to united action against the. amendments to the Constitution are all
Washington treaty. , . . - accepted as the supreme law of the land
The Jacksonville Times (Democratic) mm are not hereatter . to cut any figure
js that the small sum abstracted from as an issue in any political canvass. , No
,4he school fund by Col. Dennison, of question of a repeal or amendment to
Portland, red aces him to the level of a
jetty larceny rogue.
' The Pennsylvania Central, New York
Central, and Erie Bailroads have advanc
ed ' the rates of iirst-class frcijrli t west, as
'.follows : i Chicago, 1 ; Keokuk,-$t 34; ita MrdjMi Wincinles all vitalit'v- is
xr" : .... si oi - o . t : oi on I 1 4
- l t-nrrIr tv.f Ant nr if- nnrl it ha nothinr loit
those articles- they are taken as a finality
What has the Democratic party of the
last ten years got left ? The right of
slavery gone j tfie right of secession
gone ; full equality, politically and civilly,
accepted, modern Democracy is bereft of
-wand other points in proportion.
.. . Brick Poiaeroy, having been put
'through thfc divorce ourt, has got into
harness aaia with she who was but
.recently Mrs. Louisa M. Thomas.
s . ' ' .
. , At laet acconnts the committee solicit
ing stock for tlw Willamette Bridge
.Company at Portland had obtaii ed
510,000 jo subscriptions. It is calculat
ed that SI 50,1'') 0 coin will build the
' Itt the case of Chas. Douglass, on trial
an Idaho Ciy on the 29th May, charged
-with the murder of JE. D. Ilolbroot, the
jury disagreed after two days delibera
tion, and were discharged 7 for con vie
tion, 5 for acquittal.
f n the Fair-Crittenden case Judge
Dwindle refused to allow a new trial to
Mrs. Fair, convicted of the musder of A.
P. Crittenden,' but passed sentence of
death upon her. Mrs. Fair's counsel
will make every attempt to obtain a new
bearing of the case in the Supreme
' Court, and may succeed, but there is little
tope, even if a new triaWs granted, that
the judgment of the court below will be
reversed- ' .
"The Louisville Courier Journal t in
referring to the Ohio platform, says : .
The Republican leaders are -seriously
alarmed at the progress made by the lib
eral teachings of the Democratic patty in
every section of the Union. . They, de
clare that there will be no difference be
tween the two opposing organizations if
the course pursued by the Democracy
should become universal.
- Tammany tactics says the New York
Tribune, did ijot work well in Connecti
cut at the last election, as we have taken
reat delight in showing. It now ap
pears, not less to our eratiSeatinn. that
Tammany roughs fare badly in hercoor:s
of justice. One of the fraudulent Dem
oeratie voters in New haven has been
aeteeted, tried, condemned, and senteue
j Mt.c a iijuu. auu tne Domiwrntui
register, who cotnived at the fraud, is
eiy to snare tne same fate. If things
go on at this rate ;Democratio candidates
will appeal for Tammany ail as vainly as
Gov. English did at the last election.
and Connecticut, in that. evAitt will Sa
lost to the Democracy without hope of
. ' -The Springfield Journal tf !-, ITft,
ays : "The murder of Mr Tyndale ia
just a. mueh a mystery ay as it was
m m morning that his lifeless body was
found near the corner ot Second and
ttTf:. 80 f " e advised
. iar not even a clue as to who
ITZ t hrrvid deed- The reward
M .Sfil tb-6officit. sot the
mosv skillful detectives at work - Th.
Mayor of this citv has
cituen, have offered 82,650 j The
.i'k " : Wove
its or
agents in
Palmer has CmnlnvAl anAn:. i
order to discover the- "",1 "S. J
JSSl? L??F !Dd bave
rv.TaL"PPCaraQ.Ce.8' Ao murdere; ?1
krtaTSsr : l tioa- We -t
- . J 8081)10 nn
testing upon any human being.'
CAIEBPILWes Abodsd We: heaT
cftbespSts tn every direction, b"
Mr. A. C. Darnels, who has lately vUited
Dallas, informs us that all the way iront
the Salem ferry to tht place, exoont ; -
tew instances the orchards are ruioed bv
them, for instance the extensive Nesmitb
orcaaxji uaa not a sign or life visible
neither leaf or fruit. Statesman. ,
to fight for. Hv' T
.The Ohio platform says that the
Democratic party will consent to a reve
nue tariff only .'The war debt must be
paid, then a tariff for , revenue and the
gradual extinguishment of that debt, will
do doubt afford , ample protection to on.'
domestic manufactories. :' What will tKe
Democratic party of Oregon do ? Through
iis journals in thid State, it ia thorongbly
committed against this ' radical change.
Will the Democratic editors of this State
denounce the action of . the Democratic
Convention of Ohio as bitterly as. they
did the Vallandigham platform ? Several
of the leading journals of the Democratic
party in tlie Eastern States have already
endorsed the change ; and some bave
even been luuiscreet eaoa;n to admit
hat it iadoue in the hope of at last win
ing success. But if we are to believe
the organs in this Stateif they speak
the sentiments of the party the bed roe k
Democracy of, Oregon will not give in
their adhesion , to the platform adopted
hy the Ohio Democracy. This, thoo, is
he " entering wedge dissolution .must
soon follow. t , - . .. .
The Jacksonville Timet accounts for
Col. Dennison's fall from grace, on the
ground that he has been running with
the Portland 'Uerald'1 clique for some
time back. ' The" same paper has " this ia
relation to the . charge of the Herald
that tho editor of the Bulletin is a Kan a
ka : - - "
Grasshopper Jim is exercised because
he has taken it into his foolish head that
the editor "of the Bulletin is a Kanaka
When ' Grasshopper J"inrT wanted o be
emperor of China, several years ago, could
ne nave grauuea nis.auiuii.iuu mn.uuk
becomlnir a Chinaman. .What's the use
oi his putting on' 'airs because' he wears
irorfirles and is in tne "real estate Busi
ness" in Portland ? ! Let somebody trive
the youth something' warm, aud send him
to bed. ' - " 4 ..." ...
And again, from the same paper, here
is a stinging, sarcastic nit at me courte
of tba ITcrald in the EUiot-Holladay
soil imjVtrii': .fiK; T:iM-rt
Grasshocber Jim is just now enjraed
in trying'Jfilliot's . law suit against liulhi
day in the columns of the liv'rald. It is
supposed that the suit has been continued
in the .Fiileeoth Di&tiict Court of Cali
fornia to await the opinion of this pro
found jurist. . ' '.' . , ' . . ;
At Picbicanr. in Peru " there bas lately
been seen an extraordinary meteor, which
suddenly descended from,, -the. .sky, -It
was balloon-shupea, oi a rca coior, wif
the pointed end towards the earth,bn
reaching which an explosion took'place,
injurinz the roofs oF several, huts, and
knocking down a lenee tor. aoout ue
hundred yards. "Among the stones heap
ed around by the Berolito were found te
cently dead tiaues or ainereni species,
which are aupnosed to have been lified
out of the river, and dashed against the
stones, v Similar events have happened
near Huaciovhallo and Atucachi Causing
great fright to the people. : ; ''
A waek or two since we gave an
account ' of the . new railroad projected
from Davisville, California, to . intersect
the O. & C. Railroad at Christian Lakes
in this State. . Following articles of in
corporation " have been filed with ' tho
Secretary of State of California:
Comroencinir at a point at or near the town of
Davisville. county of Yolo, State of California J
thebee Bortberly through the Sacramento valley,
and tnenco ia a northeasterly direction,, crossing
the northern boundary of California at a point
near Goose Lake to'a point near Christian Lakea,
in the State of Oregon j, thenco easterly through
the State or Uregon, tne 'Aenitory ot laano ana
the Territory tf Utah, to Ogden .City,, in Utah.
Also, from a point on the first named route in the
bend of tbe Pitt river, near the forty -first parallel
of latitude, northwesterly ; to junction in the
State of Oregon with tbe railroad of the Oregon
and California Kailroad Uompany. aijo. irvm a
point on the first named route, aear Christian
Lakes, westerly to a junction with tbe railroad of
tbe Oregon and California Railroad Company at
or near lower Klamath .Lake, in tho State of
Oregon in alt. nine' hundred and Tortyrthree
(943) miles of railroad, or thereabouts."
The Yreka t'wi'on from which the
above paragraph ut taken, has the fol-
lowing editorial comments upon the -importance
of the proposed route :
"The branch from the hend of Pitt River the
bend of Pitt River ie near ' Ft. Crook, perhaps
eighty or a hundred miles in a southeasterly
direction from 1 reka will connect witn cen.
Holladay's Oregon road in the vicinity of Lower
Klamath Lake. Holladay is, no doubt, in the
combination, and it is his intention ' to build bis
road on the route surveyed last Summer by Ap
plegate,: This route rva hes the California lino
on the eastern border of Tule- Lake, two or three
miles north of " BIoiHiy Point." Tbe branch of
the California Pacifie from the bend of Pitt River
to that point would not be over serenty-five mile
in length, and would be comparatively easily and
cheaDlv built. Bv means of this branch the
whole of Oregon west of tbe Cascades, will be
connected by rail with the Cay of San FiUnt-Uco.
- .-. i .; :::.; .;..?;';
The other branch of the contemplated road, to
wit, from Christen Lakes-ChrUtian Lake are
in Oregon, some thirty or forty miles from Goose
Lake aud in a northeasterly directionto a junc
tion with Ben Holluday's roadatornear KUmath
Lake, will gire all western Oregon direct railroad
connection with the East." T
If the above positions are correct, says
the Jacksonville S?ni"we, the new outer,
prise will rather favor than oppose the
railroad interests of this section. There
is but little doubt that the combination
of companies which bas undertaken this
enterprise, will push it through rapidly
and successfully, ' and thereby greatly
increase the - business and enterprise of
t Lis coast. 5 As the plan developes itself
in perfect harmony with the 1 ical raiU
road interests of Southern Oregon, and
an advantage instead oT a disadvantage,
we heartily wish it success.
The Statesman gives currency to the
following from Curry county : - A corres
pondent writes us that great excitement
exists atChecto atnoog whites afid Indians
over the death uf' ab Indian, who is sup
posed to have been shot by a whito man,
who is married to a dnsky forest maiden.
Cause jealousyJ The ; Indians demand
one thousand dollars as an equivalent for
murdering the said "brave," which
amount not being forthcoming, it is feared
they . will wreak -. vengeance npon; the
party suspected. .'r.'
Peteks Musical Monthly for J nne
. .. i , .
contains -4t beaatuu select ion ;oi new
music, .,We give, below: jtbo contents
any single piece being worth as much as
Mr. Peters asks tor the entire lot : t
.Genevieve." fS Scoteh S6ng tlana
Chorus, by Ilaysv J1 Littl Voices-Fieard
no More." a Sons and chorun by Persley.
"Must I lea vo thee, Mother dear?"
Son-r," by Halevy. Dawn -of Love' A
beautiful German Song, by'IIolzel. "I'm
my 'Daddy's only : Son.".. " .Dance . Song.
"Lilly Bell." Quartet.'- "Forget-me--Not."
Quartet. ' Oh !, Holy
Lord." Saviour who thy Flocks art
tending.": "Soldiers of". Christ .farise."
"My Faith looks up to Thee." "Bed
Bird Waltz- '-Chicago Quicksto.'l
Rippling Brook Polka.' "The Chasse."
Iluntiog, -,
Take your chuice Pktkrs' Musical
Monthly for June, price HO cents, con
taining the above pieces, or the same
pieees in sheet-form, (printed from the
same plates,) pnoj 5 50. Address, J,
L. Peters, 599 Broadway, New-York.
iNEGRO uoVERXMENts. 1 here is a
Cabinet crisis' in Hay ti: The' ministry
are abandoning the . President, prepara
tory, to a'fieneral fijiht. Things are badly
inixcu. aud negroes between the aire ot
eijibteeo and sixty ; are: being enlisted.
The finances are in a bad condition, one
dollar in ro!d being equal to five hun
dred dollars in Havtien currency. - If a
man buys a hat north three dollars, and
tenders a halt ea-jle in payment, he will
ret ono thousand dollars ehamie a
money making operation to be sure.
Agatu : Paann:! has a tremendous rev
olution. The regular army of forty.", af
ter several days' hard fighting, were cap
tured by the insurgents, who entered the
Capital in pomp, seized the archives and
treasury, which were kept in a cifjar box,
usid elected Gonzales Irovernor, by a Votf
ol 28 to 1. BulliUn. ,
: - In commenting on tbe political situa
nation in Kentuckv. the Memphis Ava
louche makes the'followina remarks whiclt
will apply elsewhere as well as to Ken
tucky : .
- The Kentuckians who fought for the
Confederacy are moderate in their view?,
while those who are keeping .the com
monwealth in .constant turmoil, and 'de
mand a restoration of affairs to the condi
tion ot 18UU, are, almost to a man,
patiois whose southern ardor was insuf-
bcent to send them either into the- Con
federate army or cause them to do any
thing for the Southern eausc at home.
An East Poktlaxder in a Quan-
DARl.-r-ltie hast iort land ,ra tells the
following good story on an old settler- in
that promising little burg A; gentle
man near Bast Pottland sold his farm a
few days aj;o to Ben Holladay for 805.-
000. CHe tooKbislcheekto the bank
and demanded .the , coin. Tbe Cashier
brought out several boxes of coin and
commenced counting the ; amount out in
20 , pieces. The lucky. ; man ; spread
out upon the counter a common baodina
baodkercheif. thinking perhaps that it
would hold the i amouot . conveniently.
The Cashier kept on eoontiog the . SO
until the hankcrchief was filled, and still
the sum bad not reached what the check
called for.. Mr. was puzzled; he
had never seen half so tunes -money be
fore.; After studying a moment he went
out- and procured a bugy and ,. com '
tuenced to fill it with the precious metal.
After teeeiving $45,000 be concluded it
was all that the buggy would safely carry,
and asked the Cashier to hold on until he
could find a place to empty it He then
drove around the streets of the city in
company with his wife, stopping at such
places as he. thought looked strong and
Kale and deposited 82,000 in one place.
$5,000 in another place, $10,000 in ;tn
othcr, and so on until he had-, got rid of
his load, and then, returned : for (be bal
ance, which was disposed of in a similar
manner. oo .inucn money was never
dreamed of before., Before Ben Holla
day come tothe . State, 85,000" wonld
have bought all his possessions.
"Solidified beer',' U the latest thing. It
U lager beer concentrated the way they
do it to milk, so that the amount you can
hold on the point of a-knife .will make
you drunk Clear . through; V A4 niao eaa
carry enougb of it in liis vest pocket to
ruin r -whole temperance society, ; . v
- Mrs Fair's proper tv pans out ; well;
tier assetts foot on i .;tv lota SUfl.OOO
i r . .. ' -- ---j - ' .
-vrovernraeot bonds, two derriuger pii-'
I t.ree revolvers. ;
, Shadowy, Accused. The .Bridge
port. Connecticut," Farmer tells a story
verging upon .-.the miraculous. ; It ; says
that in the graveyard there is a marble
slab, marking the jrave of Bobert L
liackus,. who' died February 15, 1834,
a"ed twelve ; Vcars. On the reverse of
the stone is a stain representing a woman
with a drawn club. AH attempt t
nblttenite the stain have been ineffectual;
four other st'ies have been remove I for
the same cause, but still the shade conies
back. The belief is that the boy was
murdered by his mother. . ... ,
Very many Canadian papers tale the
view that tho abandonment by England
of her exclusive I h fisheries
hd the navigation ot the it. Lawrence
i to be taken h a premooirioo of a Set-,
lied purpose . to , abandon Canada en
tirely. '"';'''.':'."';, ;'
From the Jacksonville i Sriitritcl we
learn of a Seriou. shooting affray ; near
Rock . Point. :on Thursday, in which a
man named Niedbarnmer shot 8. L. Tay-
lor through - the ri;ht hand, ; renderliiji
ampntutiuauf all. the hand except -the
thnuib and forefinuer, neceaiy. "The
difficulty rew out of a lawsuit. -
' . ... - . . ..
A newspaper- correspondent writing
from Texas, report that the Stale is now
in "the enjoyment of uninterrupted pros
perrity---marffactories going up, thuteen
railroadd ji ptocos-i if . .construction- the
crops rar;e, ihe people t lvrab!y peaceful,
aud plenty f titortey in circnla: iou. -
... f ,. 1 f : 1 ! '. - . f. y.
-"The New Orleans ZrpitlilL-tiM says that
tltc exultation. t ;.Shreveport over "the
prospec't of haviiig a railroiid connection
with- ie Orleans is.withont parallel, if
wc except the depravity with which she
denounced the Republican parry tor offer-
to sr to lesris'ate ir such a way that this
very result miht be achi ev ed. i I.
Gen. Chas. P.:Stono, principally known
in our late war in roonecrion with liallV
Btnff.'and" at one time ' thief of staof
7cn. Banks, while in comma ml at iSew
Orleans, is now in the service of . the
viceroy jf Lgypt. and is superintending
the buttJinc of : a military school on the
banks of the Nile.
The emigration returns . for the first
months nf'blie present year, develop the
unusual fact that the number from Knf
land exceeds that from either Germany
or Ireland, the totals being respectively
9,708, 9,383 and 9,121.
Southern Oregon Correspondence.
Empire Citv, Juce 6th, 1871.
Our District Court closed last Saturday
I evening.' " This occasion" always draws a
great many ' persons -to town, although
there may be no case on the docket of
much Importance. Our Bur was graced
this term by more than the usual amount
of foreign legal talent. Corvallis, Eugene
and Bosebui g were well represented. The
ladies held .their , , - ;
f r -FAN'CY FAIR V ,
on Tuesday and -Wednesday: evenings.
They realized, ?clear of all expenses, one
Jiundred and Jifly dollars, which for bq
small a community; is .remarkably well.
The occasion was a very pleasant one.
The steamer -Alpha, aud the tug
Escort and Jlerrmiacwero si! ji sf.i-i';
.. SEIZED ...... ........
last Thursday evening? by our.r Deputy
Collector WoodnJff, for violation of taw ;
but they gave bail, and went on their
wavi a 'The htt le steamer A rga, that was
seized a few months ao, has been releas-
edand she is reffittcd and is now niaking
daily trips to Marshfield and other points
ou thVBa'y and river, to the great delight
of our citizens generally. It has been ,
'; . UCMOSEI) ;
that Judge Skiuuer is to receive tho ap
poiuloient ot Deputy, Collector of this
port it. the place ot . A. ooitrun, wno
bas resiguec. - Amore suitable man, or
one-; more deserving than ? the J udge,
could not be found. He is a true man.
aud has ever-labored for- the interests of
tbe Republican party j. yet be has -eceived
no office at" their hands, while men tar
less deserving than he have been placed
in power. . A ben; his interests are identi
fied with the people of this place, as he
owns property here and expects to make
this Ins luture home, i 1 is appointment
would give universal satisfaction. The
Company that recently purchased the,
has commenced opr rations, and ihe pros
pects so far are favorable. If it should
prove as rich as it is expected to bo, its
development will be a great benefit to this
county. , Mr. Lock hart's r -
the Coquill, lias proved richer than
even expi tlt-U. ?Ir. Liarre eiaiiu is
also pa3-irifr better than ever. It is fieti-
erally -believed thai there are pood pay
iiiir mines in that vicinity that hare not
been developed.
to our Bay, which for a time last Winter
was closed by southerly winds-, drivii
sand into the channel, is now open, una
vessels are pjissin in and out daily
Southerly wiud.s drive the sand into the
channel and quite cl-se it ; but a lew-
days of norther y winds . cut it out. and
render it us jiood as ever. V . D. i.
Portland's City Council has oppror.
p'-iatcd one thousand dollars reward the
proper celebration ot the coming 4tn ot
July. Portland's Council bits' done well
The Emperor Alexander of 11 ossia will
arrive at liei lin on the 9th of June, aud
will witness the triumphant entry of the
troops, which is appointed v for the . 11th
of June."'-. - "-
The Jacksonville Sentinel tells of a
filley foal from a Perchcroir mare ' that,
when a month bid, weighed 294 pounds.
The same paper says the" . Coos Bay
Wagon Road will be completed the pres
ent season. -
'Get nut of the way, boy get out of
the way," said a gentleman on horse-back
ton boy in the road, "my horse don't
like donkeys.'.' T, Don't he? ' said the boy,,
'then why don't he kick vou off?"
According to the census 188 liohabi j
tants ot Illinois were born in Oregon.
This is hardly credible.
' ! A. woolen nianufucturcr in Maine runs
his mill with teu' hands, all of them his
own ehildren: ' " - - - '- -
yi ain't going to live long, mother,"
said a woe-begone looking youngster one
day, to maternal parent. "Why not,
pray V "Because my pantaloons is all
tored out behind ". was the conclusion.
Not being able to scertain which party
would be congratulated on the Connec
ticut election, the citizens of a New
Hampshire town, both Democrats and
Republicans, clubbeet together the other
night to. fire a salute and hold u jrrand
supper and ballon general principles.
Has nrer vet been known, and no threatening of
it at present; ... . ,
Is a thing which sometime most befall every son
and daughter of the human family, and yet.
At tlie Ulid-day
Of your life, if disease lays hie rile hand wpon
you, there is mill "a. balm to Gilead" by which
yon may ' be restored to perfect health, and .pro
long yonr days to a miraculous extent.
Bjr calling on - .' j , '':iif
with a prescription where you can have-It oom-
punnded by one - experienced in that particular
line. Also, constantly on hand a good assort
ment of fresh Drugs, Patent Medicines, Chew,
cats, Faints, Oils, Dye-stuffs, Trusses, Ao., ko. '
STgents for the celebrated . .
i link Weed Iteuiedy,
or Oregon Kheumatic Care ; , Dr. D., Jayne
Sons' incUiciues, e., 4o. - -
Speucc' Positive and Negative Powders kept in
stock. We are also agents for tbe . . . . .: -t ,, . . -
Ilome Shuttle Sewing Maebiae,
one of the' most useful pieces of household, famt-
ture extaut. -Call and examine. ' '"
- ' - It. C. 11 ILL SOJI .
Albany, Jans lOih, 1971 40
What Somebody Saw.- I have seen
a womm professing to love Christ more
than the woild, clad in a silk dress cost
ing 975 ; making up and the trimmings
of ame, 540 j bonnet 835 ; velvet !- man
tle, 15 150; diamond ring, S.iOU; watch,
chain," pi and trappings, SHOO ;-. $1,100,
all huofr on one frail, dying woman. I
have seen he at a meeting in behalf of
homeless wanderers in "-s.New York, wipe
ber eyes with an expensive embroidered
handkerchief at the story of their suffer
ings, and when the contribution box came
round, take from ar well filled pott,
mooae, of costly workmanship, twenty
fiv$ cents t to aid the society t'ormod. to
promote their neitare. .An, s thought
I, "dollars for ribbons, and pennies for
Christ!" - - - 1 i
j Our neighbor of ' the Herald advises4
Democrats to, accept . .the "new depar
ture ". doctrine, If should : also " advise
them as an Ohio paper advises its 'Demo
cratic readers the Surest -way to secure
the success of their newly adopted pria "
ciples is to vote, tho Republican , ,tiekcf,
: Blaud Wukeman. ased five years, and
grand dnughtor of Gen John Wilsou,
was burned to death bv her. clothes lynit
ios "from matches, on" the 5th' inst; in
San. Francisco. , , . - " .
Jeff. Davis spoke a piece at Aagusta,
Ga May 26th.. , He was guarded in the
expression ol bu sentiments, but did not
coaeeive that tbe principles of tho Lost
Caass were dead, or that truth would re
temara er ashed. ' .
l " - '.; :- r,s. :i'---i-"i.V " " "'
- :- ...v' ii'.'i-'f- . l.rr. i14! if fli
The Pluimlealer teUa of on . inhuman
outrage attempted by a man nnmed Hiir
fison, in Camas valley, Douglas county,
upon- a woman living at his farm, in the
absence of her husband. Tho man ; was
bour d over on her cnoj Lint. ..
The late ex-Secretary f Statu, of Illi
nois. Sharon Tyndale, who was recently
murdered in Springfield,' . had ' his I'.t'e
insured in the sum of twelve thou-and
dollars; and also held ticeidental policies
in. tbe sum ot jiix thousand dollars"' .
In Jackson county wool commands hut
laQjgiO ets per pound," while our farmers
are urged to part with their wool elipt
at 33(Vfi35e. - That's what's, the? matter
with the railroad."'-- ' '' ; ' . ' . .--
, Pinanciai aud'Commerclal. -
Gold in New York. 112i. Lcral
tenders. 89J(&;00.
ban r rancisco market quotations are as
thus : .
Wheat Lower ; quoted at 2 50 for
a choice article. ' . ' 5 -
Flour -Weak with downward tedency.
?)o quotations. -
Oats From SI 80 to S2 10," . .
No change in Albany markets since
last week. . Buyers are paying from 31
to 35c per pond for wool. j
wrxxzAM davidsow,
Ollice, No. O-i Front Street,
First Class Farm Wagon.
No other Wagon has a Ilome repotption equal
to Cain's" irake, end it is tbe only wagon that
has been tented and knoarn te stand this climate.
In a word it is made of tbe bet materials, and ia .
the best finished wagon that comes to this market
We have differvnt styles of HouniU and Reach,
Patent do. (so called) im-luded. ';':.- '! ..'V
June 10, 1871-43 . - .-." ' T
Telegraphic Summary.
; William J.. Brooks of Washington, D
C. commSlted suicide in the presence of
his afBaiiced.' 3Iay 26th, by blowing ' out
his brains.' ' Whisky was the -cauwe.
'" The nrsnment that the "detitrnction of
the forests "' of a country usually result
in an increase of the temperature is evi
denced by-the fact tha when in 1810. th
forest tracts -of Pennsylvania . bordered
clone tipon t"h city, of Philadelphia, the
Delaware river, a mile . wide, was often
froeen in a single niht. i-Tlio forests
having now reco led to a distance f on r
tbirt- miles,' the 'tbertuouieter I"rarfly
down' to aero, the river is hardly, ever
froaen; and the snow lies on the- gronnd
but ashortlime. .'. .r, t ; .- .. -
- Tbe editor " of the Detroit Advertiser
and Tribunt ui an Alderman., -,; ,
I'aris, June 0 I'airie STiys . that
France possessed in July last 150,00o
breech loaders and 42l.l,(hli) i-oldiet!1, and
demands a rigorous suppression ''f
he machinal inus ot Comiuunists in - he.
' The" ?1 'mister of Marine has written to
the managers of arsenals and navy yards
instructing them 'o emjliy French . and
not foreign mechanics.
IjOMxN. June 7.. A Times' special
dispdtch from Berlin contains the i'oliow
iiijr items : ; : " -
- Tho1 postponement of Kochefort s tnai
is said ta be , from the apprehension." 61.
disclosures eoiu'sitig tne Govern n. eut
National defense. . ..
The Steele advocates the extention "of
ThierH term of office.
Pyatt is in Switzerland.
; ."The nvonioipal eiecii-ms at Marsailtes
and Tara-'Con are declared oid.
eTwenty Gve women Were Killed and
fifty more wounilea at the railway a-.-i.-i
dent ncir Paris. -
AH pieces found if Column Vendome
will be exactly resiorotl. .
It is rumored that Favre is preparing
at reply to the "jwanil'esto of Fneee Napo
Thiers insists oo giving the Uepublic a
fair trial.
Versailles, June 7. The La Yeritc
says that a compromise is t&vcted under
which 1 he exile law is - repe:ledj' re
gards OrleanP Princes, and their .ejection
toi be Assembly declared Talid ; but the
Princes will not sit, and aree not to, in
trigue, it is said that Thiers Hgrees to
tbe plan.
The La Yerite estimates . the damage
to Pari.' at eiht million francs of iiK-t-chandise
burned, cxcludiug docks and
The Ilyjticne Council declarvs that
there "ill be no epidemic if piecaulions
are takU to prevent if, and thatthe heai.h
of J'a'ris is ;-atifici;ry.
The Juttrttal Qjfxviallr contains an I'af
ian not3 tu iraniecing to redeliver es
capisfj insurgents,
. Lullie1 has been arrested .
i- Beported ; dimurbance at- Lyons drf
false . " " '
tlen. Assy's triiil wiil eosne of .July 1st.
Arre-ts continue
Louis ljlaiic has written to fVytn-o do.
nouiicio.'the ConiiiiuiK-.
It is s.iid that Ferry will be Minister to
Washington. ' .
;i Madiiid. June G Miiister Morel wiil
resign if di.-;"j;v'eniciit continues wth
tho Commission of t?oites and .Budget.
" Proof Beadino. If the readers .f
the newspapers understood one-half ol'
the difficulties in' proeoriny: nccuraey.
instead of wondering and 8cifdiiir at
mistakes, they would. b surprised hat
there are not more. lit. w -lV-w , ii.ii lees
appreeiatf the services ot the u.'n 1)11:1'
who exiinrui's the (r 'I-' ; -of -a , iU-r'
hetote it is pi iuii d.. Il, i ' .;n-. of th -ini'St
"unpo t.ini ai-nts to" lh ' i'nsI -u"
ot a correct literature. aot . f.: h m
iiii veiilcr seems 10 think. . His is the
ui".-t thankless of nil t lie ' enjoymenffl
amoni: men. But let hint allow m ormr
to gouncrrncted is we happened todo
in it five-line i'em a few week: since
and immediately he is known to be .cen
sured aiid hi paper subjected to - ill pa-J
tured criticism. He has nn -thanks for
his labored patience, but blame ifr he ; is
not faultless. Ila is certain of '.ono. of
two thiusxfovfretfulaess or censure.-- .s
"Tllinois ii the third newspaper-publishing
State ia the Union,
REAT ESTATE in this CITY and EAST the most dcsinllu localities. eon-i-isling
HOUSES and STOKES j. also, , : ;
' ' IMPROVED l- AESIS. and valuable nn-
eultivated LANDS, locaied'in ALL parts of tho
S'l ATE for SALE..
f KEAL' "ESTATE and ether Property pur-t-haFed
for Corre-iii. indents, in this CITY and
thr ii'-hout Ihj STATE nd TEItKlTOKlES,
with srreat rare and oa the most A'DVANTA-
linrSES lial STORE? lord. LOANS
NESS tr;nisa(-t-d.
AG K'NTS of this OFFICE in all theCIT
IK. and TOWNS ii the STATE, will receive
d, - rii ti ins i.f FA KM PP.OPERTY and forward
Ihe s.nue to tbj above address. 3v22
stockholders election. ,.
NOTICE The Stoekbolders in the Willamette
ValU-y and Ca cade Mountuin Wagon Koad .
Cotupftiiy are hereby notified that their next an
nual moetine; for the eloetion of a Board of seven)
Directors will be held at tbe r effiie in Albany,
LiuncouiitT, Orogon, on tbe second Tuesday, tb
13th day of July, next, at 1 o'cloek P. M.
. June 7. 1371-40 Secretary. .
aoud lanacni tsariSiq aqj J OOOsTlflt
pjinem 100AV SOSaOd VV" JJ V
i IOOAL IoAl. i lA3L
my-jjj nuns P"" T'.'" OIXOW '
savt)i3 usv o.i3aoi
poo Suiisimnj; ciuof) joiajnujosee jjni paw
l3 'smH esiv -saoiiduosop pa spuin jps jo
OXIHXO'IO oj pue siue'o jo sijs tll V1"
aiix axvn ko aixsyxsxod sdaa 1m.
The War in Envope
ILis at last come toan eiidsndthe friends el good
order and stable orcrnncDt have achieved what
aitHiir tf bea ewnp'ete saci ess-..;N'ot so a luv
war in Urownsrilie lictwuen tbo old and new
bjsI'.-dis of i'.uin; business, which has not yet
re. beil a t rminaiion ; an I retdy-pa v customers
eon;intie to Cn I at U'b-t lur's torj nn opportn ii-
ty t get -the bomfic of .heir prudence and fore-1
ihynht. Large additions h:ive just been made to
t ie sucii . and po pie a i m W.v siit-pi v a Iar er
iMitiion ft their wnns fme Wlieder's store, than
f.. m any. other one esUbl.a. me t n thjci a ay.
he"Pnin Killer" iu.y-jiistiy be stykd the
prcat -mctlii-rno of tbe world, forth.rc is no r-;r-m
of the globe io:o which it has not found il- wj,
and been largely used and hi . Uly priced. . Mor
thme is n clime t wliiidt it ba n'd pr-vd
to be well adAptenfur the euro of a eiriidcr.l.'
variety of disease. ; it isa I'lKssdy and safe rcmeily
for burns, seal Is. en's, bmi'CJ. wonnils aMl vari
! other iniurie-i. as wal m for dysintery.
li:iri haa nd lxiwi-1 comdnint itrncrjlly. ii is admirably-
suited for erery ricc of nun on the face
of the lobe. - . ' - : . - - -
It ia a very significant fact, that rAotwilhstHU 1
irg the In2 period of years fiat --'Pain Killer"
hns been b.-f re (he world, it has never kwt on.
whit of its populuritv. hot, on the contnirv. ih.
call for it has ytcvdilv in. -rouse I fr m it lirsf di-
eovcir. mid at no rrrevtonstime 1ms tliedeaiand for
it been so preat. or the. quaulity made teen o
larce nsit is M-day.
Anothi-r significant fact is. that nowhere ba. Ihc
I'ain Killer ever "ecn in hirh r repute, .r been
more ireneraUy used by fnnultea aud imlividnals,
than it bns b n here at home, where it w is fi'st
(iiw-.-vcriylajlil introduce - . Th tlie Pain Killer
will continue to be. want we havo it. The
ifrcnt mreiicin nf't't Uii. there eaur.ot . Ie-th"
s a low of a doubt v tr vi lon- e -Vilvertiser.-- jnne.
i D in't despair lircaufp o i b ivu a weak Cons'!
liilinn. T vita iziiis t'l'ineiidu embodied in
W"ikt-'- fine-- r lint! will nsdircrlly streintl.-
n it. n ev.-ry dpip"f that c itn'ti-ii'tum of g-
ttabe 1 n.iitiV. f , :l.e-e is ct iniilmiii?, a frngene
r .tinr.a ivxiiht'iiix p"W:r, n:ic( id in ihe wr.ol.
raiisie .r Oi-oiiil tai v nn 1 nfd -ial rem di.-s. It I
to the tm.rt plil hue what st am and oil nre to the
t (motive eiijrlne. Yitite ntnins no fi ry
citant. notliinji but t!:e Jni-es of rare me lic'nut
beib-" mid r ., intjivlisd by tlie lircar I'nysu
f r -thahensiag ofu!l Nad ms " .
Tlr Pa-iT Catarrh Rt-mcdV is no Tat. nt Medi-
el'ie hotn'mi ss.ittmi tip tri .dupe the i 'iioraitt and
cre liil ius. nop i it. ropTeenti-d sbeini; coin-po'.-d
of ran and . proei iu- iibtnec, br .n;i'.t
Ir nn the f 'iir noi ni'rs ot ti e e irtli, enrne 1 sven
lira sa-r i-s the Great Do ert of Sahara' on the
hacks of fourth, n camels, and hroutit auross thj
At.vtic 0-e on tw hips." It is -a simple
mild, so iihinr, pleasant Kamedy. a perfect siie- i-
fl t'T C'-r nic Nnsiil Ciitrrb, "Cold in the
h n l.".niid kin Irud diseases. . The propriet ir,
R. V, Pi r -w. V., o Hiilf iliv N, Y.. offors a
r-ward" ir S.'OO for a ca"e of Catarrh he cannot
k nr Tor sle bv most d-. nists evervwher.
S nbv postnnbl, l'r ."i.'cty cents. Ad tress
: pn. t sr a a'ore-
- T. n, 1 4 i. 18 I. bvS. II, Clan- h
o 1. ,t. hi- r i"!encc. M . XV. II. Innitu ond Miss
Miirv '. Mi leratl i t t.tun comity". '
by occlipati.m a btnist and engine r. a
nt in about 40 years nld.daik ccmpeston, 4 fee' 8
inches in night r formerly of PhiluLlphla, Pa.,
bn h ie H;n nlncwt soma " "r'
wh n Inm he rrrf f urn. sis or iwdve wombs smee,
w at Albany, Llnn.coon y. Oregon. ...Anv '2"
f .rination of him erhiswh r-mboutswiP ttun
f illy reocived by his wire, Mr. Anna MUlcr, Ifo.
1S8 Maiden street, Philadelphia, P, .
HJ Sd, J87I-40W. . : .
- 1 3atpxtnjj JsrtSaiJ ni Tl'i
i anois ojwiHxoiiMai
c-' e3UH V(dL -JSC . .
' " A X. S O : V -
Plain,: and Fancy S e w i n g" ,
j tha livicst liliirM-ry now on baud, with new
..ii.iinoii? every saouta. .re en corner lmsu'
Mibin and Second s re. ts. Albany, Or. 32v3
"Wisccissiii" E5ctaalt Out!
sT1 EO.
JK ed t!.e stock of M. Peaivon, and added-to t
a lutve assortment of
soiit its tle patronage oflilj fritads and tbe pah- -
11-. ine Horn u wlh se.ected, and will be svlil
At the Lowest Prices
- VT im-en TRADE, and wiB ctre ynw VALl'VS
KECEtVJED, .: :13,.t;'i v
--:')' ' O. f. TOUXG. !
' Corner First and liroadalbio streetK.
Wb Wiin t Pi-(tuce, and will give as. good
a ! ur-am as can be found in this borj;h. Call
.iiidsteus. . W. YOliKO,
iv-nrsoits uld stun it, corner First and Bru4a1bin
jan-'l streets. Albany, Oregou. . Iv3njtt
EtjlAliLI8llED IN 185 'i.
.' Importers, Jobbers and " " ' " "
Wood & Vitlow 'Ware,
Uroom?, Pails, Tubs, Chums, Brushes, Baskets, -Xntiies,
Cordage, Matches, Stationery,
: Paper Hags, Clothes Wringers,
. Feather Dnstets, Fishing
Taikte, Ten Pins and ' -
Halls, Etc.. and - '
... . . General .. ..
D.rect Importers of Raskets from leading Gex
mail aud t rench Manufacturers.
. F. Percussion Match Company's Matches -American
Net and Twine Company' Twine, s
O .nn Fia Mills Twines. - ,, 1
.1. C. Couroy At Compau-'a Fishing Tackle,
tl.iJingsworih 4 Whitney's Paper Bags, 1
-vh. rmau 'a Iinprove,d Clothes Wringer,
C, K. GiisMold A Company's Feather Dnsters. ,, v.
F. McLuugMiu's Brushes. . .-
- Our stock is the largest en tbe Paeifio Coast,
and our facilities foi manufacturing and import
ing enable us o sell at lowest market price.
jTisSr-Send for catalogue. '. 33v3tnft
21S & 2tt Sacjramento-St.. 8aa Franco,
MillineryjM Jncy Goodsf
. . .....piarr '
r.T. As UKIi;-tr A.......... :
( UccE-SOR TO JiRS. liVSlil WAY) ..!
HAS JUST RECElVtD l'KU un.t.vr .
" an eL-gant invoice of new . v.( r
.i.i.inhrt-aND FANCY-GOODS.
uck as-. J i
Fashionable HATS, , vi ., P .
-. -.t-W-'.- s f-iiBPO" -y f . .
1 . TaiiarsGs;
. - . . -gTO.,
to which she invites tbe attention of tbe ladies of
.tibuiay bud vw niiy, - '- ' J ' J;
- tier goods will be found as cheap, if not cheap-
or, tbau eer before otTefed in this market, and. '
their quality eaanot fail to give satiilacttaa -Albany,
April 8, 1871-SmSI -