The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, May 06, 1871, Image 2

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    U. S. Official Paper for Oregon.
Wheat in Liverpool is quote i at , 12a
"Waitsbarg, W. T., now boasts of eighty
..houses, and U still growing.
: "The fruit prospect in Southern Illinois
is Raid t be first rate never better.
-! " . - .
r. The Olvmpi (W. T.) TriLnnt of
April 2Stb, reports the discovery of Terj
rich gold quartz near SnohomUh. :
- Iowa raised -21,000,000 bnsbf!s of
-wheat lost year ; Illinois stopped at 2S,
000,000. : - J :
Daring the present mouth the U. S.
Treasury ;will purchase $10,000,000
bonds, and sell $3,000,000 gold.
Walters, convicted of Diurdcrat Letr
IstOQ recently, i tdsl hung Friday, tfce
Oth of June.
Mr. It. P. Earbart has taken charge
of the Cheroelieta Hotel, Salem. It will
be a well fcept hotel. -
Tbe. Sidesman says that the Salem
water works will be in running order
about the middle of July. '
From the looks of the West .Side
of last week. we should think there was
some ting the matter with Bro. KandJey's
The Walla W alia Statesman saj that
the beavy frusta of April 21st and 22d
gTeatly damaged the fruit crops in differ
ent parts of the valley, i
The Oregon city municipal election on
ilonday resulted in nn out and out Re
publican victory, the entire ticket being
elected. j.'. ; - .
Messrs. Rudu'phe add Dion, the great
Jul'iardists, have been entertaining the
citizens of -Portland during the week
with fancy billiards. ? --'- ','
. There ia a brisk conapetion among the
wool buyers ia Douglas- county ; as high
27 J cents per pound was paid ; for wool
last week. .
' A Clark street, Chicago, house bays
strawberries: nisei in Southern Illinois,
labels them "Strawberries from Yose
mite Valley, California," and they sell
tepidly at big 5-ures.
Miss Cora, the female magician, has
been entertaining the good citizens of
Salem during the week, with feats in
tnagic. She is mi l to bo a more than
ordinarily charmiog woman. She may
come this way.
" 2--A'mr"' -
' ,; ; ; ' - -
Jamci f. Ilog-ac.
?The Oakland. (C'al.) JSetes, since it
came under the editorial management of
McDonald, is winning golden opinions
from the press everywhere. It is one ol
the most entertaining papers published in
our sister. Slate. .
A well known architect of Springfield
(III.) having been called upon to inspect
the walls of the new State House in that
State, says they must be taken down ;
that the mortar has never eel and never
will, and that walls so built will not sus
tain the weight to be placed upon them.
- Democrat Esa 13 the title of the
aew Democratic journal issued at East
Portland . by Messrs. Hicks & Itavely.
It is neatly gotten up,' and, considering
politics, is one of the most readable of
papers. We wish the; proprietors huge
The statement is repeated that Secre
tary Fish will resign about the 1st of
June. As a personal favor he consents
to act as Secretary, rintiF the labors of
" the Joint High Commission are complet-
. &
, Jas. Murray Mason, Minister to Eng
land under the late Confederate Govern
ment, died at his residence near Char
- Teres, Virginia, on the night of April
2Sth. For some time bis health had been
puling, and within a month ha bad lost
. Ma eyesight He died of general derili-
ty, his nervous system being generally
deranged. He had been uncouscious for
s.daj or two, and died very quietly.
According to the decision of Comuiisr
aioaer Pleasanton, Section II, of. the
Aet of Congress, approved July 14th,
1870, only requires every person of law
ful age, whose, gross income during the
jtsjc exceeds $2,000 to make and render
return, to the Assistant Assessor of the
District ia which" lio resides. Persons
vltosa incomes ate not more than 2,000,
a6 -bob repaired to make returns, nor is
tSere any authority of law to assessors to
eali for suea returns ia' the' case of any
.assessor or assistant assessor.
It seems from the Portland, papers
that CoL A. P. Dennison, " Democratic
School. Director for Portland School Dis
trict, E&s Been eusraged in a little fioau
' elerici'aC'lieiJse with tho school funds, ia
willed the aforesaid funds came out
g&soal best- Ia other words, it " would
"eera tlut A- P. Dennwon, Cbr.irman cf
- tie hli Brd an J J. 1'. - McCoy, - late
Cotk,Lav been engaged,-in a little
bci era' fcy which the school funds
aclT. r. ta tin Amount of about $1,000.
Cti'l 1-3 te;n instituted against McCoy,
It ia our painful duty to chronicle the
death of our wull known and repeOcJ
fellow citizen James P. 11 ge. 1 1 his
pa-iof-ul evcut occurred at the residence
of his sou, the Hon. H. A. Hogue, in
Portland, on the first instant Mr. Hogue
had been absent during a part of tho
winter, on a visit to his aged mother and
other relatives in Illinois and Iowa. On
tho day preceding his death, be landed
from tho steamer in a very feeble state, a
chronic affection cf the kidneys having
been greatly aggravated by sea sickness.
A few hours after landing, the symptoms
assumed an alarming character, and baf
fled all the efforts of medical skill.
Advised by a telegram, his wife aud
daughter, hastened to his bedside, but too
late to find him conscious of their pres
ence. .(.;.----.'
; Mr. llogue was born in Blount county,
Tennessee, in 1807, and at the ago of
twenty-one removed to Indiana, where he
married and continued to reside till 1S35
The next eighteen years cf his life were
spent to Illinois, where he t was eugnged
in many enterprises, a'partof the time as
a merchant and dealer in real estate. . In
the fall of 1853, he arrived with his fam
ily in Oregon, and settled in Linn county,
where he has been known as one of our
most extensive aud successful farmers,
a public spirited and influential eitizen.
He was a man of marked characteristics ;
among them, indomitable purpose ; Tove
of country ; strong and s:cadust friend
iliipj kindness to the needy, and great
liberality in sustaining and promoting
objects of public utility. No man ever
regretted having James P. lloguo as a
frieud. - . : -
In the church of his choice he was an
active aad exemplary member for forty
seven years, having made a public pro
fession at the age of seventeen.
His remains were attended tothetomb
by aii unusually largo concourse of citi
zens, the Ilsv. Dr, Geary, for many years
the pastor'of the deceased, conducting
the funeral solemnities. -
He has left a noble .example of integ
rity and enterprise, and his memory will
long be cherished by many.
Straws. The llepubliean maioritv
in the Territorial election in the District
of Columbia was 4,000.
Ou fthe 11th of last month Jersey City
went Republican by large majorities.
Last year the Doard of Aldermen were
two-thirds Democrats. At the last
election teu out of twelve members elect
ed were Republicans. ,
At the municipal election recenty held
in SpringSi-Id, Illinois, the Republican
candidate for Mayor was elected by 379
majority, the Marshal bj Oty, CityAttt""
ney by 1.30, and Street Supervisor by1 23S,
out of a total vote of 2,435. . ITor . years
past the Democracy have carried theciiy
by heavy majorities.
Jeff. Pavis ' aanourfcement, in his
recent speech in Selma. that the rebel
lion was not dead,; and that State Sover
eignty was still a live issue in the minds,
of leading men at the South, receives the
earnest protest of the Richmond Enquir
er, a straight out Democratic sheet' of
rebel proclivities. It argues that, "if
we go into the Presidential campaign in
this temper, we are just as certain to' be
beaten as if we were to run Mr. ' Davis
himself as our candidate," an assertion
which is just as true as gospel.
SExstBLE Suggestion. A corres
pondent of an eastern paper, after having
visited the wasted districts of France,
makes a suggestion to tho French Assem
bly that is worthy of consideration iu
this country as well as in France. ' . He
asks that a register be LVpt in the hall
of the legislature, and that every man
who speaks of further war shall be com
pelled to write his name in the book, -so
that when the conflict comes, ho, with
those who have agreed with bim, eball
be the nrst to march upon , the enemy.
What if such a rule obtained? What if
the fiery orator could be made the execu
tioner of his own brilliant , campaigns,
how guarded the'public speech would be?
11 tuose who make wars could bo con
scripted, there would be an end uf strife
Our Southern Oregon Correps."?a2'o.
Eariae Cut, April 25th, 1371,
The schooner : Afasguret-Crcckard;
Cupt. Godfrey commanding, was-' ,
oh the 18th iost., Boon after crossing tho
Bar. She was loaded with lumber for
the Society Islands. As she was being
towed out to sea, she struck so violently
on the Bar aa to start every timber, in
her ; but at the time it was thought no
serious-damage was incurred. The tug
towed her . out to sea, , and -returned.
When she had gone about fifteen miles
out, the Steward came on deck and told
the Captaiu that water was coining into
the cabin and he believed the hold . was
full of water. Tlie Captain went below
and found water rushing violently . into
the cabin. He rushed upon deck, brought
the vessel to, and otdered the" deck load
to be thrown overboard but before this
could bo accomplished she careened and
went over On her beams end. The crew
had barely time to secure ropes with
which to lash themselves to - the vessel.
As she went over they climbed upon the
side and lashed themselves fast. This
was late iu tbe evening. ; They remained
there over night. The next morniug
the Captain of one of the tugs descried
her from the. Lookout, and two of the
tugs went to her relief. ; By this time
the tide had brought her within five
miles of tho beach. : The tug took the
crew' on board, and worked all day. in
frying to right the Vessel, ' but tho sea
was so rough they could not succeed.
Captain and erew lost everything but the
clothiug they had on ; but our kind
citizens supplied their immediate wants,
and they were furnished by the Captains
of some of the vessels p'jmg between
here and Sau Francisco with free passes
to the city. W. D. N.
-Zr-r- ... f -:.
A full expose of the Connecticut fraud,
whereby 100 votes more vjcre returned
for English that were rhonesdy thrown
for him is published by the Hartford
Courant. It makes out a clear case ol
ballot-box stuEitis, a pure specimen of
Tammany tacties. These thieves corrupt
elections and render the ballot a farce;
and when Congress enacts a law' to re
strain them they cry out against the
"tyranny of Federal bayonets Con--necticut
Republican journals are satis
fied that the Legislature when it counts
the vote will throw out' the fraudulent,
ballots and declare Jewell elected. -
A Wciliilug- Seiisatiou.
L utsKe CoarUr-Joamftli April 4th.)
The last ecnsatiou in Nehou county is
over a matrimonial ucnsuap wuicu occur
red not long since. The caso is that of
a sprightly young lady, aged thirtyssix, ,
who laboring under tne mistaken idea
that a hatband incarcerated in the State
prison- at Frankfort amounted to a divorce
a vinculo matromoniiv without any inter
vention ot a aeeree lroui a court bavin-;
jurisdiction? to graut divorces, gave her
self in w?uIoek to a gay old widower of
seventy-three sun mers. The conse
quence was that only a few days of mat
rimonial bliss were allowed tliciu they
We'e as happy as two verjr large sun
flowers w boo the stern inexorable law
stepped in and declared them twain, not
withstanding the man of God had pro
noiiuced them bone of one bone and flesh
of one flush. - They twaiood accordingly
and execntivo clemency has already been
brought into requisition to relievo the
lady frduf auy prosecution for bigamy.
The couple are now quietly ' resting . on
their oars, waiting for tho next term of
the Chancery Coutt to coiuc. when a di
vorce will be obtained from the'old love,'
uho is still in prison, and another wed
ding gone through-with ns to the ''new."
The bridegroom has already given sub
stantial evidence of ; his afi'ection for the
lady. Ou the day of their first wodding
he deeded hertwo hundred aeros of laud
and made her a: present-of three thous
and dollars in' money. The day follow
ing he was so well pleased with his choice
that ho ioQreased the land gift to live
hundred acres and- the money to five
thousand dollars. Should the little lady,
to further test the eii'oction of her lover,
make a demand of a few -more thousand,
on the day of their s-econd wedding, it
would add another interesting feature to
the case. s'V'
Damon asd Pvtuias. The Vallejo
Chronicle of March 28, rulates the foi
lowinj; : "The strong tie of affection that
bound David and Jonathan to each other
is described as !iain' surpassed the love
of woiaan,-ou!y one parallel ease, that of
Damon mid Pythias, having been recorded
in history. Still, in the common walks of
life, instances of remarkable attachment
of iriends for each other . -are constantly
noted. .John Mnninr a younjr man re
siding here, has a friend named Collins,
who receuthy drew a prize of Sfl,000 in
the Grass . Valley ; Lottery. Collins . at sought out his frieuil Martin, divi
ded equally with him, and the two pro
pe to go into busines at. ValK-j-i. Such
rare, unselfish, friendship indicates a
warmth of affection that ennobles a man,
and warms the cockles of the heart of
every one conversant with tho circum
stances." :
The U.npqua Valley. :
Wo mem 31INERS. Tlve-l'erritorial
Enterprise of the 8Lh says :
A tunneL is now beiDcr ' run south of
the oil Central Mining tloinpanv's tun-
tl, between A and B streets, for the
purpose of prospecting the Comstock,
which has never been - explored in that
section, l-hc tunnel starts west of and
back of the Maldanedo building on B
street.,; A company of ladies have the
entire management, the work bein nu
periutended by a lady of this citj. We
do not see any reason why women should
not engage in miuing as Well as men'.
If they can rock a cradle, they- can .: run
a car, if they can wash and scrub,' t' cy
can pick and shovel. Alihough kidiu of
the geotlcmcu friends of the . ladies . are
attempting to persuade them from . con
tinuing the work, they, are ; determined,
and we are pleased to see it. -
The cotton crop now arriving at the
cotton ports of the South, promises to be
the largest since the famous one of 1 859
60. ' The Savannah ilZeptiblicani basing
its estimate on tbe number of bales al
ready received, says that the crop will
reach 3,750,000 to 4,000,000 bales. 'By
reason of its increased railroad conncc-
tioof, Savannah is fast taking position its
one of the principal eotton ports ; of the
South. ".ThifcHarsre crot establishes' tho
fact that the laud, being divided among
a targe number ia more carefully culti
rated. k
Tho Coiton receipts at Now Orleans
up to the 3d of March foots up over one
million bales ; and yet there is thousands
of bales in this portion f the country
awaiting shipment. The price of cotton
now is reduced to what it was before the
war, with nearly as large a product. This
alone is a complete refutation of the ar
gninent that the'freeduian could not or
would not raise cotton. . And ' now . we
havei'even with free, labor, the one crop
error repeated. To guard against a
repetition of these great declines, every
farmer thould vaiso hia . own bogs and
euough corn to feed them ; increase the
producing capacity of his land by thor..
ough tillage with -the best machinery.
Cotton will vet be successfully cultivated
by improved agricultural implements,
and the time is not r-far " distant when
large, crops of cotton will be raised with
one fourth the manual labor that is now
required. It is not so much the lars;e
crops, as the high costs at which they are
produced that makes the cotton ... product
this year so little remunerative, lo com
mand and control the markets ot tbe
world, we must practice the most rigid
economy and stop every unnecessary
Fkance.- News from "France showit
that the civil war progresses mere fierce
ly then ever, attended with leartul loss of
life. .' - - v .
The confessions of the Paris Commune
itself, shows that their troops were panic
stricken, and tha, the Vers'aillists had
carried Fort Issy. -
1 he jrovernment troops, havo earned
many, poiuts lield by tho insurgents.
IKS Arciibifcbop ol l-'aris has been re
leased. .
The Commune has received over three
million francs from the Northern Rail
way."'- - -
Thiers can borrow tho first five hun
dred million francs due Germany, at six
per cent, interest, but says be can make
better terms after the fall of Pari.
Cluseret has been removed by the
Commune from the ofSec of Minister ot
War, and placed under arrest.
I'rovineml elections in ranee are sain.
to have gone everywhere: in favor of the
Conservative Republicans.
A errand scene was. enacted ut tnc
Champi Elysecs, upon the departure of
the Delegation of - Free Masons to see
1 hiersr: 1 heir - mission to secure peace
was unsuccessful. " -
A good story is told of a postma-iter
out in Iowa. A man asked the price -of
postage stamps and wa told "three
cents," whereupon heaskt-d if he coulda't
have them cheaper if he took four or
five. To this the aecoi J:uoda!iug post
master rcspoided, "'Y&fcnnot sell ihem
at less rate fiovT. - We e"4d havo done
so until lately, hv mow thevfiorernment
punches holes aVound eaehVrStatiip for
the convenience id the peopleV which so
increases the cost that we cannot afford
to make any . discount. Tbe jwtL-fle-d
The "inducements to new comers to
locate in the Umpqua valley ure very
fairly portrayed iu the following article
taken from the Roseburg Plainde'aler :
We have resided in various portions of tbe
Suite, and we racan do disparagement to'any oth
er section when we say that the 'Uinpqua valley is
tbe moft desirable part of Oregon for a residence,
and offers inducements for the investment of cap
ital equal to any other. It has a large area of
farming land oi unsurpassed fertility, and low in
price, not in one body, but situated the bot
toms bordering tho numerous rivers and creeks,
which are separated by hills of various hcishtd.
all of which produce Hue crops of grass to their j
summits. Urniu is acerbate crop, ana bos never 1
failed here to any extent, while tbe hiils furnish
tho best ranges tor sheep and cattla in tbe woild.
Wood and water are plentiful, and tbe climate is
delightful. "There are no high winds, the rains
are not excessive i'j winter nor the heat in the
summer. no-,r seldom falls, never to auy great
depth, and tfco spring opeus Sooner hero than any portion cf the .St at a. Not' the least of its
reaommendatioos is tho good health enjoyed by
its inhabitants, fever and ague never being known
here. AH of these adeantajtes are admitted by
those acqaainte.l v.-iih the country, but have becj
heretofore over bnlnnce'l by its isolation, and the
diftieulty expfcriuncod in getting the products to a
market. "'i'hi3 is shortly to be overcome. The
t. & C, Eailrortd will enter the valley this year,
the Crapqna river will bo made navigable, and
the route to Coos lay made, available lor hauling
freight. We cannot, iu a short article, euome
rato all the? ioduceuints which "the valley offers,
but wc advise those who have time and means to
examine Douglas couuty before making a peruia
neut home. '
CAt-iroBSiA CaoE' TusPEcrs. The Marysvillo
Appeal of Saturday has the following In re
lation to crops iu "ulifornia : We wish we could
send forth cheering intelligence from this section
that the crop pro?p; cts wore never better, and that
the changes cf an abundant httrvest were reduced
to a certainty. But unfortunately we cannot. It
has beon the misfortnncof onr fanners that nearly
(.very rain this winter has been imuiediately fol
lowed by a drying north wind, that soon evapora
ted the uioUture, and to a greater or lc9g extent
ncntraLzed the good eCects uf the rain. For sev
eral days past a sti on;:, hot parehing wind has
been blowing from the north, and the iijury it
has entailed upon the crops mnt bo very grout.
Farmers eoming to town are despondent, and all
agree upon the necessity of early and copious
ruins. The bud effects of the north wiud are not
however general, but appear to eueet the crops in
streaks and localities; as while some fields look
badly, other. clotly. adjacent have a thrifty and
harJv appeii ranee. The crops wi!i not lj a fuil-
nre by any lu.'ar-s, but tie drawbacks wo hav
mentitned will reduce the aggregate yield far ba-
Ijjw what was recently anticipated. -
- D-!es. '-It's no usa to speak," but dress has
a great inS' a man's suet. ess or want of it.
A shabbily dressed hoiuhrj, iti these days when
good clothing can be purchased so cheap, indi
cates a want of pr per respect for tho opinions of
society, which s icnty properly resents. If yan
want to. fuel well and stand well i the eves of
community, Fhuld once to Mr. X.
Bauoi's aad sjeore one of thos-j neat, durable and
low-priced suits, the very latest style. B.tuin can
givo you a eompleto outtit, from head lo toe, at a
figure that will surprise you and everything yon
get will be iu fashion, too. Call at the corner of
i'erry and t'ir.-t streets, and examine.
A slaicment of the net receipts and cxwcndittircs
of the Govcrnmctit f ir the two years ending
March 1st, 1871. shows the net increase of l ovetuie
to be $84,S94,t'4 J over the two years ending March
lit, te'C'J ; decrease of expenditures, 126,70,94l).
The Connecticut Legislator:!, rai-ently elected,
will, it is said, coni.v.u a political curiosity in
tho pcrsonof a "Tei!peraacc Ueiuoi-rat." Wheth
er the lcii;ocr.v ctiiidcr this . gain or a loss
we have nut yet learned.
Millinery' anil Fancy Goods!
an elegant invoice of new r
-such C3 , : '
Fashionable IIATS, ; "
- " V 12 LVETS, -
' . ETC.,
to which she invite the attention of .tho ladies ol
Albany and vicnity. - ,
Her goods will be found a3 cheap, If not cheap
er, than ever before offered in this market, and
their quality cannot fail to give satisfaction .
Albany, April 8, lS71-3inJI I
Established in 1852. i
- ' "VST" O O X. x "
delivered ot our Wharf, Albany, by
Apr.22-S3m3 BEACH i. iWSTEITIf.
' For which we will pay the .'
" Wool owners will do well to call cn m befor
se'ling. 24T- Liberal cash advance made on
Wtol. 124m?. P. C. HARPER CO.
W.-.snixcxos, May 1. Justh e CliiTord rejd a
brief aad papers in tho Lc;fnl Tender cases of
htiM vs. Lee, and 1'arker vs. favis. There are
two qattioiis to be nj-gacd, namely:" First is
the Act of Congress known as ttio Le-ra' Teoder
Act fons' as to contracts made. bcfre iw
passage? Sccon I Is Si valil as apydicabla to
trans-iitiors since its passage? The jcstiuns
have been considered by ttiK Court,, and bo:h de
cided in the aiHrmarive. The decree f the Sct
prente Judicial Oturt f tss-nchualts in the cast
of Parker v. favis is tbcrt lnryetiirmed and tb
jud iinent of tho Circuit ," Cor.rt- ot the United
customer t;hsfjulX--'il three egqtwiw ' MJium W-W-t-rt-4i.trr-Tf TKraar--r ww
amrmrt. In tas t-nse or innio" atraitisi ears
Importers, Jobbers and
Wood & Wiflow Ware.
Brooms, Pails, Tubs, Churus, Brushes, Baskets,
Twines, Cordage, Matches, Stationery,
Paper Bags, Clothes Wringcrs,
Feather Blisters, Fishing.
Taikle, 'Ten Pins and
Balls, lite, and
Uicnoral . ,
Direct Importers of Baskets from leading Ger
man aud Frcuch Manufacturers.
S. F. Percussion Match Company's Matches,
American ket ami Twine Company's Twine, .
Boston Fiax Mills' Twines, ...
J. C. Conroy & 'Company's Fishing Tackle, .
llollingswortb it Whitney's Paper Bags,
Sherman's Improved Clothes Wringer, ; '
C. E. Urisnold A Company'. Feather Dusters.
1'. leLaughliu's Brushes. I
Our stock is tho largest on the racJIlc Coast,
and our faeilities foi mantifaetrtring and import
ing enable us o soil at lowest waikit price.
SSfccnl for catalogue. ' S3v3mS
215 & 217 Saorameulu-St., San I'"ranc'o.
tb; buying, sellin', examining titles to.
auu coti'cyauci:jg, Keit Estate, cuiiecting and i
securing dcbisr arid adjusting claims in any of the j
stiUcs .r Xerntoried. j
Long experience iu bniucss and an extensive
accUiLiutauee vi tbe Ati'an-io tat. and cities, i
especially tho Westera States aod Territories, ;
togetuer witu teu years actual fervice- iu t lera
and Keeorjer's ollices, and ajoasequent familiar
ity with tho records of real estate, ic, makes me
contident of iH'iug able to render valuable s rvice
aud give satisfactiou to those who may iurust
their business in my bands. i
Correspondents from the Eastern States and t j-T
lerritories will receive prompt altenliu. j
i'lcaso cull on or auorcss mo at uiy ottii-c iu
Alhaiiy, Lina cotly, Oregon.
I refer with pleasure to : -ion.
James il. Kavinauglt, Montana.
Cap. 0. West, Colorado.
Hon. Ezra liunt, Pike county, ?.Ii. souri.
lion. ..lohn D. Coaiter, St. Louis, .Missouri.. Mordccai Oiivtr, ."
WUis King, Esq., - . "
Messrs. l iter, 1'riee k Co., Philridt lphui.
11. M. CaiUr, Esq., Elyria, Ouie.
11. L. Beach. Es., PeBtisylvauia.
Joseph Chick, Esq.. New i ork Cily.
J. li. Price, Liip, Portland. Or.-gon.
iiessrs. itaseeli. IVrrv A Wowdiviird, Portland
E. 11. Ge.iry, 1. l Albany, Cretan.
Icssrs. I. C. Iiar:vr s Co., Aioany. Oregon.
Hon. li. is. i-.'ruhio, CorvuIliS, Ureoo
April 22, is71-3.1v3
i t ff1" " fcnSJ "-iL'9 1
1 1
Aa Infallible ntoon pmhtict. poiew
lug rare rone and SEavute properties
a certain enro for KnEtnATin, caoirr.
KEt'a.lLCiAt ud all kindred Disease.
It completely restores the system when im
paired by disease, revive the action of the
cally cures icaoFix. sax. minevnt
and all EaimrvE mm ctuxAaoEOua Dis
eases, gives immediate and permanent relief
in DvsPErsiA, EavsirELAs, Tumor.
. Boils, Scald Head, Ulcers and Bores; eradi
cates from the system all trace of Jtfercoiial
It is rimEtv vegeisbu, being mads
from an herb found Indigenous in ?
It is therefore peculiarly suitable for use by
Females and Children, as a blood piii
For Sale by all Druggists.
CEO, stnd 631 Market Street, -
' Eaa Francisco.
The Onkland (Cal.V Xews lias this
about an afflicted Cleopatra:, Accordio
to the testimony at -Dr. LyFord, M rs.
Faif when- she shot Crittendou, must
have toun in a terribly bad way. That
learned authority says he found her
anionic, iu addition to which, t?he had
rctroccdeot Rout, wetatasis dlsuieu..
oorrbqsa, . catanicnitrala, aad insoinania I
we are likewise given to undemaod that
nhe also bad idioyncracica ! Great heav
en 1 No wonder the poor .woman - went
out of her mind and broke things. It is
cheerful to know that Dr. Ly ford is only
thirty-two; by the time he is sixty . or
seventy lie may possibly learn to talk like " ' "
" A Student in a Western college : is so
addieted to tardiness- tht lis is known as
the late Mr. Tompkins C A sophomore
in the same institution sin's; "It is no
time to be writinsr Latin- essays when
billiards are only tea cents a frame."-' - -Down
East, thy call tingcr-posts 1fm1n
isters," because they point the: way to
oilier people, bat don t go themselves.
A Roy's Letter. .
liobby is spending his summer vaca
tion in the country, and writes as follows
to bis scliooltnate at home :
Djsab Jim.ut : Ask your mother to
briny you up here, right vlh It's gay.
There's fishing here, and plenty of
worm's to catch 'cm with. -You- stick
the hook. in 'em and they wiggle bully.
Fishing's funnier when you don't catch
the book in the sent of your pantaloons,
?o'te yon can't fit down ui.d can't all
tlvc way home. I did that the other day,
and Mr. JenkynS, couiin Laura's beau,
ask't me if I was a sob or a heel. Sup
pose he thought it, was l'uuny, but
I didn't see it. iJ.meby, I ee liim cat
a little piece out ot cnusin . Jiura's hair
where her hook caught, and Wi.-s it like
a great gabey, aud put it in his pocket.
So I told 'em at tea, and evei body else
laft. They have cows here and 1 ,o to
see them milked.'':; They don't pump it
out with their tails, like you , and I
thought they did, but they squeeze it out
of a bag that comes ou purpose, I sup
pose. 1 milked the other niaht. It was
very bard to squeeze, and it would cut go
iuto tlie pail, faomc ot it went into my
eyes, and the re3t of it up', my sleove.
1 dou t like milking. I Uon t like turkey-
cocks neither. ; They ruffla themselves
up biz and run at you. They are a very -
pberocious bird, and disagree bl3 to 1. vc
with.' (.htckens are nicer. i 0 cat cm.
They put them under a bari! at night, and
Will and 1 kill tbeiu in the morning.
We have bullv fuu wrinoinsr their necks.
You'd better tome here right o!f, and
bring a shot gun, for there ' are bears
here, and we saw a fox, aud some candy,
becos we can't get any hbre, aud a pop
gun and some bows arid arrows, and
things. - Perhaps we could slioot a decr.
1 think Mr. Jeufcytis id a bluiuel i'o-A;
He niada believe tind a deer? tract the
oi her day, aud when 1 looked at it, it
was nothing . but the . marks of cousin
Laura's boot. I do not see what makes
men so happy about girls. We woo't be
will wc ? 1 d be ashamed. - I'm going
to ride old &iu to-morro-. He's a horse.
You tide him bareback and it's very
har.d to stick on, he feels so 6iuiru;y.
Give my love to all the boys, : aud ' tell
them 1 m having a bully ,timev only l
hale old Jeiikvus., No tuare at piesent.
Y'oura truly, - i Bobby.
Brat. Estate Tassacwok. For the week
ending May 4th. . t, ' -
3. W. Tycer, A. J. AVarren snd Jas. McIIar
gue to A S. B.issctt ; consideration, u0 .'. .
. Vi'm. ilclfarguo, A. J. Warren and A. S. Bas
sett to L. C. Kice ; consideration, $20. -
Ooo. C. Coolcv to L. C. ltice : consideration. 5.
M. Sprenger to O. A C. B. It. Co. ; cousidcra-
l ion,. i: - ., .
T. 8. Sammtrs to Jas. Itidgiiway considers
- J. C. Ituird and Oeo. J. Toircscnd to It..' A
DavU; consideration, $4,000. - -
' Major M. P. Berry, of Salem, having
received bis commission as Indiau Agent
at Fort Hall, will start for the agency in
a lew ttays,- - - -
Capt. Johrl Suiilh has been reappoiuU
ea inaian Agent at warm epriDgs,
nnd others two rases from the Snr Court of
ATicb-.gan contra- ts were lor tut? i.cnvcry i a
fpesiitctt weijrht tt gold,' rtmovuMo -ws coiuei
money. - The. Court below, held that th ,y vi-cre
lischarged by thi payuicut of treasury notes
iiiiv'tent in market value to the value of" the
money stipulau-d weight of pure jrold. This
Court reversed that judicuttnt, huhling that it
stiould have been entered f'-r dollars and parts
ot dollars. ' '
" l'.Al.KiGH, Iay 1. AV. C. Harrison, a Ilohlen
P.cpuhlican, was elected Mayor of this city to-day
by the Icmocrats, tho strcnt lh of the ltcpulilh a:!
party, including a majority of the rejiroes, su;
portinir C. L.. Harris also a Ilohlen Kepubrtcau".
The Mayor-elect is a hrithor of Mrs. tioverdor
11 olden.
Ei-Guvtraor Mauley dk-u to day, aoed seventy
five years. -
Sai FR.ASctSGp.May 2. With fha train which
left Odeu last ni;ht i?the Amcri.-iis-Cluh of New
York; in Waticr! pala-e enr, consisting of the
following fri-nttetnrn : Win. M- Tweed, Owen
Prennan (president), V'm. II. Malohcy (Secre
tary), a. If. Mitcheii (Tn-nsurcr). lidward
Kearney, Fratuds McCate, John It. Piatt, Juilgs
James iiutlcr, Thomas Jlaloncy. Edward L. Don-n--lly,
Ur. JsTrvb, M. -Andrews, Thomas ihmahoe
and Pelcr Trainfr.
Won.Voou- Don't forget that K. TSnitm; at
the new clothing storj in tbe Uf-Cisteu Building,
wishes to pnrchase wool, for which ho will pay
tho hiEhest market price.
mne axxuat, assrsment Lrsx un-
S der tho TJ. S. Internal Povenno . Inw, for
Division So. S fon'f isfiiiff of Benton, I, inn. Ma
rion, Polk and Yamhill counties in the District of
Orreon, will he own for public examination and
correction at the assistant nssessnr's office, in Ct r-
Vftllis from the 2 1 day of Ma' ro tha 12th d;iV n
MavlSTl : where all persons claimine de lurtions
or abateuie'-t of taxes, in consequence of erron
eous ass..sssia?ni, must do so iu writinir before the
expira'ion of this notice, as no deduction will be
allowed alter tus v.a n ciossu ami iurne i over to
the Collector. ' .
17. S. Assessor, District of Orexon. .
Pt- f' y.l ff- 9t
v I
1 I
ay hri::rs s'.rtrr r.roof cf the "rent value-
XT TV Ci- 13 IL. S-L TV .
Dr. r. jrrcillto. Dentist, eulco So. 132 WmI
!? ixih btrjoi. sta'vs a fol'.owj" s
Cis-f imsavi, Oetot cr 1. ISBfl".
Slessrs. J. 7. HA K 111,-! Jf CO Gents : About
ore year ciro I took a vthl which: at tied on my
lorir. A viIcit con -h wn tho "consequence,
whi'h inrrs"cd with verity. I expectorated
large quantities of pU'.svt and -inatter. Doriws;
the last winter I Iwmac go lunch reduced that X.
wis conSned ( my hid. The disease was attend
ed with cnUl c'ulU and nicfct-sweaU. A diarrhflf
set in. 51y fiicndi th-.-nl.t I was-in tb last
sraires of consumption, end ccnld Kot poseihly get .
well. I was rccomihcudcd to try. v. r
Tie f r:Tila vrn rireu to i,.i'..', .whih 'io.isrel ma
) to give it a trirh'nnd I w il i;iy add that my
i eOK.-rh is entirety cu.-c l. no l I ma now able-to at-
i tend to my ha-smcs rs suj.i. 1 oars reppecuuily.
IT AVE TIIOBOrCULY-ltEPAIREI) AXD j AU aaicltd wj.'j CoisOi rr aiy Throat or Laos;
i improved their i troubio should nse Ailcn's I.ui-i; liaUftm without
,?i.1;.v. .?. X. 11 ESrS ,t CO.. St. ePrunr ctors.
Cincinnati, OliiOi . . . . '
.:.'' ..-CAUTIOiV.
r; mere Dim.
P1jwh,t Hill " f?Q?li 9. Tlft-Ti roptow- !
I lUUlli illilj ULUlii U JJUJ1 i UUlUi J -
Have proi-ured end put np
. very superior
sToitio nniinn iiaII wo not r.c ueccucJ yen wr.o wtnt a pooa mca-
1 Osmtie JlOIIOn SClOIl &.1W .fcine, and.dcsire Ly Ut-.:." Doiiot
Employed, a corps of first-cU mcchar ies, and f allow ur prfnciplcd dc.:! .is to 11 y u a prepara
are now prepared to do all kinds of worU i:i their t,oa e,?'LV?n.Kf-r'' r.? l"'?,, ,hot""
Hue with neatness artd dispatch. : W have con- 8 ALLEN'S IA VJ BALsAM, and you will
stautly hand a goo 1 assortment cf hava iho bc!,t Cou-h remedy ofiered to the puU.t)
and oi:o thtt wid pn-e you Bitif.K't:ir.
DCCRSf: SASH,- FOLDING, ib& sale nv ,
Als. seasoned Cedar, Pine end fir Lumber. '. , ! RESi i.STGii, ..OSTSITER & CO..
Ou.- motto is Live and let live' . ; j 62, 4 5:il jlar.ict-tt., San I'rdnci.-co. Cal.,
Orders left at the l 1 actor? , or wih Eli Carter,; , . . .
ai his office, will receive prompt attjntiou." AgClit, far CaiSSBia fttti ViCtSc States.
novo . 2TSoId by ail ItS5iU.-B& - 8-7l
Beach's I'os-itive Motion Scroll Saw,
one of which lunv be Seen tt work in iar factor.
Albany. A pril22, lS71-3v.(tf
:.'-'-.., ",'? " S"";C USI '9 "K
JCflVa "iT - '" jo ojos-oid 1
-aaudissjieiais'il-Liaifl Oilil f If 11'
psina rj00AV sux.l(Jd WVr y '
tiif iivis p ivs two oixorc
jtniajl or,,al0,lAV
spoofi Stui'lHiujn.i sitiafi j.fjuiuiiJossa unj pun
'edu siH olv mt'iidiaosap pun spnijj rw in
OKI 11X010 "AOSI rtIV Ktio0Jo'olft".18;,,'l "T
akx asvir o .nxNVXSKOJ saaa JUL
iaUOlS 0.VIIII0 I3
I?IS- J. A. ItE2iS,
TwX Ilalil 1ST 223 Xt "ST !
ORDER. . .
: ALSO ' - '
Plain ana Fancy Ssroinjr.
J the latest Millinery now on hand, with new
additions every month, r't-ra oa corner lroaa
albin apd Socond streets. Albany, Or. . S2v!
IVoticc to SSujerri I
. Any one wirhinj; a small - farm, consisting of
1U3 acres of good land, one milelrom Aroany, in
Benton county, Oregon, cn apply at the Cash
ctoro ol K. cneadle co. . : , .
Also, a House and iot la Albany.
. Albany, ApnT 15, lSTI-3Sral.
cd the stork of M. Pearson, and added to it
a l:tr.-e assortment of .
solicits the patronage of his friends and tho pnb-
lic. The stock is well selected, and wilt ho sold '
At the Lowest Prices.
W mean TRADE, and will givo you VALUE
itiatntn. .. .
g. w. Youxa
- Crtker lrat and lirondallia streets. .
Wc want your Produce, and will cive as eood
a bargain aa can he found in this burgh. Call
and ce us. ' i. W. 1 UbNQ,
Pearson's (Id stand, rorncr first and Eroadalbin
jitn2I streets, Albany, Oregon. v3n20
I do not wh,h to inform yoa, p;Stiler, ' that Dr.
Vonderful, or any other mun. has discovered m.
remedy that cures Cons am p.' ion, when the lunps
are neariy hU con.tuucd, iu sbcrt, will euro nil
flisc'iipee ivhctUtr of taitid, b:ty or estate, mallei"
men iive f.irvver, and leave dsatj to play lor wint
of work, and is dcin.-d to-, make our sublunary
sphero a hlis'lu) I'i:r:idirc, lo wlil-h 1'carcn it
self shall bs but a sido .how, Vi.o fcttve heard
eiio!;h of tbjt kind of Iicutbrt3!.-ry. lint when
I tciiyou that Dr. train's Cnturrb Remedy tlt .
MMnVirey fut-c tho wornt caes of Catarrh in the :
Hja 1, I o ily aj.vrt that, wliich thuand can
testify to. I will -pay Si(X) Howard for a easet
that I cannot cure. A pauiphh t givinjf symp
toms .nd other infonnal'ton scut fi'.u to any ad
dress. This remedy is
OF.TIia V. OI'.LD,
Price 'SO cents.' Seitt hy mail, postpaid, on re-
ceipt of sixty cents, or'fonr pacVagos for two dol
lars. Eeware of cotttoferfeii j and trorthlmt imla- ,
liunt. Sec that my pnvata iftamp,. which is a
positive guarantee of Genuineness, is upon tho
outside wrnppr. I'.rir.imt-cr that this private
Stamp, ir-sicd 1-y iho L'niied rentes Government,
expressly for statnpintr my-r-icdiciists, has my
portrait, Tatr.c nnd a.hlrs, and the words "V.
i. Certificate of Genuineness," etipracd upon it
and need not 1h mistaken. Dou t be swindled by
travelers and others representing Ihemselves a
Dr. 8no ; I nm tlie only man now living mat Das
tiie knowledge and ripht to manuhn tuie tbe Gen
uine Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, and I never .
travel to sell this miciae. '
11. V. PIEUC'E, M. D. '
21m3 13". Stn.-ea ttrtKt, Buffalo, N. Y.
Iusuranco Company of Boston is the ouly
couipnny ou this coast, jroi'mod by the
Ulassachasetts Won-Forlcitavo Law.
This company ws incorporated A. D. Ii.13,
and has accumulated assets of over $900,000 4)0.
Tho following lapsed policies tpve been paid on
this coast under this law : : . " .
- Over due tit time
No; of policy. ofdviitli. . Amt. infnred.
1;:0j4 moMhs. $ S,0C0
-i . 83014 . months. , . lO.OOu
! ', S258 3 months. 1,000
291(1(1 lOdays. 2,S"Q
83359 ,,. 11 months 4,000
Had tbe above policies been in any other cour
puny, they would have been forfeiied .- - .. -
The above-facts spenk for theinselvo and to
the wise nntl prudent fuethar comment i unnec
essary. KVK11SON & M1DDL13MISS,
Local Agent, t t Albany-, Oregon.
rebrttary 25, lS71-2y '
' The standard remedy for CURU, luflueliia.
Svr T kraut, Whoniiivt tbu.jk. , Crep. XJ- .
Cvpli.u. lironchitti, Hlrtdm i oj lU and
every uii'n t'.on ot the Throat, Lungs and Chest, .
iu.ludinic CORCMPTION. . .
Wl-stor's llalsain does not eiry up a tonga,
but, loosens it, cleans? the luns, nd allays irri
tation, thus mimrin'j fi eaiie of tho eomptaint.
Nono pvnnlne nnl-as signed I. Bcrrs. P"?
by Su'tb MVVowle A 8on, Boston. Bold by
ltedincton, Hos'ettrr Co., Pan FranHsco. aad
by dealers neral!r-. . -'-; ' ' .