aaWSat!!!!L NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. HENRY T. H EL?.! SOLO'S COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT CATAWBA GtXA.''X32; PILLS. Component Part Fluid Extract Rhu larb and Fluid Extract Qitatcba ' . Grape Juke. FOR LIVER COMPLAINTS, JAUN- WCE. BILIOUS AFFECTIONS, SICKORNERVOUS HEADACHEH COST1VENESS, ETC PURELY VEGETABLE, IXJ.VI AliSlKtjr ISO MERCURY, MINERALS OR DEL H These pills are a pleasant purgative, supersed ing castor oil. ultt magnesia, etc There ia nothing more acceptable to the stomach. They giro tone, and cease neither nausea or griping pains. They are composed of tbe Jfntmt inmd- immu. Alter a few days' use of them, each- as tnvigoratioa of the en Lira system takes place as to appear miraculous to the weak and enervated. H. T. Holmbold'e Compound Fluid Extract Catawba drape Pills are not sugar-coated i sugar coatee rills pass through tbe stomach without dissolving, consequently do not prodoce the de sired effeet.. THE CATAWBA URAPB PILLS, being pleasant in taste and odor, do not neeemi- tate their being sugar-coated, and are prepared according to rules of Pharmacy and Chemistry, aM are not Patent Medicines. Henry X. Ue I im hold's ' Highly Concentrated Compound FLUID EXTRACT SARSAFARILLA Will radically exterminate from tbe system Scrofula, Syphilis, Fever Sores, Ulcers, Sore Eyes, Bore Legs, Sore Mouth, Sore Head, Bron hitis. Skin diseases. Salt Rheum, Cankers, Raaaings from tbe Ear, White Swellings, Te asers, Caaeerons Affections, Nodes, Rickets, U land alar Swellings, Kight Sweats, Rash, Tet-i ter. Humors of all kinds, Cbronir, Khe-matisia, Djxpepiia, and all diseases that hare bees es tablished ia the system for years. " NEW TO-DAY. STITZEL V REAL ESTATE OPTOIf, BROKERS, id GEN ERAL A GENTS. tfioe, Branola . Albany, Oregon, J.C.HENDEN1ULL, - -Agent. GENERAL LAND AGENCY FOR OREGON. Established Jnly, 186S. An office wbere general information concerning the resources of Oregon can bo obtained free of charge. itoaas negotiated on erst Mortgace. Real Es tate and Collateral Securities. - We hare for sale a large amount of property located in the town of Albany. Also, Farming lands, of every des cription, iocs tea in Linn and other counties ia this State. To tbe citizens of Albany and vicinity, and to tee owners of Heal Kstato Wo take this method of calling your attention to our place of busi ness. Having determined to open a Branch Of fice in your city, we eaa offer you a medium for obtaining purchasers one that is appreciated by buyers, a it saves them much time and labor in searching for what tbey want. Our principal Agency, at Portland, Oregon, is thoroughly es tablished, and the office so well furnished for giv ing information upon Real Estate, that it afferds the most complete facilities for all parties having business in ear line. Too incur no expense in placing your property on sale With us unlUs a sale is made. Office on First street, opposite PostrOmee. JOHN C. MENDENHALL. Agent. . . Albany, Ogn., March 23, 1S70. 2t " STITZEL UPTON, REAL ESTATE BROKERS, J. C. MENDENHALL, A peat, Office First st opposite Post Office, Albany, Oga. TT AVE for sale in the city of Albany, edeeira H hi. H.unMtead. Lot I. 2. 7 and 8, corner Third, Fourth and Elsworth streets, one t th beet localities in tbe city- A good one and ahalf story bouse, with all other conveniences, atpply to J. C. MENDENHALL. Agent, , Albany, Oregon NEW TO-DAY. o A. COWAX. A. w. tTAHaaa. A. COWAN & CO., ' Wholesale and Retail Dealers la STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODS FIRST STREET... . ALBANY. ' Cask Being prepared expressly for the above com plaints, its blood-purifying properties erw greater than any other preparation of Sursaparilla. It gives the complexion a clear and beaky color and restores tbe patient to a state of health and purity. Fur purifying the blood, removing all chronic eons itutioual diseased arising from an imuure state of tbe blood, and the only reliable and effectual known remedy for the cure of pains and swellings of tbe bones, ulcerations of tbe throat and legs, blotches, pimples on the Face, erysipe las and all scaly eruptions of the skin, and beau tifying tbe complexion. Fl HEART" X. IIELIOOJLD S CONCENTRATED I Fluid i tract of ISuchu, has cured every case diabetes in which . it baa been given. Irritation of tbe neck of tbe blad der and inflainatioa of the kidneys, ulceration of tbe kidneys and Mulder, retention of L'rine, dis eases of the prostrate gland, stone ia tbe bladder, caleulus, gravel, brick-dust deposit, and Mucous or milky discharges, and for enfeebled and deli cate constitutions of both sexes, attended with the following symptons : Indippositu n to exer tion, loss of power. ls of mumrr. difficult r of breathing, weak nerves, trembling, horror of J Carpet, disease, wakefulness, dimness of vision, pain in the back, hot hauds, flushing of the body, dry ness of tbe skin, eruption on tbe face, paliid countenance, uoivertal lassitude of the muscular system, etc. Used by pur oris from tbe a.;a of eighteen to twenty-five, and lrora tbirty-fire to fifty-five or in the decline or change of l.fc ; after confinement or labor pains ; bed-wetting in children. B HELMOLD'S EXTRACT BUCK is diuretic and blood-purifying, mod- cures all diseases arising from habits of dissipation, excefs a and imprudoncca io life, impurities of the blood, etc., -superseding copaiba ia affections for wbich it is used, and sjpbiiiticaSecttoos with IIELMOLD'S ROSE WASH. LADIES. In many affections peculiar to ladies, tbe . ex tract Bucha is uneaqualled by any other remedy as in chlorosis or retention, irrvgulrrity, pain fulness or suppression of enstomary evacuations, ulcerated or schii rns slate of tbe Uicru-, leucor , rbeea or whites, steriU- v whether arising from indiscretion or babiis oltittsipatioa. It ia pres cribed extensively by tbe most em ite.it physicians ana Mlwires for enfeebled and delicate consti tutions of both sexes and all ages. o II. T. Belmbold's EXTRACT UUCnU CURES DIS EASES ARISING FROM IMPRU DENCES, IIADITS OF DISSIPA TION, ETC. Ia all their stages, at little expense, Vttle or no ehan - in diet, ao ineoarenicnce( and an expo--. are. It ran wa a - frequent desire, and gives 1 strength to I'riaate, thereby removing Obstrue sions, Prereuting and Coring tStrietores of the - Urethra, Allaying Pain aad lafianmtion, so 'fre quent ia this cfaus of diseases, aad expelling all Poisonous matter. L H. T. nELMIJOLDS IMPROVED ROSE WASH tfaanot be surpassed as a Face Wash, and will be found the only specie remedy ia every species of vutaneous A Section. It speed ilv eradicates Fira plee, Spots, Scorbutic Dryness, Indurations of the Cutaneous Membrane, etc., dipele Redness and Incipient Inflammation, Hives, Rash, Moth Patches, Dryness of Scalp or Skin, Frost Bites, aad all purposes for which Salves or Ointaumta are ased ; restores tbe skin to a state of parity and softness, and insnrts eoatinaed healthy art ion to tbe tissues of its vessels, on which depends the agreeable clearness and vivacity of complex ion so much sought and admired. But however valuable as a remedy for existing defects of the skin, H. T. Helmbold's Rose wash bas long sas- (ataea us principle claim to unbounded patron age. By possessing qualities wbich reader it I toilet apppendage of the most Superlative and Congenial character, eumbinms; in aa . elegant formula those prominent requisites, safety aad 1 efficacy the invariable accompaniments of its aae as a Preservative and Pofresberof tbe Com plexion. It is an excellent Lotion for diseases of . a Syphilitic Nature, and as aa injection for dis eases of the Urinary Organs, arising from ' habits of dissipation, ased ia connection with the EX TRACTS BCCHC. S4R8APARILLA AND CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS, in saeb diseases as . .1 1 W -. Ifil I HI II 1 1 j teWUVl uot urpMStavi i D Pull aad explicit tlireetioo aeeempaay the xaenietnes. ' . Kvideaees of tba most respoaaibls and reliable ebaracter furnished on application, with handreds of thousand of livinx witDasses, and upward of 34.000 unsolicited eertiftcstrs and raeommendato- ry letters, many of which Are from the hishrat . eoarces. iocladiag eminent Physicians, Clergy ' seen. Statesman, etc. The proprietor has never i resorted to their publication in the aewspapers ; '. he does not do this from the fact that bis articles ; rank as Standard Preparations, and do not need to be propped up by certificates. They offer a large aad wel" 'leeted stock of STAPLE DRY GOODS ! At Extraordinary Law ; Prices or Produce la addition to a very large stock, covering everything ia the line of Cottons, we : have a complete assortment of FANCY DRESS GOODS! Latest styles of Boys' and Men's . CLOTHING and FURNISHIH& GOODS! HATS, CAPS, BOOTS. SHOES, Ac. St Linen Wall-Paper, j Paper Blinds, Ac, &c. Especial attenti in is directed tn out stock of IRON AND STEEL -ASB- K.Vi:itAL. HARDWARE! Which Is tbe largest aad most complete this side of Portland.. , - Yea are invited to call and axamiua oar goods aad prices. jiv-.'; ".-;. - . The highest market price in rah paid for - Wool, Baton and Lard ! b 12 PS M H O A M ft 4 ". rA M fA 0 0 8 a Oct. 3, 1SA9-8 A. COWAN CO. . E. W. 'PIKE. BOOKSELLER & STATIONER, aad dealer in FANCY GtODS. : Offers, in atltlitiva to ft lull supply of - STAPLE GOODS IX THE . 33 O O lil JL, I E . BLANK BOOKS, new tjrle, SCHOOL BOOKS, . MUSIO BOOKS, of all kind, Fresh lot of NOVELS, CHROMO LITHOGRAPHS, . SIORTON'S COLD FENS, . WALL. PAPER, ELEGANT GIFT AXVNVAZ.S, Parian Iflarble Tases, Henry T. Helmbold's Gen uine Preparations, Delivered to any address. Secure from obser- vation. - Established upward of twenty years. , Sold by Druggists everywhere. AdIres letters for In formation ia confidence, to HE.VBY T. HELM tUL.D, Drus-eist and Chomist. "Only Depot t H. T. HELMBOLD'S Drug and Chemical warehouse No- 594 Broadway, ewYork, ortoH.T. HELMBOLD'S Medical pot, 104 South Tenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. liware of Ckmntorfeita. , Ask for ue-.MKY T. HELMBOLD'S. Tke v other. . o rC 0 H 0 o (3 3 0 Hi 0 A G c 0 0 R C3 h 4 o ' w CS S "5 o ei u s S - s u s a S be S fa ft. S o a" H U m e e H . fa w m a 5 5 s p- a -n ! OQ S3 I 53 O O w NEW. TO. DA V rm? mils. s. a. joiws, r.iLLir:ER ai:d csess-makcr, . FIRST STREET, ALBANY, 0KE00N. Bridal and Monrsiag Bonnets and Bats ; - nxado to uraer. Bxwaa-niaking' Dona in tha Very lattlt Bxyie. " ' .. . Also, the only agent tor tbe SINGER SEW ING MACHINE. Th. T nnnMltd to call and examine tbe 6INGEK, which is tbe only complete machine ia use. Satisfaction guaranteed, or money re funded.' -. ' Albany, April 8, 1871-31v5 SANTIAM.DITCill t . day, april 29, isti. ATA MEETING HELD BY THE ST0CK- XJL holders and members of the Santiam Ditch tHupany, it was resolved by the Company that, before investing ail our fortunes in to hauudoux a speculation, we recommend to each and every one of the members of the Society to secure for their families a BUCKEYE SEWING MACHINE, so that ia ease of a failure ia the Ditch arrangement their families would have some means by which to ruin a livelihood, i Subscribers findine aa X after tbelr name will understand that their subscription expire wit!: that aamber, and they are invited to renew their subscriptions. Terms S3 per annum, in advance; six months, fZ j tnree moatba, SI. . . : IOCAIi AFFAIRS Eight Reaaona why tlto Bnckeya Saw- ug macmao ia anptnst ta au utaera i 1. It is the simplest shuttle machine made. X. It has less wearing parts. S. It has ao sjiall springs and compound erana. 4. It ia better adapted to a laxee raoce of work without change. - . It has less pieces of machinery, j 8. It is less hauls to break, aeeuioa than any other machine.. 7. lha bUatUo will wear lonirer than the shuttle in any other machine. a. Xbat it has the best loeUuz dericc. which will never wear out, ret out of order, break neo- uies, ieea unevenly, slip on starcnea Koods. or pucker the seam, so that one part of the fabric will come out shorter than tbe other, which all other feeds are liable to do. It makes, every stitch of an equal length. It is stronger than other feeds. We eaa take a strong piece of cloth and put one end in our machine and . the other end in any otber machine, and guarantee that our -j i mil-li 1 1 1 m will i,kH tfiA ninth t ri ii it I It i ml in Ann. to which sbe invites the attention of the ladies of J sequence of the superior strength of tbe feed. -. Aii is ue only leuu strong enougu vu xtmu uics sole-laatberjr aewiug en shoe solus. No soaping Millinery anflJancy GBofls! MRS. M. A. ERIDGEFARMER, 1 (SUCCESSOR TO MRS. DUNNIWAY) HAS JCST RECEIVED FROM BELOW an elegant Invoice of new 511LLINER1T AND FANCY GOODS, v .. such as - - .. Fashionable HATS, BONNETS, , V : VELVETS, ' , RIBBONS. ! - TRIMMINGS, Albanv and vicinitV. Her coods will be found as cheap, if not eheap- . B . i -i i.... er, than ever Dotore oncreu m iuu uiti nu their quality cannot fail to give satisfaction. Albany, April 8. 1871-3m31 r . . "Wisconsin" Bou glit Out! AT PEARSON'S OLD 6TAND:' '.' Ti EO. W. YOUNG HAVING PURCHAS- Jf ed tbe ttock of M. Pcareon, and added to it a large assortment of GROCERIES AND NOTIONS! solicits the patronage of bis friends aad tbe pub. lie. . The stock is well selected, and will be sold At the Lowest Prices. ' We mean TRADE, and will give yoa VALUE RECEIVED. - GIVE IIS A TRIAL '. O. W. YOUNG, Corner First and Broadalbia streets. ihifeeltith or inv nt.li-.r aid ia reouiredl - It has no complicated machinery, and therefore is not liable to get out of order. " It has a beauti ful : movement, making nearly- . two thousand stitches Der minute. . - The -UUCK1SX1S bKWl.au jmAiuiais mates the lock stitch, tbe same as tbe liowa, Wilson, Sinirer and. Florence alike on both sides. We ofier a premium of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS tor aay macaine ou. inie coast mat win maae a stronger or more elastie stitch tbaa the BUCK- Its. or lull particulars aaoress, - Ukmebal Autsrs, Mv3. Albany, r. XCf otot Store X 3STow i We want your Produce, and will give as good i a bargain as can be found in this burgh. , Call and see us. U. W. lUUKtt, Pearson's old stand, corner First and Broadalbia I jan-lj streets, Albany, uregon. - vonKU NEW STYLE PICTURES. i THE REM BRANDT! 3 w CO p r - PS us o o o aV t M ti Si, aaj IB, s- a H d ho - CO S I V2 fa - e u d a o - h M -M . 9 9 A Is the most popular style of Pbotocraph now ado. Call and see. A. J. WlJNXfcK. Jan. 14-19 Albany, Oregon. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Y fay, 's " J. M. BEACH Is bow opening a Selected Stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE! Consisting of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, 'Groceries, Hardware, CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE, - Boots fc Shoes, Iaints&OiIg, &C, Sec, Which he U offering to the public at prices cor rcFpondine with the times. All kinds of Merchantable Produce taken ia exchange for Goods. - . : Come one. come all. and examine prices. At the old stand formerly occupied by D. Beach A Son, opposite Foster's Brick, south side First I -street. Albany. Oreeon. 31 v3 a El H 4 a "B -3 a. tn o e. O 5 W Z aa s O N-l EH'S CO u & ft 0 EH a K3 xssoat psjmwiCBi.posseea. !"A Stitch in Time Saves Mine! " , TJWIOIw" Fire and Marine Insurance Company ! Nos. 418 and 418, California street, Son Franciaco, - - California. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE Caab Capital, la Gold Cola, STSOOO. . Dcpoalt In Oregfon, 980,000. led I wa ! i o PS Ph S ' (a DOHCMi AM WARE, Writing Desk!, Portfolios, . Worliboies, " t 'Birdcages, , . " Violinti, . ' . , Oititarc, P1AHOS, Organs, v Tambonrioei ... Flutes, AND MAST OTHER 3Xsical Instruments - ALQO ATTRACTIVE TOYS, -including the s Champion ITleclianical TrrsXaOOiPisinrst AU of wbich are, as matter of course, TO BE HAD OS REASON ABtEH TEIX51S. , E. W- PIKE, Albany, December 54, mW ; am -- a a fat K H 'I o 1 a - s 3 " -u - H . ft w CO O , w - i i i O I o a' ; & CO a PS . &3 as a- &. h e a a . t a 4J M . s 32 SI - V w) s - sfi- cs S fa e a mi r3K . fa r -. ws K 51 AalnlaUlUa 1 lag mre toxic and xkbwuie properties a certain euro for aaEiauTna, ajsnrr. anxana as.ua. and all kindred Diseases. It completely mature a the system when im paired by disease, revives tba action of tha Kiavwa causxvAx, meuasta. radi cally cores a)CBtoa-WBa, aax.T nuasxaa. and all EBinrrrva mm cuxaAXOxisi Dis eases, give ImnrH'--- and permanent relief la owavKMA. KmwnaraciAe). Tumors, Boils, Scald Bead, Ulcere and Bores; ersdi. . : cates from the systoa all traces at sferourlal XMasaas. 1 It ta acjauEav vaeETABLC. belnx made) from an herb found Indlgyprma In ciis.rai. It U therefore peculiarly suitable for aaa by Tanales and CaUdreB,aa a aibeea rsjata. - SJPxBaa mm BEKOVSTOB. - ) For Sal by all Oniggists. ' COIIttTOR. NOSTCTTCII CO. 529 and 631 Market Street, ' Ban Franclaoo. ' ft f LATEST EVIDENCE t ' CURE THAT COUGH ! USE THE BEST KEMEDY ! Every day brings strong proof of tbe great value oi luia " .' "" . ' No. 13i "West 'romptfv and Equitably Adjwn JLtul J 'aid in Gold L-oin.. fTlftS COMPANY navies; complied with tba u laws of Oregon, by making a deposit of fifty ; loousaaa uoiiars, is now preparen to eoect insur ance against Loss or Damage bv Fire, and also araln?t Marine and Inland Navigation risks, on i iioerai urrms. . ; - . - ... . -. ; - . GUST AVE TO UC HARD, Pre. HAVEN, See'y. . ... . : , CHAS. D 1 ' J. O. Albany, I87t-J8 movnocmiALX Aent fox Albany. TUB NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE Insurance Company of Boston is tha only company on this coast, governed by the - masaachnsetts Non-Forleitttra law. This eomnanv was, incorporated A. D. 1S3S, and bas accumulated assets of over $UOO,000 00. The following lapsed policies hpve been paid on this coast anuer this law r ' - .- ..".'. Over due at time No. of policy. of death. AuL insared. I;0i4 6 months. , $ 6,000 330K 4 months. - - 10,000 S825 : S months. , . 1,000 291 , lOdsys. , ' i i,50 SMSff II months 6,000 Had the alwve policies been in any other "com pany, tbey would have been forfeited.' -,x - Tbe above tacts spcax lor .taeauetves, aaa to the wise and prudent fucther comment ia un nec essary. ', 3 . EVERS0N & MIDDLEMISS, GENERAL AGENTS, i": SAN FRANCISCO. L. FLINN , Z.ecal Ag-ent, t i Albany, Oregon February 25, 1871-ZSy ' - " FaBs.aaAxs. Just across tha river sre beauti ful promenade grounds, much frequented by oar citizens on Sundays. , t ,, Garden track baa made Its appaaraneo la our market, bat as yet in,limited quantities. Messrs. Blsja, Young A Co., are paying tba highest cash price for Wool,-Bacon and Lard de livered at their store. ...---.- .- Tbe new sidewalk on tha east side of Lyon street, leading to tbe depot. Is being rapidly con structed. " - ' ' ' ; - . - If ear City Dads don't look after this matter of a park, we shall always tbink they neglected ' a portion of tbelr work. Grounds for a park will never be procured cheaper tban now'. ' - " - For a nice lot of dower plants we are indebted to oar friend Mr. John Briggs, ' than wiiom no man bas a more excellent taste ia their selec tion. 5 ! ' - ' " Messrs. Winter A Faxtoa are busy as- bees ia their gallery, exeentlng those Sne. "Rcmbraats" in wb eh tbey have no peers. - -" ' . .' We are enjoying to the full the moat - magnifi cent of weather. - No country un .the globe .eaa excel Oregon's Summer's. J''y 1 The ine weather is drying up tbe roads rapidly., Fast teams . are beginning to "meander" ibroagb oar atreata. " ;;jt,: ?:uis.&ii ' Siaeethe tsauga ration of tbe daily line of steamers to Portland, business is "looking alivo" on the P. T. Ct.'s wharf.- ?- W.. ..,- -- ' Trade baa been very fair daring tbe week, not withstanding ear fanners are all busy plowing aud patting in crops. ..-.. The hundred mile stake on the O. A C. - Bail- road, some twenty mUea from this city,, waa reached yesterday by the tracklayers. - The committee on the May-day S. School cele bration are to meet oa Taesday evening. Dele gates from each of the Schools ia tbe city are invited to be present. Those of oar citizens who could afford tbe time, bare been having line sport with book and line. Tbey report slathers of fih and no tiouble tq catch them. ' - ' ' Passengers tak ing the morning boat at live o'clock are landed in Portland early in the after noon ; coming this way, arrive from Portland be tween eight and nine o'clock each evening. The skating rink business "busted out" on Sat urday night last. ' While the rink was running there was high old fua on wheels. ' But as - the (Kates bare gone, suppose the boys try, some other amusement say, turning a grindstone, or something else that's easy compared to skating A move is on foot to grade aad gravtl Ferry street, frcm the College" to the river. A) the great majority of the property-holders oa said street are in favor of it, we hope It will be ordered soon. 4 v,"':'":,-"" -." '','i-;-'-f''';. The individual who would bstter liis 'financial condition, en the' least outlay of ' capital " trouble, should read 'the advertisement of the Gift Festival of the Academy of Music, Omaha, to transpire oa the 25th of next month-. One hundred thousand dollars in cash are to be given away to the lucky shareholders. ':;;-:(' Quite a number of buildings are in tbe course of erection in the eastern portion of the city. It is rumored that, besides tbe soap and lard factory and agricultural warehouses in the course of building by Messrs. E. Cartwright A Co., in tbe eastern addition, a building will be erected and tilled with dry goods, groceries ' etc., for the accommodation of tbe dVniaeaa thereabouts. Tbe proposition made by tbe Railroad Company in relation to tha proposed Sunday School - May. day excursion was t If 300 passengers could secured, the round trip from Albany to Portland and return would be made for $500 which weald be at the rate ef two dollars per passenger. ' Tha P. T. Co., with tbe old-lime liberality, proposed to carry all who wished to go oa the occasion, as far aa Salem and return, free of ' cbarge. . If extra steamer was required, or the excursion projected to vurvaiiie aad cetera, the expos se would probably be $25. We are inclined to the opinion that tba boats will carry the : excarwoa- The business of carrying passeagert between this point aad Portland is being hotly con tested ; and between the rivalry ef tbe P. T. Co. - on ; the river, and the O. A C Railroad Co., passengers sre getting eheap rides. On Tuesday, the r Bail- road Company, finding that tbe boats were getting all tbe passengers, saddenly come dowa with, tbe fare to steamboat rate $2. : The prioe of pats age on the boats to Poitland at present is $2. At the TuesJsy evening session of tbe City Council, Mr. John Conner waa- elected Council- nun, to nil the vacancy eaused by tbe resignation of Mr. J. D. Montuith, aad Mr. Ell 'Carter was eleoled City Kecorder, ia place of N. B. Humph rey, appointed by the Governor to examine the WiV.4C.ltlf. BoadiV Mr. Conner is " ' JU-" publican Mr. Carter is a Democrat. r-f "' - , : If yoa feci dull, despondent, drowsy, debilitat ed, bare freejueat headache, month tastes badly, poor appetite, and tongue eeeted, yea are So Ber ing from torpid liver, or "Biliuuaneea."" Nothing will cure yea so speedily aad permanently as Dr. rteree a Alt scxt. or ooioea aieaieai xitseovery.' It also euros all eerere Uaaeriar . Concha ' and tones up and strengthens tbe whole system. Bold by druggists. ' To avoid Counterfeits see that Dr. Puree s private L. 8. Government btamp is oa tuo eulside wrapper. , i , ' 'i)'ilLUsawiTnt1iAXH Sr.AaoAi. &Ptet Tit Dallas grjxihtiean of the ?!d last., rails at' ten tioa tea &et that Uof importance to aQ eUixeos, "which aaaM' is that, ia saaay taatasMC r are laying themselves liable to prosecution, pos sibly without being aware ef tbe fast, ia tbelr dealings with Indians. To msks the matter flaia to all. Section 1, Chapter 22d, of tbe f tatatee of Oregoa ia quoted, as foitowr t "It shall be , lawful for aay persoa to eathje, indace, per stsade any Indian or half-breed, wW babHuaK rssidas with Indians, to leave tba Iediam Cssst- vatkm or territory, where each Indiaa ft aaV breed belongs, or te harbor or to eoaeeal h la' diaa or half-breed, er to countenance oreasseujagw or in aay way assist such Indian or half breed t escape from, elude or evade, tbe Agent eff trf ; ia ten dent having obargeof tbe tribe, aniens saeb . Indian er balf-breed it absent by tbe a lit lea asm sent itt ths Superintendent or Agent afoSVaaiJ,'' The attenUve reader wiU observe that tba nbova qootsd section covers more ground tbaa lrt glance would seem to iadicate. ProbaWy awie timer oat ef ten persons have employed ladiass te perform certain UuLies, without ever ,iefairing . whether they bad passes from Ibe Agent or aet I er if, having one, whether or not it bad expired aad have thus unwittingly commuted aa unlaw ful aet, aad are liable te prosoeutioa therefor. If . you employ a squaw to do washing, or m buck fat sawing wood, and if the parties so employed have -ae pass from the Agent, or if, having a pass, tbe time for wbich it was given baa expired, yoa are .' liable to the penalty prescribed ia Section 2 ef Che same Aet : "Any person who is guilty of a violar t tioa of See. 1st of. this Act shall be liable to a fan f $2S for tba first offence j and act leas dan tie". nor more tban tlbOor each subsequent .."' ice, te be recovered ia action for debt, before any Cveoit Court et County Judge, or Justice of the Psaee la this State." .Through igvorvnee of tbe law, er. cardessaess, many persons have doubtless viola ted a plain'prorision ef tbe statute, aad are KaUe , therefor. Should orders to enforce tbe r law Va forwarded fresa - headquarters, persuas who base Z so violated Its provisions may expect te be forced, to pay dearly for It, aa all are luppored ta under stand tbe law and be guided by it. There are aamber of Indians from tbe Reservations ta Ibis -city now, and if any of ear citizens wish to em ploy tbem, they will do well first to act upon tha ' hints above given.' Last season, It will be rensea bend, there were quite a large aamber of these "untutored savages' prowling about oar city, pil- - taring and making themselves generally ebaex- -ioos j aad the nuisance at last became so great, that the agent waa urgently requested, aet only through tbia journal, but by private letters from leading citizens, to abate it at once. . If the law Is thoroughly respected, and ao Indian employed who has not a pass, we shall not be called upon again to calpiu tbe aid of tbe 4gent tbey can get ao- employment, tbey will . be forced of their owe accord to return to their homes apoa tho Reservation.' Fersoas who have been neglU ' gout in this matter will save themselves peesible trouble and expense by being more guarded ia tho future in their dealings with Indians. ; r-, - Bcaixaaa NoTicaa. Mr. EU Carter, real estate I.-. tt.n n w aAm tirt tha aiatf OS . Broadalbia and First streets. Please make a Bote of thU fact.. Mrs. 3S. A. Bridgefarraer baa removed net millinery establishment te tba south aide of, First, one door we'st of Ellsworth street, where - she Is ready, to receive and wait apoa all desiring aay.; thing in her line. , -.5 M. Julius Gradwobl bas visited Portlaa during the week, where he went to ley tn a-eupply of groceries, etc which be aaya he wiU sell cheaper tbaa they were ever sold before, ia this city. ' ' ' - ' - Talking about eider, go te Hiltabklel A Co,' aad inspect their heavy stock of groceries, pre. visions, etc- They have got everything, aad more too. : ' '' - Harper A Co., are selling Immense quantities . of goods. They have a huge stock, aad - are selling lower than ever. Billy Bice; at tbe telegraph offloe, keeps a good cigar and an excellent article of chewing aad smoking tobacco. . ; - - Eioav Kaaaoxa. Ia oar advertising eoluaraa- !.(.. immrm Um A IaaMa rlM atvh t reasons why tbe Buckeye Sewing Machine hi ea perior to all v' hers. As wa bave previously re marked In these columns, these gentleman aet ouly bave ao difficulty in selling these ! maebiaee but tbey bave not been "able to receive ntacLlnca, from tbe factory Cast enough to 111 tbe aaaaaad fur them. All persons , desiring ; a Vpleodid article ia the sewing ntacblag liae, at a , very small price, are Invited to call at the Zto ef LTia er A Pearson, corner of First aad Ellsworth striata. STOtiOGs GREATER. INDUCE.M ENTS T Now offered to the trade tbaa ever before, aa we sell for -.. 1 Cash Trade I THS EYES I THE EA!3 ! Dp. T.. JL. OOaLDETV, OCOUST AND AUXU3T, ALBANY, i,i i OREGON. R. GOLDEN IS A SON OF THE noted eld Osthalmia Doctor. S. C. uoiaen, . Dr. GOLDEN baa bad experience la treating the various diseases te wbiob tbe eye aad ear are aabjeet, and feels confident of atviaa entire satis faction to those who may place themselves under bis eare. - Albany, April 10, ISOO-Sly 1 ' " B latest styles, aad for sale low, at this eftea- Dr. P. Meredith, Dentist, office Sixth street, states as follows : t CixciKHATi, Uetoher I, leo. Messrs. 3. N. IIAKKI8 A CO. Gents : About one year ago 1 took a com wnicn settiea on my lungs. A violent coogb was tbe consequence, wbich increased with severity. - I expectorated large quantities of pblcgra and matter. ' During tbe last winter 1 became so mnon reuucea toai x wss confined to my bed. The disease was attend ed with cold chills and night-sweats. A diarrhoea set in- My . friends thought I was in the last stages of consumption, and could not possibly get well. I was reecramended to try -A-llen's H.tiTig'IBta.lsa.Tn The formula was given to me, which induced me to give it a trial, and I will only add that my eough Is entirely cured, and I am new abla to at tend to my busioess aa usual, x ours reepectroiy. Alt afflicted with Coatrli or any Throat or Lung trouble ahould use Allen's Lung Balsam without delay. J. . HARRIS A CO., Sole Proprietors, Cincinnati, Ohio. . y CAUTION. Ttonai b damtvavti vnn who wtuifc m tfood ned- 9 r . . ... .... A a i m A . v r r . . Tm aaawt! allow anpnrjeiplcti itealcra to yott prepr-- i buBine?. win t protracted Ul-be-ath, ura cai ecu Alien revwrak jo isvun mw tm ;oa s jAU:M..A4 ant ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM. and yoa will have the best Cough remedy offered to the, publie and one that will give you satisfaction., - FOR SALE BY re::::3tc:j, kcstetto & co., ozv W1 Karket-st., San Franciseo, vat.. Aganta gut OaUfornia and Pavcafle tta. bov . JWSold by all DrunisU.-wSt ' -7Q or la band, . and having dispense t with bang erodits can sell ,' xr-" , , IS per cent i clieapr , . Than any bonne giving 12 mouth's" time, or any kind of a credit syttem, ran ofier to the trade. Come along wilh'your Cash or Produce, aad see what yoa eaa do at the CASH 8TORK of -, R. CHEADLE CO. ' " . - i . '..i.-r N. B. Cash paid for all the EOG3 offered. A Mendld Drug Ituslneaa for Sal. : i the undersigned offors his large and fiwuriabing : cnua estacuc::sT tn this elty for sale at a low figure for CASH. - Apply soon, If you want a bargain; te ' " . GEO. F. SETTLEMEIR, . Albany. Oregon. fST Daily Oregonian copy uueml oath. and send bUl te tbia omce.e' . . ST PxKSOHat.. Mr. J. C. Lappeus, Chief ef Police of Portlaod-on-WilUmotte, tarried at the St. Charles oa Sunday night. Lap. was en bis , way home from Sacramento. Mr. W. D. Carter, an excellent printer, former ly of Portland bat lately of Salem, spent Sunday with us. ' Mr. C. thinks of purchasing a ' ranch oa the banks of the e lassie Santiam, aad entering largely into tbe raising 'of stock. Success to ban. 'Ti - Vt V: - V Tbe handsome features aad "pleasant smile of Mr. Wm. Morgan greeted: oar vision on Tuesday Billy is up from. Portland visiting his old friends hereeuts-'-jy,-.". J-;:-"1'? ; ' ' We see from the JoKataer that Messrs. J. D Monteitb, ST. Whittemore, Edward and Frank Btaob. left the Dalles ea tbe Slst for the Lapwai Reservation, and doubtless ere this have become taorouguiy uunKura HI mww - j . Saoaar Lacvcax. The itectare delivered in the Congregational eburcb, aa Monday evening, for tbe beneat of tbe Albany College, by the Rev. D. K. NesbU. of Corvellle, wee really a superior effort, and entitled te a much better amdJeaee tbaa greeted the Reverend gentleman oa that oeea sion. Mr. NesbU ia a very pleasant aoJ graceful speaker, and eaaghtaad held tbe complete atten tion or bia aadirnee from tbe beginning t tba end ef bis lecture. Prom - tbe close attf otioe given by the audienee, oa the aight ef tbe lecture, aad the general expression riaeatte delivery k we are inclined to believe that ae leetara ef la ta .- baa given more thorough satisfaction tbaa did that oa "Shoddy," oa Moaday aight. . , A jTaiaxB ia Naan. Drx, WUr'm BnUmm Wiid Cktrrg is a friend ia eVerf. .. Who . bas not found it snth in curing all diseases of tbe lur-s and throat, eeagha, eelda, and p ulatonary a .ee tioas, aad let, set leaa," Coasaaspttoa T SS. For tn HirrMf or l871Meaara. Leia. Toang A Co, are aet only eat band with a efjandid stock of general merraaedise, i.mbraasag every thing wanted ia the dry goods aad groeery liae by tbia community, but ta addition, for l speeial aceommod alien ef tbe faraaiatg interest, tbey fve erected aa agriealtaral warebeaaa where e" be found at all times an excetleat eaUetien ef eultural ronpleaieata, each aa ,rtlt' TVetiars, fiaiae'a Headers, Reaper aad Mowers, ete., ,to- gethcr with tha celebrated BaJa Wagoav - Tie t tentioa of tba farming eesascanify ia arK-' ".y iavlted ta tbeaa labor saving mac! iesa, as I cy propoee te keep none bat the beet, alk-t,:iey will sell at tbe most reasonable ratee : , Wear 6eaiae. fcavrs. P. C. A Ca, have aa fiae aelecttea ef general aaew i--r ae we be ve ever seea la the-eity , Tbey haven Va- ried aad rxteasive assoitsseat ef ImZ: 1 -v eaa goods, rieb silks, elegant sbawlr, neat a- 5 I f parasols, UeeooUars, aad aCl Ce vait j t that aaake np the eoasplete eevtet C f-Jl-v able belle or the d guified aarro. C -da are all of the lateat styles, aad were ar IrHh great care and teste, to asset tae araaxsc:; am era both as to texture and price. We i -t l to peaa ia tbia paragraph to tire even aa o-l of - uv i j Uii. w, pjwww. mmm.m pt r" . - eat kamanse stock, aa it weald require eaaK aad epaee tbaa w have .tenar:.. T " " "t write tbe geaeral pubiio ta .r tbemaelvaa. as it is well Ve - - "i ' . -pAitxB Ta ao TociT--- , w t 1 by tbe Caaeade Mt. Wava T-oed Cv, a C ' since.to fialsb the aarvry II road to the eastern ter i having found it ia . .,: te t. . . -with animals, owUj te-tle eui ' . j . saowi '' The pari teak the ecse- au- Z reutefe tie t J'ea. t ' " . Jaow tvwV C. . " V II eat 't sad Courts-;-' ' ' started tv e tnrt eft If i(t 1 in sear " tf loct " e fjr stokk i . A'owtto.. er s . t I Vjss tlxn two I persons Lsve arrived at Delleefres Ui v , bound fir irartaaa points in 1" :' X wiMa t" a last two weeks. ' a i a V .a A r TiMminlwt tisk shv ea. a from sabseribere that tba Smbtu 1 I t a atuUa betose they "got a cbaae ta leek i -1 ". 1 aaaa who Is tea aaeaa to subscribe and yr; f j L j eosmty peer, sboeld be too mean to steal ' f?e tbuaa wbade take it. We shall take r In pnbuuiBe; tbe rami of aay eneea of a ...ag tue Rxeirraa frosa aay v. IaraovBaaBrva. Dr. Plaaamer i ted a neat Utile ewea adjoislag I ea firrt street.