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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1871)
VOL. 3. ALBANY, OREGON, SATUBPAY,; APRIL 29, 187J. NO. 34., Cite- Xbam) gte giste: ,:! COLL. TAK CLBt V "v 3FFICS OS C9R5I Or FEBKT AK FIRST-ST S. t I---- NEWADVERTISEMENTS. TERMS IN ADVANCE. On Tear.. ...,.. ......... ...;.....Three Dollar" "fut Monti. ......v...,.Two Dollar Single Copies....... .......... ........Men tenu 1 . -" ADVERTISING RATES. Transient advertisements per Square of ten lines or less, first insertion, $2 ; each subsequent Jndtertion, ft." i; - . ;7 " , v "LarRer advertisements inserted on the most ibtfral terms. v JOB WORK. Having received new type, stock of colored inks, cards, a Gordon Jobber, etc., we are pre- . pared to execute all kinds of printing in a better manner And fiftT per cent, cheaper than ever be 'ore offered in this city. . "- Agents for the Register. The following gentlemen are authorised to re ive 4a1 "rofieipt fors-abcription, Urwtlsfng, etc., fortbe Reorstra ! HI a AM SMITH, Esq........ narrisburg. Judge S. II. CLAUGHTON ....Lebanon. PETER HUME. Ksq Brownsville v . R. KlRh.. Esq... .... ...........-. K. E. WHEELER. Esq Scio. T. IU REYNOLDS, Esq ........ ..Salem. O. P TOJIPKINS. Efq. Harrisburg. It. p. FISHERl Esq . 'Frisco. BUSINESS CARDS. JOHN CONNER,' " U A Iff K Ilff G EXCHANGE OFFICE, ALBANY, OREGON, r DEPOSITS 'RECEIVED : SUBJECT TO check at sight. .... Interest allowed on time deposits in coin. Exchange on Portland, San t Francisco and New York for sale at lowest rates. Collections made and promptly remitted. Jlofers to II. W. Corbctt,-Henry Vailing, W. p. Ladd. . gsSf Banking hoars from 8 A. M. to 4 p. x. -t Albany, February 1, 1871.22vS C. tVIEALEY DEALER IN MANUFACTURER OF 37 TJ 3t 3XT X XT 31. ; lis Z and J. QUIIYW TIIOUXTOX, ATTORNEY ASP COUNSELOR AT LAW OrFioR No. Ill Firt street, between Mor rison and Aider, nppotdie the Occidental Hotel, Portland, Oregon. , Will practice in the Superior and Inferior Courts of the Statu, and in the District and Cir cuit Court of the United States, giving special at tention to the collection of debts in all parts of Oregon, and to obtaining diwharscs in Bank ruptcy, which, since tbo last nmendincnt to the law, mav be obtained rm all debts contracted prior to, January 1st, 1800, without regard to the per centa-e which the assetts may finally pay. November 2C, 1870-12v5y CABINET WARE ! X331 clingy Etc., Corner rirmt and Broad Alb in streets, ALBANY, OSEGOX. ' . ADVERTISEMENTS. LOOK IIEItE SAW Fit AN CISCO STOIJE! CORJISR FIRST AB rBT STBJSETS, ,- ( ALBANY......... ....... OR EGOBi. Keeps constantly on ' hand a full assortment of STOVES, PUMPS & TINWARE I ... .,... i S -S r- " I will have, for sale the celebrated Plamon cl. eook stove, and other leading styles. Also, manufacture all kinds of 5 - Tin, Copper a4 Sneet-Iroii Ware , In the best style, at lowest "rates, ; FOR CASU or-COUSTRY PRODUCE. ,.;NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.- r CITY; b jfiuc CTonc. NEW . TODAT. i Jt. CAROTHKnS. t SAtTlf AttSH. A. CAROTHSS8 & fip., DRUGGISTS. &; AfOTI:ECARIE3. ' ' (Foster's Bloek, First street), " - -. - . - i" ' int.'. , ALBANYy j i OREGON, JS3 PABTICCI.AB ATTBSTIOS PAID TO -ORDERS Or AUr KINDS in his line JIDGK KEI.SAT. JOSKPB HAXSOS. KEXSAY & I1ANXOS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, (Partners for Liun county.) OFFICE In Poj-t Office Building, (up stain). Albany, Linn county, Oregon. Vilvo - L. STRUCKME1ER & CO., ITIEKCIIAT TAIIaORS, ALBANY, OREGON. JUST RECEIVED, A LAIU'.E AND WELL selcrtetl stock of French (ioods. consitio of Ca,simeres, Bearers ami Ducskins. and all manner of Fancy tioods of the best quality. s ..XJ-"! OllltS DiWC ' rw .46y October ISf.3-8 CEO. F. SETTLEMIER, (Suecessor to D. W. Wakefield,) Parrish's New BnUdjng-, First Street, ALBANY", OREGON, . - Always on bnqd a full supply of . i . - Tho Purest -Wines and Liquors, for Medicinal purposes only. i " A well selected stock of . Vs . Ciroceries nud -3 Crockery will always'be fonnd at my establishment.' 4 " I will sell all gods in my house, for Cash or Produce on delivery, cheaper than ever before o&vred in this market. i-' ' -X All kinds of - repairing done, on short notice, ,aul entire satisfaction . warranted, at my Stove and Tu Store. ,.- , ; JULIUS GRADWOIJL.' yov. 19-11 ; , . 3 BUILDERS, ATTENTION DOOR SASII, BLIND AND F A C Tl O R T S. B. ALTHOCSS. X. WltlGBT. JT. r. BACKE.f STO. AIaTIIOUSE & CO., I.TOX STREET, (0!i : TXIK IIITER BASK), ALBANY, OREGON. DEALER IN- L. STKUCKMEIER CO. J. W. Bent ley. . fTi ENTLE5rEN"S BOOTS MADE TO ORDER VJT on short notiee, and with neatness and ilis paieb. jfjT-AXi Kinds of Repairing- Sene. Alhany, Jll,t-870 4a- j --,i, - ' p. JS, RICE,;H;''I PHYSICIAN 1 AND SURGEON, Albany, - - - - - - Oregon, OFFICE OS THE SOUTH SIDE OF MAIN Street. - " ' Albany. April 70.-3S V Drugs anil : Medicines, CHEMICALS, PAINTS. OILS, GLASS, ETC. All articles warranted pure and of the best qnality. - v Physicians Prescriptions carefully compounded. Albany. Oct. It, 180S-tf V . KEEP ON I1AXD A FULL ASSORTMENT, and are prepared to lT'iiriiiftsli. to Order, Doors, IfilindM, Sa&li, and 3MCOXAiXX3NrGw-, such as Crown, Panel, Band, and Section Mold of all sixes. WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES I Flooring, ... and all' other kinds of . . Itiiildina: ITIalcrial ! C IV.. S. ' ANT1 large stock of hand and receiving. . Groceries- and . .Provisions, Wood and Willow Ware. Tobaeco, Cigars, Con i feetioaery, Yankee Ntrtion. o-. c.. Wholesale , and Retail, opposite K. V.IUU Jt Son's drug ' store, Albany, Oro.?on. ju4070 . .'W,4'iVBliTASI.DS;I,-:- ASBREWS. i HUtaoidel & Co, e ' BALERS IN GROCERIES AND'PRO tisio,"wood and Willow Waro, Confec- .LTnf-rV. Tobaeoo, Cigar,- rjpes, , cc Vn rtftt adjoining the B'k. Albany, 4.""sj: itcix.': M.-a. noLPit. A. sittTn. ; V ElitcbeH, Dolph &. SraitX ATTORSETS COUNSELLORS at LAW, Solicitors in Chancery and Procters in -Admiralty. Offiee ever the old Post OiSce, Front street, Portland, Oregon. - I ' JAWES A. -WARNER, Civil Ensliieer & Surveyor. X8 PR B PARED TO DO SURVEYlXti AND Engiseorlng. ' Use improved Solar Omspsff. ' Orders by mail promptly attenaca vo. uesMonce " on 4th St., opposite Dr. Tate's residence, Albany - Oregon. ' ' '. nI9-m -. POWELL. - t" nw. Powell c Flinn, A TTORNEY COUNSELLORS AT LAW AJU nd Solicitors in Chan eery, . ; . - (Zb Plina, Notary Public,) Albany, Oregon.- Collections and conveyances " promply attended to. - ... - I . m ' .' ..i' .' ' L in' ' ." " 1 : i . OEO.VWi GRAY, X. . S., j"r'OUI.D SOLICIT THE PAT .i if 'ronajfeof all persons desir- liiVERY, FEED & SALE S T A B LES! ALBANY, OREGON. 510XTG0MERY& BARTGES, ' ' " ' " PROPRIETORS. - V TE ARE PREPARED '. TO FURNISH J I loo pnblie with seat turnouts in the wsy Of." : i ' : -i. . Stylish Buggies & Carriages - Fast toOls.! Oit tho most rcaconable terms. Our livery is all new and of the latest styles, and we shall take pride in giving our patrons as neat and reliable an outfit as can be obtained in the State. Horses boarded at reasonable rates, by the week or month. , - .- r . - ... ;, .. Hacks and Carriages furnished ffr parties, Ac. A share of public patrnnare is stdicited. MONTGOMERY A BARTGES. " AlliimT, December IT, 1870-14 - AEjUAXY BATH IIOISL'. THE UNIERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT fully inform the citiionf of Albany and vi eiuity that he has taken charge of this establish ment, and, by keeping -clean rooms snd paying strict sttintit jto business, expects to- suit all those who in.i favor him with their' patronage. Hiving heretofore carried on nothing but First-Class XI air Dressing' Saloons, heexnee's to eive entire satisfaetioo to all.--. Children and Ladies' hair neatly rut and soamuooea. ... . rt luuDtun. - . i : seI9y2 . . ' . i rURXIXCr. - - .TUIXfllllwO. Us ARTIFICIAL TEETH and ..fIRST CLASS DENTAL opera- , . tions. Nitrous Oxide adminijtered for the pain . less extraction of teeth, when desired. Charges -v. modate. v --'" '. '. . ..-i.. ,t-, -. :f Office in Psrrish A Co.'s brick block. Resi dence, first house south of Congregational Church, fronting on Conrfe House block, -Albany, Oregon, Jnly 2, 1S70-4.1 '. 4 g- f f g : B U S n E L 8 OF OATS, far 1 VlJ OLf which the highest market price will bo paid, in CASH, at the stiro of - J H , ,i N. S..DU BOISE, Also, Tintter and E?gs, in nnlimitcd -quantify, for which the" highest utkrket price will be paid in cash. Cail and see me. , Albany, Aug. 20, 1870-50 " - . ' CCO.OO A DAY I TO f.TALE .::D FLr,!ALE AGE71TS To intTiluc the .oeicbmted .'$25 00 ': ... EtCSEYE SHUTTLE SEWLG . OTITCH ALIKE ON BOTH SIDES, and is j the only licensed shnttle sewing machine rn , the United States, sold tor lees tban 5-53, to nso the eelebrated Wilson feed, snd nre acknowlcifecd by all to be the best family machine for light or neavy sewing, rn the market. Outfit free. Ad dress, MIJfjgR A PEARSON. Geo. "A gU., 20v3tQ , . Alnsny, Oregon. 9 si my on ,... Si , a :- i tt c on . ' ,t AW Pr.AHB to do r ' " ALL KINDS OV TUHSISC 9 I kerp on hand and make to order RAWaniE-BOTTOfilED CTSAIRS, :. - .I.'.-' AJTH-r- . -1 -- -5-. .-t,.', S f i a st i n g :Vf It e a X s . ' ..- Shop near the "Mi!Bolia Mills." . , ' 1 . JOHN METZLER , Albany. Nor. 8. I86K-I Establl-lied lu 1840. . : V ERNEST A. ERI-ANDSON, General Commission TJercIiaat , " and dealer In , DRUGS, CHEMICALS, ESSENTIAL OILS, , DYE STUFFS, AND , , GENERAL MERCHANDISE, - BY TUB PACKAGK 0i,t.- , ' Cash orders for goods of every description from this or any Foreign Market, will receive prompt and faithful attention. - . Minnra Tnannfueturers and wholesale trade sap 'ni;ii mlmYi. . artV No notice or attention paid to orders for goods, if there is no provision inade- for the payment of the ssum, ,. - . . Consignment of Oregon Produce, Grain Wheat, Flour, Ac, solicited. ' , , . -SAN- iBASCWCO, CALIFORNIA. - December ?1, 1879-i7tf ; K VSUlll' 18 Drugs, Chemicals, Medicines, FAINTS, UILS,DTflB.STfJFFS, .. , GLASS. French . and sILnier&caa Calogrncs. '. . ' HANDKERCHIEF tXTKACTS; rf . . "Sf" 1 " " COWECTrOJi ERlrl1 Pnre'Wines & ' sLiquors, for medicinal purposes. . . ,;OEO. OAB.'?.-.,:iTi iJ4HKS VORRISOa. ' INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, roaaeriy new UOlUDiDlsnr1 - Corner- Front - and Morrison streets'' ' ' . PORTLAND, OREGON, - Noali & ? Morrison. "ProDrlelors. Free Coach to and from the House-. J. . D. TITUS, : - - - jueaicr in 3! WITCHES,5 CLOCKS, 1SWBLST, E.TOi! .S5 Repairioe 'of Clocks. Watches: Jcwelrv. ., attended to. All work warranted; ' ' 81r3 II. C- CLEMENT,- JE A -I .350" BP 13 XL . A LL KINDS OF. PAINTING,. GRAINING sod ..paper-hanging. Walls colored . and whitened. Orders "promptly attended to. Shop over AdasoaVWagon Factory. J 31 v.t ; To the People of Albany, -v . THE USDERSUiNfiD havinjr rented and-rcntfcdkhaWsSWKLFS.'MAHRETfqrm-. i ly oecwpiea y jr- sears, Hopes to 'krMt to luraish I the same -with as good MEAT$fclb,a to quality au'd variety, as the' country aflords,: and expects to be "represented there by a good, accommodating man,-aad asks a liberal portion of yoor patronage, . ; -DANIEL CLARK. Albany, Jbebrnary 1, l71-zatr , . t , t Pine Tobacco and. Cigars. ,f jl&B- Physician's' -Prescriptions and Family Aiecipes compounded with eaxe. . - December 31, 1B70-17 . . . inscriptive Ll.t CITY PROrERTY FOR SALE ... -lT ST1TZEL &:UPTON, Real Estate Sealers, Albany, Offn. CITY OF ALBANY t Lot 3 , block fl Good house. Lots 3 and 4, " 2 unimproved. Lots 1,2,7, 8,' " 19 flood house and stable. Lots 5 and 6, 2 Good house. Lots 5 and 6, .130 " Lots 1," 2 and 3, " 0 onse and two stables. 9 Lots 00- TPlcnty of excellent fruit a desirable homestead lot B ana 7, " i tioooi nonse. Lotl, " 14 " LotR, 14 " " Lots 2 and 3, ' 3 " ' " and stable. 3 Lots -, Lot 7, - Lot 4. Lots 3 and 4, Lots Lots t - -Lota 3 and 4, Lot 4, CITY - 1ST AIlItE T , FIRST STREET, ALBANY, OREGON,' 1".' SMHt.' V-1 !-.-. c- .-.;-,' - .. B..SATGHT. a. r.. Harris & co., TJROPBIETORS, Wo shall endeavor to i j always keep on hand a full supply of all Kind s b f Meats! all of which will be of the Very best quality. ' l be bigbest market price paia tor Beeves, Hogs I and Sheep. . . , i . . - . . I Third door west of Ferrr, on south side of First I streets. r. I J. L. HARRIS CO. Albany, Doe. 15 1870-15 .. . . ; , - - A CiSreat IJarjrain. kivr'i-4w ' HoaeowTig Corresjiondence. , ; - RoSEBUEOj Or, April 11$, 1871? ; Eol' Register As t ihoagbt a few" lines from here might prore of interest to yoor readers, I take this' opportunity 1 of telling them what news we have here. The roads are yejry Twt .now, though they have iraproTed, a great deal, since last month; but i the rainfall, of to-day promises tr leare thefn ift as bad condi tion tS thoy then were.' ' ':' ' . Wq STo- promised an extraordinary full crop this, season- Th grain 1 that has been sown is doing ell, aod if the pres ent rains continue long; there is no tell- this, country will 4 i J.-- Are prepared to do MILL WORK ; furnish Sha ker Fans, Zigzag Shakers, Suction Fans, Driving Pulleys, of any kind, at our Factory on Lyon street, (on the river bank), next below ilarkham's warehouse..':.... ;ALTHOUSE 4c CO. Albany, February 0, 1869- 4 103 4 3 4J . " I. 20 ' . " " 60 unimproved cheap. u 5 " . desirable lots. 118 lox house. 74 acres good timbered land, ono mr.le from Albany, in Benton county. : ; i : im Ten Homestead Lots, 6 acres each, a mtleoortb of Albany Ferry, at 120 each. . For'particulars apply to ' ' - J. C. NEXDENMALL, ' ' " Real Estate Agent, Office iu Parrish Brick, Albany, Oregon.- 40 TBS OLD STOVE DEPOT ! DEALER I STOVES, COOK, PARLOR & BOX; . - - , . " ' of the nest patten?- i Tin, Slieet Iron and , Copper "Ware l sad the nsnal rasortment of Furnishing Goods tt, -. . ... , be obtained m a, ... . -; B" Jtepnir Hffrtfff vntl proMptfrf rartrntf, "ftH j 37 on refiit7inoic term, -vk. "Short reckonings, make long friends." - Front street.;..'..'.:. L...!.,..l....AlDany. Next door to Mansfield A Co. - dec&'6S-I RATES OF TOLL ., OVER . THE . .. Willamette Valley and Cascade ; BIouDtain Vagon Koad. -- r, - t- Ttescliuttes Ttlver : ' Four Horse or Mule U-am... ......... 50 Two . , " , j " . 3 00 One !. "". . " i " , , Ox teams", thiee yoke..1 For every additional yoke. Loose horses, per head - " cattle, per bead. ........ ............ " i -sheep cr iog.. Teams re tarn in j; empty, half price. Pack animals, loaded ...... . '.' . '.' ,.j - unloaded. ...... Tlorse and rider..... - '" "To Fish Lake: Four horse or male team, each way Tirol 1 .'.; ;-. : " , One- " ' " ".- Pack animals, loaded., .............. .,' - . : onload ed. Horse and rider......; Ox team, three yoke. J : Tp Upper Soda Spring j Tout horse er mule team, out and back Two - " " " . One . ' - " , ,' ' ; J ' , . Horse and rider, . ' " ttooso animals,? v ( .. -f ; ---.i i . Ox teams tbo hame horse teams. - ' - ' LUTHER ELKINS, 00 SO 50 25 15 ; 3 50 25 00 3 1 1 3 50 2 00 1 00 50 2 W. W, Pa muss, Pres. -March " Sjcf. 0, ISOD- S 1"a. ISSOLUTIO Ji. The conartnershiD here- JLF tofore existing between Luther Elkms and. W illiam . Klkins, or tbe arm t l.. ilcs A Kon, is this day dissolved by mutual agroeraent. Xh. basinass will hereafter be conducted by Win. S Elkins. All persons kno wins themselves indebted to tbe late firm, will please call and settle imme diately. . . 4 j.uiuJiU. raKiAts, ' W. S. ELKINS. 1 Lebanon, April 1, 1871-31 j-"' THE FARM KNOWN AS "FARMOCNT Lake" is offered for sale at $10,000 in eoin $4,088 in hand,1 and tbe remainder iuxix :q.nal annualiayment wth interest -from date. The tract is in good shape, being nearly a square, con taining about 6f0 acres ei rich soil ; and U diver sified with forests vast, fair lawns, lordly- oaks, aud willows sitting by the lake, tbe woodland and prairie so alternating as to make it one of the most attractive places in tbe state. . It u situated on the west side of. the Willamette, river within half a mile of Albanv, srbich is known as being in the heart of the best agricultural portion - of Oregon. The location is healthful. It has a good stone quarry, about 100 acres under fence, a two story frame barn with shedding 00 feet square ; a large and handsome new house two-stories high. thoroughly painted inside and out, the larce cup boards aud book-iascs beinir fixtures, and the house having tinder its whole lencfli a eood dry cellar. In addition to these there is a seat well- house, a wood-boase and all other necessary ont- houses. There-is, a meadow, lare pasture," orr chards, garden, Ae., Ac. - It is susceptible of be ing divided into fonr farms, sli of them having good soil, fuel and rail timber, and three of them caving stocK-water. - -" . . t For particulars address J. C. Mendenhall. Ein.. Albany ( or the undersign: at Portland. . . - Feb. ltth', 1871 2v3. ; Attonrey t Law-. 1 NJLJW.. FIRM. W. H. K UUIV... & CO., Ilaving just received a Large and well selected r Stock of , . ": r lltE AND MARINE HA RD WARE, oscrace compact; SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. SVCK AS FARMER'S & MECHANIC'S TOOLS cossistixo . or Total Assets..... (Gold) ... 1,TTT 2GG.C3 ANVILS, VICES, BELLOWS, Hammers, Hammers, - " Sledarcs, Sledges, Saws,1 Saws, ' Saws, ' :' ' ...... . .... . j'lancs, 1'Ianes, 1'Ianes, ! Corss-ut and Mill Saivs, I : j. ;. Together with a large assortment of IRONANOSTEEL Nails. Nails,' Nails; ' bpnngs, fiprinss, oprings, I Axles, ThlmWe-Skelns, Bolts, &c, &c. : r Also; a well Selected Slock of SPOKES. HUBS, BKNT KIMS. SHAFTS, POLES. UICKORY AXLES, ETC., AU of which wo are now offering .to tbe pnblie f low rates. ' As we make the business a spec ialty, we can and will keep s bettor assortment at J lower prices than any house m this city. ;: Rcceivlos nnd opesinff a large and splendid assortment of ' WOOD AND WXXlOW WARS, . Which wc pffer at reduced rates. . " W. H. KtJHN A CO. In the Montcith Fire-proof Brick, First-st. March 12.-70-27 . ' . - J. HUNT. President.' AVm. ALVORD. Vice President. . J. It ALSTON, Secretary. , BAIRD, 'Marine Secretary. ' ' r Tho leadins Fire and Marino Insurance Company on this coast.- - . , ,. - T-JoO.OOO deposited in Oregon, ' ' ; Losses Promptly and Equitably adjusted and paid in Gold Com. : . -. si, i.wr.--,- . LADD & TILTON, Gen: Agents ; For Oregon ami Wcuiltington Territory,. ALBA NT,' OREGON. ' : March 4, 7I-26y i- -. & XO O ,000 . 71 - ACADEMY OF Mi'SIC, - ; OMAHA,,,. ;.,t, .NEBRASKA May 335, X871. 1 COUP ALBANY BOOK STORE. - ESTABLISHED IN I8S6. E. V. FREEHAND, TTa B AT. B R . IN EVERY VARIETY OF I I MiaecllanMias Books, School Books, Blank Books, Stationery, Ae. Books Imported to order at short notice. --.v - Albany, Oregon, December 3, 1870. ' TICKETS, TWO DOLLARS EACH : ONS. OMS DOLLAR JSAtJU SETTLEHIRES NURSERY, Six miles Soutlt of Albany, 1.1 un Co., TSfear tlio " Ittiilroacl. - dIFTS TO BE AWARDED s Cash Gift . ..... .'..-....$2;flC0 Cash G ift-......... 15,000 Cash iift.,.,.w.... ........ 10,000 Ts o i r e i t the: attention of all nT3iim dMirluir to purchase Fruit Trees to cull and examine my stock, which. is es-mposed of tbe largest and best selection in tbe btate, con sisting of A?p!es, Pears; Cherries, Plums, Prunes, Grapes, Black Berries, Currant and Roses. Also, :.' - - Black, .md White Walnut, English Wal nut, Hickory, Tecan, Redbud, -. f. Honey Locust, Hackberry, - and a number of other varieties of trees and plants too numerous to mention, all of which are offered at low rates. ' HENRY W. SBTTLEMIRE. December 17,'1S70-15-' '- a, - I I TC T S 9 cnAun i THRESHER j-HAirnsj-flirrjADEiiSf i ;. Mowers - "XioxTer,ss ; - 'And all kinds of Agricultural Ir rlirats & Machines : 5 . On hand and for sale by 1 - ' . i - r BLAINi YOUNG A CO., -May 23, '70-Sa . Albany, Ogn. Cash Gift..., Cash Gin ..- .................. Cash Gift......... .....:........ O&Sll Otftwf Mwa' asiwwSMa0fe Cash Gin... '..L...L Cash 0 ift .. .. ... ...... .. , Cash Gi(t......, i 4.. ........ Cash Gift.... ..,... Cash Gift. Cash Gift.. . . . . ...... ....... ........ Cash Gift.................. -. ...m. Cash il"t . .... . ... MjM,.f ..... Cosh Gift... .. .'....'. 15 Cash Gifts, $500 each ...i. ...... 10 Cash Gifts, 2;0 each ........ 20 Cash GifU, $100 each.... ........ 50 Cash Gifts, 30 each,..... ... 100 Cash Gifts, .i0 each ........ 100 Cash Gifts, $25 each ........... 1000 Cash Gifts, $10 each .. .... 1000 Cash Gifts. $0 each ...... ...... 2310 Gifts, smounti'n'g'to..".!'..':.,.Si00,000 Which will be distributed by the Murvt Am Associatios. . , -- . at-3Tbis enterprise will be conducted in a pre cisely similar manner to that of the- late --Grand Gift Concert of the MERCANTILE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, of Pai Francisco, which gave snch E"nt'erjJ Sutinactiom. - - - - : Good, t responsible agents ..vntnte? ?: commissions allowed. . .-... . j. t -., ,-f ..... For full particulars address , , ' LYFORD CO., tmah, Nebraska. Office, Caldwell Btoelu - Business Managers. 5,10ft 8,00 2,000 1(000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000- ..... 1,000 ' 1,000 , ..... 1,000 .AJi T.60D 2,500 . ' ?,000 2fT600 3,000 ...J ? 2,500 ..... -10.000 ..... ' 3,000 - Potatoes ! ' Potatoes ! - KfVfl BTjSUEli POTATOES JUST RK OUU oeived and in store, for per bushel, by ' N- S.'BUBOlb. March Jl, I3n-27tf - ' ing now iuuch, ratt yield, .t; s. .,'.' n.. At present there are nine t ten. stock uyers itftown..Stdek raisers are SDme what"4 jubilant. ,Vver fne prospect' oiP'Sis posing of even more stock than jiBuafj'at a higher figure. 3 . v.- f - , r i , j : , ' -The Bohemia "eilrer mines are creating considerable excitement. Capitalists" of San FraDcisco are endiog ifielr agents up to inspect them,, and should they . prove valuable, will purchase. ' 'We hate 'no doubt that the owners will realize hand some profits. Jo. Knott's mills will ' be taken up via Oakland. . . The men, who were Jost recently,-hare been suffering very much since found and brought home. Mr. Beasely is now at homej but Perdue, who never ' took 'off his boots during the entire two weeks, is stillaunering with his feet. v At one time, indeed, it was thought that -amputation would become necessary, but " he is now slowly convalescing.,-; ' ' . " As '-brevity is the soul of wit," I shall close for this time. .v-a ; Vt. R. W.- - Oureorrespoadcnt will favor as ' by writing often. Kd.J " , -. Some idea of the immensity ef the'sum required by Germany as the indemnity from France for the losses by the war, can be formed by the statement that if it were to he paid all at one time la gold, a irain of freight cars one . and three fourths English miles Ions would be to quired to carry it home, and a train of twentv-six Entrlish "miles, if paid in- sil ver If distributed iu j:old, each one of the German soldiers to trance would re ceive five pounds, and sixty -one pounds if distributed 10 silver. - It . vaid t m nve hundred franc . notes, two- freight, cars. carrying J.U.U0U pounds each, .would 'be required to carry tbe indemnity to tier many. --'.' - - .- ChsrTcs Sumner is certainly w a most anomalous position.- 'Tho prince at anti- slavery, the author of the Declaration of Independence, the chosen uncle of all the colored, people, he is now read out of the Republican- party by Senator Howe bi- egraphisel by the New York . World, eu Iodised by tbe Chicaga Juki, panegyr ized by the 'While Man ' Friend, . and eanaoniaed .miscellaneously by tho .Ka KJux Klan.., - The men who swore lustily and ilung up their haU. for Preston " S. lirooks btteen years ago, issue tbe same voluble oaths and throw up their hats for his victim to.-dayTv It is one of the, most striking and most painful .paradoxes in history, ' K'" ' ' '"' tri ' The New York Tribunti April 1st has the following:'" 'v'The Commis8iotier.of Internal Revenue has made more, careful examination 'of the 'new t?x law, "the result of whichls a notTce to assessors and assistant assessors that no, person whos.c gross income during the year of '1870 did notcxeee'd $2,000 is required to make any return or , take tbe affidavit prescribed In the veeutationa already issued. - , Perhaps it' would have been better if the meaning of the law had been ascertained before the blanks were printed j but the mistaVes in preparing those documents have now been fully cor reeled, so wc shall not complain. . As the law. and tho regulations now stand,' per sons whoso cross income does not exceed $2,000 need not .concern, themselves with I he tax at all.... Other persona must make a sworn statement of their jgross taxable ioconie, after deducting .the sums author ized by law, hut need not' give tb sour ces of .thtlr revenue, or any the details about it whatever.. Of course this laxity of the'law will facilitate false statements, and when the proceeds of the. tax come to he Compared with the cost of collection, the wisdom of repealing it altogether will he, more than, ever apparent. ; s, i ; t Mrs. Fernando Wood, at'a late recep tion inWahiiigtori; wore adressof wh:crt a correspondent writes: "Take up your finest collar, my lady reader "old point by the way. Now imagine a whole dress, With any quantity of ferns and palms run ning over it waist, sleeves, sktrt, all conrPlcte-wiih pink silk underneath. Could anyihing bo more exquisite 7- It looks at this distance as if Mrs. Woods had rolled herself up,, regardless, of ex pcose, in one of her own parlor window curtains." ; ,t.; " . 'As companion to : the song, wCh I give me back but yesterday," a melody will soon be issued entitled, "Ch i eonld you spare to-rmsrrow V' which will to fol lowed by, "You havent got such atLSng as next week about you, have; you 7" . ,. f J :levs as Vavrass, . Qufte a number of odd .snd . tvg scenes frequently occur with parties who visit the Probate Co vrt for the. fgrfOM of securing the neee, iry 'ddctfmecU tar legaEze their" marriage1. Cut the oilier day a younr msa, shoot tWety-owe c-' compauied by one of he- c-sitsrsiX equally as young, ascended the main steps. of -thejPQari Hsnzi, tw& -CcS, on being directed to the Probate Go""t, tok up the, line, of march' for its hallovea r rescinds.- Reaching, he refused to-em'er. - o , His hands did quake,""' " I And trembling like a leaf of as pea rreeo And troubled blowd tira' kis )pa!e twse -. Wsw sea To some and fo, w"h tWnvs fom tin hearty. . . A As it a ranntog nesier aad Wo. -' " '-The Tustie niI klnj exC",fy anxioas tp see the maniaje pVotsfSMasr - carried to a' successful ir:ue, looked r-pr him with pleading eyes, and then, Uattn hint by the hand in the moat teirder tnarr' ner, besecehed him to.go to the Coir aasl obtain the license. , .j' ' " Oh V come along JTatW;1 Yost's-tW use backibg oel f fell Kr" dureet "toner upon Jaccb's ear. Arm rU.QBt Jfoa sold TM.Mtoasaad liases that vou would marry me ia spite of Che old man?" . . m K' "Yes! yes I but thert as-'"-' ' ,e' "T wrist. - ; ' "Why, the farm.".. '! ' ' ' "l "jriague xaxe tne iarrn. " - - ' Yes.' but Meliody,' reasoned the W er,.'ada't we better' wait till the -) old man dies, and then I'll have thefsjni, sure?" Dbd lot hw old soul he'll lire tfty years, yet j tnere s no die . in rum. , yome along now ana git tbat ere license 1 aint a going to be put oif any' more. ' ' 'rn tell yds whs I'll 6a, AleliBdy."' . . "Well, spit her tut.'f r . : - - . .: - f ; lt the old mas holds outsgia rsry bar' L ing you till "Unristmas, l a marry you then, farm or no farm." , ' 3 ' ' :"SoieJ" . ! ' As sure as my name's Jacoh.f k , "Well. let her eo then- till Christmas : but if you hack out XheuVJskc, lop sharp.'? ' -v ' ' ' ' "vt"" "1 11 toe the scratch then: by liofro, u . the old man runs me off the farm with a double barreled shot-gun j certain." And Jake looked as if ho would. - - 'J 'ifaus reassured on being married by Christmas, Melindy Jake. drew off . with her A' Singular. Superstition A Maryland paper Bays : "There lives' in Dorchester county, a family every dark-eyed male member of wbicb, - for the "past fifty years, has cone blind -at lbe age of from twenty to twenty-five! years. Those with blue eyes escape the terrible affliction.- There; m a tradition. abour this singular circumstance which , we lay before our readers as we heard it.- .. Some sixty years since--so the story goes tf beautiful blcrek-eyed girl of twen -ty, from some cause or other, lost: her eyesight. Her misfortune brought pen ury and want with it. . Being reduced to beggary, she was want to go abroad ask ine alms. During one of her journevs she visited tbe neighborhood: in whicb resided the ancestors of those who are now. sightless. . Instead of , her help less condition exciting, as it should have done, a, fecIogof sympathy, she 'was treated with ridicule ty ' some 1 of sh younger members of the bouse; thst her evil star bad led her into: .Two of the boys, as a matter of mere deviltry; took ner out, -promising to conduct hereto a place where plenty awaited. Instead of giving her a safe conduct, they' cned her to a swamp and left her. 'It isiid thai she. erieok. pat beaeeehing theme to put her ou the public road, hot 'they needed ,not her lamentations, r Finding herself about to be deserted . among tbo tsngied brushwood, she turned her prayer to a enrsoy asking her JUaker,' in ror yeBgtfful aaojer, to panifih her .betrayers, by making their oGspring for seven gen erations, as helpless as . she was. ' It, is said; that she was found dead in, the swamp, Iiavrog perished from hunger s'nd cold. ? 'Abut.- may.: appear semewhati ro mantic, but whether tbe traditionary part of it be false or true, it is assuredly m fact that the male offspring of the family referred to, lose their sight as indicated. Hundreds of persons in Dorchester coun ty, Maryland, will vcrrify the fact." : When ' is ' a eoncerk-siBgef -When he hold4 his pcaco ..- fliknt ?- - The proclamation of the President, mending perrons composing unlawful com binations in .South Carolina to disperse within twenty days, reminds the ,Pbila ' detphia liedger ot si mi lar d isturbanec r:oo previous occasions in the history, of the United States..' In 1785, the r-opH ing in (he territory then belonging fa IV orth. Carolina, but now ? furmiag s. part of .the State ef Tennessee became i'xnt isfied with their rulers, rod organ i-. the State of Franklin, whivi, under, tbe 1- d ership ef John Sevier, was maLULed antil 1787.- In ' Masaaeiuselts, rtjtar discontents broke out i j 17S3, tsl aritr J, Shays assumed slafing prcvrtius. This outbreak was sir; jr ; J by the militia, and indirectly Cuotriluted to 'Ciu eaing of the eon v en tion to form the 7es eot; Cortftitutioit ef the United ;&. The whisky insurrection broke ot in Pennsylvania in 1731 , and lasted until 179-1, and was only surv-re:sed : by the troops sent into the dlealctei district by President Wai,,too. In 1842, the State of Rhode Island was disturbed ' for a few moneys i by the "Crr" Ilebe'.-'Ion," martial taw baving been proc! -i: : i -1 jd assistance of the Fer I Cavsr havir ksea invoksi. L;a f" t I rtU;I..5o broke eat, aui t':cr I , i ter vrs cjture 3, rres; .at LL ArrU lth, i-suel a jr: eaVlr -j tat ll,ZZ 3 Sail" :j, aid c , eoi:;r '- tl"l com bint, .jobs f thai re. led -t) " sad tzilzs tatleir rcr; ;Cive a',JI in twenty days. 1