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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1871)
. JTV ft. 1 . SSSBSffl 2 b jptaag fjijstwf. 'surprised' The evening train was just starting for iU journey out into tbe solitude of coun try wilds, when a tal!, handsome man j of seven or cight-and-tiventy, darted fran tically into the depot, and swung hitussif after rather a perilous fashion, upoa the platform of the moving ears. j "Just saved myself!" was big compla cent remark, aa he seated litiistlt on the velvet cushions under the lamp. "Yes exactly just!" commenced a gentleman who sat opposite. ''I tell you what, Harry, I shouldu't repeat that kind of experiment very olten, it I were you." "Well, you see,. I was in a huiry. I've been getting a little surprise for my wife, and somehow I got behind time. j "A surprise, eh ?"' j "You sec," went on Mr. Kneller, con fidentially, leaning over toward his friend, "she's exceedingly fond of fried oysters, and up in the country we never get jany of that sort of thing." j "So that's the secret of the tiu pail, eli ?" said George Arden, laughing good humoredly. i Mr. Kneller, on getting home, depos ited his precious bu:den carefully in the corner of the porch, and walked in Trith a nonchalant air. " j . "Well, Mattel" as the blue eyed; wo man came to meet him, and put up a rosy month to be kissed; "sapper ready?" "Yes and I am so . glad you :oue home early, Harry, for Miss Evarts is tck, and they want me to sit up with her to-night." "All right !" said Harry, gocd humor edly. "Go by all means, my pet !" I And ho rubbed hia hands, thinking gleefully of the fine field he should have for his "surprise." "I will bo back before seven to morrow, Harry," went on Matio Kneller, making musical clinking among the china j tea cups and saucer?, "and you shall have your breakfast in time for the train.' "Shall IV thought Harry, npariy choking himself with scalding tea, in hi? strong sense of the implied joke. ) "Couldn't have happened better,' he pondered, as tic toasted ins slipper isoies before the fire, while Made was, washiug the china and hovering about the apart ment, "on household thoughts intent" for Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kneller ftverc young people of limited income, and j had not yet aspired to the dignity of "help" "no, it couldn't possibly have happened better! A fair field and no favor; j asd when Matie c .mes back to morrow 140m ing, she'll fi:ii breakfast ready, fried oys ters and z, or I'm uncommonly mistak en ! Won't it be a jolly surprise ?" I "Good gratis, Harry! what are1 you doing?" ejaculated Matie. as her (hus band gave vent tj a very audible chuckle. "What please? you so much V 'Pleases me ? Nothing?" said Harry trying to look au:-tere all f a sudden, and failing utterly. "I I was thinking how lonely I should be without you, dear 1" So Mrs. Harry Kneller tied a little white Cashmere ii3.;J over her brown ringlets, and envtl ned herself in a: pro digiousScotcb plaid" shawl, and tripped away, under her husbaod's arm, to Mrs. Evarts' abode, half a mile beyond. "Good night, darling," sJid Harry, stooping to kiss her rosy cheek at the door.- "Good night, Harry." "And say, .Mane," pursued Kneller, nnablo to repress a brief flush of exulta tion, 'don't be astonished at any little surprise I may have iu store for you to morrow morn in"-." "Surprise !" But Harry was off before the dissylla ble had fairly passed Matie's lips. "It will be iollv fun." - , n"- 'i his is certainly a remarkable fine article j Tle Texas Catile Klus reach 100,000,000 of people. Then there TtS?' ifi0W",SKrat thf e?ffee8,"el!s: j Texas alone has 8,800,000 cattle, di- i witl be co W?st settI UP no S"at Ilere . a 1 tt.e drawback, not , v;Jtd jt)) 95J 0y0 beeves, 950,000 cows ranges, but farms and c.tics, jtad big enough to hold the oysters ! Never j ljf)L))j0UO young cattle. The c5tie3 and ,ar,U3 everywhere. I predict mind : we 11 put etn in lirst and second .'- , '.. J .. 1 "e 1' Jms , . v, iu: v - 1 w i 1 1 ' 1 r nacii i . ...,.. ... ...... . . . 1 . iuai iiiv.b n iv . . . ,. . . uvt j , 1 i.: 1 it , v.. .. ....... ivjiij i-uuiuin auntie . . J -. . scries, like a volume of popular essays !" j j-y y. Mr. Harry Kneller paused to wipe" the j - streaming perspiration from his brow. I ?4PJ ?a Ui'lf j a-it s.x ! -uatie would be home now the "surprise" must really be accele rated ! "I really think the- oysters must be done on one side sow" s.iid Ilarrv. era icg the frying-pan scientifically, and mak ing a dive at its contents with his fork. "Hello! why they're as bard aj bullets! What on earth is the matter?" He stared with discomfited eyes at the round adamauiine ball that he had imag ined juicy-hearted oysters! "Liu not bewitched, am I?" he pon dered. "I've heard of moncv chaninc of OY3- an't f .. 1 3 1 1 4 u ut.;u uuu gone anu uoue it . I've dredged my oysters in the barrel of plas ter cf Paris that was brought in for the garden, instead of the flour ! . Here's a pretty blunder ! All the oysters spoiled ! twenty five of 'em, at five cents apiscj ! and all through my stupidity." At the same moment the spout of the Brittancia coffee-pot parted company with its maiu reservoir, and thecoiiee-grou-ids water and melting metal poured iuto the fire in confused strain and noie. Harry started back appalled at this re sult. In fcis baste he retreated on Pussy's personal property. She retaliated by vig orous use of her claws. Kiideavoriojr to to dry leaves, but I never heard tcrs being transformed to stone ! It ; be possiole that but it is possible, it release her and himself, Harry stepped i ? , . , 'r ?V quickly to one side-too quickly, ILl j J'J" tor he stmubltd over Pussy, and catehinjr at the table-cloth Matie had set the ! table over night fell upon the floor. The china, knives, frks, castor, sugrr, milk, syrup and musiard lay in charming con fusion upon and around him. Faithful to his duties, he still held the fossilized oysters on the end ol a toasting fork. Wliile Harry lay prone on the kitchen ml cloth, coiisideriiis within him.-id. ith the first grey dawn of the chilly morning Harry Kneller was up and stir ring, with a vivid remembrance of the lanreU he was to reap by that morning's work. 0 "Wbere are tbe oysters?" pondered e, carefully holding the skirts of his morning wrapper so tbe fire should not endanger them. "I I remember : I left 'em on the piazza." And he made a rush for the piazza. "Frozen 1 Just my luck, exactly; frozen like a rock. However, they 're easily thawed out again on a good hot Ire, and I'll put the coffee stewing, too. I, don't know just exactly what the rei: vlation rations of coffee are, but I'll fill the pot half full ; it can't help bcin" strong." . " Mr. Kneller made a liberal apportion ment of coffee, filled up the pot with water, and placed it on the coals with a ountenance expressive ot great satisfac tion i wniie eioso beside it the pail of irozen oysters was exposed to tbe genial uiuueace or caloric. "They'll boil like ginger pretty soon," thought Harry. "And now Pli stir up a buckwheat or so I know "where Made keeps the bag of flour." "Stiinp a buckwheat or so," sounds wmarlably easy, but Mr. Kneller found it a more difficult task than be had so rehended. 1 .do,?'t fee where the the itch is, soliloquized our hro "It ugbt to foam over with little bubbles on ftiSSTTaf'a alway does. .nnf P M '"'eatner makes a differ, Harry Kneller, with all the orinna hV tl t great mind, fell back on a panf Sh red yellow turnips, W Un number Which be put boiling in a prodigion? iron ll5C.,u.-Hb'" 'liiJtWaiv?v1 thr, SODer" bought S VJ' w 1D? hk an oconomyof beat- Now then for the oysters 1 ' MS ra3iiberally tinted with butter, and placed on thefirei and 'llartj began operations by impalini a fat dozen oysters on the prong of a fork "They dredge 'em in flour first " tight Harry, reflectively, eyeinjg .his ejsten; "and where the fluur l arrel 4 I donl know ! Ah I there it is, under the oellar shelf I" ' F whether he were killed dead, mortally wounded, or not hart at all, the door opened, and Mrs. Kneller rushed in, pale aud breathless. "He has shot himself 1 know he ha! He has committed suicide! Oh, Harrv, my own, own husband, speik to me! Tell me you are not dead !" "No I don't think-I am," enunciated Mr. Kneller slowly, A3 his wife threw herself on her knees beside him, nearly strangling him with the fervency of her embrace. "Only I've sin-ished the china and fried the oysters in plaster of Paris, and melted the nose off the coffee-pot! But I'm not dead, I think!" And while 3iary assisted him to rise. in a little hysteiie tremor between lau"h- i ingand cryng, he looked sheepishly round on tiie chaos and ruin that ' Mir rounded the death agonies of his ambition as a cook. "You see, Matie," he said, glancing dolorously down, at his .ash bepriuk!cd habiliments, "I wanted togivcyou a little surprise, and " "And you entirely succeeded, mv love," said his wu'o- mischievousl v. "You're a splendid lawyer, dear, I've u- doubt; but you'll never succeed in life as a cook." "I wish you would tell me one thing Matie," he said that evening, as Mrs j ivneucr nanued lnm his second cup of i tea. "And what's that ?" it ... i , . ujr umn t my uuckwheat batter foam and bubble as yours does ? I stirred it until my arm Was lame." "3Iy dear," said Matio laughing, "dt you suppose the buckwheat batter diJn't koow the difference between you aud me." 'Nonsense !" "Ot course it's nonsense." said Matie demurely, "if you mean your atteniptmgy ijr fjBiura iu piaster ot I'aris I And Mr. Kneller did not answer. 000,000 acres of ground. The priu- pasturajie are on the Nueces. Kio .... . : ; i . - ... ; rado, Leon, Brazos, Trinity, Sabiue. and i Bed rivers. The cattle arc owicd bv scores of ranchmen, each one of whom i has from l,0uO to "75,000 head. On the fcauta Lati utos river is a ranch contain ing S4,132 acres. It is owned by one man, Bichard King, and bason it 65, 000 head of cattle, 20,000 horses, 7,000 sheep, aud 8,000 goats. Tins immense number of live stock requires 1,00-J sad dle horses aud oOO Mexicans to attend and herd it. Ten thousand beeves are annually sold from the ranch, and 12,000 young calvea branded. There is another ranch on the Pun Antonio river, near Goliad, w:.i;h grazes 40,000 head of cat tle annuaUy. Mr O'Oounor, the owner ; of this ranch, sells $75,000 worth of stock each year, and his herds are constantly increasing. In 1852 he began cattle ia:.-ing with 1,500 head, and his present enormous heros and wealth are the re sults of natural increase. Ou the Gulf, between the Bio Grande and Nueces, is a ranch containing 142,840 acres, and owned by Mr. llobideaax. It is on a peninsula, having water on three sides, and to enclose the other side, has required the building of thirty-one miles of plauk fenert. Every three miles along the fence are houses lor the herders, nd enormous stables and pens for the stock. There are grazeu in tins enclosure 30,000 head of an immense number cf otiier stock. A ranch on the Brazos river con.. tains50,000 head of cattle, 300 horses, aud 50 herders. John Ilitson, the owner, drives 10,000 cattle to market annually. Ten years ago ho was a poor farmer in Tennessee, butseliing his land and going to the Brazos, he succeeded, by dir. t ot hard labor, in getting together sixty cows and nine brood mares, wheu he went to stock-raising. He has now 50.000 head of cattle, worth at least SIoO.UOO, and he is still only forty years old. This man is cstaolishing a stock ranch on the te'outh Piatte, in Nebraska, where he has now 5,000 head of cattle, aud uext Spring will bring in 10,000 more. There is a ranch ou the Concho river, Texas, where, I am told, one man owns 70.000 head of steers and milch cows. " The best grazing counties iu Texas are those of Threckmorton, Stevens, Juek. Voung, Culiahan, Palo Pinto, jl ill, and Johnson. These counties lie ali'mn the Bio Grande., the Nueces, Guadulupe, tfati Antonio, Colorado, L:n, Brazos, Triniry, eabine, a:id Bed rivers. The stock from these counties arc driven to the Ga!'' io great numbers, whcie th. y ae slaughtered, packed in steamer-, or put on alive, and shipped to New York, Uostoii, and other northern markc's. A meat many cattje are driven n.-rth on foot by way ot Abilene, Kansas, and .Si,;s, ler, Nebraska. Some l,lio'.v the 1 eeo-. ami pai into Anzona and Calf i i. . - .. . . . a-eep u.oug me UK;.n-i.s to liciit . l'o; J, thence across Colorado over tin :!..,. i. 1 1 . 1 1 i n- I liiui. i...- iino n y.iui.lii; ati'l on n;. i into Utah, 3ioulaii:i, Nevada aud Idtho. j I here afe s nno drivers whose t.imn s 1 I cannot mention, but the whole muniier id cattle brought north overland fiotn Tck - uuuiig ino year into ,u,i f,( t tall short d 100,0(U head. Of the-o 20,Od J Kent t- Montana, S.000 to fj.uli, 8, (.. N.-va-da, 0.000 to Wyoming, lO.t. 00 to t'.-.l-f.onia, 11,000 to Idaho, :nd iio.OoO' to Colorado aud New Mexico. The amuit-t of money handled ai'.ii;; the 1 ase ot' liie. mountains iu iran f.rrin th.s stoek cattle on Government land?, and are wise enough to buy a portion of those lands as soon as they sre offered for sale, will find before they die that these lands will le worth more than their herds ever could have been. Your great Ohio settler, Benjamin Wade, once said that he be lieved '"within the present century every acre of good land between tho Missouri rivT and the California c a-t will be worth S50 in gold." Wild as this decla ration at the time seemed, it has already been realized in many portions cf Ne braska, and cl7 to come true in all our States and Territories west of the Big Mudily Great, then, as are the for tunes which are being made in cat ie, still greater will bo the fortunes made in land. Those who are the ?i.-;est will make nil they can cn their cattle, and the moment the lauds are lor 'ale buy all the hind they ;a:i uet, even if they have to sell pari of their herd to pay for the lands. The Iloini stead Law precludes tho pos sibility of fjettiu:: much laud in one body, but. by buying out settlers at fair prices, sufficient lands for grazing purposes may be had for many years to come. 1','tti burg Commi-rckU. Anecdote of Vou Weber. The following anecdote of W illustrious composer, present.-) jber, him the in a new and uuexi.ecud lisiht. aud will be read with interest : I was in Loudon in 1811. Weber was in a boat on the river with . mie ladies, and began to perform on thk 'flute which he played to groat peri'ectionBut seeing that his boat was followed by anotber, iu which were sevtral youim officers, he put his fiute iu his pocket. "Why do you stop playing ?" said one of the officers to Weber. "For the same reason that I ' began," replied the composer. "And that is ?" "Because it pleases me." "Well, then," said the officer, "take up your fiute again, or it. will please mu to throw you iuto the water. i The composer, seeing that the dialogue was unpleasant to the ladlei he wad with, gave way and be-an playing ajiain. n" i ... I .1 i " , J . i neii leaving me ooal. However,-he ac j eosted the b,,id son -of Mars, aud said : ! "Sir, the icar of annoying the people who I were with me made me brook your inso i lento, but to-morrow I will have satis j faction. We can meet in Hyde Park at j 10 o'llock. it y.ii have no objection wo j will fidii with swords ; we need no see jonds; the iju.irrt l is between you and I me, aud it is quite useless to bring in ; st tiiitii s ' ,; 'i he ofiii er accepted the challenge. lie j w is :it the rendezvous at the appointed I h jur, and met Weber, as agreed on. lie j drew his sword and put hmiself on his j guard, v l- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Patronize Hume Manufactures t B R O O Nl S Vt Portland Prices! LARGELY INTO HAVING GONE tho raanufaclnre of ALL GRADES OF BROOMS I I am prepared to furnish the Oregon public with us (jri.xl a broom n can tie ilt-iinct on the coa.;t, at Portland price's. Cr li ra pulieiteil. Ad dre.-s all order) to II LAIN. XOUSti A CO., K-j cral Ag..-iit, Albany. Oreicon. w: D. BELDIXG. Albany, Dorember 3. 1S70-13V NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. J. C. MENDENHALL, Notary Public, Xtss.1 Zatite aid Insurance Agent, il.HAXy, OKEGON. COLLECTED. AND TAXES PAID Tor n.m-re-iaents anil i.thtrs, making ont rent uftjiU) pnporn, ete. Office Parrish brick, up stairs. S5-10 CHAHLE , A D.VXA., Editor. She JJaHur Wtthlij gxm. A New itHirr ot tbo Present Times. IiiccitJil lor i'eopla Now aa Earth. incladai Fmia s. Mct'ha-lea. Merehants, Prc fji.oual ilea, Wtiitera. Taiuaors, sad i Man ner ot Foiks. aaJ the Wives, Soafi. and taa,'li:er ut all -uzn. OSL? ONE DOLL1R A YEAR I OXi: DUXDIIEI) COPIES FOR 930. Or less tnan On Cant a Copy. Let there be a 50 Cin us evsrr Post Office. ' SESI-WEEELY SUN, S3 A YEA K, or tiu same sizs anl general character a . TUS tt'EEKir, but wtth a jrrcaiei-variety of miscol'aaaon rea luie, aatt farnbalos t!io n to snw;iibu. with Clearer rreslitiess. because It coiujs twire a wek instead of oaco only. THE DAILY St'N, SO A YEiE. A iiref :nmeutW Tvail li!e newspaiier. wtn the lanr c Mi::Ija m ths woria Kre. inrte penaent. a id tearlo-. in A 1 the news r-oiii ev- rywlisre. l . ctinrs a copy; by mail. 50 e.t a mi.i.tli, or SG a year. : mm. T3HM3 TO CLUES. THE DOLLiU WEEKLY SU.V. F:ye copies, one year, BJ:jarativ acoress-rt. Foar Oallara. Ten rotiie. one Vfor. en irntn'v aJlrrn.el (a' d aj extra eoi to tbe ifettsr u, -,; i-iu-.,. Elertit Hollar. wentr conies, one ye-.r. sepnra-el a-lili csjed ( i u aa ts.ra ejpy to tiie -ett r nt -: c.nb;. Fifteen Dol:;irs. r "tr eor-i". one Tenr. to cne a ic-o i -.p 1 r;e te-'u-i- n ee; y one yo- t . ..t'.p.r r r-. ri-!j. j. uir:y -U roe Oolis'rs. Fi' T ron". ns Tea- -rrisraieir a "i es.-et c d t .e ,:cmi- t t efc-y ir -o r-cfT..r , o- f-m- i"irrr-avc Soltuiv. rc .-u-v'ro't . . r.s- t m r'.;;-. t 11 ! l.iij Ll V iof -at,; ytf..4- , '" nr' ri."Sy"r!.'.' t"(r 'vi flf I y ar. s"t T v i- .7 .it j . ijily ..jro e v,r I-i . .j:. - i r A FEW REASONS WHY THE A R I O N P I A EM C ia SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS. THE A B ION PIANO-FORTE has Greater Power than any other other Piano Forte manu factured. IT WILL STAND IN TUNE LONGER and in ita mechanical construction it is more per fect, and therefore, more durable than any instru ment constructed in the arnnl modern atjlo. Tho nran;cincnt ot the Agraffe, the manner of strin;inir,tue peculiar form and arrangement of the Iron Frame, : Supersedes all Others. Tc use of a bart, (which ia a part of the Iron Frame) on a line with the heavy steel stringing, gircs - Great Strength AVhcre most needed, and in this respect all other 1'ianos tail. The construction of the WREST PLANK, into which the Tuning Pins are inserted, is such tbet it is impossible for the pins to become loosened, or the N'rot Plank its-. If to split, a is too often the ease in other Piano-Fortes, THE EXTRAORDINARY EVEN NESS, - Throughout tho entire scale, the excellent Singing Quality, tbe Length and Pur tig on Vibration, All go to prove what we claim, viz. : that the Arion Piano-Forte Ii the Best Instrument Marufactured. HEW TO-DAY. IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT I HAVE " opened a u livery aud Feed Stable ! in the town of Lk BANON, where I will be con stantly on hand to attend to the want of the people. I will run a hack from Albany to Lebanon and Soda Sprit) .131, on Saturday of each week. AH basinet's "ntroetcd to my rare will be promptly attended to. , ' W. B. DONACA. Lebanon, Sept. JO, 1870 Iv3m3 3,000 BET ON TIIE ELECTION ! ten Wt bt-r put a pi.tol at liis Ihinar. iiYull U'l-h Til miiril,r .in. "," i.J tl:e u fiicer. '"No." taid Weber, ""but Five cot i.. o..e -. Ten cr Jc. n aa extra s r; tn TVi-r f .ffl. . tut) KLc.-j CO.. ii.v.'srii.T srx. cut . sc;aralL 1 v 'I'M - . - p. i.tsrht iot (-.". ": r c-.ra:o'v .i.:-;r(;s -tl ' i'i 1 (:e:i.T 1 ...r. 1 ,. . SiJtteeo Uoflarst. v e:- c ,r:ve .1 -i.t if A III ON PIANOS Are used Exclusively in tbe AMERICAN CONSERVATORIES OF MUSIC Any one who wants to fria can do so by calllug' ou It. O. HILt, Ac MOIV- WHO, thankful for past patronage, still in vite the attention of Linn count v ,t at., to their unequalled stock of .;' DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, I'AlMTiK VARNISH BRUSHES, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, , ALCOHOL, KEROSENE, : WINDOW GLASS, -Ti I TRUSS KS, FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES. Em Aeents for Ir. D. .Tavne A Pon's Drenaratinna. II. II. II. liorse Medicines, etc. Do you like medicine for its hitler or nanaeat. " ing taste? M'e have that description. Do you want the effect with an aromatto tout? After taking a few doses of our Elixir, 'twill be so yery pleasant that your prejudices - - - :- Must snrely turn awry, and the preparation . .. Will lose the name o' physic. : (om noi ine cited.; Physicians and customers from tho country may rest assured that their orders will be prompt ly attended to. Prescriptions carefully and cor rectly compounded. Have you tho iuinolito guest called a corn T We sell "Corn Slayer," which surely does the work, without pain. Do you desire a book of anykiuif, a Gold Pen, an Album. itntinuery, or such? W. S. Drisrcs is with lis, fir the accommodation of all favoring hi in with a cull. Do you want a fine Watch, a set of Jewelry, cheap or dear? J. V. Titus sells the same, under the same roof. Come and see us. Buy a Book. Boy a Watch. Buy a Pill Buy eoniclliinsr or nothing, but come and see us. anyway. A well sprinkled floor and a cool drink of water in the summer, and a warm stove surrounded by comfortable chairs in winter constantly kept for the accommodation of all. Albany, May 11, '70.3(1 R.H.McDONALD&CO., iriioi.Gs.ii.G fDHUGGISTS,1gf. r':i ; j be kin. up that sword yuu are a dc-od t!iuUi;h to ;ut iiuii dance a minute, or man. i he oiricer nmJe soma o!jectIin, but 1 In.- aiii'iuritative and deieriiiiiiL-d tune ui' ibcr seemed to inilm nee liim, aud noi wuiiMandiusj; t Ite arri va ! id' m.uiU pcuplo mi ibe sotiiie id action, be Went t broil b 6,1.1 r.JIJca V-.h l.h,-. Sow Yors Cltr. of New YotIc city. r w Th? most severe test a p'ano can receive is enn st int uo in a Conservatory. was over Sl,di,UJU. At Aid; pi eat Kao-as Cattle maikit. VM head were haudled. Tht! tbe over 20U,- ' febin lifiits ! in September reatdied O'Jf-j.; bea t, and i .in Oc-'oi.-r T.'t '!. i what ho tvjrj ::.--Ke.i. or rai tir I..I.1 .. .1 "l.S.r," .-.aivl tbu nuiici.ui. -jou Compu ie I ine yestetd iv (u play a'aiu.t my wi-Ii ; I I bave now eomi clled you to dance a-a'"-t yours. Our bond is over. IIo.v evi r. bouid ytm be di.ssatislied still, I am ijuite ready to .uive 30U any satisae tioo you may ib tor." The uiiictr be!d out his band and bi-g ed his auvcrsary 10 honor bim with Ids irtendsbip. Erotu that moment an at tachment sprung up between them which Read The JToIlovVing': te l to died. 1 1., ;iy the illustrious cuinpo?- And Harry plunged his ojsteri down into the white powdery depths, briogino" itnp a oblong sphere of snow. . Thi' tie time of day 1 Now, my fine fcHbw, cook away at your leiaure, j while your brothers white' jacket too. Ihe Cbitical Periods of II u L.IFE. 1'foni the aye of forty to that sixty, a man who properly regulates bin sell inav it in .. yk li(e. ilia matured strength ot constil -i tion renders tiiui almost imperv ious to the attacks of disease, and all his functio -is are in the highest order. Having gone a year or two past sixty, he arrives at a crt " ical period of existcuce ; the river ol Death flows before him, and he remains at a btand still. But athwart this river is a viaduct called the "turn of Life " which, if crossed in safety, leads to the valley of "Old Ajre," round which the river winds, and then flows beyond, with out a boat or causeway to affect its pass- a5e'c "ridge w, however, construct ed of iragile materials, anil it rl,.,i upon how it is trodden whether it bend or break. Gout, apoplexy, and other fcaU characters are also in the vicinity to waylay the traveler, and thrust hi., from the pass; but let htm gird up his loins, F'uiue iiiiuaeir wild perfect compos-T;-rT'.1Hot0 a n,etaP'or, the "lain ot Life ' is a turn cither into a prolonged walk or iuto the grave. The system and powers, having reached their utmost ex pansion, now begin to close like flmrpr at sunset or break down at on n .ujuuieious stimulant, a Biusle fatal cttement, may force it bnvnnr! streogthi whilst a careful supply of props and the withdrawal of all that tends to 01 -ea pianr, will sustain it ana vigor until night in. : j ; ' . UK AN , 1 etitioii KxtX'f iruin lO.SKll i sauiiuinarv d by the .Michi wii ten ,.n r-er- 8 a rjh has ex its in beauty nearly set The following !inti urrif At.. . .. . c I IX t,lic delicate hand-writing of a lady, have been sent to us, with an urgent request- for publication : "He took her fancy when ho came ; he took her hand, he took a kiss; be took no notice of the shame that glowed her happy cheek at this. He took to coming afternoons; he took an oath he d never deceive; he took her father's silver ppoous, and after that he toot, his leave." . hat is a rebus ?" innocently asked a lovely miss of a black eyed lad. Im printing a kiss on her breathing lips, i,e replied ."if you return ibe compliment, that will be a rebuss ?" She was satisfied with the information. . "A man who'd maliciously set fire to a barn, ' said good Old Elder Poybon, "and burn up a stable full of horses and cows ought to be kicked to death by a jackass and I'd like to le the one to do it." e as too v. .. . . n it is yet in its infancy, not only in Texas. New .Mexico, Colo ada, on ihe IMaiUr, I, or tUr. .1-. !.-.. i . ... ... , .i.i, vui. m xj onto oiaies. i no ; rapid increase of our p.pulatijn, borh ) from foreign and domestic sources, de- j mandsa correspinnliug increase of food, aud at present ihJro is no product of eat tie anything like equal to the . demand. Jieef can be raised ou the plains, aud de livered at 6 cents per pound ; and until that is done, there need be no apprehen siou of crowdius the cattle market. That beet can ever be had iu our day so cheap us pia. cents uoes not seem probable, and yet even at four aud a half cents per , , . . pouuu i.irge loriunes can be made iu cat tie treedmg.. It is only on the limitless plains, where laud is ot little or no value that stock can be raised to advantage jjui even me plains bouodie.-a as Uiey may seem, are last disappearing before tho advauciug waves of population. Tex as, tne great cattle luve ot the country. j : . . . . ..... uurmg ine past, year nas received 60O -mi.. ..i i i . , ' wj oi-uicrs, auu aireauv cattle jjrowers there feel that they must moon look ebe where for uutrainmelled ranges. A few more years like the past a few deduc tions of a million acres of pasture lands in a single seasou, and Texas will be no more of a grazing State than Ne w York, Penn sylvania or Ohio. Yet compare these States and how do they stand now? New iork,with her settlements tbO years old, and a population of 4,OUO,0Ud, lias 74S.- vuooxen atidstoc-k .,,itl.. . i --.....;, o,w,uW people, lias 721.U0U; Ohm, with 3.000,000 people, 149,000 UUU cuttle alone.) fong will these aces s .emaia t-razi,,.. Krouads? The Union Paclic laitr "d erTfit1-lded ,',e-ie lal"U "' eastern t,v their western extremity, aui owns and -r village, are ,pri " , everywheie along its iroo rails, and far Z are being opened on every J It is no exaggeration to s.y that the pop-' ulat,on of the Duiud States before Pt he close of the present century w ill probably i Wants tu ibe iollow iti wotuau has been rcc. Han L.-girbitare.' It fumed paper, at.d issigtud by -Mrs -Martin of St. Joseph : "I am in iavor of hanging murderers and -of pania.lly ban-in- tho-e l,o as sault with iut.-nt to kill. 1 think ihe' time has com,; when ail mock sentiment! should be done away with, and the sac r:nee o! hie punished to the fullest extent I am no enuiusiat on this i.lea, but in ease Mich a law was enact-d, and there was any difficulty in obtaining the servi eesofa hangman, I would willingly ao! m that capacity, without pay or hope of pa. j. in-re by put in niy claim to be appointed rftaie t xe uu.iier, aud to exe cute all the murderer to be executed uuder the proposed new law. ' I have at tended seveial executions, and will -uar-eutee to make no blunders . ! l y y yj , : y y pt .j y -p y i". y -jj -.- J- y y ; i ' fii'fHk'u'oKkt.Vtl ."i.A.S. Wo 14 now ) ; jir p:ir.-l to turaUli all cias.-os wiili e"ii.-tant era- I t.l iyiiii iit at li.-nie, ilia whulo ol tlie tiir.e or for the i j sp ire moments. Iit-'im new, light ami profit- I ahle. I'.fisii is of eilli 'r t:x eau easily earn from ' 5 ti ." p -r i veniiis. and a iiron-rtional sum i I hy il voiie' i-uir whole lime to t'.ie l.uiiiie.jg. ; j li. vs sti l girls euro uuarljr as mm-u ns men. That i '. ail nho sco this tmtire 111 ty ieuil their aiMre?, j : ""d '' hii-iiicss, we m.i!;e this uupnrallek-d . oil', r : To saeh j .ire not natiKfu-il. wo wid send ; ; $1 to p iy for the troul.Io of writing. Full par-;!., n ,uiuaoie samp.e wniro win it.t to e.-m- j m.-neu work on, and n copy of Tit J'cnp!c' Lit. ! e ,-i, y t-.i:.fnioH one of the lareyt and fiimily nvvpajKra poMished all stnt free by man. in-aner, n you want permanent, profitable ! good one when it will bear raeh constant ueewith w..rk. a,SJ t. t . A LU-.N & CO., j out showing 6iSn3 of defeetion. A8 for rrmni.iuj ' '"' Ain;ii.ta, Maine. j ,".. tune, it out rivals any Piano known to ine. O -rn .. nrn. m. it rv x- i. Tbeir jculiar 8weetnei of tone in the treble , t U f Lit UAia ;V.'V-J I BS compar,d to other Pianos with the ordinary who enae in our new bn.-ine. '10 p day ia III drown lo.-al.ties. Fail ;lar and ii,(tru-titif icnt fno hy taait. I". Iks..! i f perni m.-n'. profitahe work, hUouM ad ir. ss ut onm. UEOKUE iS'J IXSON A Co. -4'n-i P rtland, Maine. It affords me rnu.h pleaure to give yen, in these few lines, a very sinecre testimonial for the Piano Fortes of your luanutaeture. We have now used the "Patent Arion Pianos'-" in our Confcrvat.-rR'S fora year, and have had a fair opportunity .f tci-t-in their dnruhilitv iliirinr. tl.nt 4im., Ttm li,n.. best have been played upon almost constantly, from nv ' .01 .. : t. . . i : . . . , " ' ." bikhm uuu , x iuuo inueea oe a TEE NEW FOOD. . "iia metal asrrnffe arranenient ) is so triking that! .-a niaKo ironi MM have had pupils remark, while taIiiuKtheire.-som-. , ; ttlat a'thou;h they had at boms what tbey sup. 1 hoie l r. ...! In bf. imp t lb. bi.l i.. ,t-. r.V r;.. the treble wan very wiroy tsncd compared with the "ARION." AVlmt makes them Etill more desirable ia their uniform volume of tone, whi. h enables an Artist to perform a composition in i s truo character. In total, I can conscientiously endorse ad thut is claimed by the Arion Piano - Forte Company for their superb instruments, aa I consider them su perior to any other make. . Congratulating you upon the great success yon p j n.w ..ownifcu in ine loanuinciure 01 so perleei. un 1 i instrument, I remain yonrs, cry truly. r -UJiAKY eCHROEPER, H JUirector. tcptcmDcr 3, 1870. i .U - ? -J V-"r XewYork, Fcr '"This milk is ralh tier warm lor kmi.!. cold morn.iio;, Sj,j a etisiomer, the other day, to a mi.ktoy. "Yes, lather put hot water iu it iiiKtcad'of' cold, to keep it tmrn freezing," was the simple but tiu.hfui reply. A little school boy presented hi.s teach er with the lollowiuo note fiom ho ne j.s an excu-e tor,;,s : . -JJaby ci.0. BiscuU to bake bad in Baketi powder the d .- up-etihe kuut.phy.poi the cat belied the miik out up la e Kxcuse.'' A little buy, whose mother bad prom ised him a present, was saj iug his prayers preparatory to goiuo t t)ed i)Ut his mind running ou a horse, ho beoau as folio vrs : ' Our Father, who art" in heaven ma, won't you oive me a bore thy .kingdom coiue with string ou it ! ' A little lnrl in Ohio, about three v.irs o!d,;afier bem.i' eoi reeted the othttr ,1.,. i i. : . i i . . . J "a nomei iiiiij' "lie ua.i done, said : l ., i wish whipiiitio- cost somethin "Why,' replied the mother. "Ueetui . . . ." . saiu time pet, "vou uever s.'ive tinny that cos s sofiielhitio-." entiein. in from London to a irietiu in the country, speaitinr of the times,' observed that his wife "had lately expeuded 0 for a habit. His friend re. lied : r.,r ir. !,.. habVts"'''0 WiVUS l BCt iMt0 "Uch A aoo little hut k, nL ..... church once m a while, wants to know if the Acu of the Apostles was theouethat was laid at the root of the tree ! me la, r ' se," auyr cs:it3 you can buy uf your Grocer oi Ercist a package cf E2A 11033 rASINE made from puroflrisii IIoes or Carrageen, vhicli will maks c-tccn quarts cf Llano Kange, ;:a a like quantily cf Puddings. ctarda, Creams, Cliarlotto Z'zzq, Ho. It is t!:o cheapest, wealthiest and most delicious feed iu the world. It make3 a splendid Dessert, and lias no equal as a lijht and delicate food for Invalids and Children. Call t:.o aif.-nt'on ofDealcr thMr tarirn assort, mer.t of Newlv Arrived (iool, connorl In part of t!ie following articles, toxtfier wttli ev -rv thl .y kept In p. welt supplied WHOLE HALE DC fit teTOKK. Fasnn DTtro", I" rcKJiAT'K rxT MsniRTKrs, I Dbiooists' SrxDiiiBa, 1 BrspKs rrpoTa3 1 PnixER Herbs. Krbitial oils, t l'snri'MKitif!., KEuOSEXa Oil., l'l-STH AUD OILS, Which tto o(Tr ni tho lowest Ch Prieen. and are detcrmlncil not to be nndereold. B. n. MCDONALD b CO Bah FnAKclcco, CiL- roxt sAvn, Our Drug' ltot-lncss loented In Pnn Fran-ci-seo, Cn.1. Al:er onr liei-t wiclies, nn.l cuprrs." i:ig cur tlimiktf tor the lili.ral ' f'r'nK9 we bave receiel for tbsn tweniy-one years, durin" wliieb J eriwl we bve hetn .teai'.i!y enn(.eil in the Druz bu.Jine? in Cn'ifori ia. we l.-e; to ay in toreenueiice of ttie rapi-l growili of Dr. Walker" 1'nliiornia Vinegar liit:em. now spread ov.r tlic Vnitut ti.teuil conntrie far lit-yonii, we lire iuee!-it:i.te.l to dc oto our entire time to 8ui.l l.tiiiin. We arc the I'M. M IK rt firm on t)ia Poi iflo Coast nn.l tha only one, eintiruoiis umler the panif. vr.'l'riet('r iiiee lSl'J, aioj bave ilcterminiil to s.-ll our lar.-. ).ri'Pvroi, oci well c?tabliutitd buHincjs on fuv-iral'lu t run. " - i a run; poitui'ity for men with Biennii. of eneriiiji into a profital le t umuch.s w'nji advan tap. 8 never l-efure or.-ied. 1'or purtieuhiM i nijiiiro of It. U. Jl. POXAT.Ti A CO.. It. II. JIcftosALn, ) AVIiiilcfnle Dritcirt. J. C. tfr:ci R. ( Fun Fran. ii.eo, Cal. J. 15. Until a le i r' we rball continue onr importationi and keep a larje slock of fr.-fh Coorta confttintly on hand, and ci! at prices to defy competition. The Great Medical Discovery! Dr. WALKEE'8 OA JUIFOE-NI A VINEGAR BITTERS, ga Hundrcd3 cf Thousands Sfj t Bear testimony to their Wonder- kpit O a f i 1 Curatlvn V. tTwt . aim - .... a m m m - - s on a visitt A Glorious Change!! Tim curat vrohr-cs TOMC. Hantation Bitters. Tlii wosidci-ful vcnctaSJo re stcrative ia the Ehrct-anchor of tiie fecl;5o ana 2ci;i!iiatcd. As a sossic act! cordial fer tlie aged an:l lariguJd, it lias no equal as;:ouj sJocaacics. Asfirciucdy for tZis isc:-vok3 tTca&ncss to ::c;a voracn are especially Ritfo 'cc f, it i: ttipcs-acdsjis every otiier :rsiiIuKl. Iji a51 cZSmnSeajtropi cn'j trnaperatc, ; frigid, it acts i ;; ;:ttir.c'Jii every Pr-eeies of ' : l.'.ci t::::t riiisiie9 !se r.zt'.x j; kcI T:rcc&3' Coxvn .r J :rMa.-' To? cr.Za t?y We want first cWs and responsible Agents in f . "J "u l"wn wncre weliuve not already un pointed them r We have just I'uItliIt( 1 Our annual Illustrated Tampblet. whieb' contain a full de-senptiou o! tbe iuter.or eoustruelion ol toe I atent Arion l'luno-r 'oi te, una all (be oiber lead ing Pianos of tbe priueipai makes; illustrated wuu wiuseoiratiing tim Anon wiib all other lirt claa Tianos, aud frovine- - 13 fll - 5Ste. Its' S3 1 1 --X Mr- "-'W""5 lis t; -.IIJ S58 eI fancy ACE NOT A VILE DRIN K.Plr .'inn us, aud proving Why antl Where Onr Pianos are superior to any in the mnrkef. Onr pamphlet contains euriivingp of all tbe if forent styles of instrnment that we un.niifaclun, Si"'"'? a full description of each, so p r im can Kdeet the style the uiny desire to or.l. r, wi'h the assurance that they will receive jnsl'as pood a Pinno as if they were in onr wareroiuis to select it. We have sold over Five Thousand Pinnos.ui:ipy of them being shipped great diftnnct s. and we h.ive uever yet received the first complaint. As we :ve a written crnaranteo with every Piano we mariu'iic- ture. for five years, the purchaser rurs no ri k. Don't fail to write for onr pamphlet tthirh free, ami mheH om aritt Hate tubal p'jerjuu w thi. notice ti. " " Jf. V. M'e cautioo tbo public from parrhns'njr cheap Piano, which has recently been put in 11 e market, bearing the name Aiin."All eei nii.e Arion Pianos b .ar the name "Pat -nt Arion." and 1 can only be purchased from our New Y..rk M'are rooms. or our authorised Agents throughout the l uitcd States. All kinds of Slusical Instruments Supplied. ADDRESS TUB ARION PIANO-FORTE COMPAN" Ko. ,654 Broadway; ITew Tork Cir Mado cf Poor, WhUUer. Pro.-f Bpiritsnnd Ucfu ae n u r doctored, sidced and sweetened t flcas3 tho taste, called Ton les,"" Appetizers," Retorcrs,, c.. tliat lead tZie tippler cn drunkenness and ruin, but are a truo Medicine, maJo from the Native Uoots and Herbs of California, Ireo Irsni nil Alcobvlle Ktiitinlame. Ttiora-'e IlicliltEATIILOOD rtTItll IE:t and I.IFBUIVIXU PttlN CI I"1.E a prr ct Kenoi ator andlnvlcoratoror tlie Eystoni, carryins off all polsonons matter and restoring trie blood to n bealtiiy eondltiou. Ko parson caa take theso Dl tors according to direc tion and remain long uawoll. - FsrlBlanmutsrr asil Chronlo likca. matUin nud (loi, t) sncimls. r UdU Bcnlloo, Hilloua, ItciiilllouC and Inter mittent Fjivers, Dlm-n.cs nflbe Hlaod, ldver, ILIducxs anil ttladiter, these lilt, tera kavj bcoa most sticcssrat. Snch lle ranes aro caused by Vitiated Itlveai. wlilcb. is sonerally produced by deranuement of the JlK"a) vo Oreaiia. IIVSl'El'SIAOIt lNI)lCr.STION. Headache. Ia:a In the Bl.oniilom. Com-tw, Tlsht ness of the Chest. Dizxinoss, Sour Eructations or the Stomach, Ead toad la tno MoatU IJ.Uous At tacks, raip.t-.tlon of t:io neart. Intlammatton of the Lmsu.Pal la thcreclons of tho Kidneys, and a hundred other palnfnl symptoms, are tbo off prlDssof Dyspepsia. j - TU-y Invlgorata tlie Stomach and stlmnlale the torpid liver asd boy.j, wulcli render them of un einallcd cmeacy f. cleansing ttie hlood ef alt Impurities, aad imparUug new Ufa anj vigor to t'le whole system. . FOtt SKIN I fF. AHEH. ErnptIon,TeUr. ealt Hheam. niotchcs., SpotJ, I'loiples. Puntales. Bolls. Carbaacles, lant-Worms, Ecnla-Hoad. Rore Ey3B,Erysllan,ItcU. ScurtVi, inscolorationa of the 8kla, namore aud Diseases ofthe Skin, of whatever nam 3 or natur. tro lltorally dug op anlcarrrlcd ont of the syiteni In a ehor ttmo by tho ne of these Bitters. One bottle tn such eases will convince the most Incredulous or tuelr enratlve offoets. -j : r. Cleanse the Vitiate J Blood whenever you And IU Imparities bnrstlng throntfh tiioskla In rim pies. Eraptlons or Bores i cleanse It when yon and It obstructed and sluggish In. the vein., ctcanso H whea It Is foul, and your fcellBirs will tell you when. Keep fio blood pure and the healtli of fie system will follow. , PIS. TA PB aatt otSwr WO RMS. inrklnir In the syetemof so many thousands, ore effectually ' - destroyed and removed. For full direction., road carefully the clrcalas around each bottle. J WALKER, Proprietor. It. 0. sloDOX AU f CO.. Drrutglsu and Goo. Agenta, Ban Francisco, t Cel., and 1C sad SI Commerce Street. New fork. OLD BT ATX DBTJtSOISTS AVD TJEAIXM.