; If f-y - t-- - '-syr 7 - r r '. ' . cTc:.'- VOL. 3. PCSUSBRD r.VEBY SATURDAY BY ( OLL. VAX C I.EVE. jrriCB OS CORNER OF PERRY ASD F1UST-STS. ALBANY, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 22, 1871. NEW ADVKKTISEM ENTS. TERMS IN One Year.. ......... Six Months... Single Copies ADVANCE. .........Throe Dollars I....... Two Dollars Ten Cents ADVK-TIirING Transient advcrti-wments HATES. pur Square of ten lines or less, tirst insertion, $2 ; eaoti subsequent insertion.!. Larger advertisemeuts inserted on the most iberal-tenas. . JOB work.- Ilaving received new type, stock of colored, inks, cards, a Gord n .Tobher, etc., we ore pre p s,r to exaeut all kind ttriotins-in a bett-r manner anil Sftv per cent. cheaper taan ever be fore offered in this city. Agents for the Register. The following ;rent!eme;i arc authorized to re ceive and receipt for subscription, advertising, etc., for the REfitSTtn : HIRAM SMITH, Esi Harrisbtirg. Jndse S. II. CfiAVGllTOX.. Lebanon. PKTER HUME, Esq !irownsvil!e W. It. KIRK. Esq E. K. " tltr. i.i-.ii. fc-Mj T. II. REYNOLDS, r O. P TOMPKINS, I" L. P. FISHER, Esq.. i- ... rio. ....oicm. ...11:' rvi.-hur:r. ...'Frisco. in sixi:- c.vnns. TTOKXEY ANI CUUNEl.OR AT LAW . Offiok- No. I!! Fir.-t rison and Alder, opposite l! Portland, Orcjjon. tr'.'OT. between .Viur i OeciOmtal Ilutvl, Vill praotiec i Courts of the Stat--euit Court of the 1" tention to the. coiK reon, and to ot ruptev. wuiot), s;n a the Superior and Inferior , and in tuc District and C'ir-iiK-d trttes. ivin spf.Hrial at tio:i of debts in ail parts of ttai'iinr dieh irres in JJ.-tnk-e tha Lv-'t araerulmtnt to the law, mav be obtained fr .m ali djbts cntri-ted prior tn January lt, lO'J, without retrnrd to the per eeutae whieh the a?.Jerts may fiiiaiH- pny. November 2o, J.S70-12v3y Jl'DCE KEl.S.W. Ji-SKPH BiSSoN. KULSAY &. IIANNON. Attoroe'S asi'J OhiusoUois at Law. Partner for Li-r-j county.) OFFICE la Po-t OS e r.uiid.ng, (up sta). Albany, Liua county. Ore 'J f'3 L. STRUCKME1ER & CO., AITJ-VXY, OISIi'-iON. FST UECKIVKI. A LAiiUB A.l) n r.l.L. JOHN CONNER, B AHKI IVT Cr AND EXCHANGE OFFICE, ALIIANY, ORHCOS. EPOS ITS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO D JUrterost all iwei on tune ucposits in coin. 'Kxchanire on Portland. Pan Fraoviseo New. York for p ale at lowest rates. Collections made and promptly remitted. Kefers to II. V. Corbett, Henry Failing, Y. S La-Id. Banking hours from 8 A. M. to 4 p. Ji Albany. February I, 1ST 1.22v3 and C. IV3EALEY - DEALER IN & MANUFACTURER OF and CABINET X3eclclir- WARE ! , lite, Corner First and Broad Albin streets, Ar.BA.YY, OK EG OX. JSiy PARTICI'LAU ATTF..TtOS PAIO TO "feSS ORDERS OP AX-S. KINDS in his iii'13 October GEO. F. SETTLESVIIER, jy nz tj c c x t . (Surcessur to D. W. Wakefield.) ParrisU's New IJuildiug, I'irst Street. ALBANY," OREGON. ADVERTISES! ENTS. LOOK HERE ! SA1 FUAiCISC STORE! CORNER FIRST fND FERRY ALBA SY i. BTRF.ETS, .... OK EGOS. Keeps" constantly oi hand a full assortment of STOVES, PUMPS & TINWARE I t- I will have fo rale the celebrated THTnondL . ITlocli. cook stove, and ot'ujr leading styles. Also, oanufaeture all kinds of Tin, Copper aud SUeet-lron Ware, in tlio bust style, at lowest rates, FOR CASH r COUNTRY PBODCCE. " Always on hand a full supply of The Purest 'Wines and Liquor, for Medicinal purposes only. A well selected stock of Groceries and Crockery ! will always be found at my establishment. I will sell all roods in my house, for Cash or Produce on delivery, cheaper than ever before offered in this market. All kinds of repairing done, on short notice, and entire satisfaction warranted, at niy Stovej and Tin Store. ! JULIUS GRADWOIIL. Nov. 19-11 BUILDERS, ATTENTION 1I00U SASH. BLIND AND FA C T O H Y ! S. H. ALTHOUSE. N. WRIOnT. J. P. BACKENSTO. ALTIIOISE At; CO., -DEALER IN J selected atocU of of Casiulere. l-.eav manner of Fawcy 4 i Jt.if Suits uij.U to 4lly French ti:,'.t. . 1 l..eM::a. li.: be.-t .i-la! H1U iliCfilCIIlCS, :3r.iicALS, PAiHTS. GILS, GLASS, ETC. rs EI ER A CO. V. SSesit.'ey. Gi ENTLEMEN'S BOOTS MACE TO ORDER I on short nuiiee, nail wi:ii ueainess aud di- oaicb. t-A1' EinJs of Rspaixxa? Albanv. June 11. 1ST0 40 Eonc. I. 15. RICE, JI. !., PH.S1CIAN AND SURGEON, Albany, - - Orc-oa, OFFkcE ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF MAIN. Street. Alhaijy, April '70.-32 ?!il;i, hand and receiving. rtOSSTAMbY on j larte st.--k of Grocertea a 3d rrovisions, AVood afed Vi low War-. T-AsV-, Ciiar. Con fectionery, Yankee N ti i;i.-. A -. As., Vmb-s.il and Retail, opposite K. C. Hill A S oV Jru store, Albany. Oreon. j40'70 All articles warranted ure aiid of the best la!ity. .Physiviuns Prcscriptious carefuRy eomponnded. Albany. Oct. 17. lSl!-fiif livery, ri:s:i & sai,e S T A U LES! AZ.BA.NY, OUEGOH. I.YO STP.EET, A1.BAXY, (ON THE RIVER BANK), : OREGON. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CITY DRUG STORE. A. CAROTUERS. I R. SALTMARSH. A. CAR O T HERS & CO., DRUGGISTS & APOTHECARIES, (Foster's Block, First street), ALBANY, : OREGON, DEALERS 19 Drugs, Chemicals, Medicines, paints, Oils, dye stuffs, ? GLASS, 4 CCOlSLeT!?, CiGODS, French and American Calognes, HANDKERCHIEF EXTRACTS, COXFECTIOSERY. Pure Wixses & Liquor: for medicinul purposes. Fine Tobacco and Cigars. JZ3 Piiysirian's Prescriptions Rei-ifes compuudetl with care. December 31, lSTO-li Descriptive Li. t and Family KEEP ON HAND A FULL ASSORTMENT, and r.rj prepared to liii'nissli to Order, Door. and uch a Crown, Panel, :iii1, atitl Section Mold of all fiJiJ. WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES ! S'loorin, . - .. and all other kinds of Ruildiiis: Iflaierinl ! CITY; PROPERTY FOR SALE BY ST4TZEL & UPTOiNJ, Real Estate Dealers, Albany, Cga. CITY OF ALBANY : Lot S, block fi Good house. Lots :i and 4. " 2 unimproved. ' 19 Good h ousand stable. ' 2 Good house. 130 ' o bouse and two stables. 9 Lets " 6! " " " NEW TO-DAY. GEO. NOAH. JAMES MORttlSOM. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, ui luci ly vw vuiuiDDiui, Corner Front 'and Morrison streets,. PORTLAND, OREGON, Noah & Morrison, Proprietors. Free Coach to and from the House. h D. TITUS, Dealer in r WATCHES, CLOCES, JEWELRY, ETC. Repairing of Clocks, Watches, jewelry, Ac., attended to. All work warranted, , 31r3 II. C. CLEMENT, I -A- X 1ST T ALL KINDS OF PAINTING,. GRAINING and paper-hanging. Walls -colored and whitened. -Orders' promptly attended -to.' ' 'V ''-j Shop over Adams' Wagon Factory. v 31yl " To the People of Albany. , rflHE UNDERSIGNED having reoted and J., refitted the FRANKLIN MARKET, form erly occupied by Mr. Sears, hopes to be able to furnish the same with as good MEATS, both as to quality and variety, as the country affords, and expects to bo represented there by s good, accommodating man, and asks a liberal portion of your patronage. DANIEL CLARK. Albany, February 1, 1S71-22U' r, , CITY 3IARKET, FIRST STREET, ALBANY, OREGON, 1. L. HARRIS. C. B. BAIGHT. Kinds of 3. E. HARRIS & CO., PROPRIETORS. We shall cidcavor to always keep on band a full supply of all meats ! all of which will be of the very best quality.' The highest market price paid for Beeves, Hogs and Sheep. ; - Third door west of Ferrv, on south si.le of First streets. J. L. HARRIS A CO. Albany, Dee. 15, 1870-15 A Circa t Rarirain. LoUl, 2. 7, 8, Lots 5 aiol f. Lot 5 and 6, L. U 1, 2 aud 3, ri'ieyiy of excellent fruit. a desirable homestead i 3 MOXTGOHERY & RARTGES, I'KOPHir.KMiS. TE ARE PREPARED TO the public with neat turnouts FURNISH isi the wav J. Bll.TABirEL. ASDBEWS. Hiltabidel & Co., i EALERS IN GROCEKIES AND PRO- visions. Wood aud W dlow Ware, Contec- cionery,' Tobac-o, cigars, ripes. ioiions, vw.-. F.rst struct, adjoining the B nk, Albaqjr, Oregon. vl t. MITCHEl.t.. J. 5. BOLPa. A. SMITH. Mitchell, Dolph & Smith, VTTORNEYS aso COUNSELLORS at LAW, Solicitors in Chan -cry and Proctors in Ad miralty. Office over the old Post Office, Front street, Portland, Oregon. I JAMES A. WAR: ESS, Civil Engineer & Surveyor. IS PREPARED TO DO SURVEYING AND Engineering. Uses improved Solar Compass. Orders by mail promptly art ndtd to. Resi leucc on 4th St., opposite Dr. Tate's re.-idence, Albany Oregon. nI9-Cm POWELL. X.. FUSS. Powell & Flinn, - v -TTDRNEYsi A COUNSELLORS ATL AW. Stylish Buggies & Carriages Past StoOli! 0 the most reasonable terms. Our livery is all new and of the laitst styles, and we -ball take pride in giving our patrons as neat and reliable an oitttit as can be obtained in the State. Horses boarded at reasonable rates, by the week or month. Hacks aud Carriages furnished for parties, Ac. A share of public p:itronar is solicited. MONTGOMERY" A BARTGES. Albany, December 17, 1S7H-15 Al7IlAS"i' RA'rfil UOISL. ALSO Are prepared to do MILL WORK : furnish Sha ker Fans. Zigxag Sliak- r. Suction Fans. Driving Pulleys, of any kind, at our Factory on Lyon street, (on the liver bauk), next below MarkhainV warehouse. ALTIIOUME & CO. Albany, February 0, 1?60- 4 THE OLD STOVE DEPOT! jo:l bricjos, Lots C aod L,t 1. lt 8, Lots 2 and 3, Lots Lot 7, L .f 4. Lots 3 and 4. Lots Lots Lots 3 and 4, Lot 4, 24 Good boupe. 14 11 and stable. " 44 11)3- 20- lfi- " CO unimproved cheap. " 6 desirable lots. IIS box bouse. A acres good timbered land, one mile from Albany, in Benton county. Ten Homestead Lot., acres each, mile north of Albany Ferry, at $120 each. For particulars apply to J. C. MEXORXIIALL, Keal Estate Agent, 03iee in Parrish Brick, Albany, Oregon. 40 riIIE FARM KNOWN AS A L DEALER IS THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT fully inform iho citizens of Albany and vi cinity that be has tukeu charge of this establish ment, aud, by keeping clean rooms aud paying strict attwtk ; to business, expects to suit all those who may favor him with their patronage. Having h-retofore carried on nothing but First-Class Hair Dressing; Saloons, he cxpec's to give entire satisfaction to all. Cbildreu aud Ladies' hair neatly cut and shampooed. JOSEPH WEBBER. seFIUy2 STOVES, COOK, PARLOR & BOX. . of the best pattern- A7.&U Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper W ttx-o S and the usual tssortmcnt of Famishing Goods t be outained in a on a Si 1 AW PREPARED TO DO ALL KISD8 OK TURNING ! I ko p on band and make to crdcr RAWHIDE-BOTTOMED CHAIRS, 'AMD : ' i Spinning: Wheel. rff Shon near the "Magnolia Mills. Albany. Nov. S. JOHN I86S-I M. METZLER STITCH ALIKE ON BOTH SIDES, and Is the onlr lb-enel i-hutllo sewing machine in 4he United State., for less than $4(1. to ne the celebrated Wilson feel, and are acknowledged by all to be the best family machine for light or heavy sewjn?, in the market. Outfit free. Ad dress, MINER A PEARSON, Gen. Agts., 20v3tf Aloany, Oregon. Establl-lied lu ISIO. ERNEST A. ERLANDSOW, ; General Commission Merchant : and dealer in -DRUGS. CHEMICALS, ESSENTIAL OILS, ' DYE STUFFS. AND GENE R A L MERCH AND I S E , BY XliU PACKAUK U.VLl. . Cash orders for goods of every description from i his or any Foreign Market, will receive prompt : Miners, manufacturers and wholesale trade sun. piiwl tor cash. -mjt No notice or attention oaid to ordeis for goods, if there is no provision made oi me (lamenioi me same.' - 3r Consignment of Oregon Produce, Grain, Wheat, Flour, Ac., solicited. SAN xKANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. ' December 31, 187n-lTtf jpfr- lUpnirt ntatly and promptly txe-uted, -ffiSv 2p5itn rtatnnaOle terms. "Short reckonings, make long friends." Front street Albany. Next door to Mansfield A Co. dec5'68-I RATES OF TOLL - OVER THE Willamette Valley and Cascade Mountain Wagon Road. To Deschuttes River Four Horse or Mule team Two " " " ...i J Ll U ...... ........... Ox teams, thiee yoke For every additional yoke Loose horses, per head . M 50 . 3 00 . 2 00 . 4 50 50 25 cattle, per head. . 15 W. II. KCIEY & CO., Having just received a Large and well selected Stock of HARD WARE 9 SUCH A8 FARMER'S &. MECHANIC'S TOOLS oovsistixo of ANVILS, VICES, BELLOWS, Hammers, Hammers, Sledges, Sledges, Saws, Saws, Saw?. Planes, Planes, rianes, Corss-Cnt -and IVIill Saw, Together with a large assortment of IRON STEEL Nails, Nails, NaPs, ' Springs, Springs, Springs, Axles, Thimble-Skeins, Bolts, &c, &c. o Also, a well Selected Stock of Wagon MM m Taor, SPOKES. HUBS. BENT RIMS, SHAFTS, POLES, HICKORY AXLES, ETC., All of which we are now offering to the public nt low rates. As we make the business a spec ialty, we can and will keep a better assortment at lower prices than any bouse iu this city. FARMOUNT Lake" is offered for sale at $10,000 iu coin $4,000 in haud, aud the remainder in six equal annual payments, with interest from date. The tract is iu good shape, being nearly a square, con taining about fif.O acres of rich soil: and is diver sified with forests vast, fair lawns, lordly oaks, and willows sitting by the lake, the woodland and prairie so alternoting as to make it one of the most attractive places in the State. ' It is situated on the west side of the Willamette river, within hli" a mile of Albany, which is known as being in the heart of the best agricultural portion of Oregon. The location is healthful. It has a good stone quarry, about 100 acres under fence, a two story frame barn with shedding 90 feet square ; a large aud handsome new house two-stories high, thoroughly painted inside aud out, tho large cup boards and book- ases being fixtures, and the bouso having under its whole length a good dry cellar. Iu addition to !hee there is a neat well house, a wood-house and all other necessary ont houses. There is a meadow, large pasture, or chards, garden, Ac, Ac. It is susceptiblo of be ing divided into four farm, all of ihem. having good soil, fuel aud rail timber, and three of them having stock. water.- For particulars address J. C. Mendenhall, Esq., Albany, or the undersign at Portland. J. QUINN THORNTON. Feb. 14th, 1S71 24v3. Attorney at Law. PACIFIC . FIRE AXD MAIUXE IXSURAIYCE CO.TIPAHTY, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. Total Assets (Gold) $1,777 2C6.63 .T. HUNT, President. Wm. ALVORD. Yiee President. A. J. RALSTON, Secretary. A. BA1RD, Marino Secretary. .',-;'. ' Vrom Oregon; From the Van Burtn Democrat, pub lished at Bonaparte, Iowa.oi' March 22d we get the following communication, dated : 'l -jh.t ' " 'r Albany, Or., March 12, 1871. I am here comparatively among stran gers, but good and. kind friends, am at leisure, and thinking some of your nu merous readers would like' to hear some thing of this far off country I sketch you a lew items. ; 'j-. ,-f- .- r :,;, ' Portland is the tradiugpoint of Oregon, where the most of the merchants get their supplies. It is on tho west side of tlia Willamett river ; about 20 miles from its junction. with the Columbia river. Such ships as fomc into the river Can come up to lorilantl, 5 he. rpjlroadtlsat runs up the 'Willamette -valley, whieS'in completed 100 miles, commences on the east aide of the river. : Next above; Port-, laud, is Oregon City, at the falls oo the Willamette river, these falls afford an abundance of water power, which is be in t; used to advaotae, by mills and facto ries. The falls are 40 to 50 - feet high'. Next above this point is Satem, the capi tal tf the State, add a fine, prosperous town it is. Nest above tLia point, is Jef ferson on the Santiatn river, but a short distance above where it empties into the Willamette. Next above this is Albany, the county seat of Linn county, the best county I believe in the State. . ? Albany is situated on the Willamette river, at the junction of the Calapooia with the Willamette, which affords the water power that is necessary and is be ing used by two first class mills, one run ning five pairs of burrs and the other three. There is a forty thousand dollar court house and the county has a ten thousand dollar jail under contract, which will be built this summer. The O. & C. Railroad has a fine d:pot house, freight house and engine house here and are do ing prosperous business. . Albany has a population of about 2,000, industrious, intelligent, virtuous, temperate, clever an J hospitable people as 1 have ever been among. Albany has a Rood wharf and steamboats land at it every day. Aud what is strange I have not seen a drunk man since I have been here, although there are six saloons. This speaks . well for the morals of the counlry. The peopla dress as fine and are up with the fashions ns close as the people of the more eastern States are, and know as well what are good manners and how to treat their fellow man, as tho most fas tidious in the older states east or in any direction. The climate i very mild, but rainy in the winter; rose bushes and other shrubs are putting out their leaves. Yours, Jamjcs Shepherd. Wonderful Billiards. Receiving and opening a large and splendid assortment of WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, Which we offer at reduced rates. W. 11. KUHN A CO. In the Montcith Fire-proof Brie, First-st. March 12.-70-27 A E IS AW i; OOK STOlfcE. , ESTABLISHED IX 185 G. EL R V FREELANI), E A L E R IN EVERY VARIETY OF Miscellaneous Books, School Books, Blank stationery, Ac. - Books imported to erdcr The leading Fire and Marine Insurance Company on this coast. jS4r-$50,000 deposited in Oregon. ;Ksf Losses Promptly and Equitably adjusted aud paid in Gold Coin. LADD.& TILTON, Gen. Agents For Oregon and , Waslungion Territory. J OH A COXZYER, Agent, ALBANY, OREGON. March 4, '71-26y $100,000. GIFT ISTIVJL. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, OMAHA, : - : NEBRASKA, IWX,y 23, 1071. TICKETS, TAVO DOLLARS EACH ; COUP ONS. ONE DOLLAR EACH. Books at short notice Albany, Oregon, December 3, 1870 sheep or hogs Teams returning empty, half price. Pack animals, loa ed. " " . unloaded Horse and rider-.... To Fish Iake : Four horse or mule team, caeh way Two " " " " One " ' " " Pack animals, loaded. . " " unloaded. ....... - Horse and rider ........ Ox team, three yoke. , To Upper Soda Ppriug : Four horse or mule team, out and back... Two " " " ' One . " " : : " ' " ' - -Horse and rider, : " - Loose animals. ' '... Ox teams the same s horse teams. LUTHER ELKINS. W. W. rARitisn, , ; Proa. - See. . -, ; ".- March 0. 1869- 8 S 2 50 2 00 1 00 50 r 25 Elton A A H11LDL. WHEAT AND FLAX SEED DEPOT. CLEANING and HOISTING capacity - 10,000 Bushels per Day i A share of patronage solicited. 45'7 E. CARTWRI0HT. The i highest eash prioe paid for Wheat SETTLEHIRESMRSERY, Six mHes South of Albany, Linn Co., Near tlie ; Ittailx-crad. IS 0 LICIT THE ATTENTION OF ALL persons desiring to purchase Fruit Trees to call and examine my stock, which is composed of the largest and best selection in the State, con sisting of Apples, Pears, Cherries, Plums, Prunes, Graves, Black Berries, Currants aud Roses. Also, i Black and White Walnut, English Wal . nut. Hickory, Pc?an, Redbud, I Honey Locust, Hackberry, and a number of other varieties of trees and plants too nutneroos to mention, nil of which are offered ntlowrafs. HENRY W. SETTLEMIRE. December 17, 1870-15 CnALLEAGER TnitESIlEll II VI AES' MEADE It ! Mowers' I Rearjers And all kinds of Agricultural Implem'ts & Machines On hand and for sale by BLAIX, 0UNG CO.. May 28, '70-88 Albany, Oga. GIFTS TO BE AWARDED Cash Gift Cash Gift Cash Gift. ... Cash Gi't Cash Gift........ ..... . Cash Gitt......... ... 1 Cash Gift 1 Cash Gift.... 1 Cash Gift 1 Cash Gilt.... ....... l. 1 Cash Gift........... I Cash Gift.......;. 1 Cash Gift,... 1 Cash Gift. 1 Cash Gift ............. 1 Cash Gifti. ... 15 Cash Gifts, $.')00 each.... 10 Cash Gifts, 250 each ... 20 Cash Gifts, $I0 each... 60 Caih Gifts, $50 each.-.. 100 Cash Gifts, $40 each... 100 Cash Gifts, $25 each .. lOfO Cash Gifts, 10 each 1000 Cash Gifts, ?5eaeh... .$20,000 . '15,000 10,000 5,000 . 3,000 . 2,000 . 1,000 . 1,000 . 1,000 1,000 . 1,01.0 ,. 1,000 .. 1,000 , 1 ,000 .. 1.000 .. 1.000 - 7,50i - 2,500 , 2,000 .. -2..V0 . 3,000 2,500 .. 10,000 5,000 2310 Gifts, amounting to ..J.......$100,000 Which will be distributed by the Mctoai, Am Association. This enterprise will be eondoctadin apre eisely similar manner to that of the late Grand Gilt Concert of the MERCANTILE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, of San Francisco, which gave such Universal Sutimfactio. Good, responsible agents wanted, . Liberal commissions allowed. For full particulars address LYFORD A CO., Omaha, Nebraska, Office, Caldwell Block. . Business Managers. Gamier, the renowned billiardist, has been playing extraordinary pranks with the cue and balls in ' Buffalo. The Ex press of that city says: A glance howed tho man to be an ea thusiast. From the moment he took the cue in hand and rolled the balls upon the table, he was apparently on fire with ex citement. His eye blazed,- and every movement, was made with a quickness and spring indicative of a hi;h-struag nervous system. He played billiards oo tho table, on top of , the cushions, in the air and on the floor, performing mar vels which, without being seen, would by most men bo eetued impassible. Cynlle Dion explained the shots intended to be made. To fitly describe all the wonderful per formance would be a very difficult task. He sent his ball flying into the air over two cues held at some distance above the table; it alighted by some, to us, inex plicable force, stopped its progressive career without touching the cushion, and returning with a twist and caromed : on the balls at the same end from which the shot was made. Then he placed a hat on the table, and shooting the ball over a raised cue, it descended again to the ta ble, described nearly a circle around the hat. aod caromed on three balls stationed in the corner. . ' - Then Dion held a ball in his hand some three feet above the table, and the won derful billiardist caromed on that and the balls at different j oints on the table. He then shot at a ball on the table, 'and hitting it, h's ivory jumped on the top of the cushion, and ruuuing along some dis tance, caromed on a ball which had been placed there. Sixteen balls were then placed in a corner at the head of the table, aod rapidly shooting them one after an other about all the cushions, they finally came together in the opposite end with out a colision. , These are only a few of tho wonderful feats he performed. He would shoot his ball straight for the opposite end of the table, and traversing nearly the entire distance it would, without touching cither cushion or any other ball,' suddenly re turn to the staring point. The master hand made the ball perform all manner of inconceivable turns and twists, describ ing semi-circles, the figures, the letter S, and so on, and caroming on balls stationed on tr.e table in the most aitncuit posi tions, upon the cushions, and even upon the floor. When the exhibition was con cluded the spectators all concurred in the opinion that Buffalo had never previous ly witnessed Buoh billiards. t Another Am att.vr . Editorial' Far- MER. -C. W. Fay, of tbeTrentoa (N. j.) Sanrinctf Is after GreeleyV grieBUttraJ laurels: ; ITere is a sample ei what i b knows about it i ' v a l-iii? ' The proper time to poll hetap it any Friday thata good judge may select. ; Castor oil beans succeed best, in the bowels of tha earth. They will soon work their way out: .. The best preparation for hops is a toad J or two in each hill. They will make the vines fairly jump. , The usual time to put iu rye is early in the morning. Sotue husbandmen, es pecially those in the city, contioTie trj rnn -. . . . a intervals oi nau so cour unti) ;.bod time. The practice is rJtely allowable in ease of a dry aeaaon.:' A ' '- 1 ; In reaping wheat, Bever take it by' the beard. It is found t) go- against . tfce grain. ' ' .." -.:.. " , - Buckwheat is not tctUTiy rW. It '! Con ?a the vat afreets tb hattng. . If eaten gteen it will7 make . the . voice husky. WLen dealt out as army rations the kernel sbculd always be served first, and then the men private-ly. ' Never plant your potatoes early. ' It is the early potato that gets the worm. v. It is up-hill work with tbem after that. , .. . To be certain of the right kind , of squashes, compare. tbem with your head. In adopting this , rule . I first mistoolr. pumpkins for squashes, but by continued, careful comparison, I soon learned to detect the difference, lint for some nw beginners it requires great caution.; - ,;: In making cider out of apples I .found it a pretty tight squeeze, notwithstanding my long' connection with tbe'preSs. Never drink cider made from crab-apples.-It is pretty certain to "go bock oo you." If you would lay in supply of old wine, bo sure to make it of elder-berries. Some years ago Hon. Horace Greely; in a lecture before a Press Club, remarked : "It is strange I ow close the people read papers. .We never .say anything that anybody don't like but what we soon hear of it, and everybody tells us ' about it. But if once io a while we- bap pen to say a good thing .we never bear that nobody seems to notice that.- We ill ay pay soma man compliments and give him a dozen puffs, and be takes it 'as a tribute to bis greatness and never thinks anything about it, never thinks it docs him any good. But if wa happen, to say something that he imagines reflects on bini or his character, see how quick he flies up ead gets mad about it. All our evil is dly charged to us, but we never, apparcatly. get any credit for what good we dc." Every editor of a years growth, knows the truth of what Horace speaks. Josh Billings on "horns:" "Dinner horns : This the oldest and most sakred thar iz. It iz set musik, . and plays 'Home, Sweet Home' about noon. It will arrest a man and bring him. in quicker -thau a Sheriff's warrant. It kauzes the deal to hear, and the dumb to shout for joy. Ulonous old instrument I long may your lungs last I ' vl bisky Horn . . .This horn varys in length ; from three to six inches iz the favorite size. It iz different from other horns, being of a fluid natur. It iz more pugnasbus than ' the ram's horn ; six inches of it will knock a mkn perfectly calm." , - ' ,. j The ponderously philosophical Nation rarely indulges its readers with so palpa ble a bit as the following, from, a recent article on the tobacsophobistp who , are perpetually singing to- f the " praise and glory of men who never indulge in the weed : " nat can De tne mental con dition of an orator who" holds; up . N, P. Banks as an example of what abstinence from cigars may do for a man, to a gen eration which knows Bismarck to be a smoker." - . . . v-.' u i ol-master in Pearson townstip, tty, Indiana, on going tor his A school-1 Vigo count school-house on a recent morning, foofjd himself locked out by a large number1 -of his scholars, who were on the inside. He immediately erected a pole, ascended to the roof of the house, and choked the pas sage of smoke from the flue. But they immediately took away his artificial lad der, and left him sitting on the oomb.'jof tho roof until his fingers and ears were completely frozen, when he was allowed to descend. ..'-" '- " '" - " l-"'i : r-r ?- .!:-;.'-. At a juvenile party a young gentle man about seven years old kept' himself from the rest of the company. The lady of the house called to him: ."Come and play and dance, my dear. , ChooW one of those pretty girls for your,, wife." "Not likely 1" cried the young cynic.. V.No wife for me ! Do you think I want "to be worried out of my life, like poor papal" ' A school teacher spelled out tbeword g-ra-ce, and asked a Bcholar to pro nounce it. He gave it up, vhen .. the teacher, to refresh his .memory, asked him: What did your 'father" say' this morning before eating breakfast V The boy thought a minute and finally said : "Pa said, D n these eggs, Jhey 'regret. ten i "... . . , : Potaioets ! Potatoes ! ff BTJSIIELS POTATOES JCST RE )U(f eeived and in store, for sale at$l 25 per bushel, by . N. S. DUBOIS. March 11, I871-27tf , - ; .-.. -.:v.;v ki Z?i. IJt '5;Wi'aa v A fellow having a spite at a . ."V . sausaze- makcr, rushed into bis' shop, when crowded with customers, threw a large dead cat upon . the counter, and said : "That . makes nineteen 1 v we'll settle when you're not so busy" and made, his exit. He was, of course, followed by the sausage-maker's customers 1 S Here is one of the worst specimens-extant of genuine obituary poetry j (f, , "And when yon leave us for a better place, - A mansion in the iky. . v " " Tou'U sing, while smiles play e-"'er your face. Oh I how Is thU for higat,, , v ...J: r A writer in Good Health says that the average weight, all the year raund.'of that portion of a woman's clothing whitv is supported from the waist is between fcn aud fifteen pounds, and if a woman were sentenced to carry such a weight about in this stato for a number of year, for some great crime, the seuteoco woulcl, 6o proooaoced inhuman. ;; ' " " "" : . ' .i.l'h'y-d - It iz to human err. but devilish to braz oait. ,