i P 1 -1, VOL. 3. ALBANY, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 15, 1871. PUBLISH ED EVERY SATURDAY BT COLL. VAN CLEVIS. 3FFICK OS COUH OF PKRRT ASD FIRST-STS. TERMS IN ADVANCE. On Tear - Three Dollar Six Months Two Dollars Single Copies -....Ten CenU ADVERTISING KATES. Transient advertisements per Square of ten lines or less, first insertion, $2j each subsequent Insertion, $1.. Larger advertisements inserted on the most iberal terms. JOB WORK. Having received new type. stck of colored inks, cards, a Gordon Jobber, etc., we are pru pa d to execute all kinds of printing in a betl- r ; manner and fiftv per cent, cheaper tnan ever be ' fore offered in this city. . . i Agents for the Register. The following gentlemen are authorized to re ceive and receipt for subscription, advertising, etc., for the Register : III RAM SMITH, Esq .TTarrisborg. Jule S. H. C LA UGH TON Lebanon. PETER HUME, Esq Brownsville W. R. KIRK. Esq E. E. WHEELER. E-q ;.Scio. T. H. REYNOLDS, Esq Salem. O. P TOMPKINS. Esq.- Ilarrisbnrg. L. P. FISHER, Esq 'Frisco. BUSINESS CARDS. J. QUIXX TnORXTOX, TTORNEV AND COUNSELOR AT LAW f Office No. Ill First street, between Mor rison and Alder, opposite the Occidental Hotel, Portland, Oregon. Will practice in the Superior and Inferior Courts of the State, and in the District and Cir cuit Court of the United States, giving special at tention to the collection of debts in all parts of Oregon, and to obtaining discharges i" Bank rnptcy, which, since the last amendment to the law, may be obtained trm all dbis contraeted prior to January 1st. 1S6U, without regard to the per rentage which the assetts may finally pay. November 20, 1870-12v3y JCDGS KRLSAY. josF.rn bissos. KELS IY & HANXOX. Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, (Partners for Linn county.) OFFICE In Post Offi -e Building, (up stairs), Albany, Linn county, Ore on. 9:fv3 L. STRUCXMEIER & CO., jnERCIIAXT TAILORS, ALBANY, OREGOX. - UST RECEIVED, A LARUE AND WELL J selected stock of French Goods.; consisting of Cassimcres, Beavers and Doeskins, and all manner of Fancy Goods of the best quality. T-ff Suits made to order. 4fiy L. STRUCK MEIER A CO. J. V. ISeiatJcav,. g1 EXTLEMEX'o BOOTS MADE TO ORDER JT on abort notice, and with neatuess aud dis patch. iit-Al'. Kinds of Repairing-Done. Albany. Juue 11, 1 870 40 1. It. 11ICC, 31. !., PHYSICIAN AND ISURGEON, Albany, - - - - . - - Oregon, OFFICE ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF MAIN Street. Albany, April T0.-32 IV. S. DuBois, ClONSTANTLY on hand and receiving, a large stock of Groceries and Provisions, Wood and Willow Ware. Tobacco, Cigars, Con fectionery, Yankee Notions, Ac. Ac. Wholesale and Retail, opposite R. C. Hill A S m'n drug store, Albany, Oregon. jn40'70 W. t. BILTAIDEt.. D. ASDREWS. XXiltabidel & Co., DEALERS IN GROCERIES ANX PR0 visions. Wood and Willow Ware, Confec tionery, Tobacco, Cigars, Pipes,' Notions, ete. First street, adjoining the B ok, Albany, Oregon. - - vl s. . MITCHBt.L. J. n. not-ra. ' ; ' Mitchell, Dolph & Smith, VTTORNETS asd COUNSELLORS at LAW, Solicitors, in Chancery and Proctors in Ad miralty. Office over the old Post Office, Front street, Portland, Oregon. I JAMBS A. WARNER, Civil Engineer fc Surveyor. IS PREPARED TO DO SURVEYING AND Engineering. Usesmprove-t Solar Compass. Orders by mail promptly at-ndcd t. : Resi-leuce on 4tk St., opposite Dr. Tale's reiddence, Albany Oregon. nI9-6m powell. l. runs. Powell &, Flinn, ATTORNEY A COCXStLLORS AT LAW and Solicit rs iar Cbaneeiy, (Z. Flinn, Notary Public,) Albany, Oregon Colleetiona and eonveyances prom ply attended to. I GZG. GRAY, I. D. S., WOULD 80LICIT THE PAT ' r on are of all persons desiring- ARTIFICIAL TEETH and FIRST CLASS DENTAL opers- tlons. Nitrons Oxide administered for the pain less extraction of teeth, when desired. Charges moderate. Office in Parrisb Co.'s brick block. Resi dence, first house South of Congregational Cbnrcb. fronting on Court House block. Albany, Oregon, July 2, 1870-4S WAITED. I'OHTLAND CARDS. E. F. RUSSELL, I Attorney at Law, j C P FERRY, Notary Public. RUSSELL & FERRY. Real Estate Broiers & Collecting Agents Portland, - . Oregon. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE Sale of Real E.-tate, Real Estate Litigatiou, aud tbe Collection of Claims. i . Office. North-west corner of First and Wash ington Streets, Portland, Ogu. fob 6-70- 5 CKO. 5AH JAMES MORRISON. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, Formerly New Columbian. Corner Front and Morrisoii streets, PORTLAND, OREGON, Xoah & Morrison, Proprietors, Free Coach to and from the House. NEW ADVERT ISEMEXTS. JOHrj CONNER, BANKING AND EXCHANGE OFFICE, ALBANY, OREGON". , DEPOSITS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO check at sight. Interest allowed on time deposits in coin. Exchange on Portland, San Fraaeisco and New York for eale at lowest jates. Collections made and promptly remitted. Refers to H. W. Corbetr, Uunry Failing, W. f . Ladd. yS3 Banking hours from 8 A. M. to 4 p. . -tji Albnny, February 1, 1871. 22v3 C. MEALEY DEALER IN MANUFACTURER OF PUB.KTITTJR.E ! and CABINET WARE ! 33 e tiding-, Etc., Corner First. and Eroad Albin streets, ALB AX Y, OR EG OX. ADVERTISEMENTS. LOOK : SAW l lt VMIfSCO STOItE! , CO USER FIRST AND FEBItr STREETS, ALBAN V OR EGO Ji . Keeps ,.usXnnty on hand a full assortment of STOVES, PUMPS & TINWARE I I will have for sale the celebrated ' Diamond ITHocsIsl eook stove, and other leading styles. Also, manufacture all -kinds of TiH, Copper aud Slieet-I ron Ware, in tbo beat style, at lowest rates, FOR CASH or COUNTRY PRODUCE. Always on band a full supply of Tie Purest Wines and Liquors, for Medicinal purposes only. . A well selected stock of Groceries and Crockery ! will always be found at my establishment. I will sell all goods in my houss, for Cash or Produee on delivery, cheaper thau ever bef jre ofTwred in this market." All kinds of repairing done, on short notice, and entire satisfaction warranted, at my Stove aud Tin Store. JULIUS GFtADWOIJL- Nov. 19-11 J BUILDERS, ATTENTION SASH, BLISD AJD DOOR F A C TO R Y ! NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CiTY DRUG STORE. A. CAROTIIER8. i B. 8ALTVARSH. S. H. ALTH0C3E. Jf. WRIGHT. Al.TIIOUSE LTOS STREET, (OS THE ALBANY, J. F. BACKESSTO. &. CO., RIVER BANK) ; OREGON. JS PARTICULAR ATTESTIOX PAID TO ? ORDERS OP ALL KINDS in his line Oftober ISfiS 9 , 0 CEO. F. SETTLEMEER, r r u o o i s rr . (Successor to D. W. Wakefitld,) Parrlsh's New Building, Urst Street. ALBAXY, .OREGON. Tr EEP ON HAND A FULL ASSORTMENT, and are prepared to XixiTiisli to Order, Ioorw, and MOLDIKTGrS, fuih a Crown, Panel, Band, and Section Mold of all sir.es. WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES I Flooring, an 1 all other kinds of ESiiiltliua: Material ! A. CABOTHEBS & CO., DRUGGISTS & APOTHECARIES, (Foster's Block, First street), ALDANY, : : : OREGON, IEALER3 IH Drugs, Chemicals, Medicines, PAINTS, OILS, DYE STUFFS, GLASS, ' QCOXX-J? " GOODS, French and American Calogncs, HANDKERCHIEF ESTUACT3, CONFECTIONERY. Pure AVines $c Liquors, for medicinal purposes. Fine Tobacco and Cigars. ,JTJd Physician's Prescriptions aud Family Bccipes compounded with care. Ieceuiber 31, 1S70-17 inscriptive Li,t CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE BY STITZEL & UPTON, Real Estate Dealers, Albany, Ogn. CITY OF ALBANY: Lot 3, block Good house. I,ots I! and 4. ' 2 nnimprnved. Lots 1. 2. 7. 8, "19 Good house- and stable. Lots 5 and 6, ' 2 Good house. Lots 5 and fi, 130 " Lots I, 2 and 3; " 6 t:ousc and two stables. 0 Lots " 60 " " " fPIenty of excellent fruit a desirable homesteadj NO. 32. wmmmesmtm NEW TO-DAY.; S T A A X. B A Iff T B L E S ! O RE CON, M0MG0MERY & BARTGES, PROPRIETORS. w of the public with neat turnouts in the way Stylish Buggies & Carriages 3?" ast S X Ols.! On the most reasonable terms Our livery is all new and of the latest styles, and we i-hall take pride in giring onr patrons as neat and reliable an outfit as can be obtained in the State. Horses boarded at reasonable rates, by the week or month-,.. ,. Hacks aid Carriages furni.bed for parties, Ae. A share of public patronage is solicited. MONTGOMERY A BARTGES. Albany, December 17, 1870-15 CITY MARKET, FIRST STREET, ALBAKT, OREGON, L. nARRIS. 3. Ij. e. b CO., ETORS. We shall endeavor to on band a full supply of all t HARRIS PROPRIETi always keep Kindif of .Heats all of which will be of the very best quality. The highest market price paid for iieeves, Hogs and Sheep. Third door west of Ferry, on south fi le of First streets. J. L. HARRIS A CO. Albany, Dec. 15, 1870-15 A. Great ISarsain. L"t- f and 7, Lot 1. Lot 8. Lots 2 and 3, I."1S Lot 7, Lot 4. Lots 3 and 4, Lots Lots Lots 3 and 4, Lot 4, 71 24 Good bouse. 14 DEALER IX 'Drugs and Medicines, CZIE!ttICAX.S, PAINTS. OILS, GLASS, ETC. Are prepared to do MILL WORK ; furnish Sha tter Fans, -Zigzag Shaker.-?, Suction Fans. Driving Pulleys, of any kind, at our Factory on Lynn street", (on the river bank), next be'.ow JlarkhainV warehouse. ; - ' -. ALTIIOUSE & CO. Albany. February 0, 1S69- 4 THE OLD STOYE DEPOT! All articles warranted pure and of the best quality. Physicians Prescriptions carefully compounded. : Albany. Oct. 17, 18o8-6tf VLIIA.W IMTII HOUSE. TnE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT fully inform tbo citizens of Albany and rt etuity that he has takeu ebarge of this establish ment, and, by keeping clean rooms aud paying strict att-.ntic ; to business, expects to suit all those who ma) favor him with their patronage. Having heretofore carried on nothing but : First-Class Hair Dressing' Saloons, he expects to give entire satisfaction to all. Children and Ladies' hair neatly cut and shampooed. JOSEPH WEliBEIt. . se,. I9y2 rURNIIYG. - - TVRaVKVO. m n ffi B C 8 II EL 8 OF OATS, for JJ.J(J which the highest market price will be paid, in CASH, at the store t N. S. DU BOISE. Also, Hotter and Eggs, in unlimited quantity, for which the highest market .price will be paid in essb. Call and see me. Albany, Aug. 20, 1870.50 . V S2COOADAY! TO MALE AflD FEMALIL AGENTS To introduce the celebrated ' $25 00 Bl CRETE SIITTTLE SEWIXG "njC k, p 'iHj II jsfrn I v STITCH ALIKE ON BOTH SIDES, sod is the only lieenaed sbHtlle sewiog inaebina in the United State, sold for less than. $40. to nse th. celebrated Wilson feed, and are acknowledged by all to be the best family machine or light or koarj sewlne. in tbo market. Ootf t free. Ad dress, MINER A PKARSOX, Go. Act., JOtf Alnany, Oregon. o H O ' t 9 -a 5 t o I AW PREPARED TO DO ALL KINDS OF TURN I NO! I ke p on hand and make to crder RAWHIDE-BOTTOMED CHAIRS, AUD Spinning- W heals. $39- Shop near the "Magnolia Mills." JOHN M. METZLER Albany. Nov. 8. I8!-I ; JOE2A BRICiC., SEALER 13 STOVES, COOK, PARLOR & BOX. $ and stable. lo:s ' t tt 2n ' tt ttO uniinpro'e1 cheap. 5 desirable lots. 118 box bouse. avre eootl timncrea lana, one tuue Jroui Terr Ilouiestead Lot, 6 ucrrs eacb, mile north of Albany Ferry, at $120 t-ath. for particulars apply t J. C. 5iriXrKNUAtT., Heal Instate Agent, Office irnParrish Brick, Albany, Oregon. 40 rjinE FARM KNOWN AS "FARMOUNT X Lake" is offered for sale at SlO.OJIO in coin $4,000 in hand, and the remainder in six equal annual payment, with interest from date. The tract is iu good shape, being nearly a square, con taining about 600 acres of rich soil ; aud is diver sified with forests vast, fair lawns, lordly oaks, and willows sitting by the lake, the woodland and prairie so alternating as to make it one of the most attractive places in the State. It is situated on the west side tif the Willamette river, within half a mile of Albany, vbkh is known as being in the heart of the best agricultural portion of Oregon, The locatiou is healthful. It has a good stone quarry, about 100 acres under fence, a two .-tory frame barn with shedding 'JO feet square ; a large and handsome new house two-storivs highf thoroughly painted inside and out, the large cup boards and book-, ases being fixtures, and the house having under its whole length a good ilry cellar. In addit ion to thee there is a neat well house, a woftd-uruse and all other necessary out-hout-c. There is a meadow, large pasture, or chards, earden, Ac., Ac. It is susceptible of be ing divided into foj farms, all of them having goo'.i son, luei kuu ran nuiuer, uuu mreo ui iuciu having stock-water. For particulars address J. C. Mendcnhall. sq.. Albanv, or the undersign at Portland. J. QtINN 1H0RNT0X. Feb. lUh, 1S71 2l-3. Attorney at Law. of the liest pattern- Tin, Mitieet Iron and Copper -7Va,iro i and the nsnal assortment of Famishing Goods U be obtained in a 1 giS Repnir nrallif rintf prttmptty ere"nteiit ah renitnnablc term. "t$; Short reokoninfrs make long friends.". Front street... .Albany. IS'ext door to Mansfield A Co. der5'68-I RATES OF TOLL . j OVER TUB ., Willamette Valley and Cascade Mountain Wagon Road - XV. II. KITIIX & CO., Having jut received a Large and well selected 1 Stock of II A 111) WARE, m;cB as FARMER'S & MECHANIC'S TOOLS consisting or ANVILS, VICES, BELLOWS, Hammers, Hammer?, SlcdgC3, Sledges, Saws, Saws, Saws, l'loDes, l'lanes, Tlancs, Cor.Cut and IVIill Saws, Together with a larpe assortment of IltON -A.TVI3 STEEL Nails, Nailw, Nail?, Sprinp, Sprinss, Sprinr?, Axles, Thimble-Skeins, Bolts, &c., &c. i o Also, a ell Selected Stork of "Wagon Timtoor, SPOKES. HUES. BENT KIMS, SHAFTS, POLES, HICKORY AXLES, ETC., All of which wt are now offering to the puldic at low rates. As we make the business a spec ialty, we can and will keep a better assortment at lower prices than sny house in this city. Receivi ig and spening a largo and splendid assortment of WOOD AND WILLOW WARS, Which we offer at reduced rates. W. H. KUHS CO. In tho Monteith Flrc-proof Brie, First-st. March 12.-T0-27 To Deschuttes River S. Four Horse or Mule team Two " .. .. One " ; .': Ox teams, thiee ycke ..... For every additional yoke ,. Loose horses, per head " rattle, per hesxl ...... " shcepor hogs Teams returning empty, half price. Pack animals, loa led.... ... unloaded Horse and rider-. :. 3 .. 2 . 4 .. 1 festabll-lied In 1840. ERNEST A. ERLANDSOM, y General Commission Merchant - ' f-arid dealer in . DRUGS. CHEMICALS, ESSENTIAL OILS, PYE STUFFS, AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE. BY THE PACKAGE ONLV. Cash order for goods of ercry description from this or any Foreign Market, will receive prompt and faithful attention. - Miners, manufacturers and wholesale trade sup plied fur cash. 2S No notice or attention paid to ordeis for goods, if there is no provision made for the payment of the same. " gy Consignment of Oregon Produce, Grain, Wheat, Flour, Ac solicited, , 8AN I RAXCISCO, CALIFORNIA. De-ember 31, 18?9 I7tf : To fish Lake : Four horse or mule team, each way-.. Two " " i One ": - " .! " .. ' . Pack animals, loaded " " unloaded Horse and rider....... Ox team, three yoke, To Upper Soda Spring : Four horse or mule team, out and back. Two " " " . . One ' ' " " " Hot and rider, " Loose animals, r " Ox teams tbo same a-fl horse teams. , . . LUTHER ELKINS, W. PaBRisn, ,, Proa. ' ' '-'See. '- March 0. 1RC- 8 2 50 2 DO 1 1)0 , - 50 25 WHEAT AND FLAX SEED DEPOT. CLEANING and HOISTING rapacity : IO.OOO Bushels per Day 1 A share of patronage eolieited. 4570 5 E. CARTWRIGHT. . 32Sr The highest cash price paid for Wheat. ALRAXY BOOK STOKE. ESTABLISHLI) IN 1856. Tk V. A T, P. R IN EVERY VARIETY OF I 1 i orol 1 n noon st Rooks. School Books, Blank Books, Stationery, Ac. Books imported to erder at short notice -' Al any, Oregon, December 3, 1870. SETTLEMIRES KERSERY, Six miles South of Albany, I.lnu Co., Near tlie Kailroad. T SOLICIT THE ATTENTION OF ALL nersons desirine to purchase Fruit Tree, to call and examine my stock, which is composed of the largest and best selection in tbe Mate, on sist:nj; of Apples, Pears, Cherries, Plums, Prunes, Urai.es, Black Berries, Currants and Roses. Also, Black nnd While Walnnt, English Wal nut. Hickory, Pe;a-D, Redbud, Honey Locust, Ilackberry, and a numler of other varieties of trees and plants too numerous to monimn, all ot which are oflVred atlowrau.. HENRY W. SETTLEMIRE. December 17, 187-15 CIIALLEATiEU TI1UES11E11 ISAIAHS' HKADEIt ! Mowers ! Reapers - . And all kind, of Agricultural Implem'ts & Machines ' Oa hand and for sals by . . . IiLAIN, YOUNG CO., May 28, '70-38 Albany. Ofin PACIFIC KIKE AND MARINE i:SUKAIVCE COMPAITC, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. Total Assets (Cold) $1,777 266.63 J. 11C.VT, President. Wm. ALVORIJ. Vice President. A. J. RALSTON, .Secretary. A. BA1RD, Marine Secretary. ;7rVf-Tbo leading Fire and Marine Insurance Company on this coast. jpr-?j0.tlltO deposited in Oregon. iT.S Losses Promptly and Equitably adjusted aud paid in Gold Coin, LADD & TILTON, Gen. Agents For Oregon and Wanhiniiton Territory. JOIIX COAMvR, Agent, ALBANY, OREGON. March 4, '71-2fly AO The avaricoua di.tnsitioti of Queen Victoria, aod the enormous amount ot inobey taken from the public trea.ury for tVie support her family aud relations, are among the priucipal causes of her present unpopularity. . It costs the lintislt peo pie over three millions of dollars a year t support of the royal family, aud yet,ever since the death of Prince Albert, the Queen has avoided the uruat expend-. uures of her station, much to the disaust of the London tradesmen and the English people generally. She inherited .over five million dollars from Prince Albekt, who possessed an income ol about a thous and dollars a year when the married hiui. She has also received several bequests ot larjre sums of money from wealthy people ambitious to connect their names in some way with royalty. One of these men, a man named Neeld, bequeathed , to the tjueen a million ana a halt ot dollars, which she pocketed, although it was shown that the kiudr?d of this person wete in very needy condition. The be lief is becoming prevalent that in ' Eng land the monarchy will be abolished when Victoria dies ; and if such should prove to be the case, there can' be no doubt that her grasping conduct in money matters will have contributed largely to euch a result JVVto York Sun. Resources of ISasteru Oregon. From the La Grande Democrat of March 22d, we copy the foUowiogJbriof sketches of Union and Umatilla counties : " UNION COUNTY. Although much has been said of the resources of other counties east of the Cascade Mountains, great injustice has been done to Union county. Even in the report of the United States Commissioner of dlioing Statistics, west of the Rocky Mountains, we find that it has claimed but a small portion of bis attention. He merely mentions tbe fact that euch a county, of considerable mineral and agri cultural resources, exists cast of the Cas cade Mountains. That Union county id one of the most productive- counties of Oioon will , be established beyond doubt. Her chief source of wealth is of an agricultural nature. There exists, however, quite an : extensive aariferons district in, this county. The principal mining camps are located in tbe Eagle Creek Mountains. I Metals of various kinds namelv, gold silver and copper- abound in these mountains. When these mines become opened and developed they will perform no inadequate part of : ad vancing the interests of the people. Notwithstanding the mineral resources of Union county are very extensive, her agricultural facilities far exceed them. Her pasturing lands are simply imperial in area, and the grass growing upon these lands is of the most nutritious quality. Horses aod cattle wilt fatten upon it in an incredibly tibort time. The soil of the farming lauds is of the most prolific character. Vegetables of every variety are cultivated, and fruit has also been cultivated with . considerable success. The United - States has yet to produce a belter country for raisiog grain. - Water facilities are of an extensive nature, and timber is in great abuudimce. Mountain streams come rushing from dark ravines, benri-jg with them alluvia! ' washings which help to increase the fertility of the soil. The climate, which is an important feature, is salubrious and healthy. X The population of Union couoty at present is not so numerous as it will be as soon as its vast agricultural and mineral tesources become belter known. It is moving steadily on in tho path of pro gress to wealth and prosperity. The slumbering resources of mountain and valley will awaken. Union county with its dense forests and picturesque moun tains, its delightful valleys and fertile plains, is destined to become the banner county ot Oregon. The time will come when i's vast extent of pasturing lands will be covered with herds of horses aDd cattle, feeding upon the far-famed bunch grass; when its remarkable' water ;. facili ties will furnish power for manufactories of all kinds, and when many wealthy and fistulous cities will spring up. UMATILLA COUNTY. In the point of natural resources, there is no county in the Eastern portion of the State more wealthy than Umatilla county. The extent of its agricultural lands is nearly unlimited, and in the event of the Umatilla Indian Reservation being thrown open for settlement, it will boast of an extent of farming land that would sustain a large population. The soil is very rich, and of the character that will last forever. The amount of small grain it will produce to . the acre is , about : Wheat, forty bushels ; oats, 'seventy-five j barley, eighty. Vegetables grow well, and all varieties flourish in a manner that speaks loud-in its favor. Besides, it pre sents man? fine opportunities to stock- raisers, and its endless rolling bills fur nish abundant pasturage for innumerable herds of cattle and horses. At the pres ent time this branch of industry is very profitable to those that engasje in it, and will continue so lor many years. J" he climate is very fine and healthy, and fiektiesa very rare. Many immU grants that have settled in tbe county, who were afflicted with disease of the lungs previous to their locating, have been cured by the climate, and now ad vise others ill with lung affections to vis it their county and find relief. But Umatilla needs population, and like tbe other counties of Eastern Oregon, has many resources undeveloped, that, put in operation would increase its wealth to a great extent. Though the likelihood of. au outlet by railroad in a few years is growing Htronger each day, and it is thought that, in itself it will bring the relief prayed for ; it has n outlet at the present time sufBclenr to eaiisfy nil dc man ls, in the Columbia river, if it had the population to develop its wealth. It n. cds population as much as a railroad, for a railroad would onty bring that in the end that would come faster by rail road, but it is not the lacking of a rail road that prevents the county from rapid ly increasing in wealth. It has a natural outlet, but not the people to build up a flourishing trade with the outside world. aod poets. An amusing incident occurred recent ly at a marriage ceieiuony in a church near Hannibal, Mo. An organist .was engaged to play a wedding match as the bridal party approached the minister. Nothing was said about what was to be played after the nuptial knot was duly tied, and the waggish organist, much to tho chargrin of the bride and groom, struck up "Put me in my Little lied." An Indiana widow so worked .upon a young man's fears by threatening to marry him, that he turned over , U bs property to her and ran away, . In Galveston, Texas, an indignant father, whose daughter' had married against his will, sent her for a wedding present a patent burial case. . '"''-Sketches of Lane County. ' ; The Eugene City Journal is giviog in teresting brief sketches of districts and towns in that county. From it we copy this: '";-- ; - ' . Springfield precinct includes all that parr of'Lane'couoty lying between the Willamette river and the McK..-,d extending from the junction of these rivers coward about Ttnmt wnora me . , south to ho Wtiiame f,. ,rmi rrmTnTTand in the co nty-.nd best frrmin fce found the ItaTe- There are'seores of spier, . no. vast fiuantitios of did larm-., V""'"" rh hv. iruu, ei i '; a tnucn wean" eel lent rails or good boards Few farms ceuttin over UQ not man contain , less than low. no more desirable ' place for' a permanent horns can be found, ia the county, than this precinct affords. Level, rich soil, good water, convenient to timber, ex cellcnt mill facilities, ' etc., combine to render this a most desirable place for a home. Tho town of Springfield is eitu ated on the right bank of the Willamette river, three miles east of Eugene City, and ia a thriving business place, contain ing one of the best water powers in the county. Here are the. famous Spring field Flouring Mills, whore thousauds of barrels of XXX flour is manufactured from the excellent wheat produced on the splendid farms of which , T7e have been speaking. Besides the flouring mills, here are a saw mill, running two sets of saws which cut immense quantities of lumber daily : also a planing machine, a cabinet and sash factory, wagon shop, etc., all of whose machinery is propelled by tbe same water-power. Hire also are dry goods stores, blacksmith shops, cheese factory, and a school-house, bet no church house. It is thought by some persons that the Oregon and California Railroad will cross tho Willamette at this place or near it, hence a brilliant future is in prospect for Springfield. Property commaads a good price here already, in anticipation of "the good time coming." Good farms in the vicinity of this place are from $15 to $25 per acre, according to the quantity ot im provements, etc. Besides the Springfield Mills, there are two other raw mills in this precinct one in the northeastern part, and the other in the southeastern part, both of which furnish large amounts of lumber for building and fencing purposes. There is not an acre of unoccupied land in : this precinct, that we know of, and but little if any hill land which has not been taken bv nre-cmDtion or homestead. But pert- sons emigrating to this part of the county, with a thousand or two dollars, can secure a good home at the present time. Money laid out ia the purchase of land ' in this part of the county cannot fail of being a good investment, if judiciously managed. Many excellent horses are raised on some ot the farms in this valley ; also many fine cattle and hogs ; while the ranches on the hills are usually stocked with sheep. We cannot speak in too high-, praise of this delightful section . of our county hil who have seen it agree that it cannot be excelled in any country. - Wlio does Cuba belong Tot " Under the Spanish Constitution of 186S, the Island of Cuba was declared a province of Spain, aad her inhabitants were distinctly in vested with the 'same rights and privileges as those of every other province. 1 v . Since then, in futile attempts, extend ing over thirty months, which Spain haa made to regain possession over the the revolted portion about two thirdsof the province, she has sent thither some 78,000 regulars and raised on the spot 100,000 volunteers. , To-day she is fur ther from success in assorting her sov ereignity than ever 6he haa been before ; for she has lost 60,000 men and fifty millions of dollars; which she cannot re place. - : ' ' :"" ' ' ' 1 Meantime her sovereignty over the is land is absolutely and entirely ignored. One Captain-General after another has been ignomiaiously driven from the island tor attempting to enforce laws enacted by the Cortes the Spanish legislative body. A law modifying slavery in Spanish col onies passed tbe Cortes, and its promul gation and execution in Cuba were in trusted to Gen. De Rodas. He published it, was ordered by the mob of Havana to leave the Island, and the law is now. as dead as if it had never been enacted. Elections have been ordered by ' tho home Government to be held in Cuba for the return of deputies to the Cortes; bat because the late elections held in the Bis ter colony of Porto Rico resulted in tbe defeat of the Government: party, the Dlario de la Marina of Havana, tbe Or gan of Vslmaseda and his. euHhroat vol unteers, openly protests against elections being held in Cuba, and adds that "the sUbihty of Spain is insufficient to per mit the sending of Cuban deputies to tbe Cortes." In Porto Rico, after the result of the elections was known, the volunteers endeavored to have thera annullod.! The. Governor-General, Baldrioh, strange to say: was firm and refused the .reap?. But this admission of the 2tano about -the instability .f Spain in Cubaj-for it cannot intend to imply that the few dep uties allowed to Cuba eould 1 bave ;, any weight on any general question in. the Cortes conveys the inapyesaioo that tbe volunteers of Havana will annul tho elections, they did in Porto Rico aad that unlike their comrades in the ktter island, owing to "the .nst.b.1 tv of Spain in Cuba," they wiU aueceeo be truth ia that Spain uow ha. no moTe reaTsovcreigntyvcr Cub. than she has over the United States--in fact, not half so much; and, now that tha island has been devastated to mch a degree that it fails not only to yield a revenue but to produce even the necessaries of life, Spain forgets that she is no longer owner of the soil and wants to sell it lor two vears and a half she has been fighting lor ls hut some snecious. show of ownership, and now, when her inability to conquer it is patent to the world, aha impudently endeavors to trade off her ut terly worthless title.". . . r, grata, There among the is, pen.up-. -r w. Viiind farmers of tma precuv-i. in any other in the county. The faiins are usually well fenced, with either ex- ' A Michigan man has sold his wife for $10 and thrown in two children. Ha nays that he wouldn't have sold ao cheap, but cold weather was coming on and ha couldn't afford to winter them, v it The newest thing in stationary ' for lovers is lose-colored aoto paper, with an imprint of Cupid in gold. ' 1