The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, April 08, 1871, Image 2

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    U. S. Official Paper for Oregon.
S, 1871
A daily Hoc of steamers will sooo be
put on between Portland and Astoria.
It is announced that a number of
Have they Heard from Connecticut t
English newspaper proprietors
America next J uue.
fill visit
Governor Woods, having' disposed
of his property in Salcin, takes the next
i : . i . & tti. i.
i)uiniu r jtifaiiH'r. r.ii rtmit Kir I . r:i n
o o i "
. e
The Treasury at Washington will sell,
during this month, eight millions of
gold, and purchase ten millions of bonds.
CoNNECTicuT.-The State Senate stands
13 Republicans to S Democrats, and the
House is Republican by a small majority
The following notice has been posted in
a saloon in Portland : "Gentlemen learn
ing to spell will please take yesterday's
.. paper." See the point ?
From tho Journal we learn that it is j
feared the late severe frosts in the vicin
Immediately upon the reception of the
news from New Hampshire, the opposi
tion brought out their big guns nnd
roosters, and crowed loud and long" over
what thry asserted to be "signs of the
early dissolution of the Radical party" -
the great Republican party had been
swept from office and power in one of is
this defeat was ascribed to the "disgust
with which the people viewed the course
of the Administration," and this "dis-
ust," it was prophesied, would extend
Irom one end of the country to the other,
recultin? to the benefit of the Democratic
party. This "reaction" in New Hamp
shire was to widen and extend until the
whole country would" be brought under
the beneficent rule of Democracy, when
everybody (officholders) would be full of
contentment and happiness.
Now comes the news that Democratic
Connecticut has gone over to the "Radi
cals" horse, foot and dragoons, leaving
the party of 'Reactionists" hardly an
office to swear by. That good old Deiu-
! ocratic commonwealth, that last year gave
Democracy a majority of nearly nine
AmticuLTUUAT,. Pew pcrsous in the
United State3 are aware of the demand
for farina, or potato- flour, and of the
almost unlimited -extent of the market
that can bo found for this product, which
U pimply the dry, evaporated pulp of the
ordinary potato, the whiter and more free
from black specks the better. ' It is used
j for sizing and other manufacturing pur-
( 1 Til- i ! .:..!..:
Of course, " the cause of auu' " luu aiu U1 F''l""'"""
auu aciu, is cuuvertvu mtu siarcii. xu
Europe it meets a large and increasing
demand, in its primitive state, as potato
flour ; and in Ijsmcashire alone, 20,000
tons are annually sold, and as many more
would be takeu if put into market. When
calcined, it is used largely for silk-dress
ing and other purposes. At this time
the quotation for potato farina in - Liver
pool is a 4itt!e over four cents a pound
while wheat flour is about two aud one
sixth cents a pound; so that to potato
flour is worth nearly double that .of .the
wheat at the present rate. Consignments
to Liverpool are solicited by the brokers
there, who promise to take all that can
be furnished.
The sweet potato, hitherto used in
various forms- as au esculent in bread
makiug, as a substitute for coffee, in the
ity of Eugene City has seriously injured , jiunjrcjj has "reacted" with a vengeance; j brewing of beer, as well as for feed for
the fruit crop.
I it has "reacted" to such a degree that
According to newspaper reports King j Democracy, which had set itself down to
Amadeua is already weary of the royal i feast on the rich things t the public
purple, and thinks of resigning his King- j table, is suddenly ejected from the feast,
ehip at an early day. j and informed that the dear people pre-
J . j ferred the hated "Radicals," and had
The O. & C. Railroad intend establish- j chosen them to fill the high seats, not
ing a new station on French Prairie, withstanding the "reaction" in New
three miles below Gervaise, which will be , jraulpSillr0. "It was ever thus." The
called Halsey, after the Vice President
of the roa'?.
CALIFORNIA. At the municipal elec
tion in Marysville on the 25th of March,
the Republican candidates were clecteJ
by overwhelming majorities, the vote be
ing nearly two to one.
The Orejonian states that the engineer
who will superintend the corstruction of
the canal and locks at Willamette Falls
' has arrived, and that work will be com
ruecced soon.
' Daniel IJacon, who has been esperi-
mentins ou sae brush laJ in Idaho J
Territory, says they produce larger grain
of better quality than Boise river bottom
lands. He did not irri irate.
Five years a0'j the Methodist church
had no church congregation or member
ship in Sweedcn. Xowthereare twenty
one missionary workers, with a lay mem
bership of over twj thousand, and rapid
ly increasing.
Bismarck has informed Thiers that
unless the indenio'.ty is paid before the
"rooster" cuts and heavy display lines
announcing "Democratic Victory over
Radicalism" don't head long colums of
double-leaded small pica in our Democrat
ic journals to any great extent. They
are not on the blow not any. One little
victory in a twelvemonth is as much as
they really expected, and they have laid
their wood cuts away iu oiled rags, hop
ing that in tho course of a year or two
they may gain another "glorious victory,"
through the inattention or want of har
mony in the ranks of the- Republican
party, when they may again bring out
their little bantams, take a free drink, and
console themselves with the assertion that
this "great reaction" has certainly "bust
ed the Radicals," and the Democratic
party (office seekers are about to once
more get hold of the public purse. It is
a harmless kind of buncombe, always
indulged in by third-rate iuksliugcrs of
the Democratic party, and deceives no
one possessing averagj common sense.
The result of the election in Connecti
cut, together with the sweeping victory
! in Cincinnati, is conclusive evidence that
farm animals is now Leing used j for
making syrup, in which it "far surpasses
that of the beet, and even of the sorum
in delicacy of flavor, while the yield is
much more abundant. The average pro
duct of a bushel of sweet potatoes, the
yam variety being preferred, is alleged
to bo over two gallons; and as the ave
rage yield per acre, on poor, sandy soil, is
from 150 to 180 bushels, the product
must necessarily be from 300 to C50
gallons of syrup. This must open to the
view of the piney woods agriculturists a
new and most profitable industry, one
man, with a mule, being able to cultivate
at least fifteen acres in potatoes. The
rcsidum, after the juice for syrup has
been extracted, is pronounced a valuable
edible cither for man or beast."
Our Southern Oregon Correspondence.,
Empihe Citt, Mareth. 28, 1S7I.V
There aro at this time
'ety-xisb Vessels
iu tlio Bay ready for Sea, by far tho largest num
ber that has ever been hero at one timo. Tho
southwest wind has prevailed bo long that . the
channel has closed. At least there are three feet
less wner on the Bar than there was last summer;
hut a few days of northwest wind will again cut
a channel, and calm down the bar so that vessels
can again get ont. Several accidents have oceur
rcd'lately to vessels coming iu,hut nothing serious.
A wave struck the stern of a schooner, broke tho
wheel and crushed the man at tho wheel considerable.
The ladies connected with the sewing society
of tho M. E, Church gave ' : s "v
last Friday evening, at the Court IIouso for tho
benefit of the Parsonage, and realised about fifty
dollar. - The Parsonasre 4s a good ono,' and it
will be well furnished, as the ladies have taken it
in hand ; and the ladies of Empire always ac
complish what they undertake. The Methodist
are raising funds to build a church. They ex
pect to build this; summer, and to have it ready
for dedication by the first of September. 'At pres
ent there is not a church edifice in Coos county.
is now upon us in nil its beauty. Gardens are
being made, trees aro putting forth their leaves,
and many flowers are in fu.ll bloom. There are
many more wild birds here than in the Willamette;
and also more bcantiful singers. One kind sings
as sweetly as a well cultivated Canary. Hum
ming birds abound. Speaking of birds reminds
me of white wild goese that coma " here in tho fall
liast India.
As wo are borne on the pinions of thought to
the far distant Southern Asia, we thcro behold an
empire reared by the Mogul of the Sixteenth cen
tury, lone ono of the most wealthy and magnifi
cent that ever adorned our earth, stretching out
its broad and fertile plains from tho baso of tho
towering lliinalays far along to the margin of tho
Indian Ocean, embracing forty degrees of longi
tude, expanding from the distant shores of the
China Sea to the green banks of the Indus, includ
ing more than ono million square miles, inhabited
by (wo lmmlrcjl millions of human beings. Their
cities would rank with tho first in the civilized
world ; their gorgeous palaces were daz.l'uig to tho
eye of those who had beheld all that was magnifi
cent in Europe. There was among them an an
cient and venerable priesthood, who- were not a
little distinguished fur their poetry, eloquence aud
knowledge of ancient literature. This people bad
attained to no mean state of civilization and re-
uncinent, wuen me xiriusn planus were yet a
wilderness and their inhabitants wild and barbar
ous." ' ' i
Behold a noble Indian of giant form and corres
ponding mindr, as he wends his way up the rocky
cliffs of the towering Himalays. - He struggles on
until he reaches their loftiest summit ; and as he
stands upon this proud eminence, ho surveys the
I wide expanse of verdant fields below, stretching
i out as far as mortal ken can view. lie thero be-
j holds no expressionless pyramids rearing their
lofty summits towardheaven, or monumental piles
i on whose columns are inscribed the victories of a
i hundred battles, lie beholds that which speaks
! iu richer tones of eloquenco than all these : the
j verdant and highly cultivated plains, crowded
I cities, with massive temples whose goldon spires
The Washington Star says that the
ladies of the Capital have to a great ex
tent banished wines from ; their parties,
and are now beginning a crusade against
cigara in the gentlemen's dressing room.
No matter how much desire you have
to fight, never begin on a mule or a cross
eyed man. Their looks don't advertise
clearly enough whattliey are going to nit.
, .
Office, Ao. 6f Front Street,
PORTLAND, in the most desirable localities, con
sisting of LOTS, HALF BLOCKS and BLOCKS,
HOUSES and STOKES; also.
IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable un
cultivated LANDS, located in ALL parts of the
STATE for SALE. - . -.
REAL ESTATE and other Property pur
chased for Correspondents, in this CITY and
throughout tho STATE and TERRITORIES,
with great eare aud on the most ADVANTA
NESS transacted. v - t..'- ' f I
AGENTS of this OFFICE in all the CIT
IES and TOWNS in the STATE, will receive
descriptions of FARM PROPERTY nnd forward
perfectly white They were very abundant last ! su,no 11Ke meteors ; inesc aro monuments
fall, but disappeared about the first of January, j orTno pride, industry and frugality of their noble
y t sires, whose bones are mouldering beneath their
J base. He beholds a free and independent people,
To the People of the State of Oregon. who acknowledge no superior; these are mouu-
I mcnts of the heroism aud patriotism of his fathers.
Iu fine, the scene spreads out before him as one
The Statesman announces that an ex
ecutive order has been rsceived by Mr.
A. 13. Meacham, Superincndant of
Indian Affairs, directing him to select,
from lands already withdrawn from mar
ket, lands for a reservation sufficient to
accommodate all tho Indians in Oregon
east of tho Cascade mountains. The
reserved lands comprise about one hun
dred square miles of the southern por-
The baneful effects of intemperance upon the
morality of tho people and the body politic of
the State of Oregon, demands the earnest atten
tion of her citizens.
As a blight upon morality in destroying lives,
ruining souls, producing misery; and in causing
sickness, sorrow, hunger and nakedness, instead
of health, happiness aud plenty ; it surpasses all
others and becomes the overshadowing evil of our
The political evils that result from the liquor
traffic are a serious and growing cnuo cf alarm.
It is a lamentable fact that the larger portion of
of our tax-burden is tho result of intemperance,
and that it peoples the receptacles fur criminals at
our Capital and various county-seats ; that it is
vastly instrumental in burd cuing the State with
the support of the Ius:ine at our asylum, and the
poor and tho destitute in our several counties ;
that more than two-thirds of tho cases on our
criminal dockets in police, justice's and circuit
sublime page of history, on which is recorded the
lives, virtues and noble deeds of a hundred gene
rations. " '
This terrestial paradise (on account of the dif
ficulty of access) was for many years little known
to the European world, except iu fable, that often
inspired the ambitious mind with dreams of golden
conquest. At length, on the discovery of the
south-eastern passage in 149C, the whole conti
nent was set in commotion. Every nation was
aroused : like a den of wild beasts bursting the
bars of their prison-houso in pursuit of a common
prey, rushing mon.lhis innocent and unsuspect
iug people like a dcsolatiug storm, or so many
devouring elements; desolating cities, destroying
the innocent, and bearing away in hellish triui&ph
their ill-gotten gain, each ttruggliug with the
other for the greater spoil.
The Driiish subject engaged in this system of
piracy, became alarmed at the idea of continuing
A. Wheeler, dealer in fancy and staple Dry-
Goods, Hats, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Groce
ries, Crockery, Hardware, Iron and Steel, AVagon
Timber, Plows, Agricultural Implements, etc..
Cte. :
Motto "Small profits and quick returns."
"Wisconsin5' Bought Out!
ed the stock of M. Pearson, and added to it
largo assortment of
solicits the patronage of bis friends and th Pub
lic. The stock is well selected, And will b sold
At the Lowest Prices.
We mean TRADE, and will give you VALUE
I V E ' U S A T R I A 1a.
Corner First and Broadalbin streets.
We want vonr Produoo. and will irive as good
a bargain as can be found in this burgh. Coll
and sco us. , ., G. )Y. IWUfltt,
Pearson's old stand, corner First and Broadalbin
jan21 j, streets, Albany, Oregon.. ., v3n2
. TI1K :
Is the most popular stylo of Photograph now
made. Call and see. A. J. WINTER,
Jan. 14-19 ' Albany, Oregon.
IGth inst., 80,000 German troops would j the people are satisfied with the conduct
enter Paris, suppress the revolution and f of affairs under llepubliean rule, and in-
remain in possession until the money was 1 stead of losiug confidence in the party,
all paid.
the people are more thoroughly and strong-
A Eakcr City correspondent of the La i h convinced of the necessity that exists
Grande Democrat says that there arc of keeping the Republican party in pow cr
finished and in complete operation in that tl,e T1? that has uPhe,J bJ ifs n"Sht
eounty, 243 miles of ditch, costing a total j the constitution and the laws, and kept
of 243,000. The several ditches an-i iutact our who!e country despite the mad
courts, arise directly or indiretrtly . as its effects.
Besides the capital, worse than wasted io its sup
port, the time that is lost, the homes that are des- i so hazardous an eulerprisu on individual respon-
olated, the bright prospects that ure-blishtcd, the ! ,:i,:tjrv 1 f,ir .i etmrtffr- whi h vns mnlml
i many citizens ot our vounir State who are be in:? t it , .i -
1, -i.i'i'i i-t. them in the year IrtOO, under the retjrn of Uueen
j annually ruined, the drunken fights and street ! J ' v
brawls that disgrace .ur many communities, and i Elizabeth. In their infancy, possessing, limited
j the powerful yet pernicious influence that this j pbvsical power compared with that of their rivals,
monster evil exerts in the enactment of tho vari- I ... ' . rm.mlM . .,....,. which ,. ,.
tinn rfl"lrM?it nnd 11-ilcpr rmintips bor- ; ons laws upon our statute books, on tho customs ; J .
lion Ot Uraut aaU Uaker counties, nor , f th,. pe,Mle at l:lrs'0,and in the cor- ducted with the utmost shrewdness ; they were en.
dered by Idaho on the east and by j ruptii.a of the ballot-box, all these things eon tin j ablcd by their treacherous schemes to gain a' very
Nevada on the south. It does not take SromK upon us, and each succeeding day, ; aubs,aaliai 100thld on the continent. The board
v v . i mouth and vear becomine; more frighttully alarm- i ,. . , . ,
in . rwrr nf .Tnnfcsnn conntrv and the ! in and harder to eradicate, even ! of directory soon expressed a desire to become a
Klamath country, and lies entirely south
of the settlements and mines now worked
in the couuties of Grant and liaker.
DISSOLUTION. Tho copartnership here
tofore existing between Luther Klkins and
William S. Elkins, of the firm of L. Elkins A Son,
is this day dissolved by mutual agreement.- The
business will hereafter be conducted by Wm. S.
Elkius who assumes all the liabilities of said
firm. All persons knowing themselves indebted
to the late firm, will please call and settle imme
Lebanon, April 1, 1S71-MI ;
Dealer in
s3- Repairing of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry,
4c., attended to. All work warrauted. . 31v3
proximate a carrying capacity of 7,000
inches of water.
In regard to the present troubles in
France, Bismarck is credited with saying
that it is to the interest of Germany to
Late, a Republic in. France, and that
Prussia would not interfere unless her
interests were endangered; in the latter
case such action would be taken as would
settle the matter effectually.
, The Oakland ATcies says the Examiner
is uncommonly ferocious when it "can
find a little dog to worry," and that it has
accordingly gone at the Chronicle ham
mer and tongs. The Oakland paper adds
that the Examiner is by do means so ready
for a fight when it encounters "a big old
treesbil mastiff," meaning the JVcics.
McDonald seems to be yearnin
little muss. '
efforts of foes, within and without, who
sought to tear down and utterly destroy
the freest and most liberal Government
on earth.
The San Domingo Matter.
Kalama. According, to the Trans
cript, Kalama contains a population of
400 whites, 52 of whom are females. It
: contains 65 buildings, and thirty more
are under contract, and will be erected
as soon as the weather will permit.
. Among the buildings are 10 hotels and
restaurants, 5 goods and grocery stores, 1
aw mill, 2 butcher shops, 3 shoe shops
3 paint shops, 2 churches underway,
besides tho office of the Itailroad Com'
pany, 40x60 feet, three stories, with rock
Tault m the basement. Wotk on the
Chicago hotel is being vigorously pushed -
quite a string of sidewalks have been
built, and the place begins to look quite
, comfortable. ; A stream of living water
meanders through Kalama, affording the
test of drinking water. Five coal veins
'ftom ten to thirteen feet in width, have
been discovered on the line of the railroad
thirty miles from Kalama, which proves
: ouj'i'Hwi wt vuuiuiuu uve. jit ourns
clear, is free from sulphur, leaves no ash
' and is so located that coal may he brought
to Kalama af a low figure, making it an
extensive coal depot. The Chinese pop
i illation, of which thero are about 300
c are located just out of town, on the line
! cf the railroad. ;.
The San Domingo Commissioners have
returned, and made their report, which
doubtless will soon be published - and
spread before the country. From many
sources we gather the information that it
is favorable to annexation. But the . re
port will hare no influence upon the
Democratic party further than to induce
it to oppose the measure more vehement
ly if possible than heretofore. It may
be expected the whole force of the Demo
cratic party will be- directed against it,
just as it would be if the measure were
the wisest and most beneficial to the
country that could be devised, simply be
cause the Frcsideut is in favor of it. Op
position, too, may be expected from Sum
ner and his friends ; but how successful
this strange combination of forces may
be, remains to be seen. -There are those
who firmly believe that the annexation
scheme will succeed, and that, too, long
ere President Grant shall be called upon
to vacate the White Ilouse. But the re
port proves most unfortunate to the Dem
ocratic party at least in one respect it
thoroughly and , completely ' exonerates
'resident Grant from , all tho charges
made by the tongues of malevolence and
slander, and no matter whether the
scheme succeeds or fails, he comes out of
the affair stainless, ' still retaining the
high confidence and esteem of his fellow-
citizens. ' .
More '-Reaction." The Democratic
prediction of a "reaction," commencing
with New Hampshire, that was to sweep
the "Radical" party into oblivion, and
hoist - those patient and long-waitiDg
Democratic office-seekers into power, is
operating, but not exactly as predicted.
dispatches from Cincinnati (Ohio) of the
3d, give Davis the Republican candidate
for Mayor, 2,500 majority. Democracy
uiun t get a good scald ou the "reaction
there. ;
SnocrriNO Affkay at Asulano.
On Saturday morning, 25lh ult., nbout
8 o'clock, A. 1. Buiton fired four shots
at Stephen Booth, at Ashland, inflicting
a serious wound in the upper part of the
cheat, the ball passing entirely through
and lodging in the muscles of the back,
from whence it was subsequently -taken;
another ball entered tlio wrist, and fol
lowing the course of the bouo, lodged in
the muscles above the elbow j this ball
has not vet been found. An examina
tion of Burton was had before A. V.
Gillet, J. ., on the 27th ult., during
which Dr. Grceniuau, the medical atten
dant of the wounded man, testified that
the ball passed through the neck a little
to the left of the upper part of the ster
num and, dividing the windpipe, appeared
at the back a little to the right of the
spine ; but that Booth can use his voice.
The testimony further developed the fact
that Booth had brutally beaten the Deft.
The defence set up was that the shoot
ing was done in self deferice. The Jus
tice held the prisoner to - answer under
1,000 bonds. Later. The ball has
been extracted from Booth's arm. He is
doing well. -JacTcsonville Times. '
holding court-
.1... 1 . . :.. , 1 .1 T.,,lt., 1 i, it,.-nTif nil tin.
racy to whu-h it ia continually giving rise, calls j Government added to their already great
.;.,l.t.l , -Wl, n- fo.rful rv, t!' prerogative ol laying troop.,
Aud as this evil nil! continue unless somcthias is j martinis, aud coining mouej, thereby arming this
done to stop it, ntvi thtit promptly, and decisively, bnnd of speculators, with all tlio available power
therefore, wo the underiguc.'l, having been select- j oftUo Briti5h Gov.rnmeut. Ou the arrival of
eu lor iuiii. purpose, oo uereny issue a can io lue
temperance peoido of Oregon, to meet in cunvcn
f :..;., ;.,).., .... l..;.i . nirl,
ohiect of this convention leinz to comi.are notes. I the French r.rui3 thereto, they were diraeefully
discus pmuuplea, and to secure concert of action defeated and driven troin luo la-u.1. lt.e
on the part of the different temperanee elements j Kaj?l"a arun were iIilii turned ayatDst tho na
in our State, r.ud to deviso meairare for the c- i Uvea, those to wh iiu thcy h.u ie,-iied in. u. .-hip
..t,. r .;it n;t in .irii-tn. tt, ana protection : naviur aireauy oriueu tne.r icaa
I the Eugiish troops in india, commanded by Col.
! (,'iive, notwithstanding the considerable success of
tempter from our land. We would especially urge
i tii all e'lristhvi'chtirc'.ms, cs :lesla-! h di-s,
temperance organizations, Ac, to send dclents,
and upon all temperance men andwoineu not con
nected with such societies to meet at such times
and places as may best suit thein, and choose delegate-1,
who will assist with their counsels nnd
viwi. IjCt ns come together as citizens having
the best interest of our young State and the
future triumph of the temperance cause at heart,
and secure a united and determined action on the
part of tba co-workers in the great reform. J. B.
MuClane, Balem ; Jacob Conser, Jefferson ; Wm.
Roberts, Portland; Jlyer Jackson, lltllshoro ;
E. W. Kyan, Portland ; O. W. Dimuiick, .Needy ;
J. W. Shrum, Silvcrton ; J. II. Frnsh, Portland ,
C. Ii. Roland, Jefferson; W. K. Bishop, Hanis
bnrg ; J. B. Garrison, Portland ; G. W. Ilichard
son, Amity ; II. Lindsay, Monmouth ; W. Pow
ell, Dayton; M. C. George, Albany,
Departure. By the Oriflamme ex
Gov. Woods of Oregon, now Governor of
Utah Territory, went passenger, accom
panied by his family, on his way to Salt
Lake City. We wish him and his a safe
and pleasant journey. A number of
warm friends . accompanied him from
Salem hither to see him off, and he will
bear with him gratifying remembrances
of their devotion and of that of others
who equally wish him health, fortune
arid long life. Bulletin.
. - A man was- arrested in Buffalo last
week for stealing a barrel of salt. When
arraigned ia the court ha pleaded desti
tulioa. "You couldn't eat salt," said the
fridge "Oh, yes, I could, with the meat
I intended to steal." This reply cost
.Jura six months. The judgo had no ap
preciation ol delicate humor.
Oeecion's Direct Tax. The official
reporcot tue Secretary of the Treasury
shows that of the direct tax levied neon
uie respecuve States, August 5tb, 1861,
Oregon has never nnil l,.i,.Po Tf is
stated to be $35,140. The total due
rom all the delinquent States and Tcrri-
The P. T. Company have extended an
ivitation to the Masonic and Odd Fellow
Societies at Corvallis, Albany, Oregon
City, and other places along the river, to
be present at tho funeral ceremonies of
their deceased brother, S. T. Church. .
In Jackson county. Missouri, is a man
eight feet and a half high, who has . a
daughter only twelveV years old, who
stands nearly seven feet without stock
ings, and is well proportioned. J. he 1am
ily went to Missouri from 'Indiana lajt
December ; the father is engaged in
farming on a very limited scale. A party
who visited the family were received in
the most hospitable manner, and regaled
upon -corn bread, served up on -shingles.
The man's name is Plummer, and it is his
belief that if his daughter does not quit
growing, their sphere of usefulnesss will
eventually be found to lie in the direction
of the show business.
The Portland pspera state that Messrs.
Russell, Ferry & Woodward arc to have
regular auction sales of county and city
real estate.-
V A donation of $2,500 is offered to any
one who will build a "Grist Mill" on the
falls of the Umatilla river to cost not less
than ten thousand dollars. Those who
are 60 situated that they can accept will
address Mr. Ansia, Umatilla, or Hawley,
Dodd & Co., Portland ;, -1
. , i ,
East Bridgeport, Ct., possesses.tho
chaw don mean man in the person of a
thief who stole the crape from the door
knob of the house ot a citizen whose son
lay dead within.
Two severe shocks of earthquakes o.r
short duration were felt iu San Francisco
on April 1st. , -
Within ten months the Methodists of
the state of New-York have raised half
a million of dollars to. found a uuiver.sity
at Sj'racuse. .The erection of build
ings will bo commenced immediately.
Charles Cornell, formerly Assistant
Engineer of the Fire Department, in San
Francisco, fell dead iu a saloon on Wash
ington street.
In Visalia, California, Claiborne Wright,
an old and .. well known resident, was
shot and probably fatally wouuded by his ;
son in-law, Jndd Moore.
From the Statesman : A gentleman
who used to live here, now resides at
Portland, while the woman who used to
be his wife, lives here in a dissolute way ;
so ho visited Salem yesterday and bor
rowed his child, aged two years, to, get
some clothes made to fit, but having pos
session be earned the boy to 1 octlaud to
have him uuder. better" "influences. I he
mother was disconsolate, but the child is
in better hands. . . '
'' ' A zephyr that passed over Fiast Sagi
naw, Mich., says a local 6hect, took down
a good share of the signs and chimneys,
and tore up the slate roof of the . Metho
dist Church. 1 1
One Andrew Keunisoa, of , Norridges
wock, lately coughed up a head of herd-,
grass, which had been in his lungs more
tl:an thirty-six years. The head had
-become as hard as stone but still retained
its shape. '
A Detroit merchant, having discharg
ed a porter, - is receiving - semi-weekly
epistles from him, pleasantly informing
him that the ex-porter is "bound to mur
der yew at the 1st favorable schance -deth
is on yure trale." ' : '
Yellow Dog Landing is a new stop
ping place on the Cumberland river, and
the Swaggles IIouso ; is the principal
hotel there. r' .
Mr-Galloway of "Suffern,1 Rockland
county, New York, sold hi magnificent
trotting stallion "Happy", Medium," by
"Hatnbletonian," dam "Princess," March
18th, to Mr. Steele of Philadelphia, for
25,000, A good price for a good horse.
It is said that Louis Kossuth, who has
nearly finished his autobiography in
several volumes, has hitherto been unable
to find cither in. Italy or in Germany a
publisher willing to pay him, an adequate
cis, they were made si:i easy prey.
Ia contemplating ti:o brilliant victories of
Ciive, in a mihy but decaying empire, our
hearts sicken and we turn to weep as wo beheld
hiui drenebiug the earth wilh the innocent blood
of murdered millions, wh--i.e industrious lmnds
had labored to r.uler it beaiui'u.1. lie went on
frvm conquering to conquest until he rale 1 with
undisputed sway throughout th;t mighty euipi c.
It was his induur.tabie courng.j that realized to
(ireat 15; iiain such an amount of cultivated terri
torry, such an amount of revenue, and sneh a
multitude of subjects, as were never added to tho
dominions of Kom: under the ai .Et successful pro
consul 5 su.h Wealthy spoil 04 wcro never boruo
under the arch of triumph, down the sacred way
and through the crowded l'oruiu.
Let us once turn to the lofty Himalays. As
we glauco along their rugged sido, we behold an
aged Indian, emaciated, careworn, his tattered
garm -nts bespeak poverty ; j et tho index of a
noble mind is stamped upon his brow, lie strug-
glss on until he plants his feet on the summit of
that same lofty dome of natuie upon which bis
coble sire stood a century ago. The same serene
skv spreads out its bluo areh ab ve and around
him, and his dim eye rests upon the same laud-
scape that inspired his lattier s soul with visions
of inexprcssablo delight eighty years ago. But
he there beholds no mmumcits of his country's
fame, of tho virtues and noble deeds of his ances
try. ': The scene inspires no thrilling note of joy,
or feelings of exultation , he heaves a loud sih as
he beholds thu picture of misery, desolation ami
woe. He discovers in the distauce a female of
once princely rank and corresponding fortune,
passing through the Eugiish camp, with & group
of childreu imploring a morsel of rice to preserve
them from starvation. Aud before him passes in
plain review the camp, the march, tho siejre, the
coullict aire, tue capture ana tlio gacK. lie ex
claims in extreme agony of soul, "there, behold
ambition's gory sons with hearts of adamant and
miasmatic breath, stalkiug madly over the earth,
to slake thoir foul, iucarnute lust for power and
humau blood ! By whom principalities are hum
bled and subdued to gratify a haughty tyrant's
will. Cities proud and opulent, fair science's
chosen seat, aro yon now?" where, the very
elements seemed to exclaim ; go, go to the con
queror's touih aud enquire I
Can justioo in the eight of heaven or humauity
vindicate snch bTutality? Upon what principle
of right can England shield herself from the just
reproaches of this people? Is it because they are
barbarous and uncultivated T We aro told that
they would richly compare with what the German
States were two centuries ago, in govcrnuicBt aud
civilization. She urges that she has inr proved
their government, that the serf werJ oppressed
by the more oppulcnt; but in truth sho has
crnxhed all to tlio level with the serf, and promo
tod none. She has not only reduced all to the
level with the serf, but bound them in degraded
servitude taken from them their rie'i and fertile
soil ; allowing them the mcagor remuneration of
one-fourth the pr xlnets of the soil, as a compen
sation lor the toils of cultivation ; restricting them
in many instances to tho cultivation of opium and
such other articles as are detrimental to them, bat
most profitable to the government of England,
and send her youthful nobles or dandy puppets to
govern this great people, from whom she derives
ber greatest revenues, individuals who felt no
responsibility or regard for the rights of her sub
jects, but iu a few months plundered immense
fortunes from them, and returned homo to enj oy a
life of ease.
The people of India sent innumerable petitions
to Parliament, signed by multitudes, for the re.
dress of grievances ; but in the main wero" disre
garded. It is true, Clivc and Hastings wero ar-
raigoned before a bar of justice in England (if
justice you call jt), and convicted of heinous
crimes perpetrated in India ; but they were hon
orably acqn.tted, for having rendered great erc-
fce to .their country.. Perhaps not the least favor-
aoie aogma ol tue liritisti Uovornment is, that
she has been waging a holy war, to open new
avenues for the spread of the Christian religion.
O, Christianity, how many crimes are neroetrated
in thy name I But if such conduct is an essential
prerequisite to tho spread of our holy religion, let
us forget it ; for our bibles have wrongly, taught
us. Their arms have hurled more- souls into
eternity in a einglo month, than all the mission
aries of earth can convert in an age. i". ii ; ' ;
in hneV throughout the entiro history "of the
English Government, she has treated her colo
nies ami foreign subjects in- general, not as sub
jects, but as slaves. Nor is there a moro palpa
ble example of it recorded in the annals of timo,
than has been exhibited in India for the last three
hundred years. T. W, Q.
r and natier-hanging. i alls colored
wliiteucd. Orders promptly attended to
Shop over Adams' AVagon Factory.
jra as.' s. a. joiirvs,
Bridal and Mourning Bonnets and Hats
Made to Order.
Srcs;-makiag Done in the Very Latest
Als, the ociv agent foi the SfXGEll SEW
The Ladies are requested to call and xr.miae
the S1NU t. U, which ia the only complete machine
in use. Satisfaction guaranteed, or tu'in"y rc
fuu.led. Albany, April 8, I371-31v3
Millinery ana Fancy Goo d s S
an elegant invuiee of licw
millinery; and fancy goods,
such as
Fashionable HATS,
to which she invites tho attention of tho ladies tl
Albany and vie.nity.
Her goods will be found as cheap, if cot cheap
er, than ever before offered in this market, aud
their quality cannot fail to give satisfaction.
Albany, April S, lS7?.-3iuai
I do not wish to inform you, reader," that Dr.
Wonderful, or any other, man, has discovered-"
remedy that cures Consumption, when the lunge
are nearly half consumed, in short, will cure all
diseases whether of mind, body or estate, make
men live forever, and leave death to play for want
of work, and is designed to make our sublunary
spbero a blissful Paradise, to which Heaven it
self shall be but a sideshow." You have heard
enough of that kind of humbuggcry. But when
I teifyou that Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy mill
P')itirel;i e nre tfco worst eacs of Catarrh in the
Head, 1 only assort tbat wuictt tuousanu can
testify to. 1 will pay Kcward for a case .
that I cannot cure. A pamphlet giving symp
tojns and other information scut free to any. ad
dress. This remedy is
Price SO cents. Pent by mail, postpaid, on re
ceipt of sixty cents, or four packages for two dol
lars. Beware of eoimtrrfcit and trorthlm imita-
tioim. See that my private. Stamp, which is a
positive guarantee of Genuineness, is upon the
outside wrapper., ltemeniber that this private
Stamp, ifsued by tho United Slates Government
expressly for stamping my medicines, baa my
portrait, uamo and address, and the words U.
S. Certificate of Ucnuinenefs." engraved upon it,
and need not be mistaken. Don't be swindled by
travelers and others representing themselves aa
Dr. Sage ; I am the only man uow living that has
the knowledge nnd right to manufacture the Gen
uine l'r. Safe's Catarrh Remedy, and I never
travel to sell this medicine. -
21mS 13:t Seneca street, Buffalo, N. Y.
ISTo-w Store I
Is now openiug a Selected Stock of
Consisting of
Ciroccries, -Hardware,
' ;. Hoots & Slides,
Paints Oils,
Which ho is offuring to the public at prices cor-'
responding with the tinwa. -
All kinds of Merchantable Produce taken in
exchange for Goods. " '
Come one, come all, aud examine prices.
At the old stand furuierly occupied by D. Beach
t Son, opposite Foster's Brick, south side First
street, Albany, Oregon. 31v3
Potatoes-! Potatoes !
e, for sale at $1
OVlU ceived and in store, for sale at $1 25
per bushel, by
March II, lS?l-27tf
A Sleudid Drug Business lor Sale.
busine-s, owing to protracted ill-health,
me unaersigncd oners his largo and flourishing
in this city for sale at a low figure for CASH.
Apply soon, if you want a bargain, to
... : Albany, Oregon.
S8- Daily Orogonian copy one month and send
bill to this office.S3f ; ' .
To tho Feopl4f Albany.
TIIE UNDERSIGNED having rented and
refitted the FRANKLIN. MA RKET, form
erly occupied by Mr. Sears, hopes to be able to
furnish the same with as good MEATS, both as
to quality and variety, as the country affords,
and expects to be represented there by a good,
accommodating man, and asks a liberal portion
of your patronage. DANIEL CLARK.
Albany, February 1, I87l-22tf
An Infallible blood M-niriESt. possess
ing rare toxic and .hesivixe properties
a certain cure for HHrlsAtlsa. eoirr.
keiiulcii, and all kindred Disease,
It completely restore the system when im-
paired by disease, revives the action of the :
KWXETS ill CEVIX1- OSJAS. ndf- '
cally cores scaOFfL. sAivr aaEIM, , ,
and all eblttive aa cvtaivbousj Els- .
eases, gives immediate and permanent relief
In dtspepsu. EavsirELAs, Twstora,
Bolls, Scald Head. Tjlcera and Sorest, eredi.
cates from the system all traces of Hereon al
Pisease, ; "
ItisrimEir vEsrrEJE. being made
from an herb found indigenous in Causmia,
It is therefore peculiarly suitable for use by -"-Females
and Children, as a blood rial.
Fa Sale by all Druggists. ? ; . - i,
620 and 531 Market Street,
Saa Franolsoo.
IF f
c id
CUKE 7 T1IAX ;V COl CJli. !
T" , , . . J. ,. ., . ' 4
r.ver uay uriugs sirong proox oi tne great vauiQ
.'. -.oS Utis .... j,.,.,. - .-..
LTJ IS" CS-, ;,!o ALSAMi
Dr. P. Muredith, Dentist, oQce No. 132 '.West
Sixth street, states as follows : ' - '
. Ciscisjiati, October 1,1869.
Messrs. J. X. MAURIS it, CO. Gents : About
ono year ago I took a cold which settled on my
lungs. A violent congh was the consequence,
which increased with severity, I expectorated
large quantities of phlegm and matter. During
the last winter I bccaino so much reduced that I
was confined to my bed. '. Tho disease was attend
ed with cold chills aud night-sweats. A diarrhoea,
set in. My friends thought -I was in the last
stages of consumption, and could not possibly got
well. I was recommended to try ;
The formula was given to me, which induced me
in ,iv it a trial, and I will only add that my
cough is entirely cured, and I am now able to at
tend to my business as usnal. Yours respectfully,
All afflicted with Cough or any Throat or Lung
trouble should use Allen's Lwng Balaam without
ilelar. J. N. HARRIS 4 CO., Solo Proprietors,
Cincinnati, Ohio. S J ' f IVT'- "'
CACiTiOiV.1':; ;;" "4
Do not be deceived yt who want a good med
icine, and desire "A''" lig Ilnlmm." Dp not
allow unprincipled dealers to sell you a prepara
tion called Allen's Pectoral Balsam see that yoa
get ALLKN'S LUNU BALSAM, and you. will
have the best Cough renicdjfcjollerod to tho pablio
and ono that will give you satisfaction. , rv'')
S29 A 531 Market-st., San Franciceo, Cal.,
Agents for California and Pacific State's.
nov5 tiJ" Sold by all DruggisU.tSL. "9-Tft