VOL. 3. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY BY C OLL. VAU" CI.EVE. Jtrrcs o coastii or perrt axd rinsT-sts. ALBANY, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 1, 1871. NO. 30; t TERMS IN ADVANCE. ne Year Three Dollar' Six Month? . ........ .-..Two liollars Single Copies Ten Cents ADVERTISING RATES. Transient advertisements p.T Square of ten lines or less, first insertion, $2; each subsequent Insertion, Si. Larger alvertisetne&ts inserted on the most iberal terms. JOB WORK; Having received new type, stock of colored inks; cards, a Gordon Jobber, etc., wo are pre la ed to execute all kinds of rriaiinir in a better manner and fiftr per cent, cheaper tnaa ever be j fore offered in tuis city. PORTLAND CARDS. E. F. RUSSCI.L, Attorney at Law, t C. P- FKRUY, Notary Public. RUSSELL & FERRY. Real Estate Brokers & Collectins Agents Portland, Oregon. SPFCIAL ATTENTION GIVEN" TO TIIE Sale of Real K.-t.Ue. Real Estate Litigation, and t:.e C" 1 ection of Claims. Office Xor;h-e.-t corner of First and Wash ington jStioeis, Portland, Ogu. - fub 6-70- 5 OSO. KOAII. JAMES MORRISON. Aenis for the Register. The following gentlemen are authorized to re ceive and receipt for subscription, advertising, etc., for the Rkgtstxr s . ... III RAM SMITH Esri.....:.............Harrisburg. .Tulsre S. H. CUAUQUTON..........Lcbaooti. PETER HUME. Esq., -Brownsville W. R. KIRK: Esq...-..: E. K. WHEELER. Esq ....Scio. T. H. REYNOLDS, Esq Salem. O. P TOMPKINS, Esq Harrisburp. L. P. FISHER, Esq 'Frisco. BUSINESS CARDS. TTORXET AND COUNSELOR AT LAW Oftick No. Ill First street, batweea Mor ris on aud Alder, opposite the Occidental Hotel, Portland, Oregon. Will practice in the Superior and Inferior Courts ot' the State, and in tiie District aud Cir cuit Court of the United Slates, giving special at tention t j the collection of debts in all parts of Oregon, aud to obtaining discharges in Bank ruptcy, wLk-h. since the last amendment to the law, may be obtained from all debts contracted prior t- Janu-.iry 1st, lSG'J. without regard to the per cc:Ka-e which the asset's may finally pay. November lS70-12v3y JCDOE EELS AY. JOSEPH HA5N0S. KELSAY & IIAWOS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. (Partners for Linn cc&nty. OFFICE Tn Tost OiBce Building, (np stairs), Albany, Linn eonnty. Ore on. 9;fv3 L. STBUCKME1ER & CO., .UEIlCIlAIVr TAILORS, ALBANY, OREGOX. JUST RECEIVED, A LARGE AND WELL selected stock of Fre'ieli t;u-ds. consisting of Ca.isimeres, IK-avers aud DTeskijiS. and all manner of Fancy tlods of the best quality. 3S2f Suits mtde to order. : if. :, L. STUU.CKMEIER & CO. J. W. Bent)ey. C1 ENTLSMEN'S BOOTS MADE TO ORDER ST on sh..-rt ouxiti.:, akd with ueutocss and dis patch. JiCr AH Hisds of Repairing Done. Albany. Jur.e 11, ISTO 40 ' 1. B. KICK, 3i. !., PHYSICIAN LAND SURGEON. Albany, - - - - " - Orcg-on, OFFICE ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF MAIN Street. Albany, April '70.-82 , c ONSTANTLY onhand and receiving, a larjre stock of. -" Groceries aid Pro-visions, Wood and Willow Ware. Tobacco, Cijrars, Con fectionery, Yankee Notions, Ac, Ac, Wholesale and Retail, ppo.sUa li. C. Hill St Son'x drug store, Albany, Oregon. ...... jn40'7O W. J. niLTABIPEt. . ...... 1. A5BRCWS." Xlilt abidol &. Co., OEAT.BRS IN GROCERIE3 AND PRO " visions. Wood and Willow "Ware,. Confec tionery, Tobacco, . Cigars, Pipes, Notions, etc Mtin street, adjoiuiag the Express office, Albany, Oregon. . I J. H. K ITCH EI. L. j. jr. DOLPn. SMITH. Mitchell, Dolph & Smith, VTTORNEYS asd COUNSELLORS at LAW, Solicitors in' Cnahtfcry and Proctors in Ad miralty. OSce over the old Post Offieo, Front street, Portland, Oregon. 1.1 JAMES A. WARNER, Civil Ensiiiccr & Surveyor. IS PREPARED TO DO SURVEYING AND Engineering. Uses improved Solar Compass. Orders by mad promptly attended to.' Residence on 4th St., opposite Dr. Tate's residence, Albany Oregon. nI9-6m fowell. t. rLiirx. Powell Sc. Flinn, ATT3RNEYS A COUNSELLORS AT LAW and Soiiefl rs in Chancery, (1. Flinn, Notary Public,) Albany, Oregm. Collections and conveyances prompt attended to. I GEO. W. GRAY, D. D TfTOCLD SDLICIT THE PAT S' V rine f all persons desir- yfCs tng ARTIFICIAL. T1SET11 and FIRST CLASS DENTAL opera tions. Nitrous Oxide administered for too pain less extraction of teeth, when desired. Charges moderate. ... . . Office in Parrish i. Co.'s brick Mock. Resi dence, first bouse south of Congregational Church, fronting on Court llousa block. Albany, Oregon, July 3, 1870-43 ' ' WAITED. . S.. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL. I-'urmerly New Columbian, Corner Front and Morrisou streets, . PORTLAND. OREGON, Aoah & Morrison, Proprietors. Free Coach to aud from the House. CORSER OF ' Front and Washington Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. I- W. Qnimby, - - - - Proprietor. (Late cf the Western Hotel.) THIS TtOUSE is the most commodious in the State, newly furnished, and it will be ths ndeavor of the Proprietor to make, his gueste comfortable. Nearest Hotel to the steamboat landing. The Concord Coach will always be fou: at the landing, on the arrival of stenmships ar river boats, carrying passengers and their bar gage to and from the boats ret " chnrge. Ifotut tnpplicd teiti Paitut Fire Extintjtiishcrt. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. . JOHN CONNER, AND EXCHANGE OFFICE, ALBANY, OREGOX. . m fft- BUSHELS OF OATS, for Xvf UULI which the highest market price will be paid, in CASH, at the stre of , X. S. DU BOISE. Also, Batter and Eggs, in unlimited quantity, for which the highest market price will be paid in cash. Call and see mo. Albany, Aug. 20, 1870-50,, .V. 520.00 A DAY ! TO MALE AND FEMALE AGENTS To introduce the celebrated 1SITKEYE $25 OO SHUTTLE SEWLYG STITCH ALIKE ON BOTH SIDES, and is the only licensed rhuttte sewing machine in the United States, sold for less than $40, to use itbe celebrated Wilson feed, and are acknowledged by all to be the best family machine for light or beery sowing, la the market. Outfit free, Ad 'lr!. MINES PEARSON, Geo. AgU., .... . ; Albany, Oregon. in, EPOSITS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO B )? clieck at sight. Intcreit alljwel on time deposits in coin. Exchange on Portland. San Francisco and New Yoik for sale at lowest rates. Collections made :iud proir.pilv remitted. Refers to il. W. Corbett, Henry Failing, W. ?. Laid. sE? Bunking hours from 8 A. M. to 6 p. M. "TS Albany, Fcb'uarv 1, 1S71.22v3 C. ?1EALEY DEALER IN k MANUFACTURER OF XT 2F5. 3?iJ" X "SJ XT IO. 33 ! - ' . and . . . .... CABINET WAKE ! Corner First ana Broad Albin streets, ALBAS r, 'OREGOX'. 3S PABTlCfLAH ATTEsTlOJT PAID TO "tfe ORDERS OF ALL KINDS in his line October IS3-8 CEO. F. SETTLE1V1IER, R U O O I ST. (Successor to D. W. Wakefield,) Parrish's New Building-, First Street, ALBANY. OREGON. DEALER IN . Drugs and Medicines, CHEMICALS, PAINTS. OILS, GLASS ETC. All articles warranted pare and of the best qnality. Physicians Prescriptions carefully compounded. : Albany, Oct, 17. 18GS-6tf K , A I, IS A A V UATU IIO USE. THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD BESPECT fully inform the citizens of Albany and vi cinity that be has takea charge ot tbis establish ment, and, by keeping eleaa rooms and paying strict atttntic. to business, expects to suit all those who ma favor bitn with their patronage. Having heretofore carried on nothing but First-Class Hair Dressing' Saloons, he expects to give entire satisfaction to all. jsdf Children and Ladies hair neatly cut and shampooed. JOSEPH WEBBER. ' ' sevT9y2 ruitrvirfG. - - TURNING. o a -3 - w f I AX PREPARED TO DO . j ALL KINDS OK TURNING t . ' f: I ke'p on band end make to crder RAWIUDE-BOCTOMEO CHAIRS, AD Spianinff Wheels. ar- Shop near the "Maimolia Mills." JH- . . , Y JOHN M. METZLER Albany, Not. 8. I86S-I. S. XZ. Clatiffhton, ' ATOTAUT PUBLIC AND REAL ESTATE 1 AGENT. Office in the Post Office buUding, Lebanon. Oregon. Tiaads and other eon vey- aneee, also to the prompt oolleetion of debt en trusted to my eare. ADVERTISEMENTS. LOOK HERE ! ' SAI FRANCISCO STORE! CORNER nnST AND FERRY STREETS, ALBANY............... OREGON. Keeps constantly on hand a full assortment of ST0YES, PUMPS & TINWARE I I will have for sale the celebrated ' Diaziaoxicl H.ocls. cook stove, and other leading styles. Also, manufacture all kinds of Tin, Copper and SUeet-Iroii Ware, in the best style, at lowest rates. FOB CASU or COUNTRY PRODUCE. Always on hand a full supply of The Purest Winea and Liquors, for Medicinal purposes only. A well selected stock of Groceries and Crockery ! will always bo found at my establishment. I will sell all goods in my house, for Cash or Produee on -delivery, cheaper .than ever befure offered in tbis market, fcrj All kinds of repairing done, on short notice, aud eutire satisfaction warranted, at my Stove and Tin Store. JULIUS GUADWOHL. Nor. 19-11 BUILDERS, ATTENTION SVSH, HUM) AAD HOOK F AC T O R Y ! S. H. ALTnOVSE. X. WRICHT. J. F. BACKESSTO, At-TIIOI SE & CO., itos STnnr.T, (os the river bank); albany, : : : orcgon. keep on hand a full assortment, and ore prepared to IJ' xxmissli to Order, Doors, and Sasli, Are prepared to do MILL WORK ; furnish Sha ker Fans, Zigzag Shak-rs, Suction Fans. Driving Pulleys, of any kind, at our Faetory on Lyon street, (on the river bank), next below Markham's warehouse. ALTHOUSE 5t CO. Albany, February 0, 1SC9- 4 THE OLD STOVE DEPOT! JOHN BRIGGS, Dealer is STOVES, COOK, PARLOR & BOX. of the best pattern- ; A Tin, Sheet iron and Copper V7"xxo s and the nsual rssortmcnt of Furnishing Goods t be obtained in a TIJST STOFLE t Bepnire neatly and promptly executed, on reasonable terme. T2tS '.'Short reckonings, make long friends." Front street Albany. - Next door to Mansfield A Co. dec5'68-I Establl-ned In 18IO. ERNEST A. EKLANDSON, General Commission Merchant and dealer in DRUGS, CHEMICALS, ESSENTIAL OILS, DTE STUFFS, AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE, BY THE PACKAGE ONL1. , ! Cash orders for goods of every description from tbis or any Foreign Market, will receive prompt and faithful attention. - Miners, manufacturers and wholesale trade sup plied for cash.' JBSr No notice or attention paid to orders for goods, if there is no provision made for the payment of the same. 7C3r Consignment of Orcgon Produce, Grain, Wheat, Flour, Ac, solicited. BAN iRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. December 31, 187-17tf - ALBAN Y ROOK STORE. ESTABLISHED IN I85G. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MiOLIJIlSrG-S, tui h as Crown, Panel, Bnnd, and Section Mod . of all sizes. WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES ! Ploorins, and all other kinds of Ritildiiifir Material t E. A. FREELAND, Tk E A L E R IN EVERY VARIETY OF y. Miscellaneous Books, School Books, Blank books. Stationery, so. Books imported to erder at short notice. , Albany, Oiegon. December 3, 1870. FUO.TIAN RUILUINGS. WHEAT AND FLaYsEED DEPOT. CLEANING and HOISTING rapacity 10,000 Bushels per Day 1 A share of patronage solicited. 45'701 E. CARTWRIGHT. . The highest cash price paid for Wheat. ! IV. II. KUIIN fc CO., Having just received a Large and well selected Stock of HARD WARE, SUCH AS FARMER'S & MECHANIC'S TOOLS CONSISTING OP ANVILS, VICES, BELLOWS, Hammers, lluuimery, . Sleilgcs, Sledges, Saws, Saws, Saws, Plnnes, Planes, Tlanes, CorM-Cut and Mill Saws, Together with a large assortment of IKOIV AND STEEL Nails, Nails, Nair" " ' - " Springs, Sprinsrs, Springs, Axles, Thtmble-Sbcins, Bolts, &e, Sec. o . Also, a well Selected Stock of Wagon Tlmtoer, SPOKES. HUBS, BENT RIMS, SHAFTS, POLES, HICKORY AXLES, ETC., All of which we are now offering to the public at low rates. As we make the business a spec ialty, we can and will keep a better assortment at lower prices than any house in this city. Receiving and opening a large and splendid assortment of WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, Which we offer at reduced rat."?. w. a. KunN & co. In the Sfonteitli Fire-proof Brick, First-st. March 12.-70-27 - LIVERY, FEUD & SALE S T A B L E S! ALBANY, OREGON. 310TG0MERY & BARTGES, l'noPBlETORS. "S-K7-E ARE PREPARED TO FURNISn If the public with neat turnouts in the -way Of ii: : Stylish Buggies & Carriages ASD ' XT" Et. js -t StoC Is. ! On the most reasonable terms. Our livery is oil new and of the latest styles, find we tball take pride in girinir our patrous as neat and reliable an outfit as can be obtained in the State. Horses boarded at reasonable rates, by the week or month. Hacks and Carriages furnUhed for parties, ie. A share of public patrnnnze is solicited. MONTGOMERY 4 BARTGES. Albany, December 17, 1S70-15 OITY MARKET, FIRST STREET, ALBANY, OREGON. J. L. HARRIS. O. B. BAIGHT. J. L. HARRIS & CO., PROPRIETORS. We shall endeavor to always keep on band a full supply of all Kind s o f Heats ! all of which will bo of the very best quality. The highest market price paid for Beeves, Hogs and Sheep. Third door west of Ferry, on south side of First streets. J. L. HARRIS A CO. Albany, Dec. 15, 1870-15 - RATES OF TOLL OVER THE Willamette Valley and Cascade Mountain Wagon Road. To Deschuttes River Four Horse or Mule team.......... $4 50 Two " 3 00 One . ' " " ' 2 00 Ox teams, thiee yoke...... 4 50 For every additional yoke................- 50 Loose horses, per head .' 25 " cattle, per head. 15 " .beep or bogs......... 3 Teams returning empty, half price. Pack animals, loa led 50 " " unloaded.. M 25 Horse and rider.................. 1 00 To Fish Lake : Four borse or male team, each way... ...... 2 Two " " " 1 One " ,y 1 Pack animals, loaded. " unloaded. ........ Horse and rider....... Ox team, three yoke. 2 To Upper Soda Spring: Four borse or mule team, oat and back 2 50 Two . " " " 2 00 One ' " " 1 00 Horse and rider, " 50 Loose animals, " ...... 25 Ox teams the same as borse teams. A. HACKLEMAN, W. W. Parrisr, : : pr0. See. ..' .' - - - March 0, 1869- S ELKINS & SON. ELRINS & SON, ELKINS & SON, Lebanon, Oregon. Lebanon, Oregon. ' Lebanon. Oregon. NEW GOODS SMALL PROFITS, QUICK SALES PROMPT PAY. ' WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A CHOICE Selection or f . . SPRINQ AND SUMMER GOODS, Imported direct from New York Via the Pacifio Railroad, and cn, for Cash or Produce, give customers bargain, equal to any firm in Al bany. . All of onr stock is bought at the LOWEST CASH PRICE. Buy of . " - ' ' . T.1TT1T1S cfo Son, DRY GOODS, BOOTS & SHOES, . GROCERIES, , Hardware, Iron and Steel, At ALBANY PRICES, ALBANY PRICES. ALBANY ALBANY PRICES, PRICES, Wholesale) and Retail. HI0HK8T PRICE! -PAID FOB- EGGS, BUTTER, ETC., ETC. TS. B. ATI person, owing n. will at onee come forward and paj np, so as to begin new accounts. L. ELKINS A gON. Lebanon, April I, 0.-6m30 , . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CITY DRUG STORE. A. CAROTUEItS. B. SAtTXAnSn. A. CABOTHBRS & CO., DRUGGISTS & APOTHECARIES. (Foster's Block, First street), ALBANY, : s : : OREGON, DEALERS I . . Drugs, Chemicals, Medicines, PAINTS, OILS, DYE STUFFS, GLASS, TGII-ET GGG J3S, -French and American Calognes, - HANDKERCHIEF EXTRACTS, CONFECTIONER V. Pure Wines & Liquors, for medicinal purposes. Fine Tobacco and Cigars. . . .559 Physician's Prescriptions and Family Recipes compounded with care. December 31, 1870-17 Discrlptive Li.t CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE BY STITZEL & UPTON, Real Estate Dealers, Albany, Ogn. CITY OF ALBANY: Lot 3, block 6 Good bouse. Lots 3 and 4. " 2 unimproved. Lots 1,2,7, 8, " 19 Good house and stable. - Lots 5 and B, ' 2 Good house. Lots 5 and fi. 130 ; ' Lets 1, 2 and 3, 6 house and two stables. 9 Lots " 60 " - . " . Plenty" of excellent fruit a desirable homestead Lots 6 and 7, " 24 Good house. Lot I, " 14 " " Lot S. 14 " " Lots 2 and 3, " 3 " and stable. 3 Lois 44 " Lot 7, 103 " Lot 4, " 3 " " : " Lots 3 and 4, 20 ' " fi Lots " 16 " " 9 Lots " 60 unimproved cheap. Lots 3 and 4, ( " 5 " desirable lots. Lot 4, 118 box bouse. 7i aeres good timbered land, one mile from Albany, in Benton county. Ten Homestead Lots, 6 acres each, ) mile north of Albany Ferry, at $120 each. For particulars apply to -3. C. MENDENHALL, Real Estate Agent, Office in Parrish Brick, Albany, Oregon. 40 J. C. MENDENHALL, TV 0 t a r y Public, Real Estate aid Insurance Ag-ent, 4.LBANY, : OREGON. RENTS COLLECTED, AND TAXES PAID for non-residents and others, making out real estate papers, etc. Office Parrish brick, up stairs. . . 36-'70 SETTLED IRE S NURSERY, Six miles South of Albany, Linn Co., ' Near tlie Railroad. ISOLICIT THE ATTENTION OF ALL persons desiring to purchase Fruit Tree, to call and examine my stock, which is composed of the largest and best selection in the State, on- sist:ng 01 Apples,, l-vars, merries, fjuins. Prunes, Grar.es, Black Berries, Currants aud Rosea, Also, ' j Black and White Walnut, English Wal nut, Hickory; Pecan, Red bud, Honey Locust, Hackberry, and a number of other rarieties of trees and plants too numerous to mention, all of which are offered at low rates. HENRY W. SETTLEMIRE. December 17, 1870-15 Patronize Home Manufactures t BROOM S A.t. lroitlancl Prices I HAVING GONE LARGELY INTO the manufacture of - ALL GRADES OF BROOMS! I am prepared to furnish tbe Oregon public with as good a broom a. can be obtained on the coast. at Portland prices. Crder. anlioited. Address all orders to RLAIN. YOUNG A CO., Gereral Agent., Albany, Orejron. - . W. D. BELDINO. Albany, December 3. 1870-13T . ' CHALLENGER TnRESUER HAINES' HEADERS I MoAvers J Reapers And all kinds of ; a Agricultural Implem'ts & Machines . On band and for sale by ' BLAIN. YOCNG 4 CO.. . May 28. '70-38 Albany, Ogn. ""no "unaino vlabb. We are now prepared to furnish all claasei with constant em ployment at borne, the whole of the time or for the spare moments. Business new, light and profit able. Persons of either six can easily earn from 50e. to $5 per evening, and a proportion at sum by devoting their whole time to : "the. business. JJoys and girU earn nearly as much as men. That an who see this notice may send their address, and test tbe business, we make tbis unparalleled offer : To such as are not satisfied, we will send to pay for the trouble of writing. Full par ticulars, a valuable sample which will do to com mence work on, and a copy of Tk People? Lit. rary Companion one of tbe largest arid best family newspapers published U sent free by mail. Reader, if you want permanent, profitable work, address v ; E. C. ALLEN CO., 2m3 ..j..-- . , Aogngta, Maine. $5 TOSIOPERCW. "S&SSSS ulariand instruction, sent free by " ""T. in need of permanent, proetable work, .bo.ld ad The Bounty Lands. As there are quite a number of citi zens of this county who Lave 6erved as soldiers, at various times, under the U. S. Government, who will be glad of any in formation touching their rights to bounty land, bounty money, etc., we -.take the earliest opportunity to give all the in formationi on the subject which we have at hand. B. F. Dowell, Esq., of the Sentinel, who is now in Washington City, wri'es to his paper that "there has been no change of the law of March 8, 1855 ; that set applies to soldiers who ' have served and been paid . by the United States prior to the passage of the . act, which was March 3, 1855." The. article further recites:'""'"..'.- ; - ; i j.-, - Under tbis law the volunteers wbo .erred un der Captain Walker and Captain Olney in 1854, although the service was rendered prior to the act, inasmuch as no appropriation wa. made for their payment prior to the 3d of March, 1855, are 'not entitled to land warrants for such service under the existing laws, although by the recent act of Congress they are entitled to pay for their serv ices. , . : . ... By the act of July 15, 1S70, the right to home- s'ead 160 acres of tbe government reserved lands along the railway lines is secured to erery soldier wbo served under the United States government for ninety days -or more during the rebellion. The provision of tbe homestead law in regard to settlement and cultivation apply the same to these as to any other homestead?. Xuere are no land warrants for such services, the parties availing themselves of the provision, of the act, acquiring their titles in the same manner as other home stead settlers. . ' ' ' " By an act approved Feb. 14, 1871, any one "of the old revolutionary soldiers, who served 60 days in the war of 1812, which ended December 24, 1814, and has not yet rcccivetLa pension, is enti tled to $3 per month. ' If they are already in re ceipt of a pension only so much as will make- op tbe $3 per month in all will be allowed. Tbe widows of such who were married to them prior to December 24, 1814, and have not since re-married, are entitled to the same benefits as theis hus bands would be if living. Where soldier, enlisted duriug the rebellion for three years or during tbe : war, and only served two full years and a portion over, and have received $210 bounty, they are not entitled to any more. These are all the laws and provisions of laws that apply to cases within our knowledge in this country. A Roman Catholic Judge on a Religious Question. The San Fran cisco Chronicle's Loudon correspondent recites the fulluwiDg particulars of a case recently brought before a Catholic Judge, Lord Chancellor O'llaan, which created considerable comment in the "old coun try." The points iu the case and the Judge's decision are thus given : In Septrmber, 1359, R. W. Meade.' a Protestant,, married a Catholic lady, with the understanding. both before and at the time of the marriage, that if daughters were born tbey should be educated as Komau tiiitioiits. x wo girls were corn, one in lSflu, another iu 1S61, and were brought up in the religiou agreed upon until the death of their mother, wbich took place in October, 1867. The sisicr of Mrs. Meade then took charge of the chil dren, residing in the house, and everything went on as before until March, 1S70, when Mr. Meade, then about to contract a second marriage, and ig nor.ng altogether the solemn promise made to tbe mother of hi. OwTfldren, declared bis intention of having them educated as Protestants. Two days alter this avowal the children were placed under the charge of a Portestant, their auut engaging not to interfere while she remained in the house. This went on until the end of the year, when the Lord Chancellor was applied to by the aunt, and tbe allegation made that the children were at heart Roman Catholics, and proporly ought to be again placed with tbe petitioner, who was ready to provide Tor thim in a manner beCtting their sta tion. The question to be settled was, whether or not, the children being Roman Catholics, it was tbe duty of the Court to prevent their being in fluenced by their father, he being of a ditlerent religion. . It was also alleged that they bad only complied "outwardly" with the desire ot their father relative to their instruction in Protestant ism, curing tbe months they were not under the charge of their aunt. The children were exam ined, notwithstanding their extreme youth, as to what their own ideas might be on tbe .abject of religion, and the eldest declared she wxuldnot at present make any choice between the two, though, at tbe aame time, remarking that her faith in Catholicism was somewhat shaken. It must have been ratber amuaiug to hear a girl of ten years holding forth after this fashion, and remind, one of tbe good child in the Sabbath-school books, who always died young and went straight to Heaven. This precious littlo girl, moreover, said she would not object to continue to go to the Prot estant church, nor was it against her eonacienee to attend the school. Her sister agreed with her. and after soma discussion on other points the pe tition was dismissed. Immigration. The "leading" papers of the State California are all howling for more liberal immigration. They, all seem to think that the great panacea for all the wants-of California is to be found in larger immigration., liut the most careless observer must be aware that Cal- liorniaana especially ban Francisco is now full of unemployed persons.' We do not need an increased immigration of per sons in quest of employment, the worse it is lor that very large portion ot oar own population who are vainly seekinz for. work which they can do on such terms as will enable them to make a . decent liring. .The undisguised and nndisguis- able tact is, that under the cxistiug con ditiou of things California has quite as large a population of men'Who expect to earn a living by, work as she neeas. does not in truth seem to De enoB -est work to do for the honest workers. Jt iiaro. .. . -.'""' I -L-r A correspondent of . the J.f mer sends in some facts b?at"thtl-Z says a common brick weighs t and a half to four pounds, usually average fog about three d three-quarter poEnd, each, or one se ve- eighh n. J 1 000 brick A Rood team will draw 8W DriCKS Jo a wagoner 1 .000, onrnnoer. when the Jiog i good. .For but d,Dg purpo. ses, reckon six antt oue-nau wu brie to tne square !,. a ...( fire is kept up for about nine days to burn a kiln of brick. - ' - Tn Chihuahua, Mexico; gold field has been discovered at a place called Hormi pas, twenty-leagues froir the .capital. The discoverer gathered twenty ounces in one dav. People are nocking there in masses, and all,: it is said, are doing welL One-fourth of the globe is said to be granite. It i a hard place to live on. . Bornt River Mines. A great deal ' of prospecting is being done oik "Bornt River. Every day brings fresh arrrrala; and every day new strikes are made. Swazoy & Co. are making $4 and $5 per day drifting. Their mode of getting the pay dirt is very slew. . .Stillman, Gordon & Co. are making preparations for alaie ing. Mr. Bush has almost completed .'ft Ditcr, which is about one mile in length. While he was constructing a dam acroaa Burnt River, three sturdy old beavers worked every night; and if there wer any holes left id the dam. bv the menu tbe beavers mended them and made it tight and strong. Ba.ey and Smith bav constructed a breasUwheel, which raise lhree hundred' incheB. of' water twenty one leet; and the ditch will covers large bar that will give employment ' to- three or four large companies for years to corns; Messrs, Eautevbropk & Wood aleo. bav m ' wheel in the river which will raie a sluice-head of water, being' a paddle wheel, and raising the water- twenty- feet. Mr. Kelley's claim pays well, yield ing as it bad done 81 to tbe pan., Several others, are also getting ready to take out the precious metal. Bed-rock Democrat. " - i - c.i - Obserre tbe record made by the Dem ocratic members of Congress , at. the .- last session ! y .J.J - :-tt . i Denouncing internal taxation,, they. ' voted against the bill -redacing internal taxes to the amount of 55,000,000. Condemning the tariff rates, tbey voted against the measure which' reduced tariff duties in the aggregate by 925,000,000. . a l vs. v . UDjecuog to tne puDiio aeos ana . its requirements, they .voted against an act for honestly reducing the "burden ' of In terest, by refunding at a lower rat.' -' ' Clamorous for the authority of the Con stitution, they deliberately voted that a part of the Constitution had. not been le gally adopted and possessed no binding force. . ' "', " ' . ... Two members of the West - Virginia Legislature lately took the sleeping cars to go to Grafton. Tho cars were crowded and the two had to sleep together. One- wasfat : the other lean : . the fat man snored, and the lean man therefor lay awake. .At about midnight tbe lusommo legislator could no longer stand. the atea torious breathing of his mate, and'' arose and sat by the fire. An old lady entered,, and wanted a place to sleep. ' "Go to my berth, said the sardonic lean one, "1 left uiy little boy asleep there; I shall sit up. I must think of legislative things." bo the ladv went to the birth, disposed of useless clothing, and lay down. . Pres ently the "boy" kicked. , Then the; lady patted him on the back and said, "Lie still, sonny ; pa said I might sleep along nritb tun ' lh tin !" rnMrprl tri liiienn -a boy no more, but a brson. 'lhun- der ! who are you I I ain't a boy- . I'm a member of the West Virginia " Legisla ture. The lady went into a swoon; nor could she be aroused - till the" , fat man promised her that he would have th lean one impeached. . - J. . ?,.,' PetitIo! to Remove a P. " "Mf Eighty-one out of about one Imnrired ana -twenty persons who are supplied with mail matter at Weston, in- Umatilla county, Oregon, have, without reference to party, petitioned for the removal of their present Post-master, alleging "that be is "grossly incompetent to attend' to the duties of said office." This is rather "hefty" on the "P. M.,", especially when we recollect that he is a member of that august body the Oregon Legislatare. As be got a large majority in his -Own precinct at the election last Jane, it is but lair t presume that a great number of those who now allege his incompetency to act as Post-master at a little- way-side Post-Office, voted for him for State Sena tor at that. time. The Democracy, of Umatilla have queer notions, . one of which is, that a man requires more abili ty to act as Postmaster in their county, .1 3 . Cl. . CI.' 1 man os aoes io ue otate oeoator. ,. From the Owyhee' Avalanch, March 11th r.Last Monday an avalanche occur red od tbe east side of Florida BaounUin, A huge mass of snow gave way; ' and, coming in contact with a huge, .blnff: 9' rocks, was divided into two branches, one of which came half Way down the " gulch back of the Ida Elmore mill,' th ! oiber down ths gulch to tbe Chinee hydxauho diggings ashorU distance - below. Mn Fortunately no damage was done although the latter branch passed "within twenty feet of Mat. Fife's reeidence a narrow escape. It tor up th ground, ..taking rocks, saee brush and willow with it? in its course. It it bad atrucK euve .vj ; the town would have been knocked Jnto a "cocked Jiat." : '''" ' : Thi Qceew or. PeussiA. Queen Augusta is known by her most . ietimat associates, to be a most ambitiows woman. She is notwantingln any clement of true -r.mnnhr.od. - Her devotion as' wife and mother is appreciated by her ifamily, while her deeds of kindness ana,, charity, render her deservedly beloved and popu lar. But with these sterling home qual ities the combines a large knowledge of men and politics, and lakes a deep inter est in all that relates to literature nlrt. Her Majesty is a daughter of the famous Duke, who was a munificent friend', and patron of Goethe, and in her youth cm much in conUet with tbe .ill ustroo au thor; and her character, in no alight de gree, was influenced, if not modeled Dy him. With, these antecedents and quali fieations,.she couldiisrdly.fait to take a deep interest in the great events of which her cause has been for q"mariy years th : centred" t-: ;W- wt:..$& . : ' ! irJt ,!: . The difference between a country and a city jrreenhoro, 1 that' Ane 013 lik to know ererythrng, awd the Wiser tain as he can tell binai- ei JL-Igaaa SitiJlI i Ifyouwantth isparjewnbee ribefoVrff ow. '