The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, March 11, 1871, Image 2

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V. S. Official FaFer for Oreg-on.
Dr. Livingston, the great African ex
plorer,, has again been heard from, and is
pronounced rigbt side up with care.
A citizen of Cincinnati, Ohio, has been
sent to jail for tuirtj das, for catting
eff the queue of a Chinaniao.
Tie amount of property left by the
late David Sears, of Boston, is about $5,
00,000.. .
An aboriginal usurper has assumed
the crown of Abyssinia, calling himself
the Eperor 2Cg- ; '
- :i I
the two
Mr. blc- j
On the 4th iost. at noon,
nernncress adiourbed.
Pherson, Clerk of the House, shortly
after twelve o'clock, called the new House
to order, and proceeded to call the
names of the members by States. The
roll completed, the Clerk annouueed that
222 members bad answered to their
names, a full representation being 243,
tb.e Siatea of New Jlauipshirc, Connects
cut, Texas and California- being unrepre-
liuropean News.
Frank & Bro., of New York, on tbe
4th inst., failed. Amount of default,
f 2,000,000.
arrived at Portland yesterday.
' Not a German soldier remains in Paris.
Several Parisian Journals have resumed
publication. Tbe authorities are prepar
ing to disband the Mobiles and Guards.
It is rumored that Na'poleon is negotia
ting for an estate in Bohemia, where he
will retire
Victor Emanuel, in a letter to Fmper
or William, expresses surprise and disap
pointment at the hard tctnis imposed on
i'rauce, especially with regard to territory-
.. .
Prince l redenck Charles has been
appointed Commander-in-Chief of the
Our Southern Oregon Correspondence.
scnted, elections not yet having been !
held. James. G.Blafn, of Maine, was armv ol occunation in France, with Wnrl.
then re-elected Speaker, over George W. quarters at Rheims; ' ' " i"
Morgan, of Ohio, the vote standing 126 ! On the grounds that it is necussary
for Blain, to 90 for Morgao-neeessary : re tho; wiliw of hiS j . lay off enfeen da,,.
toacnoice uu. Pir. ciam ' was tuen ,nr;fr. Thw rviii Ann , ,..ut- rMiu
Empire Citt, Feb. 28th, 1871.
prevailed most of last week, which has
rendered the bar at the mouth of the
Bay quite rough ; but this morning it
cleared off and it now bids fair to bo fine
for some time. Four vessels were seen
outside last evening, but the bar was too
rough to permit the tugs to bring - them
in. Sometimes vessels have laid off the
bar three weeks before the tugs would
venture to bring them in. A few weeks
ago, one came up from San Francisco in
four days, and then on aecount of stormy
There are three tncs here , one owned
by Mr. Pushbacker, of Marshfield, and
the others by the Xorth Bead Company.
declared duly elected Speaker of the of commerce with Germany.
House of Representatives of the forty- It a given out that as soon as ilifinite
second Congress. After the announce- ! negotiation for the treaty of peace ic
, , . '"" , r, - ; commenced at lirussels. the I'lencu
uieut oi re election, the Speaker was eon-i r .., ;n f...t .)
ducted to the Chair, and .addressed the hundred million francs on account of the !.is verJ " wle in San Francisco, times
Ben Holladay is expected rn tbe ; House as follows : 1 ' H war indemnity, to free Paris from the j arc quite dull here. Mr. Lnse, the
steamer Oriflamme which was to have Oentlcmcn : The Speakership of the Ameri- J proximity of German troops. j owner of the mill at Empire, has sent
I ean House or itepresentauvzs nas always neon es- : j. rom ' XjOduou up learn luat .. Dir i
U-eined an enviable honor a re-election to the ; Robert Peel Stigmatized the Course of i
posmon carrieswiiuiipccuiiareraiineauon iu luai , . , .. -i -,: i.
it implies approval of past official bearing. For . Lord Lyons, mi deserting the Uritlbh
tbia mark wf jour eoutidenee 1 return thanks, unit j copulation ill Paris during the Siege,
. .. .i : .1,.. uiii;..!, ( .
: Tt is now stated" t nat the Pope will not
feare tie Vatican, believing; that if he
does, the Italian Government will eontLs-
icatc his premises- in. Roavev ' -' -
We are to regular receipt of tbe Daily
, JlerdtTjf, of Salem,' Upton & Howell,
"WprietorB. Upton saya ieH make her
tick this whiz. Go it, ye cripples.
K. B. Gibson, an old and highly res
, -. pectedcitisen of Hennepin county, Min
nesota, has been detected numerous
Jbrgeries aivd ftedL He ia over seventy
years oldL ' 1
llclg my (iueereM devotion to th Unties whith i wnen jie wa8 entreated to remain, as
yo call upn van to dichan;e. CUoieu lv a vm'v , .,11 . . ,l. ,.
rr,.rwenting thepoHticH i"tit7 of this Uu, ungenerous and cowardly ; at tbe same
tuw epnkeruw lulblai ailegiauee la ine princi- Mine ne exioiieu tue cuuiiirauj vuuioc ui
plea and policy of that party, but b will - fall j Washburnc, the American Minister.
'"oft?: Dates to tbe 5th contain rumors of a
under the rnieawhirh ha Is called upon to admiuia- i revolution ID Paris. It IS believed that
ter. Tha aaccaasful working of our grand af- i a civil War will SOOU convulse France,
tem oi corarnment aepenus on mo vigilance oi - .,,,:,,
party orgniaon, Jd the mort irhok-soine Kg-! ending m Orleans restoration
UUtion which thu Houw piwlnces and perfect ia Extensive and organizcQ emigration
that rxanlta frnin nnunainat inulliullv I Ml nnnna nmulitArn if id ai-itoA f riltkl
eager and watchful and well balanced iu number.. , , , DroviDCes Lartre bodies of j OCrcd,
generalcontent,happiuertandprosrity tbrough- 1 ALstaians Will emigrate to
out the land. Under a wise administration of States.
the National Oorernment peace reigns in nil our ! ,
borders, and tlte only mi8uudctanding with any ! AWOUB.NMEXT OF CONGRESS. A
foreign uovernment ii, we may nope, at ium mo-
one of his . vessels to Callus, in South
America, to ee if he can open the trade
for lumber in that part of the world. If
lumber does not "conic . up," our only
hope of better timeS is in the coal mines;
but as it is confidently believed that
another mine will be opened this Sum
mer, by a company from San Francisco,
we have not much to fear.
As this is not an agricultural county,
the land ou the river beinj; heavily tim-
tbe United
ment in Droirreu of aa honorable, cordial and
FfOWlne Portland papers we learn 1 lasting adjustment. We are fortunate in meeting
at sucn a lime ; ionuuai in reitrewiiuug su-
constituencies ; fortunate in legislating for such a
that the jury in the case of the State vs.
Dr. Loryea, on Tuesday evening "brought
m a verdict of guilty, with a recommen
dation, of mercy to the conrt.
Th High Commission held their
second meeting, at the Department of
State in Washington City, on the after
' noon of the 4th inst., all the members
thereof being present.
The Secretary of the Interior is au-
conntry. l trust, geniiemcn, mat our oiuoiai iu- i r-..:i
tereonrse may be tree from personal asperity, be- ! prevail
Yashington telegram gives the following
reasons why it is believed that .the move
ment for an early adjournment will f not
lieving all our labors will result eventually iu the
tmblie eood and involvine the blessine of Him
without whose aid and guidance we labor iu Tain,
1 ant now ready ( proceed with the furtlier organ
ixalion of the House, iind as the first step thereto
1 will myself take the oath prescribed by the Con
stitution aud laws.''
The tratli of ollio.- was then administered to the
Speaker, who proeuuded t- admiuister the satoo
to meuioers, eommenviug with those from New
iUayuard objected to swearing Wadttell, of North
Carolina, as being disiualilic-l from holding
Aoriaed to increase the compensation of J objected to swenrn-g ibo icn Lf thTt
J patiuu n ihe grmind that Ibc eleolum kitroi tnat
GCOSOS Mursltals fifty per Cent, ia Lis t-taic has u rei'aJed and tUvy were elected
discretion the entire Conpensation not moved that il.e Tb members be
sworn and i!e credentials rvtVrrcd to tbe t'om-
has to be well fed during the fall and
winter, or they become quite poor. Most
of the beef that is used here at this
season of the year, comes from the Co
quill, distance, thirty miles. It is not
j very good, yet a choice cut commands
The resolution which passed the House W a pounu.
' to exceed ?S per day for tbe time em
ployed. .'
Great. excitement existed in London
at latest dates over the terrible results of
small pox in that eity. The deaths had
: attached tao enormous number of 188 per
' week, and was increasing in virulence.
A' Convention of the National Labor
Barty of the United States is announced
to-be held in Columbus, Ohio, on the
third Wednesday of Octcber, 1S71, for
tbe purpose of nominating candidates for
President and Vice President.
uiiitee on hleclions. which motion was agreed to
and they were sooru, three taking the U-st oath
of 1G2 and five tbe modified oath of 1SG.
Kerr objected to swearing the Mississippi mein-
on Saturday for a final adjournment on
Wednesday will probably be stopped in
the Senate, if it is not reconsidered in
the House to day and defeated. It ap
pears to have been a fight of sections
the New En glanders desiring to adjourn
in order to get rid of the proposed new
apportionment, which will reduce the
New England representation in the
House, and the Democrats favoring the
same idea on general Democratic prin
ciples of holding as short a session as
possible ; while there is a ltepublican
majority of the Western members anx
ious to hare the apportionment bill
p-isseu bctore adjournment, so as to in
One great drawback to this country is
the want of ,
to the Umpqua Valley. At present
there is but an indifferent trail, but a
route 13 now being surveyed for a road,
and by next fall we hope to have a good
wagon road connecting lloseburg with.
this place, or with Coose river.
Washington's birth-day
was cslebrated by a vessel, which was
laying out in the bay, firing a fifteen
pounder occasionally duriug the eutire
' From-Indiana eoutesthe news that the
Republican members of the Legislature
' (following the example set by the Deino
erats at a former session), being in the
minority, all resigned, leaving that body
; watheaa a quorum. "What's sauce ,"&c.
- An irreverent American ia Cologne
.- Kaa greatly shocked the ecclesiatical
arathositiea fcy offering to buy the bones
fTth 10,000 martyred virgins in the
Church of St. Ursula for the purpose of
fimmding an anatomical museum.
Bryderr, ef the Iadia Sanitary
Go (amission, has recently written his
. aannal report on the spread of the cholera
ia that country. The report concludes
with the opinion that this plague cannot
' 1S graven ted, and that no human efforts
. jrogress.
crease their numbers in the House. The i day, and by tn impromptu ball at the
ber as their credentials presented no prima urie i Kepublicans also want the Committee on ' Court House in the evening. By the
bouthern outrages to make a report,' and waJt aimost every celebration or - dedici-
are anxious to enact some measure be , " . , .
. , i ... . . tion lias to close with a ball,
tnrfl arimurtiino' whiph will rkiimycli th
K',.llT nrl nrr,iri m,1 r-t,. We understand that the
t f j
the South. It is stated by thu.e who
have access to evidence already taken of
outrages committed, that tbe testimony
shows a frightful condition of affairs in
evidcucc of their risht to scats,
liingbam moved that the Mississippi delegation
be sworu and the credentials referred to the Com
mittee on Kieetions. Agreed to.
Delegates from Territories, seven in number,
were called and sworn in.
Hooper. Xiblack and Schofield were appointed
a Committee of the House to join a like Commit
tee of the Pcaata to wait upon the President and
inform him that Congress was ready to proceed to
Dm! off. red aenhenrrent resolution toadjuum j the South; that the secret political or
m,ie die on Wednesday, March 8tb, at twelvc noon ! ganizati'ins known as Kuklux have rot
meresoinuon was agreea to on . the ufiper hanJ) tha(. j( ujany parts
Keiley caiici up the case of v.'addell. of Xorth j the tuuth the civil authorities are power
Carolina, to whose swearing iu Maynard objected, j less to-enforce the laws: that even trn
noil tmiril thnt lie ba sworn. The ini.tioil was i - , m.,Alikln c-. rr.-. n tltrtnnl.i W
. .. .. . uemoerais are oecomiu'' aiarmeu ior tneir j io nvm u, .."...i v "
agreed to and tho oath administered. ,. ,9 . . . ,. i .
The House then proceeded to draw forscots, a I common safety ; that in a short time, it i 1) paper :
proceeding attended with tue nsnai uproar ana i tne present state ol alia irs are allowed to j A few weeks ao a man came to
contusion, ucing pertumca, mrougn eon- , coutinue tuerc w:il no be a Union man
owned by Mr. Lockhart, on the Coquili,
near Randolph, bids fair to pay wtll.
Hope it may, as he has spent a larze sum
of money ou it. W. 1). N.
A New Style of
Here's richness for you !
The fullowin
esv, to select bis seat.
IMstinguished Military Mcu.
r ';. The Columbus (O.) Journal reports an
average absenee of twenty -five members
ft-oaa eaebr Hensfr ef the State Legislature
very day, so large a proportion that,
nnder the constitution and the rules, it is
. teav unpossible to proceed properly
Vila legislation. Sometimes, the Journal
. aays, as many as fifty seats are vacant at
n time.
Uohob.8 Conferhed. We notice
" iaaoagt tl ethe honors oonferra4 on
ekuene ef Oregon By Gov. Grover, that
' eur eity has not been entirely overlook.
ed, Our popular druggist, Dr. Fred. Hill,
'iaviag been commissioned Surgeon,
vita the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, on
tbia e&siToB Majar General John F. Mil-
ler. Fred will do.
- Having given currency to the story
tawiAadrew Jackson Davis had renonoc
41 Ms telief in spirit intercourse and
' "gsathbaok n"'dimship. ia general,
ifriasdy siapie fostiee t say that he
authorized the Orange (N. Y.)
Chronicle to contradict the story. r lie
has only came out strongly, ."against , the
abuse of aiediumship and the . errors of
dbelriaa adopted bj many ppiritnalists."
. ' 35ATH r How. Lansing 8tobt.
To Hon. Lansing Stout died, of dropsy,
after a short illness, at his residence in
' EorilasxL on the 4th. instant. Mr Stout
in State Senator fon Multnomah county
t tSe time of his death. lie vneo ' iep-
. sesectcd Oregon in Congress, having
peatcn, if our memory serves us eorreetly,
Dawid Logan, Esq., in a closely Contested
nee. ' He was a man of more than ordi
mij talent, and for . many years has
taken prominent part in the politics of
ti EEtate. Peace to his ashes,' s ': ' r".'
It almost seems like the clash of arms
were again soundirg in our ear, when
we read the daily lists of appointments
to rrilitary positions being made umlcr
the militia laws of the State. '. Here : in
our very midst we have the Surgeon.
Col. G. A. Hill, who is only awaiting in
grim silence the clash of resounding
arms and the crimson flow of gore, that
he may sever the broken ' leg of some
luckless hero in the fiht, or staunch the
ebbing life blood of some , fair haired
youth, struck down in the Inorning of
his existence' by the ruthkss enemy's
flashing claymore. And then, there1 is
our former townsman, Mr. C, JJ. Belling
er, whose firm tread is now ringing upon
the war path, and whose stalwart form
is now enshrouded in the brave blue
uniform of freedom, and whose broad
and ample shoulders aie now decked
with tbe proud American eagle. ' In
fancy we already see -him mounted "" on
bis powerful war charger, whose champ
ing bits are only deafened by the cannon's
awful roar, giving orders in . stentorian
tones to the gallaut Jo. Teal, (whose
"clotted blood" is; slowly issuing - from
his gaping wounds,) together with other
immortal heroes, while the enemy is
quivering in every fibre with the agony of
impotent despair, and writhing beneath
the heels of our valorous band . of war
riors. And then there is that Jair and
gentle youth, Major Tony Noltner, who,
casting aside that caustic pen ' that has
been so potent in times of peace, buckles
on his armor with eager impatience .at
the sound of the gatheriog conflict, and
drawing with mighty arm that
Trenchant blade, Toledo trusty,
For want of fighting has grown rusty,
, r j - And eats into itself for lack , .
Of somebody to hew and hock, 1 ...
utters the war whoop and throws hiinsetf
into tho imminent deadly breach, with a
bold resolution to win the day or -perish
on thai bloody field:' Oar yearning hearts
grow sick, and we iovoluntarily, shudder
at the thought of the bloody ' graves
yawning for our many friends if the porv
tentious sound of war is jpot soon quelled
by some soothing, potent breeae of peace
The gallant Genera John F. Miller sets
proudly at the military helm, and would,
no doubt, for his own glory and his
ooun try's-gf od'f reefy'' sscrifjco his entire
corps of flaming, patriot officers on. some
bloody battle field, should, occasion j'aud
the safety of the .Comrpapding ' General
permit. Let us have peace. 1
leit in ftie ooutn. in aaaition to ttie
condition of the South, it is urged that .
Congress should remain in session long j
enough to receive and act upon the re
port of Sao Domingo affairs and the
conclusions of the Joint High Commis-
sion to adjust our differences with Eng
land. The general impression is that
the movement for an early adjournment
will not prevail.
The political composition of tho ncv
Congress is thus stated by a dispatch
from Washington :
McPhcrson, clei k , of tho House of
Representatives, has completed a list of
members of the House, having for this
purpose taken certificates of the Govern
ors of the several States. The certifi
cates of the member from the Third
District, Arkansas, has out yet been re.
ceived. Following is a classification of
the politics ; Republican, 130 ; Demo
cratic (including the Third District of
Arkansas), 90; ; Independent, namely,
James G. liliss, Missouri, 1. Total 227.
There is a vacancy in Illinois, caused by
the election of Logan to the Senate ; ooe
vacancy in Michigan, caused by the
election of Terry to the Senate, . making
a total of 220. Not elected, New Haiup
shire, 3 ; Connecticut, 4 ; Texas, 4 ; Cal
ifornia, 3. Total number of members
243. ' ' : "" .; ' ' -
- Thore are from 12 to -15 contested
seats. '- Of the 90 Democrats above men
tioned, two Dubois, of Georgia,, and
Rogers, of North Carolina, and probably
Waddcll, of North Carolina, are barred
out by the Fourteenth Amendment.
They wilt not he able to qualify until
their disabilities are removed by Con
gress. : ' ' ' . ' ' " '
Card from James D. Pay.
Jacksonville, March 4. The fol
lowing card from Senator Fay in relation
to tbe Ralls difficulty appears in one of
the local papers to-day :
Card. In view of the 'atrocious cal
umnies put afloat by interested persons
in regard to my alleged connection with
a woman lately in my employ, I deem it
proper to state that I deny tbe charges
alleged against me, and court a thorough
legal investigation of the. affair. I there
fore ask a suspension of the public judg
ment until the case receives the investi
gation, which I trust it will have before
the Courts, and as to the result of snch
investigation I have no 'apprehensions.
; - SisrnedJ t J amub D. Fay- . llo, March 4.- V.S. Ralls
And James D,. Fay, the . parties i to the
shooting affray of last Saturday, were
bound over yesterday it the sum of two
thousand dollars each .to keep the peace.
Ralls Was arrested on tho charge- 5 of an
attempt to kHl," and gave bonds for bis
appearance at the next term of Court.
? The Sheriff of Fairfax county, Virgin
ia, has resigned on account of repugnance
to doing duty at the whipping-post. ' -
A few weeks ago, a man came
Olympia from Hood's Caual with a wife
that was not his own, though the couple
roomed together here as man and wiie.
There is a serious quarrel between
Count De Paris and his uncles, D' Au
male and De Joinville. .
The ladies give as a reason for marry
ing for money, that they now seldom find
anything else in a man worth having.
A female Knights of Pythias order has
been started, the highest degree- being
known as ''Supreme Pavillion, . Pythian
There has been a violent gale all along
the coast of tbe United Kingdom. Six
ships are. ashore near South Shields, and
several lives are known to have been lost.
Numerous wrecks were apprehended.
An old maid at St. Lonis, died, leaving
S15,O0O, and now ver 500 persons have
come forward, claiming to be "decend
ants" of the aforesaid maiden. There is
something wrong there somewhere. .
. A man in Minnesota had the audacity
to ask a girl named Ilonechkonroski to
change that beautiful name for his pro
fane name, which was Hel Dambrayter.
She snapped hiui up before he had time
to get on his knees.
It is said that the opinion continues to
gain strength at Washington that the
basis on which the A-labtimit question is
to be settled has beeti already determined
between the two vrovernments.
The Liverpool Courier of February
11th says that a French transport, with
1,250 persous on board, lias foundered
off Cape La Hogue, and that all on board
were lost.
A farmer on the liulsas ltancho, in the
Stearns grant, near Los Angeles, ia said
to have raised the past season 700 bush
els of corn on five acres of land, or at the,
rate of 140 bushels to the acre.
In the Northern District of California
N. E.. Whitsides of Yuba, Barclay Henly
aud George Pearce, of Sonoma, and J.
H. Lamar, of Mendocino, are spoken ot
on the Democratic side as aspirants for
A gale ot wind at Cleveland (O.) Feb
ruary 24th, blew in the entire front gable
of a brick school house, while the school
was in sessiou. Fortunately no one
was killed.
The most dismal invention is a stone
company's device of neat stone coffins j
but it is comforting to read : "J hef
a handsome article, and just what has
been needed in the way of an outside
A letter from London describing one
of Spurgeon's evening praj'er meetings
says that '"The evening being wet, there
were ou!y fifteen hundred persons pres
ent." Dr. Scudder has preached for seven
years in San Francisco at Si3,00J per
annum, beside delivering lectures, etc.,
aud retires to Brooklyn (N. Y.) with
shattered health and an empty purse.
'i'be British Cabinet is vexed because
the Prussian Government refused to make
official acknowledgement of the last letter
by Granville urging peace,
with silent contempt.
The Poughkeepsio Grand Jury, in j
view ol'ihe recent disaster at New Hum- !
burg (X. Y.), tiroes the enactment of j
some such law as the one now in force in i
Connecticut, requiring trains to come to i
a full stop btforc passing any bridge . j
The trial of Laura J). Fair for the !
murder of A. F. Crittenden, an eminent
lawyer of Sau Francisco, lust November,
is set for March 27th in the Fifteenth
District Court. She has been arraigned,
and put iu plea of nut guilty.
A family of giants has beeu discovered
in Lone Jack, .Jackson county, Missouri!.
The father is eiirht feet six inc-hci tall,
A Sensible Decision. An impor
tant decision has just beeti rendered in
Cincinnati. In a late case it was held
that where persons give Ideal reporters
items for publication which prove to be
untrue or libelious, the informer is liable.
This will deter many evil-minded persons
from using the papers as a! conduit for
their venom. Aggrieved j persons may
bring their actions against tho informer,
instead of the papers, and thus punish the
really guilty parties. There is good
common sense in that kind of law.
"Wisconsin" Bought
BSap-If you have a discharge from the
nose, offensive or otherwise, partial los3
of smell, taste or hearing,;eyes watering
or weak, feel dull and stupid or debilita
ted, pain or pressure in the head, take
cold easily, you may be sure r you, have
the Catarrh. Thousands; yearly without
manifesting half of the above symptoms,
terminate in Consumption1 and end in the
.grave. No disease is so Common, more
deceptive or less understood by physi
cians. Dr. 11. V. Pierie, 133 Seneca
street, Buffalo, N. Y., is the sole proprie
tor of Dr. Sajj-els Catarrh Remedy a per
feet specific for Catarrh, "Cold in the
Head," or Catarrhal Headache, which
he seuds to any address by mail on receipt
ot sixty cents, bold by druggists. s
Bd. Palmer, who was reported drowned
receutly, came passenger on last st mer
Potatoes! Potatoes!
yl fll ceived anil in store, for sale at SI 25
pBrbu.uel, by N. 6. DUBOIS
March 11, I871-27tf j
A Slendid Drug Business for Sale.
. r n Twin rrr a a .
iEO. W. YOUNU ruflvunw
It ed the stock of M- Pearson, and added to it
a large assortment of
solicits tl.e patronage oriiis mcnaia
Ue. Tho Btock is well selected, and will be sold
At the Lowest Prices.
We mean TKADE, and will givf yoa TALUE
a. -wvtoung,
v Corner First and JBroudalbin streets.
We want vo ir Produce, ami will give as good
u le loanu iu ""
a bargain as ca
and see us.
auu see us. . -n i 11
Pearson's old st..nd, eorner 1 ir.-l and Broadalbin
ian21 streets, Atbui.y, Oregon. Tn20
Is tueeat popular style of Photograph now
made. Call and see. . A. 3. W1KTER,
Jau. 14-19 Albany, Oregon.
"imrisiiixa to retire from active
J J busioe s, owing to protracted lll-liealtD,
tbe undersigned offers bis large and flourishin.;
in this city for sale at a low figure for CASH.
Apply soon, if you want a, bargain, to
i Albany, Oregon.
5Ti3" Dailr Orceonian copy one month and send
are ! bill to this vmee.-Mie "
Total Assets (Gold)' $I,TTT 2C6.G3
J. HUNT, President.
'Wm. A LVOUD. Vice President.
J. RALSTON. Sei-iretary.
11AIRO, Marine Scerctury.
j .-.O1 The leading Firo and M;iriue Insurance
j Company ou ibis coast. j
It was treated . ;j Iassc Promptly aiid Equitably adjusted
I aud I'uid iu tiol 1 Coin. i
LADD & TILTOy, Gc:i. Ageuts
Vur fJrnjon unij Waihittyaii- Territory.
March 4, '71 Dltv
A week later the lawful linsbanii came j ,,n j a Jauolitur or.l twelve vcars old is
up, but made no ado about tbe conduct j nea,iy scveu feet "iu her stockinss, aud
of the pair. On the contrary, it received
his hearty sanction, and the three, made
apparently a happy family. Before
leaving Olympia, all three occupied the
same bed. A species of . polygamy, this,
with the sexes reversed.
large in proportion.
A Florida man lately offered - to 1L
I do not wish to inform yon, reader, that Dr.
Wonderful, or any other man, baa discovered
remedy that cures Consumption, when the lungs
are uearly half consumed, in short, will cure all
diseases whether of mind, body or estate, make
men live forever, and leave death to play for want
of work, and is designed to make ou sublunary
sphere a blis.'ful Puradise, to which lleen it
self shall be but a sideshow. You have heard
enough of that kind of humbuggery. lint when
I tell you that Ir. Sage's Catarrh Remedy c71
positively curt: the worst cares of Catarrh in the
lluad, I only assert that wbieh thousand ean
testily to. I will pay SiOO Reward for a case
that I cannot cure- A pamphlet giving symp
toms and other information sant free to any ad
dress. This remedy is
Price 50 cents. Sent by mail, postpaid, on re
ceipt of sixty cents, or four packages ffr two dol
lars. IScwarc of coHntrrfeiU and trorlhfm imila
tiuut. See that my private Ftamp, which is a
positive riiararitec of Genuineness, is wpo the
outside wrapper. Remember that this private
Stamp, issued by the United States Government
expn-s!y for stamping my medicines, bas my
portrait, name and address, and the words "V.
S. Certificate of Genuineness," engraved upon it,
and need not be mistaken-. Don't be swindled by
travelers and others representing themselves as
D-. Sa;e ; I am theonly man now living that has
the knowledge and righl to manufacture tbe Gen
uine Dr. Sago's Catarrh Remedy, and I never
travel to sell this medicine.
2lni 133 Sc-neea i-trect, liuB'al". X. Yr
A Great Uarxniu.
The vast regiou between the valley of
the Platte and the eastern base of the
Sierra and Cascade ranges is rapidly
filling up with stock rakers. They do
not jostle each other; because nearly
all of thetn occupy as much territory as
is comprised in t he smaller States of New
England. Herds of cattle numbering
from 5,000 to 10,000 head, are found ou
the high table lands and in the valleys
while the more uountaiuous country
sustains flocks ot" sheep,-which are pro
ducing some of the best wool sent to
market. Tbe land occupied belongs to.
the Government, and at present does not
cost the occupants a cent not even for
taxes. Uy common consent, one herds
man does not trespass upon the territory
of another, and each decides for himself
how much is necessary to supply pasture
for his cattle.
The Howe City Democrat relates the
following chapter of misfortunes which
have befallen a young lady of that town,
Miss Emma Cox, and her ' family : In
1864 she lived in Jioise with her parents,
where in November of that year her
mother died. In 1865, October 25th,
her brother was murdered by the Indians
about eight miles the other side of bnake
He was shot dead '- while seated by his
wife, who immediately seized the reins
and drove through in safty to the ferry,
with tho dead body ot her husband at
her feet. On the sane road Miss Emma
met with a misfortune which renders her
a cripple for life. Several days since her
father died, also between here and Owy
hee. Father, mother and brother are
all buried in the Boise gravevard. It
is do wonder that the unfortunate youn g
ladj expressed a t wish to never travel
again on the ill fated Owyhee road. , She
is now awaiting the turn of events to go
to her brother, living at Salem, Oregon.
rM5: A- T- Smith, an old citizen of
Washington county, who resides near
Forest Grove, was kicked by a horse a
few days ago and both the bones of his
lower right leg broken. - The injury is
very severe, and the recovery of tho old
gentleman will be very slow, as he is
seventy years of age.
: ? In' 1860 when the Republicans con
trolled Now York the aggregate taxation
iu that State for State purposes wss $20 -402,27.1.
Democrats have now controlled
the State for several years and the ajrre.
gate taxation in 1870 was 850,328 68 1
an alligator with a butcher-knife for 8 10 J
a sida. As (he challenge has been ..pen i half a mile or Albany, vLMi
, . ... . , r in the heart of tbe best agri
a inoulh, and no alligator lias conic down Urt.uu. The location is-heal
with his niouey or au acceptance ot the
challenge, the man claims to be champion
Sylvester Smith was lately wedded to
Lydia A. Smith, by the Kev. II. A.
Smith, at Jacob Smith's in Simthville,
Smith Couuty, Iowa. Twenty five per
sons were present, all Smiths but one,
and he vvas a widower who had m irried
a Smith, and was looking out for another.
Inside a term of seven mouths the ad"
ministration of the Alms House and Hos
pital at San Francisco, has exhausted the
entire fund of 120,000 provided- for
their running expenses, and the payment
of the last month's salurics has overrun
that amount.
The Yreka Journal tells us the railroad
question ia kicking up a stiff breeze in the
Democratic ranks in that State, but that
the ehsnees are that this party of unwa
vering principles will ignore the railroad
question altogether and substitute the
Chinaman again, in order to harmonize
the discordetit elements.
The impcnding coal famine in New
York is still tho uppermost topic of con
versation. The operators continue to
throw all the blame on tire workmen, and,
on the other hand, the workmen claim
that the scarcity of coal is merely the re-
l r .. -
river, while coming this way in a wagcn.i suit of an attempt to starve them: 'into
abject submission, and reuder their con
dition worse than that of ulaves.
A tornado passed over JefTersou City
(5Io.), February 23d, lasting thirty min
utes. Portions of the Fenitentiory were
unroofed and parts of the wall - Mown
down, injuring the engine room so that
work must stop in the shops operated by
steam. Damages to tho building was about
815,000. The roof of tho Lincoln Insti
tute and other buildings was removed,
and there was considerable other dam
age. A guard at tho Penitentiary was
severely, perhaps fatally, injured by fall
ing timber.
:' In California the -Demoeratio press is
making a great hullabaloo about tho loss
of the foreign miners' license tax which
never was constitutional.. It was mado by
Democrats for all foreigners, without ; re
gard to race or color, and Democratic
Sheriffs have time and again sold out
property of European foreign minors aa
well as Chinese miners, for the tax, many
times with a six shooter levelled ou them.
It is supposed that the next Demoeratio
"principle" will be a, demand I that bo
Chinaman shall leave the State or commit
suicide, lest there may be further loss
of property, road, poll and hospital ' tax.
J Lake" is offered fors:i! $lO,00 iu coin
$4,IM)U in baud, and the reinaiiulcr.iu six equal
auuuul payment., with interest from date. Tl.e
tract is in grood fdiupc, being nearly a prjnare, eon
tanning about 6110 acres of rich soil ; atid is diver
sified with forests va."t, fair lawns, lordly oaks,
und willows sitting by the take, the woodland and
pr:tirie so alternating as to) make it olio of the
most attractive places in the State. It is situated
ou the west side of the Willamette river, within
h is known as being
ricuiturul portion ol
gon. location lsneaumui. nuns agooa
stone quarry, about 100 acres nnder fence, a two
ftory frame barn with shedding 'JO feet square ; a
large and handsome new hou?e two-stories high,
thoroughly painted inside and out, tho largo cup
boards aud bookcases being fixtures, aud the
house having under its whole length a good dry
cellar. In addition to tho.c therj is a neat well
house, a wood-h.iusc and ail other necessary out
houses. There is a mcadQw, large ratftl,re, or
chards, garden, Ac, .Vc. It is susceptible of be
ing divided into four farmki, all of them having
good soil, fuel aud rail timber, and three of them
having sloek-water. i
For particulars address J. C. Mcndeiihall, Esq.,
Albany, or the undersign at Portland.
Feb. 11th, 1371 24 v3. Attorney at Law.
To the Foopla of Albany.
rpiIE UNDERSIGNED having rented and
JL refitted the FRANKLIN MARKET, form
erly occupied by Mr. Sears, hopes to be able to
furnish the same with as good MEATS, both as
to ffUiiVity and variety, as the eountry" affords,
and expects to bo represented there by a good,
accommodating man, and asks a liberal portion
of your patronage. j DANIEL CLARK.
Albany, February 1, 1371-22tf
GEN E 11 A I j (D AGE N T S.
Branola o-TrTioo,
Z-lbany, ; Oregon,
J. C. -IIENDI3N11ALL, - . Agent.
Established July, : 1SGS. An office where
general information concerning the resources of
Oregon can be obtained free of -charge.
Loans negotiated on first Mortgage, Real Es
tate and Collateral Securities. We have for sale
a large amount of property located In the town
of Albany. Also, Farming lands, of every des
cription, located in Linn and other counties ia
this State. . . - - -."
m s m -
"'': --a v::-v
An Infallible ntooo Pi.'mrPiEit. possess
ing raro toxic and stsvui properties
a certain cure for bbeihatish, sow.
EtalLCM, and all kindred Diseases.
It completely restores the system when trn
paired by disease, revives the action of the
kidxets mm GE.VITAL oacAiw, radi
cally cures caoruu, ial nxin, .
and all EiEnrvi mm ctTAXEOUS Dis
eases, gives immediate and permanent relief
in BTsrErsu, rn.mcvnm.tJmm, Tuton,
Bolls, Scald Head, Ulcere and Boraaj eradi
cates from the system all traces of UercuxisA
Disease. . ' I
It is piibelv VECKTAatr, batmr mads
from an herb found Indigenous la Caiismasa.
It is therefore peculiarly suitable for sue by
Females and Children, as a rem.
PIEB mm BESOVATOa. . . v ;. ' J
For Sale by all Druggists. V I '
629 and 631 Uarket Street,
Ban Francisos.
To tho citiicns of Albany snd vicinity, and to
the owners of Real Estate : We take this method
of calling your attention to our place of busi
ness. Having determined to open a Branch Of
fice in your city, we ean offer you a medium for
obtaining purchasers one that Is appreciated by
buyers, as it caves them much time and labor iu
searching for what they want. Our principal
Aircncy, at Portland, Oregon, is thoroughly ea
tablisbed, aud the office so welt furnished for giv
ing information upon Real Estate, that it affords
the most complete facilities for all parties haviug
business in our lino. t : - - , - - ?
You incur no expense in placing your
property on sale unless a sale is made.
. Office on First street, opposite Pout-Office.
Albany, Ogn March 33, 1870. 20t
JT. Q. MENDENHAIiL, Agent, -
Office First st opposite Post Offloo, Albany, Ogn.
HAVH for sale in the city of Albany , a desira
ble Homestead, Lots-1, 2, 7 and 8, eorner
Third, Fourth and Klsworth streets, one if th
best localities in the city, A good one and (half
story house, with all other conveniences, ilpp'y
to J, C, NENDENIIALL. Agent,
Albanv, Oregon
Every day bring! strong proof of the great valuo
. ' of this ' . - - ... '
Dr. P. Meredith. Dentist, office No. 132 Woat
Sixth street, states aa follows t :
CmcmnATi, OotoW 1, 1860.
Messrs. J. N. HARRIS Jt CO. Genu t About
one year ago I took a cold which settled, on my
lungs. A violent cough was tbo erxMoqaence,
which increased with severity. . I expectorated
large quantities of phlegm and tliattur. . Dariar
the last winter I became so much reduced, that I
wss confined to my bed. The disease was attend,
ed with cold chills and night-swoats. A diarrhoea
set in. My friends thought I was in the last
stages of consumption, and could not possibly get
well. I was recommended to try f r j f f
-Allen's Xiing- Bulsstxa
The formula was given to me, which induced me
to give it a trial, and I will only add, thai, my
cough is entirely cured, and I am now able o at.
tend to my business ss usual. . Tours respectfully.
All affile ted with Cough or any Throat or Lang
trouble should use Allen's Voog Bejusn without
delay, J. N. HARRIS A CO., Sole Proprietors,
Cincinnati, Ohio. i ' i i . ' QT
CAUTION T " - .i ;
Do not be decoived you who want a good med,
icine, and desire "Atten Lung Jlalam' D not
allow unprincipled dealers to sell yo fTtpulk
tion called Allen's Pectoral Balsam see that you
got ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM, and yon will
have the best Cough remedy offered ia the public
and one that will give you satisfaction, , j .
.v,-. FOB SALE BY ti bLZ'l . :
r 42SI A 511 Market-st., aa Francisco, CU
Agaata for California ana Pacific State.
nor : CCSold by all Druggists. -OX; 9-70
'. I
.... j ,-.