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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1871)
SATURDAT, EEBRUA11Y 18, 1871 Subscribers findi Council Proceeding's. ing au 2E after their name will AiBisr, Feb. 14, 1871. Council met and was called to ordor by the Mayor. AU tbe menOrs present. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. lominitteo to dram oramHnco w open ..street, NEW TO-DAY. understand that their subscription expires wiii ) itween First street and tUo Willamette river that number, and they are invited to renew their wnmoij, terms 3 per annum, in advance ix months, $2 ; three months, $1. asked further time to report, which was granted. 0OCAL AFFAIRS Hex. E. L. Applegatr's LECi-rus. On Monday night,' as announced last week, lion. E. L. Applegate delivered his great histor ical tectnro entitled, "The Koreish Mohammed and Al Koran," at tho Court House in this city, the proceeds to innure to tho Albany Collegiate Institute. A very good audience was in attend- -nco not as large, however, as we hoped and expected to see, or as the merits of the lecture de mandedand from the strict attention given to the lecturer throughout we should judge they were all amply repaid for the time and money thus spent. Having devoted thirty years of his life to literary matters, Mr. Applegate comes be fore an audience with a miAM well stored with f?t9.' mB n" !' coininand of language, his inimitable gestures, manner and style of delivery, are so unique, so entirely different from the "or thodox" style, that he at once enlists the whole and undivided attention of his entire audience. We believe that ninety-nine men out of every hun dred who have heard Mr. A. lecture, wonld give him the preference over any other they have yet heard on the Pacific coast. We are sorry that we have not space at this time for a fuller and more complete notiee of this excellent lecture. Ia the hands of Mr. Applegate the subject nuder dis cussion assumed an entire now phase, and was clothed with an interest that hitherto we had en tirely failed to discover. Wo believe Mr. A's "heavy suit" is lecturing, and he will fail to do his whole duty if he does not devote at least a portion of his time to it. At the request of frtends and admirers, Mr. Applegate consented to deliver a lecture at the Congregational Church, on Tuesday evening, on he subject of-'The Book of Job It origin and Doctrines." bnt the audience being small, owing to the stormy weather and other causes, the lec ture was not delivered ; Mr. A., however, treated those present to one of his charming and most entertaining "talks," of probably an hour's du ratiun, giving a general outline of the subject as he would hare treated it had the lecture been delivered AS ORDINANCE To impose and regulate licenses in the city of Albany. The city of Albany docs ordain as follows : Section 1. That no person, firm, company or corporation, shall be engaged in, prosecute or carrv on. anv tmrlA ..- r . - Bills of Webber and Fox presented, and refer- , in the limits of the citv of Alhmv. WSnJw red to proper committee. , ment loncd -and described, until he, she or they Committee reported favornWy ou the bill of shall have obtained a license therefor in the A. Parker Co., and on motion an order was : manner hereinafter provided. drawn on the Treasurer for tho amount. ' See. 2. That every person, Grm, company or Committee rcportca tavoramy on uw itujio-i- , vrpuraiion required by this ordinance to obtain mo west a license to eucacru in uv rH - reet, ; profession for wbich a license is required bv this ordinance, shall pay to the City Treasurer such sum or sums as hereinafter provided ; thereupon with the receipt of the City Treasurer, which receipt shall set forth tho kind" of business for which license is desired, they shall apply to the City Recorder, who shall issuo a license to the parties applying in accordance with tbe receipt of the Treasurer. See. 3. That if any person or persons shall exercise or carry on any trade, business or pro fession, or do any act hereinafter mentioned for the exercising, carrying on or doing of which trade, business or profession a license is required by this ordinance, without takiug out such license as in that behalf required, he, she or tbey shall, on conviction thereof before the Recorder, for every such offense, besides bcinjr liable to the payment of the tax, be subject to imprisonment a term not exceeding twenty days, or a fine net exceeding one uunuxea dollars, or uotn, one moiety of such fine to the use of the city, tho other moiety to the use of the person who shall give information of tbe fact whereby said fine was incurred. See. 4. That in every license to be taken out under or by virtue of this ordinance, shall be contained and- set forth the purpose, trade, busi ness or profession for which such license is grant ed, and the name and place of abode of the i person or persons taking out the same if by a j peddler, whether authorized to travel ou foot or Iwith one, two, or more animals, tho time for which said license is to run, and the date or time of granting such license : and every person exercising- or carrying ou any trade, business or profession, or doing any act for whieh a license is lion t build sidewalk, commencing on side of Calipooia, at the junction of North strc tbonce along the north si Jo of Jiintti to terry street, to be six feet wide ; thence from Ferry street along tho south side of Ninth to the east ;.! r T.oi.n. thence south to the depot, to be eight feet wide. On motion the report was adopted, the sidewalk ordered as above specified, and property-holders on said streets given twenty days from date to complete the same. Council proceeded to vote on Bill No. 3. The ayes and nays being ordered, the Bill passed the Council unanimously. Moved that the Marshal be ordered to move all crosswalks from the north side of Ninth street to the south side of the same, and in all eases where the sidewalks are eight feet wido the crossings shall be six feet wide. Motion prevail ed. Resolution offered to give the city printing ta Coll. VanCleve. lleferrcd to Committee ou Ac counts and Current Expenses. Moved that a copy of ordinance No. 3 be fur nished tbe Albany Register, and a similar copy to the State Jtiyktt Democrat, for publication. Motion prevailed. Moved that the Rec irder be instructed to ad vertise in tbe city papers for sealed proposals for furnishing material for crosswalks and for build ing and graveling the same said proposals to be opened at the next regular meeting of the Coun cil, Feb. 23, 1871. Motion prevailed. Moved that the Treasurer be instructed to report the financial condition of the city at the next meeting of tbe Council. Motion prevailed. Resolution offered to appoint Ueorje Weller night watch in place of the present incumbent. Ttirl. itnnted. and referred to Committee on Health and Police. required shall, on demand of any city officer. Moved that George Weller bo appointed Road j produce such license, and unless he shall, do so Supervisor for the citv. Referred Committee , may be taken and deemed to have no license ; on Streets and Publie Properly. 1 and a case any peddler snail retuse to produc Council adjourned to meet on Tuesday, Feb 21st, at the usual hour. N. B. HrMPIIRET, Kec. Thb Cattx Plagce. Several of our citizens have lost valuable cows, in the last few days, as well as young cattle. ; Cattle that were apparent ly in good health in the evening, were found dead ia the morning. No opinion has been advanced as to the cause of this sudden fatality. Sox-expLonirt Ecrosexi Lamps. Mr. D.J. Quimby, of Marstcn A Qnimby, Portland, Gen eral Agents for Oregon, Washington Territory" "uu - oiumoia, lor me saie oi ue on-ex- TB ExccB8loa gCSDAT. The railroad excur- plosive Kerosene Lamp, has been canvassing the j f ian to Eajlt VortUnd from this city on Jast Sun dry ior orueri tor mis new lamp. At lias oecn : . , i-.,t.,.-fi, nnmbor claimed for these lamps und tbe claim is backed j of our people, and we suppose they enjoyed the by voluntary testimony of the best men of tho ' trip. East, where they have been thoroughly tried j CiTr Matters. We ca'1 special artention to that they are perfectly non-explosive ; that it , the proceeding of t'. e Citv Couac'd as published in his or her license when demanded by any city officer, said officer may seize tbe animals, wagon and contents, or pack, bundle or basket of any person so refusing, and hold the same until the license is produced. See. 5. That in every case where no more than one of the pursuits, employments or occu pations hereinafter described shall be pursued or carried on in tho same place by the same person at the same time, license must be taken out for each according to the rate prescribed. See. 6. Xhat no auctioneer shall be authoriz ed, by virtue of his as such auctioneer, to employ any other person to act as auctioneer in his behalf, except in his own store or warehouse, or in his preseuco. Tha provisions of this sec tion shall not apply to judicial or executive officers making auction sales by virtue or any chandise, grading streets or highways, canting earth, ballast, lumber, coal, wood, water, or goods j of any description, or sprinkling streets, for hire, donation, or contract, within the limits of the city, shall pay a quarterly license of five dollars for each vehicle drawn by one animal, and for each additional animal used in drawing such vehicle, the additional sum of three dollars. The owner or driver of vehicles conveying passengers or mer chandise, or any thing as above mentioned, shall place the number of his vehicle as named in his license, upon each side of his vehicle in a con spicuous place, in a neat and legible manner, in figures of not lees than one and a half inches long, and of proper proportionable width, said numbers shall not lie changed while the said vehicle is sub ject to the payment of a municipal license. If any person snail drive, or permit to be driven any vehicle over which he has control, without being duly licensed, and bearing the number affixed as herein directed, he shall be subject te the pains and penalties prescribed in Section three of this Chapter. And every person owning any vehicle which shall be used for the purpose of transport ing goods or merchandise of any description, re ceived, owned, or sold by said owner, or shall be used in transporting goods or merchandise, be loging to other persons without hire, shall pay a quarterly license of three dollars for each of said vehicles drawn by one animal, and an additional sum of two dollars for each additional animal used. 13th. Wharfingers, shall pay a quartarly li- cvusu wi ieu uoiiars. Any person wuo Has cuarge of any wharf or dock within the city limits, and whose business it is to receive, and take charge of goods, waaes aud merchandise, or articles of any kind, or description, for the purpose of ship ping the same on board of any vessel, steamboat. or water craft, shall be deemed a Wharfinger un- uwr luis oruinance. Sec. 10. It shall be the dntv of the Citv Marshal, to prosecute all persons violating this ordinance, ana in au cases of conviction, he (ball receive in addition to his usual fees, the sum of tive dollars, to be taxed as costs of suit, provided tne sain sum be collected from the offender. ' See. 11. The City Recorder shall, on the first day of each quarter, report ia writing to the City Marshal, a list of all licenses which have during. or at the close of the quarter expired, and have not been renewed, and of all licenses issued our ing the quarter. . Sec. 12. All ordinauees heretofore passed con flicting with this ordinance, are hereby repealed. Passed the Council, Feb. 14th, 1871. Approv ed, Feb. 11th, 1871. N. II. CRANOR, Mayor. Attest : N. B. IIcmphkey, Recorder. A Great Bargain. THE FARM KNOWN AS "FARMOtJNT Lake" is offered for sale at $10,000 in coin $4,000 in hand, and the remainder in six equal annual payments, with interest from date. The tract Is in good shape, being nearly asquare, con taining about 600 acres ot rich soil ; aud is diver sified with forests vast, fair lawns, lordly oaks and willows sitting by the lake, the woodland and prairie so alternating as to muke it one of the most attractive places in the Slate. It is situated on the west side of the Willamette river, within half a mile of Albanv, which is known as being in th heart of tbe best arrricultural bortion of judgmeut or decree of any court, nor public sale j Oregon. The location is heal. hful. It has a good stone quarry, about 100 acres under fence, a two- this number of our iiapr : also, to the ordinance iu relulio.i to licenses, passed by that boily at its last meet-ng. re:e.Hs of i'. lecture of ben li( of A1 n.'V Collegi weoa $o0 alo $70 quite a A I.IFT. The net Mr. Av.plcgaic fur ib t? I risi'titie, c.o e kit. Ntw AnVF.RTisKMF.STsi. -See a: reitu .he s-.'V-eiil new advertisements tuat .-ppcri' elsewhere ia our eolunios tins morning-, tl-cy may be of more iutcrest than tor tbiok. gives twit e as much lirht as an ordinary lamp; that it use's 3 per cent, less oil than other lamps j that it gives out no bad odor, even when turned down v't-rv low. flnd tb:it beincr tnnde of KrR. it ! will laM a liie-time. These are only a few of tbe advantages hts lainp pt-hsesses over others, hot we should think tueni suiiicient to create a large de mand for the lamp. Mr. Quim'oy informs us tiut be has received a iarjre number of orders from this ciiy, wUieb win ke tilled soon Know ing tbe danger iueurrci by tbe uso of ordinary lamps, lue great amount of property destroyed and valuable lives lost aniuaily by their use, certain ly people everywhere will hail tbe advent of a new buruer that is not ouly entirely safe.but cheap er and ettcr in every respect, than those now common y 11 n,e. r. yinmoy wui oe piease.. j Goo(j Xenn-lar oraniza.iou of this city. Messrs. Marsten A Uuimbv have appointed Mcs;rs. lllain, Vming A Co., their agents for this city, wlicre a supply of t"e lamps wili hereafter be kept." l:oa Salk. Oueol the fine-t farms in Benton county . jn.-r across tbe Willamette river from this eiiy, containing six hundred and sixty, acres, is ofTere-i f-r sale by Hon. J. Quinn Thorn ton. The improvement aie of the very best, and Good Templars. Tuesday u thirteen new memler3 w r oi last week iaiviated into tin 1 Dissolve!!. "t be parin.-rsu.ii ing between J. Onion Ti.iomtO!i heretofore i-xis't-au.l Ja-prAV. Jobuson, has been disaoive-i. Wasted. A girl to do gener.d housework. For particulars appl this orlice. I' iuanrial aud Cummel cial. the soil of tbehibest cultivation Tiie-e is c rtainly, at the figures at waicn it is of lered for sale, a grat bargain in the '"Farmount Lake" property, and any one desiring to invest in property that is yure to double in value ia a very short spaieof time, should- look at this place. Read the advertisement elsewhere. Ktv Ct.OTHi.VG Storb. Mr. Nathan Banm, Wells, Forgo A Co.'s agent at this city, started for San Fraucisco on the steamer of the 15h, frm Portland, where he will lay in a spleudefa'ort xnent of men's and boy's clothing, gentle men's underclothing, etc., etc. selected with special ref erence to this market. If you want the latest styles at the lowest rates, await his return. He will occupy the corner store in the new ltr.c istkr Building. Not to be Rested. Sheriff Irvine informs us that an order of the County Court instructs him to refuse to let the court room for lectures, shows, or any kind of performance where an admission ia demanded, in tbe future. To lectures, meet ings, ete., where no admission is demanded, the court-room will be free to all alike, when not oc cupied. - Tiiaxks. Mr. Comm. Secretary of the Albany Library Association, handed us note the other day, which contained the information that we had to-en elected an honorary member of the Associa tion. For the honor conferred, the officer and members of the Association have our thanks, and heartiest wishes for the success of the nndertak ' ing. , i Br. T. Ixstallattox. The following named persons were installed as officers of Western Star Lodge I. O. G. T., of this city, on last Tuesdav evening t W. C. George, W. C. T. ; R. Fox. W. 8. ; W. P. Caviness, WAS. ; N. Wright, WT.; Wm. Beach. WFS. ; J. B. Wade, WM. j Ella Rideout, WDM. ; Lucinda Ritter. WIG. ; II. Griffin, WOO.; C. W. Todd, WC. ; Carrie " Adams, RH3. ; Alice Griffin, LUS. Gold reruaiusat 11 lj. Currency 90 90. i San Fraucisco luarketa show nochaage. ; Flour U quoted at S" 757 25; wheat very qaiet at 2)($'2 40, mitlevs hold-; i Toi fir lower raics; while farmers gene ! raily are uuir mori and are thru in ibeir jiosii-lon. i Our uia.kets aliow no change. A fiist-class aruole of butter readily com mands 37 ic, though SOc is the market quotation. Wheat remains at SI, with few sales. MARRIED. At the residence of the bride's father in Browns ville, February 12th, 1871, by Rev. J. II. Roork, Mr. Leander Kirk aud Mis3 Margaret A. Evens all of Linn county, Oregon. Smallpox hub Scio. We learn that Mr. - Hubbard Bylne, living some seven miles cast of Scio, baa been down with tho smallpox, resulting in the loss of one eye. There are six or seven ; others in the family, all of whom are said? to be afflicted with the loathsome disease. As the first physician called in pronounced the disease scarlet fever, and as no precautions were used in conse quence of this, it is feared the disease will spread over the whole neighborhood. ' Bekf Catti. Scabcb. Messrs. Harris t Co., of the City Market, report beef "critters" ex ' treraely scarce, and their shop has been closed the greater portion of the week. They report offering seven and m half cents per pound with no takers. As coon as suitable beef can be obtained WILLIAM DAVIDSON, REAL ESTATE DEALER, Office, No. 61 Kront Street, PORTLAND - - - - OREGON. REAL ESTATE in this CITY and EAST the most desirable locnliiic. con sisting of LOTS, HALF BLOCKS and BLOCKS, HOUSES and STORES; also, IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable un cultivated LANDS, located in ALL parts of the STATE for SALE. REAL ESTATE and other Property pur chased for Correspondents, in this CITY and throughout the STATE and TERRITORIES, with great care and on tbe most ADVANTA GEOUS TERMS. HOUSES and ST0P.ES 1-ased, LOANS NEGOTIATED, and CLAIMS OF ALL DES CRIPTIONS PROMPTLY COLLECTED. And a General FINANCIAL and AUENNOY BUSI NESS transacted. AGENTS of this OFFICE in all the CIT IES and TOWNS in tbe STATE, will receive descriptions of FARM PROPERTY and forward the same to the above address. ,3v22 BROWNSVILLE. A. Wheeler, dealer in fancy and staplo Dry Goods, Hats, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Groce ries, Crockery, Hardware, Iron and Steel. Wa-nn tbe market will be opened again. The Franklin Timber, Plows,: Agricultural Implements ete .,),. 1. in full hvinr uvnrnl VinJ r yiu.u. an, etc.. Market is in full blast, having secured a band cattle across the river on Wednesday. ! etc. Local. Pa R AG K A vs. We learn -that Hon. E. Motto '-Small profits and quick returns." It. Applegate has signified his willingness to lee- j tare, at tome future day, for the benefit of the M. E. Church Library Association. Messrs. Hiltabidel Jk Co. have the finest lot of cranberries we have seen in this market. The County Court has been full of business for - several days past the Rubart's saw mill cases having taken up several days. t Hugh N. George was brought to his father's in j this city on Wednesday, very ill, to be cared for. : It is feared that he will not recover. Miss Gilbert has been ill with sore throat (a disease quite prevalent here), bnt is recovering. j Mrs. D Beach is convalescing very slowly. ; With the aid of crutches she can move about ber ; room a few moments, but strength is soon exhausted. Captain Lafoilet, of Grand Ronde Agency, has made bv executors anl administrators, I Sec. 7. AU licenses issued as quarterly lieeu ) scs shall expire tbe last day of each quarter, vis : '. thirty-first of March, thirtieth of June, thirtieth i of September, and thirty-first of December, and - all quarterly licenses shall bo dated from tbe i first day of ti.-e month in whieh the liability therefor occurred, anl sbali be issued upon tue payment of a suitab'e proortion of ibe whole amount of duty impo-jjd for snch licenser all licenses shall expire oa the thirty-first day of December of caeh year. Sec. S. All licenses required by this ordinance shall b; paid in a ivaace, in gold or silver coin. Sec. 9. That from and after tbe first day of January, 1871, there shall Le paid, at such time as hereinafter provided, for each licens-e granted . the sum herein stated respectively : ; j 1st. Auctioneers shall pay a quarterly license j often dollars. Every person shall be deemed an j auctioneer within the meaning of this ordinance 1 whoso business is to offer property for sale at i ! public outcry. 2d. Any person apply in-; for a license to sell ' ; spirituous or fermented malt liquors, as provided S l in tbe ordinance! shall execute a boud to the l city ot Atbany in tho sum of tive hundred dollars, I j wiLh sufficient sureties, to be approved by the Recorder, conditioned that he or they will keep j . a decent and respectable bouse, ana that ne witt j no. in anywise dispose of spirituous or fermented i ', malt liquors on the Sabatii day, nor give or sell ! the same to any person intoxicated, or allow ibe j i amo to be done on his p-emtos during tuo eon- i tinuance o, bis hcen-e. ! 3J. livery person keep'n a barroom or I drinking shop, shall pay a quarterly licenao of : fii'iy Ulbus. Every p-r-o;i wiio ke;ps mal:, or spirituous lirjriMrs, or wine, tor sale at retail iu less quantifies' t iftf one quart, cither S3 his sole j business, or tn connection with some other occu i pation, shall he deemed a keeper of a bar room, or drinking shop, under tuis Ordiuance. r.very per- I son who keeps nfalt or spirituous liquors, or wines, for sale, in quantities of one quart, or upwards, to i be drank on the premises, shall pay a quarterly i license of twelve 50-luO dollars. 4th. Hotels, Inns, and Taverns, shall be class ified and rated according to the monthly rental, -or if not rented according to the estimated month ly rental of tbe house aud property, tutended to be occupied for said purposes, as follows, to-wit: All cases where the rent. or valuation of the month ly rental of said house and property shall be one hundred dollars or less, shall pay ten dollars per quarter, and if exceeding one hundred dollars lor any additional fifty dollars or fractional part thereof in excess of one hundred dollars, five dol lars. Everyplace where food and lodging are provided for, aud furnished to travelers, and so journers, in view of payment therefor, shall be regarded as a hotel, inn or tavern under this ordi nance. The monthly rental .shall be. fixed and established by tbe City Assessor, at its proper value, but if rented at not less than the actual rent agreed on, by tho parties, Provide, that if there be any fraud or collusion in the return of actual rent by the Assessor, there shall be a penalty equal to double the amount of license required by this suction, to be collected as ether penalties un der this ordinance are collected. 5th. Peddlers shall be classified and rated as follows, to-wit : When traveling with two or more animals, shall pay . weekly liceuse of five dollars. When traveling with one animal, shall pay a weekly license of two "dollars and fifty cents. When traveling on foot, ur by public conveyance, shall pay a weekly license of two dollars. Any person, excepting persons peddling newspapers, bibles, religious tracts, farmers from the country peddling tbe products of their farms, who offers to sell at retail or wholesale, goods, wares or merchandise or other commodities traveling from place to place in the City of Albany, shall be re garded as a peddler under this ordinance. 6th. Bowling alleys. Billiard tables and pig eon hole tables, shall pay I ieensa according to the number of tables or alleys belonging to, and used IB the building, or place to be licensed. When not exceeding oue alley, or table, the keeper of such bouse shall pay a quarterly license of five dollars, and when exceeding one table, or one alley, additional sum of five dollars for each addi tional table, and each additional alley. Every place or building where bowls are thrown or bill iards played and open to the public, with or with out price, shall be regarded as a bowling alley, or a billiard room, respectively under this ordi nance. 7th Theatres shall pay a quarterly license of fifty dollars, or a license of five dollars for each performance "at the option of the manager. Every building- used wholly or in part, for the purpose of dramatic, or operatic, representations, plays, or performances, shall be regarded as a thoatro un der this ordinauce. 8tb. The keepers or proprietors of every Circus, shall pay a license of twenty dollars 'for each day and uighh of their exhibition. Every building, tent, space, or arena, where feats of horseman ship, or acrobatic sports are exhibited, shall be as a circus, under tnis orainauce, m. JU2: storv frame barn with shedding Oil feet square : a lare and handsome new house two-stories higb thoroughly painted inside and out, the large cup boards and book-aes being fixtnres, and -the house having under iis wbole length a good dry cellar. In addition to ibee tberu is a neat well- bvnse, a wood-house and all other necessary out houses. There is a meadow, large pasture, or chards, garden, ic, Ac. It is susceptible of be iug divided into four farms, all of them haviug good soil, fuel and rail timber, and three of them having stock-water. For particulars address J. C. Mendeuhall, Esq. , Albany, or the undersign at Portland. J. QUINN THORNTON. Feb. 11th, 1871 24v3. ' Attorney at Law. NEW TO-DAY. NEW TO DAY. A LBAN Y ADVERTISEMENTS. BUSINESS STILL RUSHING! NEW JEWELRY STORE J . Albany, I. TITUS, . - ' . Oreffstn. AGENT FOB THB CELF.BHATKB American & Swiss Gold & Sifter f atches Of every description. Direct Importer of the very best SWISS MADE WATUlia, Gents and Ladles Sixes. . THE FINEST SELECTION wF JEWELRY AND FANCY GOODS, . Of all Kinds constantly on hand. REPAIRING OF WATOHES, SPECTACLES JEWELHY A T San Prices. Every Francises o Article Sold and all Repairing Done, Warranted. We claim to keep all .' FIRST QUALITY GOODS, 14- . . and at prices that defy competition. H.5 M P 0 A. COWAM. A. W. STiXlRD. A. COWAN & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in . STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODS FIRST STREET........ ALBANY, They offer a large and wcl! - STAPLE DR1T elected stock of At Extraordinary ' Low Prices Cash or JProcUxc I SZ5 P3 BO A H Q m M A 0 0 3 A 2 H 0 0 IB 0 0 si (3 XOTICE. IS HF.KEBT GIVES THAT SEALED PROPOSALS for furnishing material for all cros -walks tuat may be built ia the city during the year 1S71, and for building and graveling tbe same, will be received by the Common Council of tbe cily of Albany said proposals to tie opened at the regular meeting of tbe Council, February 2Stb, 1871. N. IS. IIUMPUKEV, Kec. In addition to a very large stock, covering everything in the line of Cottons, we have a complete assortment of FANCY DRESS GOODS! Latest styles of Boys' and Men's CLOTHING and FURNISHING GOODS ! HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, Ac. ALSO Carpet, & Linen N"otioo. G UEATEU INDUCEMENTS! - i Now offered to the trade than ever before, as we se'l for Cash or Trade I Iu hand, aad having dispense I with long credits can sell l. per cent cheaper Than any house giving 12 month's time, or any kind of a credit system, can offer to the trade. Come along with your Cash or Produce, and see what you can do at the CASH STORE of 11. CHEADLK & CO. N. B. Cash paid for all the EGGS offered. Wall-Paper, Paper Blinds, &c., &c. E?peci:d attcnti n is directed to our sto k of IRON AND STEEL AND (;Ei:iML HARDWARE! Which is tho largest and most complete this side ot t'ortiauu. You are invited to call and examine our goods and prices. The highest market price in cash paid for Wool, Bacon and Lard by Oct. 30, 1S69-8 ft 0 0 3 I 3 F 0 0 n u es u V e g es pa e eg u S a & v e a s U m mm 1 es bo O mm m mm mm s. S - H H U mm 6- C e H u s 1. C11P.AM V Frout-st.. Albany.Ogn. ,20 c'iay- " San Fran- I Cisco, California. n f 0Q 1$.. Clreaclle d Co., WhoUsalo and Retail Dealers in Groceries and Meneral EeWuantos : Ann . ... : i .-.!.' : : . : .' . . ' ' K FORWARDING & COMMISSION ItlERCIIAliTS.' l'.-r --I'.ilU .! - I -1 I: Cars of MARK tlOODSt'' ' i ' 'Ij.: 0. Albapj, .Oregpa j or , t. "IT 1 vl.; -, ! !' it'j at.i;CM X 0-5 Saa Fraaoueo, UCJ. . - . . .,i i t . o C5 525 t-i es GO w o 55 ' PS . o t-3 Ed E-i o .: I 1. 1 I t I I j ,i r; jll ir , . i-!"s1I.S"jr 1 IO '"bi'fll , i. -:: . r t.t X.rberl 4vutccs mad ou conmlgtommmmt- :i it v m ,j'i..--.i i- ,!., i . IJ -f -j j I J-t t -I' MOTIC: TO SHIPPERS, I intend Dorsa A General Commission Easiness IN'. ,'; JSIV FRANCISCO, tax the purpose of felling All Kinds br Produce that may be consigned to me to sell. LAMAR GHfiADLE, Will receive and attend to all orders on me to bs filled in San Francisco. . , oct-5tf H, CBEADtE. Incorporated . 1836. 03 (3 TS ei S - -2 H 1 U ; THB - OLDEST . '! V. t-i-a ' PURELY LIFE INSURANCE CO. IN THE UNITED STATES Governed by the. Massachusetts Lapse ' Law. I.' I No person, after carefully examining this Law. will forego the advantage of insuring in this Com pauy. New England Mutual Life Insurance Company or BOSTON. . . I- i- a. A. COWAN CO. Executor's Sale of Real Estate- OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN pursuance of an order of tbe County Court of Lino county, Oregon, made at the '.February term thereof, 1371, the undersigned, Execntor of the estate of Reuben Clay pool, deceased, will, on Thursday, the 9th day of March, 1871, between th hours of 9 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock p. m. of said day, in front ef tho Court House door, in the city of Albany, in said oounty, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash in hand, in IT. S. gold coin, all the following de scribed premises, to-wit : The west half of Do nation Land Claim No. "2315," bonnded and de scribed as follows: Beginning at a point bearing south 19 west, and 5 chains and thirty links from a point 13 ehains and six linki east of the south-west corner of section i, township 1-1, south of range 2, west ; running thence soath 69 30', east 60 chains and 18 links ; thence eorth 19 30', eat 87 chains and 85 links ; thence north 76, west 126 chains and 37 links ; thenoe sooth 20, west 4 chains and 90 links ; thence south, 71 east 65 chains and 13 links; thence, south 19, west 20 chains and 50 links to the place of begin ning, containing 641 acres the west half of which belongs to tbe estate of Reuben Claypool, deceased, except the graveyard on tie same. Also, the followinz described premises begin- ningottbesoutb-west corner of Reuben Claypool's Donation Land Claim, Notification "2315," Claim No. 46 ; thence north 702. west 41 50-100 thence south 191, west 1S-69 100 chains ; thence north 27 33-100 ehains ; thence east 53 60-160 chains ; thence south 26, west 24 99-100 chains to tbe place of beginning being a fractional part of sectiou 6, township 13, south of range 2, west, and bounded respectively North, East, South and West by the Donation Land Claims of Hiram Jackson, Reuben Clay pool, Gamaliel Fairish and J. A. Smith, containing S3 70-100 acres. 'AU the foregoing described estate lying and being in Linn county, State of Oregon. Feb. 8, 1S71. JAMES 8. DICKSON, r 23ml. Executor. E. W. PIKE, BOOKSELLER & STATIONER, and dealer in o A M 5". o o o n 00 J -w O K VI o a o u tf m a ' O H FANCY GOODS, H CO es 9. v fa mm . 0 lm o 63 a ft k-1 r. Urn es 0 u - w -g 1 I It was chartered in 1R35, and its enviable his tory, during twenty-six years active operation i has thoroughly established its reliability. Its Record Stands as Follows i Cash assets, January, 1870..........t9,000,000 00 6.3,000 00 526,5; 5 -786,197 86 - 480.339 00 4,MM.6v Ofl 4,260,OO OA I Cash Dividend, 1866 Cush Dividend of 1867.. i Cash Dividend, 18o8..... Cash Dividend, 1S69 ! Total surplus dividend- Total Losses paid........ By the Acts of Massachusetts, iacerporated hi to the General Statutes of 1864, a policy of tils insu rance for the benefit of s Married .Woman or amy person or pertomm upeeiUd, gscs to them independ ently of the Debts and Liabilities of tbe party who effects the Policy . - - Dividends of this '. (lomnanv late naid IB S" I Annually to the Assured, ia: Cash. S f S3 - af'S4 wl J o fa ' so CfQ a St 0a SI K JSa es 1 The Great Family Medicine. TAKEN INTERNALLY, It cures sudden Cold, Cougbs, Ac, and Weak Stomach, General Debility, Nursing Sore Mouth. Canker, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia or Indices- 1 lion, Cramp or pain in tue Euimacn, iaowelCom bout gobbled up all tho Aoorgwincl belonging ; plaint. Painter's Colic, Asiatic Cholera, Diarrbcoa ' cense of 1,""!" person wUose to thai lun, kMaluuiia. - and Dvsenterv. '- ' ; 1...; . . t. .. to the Agency hereabouts. Pictl'des. Messrs. Winter JkTaxton, notwith standing tbe cloudy, stormy wealhecprcvai'inst of late, have produced soino of ti e most ciaUi c, life-like pictures ever produced by tbe art photo graphic. To be thoroughly and unmistakably ennvinced of this truth, go to tbe gallery an l ex amine tbair late work. and Dvsenterv. APPLIED EXTERNALLY, ! Cures Felons, Boils and Old Sores, SoveroHurns, Scalds, Bruises and Sprains, Swelling of the : Joints, Ring-worm and Tetter, Broken Breasts, ; Frosted Feet and Chilblains, Toothache Pain in i tbe Face, Neuralgia and Rhenniatism. It is a sure remedy for A jrue, Chills and Fever. : . PAIN KliLJ.UR, ! Taken internally, should be adulterated : with ' milk or water, or maile into a syrup with uiolus- acs. r or a tnugn a mn urups uu suar, eatca Administrator's Sale of Real Estate. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TUAT IN pursuance of au order of the County Court ot the County of Linn and State of Oregon, made at the February term thereof, lSil, TJe nndcr signed, Administrator of the estate of Isabella Clsypoo.l, deceased, will, on , i Thursday, the 9th day of March, 1871. between the .hours of 9 o'clock, a. m. and 4 o'clock, p. m.. of said day, in front of the Court House door, in the city f lbany.m said county , sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, in V. 8. gold coin, the following l.,r i,.ii r... . nr tn ,11- nromiKes : Tbe East nair oi uonauon lars per week, or five dollars for each , day and"; i,ad Claim No. "2315," bounded and described 111511101 meir exhibition. Every person wbo per- J as follows, to-wit : iseginm3 " -t -r"" "" forms slight of hand, shall be regarded as jug- gouth 19 west and 5 ehains nd.unK rom gler, under this ordinance. - point 18 chains and 6 links east of the south-west The proprietors or agenU of all other exhibi- ( corner of section 5, in township f0r,rsn8 tions or shows for money, not enumerated in this 2, west, and running tbeoce soutn. oa w , et Section , shall pay ton dollars per week, or a daily CO chains and W links ; thence north V) 30 .east license of five dollars. , 1 ' 67 ehains and 35 links , thence north 76 , west ln.i, i i. , , : 1 is.-; -i- 1 t i;nk : ibenco soutn 20, west - - " - 1 Bnuuniien. suaii it.'iv a uduiwiit ' - i (l cdrius ' . -.. " ' -.4 . - , . . .. . ih-mMi mnia 1 1 - nut 34 chains ana v" ... " I : 65 chains and IS links ; thence soutu j 19, west 20 chains and 50 links, to the place of einn,ng, eontainiog 011 acres the eat bait of which bo S to the estate of Isabella Claypool, deceased. n'1f.."li,.na.odbein2in Linn county, State JAMES S. DICKSON. ,, Auministrator. Kobcbo. On Wednesday night, eo. M. IStronpz. wbo occunies a room ni. iSa tv.-rln(l hotel, was rubbed ef all the money he had m bU will be more effective than auythiux cl.w. clothes, amounting to some six dollars, by auuij j e printed direction, which accompany e;i party wuo cmereu uu room wane be slept. 1 IKiitte. 001a vj ' ""eS"". :ich l'cb business or occupation is to take or to receive by way of pledge, pawn, or exubange,: any goods, wares, or merchandise, or any kind of personal property whatever, for the repayment or security J eui mereon, sball bedeemea pawn- xue same ijm broker unib-i. thi 1 ..r cin..,n. 11th. Huiamboat runuers shall Day equartcrly 4 lb. S, 1871 -23ml - ui uvi, uoiiars. livery person wuo miiui w a loud and public manner, solicit passengers or freight for sieuuiboalK, on the publie streets, orou I tbo wuarfg or docks oftbo ci.y, shull lo deouied a ,- BtAjuiuuotu runner under tuis ordinance. ' l-th 1 hiick j used .wuw 1 uuuci UUlK-r lIllH VrUIUaULW Ul m"" h. Tho owner or keeper ofany stage, coach, j oooe. as ' ew , carrc, dray, cart, wagon, or other vehicle settled so..n. lor carrying passengers or baggage, met- Jan. 1, 13 1 . - . The Last Call. A T Ta PKUSONS KNOWING THEMSELVES A iodudto U. CHEADLK A CO., by note or book account, will give it iiicir aiieuui.n a as we wiil matte costs ...v K. f.uaafm a, 1,0. Offers, in addition to a full supply of STAPLE GOODS IN THE 13 O O IC IL, INE ' " such as - BLANK BOOKS, new styles, . SCHOOL BOOKS, '. MUSIC BOOKS, of all kinds, Fresh lot of NOVELS, aa well as CHROMOLITHOGRAPHS, MORTON'S GOLD PENS, WALL PAPER, ELEGANT GIFT ANNUALS , Parian Marble Vases, BOHEMIAN WARE, Writing Desk, I'ortiblios, ; Work boxes, Ilirdcages, Violins, c; nitars, Organs, Tambourines, Flutes, l AND MANY OTHER' ' ;; ' ' ' jXutsicfvl Instruments - ALSO. ATTRACTIVE TOYS, -, including the Champion Mechanical VELOCIPEDE! - AU of which are, as a matter of course, TO 1SB HAD ON -.- . r.ASO AHCIa TERMS. E. W. PIKE. AlUauy, Decumber 24, 1870-16 H m ft "'; .85' 0 1 13 H t sr .... h mi to . O CJ s . .' ? mm 2 n f 1 a A "5 i s 3 H - H .: r.l t . mm ... f-i I. S , "s". as m w . - The HEW ENGLAND te tbe only Ulasiethu- I setts .Company (baiag baaiDrss .- on U10, f smtfio Coast, and tberef ore the oaly CouMttiy cweraed by the equitable Massachusetts Lapse Law. i . tJ. ... . : 1 v' n i I Examples mhrnvriar tks Wvrktet tthim 1. i ? MWr' ,--....'- . Fr example t ' A (tarty easuring a4.kfeaj.of thirty-five, Prrmtuma all Oash. One Annnal Premivm will eontiane policy is force 2 years and S days. Example: Fremiams all Cash Age,SS; Plan, Ten-Year Endowment, payable at the age of 46. One Annual Premium will coatinae policy in fore as a Term Foliey, 7 years. If yon wish to make it absolutely certain that not a dollar of the money yon invest will ever ba forfeited Insure in the New England. If voa wish to ret vour. jdivideads with thm second annual !paVaat. and smaally increasing on the eontribntion ilan. that ia to cet just-what Lis youro tout ana a e. less aad jert- wMca it is due Insure in the Aew i-ngiana. To hnairtMe in Ijnft COUBIV in UM Hit year and a half, exceeds that-of tU otstt Companies combioca. -s i" 1.:., GENERAL AOENT3-8AN FRAJiCISCO. S. ML HOLBRSnOB, ,,f,?? 10S Front-st. Portland, Arenl'for Oregon ana Washington Territory. 4 . Aeent for Albany, Ogn. AJt T tha Paasla of AlhaaT TnE CNDEIlSiaXED hiring xootedi.aoH 1red the FRASKLt?? MAErtEti(.trm . . . . m-m ., - f. .1.). an erly oeeopiea y mr. ejears, "'.'I'i;'". furnish Vne same with as good A8i,oik mm t quality and variety.' as the;.founx . atJoriU. - aad expect to be represented," jthjcrej by . goorf, accommodating man, and ask a Jrl .IX'" of yoapatrnBR?c-'"" DANIELCIAl'iir AlbaBV.Febraarir 1, 1871-22tf , , .i .- -d? THE EYE8 ! THE EARS ! Dr. T. Ij. faOsLDEiir, OOOUST AND AITRIST, ; ALBANY. : : - 0KEGQN. Tr.p IS A SON OF THE f if noted old Opthalmio Doctor, -S. C. ygMLJr;,Uoiden, I ! Dr. GOLDEN has had experience in-treating the various diseases to which tbe eye and ear are subject, and feels confident of giving entire satis faction to those who may place themselves under his care. Albany. April 10, 189-31y ,., ,.: B LANE Deeds, Mortgages, etc., oa hand- latest styles, ana ior m wi ' w The standard remedy for Coughs Tuflm. Sr Throat, Whovpiwj sOau.jk, Cramp, Livir Complaint, lirrmchlti, JtUedituj 0 lkmmVmmmm& evory aflortiou of the Tbroat, LuagS- a-iJVst inrlnding CONSUMPTION- s , :'i . . WUtar'a llalsam docs not dry up a Cough, but loosrus it, cleanses tho lungs, and allays irrl Intioni thus iweietVi'J iaiwSt ts complaint. Nona (renuiiie enleos signed I. Bptts. Prepared by Beth W. Fowle A Son, Boston. Sold V, Kediii;ton, llostcttur A Co.. Sau Fraucuco, and by dealers freuerally. 41y7il