VOL. 3. ALBANY, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY IS, 1S71. NO. 24. PUBL1SI1KO EVERY SATCllOAY sr OLT. VAXCLEVE. OKricB consult or rtnur aso riRST-srs. TERMS IN ADVANCE. One Year, Three Dollar' Hi Month Two Dollars Single Copies Ten Cents ADVERTISING HATES. Transient advertisements per Square, of ten lino or less, 8rst insertion, $2; each subfequent Insertion, $1 . Larger advertisements inserted on the most liberal terms'. . ... J OK WORK. Having received new type, stock of colored .inks, cards, a Gordon Joblier, etc., we are pre ! '--ed to execute all kind of printing in a better manner and nfty per cent, cheaper than ever be fore offered in this eityi A?enta for the Register. The following gentlemen are anthorUed to re ceive and receipt for subscription, advertising, eto., for the Recistrb s HIRAM' SMITH, E.i - Harrisburg. Jttda R. II. CI.AUGUTOX Lebanon. l'KTER HUME, Esq.. Brownsville W. R. KIRK. Esq.... K. E. WHEELER, Esl.....'..-....-Seio, T. 11. REYNOLDS, Esq -Salem. O. P. TO.MPSI.NS, Eso, Harrisburg. 1.. P. FISHER, Esq 'Frisco.. - PORTLAND CARDS. E. F. RUSSELL, Attorney at Law, C. P. FERRY, j Notary Public. RUSSELL & FERRY, Real Estate Brokers & Collecting Agents Portland,. - Oregon. STECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE Sale of Ileal Estate, Real Estate Litigation, and the (Vllertion of Claims. Office. North-west corner of First and Wash ingtolt Street, Portland, Ogn. feb 6-70- 5 GKO. St'AIl. JASKS MORUrsoSt. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, Formerly New Columbian, Corner Front and Morrison streets, PORTLAND, OREGON, V Xoah & Morrison, Proprietors. " ? '.' . .. . . Free Coach to and from the House. BUSINESS CARDS. J. QVIXX TIIORSTOX, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW OrriCE; No. It I First stroet, between Mor rison and Alder, opposite tlto Occidental Hotel, Portland, Oregon. Will practice in the Superior and Inferior Courts of the State, and in the District and Cir cuit Court of the United Suites, giving special at tention to the collection of debts in all parts of Oregon, and to obtaining discharges it Bank ruptcy, which, since the last amendment to the law, may be obtained from all debts contracted prior to January 1st, lSt?S, without regard to the per ccntage which the assetts may finally pay. November 26, 187o-12v:.y "1 DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. My jLP law partnership furmetl with Jasper W. Johnson about six weeks ajro, is dissolved. - J. QUINS THORNTON. Portland. Feb. 9, '71-24 Afl EltlCAW : V CII A 13, couneb op , , Front and Washington Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. L. P. W.'Quimby, .... Proprietor. (Late of the Western Hotel.) rlniS HOUSE is the most commodious in the JL State, newly furnished, and it will "be ths endeavor of the Proprietor to make his gueste comfortable. Nearest Hotel to tho steamboat landing. The Concord Coach will always be four at the landing, on the arrival of steamships ar river boats, carrying passengers and their bar gajre to and from the boatsrec of rhnrge. Jfotue ;. ;Vf if itK Pultut Firt Etingniher. N E W ADVERTISEMENTS. JOHN CONNER, B A N IL X NG AND EXCHANGE OFFICE, AIIIANY, ORF.GON, jiiigi: Ktir.siv. JGSF.ril IIASN'ON". kELSAV & IIAXNON. ' Attorneys anil Counsellors at Law. (Partners for Linn enmity.) OFFICE In Post Offiee Building, (up stair-). Albany, Linn county, Oregon. ytfv3 L. STRUCKMEIER & CO., .WERCIIAIYT TAILORS, ALBANY, ORE(;O.V. TUST RECEIVED, A LARGE AND WELL selected stock of French Goods, consisting of Cassimcres, Reavers and Loc3kins. arid ait manner of Fancy t.oods of the best iua'.ity. yTr?"" Suits made to order. 4Cy L. STRUCKMEIER A CO. ' J. XV.- Bentley. C1 ENTLEMEN'S BOOTS MADE TO ORDER W on short notice, and with ucatuess aud dis patch. - J-.-y- All Kinds of Repairing- Cone. Albany, June 11, 1670 40 I). II. RICE, M. !., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Albany, - - - - - - Oregon, OFFICE ON THE SOUTH SIDE"OF MAIN - Street. Albany, April '70.-32 V ; : .Ji. ' S. liiiBois, CONSTANTLY on band and receiving, a largo stock of Groceries and Provisions, Wood and Willow Ware, Tobacco, Cijrars, Con fectionery, Yankee Notions, 4c, Ac., Wholesale and Retail, opposite R. C. llill 4 Son's drug store, Albany, Oregon. ' - - Jnw u XV- POSITS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO 1 f cheek at sight. Interest allowed on time deposits in coin. Exchange on Portland. San Francisco and New York for taV at iowrist rates. C.lieetions made and promptly remitted. Refers to II. W. CorU-tt, lletirv Failiutr, AY. S. Ladd. ' gift- Banking Lours from 3 A. u. to C P. it. """y Albany, February 1, 1371.22v3 3Z- XX- I?ASY, Physician, Surgeon & Aceoucher. OFFICE NEAR THE ST. CHARLES H"tel. AH.any, Orejron. Special attention riven to Surgery and Chronic d:sca-ecs. Consul tations in English, German or French. 21v3 C. MSALEY DEALER IN A MANUFACTURER OF rTrRKriTunia! an d CABINET WARE ! 133Ulirig-, Etc., Corner First and Broad Alb in streets, AtllAAi', OHEGOX. ADVERTISEMENTS. LOOK II E It II SAW FRANCISCO STORE! OBKEE FIRST ASO FERRY STREETS, ALBASY..... .......... OREGON. Keeps constantly on hand a full assortment of STOVES, PUMPS & TINWARE ! ... I will have for sale the celebrated Dlfrmon d Hook. cook stove, and other leading styles. : Also, manufacture all kinds of -Tin, Copper and Sneet-Iroii Ware, in the best style, at lowest rates, FOR CAI! or COUNTRY PRODUCE. , : Always on hand a full supply of . r Th Purest Wines and Liquors, ; fur Medicinal purposes only. " A well seeted stock of .' ' . Groceries and Crockery ! will always be found at my establishment. I will sell all goods in my house, for Cash or Produce on delivery, cheaper than ever before offered in this market. All kinds of repairing done, on short notice, and entire satisfaction warranted, at my Stove aud Tin Store. ; JULIUS GRADWOIIL. .Nov. 19-11 BUILDERS, ATTENTION 1 SASH, BLIAD AXD DOOR F A C T O II 1 T S. B. ALTIIOCSE. N. WRIGHT. J. F. BACKESSTO. AI.THOI-SI3 X: CO., LVOS STHEET, (OS THE RIVER BASK), alraxy, : ' : : oregon. keep on nand a full assortment, and are prepared to - 37'vi.x-nissli. to Doors, and Order SaIi, MOLTAINGS, such as Crown, Panel, Bant, and .Section Mold of all sizes. WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES ! Flooring, JEJicULxasr, - and alt' other kinds of It ii 1 11 i 11-7 .llalcrial ! "HiTtabiacl & Co.;f '' DEALERS IN GROCERIES AND PR0- islons, Wood and Willow Ware, Confee tionerv. Tobacco, CltfMS,. Pipes, Notions, etc Main street, adjoining th Express office, Albany, rcgon . . - i. H. MITCHELL. . m J. I; lMf .. i Ai SMITH, Mitchell, Dolph & Smith, A TTORNEYS 9 COUNSELLORS at LAW, Solicitors in Chancery and Proctors in Ad miralty. - Office over the old. Post Office, Front street, Portland, Oregon. ' ' ' I JAMES A. WARNER, Civil Engineer & Surveyor. IS PREPARED TO DO SURVEYING AND Engineering. Uses improved Solar Compass. Orders by mall promptly attended to.- Residence on 4th St., opposite Dr. Tate's residence, Albany Oregon. -.; : , - .5 ; ; . nl'J-um POWELL. , L. f LIMX. lowelI & l liau, a TX0RNE.Y8 & COUKSbLLORS AT LAW J and Solicitors in Chancery,' . .. sunn, noKuy sruouc,; ' Albany, Oregon. Collections and conveyances prompty attended to. I . OSO. W. GRAY, 13. D WOULD SOLICIT THE PAT ronaee of all persons desir ing ARTIFICIAL TEETH and FIRST CLASS DENTAL opera- tips. Nitrons Oxide administered for the pain less extraction of teeth, when desired. Charges moderate. Office in Parrish A Co.'s brick block. Resi dence, first hoose south of Congregational Church, fronting en Court House blocs. Albany, Oregon, July 2, 1870-43 - WAITED. Ti9 PARTICULAR ATTESTIOX PAID TO ORDERS OF ALL EINDS in his line' October ISfiS S CEO. F. SETTLEMIER, (Successor to D. W. Wakefield,) Farrish's New lluildiug-, First Street, ALBANY, OREGON, DEALER IN Drugs and Medicines, ' "'''' CHEMICALS ' PAINTS. OILS, GLASS, ETC. M gl fff BUSHELS OF OATS. Tor I I I.I II II I which the hizhest market price wUl be paid, in CASH, at the store of N. S. DUBOIS ;e. Also, Batter and Eggs, in unlimited quantity, for which the highest market ririce will be paid in cash.- Call and see me. Albany, Aug. 20, 186-50 J. C. MENDENHALL, Notary I u 1 1 i c 9 R"l Estate and Insurance Agent, ALBANY, t ; : : t : s OREGON. . RENTS COLLECTED, AND TAXES PAID for non-resident and others, making-out real estate papers, etc. Office Parrish brick, p stairs. 3-'70 All articles warranted pure and of the best quality. Physicians Pxeecriptioos carefully compounded Albany, Oct. 17, 1868-6tf ALMAxW BATH I10USI2 rrHE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT- fully inform the citizens of Albany and vi cinity that he has taken charge of this establish ment, and, by keeping clean rooms and paying strict attintic 3 to business, expects to suit all those who may lavor iuin with their patronage. Having neretorore carried on nothing but , First-Class Hair Dressing: Saloons, he expec's to give entire satisfaction to all. Children and Ladies' hair neatly cut and shampooed. wusi.ru ntuutu. sevI9y2 . a 1 w Pi '--- as M t CD I AM rlEFAEZS TO BO ALL KINDS OK TURNING ! I keep on hand and make to order RAWII IDE-BOTTOMED CHAIRS, AMD Sninnintr , Wheels. Shop near the "Magnolia Mills." . JOHN M. METZtER Albany, Not. 8, I86o-I ALSO Are prepared to do MILL WORK : furnish Sha ker Fans, Zigzag Shakers, Suction Faus, Driving Pulleys, of any kind, at our Factory on Lyon street, (on the river bank), next below Markbam's warehouse. ALT HOUSE & CO. Albany, February 0, 1S69- 4 ' THE OLD STOVE DEPOT! JOIirV RRICiOS, DEALER I!t STOVES, COOK, PAKL0R & BOX. of the lCEt pattern :. , -AI.30 - Tin, Slieet iron anil. Copper vv aro 2 antl tho usual apsortment of Famishing Goods tit bo obtained in a. TX3NT Itrpairt fir at! if and promptlg txecuttd, "TSr a5To reasonable term. 'St- "Short reckonings, make long friends." Pront street ...Albany. j?cxt door to Manfield -Co.- : .; ... .... ... . " dcc568-I , ..... Established in IS to. ERNEST A. ERLANDSON, General Commission Merchant ' ' ' and dealer in fJ. -. ( - DRUGS, CHEMICALS,' ESSENTIAL- OILS, :' DYE STUFFS, AND - S $ ' GENERAL MERCHANDISE, BY THE PACKAGE ONLY. Cash orders for goods of every description from this or any Foreign Market, will receive prompt and faithful attention. . ' Miners, manufacturers and wholesale trade sup plied for cash. j?r-tt No notice or attention paid to orders for goods, if there is no provision made for the payment of the same. - SSS" Consignment of Oregon Produce, Grain, Wheat, Flour, Ac., solicited. SAN iRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. December 31, lS79-17tf ...... ALBAIVY BOOK STOR1?. -ESTABLISHED IN 1856. '1 E A X E R IN EVERY VARIETY OF f M iseellaneons Books, School Books, Blank Books, Stationery, Ac. Books imported to erder at short notice. . Albany, Oregon, December 3, 1870. FROMAl II I 1 1M iw ; S. WHEAT AND FLAX SEED DEPOT. CLEANING and HOISTING capacity 10,000 Bushels per Day 1 A share of patronage solicited. 45'70 i - - , E. CARTWRIOIIT. The highest cash price paid for Wheat. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 30"X-Vr FIRM. W. II. KUII1 & CO., ' Having just ren-eived a Large and well selected . . ,: Stock of HARD WARE, ' ' SCCIt AS ...... FARMER'S & MECHANIC'S TOOLS I coxsisnsa or . ' .v ANVILS, VICES, BELLOWS, Ilauimers, Ilammers, - . ' Sledges, s Sledges, Saws, Saws, Saws, ;v ' " Planes, Planes, Planes, Corss-Ciit and IVIill Saws, Togetbor with a large assortment of ITOIVVJVI STEEL Nails, : Nails, Nails, - . ; ' springs, Springs, Springs Axles, ThlmWc-Skoinn, Bolts, Ac, Ac. .. o : Also, a well Selected Stock of "VSTsixsoix Tlnatoor, SPOKES, HUBS, BENT RIMS, SIIAFTS, POLES, HICKORY AXLES, ETC., ; AH of which we are now offering to the publie nt low rates. As we make the business a spec ialty, we can and will keep a better assortment at lower prices than any house in this city. Receiving and opening a large and splendid' assortment of WOOD AND WIXXOW WARE, Which we offer at reduced rates. j . ,W. H. KUHN A CO. In tho Monti ith Fire proof Brick, Firt-sfc. t! March 12.-70 7 . ' ' RATES OF TOLL 7 OVER THE , Willanieltei Valley Mouutaia AVagon and Cascade Road. s ..$1 .. 3 .. 2 .. 4 To lleschuttes River : Four norso or Jltile team Two " ' , " One " f' ' Ox teams, thico foke For every additional yoke Loose horses, pt bead " cattle, pel head " sheep or ogs Teams return it j: empty, half price. Pack animals, lraled.n... 50 ' unloaded 25 Horse and Hdcr.i. v.. 1 00 To Eisb Lake : Four horse or nule team, each way.... 2 Two One " " " Pack animals, I laded... . " " unloaded. Horse and riderj . Ox team, three yoke To Upper Soda Spring: Four horso or male team, out and back 2 J Two " " 2 ( One ' " " ' 1 ( Horse and rider, " i Loose animals, " ; Ox teams the Same its horse teams. A. UACKLEMAN. W. W. PAKKisn, Pres. Sec. , March 0, lSf.o. 8 2 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. LIVERY, rEIil -SAJLE'I S TAR L E 8! ALBANY, OREGON. 3I0.TG0MERYT& BARTGES, PROPRIETORS. ' A Stitch in Time Saves Nine!' TJ3arxo3xr Fire an Marine InsnraiiGe - Compauy ! Nos. 4 15 and 418, California street, ;. San Francisco," - - California. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE Cash Capital, In Gold Coin, 750,000. Deposit in Oreg-on, $50,000. Ijossf.s Promptly and Equitahhf Adjusted And Paid in (Hold Loin. FT"HIS COMPANY having complied with the I laws of Orojfon, by making a deposit of fifty thousand dollars, is now prepared to effect insur ance against Loss or Damage by Fire, and alsa against Marine and Inland Navigation risks, on liberal terms: ; . , - . GUSTAVE TOUCHARD, Pres. CHAS. D, HAVEN, See'y. , J. C MENDENHALL, - Affent for Albany. Albany, Janunry 8; 1870-18 ELKINS EXKINS EXKINS SON,; SON, SON, Lebanon, Orejron. Lebanon, Oregon. ' - Lebanon,' Oregon. NEW GOODS SMALL, PROFITS, QUICK SALES PROMPT PAY. E HAVE JUST RECEIVED A CHOICE Seloctkm of ..,-.- a ,.: w SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Imported direct , from New Y"ork via the Pacific Railroad, and can, for Cash or Produce, give customers bargains equal to any firm in Al bany. AU of our stuck is bought tit the O WEST OA S II ' P RICE. Boy of:..:: .... , X211s.xx c3 . Son, DRY -GOODS, BOOTS & SHOES, GROCERIES, Hardware, Iron and Sf eel, At ALBANY-ALBANY PRICES, PRICES. ALBANY ALBANY PRICES, PRICES, Wholesale and Retail, HIGHEST rUICF.S PAID I'Olt EGGS, BUT T.B R, E T C, E T C. rE ARE PREPARED. T.Q , FURNISH if the public with, neat turnouts in the way of t, .. ,, StylisIi Buggies & Carriages: I .A3tn-i;'fc '-'l , 37 tx &. t ' 'ss ' ' ok: -1 On the most reasonable term. ..Our livery is all new and of the latest styles, and we shall take pride in giving oou patrons as neat and reliable an outfit as cun be obtained in the State. : i Horses board d. at reasonable rates, by the week pr month. -i . -. Hacks and Crr1ngeS'fiirhfsIica'foV parties, fce; A share of- public pntronnjre is SoHeited.' 1 MONTGOMERY BARTGES. Albany, DsernWr-72 li70-ll- ; SETTLE31IRE S eMRSERY, . - Six miles South of Albany, Una Co., ar ''. tlio' - Ifcsxilroalcl. ISOLIC I T THE 1 ATTENTION. OP ALL persfins de'iring to -ptm-hase Fruit Trees to cai! and examine my stneky wbich is eojuposcd of the largest and best selection '.in' the State',: con sisting of Apples, Peal's; Cherries; Plnras, Prunes, 4rape., Black Berries, Cnrranta and Roses. - ; Also, -' ; ' - -.. 1 '". --I Black and Wlute Walnut, JEnglisH'. Wal ; nut, Hickorji-Pecan, Redbnd, .g t Lloney Locust, Hackberry, t ; and a ritimberof other varieties of trees and plants too numerous to mention, all.of which are offered at low rates. HENRY W. SETTLEMIRE. December 17, 1S70-15 : ' ', 11 eaty Legal Pees. In one of the almost endless suits id ' which tho " New York and fErie Railway are involved, Mr. David Dudley field, ' counsel for the Company, on January 11th, in New York City, presented a verified state ment of the gross receipts and expenses of the road for the vear 1868, by Which it appeared that while the receipts "were $14,415,000, the legal fees and expenses for the year were, 81,770,000.. Of, this sum $1,000,000 was paid to .Commodore Vanderbilt to have him withdraw certain suits against the Erie Company;' 1 $430,- 000 was paid to Richard ScheU to secure .the withdrawal of : other suits; , and to forty different lawyers or legal firms there was paid a total of $335,000i-of ' which fifteen big ifish got v $300,000,; and the twenty-five i little, fish got, the $35,000. Tho smallest, fee paid ., was, $500 ; a the largest, to D. D. Field aud partners, $51, 300.. Eaton & Tailor got $40,000; C. A.Seward. $24,000 ; Edward Pierrepont , 0KOOrijJR; Porter SSS 'OrtO ' W. M. Evarts; $15,000; and J. E. Burrill,$21, KJOO. -. The1 Erie is the Gould-Fisk .Com pany; ! -" " '- is When js voun s cirl thinks a cood deal of a spruce young man, and pines for his company, isn't she in the lumber business pretty heavy t 5 Certainlyi if she baards m the same family, and shingles "her "hair, and is able to plank down a few thous adds bfiankliWckhnd does Ibtotl disturb the sleepers by keeping late hours., : tv i lion. T. iW..Ferry: has been , elected. United States Senator from Michigan to succeed Senator - Howard. The Demcn crats voted for U.N. Walker, editor tf the Free Press. ; h"v-- ; .v. CITY M AR KET; FIRST STREET, ALBANY, OREGON, J. L. HARTtrS. J. I,. II A It It IS G. B. nAlCHT. CO., IJROPHIETOR!. Wc shall endeavor to always keep on hand a full supply of all Kinds o i Ifl c a t s all of which will be of tho very best quality. The highest market price paid for Beeves, Hogs and Sliccp.' ... Third door west of Fcrrv, on south side of First streets. J. L. HARRIS A CO. . Albany, Dec. 15, ISTO-Ij OlALLEXGER THRESHER iiaivks' ii i: ii:its i MoAvers Reapers ' A;:d all kinds of- Agricultural Impleni's &3Iachiues On hand and for sale by BLAIN, YOUNG & CO., May 2, 7-33 Albany, Ogn. N. B. All persons owing us will at onco come forward and pay up, so as to begin new accounts L. ELKINS & SON. Lebanon. April 1, 70. CmiJO . . S..H. Claahton, . NOTARY PUBLIC AND REAL ESTATE AGENT. Office in the Post Ollico building, XcouMot, Oregon. Will attend to making Deeds and otlicroonvcv anoos, also to tho prompt collection of debts en trusted to my care. . 1 vu i:itic aa ititoii.rit. NEW TO-DAY. CITY DRUG STORE. A. CAROTHF.RS. 1 R. SALTMATtSH. A. CAROTHERS & CO., DRUGGISTS & APOTHECARIES, (Foster's Block, First street), " ' ' -' AtBASY .... OREGON, 'I D E A L B tt S IX Drugs,1 Chemicals, Medicines, PAINTS, OILS, DYE-STUFFS, - - GLASS, . OCOXXOBJ? Goes, French and American Calognes, HANDKERCHIEF EXTRACTS, I COHiFECTIOJiERY. of The the Finest - Culinary Invention Embodying in a plain and cheap ntensil as simple as a pot or skillet, and; weighing less than three pounds s ... ' r .'. -t All the Principles Involved in the Per fect Broiling of Meats, ; ? With the ' Greatest ' Conveniences and Advantages of Practical Use, and Do- ing its Work with a Rapidity more' ' than Double that of aDy other i " Broiler 1 s fu -.:! - It affords to the rich and poor alike the FIRST and ONLY relief ever offered from the tedious, troublesome, juice-evaporating, and dyspepsia producing broiler of the past ; from the deadly foe to. human. health, the FRYJNiJ-.PAN ; and Pure Wines & Liquor, for medicinal purposes. Fine Tobacco and Cigars. Physician'sr Prescriptions and Family jsecipea compounuea witn care. . Deeember 31, 1870-17 from Meat-cooking Abominations of all degrees It renders broiliniT, heretofore so vexations the Quickest and Easiest of all modes of Cooking, and meats broiled by It - ' : . , ' More Palatable, and Nntritious' ' : than by any other mode of cooking them,. because it prevents the loss of nutriment by. evaporation or otherwise. It sets en top of tho stove or raagQ over one ot uie openings.; requircas.)reparatton of flru; no tuke :Or Charcoal) noi poanding of steak ;, renders tough meat tender by Hs aetkm ; does away with aH smoke and .smeil.of grease ; broils equally woll oyer Coal or Wood ; answers for all sized stovo'or rung. opouiog-f nd is, equally good for j. f- li-Sf nrtHfi ' Beefsteak, Chicken, Chops, Ham, Fish ... 4 ; nd Oysters."',; ' , v. It broils steak, 6ve an ay orai;e tta, 'ii .Seven to Eight minutes, and over a very hot fire, within Five minutes.' Other meats jn proportion, and retains all the Jtiiccs and Flavor, which no other broiler does. ,' t : . ',. 7. '.. ..' 65,000 Are Now in Use l;i iri, l; all sold under standing aud Unconditional Guar antees, and faave'gh'cn an nnanimity of .Satisfao tion unprecedented in the culinary invontions. : We guaranteo them, wherever sold, tn fulfill the above specifications, and authorise alt dealers to do so with their customers. An universal test is invited on these terms ; and to any not satisfied after a fair trial, the money will be refunded, with charges both ways.; r--.if i-. Each Broiler will have tho'auihoriced label at tached with the trade mark," American Broiler," stamped thereon. : ' ' - , This Broiler is also an Unequalled Bread-Toaster and Corn-Popper, and a. good CoHev-Roaster. Retail Price' only Two Uollars. Fine Mesh Gjalu for corn popping and roasting coffee, if desired, 30 cents extra. . Liberal dis count to the trado- :" , t. - . ...... For aule in San. Francisco by the. houso. . bolow named, in half-dozen and dozen jiavkages, at the minimum rates, who will be responsible to the full extent of the above guarantees for all Broilers soldbytbcm. i-. t RUSSELL & ERWIN MAN'FG CO., " 214 Sansome street, San Franciiico, And at retail by all Stove, Tin and House Furn ishing Dealers every where, .. , MASUFACTtrBKBS AND PBALKRS t.t ' . . Hardware of Erery Description. January 21, lS7t-20v3ml j , Illserlptive LL-t . : i : . ...v , . . i; A. . CITY PROPERTY; FOR SALE STITZEL oV UPTON, . Seal Estate Dealers, Albany, 0rn. j The Pashunce of. Job. Everybody iz in the habit of bragging on: Job, and Job did have ' considerable ' pashunoe ; but did he ever keep a district skuW for 8 dollars a month and board around, or run a kuntree nuspaper f . ,' , i t f .Did he ever reap , lodged soatsrti4owa Sill on a hot day, and have all bis " galius buttons bust off at once? J i u' ' ' Did he ever have th' jumping 1 tooth-" Bjclie, and be made ta , tend , the - baby, while-bia i wife i was over jto PorkiDgess to a tea squall ?, J . n ' .... , , " Did ho ever get up in the morning awl dri, and tuff it S miles before breckfast to get a driDkj and End that the man kep a temperance house ? t) ' Did he ever undertake to milk a kick ing heifer, with a bushy tail, in fly time, in a lot? ,--'y--- . . Did he ever set on a litter of kittens . in the old rocking bhair with his sum mer pantaloons on ; . , ; a If he could do all , these things,,, and praise the Iord.a the sssstltn all I. have to say is'lJully' for Job. - Josh '"Uijtijs of , Ex'iQDETTE.Se'fore'you bow to a ladi in the street permit her to decide whether you may do so cr tadt, by at least a look o recognition. . ;tr. vu ,'Excuse my gloves," is , an 4 unneces sary apology, for the gloves should not be withdrawn to shako hands. , i j Wheir yeur eompahion bows to aXIady you Should do so' also". When a gentle man bows, to a lady , in i your company always bow to him in return. . " A letter' must be answered unles you wish to' intimate to the writer that he or his subject is beneath your notice. A visit must be returned in like man ner, ven, though, np intimacy, is . intend ed.' ' , ' "' -' ., '.",-' A smiling countenance is pleasant but excessive laughter - should be ; avoided especially when it is possible for any one to suppose himself derided by it. Whis pering in company is alway offensive and for the reason that persons present sus pect that thoy are the subject of '.it. Pioneer. :';' : j,'- ' l! S- 1:.; S. .-:-) CITY OF ALBANY 1 .. 6a K - Lot Zp , . ; .block 6 iJood hoose. j Lots 3 and 4, 2 unimproved. ' t Lots 1, 2, T, 8, '. l- Good house and stable. " Lots 5 and 6, 2 Good bonse." ! r- Lots 5 and , ; 1 ISO - . ' ' Lots I, 2 and 3, " , 6 house and two stables. B Lots i " 60 " " fPlenty of excellent fruit a desirable homestead Lots 8 and 7. -Lotlj ' Lo 8, - Lots 2 and 3, 3 Lots ' t Lots 3 and 4, Lots"", ! . 24 flood house. 14 14 1 " and stable. 10S s - -o 9 Lota .vp-H- " eOtuattnprbred cheap. Lots and 4, 6 i , ctesirable lots. Lot 4, f 1 18 box house. 7i acres good timbered land, one mile from Atbanyi in Bentoa county. - ' ' ' Ten Homestead Lots, S acres each, mile north of Albany Ferry, at $120 each. . ,,.,' For particulars apply to J. C. MENDENHALL, I fi? t --'-'- '; Meal Estate Agent, ; 1 Office in Tarrish Brick, Albany, Oregon 40 .-, . i ' Jiff-f - DR. BAflE'S CATARRA REMEDY. For sale at ScUleuiotr's Drug Store. Price, 50c per package. . OIL! OIL I OIL t At reduced prices, ' at Settlomeir's Drug Store, viz : Devoe's Coal Oil, by the can... .t. 70 e gal. Lard Oil, retailed at............$2 12J " " And everything else in proportion. lOvS , . Q. F. SETTLEMEtR.' ? THEOLINE The best thin 'ever offered to the publie for eradicating grease spots from silks, cleaning kid gloves, tto. Try it. For sale bv-f : ' 10v3I, . ... Q J. SETTLEMEIR. S20.00 A DAT I,. -' TO MALE AND FEMALE AGENTS .;'- -' To introduce. the celebrated ..,,.v.ii..i,: $25- 00 RICKEYE SHUTTLE SEWL0 I.. STITCH ALIKE ON BOTH SIDE6, and is the only licensed shuttle sewing machine in the United States, sold for less than $-10, to use the celebrated Wilson feed, and are acknowledged by all to be the best family machine for light or boavy sewing, in tho market. Outfit free. Ad dress, MINER PEARSON, Gen. Agts., - 203tf'J Alijany, Oregon. A young man in Indianapolis is sick. He is near-sighted, and went to see1' bis girl,, and got on his knees and proposed to her, real quick, before the old folks should come in. lie was. surprised , at being hit in the mouth .with, a potato, and at seeing a butcher-knife raised over his head. : Come to find out, it was the old man he had proposed to, who had on the laby's apron, and was - sitting . in a chffir, peeling potatoes. The calico , was what fooled the young man, as calico does sometimes fool people." A Massachusetts paper tells of a wench who had been lately converted, but was so nnfortunate'as to fly,, into a passion over the misdoings of one ot hot . neigh-" bors' youngsters. Ilcr mistress remarked upon the impropriety of such conduct in the case of one about to join the church and received this frank response: "I have 'sperienced religion, an 1'se gwine to join the church, but MissB. I'll scald dat nigger fursti" . r . , i A PUteburgher got into a man's room and was robbing the bureau, when the occupant of the bed struck the burglar with a piece of bedroom crockery,' which fitted so tight on his head that he had to He said he never wanted to enter that mM's chamber ogsia,,ft. fi 4S,vt Mark Twain has this advise for young men with; literary aspirations ) - Write without pay until somebody , offers ! pay. If nobody offers pay within 3 .years , the candidate may look upon this . circum stance with the most implicit confidence- as the sign that' sawing 'wood la what. he was intended fojr,'cs. j:iUJ ct-Htii " A hew garter has just .conic out. ' It i a heavy,' round elastic chain, 'much ''tho style of the heavy gold ehains upon which, lockets are 'worn, and has a:hok and y . to it... Gold claspsywith the, lady's mon--ogram on, form part of her ifrouAjeottnpw-a-days, and these have been gotten .'up with a view to ndveltyi The latest-ngoniring novelty among fashionable ladies is1 the enameling, of the bhie- ieihs upon their exposed btota. As fashionable people tarn not a ! general thing, well versed in anatomical., knowl edge, these artificial , veins . run . is. alt sorts of directions. t? ! '" !' ,' J , Five womeu own and run of uala boats on the Erie. -Who says a woman - can't run a canal boat; or a hotel I Th fact is the woman can do anything better" than men. providing they , just throw ; them- selves., P. T. Barnum will travel nexfSummcr, with a menageries thronghUhe country. He is the gentleman that. recently enter ed land out West by falling off his horse into a prairie dog hole. , ,....r, U: 1 . A young lady in New Orleans, whilo playing croquet on a scorching hot f day fast summer, was sun-struck. - It was a rich man's 6mJ The marriage Is thought to be as happy as the average.' "'1 A! giri inMadison county, HI, has challenged any man in the State to " a plowing match with her. ' ,x-' 'The latest comic songs; are 'Tbe. Lady with the Monkey Muff" and ; "Give my Chewing Gum to Bubby." "I '"l' '. John -Mier, of Shelby ,i Ohio,' filled ' a lighted lamp, a few evenings Bincei,, !His remains wero hardly recognizablc- . :i'C; '-, ' , ,.-..,t I ' At a ball in Wisconsin, the other night, tho orchestra consisted. of a coarse;. comb covered with paper. . : t ' Intrcnchments are the first care in war rctrcnch4Ty?,q peace.