The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, February 11, 1871, Image 4

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w.- w
"aa, August 15. 1863.
n to mr Pfl
opened a
f-ivcry and Feet Stable !
in the town of LhliAXOX, where I will be con
stantly ou hand to attend to tbo. wants of the
people. ,
I will ruu a hack from Albany to Lebanon and
Soda Springs, on Saturday of each week.
All business entructed to my care will he
promptly attended to.
Lebanon, Sept. 10, 1S70 lv.lmS
1 lions was some!
t lie wind h
i. At
on 10 mi Tim. . . .... . - . .
' wM-rvijstu exthact bu-
nsss? ijrssass,,ir-Lone
Mode of llreparation: Bucbu, in racuo. Ju
niper Berrk-s, by distillation, to form a fine cm
"''V"''' T -".placement with sph,
L .im Ju,,,,rr B"r"- ' y ""le sugar
iM'i wV?"U "uPrtion f spirit. i?u
snore palatable than any now in r
,1, r.f PPky ggits. of a dark
Stf J - """" ,hl its its fragrance ; the
ELt dT,,r,y ("'active principle)
if "l"k sTJaliuoua decoction, .Mine U
l!.!0' "i'""- The in my prep
J!!L Predominate, ; the smallest quantity of
.t l"B",d,n' are added to prevent fer
aMntatioa upon inspection it will be round t.,.t
L?Vfi Tmchire.M made in Pharmacopo?., nor
u it a gyrnp- and therefor, can bo d ii cases
orn"n!"n Mit. In this, tou
hmr the knowledge of tho ingredients and 'the
seooe or preparation.
Bwiwatf that yoa m favor it with a trial, and
that upon inspection it will meet with y,r ol,Iro:
bafoo. .feeling of profound confidence!
I am rery respectfully,
r. . , s . H- T. HELMBOLD.
Chetnist and Druggist of 19 Years' Experience.
one who -wants to u iu can do so by
calling ou
Ac.. SON,
WHO, thankful for past patronage, still in
vite the attention of Liuu county tt it!., to
their unequalled stock of
Agents for lr. Ii. Jayne A fun's preparations.
H. H. 11. Horse Medicines, etc.
iu you ukc mc.iicmc ior its Litter or imuscat-
that description. Jo vou
arouuitie taste? After
twill be f-o very
the critter LiiltcJjat our place ; so I stop
ped foddering the cattle and sneaked up
to tho back of the .shop to listen.; So, if
',G Sestff o Trenton by sunrise to-morrow
morning .tho. American party will be
iat the lilinJsbtha Uritishl Ut'yoaare
there by tbat-timei , by JuJns, Slalachi
Doolittle don't know nothing about shoe
ing. Whoa, you critter ; can't yau stand
still a moment while the irons are getting
hot ? It's no wonder you arc so restless
with such a load of siu as you are about
to carry. Sly boss is a traitor to his
country, and I'm going to cut my indent-
' The proprietor of the house followed ; ures lo nigflt and join the American
the double ealliug of u blacksmith and a ' army- ho knows but I may comeback
farmer, lie was a haleold man of about a CaPta,n "'arry Mary Hutton, and then
I mriKc a oee line ior old .Massachusetts,
i Tiut I must hurry this job through ; for
; I would not like boss to inspect my work
to-night. "There he added, as ho drove
j the last nail, "you will cast off a pair of
mem ave miles t otncrsidc of JSrunswick.
cursed dark
the period of our story, there
in the vicinity of the village nf
Irunswiek, a log house of rather jargc
dimensions, ami built in a manner that
proved that its proprietor went, iu more
for comfort than for appearance as re
garded his dwelling.'
!! taste? We have
want me eneei wiiii au
taking a few doses of our Elix
pleasant that your prejudices
Must surely tuin"awry,
ana me preparation - j
'Will lose the name o phrsie. i
(but not the effect.) " !
Physicians and customer from tho rotintrv i
may rest assured that their orders will be prompt- i
ly nl tended to. Prescriptions carefully and cor- '
reetly eomponnded. -j !
Have you the impolite guest called a com? We '
!! -Corn Slayer,-' which surely tho work, j
without pain. ! you desire a book of anvkinrf. !
a tiold Pen, an Album. Stationery, or such"? AV. '
5. l)rigjt is wilh us. f,.r the accommodation of!
all favoring him with a call. i
Do you want a fine Watch, a set of Jewelrv, '
cheap or dear? J. V. Titus sells the same, under ;
the same roof.
Come and sec us. Buy a Book. Buy a Watch.
Buy a Pill. Buy something or nothing, but come .
and sec us. anyway. A well sprinkled floor and
a cool drink of waterin the summer, ami a warm f
st-vc surrounded by eomfortahlc chairs in winter
constantly kept f..r the accommodation of all.
Albany, May 14, ."70-36 I
sixty, and his family was composed solely
of his wife, Dorothy, and his daughter
Mary, a beautiful . girl ; just budding
into womanhuod.
In his youth, farmer Jonas Hutton
had advocated Quaker principles of peace.
i uui in ins tiiu age ins sympainies were
(both the British and American cause,
that, though suspicions were rife of his
j extending aid to the Xormcr, he had thus
j far escaped actual prowf.
j The only person hired about his prem
' ises was a tall ungainly, youth of about
j twenty years of age, and who served as a
helper to the smithy when occasionally a
j neighbor wished a horse shod or his wag
j on wheel tired. His name was "Malachi
; Doolittle, and he hailed from the Kay
i Mate,.lrom which lie had wandered to
aud then if I can't catch
etly culisted. in: the cause rl iviri" i "P'-"-', my via sorrei, l wish 1 may
corge. His conduct, however, had ; bc,biown nP ln a powder mill."
so circumspect he appearing to i , g wlt . lutcut"Jhs for the benefit of
as regarded ' " American cause, lualaclu fastened
the horse, and closing the shop
wenueu i:is was to tho house.
The wiud blew keen and cold, aud the
sky was overcast with dark clouds.
"Shouldn't wonder if we had two foot
of snow bcfoie to morrow morning," said
Malachi to himself, "and I'd rather by u
darn site go to an apple bee or a tjuiltiu"
party with Mary Hutton tucfed uude"
my arm, than take a journey to Trenton
to-uight. However, what can't be cured
must be endured; as my old schoolmarm
Cil'U iu ; . " . ' . .
his present statiou some three years be- use w say wnen She plied ou the birch ;
fore, binding himself to Squire Hutton ! - uu vo 5 w uo, Malachi i,
(From tho largest Manufaeturins ChumisU in tl
Xovembcr 4. 18i4.
"I am acquainted with Mr. H. T. Helmbol d
bo occupied the drug store opposite my residence
successful in conducting the busines
where others bad not Keen equally so before him
I hare been favorably impressed with his charac
tor and enterprise."
Finn of Powers i Weightman. Manufacturing
irmisis, .MnthandUrown-st.-., Phiiadelphi
Call the attention of ralers to their larjre assort,
ment of " Newlv Arrived Hoods, compose:! hi
part of the following articles, toeother wltli
eTerr thine feent in a well supplied VIIOlaE,
FttEfn Prigh. ' I Tfi.dis's Pbepakat'ns
EflSKXTIAX, OI1.S, I Fkbftmekiks,
Which we offer at the lovert Cash Piices, and
are determined not to be undersold.
K. H. McPOyAiU 4 CO., Sajj Fba3t Cisco, Cai.-
B U C II U .
W I . . . '
or wwaaeas arnsine from indiscretion. The.v
hsastsMi powers ot Nature which are accompanied
J..? "T nuing symptoms, among which
am loanu, indisposition to Exertion, Loss of
wiaaeminess. Horror of lisease, o
rorabodiags of Evil ; in fact. Universal T .
JOB inability to enter into the enjoy
, ; iTlie Constitution
"Tf" , Wrgic Weakness, re,,uires the
Medieino to strengthen and invigorate the
J.iiV-. , "r-l--'i,-'L.l O KATKACT BL'
vuu iiuTODijaoM. If no treatment is sub
i mo, (.osnmmtton or Insanity ensues.
EtlaUWa Flaid Extract Bachb
affections peculiar to Females, is unequalled bV
lIwTBiion, mm in Chlorosis, or Ketej-
mmm. raiaiuiBeM, or (Oppression of Customary
mmmtkmt. l lcerated or Scirrns sUte of. tie
complaints incidental to the sex.
mm ua imcium OT CDanga Of life.
filaid Ulrtct f Bucliu,
wffl radlcaUy rminat. from tbe system dis-
xnu or oiutpatioa. at liltl.
. UU4J g. i dt, no teeoavca
apsanrg; eomoletelv numuii.. .i
I , . ' Ilflm
m I. M 1 -1 J- ' BOH
rivauiangimKI, . . .
Flaid Extract
L.!!rJ!i!. K"r whether exisUng
ia auto er fesnsdo, from whatever causa oririnat
isie, and no matter of how 1ch 8,. ,
Thj reader must bo aware that, however slight
amy bm ihm attack of tbo ajbor diseases, it is cer-
M?,wv5",,KiUr he"h "tal powers.
All tho above ti teases ran aire tha aid .r . r;
S"":i es Riciii ts tne
Sbir hr BW5fts rerywhera. Price el. 2d
MtsotU, oettlas) for U.M. Dciiverad to
mmj add. Ienbo eymptoina hy all commu-
n. t. rrjttMBOLDv
XkwfitMd. Chamical Warehouse, Broadwav.
Ifow York.
" Nono are genuine anleas dona up in 'steel
"graved wippr,with fae-shnilo of my Chemical
lwssrlsOs, mas) sigw4 , gr3j
tir Drug Business located in San Fran
cisco, t.'al. Alter our beit, wishes, and express
ing our mantes i.r tnc liberal patronage
we have reriicd for more than twenty -onu
years, during which period we have been steadily
engaged in the rug business in California, we
be.5 to say in cir,sciieuce of the rapid growth of
Ir. Walker's California Vinegar Bitters, now
spread over the I'uited States and countries far
beyond, we are necessitated to devote our entire
time to said busiucss.
Wc are the Oldest Iru firm on tbe Pacific
Coast un.l the only one, continuous under the
same proprietors since ISlil, and have determined
to sell our large, prosperous, and well established
business on favorable terms.
This is a rare opportunity for men with m-ans,
of entering into a profitable business with advan
tages never before oflered.
For particulars enquire of
R. 11. MeliOVAI.Ii ,t CO..
It. H. MclJoXAI.P, ) Wholesale Druggists.
J. C. SrexcER. lan Francisco. Cat.
X. 15. Vntil a sale is utado we shall continue
our importations and keep a large stock of fresh
goods constantly on. hand, and sell at prices to
defy cometitiou. :
il he was one and twenty.
As a matter of course, he had been in
love for a long time with" the fair form
and blue eyes of his master's daughter
Mary, though she had always treated his
case so coolly, that any one but a genuine
Yankee wooer would have left the held
iu despair. No girl can bear to have it
said that her lover is an object of ridi
cule, aud Mary was well aware that Mal-
i achi the name by which her father's ap
1 prentice was generally addressed was
; the sport of all the girls iu the ncighbor
: hood.
He was a fine advocate of the Ameri
' can cause, and when his boss was not by,
and he could gain a list ner's ear, he
j would express his adn:iration for Wash
ington iu the highest terms.
It was in the latter part of December,
! and close upon dusk, when a young man,
attired in the uniform of an ensign in the
j Continental army, aud mounted on a pow
erful gray horse, rode up to Sijuire llut-
ton's smithy, and requested that his ani
' mal might be shod immediately,
j ul"nend, thou seemest to be in soine
i what of a hurry," was Squire lluttou's
! rel,1y glancing at the stranger; "and as
; Malachi is busy foddering the cattle, and
; I have promised to have neighbor l'ark
' er's wheel tired in a half an hour, per
, haps thee had better apply at the next
; shop, which thee will lind about a mile
and a half further on the straight way to
, Brunswick and ."
' "A plague on neighbor Parker and his
, wagou wheel '." said the young ina-i ini-.
' patiently. "As you have stated, how- :
ever, I am iu a hurry, and bear import
i ant dispatches to Washington, whom I
understand, is on his way to attack our
I enemies at Pi iuceton. May heaveu fa
: vor the right cause I"
"Amen," said the smith, earnestly.
; "But as 1 have informed thee before, it
J will be impossible to attend to the shoe-
The Great Medical Discovery !
sM Hundreds of Thousands jf
' t. Bear testimony to their Wonder- S
ea fnl Curative Effects.. go
z " .'. , x da
;w?-alBJh- If"
ffl ' -VSa' III
" if . Sis?
tsa cp
llFtANC Y D R I N K Pff
Made of Poor Uam, Whisker. Proof
Hptrltaaad Kef use l.louurs doctored. Bp Iced
and sweetened to please the taste, called "Ton-lea,-"
Appetizers," Restorers," c that lead
tle tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, bat are
" a tree Medicine, made from tbe Katlva Boots and
Herbs of California, free from nil Alcoholic
Btlsanlanta. They are the ; It EAT BLOOD
CIPLE a perfect Benovator and Invfgorator of
the System, carrying off all poisonous mutter sod
restoring the blood to a healthy condition. No
person can take these Bitters according to direc
tion and remain long unwell. , -..
fsrlsluBHttrr and daronlo It hen.
""u,"" "d CSoat, DvaBepaia. or Iadl-
Blllaaa, Item) t tent and Inter,
aslttcat Fevers, Disaaca of the ltlood,
lAver, Kldaeya, and Bladder, these Hit.
tera have been most successful. Karh Bis
asa are caused by Vitiated Blood, which
" generally produced by derangement of tho
Digestive Oraana.
Headache. ln the 6nonlder, c,, te Tf . .
li11" "if D1""'. Sou; Eructanoal of
wdTf?.' t"te la M" BtllourAt
taeks. Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of
ta.Lungs.Pala In tHeregioa. of ttoeyVand
ataadred other painful symptoms, are tu" off
springs of Dyspepsia.
to7!r,SOrHK th Stomach and stlm0lat0 tho
torpid Uvei N.nd bowels, which render them of ua
TJJ ", ta M'o blood of .11
Impurities, -and Imparting new Ufa and vhjor to
tha whole system. ,
JZSSJ? Fraptlon;.Tetr.
BaltBtaeum, Blotches. Bpota, Pnnples, Pustules.
Bolls, Carbuncle.. King-Worms, Scald-Head, Sore
Eyea,Kry.tpelas,lteh. 6enrt, IMacoloratlons of
the Skin. Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of
whatever name or nature, are literally dug ur
and carried out of she syitcmln a ahortttme bv
the use of these Bitters. Ooe bottle In such
cases will eouWnce the most Incredulous of their
eurattve effects. .. ;,
Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you and
Its Impurities bursting -through the skin in Pirn-,
pies. Eruptions or Sores; cleanse It when you
and tt obstructed and sluggish In the veins;
eleaase It when It is foul, and your feelings will
tell you when. Keep the blood pure sad the
health of the system wilt follow.
PIN, TAPE and other WORMS, lnrklngln
the system of so many thousands, are effectually
destroyed and removed. For full directions, read
carefully the circular around each bottle.
J. WALKER, Proprietor. B. H. MoDONALD te
CO., Druggists and Gen. Agents. San Francisco,
. CaL, and 82 and M Commerce Street, New York.
ght. It is nearly
protract neighlors
f ing of this beast to m
I dark, and I seldom
after r.i-htfall."
The stranger mused a moment
then muttered to himself: "It is uot pos
sible that I can have been misinform
ed ; " drew a paper from his pocket and
handed it to Squire Hutton.
" hat is this ?" he exclaimed.
something that it would be :not po
lite to let every "one peru?e in these
times ; but I have heard that you was a
staunch man iu the cause of King
George, and I can trust you. The exi
gencies mj Case will not admit of de
lay. My horse must be shod, and must
bo within the Uritish camp at Trenton
by to-morrow morning." , , . . ,
The oil smith with an air of surprise,
wiped his glasses to peruse the document,
and by the last fading light 0f day re
cognized the well-known signature' of
Lord Cornwallia. ? e; S
He instantly grasped the stnincrer bv
the hand, and said that for the cause ol
King George he would nealect cverv
other job of work;in the shop. 5 - , s
"JJut tnec will have a roujjh ride of it.
Aiend ; the roads are in a bad condition,
aud the wind will blow cold and bitter in
thy face I observe, the whole of thy
journey." r-;,fj ;.;; ' . ;
The stranger remarked that he had
learned to laugh at such adventures in
the camp of a soldier. 1
"Aye, friend, but the night will be
black as pitch an hour later; and if thy
beast be not sure-footed, thee will scarce
ly reach Treuton by sunrise. However.
I will see that thou art well prepared for
thy journey. A good cup of tea, equal
to that the foolish rebels wasted in JJos
ton harbor, made by my swifc. Dorothy,
and a few" warm buiscuit'preparcd by uiy
daughter Mary, will refresh thee greatly,
previous to my long rida. s -t ; i $
'"Thanks', kind sir, fortfiy hospitality
and be assured that 4 6 will he remem
bered to our commander-in-chief.: My
business is urgent, for if I reach Trenton
by sunrise the plau I uow bear about uiy
person will place tho rebel army wholk
in our power." .--5
, . "Sayest thou so ?" said the smith rub
biDg his hands joyfully ; "then wo have
no time to lose. Hallo, Malachi ! Ah.
here thou art. ''Runup to tho house and
ic. ioroinyjnat. my friend, Knsign
Spencer, of the Continental army, is o
ng to sup with ub. Ik . has important
document, for tho benefit of the Ameri-
.USe' Una mufc bo in th' " American 1
i .i. t lnornng-. Thou canst
shoe the horse, while I extend to him the
hospitalities and Squire Hutton, tak
og the young man by the arm, ushered
, . . w ,uv
night tu my mind i
stormy fine. .
"Well, 'tis something dark, that's a
fact," was Malachi's response, "for a
man that's got considerable distance to
ride. Got a fine horse; I can't see for
sartin. Critter goes kinder lame, don't
"Yes, thanks to a bungling fellow who
shod him about two hours, ago, I shall not
be able to reach my destination by day
light." Kather guess you won't, 'Squire, at'
the rate you are traveling now. Trciiton
is a long way off yet, and it is a rough
road to travel. Now, 'Snuire. seoin' it'
you, I wouldn't mind swapping horses.
Old Sorrel is sure footed, and only ten
yeari old, come next grass; though I
should require a little boot uuder the
circumstances not Continental, but in
hard Spanish and," .
"Hold ou, friend, for Heaven's sake.
I have no wish to trade horses at any
rate, and your loquacity is perfectly
overwhelming. 1 have but one question
to ask, and you can act your own pleas
ure in answering it. Who gave you the
information that I was travelinrToTrcu
tou ?"
"J ust as slick as grease, 'Squire. Vou
arc on our side. God save King George
and down with the rebels. lam Mala
chi Doolittle, Joseph Hutton's apprentice
boy, who shod your critter this very
night; and it appears it was so con
founded dark in the shop that I made a
pesky job of it." .
"Pesky job, iudee-2," said Spencer.
"Why, my horse is going dead lame,
and I must be iu Trenton by to-morrow
morning my business is of the most
vital importance. "
"Could I uot do the business foryou?"
said Malaohi 'Vnn .r. U..i-
lie lound the kitchen euqdy, for Ku- j Squire Hutton's while I carry the dis
sign fc-pencer being considered in the light i patches you bear about vou to tho Uriu
isn camp.
"No," said Spencer with a laugh,
"that would hardly do. A British "of
ficer placing important dispatches in the
bauds of a blacksmith's . apprentice is)
altogether out of the question." j
"By Judas I've got it!" exclaimed j
Malachi, as if struck by a sudden
thought. "We will swap " critters for i
the present. I'll take your critter back
to Hutton's and doctor him till you call I
for him, and lend you old sorrel he is !
Must as fresh uow as when he left tho t
her ; stable, and can keep the same gate for I
ood four and twenty hours to conic." !
i Knsign Spencer was delighted with '
tnc proposition, ana lia tinir at ;i l irnra. !
ted to make .
or li -i 1 1 t
me com, bleat night lie gave a shudder, I olheer s feet touched the ground, than he
aa ii luui to depart on Ins journey. j found himself in the close cuilrace
Tall Malachi devoured his supper in a ! tall Malachi.
moody silence; but, notwithstanding his ''.Now, Squire," he exclaimed,
discontent at the notice the 3-oung of- ! it comes to a worse tusscl 111
fii.o, ,.i r.... t. i . i . i i . . i '
u.. ui mai I. lit; uiaust letlllUJ 111- VOU LO It rK UVor IlliMli niTKipj "
"Why, what do you mean, you plebian
hound," said Spencer, "by insulting an
officer of King George ?" strugglin- to
free himself from the iron graspof thc
blacksmith's apprentice.
"Mean ju-t what s;:y, y0U goldenied
eantatikerntis varmint. Hurrah for
George Washington t:ud the Continental
Congress ! Kiss Mary again, will you '(
Weil, L'm nut going to be cruel but if
you don't fork over them parcrs in a
jil)y,by the sixteenth chapter of Revela
tions, I'll make mjnee meet' of you. 1
will, by Judas :"
"Don't throttle ino," exclaimed Spen
cer, (for Malachi's grip at his throat had
been tightened every instant,) "and they
are youis.
, "Don't you attempt to cu'me any of
j your games, you Tory varmint, I can out
run, out jump, or out wrestle anything
! iu our diggings, and "
"Such is not my intention. There are
tho papers, much good may they do you.
And now be kiud enough to release mv
H ait abit, Squire so ho, sorrel
must make all right ;" aud at the same
moment he let go of Spencer he leaped
into the saddle. "Goodnight Squire, and
pleasant dreams."
Spencer instantly aimed one of his
pistols poiut blaQk at Malachi, but it
missed lire. He dashed it to the ground
with a curse, and levelled the other
the lock clicked but there was no dis
charge. "Ha, ha, ha," laughed Malachi. "You
will find the . -primin' scattered 'round
Jonas Hutton's kitcheu floor, where I
iciiu. jfa inp, galang sorrel. Three
cheers for George Washington and tho
Continental Congress.
i is to play possum, and not give the BriU
lslicis too big a start."
of an especial guest, the supper table was
j iu the parlor.
j "Hot his picturcrhc'll be making love
! to Mary, next," -said Malachi, uneasily.
I "liut if he does, I'll pay him off in his
i own coin. Ah here is his pistols and
I heavy riding coat. Well, now, Malachi
j Doolittle I don't thiuk it would be un
i wholesome to your constitution to jerk
j the primin' out of them barkers, for fear
! matters might come to rough and tumble,
i So heiegocs."
hen the apprentice euteretl the
lor, he found .Dorothy Hutton and
daughter Mary in high gke and
Humor, lha supper was over, but "the
stranger seemed to be attracted to the
aiid , arouse the spirit of ;the nation, that : had
now sunk to the depths of despondency,
he resolved to anticipate the British, and
cross the frozen Delaware on the night of
the 27th of December, where he learned
that a large body of Hessians were en
camped. Ho followed up his plan with
eminent success, for tho attack . baiug
totally unexpected more than nine hun
dred of the enemy were taken prisoners
-IT. 1 . , . "
oi war. jtie recrosseu rne river again,
and though his shadow of an army -was
weary and exhausted, ho determined to
make an attack on the Dritish forces at
Princeton. Hero he had the eood for
tuna to kill sixty and take three hundred
prisoners more. 1 his good fortune scrv
eu to dispel the gloom that : had - settled
over the American cause. ;
T, :,. i i.i.T.1 . V .
j.i is an uuuouoicu mui mat maJachi
Doolittle held a Colonel s commission ir
the army before tho close of the war.
'. On the banks of ' the river Raritan
Uiilcd in our story, there stood a fine
house, the residence of Colonel Doolittli
and family, ouc of the wealthiest farmers
in the whole country. Uo was one of
! tho most hospitable of ruon and neither
i friend or stranger could pass his door
. without being asked to take a cup of
tea, and a slice of short cake, made bv
the fair hand of his wife Mollie. There
was an old man, too, who sat in the cosi
est place by' the fireside, who, for a long
time afier tho close of tho war, wouldad
vocate the cause of the King aud talk
about having somebody arrested for
stealing a sorrel horse at -which his
daughter would wink slyly at her hus
band but he finally came to the con
clusion as peace and plenty crowned the
land of freedom, that George . Washing
ton was not so much of a rebel after all.
There was an old Indy who appeared
to never grow tired of praising her son-in-law
; and a little boy, the very image of
his rrother, who at the close of many a
summer's day, would climb upon his
father's knee and say with a tone of
earnest entreaty :
"Now, pa, do tell me all about Knsign
Spencer and General Washington and
the Hessians, and - how you hooked
grandpa's horse and 'listed for a soldier."
"Willingly, my son' tho Colonel
would reply, "but. I -have related the
story so often, I should thiuk you knew
it by heart." Yet Colonel Doolittle, for
the special beuefit of his son and heir
ol ten related the story over and
Such is oee of
; Patronize Home Manufacture. '
B R 60 M S
lAt Portland. Prices I
smith's parlor by the blight eyes of -Mary, ; ble place, they both dismomit
and looking twice out of the wiudow into j the exchange. But no souue
the ruanv incidents
connected with the dark hours of the
Revolution. Though purchased with
the blood of thousands, it left the legacy
of freedom to mankind, and few in those
"times which tried men's soul's," acquir
ed greater fame in the American cause
than Malachi Doolittle, the blacksmith's
apprentice. I
' roads on thejohuny cake and sausage. A
geuuine Yankee is seldom so deep in love
that he lorsakes his victuals, aud such
was certainly tall Malachi's case.
When there was no excuse fur longer
delay, bestowing a kiss rpon tho blush
ing check of Mary, the stranger bestrode
his animal, and set forth at a round gal
lop, on his datk j urney.
"I guess I'd belter go and finish fod
dering the cattle," said Malachi, as the
clatter of the horse's hoofs died away in
the distance. "Old Hull has broke his
suicingle all to smash. I calculate that
I had better take the sorrel horse and go
down to Brunswick tomorrow ruornit)"
and get it fixed, as we will want to sled
some wood from the swamp. Suppose you
, can lot mo. have old sorrel for a iittle
while, Squire ?"
' "Well how on earth can thee go down
to Brunswick without him, Malachi ?
How foolish you can talk to-night."
"Weill didn't know but hat you
might want to use him," said Malachi,
closing the door behind him, and start
ing for the bain. "Consain his picture!
kissed her lips he did ? Well, if I don't i
have a wrestle with him for that trick my J
name ain t Malachi Doolittle. Jerusalem
how cold it is! I wish I had on my
other shirt; but it is no use to grumble
Old Sorrel, put ir your big licks"; and you
shall be fed on nothing but oats and clover
for the balance of your material days.
And now for a paitiug salutue io the
boss," he added, as he rode up to the
door of the o'd farm house. ' llullow
Squire Hutton, suthin's broke loose ! '
"Why, Malachi, what is the matter?"
asked the smith opening the door; is the
barn afire, or "
j "No, nothing of the kind, boss. I've
j concluded to borrow Old Sorrel to-ni"ht
instead ot to-morrow morning. I know
the whole plot, and am going to take
tiicm papers lrom .Ensum s
DCUCCr. and
give them to George Washington."
"Why, his horse is fleet as the wind,
and he will be in Trenton before thou art
half way," said the smith with a Iau-h.
"lou torget that I shod his horse, boss
"Well he is armed, and will shoot'theo
dead as a nail, if thou dost attempt vio
lence." "Can't fc did, boss. I shook piiming
from his pistols when he was in to sup
per." 1
"Thunder and Beelzebub. Lord for
give me, but
The remainder of the sentence was lost
to Malachi's ear, for with a wild "Ya hip !
gaiang oorrci i lie was
track of tho British spy.
nfl.;. :r. i -i . . P'uce
- nuu ciiarnniig aao"htcr
Meanwhile Malachi, who had eyed tho
stranger very closely; lit the lamp and
began to ply the bellows. 3 -
iv eu ne exclaimed to himself
mis uon t Deal all nature. I
The night was very dark ; the flakes
of snow were falling fast over tho already
whitened ground, but the old soriel was
perfectly acquainted with every inch of
tno ground. lie had scarcely put the vil
lage of Brunswick fivo miles behiud him,
when ho decried tho object of his search
a short distance ahead, and traveling at
such a gait as convinced him that En
sign Spencer had little to thank Malachi
Doolittle for his handicraft. As the mat
ter stood it was no great feat for the sor
rel or apprentice to rein up by the side
of the officer in the space of a few mo-
uenis. it was too dark for Spencer to
ms new acquaintance ol the
fine evening, Squire," said Malachi,
lllUr Will lia
tow, if it continues to
come dowu this
Tho sun was not above an hour high
when a tall, slab-sided Yankee, mounted
on a bony horse, rode up to the American
lines, where he w?s hailed by the sen
tries, arid to whom he-made known .fhat
he had something of the most vital im
portance to communicate to tho General.
His invincible pertinacity finally procur
ed him the coveted audience with the
Commander-in-Chief of American forces,
and tall Malachi placed the documents
he had procured with so much trouble in
his hands. Washington saw at a glance
mat, uau the. plans they divulged, bean
carried fJu, tho4Amerieans army woufd
have been phiced in great peril, if not
utterly annihilated. Of his master's
share in the transaction Malachi Doolit
tle said nothing, for he was too much iu
love with Mary to betray hoi- father, but
an oiner questions he answered with
promptness that proved sense uough
make up for his uncouth appearance'!
jruu mau 10 serve in the armv
said ushinrtiiii kindlv
j .
Such arc my intentions, your excel
lency ii you thiuk my services worthy of
regard." J
"We are always glad to receive such
good recruits in the cause of freedom as
thou art. The service thou has rendered
is a great one to the American cause.
.Captain Doolittle, allow mo to congratu
ate you, for such is 'the commission you
hold henceforth, iu the- Continental
army." . . . f y
-ill j
ine heart of the new-mado nffi.r L.
M A NCE I N R E A X. L I V E. Sc vera 1
rs ago, a young lady in Tazewell
; county was wooed by a young man. He
obtained her consent, aud the consent of
; tho old folks, but three days bcfoie the
j wedding she to"k a freak into her head,
i and went off and married; another. The
young man was heart broken, and packed
! up his trunk and went to New Vork city.
There he hid his grief, buried I itnself
I in business, and engaged in speculation,
was sueecsslul, and "became wealthy. A
j younger sister of the girl that had jilted
: him, moved by sympathy, commenced a
i.uiit;.-qiiuc'ni-e v.uti in m to endeavor to
j mitigate his sorrow. The correspond
i ence became interestiuc. Tho vmm.r
girl grew up, and as years rolled on,
ripened into a great beauty. The sight
ot her photograph awakened iu the young
man's bosom the love that he had sup"
posed crushed forever. lie proposed to
her and was accepted. Her lather was a
widower aud was anxions tu opt miirruul
himself as soon bs hi .1 : tl oil fl r-ia ' s-iif
of the way, so he urged the match for
ward. The means of the lover uow
admitted a brilliant wedding, and prepa
rations were made for it. I They were to
be married last Wednesday in etylo, and
depart immediately for New York. A
few days ago the expectant bride receiv
ed a letter from her betrothed,' stating
that he had entered into speculations
uiai wouia Keep linn in the city so that he
could not possibly ba with her, at the
time appoiuted, and asking her to delay
the ceremony for a dav or'two. II nl,.
j referred to the time when he had cxpect-
cd to be united to her sister; Provoked
to think that he still remembered his
former love, the young lady wrote him
iu a passion, nd sitting down at , the
same time wrote to a cousin .. of hers, a
farmer in Iowa, who had long loved her,
telling him that she had broken her
engagement, relating the circumstances
to nun, and ending by saving that sh
was all ready to bo married and if he
vu.,i uuu oetnere at the time set
ior uer wedding, she would marry him
lie compiled. Her betrothed in New
iui, asioiusiica to receive her letter
closed up his business as best be , could
auu came to Tazewell couny by the nex
" ,110 reached the little village
w horn hn 11,-.1 3i.. c
. ,ou, unci was nasteumir ud to
the manufaoture of
I am prepared to furnish the Oregon public with
as good a broom as can be obtained on the coast,
at Portland prices. 'Orders solicited.
Address all orders to 11 CAIN, VOUNG fc
CO., Uereral Agents, Albany, Oregon.
... . W.' D. BKCDINO. :
Albany, llccembcr 3, 1ST0-I3y . , ; ;;
Family Sewing-i Machine,
With Attachment for all kinds of Work,
Is fast winning favor in the household,
as shown by the sales of last year,'
. i amounting to eighty-six thousand,
seven hundred and eighty one
machines,' which-far exceed
those of any" other Company. ;
This new FAMILY MACHINE is canablaof a
range and variety of work such aa was thought
impossible a short timo neo. to nerform bv ma
chinery. . We claim, and can show those whom it
may concern, that it is tbe cheapest, most beauti
ful, delicately arranged, nicely adjusted, easily
operated, and smoothly running of all the family
Sewing Machines. It is remarkable, not onlv for
tbe range aud variety of its sewing, but also for
me variety anil different KINDS OF TEXTURE
which it will sew with equal facility and perfec
tion, using Silk Twist, Linen or Cotton Thread,
fine or coarse, making the INI Kit I.OCKED-KLASTIC-STITCH.
alike on both sides nf tho
tabrie sown. Thus beaver cloth", or leather, may
be sewn with great strength and uniformity of
stitch, and in a moment this willing and never
weary in 5 machine may be adjusted for fine work
on gauze or gossamer tissue, or the tucking of
n.oi. ,in, u, ruming. or almost, any otner work
which delicate fingers hare been known to per
form. - ,
Purchasers can soon be convinced that our new
Family machine embodies NEW and essential
principles simplicity of construction ease of
operation uniformity of THECISK action at any
?l"ccu capacity ior range and variety of work,
line or coarse, leaving all rivals behind it.
The lAildinr Cases.
Tbo New Family Machine may br bad in n va
riety of folding covers and eases. Soma lm Ir,
polished surface only the grain and tiut of tho
wood, while others arc finished in all the elabora
tion oi art
The Attachments
lining. Felling, fttifflinfr, Braining, llinj
bng, (lathering, Tucking, Kmbruidcriug,
for lleuitn
tto v.i:..
"o "'")., 'iuueriug, iucKlllg, I'.linirulitcrmir.
Ac., are not only numerous, but now l.rom-l.t
great perfection. Most of them ean be attached
or detached by a simple move of l!.e hand. Tho
quality of the work can only bo fully appreciated
on observation and examination.
Macltlnc Twist,
.'.o.i Tbrtyitl. ,. .. Caltmi, Oil. itv.
We have and shall kc.-p in stock nt our Central
Oa.ce, and Agencies, (on s;mo! of various sizes V
Twist of all sixes nnd colors I.ineu Thread,
t-icol t otton. Oil. and all otli. r n.ii. l,..
ill the use of our machines. "
We wi.-h it understood that we mauufacluro tbo
Twist sold by us ; that we shall niui to have it
excel in quality and exceed in quantity, for a
given price. Hint of other manufacturers, a"nd that
the Twist made by us in our now and cxtensivo
mills, supplied as they are with Ihe m-wt iinprovc.
maelimety and skilled labor ran be relied on for
tho desirable qualities of uniformity of size, even
ness, length of thread as marked on each spool
strength, excellence of color, aud beauty of finish
oct2y-S-.-)m K: 438 Uroadway, Xew Turk.
. So.-139 Montgomery street.'
i?IRS. S. A. JiHEXS,
"Agent for Albany.
?4 Ai I'li.wrTf
teat is. '
JV .w
vrTJ.-df j
the house to fulfill hia cngagcuient when
he was met by somo of his friends and
.. J - - . ...
- . no unn r o crre f r- nni4
though i LP.Cer' placinS nd by way'of pro
- , v.v.lluu Up0n one of hia pistols," for the
loo tun to express his thanks; but
lesoivcu to prove by deeds, and not
WOrdrt. that linwn, ir.n.jl r i,r ,
ton s consideration. Tho Comniander-in-l,hiet
saw. that somo i
. I must be taken not only to save l'hiladol
said j phia, which, as he learned by tho dis
patches brought by Doolittle, tho enemy
were determined to possess but! to
toiu mar. ro i.,;,1a i... j
uaU just oeen marrie
to another man.5 He fainted away o
the spot aud was taken tin trt llm I.aI.,
V hen the bride wa.s told of it, she was
overwhelmed with remorse, "but it was
Mien too late. She was legally .married
..or cousin , The New Yorker", twice
uroMin. icn lor his home j without
seeing her, and she passed through this
city yesterday, on her way to an Iowa
... , looking very dejectqd and anything
but like a bride. Peoria TrannrL.
Here's th
u flirt . . n
r,l.i !.;; --;
- - . .. , anu iivini; ;W the JNortb
uaroima mountaius. The Tarboro' ttr-
yi i.i says mat at the time of Brjid
uociv s fleteat, he-was 20 years old, and
had a wife aud three children. lie has
always been in aoderato ! circumstances ;
lived upou a coarse vegetable diet; never
tlrunk anv'liquid but spring - water, . and
bids fair to live many j'ears longer. lie
has survived seven wives, and having"
lost his last one about sixty years ago, ho
now begins to feel quite lonely .and
wishes to marry again, i " !'
It is reported that Rothschild will re
tiro from tho representation of tho City
of London, and will bo; called to the
House of Lords with the title of Earl
Moutmore. j
. , ., . itf y - pr yr. t
For a few cents yon can buy
of your Crocer 6i rrncffist a
package of SEA MOSS FARINE
made from pprp Irish Moss or,
Carrageen, whicli , will make !
sixteen quar.t3 cf . Piano Mange,
and alike quantity cf Puddings '
Custards, Creams, Charlotte
Ilusso, &c. It is tho cheapest,
healthiest and ' most delicious;
food in the world It makes a,'
splendid Dessert, ' and- has no
equal as a light and delicate '
food for Invalids and Children. .
A Glorious Change It.,
Tim ainiAr vKE.t;'ii toaic.
'Plantation Bitters. .
.Tiii.-i i .:iIoifnJ vegcfuble re .
sti-fft is the shcet.anchiH' of
tlie fftljlc iintl lc'Uiiititf0.1. As a ;;
tunic iJtul cuidial for flic itgetl
and languid, , it l;us no , etjual
umoilg ntomuchics.- Asa rriurtfv
for tJte nriToiis tvcaliiH'ss t
wSiichwoiuen Rie sicc UiHy t,i?-'
f t, it i isiiiciscHiig every olhcr
J :iaiil:-3sl. In all irSit:j:iJt-s, t I3ti.'
: :'' ahj cr rrigltl, t. nvt
n t, un title, in ct rsy Pxjcties of
:-'..- t::-r
it I' r '.
: 1 m
C.i lllitlerir;!,!.- t.-
J ;:stj :rcii!i,,,tl.-!