U. S. Official Paper for Oregon. SATUll DAY, FKIJKUAliy 4, 1S71 With tlic" fall of Paris it would seera j that the last hope of the .Republic had J IFor rnrrimrv devasted, C-ov i 1.11 ,rUh wounds, hleedins at "n 1 lanos tl,e 1 atent Anon, for instance. Axrortr nr.ro with dissensions and strife mA ja j injr Investment." " Few parents know ' that they cannot make a better "paying" investment than putting money into a musical instrument without regard to' their children, being "all hoys" or "all girls" or a mixed col lection. Why ? Wc will show you : take two parent's, let one put 8500 at iutereat, and the other invest in the latest improvement . ., ,rm 1- . 4 t the feet of her conqueror, bound hand and foot, with no shadow of hope of success in a further continuance of her; struggle. At an untold cost of life1, and blood and treasure, she has . fought the most terrible aud disastrous., war the world ever saw,Tut by superior force she is' compelled nt the close to accept euch terms as tie victorious Germans may of fer.;.,Tha . conditions . imposed upo prostrate France are (almost crushing, "yet are not so bad as would result from a j rolongatiort of the unequal " duel. - We hope that peace may once more, fuld her wings oyer Europe but who can. tell? We await future developemcnts with no liffle interest. ' '''"' ,:''"''; - 1 ,: - " .. ' .,' ' . .. ' ' ' xne new city on the Uoiumbia, Tivtr,, Kalama.laid out by the Northern Pacific Railroad -Co., x recently is stiUjcreatiog and all properly laid off in lota aud blocks, which are now offered to the public. , The new city is located on the Colombia riv er, about forty miles below Vancouver, r;rT.'-iThe N. P. . Co: are prepar ing to erect dockSj ,, depots, warehouses, eti; at this poiut, making it their head quarters on the Columbia. . Mr. B. Black, formerly cleVt irr the Shermau IL use at Chicago, has secured six lots, on which he proposes to erect a hotel with . a front of soventy-five feet, so arranged as to ex tend1 it one hundred and twenty-five feet, riia a depth of eighty feet. It will be three stories high, be covered with. a. Mansard roof, aod ,.wiU .eost 515,000. This looks as -though there was great conuuence letr in tae xucare - or lvaiama the "be autiful'gir!. ' - .: ; suppose ten years have elapsed : what wouiU probably le the resu.t in the two families fmetberV Children harrfGeiwral Grant to understand that he Senator Williams. A Washington dispatch to the New York. Tr.Zuno, Japuary 9th, says : As the name of. Senator , Williams of Oregon, has been mentioned, to the em barrassment of both the Senator and the Piesident, in connection with the offipn of Attorney General, it is proper to state that the incumbent, Mr. Akerman, has no intention of resigning, and the Presi dent has intimated no desire for his re tirement. During an interview with tlic i , ti . .. - i lesmeui 10 aay, senator Williams gave The SmU Francisco Vhronu fe don't liko the manner in which President Grant treat ed the Pacific delegation, who, it will be re membered,. ioterTiewcd him at the, White House recently, and recommended Senator Williams as the proper person to fill a po sition in his Cabinet, about to be made vacant" ty the retiring of Akerman, as urrently reported. 1 It says these gentlemen were treated rather discour teously, and asserts ; that . Senator Wil liams is the peer of any member of his Cabinent, as at present constituted, and Lis Friends Vn J the Pacific Coast were entitled to a respectful hearing from him. While agreeing with the Chronicle that Senator Williams is the equal of any member of Grant's Cabinet and deserves the fullest . consideration at his hands, yet we are inclined to the opinion that the. delegation was over zealous ia the matter; and upon the whole, were treated about righUfor their ofliciousncss. grown up seeking music . and pleasure away trom Home, subject to many temp tations, wnue ms money by interest has doubted? the'pthxfBiilyJhaf e boepme performers and lovers of music, and through life look back to their home cirr cle and their home sougs with pleasure, they have missed many dangers by their home attractions and ihcy have the Pi anltiXIA3H & t'illlkZk$, It is surprising how few persons know where the modern Piano commenced or originated. Nearly 200 years ago . in ueriunftY f by tlic way Mr. Mariner, ' the patentee of the Arion, is an American German) they invented what we call the "Dulcimer" which was brass wires stretch ed actress.. a box and played upon with", a stick iu each hand ; next .they made a " t'lacicord," in which 'they used a key board, to be played upon with the fingers like the present Piano, the shape of this and the : Dulcimer were tapering ; the next stop was the "Clavieetheriuin" of a square form, little leather hammers struck the catgut, strings; next came "Good Queen Bess," (who was as bad as the Devil could make . her) the " Virginal" made in Kngland,. so named iu her honor, it had metal strings whielj were snapped by Quills affixed to the back'end of the keys. The greatest advance was the "Jlarp sichonl' shaped like pur Modern .Grand Piano, "it "had "wires stretehed across Bridges, and its "Action" was the same as the Virginal. ' They made a square Harpsichord which they called a "Spine t the wags of that day used to call them, with-their Quill actions. " scratcli with a sound on the end of it" Yet upon these simple, rude instruments, Beethoven, Mozart, and Handel composed their glo rious inspirations. Thus little by little have arrived at perfection in our musical instruments, uutil the "summit of per fection" is reached in the far famed Patent-Ariox Piaxo-Fgutk, which con tains many valuable improvements over the "ordinary Pianos of the present day.- From the I'hiladctyhia "Monti of Pence." Bis.makck.'s Tekms. Following are the terms of peace offeied by Bis marck to the French nation : 1. Cession of Alsace and part of Lorraine, known as German Lorraiue. 2. Money indemnity of one thousand million francs. S. Forty war ships from the French fleet. 4. One of the colonics now held by the French which 1 cannot learn. The money indemnity must be guaranteed by the municipalities. If refused, the property of rich individuals will be held possession of until aequicsccnco is obtain ed. c not an applicant for any oflice, and that anybody asking office for him did so without his consent , aud against , his wishes. ' ' ' - "" Good NEtts to Oreooji Volunteers. --On the 14th of last month, the Senate bill to pay two . companies of Oregon vol teers, before tho : House Com m it tee on Military Affairs, was reported back from that Committee with, the recommendation that the feill pass-' 'Folfo wing is the text octjwu? g'v v.; J:,'i ;;,;.', ; The bill provides thai the Act of Con gress entitled 4.n Act to authorize , the Secratary of War to settle and adjust the 'expenses of tho Rogue river Indian war," approved July 17 j 1854, shall be extend ed: to the two companies of Oregon volun teers commanded by Captains Jesse Walk- Vt-MIl VHIJ, tl&U 1UUI UtifTlCS te suppress Indian hostilities in .Ore gon tilf eal'foT the payment1 of the eims; known is f lie Itatnaway t irpvush CtsmJ? aava th JiuZh'fia which, him Tioon miuuuu. uu ink iigut si: tur years, amounting to about fortyr thousand dol lars. ' ivithout much debate the bill pass ed, and it is altogether probable has r e- eifed-tbe signature of President. Grant eretajst Cm the same day Mr. ffagley farther added. ,Ji - s t, . s X have been instructed by the Commit- eee on MiliUry Affairs to .report back, whs a recommendation ibat the same do pass, m bill til., JR. No. 2,040) to amend an Act approved March 2, 1851, entitled, Aa Act to provide for the T payment' of the expenses incurred by the Territories f Oregon and Washington for the ' sup pression of Indian hostilities therein for the years 1855 and. 1856." r ' This looks as though Uncle Samuel in tended to pay ine- whole Oregon war debt ef 1855 and 1S56, and will be good news to. those who have waited so long "for their dues. . - ' , , , v.The indieations are that the census ro- wiU biow 'hat the population of the United States is nnder ' forty - millions i pjrobably. not over thirty.six or thirty save millions. We will have about the' mm number of inhabitants as credited to I Eraneo, or Prussia with her German de. peBieneies. Ha it not been for the re Eelnon .the, population of the United States would have been between 42 000 i' eOO;anL 45,000,000. . .X ' V " ' ' ' '' ' ' . Tha-3aryswUe (Cat) Appeal,' one of r host exchanges, has entered npon'its twentysthird volume. It is one of the hest newspapers published in our sister S&ate) and. we wish it tl fullest of pro. Eutj tad sacccss. , " , Chief Justice Chase! The Cincin nati Enquirer, the Democratic organ of Ohio, editorially.says this : . As the friends of this distinguished citizen, as well as the public generally, aro interested in his health, we quote the following in regard thereto from a letter on private business, written vis by a trienti in flew l ork, on; the 4th ; inst. : "I visited Chief Justice Chase yesterday. and found him much better than I ex pected, lie is quite worn and broken in face, but moves about easily, and con verses with his usual ease and " trrace. His wit is as lively as ever, and his judg ment as clear". I . thiuk we all should feel quite glad of this, for Mr. Chase, with all his foibles, is still, as I think, the greatest man we have to-day." Chas. Lamar, of Portland, has brought suit against John Phillipi for the seduc tion of his wife, laying his damages at 30,000. , . . - -. " The French General, Bourbaki, at tempted suicide after his defeat at Bel fort. His life is despaired of. Adverse Hei'OUT. Iu the House proceedings of Januaary 14th occurred this : Mr. Cobb, of Wisconsin, also, " from the Committee on Military Affairs, re ported adversely upon the petition of Jesse T. Thompson, George B. Mekler, and fifty others, disabled soldieis and inmates of 'National Asylum, at Dayton, Ohio, askmg Congress to authorize the issue of transportation, arms, blankets, and rations to enable them to remove and settle in Oregon,undcr the auspices of the Oregon Ctlony, No 1, amjt moved that the Committee be discharged from the further consideration of the and that it be laid on the table, motion was ajrreed to. , same, The Small pox Walla valley. Js prevailing in Walla Telegraphic Summary. MISCELLANEOUS Fort Benton (M. T.), Jan. 31. Charles B. McKnight and a man named Ross, belonging to the .post at Mussel Shell, while out hunting on the 11th. Ti e Eugeue City Guard is the Deur ocratie organ of Lane county. Here is what it says of tho Democratic State gan, the Portland Herald, In its issue t '' ' or-last The .Journal innocently asks if the evir the we vauy xieraia nas suspended. . it is dent that is has suspended so far as Jonrnttl is concerned. - And thereat rejoice.. We have not had a copy of the '.'party: organ"Uaflu2ted ou us for about three weeks, aod our cup of joy was filled to overflowing.;, H e are truly glad that we have some one to enjoy pur bliss with us. hv not stop tile a weekly ? We have not the slightest use for it, as never nas contaiuea an original idea, nor an item of news, since we first.: made- its aequaiataoce.j t '' f. 'ftm&'MU. From Arizona we learn that -'.t Indian raids of late have .been of frequent occur rence all over the Territory, the Apaches having attacked -tho Gila and Pinio : Res ervations, places hitherto regarded as safe. The citizens were' to have amass meeting on the 1st, to consider measures for - the public safety. . : ' . " . ',' On the 28th uh. tho people of Corinne (Utah) luxuriated ina terrible hurricane, accompanied with thunder and lightnings which swept over the town, throwing down houses, chimincys, and doing other damage. ' The rainfall in California is reported as very general throughout the , State, and the people look forward hopefully -to large Tho.' Tartars ; in China ' have ' again "revoluted" ; and : have already seized many important places. At last dates the revolution had . assumed alarmins: proporUons.1: . vr 'Heath and Southern! y stage robbers who escaped from Camp Douglas (Utah) someiiwo since, have BcejolcaughLj WI Xenia (Ohio) girls are said to have a pleasing habit of kissing strangers in the street, and then wildly; screaming, "Oh niy ! I thought it was cousin Charlie !". Upon the receipt of the news ! of -the capitulation of Paris, " tho citizens of Berlin were thrown into a perfect frenzy of excitement. - . Bismarck 'Denies neirotiii'tinir to return the Eaineroi France. lam, ot i'russia. Prince Frederick Will -uroaiter to be styled Imperial;, Hi neas and Crowa; Prineo of Germany. .i '-:Vv-:,J'"'' "t' i if... , . The English ParUament meets on 19th of March nexl. Small pox is reported as cpideinio London, and rapidly increasing. ' "- ' the in were shot and killed by a war party cf Sioux Indians. . Grass Valley, Jar. 31. Kobett Cute, the man who was hart by fallin" down stairs, teunday morning, died from his injuries this afternoon. Colusa, Jan. 31. Mr. Shaw, of the firm of Bond, Reynolds & CJ., and W. W.Thomas of this place, were severely injured tnis afternoon by the running away of a team which they were driving- ; - Advices from Tahiti announce the ar rival there of the German bark Gazell, with barley, from San Francisco, cap tured off Iquiqui, Peru, by a French steamer, and sent there as a prize. Rivas, Mexican Consul, under orders from Mexico, declines to sign any clear ances for vessels or goods for Magdalena ta5"-. XJie Lower California Company having advertised free ports, free trade, etc., he notifies the public that Magdale na bay is not a port of entry, and any goods loaded for there -will bo liable to seizure, The only Dort of entry on the peninsula of Lower California is La Paz. The Curlew, chartered by the Lower California Company, ; being refused clearance for Magdalena sailed without papers. t . . : f .... . The United States . steamer .Nyack, from Honolulu, with advices from the crew' of the wrecked war steamer Sagi naw is now due, and her arrival looked : fur with much anxiety. ' , Reno, Jan. 31. About 5:30 p. m. to day, while the ' Susan ville stage was approaching town, at a point one and a half miles north, two men masked jump ed from behind the sage ; brush, , one catching the leaders by the head -i and covering the driver with a revolver, the other covering the passengers with pis tols in each hand and calling on j all .to raise their hands. The driver was then requested to dismount, when they search ed him and obtained $150 in coin. Major Eggleston, U; S. A., was then requested to dismount which ho , did, when j the robbers searched him and found $200 in his pockets, and requested him to remove the belt around his waist, which contain ed $7,000. The robbers must have known of the fact and followed .him . for some distance. .While they were exam ining the Major, the driver, from whom they had taken a revolver, drew a dcrin ger and fired at one of the villains; ; and undoubtedly hit him in tho breast, as ho fell to the ground and afterwards got up and staggered off, '"firing as"; ho went. The other robber , decamped, and -, the report of the pistol caused the team to run away. Tlrcy.ran a distance of half a mile before they were stopped, ; when . Lieu tenant Hay and another man rvrocceded back to follow tho robbers. When they arrived at the scene of tho encounter they lounu wo :iajor s belt containins the $7,000 and the $200 of private funds. Montgomery (Ala.), Jan.: 21. Judge W. P. Shelton, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Free Masons, of Alabama, died last night.. He was , for merly Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the State, , Both Houses of the Legislature add the Saprcme Conrt ad journed until Monday in respect ' to his memory. ' , - ... . - i . t. - . ' ' roREiax . " London, Jan. 30. -All rivers are open for transportation to Paris. Bismarck leaves France after the" meet-' ng of the Assembly at Bordeaux. . : The early return of the Emperor Wil liam is expected. The report of his re turn on Tuesday is unauthenticoted. The Germans rigidly maintain pass port regulations during the armistice. Lille, Jan. 30. The armistice as tounded the North. The impression is rather favorable, but undecided, await ing conditions of peace. ) It is said the Germans have invested Abbeville, notwithstanding .the armis tice. i London, Jan. 5 3l. The armistice begins instantly in Paris, in three days in the Departments, ending at noon of Feb ruary 19th. , :The dividing line divides the Departments of Calavados and Ornc, the Germans holding SarAndro,- Loire and Cherloiret and Youne, iu the neigh borhood of Jura. - ,j -) ff It is expe'etedthat the sea forces are included in the armistice and capitula tion of prisoners of war,, to remain iu Paris. After surrendering their arms the National Guard and gens, d'armes remain under .arms as - a police. All Franc-Tirreurs'are to be disbanded. A Berlin dispatch says the Bonapart ist negotiations with Bismarck ' take an important turn. A later dispatch says there is conster nation at Wilheluishohe is consequence oPthe proposition to call a Constituent Assembly. ; ;;, ir;..- ., Lonuon," Jan. 30. Gauibetta ratifies 1 r.. i . , ... iu vapiiuiauou, ana wui not resign. Later Gauibetta is reported to hav curaniutea suiciae. L&incc contradictedj. The Empress Eugenic, .after a stormy interview with Duke de Pcrsigny, order ed hiiu to quit her presence, since he persisted in urging her to couscut to tho dismemberment of France. There are demonstrations in several French towns against the armistice and mutilation of France, and the municipali ties appear to maintain resistance, .and have seut deputations to Bordeaux with that. object. " . . Bordeaux, Jan. 30. Gauibetta tel egraphed to day to Favre at Versailles requesting him to break the silence main tained by the Paris Government, to state the name of the minister whose arrival was announced, the "motives of delay, and positive information respecting. the condi tion ot Paris. ; ' , . Rumors are current that Von Moltke was greatly dissatisfied with the Crown Prince's army on the occasion of the sor tie of the 19th. He thinks ground was lost unnecessarily, and expressed his opinion openly. - There is a growing cold ness in consequence between tho Crown Prince and the comrnander-ia chicf. New York, Jan. 30. A JLrald spe" cial, dated Versailles, Jan. 29, says Fort Valerian was entered last night by the Prussian engineers to draw the mines. Heavy guns have been moved imo the forts, as the eiiceinte is strongly armed, and no confidence can be placed in the fickle populatijn of Paris until after a general disarming. A strong force of iuf'antry aud aitillery moved forward to cover the working parties. The object is to snare further bloodshed, and :ive an opportunity to the French people, through an asseinblyof representatives at Bordeaux, to tfeeide fur war or peace. Elections will Lo permitted in all the departments, wiCli free circulation of the deputies throughout the country. The Army of Paris and regiments of the line Marines and Mobiles, will be prisoners. With the exeeptioii cf 12,000 men requir ed to maintain order in Paris, all troops but the-National Caards willjjo dissolved. The French troops will deliver arms, flags and field artillery within fourteen days. 1 he trench may retire into Paris armed, and the cannons of the forts are to be delivered up, but the enceinte guns are to bo dismounted and tho carriages delivered to the Prussians. Tbe guns are to be left. A line of demarkation is drawn between the enceinte and forts. The Freneh position, extends "to the enceiute only ; the Prussian portion to within five liundred paces from the enceinte, with certain topographical mod ifications. Fort Vincenncs will remain in the hands of the French. ' - Paris .. remains ; completely invested from a military point of view, but 33 miles of road will be repaired and'' per mitted to convey sufficient supplies for the daily subsistence of the population. Bourbaki's army and the . fortress of Belfortare not comprised in the armis tice. The Prussian's line of demarkation for the Southern armies is to be the line oC the Loire. , .' - . Fuvre : returned to Taris vesterdav evening. Not moro than three weeks' provisions remain- in Paris at the pres ent time. , The "French at Versailles generally rejoice . the approach of peace. By the latest report of negotiations it appears that Bismarck- demands two provinces, a French colony, twenty war ships, and 1,0"00,000,000 francs as the final terms of peace. The capitulation will only be regarded-as a military ' act apart from all political negotiations. The following is an official dispatch by the Minister of the North German Con federation at Washington to the North German Consul j of -this? city, received to day The forts of Paris arc surren dered. " An armistice for three, weeks by land and sea is agreed upon. The Na tional Assembly i3 summoned at Bor deaux.' '..v.-; - t London, "Jan. 29, A Versailles dis patch just received' says the 15th Saxon corps at lO.o'clock to-day occupied Clar cnton,. Montrougo aud Vanvrcs. The Silosian corps occupied Ivry aud Biectrc. Immediately after the occupation of the forts by the Germans, tho Provisional Government still retaining its authority in Paris, will summon a National Assem bly, which body will decide ou the form of the future government of Franco. London, Jan. 29. :Empcror William has sent the following to . the , Empress Augusta: . . Versailles, Jan. 29. At 2 P. M. last night an armistice -of three weeks was signed. The Regulars and Mobiles arc to be retained in Paris as prisoners of war. The National Guarde will un dertake the. maintenance of order. AVe oecupy all the forts. Paris remains invested, but will be allowed to rcvictual as soon as arms are surrendered. The National Assembly is to be convened at Bordeaux in a fortnight. All artnie3 in the field will Tctain their respective posi tions. . The" jroutid between the opposing lines, is to be neutral. . , ...... vrixxiAxn tjavibson, REAL ESTATE DEALER, . Oflice, No. 6 Front Street, - PORTLAND - -V . . OREGON. REAL ESTATE in this CITY and EAST FORTL ANI. in the most desirable localities, con sisting of LOTS, HALF BLOCKS and BLOCKS HOUSES and STOKES; ulso, - IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable un cultiirBtd LANDS, located in ALL parts of the STATE for SALE. . REAL ESTATE and other Property pur vlmsod for Correspondents, iu this CITV and throughout the STATU and TER1UTORIKS, with great care and on the most ADVAXTA- UliUUa TJ5KMS. HOUSES and STORES leased. LOAVK XEOOTIATED. and CLAIMS OF ALL DES CRIPTIONS PROMPTLY COLLECTED. And a Ueneral FINANCIAL and AGENNCY BUSI NESS transacted. AGENTS of this OFFICE in all tho CIT- 1KS and TOWNS in the STATE, will receive descriptions of FARM PROPERTY and forward the same to the above addrueg. 3v22 CROWNSTILLE A. Wheuler, dealer in fancy aud staple Dry Ooodd, llat, Clothing, Boots aaid Shoes, Groce-riu.-, Crockery, Hardware, Iron and Steel, Wagon Timber, Pious, Agricultural Implements, etc., etc. , , ... . . Motto "Small profits and quick returns." NEW TO-DAY. i . : i .... - .. . ' NEW TO-BAYJ i " ' j . NKV TO-DAY..' . ! . : - JOHN CONNER, BANE ING EXCHANGE OFFICE, ALB.VXV, OREGOX. DEPOSITS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO cheek at eight. Interest allowed cm time deposits in coin. Exchange on Portland, San Francisco and New York for ?ak at lowest rates. . Collections made and promptly remitted. Refers to 11. W. Cor'octt, lleury Failing, W. P. Ladd. ;. ,., . Baukinff hours from 8 a. st. to 6 v. it. 15 Albany, February 1, 1871. 22v3 To the reople of Albany. rnUE UNDERSIGNED bavin" rented and J refitted the FRANKLIN MARKET, form erly occupied ly Mr. Sears, hopes to be ablo to furnish the putno with as good MEATS, both as to quality and variety, as the country affords, anil expects to be represented there by a good, accommodating man, and H?ks a liberal portion ufyourpatr..nu2C. DANIEL CLARK. Albany, February 1,. J S71-22tf ID. U. 37A.-X-, Physician, Snrgton & Aecoucher. Ol-I-ICi: -NEAR THE ST. CHARLES Hot 1, Albany, Oregon. Special attention given to Surgery and Chronic diseases. Consul tations in English, (iernian or French. 21v.1 Take IVoticc. ANY AND ALL PERSONS DEStlUNiJ Grood 3ZStvx-sixxisi 2 ' ; .' Will call at the GASH store', as we sell for CASH OR.TKADB IN HAND, and will soil chc;yer tinder this system of doing business. CASH paid, for nil the KCOS that may bo of fered, at the CASH STORE cf Jan. 7, 1S71-1S R. CHEADLE & CO. A LEW HEASONS WHY ' THE f A RIO N P I, A N O SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS. Tim 1 11 rn.T I UrtTl H' t 1 Power than any other other Piano Forto uiana- rnnlnroil ! IT WILL STAND IN , Il'SE LOXGEK and in its mechanical construction it ia more per fect, and therefore, more durable than any instru ment constructed in tbe usual modern style. Tho aranmment of the Agraffe, the manner of stringing. the peculiar furm ttnd arrangement of tne iron Jrame, , : j -;i Snierse!cs nil Others. The Qso of a Lart,( which is b. part of tho Iron Frame) on a line with the heavy steel stringing. gives - :.. ' i , Great Slrciiffth' Where most needed, and in this respect all other 1'ianos tail. !'-. The construction of the WREST PLANK, into which tlu Tuning Pins are inserted, is such that it is irnpoB.-ible for the ins to become loosened, or the Wrest Plunk iiseif to split, as is too oltcn tho case in other Piano-i ortcs, THE EXTRAORDINARY EYEN- .NESS, Throughout the entire scale, the excellent Shining qualify, tuo , j ; Jjcmjtli and Purity on . Vibration, All go to prove what we claim, viz. : that (he Arioii Piauo-I'ortc v - Id the I! est Instrument Manufactured. "Wisconsin" IZought Out! : AT PEARSON'S OLD STAND. K. W. YOtTKG nAVINO PURCHAS T ed the stock of M. Pearson, and added to it a large assortment of . - GROCERIES AND NOTIONS 1 solicits the natroaasre of his friends and the pub lic. The stock is well Bclocted. and will be sold At the Lowest Prices. We mean TRADE, and will kWo too VALUE RECEIVED... .; , j. .. ' Jfi'l aiVE U S A T It I A Ia . " O. W. YOUNG, Corner First and Broadalbtn streets. A III ON PIANOS Are used Exclusively in tlio AM ERICAN CONSERVATORIES OF MUSIC of New York city. The most pover;; tc-t a pinno can receive is con ttant u.-e in a Conservatory. The Last Call. 4 LL PERSONS KXOWIXC, THEMSELVES A indebted to K. CHEADLE .1 CO., by note or book account, will give it their attention at once, as we will make co-ts on the same if not settled soon. K. CHEADLE i CO. Jan. 1. 1S71-1S E. W. PIKE, BOOKSELLER & STATIONER, and dealer iu FANCY OOORS, Oilers, in addition to a lull supply of ... STAPLE GOODS IN THE BOOK LINE, . such as BLANK. HOOKS, new styles, SCHOOL BOOKS, MUSIC BOOKS, of all iad., Frosh lot ot NOVELS, - as well as - C1IROMO LITlIOGRAl-iiS, . , ; MORTON'S GOLD I'ENS, WALL 1'AJ'ER, ELEGANT GIFT ANNUALS, I'airiaii Itlarblc ' Vsisti a BO HEM I A N WARE , Writing leskt3 I'ortlblios, . '; "Work boxes, Ilirdcaes, Violins, (siiilai-, Xambouriiie, , t riules, ' : AND MASY "OTHER"'" ' Musical Iiisstiuiiiients ALSO- ATTRACTIVETOYS, i . including the- ' Champion Mechanical , VEliOCIP3EliESl , A ll of which ae, j a matter of course, . , ' - TO BE HAD 02, '" RI2AJSOIAIlI.li E. W. PIKE.- Albany, Docvtnbcr 24, 1370-16 Keail The roSIon issi;: : .": '-: . " I x. . v-" It nfTorde me much pliaure to give g-ou, iu the.e ienr line, a very sincere tesihm.uial J'or the I'iuno Fortes of 3'our inanufaeture. AVe fcave now used the 'i'utcut Avion 1'iauos" in our Conservatories for a year, an 1 have bail a fair opportunity of test ing tlieir durability during Ibat time. The 1'ir.nos have been played upon almost constantly, from moroiing till nijjht, and a Piano mcrt indeed bo a good one when it jvill bear such constant use with out showing sigua of defection. As for remuiuiny in tune, it out rivals any l'iano known to me. Tbeir peculiar sweetness of tone in the treble, Cas compared to other 1'ianos with tbo ordinary uietal agraffe arrangement ) ia so striking that I have had pupils remark, while taking their lessons, that although they had at home wbnt they sup posed to be one of the best makes of Pianos, still the treble was very wirey t Bed compared with tho "AlUON." i W bat makos them atill moro desirable is tbeir uniform volume of tone, which enables an Artist to perform a composition iu its true character. In total, I can conscientiously endor-e all that's claimed by the Arion Piano - i'orto Company for their superb instruments, as I consider thcui su perior to any other makfu. ! Cougratulatiug you upon tho great success you I are ohtatucd m the manufacture of so perfect an instrument, I remain yours, - Very truly, I - ' liENKV i-CIlBOEDER, 1 director. New Xork, Septembtr 3, 1S70. j . :;'---t i ; AV'c wantNfirst class and rcsponsibio Agents in every city and town where we havo not already ap pointed them. " 1 , We have Just Published Our annual Illustrated Pamphlot, which contains a full description of tbe iuterior construction of the Patent Arion Piano-Forte, and all tbe other lead ing Pianos of the principal makes; illustrated with euts, thoscotrasting the Arion with all other first class Pianos, and proving .-j . Why and Where Oar Pianos are superior to any in the market. ' tfcir pamphlet contains engravings of all the dif ferent styles of iuatrumeuU that we manufacture, giving a full description of each, so that a person eon select the style they may desire to order, with the assurance that they will receive just as good a Piano as if thoT were in our irararanm, to ; We have sold over Five, Thousand Pianos, many of imu.h oumg Euippeu great aistaners, and we linva never yet received the first complaiuf. As we give a written guarantee with every Piano, w monutac ture. for five years, the nurcbaser mm . ri.L JUoh'iuU to tcriieor our pamphlet trliuk icemail trneu yuu tcrtlc mtute ulmt paper uou ,-iu thin u-iiic ,'. . ' . i 1 N. U. We caution (bo public from purchasing a cheap Piano, which has recently boon puVin'tbe market, bearing tho name "Arion.": All centime i moo ueariuo name "1'atont Ariou, aud cau only be purchased from our New York Waro rooius, or our authorhod Aguuts throughout the i'nitcd Statef. I All kinds of i Musical lustrumcnts Supplied. ADDRRSS TUB We want your Produce," anil will give as good a bargain as can bo found in this Vmrgh. Call and see ue. . O. W..-VOUKG, Pearson's old stand, corner First and Broadalbin jau21 streets, Albany, Oregon. : , v3n2tt ; NEW STTLB PICTURES. THE It EM I) It AN DT Is thevmost popular style of PhotoprapU now ; niado. Call and see. A. J. WINTEK, Jan. I1-19 ' : ' . : i Albany, Orcgon.- I do not wish to inforuryou, rcaler, that Dr. Wondurful, or auy other man, ba discovered a remedy that cares Consumption,, when tbe lungr arc nearly half consumed, in abort, will cure all diseases whether of mind, body or estate, make men lve forever, and leave death to play for want of work, and is designed to make our sublnnary pjjucic a uunsiui , iirauifCf iv wuieu jioarca ii self shall bo hot a aide Low, i Y hnva hoard enough of that kind of humbnggery. JJut when I tell you that Dr. Sage' Catarrh Remedy vili positively cure tho worst eaes of Catarrh in th ilea l, l only assert that winch thousand can testify to. I will pay $j00 Reward for a caso that I ennnot cure, a pamphlet giving symp toms tind other information sent free to any ad dress. This remedy is , , ... SOLD BY MOST DUVGGISTf IN ALL PARTS OF THIS WOULD. Price SO cents. Sent, by mail? postpaid, on re ceipt oi sixty cents, or inur paci'nges tor two uoi lars. Deware of roHnterfiitt and vorthfetr imila-ti-n. See that my private .-tamp, which ia a positive guarantee of Oenuinencss, is npon tho outside wrapptr. Remember that this private Stamp, ir&ued by the United States Government esprcs!y for atarupinr-r my r.M-dicineg-, has my portrait, name and address, and the words "IX. P. Certificate of Genuineness," engraved npon it, and need not h!"iuistakt:n.. , Don't be ewindkrd by 'travelers .and others, representing themselves aa Dr. Sugc ; I am tbe only man now living that has the knowledge and ripl.t t" manufacture the Gen uine Ir Sago's .Catarrh . Remedy, aud I tnever travel to sell this modioiiie. ' ? : -' , f ; - - it. V. PIKRCE. M. D. 2I:si3 m.1 Seneca,-tre..t, JluiTalo, N. Y. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. ARION PIAKO-FOBTE COMPANY, Jfo, 55 J Broadway, New York City. " - jrres p????lrt"'';-'';'- AnlnfalliMo blood pi-bvieh. poBflesa lng rare toxic and xcavnc properties a certain rare for bbeuutim. cotrv. NEl'BAUii., and all kindred Disease. It completely restores the system when Im paired by disease, revives tho action of tho nnni'i and gesital oauin, radi cally cores scstoFuui, hilt Buncuja, and all EatiPTTt E mm cctmeoiis Dis eases, givea Immodlato and permanent relief in DTiPEnu. EavsirELAs, Tumors Bolls, Scald Head, Ulcers and Sores; eradi. eates from the system all traces of Mercurial , Disease, " ' ' '' ' " ' It Is PUHELV t ECETABLR, being made from an herb found indigenous in iHiTni. . It .is theref oro peculiarly suitable for use by Females and Children, as BLOOD aKistia FiEst ui uirovaTon. , Far Sal by all Druggists. ,? . X BCDi Heron. hostbtte oo. AGKNTS.' '...'J-'!'j C20 and 531 Market Streot, '- Ban Franoiaoo, - "n i LATEST EVIDENCE 1 ' ciniii TiiATs'cioi;csii.i 'tisjTiiE-iiiiar liKMiii Every day brins trong proof of the great valuo- Dr. P. Meredith. Dei.tist, uEco So. 132 West Sixth street, stales iu follows : - Cl.V(TNATI, October 1, DS0. . Messrs, J. N. HARRIS & CQ Ueuts : About one year ago I took a cold which settled on my lungs. A violent cough was tho consequence,, whioh increased with severity. I expectorated large quantities of phlegm and matter. During the last winter I becutoo so much reduced that I was confined to my bud. The disease was attend ed with cold chills and night-sweats. A diurrhuea set in. My friiiis thought I was iu the last stages of consumption, Aod could not possibly got - well. I was recommended to try The formula " given to me, which Induced in to give' it a trial, and I will Only add tbat my cough Is entirely cured, and I am now able to at tend to my busiuess as usual. ; Your respectfully, ., . .. ........ i. , P. MiiRKDITU. Alt afflicted with Cough or any Throat or tunc; trouble should nso A lien's Lting Balsam without dulay. J. N. HARRIS A CO., Bolo Proprietors Cincinnati, Ohio. '' CAUTION. 1 1 - Do not be duceived you who wunt a good, tued-t icirtov and desire Allen fj$ Halmnm.' Do nob allow unprincipled dealers t9 sell you a prepara tion called Alleu's Pectoral Balfaiu -see Ibat yon get ALLEN'S Ll'NU BALAAM, and you will Lava the bent Cough remedy clforutl to Iku publio i tti.t uitti v..o o..ir..,. - . ! . " " ..... ..w J . I. . . . .. .1111. , . . . . ' for sXi.E liY ; REDINGT0N, HOSTETTER & CO., b'i'i A .631 Murke.t-at.. iSan FraiicUeo. ' f. Ajreats fas California and Pacific Stataa. uov ' Sir Soldiy all Br;;gUt.--fVS. -7tr