r - ' -4 .1 VOL. 3. ALBANY, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1871. NO. 22. . ... PVBMSnED EVEKV SATURDAY BT ( OU, VA1VCM3VE. OS COtSO r FEBBV A.XD F1UST-STS. TERMS IN ADVANCE. Three Dollars Hue TLear... Xwo Dollars fix Months....- c Single Copies x ADVERTISING RATES. Transient advertisement, per Square of ten lines or less, first insertion, $2 ; each subsequent insertion, 1. Larger advertisements liberal terms. inserted on the most JOB WORK. Hat-in" received new type, stock of colored ink., cards, a Gordon Jobber, etc.. wo are P re pa -ed to execute all kmds of printing in a better manner and fifty per nt- tn ever be fore offered in this city- Agents for the Register. The following gentlemen are authorized to re ceive and rocelpt for subscription, advertising, etc., for the Register : HIRAM SMITH, Esq! Jad-re S. II. CLAUOllTON. PKTER HUME, Esq - W. R. KIRK. Esq K. E. WHEELER. Esq ... T. H. REYNOLDS, Esq O. P. TOMPKIXS, Esq L. P. FISHER, Esq-.. Harrisburg. .........Lebanon. ....... -Brownsville Scio.. Salem. Harrisburg. ..'Frisco. PORTLAND CARDS. E. F. RUSSELL, Attorney at Law, C. P. FERRY, Notary Public. FERRY, RUSSELL Real Estate Brokers & Collecting Agents Portland, Oregon. s PECIAL ATTENTION GIVES TO THE and the Collection of Claims. Office, North-west corner of First and Wash ington Streets, Portland, Ogu. feb 6-70- 5 GEO. KOAII. JAMF.S UOItUlSOX. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL formerly New Columbian, . Corner Front and Morrison streets, PORTLAND, OREGON, Noah & Morrison, Proprietors. Free Coach to and from the House. AMERICA EXCIIAIVf-IS, conxEK or I' rout and Washing-ton Streets, TORTLAND, OREGON. X.. 4?. W. Quimby, - - - - Proprietor. (Late of the Western Hotel.) THIS HOUSE is the most commodious in the State, newly furnished, and it will be ths the Proprietor to make his gueste Nearest Hotel to the steamboat BUSINESS CARDS. J. .CIS THORHTj). JASPEU W. JOIISSOX. TDOBKT09! AJOHASO, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW Office No. Ill First street, between Mor rison and Alder, opposite the Occidental Hotel, Portland, Oregon. . Will practice in the Superior and Inferior Courts of the State, and in the District and Cir cuit Court of the United States, giving special at tention to the collection of debts in all parts of Oregon, and to obtaining discharges in Bank ruptcy, which, since the last amendment to the law. mav be obtained from all debts contracted prior to January 1st, 186, without regard to the per centage which the assetts' may finally pay. November 26, lS70-12v3y jrncK kflsat. josErn bassos. KELSAV St HASSOS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, (Partners for Linn county.) fiFFTrK Tn Post Office Buildinz. (up stairs). Albany, Linn county, Orerron. 9tfv3 L. STRUCKME1ER & CO., MERCUAXT TAILOHS, ALBANY, OREGOS. JUST RECEIVED, A LARGE AND WELL 'selected stock of French Goods, consisting -!' Cas-jiiueres, Beavers and Doeskins, and all manner of Fancy Goods of the beat quality. .jr Suits made to order. 46y L. STRUCKMEIER A CO. J. W. Beiitrey. i ENTLEMEN'S BOOTS MADE TO ORBEB W on short notice, and with neatness and dis patch. - . ' All Kinds of Repairing- Done. Albany, Jane 11, 1870 40 . B. RICE, ..-,!., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Albany, ------ Oreg-on, iFFICE ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF MAIN endeavor of comfortable. landing. jSSSJ- The Concord Coach will always bo foul at the landing, on the arrival of steamships ar river boats, carrying passengers and their bag gage to and from the boats free of charge. Ilinue tnpplied tcitk Patent fire Extingnhher. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FltO.HATV B11LDI.VS. WHEAT AND FlAX SEED DEPOT. CLEANING and HOISTING capacity lO.OttO Bushels per Dj I A share of patronage solicited. -LV70 E. CARTWRIGHT. :if The highest cah price paid for Wheat. LADIES'- EMPORIUM. MRS. A. J. DDNIWAT, . DEALER IS j FasMonaMe Millinery and Fancy Goods. BLEACHES AND PRESSES STRAW GOODS In Latest Stvle and best manner. STAMP FOR BRA I D AXI) EMBROIDERY. Corner Oregon. ..Tal J Street. Albany, April '70. 32 DuBois, i hand and receiving. J-0NSTANTLT large stock of Groceries and Provisions, Wood and Willow Ware. Tobacco, Cipnrs, Con fectionery, Yankee Notions. Ac, Ac, Wholesale and Retail, opposite B. C. 1IU1 Json's dru store, Albany, Oregon. jn-10'70 w. J. RILTABIREI.. . ASDREWS. ; Bntabidel & Co., nEALERS IN GR0CERIE3 AND PRO visions. Wood and Willow Ware, Confec tionery,. Tobacco, Cigars Pipes, Notions, etc. Main street, adjoining the Express office, Albany Oregon. ' Follows Dress and Cloak Making: their varied branches. all First and Broada'bin streets, Albany, j-inlnl7-7u" C. ME A LEY DEALER IN & MANUFACTURER OF FTJIt 3X X rr- XT H7S 313 ! and CABINET WAKE ! Hedding", Etc., Corner First and Broad Alb in streets, ALBANY, OREGOX. ADVERTISEMENTS. LOOK HERE ! SAIV FItAIVCISCO STORE! CORNER FIRST ALBANY AMD FERRY STREETS, ...... OREGON. Keeps constantly on hand a full assortment of STOVES, PUMPS & TINWARE I I will have for sale the celebrated- I3iamonci Xlools. cook stove, and other leading styles. Also, manufacture all kinds of Titti Copper and Sheet-Iron Ware, in the best style, at lowest rates, FOR CASH or COUNTRY PRODUCES. Always on hand a full supply of The Purest Wines and Liquors, for Medicinal purposes only. ...2 A well selected stock of Groceries ami " Crockery ! will always be found at my establishment. I will sell an goods in my house, for Cash or Produce, on delivery, cheaper than ever before offered in this market. ' All kinds of repairing done, on short notice, and entire satisfaction warranted, at my Stove and Tin Store. JULIUS GltADWOIIL. Nov. 19-11 i ' BUILDERS, ATTENTION I DOOR SASH, BLIND AND FA C T O 11 Y t 5. H. JLTDOl'SC. . WR.IGUT. J. T. BACKESSIO. AETIIOUSE Sc CO., IfOS STREET, (OS Tn E RIVER BASK), ALBANY, OREGON. KEEP ON HAND A FULL ASSORTMENT, and are prepared to IT'vxraisli to Doors, Rlind? and Order IMCOIjIDIlNrGrS, suc-h as Crown, Panel, Band, and Section Mold of all sizes. WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES ! 3?loorins, Siding, anT all other kinds of Ruiltliiig material.! . A t.SO Are prepared to do MILL WORK ; furnish Sha ker Fans, Zigiag Shakers, Suction Fans, Driving Pulleys, of any kind, at our Factory on Lyon street', (on the river bank), next below Markbams warehouse. ALTHOUGH & CO. Albany, February 0, 1S69- 4 THE OX.O STOVE DEPOT! NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. w. ii. KiJiirv co., Having just received s Large and well selected Stock of 1 " - H ARD WARE, ib SUCH AS FARMER'S & MECHANIC'S TOOLS ( COXSISTIMO OF ANVUS, VICES, BELLOWS, Hammers, Hammers, Sledges, Sledges, Saws, Saws, Saws, Planes, Planes, Planes, Corss-Cut and Mill Saws, Together with a large assortment of IRON VTV1 STEEL Kails, Nails, Nails, , Springs, Sprinc;s, Springs, Axles, Thimble-Skeins, Bolts, &c. "Also, a well Selected Stock oC ' Wagon Tlmtoeir, SPOKES, HUBS, BENT RIMS, SHAFTS, POLES, HICKORY AXLES, ETC., All of which we are now offering to the publie at low rates. As we make the business a spec ialty, we can and will keep a better assortment at lower prices than any house in this city. Receiving and opening a large and splendid assortment of WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, Which we offer at reduced rates. w. h. Runs CO. In the Montuith Fire-proof Brick, First-st. March 12.-70-27 RATES OF TOLL OVER THE Willamette Valley and Cascade Mountain Wagon Road. ....$t 58 To Deschuttes River : Four Horse or Mule team Two " One " " " Ox teams, thiee yoke.... For every additional yoke....-. ...... Loose horses, per head " cattle, per head " sheep or hogs..... Teams returning empty, half price. Pack animals, loaded.- . " unloaded Horse and ridcrH ....................... ....... To F-islt Lake : Four horse or mule team, each way... Two " " " " One " " " . Pack animals, loaded. ................. .... " unloaded Horse and rider ........ ............. Ox team, three yoke. To Upper Soda Kprhig s Four horse or mule team, out and back Two " ' One " " " Horse and rider, " " Loose animal.-, " Ox teams the same sis horse tennis. A. HACKLEMAN, W. VT. Parrish, Trcs See. March 0, 1S69- 8 JPSS PARTICCLAR ATTESTIOS PAID TO -83 ORDERS OF AX.X. KINDS in his line October ISfiS-S j. w. inrsELi. j. . Botra. a. smith, Mitchell, Dolph & Smith, VTTOKNEYS ass COUNSELLORS at LAW, Solicitors in Chancery and Proctors in Ad miralty. Office over the old Post Office, Front street, Portland, Oregon.: .1 JAMES A. WARNER, Civil Engineer Sc. Surveyor. IS PREPARED TO DO SURVEYING AND Engineering. : Uses improved Solar Compass. Orders by mail promptly-attended to. Residence on 4th St., opposite Dr. Tate's residence, Albany Oregon. n!9-6m POWELL. I., rxixx. Powell & Flinn, A TT0RNEYS A COUNSELLORS AT LAW and Solicitors in Chancery, ' (Xt. Fliaa, Notary Public,) Albany, Oregon. Collections -and conveyances Irom ply attended to. I V GEO. W. GRAY, D. D IHrOULD SOLICIT THE PAT- V w ronage of all persons desir ing ARTIFICIAL TEETH and FIRST CLASS DENTAL opera tions. Nitrons Oxide administered for the pain less extraction of teeth, when desired. Charges moderate. Office in Parrish A Co.'s brick block. Resi dence, first house south of Congregational Church, fronting on Court House block. Albany, Oregon, July 2, 1870-43 WAITED, . s. A f AAA B U 8HELS 01 JL J J JJ which the highest market price will be paid, in CASH, at the store of N. S. DU BOISE. . Also, Butter and Eggs, in unlimited quantity, for which the highest market price will be paid in cash. Call and see me. Albany, Aug. 20, 1870-50 f-fcR. SAGE'S CATARRA f sale at Settlcmeir's Drug Storo per package. REMEDY. For Price, 50o . 10-v3 prices, at OIL ! OIL I OIL 1 At reduced Settlcmeir's Drue Store. ix Devoe's Coal Oil, by the can f e Kal Lard Oil, retailed at J2 i2j And everything else in proportion. 103 O. F. SETTLEMEIR. THJE0LINE The best thing ever offered to the pabhc for eradicating grease spots from sUkj cleaning kid gloves, etc. Try it. For sale Vy IOtSJ O. I. SETTLEMEIR. GEO. F. SETTLEMIER, t it in a a i -x1 . (Successor to D. W. Wakefield,) Paxrlsh'a New Building-, Vtrst Street, AXBANY, OREGON. V DEALER IX STOVES, COOK, PARLOR & BOX. of the best pattern" A7.SO Tin, Slieel Iron and Copper Ware I and the usual assortment of Famishing Goods t be obtained in TIN DEALER IN- Druss and Medicines, CHEMICALS, PAINTS. OILS, GLASS, ETC. - AH articles warranted pure and of the best quality. Physicians Prescriptions carefully compounded. Albany, 9ct. 17. 1868-tf - ALBANY BATH BOUSE. -- ; t - . THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT fully inform the citizens of Albany and vi cinity that he has taken charge of this establish ment, and, by keeping clean rooms and paying strict atttntic 5 to business, expects to suit all those who may favor him with their patronage. Having heretofore camea on notning out, First-Clasa II air Dressing- Saloons, he exnec's to cive entire satisfaction to all. ir Children and Ladies' hair neatly cut and sevI9y2 i rUlilVIiVG. - - THRIWIsG to a H fi W to t A PREPARED TO DO ALL KINDS OP TURNINO 1 I keep on hand and make to order RAWXXXDE-BOTTOBXED CHAIRS, Awn " Splnniar Whseli- Shop near the "Magnolia Mills." , JOHN M. METZLER ' Albany, Not. 8, I86S-I Z3 Repair neatly and promptly executed, S er-oa reasonable terwt. -nac; "Short reckonings, make long friends." Front street.... ...Albany. Next door to Mansfield & Co. dec5'68-I Establlflied In 18 to. ERNEST aTeRaVANDSON, General Commission Moi chant and dealer in ., DRLGS, CHEMICALS, ESSENTIAL OILS, i DYE STUFFS, AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE, BY THE PACKAGE ONLY. Cash orders fur (roods of everv doscrintion from this or any Foreign Market, will receive prompt ami lauuiui attention. Miners, manufacturers and wholesale trade sup plied for cash. r- No notice or attention paid to orders for goods, if there is no provision made sue me I'Bjruieui di tne same. . ' SS" Consignment of Oregon Produce, Grain, " ueat, x lour, e., solicited. SAN 5RANCISC0, December 31, 1879-17tf CALIFORNIA. ALBAH V BOOK STORE. ESTABLISHED IN 18SO. - E. V. FREELAND, T. E A L E R IN EVERY VARIETY OP 3 Miscellaneous Books, School Books, Blank Books, Stationery, Ac. Books imported to erder at anon nouce. Albany, Oregon, December 3, 1870. FRANKLIN MARKET, main street, - Albany, Oregron. Kinds, Meats of All AID. OF THE VERY BEST QUALITY, Constantly on band. 4vS A. Z. SEARS. oo 00 50 50 25 15 3 50 25 oo 2 50 2 00 1 00 50 25 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. IlIVERY, FEKD & SAIsE S T A B L E S! AX.BANT, OREOON. ' MONTGOMERY-& BARTGE PBOPRIETOBS. WE ARE PREPARED TO FURNISH the publie with neat turnouts in the way of .- ..'!.;. Stylish Buggies & Carriages Akn V is t S t oOls.! On the most reasonable terms. Our livery is all new and of the latest styles, and we shall take pride in giving our patrons as neat and reliable an outfit as can be obtained in tbe State Horses boarded at reasonable rates, by the week or month. Hacks and Carriages furni-shed for parties, Ac. A share of pnblie patronage is solicited MONTGOMERY A BARTGES. Albany, December 17, 1870-15 ; SETTLEMIJIE'S NUllSERY, Six miles South of Albauy, LIuu Co., Near tlie Xtiiili-osxtl- IS O L I C IT THE ATTENTION OF ALL persons desiring to purchase Fruit Trees to call and examine my stock, which is composed of the largest and best selection in the State, con sisting of Apples Pears, Cherries, Plums, Prunes, Grapes, Black Berries, Currants and Roses. Also, Black and White Walout, English Wal nut, Hickory, Pecan, Bedbud, Honey Locust, Ilackbcrry, and a number of other varieties of trees and plants too numerous to mention, all of which are offered at low rates. HENRY VT. SETTLEMIRE. December 17, 1870-15 NEW TO-DAY. CITY DRUG STORE. A. CAKOTHEBS. I B. SALTMAKSB. CAROTBERI V CO. DRUGGISTS & APOTHECARIES, (Foster's Bluck, First street), ' . - I - ALBANY, s : s : OREGON, Drugs, Chemicals, Medicines, PAINTS, OILS, DYE-STUFFS, - - GLASS, ! ::- , . Frencll and American Calegvea, HANDKERCHIEF EXTRACTS, COKFKCTJtlNEHYrf Pure Wines & Xiquorm, for medicinal purposes. Fin Tobacca avnd Cig-ara. 3tSr Physician's Prescriptions and Family Recipes compounded with care. December 31, 1870-17 Uiscriptlve l.Ut CITY MARKET, FIRST STREET, ALBANY, OREGON, I.. HARRIS, 3. C. B. HAIGHT. . HARRIS Sc CO., A Stitch in Time Saves Nine!" always keep on hand a full supply of all Kin ils'of Meal! all of which will be of the very host quality. Tbe highest market price paid for liecves, Hogs and Sheep. j . Third door west of t errv, on south sule of I irst streets. J. L. HARRIS A CO. Albany, Dec. 15, 1870-15 , STITZEL & UPTON, Real Estate Dealers, Albany, Ogn. CIIALLEXGER THRESHER II Al.AI.S' HEADERS ! MoAvers J Reapers And all kinds ef Agricultural Implem'ts & machines On hand and for sale by BLAIN, YOUNG A CO., May 23, '70-38 Albany, Ogn. ANERICAIV BKOII.Iilt. Fire and Marine Insurance Company! Nos. 416 and 418, California street, San Francisco, - - California. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE Cash Capital, la Gold Coin, STSO.OOO. Deposit In Oregon, 50,H0. Losses Promptly ami EquiUtbly A djusted And 1'aid in UoJd Voin. THIS COMPANY having complied with the laws of Oregon, by making a deposit of fifty thousand dollars, is now prepared to effect insur ance against Loss or Damage by Fire, and also against Marine and Inland Navigation risks, on liberal terms. OUSTAVE TOUCHARD, Pres. CnAS. D. HAVEN See'y. J. C mENDENBAIX, Agent for Albany. Albany, January 8, M70-18 ELicms & SON, f EX.KINS & SON, EZ.EINS & SON, Lebanon, Oregon. Lebanon, Oregon. Lebanon, Oregon. NEW GOODS SMALL PROFITS, QUICK SALES PROMPT PAY. 5"iSs.. f TKHTKO Wsa a tiyftty WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A CHOICE Selection of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Imported direct from New York via the Pacific Railroad, and can, for Cash or Produce, give customers bargains equal to any firm in Al bany. All of our stock is bought at tbe LOW ESI 'CASH PRICE.. Buy of DRY GOODS, BOOTS & SHOES, GROCERIES, Hardware, Iron and Steel, At ALBANY ALBANY PRICES. PRICES. ALBANY ALBANY PRICES, PRICES, Wholesale and Retail. niQBCST PRICES PAID POB EGGS, BUTTER, ETC., ETC. N. B. All persons owing us will at once come forward and pay up, so as to begin new accounts. L. ELKINS & SON. Lebanon, April l,70.-6m30 . N S. BU Clangnton, ' OTARY PUBLIC AND XKAL soiAia AGENT. Office la the Post umce Duuumg, ': Lebanon, Oregon- Will attend to making Deeds and other con vey aaeen, alio to the prompt collection of debts en trusted to my care. 1 The Finest Culinary Invention of the , Age. Embodying in a plain and cheap utensil as simple se a pot or skillet, and weighing less than three pounds .-. - AH the Principles Involved in tbe Per feet Broiling of Meats, With the ' Greatest Conveniences and Advantages of Practical Use, and Do ing its Work with a Rapiditj more than Double that of any other Broiler ! ' It affords to the rich and poor alike the FIRST and ON Li relief ever onered from the tedious. troublesome, juice-evaporating, and dyspepsia producing broiler of the past : from the deadly foe to human health, the FRYING-PAN ; and from - - - - Meat cooking A bominationsof all degrees It renders broiling, heretofore so vexations, the Quickest and Easiest of all modes of Cooking, and meats broiled by it More Palatable and Nutritions than by any other mode of rooking them, because it prevents the loss of nutriment by evaporation or otherwise. It sets on top of the stove or range over one or tne openings : requires no preparation of fire ; no Coke or Charcoal ; no pounding of steak : renders tough meat tender by its action does away with all smoke and smell of grease; broils equally well over Coal or Wood ; answers for all sited stove or ranee openings and is equally good for ; Beefsteak, Chicken, Chops, Ham, risk ana uysvers. . It broils steak, over an average fire, in Seven to Eight minutes, and over a very hot fire, within Five minutes. Other meats in proportion, and retains all the Juices and Flavor, which no other broiler aoes. ;:. .: 65,000 Are New in Use ! all sold under standing and Unconditional Guar antees, and nave given an unanimity ol satisfac tion unprecedented in tbe culinary inventions. . ;W guarantee them, wherever sold, to fulfill the above specifications,- and authorise all dealers to do so with their customers. An universal test is invited on these terms ; and to any not satisfied alter a lair trial, tne money will be refunded with charges uotn ways. . . Each Broiler will have th authorised label at tached with the trade mark, "American Broiler, stamped tnereon. - . , This BroileT is also an unequalled Bread-Toast er and Corn-Popper, and a good Coffee-Roaster. . Retail Price only Two Dollars. Fine Mesh Orate for corn popping and roasting coffee, if desired, 30 cents extra. Liberal dis count to the trade. For sale in San Francisco by the house below named, in balf-dozen and dosen packages, at the minimum rates, who will bo responsible to the full extent of the above guarautees for all Broilers old by them. RUSSELL & ERVIN r.lAM'FQ CO, 214 Eansome street, San Francisco, - .And at retail by all Stove, Tin and House Fum ishing Dealers everywhere, aaSDPACTOBBBS ASD DUUH'n ' v Hardware ST Ever j Description January tU1871-2T3ml c , crrr property por sale CITY OF ALBANY: Lot 3, i block d Good bouse. Lots 3 and 4, " 2 unimproved. Lots 1, 2, 7, 8, " 19 Good house and stable. Lots 5 and 6, " 2 4iood house. Lota 5 and 6. 130 " Lots 1, 2 and 3, ' A 2ionse and two stables. Lots ! " CO " " " Plenty of excellent fruit a dfsirable homestead Lots 6 and 7, Lot 1, ; Lot 8. ! Lots 2 and 3, Lots i Lot 7, Lot 4, Lots 3 and 4, Lots ; Lots ' Lots 3 and 4. I-ot 4, 24 Oood house. I, 4, M ' 14 " ' 3 aI1i etaWe. tt i , , 103 " " " 20 " ' 1ft 3" " " 80 unimproved cheap. t 5 r desirable lots. i 118 box house. 7 acres good timbered land, one mile from Albany, in Benton county. Ten Homestead Lots, 6 acres each, I mile north of Albany Ferry, at $120 each. For particulars apply to J. C. MESDENIIALL, Meal Estate, Agent, Office in Parrish Brick, Albany, Oregon. 40 GREAT K,AIYI SALE! 20,000 ACRES 1 1 TIT ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIREC- 1) tors of the Willamette Valley A Cascade Mountain Wagon Road Company, made Decem ber 10, 1S70, I will offer at publie auction, to tbe highest bi 'uer, on , Monday, the 6th day of February next, at tbe office in Albany. . 20,000 ACRES OF aLAIVD, belonging to said Company, and situated in Linn county, Oregon. - Person! desiring to purchase, will be furnished with a description and location o said lands, by applying at the Company's office. TERMS OF SALE Coin, one-third of pur chase-money in hand at time of sale, remainder in two annual payments, taking promissory notes therefor at 12 per cent, per aaausa. Purchasers desiring to pay a greater amount than one-third in band, will have a deduction of ten per eent. line to tnese lands is good, aad purchasers, upon partial payment, will receive Company a bond for a deed. Those paying in band the full amount of purchase price, shall receive their deeds at once. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, and continue nntil all of said lands have been ottered for sale. . - N . B. All persons residing on an v of tbe Com pany's lands in this county, are notified to come forward immediately, if they desire to purchase the same, as I shall continue as heretofore to sell at private sale, until the day of sale as above des ignated. . . JAJttS ELKINS, Xocemuer 20, 18.0-17td ; , Aw Editobial BaiJTCs.- Hear for our debts, and get ready, that yoa ) pay; trust us, we have need, as yon bar, long been trusted ; acknowledge year ;ir debtedness, and dire into your poexeto that you my promptly fork enV 1T there be any among yon one single psr ron that don't owe ns something, then to him we say, step aside, consider your , 4 self a gentleman. IF the rest wish to know why we dun them, this is our an-' swer : Not that we care about ourselves but our. creditors do. ' Would you rather, that we went to gaol, and you go free, then pay your debt and keep us moving? As we agreed, we have worked for you ; as we contracted, we bare furnished the paper to you ; but as you don't pay us, we don you. Here are agreements for job work, contracts for subscriptions, promises for long credit, and duns for ' deferred payment. Who is there so ignorant that - be doat Ink, a Daoer? If any, be need not speak, for we doa't leal! bint. ,. j .... - . Who is there so green that be doat advertise? If any, let hint slide, be ain't tbe eaap itherv . Who is there so ateaa 'that-be wow aau.ssW " printer? - " " v -r -' If any. let hint speak, fur he'a the Sana ..Wfca, after. , .... . ; . .a i i -: u ;- ' CURIOSITIES or Advertising.- Grief and business have seldom been more thoroughly mixed than in the fol lowing obituary advertisement. " The residence of the defunct we omit, and the. name we havo changed, therefore it will not worrit his friends: , "Othneil Sitgreaved, we are sorry to stait, has deceased. He departed this last Mundy. He went 4th without any truggle, and si eh is lite; - lie kept nice store, which his wife now waits on,. His vtrchews wos numerous, and his wife inherits then. "NY- are happy' to2 stait that ho never cheeted, epeshuliy in the- wate makeral, wtcb won oiways nto' and smelt sweat, and his surviving wire is the same way. We niver new him to put sand in his sugar, though he had' big sand-bar in front or bis house; nor water his lickers, tho tbe Ohio River past his door, l'iece tu his remanes. lie leves l wile, V children, 1 - how, . hoses, a growcer's and other quadroopedU to mourn his loss. ; lint in tbe langwidge of the poit, his loss is thare etnrnal sane." " "I believe, sir," said an angry visitor to a bland editor the other day, "I ., be-. Here, sir, that you conduct the Jonmalt" The reply was a nod of a? sent. "I am Mr. Moore, banker in ? (naming a neighbouring town)', and yott had the audacity to state tn your last. issue that I had committed suicide -in & fit of temporary insanity." The editor was puzxled, but undismayed. "We had the paragraph from our local reporter in your town, and have always found him reliable and accurate. - 1 be banker became more angry. "Well, sir, you see that I am alive. Uf course you will publish a contradiction and apology" in your next number ?" "I am afraid, my dear sir, that this would violate our - in-, variable rule which is, never to admit that we have made a mis-statement, lint as you appear greatly annoyed 4y tbe paragraph, I am willing to state in . to- wuiiuw m paper .. Liink tuv ivjjv and that you are fortunately alive. More than this cannot be done out; rule is never to retract."' ; : : : ; j . i J J. C. MENDENIIALL, V Notiary I.u 1 1 i o Real Estate aad Inanranca Aa-eat, kLBAKY, t i'nti t OREGON. Th ETS COLLECTED. AND TAXES PAID JmWj for non-residents and others, making eat real estate papers, etc. . Office Parrish brick. upstairs. 36-70 Copartnership MTetlce. - milE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS DAT 1 formed a copartnership, under tbe arm name llEWETTe FL0TER5EV & CO, for the purpose of transacting a general Commis sion and Quipping Business. , i (HENRY HEWKTT. , - 1 JAS. O. FLOW RRDEWi British tin Messrs. Falkner, Bell A Co., Saa Francisco, Messrs. Cross A Co., - Henry Lund. Esq., ' I. Friedlander, Esq., ' Edwin Russell, Esq., Manager Bank Columbia, Portland, Oregon. January 28, 1871. S20.00 A DAY I TO MALE AKD FEL1ALE ACirjTS To introduce the celebrated . .. SEWING t BUCKETE SHUTTLE STITCH ALIKE ON. BOTH SIDES, and is the only licensed shuttle sewing machine la the United States, sold for less than $40, to use the celebrated Wilson feed, aad are acknowledged by all to be tbe best family machine for light or heavy sewing, ia the market. OutSt free. Ad dress. MINER PEAR80N, Geo. 20T3tfJ Alhaay. Oregoa. Fcicidx. C. H. Fox, a well known resident of this nlace. committed suicide on last Wednesday by taking laudanum. lie Was a hind: hearted, generous ,. and upright man, but would occasionally drink liquor. Being exceedingly, sensf tive in bis nature, he could not endnre the idea of being disgraced, ' and . as t be had been drinking on . Tuesday seemeii- to feel that be could never face bis fnends) again, and determined to take- his owav life. In the first place, about 12 o'clock Tuesday night, he took s shotgun and. went to his room up stairs, and tried several times to accomplish his purpose with tbe gun, but eoukl not get It to go off. The gun was taken from - bins ' aaoV he was taken to the St. Char lea IlateLr where he went to bed. - Karly , in , tbe mornine he procured two ounces of laud anum and went home made a request that he should .not be called till evening' and went upstairs to bed. When, sapper was ready in tbe evening, . Mr. Anwtey . went up to wake him, but ha- seemed to be -very hard to rouse. , . Mr. Dudler, be came alarmed at this, and callod . in t a physician, but he lived only a few ,'"-! utcs after the physician arrived. Bat few persons knew of his thrcsts to "eonf mit suicide, and supposed that he would abandon the idea when he became sober.. The deceased was a native" ot TSogUnd and leaves relatives thbre.uffene Jour nal, Jan. 28."" ; ". " ' ; , . : , i..'r . A Good Remedy Again Insects.- We found it next to jmpomWe., last year to protect the young cantelopevines against the persistent black gnat and the striped buT. Evett young radishes, which we haJ always, founf before a sure pa-..1 or no effect. Eventually sosudjrw applied, which seemed todo tbe bu, both in driving them W"ri sr.uJd ing them away. I should be lfcJf ,e?el times, snd always afvr washed off the effects of tha W Jrinkling. WhahoU fir thi. Pnvf,vrSJ, to four gallons of water- a be obUibea at the S",t,i, f0 eSuSes;. lj one in an English journal, tl.hw-eTonelder-bush scattered among wUl keep off all bugs usually ifctox them- But we do not believo nU ,.Irj. the whale-oil aoapauds, and if this - s. j-, . stance cannot be obtained, use the aoa mon soap in largcrpropoittm. Gmam totm Telryrayh. 1 ' MrBaaatosgag;-:.: . .. -:- ' ' '" ,L , 'ii,,,,," I ' '" '''' '; ' ' ' ' r,-, " I : i 1, V