The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, January 28, 1871, Image 2

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TJ, S. Official Paper for Oreg-on.
French agents are buying all purchas
able horse's in Ireland.
Miss Motley was married in
on the 19th inst.
Tbe English of the New King
Spain's tittlo is said to be, Godlove I.
A new volcano bas appeared
interior of Mexico.
The military appropriation bill reported
by the Appropriation Committee, is $2,
053,866 less than that of last year.
At Woolwich (England) a gun suc
cessfully stood a charge of 130 pounds of
powder an unprecedented charge.
The English government has accepted
the indemnity offered by the Prussian
gorornment for English vessels sunt in
the Seine ' .
Caracas advices report the war in Yen
esuela over. Maricaibo has been captur
ed by Gasman Blanco, who is now diet
tor of the country, without a rival.
Kails and spikes are en route from New
York for the Northern Pacific Railroad,
and will doubtless be hcre in time for
track laying in early Spring. ' '
? : Thej are having terrible muddy roads
over in Washington Territory. Recently
- ft stage mired on the mountains, and four
strong horses were unable to pull it out
of the mud and start it down hill. total amount ot internal revenue
collected from 1852 to January 1871, is
reported as $1,482,000,000, $95,000,000
of which is the direct receipts for the
the sale of stamps.
The reduction in the expenses of the
Internal Revenue Bureau already amount
to $8,000, and the : Commissioner thinks
he can dispense with the services' of 200
- more assistant assessors.
' The announcement is made from San
Francisco that, on the 21st, Brown tried
his flying machine. As an experiment
it was a complete success, but as a flying
machine, it was a total failure.
. A new gold excitement is reported on
the Skeena river, between Fcrt Simpson
and Tontras, on the upper northwestern
coast. The mines are reported as very
rich. . - ..
"'" Gen. John A. Logan was nominated
in Legislative caucus, on the 11th, for
TJ. S. Senator from Illinois, by a vote of
98 for to 31 against. He is doubtless
A story is going the rounds that the
residents of East Portland have to carry
raila on wliioH to eroca tl ctraota , tho
mud being so deep, that when one gets
mired, assistance is required to extricate
- . .
From Nevada we learn that a compa
ny have filed articles of association with
the Secretary of State, their object being
to build ft narrow guage railroad from
Elko to Hamilton, by the most practicable
route. ... . '. - .; -
Perry Fuller, one of the "pillars" of
Andrew Johnson's Administration, died
suddenly at Washington a few days ago.
- He and Mrs. Cobb were considered among
the most intimate of that President's
'advisers. 'J"
Owing to the active demand for dwell
ings, offices, etc., buildings are going up
quite lively over iu Olympia, notwith
standing the weather. The Tribune as
serts that building operations will be
brisk there' next season.'
Our friends of Portland succeed but
slowly in raising the $ 100,0 W to necure
the terminus of the West Side naiiroau.
What's the matter, gentlemen of the
metropolis ? Have yon no iaitn in ine
future of your city ? Perhaps you thiuk
the price a large one. It is hard to have
to go down into your pockets and bring
un those shining twenties those , hard-
earned dollars, and such a host of them,
too. But can you afford to do without it ?
Albany, with less, than one-tenth the
wealth of Portland, raised fifty thousand
dollars within a week, to buy a railroad,
.and congratulates herself now that she
got it even at that figure. You have suc
cessfully combatted adverse circumstan
ces through the years that are past, and
are no doubt capable of overcoming many
more ; but there is one thing you can
not do and prosper", and that is to lose
that road.- You cannot afford it, and
Uolladay knows it, therefore he comes
down with his press. You squirm and
wriggle, but it docs no good, lie has
got you, gentlemen, and you have but one
alternative. "Agree with thine adversary" thouah old. is advice that
comes by authority. -
Have you not always felt an indefinite
sense of insecurity, as it dwelling in the
region ot some hidden volcano, that was
liable at any time to break out and ; visit
you with ruin as irretrievable as that, of
Pompeii ? Nature has not given you
many advantages. Take away what
labor and eapital has done tor you, your
brick and your mortar, and who would
think of selecting that as a site whereon
to build a great; commercial city ? No
body. You must therefore supplement
by art what nature has denied you,
if you would survive the fate of those
that were" but are not.
Portland has reached a crisis and an
epoch in her history from which she will
date the beginning of her greatness, or
her decline. Make her a terminus of
railroads improve the advantages that
God and nature has given you, and you
may laugh at those who are now ready
to mock at your threatened calamity.
Neglect these, allow this as you have
already allowed O. & C. R. R. to pass
by on the other side, and you have a city
finished. Then'are the days of your
prosperity numbered. Everybody will
have property to sell, but no buyers.
Capital will pass by you. .Your business
men one by oue will desert you. Mildew
wilhcome up in your houses. Spiders
will weave their webs in your parlors,
and all over your city, dilapidation will
spread the evidences of your departed
glory. This is not a pleasant picture to
look"at,and if realized would be a calami
ty to the whole country, and no advantage
to any one ; therelore, citizens ot l'ortiana,
do your duty. The world expects :t of
you. Do it quickly.
The British Government has ordered
sixty batteries of mitrailleuses, or Gat
ling guns, to be put up at the Colt fac
tory, Hartford, Connecticut. Uncle Sam
is not only prepared to furnish the world
with breadstuff's, but has ample facilities
for supplying the nations of the earth with
materials for blowing each other to pieces,
or cutting each other's throats.
The House Judiciary Committee on
the 11th inst. heard the arguments of
Victoria C. Woodhull, Mrs. Beecher,
Mrs. Hooker, Susan B. Anthony and
M. A. S. Ridtlle, claiming the right of
suffrage under the Fffteenth Amendment.
About fifty other ladies were present.
The committee listened attentively to
their speeches, but took no action. -
The bill reported by the Senate Postal
Committee a few days ago to authorize
the establishment of an ocean mail steam
ship service between the United States
and Australia, directs the Postmaster
General to contract with William II.
Webb. Ben Ilolladav and associates for
carrying mails monthly between San
Francisco and Australia, by a line of
steamships, at a compensation not exceed
ing $500,000 per annum. I t is believed
the bill will pass.
Arizona and New Mexico. Four
Texan drovers we(6 attacked by a band
of robbers in San Miguel county, New
Mexico, which resulted in the death of
two of the robbers and the flight of the
.Very rich placer mines have been dis
covered near Chihuahua.
The Mohavcs and Piutcs are preparing
for another encounter. Tho former to
the number of about 700 warriors are
encamped in a "fortified" village, watch
ing with palpitating hearts, for the com
ing of their foe, the I'iutes, who it is
said, were encamped on the Muddy,
strengthening their ranks with recruits
from other tribes. At latest accounts,
the Piute force was about 400. They
claimed to have nearly 150 guns, a much
greater number than the Mohaves had.
But the latter had plenty of ammunition,
and were practicing every day. Both
parties had been playing sweet - to the
whites soldiers and citizens who, with
much good sense, had refused to take up
the quarrel of either tribe.
Kino William and the Pope.
King William, it is said, has offered the
Pope the nice little town, in Hesse
Cassel, as a residence. If the Holy
Father will not make terms with King
Victor Emanuel ; it he will not re
main in Rome, Fulda would be as desir
able a home as any other. The town is
well fortified : it is an ancient ecclesias-
TelegTaphic Summary.
Washington, Jan. 24. The follow
ing nominations have been sent to the
Senate to day : J. M. McKenny, Superin
tendant of Indian Affairs for Washington
Territory ; J. M. Trask, Agent at Tabe
quascheates, Colorado ; J. O. Littlefield,
Agent at Grand River ; J. B. Monteitb,
Indian Agent at Nez l'erces Agency,
Idaho, and A. J. Curtis, Indian Agent
for the Territory of New Mexico.
Havre, Jan. 22. The Germans are
entering the Department of Calvadas.
The steamship uolartl returned to
Queenstown, a gale having caused an es
cape of gas from dangerous chemicals
among her cargo
Paris received the news of Chanzy's
defeat stoically.
Arlon, Jan 22. The bombardment
of Longwy is "continuing, the garrison
resisting well.
London, Jan. 22. Advices from Paf
is state that at the Council, Friday, Gen.
Trochu announced tfeat if his hope'Jor
assistance from outside thecity. should
be disappointed, it would bo his duty to
surrender the oitv before the Germans
destroyed the public buildings and fired
the center of the city The cival mem
bers of the city disagreed with Trochu.
Ue resigned, but again accepted com
mand after a hot quarrel.
Bordeaux, Jan. 23. Dijon was at
tacked by a large Prussian force yester
day, and several engagements occurred at
the neighboring villages. Tho troops
commanded by Menotti and Rivero Gari
baldi in action behaved well. The French
maintained their positions. The advanced
posts of both armies were close to each
other last evening, and it is expected the
battle, will ,be resumed today.. The
Prussians occupied Dole, after the bom
bardment. Arlon, Jan. 23. The Prussians were
repulsed at Longway on Saturday. Their
guns were dismounted and they were
forced to place their batteries at a greater
distance from the walls. The batteries of
Herselange and Onlry reply freely to the
fire of the besieged. The Prussians are
waiting for heavier guns, when the bom
bardiuent will becoue vigorous.
Versailles, Jan. 23 King William
in an order of the day, announces to the
army his acceptance of the Imperial dig
nity. Brussels, Jan. 23. The lntUpend
ence Iiclgn says there is danger thatBour
baki's line of retreat will b ct.
Lille, Jan. 23. -Faidherbe issues a
hopeful order to day after a short inter
val the Army of the North will again con
front the iuvaders. ,. ;
Versailles, Jun. 23. The bombard
ment of St. Denis is progressing favorably.
The Fort is almost silenced. There
are several fires in the town of St. Denis,
and also within tfce walls of Paris to day.
Faidherbe lost no artillery or prisoners
in the battle at St. Quentin only strap:-
Gen. Plcasanton, Commissioner of
United States Internal Revenue, has
urgently recommended the repeal of tho
Income Tax; .the principal argument
being that the cost of collecting il, is
greater than the amount obtained, so that
no revenue is derived from the service.
A. Wheeler, dealer in fancy and staple jDry
Goods, Hats, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Groce
ries, Crockory, Hardware, Iron and Steel, "Wagon
Timber, Plows, Agricultural Implements, I etc.,
etc. !
Motto "Small profits and quick returns."
Office, No. 6 Front Street, i
Special Collector of Claims,
A large amount of CITY and EAST TORT
LAND Proiertv for Sale.
Also, IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable un
cultivated LANDS, located in all parts of the
Investment in HEAL ESTATE and other
PROPERTY, made fur correspondents.
CLAIMS of all descriptions promptly collected.
HOUSES and STORES leased.
All kinds of Financial and general Agency busi
ness transacted.
Parties having FARM PROPERTY for sale will
please furnish descriptions of the same to the
AGENTS OF THIS OFFICE, in each of the
principal CITIES and TOWNS of this STATE
: June irro-tf.
jlers. Gambetta left Lille to-night.
the residence of the prince bishops. It J'aris, Jan. so it is saw tnat jos-
boasts of a fine cathedral and an arch- cs "3 001 uuuuiavuv.
tical seat, having been, in times gone by, iS
.1-1 o.i - i.
A recent letter from Gov. Haight an
nounces that lie has "reluctantly aban
doned his determination not to be a can
didate for re-election to the Governorship
if California," therefore his friends can
'oant him in. - - -
y r.'tfome ot the Democratic papers having
f la&9 been scoring "the nigger" pretty
'severely, an exchange remarks that Pren
Kce once said, "Some people have a won
derfuf discrimination in the selection of
their antagonists.",
: - lit i -1 1 - ?
.J. : The Oregonian says that the N. P.
ISailroad Cov will not allow a saloon to be
established at Kalama. On two occasions
Ve cent!y, parties who attempted to start
saloons there, were ordered off.
The New York World wants the Dem
ecratio pf rtjfto drop "dead issues," and
run Hoffman, as candidate for President,
at the head of the funeral, while the New
Haven Ledger wants to stick to "dead
issues" and run Gov. English, , on the
ground that he is a; States rights man
and spurns tho negro vote.
' 1 1t woold seem iq these latter days that
ithe strongest friends of the Pope are to
lie found among Ithe Protestant powers.
King William, of Germany, comes for
ward in the hour of bis trouble and of
fers him succor : and a home ; Francis
-Joseph, of Austriijonffers his services,
and1 the Queen and Prime Minister of
TVoteetaat England are full of generous
' A Texas paper urges as a reason why
tKe United (States should annex Mexico,
tfcat she has 'more wealth than- had the
iKrnes of ancient Goleonda, and that we
jx& this wealth, to pay off the national
.dB4t j It asserts that the silver mine of
-ftreo States in Mexico would pay off oar
Cebt in snort order, and still leave ua the
aweajesi nation on earth. To ,the. present
.Zexieo these mines are valueless j to the
Waited States they would be invaluable.
.. . ..
It seems to be generally conceded that
Germany and Russia are co-operating,
either under secret treaty or under
well understood agreements and com
pacts growing out of indentity of j
interests. No intelligent observer doubts
that Russia is still intent upon her de
signs in the south. She' is anxious and
determined to face about to a south front,
and as this colossal Power emerges from
barbarism, want of a southern gateway to
the commerce of the world becomes an
imperative necessity. Treaties and con
ventions are well enough for England,
which is rich and content for Turkey,
which is sick for Austria, which is fee
ble for Luxembourg and Belgium, neu
trals ; but for the strong Powers, treaties
always rive way to the exigencies and
opportunities of the hour. As proof of
this argument we have only to direct
attention to recent events. Italy wanted
Rome she seized the Imperial city, and
establishes her capital there ; Russia ig
nores the treaty guaranteeing the neu
trality of the Black Sea, and Prussia ig
nores the neutrality of Luxembourg.
- ...I . .... I.. II .HI
A correspondent of the S. P. Vlironi
cle says that Alsace and Lorraine are not
the limits of Bismarck's ambition. Lux
embourg is inevitably to be absorbed.
It is a dependency of the King of Holland.
If the King 'of Holland has not already
been bought over to the views of Prus
sia, but gives too much trouble, it will
involve Holland in the complication, and
the Great German Empire will absorb
Alsace, Lorraine, Luxembourg and Hol
land. - Thus Germany acquires the most
important border defenses of the Vosges,
the fortified places ot Strasbousg, Metz,
and several other smaller fortifications,
forever securing her against the aggres
sions of France giving her the splendid
ports and the great commerce of Holland,
constituting her the future commercial
rival of Great Britain ; "and if in the
terms of peace she can secure tho French
fieet, Germany becomes at once the rival
"Of England on the sea. Belgium is now
an outlying workshop of England. Eng
land protects, patronizes and uses it.
In the future Germany will either take
the place of England and Germanize it,
or do the other and quite as probable
thing gobble it np. r
Dr. Eussell, correspondent of the
London Timet, as well as many other
correspondents of the English press
have called attention to the fact' that
there is a feeling of resentment and
hatred crowing no in Germany against
the English, similar to that which exist
ed in the United States during her late
troubles.: The Government of England
professes to be strictly neutral, bat the
Lnglish trader is supplying arms, muni-
uu materials oi war to 1'iance.
The English press and popular feeling
is oiviaea in sympathy.. For these, and
it may do, otner causes, the fact is ap
parent, say these correspondents, that
there is in Germany a well pronounced
popular sentiment in favor of a war. with
Great Britain. England seems to un
derstand this feeling, and is actively
engaged in patting herself on a war
ieopiscopal palace. The inhabitants are
mostly Roman Catholic. It is one of the
strange features of these times that the
great champion of the Protestant North
should be the most zealous defender of
the Pope.
. .
Massachusetts. The old Bay State
established the first school in the United
States, the first college ; set up the first
newspaper, planfcad, the first apple tree
and caught the first whale: coined the
first money and hoisted the first national
flap; ; shed the first blood in the revolu
tion, and also in our late civil war ; made
the first canal and the first mouse- trap,
and the first washing machine ; sent the
first ship to discover the islands and con
tinents of the South Sea; produced the
first philosopher, and the first pin ; gave
John Bull his first beating, and put her
bauds first to the Declaration of Indc"
A ridge of beautiful black marble,
ninety feet high and three fourths of a
mile long, has recently been discovered
in Girardeau county (Mo.), about half a
mile from the Mississippi river. It is
said to be susceptible of the finest polish.
In New Hampshire, politics arc said
to be taking a decidedly religous turn.
It appears that the Free Will Baptists,
the Methodists and regular Baptists each
have a candidate for Governor, and it is
thought the Methodists will carry the day.
Mrs. Van Cott, the Western female
revivalist, when she is in training, and
not eick or anything, can convert her reg
ular thirty sinners every week on an av
erage. - She will contract to do that if the
timber is furnished her to work on.
In Troy (N. Y-), liquor is allowed to
be soldonly to the traveling public. The
citizens are to be seen every . morning,
carpet-bag in hand, seeking something-!
to hold in their mouths.
A clergyman in New York, a few days
since,- explained that science must stop or
religion cannot go on. The Newark
A dviser suggests that he sop and allow
some wise teacher to occupy the pulpit.
. In'an Iowa breach of promise case, the
woman swore that the accused bad hug
ged her every night for several months,
and Sundy night until 3 o'clock in the
morning:. The industrious- culprit N was
fined $1 and costs. , ; .
New York devours nearly a thousand
barrels of eggs a day. Each barrel con
tains eighty dozen or more, so that the
actual daily consumption is not far from
a million eggs, and the cost to the consu
mers about $10,000,000 a year.
Deleware claims that her poverty -is
occasioned by the habit the people have
of chewing and smoking tobacco. They
never buy any, but borrow of each other.
A lively caricaturist represents John
Bull as a voracious whale running through
the seas with his mouth wide open,' and
Ben Butler in a mall boat in the act ' of
harpooning him. -i" '
Mrs. Jessie II. Supcrt, of New . Mark
et, Va., is lecturing on "The Shenandoah
during the war."
The project of admitting women to the
Medical School at Edinburg has received
the express disapproval of the Queen.
A petition to the Detroit City Govern
ment ends: "And your petitioner will
ever pray if praying will do any" good."
A lady is a candidate for Recorder of
Deeds in Concord, N. H.
Pain is supposed to be the lot of us poor mor
tals, as inevitable ns death itself and liable at any
tiuio to come npon us. Therefore it is important
that remedial agents should be at hand to be used
on an emei cency, when the seminal principl
lodged in the system shall dcvelope itself, and we
feel the c.xcrueiatin:r agonies of pniri, or tho de
pressing inlluence of disease. Such a remedial
agent exists in the Pais Killer, whose lame has
made the circuit of the globe. Amid the eternal
ices of the polar regions or beneath the intoler
able and burning sun of the tropics, its victories
are known and appreciated. Undorall la itudes,
from one extreme to the other, suffering humanity
has found relief from many of its ills by its use.
The wide and broad area over which this medi
cine has spread, attests its value and potency.
From a small beginning, the Pain Killer has
pushed gradually along, making its own highway
solely by its virtues.
Such unexampled! success and popularity has
brought others into the Held, who have attempted
under similarity of name, to nsurp the confidence
of the people and turn it to their own selfishness
and dishonesty, but their efibrts have proved
fruitless, while the Pain Killer is still growing in
public favor. Jan
London, Jan. 23. This evening ad
vices from Lille to the 23d, say the
bombard ment of Cambria has commenced.
There was a long council of war under
the presidency of Gambetta. Gen. Robin
was dismissed from the army of the
Aorth on arriving at Arras
lit lie arc totally discouraged. JLulle is
indignaot against Gambetta. The bom
bardment ot Longwy continues incessant
ly. The fortress replies feebly.
The Emperor William, iu a letter to
the Grand Duke of Baden, says Germany,
which has become strong through the
unity of her. Princess and people, lias
recovered her former position in the
couucil of nations. Germany neither
wants nor is iucltned tr transgress her
frontiers. She seeks only independence
and mutual advancement, and the wel
fare of the nation by the extension ofher
Mew York, Jan. 23. The Herald
cable from Versailles, of the 20th, says
that in the late soittes, a desperate at
tempt was made by the French to break
through to lis. During the assault on
the German entrenchments, many of the
French leaders displayed reckless brave
ry, urging the men bravely, but without
effect. : In some instances the French
fought with a fury evidently heightened
by strong drink and other causes, but all
efforts of the leaders were in vain ' The
French, after firing, turned and fled,
throwing away their arms..
London, Jan. 20.- A " correspondent
of the London Ttlegraph, reports from
Paris that the effect of the bombardment
on the city has been the destruction of
some old bouses and wood-yards, and
the German firing ,has been utterjy
harmless. '''''
It is said Gen. Trauscnky with the 2d
German corps, 'has left Versailles for
Dijon to confront Gen. Bourbaki.
New York j Jan . 24. Tho HcrcdVs
Paris special says the Government has
issued a decree authorizing the takinp; of
stores, provisions, wines and fuel left in
the houses of those citizens who soaght
safety out of the city.
. London, Jan. 24. Bismarck having
refused a pass to Fave, the latter asked
it of the German military authorities
who granted it divested, however, of all
political inferences. .. V;
Several Plenipotentiaries to the Con
ference on the eastern question nave
been instructed not to allow ' themselves
to be led into a discussion ot any ques
tion foreign, to, the : ' programme already
laid down for consideration in that body.
St. Johns, N. B , Jan. 24. The
cable between Plaecntia and St. Pierre
failed yesterday. It will be repaired as
soon as possible
London, Jan. 24.- Advices from
Lille of the 23d say Gambetta reoeived
a telegram stating that the Garibaldians
gained a victory on Sunday, near Dijon,
the enemy abandoning their strong posi
tion. ; The Prussians were retreating,
pursued. . : . . . ..
Physician, Surgeon & Aecoueher.
Hotel, Albany, Oregon. Special attention
given to urgeryand Chronic diseases. Consul
tations in English, Herman or French. 21v3
Copartnership Notice.
formed a copartnership, under the firm name
Donay and i fr the purpose of transnciing a general Coramis-
T " 1 1 " F . i v. - i : .
siou and hippi
: busiue
The Finest Culinary Invention of the
Embodying in a plain and cheap utensil as simple
as a pot or skillet, an'd weighing less than three
pounds .
All the Principles Involved in the Per
fect Broiling of Meats, j
With the Greatest Conveniences and
Advantages of Practical Use, and Do
ing its Work with a Rapidity more
than Double that of any other.
Broiler !
It affords to the rich and poor alike the FIRST
and ONLY relief ever offered from the tedious,
troublesome, juice-evaporating, and dyspepsia
producing broiler of the past ; from the deadly
foe to human health, the FRYINU-PAN; and
Meat-cooking A nominations of all degrees
It renders broiling, heretofore so vexatious, the
(Quickest ana Easiest of all modes of Cooking,
and meats broiled by it
Move Palatable and Nutritious
thnn by any other mode of cooking them, because
it prevents the loss of nutriment by evaporation
or otherwise. It sets on top of the stove or range
over one of tho openings ; requires no preparation
of fire ; no Coko or Charcoal ; no pounding of
steak ; renders tougn meat tender by its action ;
does away with all smoke and smell of grease;
broils equally well over Coal or Wood ; answers
for all sized stove or range opeuings ; and
equally pood for
Beefsteak, Chicken, Chops, II am, Fish
ana oysters.
It broils steak, over an average fire, in Seven
to Eight minutes, and over a very hot fire, within
Five minutes. . Other meat in proportion, and
rctuins all the Juices and Flavor, which no other
broiler does.
65,000 Arc Now in Use !
all sold under standing and Unconditional Guar
antees, and have given an unanimity ot gatistaO'
tion unprecedented in the culinary inventions.
We guarantee them, wherever sold, to liilull
the above specifications, and authorise all dealers
to do so with their customers. An universal test
is invited on these terms : and to any not satisfied
after a fair trial, the money wiil bo refunded,
with cbnrgcs both ways.
Each Broiler will have the authorized label at
tached with the trade mark, "American Broiler,"
stamped thereon.
This Broiler is also an unequalled Bread-Toaster
and Corn-Popper, and a good Coffee-Roaster.
Retail Price only Two tfollars
Fine Mesh (Irate for corn popping and roasting
coffee, if desired, 30 cents extra. Liberal dis
count to the trade.
For sale in San Francisco by tho house below
named, in half-dozen and dozen packages, at the
miuimum rates, who will be responsible to the full
extent of the above guarantees for all Broilers
sold by them.
214 Sansome street, San Frauciseo,
And at retail by all ?t-ve, Tin and House Furn
ishing Dealers everywhere,
MANi PAcTinens and dealers ix '
Hardware of Every Description.
January 21, lSri-20v.;inl
rteforonoos a
Messrs. Falkner, Bu1! fc Co., Pan Francisco.
Messrs. Cross A Cj., '
Henry Lund, Esq, "
I. Friedlander, EsV "
Edwin Russell, Esq., Manager Bauk British
Columbia, Portland, Oregon. 21t2
January2S, 1871.
Notary Public,
Real Estate aid Insurance Agrent,
M, for non-residents and others, making out
real estate papers, etc. Office Parrish brick,
irp stairs. 36-70
S20.00 A DAY !
To introduce the celebrated
$25 OO
the only licensed shuttle sewing machine in
the United States, sold for less than $40, to use
the celebrated Wilson feed, and are acknowledged
by all to be tho best family machine for light or
heavy sewinir. in the market. Outfit free. Ad
dress, MISER & PEARSOX. Gen. Agts..
20v3tf . Albany, Oregon.
The Boise City Democrat of Jan
chronicles the destruction by fire, on the
night of the lltb, of the new Catholic
Church in that city, which was conser
crated on Christmas eve. The fire was
occasioned by a defective flue. It was
the handsomest church edifice in Idaho
Territory, and cost $5,000. The library
of the Rev. Fathers Mesphe and Pouhn
and the fine melodeon of the Good Tern
plars, also in the edifice, were burned
The total loss was about 8,000 -no
(Foster' Block, First treet),
Chemicals, Medicines,
French and American Calognes,: J
Wiiies & Xtiquo
for medicinal purposes.
Fine Tobacco and Cigar.
rf- Physician's Prescription!
Recipes compounded with euro.
December 31, 1870-17
and Family
Dlscrlptlve List
Real Estate Dealers, Albany, Ogn.
"Wisconsin" ISouglit Out!
1 EO.
ITT ed the stock of M.
Pcarson. and added to it
a large assortment of .
20.000 ACRES!!
tors of the Willamette Valley &, Cascade
Mountain "Wagon Road Company, made Decem
ber 10, 170, 1 will offer at public auction, to the
highest hi !der, on
Monday, the 6th day of February next,
at the office in Albany, .
belonging to said Company, and situated in Linn
county, Oregon.
Persons desiring to purchase, will be furnished
with a description and location o ' said lauds, by
applying at the Company's office.
TERMS OF SALE Coin, one-third of purchase-money
iu hand at time of sale, remainder
in two annual payments, taking promissory notes
therefor at 12 jer cent, per annum. Purchasers
desiring to pay a greater amount than one-third
in hand, will have a deduction of ten per cent.
Title to these la'nds is good, and purchasers,
npon partial paymentwill receive Company's
bond for a deed. Those paying in hand the full
amount of purchase price, shall receive their deeds
at once. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M.
of said day, and continue until all of said lands
have been offered for sale.
N. R. All persons residing on anv of the Com
pany's lands in this county, aro notified to come
forward immediately, if they desire to purchase
the sajne, as I shall continue a heretofore to sell
at private sale, until the day of sale as above des
ignated. JAMES ELKINS.
lccembcr 20, 1870-17td
Lot 3 . block 0 Good house.
Lots 3 and 4. " 2 unimproved.
Lots 1, 2, 7. , " 19 Good bouae and stable.
Lots 5 and ft, " 2 flood house. .
Lots 6 and , 130 "
Lots 1, 2 and .1, " 6 liouse and two stables. '
9 LoU " 60 " " "
Plenty of excellent fruit a desirable homestead
Lots 6 and 7, 24 Good hoofe.
Lot 1, " 14 " "
Lot K, " 14 " "
Lots 2 and 3, " 3 " " and stable.
3 LoU " 44 " " "
Lot 7, 103 " "
Lot 4, " 3 " "
Lots 3 and 4, 20 "
B Lots " 16 "
9 Lots " 60 unimproved cheap.
Lots 3 and 4, " 5 ' desirable lots.
Lot 4, 11S box house.
7 4 acres good timbered land, one mile from
Albany, in Benton connty.
Ten Homestead Lots, 6 acres each, J mile north
of Albany Ferry, at $120 each.
'For particulars apply to
Heal Estate Agent.
Office in Parrish llrick, Albany, Oregon. 10
'k liKrt
sale at Settlemeir's Drug Store. Price. SOo
per package. lO-v.'l
solicits tlte patronage of bid friends an l the puis
ne. Too stock is well selected, ana will bo stud
At the Lowest Prices.
We mean TRADE, and will give you VALUE
Corner First and liroadalbin streets.
We want your Produce, and will give as good
a bargain as can be found in this burgh. Call
and see us. G. YOUNG,
Pearson's old stand, corner First and liroadalbin
jan21 streets, Albany, Oregon. v3n20
OIL! OIL! OIL! At reduced prices, at
Settlemeir's Drug Store, Yix :
Devoo's Coal Oil, by the can...... 70 e"H gal.
Lard Oil, retailed at $2 12$ " '
And everything else in proportion.
HEOLINE Tho best thing ever offered to
the public for eradicating grease spots from
silks, cleaning kid gloves, etc. Try it. For sale
by 10v3J . G. I: SETTLEMEIR.
Notice to Contractors.
JL of the Connty Court of the county of Linn,
State of Oregon, sealed proposals will be received
by said Conrt until 12 o'clock M. of tho 23d day
of January, 1871, for furnishing all the materials
and performing sill the work in tho construction
of a Jail on the southeast c rner ofi the Court
House square, in the city of Albany, in said
county. j
- Plans with specifications can be seen at the
County Clerk's office. The contractor will be
required, on that day, to execute the contract,
and enter into bond, with security to bo approved
by the Court, for performance of contract. The
Jail to be completed by tho first of August, 1371.
County Judge.
Albsnyj December 24, 1870-16t4
An Infllible blooo rumniB, possess
Ing ran toxic and scsvnn properties
a certain ran for RasmATUK, soirr,
xcuuuu, and all kindred Diseases.
It completely restores the system when im
paired by disease, revives the action of the
cally cores scnoniLA, salt hsvh.
and all EavrrrvB mm cutaxeous Dis--eases,
gives Immediate and permanent relief
In ovsrENiA, ekvsveuu. Tumors,.
Boils, Scald Bead, Ulcers and Bores; erodf..
cotes from toe system all traces of Mercurial
It is cnK.-r vegetaile, being mod)
from an herb found indigenous in r ntiiri
It is therefore peculiarly suitable for nss by '
Females and Children, as a blood run.
Fer Sale by all Druggists.
' . AGENTS, . .
. 628 and 631 Uarket Stros.
Bos. Francises.
I do not wish to inform you.Tcadvr, that Dr
Wonderful, or any other man.- has discovered i
remedy that cures Consumption, when the lungs
ore nearly half consumed, in short, will cure all
diseases whether of mind, body or estate, make
men live forever, and leave death to play for want
of work, and is designed to mate our sublunary
sphere a blissful Paradise, to which Heaven it
self shall be bn t a side show. Yon have heard
enough of that kind of humbnggery. But when
I tell you that Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy will
pnnitively cure the worst coses of Catarrh in the
Head, I only assert that which thousand can
testify to. I will pay $J00 Reward for case
that I cannot cure, jv pamphlet giving symp
toms and other information sent free to any ad
dress. This remedy is
Price 50 cents. Sent by mail, postpaid, on re
ceipt of sixty cents, or four packages for two dol
lars. Beware of counterfeit and aorthlemt imita
tion. Bee that my private Stamp, which is a
positive guarantee of Genuineness, is npon the
outgido wrapper. Remember that this private
Stamp, issued by the United States Government
expressly for stamping my medicines, has my
portrait, name and address, and the words "U.
S. Certificate of Genuineness," engraved npon it,
and need not bn mistaken. Don't be swindled by
travelers and others representing themselves as
Dr. Sage ; I am the only man now living; that has
the knowledge and right to manufacture the Gen
uine Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, um I never
travel to sell this medicinn.
21mS 133 Stncca street, Buffalo, N. Y,
Every day brings strong proof of the great value.
. of this
Dr. P. Meredith, Dentist, office No. 132 West
Sixth street, states as follows :
Cincikk An, October 1, 1889.
Messrs. J. X. HARRIS CO. Genu : About
one year ago I took a cold which settled on my
lungs. A, violent cough was the consequence,
which iuereascd with severity. I expectorated
large quantities of phlegm and matter. During
the last winter I bocamo so much reduced that I
was confined to my bed. The disease was attend
ed with cold chills and night-sweats. A diarrhoea
set in. My friends thought I was in tba Isst
stages of consumption, and could not possibly get
welt. 1 was reaommondud to try
Allens Lung Balsam
Tbo formula was given to me, "which induced ma
to givo it a (rial, and I will only add that my
cough is entirely cured, and I sm now able to at
tend to my business as usual. Yours respectfully
AH afflicted with Cough or any Throat or Lnnff
trouble should use Allen's Lung Balsam without
delay. J. N. HARRIS A CO., Sole Proprietors.
Cincinnati, Ohio.
-Do not be deceived you who want a good mod-,
icine, and desire "Allen Lung Balaam." Do not
allow unprincipled dealers to sell you a prepara
tion called Allen's Pectoral Balsam see that you
get ALLEN'S LUffO BALSAM, and you will
have the beat Cough remedy offered to the public
and ooo that will give you satisfaction.
539 t 531 Market-sf., San Francisco, Cal.,
Agents for California and Pacific States.
nov5 Jsa-SoM by all Druggie. 9-70.