VOL. 3. fll-S :t iirf ALBANY, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 14, 1S71. NO. 19. Slip liuuij COLL.. VAA CLEVE. rinitr and rmT-r. PORTLAND CARDS. F. RUSSELL, Attorney at Law, CP. FERRY, Notary Public. OJ'KJCK ON CORNER OF TEKMS-IX ADVANCE. Throo Dollars One ear Two pojiars S x Months. ; Tea Cents Single Copies - AD' TraiisK-nt "E.-.TISINO RATES. ,-lverti-icmentS jvr ?Tre 01 no i;... r . first inert;.u. , .-v-h"""" laat; lWr..:uet, inserted on the- most iberul terms- JOB WORK. Having receive.! new type, stoek of colored Ink,, cards. Uorl-m Jobber, etc., wo are pre Pa ed to execute ail kinds ot prmti.ig in a bettT manner and flftv per cent, cheaper toaa ever be fore offcrod in this eity. Agents for the Register. The following genilcmeu are authorized to re ceive and receipt for subscription, advertising, etc., f it the r.KuisTEl-. : v - HIRAM SMITH. K?, jud- s. h. er.ArouTON peter hume.. v. W. II. KIRK. E. E. WHEELER. F-' T. II. REYNOLD?, .O. I'. Tl).Ml'M.9. r.i.... I.. T. FISHER. Ksi IJUStNl CA1US. RCSSELt & FERRY. Real Estate Brokers & Collecting Agents Portland, - -"- . Oregon. s PF.CIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE Sale of Real Es-tate. Ileal Estate Litigation. and the Collection of Claims. Office. North-wct corner of First and Wash ington Streets, Portland, Ogn. feb 0-70- 5 ...Harrisbnrg. ...Lebanon. ...rirownsvUio .'..'.'.'.Sci.. .ilern. llarrisburg. 'Frisco. ceo. soau. j.isFs uoniusov. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, I'uruierly New t'olumbiau, Corner Front and Morrison streets, rOKTLAND, OREGON, A'oah & Morrison, Proprietors Free Coach to and from tbc House. AJTIEISICAIV EXCIIA3YUK, CORKER tr f Frout and Washiujjon Streets. W5"... -'PORTLAND, OREGON.. I. P. W. Quimby, - - - - Proprietor. (Late of tbo Western Hotel.) ADVERTISES! ENTS. LOOK MERE ! SAI Fit AA'CISCO STORE! CORNER FIF.ST 4VD MRnr STREETS, ALBIXY '. ..OREGON. Keeps constantly on hand a full assortment of STOVES, PUMPS & TINWARE I I will have for tale the- celebrated cook stove, and other loading styles. Also, manufacture all kinds of Tiu, Copper and Sheet-Iron Ware, in tbo best stylo, at lowest rates, FOR CAS" or COUNTRY. PRODUCE. T J. QriX.w TIIOR.TO., a, TToRNKY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW OrrirK Xo. 1U First -trcet. between Mor rison and Alder, oppos-isc the Occidental Hotel. PortUnd, Oregon. Will pr.vtVe in the Superior and Inferi-ir Courts of tbe Stat , and iu tiie District and Circuit-Court of the United Slates, civinjr special at teutioo the collection of debts iu all pa'ts of Orce in, and to obtair.in disehrscs in Bank ruptcy, whieb. since the last amendment to the law, mav be obiained t'r - ra all debts contracted prior t January 1st, 1CC9, without regard to the per ceiua.-c v.hich the nctts may finally pay. XuvtmUr ;r, lS70-12v3y J. C. 51 EX DEN HALL, o t a) t ;v- X b 1 i c , aLKAXY. OREGON'. EGAL IXSTRUMEXTS O" ALL KIXHS tjouveyauecs ana coi- 1HIS HOUSE is tbc most cotnracdious iu the Stare, newlv furnished, and it will bo ths endeavor of tbo Pr-iprietor to make his pi:csie comtorta'le. Xearcat Hotel to the steauiboat landing. The Coneor-l Coach will nlways be fou; at tha landing, on the arrival of steamships at river boats, e:irryin passenjsers and their ba:' ga;re to and fi-m tiie boats t'rer of i-hnrrfc. Jfone 8ippiicd icith Patent Fire EtifjuthcrB. I and :,tt.-s!d- m m - - letii 'ns attended to. :6-"70 NEW ADVERTISEM ENTS. FKOIflAZV ilUiLBI'VIS. WHEAT AND fTaTsEED DEPOT. LEAXIXG and IIOTSTIXO npRcitv J IO.tMM Hushcls per Day ! ,-A share of patronage solicit. -d. 4i"70 E. CARTWRTCHT. :pS The highest cosh price paid for Wheat. LADIES' EHPORIU.-S. Always on hand a full supplyof ' The Purest Wines and Liquors, for Medicinal purposes only. A well selected stock of Groceries and Crockery ! will always bo found at E?y establishment. I will sell ail poods in my iroas, Ar Cash or Treducc on delivery, cheaper than ever before ollered iu this liarket. S5a All kinds of repairing done, on short notice, and entire satisfaction warranted, at my Stove and Tin Store. JULIUS GRADWOIJL. Xov. 10 11 EU1L0EBS, ATTENTION I . SASH, BLWD AND BOOH F A C TOM I r.i rniinuiirirD L. S .11ERCIIA'T o. Cm CO., TAILORS, IlfiS. A. J. DUMIWAT, PEAt-EIt IS FasMonaMe Mifcyjiia Fancy GqQuS. Follows Cress and Cloak Makings in all ! ti.eir varied t-'raut-nes. BLEACHES A N"l PRESSES STRAW GOODS S. H. ALIHOLSE. N". WRIGHT. J. F. BAl KKNSTO. ALTHOISE & "CO., i.ros srrtEET, (ox tar. river ba"k), albaxy, : : : OBECOX. T EEP OX HAXD A FULL ASSORTMEXT, and arc prepared to Xui-nisls. to Oi-dei', Doers, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. W. II. KCIIIV & CO., Having just received a Large and well selected Stock of HARD WARE, seen At FARMER'S & MECHANIC'S TOOLS cossisnxo or ' . ANVILS, VICES, BELLOWS, Hammers, Hammers, Hammers, Hammers, Sledpre.", Slfjres, Jadges, Sledges, Saws, Sawa, Saws, Saws, Saws, Saw., Pltinea, Planes, Planes, J'lanes, Piaoes, Planes, Corss-Cut and !flill Saws, ... J Together with a large assortment of mONANbTEEL, Nails, Nails, Nail?, Nails, Nails, Nails, . Springs, Sprinps, Springs, Springs, Sprinus, Springs, Axles, Thimble-Skeins, Bolts, &e. o Also, a well Selected Stock of Wagon TimTaer, PPOKES. HUBS. RENT RIMS, SHAFTS, POLES. HICKORY AXLES, ETC., All of which wo are now oCerin:; to tho public at low rates. As we make the business a spec ialty, we can and will keep a better assortment at lower prices than any houc in this -eity. Receiving and opening a large and splendid assortment of WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, Which wo offer at reduced rates. W. H. KUHX &. CO. In the Monteith Fire-proof Erick, First-st. Xllaroh 12.-70-27 Blinds, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. LIVERY, FEED & SALE S TAB L E SI ALBANY, OREGON. M0MG93IERY& BARTZGES, I'EOI'RI ETORR. WE ARE PREPARED TO FURXISH the public with neat turnouts in ths way Stylish Buggies & Carriages of F1 ast AND & t o Cls.t On the most reasonable term?. Our livery is all new and of the latest styles, and we thall take pride in giving our patrons as neat and reliable an outfit as can be obtained in the State. Horses boarded at reasonable rates, by tho week or month. Hacks and Carriages furnished for parties, 4c. A share of public patronapra is solicited. MOXTGOMERY t BARTZQES. Albany, December 17, 1870-15 CEO. F. SETTLEMIER, DRUG G X T (Successor-to D. W. Wakefield,) Parrlsh's New Building-, First Street, ALBAXY, OREGOX, - DEALER IX Drugs and Medicines, CHEMICALS, PAINTS. OILS, GLASS, ETC. All articles warranted pure and of tho best quality. Physicians Prescriptions carefully compounded. "Albany, Oct. 17, lSGS-6tf READ I READ I and Sash, JUST RECK I selected stjc In Latest Stvle and best manner. ALBANY) OliECJOS. , RECEIVED, A LVUl.E AND WELL ' " " -' - Corner First and Iiroada bin street. Albany, Oregon. j3nlnl7-70 :;k of French tiyuJs, tuns'.sUitir ot t-asstuieres, lieavers an-t i.oesKii;:. am manner i.f I'ar.ey G- uJs of tbo best qnality. Suits made to order. 4,ly L. SIKUCKMEIEU A CO. ' JT. W. I2eut;ej . 1 ENTLEM EX'S ROOIS MALE TO OIlDEIt XIT on short noiioe, and nith ne-lncss aud dis pau:b. (f 1; Hinds of Repairing1 Done. Albany. June 11, 1S70-W " I. 12. RICE, jJI.'IL, C. KEALEY 1)EALER IX A MANUFACTURER OF 27" "EX XX JST X "2? UjEIE ! " iuch as Crowu, Panel, T3and, and Section Mold of all sizes. WINDOW AND C00R FRAMES I s j Floorin ' j and all other kinds of j Huiidt!2f Material ! PH.SICIAN Albany, - - - OFFICE OX THE i Street. Albany, April '70.-32 AND SURGEON, - - Oregon, OUTH SIDE OF MAIX S. RuBois, on band and receiving. 3T. C10XSTAXTLY j larjo stock of Groceries and Provisions, Wood and Widow Ware, Tobacco, Ciirar, Con fectionery, Yankee X'otions. Ac, Wholesale and llctail, opposite R. C. Hill A Sn's drug store; Albauy, Orezon. jn40'70 W. J. IlILTABltltL. D. ANDREWS, KUtabidcI & Co., DEALERS IX GROCERIES AXD PRO visions. Wood and Willow Ware, C-onfcc-tir-ncry, Xubaeco, Cigars, Pipes, Notions, etc. Main street, adjoining the Express ofhee, Albany, Oregon. I 3. n. SircHEI.1.. . J. X- DULfH. - A. -SMITH. Mitchell, Dolph & Smith, 4 TTORXEYS and COUXSELLORS at LAW, Solieirors in Chancery and Proctors in Ad miralty. Office over tho old Tost Office, Front street, Portland, Oregon. I and CABINET WAKE ! 13 e tiding-, .Etc, Corner First anl Svoid Albin streets, ALBAXY, OKEOOX. . At-SO ! Are prepared to d MILL WORK ; fcrnish Sha i ker l-'anit, 7;ezn f baKi-r.-, Sucticn Fans. Driving t Pulleys, of any- kind, at our Factory on Lyon j street, (on the riv.-r bank), next bo'.ow Markham's wareh'jnse. ALTIIOUSE & CO. j Albasy, Febrnary 0, 165?- 4 THE OLI STOVE' DEPOT! J&lf I ARTICLLiR ATTBHIIOH PAID TO ORDERS OF ALL EIITDS ia his line October 1.3-3 DEALER IS W.OTED. JAMES A. WARNER, Ci il Engineer &. Surveyor. IS PREPARED TO DO-EURVEl'lXU AXD Engineering. Uses improved Solar Compass. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Residence n 4th St., opposite Dr. Tate's residence, Albany Oregon. nI9-Ctn " rowcLl.. ' t. FLI.V.V. I'OHfll & I lilt SI, A T70RXEYS A COUNSELLORS AT LAW and Solicitors in Chancery, (! Flinn, Notary FubUc,) Albany, Oregon. Collections and conveyances protnply attended to. I GEO. W. GRAY, D. X). S., WOULD SOLICIT THE PAT - ronwe of all persona desir- Z T. A t TT t: T A T jrinrH riltOA' ULASS DENTAL opera tions. Nitrons Oxide administered for the pain- . loss extraction or teeth, when desired. Charges moderate. Office in Parrish A Co.'s brick bloek. Resi dence, first bonse south of Congregational Church, fronting on Court Honse bloek. Albany, Oregon, July 2, 1870-43 WOTICE I IS HEREBY OIVEX, THAT I HAVE opened a Livery and Feed Stable ! in the town of LhBAXOX. where I will be'eon atantly on hand to attend to the want3 of the jjoople. I will ran a hack from Albany to Lebanon and 5od Spring,, on Saturday of each week. All business entructed to my ears will bo promptly attended to. W B. DONACA. Lebanon, Sept. 1Q, 1S70 lv3m-3 - ST. CHARLES HOTEL, Corner First and Washington Sts., ALBANY, . ; - - - OREGOX. XI. BRENNER, Proprietor. WITH A NEW BUIXDIXO, NEWLY Farnishod throughout, the proprietor hopes io rv. entire satisfaction to the traveling public. The beds are euppliod with spring-bottoms. The table will receive the closest atten tion, and everything the market affords palatable to gue.-ts will be dippliei. jan 9- I A 4- C U S II ELS OF OATS, for Hf Jvf J wbich the highest market price irill be paid, ia CASH, at the store of X. S. DU BOISE. Also, Butter and Eggs, in unlimited quantity, for wbich the highest market price will be paid in cash." Call and see me. Albany, Aug. 20, 1870-50 I I T .T S l'IIALLEfER THRESHER IIAIAES' 13 E A I ER ! MoAvers Keapers And all kinds of AgrieuUural Iiuplem'ts & Machines On hand and for sale by ELAIX, YOUXG A CO., May 28, '70-38 Albany, Ogn. S. 12. Claughton, -TOTARY PUBLIC AND REAL ESTATE 1.11 AGENT. Office iu the Post Office building, Lebanon, Oregon. Will attend to making Deeds and other convey ances, also to tho prompt collection ot debts en trusted to my care. I ALBANY ISA'S II IIOUSE. I STOVES, COOK, PARLOR & BOX. ! of the be-t patten.- A7.Sti Tin, Siicet Iron and cppcr w aro J and tho usual rssortmcnt of Famishing Goods t... Vl be obtained in a rrUK UNDEIV5IGXED WOULD RESPECT I fully inform tho citizens of Albany and vi eiuity that he has taken charge of this establish ment, and, by keeping clean rooms and payin" strict atttntu ; to business, expects to suit all those who ina favor him with their patronage. Having heretofore carried on nothing but First-Class XI air Dressing' Saloons, he expects to give entire satisfaction to all. Children and Ladies' bair neatly cut and shampooed. JOSEPH WEBBER. Ok I9y2 niri(;. - - tukiiic. m ts4 a w - w c to I AM PBErARCD TO DO ALL KINDS Of TUHMSCI I ke p on hand and make to order RAWHIDE-BOTTOMED CHAIRS, , A.1D . Spinning Wheals. 23r Shop near the "Magnolia Mills." JOHN M. METZLER Albany, Kot. 8, g3 Itepain neatly nnit promptly exe-itttl, -fi EB- on reasonable term. -TKJ "Short reckonings, make long friends." Front street Albany. Xext door to Mansfield A Co. deed'eS-I Establi.-lied lu lBlO. ERNEST TeRLANDSON, General Commission Merchant and dealer in DRUGS. CHEMICALS, ESSENTIAL OILS, DYE STUFFS, AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE, BY THE PACKAGE ONLY. Cash orders for goods of every description from this or any Foceign Market, will receive prompt and faithful attention. ' - . Miners, manufacturers and wholesale trade sup plied for cash, arsr- No notico or attention paid to ordeis for goods, if there is no provision made for the payment of the same. Consignment of Oregon Produce, Grain, Wheat, Flour, Ac, solicited. SAN IKAXCISCO, CALIFORNIA. December 31, 1879-17tf ALUAKY BOOK STORE. ESTABLISHED IN 185G. S E A L E R IN EVEKY VARIETYOF i W Miscellaneous Books, School Books, Blank Books, Stationery, Ae. Books imported to erder at short notice. Albany, Oiegon. December 3, 1870. FRANKLIN MARKET, Main street, - Albany, Orcg-on. Meats of All Kinds, A It ! OF THE VERY BEST QUALITY, Constantly on hand. v - - 4v3 A. 3E. SEARS. 10,000 STOCK OF General Merchandise, Now being told to close business, consisting of dry g- o o x s : CLOTHING, BOOTS & SHOES, SHELF HARDWARE, of nearly every description ; together with SHOVELS, SPADES, MILL and CROSS-CUT SAWS, HOPE, IRON & STEEL! a large assortment ; aUo, Iroa Axles, Thimble Skeins, Blacksmith Took, &.C., &c., AH to he Sold at Cost ! READ 1 1 SETTLEMIRE'S XCRSERY, j Six miles South of Albany, Linn Co., IV on x- tlio J n il (1. I SOLICIT THE ATTENTION OF ALL pi rsns desiring to purchase Fruit Trees to j cail and examine sny stock, which is composed of the largost and Lest selection in the btate, con siht:n of Apples, Pears, Cherries, Plums. Prunes, Graces, Llnek Iierrios, Currants and Ross. ' Also, BI;ick and White Walnut, English Wal nut, Hickory, Pecan, Redbud, IloncV Locust, Unckberry, and a number of other varieties of trees and plants too numerous tj mention, all of which are offered Albany, Sept. 24, JIMO. 1 870-3 CONNER. Patronize Home Manufactures! BROOMS j.t Portland Prices! HAVING GONE LARGELY INTO the manufacture of 'ALL GRADES OF BROOMS 1 I am prepared to furnish the Oregon public with as good a broom as can be obtained on the coast, at Portland prices. Crdors solicited. Address all orders to BLAI N. YOUNG & CO., Gcr eral Agents, Albany, Oregon. W. D. BELDIXG. Albany, Docember 3, 1870-13v ELRINS & SON, ELKINS & SON, ELEINS & SON, " Lebanon,- Oreoni Lebanon, Oregon. Lebauoit. Oregon. NEW GOODS SMALL PROFITS, " QUICK SALES PROMPT PAY. E HAVE JUST RECEIVED A CHOICE Selection of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Imported direct from New York via tho Pacific Railroad, and can. f r Cash or Produce, give customers bargains equal to anv firm in Al bany. All of our stock is bought at the - - LOWEST CASJII'RICE. Buy of mi Tg-lxxo tdks Son, DRY GOODS, BOOTS & SHOES, GROCERIES, Hardware, Iron and Steel, .At . ALBANY ALBANY PRICES. PRICES. ALBANY ALBANY PRICES, PRICES, Wholesale and Retail. highest raicss aii ron EGGS, BUTTER, ETC., ETC N. B. All persons owing as will at once eome torward and pay np, so as to begin new accounts. . . , L. ELKINS SON. Lebanon, April 7, Q.-6n30 at low rati s December 17j j. i.. hahris. HENRY Is70 15 W. SETTLEMIRE. rVJL I i IvKT, FIRST STREET, ALBAXY, OREGON, c. B. nilCUT. J. L. IIARKIS & CO., flKOPHIIilTbRS. We shall L always Kctp on hatjd a. full Supply of Kind endeavor to 1 s of Meats! ail f which will bo of the very bett qnalitr. Tbe highest aiarket price pail lor Ueeres, Hog3 and fchecp. Tbird door wjest of Ferry, on south si le of First streets. J. L. IIAUKIS & CO. Albany. Dec. 13, 1870-15 RATES OF TOLL OVER THE Willaniellc Valley! and Cascade mountain Wagon Roadt To Four Horso or Two One Ox teams, thted j-oke.. r or every ac2d Loose horses, tier head cattle, per head... sheep on hogs.. Teams returning empty, half price. oaiea.. unloaded , pescliuttes River mule team litional yoke Pack animals. a 44 Horse and ride " fTo Pisll Four horse or mule team Two One " Pack animals, " A Stitch Lake : , each way.. 00 00 50 50 25 15 3 50 25 00 loaded. unloaded. Horse and rid Ox team, Ihre yoke To Upper Soda Spring : Four horso or mule team, out and back 2 50 Two - '. " 2 00 One " ' " " 1 00 Horse and rider, " 50 Loose animals, " 25 Ox teams the same as horse teams. A. HACKLEMAN, W. W. PABkisn. ; Pros Seo, March 0. 1 $69- 8 Fire! L?,3to : in' Timo . Saves Nine ! " Fire and irine Insurance Company ! Nos. 41 a San Francisco, STOCKHOLD Cash Capital, In Gold Coin, $?SO,000. Deposit iii Oregon, 50,000. Losses Promptly and Equitably A-djusted And XPaid in Gold; Com. and 418, 'California street, California. SRS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE riHIS COMPANY having complied with the s laws ot urcgon. ny m&Kiog m aepsii ui thousand dollark, is now prepared to effect insur ance against Lcjsa or Damage bv Fire, and also against xvianuenna inisua A-4ri6wTO iw., liberal terms. OlUSTAVE TOCCHARD, Pres. CHAS. I. HAVEN. Seo'y. J. Q. MENDENHALL, Ag-cnt for Albsrsy. Albany, Jsnukry 8, 1870-19 i Am ericas Wonders. The greatest cataract in the word is the fulls of Niagara, where ihe waters from the great upper lukes fonu a river three-fourths of a mile in width, and then be:nr suddenly con tracted, plunges over the rocks . ia . two columns to the depth of 125 feet. v The greatest cave in the world is the Mammoth cavo of Kentucky; where any one can make a voyage on the waters of a subterranean river, aud catch fish without eyes. . " The greatest river in the known world k the Mississippi, 4,000 miles long. - The largest valley in the world is the valley of the Mississippi, It contains five hundred thousand square lui-Ics, and is one of tho most fertile regions of- the globe. ' The greatest city patk in tho world1 is in Philadelphia. It contains over - two thousand acres. . , ., Tho greatest grain port in tho world is Chicago. . - The largest lake in the world is Lake Superior, which ia truly an inland eea, being four liuodre'd "aud thirty miles lon, and one thousand feet deep. The longest railroad in the world is tb Pacific railroad, over three thousand miles in length. The greatest natural bridge - in the "world is the natural bridge over Cedar creek in Virginia. It extends over a chasm eighty feet in width and two hun dred aud fifty feet in depth, and at the bottom of which the creek flows. The greatest mass of solid iron in tho world is the Iron Mountain of Missouri. It is three hundred aud fifty feet high, aud two miles in circuit. !: ; : The best specimen of Grecian architec ture in the world is th Girard College,' Philadelphia. Tho largest nqueduct in the world is tho Croron aqueduct, New York. It is 404 miles, and cost 812,500,000. The largest deposits of anthracite coal in the world arc in Pennsylvania, the min es of which supply the market with mill ions of tons annually and appear inexhaus tible. Stt.k MivrriCTintF. tv Iv axsis The Ottowa Journal (Kansas) gives an interesting account of the establishment of a silk manufactory atv thut iilace. by Mnn-tf. Valtrf rip. Kriissiorft. a" o-nntlp. man of fine education aud ample means from Fiance, who has bought 3,200 acres of land near Wiliinni.burtr, in Franklin county. A new stone factory has been erected. fnd thev are now mak ing silk velvet, ribbons and other tritn- mg, and propose to establish an indus trial organization of joint stock property, by co operative labor, with an equal dis tribution of profits. Besides the rear ing of silk worms, they propose agricul ture on 'a large scale. -- - - . Fill Your Lamps in the Morning. Scarcely a week passes but we read ac counts of frightful accidents from kero sene lamps, exploding and killing, or scarring for lite, women ; and children. A simple knowledge of the inllamable nature of the fluid wiil probably put a stop to nearly all the accidents. As the oil bums down in the lamp, highly in flanjalrfe gas gathers over its surface, and as the oil decreases the gas increases. When the oil is nearly consumed a slight jar will ofteu inflame the gas, and an explosion is sure to follow death and destruction. A bombshell ia no more to be dreaded. Now, if the lamp is net allowed to burn more than halfway down, such accidents are almost impossible Always fill your lamp every . morning, then you need never fear an explosion. Married Men. There is an expres sion in the face of a good married niati who lias a good wife, that a bachelor can not have. It ia indescribable. He is a little nearer the angels than the prettiest young fellow living. You can see that the broad breast is a pillow for some body's head, and thit little fingers pull his whiskers. No one ever mistakes the good married man. It is only the erratic one s that leave you in doubt. " 1 he good one con wotect all the unprotected fe males, and make himself agreeable to the ladies, and yet never leave a doubt on my unnu that there is a precious little wo man at home worth all tho world to him. 31 r. Charles Delatuerc, of New Orleans, has discovered a process by which . the saccharine property from sweet potatoes (can be extracted and its precipitate made into sugar, -i He took one bushel of pota toes weighing fifty-two pounds, and, with a rudei apparatus for extracting the juice, aided by the addition of some ingredients known only to himself, made two and three-quarters gallons of beauti ful golden syrup. He estimates that a barrel of potatoes, worth on the planta tion one dollar, will yield eight gallons of syrup, which would be sold cheaper than cane syrup. " Mr. Curtiss. a successful farmer and fruit-grower of Berkshire, Mass., hastens the maturing of his grapes by pouring around the foots of his vines warm rain water warm soap-suds if he ha? them. So well satisfied is he of the beneficial in fluences of warm water, that he is now laying down pipes to carry hot water to the roots of his vines. i The following inspiring words are from Goethe : "The longer I live, the more certain I am that tho great differ ence between men, the great and the insig nificant, is euery, invincible determina tion, an honest purpose once fixed, and then victory. That quality will do any- thing that can be done in the world, and no talents, no circumstances, no oppor tunity, will make a man truly great with out it. ! VARIOUS ITEMS.; ,.. ,., - : Nine of the eleven newly elected Con gressmen from Indiana are lawyers, j Idleness is like the nightmare the moment you begin to stir yourself you shake itoff. j ;,(.;v The guileless are usually without - sus picion, but the dishonest man always suspects others. -f itj -. ;, !.! t- - Garments of beauty . may , cover but they can never impart worth to abandon ed characters. - , - Men are often warned against old prejudices; let - them also be warned against new conceits. . - .,. ;i A New York Judge committed a cross eyed woman, for contempt of court because she didn't look at him whn told to. ' V A new idea for duelists ia to both take strychnine and then play draw-pokitTfor the first pull at the stomach pump. This will reduce dueling to e science. V ' ' Lady "Before I engage you j I should lite to know what your religion is V " ' Cook. "Oh, ma'am, I always feel ' it my duty to be the same religion: as the family I'm in." . .. ' - A sixteen year ckl damsel awaits trial in theDartford, Wisconsin, jaiJ, for hone- stealings '."";'.;-.; ';. i-x.awn ut - A St Paul millionaire . mk a '. himself popular with the lower classes by- eating $10 greenbacks when he is drunk, ' r Kdmund About's peace article In the Paris .S'oi'r is used, as a 'f campaign" -document by Bismarck. What ; is . Kd mund about ? Prairie chickens are so numerous ia Illinois this season that ' numbers are killed by flying sgainet the telegraph wires. ''j .;. There are two reasons why some people don't mind their own business. . One is that they haven't any business; and tbe second is that they have no mind. " - r - One Youssce, at MonticelJo, Tows, gires everybody notice that he has' 'made his wife a "free gift of 55,000," and nobody need send him any of her bills, for he won't pay them. ; . .i ...7; It is stated that no one now in Paris and at Tours is in favor of holding -.the elections Ail desire that the war should go on to the end. The probabilities are very strong that it will. ,lR'" The New Orleans Republican of a late date devotes nearly a column to a descrip tion of a public drinking fountain of unique desigr , about to be erected in one of the streets of the Crescent city-". J ,- tr Ladies in Paris are now said to gaae ' at delicate sirloins and steaks hung , up in butcber-ehops with the same curiosity as they used to peep at. ribbons and laces for sale. '. i. ":,;'. ; ,i V ., At the commencement' of the war the French had 139 regiments of ,., regulars. Only 10 are left. The . Germans .have also captured 500,000 Chassepot guns and 3,000 cannon. " "' '.'' t-.--- f j- There is mounted at Mont Valerien, j ' one of the French defenses, the most , formidable siege gun now in France It : is called. Marie Jeanne, and throws shot ' of 450 pouuda six miles, v " ' The Herald of Health declares that bleep after dinuer is unhealthy and that ten minutes, doze befo-o - eating is , the thing., . . r'-- i . ... - Concerning the late Woman Suffrago Convention : "Mrs. Howe accused some of the men of trying to . bully the ladies, but some of the men seemed to feel that -she, and some other women, were trying to cow them." A strong earthen barricade has been. erected before the cage of the ' lions, ' leopards, tigers and panther ia the. Jar; din des Plantes, at Paris, to prevent their. -escape in the event of a projectile destroy ing the bars of their cages. -,-,:!, ;,.. The Shah of Persia, who is a ; pilgrim, to the holy shrine of Koibela,-, lately , passed through Bagdad accompanied by' a suite of 10,000 persons. ' The horses and other beasts ot burden;, composing this caravan, numbered , upward of ,.15,-. 000. . - .'. ..;.,..':,., i , Queen Victoria has now nine grand , sons and eight daughters, together seven teen grand children, of whom the Crown Prince of Prussia gives five, (one died ia 18G6) the Prince of Wales five, the Prin: . cess Alice five, and the Princess Helena two. And the Queen has still fire un- " msVricd children. '-' -" -1 A child was recently born at Montagu' without arms," but with appendages Hko-i the wings of a bird, with a thnmb ' and ' forefinger on sach wing. :In all 'other respects it was a well developed. male i, child. It lived twelve days and weighed , twenty-four pounds. ' . - r. Ilere is a novel cure for a balky horse. Fill his mouth with dry loose ' dfrt, take hold of tbe bit, and he will go if ' there is any go in him. ., . - tu.v. i ii-..-' ; There was the liveliest stomach-puvp matinee on record at St. Louis the other day. Forty boarders in a big hash facto ry were fed on arsenic desiguca tor the s rats, but were pumped out before death r closed the scene. . ; ( ... s-, An Omaha man bought ft piano in . Chicago, and, after getting it home,., he f wrote back, blowing up the '1 firm that sold it to him, because he had hunted alt J 3 over it and couldn't find any key hole toi wind the thing up so it would .-pwy Here is rural simplicity Tor you. Ihe key-hole should be forwarded by mail.' " - St. Ann's Catholie Church, oa Eighth " street, near Fourth avenue, New York ii was sold, December 3d. to Mr. A. , T; 9r Stewart, the dry goods , millionaire, for . t Samuel Grubb, of Memphis, ' announ ces himself as a candidate for tax receiver, 'having no other means of suprt' ae his card says. 'Whereupon the Memphis u" Avalanche is eruel enough to say "it is -evidently a question of grubb with hits." 'N;-;N' t