'jJ'H'Mf "Sweet Home." - : .' r ' . - m- John Howard Payne, the author of that touching and immortal sod, "Home, Sweet II oinoj'. was a mot . unfortunate niaa. An iucUeut in his career furn ishes as with a remarkable dream. He was out only 'poor in pocket, but a home less wanderer. In conversation with a friend he once gare expression to the following sad recital : "How often," said he, "have I been in the heart of Paris, Berlin, and Londou, or some other city, and' heard persons playing 'Sweet Home,' without a shilling to buy the next meal or a place to lay my head. The world has literally learned nay soug until every heart is familiar with its melody. ' Yet' I have been a wanderer from my boyhood. My coun try has turned me ruthlessly from office, and in my old age 1 have to submit to humiliation lor bread." He had given the most exact and beau tiful expression of the heart's cmotious regarding borne, and yet . personally he was a stranger to all its tender aud lov ing influences. A wanderer and some times a vagabond, he had moved the human heart to its very depths by his exquisite lines. . ; . , l)Lgusted with his treatment in his own country, and still impelled by his disposition to roam, his ouly wish was to die in a foreign land, to be buried by strangers, and to sleep in obscurity. He obtained an appointment as United States A Peculiar Country. Among all the troubles that are continually besetting the various nations aud countries of the earth we find none of importance that effect Persia. Now and then, when there is no other: excitement of a political character to claim attention, there is a abble ou the frontier line which sep arates Persia from the Turkish Empire, but it does not amount to anything worth more than mere mention, and is scarcely noted among current events. Yet this unmolested country is not a mall one, and boasts? of twenty five provinces. The population does not fall hoi t of ten millions. It lias seventeen cities, several of which arc amongst the ' most famous of the East for wealth and j magnificence. A peculiarity of Persia is I in her lack of ports another is that I there is scarcely a navigable stream in the entire kingdom. Another peculiarity is ! of a Mormonish character the country ! abound in Salt Lakes. Prcsh water ! is rare and of great value. What . is grown (and Persia grows plenty of wheat, S bailey, grapes and fruits of various kinds) is the result of artificial irrigation, and so ueccessary is thi?; that canals for that purpose reut at the; highest prices One caual employed to irrigate a large fruit garden will rent at the rate of 000 per autiuui. If the enterprise of the American could be infused among the inhabitants of Persia, hidden away as she is, she would probably take a more prominent stand among the important nations. CoUou alone would help her do this. In 18(51, the 1'ersian Ambassador at London demonstrated that the Southern tonnul at Tunis, wherp h dinil We now return to the period antecc- provinces of his country were cipable of of his song. At growing good cotton enough to supply dent to the composition times "he was greatly depressed, and seemed to feel most acutely his utter loneliness. One day a friend called to Bee him, and on entering said: 'llow are you to day, Payne?" "Downhearted enough," he replied ; "but last night I had one of the most glorious visions in a dream that. ever met mortal eye."-' " "Ah, indeed ; what was it V Well, I will tell you. 1 suppose you the wants of Europe. Persia has been from the remotest ages a seat of civilization, and although re markably quiet uow, has been the sceue f of great political vicissitudes and revo ! lutioii'?. The ruins produced by these are still visible iu every part of the king- Join. Should the East become seriously ! complicated in European wars, Persia I would of course come in for her share of i the turmoil aud commotiou, and would think it was a secuc of vast wealth, of a j have her peace, as concerns outside pow- palace, or something else of that kind ers, turned into excitement. But while, that man's hearts are most set upon. It was nothing of the sort. I don't often have dreams; but when I do they im press me greatly. In this dream I saw a scene of the uuost transcendent rural peacefuluess aud beauty. It was all that poet and painter can imagine. The land scape was composed of gently rolling hills, aud sweet, still valleys, with mean dering streams. There were Bowers and birds, crops, flocks and herds. In the midst of all this stood various habitations of man, where I saw happy men, women and children, and heard pleasant voices, laughter, music and song." "Truly, a beautiful picture of domes tic contentment," said the friend. "The life-long imaginary of my brain," cried the poet, "of home, sweet home." Ah 1 how my soul reveled in the pic ture ! But gradually it faded from my sight. I was transfixed. I strained my vision to catch its outlines as they grew fainter and fainter, but at last it had faded entirely way. I then looked up, and saw a great cloud gathering, which grew dark and terrible. "Ah !' said I, 'that cloud is significant ot my own lot.' As I said these words, I saw traced upon it in burning letters those words of the Almighty to another miserable man : "A fugitive and a vagabond sluilt thou be in the. earth ' . ,: In terror I recognized my doom, aud awoke to find it both a drcatu and a real-' it,. TKc unh?ppy man buried his face in his hands, aud seemed in the deepest misery. "A very wonderful dream," Eaid his companion. "Well, do you kuow what I intend to do V said Payne, looking up ; I'll tell you. I've been thinking a great deal over the matter, and I intend to write a song called about, 'Home, Sweet Home.' . The picture of my dream shall be my in spiration for the task, and my lonely heart can well give touching pathos to siy-words." Not long after, the song of "Home, Sweet Home" was given to the world by John Howard Payne under these circumstances, a storm would rage elsewhere, it would be but a ripple with her.; It is as well that this should be so, for the modern Persians are not great warriors. Their army consists of about 70,000 infantry, 30,000 cavalry, and 6,000 artillery. Tim cavalry are pretty good soldiers, but as for the rest they are no match for auy but predatory bands, and meet with continual reverses in their skirmishes with the irregular Turkish soldiery. , Chains ok Gold, To be a merchant, the art consists more in getting paid than I in making sales. i Beware of judging hasiilj", it is bet i ter to suspend an opinion than to retract j an assertion. Value tho friendship of him who stands by you in the st rm ; swarms of insects will surround you in the sun shine. It is with flowers as with moral quali ties ; tho bright-colored arc sometimes poisonous, but, I believe, never the sweet smelling. A woman should always remember that her clothes should be in expense and quantity proportioned to her own circumstances, and not those of her neighbor. ltevenge is a momentary triumph, which is always immediately succeeded by remorse while forgiveness, which is the noblest of all revenge, entails a per petual pleasure. It was well said by a I'oman Emperor that he wished to put an end to all his enemies by converting them into friends Language is the amber in which a thousand precious and subtle thoughts have been safely embedded and preserved. It has arrested ten thousand lightning flashes of genius which, unless fixed and arrested, might have been as bright, but would have also been as quickly passing and perishing as the lightning. Thb Bible. No fragment of any army ever survived so many battles as the Bible; no citadel ever withstood the ieges, no rock was ever battered by so many storms. And yet it stands. It has seen the rise and downfall of Daniel's four empires. Assyria bequeaths a few mutilated figures to our national museum. Media and Persia, like Babylon, which tbey bare conquered, have been weighed in , the " balance and found wanting. Greece faintly survives iu , iu historic fame. - 'Tis living Greece : no more;" and iron Jlome of the Caesars is held in precarious occupation by a feeble hand. Yet the book. r which "'foretells all this arrives.' While nations, kings, philo sophers, systems -and institutions have died away, the Bible engages now men's deepest thoughts, is examined by the keenest " intellects, stands before the kighest tribunal, is more read, and sifted, and debated, more devoutly loved, and more vehemently assailed, more defended and. more denied, more industriously translated, more , freely given to the world, more honored and; more abused than any book the world ever saw. "Go" and "Come." "If you want your business done," says the proverb, "go and do it ; if youdou't want it done, send some one else." ; An indolent gen tleman had a freehold estate producing about five hundred a year. Becoming involved iu debt he sold half the estate, and let the remainder to an industrious farmer for twenty years. About the end of the term the farmer called to pay his rent, and asked the owner whether he would sell his farm. "Will you buy it V asked the owner, surprised. "Yes, if wc can agree about the price." "That is exceedingly strange," ob served the gentleman ; "pray tell me how it happens that while I could not live upon twice as much laud, for which I paid no rent, you are regularly paying me two hundred a year for your farm, and are able in a few years to purchase it!" . "The reason is plain," was the reply j "you sat still and said, Go ; I got up and said Oomo. You laid in your bed and enjoyed your estate; I rose in the morn ing and minded my own business." A humane physician having been call ed to visit the sick child of a poor widow, prescribed for it and furnished the medi cine free of cost. The next day he culled agaiu, aud said to the mother : "And how is the baby to dav, Mrs. Gilhooley f" "Pretty comfortable, sir," was the an swer; "the powder you gave her don't seem to have done her any hurt yet." . . Once when Father Taylor, in preach ing to his audience of seamen, found himself entangled suddenly in a thicket of accumulated clauses, he extricated himself by exclaimiug, "I have lost track of tho nominative to my verb, but, my brethren, one thing I kuow I am bound for the kingdom of heaven." That was oratory superior to rhetoric. It was get ting the wine of eloquence by crushing the grapes of style. Elder K had been holding a protracted meeting in Arkansas, and on a certain SuuJay was to have a "baptizing" of convcits iu the river, in the secluded locality in which the revival had takeu place. As he advanced into the water j with a wiry, sharp-eyed man, he asked the usual question, whether any person knew any reason why tha ordiuancc of baptism should not be administered. No oue answered for a few moments ; but at length, a tall, straight, and powerful looking chap, with an eye like a blaze, who was leaning upou a long riile, aud quietly looking on, remarked : "Elder, I don't want to interfere iu this yere business any way, but I waut to say that I know that old cuss you've got hold of, and I know that one dip won't do him any good. If you want to get the sin out of him, and save him, you'll have to anchor him out in deep water over ni-ht." T3Ansplantin'u .Tsexh. This has been successfully practiced for some time by Mitscherlich, of Berlin. Ilia method ia to plant into an empty tooth-socket a soman tooth that had ' been extracted some little time ' previously. The tooth itaelf took no part in forming the union; but material was thrown ont by the sock t which firmly , fixed the, tooth in its place. Any ; dentist 'who, by mistake, pulls the wrong tooth may correct the blander by replacing it and pressing it in, when it,, will unite -, readily ,'. The only objjxrtion is that it . hurU. Fortunately soeb blaaders are very rare at the pres ent day, oo account of the superior train ing which dentists how receive. One of them having to fill a. cavity in a lare tooiVin the back of hia own mouth, not easily reached, pulled out the tooth, fill ed ii with gold, and then Inserted it again. Jo- tlis case, however, the . reunion . was atufactorT,:; and the tooth only erred for a limited time.' : r- Honor to Gen. Smsxer. On the 30th ult., one of the clerks of the U. S. Treasurer at Washington confessed that he had embezzled 57,000 of public funds which passed through his hands, i Gen eral Spinner, upon hearing of the defal cation, without a moment's hesitation sold some of his own bonds-and replaced the amount stolen ; he holding himself individually responsible for any deficit in his department. This is the first case of fraud in tlie Treasurer's office "under General Spinner's administration, and his promptness not ouly securing the : uov crnment against loss, but in setting the precedent of individual liability, deserves the highest praise ia these dnvs of official dishonesty. Mahried Women Uuled Out. Mrs. Myra Bard well, a married woman of Chicago, was the other day refusea ad mission to the bar of that city, not be cause she was a woman but because she was a married woman. Her case will come up again before tho Supreme Court of the United States. There will be a good deal of abuse of husbands generally among the fair strong-minded over this case, no doubt; yet they musVremember that Mrs. Myra herself, devotedly fond as she is of the law, must be more food of her husband, or else in the city of Chicago she could have obtained; a di vorce, and then there could have been no objection to her practice of law. Earache Cuke. A correspondent of an agricultural paper says, ai soon as any soreness is felt in the ear, let three or four drops of tincture of arnica be poured in, and the orifice filled with a little cot ton to exclude the air, and in a short time the uneasiness is forgotten. If the arnica bo not resorted to until there is actual pain, the eure may not be ; so Epeedy, but it is just as certain, although it may be necessary to repeat the applica tion. It is a sure preventative forgath ering in the ear, which ia the usual cause ot earache. ..oji::,. Fashionable vouns lad v. detachinsr her hair previous to retiring: -"What dreams may come when wo have shuffled off this mortal coil !" Western editor is raving about - the "lambient pastimes . of . boreal, corresca tions." ' , . - A lawyer came into Court drunk and the Judge said to him : "Sir, I am sorry to see you in a condi tion which is a disgrace to yourself and family, the Court, aud the profession to which you belong." The reproof elicited the following col loquy : "Did your honor speak to me ?" "I did, sir; I said that in my opinion you disgraced yourself and family, the Court, and the profession to which you belong, by your conduct." "May i-i-t please your Honor, I have been an attorney in-in ir this Court for fifteen years, and permit me to say, your Honor, that this is the first correct, opin ion I ever knew you to give." . A Fifershire man recently took his child to the minister to be baptised, who asked him, "Are you prepared fr so. sol emn and important an occasion ?" "Pre pared !"' he echoed, with some indigna tion ; "I hae a firlot of bannocks bakin,' twa hams, an a gallon o' the- best II ie land whisky; an' I wad jest like to keu what better preparation ye could expeck frae a man in my condition o life !" In the District Court at Salt Lake, on the 29th ult., a foreign born Mornon asked to be naturalized. The Judge in quired if he believed iu polygamy, to which he replied that, though he had but one wife, he believed it right to have more than one ; whereupon the Justice refused to naturalize him. John Quincy Adams declines a nomi nation for Governor at the bands of the Democracy. " Having already been de feated two or three times he evidently and sensibly concludes that "enough is as good as a feast." - English Emigrants. Much inquiry is said to exist in England among farm ers, relative to lands, , subsistence, and rates ot " wages in. the United States. Large numbers are said to be desirous of emigrating to this country. - A Connecticut lady in her divorce com plaint - charges her husband with ; eon duct "calculated to defeat the purpose of the marriago relation.".-'. The puzzled judges sent the paper back for particu lars. .' What is home short. without mother ?., One A CAPACIOUS FilEDER. A long-Ieg- ged Sucker from Heunepin county, dis tinguished bv a little head perched on a crane's neck accoutred with a swallow-4 tailed coat and pantloous that refused .-. to be coaxed, down to s his ankles boots shining with tallow, and hat that scorned over half an Inch of brim stalked into j Palmer's Hotel j a Chicago last week, . to 1 get what ho called "a fancy dinner."! Being seated at the table, and asked bv ' ix Buivuui. n iic wuuiu nave "Waal, I swan I don't know," said he casting hia eye down the long array of fricain leavx, eotallettvs, ragoiUs, i and other "Kickshaws" on the bill 1 of fare which confounded him by their variety' while he despared of grappliu" with them all "What would you takeTCap'n, it you were in my place ? I couldn't eat all them fixin's, you kuow I couldn't, by gravy, ef I never was to have another meal of vittles from now till snow flies." "Wouldn't you like some soup V said tho waiter, wondering from what dig gings thi3 unconventional customer had strayed. '-Vaal, Cap'n you're beout right, I reckon. You must excuse me I never was on this kind of craft before. Biing on your soup, and then I'll pitch into your bile vittles. You tax all the same, they say, and it's hard ehoosin' so I'll jest try oitejilate through the lot iriH, ef I Liixl !" TlVe'(i-i jwnthly for December. NEW TO - DAY NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ' NOW BEADY:; The most Wonderful Book of the Nineteenth r Ceutury I . A Curious Book for Curious People, Aud a Good Book for every one 1 : '.-! ... v.; .a 4 j,., FLAIR . home: talk . . . . and . i , ... MEDICAL COMMON SENSE, BY E. 11. IOOTE, 51. 1). Three or four hundred thousand dol lars thus far, have been disturbed sines the 1st of July, through the Surgeon fiAnpnitl's nfnf. r,nvt fir flirt Tiiii-ftiic rtf A. L. IiAXCROIfT A CO. o;fi;..l .o 1 1.... . : ! ("-';u' of tlie Kocky Mrantaia If you want tn know the effects of Sexual Star vation ; Pri'atilutiou ; Ooatiucnce on tha ono hand and Vic ou the other: If volt want to know huw to hvt IToalihv T!.. Uieg; how to keep thera healthy ; how to brow up It" ivL wunt tn know all about Common Sense Remedies : Kleelrieity ; Animal Mao-uuHsin j and who beliere ia it j : Xi you want to know all about diseases peculiar to women ; to girlhood ; to tho maiden ; to the wife and mother, read"Privato Words taAVoaieu." If you want to kuow valuable hints to the child less j how to overcome barrenness ; how to become a mother ; ' If you want to kuow all about diseases peculiar to men : their uatme and treatment ; rmiiotency; auiinal weakness, Ac.; If you want to know all about thesexual organs: cause ol ih ir disgrace ; their influence on devel opment ; on women and civilization ; ! ou want to knoxv all about marriage; its history, polygamy and monogamy ; polyandry and Ir-e love ; " If you want to know the piiilosopby of ib.pc iu nt.; ad,ip:ati.,n iu marriage: philosophy of chi.d mnrkinsr ; how to perfect marriage ; - And a thousand things never published bi.Tore, read this wonderful book. j SOLD ONLY BY SUBSCRIPTION. Send, for circular and terms to t BET 3,000 ON THE ELECTION ! arms a'id ieis, ana part in communication. These transaction eov er the cases of 5,000 maimed soldiers. 3,000 cases remain to be acted on, while others are daily received. THE ' SINGER Book canvassers may not be aware of : the fact that a five-cent revenue si-amp ; is required to be attached to every sh;- ' nature in their books the agreement to ! purchase being considered a contract. j A Chicago widow was requested by the '. dear departed's aristocratic relatives to I give a false name when she went out i washing, so as not to disgrace the family, j Such thoughtfuluess is touchiug. - The other day two ytfiiug girls of Car linville, 111., bound their drunken fath er hand and foot, and so kept him for two days, lie was finally released on promising to join the Sons of Temperance. George Francis Tiaiu is reported to be in prison in Marseilles, and for singing tho "Marseillaise" iu too high a key. There need be no fear thut his deteu tion will cause a war, and but little hope that his release will save Paris. " NEW Any one who wants to win can do so by calling' on: ; ; it. g . ii mr- &. son, WHO, thankful for past patronage, still in vite the attention of Linn county rl at., to their unequalled stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINT & VARNISH BRUSHES, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, ALCOHOL, KEROSENE, -WINDOW GLASS, ' T R U S S ES, ' FANCY ASD TOILET ARTICLES, ETC. Agents for Dr. D. Jayne A Son's preparations, II. 11. It. Horse Medicines, etc. . Do yon like medicine for its bitter or nauseat ing taste ? We have that description. Io you waut the effect with an aromatic taste t After taking a few doses of our Elixir, 'twill be so very pleasant that your prejudices Must surely turn awry, and the preparation Will lose tho name o' physic, (but not the eS"e.ct. Physicians and customers from the country may rest assured that their orders will be prompt ly attended to. Prescriptions carefully and cor rectly compounded. Have you the impolite guest called a corn ? We sell Corn Slayer," which surely does the work, without pain. lo you desire a book of any kiiK', a Gold Pen, an Album. Stationery, or such? W; S. l'rigpts is with us. fur the accommodation of all favoring bin with a call. Io you want a fine Watch, a set of Jewelry, cheap or dear? J. I). Titus sells the same, under the same roof. . , Come and see us. Buy a Book. Bny a Watch, liny, a Pill. Buy something or nothing, but come and sec us, anyway. A well sprinkled floor and a cool drink of water in the summer, and a warm stove surrounded by eomfortablo chairs in winter constantly kept for the accommodation of all. Albany, May 14, 70-36 "rates of toll OVEB THE NEW ADVERTISEMENTS; 'j-v.'i' TO PHYSICIANS. New York, August 15, 186S. 'Allow me to call your attention to my PREP : AKATION OF COMPOUND EXTRACT BU-' -CUU. The component parts are, BL'CHU, Lous; . Leaf CUBEBS, J UN1PER BEERIES. - ' Mode of Hrepara tion : Bnehu, in vacuo. -Juniper Berries, by distillation, to form a fine gin. -Cubebs extracted by displacement with spirits obtained from Juuiper Berries ; very little sngar is used, and a small proportion of spirit. - Zt is " more palatable than any now in use. , . Buehn as prepared by Druggists, is of a dark color. It is a plant that smits its fragraneo ; the action of a flame destroys this (its active principle) leaving a dark and glntinons docoction. - Mine is the color of ingredients. The Bucha in my prep-., aration predominates ; the smallest quantity of 1 the other ingredients are added to prevent fer- -mentation ; upon inspection it will be found not to be a Tincture, as made in Pbarmaeopcea, nor is it a Syrup and therefore can be used in cases where fever or inflammation exists. In this, you have the knowledge of tho ingredients and the ; mode of preparation. Hoping that you will favor it with a trial, nl . that upon inspection it will meet with your appro-, bation, with a feeling of profound confidence, - - : Jam very respectfully, 3 - " - , II. T. HELMBOLU, , , Chemist and Druggist of lit Years' Experience. - ' Willamette Valley Mountain agen and Cascade Roads FaiisiSy Sciviisg: ,TncItiuc, With Attachments for all kinds of Work, Is last win n in tr favor in the household, as shown by thesales of-lust year, amounting to eiphfy-six thousand, seven hundred aud c'ghty one inachiues, which far exceed those of any (other Company. Among those killed at Mctz lately was the famous Daron Ilenii de Riviere, who made a sensation in this country some ten years ago by marrying a rich Mobile widow, aud subsequently iu being prose cuted for the recovery of certain moneys iu New York by a French lady with whom he had been traveling and flour ishing in both hemispheres like an Kast Indian nabob. Let this be said of hi in. however, that if he lived the life of "a gay Lothario" he died the death of a hero. . v . A lady an 1 gentleman of Troy, 2ew York, whose connubial bliss is perfect iu everything save the presence ol children around the domestic fireside, were esara iniug some illuminated mot'oes in a book store the other day, when the wife picked out one beating these words : "God bless our home." The husband thuught that was very good, but still not exactly what they wonted. Looking a little further, he picked eut this oue : "Suffer little children to come unto me," and he ' as sured his wife that was what they wanted. There is no small pox either among whites or Indiaus at Lapwai ; neither is it known that there is a case within 190 miles of there. A young lady in Iowa is lecturing ou "What she Knows about Man." Navigation ou the above the Cascades. Song of a gold hunter : "My days of j hippiness are ore." " j NEW TO-DAY. j ! This new FAMILY M AC'II IXE is capable of a , range and variety of wi.rl: such as was thought imi'OssU'le a short tiiuq ajro, to perform by ma : chim-rr. M'e claim, and e:iu show those whom it may o mecrn, that it iithc clioape?t. inopt ber.uti ; fu!, delicately arranged, nicely adjusted, easily j operated, and stnoul'ilyj running of all the family S Sewing Machines. It jis remarkable, uot ouly for ; the ranire and variety of its sewinjr. but also for the variety mid differeiit KINDS OF TEXTl'RE ; which it will sew wi:b jequal facility and perfec tion, usiui Silk Twist, l.inen or (Vtiou Thread, flno r ers,,, nmkin the ISIKEI.OCKED- Co'iUUibia is closed ; ELASTlC-S'J'ITCll, ilike on both fides of the I tabrif ?cwn. T uurf heaver cloth, or leather, may ! be sewn with great strenrUi and unif rmity of suu-u, and i!i a moment this wilhuir and never To Oeschuttcs River : . Four Horse or Mule team.. Two ' ' One " " ' Ox teams, thiee yohe 1'or every additional yoke I.ooce horses, per head cattle, per head.... " sheep or hogs Teams returning empty, half price. Pack animals, loa 'cd ' " unloaded Horse and rider To Kish Lake : Four horse or mule team, each woy.. Two " " " . " Oue " ' ' " Pack animals, loaded , " " unloaded. Horse and rider , Ox team, three yoke. it To Upper Soda Spring: Four horse or mule team, out and back.. Two " .. ... Ono " " " " .. Horse and rider, " Loose animals, Ox teams the same 3 horse tennis. A. HACKLEMAX, AV. YT. Punisn, Pres. See. March 0, 1S69- 8 ' OF ALti KIXDS, printed at the very lowest rater as ordered, at this oflicc. .$t 50 . 3 OU ,. 2 00 . 4 50 60 .. 20 15 3 50 25 .. 1 00 ..." i 2 TaSic Police. A LL PKUSOXS KXOWIXU THEMSELVES f iudebted to It. CHI-;aILE .t CO.. by noic or oj.1 account, will pi.'nsc Svttle the same by the 1st of January, 1S71. IJy so doing they will save costs. Cash or Produce taen in payment of account or note. K. CHKADLE & CO. Xov. 10. 1370-1 1 S. II. Claujfcton, OTARY l'URLIC AND HEAL ESTATE AG EXT. 0!fice in the Post Office building. Will attend to making Deeds and other convey ances, also to tha prompt collection of debts en trusted to my care. 1 THE NEW FOOD. SOS wear uilj machine ia;tv on rauti or gossiuu tavek'tati, or rutil:iv whi'-U d elk alt fint.; firm. rim linsor.-1 can 0011 I'.iuii'.y in;i'-! ine tml operation uniformity ? 1 tec a capacity I-r ru li:e or voar ;c, k avr.i The Tho New rumily M. ricty of ohlin covers polished surface cult 4 I, , tiou o sirt c uMici s a: e TUc A tor I lemming, J-etund 1112, vurauni, t,a.:ucriiJi Ac, are not juv t:uui grat perfection. Mi' or tlciat-licd bv a siim quality of iho work cup ouly he fnlir appreciated on observation ami ex f.titClt TttrtM Me have and skull h 0;iice and AeiKic For a few cent3 3'cu cr.n buy of your Grocer or Errggist a package of GEA E0S3 FAEINE made from pure Irisli Mess or Carrageen, tvliicliwill make sixteen quart3 cf Tlano Mange, and a like quantity cf Puddings Custard3, Creams, . Charlotte Eusse, &c. It i3 t!ie cheapest, healthiest and mcst delicious food in trfe world. It make3 a splendid Dessert, and has no equal as a light and delicate food for Invalids and Children A Glorious Change ! ! - ; ! 1 v, :et of all 81.CS ! iot.l Cotton, Oil, and i in tlie uso ol ounuach o wri.-h it undcrstot Tn-i.-t suld bv u : t!i excel in ittulity i.n iriven T'riee, that ol u' tho Twist made by ui mills, siniphed af thev machinery and skilled; the desirable qualities ncss, length of thread strength, excellence ol oct2!l-8-3in rAX Xo. If IRS. THE GREAT WO!.iLI)S TOXIC. Plantation Bitters. Tliis wonderful vegetable re storative is tlie slieet-auclior of the feeble and debilitated. As a tonic and cordial for tlie aged and - languid, it lias.: no equal among stomachics As a. remedy for tlie nervous weakness to uliichwoiuen are especially sub ject, it is superseding every other stimulant. In all climates, tropi cal) temperate, or frigid, it acts as a specific in every species of disorder which undermines the fcotllly strength and breaks down the i:s.-.iusalpirits. ' For sale by all (".iti'islsts. PtBI UHSUANT TO le a.Ijutcd for fine work Ii.sue, tir the ttu-km; tf u h 11 1 1 a : y o t li c r w r k save Let is known to per- h: convinced that our nvvt 'Uci5 NUW jiutt essential tf i-fnf rut-lion case ot nf PHECISK nctiuii t any 1.5c and variety of .work, .11 riviila bi-hutd :t. ling; Cases, thine may be l:a-l in a ;t and eases. Pome show in 'so cruin and tint of the finished in aU t'.ic elaboru- tacUineuta , Hnnltn, ririiir.iit-, lUnd Tucking, Kinir.iiilering, trolls, but now brought to t of them can bo attached e move ef the band. The A Weekly Newspaper, Containing- 2S colnmi of matter, IS Pl'massiIED EVEKY SATl'ltDAY, Iu the Ciiyjf Albany, . AT JX AOl'AXCE, (From tlio largest jranulat turins Clicminta in th World.) Xovcmber4, 1854. "I am acquainted with Sir. H. T. Ilelmbotd ; he occupied tho drug ctorc opposite uiy residence, and wnsi mcee?f fid in conducting tho baninevfl where others had not been equally fa before him. , I have been favorably impressed with hia charac ter aud enterprise." WILT.TAM WEIGIITMAX. Firm of Powers A Weijrhtman, Manufacturing Cciubts, Ninth and llrowu-f ts., Philadelphia. amiuiiUon. !iaclinc Twist, ?ix iiioutu ifof Cotton, Oil C'e. c-p in stock at our Cent sal oii Fpoola of various sizes). nd colors binen Jhread, all other articles nccesarv u cs. d that live manufacture the ;it we huil aim to have it exceed in quantity, for a er manufacturer.-, and that in our new and extensive are with ttie most improved labor can be r!ied on for k!" uniformity of size, even- la? marked on eat-h spool. color, and beauty of luiuh LOCAL ITKMS" made a SPKCIALIV, ii i3 l 3i ii o i, 13 9 FLUID KXTJIACT BUCHU, For wt'iikocw arrising from indiscretion. Thee, haustcd power ol Nature which arc accompanied by so inaDjr alnrmiuK svmpti.nu, among wbicb will I found, Indisposition to Exertion, Ln of Memory. AVakofulneta, Horror of Disease, or Forebodings of Evil : in fact, l'uiveral l.a.ilude I'rostrution, aud Inability to enUr into the ci.joy- ' mentK of society. , , .; The Constitution oneo effected with Organic Weakness, require the aid of Medicine to strengthen and invigorate the system, which II KLMliOLlVS EXTRACT BC CilC invariably doe. If no trentnieut is ub mittcd to, Consumtion or lusauity ensues. IkloiboIdV Fluid Extract Bnthn iu affections peculiar to Fuialc, is unerjualled by -any other preparation, a in Chhroi, or lieten tion. Paiut'uluess, or Suppression of Cuduinaty cvacuutions, I'lccratcd or cirrus state of the I ter u 3. ant all complaints inci.leutal to the sex, or the decline ur change of life. THE SIXUER MASCFACTITRIXH CC. KoJ458 Itroadwav, New Yoiji. L'ISCO OFFIfJE, FRAN IVi Jlimtgouicry street. A. JOHDi for Albauv. uit Court of th coiintv. at tho Octoben Term real property of tho dee'd, late of said coi outcry, to the birhcsq IC SALE. PRDEK OF THE CIU- State of Oregon for Linn 1870, tho following state. of lycwis Churchill, uty, will tie sold at publio bidder, at the Court House. door in the city of Altany iu said county, on Satnrcltty, the 31 viz: Fractional X. 1 32, and email fractior or. of .See. 2'.l. Tp, 12 AI., containing U GS.l fractional part of Lot said cityot Albany By order of Court, Novembc 24, 1870 t. of December next, iilf of the N. W. nr." of See. ?. V. corner of B. W. s. K. 3 XV. of Willamette H) acres more or less,. Also No. 4, Block No. 10, in tho avins a frontage of 25 foot on Front street, commencing 25 feet from tho N. E. corner of said IiloUk, and a depth ot 1U0 feet. tnprovemcnts thereon the dower. - TERMS Gold coih of the U. S., half in hand and the residue in four months, with interest, He- cured by note and mrhtgajc on the premises. ' lanVARD II. GEARY, 12w4 Referee. ISarjaiMsi Offered THE ItKCilSTER JOB PR IN TING OJt? JL 'ICE, First frcctt (njypoite Parrinh t Co.3 mttret AyzjLy z . s s Oregon. ITROM AND AFTER THIS DATE I AVILfr sell my entire stpek of T ' - Dry tiOOuS, Fatcy Gaods, Clothing, EMBKOIOliJBY, liTC, - t, 1 r- i iii e O o s t X to clone out. i There ii no mistake about this, as I am determined to tloge out entirely in these lines, aud will positively sell at first cost N. H. All persons ed to me, are requests officer for collection.. business.'' Nor. 19, '70-11 WlSllllillHISMI ISMI'IIIIIMIIIMIIIII ITaUMaWtJJuajs1"JBMW.MdiWa- knowing them selves indebt d to maae immediate pay ment. All accounts due .and unsettled do daj-s from this date, will lja put in the- hands of an ibis positive as 1 mean -JV GRADWOirL. HAVING a very fair assortment of material, we are prepared to execute, with neatness aud dispatch, all kinds of such as - i' , riand-hilli, Programmes, Ji ill-heads, Cjrdt, Ball Ticket, i - , i Pamphlets, Labels, 1 " ' lilaidct : of all kinds, at as low figures as a due regard to taste and good work will allow. Whoii you want anything in the printing Hue, call at the Rcuistio office. UELMBOLD'S Fluid UKract of ICiicIiil, Improved Rose Wasli, will radically exterminate from the system dis eases arising from habits of dissipation, at little expense, little or no change in diet, no inconven ience or exposure ; completely superseding; those nnpleasant and dangerous remedies, Copaira and Morcury, in all these diseases. XJ S 13 Ilelnibold's Fluid Extract Iluchu in all diseases or these organs, whether existing; in male or female, fnun whatever cause brigiaaU ins, and no maUcr of how long standing. It ia pleasant in taste and odor, "immediate" in aetion and more strengthening tbaa any of the prepara! tions of Bark or Iron,.. 1 Those suffering from brokea down r delicate constitutions, prooure the remedy at one. The reader mart be aware that, however slight may be the attack of ihe above diseases, u u eeT. tain to effcet the bodily health and merrtal powers. All the above diseases require the aid of a Di uretic. II elm hold's Extract of Bacbn is the rreat Diuretic. ' Sold by Druggists everywhere, Prka $1,25 i per bottle, or bottles for t.60. Delirefed to any address. Describe symptoms in all comma mcatiyna. Address! n. T. HELMBOLD, Drug and Chemical Warehouse, 694 Broadwar ; New York. . , . ' -ST None are gennin nnleas don up- In steel -engravei wrapper.with fac-simUe of my Chemical AYarchouae, and signed ... . RT3y