i : i VOL. 3. published every sjtcro.it by COLL. TAIVCLEVE. ernes on corser op fekky axd rinsT-sT. . ' . sPy , . ,.. I ; r . q v - , K X ALBANY, OIIEGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 7, 1S71. no: is: its: PORTLAND CARDS. F. RUSSELL, Attorney at Law, C. P. FERRY, Notary Public. FER RV, TERM:? IN ADVANCE. One Year Thrco Dollars Six Month. . Two DolhirS Single Copies... .- Ten Cents ADVERTISING RATES. Transient advertisements per Square of ten lines or le, first insertion, $2 : each subsequent i n srtion , $ 1 . Larger ailertiomeits inserted on the most j iberal term". JOR WOK K. Having received new type, stock of colored inks, cards, a tlorrt.m Jobber, etc., wo are pre pa el to exocuie all kinds ot priutinjr in a better injanir and fiftv per cent, cheaper than ever be fore vsTcrcd In this city. " , greats for the Register. The following gentlemeu are authorized to re ceive and receipt for subscription, advertising, rtc, fur the Rki:ister : 1U1! AM SMITH. Es-i Harrisburg. j ....Lebanon. j ..-Brownsville ) .ih i-c s. ir. ci.ai tiiiroN I'KTKK HUME. Esq TV. H. K1UK. Esq i:. V.. WHKEl.KK. Esq Scio. T. H. REYNOLD. Esq Salcin. . P. TOMPKINS, Es Harrisburtr. I,. P. KISIIEU, Esq 'Frisco. BUSINESS CARDS. .I.QlI..T!IOR.TO., ! TTOBNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW Orrn'K No. Ill Pirst tivct. between Mor rison and Alder, opposite the Occidental Hotel, Portland, Oregon. Will practice in the Superior and Inferior Courts of the Plate, and in the District and Cir cuit Court of the United States, giving special at tention to the collection of debts in all farts of Oregon, and to obtaining discharges in Bank ruptcy, which, since the last amendment to the law, tnav be obtained from all debts contracted prior t January 1st. 1S6U. without regard to the jht rental! which tie assetts may finally pay. November 2li. lS7-12v:iy J. C. MENDKNIIALL, V o t sx i y Public, ALBANY, ::::::: OllEGOX. Tr EC. L INSTRUMENTS O" ALL KINDS 3 A made and attesteO., Conveyances ana eoi- RDSSELL & Real Estate Broers & Collecting Agents Portland, - - - - Oregon. PECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE ?5 Sole of Real Estate, Real Estate Litigation, and the Collection of Claims. Oilice, North-west corner of First and Wash ington Streets, Portland, Ogn. fcb 6-70- 5 OFO. XOAH. JASES MORRISON. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, a-oi iu jr flew vvimuiajj Corner Front and Morrison streets, PORTLAND, OREGON, Noah & Morrison, Proprietors. Free Coach to and from the House. AJIKIIICAIY EXCIIA!VCj, coRxun or Front and Wsshlnjton Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. Proprietor. ADVERTISEMENTS. SAI FItAIVCISCO STORE! CORNER FIRST S.SD FERRY STREETS, ALBANY o EGON. Keeps constantly on hand a full assortment of STOVES, PUMPS & TINWARE ! I will have for sale the celebrated X,xaoxc3L 7.GOl3L cook stove, and other leading styles. ' Also, manufacture all kinds of Tin, Copper and Sheet-Iron Ware, in the best style, at lowest rates, FOR CASH or COUNTRY PRODUCE. X,. P. W. Quimby, - - . (Late of the Western Hotel.) M State, newly furnished, and it will be ths endeavor of the Proprietor to make hia gncste comfortable. Nearest Hotel to . the steamboat landing. fSf The Concord Coach will always be foul at the landing, on the arrival of steamships ar river boats, carrying passengers and their baj--gae to and from the boats free of charge. llottme enpplied icith Patent 'ire Eurtiuffuitherm. Always on hand a full supply of The Purest Wines and Liquora, for Medicinal purposes only. A well selected stock of - C-roceries ami Crockery ! will always be found at my establishment. I will sell all goods in my house, for Cash or Produce on delivery, cheaper than ever before offered in this market. All kinds of repairing done, on short notice, and entire satisfaction warranted, at my Stove and Tiu Store. JULIUS GRADWOIIL. Nov. 19-11 BUILDERS, ATTENTION ! SASH, BLIND AXD BOOR FA C T O R Y ! NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. r ItO HA A I11JI1)IIYCS. WHEAT AND FLAX SEED DEPOT. a i CLEANING and HUISTING capacity IO.OOO Bushels per Day 1 A share of patrotiaire sdicitcL ! 45'TO E. CARTWr.TOHT. The highest cash price paid for Wheat. I. A DIES' EMPORIUM. it ni' ;tienlei to. 3t-'T0 L. STRUCKMEIER CO., JIERCIIArX TAILORS, ALBANY, OREGON. J UST RECEIVED, A LARGE AND WELL selected stock of French tioods. consisting ol Cassiuicres, Beavers and Doeskins, and all manner of Fancy Goods "f the best quality. .Suits wade to order. H,y 1.. STitl'CKMEIER .t CO. J. V. licMlJcy. Ci KXTI.KM EN'S ROOTS M ADE TO ORDER K on rhort notice, and with neatness aiol dis patch. All Kinds of Repaixisg' Done. MRS. A. J. DCNIWAT, DEALER IX ' j FasMonalile Millinery and Fancy GoOuS. I Follows Srcss and Cloak Makins' in all ; their varied branches. BLEACHES AXD PRESSES STRAW GOODS In Latest Srvle and best mnuner. STAMP FOR URAIO AXO KM IlROl ItERY. Corner First and Droada'bin streets. Albany, ! Oregon. i:inlul7-7U . D. 1LTEOI SE. S. W-RtGUT. J. F. BACKESSTO. ALTIIOUSE fc CO., tvos sTncr-T, (os the rjver bank), ALBANY, : : : OREGON. KEEP ON HAND A FULL ASSORTMENT, . and are prepared to itxiiiLisli. to Oi'deu, Dooi'M, ISlhuN, and 3wI03L.XI3NTC3-S, : sweh a? Crown, laoel. IJand, and Section Mold of all sixes. VINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES ! Flooring, anil all other kinds of Ruilriinsr 3Ia1rrial ! JSTJbl W jJb'XJtLl&S:. W. II. I UUI & CO., Having just received a Large and well selected Stoclr'bf HARP WARE, sucn as FAllMEll'S & MECHANIC'S TOOLS w COSS1STI.NO OF ANVILS, VICES, BELLOWS, Hamiuers, Hammers, Hammers, Hammers, ' Sledsei", Sledges, SJcdges, Sledges, Saws, Saws, Saws, Saws, Saws, Saws; . "Planes, Planes, Planes, Planes, Planes, Planes, Corss-Cut and Mill Saws, Together with a large assortment of IRON AND STEEL Nails, Nails, Nails, Nails, Nails, Nails, Springs, Springs, Springs, Springs, Spring, Springs, Axles, Thimble-Skeins, Bolts, &c, &c. o Also, a well Selected Stwrk of W'ason Tlmlber, PPOKES. HUBS. KENT RIMS, SHAFTS, POLES, HICKORY AXLES, ETC., All of which we oro now offering to the public at low rates. As we make the business a spec ialty, we can and will keep a better assortment at lower prices than any hou.e iu this city. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Rcceivi ig and opening a large and splendid assortment of WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, Which wc offer at reduced rates. W. II. KL'HX Jk CO. In the Monteith Fire-proof Brick, First-st. March 12.-70-27 READ ! READ 1 READ 1 Albany, Julie 11, 1ST0 I. IS. RICE, PHYSICIAN AND AUSO-7- SURGEON, Albany, ------ Oregon, FFICE ON TiiEsor rn SIDE of main 4 W Strwt. Albany, April '70. DuBois, hand aad receiving ."V. . i lOXSTANTLY on Xy lare stock of Groceries aad Provisions, Wood and Willow Ware. Tobacco. Cigar. Con fectionery, Yankee Notions; Ac., c, Wholesalo and Retail, t.ppo.-dte K. C. Hill A Son's drug lore. Albany. Oregon. jt:40'TO C. MEALEY DEALER IX A 'MANUFACTURER OF and CABINET WARE ! J3oclliii', Ktc, Corner First and Broad Albin streets, .1 LRA XV, ORKGOX. Are prepared to do MILL WORK : furnish Sba- i ker Fans, Zigzag Shakers. Suction Fans, Driving " Pulleys, or any kind, at our factory on l.yon I street, (on the river bank), nest below Markham's ; warehouse. j ALTHOUSE & CO. j Albany, February 0, 1F6D- J THE OLD STOVE DEPOT! joii:y ickic.;s, i DEALER IN w. j. B:i-TAn:iti.. u. amikctvs. Ki'.tabiicl &. Co., DEALERS IN GROCERIES AND PRO-vi.-dons. Wood and Willow Ware, Confec-fi'-n-ry. Tobacco, Cigars, Pipes, Notions, etc. .Main Street, adjoining the Ejcpre-ss office, Albany, Oregon. , I j. h. :rcOKLi. . i. .f . iwn.rn. A. shitii. Mitchell, Dolpb & Smith, TT071NEYS asi COUNSELLORS at LAW, Solicitors iu Chancery and Proctors in Ad miraliy. Office over the old Post Office, Front street, Portland, Oregon. . I JAMES A. WARNER, Civil Eiiineci& Surveyor. IS PREPARED TO DO SURVEYING AND Engineering. Uses improved Solar Compass. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Residence n 4th St., opposite Dr. Tate's residence, Albany Oregon. nI9-6in POWELL. L. FLIS.t. Powell & Fliiiii, 4 i. d Solicit -r in Chancery, L. Plian, Notary Public,) Albany, Oregon. Collections and conveyance promply attended to. J D. S., " GEO. W. GRAY, D. Ol' LU SOLICIT TUE PAT w W rona-ro or all persons desir ing ARTIFICIAL TEETH and FIRST CLASS DENTAL onera.- tions. Nitrous Oxide administered for the pain less extraction of teeth, when d.; moderate. o,BC. Office in Parrish 4 Co.'. brick block. Resi dence, first house south of Congregational Church, fronting on Court House block. Albany, Oregon, July 2, 1870-43 WOTIOE S GIVEN. THAT T Hire .opened a " : sLivery and Feed Stable ! in the town of LEBANON, where I will be con stantly on hand to attend to the wants of the people. I will ran a hack from Albany to Lebanon and Foda Spring?, on Saturday of each week. All business entructed to loy care will be promptly attended to. , W B. DONACA. Lebanon, Sept. 10, 1870 Iv3m3 T8 HEREBY ST. CHARLES HOTEL, - Corner First and Washington Sta., ALBANY, - ' . - -r ; OREGON. . : ST. BRENNER, Proprietor. UTITH A NEW BUILDING, NEWLY j V , - Furnished throughout, the proprietor jinpes to give entire ssusiacuon to the trarelin; public. The beds ore .applied with spring-bot-tnnxs. The table will receive the closest atten tion, and everything the market affords palatable iv guests win oe suppiiea. jun j- i ptl 1-ARTIttLlIt ATTF.SttON I'AIO TO 'KjtX ORDERS Or All RINDS in hid line October ISfiS S BLACKSMITH INC ! PLOWS! PLOWS! PLOWS rilllE undersigned give, notice to the general 1 public, that be is now manufacturing the Cnalesburgr Patent Plow ! and any other style of plow that may be ordered. Al."o, particular attention paid to Wagon Making- and Horse-shoeing. AVagons for sale at my shop at $140 and $160. Horse shoeing as follows : Cash, $2 ; credit, $3 All work entrusted to me will receive prompt? attention, and be executed in the best -possible manner with good material. A share of public patronage is solicited. ' Shop on corner Ellsworth and Second streets, opposite Pie'ee' Ferry. . F. WOOD. Albany, Abvcmner i. iJ'DS-ii STOVES, COOK, PARLOR & BOX. of the best pattern- " Tin, Siieet Iron and Correir Ware 8 and the usual cs.ortment of Famishing Goods t be obtained in a TIKT STC3E.3E3 ! llepa!rm Hen ill) tuttl prmnpttr ejre-ute, "ft. iJ- on renetmalile term. "S; "Short reckonings, make long friends." Pront strfcet. Albany. ' Next door to Mansfield i. Co. dcc5'G8-I VI.ICAIW DATII ROUSE. wrE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT I fullv inform the citizen, of Albany and vi cinity that he has taken charge of this establish ment, and, by keeping clean room, ana paying strict attmtit 5 to business, expect, to suit all those who may favor bun with their patronago. Having heretofore earned on nothing tint First-Class XX air Dressing Saloons, he expends to give entire satisfaction to all. JT.-vr- I'hildren and J.adies' hair neatly ens ana shampooed. JOSEPH WEBBER. se.I9y2 ITRIWG. - - TVRIVIlVCr. 9p S3 m 1-1 . M f 1 AM PBCrARCD TO DO ALL KINDS Ot? TURNING 1 I keep on band and make to order RAWHIDE-BOTTOMED CHAIRS, ASD Spinning Wheals. Shop near the "Magnolia Mills." JOHN M. METZLER Albany, Nor. 8, 1 8 60-1 " A Stitch in Time Saves Nine!" UNION Fire and Marine Insnrance Company! Nos. 416 and 418, California street, San Francisco, - - California. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE . o Cash Capital, in Gold Coin, tTSO.OOO. Deposit in Oregon, 950,000. . o Low: Promptly and Equitably' Adjusted Awl Paid in Gold Vviu. THIS COMPANY having complied with the law. of Oregon, by making a deposit of fifty thousand dollars, is now prepared to effect insur ance against Los. or Damage by Fire, and also against Marine and Inland Navigation risks, on liberal terms. OUSTAVE TOUCHARD, Pre.. CnAS. D. HAVEN, See'y. J. C. MEN9ENBAXX, Agent for Albany. Albany, January 8, 1870-18 PITTS CIIALLEXGEU THRESHER IIAIIYES' HEARERS ! Mowers lie apex's And all kinds of Agricultural Implem'ts & Machines On hand and for (ale by BLAIN, YOUNG A CO., May 28, '70-38 Albany, Ogn. $10,000 STOCK OF General Merchandise. Xuw being sold to close business, contisting of r It Y Cm- o o x S I CLOTHING, BOOTS & SHOES, SHELF HARDWARE, of nearly every description 5 together with SHOVELS, SPADES, MILL and CKOSS-CUT SAWS, ROPE, IRON & STEEL! a large assortment : also, Iroa Axles, Thimble Skeius, IjlacksuiUh Tools, &c, &c, All to be Sold at Cost! JNO. CONNER. Albany, Sept. 24, 1S70 3 FRANKLIN MARKET, Main street, - Albany, Oregon. .TIeats tor 1 All Kinds, a y r OF THE VERY BEST QUALITY, Constantly on band. 4v3 A. Z. SEARS. WAITED. A fff BUSHELS OF OATS, for HJafJUl. which the highest market price will be paid, in CASH, atjhe store of N. S. DU BOISE. Also, Butter and Eggs, in onlimited quantity, for which the highest market price will be paid in eash. Call and see me. Albany, Aug. 20, 1870-50 AERAIVV ROOK STORE. ESTABLISHED IN 1S5G. is. a.- iii,de:i3IL,V-1vi, T K A L E R IN EVERY VARIETY OF I W Miscellaneous Books, School Books, Blank Books, Stationery, Ac Book, imported to erdor at short notice. Albany, Oregon, December 3, 1870. Establkbed in 1840. ERNEST A. ERLANDSON, General Commission Merchant .-;-' r and dealer in . DRUOS. CHEMICALS, ESSENTIAL OILS, DYE STUFFS, AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE, BY THE PACKAGE ONLY. Cash order for good, of every description from this or any Foreign Market, will receive prompt and faithful attention. Miners, manufacturers sad wholesale trade sup plied for cash. No notice or attention paid to order, for good., if the$e is 00 provision made for the payment of the sauio. Consignment of Oregon Produce, Grain, Wheat, Flour, Ao.a solicited. SAN IRANCISC0, CALIFORNIA. December 31, 1879-17tf LIVERY, FEED fc SALE S Ti ABLES! ALBANY, ORBOON. MONTGOMERY" BARTZGES, I PROPRIETORS. LOOK HERE ! AL I, PERSONS INDEBTED TO W. J. Hiltabidel A Co., are requested to make pay ment on or before the first of January, 1871. W. J. HILTABIDEL A CO: Albany, December 15, 1870-1 j "frE ABE PREPARED TO FURNISH T T the public with neat turnouts in the way of I Stylish Buggies & Carriages AJtD . . arj" a st On tbo most reasonable terms. Our livery is all new and of the latest styles, and we shall take pride iu giving our patrons as neat and reliable an outfit a. ean be obtained in the State. Horses boarded at reasonable rates, by the week or month. ( - 1 Hack, an! Carriages furnisbed for parties, de. A share of public patronage i. solicited. MONTGOMERY A BARTZGES. Albany, December 17, 1870-16 SETTLEMIRE'S iM'RSERT, Six miles South of Albany, Unit Co., 1 Near tlx liaxilr-oficl. T SOLICIT THE ATTENTION OF ALL 1 persons desiring to purchase Fruit Tree, to call and examine my stock, which is composed of tne largest and best selection in the btate, con sisting of Apples, Pears. Cherries, Plums, Prunes, 1! rapes. Black Berries, Currants and Roses. Also, m Black audi White Walnut, English Wal nut, Hickory, Pecan, Itedbud, ' Honey Locust, Hackberrj, and a number of other varieties of tree, and plants too numerous to mention, all of which are offered atlowrat.s.1 HENRY W. SETTLE MI RE. December 17, 1870-15 3 the beet a ; bnsy to cause CITY MARKET, FIRST J-TREET. ALBANY, OREGON. J. I HARRIS. O. B. BAIOBT. J. I, . HARRIS & CO., PROPRIETORS. We shall endeavor to always keep on hand a full supply of all Kinds o i" IT! e a t s ! all of which The highest and thcep. I Third doot streets. Albany, Dec. will be of the very best quality. market price paid for Beeves, Hog. west of Ferrv, on sonth side of First J. L. HARRIS A CO. 15, 1870-15 Patronize Home Manufactures 1 BROOMS -At Piortland Prices I HAVING GONE LARGELY INTO the manufacture of ALL GRADES OF BROOMS 1 I am prepa as good a at Portland Address CO., Ger Hed t to furnish the Oregon public with hSoom as can be obtained on the coast. prices. Orders solicited. orders to BLAIN, lUUKti di Agents, Albany, Oregon. V. J. Albany, December 3, 1870-13y all era! . EXjaiMS & SON, EX.KINS & SON. EX.SINS & SON, Lebanon, Oregon. Ibanon, Oregon. Lebanon, Oregon. NEW GDODS SMALL PROFITS, QUICK SALES PROMPT PAY. E II Bel w SPRING Imported Pacific llai give enston bany. All ALBANY ALBANY Wh AVE JUST RECEIVED A CHOICE i'ction of AND SUMMER GOODS, direct from New York via the road, and can, for Cash or Produce, icrs bargain, equal to any firm in A!. of our stock is bonght at the LOWEST CASH PRICK. Buy of auiXjLxxxs c Son, i DRY GOODS, BOOTS & SHOES, llOCERIES, Hard ware,-Iron and Steel; At ALBANY PRICES, ALBANY PRICES, PRICES, PIWCES. olesale and Retail. hicHEST ratce. pais roa EGGS, BUTTER, ETC, ETC. N. B. forward and Lebanon, CEO. (s Parrlsh's person, owing n. will at once come pay up, so a to begin zfcw accounts. L. ELKINS A SON. April 1, 70.-6m30 accessor F. 8ETTLEMIER, UGG 1ST. to D. W. Wakefield,) Mew Building', First Street. ALBANY, OREGON, DEALER IN Irugs and Medicines, CHBMIOALS, PAINTS. 0IL8, GLASS, ETC. All article, warranted pure and of the best quality. I Physicians Prescriptions carefully eossponaooa. Albany, Oct. 17, 1868-6tf JCDGE kELSAT. J0SPH lis0!t, KELSAY df HANNOM, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, (partners for Linn county.) .., 0FFICE-Ia Pos Office Building, (up stair., Albany, Linn county, Oregon. 3tf stop VARIOUS ITEMS. , - "Man over-bored" An editor. A fleeting show A trareling circus. An innvocation Tending bar.' An iuhuman act Pulling down the Mind. - j.--. , : ; ' A poor relation Telling an anecdote" badly. . j The inn experienced make hotel servants. ; A fox recently promenaded etreet in Cicinnati. Sweet potato juice is said clear complexions. Difficult punctuation putting a to a gossip's tongue. Why is a new axe like coffee? It must be ground before used. j The only persons who really enjoy bad health are the doctors. The modern woman's rites Matrimo ny and divorce. ; ., The' question, of an Englishman's bigamy hinges on whether one of the ladies is his wife or his aunt. The Parisian brokers, according to Judy, have stopped speculation because "all their capital is invested." Why is the letter H like a cure for deafness ? Because it makes the ear hear. There will be fiftythrce Sundays in 1871 ; the year beginning and ending on Sunday. i Thirteen millions worth of pianos and cabinet organs are annually sold in this country. : A delicate package to be forwarded by rail a young lady wrapped ap in her self. Iu London the cabs ran over &and killed five people in one week, recently. Some hard-hearted thief recen tly rob bed the Montgomery County, Poorbouse. A wise philosopher has observed that if the earth is really hollow, we all : live on a mere crust. At a recent Cincinnati masnuerado, the Enquirer says : "None but improper characters were admitted." First Cockney : "I say, what sort of a ouae will do for a fowl 'ouse ?" Second Cockney ; "Lor bless yer, henny "onse." The greatest "pain annibila tor" in existence is said to be an Indiana boy who smashed a thousand windows last year.; A mean man never knows he is mean: he only thinks he is cautious, just as a near-sighted person seems to be looking fat away. .; "This insurance policy is a queer thing," , said Dobbs reflectively. "If I can't sell it, I can eel it; and if I can cel it, I can't sell it." A little Ctrl eoine to Newport, and seeing the willow phaetons for the first ' time exclaimed : " W hy, mamma, every body rides out in their clothes-baskets here." ; A reverend divine, who was but a so- so-preacher, being called upon acciden tally lor a sermon, asxed a mend what he should preach about ; to which the other coolly replied, "About five min utes." ' i .: : ; Dr. Hall says if one eats without appe tito, he eats when there is no eastrio juice in the stomach, and the food will not be digested, nor is it needed. A "touic" to whet an appetite is a mistake. It is said that it will take 1,500 volumes, of 1,000 pages each to record all. the names returned by the census takers. ( A Canadian writes to tho Birmingham (England) Gazette, that the present liberal government of the colony will drive Canada to annexation to the United States or independence of Creat Britain in sixy ars. A young girl in Chicago, betrayed by her affianced lover, who married another, wrote him a most pitiful-note and - then plunged into the river. She was rescued alive, and may recover. Nito-clycerine in the five . years sir.ee it came into use baa killed 1,700 persons and injured many more, besides destroy ing a vast amount of property. An Irishman, in recommending a cow. remarked, "She will give milk year after year without having calves, because she came of a cow that never had a calf." The Salem Statesman of December 28th reports the .death of a young man named John Conner of Howell Prairie of Email pox, last Saturday, and says the whole family are down with it. Connor had been living in Salem. A Mexican in San Francisco recently died from the effect of a bite inflicted by another woman on two lingers of her left hand a few days before. Phlegmon ous erysipelas ensued, and death result ed.,... ' j--..-. ' ''!:.' -vi The Supreme Court of New Hampshire has rendered a decision whereby it de nies the authority ot the Police . Courts to naturalise aliens under the United States law, and renders void all naturali sations made by those Courts. . . ' While a country parson was preaching, the chief of his parishioners, sitting near the pulpit, was fast asleep, whereupon ho said : "Now, beloved friends, I am in a great straight; for if I speak too softly those at the further nd of the church cannot hear me, and if I talk too load I shall wake the chief man in the parish." A lady well known in Washington " as a lobbyist, always accosts a stranger with, "I think I have seen, you somewhere," which often leads to a elue for her find ing out the history of the party. , . One evening she played off her usual game on a gentleman that understood her charscter, snd whp replied, "Most likely, madam, for I sometimes go there." - The "Koran" was translated into Latin in the year 1143. . " State News. t: ,-. ,5.-, I -. From the Portland papers we ! learn that the second meeting for the consider ' ation of the subsidy of 1100,000, propos- ed to be given the west Side ' Railroad, ' showed 32,000 already pledged, snd s promise of more was reported. , ' ' It is rumored , at Portland that the HtraldU to have a ' rival, in the way of a second Democratic journal, te be started there soon.1 The firm of Stitzel & Upton, real es tate brokers, have negotiated sales daring the past month, amounting to 197,700.' ' Messrs. Russell & Ferry nave sold real estate in this city and East Portland, - to ' the aggregate value of $60,000 daring the past month. : " Mr. W. Davidson has sold, the distil lery block, below the new v ferry wharf,' for $19,000. This is one of the heaviest " transactions in real estate for that ' month. ' vi '. ': The Christian Advocate Hid not make its appearance last Saturday. It wDl . be issued hereafter as an ' eight page journal.;., -.-.,-,,.,;,';,. .-; . .,', From the Yamhill oounty paper, the . West-Side, we are ? informed that Dr 1 Littlefield's horse ran 'away one day last week, injuring both the Doctor and the vehicle ; t D. C. Stewart, of North Yamhill, lost . valuable horse, killed by the Tuning away of his plow team. The same paper contradict the state- nient that there has been n east of small pox in McMinnvillc. - . Wisconsin Weather. This, up t date, has been one of the most remarks. , bly seasons ever known ' to the oldest inhabitant. In tbe later part of October, roses were in full bloom the second time, on our farms; lilacs were budded, and nearly in bloom., A few dsys since, Mr. Ezra Beebe brought into our office a clus ter of grapes of second growth, as large as good-sized peas. Cattle are still feed- ' ing in the pastures ; and to-day, Dee. 5th , we are having a warm rain, which will no doubt gwe us a second crop of hay. 1 Surely, the poor are remembered in - this good Providence of God. Racine Pa- Enticing Away Otbek pKOrLx'n Husbands. It has been decided hj tbe Superior Court, in Cincinnati, that a wife has a vested right in her husband's soci ety and companionship, and can maintain . an action lor damages tor the loss thereof. It appears that, tbe husband bad aa adopted daughter who was married, and gradually be absented bisaself from bin ' own house until, at last, be resided per manently with those people. The wife. brought suit against ner husband and ton other two for damages for tbe loss of hia company and society. Upon demurrer the Court ruled that tbe action would not lie as against her husband, but her right of action against those who drew away ; and harbored her husband was indispu table. Persons will, therefore, take no tice that if they harbor husbands they are liable to the wives for damages. : , "One or Qua Social Ucmbdos." Under the above title tbe last Punchi nello has an illustrated hit at "Silver Weddings." The illustration represents a bald-headed, spectacled old bufier in the act of writing, while bis Joan, a shrewd- -looking elder party, is looking- on and helping him figure up tbe probable profits of their silver wedding, which is close at hand The masculine party, looking up from his writing, speaks : "My dear,; I've hired a a Bplendid, tea-service for Brown to present us ; it will make quite . a sensation, and I've got it cheap for the. evening." Of course the whole thing is simply a malicious inrinnation. Such, things cannot occur in our f best society." The Census returns show up the oldest ' inhabitants in each State. Maine has an old lady of 107 years ; Mississippi an old man of 111 years ; North Carolina, an old negro of 125 years. But Califor nia, with her 140 rear old Spanish lady, stands hampion of the list. , - The New York Timet gives figures to show that the Democratic triumph in that State this Fall was the resale of Republican apathy, instead of any. change of sediment among the ' people;- - for, while the Demoeraey polled within tew thousand of their Tote of 1868, the Re publicans fell off forty-five thousand. . ' A(few weeks ago, before tribunal in France, a dyer was requested to hold up . bis hand in order to talc aa oath, 1 ton . usual modo in that country. The hand was quite black, and the Judge said to him, 'Take off your glove," "Andyoo, sir." renliad the dver. "be eood enoaarK .. to put on your spectacles." , - The French army which moved np to Sedan to relieve Bazaine at Mats actually , halted -at Doosy to give a ball to a num ber of young ladies who had come to sen tbem from Sedan. Thus the second empire, wieh earns dancing into fewer, danced to its fall. It foil from toe meek dancing. .. . . A London dispatch, of Deoember announces tbe death of Alexander ta mes, the great novelist. Ha waa bar at VilUrs-Cotteral. Jalj 24, 1SC3. EI father was bora in Ilayti, tad was do illegitimate son of a French eSear ao4 s negress. Dumas berrajed gooi slir of the eharaeUristie teatorea sf l,S African grand-mother.. Aa m wctrt , !" pleasing and highly aesmtiooal wccLi c notion be had no equaL: - '. -,v. r,-' ..-.-'V-V . .f 1