The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, December 31, 1870, Image 2

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U. S. Official Paper for Oregon.
To our friends one and all wo extend
the greetings of the season.
A other year with Us joys and griefs,
its earca and perplexities, has gone to
swell the ages of the past, and make up
its history. It has been one full of
stirring erects, many of which will be
remembered with pleasure, somo with
sorrow, son we hope without teaching
oaae lesson ot profit. As we stand upon
the threshhold of the new year, anxious
ly wondering what it will bring, we know
it ahaJt he much as we will it, for our
lives art just what we make them. , Hope
gild the future with promise ; we have
but to. work and to' wait.
iWengXaiulate our friends upon the
achievements of the past year, and hope
the aext will be even more glorious.
VTYTi j sfeould it ot be sot The spirit
fif improvement is abroad in the land.
Thkadof the "diligent that maketh
Vic is everywhere busy, ; The steam
whistle wakes the echoes of the forests,
nuts and plains, both on the water and
lap4, eomading the shrill notes of pro
grass, calUag to activity every depart
UMO h life. Iloping that we may sll
gt affair start in the contest of the
coming jer, and, win bucocss, which
ws t may? we again salute our read
ers; wills our best bow, and wish them
X Him New Year.
-i-i t- i .
. From tho San Francisco Alfa of Dcx
, eembor 21st wo copy this :
.This Company, rccantly formed, filed
yesterdsy in the office of the County
i-t l. Lie . - :- . :
objects of the Company, as set forth
in the certificate filed, are to purchase,
hold and cell lands of tho corporation
known as the Oregon and California
Railroad Company, and any lands where
soever situated, in cither or both the
States of Oregon and California ; to en
gage in the transportation of emigrants
from Europe to those lands mentioned,
and to facilitate .immigration to this
State or to Oregon, or both, by such
measures snd means as the Corporation
may prescribe. The capital stocc of the
Corporation is five millions of dollars,
divided into fifty thousand shares, of
8100 eaoh. - The principal place cf
business of ' the Association will be in
this city. The Trustees ate, Edward II.
Green, A. De Laski, R. Sulzbach, Julius
E. 5Iay, Faxon D. Atherton, Win. C.
-Ralston, Milton 8- Latham, Ben Holla
day, Wm. F. Rulofson, Wo, Norris and
Lloyd Tevis.
The Treaty or 1856. The follow
tog is a short history of the treaty which
is creating so much disturbance between
England and .Russia :
The treaty .of Paris, , which Russia is
so anxious to have abrogated, wassiened
en Starch 30. 1856, terminating the
Crimean wst. Persons not friendly to
. the 'ex-Emperor Napoloon assert that he
was too tender to Russia during these
diplomatic negotiations, and that he sold
out England in his- aoxiety to make a
friend of Russia. 'Allowing this ques
tion to remain undiscussed, it is at least
certain, that some of the clauses made
that treaty sufficiently obnoxious to Rus
sia.' With .the purpose of preventing
the growth of Russian maritime influ
ence in the Mediterranean it was pro
vided that the Black Sea should beneu-
. tralised- that it should remain forever
open- to- commerce, but forever closed
against vessels of war, an exception be
ing made in favor of some small ships
The Black Sea being thus neutralised, it
was declared purposeless and useless for
itber Russia or Turkey to maintain ar
senals such as Sebastopol on its coast.
These were therefore forbidden. These
prohibitions were the chief points of the
treaty. Cassia : was obliged to cede a
Very small slip of territory in Europe,
but her Asiatic possessions remained m
tact.. The principalities of Siberia, Mol-
nam wiu. 11 uAbuui nciv ici. u uuci vutr
"superiority of the 8ultsn,but were guar
anteed esctain rights and liberties by the
Powers. So determined is England to
present Russian ggnssteas in the Med
stemreaa that she refused the St. Peters
bun; Government to lease the port of
tW3L Franoe for twenty . years, which
they attoaaptad to do in 1858. ,
rj Smut is Cosoress. Among , the
House proceedings of December 20th
OeeUH this: ihC. : '.M';
f ' Quite sn excitement was occasioned by
a personal explanation of Iagersoll of an
attack made 00 him by the New York
m Evening Pott. . lie said the reason for
-.the attack was that he bad a brother of
. Wiiliam Cullen . Bryant turned out of
office for stealing. Dawes, Judd : and
T Farnsworth defended Bryant. In the
coarse of the debate, Ingcrsoll asked
..Bryant's defenders how many illegiti
mate ehildreu Bryant had in the town
in which he lives.,.
From the Portland papers we learn
that the Assistant United States Marsh
als who lately engaged in the census bus
.,. iaess is Oregon, are soon to received one
3. third-ottlicir pay, Marshal Young hav
- log' received the proper blank receipts
. therefor. This will he good news to these
" patient men.
J). X. Jewell, of St. Louis, has been
' appointed United States' Senator from
Missouri to fill the vacancy occasioned by
the resignation of Senatot Drake, ap?
-ta pointed ... Chiei Justice of the Court
of Claims.
. Tom Fitch's motion in Congress to
restore to the Speaker's table his Cen-
tral Paeifio Branch Railroad Bill ot last
session Pengra's Bill, we believe was
' rejected," December lGth.
from Viva Vece to Ballot.
.Below we give a portion of an editorial
in Wednesday's Bulletin under the above
heading:, ..' i
Among the Congressional proceedings
we find this :
"Senator Morton, of. Indiana, intro
duced a Bill which provides that all
elections for President, Vice President
and members of -Congress, shall be by
ballot. In reply to an inquiry pro Houn
ded by Senator Trumbull, Senator Mor
ton explained that the Bill was inteuded
to apply to Kentucky, and perhaps one or
two other States, where the elections were
rim voce, and not by ballot.
The Bill, if passed, will affect Oregon,
of course, as the viva voce system ; is
practiced in this Statu. The Constitu
tion of the United States, Article I, Sec
tion 4, declares : J !
"The times, places and manner of hold
ing elections for Senators and Represen
tatives shall be prescribed in each State
by the Legislature thereof j but the Con
gress may at any time by law make or
alter such regulations, except as to the
place of choosing Senators." .
In Article II, Section 1, the Constitu
tion further says :
"The Congress ni-y determine the
time of choosing the Presidential Elec
tors, and the day on which they shall
give their votes ; which day sha II be tho
same throughout the United States."
These two clauses are all that the
'Federal Constitution contains in respect
to the subject. It will be observed that
while tfie authority of Congress to make
regulations, or to alter any such concern
ing the choosing of Representatives and
Senators ns any of the'States shall estab
lish by legislative enactment, as to the
time, jilace and manner of holding the
election,' except the place of choosing Sen
ators, is explicitly, declared, thc Consti
tution is by no means the clear warrant of
authority for giving to Congress similar
right to declare in what manner each
State shall vote for the Presidential Elec
tors. But we presume Senator ' Morton
has fully informed himself in the prem
ises, and he feels confident that if passed,
the Bill will be valid and of full force.
The change from the viva voce to the
ballot system will not, we think, find
much opposition in Oregon. It will cer
tainly not meet with absolute party an
tagonism, neither from the Democrats
nor the Republicans, as many of the prom
inent men of each party have already
placed themselves on the record in favor
of the ballot system. But while either
party may hope or wish to profit by the
change, it rests, we opine, with chance,
to be decided by the future, which of the
two great political organizations in Ore
gon will really be the gainer.
The Roseburg Ensign says potatoes are
$1 50 per bushel and very scarce in that
The South Utnpqua was frozen over
between Roscburg and Caoyohville, and
good skating was enjoyed upon the ice.
Live stock are suffering in Uuiprjua
from the severe cold weather for want of
shelter and fodder.
The corrected census of Ohio makes the
total population of the State, 2,563.632.
Saturday was one ot the coldest days of
the season in the East.
The steamboat Nick Wall, from St.
Louis for Vicksburg, - December 20th,
snagged and sunk at Graud Lake, with
125 deck' and 14 cabin passengers on
board. . Seventeen dead bodies wcro re
covered, and more were known to be
lost. , .;
Old gentleman disgusted : "Here
waiter, here's a caterpillar in this soup ?"
Waiter, flippantly "Yes sir. About
the time of year for 'em just now, . sir."
The one hundred and sixteen pound
nugget, of apparently pure copper, re
cently picktd up in Cedar township,
Monroe county, Iowa, is uow declared to
be an areolite. -; i
A Saratoga tannery turns out about six
hundred dozen sheep skins for book bind
ing a week. ;- '' ';.-:'" .''!"'
It is reported that Thiers will be sent
by the Paris Government as their repre
sentative to thejConfcrence on the Eastern
question. ,., ...., ;,v . !"
The Italian Chamber of Deputies by a
vote of 192 to 18 has passed a bill pro
viding for the removal of the Capital of
Italy from Florence to Rome within six
months. , -. t :-,. I-
; Tho Conference on the Eastern ques-.
will meet January 3d. j
The Empress Eugene is organizing a
fund in London for the benefit of 'the
French prisoners.
. The Germans are reported ' to have
won a victory southeast of , Amiens over
the Army of the North, 60,000 stroOg.
They are reported to have carried several
Tillages by storm. f .. . , , Ar
' Austria, Prussia and England it is re
ported have offered an asylum to : the
Pope, who will probably accept. 1
Malta advices from Berlin state that
part of the terms of peace is a demand
that .France resigns Savoy and Nice to the
Pope.. 1
The Mont Cents tunnul was to nave
been completed on Saturday last.
The Boston Transcript don't like that
elass of citizens "who erowl but do not
ota "
Drowning accidents while skating have
already begun to be reported from Mon
treal. , u
Gound. the musician, is an exile from
France, and is living privately iithe sub
urbs of London. - 1 f
The tolice force of Boston form an s as
sociation for tho relief of disabled police
men. ... .
Carlyleeays that Gambetta's balloon
was "ballasted" with no thin or bnt: outra
geous public lies." . i i - ; ; , , i
Therailwavs down East convert ; their
old tics into charcoal, and thus make them
yield a revenue. " ;
Fti Shu is the name of one of the oldest
Chinese deities. . His name got mixed in
coming across. - - '
If racing improves the breed of horses,
it certainly lias not improved the breed
of men in England. . : ,
. Mrs. Amelia F. Soutbgste has becu
hosen a School Director at Tau ton (Mass.)
Telegraphic Summary. : v
Berlin, Dec25. The uncertaintyj of,
the fall of Paris is the topic cf conversa
tion, and demand for speedy ; bombard
ment is clamorous. A belief prevails
that thebombardmentbas been postponed
by the influence of the Queen of England.
The official organs say it is rather owing
to the difficulty in reaching the city effec
tively, the Prussian batteries being in
complete and lacking ammunition.
Lyons via London, Dec. 24. The
occupation of Nuits by the enemy causes
a panio here. The Gardo Nationale and
Garde Mobile appeared. .
The Red Pepublicans gathered in
large numbers before the Hotel De Vide
and clamored for yengean?e. , Coroaud,
commander of the Guard Nationale, re
fused them admission. II o was - assailed
and - his ' sword ' was broken. In self
defence lie -discharged his levolver'ar his
assailants, and the most of them... rushed
upon him and overpowered.4 him. After
a jury trial he was condemned to death
and shot in a few minutes after receiving
his sentance. The troops remained pas
sive during the disorders.
Amiens, Dee. 24. A. German victory
is reported at a place southeast of the city
over tho arm of the North, 60,000
strong. - The Germans'- carried several
villages by storm,and tcok 1,000 prisoners.
LojiDON. Lco. . 24. Faidherbo with
60,000 men, was routed by Munteuffel
yesterday, near Amiens, . Two Prussian
divisions only were eugaged.
-Tho Germans are making a retrograde
mcvemeut upon Orleans, and the French
lines have been much advanced to the
north and northeast of Paris.
Bordeaux, Dec. 25. Gen. Faidherbe,
commanding the army f the .North, re
ports to tl.e Minister of War: The
Prussians gave us a battle" on the ' 23d.
We wore well posted between Haves and
Conley. Our trorps fought admirably
during the entire ; day.; ; Villages were
taken and retaken. At five o'clock iu
the afternoon our success was complete.
driving the enemy before us with the
Other reports say Faidherbe was suc
cessful in his right and left wings, and the
result was ' indecisive. - Next 1 day, " the
army showiug no disposition to renew the
fiht, Faidherbe returned to Arras. ;
Berlin, Dec. 25 King William
telegraphs to the Queen that General
Mauteuffel wou a victory on the 23d near
Amiens, taking 1,000 prisoners, ; nnd
commenced to pursue the French io the
direction of Arras to day.
New York, Dec. 25. A WorhFs ca
ble dispatch dated Brussels, December
25th, says Faidherbe has fallen back
across the valley of llallol.
DuriDg the battle df the 25th i Man-
teuficl stormed Beaconcourt, Mont De-
dier, Davorccs, Queerurie, Foyles, Boycs
and Veequemont, tho French yielding
only after a desperate resistance. The
German losses are. about o,000 ; the
Freuch 5,000, iucluding prisoners.
London, Dec. 25th. Iu the battle of
the ISih at Mcits Freuch reports say that
the force opposed to the Prussians num
bered 19,000 men, and had three batter
ies of artillery. The combat lasted all
day. In the evening tho Freuch retired
in an orderly manner about a thousand
yards. New levies fuught like veterans.
The Prussians abandoned Meits on the
morning of the 19th, but sub.equeutly
returued and occupied the place. The
French put their loss at 1,200 killed and
wounded, and claim that the enemy lost
5,000 men. '
LordeaUX, Dec. 2o. Telegraphic
communication between this city and
North France is restored.
Bourbaki sends Government a favor
able account of the army under him
An official dispatch from 1m Mans,
Dec. 24th, says the. Prussians have with
drawn from Nogent and Ercton. Seventy
five thousand men passed through town
going iu the direction of Paris.
London, Dec. 2o. A neet ot trans
ports are preparing to leave Brest with a
considerable force lor an unknown desti
nations f r -.- r-:-A ' '?---
The French Government are Tiastening
the organization of district camps for new
levies. .
Garrison duty in Prussia will bo en
trusted to volunteers who, by reason ot
b'jinj? under or over age, or ot having
served their time, are not liable to mili
tary service, t ; vxjcr ' f-X'.
Bordeaux, Dec. .24. Official reports
of the battle atNuits 011 tho I8th shows
that Gen. Ducrot was attacked by 24,000
Prussians and a heavy force o!" artillery.
The French bad only 18,000 men; who,
after fighting many hours, retreated. 1 he
Germans" lost over 5,000 killed and
wounded, among them Duke William of
Baden and several colonels. The peas
ants fought bravely by the side,,of the
regular troops. Keinforcements came up
next morning and the Gerinaus retreated
in such haste that tho prisoners taken
the day before' esoaped. i The French
lost 1,200 killed and wounded.
' Cherbourg, Doc. 23. The troops in
and around here have left for the front,
the purpose being to unite them with the
army under Cbaucey. .
Lille, Dec. 24. Cannonading has
been heard since Thursday iu tho direc
tion of Nogellei
i LE Mans, Dec. 23- Gen. Chaueey's
retreat to this point is for the purpose of
concentrating his own forces and drawing
the Germans after him. Chaucey has
200,000 men and will at once resume the
offensive. -
The 10th German 'corps is south of
Tours. The Duke of Mecklouburg is
between Vendome and Calais,-and Men
teufiel is ntar Amiens.
London, Dec. 24. The Berlin Ga .denies tha( ; there are any paral
lel demands against Russia in regard : to
the Black Sea question. Warning.; was
fiven by Prussia as to her position' to
ward Luxemburg. f Count . Bismarck is
true to the treaty of He -persist
ently repeats he has ever insisted on that
souritv of the independence of Luxem
burg, which is based solely upon her re
ligious adherence to neutrality, -rrussia
mnst interfere if her troops are assailed
while nassinsr through Luxemburg-
It is now said that M. Favre will rep
resent France in tbe'Cotifcrcnce.
' VERSAirxES. Dec. 23.--The cougrat
ulatioos of Queen Victoria' to the. King
of Prussia on his acceptance of. the title
of Emperor of Germany, were presented
by ller Plajesty, to day,
tary Odo Russell. .
Oregon Wheat for Seed East.
From the San Francisco Trade Report
of December 17thwe copy this :f ''
The last Oregon steamer brought ten
tons choice white wheat.which is being
shipped to Chicago by railroad, at Sp,
3 lb. It is for seed purposes. v v
" ,:
Good for OldSoi.diers. Decem
ber 19th, the House passed a resolution
giving to the soldiers of the war of 1812
and the Mexican war the same rights
and homesteads as the soldiers1 of the
late war of the febellioH 7 I. C
Rear Admiral Breeze, aged 76 years,
and Commodore Wm. II. Gardner, aged
70 year?, both of the Navy, .have died
within the past fortnight. ,,. ;
The opening of the new hotel in Salem
on tlie:vening,of the 26th fis spoken of
as a grand affair, very pleasant to the
large number of invited guests.
George Holland, the veteran. corredian,
died in New York. December 2011 aged
76 j oars. :' ' ' ' " ' - ' ' " - -
Dodoed. Congressman . 1 Smith of
Oregon was among the absentees when
the vote was taken " on the abolition of
the frankiug privilege " '
Stage travel between Portland aud San
Francisco is now reduced to 350 miles,
and the' trip is made in eiir'it and -a half
days, giving the traveler six uight's rest.
- The last steamer from" San Francisco
was unable to reach Portland, owing to
the ice LlackaJe in the Columbia river. -
Not an Apologt. A fierce attack
of sick-headache, accompanied by brain
fever, rheumatism, chills, cholio, cramps,
measles, sore nose, boils, apoplexy, prob
lematics and other parsgorical complaints,
added to a'general unwellness, might be
urged as a reason for the large amount,
of interesting matter in our columns this
morning; but we uige no such reasons,
snd hope the explanation will be perfect
ly satisfactory to our three million four
hundred and eighteen thousand seven
hundred and sixty-four readers, i Happy
New Year to all. I
The press of Portland call their Court
House an "expensive emoke house." ,
Wild" Turkeys jn a Western
Town. On Saturday last Sidney., was
the scene of a streak of "sport" that
would have tickled the ribs of the oldest
"Nimrods" in the landv It was caused
by . the appearance iu our mid'tt of a
large flock of wild turkeys- actually
wild no sham. The number was var
iously estimated at from forty to sixty.
The first made their appearance iu town
near the. Dayton and . Michigan railroad
depot. Becoming frightened, they flew
directly down town, lighting in the street
near the s Burnett House, one or two
lighting directly on top of it. Burnett,,
being unfortunately absent at St. Marys
on a hunting expedition at the time, was
not permitted to participate in the sport
which followed. - A large number of per
sons were on the street corners when the
game arrived, but it was quite a while
before they seemed to realize that an in
stallment of the pre-rcquisite for a mod
ern Thanksgiving dinner had descended
like the quails of old from the clouds
above,- two weeks in advance of the time,
right into their very midst. :'But when
they did talk about makiug preparations
to repel, the "Morgan raid!" It was
nothing 10 the bustle and coofusiou that
occurred iu Sidney on tho occasiou refer
red to guns of all kiuds double ,bor
rt Is, single barrels, smooth bores or auy
other kind of bores, were spccdilv
brought into requisition. Lawyers left
their offices, merchants and clerks their
counting rooms and their couuters gen
tlemen of leisure got up from their store
boxes. Old men, young men, fat mcn,and
men, boys, woman and ehildreu, all
moved to the front and the attack ' com
menced. The turkeys, becomins fright-.
4tned at this formidable array: scattered
iii all directions over tho town. Then for
half an hour or so we could imagine our
selves down in ''Dixie, " listening to a
lively skirniivh. And running ! there is
no doubt some of the tallest on record
was done if the person could have been
timed. One gentleman on Main street is
said to have beaten "Ethan Allen's"
time with a rnunins mate, and caught a
turkey. . It is now proposed to harness
him with a flying mate and back liim
against any turkey in the United States.
Suffice to say, the- boys and girls had lots
of fun, and counted up, as the result ot
Saturday's Valley City hunt, the capture
of -3:2 of the drove and i here , wasr. no
dcubtmore taken .haVheard vtSid
neff Ohio) DcmacTaC "r'iy
through Secre
Pcbuo Sale. At the Court House
to day will be offered at public sale the
lot f. and building adjoining the , New
Register Buildings, on First west of
Ferry street. j ......
Bills. Wo shall make out bills for
all moneys due us on subscription and
advertising, by residents of this city, the
first of next week, and piesent them for
payment. Be ready to ''go down."
' , !
Jefferson. We have the following
real estate transactions reported from
Jcffersou : Geo. W. Johnson to - Jesse
Par., 210 acres, for $3,500 ; ) H. A.
Johnson to A. II. Caiter; house and Jot,
S350 ; John Long and II. Lee to Hiram
Smith, 300 acres, 83,300. . ;
' Iloos Wanted. Mr. E. Cartwright
is paying tho highest market price in
cash for all slaughtered . hogs delivered
at the Froman Buildings during the sea
son." Here's another chance for our
farmers. ' j
Albany Markets. Very little
change to note in prices this week.
Wheat r-While the price , paid for
wheat remains at 85o per ' bus-hef,"' there
have been one or two lots; sacked and
ready for shipment, exchanged hands at
00c: ; .5 y- ; : fr
Flour Ilcmains at former quotation.".''
Butter Trelf roll at 30 (if) 37 Jc.
Egijs Per dozen 30c.
Potatoes Firm at SI 1 25.
Onions Choice at 1 75 a bushel.
San Francisco market, quotations are
as follows :
Wheat Fair to choice 82 102 20
a slight advance.
Oats Range of the market Si 30
1 00. : ' ' ' . :
The Government is going to compel
the Pacific railroads to pay tho interest
on their bonds. It is time.
A careless Chicagoan has been fined
S10 for throwing his wife out of the win
dow, to tl e danger of persons passing
A Louisville editor of only six months,
experience has already succeded jn got
tiug four libel suits, eixtee'i challenges
and one real duel on his hands.
The Rev. It. A. Patterson, of "Minne
apolis, and his brother, of New York, of
locomotive making renown, have fallen
heir to valuable real estate left them by
a relative in Scotland.
.A. AVhcvIcr, JtiiU'r iu fancy ami Dry-Ouuil.-',
Maty, Clothing, Boot? ami Shots, Groce
ries, Crockery, HiiT'twftre, Iron antt Steel, Waon
Timber. Plow?, Agricultural Implement, etc..
ttc. ";" : '
Motto "Small profits and q-.iick returns."
Office, Xo. t l'roiit Street,
rORTLAXD .... OltEfiO.N.
Advice to beggars Begou(e5-" ' ""
Baby-clothes "Bawl"dresscs. .
Behi ud time The back of a clock.
A bad debt The owing of a grudge.
Comfits a litttle out of season Candied-
dates. -
'Syntax" The fines' assessed in the
Police Court. ' ' 1
Washington oysters arc termed "epU
gastric ccstacy. -- " . : ; i .
I)es Moinsl Iowa, is to have a 800,000
Masonic Temple. . ' -. , ,
Vanity is a strong drink that makes
all virtues stagger it. ' J. 1! J :
Sunday reading for political ., Contract
ors lue tsook ot Jot. r
The modern (K)night''lirratid(t)--A
husband stfnt for the doctor.i ! . f ?
Twelve steamers have gone into Winter
quartcrsatEastBoston. , ? ;
One sixth of the female population of
England work out of doors.
There is excitement about fbody-
snatching" at Cleveland, Ohio.
Baltimore's second census is said to
have disclosed a populatloa of.l 283,375.
- Massaohusets has no fixed rate of in
terest, but allows "free trad ia money."
An eccentric '-gentleman of Nelson
oouuty, KyV has named, h& children i as
follows : Liondon, Judge, Urcek Wisdom,
Chinai Tequil, .Hebrew; Fashion and
Reputable Kingdom.
A remarkable faot, stated in a London
letter, is that the children of tho Prince
of Wales, at the circus, "laughed at the
tricks as if they were the children of
common people.?
A Kentucky paper declares that a
party of emigrants have passed through
"with thirty loose horses, and women,
children and dogs . without number."
Rather a bad lot or is it the ' punctua
tiou. '
. ' After an absence of six years from the
staere Paganini has appeared before an
' audience at Greenock, Scotland.
Special Collector of Claims,
A lurxe amount of CITY aud EAST TOUT-
LAND Proprrtv for t-iile.
Also, I.MPKOVKl) FRJ1S. onJ valuutile un-
culUvoted LAN US, located in all parts of the
Utate.'-, .". i - : 4 ' - ' - :'..
Investment in HEAT, ESTATE and other
PROPERTY, made for cone.-pondenIa.
CLAIMS of U devription? promptly collected.
HOUSES an 1 STOHKS loaded.
AH kind -of financial and General Agency busi
nc?a transactedj
Partis havinjr FARM PROPERTY for sale will
please furnish 4ewription of the Mino to the
AGENTS OF THIS OFFICE, iu eaeh of the
principal CITIE. and TOWNS of this STATE.
. v june U TO-tf.)
Establl-hed in 1840.'
General Commission Merchant
and dealer in
Cash orders for good of every description from
this or any Foreign Market, will rooeive prompt
and faithful attention.
Miner, manufacturer and wnoleffale trade sup
plied for cash. JtS No notice or attention paid
to ordois lor good, it mere is no provision ramie
for the payment of the same.
ir- Consignment of Oregon Produce, Grain,
ITlicatt, Flour, ., solioitcd. , . . r
December SI, 1879-17tf
i - .--.-"- -
(Foter' BlocV, First street),
Drugs, Chemicals, Medicines,
tgii-et Geens,
French and American Calogmes,
Wines & Liiquor.,
for medicinal purposes.
Fine Tobacco and Cigars.
3S Physician's Prescriptions ' and Family
Roeipes compounded with care.
December 31, 1870-17 . ,
tors of tho Willamette Valley Caseido
Mountain Wiro Road Cumpnny, made Decem
ber 10, 1870, 1 will offer at public auction, to the
highefat bi 'der, on
Monday, the 7th day of February next,
at tbo "office iu Albany, ' i.
belonging to said Company, aud situated in Linn
county, Oregon. ' -
Persons defiring to punha.e, will be furnished
with a description and location o ' said b.tuds, by
ppplvin'j at the Companv's office. --
TERMS OF SALK Coin, one-third of pur-cbue-mouey
in baud at time of sale, remainder
in two annual payrueuts, taking promixsory notes
therefor at 12 percent, per annum. Purchaser
deairiug" to pay a greater amount than one-third
iu hand, triii have Ueductioti of ten per cent.
Title to these lands is good, nnd purchasers,
upon partial - payment, will receive Company's
bond for a deed. . Thuse'paying in hand the full
amount of purchase price, shall receive their deeds
at once. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M.
of said day, and continue until all of said lands
hare beju off.-rcd for sale.
X. I. All peroDS residing on an v of the Com
pany's lands in this county, are notified to come
lor ward immediately, it they desire to purchase
tho same, a I shall continue as heretofore to sell
at private sale, nniil the day of sale as above des
ignated. JAMES KLKIXS.
December 26. ISrO-irtd . . .
. .,y TO THE HILT! !
Gen. High Price Killed.
Gen. Trust ii;ortally
I 07.
. That yoo can buy Jill kinds of
in. rEABsonr's
;. (the young man from Wisconsin) '
HmohuPIiih ttl.n an. rl tn A 1 hdnT . . ,
f Il.'l!Sn .ml lifM. and i. !
nov'6.1 " At Chesdls's old Stands-
Sewing Tlacltine Agency;':
Grocery Store bos been neatly fitted op by
. . e . i r 1 i . : . :
for sale tho" 't. :. ...
Backcye Shuttle Sewing Machine!
the only low-priced licensed sewing machine that
makes the genuine "lock stitch," and which Is
sold for $25. Warranted to do all kinds of work,
on Sua or coarse goods, as welt as any machine
in the market. -Ladies are requested to coll and - -examine
the Duckeve machino before purchasing
elsewhere. : , . .
Everybody lnys the Buckeye Sewing Macbino ;
in preference to any other, who does not first go
to agents, selling bogus or hih-priccd macbipes, ,'
for advice, and sufler thcmsclrcs to be impoiod
upou. Come and sec for yourself. ' - ' 1 " ,'
General Ageing fur the State of Oregon,
.a Agists wanted in urery town and eoontr
iu te .State, to whom a liberal commission will
be allowed. J3J All letters directed to
nov28-12 . - t : t i Albany,, Orejroo.
rVoticc to Contractor.:.
gains, for -
see for themselves, at
, Cash or
should give us a call and
wc will give groat inducements for the next
Silly Dap,
on all goods on linnd now. '
Kov. 19. 1S70. R. CHEADLE A CO.
sale at Scttleinoir.'s Drug rHure. Price, 50a
per package. 10-r.t
sflT.l OIL ! OIL 1
J Scttlemeir's Drue; !
of the County Court of the county of Linn,
f?iute of Oregon, sealed proposals will bo received
by paid Court until 12 o'clo-'k M. of the T'.d day
of January. 1871. for lurni.-hiu all the materials
and pvrtiirming nil tho work in the construction
nf a Jail on the southeast c jner of the Court
llotio sin:tre, iu the city of Albary, iu said
Plans wi'h tne-ificatitii can be ceii a: the
County Clerk's itftici. The co:ttrat-l.r witl be ,
rcuuired, on that dav, to rxcciittj the contract, j
and enter into bond, with Fecurity to be approved
by the Court, for perfWmanco of contract. The
Jail to be completed bv the first of August, 1M71.
f S. A. JOHSS.
i Countv Judgo.
Albany, December 24, I87",
Ulscrlptlvi.- Li-t
i r
Kcal Estato Dealers, Albany, Ogu.
At reduced prices, at
;tur!, wit ; ' -
Devoe's Coal Oil, bv the can...... 70 rt) iral.
I-nr l Oil, retailed nt... $2 124 " "
A'ul cvcrvtliing eloe in priMrtinn. - ' 4
lOvS . F. t-KTTLEMEIlt:
rHKOLINE The best thiiiff ever offered 4o
lb? public for eradicating ereasc spots from
silk, eluaniup kid gloves, rte. -Tr It, Fur sale
lllujt rating 8cene in '
All lovers of the beautiful and sublime will be
pleased io learn that there will bo a panoramic
exhibition of the paintings of Gustave Dorc, Prea
idont of the French National Academy of Dosieu,
at Parribh Hall, on Saturday evening, December
31st. Doors open at ft o'clock P. M. Curtain
riaee at 7.30.1
lyl co-partnership heretofore existinz between
L. Sendors, M. Sternberg and J. Fleischner audor
the firm-name of Senders,' Sternberg ft Co., is
hereby dissolved by mutual consent. ." All indebt
edness of Senders, Sternberg A Co. will be paid
by Senders A Sternberg, who stone are' author
ised to collect and receipt For moneys due tho lato
firm. ,: All persons knowing themselves iudebted
to the above firm will please come forward and
settle their aceonuta. r ;i L. SENDERS,
f. , , , v, M. STERNBERG,
Albany, December -9it)l79 J7tf .-
Lot 3, block (t Good hoti.
Ijots S and 4. ' 2onimproved.
Lots 1, 2, 7. S, " 19 (i.)Ofl bouse and (table.
Lou 5 and 6, ' 2 Good house.
Lots 5 and fi, 1.10 ' '
l,oU 1,2 and 3, 6 ';ou.-e aud two trtablcs.
' Lots " 60 'v
I'if.nty of excellent fruit a desirable homestead
L t 6 and 7,
Lot I. -' - :
Lt 8,
Lot 2 and 3,
3 Lots
Lot 7,
Lot 4, .
Lots 3 and 4.
Lots 3 and i,
Lot 4, .
24 Gond hotiso.
'14 .
r. -"
' and cUibie.
' 14 '
Jt;t ,
:j . . f . .
20- c f . , i
' la f
' 00 unimproved cheap.
5 desirabte lots. '
118 box bouse.
74 acres good timbered land, one uiilo from i
Albany, in Benton county j
Ton Horn us lead Lots, 6 acres each, milo north
ot Albany Ferry, at 1120 cacti.
For particulars apply to i
.; fV. t,- eal Estate Agent,
OlTico in Parrish Brick, Albany, Oregon. .. 140
Antnfalltble blood rusiiriEB, posaews
ing rare toxic and xcstvuss properties
a certain cure for kseoatkm, Mtnra
klubalcm, and all kindred Disc mps. .
It completely restores the system, when lnv
paired 1y disease, revives the ftetlon of the
hi wnTL oatoAisa. radi
cally cures scsoruu, salt atanKUss.
and all Eaiinnx uICVTaiieoim ZMs
eases, gives Immediate and permanent relief
' in dyspepsia, EnvsiPCLAS, Tsuaors.
Boils, Scald Head, JDlcers and Bores; eradi
cates from the system all traces of Mercurial
Disease. ' r.'.i .;,d...t0f
- It ia rvasKtw vecrtablk, betas' made
from an herb found indigenous in ciiai.
It is therefore peculiarly suitable for use by
Females and Children, as s blood : 1.
F01 Sale by all Druggists., r
.BKCttteTQiR, KQ8T8TTCH4 CO. .
A7U1 A- s7
629 said 63X Market Street,
-::.....; Ban Frsneisoo, ,
H3 SiTKcfJ' 5
4 f
1 : 4
This is the most thorough blood puriDe;' yet dis
covered, and cures all humors from the .worst
Scrofula to a common Eruption, Piuinlcs and
Blotches on the face, aud scaly or rough skin,
which arc such annoying blemuhcs to niauy young
persons, yield to the use of a few bottles of this
wonderful medicine. . From one to eight bottles
cure Ealt Rheum, Erysipelas, Scald Head, Ring
Worms, Boils, Scaly Eruptions of the Skin, Scrof
ula Sores, Ulcers and "Canker" in the Mouth and
(Stomach. : It is a pure medicinal extract of. native
roots and plauts, combining; in hatniony Nature's
most sovereign curative properties! wbicb God has
instilled into tho rogotuble kingdom for healing
the sick. It is a great restorer for the strength
and vigor of the rvstem. Those who arolaneuid.
sleeploss, hare nervous apprehensions or fears, or
any ot tuo atlectjons symptomatic of weakness,
will find convincing evideneo of its restorative
power upon triaL If yo feel dull; drowsy, de
bilitated aud despondent, hare frequent headache,
mouth tastes badly iu the morning, irregular ap
petite and tongue coated, rod are suffering from
Torpid Liver or "Itilliousneej." Iu many cases
of "litrcr ConiDlttint" only a part of these symp
toms are experienced. As a remedy for all such
cases. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery has
no equal s it effects perfect cures, leaving the liv
er strengthened and healthy, tor l cure 01 Da
bitual Constipation of the Bowels it is a never
fatlinc remedy, aud those, who have used it for
this purpose are loud inite praise. Xn Bronchial
Throat and Lrug diseases, it has produced many
truly remarkable cures, w hero .other medicines
had fuilud.- Sold br druachta at SI per bottle,
Prcniired at the Chemical lbratory of (7ui-l
R. V. PIL'iU'E, M. P., Uuaailo, N, Y,
C3UK13 ; Til AT CO UGII r
Every day brings strong proof of the great rata
or this i .
Dr. "P. Meredith, Dentist, office No. 132 West
Sixth street, states ss follows : ' , '
CtsciKKiTl, October 1, 180.
Messrs. J. N. HARRIS A Co. Gents : About
ono year ago I took a cold which settled on my
lnngw. A violent cough wss the consequence.
which increased with severity. 1 expootorateo;
large quantities of phlcgia and matter, uunng
the last winter I became so much re da red that I
was confined to 10 y bed. The disease was attend
ed wilh eold chills and night-sweats. A diarrhoea
set in. My friends thought I was" in lbs last
stages nf eoSsumption. and eould not possibly get
well.' I was recommended to try
urVlleix's L,ungBalam
The formula was given to ras, which Induced me
to givo it a trial, and I will only add that lay
cough is entirely cured, aud I am now able to at
tend to mr business as usual. Yours respectfully
r r -'I: P. MEREDITH.
All afflicted with Cough or any Throat or Lung
trouble should use Allen's Lung Balsam without
delay. J. N. HARRIS k CO., Bole Proprietors.
Cincinnati, Ohio..' ,
: CAUTIOIV. -';; "
Do jot bo deceived you who want a good md
ieiue, aud desire "AUru Lung JfaUam."; Js Bat
allow unprincipled dealers to sell you prepara
tion railed Allen's Pectoral Balsam see that yon
get ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM, and yon will
bare, the best Cough remedy ofiotpd to the public
and ono that will give you satisfaction.
! J- i . ,'.;: FOR SALE BY
2i 531 Market-- Frmncitw. CtU..
Agntfl for CsUlfoinia &i Pacific Si.tft
nov5 tflr-tolJ hr all Dniggi!.