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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1870)
She jpiwng lrguitf SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1870. Subscriber? finding an X after their name will understand that their subscription expires with that number, and they arc invite J to renew their subscriptions. Terms &5 per annum, in advance; sis months, $2 ; three months, $1. Local Paragraphs. M. Pearson h as a choice lot of gro ceries, etc., especially for the holidays. Taste 'em. Foster's brick is being fitted up for Messrs. A. Carothers & Co., who will soon have a new stock of drugs, etc-, with which to fill it. Several new saloons have recently been opened in this city. Fears are entertained that tho present freeze will seriously injure late sown grain." The Masouic fraternity of this city invite tho public to witness the installa tion ceremonies, at the Court House, on the evening of the 27th. Seo advertisement of tho County Court elsewhere in this issue, inviting bids for the erection of a county jail. Mr. Thos. Parsons arrived in this city from San Francisco, after an absenee of some months, ou Monday., t - The free excursion to Portland, announ ced for Tuesday, didu't come off. A palpable sell. Firstrate skating during the week on the Calipooia and other places. Mr. Isaac Conn was severely hurt by a fall on the ice ou Tuesday. Postal Agent Underwood passed . through here on Tuesday. One of our boys got a head put on him by trying to but a hole through the ice. The ice proved harder than his head. Some of the nicest sausage we have seen was presented to us by Mr Hell, of Lebanon, ou Saturday. We can recoui mend his sausage. Everybody goes to Pike's for toys, mu iical instruments, etc. Mrs. W. II. Hand, of Dalles, wife of the Mountaineer man, arrived in this city Friday, 10th inst., on a visit to rela tives. Ou Sunday a passenger train ran over the rad from Jeffesron to this city in 16 minutes, the distance being eight miles, which we think fair traveling for a new and unballasted road. The employees of the O. & C. Railroad, were paid off on the loth, aud fur a day or two they made the mouey spin lively. The cold snaD. which set in last Sat xSAYltiATlON OF lUrl SANTIAM. On ! the 14th inst., three citizens of Lebanon, j ex-Gov. llallard, Hon. Jason "Wheeler and" S. II. Claughton, Esq., i properly equipped, proceeded from that point down the Santiam river to Jefferson, for the purpose of ascertaining the feasibility of steamboat navigation between the two points. As will be seen by reference to a communication elsewhere in this issue, these gentlemen are thoroughly convinced of the practicability of navigating the Sautiam with small steamers during a great portion of the year. The "big drift," that has hitherto stood in the way of auy effort of the kind, is now, by the action of the river itself, no more a mat ter of consideration, and with the excep tion of a few logs and snags that can be removed at small cost of time and labor, the river is free for light draught steamers as far up as Lebanon. Here is an opportunity for some enterprising man or company of men to engage in a business that gives promise of good returns. Such an enterprise would afford freighting facilities for a large scope of country that is now practically, for six months in the year, shut out of market ; and there is no doubt but the business which would be afforded a steamer navigating" the Santiam between those points, would grow in a very short spaco of time to such an extent that one steamer could not do one half of the business offered. Here is an opening for capital and encr- i gy that should be at once seized by some 'one who is in search of a paying invest- lacnt. If need be, substantial aid can be obtained from citizens of that portion of the country, who are already moving in the matter. Western Monthly". This excellent magazine for December has been receiv ed. It grows richer and better with each succeeding month. With the Jan uary (1S71) number its name will be changed to the Lakeside MonlhTy, as it now forms part of the publishing and printing company of that name, recently established in Chicago. It has among its contributors the best writers of this country; its matter is always new and en. ,; tertaining, making it emphatically the I magazine for the People. Published at : Chicago, Illinois, at 4 per annum. Send j to the Laluslile Monthly. 1 Comi'I.kteI!. Tliu O. A 0. Hitilruad Company's freight depot at this city is about completed. It is 84x65 feet in size. Work on the passenger de pot will bo pushed Vigorously. Tho two houses wilt bo similar in size, but the bitter will bo sur rounded with more conveniences, and will receive a better finish. Festival. A Festival for the benefit of the scholars and teachers of the Presbyterian and Congregational Sunday Schools, will be held at the IT. P. Church this (Saturday) evening. All are invited to attend, free of charge. Still Another. A Christmas Trco is to bo erected at tho Baptist Church this evening, for the entertainment of the children. This makes thrco "Iny outs" for tho small folk this evening. New TuicK. Mr. Perry Spinks hos procured a splendid new two-horse truck another couven- ienco for those who wish hauling done. TAiiLon Stoves. An elegant thing in the way of parlor stoves is on exhibition at the Old Stove Storo. They oro real beauties. Tim Tens. The "turn table' at Jefferson is to be transferred to the depot in this city to-day. Financial and Commercial. Greenbacks remain at 90 (Si 91c. No special change in San Francisco markets. We quote : Wheat .Shipping and choice, 52 l"2 2i J Oregon, $2 15. ' Oats Quiet at $1 30 (it I CO. Barley At $1 25ol 35. Albany quotations nro as follows : Wheat Has advanced five cents since our last, buyers now offering S5c f Dushel. Butler Fresh roll, 37Jc ; packed, 25c. Kggs Fresh, ".Oe ri dozen. Potatoes Firm at $1 Qi.1 25 bushel. Onions Choice at $1 75 j bushel. Beef At 6c ; hogs, 61c j bacon, I2e j ham.", 12Jc ; shoulders, 6c. Poultry Chickens, $2 50 ; turkeys, $9 "r3 doz. Sundri-e Dried apples, Jc ; Culifotnia dried peaches, 2l'c "fX th. tlreeu Apples Dull at 25(Wi 50c f bushel. White Beaus Offering freely at :4c j lb. NEW TO-DAY. Ihrisimas AND NEW TO-DAY. BUSINESS till lrusnixGlTM 0 AT THIS NEW JEWELRY STORE w Years. 1 J . . TITUS, Albany, Oregon. MARRIED. In this eitv, Dec. IStli, JS70, at the residence or the bride," by Iter. K. K. Henry, 1. D., X. H. Craiifr. Esq., Major elect i.f this city, aud Miss Catherine U tat all of Albany. Compliments received. Slay their wedded life bo o::e l-tnr summer morn. AtHEADY FUR THE HOLIDAYS. BROWNSVILLE. A. Wheeler, dealer iu fancy and staph) Dry Goods, Hats, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Groce ries, Crockery, Hardware, Iron and Steel, Wagon Timber, Plows, Agricultural Implements, etc., etc. Motto ''Small profits and quick returns." WILLIAM DAVIDSON, Office, o. (il lront Street, PORTLAND - OREGON. REAL ESTATE DEALER. imperial Collector of Claims, ! A lnrjre nmount of CITY and EAST I'ORT- LAND Propertv f..r Sale. . Ax tiik Albany Book Store, au ."'""iXx-VV FARIS; TaIu"M"- ' j vultiratcd LAX Da, located 111 all parts of the Kept hy E. A. Free-land, you can find the j State. ..... - . .1 -Investment in HEAL ESTATE and- other neatest little bouts you ever saw, just the : pp.oi'EllTY. made .for correspondents. ,;chcese" for holiday presents for the lit- j CLAIMS of all. descriptions promptly collected. ' HOl'SES and STORKS leased, tie OHC8 : splendidly bound YOlumeS lor I All UlmU of Financial and General Agencv busi- rrown up r.A- . l..,t..,m ;i.,t i ness transacted. -urday, froze sll the pumps up, bursted solu magniuccni scrap books, ucmucs yipc. aud created a deal of trouble. j S slathers of icters that arc pretty, j The cold weather has troubled our j useful,. orpamental and cheap. j steam mills not a little, as it froze up die J,'KW Joois. V. C Harper, of the J tanks, bursted pips, and pluyed hob flral 0f p. (J. Harper & Co., First street, 1 generally. , Jlas returned from a trip below, bringing i Navigation on the Willamette will j tiie iulest styes jQ ladies' dress goods, soon be "played out", under the- opera- j al)(1 a geucral stock 0r merchandise. For j ttOns of Col. J. Frost. ,l(J latcst Dcw thing in ladtes wear, for j Messrs. A. Cowan & Co., have a Lir-e j Christmas or Xew Years, go to Harper 1 stock of general merchandise, iron, steel, & q0 groceries, etc. They are also purchas- ! i iiiwiifc. .'i 1 . J . uruuwuui una if- Parties having PA KM PROPERTY for sale will please furnish descriptions of the same lo the AGENTS OF THIS OFFICE, in each of the principal CITIES aud TOWNS of this STATE, junc HTO-tf. .NEW TO-DAY IVolicc lo Cojitraclor. in" pork and lard, payiuj the market! price-therefor. Messrs. 11. Cher die & Co., contiuue ilirir roniitntinn n f:iir Ip:i!(!rs " tliftir A ti en...! ! directed cuuulcis auu Biiujtca iu nca uneu wiiir ry goods, clothing, boots, shoes, etc., which cau be obtained at low rates for cash or produce. At Hiltabidel & Co.'s can be obtained those rarities in this country, chestnuts they are excellent. All kinds of groceries, nuts, candies, and nick-nacks for the holidays. .Last Thursday was the day appointed for recommencing the work of laying rails on the railroad to the 100 mile stake. People in search of articles for Christ mas and New Years presents, should not forget that J. D. Titus has a gay assort ment of jewelry, watches, clocks, etc., which he will part with on a fair offer. A good stove is a desideratum in every household, and W. II. JIcFarland & Co. liaye a large assortment of all the best patterns, or almost anything in that line you may need. i If you want a first-class pump, we have no hesitancy in referring you to the Old Stovo Store, run by Mr. John Briggs he's got 'em. Skating has been the order of the day, and of the nght, too, for that matter, during tha week. The ice being good, the sport ha3 been splendid. Such a thing as ice stiff enough to skate on is a great rarity in this portion of the valley, and ii therefore all the more enjoyed. We are under special obligations to Hon:- II. W. Corbctt for recent favors. If you want a good sewing machine of ' the Florence or any other pattern, call at lilain, Young & Co's. For the latest thing in dress patterns, call and examine the new goods at I'. C. Harper & Co's. ' r An interesting occasion will be that of the Christinas tree, erected at the Court House, this . evening. A great many jolarity will bo there. You arc , invited to go for to be there. ; Admission fiee, children half price. . X. 8. DuBoi j is on time with every thing a first class grocery store should jteep, and besides selling reasonable, send ing your goods home in bis delivery wag on, he is a dpdrabifed clever man. That's SO, - -: i j i ceived a fresh stock of trroceries and fine S HEREBY GIVKN THAT HY AN ORDER of tlio Comity Court of the countv of Linn, Slate of Oregon, sealed proposals will be received by said ( ourt until 12 o flock Jl. ot tiie J.hI day of January. 1S71. for furnishing all the materials and performing all the work in the construction of a Jail on the southeast e rner of the Court House square, iu the city of Albary, in said county. Plans with specifications can be seen at the County t'lcrk's oflice. Thi: contractor will be rcpiired, on that day. to execute the contract. mm ent.r into bond, with security to be approved j liquors, the for medical purposes ! oniy, 10 wuicu tiie attention ui me puuuc j (v the , vIirt tl,r . erfonnancn of contract. The Jail to be completed by the first of August, 1871. Si. A. JOHNS. Coantv Judge Ciiki.stm a.s I5.i.t.. Monday night , the 2tih , is the time set for the big dance, to be given under the auspices of the Albany llrass Band, at Parrish Hall. Tho supper will be gotten up by mine host of tho St. Charles a sufficient guarantee that it will be all that is. re;uir-d. A more gentlemanly or deserving set of men than those composing tbc A. 15. Ii. don't grow anywhere, aud the attend ance on Monthly night should be large, to show that their etTorts to furni.-h good music on all public occasions, is duly appreciated by our citi zens. Wc anticipate a splendid time. Bi:Ri't.Ait TnAiss. Regular trains, between thN city and East Portland, will commence run ning on tho 25th Christmas. The rate of speed will be slightly increased, so that trains will ar rive and depart from this city on the - time-table used for Jefferson. A large force has been con stantly at work on tho road, putting iu more ties, graveling, etc., so that it is probable it will be in first rate order, aud trains will run smoothly and evenly over it. IIolidat Pkksests. Mr. 13. W. Pike takes a wholo column of tho Register this morning to enumerate what he has to offer in the way of Christmas and New Years presents, and then fab's to tell the half that cau be found on his shelves. The rush has been so great for the various new and handsome novelties he has had on sale, that be has been compelled to order new supplies daily, to keep his stock intact. If you want to purchase gifts for young or old, go to Pike's, and go to-day Tho first number of the "Yonng I oiks" Rural" 13 received. It is a fine looking sheet of eight pagcj, the largest of tha young peoples' papers. full of entertaining matter good stories, dia logues and pieces for school exercises, pictures, etc. It is designed to cultivate a taste for Rural life. $1 per year; single numbers, ten cents. Publlshod by II. X. V. Lewis, Chicago, III. Christmas Tkke. A Christmas Tree will be erected at the Court House to-night for the chil dren and teachers of the M. E. Sunday School, and all others who choose to participate. Those wishing to put presents on the tree, are requested to baud them to the Committee at the Court Uxmse, or lettvo them at W. II. Kuhu & Co.'s store, be fore noon to-day. Everybody invited to participate.- ,-' r ' ; At Cossbu's You can buy calicoes at less than a bit a yard ; you can buy woolen goods at cost ; you can obtain hardware, cutlery, bouts, shoes, hats, domestics, thread, and a thousand other things, each at less figures than you can Obtain the same for in San Francisco delivered here. He is bound to close out in a fuw weeks, and is therefore offering bargains. 1 Toes Sevkbei. A few days since, a son of Mr Abner 8. Nanny, who lives ou Oak creek, four miles from this city, while cutting wood, ac cidentally brought the ax iu contract with his foot with such force as to eoinpietely sever three toes therefrom. JASON WHEELER, MARTIN PAYNE, Commissioner.'. Albanv. December 21, 1870-IOtd Tho standard remedy for Coughs, Influenza, frtre Throat W'konpuiy Conyh, Crrtup, hirer VnmpUtint IlroH'-hitit, liffeflinip ttf the Lnnjn, and every affection ot the Throat, Lungs and Chest, including CONSUMPTION. Wlstar's Italsam does not dry up a Cough, hut loosens it, cleanses the lungs, and allays irri tation, thus remnring the ernioe of the complaint. None genuine unless signed I. Bi'tts. Prepared by" rVth W. Fowlo & Son, Boston. Sold by Redington, Hostetter A. Co., San Francisco, and by dealers generally.- 41yT0 This is tho most thorough blood purifier yet dis covered, and cures all humors from the worst Scrofula to a common Eruption. Pimples and Blotches on the face, and sealy or rough skin, which aresuch annoying blemishes to many young persons, yield to the use of a few bottles of this wonderful medicine. From one to ei'jht bottles cure Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Scald II -ad, Ring Worms, Boils, Scaly Eruptions of the Skin, Scrof ula Sores, Ulcers and "Canker" iu the Mouth and Stomach. It irft pure medicinal extract of native roots and plants, combining in harmony Nature's most sovereign curative properties, which God has instilled iuto the vegetable kingdom lor healing the sick. It is a great restorer for the strength and vigor of the system. Those who are langhid, sleepless, have nervous apprehensions or fears, or any of tho affections symptomatic of weakucss, will find convincing evidence of its restorative power upon trial. If you feel dull, drowsy, de bilitated aud despondent, have frequent headache, mouth tastes badly in tho morning, irregular ap petite and tongue coated, yod are suffering from Torpid Liver or "Billiousness." In many cases of "Iiiver Complaint" only a part of these symp toms are experienced. As a remedy for nil such cases, Dr. Pierce's Uolucn Medieal Discovery has no ennui as it effects perfect cures, leaving the liv er strengthened and healthy. For tho euro of ha bitual Constipation of tho Bowels it is a never failing remedy, and thoso who have used it for this purpose are loud iu its praise. In Bronchial, Throat and Lrng diseases, it has produced many truly remark able cures, where other .medicines had failed. Sold by druggists at $1 per bottle. Prepared at the Chemical Labratnrv of. 7m3 It. V. PIERCE, 31. V., Buffalo, N..Y. E. AV. PIKE, "'BOOKSELLER & STATIONER. and dealer in I. FANCY GOODS, Offers, in addition to a full supply of STAPLE GOODS IN THE 1$ O O I, I X E , Bitch Jiff IJLANK BOOKS, new tyIo, SCHOOL BOOKS, 3IUSIC BOOKS, of all kind?, Fresh lot of NOVELS, as well as ClIllOMO LITIIOGIlArUS MORTON'S GOLD PENS, WALL PAPE11, ; Many things intended for C II 11 1 S T MAS and NEW YEARS. ELEGANT GIFT ANNUALS, Parian Marble Vases, BOHEMIAN WARE, Writing lesks Portfolios, Work boxes, Birdcages, Violins, Cinitars, PIANOS, Organs, Tambourines, Flutes, ASD MANY OTHER MuMical Instruments ALSO ATTRACTIVE TOYS, including the Champion Mechanical VELOCIPEDE! AH of which are, as a matter of course, TO BE HAD OS llI2ASOJAIII,I2 TUItM. E. W. PIKE. . Albany, December 24, ISrO-ia AGEXT TOR THB CKLEBIIATKD American & Swiss Gold & Silver Jatcnes Of ercry description. Direct Importer of tho Tery best SWISS MADE WATCHES, Gents and Ladles Sizes. o THE FINEST SELECTION 0P JEWELRY AND FANCY GOODS Of all Kinds constantly on hand. HIPAIRINO OF M'ATOIIES, SPECTACLES JEWELRY AT San Francisco Pricea. Every Article Sold and all Repairing Done, Warranted. We claim to keep all FIRST' QUALITY GOODS, 11 and at prices that defy competition, A. COWAS. A. W. STAJAnn. A. COWAN & CO., Wholesale and Betail Dealers in STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODS FIKST STREET. ...ALBANY. They offer a large and wol' dected stock of STAPIiE DRY- GOODS ! At Extraordinary Low Prices roil Csxsli. or Ix-olnco I In addition to a very large stock, covering everything in tho line of Cotton., we have a complete assortment of FANCY DRESS GOODS! Latest styles of Boys' and Men's CLOTHING 8M FURNISHING GOODS ! HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOE?, 4c. i Carpet, Wall-paper, Paper St Linen Blinds, &c, &c. Especial attention is directed to our stock of IKON AND STEEL AXD- tlEEBAL HARD WAKE ! Which is tho largest and most complcto this side of Portland. Yon nro invited to call and examine our goods and prices. NEW TO DAY. The highest market price in cauli puid for Wool, Racon and Iard ! bv A. COWAX A CO. Oct. an, isra s A. CAIIOTHKI1S. I n. SALTHAUSII. A. CAROTHERS & CO., DRUGGISTS & APOTHECARIES, A X D DEALEU9 IX PAINTS, DYE-STUFFS, OILS PATENT MEDICINES, Perfumery, Toilet Goods, Ac, Oar Goods are FRESH and "Warrant o ci Pure PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUXDED. STORE OrEX DA 1 AW XIGHT. front Street, three tiuor belotc Connor Albany, feb 12'70-23 Oregon, JELJESJut ESTATE. STITZEL & REAL ESTATE UPTON, BROKERS, GENEllAL AGENTS. 33 razxeb. o f " o o , Albany, Oregon, -J. C.MENUEMIAM,, - - A sent. GENERAL LAND AGENCY FOR OREGON. Established July, 186S. An office where general informal ion concerning the resources of Oregon can bo obtained free of charge. Loans negotiated on firet Mortgage, lien! Es tate and Collateral Securities, t Wo have for sale a large amount of property located in tho town of Albany. Also, Farming laud, of every des cription, located in Liun and other counties in this State. - , . vj-.vj ; To the citizens of Albany and vicinity, and to the owners of Real Estate : Wc take this method of calling your attention to onr place of busi ness. Having determined to open a Branch Of fice in your t-ity, we can offer you a medium for obtaining purchasers one that is appreciated by buyers, as it saves them much time and labor in searching for what they want. Our principal Agency, nt Portlaud, Oregon, is thoroughly es tablished, aud the office so well furnished forgiv ing information upon Real Estate, thut it afford the most coinpleta facilities for all parties having business iu our line. fc-if You incur no expense in placing your property on sale with us unless a vale is made. Office on First street, opposite Post-Office. JOHN C. AlKNDENHALI,. Agent. Albany, Ogn., March 23, 1870. 29tf. STITZEL A UPTON, 11 E A L E STATU BK O. K E K S, J. C. MISNnUNHAjVI. Agent, Office First st opposite Post Office, Albany, Ogn. '""AVE for salo in tho city of Albany, a desira II ble Homestead, Lots I. 2, 7 aud 8. corner Third, Fourth and Elsworth streets, one f th best localities in the city. A good one and shalf story house, with all other convenience. iJpply to J. C. MN1EN1IALL, Agent, Albany, Oregon 0 A 0 H H 2 PS r-H m H 0 0 0 pi m 0 0 4 3 ft 0 0 (3 0 0 n V "H it cs u 1 u C 8 v V u Ji 9 a OB S a it S M M u s e jif H W o c H u ' s 9 s cs oe U e w I m n rTt 'S3 o . C5 w GO o -a o 525 a e vT ta Q r ' S5 s e H 6 PS CO H CO a, o 0 CO C. 9 lm 4 et u tm 9 fa as fcrj S3 on o ei 0 u M H 'm 9 ft Pi 0 0 s 8.' 3 -3 m a Of H a a- tt PS 2 o i h "5 ' o Ji - o s , 9 v ' a a a K tn o gg. a O H a a in w . s na PI s e u u 9- V 0 ALBANY ADVERTISEMENTS. t.. cBEAntr;, w- ctm' Front-et., Albany, Ogn. 1 12t Clay-it., Saw Fr' I eiieo, Californaa. a o M 5 " g 0 1 -E s 2 -5 1 i 1 ca Wholesale and Retail Dealers fa Groceries ani taral Kercbandise AITD FORWARDWG & C0BS11SS19N 4 MTmcnAtHe - MA'Rlt- CldODS . Care of X-. 0. AlHmrij, Oregon ; or H. C7. Sa rraei8r, Gal, Liberal advance made on eonafjit . 'MmCZ TO 8HIPPBRg. I IKTEND DOINO A : , General . Commission Business ; IN . SAN FRANCISCO, for the purpose of selling - All Kind or Product ; ' ' that tflay bo eotisJgnetl to me to sell. I.AJI Alt CnCAOLrl -AJLTostxxxy, Ox-e43fCtl. Will receive and attend to all orderi on tne to ! filled in San Francisco. oct9-itr , k. ciiEAPi-e- . , GOODS RECEIVED BY which will be sold for or TRADE s. us u 3 THE EYES I THE EARS I Dr. T. Mj. Or.EIV, OCULIST AND AUBIT, ALBANY, : : t OREQOX. -,n, -p. K. GOLDEN IS A 80?T OF THE 7 I f noted old Opthaluilc Doctor, 8. C. Ir. OOLDKX has had experience in treating the various diseases to which the eye and ear are subject, and feels confident of giving entire satis faction to thoso who may place themselves under his eare. Albany, April 10, ISC9-3Iy BLANK Deed. Mortgages, etc., on hand latest etylc-i, and lor aalu low, at this ofhoa WHEAT WANTED I Sixty Cents per Hushel . in trade, or on Book account, ' Kor all tliat mav be offered oct9 5 R. CIIEADLE. lucorjtorated 1 18S5. THE OLDEST PURELY LIFE INSURANCE CO. IN THE UNITED STATES Governed by the Massachusetts Lapse Law. Xo person, after carefully examining this Law, will forego the advantage of insuring in this Com- till I V - - . C .'. New England Mutual Life Insurance Company Or BOSTON. Purely 3xxtXA.l. It was chartered in 1835, and its enviable his tory, during twenty-six year' active operation) has thoroughly established Its reliability. Ita Reeaa Standa aa rallawai Cash assets, January, 18?O...M.....(9,O0O,om) 0 Cash Dividend, I860,. 7,000 09 Cash Dividend of 1SC7..... - (ZS.itS it Cash Dividend, 1868. ......... ......... 78A.197 tS Cash Dividend, 1869 40,339 00 Total surplus diTidend....N.. 4,000,008 Cfl Total Losses paid ........... 4,200,00 00 By tho Acts of Massachusetts, Incorporated into the General Statutes of 1864, policy of life tan ranee for the benefit of a Married Womem r amy persow or permone tpeeified, goes to them iadepefca ently of the Debts and LlabUUies of the party who effecta tho Policy. Dividends of this Company are paid Annually to the Assured, in Caso. The NEW ENGLAND U tt oaly Massachu setts Company doing business the Paoifio Coast, and therefore the only Company gavornod by the equitable) Massachusetts Lapse Law. Examples ihowinr tha Working a rtUa . taw. PLAN ORDINARY LIFE. For example r A party ensuring at tke age of thirty-five, Premiums all Cash. vne Annual 1 rem mm win eoniiaae poucy ta force 2 years and S days. Example: Premiums all Cash Ago, S3; Plan, Ten-Year Endowment, payable at tbo ago of i. One Annual Premium will continue policy la futee as a Term Policy, 7 year. If yon wish to make It absolutely certain that not a dollar of the money yoa invest will over bo forfeited Insure in the New England. If yon wUh to get your dividends with the seeond annual payment, and annually increasing on the contribution plan," thai isto get Just what is youri no more and ao less, and jnst wbea it Is due Insure in the New England. , NO STOCKHOLDERS IN THIS CO. Ita businesi in Linn county in the laat year and a hair, exceeds that of all other Companies combined. EVEBSON & MIDDLEMISS, GENERAL AGENTS, I i SAN FRANCISCO. S. M. H0URSDO8, : 102 Front-it.. Portland, Agent for Oregon and " Muingiou ierriiory. 49 JAMES ELKINS, Agent for Albany, Ogn. A IXAIlfiAIIY. A BARGAIN CAN BE HAD IN TDK Stock and Basines of the Drag Store In Brownavilla. Ormrnn. . Tlia j , , - ;muou, wianinr to change hn business, will dispose of hie stock Apply by letter or at the stnra af ' . PETER Hl'ME, Aug. 20, 18 0 4-50 Brown.vUW, Ogn. 1