The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, December 17, 1870, Image 2

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    P. S. OfficialJPapr for Oregon.
Gald is quote.l in New York at 1111.
Greenbacks 90i(g,91e.
Grastot, (Democrat), has been elected
Major of Won bj 2,000 majority.
--Senator Drake has . been comfirmeJ
at Chief Juatice of tbe Court of Claltas.
The garrison 6f Belfort continues to
snake vigorous defense, and its heroism
sod endurance excite warm admiration.
The Portland Bulletin local lm been
prewnted with some genuine reindeer
ancat from Lapland.
, - A telegram from Washington says
Mr. Crawford is to be appointed apprais
er of merchandise at Portland. :
. A soMier accidentally shot himself the
other day at Vancouver, bat not dan
gerously. The first shipment of apples made to
San Francisco this season, was by last
A telegram from Salt LaV says Judge
IT&wley fined lawyer Baskens 8100 and
ten days imprisonment for contempt of
" court.
Late dispatches from London say that
Napoleon refuses to sanction any - scheme
": for his restoration at present sayin his
part is silent inaction until the l'epub
licans either capitulate or are dispersed.
13ariuan, alias Schults, was found
puilty of robbery during the week, in the
Multnomah Circuit Court. The puoUh.
meat is from five to twenty years in the
State jo, as the Court shall please.
The appointment of Shenck, of Ohio,
as Minister to England, will not interfere
with the contest for Campbell's scat fiom
the Sd district of that State, the fr.ends
of the former being determined to pros
ecute the matter to a final issue.
The Revenue Department has seized a
load of beer the Eugene brewery was
hauling through Corvallis, as not being
properly stamped.
; The den of lyons attached to the Over
land Circus, cntlo' San Francisco op
the Oriflammd. Ben. Ilolladay won't be
tbe only lion "on board, then.
. m
Recent telegrams from the seat of war
unite in the opinion that it 13 now con
sidered impossible for Paris to receive
assistance from 'the provinces. With
the failure and retreat of the Army of
the Loiieall hope in that direction is
lost. The capitulation of the city is a
question of time, and it is announced
that King William only awaits the crent
before returning to Berlin. .
j Trouble in .Prussia. A telegram
from Berlin, dated, Dec- 9th, would seem
to forebode "draft troubles" to come:
- There was an anti war riot of a serious
r character yesterday, caused by resistance
to the order drafting married men.'. The
, Landwehr and the police were unable to
. quell the riot, and the military were call
ed out They suppressed the disorder,
Bsing great severity. If the order draft---
ing married men is carried out," it will
give an additional force of 250,000 to
the army.
Indian Agents. The Rev. J. II.
'' Wilbur will soon retire from pastorate of
' the Me4hodist Church at Salem, to take
eharjre af the Yakima Asiency. General
Joel Palmer is appointed to the Grande
Jtond Agency ; L. S. Dyar to the SHeti
Agency; Captain John Smith has the
1 Warm Springs Agency, and M.; Dickson
-..'the Umatilla Agency.
,, .'i'The JWercuy asserts that-- the goods
s: manufactured by the Willamette Maeu
f fieturiog Company are afforded for less
than the same classes of Eastern inaou-
V1. fracture, and aio of infinitely ; superior
r'' Tho Stale journal Mja two barus
were burned in Lancaster , precinct n
Wednesday , of last week by lightning.
- ff llwy each ' contained a large amount
5ef hay and grain, . and-,. several , horses,
making it a heavy loss for the owners.
L. . -- -i -
si' The young ladies and gentlemen of
Dallas, Polk county, navo conferred to
l geiher," and havo actually taken steps
fo wards organizing a Reading and Lit
IXmrj Society, having for its object the
V. mental culture and mutual entcitainmcnt
of its members. '; ;' " 's ; ''" Vj '
The Eifen C'uarJ says that a woman
named Turpin, and a man name! S'tuj--"
sonV arrested upon a charge of adultery,
bad a preliminary J examination before
Judge Thompson yesterday, and held 10
I . answer at the next term of the Circuit
-..'.Court i -
ru- T, j 'ijt-'im - ,
J Latest- Thd Eastern Question ; is
again looming up the Russian Minister
&iat Constantinople is, asking further an-i--
Bulmeoks of the Paris treaty. -"England
.- la gaid to be taking precautionary-' meas
."ircs against surprise. The " Prussians
are preparing to occupy Luxembourg as
,:' ajnitlitarj oecessityVthe army of occupa
j j ti&a eoeoing. direct from Germaoy.,-tThe
ILussiaa. army of observaiion on the Aue
. . j triaa froatMr ia 300000 atrongJ In the
T' fieveral recent eBpraRenients the. French
alaim important riotories. -
Piwueer Boot anil Shoe Manufactory.
Yesterdav, Messrs. Protzman, Corson '
and Gillihan formally opened their Boot !
and Shoe Manufactory at the corner of
Taylor and Front streets, the ceremonies
of the occasion beinga christening, cham
pagne lunch, toasts, responses, and a gen- !
eral felicitation of the proprietors by
numerous friends who dropped in to par
ticipate in the festivities or to take a look
through the establishment.
This is an enterprise of much greater
magnitude than uu-t-t persons would be
ledto believe by the bare announcement
above, and as it certainly is one of great
importance to the State, it deserves more
than a biief, parsing uote. At present,
the machinery which it is intended to
employ has uot all arrived and, conse
quently, the force of laborers is not near
so large as it will be witliia the mouth.
There are now tweuty two workmen em
ployed, but within the. next two weeks
and immediately upon the receipt of the
balance of the machinery, the force will
be increased to fifty men, womn , and
boys, which will be the average, as now
contemplated, for the first year. . A very
large proportion of all the work, when
the factory shall finally be in complete
running order, wilt bo performed with
machinery. The company have, or will
toon have, all the modern ' appliances
used in the most successful manufacto
ries at the east, so that fifty workmen will
be able to turn out an amount of work in
any given time which would require the
labor of several hundred, working' by
hand. The work of making a pair of
boots or shoes is performed by a consid-.
erable number of persons, each having
his or her especial part to do. 1 Briefly,
the hands which a pair of boots, for in
stance, goes through, may be described
as follows: 4. The cutter who has a
given Mze given, cuts from a pattern, the
vamps, backs, etc. 1i. The vamps or
fronts are then passed to the crimper who
passes them through a machine, thence to
crimping boards to hrin; them to their
beut chape. 3. Back to the cutler who
trims and shapes them 4. The fir.-t
stitcher then takes the parts and puts in
the fine or fancy stitching, a Singer, or
Howe machiue being used. 5. The
paster then takes them and pastes the
parts together and adds the stays when
any are required. C. Another sewes on
the straps and counters, etc. 7. The
siding up then follows thewoik being
done with a New England Wax Thread
machine as rapidly almost as ordinary
cloth sewing. 8. The next process is
rubbing down the seams and turning the
legs the latter by machinery. 9. The
uppers next go to the bottomers who
work in teams or gangs of four. The
firsts tacks on the sole ; in pegged work,
the second drives the naiU, and tacks 00
the heel; the third is the trimmer who-
pares the soles and heels to shrpe ; and
fourth, the finisher who Macks and pol
ishes the sole?. 10. ' The boots beiu
made, pass to the treer who stretches and
puts them in shape for packing. In
fetved wurk the process varies only in the
work done by the teams the soles being
tacked on by one man the sewing beinir
done by hand by another. Shoes are
made by nearly Mniiiar processes. At
the close, instead of being treed, they arc
"dressed" or "gummed."
An expert, with the New England
Wax Thread Stitcher, will seam up from
l(j to 18 dozen pairs per day. Th aver
age earnings in a factory like tliN, are
about S-tf per week to each fifty, making
a total of 81,000 j-er week. Each four
men will average fourteen pairs of boots
daily, or one hundred and seveuty-five
pairs for the whole force the value "of
which is about $927. In a shop of fifty
operatives, about ten men. women and
children, will work at women's and chil
dren's shoes, making an average of five
dozen pairs per day, valued at 824 per
dozen. . . The cost of stock is about equal
to the cost of labor with one third added,
where, as in this factory, the material is
all French brands, aud mostly of the very
fioest and bestquality. The invest ment,
then, here, is uot less thau about 13-3,-000
per year iu material aud labor, to
say uothiog of incidental oulltys- The
payment of the factory for a year will
reach about SG0.000. The firm will un
dertake at present only the manufacture
of the superior, grades of work, the stock
used bein$! from the quality of French
kip up to the very finest and most costly
fancy French material, aud tho make to
i , And,' now having as briefly as we well
could do it, noticed the general processes
in this factory, and the purposes of its
conductors, we take pleasure in commend
ing this enterprising firm to the trade and
the public, partly because they are genial
aud worthy young men ; but chiefly be :
cause the enterprise in which they have
engaged is one of that class of which our
young State - Stands greatly in need a
home manufactory for home consumption.
This manufactory will not only furnish
employment at remunerative prices for
fifty vorkuien, but its bearing. upon, the
prosperity of .the city and State may be
traced very much further than that one
fact. The" enterprise being new the num
ber of workmen, with tbe families belong
ing to their eare, is practically that many
added to our population. They . aid ail
classes of dealers and producers, by be
coming new consumers. "Their employ
ment enables another man, or a number
of men in the State to carry on the bus
iness of making leather, . which also
'widens the field in which labor seeks , its
reward.: But one of the chief .- effects is
in the employment at home of the capital
involved in all the business connection
and of tbe factory and its people. Th -amount
of money annually sent out ot the
Stato for its boots aud shoes alouo is en.
ormous. The figures would almost ap
pal if they were fully set out. Take out
of circulation-the amount whuh. thin
house alone. will expend in one year : aft
home, and the effect upon financial, mat.
ters all round, would be very appreciable,
affecting all branches of business ' alike
As heretofore thai amount of money ha
been annually sent away to purchase what
this firm will now make... f Now add the
amount to our circulation, and the effect
is as appreciable as in the first supposi
tion, while, instead of being hurtful, it is
wholly advantageous to the entiro busi
ness community! We take it that who
soever understands the truest interests ot
the country wiJI welcome the advent of
this and a'l similar enterprises, land will
do and Fay whatever he can to secure
their entire success. For, most certainly,
the full development of the State de
mands a greater diversity or industries as
much as it needs a multiplication of pop
ulation ; ard the irreat outflow of mouev
tor necessary articles ot consumption
should be checked and made to benefit
our homo, artisans. The Pioneer Boot
and Shoe Manufactory, we trust, is but
tne lorerunner ot a dozen or a hundred
of similar establishments iu our State, to
come quickly.-Daily Oreymiany Dec. 10.
Telegraphic Nummary.
- Most BEr,i.i..BD, Dec. 8. Bel fort
making a splendid defense. Tbe Prus
sians acknowledge, that the siege has cost
them more than any other siege . during
thu" war. -. j 1 .
London, Dec. 9. -An influential com
mittee has been formed here, with Thom
as Hughes as chairman, for the purpose
of exacting all possible security for tne
maintenance of peace with America.
The committee, which was formed some
time cince consider it expedient to make
no public action until the Eastern ques
tiou is settled. - The impression is prev
alent that an extreme Canadian view of
the fi-hery dispu'u cannot be sustained.
The proposal to buy the Alabama claims
is regarded a big j-b, commanded by a
clique, who have alreadv purchased
claims at small figures, inteuding to make
a hundred per ceut. They are confident
that the Government would rather have
such a large order, and make the griev
ances seem greater.
BERLIN. Dec. 9. The President yes
terday announced to the North German
Parliament that in a note received from
Count Bismarck, King William had
accepted the title ot Emperor of Ger
many. Amsterdam, Dec. 9. A telegram
from Luxemburg states that the Prus
sian Government has iuformrd the
Government ot the Grand Duke that iu
conseqnence of its having allowed a vio
lation of the neutrality of the Grand
Duchy, by the French, Prussia is no
longer bound to respect the neutrality of
A dispatch from Gambetta asks Lnu
rier to announce that he had asked an
armistice to enable the National Assem
bly to be elected, and requests that
Favre be permitted to leave Paris to con
sult his colleagues and couduct negotia
tions. He admits he has lost all hope
of prosecuti: g a successful struggle, and
has no expectation of defending Tours.
The Wo'lTs special says a report i
currrcnt thrt John Bright is to be sent
to Washington to negotiate a seltleiuetr
of the Alabama claims and the fishery
London, Dee. 10. The Timet has re
ceived a dispatch from Berlin which says
King William will return to Beili.i,
after the capitulation of Paris, even it
war is continued beyond that time. The
German terms of. peace are likely to. be
much mote oppressive the longer the
French hold out.
Gen. Chausry reports on Thursday :
We were strain attacked to-day by tht?
army of Prince Frederick Charles, along
the whole ironr. Y e held our position,
and all the corps engaged, from Saint
Laurent to Bcaugency, are still in their
positions this morninir.
Advices from Paris to the 6th, Tours
to 9th and Brussels and Versailles to
the 10th, convey the following iu forma
tion :
The French loss iu killed, wounded
and prisoners reached 6.78J uen iu the
recent battles
. Indications are 'that tlie next move
will be on the northeast, along tho Sois
sons Railway.
Svxou headquarters have been remov
ed back to 1-evoit.
The loss of cunners in the sorties
amount to over 8U0 killed, and wouuded
and prisoners. , ..
.. .The loss of the Germans in the battles
on the Loire exceeds7,U00 killed, wouud
ed and prisoners.
Intense relief is felt at Versailles at
the recnt aunuuueemcut of the defeat of
, The battles on the 5th and Oth, be
tween Chaueey's Sixieeuth and Seven
teenth Corps and the army of the Duke
of 3Ieckfenburjr. were cxtrcnmly severe.
The Ftench retreated onlv inch by inch.
The German advance on Havre has
turned aside, and Deppe was probably
occupied by them to-day (10th). '
Excitement at Brussels concerning the
threats of Bismarck against Luxembourg
was high., ......
Bordeaux, Dec. 10. Advices from
Tours announce the arrival there of over
one thousaud German prisoners.
. Gambetta telegraphs to the Prefects
of Depaitments, from headquarters, that
General Chauccy continues to resist the
attack of Frederick " Charles, v taking
many prisoners and inflicting heavy loss
on the enemy.
London, Dec. 10. -The Vail Mall
Gazette, in a leader, argues against the
abrogation of the Paris treaty of 185(5
because it may have the effect of trans
ferring the carrying trade almost entire
ly to the United States. . , -
Washington Dates. On the 12th
the House, by a vote of 157 to 25, pass
ed a bill repealing the Cival Tenure of
Office Act. " " " ' ' ;'- ': :
- Ob the 13th, in the House, Johnso'i
asked leave to offer a resolution declar
ing that the best interests of the United
States demand an immediate abrogation
of the treaty with China, except that
portion relating to commercial inter
course, between the two countries. . Ob
jection was made, ,-j
A resolution was adopted authorizing
the the Ways and Means Committee to
inquire into the expediency t levying a
tax of sixteen cents a pound on tobacco of
every description- v.:t
Western members, begin to talk of an
apportionment bill to give i 11 creased rep
rosentation to their States, based ou the
returns of the census last Summer new
members to be chosen at special elections
i 1 lime to take seats next December in the
Forty second Congress. . ... A -till to this
affect will be sprung open the House
some Monday in the morning hour. '
- A special from Peoria, I II., dated Nov
25th, says that the Hon. B. N. Stevens,
just, elected to Congress from tho Fifth
District, is dead. " . t , :
C- H.-Jaraes has joit 1 S. f. Simp
eon in a partnership for tbe publication of
the Gazette at Corvallis.
Kail road Statistics.
The editor ot the Bvlletin having had
access to the report of Mr. Thielsen,
Chief Engineer and General Superinten
dent of the Oregou and California Rail
road, collates from it the following sta
tistics : -
'The road is completed for a distance
of eighty miles from the East Portland
terminus. The track is graded and near
ly all the bridging and trestle work
ready for another section ot tweufy miles
or a total ot one hundred miles. . Since
last June there has been built about six
miles of bridges and trestle work, in the
construction of which there has been used
six millions feet of timber, over one hun
dred and seventy two tons - of wrought
iron, and one ' hundred and ': sixty four
tons of east iron. The ties for the last
eighty miles of the road measure a total
of over seven million ect the greater
portion of which has bcn sawed at tho
company's mills, and forwarded to the
front without accident. Details of mate
rial are thus stated
There is a total length of Howe's pat
ent truss bridging of . 1,020 feet, over
the Mollala, Pudding and Santiam rivers.
In these bridges are 525,252 'feet of
timber. 136 116 pounds ot wrought iron,
and 105,321 pounds of cast Iron.
The total trestle work is 27.490 feet,
in which were used 4,800.5i3 feet of
timber, 183.344 pounds of wrought iron,
and 198,800 pounds of cast iron.
The totaldrain work is 2,639 feet, in
which were used 433,173 le't of timber ,
34.757 pounds of wrought iron, and 25,
145 pounds of east iron.
In highway bridges there was a total
used of 9,944 feel f timber; in road
coping, a total of 35,200 feet of limber,
and In cattle guards, 190,000 feet of tim
ber. Toere is of rolling stock 7 locomo
tives, 1 President's coach, 6 passen-jer
coaches. 2 baggage and mail Cars, 3d box
and freight cars, and 20 more on the
way ; 60 flat aud open cars, aud 15 more
hi the way ; 2 fetock cars ; 20 hand cars,
and 2 boarding cars. All this rolling
stock is new and of the best quality.
There is now on hand or ou the- way
sufficient irn to lay the track to the one
hundred mile station.
We present these statistics to enable
readers to form an idea of the magnitude
of the work and of the immense expense
which attends the const ruction, the
equipment and the funning of railroads
Of course, in addition to the cost, of all
this material and rolling stock, there is
the cost of the track making, the iron
rails, bolts, fi.-h bars, sp.kcs, and other
things, the building of depots, turn
tables, machine shops, engine and car
houses, side tracks, switch stations and
water tanks : the putting up of hue saw
mills. Then there is the larjre corps of
civil engineers and assistants, the chief
and stall of Superintendents, of depot,
attaches and employees, of engineers aud
firemen, conductor", brakesmen, switch
tenders aud others. Also, the cost of
putting up a line of telegraph along the
road, and the corps of ox-rators toattcud
at all the stations. .Ami. besides all that
we have enumerated, there are the many
and various ' contingents which daily
swell the great agrcjiate of expense, aud
which cannot be well described."
Profiotition to Uuild the West $ide Kail,
The following prop-sifition to the
citizen of Portland from Ban Ilolladay,
appealed in the Owjuuiaii of December
13th :
Portland, Oregon, Dec. 13. 1870.
Tu the citizens t'orttrml :- I- earnest
ly desi'e to commence the construction
of a "We t Side Railroad." provided 1
ean efieul such arrangements wuh the
ci editors of the (). O. R- It. Co. i (.West
Side) as will place 111c in posssession of
the road bed, and enable me to proceed
with the enterprise without embarrass
I find, upon investigation of the affairs
of the Company referred to. that it w ill
require about one hundred thousand dol
lars to cancel its bonded and floating
debt, v ,. ; , .j . .... , , .,..:
I therefore make the following propo
sal to. the citizens of Portland :
1 will, within the time l inite 1 by Act
of Congress passed A. I. 1S70, grautiug
lauds tu aid in construction of the West
Side Road, under the' organization known
as "The Willamette, Railway "Company,'
canse to be built, and. equipped twenty
miles of the West Side Riilroad, estab
lishing its terminal depot within the
present limits of this city, upon tho fol
lowing conditions :-
1st. That the franchise granted by the
Act of Congress referred to shall inuru
to the benefit of the satd Willamette
Railway Company. . , , ;; ,
: 2d. That the citizens of the city of
Portland shall guarantee the payment
to me of one hundred thousand dollars
in jrol 1 coin wheu the said twenty miles
shall have been completed; this guaran
ty to be given within sixty days from this
tyf i ' . ' ,' A
Bad Practice. Von mi-ilit as well
expect t relieve and curie an infhvumcd
eye by dusting irritating powders into it,
as to expect to subdue and Cure Catarrh
(wh:ch 1.- an inflammation of the mncu
membrane of . the air passages in the
head) by the use ot irritatiug frnuffs or
strong. ' caustic solutions. Dr. Sage's
Catarrh Remedy cures Catarrh by it
mild soothing "action, which subdues the
inflammation and restores the natural
sccretiou of the mucous follicles. Tie
proprietor ofiers $ 500, lot a case t of Ca
tarrh that he cannot curei" 1 Sentby"mail
on receipt of sixty cents. Sold bv druj.
srisfsr Address R;n"- Pierc: M. D.T
100 o v..r..t, M V
mo, uciicca Bireei, uuuuiu, i. . y
Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry
t truly a bakauw !lt- contains thebal
simic ptinciple of the Wild Cherry," the
balsamic properties-of -tar nnd ti pine.
Its ingredients are all balsamic. Coughs.
Colds, and Consumption disappear rapid
ly under its balsamic influence.
Panama papers are'devoicf" of news r f
general interest. ' The revolution in Bo
livia is, spreading. President Guzman
Blanco", of Venezuela, exiled the bishop
of Carracas for refusing to' celebrate in
honor of his victory over the rebels, and
sentenced him to leave the eouutry in
twentr-four hours.
A. Wbet-Icr, dealer in fancy and staple Dry
UiHdi, IJiiU, Clothing, Uuota and Shoes, Groce
ries, Cruokcry, Hardware, Iron and Steel, Wagon
Timber, Plows, Agricultural Implements, etc.,
etc. -
Moito "Small pro6U anil quick returns."
Office, No. C4 front Street,
Special Collector of Claims,
A larzo amount of CITY and EAST PORT
LAND Property Tor Sain.
Also, IMPROVED r A RMS, and valual.lo un
cultivated LANDS, located in all parts of tbe
Investment in REAL ESTATE and other
PROPERTY, for correspondents.
CLAIMS of all descriptions promptly collected
HOUSES and STORKS leased.
All kinds of Financial and General Agency busi
ness transacted.
Parties havine FARM PROPERTY for sale will
pl.ti.e tnrnisli dt-S'-riptions of tbe same to the
-AGENTS OP THI- OFKH'E, inwh of the
priucinal CITIES and TOWNS of this STATE.
. ' June 1 l'70-tf.
niltaUidel A Co., are requested to make pay
ment on or before tbe first of January. 1S71.
Albany, December 16, 1870-15
3.1 j. HARRIS & CO.,
PKOPllIETOR5. AVe fball endeavor to
always keep ou band a full siipi ly of all
K i it (1 w of M c Hi a I
a'l of which will be of the very best qual ty.
Tbe highest market price j.uij .or liecves, Hogs
and Shicp.
Third door west of Forrr. on south f i 'e of Fi: st
streets. J. "L. HARRIS 4 CO. -
Albany. Dee. IS. 1870-15
Six wiles South of Albany, Lduu Co.,
Neai" t lto
persons desiring lo purchase Fruit Trees to
ci! and examine my stuck, woieh is composed of
the largest aud best seloction in tbe f-tte, i ou
sitt n of Apples. P ars. Cherries, Plums, Prunes,
Gr.i. ej, Dlaek Berries, Cuirauts aud itoss.
Black and Vv'hite Walnut, EnplMi Wal
uut, llickury, Pecuu, Kedbud,
Honey Luciist. Ilackberry,
and a number of other varieties of trees and plants
too numerous to m.niiiu, all of whieb are ottered
at low ra us. HKMtY W. S K TTLE.V1 1 RE.
December 17, 1S7U-15 ;S.
the puoliu with iieat uirnouts iu tbe way
Stylish Buggies & Carriages
J7 a a t S t o C it !
Oi the mot roanabjc UTrn". Our I.Tt rjr is nil
d and of the la'vft styks. und wo rhH tuke
pri'le in giving oar patrons n neat aod rcliaMeun
m'fit wtB ran be obtaii'eO in fho StMt ,
IIrm3 boarJtrd at r-.afoualtIe rates, by the we.k
or ra rth.
lU'-kii aod Carriage! fumi.bed fr partita, tc.
: A share of 'i-1i p;itr n.i r is e-lii-iie
.M 0 S TU O M li I i Y .fc UAitTZtiES.
Aihanr, December 17, ISTO-la -
the city, fend uuw is the
Cicii. Ilish Price Killed.
Gen. Trust Mortally
That you ean uy all kiuJs of
(the youn man iroin Wiaei nsin)
Groeerv Et"re. than any p'aee in Albnoy.
For iU. l'EARj-ON still lives, and is always
norSS-12 At C beadle's old stand.
.Sewing- machine Agency.
liroei ry 8 tore has been neatly fitted up hy
Miner Si Pearson, Tor the j'urposo of exuibitiug
f-r sale the - j
Buckeye Shuttle Sewing Machine!
the oul v low-priced licensed sewing machine that
make tbe genuine "link srilcb." and wbicb is
sold for $25. Warranted to do all kinds of work,
on fine or coarse goods, as well as any machine
in the market. Ladies are requested to call uud
examine the Buckeye machine before purchasing
els where. -
Everybody buys the Buckeye Sowing Mncbine
in preference to any other, who does not firt j;o
to agents, selling lxgu or binh-prii-ed machines,
for advice, and suffer thi'mi-lves to be imposed
upon. Come and see f-r vourelf.
General A gems f. r the Stale vf O egun.
K?T Agents wanted in every town and county
in te State, to whom a liberal commiio'ion will
be allowed. 3Er AH Vtiers ilir-rtcd to
nov20-12 Albany, Oregon.
This space is reserved for E. W. PIKE, who
haMi't l ine li write o . bis ad. week, but
will te 1 all l-e hat to show or sell ttt xt wek.
1 have only lime to say now that 1 nave a large
assortment ot Books, Staiior.ery, Mnsii al lusrru.
uieottf, buct Mn.-ic, P. li xtienlr, ew wpcrs ol
ail olvcriptious, iiol i lcn. Ac. tc.
i:. W. HIKE,
In II 11 "s Brick, I'irH
Albany, Orcgon Nova.bcr 24, IS70-12
NEW TO-liA .
Just Out.
C'aJiloinia, O.cgou, Washing tou, Idaho, Aloubina,
Nevada, Utah, Ariiona, IS. Columbia. Alurka.
Elegantly engraved oa cupper and colored in
countus. fifth edition, thoroughly revised and
brought down tu date IS70. It U .ws tbe great
Overland Railroad, also the proposed 'Nortltern
and teouthern Pacifle Railroaus and their conuee
tious ; also all Railroads voinpteUd and projected
iu California aud Oregon." . ; r . .( ...'
L pon tbe same socet, on a las scale ara tha
maps uf Alaska, and a complete Railroad uup of
tbe Cnited Slates.
No other map ean compare with this edition in
fullness of detail, and beauty and accuracy ot ia
lopogruphy. . An enterprise of such ni'nituda
and importance as tbis large and 1 1 p- r
plate map, lu order to be properly appreciated,
buld be in every oflice, seliool-housu and dwell
ing. Those wlsliing as agency sbvnld apply im
mediately for terms, to . . IvwS
. A. L. BANCROFT CO.. Publis'.ers,
721 Alar kit street. Sou lraniii. o. Cal.
Piacriptive 1.1-t
Real Eatato Scalers, Albany, Ogn. -
Lot 3,
block (1 Good house.
Lots 3 and 4.
L..ts 1, 2, 7. 8,
Lot A and B,
Lots 5 and A,
Lots 1, 2 and 3,
2 uniinprond.
" 19 Good bouse and stable.
' 2 Good house.
130 "
0 bouse and iwo stables. .
r,o "
" and stable.
lIMenty of excellent fruit a desirable homestead
l.'.t 6 and 7,
liOt 1,
Lot 8,
Lots 2 and 3,
3 Lots
Lot r,
L..t 4, ;
Lots 3 and 4,
i Lots
9 Los
Lois 3 and 4,
Lot 4
"4 Good bouse.
- 14
" 14
" S
If 4
10.1- " " "
44 ' 44 44- 1
2" "
" lfl 44 44 ' .
" 00 unimproved cheap.
" 5 desirable lot'.
11S box bouse.
71 acres good timl-ered land, oue mile from
Albany, in Bjutn cointy. . '
Ten llomextead Lot", fi acres each, mile north
f Albany Ferry, at $120 each. ,
For particulars r.pply to . . ,
' Iteal Kstate Agent. :
Office in Tarr's'i Bri. k, Albany, Oregon. (40
sal.- at Setlljmeir's I)ru Store. Price. .r0o
.er rackilge.' . 10-r t
Oil.! OIL I OIL I At reluecd prices, at
Suttlenj.-ir'a I'rog Stre, viz : " -
Kevoe's Coal Oil. by the can. 7" e-
Lard Oil. retailed at $2 HI "
td everything clje iu irop"rtin.
:0.3 t!. V. rETTLEM EtR. .
'1IIKOLI.VK The best thins; vr altered to
J be pnidie f. r eradicating i rjnse spi ts 'r in
uss, cIj loi'ijr kid glove. ttv Titv it. Kr sale
:y (10v3j j. r SEfTLEMEIR.
0L0B0 ?M?M.
We arc paying FORTY CENTS per doicn,
Ciissli i i-iijtlti I
for all the fresh eg that may be offered for the
Ten I:iy lo Come !
Bring on your EGGS and exchange tbcm for
Cah or taoods at
December 3, lS70-13tf
Kea.ii I ftenri !
JL be .p-n fir t:e oelivery ., mails from eight
o ..kick to nine in the innruiiig on Sunday, a.te
which time it will he promptly eb scd, "and wil
remain i' until Mi,nd;iy iiu.rain:. I'artie
wbing mail mutt eme during the at iU lour ui
they mill not be uccomroodatcd.
f S. 11. CLAI'tiHTON, P. M.
Lebanon. November 2i, 1S70-12-4.V
n.w iu force relating to the collection uf
tuxes, all taxes arc required to be paid within
thirty days after tl e days appointed lor meeting
the tax pavers in the s -vcral procincts, and all
taxes not jaid within that time are liable to costs
as upon execution and that is oue dollar and
three per cent, from each person. -
1 will, there f re, in pursuance of law, meet the
tiix payers of Linn County at their respective
places of voting, in each precinct, ou the following
lays, to-wit
Sclo..;...... .
Franklin Butte
Lebanon . .. ...
Swet Home.........
Brush Creek
South Brownsville
North Brownsville
iod Ridge ..
liarrisburg ......... .
Orleans... .
Monday, December 19
Wednesday, 21
....... .Thursday, . 22
Monday, - 26
..Tuesday. 27
Wednenlay, " 28
Thursday, " 29
...... Friday. " TO
.... Saturday " 31
Tuesday, January 3
........ ..Weflnes-day 4
Thursday, - . 5
..... Friday, " " ' 6
....... ... Saturday, ' 7
., Monday, " 9
R. A. IRVINE. Sheriff,
and Tax Collector for Linn Co., Oregon.
December 3, 1870. - .
. Take - IVoticc. ; '
indebted to R. CHEADLE t CO.. by note
or iMMik account, will pl,-ase . ttlo tbe com; bathe
lt of January, 1871. By so doing they will save
ST" Cash er Produce taken in payment of
account or note. R. CUEADLE & CO.
Nov. 1U, 1870-11 ; ;..
It ill UOAO ii i.,,, : :
-7jjiiirO!f ? TBS -EVKNING IF THE
26th of December, '70,
Iarrish Hall.
.Tickets,' Including Supper, 4.
A general invitation Si extended to all. -
cmt C urt of ihu r-titie of Orvpi-n for l.inu
cuiity, .1 the Oct iber Term, IS70. ihe tdlowin;
real properly of the ; ate of L'w:a fbur.-bilf.
dee'd, lat.- ol siiid county, wrll be n.i.l at public
outcry, to the bibest lidd-r. at rhe Couit House
door iu the city of Albany in said count v. on
Saiurday, the 31st of December next,
vis : Fractional Ji. Lalt'of tbe X. W. qr. of Sec.
32, and small traction in !. W. corner of S W
qr, ofec. 2'J, Tp 12 K. 3 W. or Willamette
it., coutaiuinir V fiS.lOU acresmorenr lc. Also
fractional part of Lot No. 4, Bbxk No. 10. in the
said city of Albany, having a irnlage 'uf 25 I'mt
ou Frout rtrt-et, commencing 25 feet from the N.
E, corner of saiil Block, and a depth of jj-Q fect
tOL-tther with tbe tinproviucuts tbercou the
same bein subject to dower.
TERMS Gold coin at the P. P., hulf in hand
and tho residue in four mouths, with interest, se
cured by note and moita-e on the premises.
By order of Court, ; ? . . s
Xovembc-24. !S7rt-12w4 " Ke'i-r e.
ISarg:aiii, (irered !.
Aa Iafa":j nvoa rttlTIta. posaeaa. "
13 rare TOtc and xcavtxc proptrtlca
a ccrtaj cuie for nssciiiiA'risn. eoirr,
nsfjciAct.. aud all kindred Diaraeea.
It completely restores the system when ira
ralred by disease, revives tho action of tha
kidxcv hJ gxxital oasus; nCl-:
cai:y cures NCaoFtiu. salt aB.wcx.-a.: -and
all Eni'mve mm cut.eou:i CSa.
caaea, civea lmmediato and permanent rcU. f
ia DTsrcasu, EavsirEuts, Tumors,
Boils, Scald Bead, Ulcers and Bores; eradi
cates from the system all traces of Mercurial
Slacaao. - .! ;'-.';
It la rraEtV vccitTADic bela.t ata
from an herb fona 1 indljcaxms la Tn- r.,-,
It U therefore pocii::r:y siUU'ole for nie t -.
rcmalea and Children, aa a DLOoa run;. "
pica u4 nrxovvTon,
JZ ". For Sale by all Crugj;lt.
: AOKNT8. , I . . ' ' " -CZO
and CC1 Hariot Ctroot. ... 'j
' tsa rrasclsoo. .'- f. ' '
. sell my entire stwk of : . ;
Dry aooiv Fancy GdouS. Clotlimi,
-V 1; P i i in e .Cost!
to close out. There is no mistake about, to is. a
1 am determined t-i close out eutir ly iu these
lines, and will p .siticlv sell at first cost.
N. B All persons knowing th-msclves indebt
ed to me, are requested to make immediate pay
ment. All accounts due and unsettled 30 days
from this date, will be put in tbe hands of an
offi.r for collection. Tbis is positive, as I mean
Nor. 19. '7011 3. GRADWOUL. ,
. gains, for isr.iu i-'.n.O-r;U
C a h o r-T r a d e ,
shonld jjive ns a call and see for ibem-clres, ss
we will fivo great i"dn,cmii ts f . r tho next -
- S i x t v 'D a y s ,
on alt goads on hand now. t v.- ';
Nov. 19. 1870. R. CTTEADLirVVo.
Kleellou Notice. . - . .r y
O HAREHOLDEItS in tbe Linn Coonty Ac
k5 rirultaral Ass cinlion are requested to meet
a tbe Court Honse in A.banv, Orejron. Thursly.
January S, I8l. at one o'clock P. M , for tbe
purpose of decline lin ta. .
rAMCKIi E. YOi;NG, Sue.
. The present Bonn! of Directors ar reqnested to
meet at the Cilv Coun il room n Wednesday.
January 4, 1871. at ens o'clock P. M.
By order of the Vice, Prcsid ;nt. ? T 14ml
JVDCB KELSAT.' ' '"'joitltPW BAXXvW.
;' j, " 3 f.8 AY 'b" ft A 91 SI Jf . : . :
Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, --,"
. (Partners for Linn county.) :
-OFFICE In Post Office Building, (up ftair.').
Albany, Linn county. Oregon. ' 9r3tf
2 er. ar f e' f ' v
f V f r r r r r r f l? ?
Every day brings strong proof 'of the great value
IL.XJTV CS- fii JLlsvi.
Dr. P. Meredrth, Dentist, office XV 132 W est
Sixth street, stales a follows : .
' - ' Ci.vcijijiati. October 'lj 1869.
"" Messrs. J. Jf. II A KRIS & CO. Gents : About
one year afro I took a cold which I ttled on my
loiic.i. A violent foui;h -was the cons, qtu-nce.
wbi. li increased with SvV.rity. ,1 expectorated
larjcu quantities nf phioLi aud matter. During
the last winter I became so much reduced that I
was conflnel to my bed. The disease was attend
d with cold cbiliK and nij-bt-nwiats. A diarrlioca
set in. Hy frUnd thought I was in ti e last
staeos of cristtroiti', and could not pursibly get
well. I wu reeomincndcd t try ;
A!ller' Lnng-Balsam
Tie forninta was glvn to trie, hiea Imluied m
to (fivo it a trial, and I will only add that my
-oui;li ;s entirely cured, and I am r able to at
4tnd to my usual. Yours rer-ftfu ly,
!-, ;:rv.-;A i. P. M EKED1 11.
All afflicted -wirh ueh or t-y Throat or I.unjr
tnublo should usj Allen's l.iiri(f Balsam without
delayv J. N, UARUIS Jk CO.i Sox Pr prictois.
Cin. lanati, Ob in. i
;ca UTiour; r;:::.:;:L . .; '
Dnot le deeuived you uo want a foi saci
iiHnc, and desire "Atimt Zmiff Outturn.'' 'lJuut
allow unprincipled dtalwrf iM.ll y-u m pvpra- .
tion cal ed Allen's Pectoral B.ilsnm see tbat yu
got ALLEN S Ll'NG BALSAM, and yoa t.t
bave the Wt Oiiapli rvmedy nberwd t4be publio
aud oue that will ive you satisfaction.
.,-.. ;a VOu SALE BY ff -..
62 A 431 Mar.iet-st., San Francl to, Cat..
Agents for California and Pacific State.
aov5 . '-?3old by all Druggists, niat. - v; 9.70