TI . . !Tr I,eavv frosts M'iW TO-DAY. 1 !iaii -orii1r trins. : :zz i steamers have tosuiuuu i..... SATUKDAl, DECEMBER 3, 1S70. j The woather has been very fair during " ! , -,i nientv of sunshine. The Subscribers findins an X after thi-irnauio will ! the Tvcclv wu" J . . understand that their subscription expire n j Deuiocrars were to hold their convention L'": X 'hey ? l,ritc'1. rru 'n I for the nomination of city officers on ix months, $2 ; threo mouths, $1. X-OOA-X. AFFAIRS Celebuation at Jefferson On last Monday the locomotive j Jamr.s JJ,, Stephens crossed the Santiam Kailroad Widge in safety. Everything about the lIle s perfect and as solid as a rock, and the locomotive passed over it as smoothly as if on an old well-kept track. Tho eitizens of Jefferson and vicinity made it the occasion of great "jolarity," presenting three handsome flags to the Stephens in honor of the event. Mr. J. L. Ilallett, Superintendent of Construc tion, loaded two cars with iron rail and Bent them over the bridge, to convince all Skeptical persons of its strength lie then extended a general iuvitation to all to takota ride ou the '-Leers; " less than half a dozen, ho a ever, availed themselves of the privilege they wasn't on it. Miss " Mary t.'oaser, daughter of Jacob Conser, the towu proprietor, was the heroine of the day and the occasion, riding ou the ' front platform of the locomotive, as the first train went over the bridge, grace fully waving a Leautilul R i;.'. It is only justice to say that ihe Santiam bridge, like tho other bride 's built by Mr. Keeper for the Railroad Co, is a superior and -sub-stantiul piece of workmanship and " architecture, which will vg ttand as a mark of the ability and capacity of its projector. for the noru Friday ni-l.t. The City Charter, as amended by the late Legislature, appears in our Columus this morning. We ex pect to have our new office completed by the first of January. Judge Cranor is having a neat fence erected around his loU on Fust and Lyon streets. Lumber for the erection of the railroad depot is being hauled. Kd. Frceland has largely increased his stock of books and station ery a fplendid placa to purchase "christmas gifts" for Itoxianas "and Janes. 11. Clieadle it Co, are paying 40 cents per dozen for eggs go for them. The ball on the 25th, to be given by the Albany Brass Hand, will be a big thing- Good Men. There seems to he great apathy among our citizens in regard to the election of city officers for the ensu ing year. It is the duty, however, of every citizen to see that good men are selected to administer our city govern ment ; and great care should be exercised in the selection of such men capable, honest and worthy men than in the selection of meu to fill more lucra tive positions. The Democrats of the city were to hold a mass convention last even ing for the uomiuatiou of suitable men to till the various offices. Let the Repub licans of Albany hold a similar conven tion this evening, nominating only those who are descrviiiir, honest and compe tent and the whole ticket will be tri- SEIiECT SCHOOL, SCHOOL is being taught in the ALU .VST COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, under the su pervision of 31. T. Crawford, assisted by JIUs Jnu i Kiss. RATES Or TUITION. (Per quarter of eleven weeks.) Primary Deparinent $4 0(1 Preparatory and common branches 5 CO Advanced English , 7 00 Ancient and Modern Language 9 00 Tuition Payable In Advance. M. T. CRAWFORD, Albany, Nor. 5, '70. Priuciyal. JCDCE KELSAY. JOSr.l'H HANSON. KELSAV & HANNOX, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, . (Partners for Linn. county.') OFFICE In Tost Office Ituilding. (up stairs), Albany, Linn county, Oregon. 9v3lf YTct Bcnoni Eloskins: OU ARE 1IF.KEHY . NOTIFIED THAT tlie affidavit!! .of William McCaw and William Robinott have been filed in this office, alleging that you abandoned vour Donation Claim upon tho S. E. o,r. of Sec. 21. in T. 14 S.-U. 2 W.. and did uot reside upon aud cultivate said land for four years, and that the ."id day of December, IS70, nt 1 o'clock p. M., has htt-n "fix-d upon by 113 fur the hearing of s.ii l alleged abandonment, at which timo you are required to appear and offer evi dence in support of your claim, or the same will bo considered abandoned as alleged, and canceled, ltosiibiirg Land Office. O-n.. O.-t. 19, IS70. W'm. 11. W4.LLIS, Register. 04 A. It. FLINT. Receiver. NEW TO-DAY. W. II. KUHJV & CO., Having just received a Large and well selected Stock of HARD WARE, seen A3 READ I HEAD 1 READ ! j umphau'tly elected. Such a result is A Ci.'isE Shave Oa Sunday l.sst ; orth ajittle effort, and we call upon Mr. Andrew Mark undertook to ford the over5 wl' orJer aml Santiam river at Bonds fen V, about five govemmcuf, to forego his case and com piles from Jt lTerM.ii, but a"t; the first j waning, and come out and lati 'c the team got into Ja'!. water and ; aid in nominating a good ticket. Let us w 1-0:1, on have one more square deal. commenced sviin':':i MVllll IT-, S3 .1 1.'., lv!l -r . I the swiftness -4' lh Mark found Uiifcseii in wu:cr too deep to 5 vf transaetiotn vf persons doing wade, aiu le not a!,.e to swim a uc-ii. business, or rather running the tached to t!,e vv:g .:i, used lor binding j ,.lt ililV0 nat ; jnfJIU.y, or sotue time du lliehay more si-curdy, dated within r:QJ? their lives, he:r-J tf the Ilouse that reach, which he seized and lieid ou to j jack built" everybody h is heard of 1 1 . ICS, Wa-t UpSCl U . . t, .,... . nlilr .U)nn t mad waters, and j .. . 1 and. I nronose ' to notice a few 4 1 the city. 1 Fortunately for Mark a long rope at- , .m.!,os there are few nersons now living SO,000 STOCK OS? General Merchandise, Now bcins iohl to rioso tusiac5S, cousiatiu of 3 12. Y d O O I S X CLOTHING, BOOTS & SHOES, V j' SHELF HARDWARE, of uciirly cvory de3:rir.tiwn ; together with , . j . SHOVELS, Sl'ADES, MILL and . CimrfS-CUTSAWS, ROPK, ARMEIl'S & MECHANIC'S TOOLS COSSISTIMO OP ANVILS, VICES, BELLOWS, Hammers, Hammers, Hammers, Hammers, Sledges, Sledges, IsJedges, Sledges, Haw?, Saws, Saws, Saws, Saws, Saws, Planes, IManes, Planes, Planes, Planes, l'lanes, Corss-Ctit and IWill Saws, Togcttfer with a large assortment of lit O IV TST 33 STEEL Naild, Nails, Nails, Nail.s, Nails, Nails, Springs, Springs, Spriugs, Springs. Spriuics, Springs, Axles, Tb!sibIs-SkcinE, Baits, tc, &c. o Also, a well Selected Stock of srOKES. HUBS. BKXT RIMS, SHAFT?, l'OLES, IIICKOKT AXLES, ETC., All -f which we are now offering to the puhlic at low rates. As we make the business a spec ialty, wc can anrl will keep a better assortment at lower prices than any bouse in tuU city. IRON & STEEL! antly breasted ihe daik, foam created j tlat J0h built, on top rfthe yrounrT, very jron .xj ,s naves, reachin-j the bank in safety, few persons have hoard of; but if they j j with a death- I w dra ri;, wUiie the hordes that celebrated house. But the sewer a largs a-s .rtiacnt ; r.l-o ; ""ittlued at or clo. wer washed IVum ; ad t want uccu'ar dea.otistratiou of the fact ; that the eer has been builf, any citizen can see for himself, whether he visits the the wa-ou,' at.d t arried, Mark knows not bre wery in his daily walk, cr not. There ! whither, to his &jru regret. Mark says i t ;s j,:,, to be seen, and at first tight I he has Le .-ii in some tight -places ua the :lliaJ3 one ol the old faehitned well curbs I'ae'.lle oa-t in the years that have li.-d, j 0f Indiana, built on the top ol tho ground : but lie iu vcr came o near passing in his I aUiJ luttCred to its position in ihe well ! chucks as, in ihis ees.iuii.. lie had by sectiotiS. But be that Thimble Skeins, Blacksmith Tools, Sic, &.S., All to he Sold an Vast I JKO. COKHES. Albany, Sfpt. 24, IS70 3 THE ' SINi-Ell" NEW r.'ccivi-ig and opening a lare anJ splendid assortment of WOO AND WILLOW WARE, "rt'hicb we offer at reduced rates. AV. II. KUHX C O. Id t'uo Monteith Fire proof Brick, Firit-st. f : " THE EYES ! j THE EARS I WSv. T. Sj. OLDIl.Y, OCULIST ARID AUK I T, ALBA-NY, : : : tfKEOOX. NEW TO-DAY. BUSINESS TILL RUSHING S AT .TBI NEW JEWELRY STORE a . . TITUS, Albany, - - - Oreg-on. ACBXT Ton THE CELEBRATED American & Swiss Gold & Silyer f atcnes Of ererjr Jescriptior.- Direct Importer of tho Yery best SWISS MAD E W AT CIIES, Cieuts aud Indies SIzr. THE FINE8T SELECTION F JEWELRY AND FANCY GOODS, Of all Kinds constantly on hand. O R K PA IKINO OF . WATCHES. SPECTACLES - JEWELRY A T San Francisco Prices. o Every Article Sold and all Repairing Done, Warranted. We claim "to keep all FIRST QUALITY GOODS, 11 and at prices tlint defy competition. . A. COWAS. A. W. STAXAnb. A. COWAN & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in STAPLE and FAXCTDRY GOODS FIRST STREET ..ALBANY. as 11 may, it folded the river at tn same J-daee, on the ! cai.aeity l'.r tlrawi.ij things is undoubted, '. Friday and Saturday previiis. without j ajS tcst;fi,.a to by the City Treasurer, who-J diilicu'ty, :! 1 he had no idea that' the '.Si,y that it (t he Sewer that John built ) j Blight rain'ii' if a-unliy would s swim- j las ,;rawu the treasury to the bed-ruck, j ingly elevate tho river. Thif is d.e;ded ! au& thero.f'yro it baa abcady served the. ly, taking it ail in all, ti e most interest- j ,Urs ibr which it was built. Now ! 110' local tteui ut trie we'-k. we us citizens and iiroiiertv-litildeca want 1 the worth id' our mor.ey, aud all iaijirove- ! uicuU ahould be scrniaiieut. SUU. ! I'lsv Timks. The rapid approach of the railroad towards ibis city has ''set u' business generally. A 1 kii.ds .f iu: provemcntr. aie tuiked of cr in proxies; new brane cs of industry are i being in auguratcd, and eveivbody f-eeins too' full of "biz." lo rest a moment. ; Our! saw mills have orders lor lumber weeks ahead, and lumbermen are "axed to their utmost Capacity to keep up the .--uppiy of logs. The truth of the miner is, Albany will oon be the largest town 011 the coast of Oregon, of its mz3. Spcrial Meetin; of the City Council. Councii, UiiiiM, Nov. 30th 1870. A special meeting of the City Council was called by the Mayor, Nov. 30, 1870. Hull called. I'rcseut Mayor Staoard ; Couneilmen Hill, 3Iyer, Gradwohl, Uur caw and Cuuiley. . The Mayor tatcd the object of his cal!iiii the Council together to be, to take into consideration the j.ropriety of celebrating the event of the arrival of the 1 cars : u!m, to ai-pomt tne necessary cimi- j ill .III - . ' LJI I J V. nva ins in an appropriate manner. of; CKI.Kl;ttATliN. The City Couui-il Albany, bein th.t 'u!ily alive to j vast benefits lo secure to the city through ...c c-p,elH,n 01 u:e v. fi V- r.a.lioaa to j Uu lilot;un ,h;,t ,ve celebnte the event tlus r.,,t, have Bp.,intcd a committee to j u t,ie arrU.al of th(, firjil passcu;,er Iraia ' " - .JUiiiiHii.y ail'i HMJt.T Willi 1 . . 1 ti'u sari i-Tni ran 1, celebrated all probabiSir epire next week. Let everybody get ou their '-'store clothes. ; to 111:11 ciiy . v event can be epp.vpriately j ( conl,ittce oftw0, A Li- timn i!l l e had. I" .Utinic of Ilill'aii'I- the Recorder, ty tAc.celehratt.,,, w.ll tran- j ;;ted to :cunkr witl, ti,e Kai "CitaisiMAs IJAr.t.. The members of the Albany Urass Band iil give a ball 011 the 2Gth inst. Monday. Give-the boys a rou-cr, for th.ey deserve it. There isiit a more liberal hearted set . of men in the State, than the members of Albany Jras IJand, as they have proven on more man one occasion V'an ted. when music was Taxks. See the Sheriffs! notice ol times and places 'where he will be .found to veeeive taxcf. The boohs Will be in his hands early next week. Tax payers will confer a great favor, avo themselves trouble aud costs, by rueetin- the Sheriff i promptly at the time specified, in the different precincU, and paying their tax es. Jlead the advertisement that you may be thoroughly posted in the mattter. IlKAr, Kstatk Sales. The two lot, corner Ferry and Fourth street, owned by Jas. Elkius, Kmy, were sold by hiui to Mr. E. W. Pike, a day or two eince fpr SlOO. Mr. Pike will erect a neai twosstory dwelling ou the ground im mediately. Mubic. The new inusio store of Mr. K. W. Pike, with its splendid piano, organs, e!c.r. etc., is attracting peneral attention, and fills a want' long felt ty on- citizens. Go and ec the "lay put" ther. cou-were T .1 ppointeu to comer wuh we liamuau authorities and ascertain the day that the cars will arrive at this eitj'. On motion, a committee of three, con -Mstiug of Gradwohl, Coniley and Uui caw, were appointed to arrange a pro gramme. On motion, a committee of three, con sisting of Myer, Comley and Hill, were appuiutcd to procure a flag to be present ed for the u e of the locomotive Albany du irs arrival to this city. . On motion, the Recorder was instruct ed to furnish a copy of. these proceedings to the Portland dailies and the Albany weeklies, with the request that they pub lish the same. ... : A. W. STANARD, Mayor. A. N. Arnold, Kcc. Millineky. Mrs. Duuiway is again in receipt of a large stock of the latest styles of millinery, etc. Ladies in want of the very latest, should call there at once. ',-'' ' Head the new advcrtifcuients, and re member that mea who patronize the printer are always large-hearted aud lib eral in their dealings."' A landlord and tenant in Salem had a row about rent, when tho tenant 'whaled the landlord and the landlord paid the costs. r ! "ShultJ!," tho Portland highwayman, passed through this city en route for Portland, in charge of the deputy sheriff of Piekiyou county, California, on Friday. R. GOUiF.X IS A SOX OF THE noted old Oplhslmie Lioctor, S. C. tioldcn. Dr. GOLDEN hiM bad experience in treating the varum. d'scjisea t witicli tbc cyo and car ore fuhjiM-t. and feci: coisfid-ut of f;ivinp entire satis faction to tiiosc vhr may pla'.-e tlicm.?lvcs under his care. Albany, Aprii in. l!;G9-3!v C O T. o rt 4 That' Photograph ISest, A R V. BLACK, BROWN, GREEN, SCAR LET, M0R00N, v ORANGE. Tiiose tbut take AViiiie. or nearly so, are Purple, Blue, Criuisoa, Pink, &c. tVpt. in.T.:)-2 J. A. WISTKIt. They offer a lare and wel" -lccted stoek of STAIt,I2 . WHY CiOODS ! At Extraordinary Low Prices rou Cash oi- Produce! Family Sewing llachine, With Attachments fcx all kinds of Work, Is fast winninir favor in the household, as showu by the cales of last year, amouritint,' to cijhty six thousand, fcv..mi hundred aud c:ghfy one machines, which far exceed those of any other Company. CITY NEWS DEPOT, Front street, Albany, Oreg-on. Mas jrSr opened a first-class SEWS DEPOT and i S T A T I O N i; II Y STO II I', ! Wbcra at n'.I iiin?s will bo fo:in 1 tho I.itcfft rcri l o-liculs, Miinjne-?, Ne w-jjapers, Itt'ks of i kin!. Viillii Taptr, every variety. ad Kindji an I mus ot hu vclnpr?, O.ie ios bear.tiftil PHOTOGRAPH IC ALBUMS. Tbi-s stock has htea strlv'cte-l with gi;nt caro. nd noun but Fir.-.t-claa ariiclc ara- kt-pt. Goods receivd direct from San Frnci?co by every steamer. S'SU Ttr-xs moderate. - X Ti.ii new FAMILY MACHINK is capal.k-nf a r.nijje and variety of wurk sach as wa thought imtoFsilde n ! rt time a;:o, to perform by nia-iliim-ry. Wc claim, and can show those whom it may concern, that it is thr cli :apoat, m-jst boami fiti, dt:J.i.-aielr arranged, uicely adjustf-d. easily iptraed, and mootMy running of all ib'i family Seirinj Macliiucs. Iti rcinarkahlo, inU oiily for Ihe raiio and varitv of its sewinjr, 1mf also for the variety and diiTef-tit KINDS OK TKXTUItE which it will new wi:h cqnal fa'-ilily and pvrfec tion, using Sills Twist, Linen or Cotton Thrrnd, fine or coars.r. making tlm 1 X 1 K KLOCKED-ELASTIC-STITCII, alike on both M.lca of tho tabric sewn. Thus beaver cloth, or leather, may be sewn wiih great strcnir'h and uniformity of stitch, and in a moment this willing and never wearying machine may he adjusted for flue work on gauze or gossamer tissue, or the tucking" of tareletan, or ruining, or almost any other work which delicate fingers have been known to per form. l'iir:-basera can soon le convinced that our new Family machine ombodtes NEW and essential principles simplicity of construction ease of operation unifi-rinity of PltKCISK action at any speed capacily for range and variety iff work, fine or coarse, leaving all rivals behind it. The Koltiing' Cases. Tho New Family Machine may bo had in a va riety of folding covers and casts. Poms show in polished surface only tho grain and tint of the wood, while others arc finished in all the elabora tion of art The Attachments Far Hemming, Felling, Itufiling," Braining, .Bind ing. Cording, Uslberin;?, Tucking, Embroidering, Ac., ore nat only numerous, but now brought to great perfection. ' Most of them can he attaclicd or detached by a simple move of t!:a hand. The quality of the work cau only be fully appreciated on observation and examination. Machine Twist, Linen Thread, Spool Cotton, Oil. Ac. ' tVe hnve and shall keep in stock at our Central Olfico, and Agencies, (on spools of various sizes). Twist of all si7.es and colors Linou Thread, Ppwd Cotton, Oil, and all other articles necessary iu the nse of our machines. We wish it understood that we manufacture the Twist sold by us ; that we shall aim to hare it excel in quality and exceed in quantity, for given price, that of other manufacturers, aol that the Twist made by us iu ournotr and extensive mills, supplied as they are with tho most improved machinery and skilled labor con be relied on for the desirable qualities of uniformity of sise, even ness, length of thread earmarked oa each spool, strength, excellence of color, and beauty of Enifh. THE SINGEK MANUFACTURING CO., ; o-t2a-8-3m 2"o. 468 Broadway, New York, SAN FItANCISCO OFFICE. No. 139 Montgomery street. - i , 31 IIS. . A. Agent for Albany. ttive me a ca'l. Allmny, April P, i0.-?l-lv. w. s. Dniaos. In addition to a very largo stock, covering everything iu the line of Cottons, we have a complete assortment of FANCY DRESS GOODS! Latest fctvles of Buys a.id Men CLOTHING and FURNISHING GOODS ! HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, Ac. Carpet, Wall-Paper, Paper & Linen Blinds, &.C., &c. Especial attention is directed tn out stock of I HON AND STEEL AND i K.EIIAL HARDWARE! W'hii-U is the largest aud most complete this side of Portland. You are invited to call and examine our goods and prices. NEW TO DAT. TSe highest market price in cash paid for Wool, D.tcoii and JLnrri ! by Oct. SO. 169 S A. COWAN A CO. Tho standard remedy f.r Coughs. Influenza. S,-e Tlirunt, Whor.ph-i (,injk. Crony, Liter Complaint. ll,-on:h;ti. Jtred;,, ' nf the Laity, and every auc-ctiun ot the Throat, Lu'nirs and'diest, including COVPltMPTIO. Wlstar'8 ftnrisaui does not dry up a Cough, but loosens it, cleanses the lungs, and alloys irri tation, thus rttHtn irty the e of the complaint. None ecnniiie unless sipned I. Tirrrs. Prepared by Scth W. Ptiwlo Bon, Boston. Sold by Itedington, Hostettcr A Co., San Francisco, and by dealers generally. 4ly70 This is tho most thorough blood purifier yet dis covered, and cures all buuvirs from the word Scrofula to a commnn Eruption. Pimples and Blotches on the face, and sccly or rough skin, which are such annoying blemishes to ninny oung persons, yield to the use of a few bottles of this wonderful medicine. From one to ci?ht bottles cure Salt Klicnni. Erysipelas, Scald Head, Kiug Worms, Boils, Scaly Eruptions of the Skin, Scrof ula Sores, I'locrs and ? 'Canker" in the Mouth and Stomach. It is a pure medicinal extract of native roots and plants, combining in baimony Nature's most sovereign curative properties, whicb God has instilled into the vegetable kingdom for healing lb o sick. It is a great restorer for the strength and vigor of tho system. ' 'Those who are languid, sleepless, have nervous apprehensions or fears, or any of the affection symptomatic of weakness, will find convincing evidence of its restorative power upon trial.. If you feel dull, drowsy, de bilitated nud despondent, have freqitent headache, month tastes badly in the rooming, irregular np petite and tongue coated, yod are suffering from Torpid Liver or ""BilHousness." In many cases of ''Liver Couiplaiut" ouly a part of ihesd symp toms are experienced. As a remedy for all such cases. Dr. Pierre's Ooluen Medical Discovery baa no equal as it v Sects perfect cures, leaving the liv er strengthened and healthy. For tha'cure of ha bitual Constipation of the Bowels it is a never failing remedy, and those who have used it for this purpose are loud initspraifo. In Bronchial, Throat aud Lrng discuss, it has produced many truly remarkuhlo cures, where other medicines had failed. Sold hy dru agists at $1 por bottle. Prepared at the Chemical Labratory of (7m3 K. V. PIERCE, M. V., Buffalo, N..Y. A. CAHOTHItnS. It. SALTMAl'.SH. A. CAROTHEHS &. CO., DRUGGISTS & APOTHECARIES, a yt) , ii i. 1. ens in PA I N T S. DYE STUFFS, UI LS PATENT MEDICINES, Perfumery, Toilet Goods, Ac. Our Goods aro FRESH and PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED. STOKE OI'EX VAY AM SIGHT. front Street, three ttttnre betvtc Connor, Albany, fob 12'70-2.1J Oregon. rri A "" ESTATE. STITZExTk UPTON, REAL ESTATE BROKERS, AMD G EN E R A L A GENT S. Braxiolx o ffi oo, Albany, Oreg-on, J. C. MEXDEXH AI.l,, - - Agent. GENERAL LAND AGENCY FOR OREGON. Estnllisl:cd July, 18C3. An oflice where gcucral iuformslion concerning the resources of Oregon can be obtained free of charge Loans negotiated on first Mortgage, Real Es tate aud Collateral Securities. We -have for sale a large amount of property located in the town of Albany. Also, Faruiiu !:inds, of every des cription, located in Linn tud other counties in this State. To the citizens of Albany and vicinity, and to the owners nf Real Estate: We take this method of calling your attention to our place of busi ness. Having determined to open a Branch Of ficio in your city, wo can offer von a medium for obtaining purchasers ono that is appreciated by buyers, as it saves thoin much time and labor in searching for what tbey want- Our principal Agency, at Portland, Oregon, is thoroughly es tablished, and the office so well furnished forgiv ing information upon Ileal Kstate, that it affords the most complete facilities for nil parties baring business in onr line. J&iT Yon incur no expense in placing your property on sale with as unless a sale is made. ... Oraee on First street, opposite Post-Office. JOHN C. MKNDKNIIALL, Agent. '; Albany, Ogn., March 23, 1870. 2 9 If. STITZEL A UPTON, R E A I, ESTATE BRO KERS, . J. C. MKNDKNIIALI., Agent, Office First st opposite Post Office, Albany, Ogn. HAVE for sale in ihe city of Albany, a desira ble Homestead,. LoU 1, 2, 7 and 8, corner Third, Fourth and his worth Blrects, one if the best localities in the city. - A good one and ihalf itory bouse, with all other conveniences. i-rplT to . J, C. MENDKNIIALL. Agent, Albany, Oregon W 0 fl. 0 M W r1 M 0 S 0 t4 H (8 fi 2 Q 0 fi fi 0 0 5 PS 0 0 A d m H 0 0 0 M .fi o s f! fa u - e ' 2 "3 is S S w 9i fa O sfi - . ft or fa a IS S u e. fa e. s mm . 9 ' U a H 9m tk O ' o H fa s S rg fa U o s S a J3 CO H PS w o o PC, w E-t ALBANY ADVERTISE5IENTS. L. CBKADtl!, SI. CHBABLE, Front-st., Albany, Ogn. f 120 Clay-st., San traa- , Cisco, caiuornm. R. Clieadle & Co.. Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Groceries and Meaeral Mercftandis&l Ant . - f . FORWARDING & COMMISSION IHEItCIIAlVrS. MARK GOODS ; - ; Care of ... ' . I. O., Albany, Oregon ; ar H.' C, Saa Francisco, CaJ. Liberal advances made oa cenklgumeut. ' ' .- U0TICZ TO SHIPPERS. I INTEND DOING A General Commission Business . IN" SIV FRANCISCO, for the purpose of selling All Kinds of Produce that may be ccaiigneJ to me to sdL LiMAit ciii:aii.e, j3Ll.Jza,-rx-sr9 Ox gou Will receive and attend to a'l orders oa me t b tilled is Ban Francisco. ' oct-5tf R. CIlRADtE. GOODS RECEIVED BV ESvery Steam ox which will be sold fr CASII-or TRADK. 'si . o a w es o i-3 CO S -W.'.s o CO - 2 SJBSl C a Ot 8 o H o e xs ... as Si O 4 EH 8 CO - u r 0 H 0 A to E3 S 6a a e a 3 ca e 0 s - Sa h bs s et P. e K fi to s Q Ph - 2 g at O 5- S 2 H a w s n . ' S5 : r, I. tn CJ g H i. -o a 8 3 : ts a b b C V2 w fi r H as- '.'ft H w O 5 r 1 fi -. w ' B . - ts r fa ta. et c .-ts .9 u - fa & P. ' fa - - w fa - Si f ta ' Admlniatrator'a Sale. PURSUANT TO AN ORDER Of TUB ' County Court of Linn eonnty, Oregon, made at the October term, 1870-. in Probate, in the mat ter of tlie relate of - Morris Howell, deceased, I will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the Court House door in Albany, Linn county, Oregon, between the houra of 9 o'clock A.. M. and 4 o'clock P. M., on " , Saturday, NoTeinbaf 19, 1870, the following described real property, situated in. the town of Lebanon, in said county, and belong, ing to the estate of said Morris Howell, cloreased. to-wit : - Lots Nob. 3, ', ? and. 8, iu block No. 9. Tckh or Rale. Gold coin, one-balf in band and the remainder in six months, secured by not at twelve per cent, interest. . t . W. U1LLARD, October 21, 18?0-7w4 Admr. Brick ! Xlrick t , i THIS UNDERSIGNED HAS A OUAKTITT of Brick for rata in Albany, and is also pre pared to do all kinds of Brick-layiur on abort notice and in the Terr beet manner. '8 B. W. CUNDIFF.. WHEAT WANTEDS' ' AT'. Sixty Cent! per Bushel in trade, or on Book account, For all that may be o life red oct9 5 K. C1IEADLK. Incorporated : t : 183i. - TUBOLDEST PURELY LIFE INSURANCE CO. IN THE UNITED STATES Governed by the Massachusetts Lapse ... Law. No person, after carefully examining this l.l, will forego the adrantage of insuring in this Com pany. New England Mutual Life Insurance Company Or BOSTON. $fi,oo,ooo oni ; C73.0OO 00 . 620,673 ti 760,197 480,S3t 0 4,000. COO HO 4,200,000 00 ' Purely 3-J"xi.-tix,l. - It was chartered in 1835, and iu enviable bta tory, daring twenty-six years' active operation baa thoroughly established its reliability. Its Record Stands as Fllows i Cash assets, January, 1870.. Cash Dividend, 186(1 Cash Dividend of 1867. Cash Dividend, 186S Cash Dividend, lWC.U Total suiplus dividend. Total Losses paid By tbe Acts of Massachusetts. locomtra(ed into tbe General Statutes of 1804, a policy of life insu rance for the benefit of a Married IVomom or saw perton or perioni tpecified, goes to tbem indupend- I ,.r T v.. l , : . i . i . - . . vi uu Msuiiiuci oi iqc party woo effects tbe Policy. ... , Dividends of this Company aro pii Annually to tbe Assured, in Cash. Tbe NEW ENGLAND is the only Massachu setts Company doing business on the facias- : Coast, aud therelore the only Company governed by the equitabla Massacbuetts Lapse Law- Example showiDg- th Workinrs oftbia LAW ;-,..-;-:. PLAN ORDINARY LIPE. For example : A party ensuring at the age of thirty-live. Premiums all Ch. . One Anuual Premium will continue polliy In ferco J years and 3 days. Example: Premiums all Cash A (re. 35 1 rianv Ten-Year Endowment, payable at the age of 45. One Annual Premium will continue policy in rr as a Term Policy, 7 years. ? If you wisb to make it absolutely certain that not a dollar of tbe money yon inTest will ever bo . forfeited Insure In the New England. If you wish to get your dividends with be eeeond annual payment, and annually inorcssioa: on the eontrii utioo plan, that is to get just what is yours ao more and no less, and just when it . is due Insure in. the New England. NO STOCKHOLDERS IN THIS CO- Its bufinesa in Lion county in the last year and a half, exceed tbat of allotbc Companies combined. EVERSON & M1DDLEMISS, GENERAL AGENTS. : i SAN FRANCISCO. s. m. xroluDREoas, 102 Front-St., Portland, Agent for Oregon aadi - Washington Territory. ' , JAMES ELK INS, ' 49 Asentfor Albany, Oira. A BAR?AIX. "A BARGAIN CAN BE HAD IN THfc Stock and Business of tbe Vrwg Store la Brownsville, Oregon- Tbe undersign!, wish in to change bit buaineea, will dispose vf bs atoaku. . on easy terms. , , . r , Apply by letter or at tksr rtnm aT:" TETEft HTJME An;. 20,1970-VM) Brownsvillo, Oga. ' : 'J.