V. S. Official Paper for Oregon. r SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1870. The Snake river mines aro paying well according to recent reports. Recently a little son of Mr. Barnes, of Iloseburg, fell from a horse and broke his arm. Count Von Bcust.the Austrian Prime Minister, is a Protestant. " The Episcopal church of Iloseburg, a neat edifice, has Dot been open for service but twice ii three- years. All the convicts in the Idaho Territo rial Prison made their escape on the 17th. There were thirteen of them. "Vermont is bragging over a man whose beard is )burjfee long: Poh ! That's nothing. Beard, the artist, is nearly six feet long. : i Republicans carried Louisiana by 30, 000, while the Democrats did the same in Kentucky a ,:stund off." As the Legislature of Arkansas is Re publican, Democrats will please leave it out of their next pyramid. The Ensign says the old Court House sold for 75. The new building will seat about 700 people. In the New Jersey Legislature the Republicans have ten majority on joint ballot. Four of the five Congressmen elected are Republicans. Nevada has elected, according to . latest statements, a Democratic Governor and State officers, and a Republican Legislature. According to the papers a Court House out south will seat six or seven hundred people two stories high. A large build ing, truly. The Legislature having failed to make an appropriation for its benefit, the Poit land Immigration and Aid Society will soon wind up. A telegram from Washington dated Nov. 22d, says the latest gossip is that Hen Butler is to be appointed Secretary of State. The Salem Statesman of the 22d an nounces the death of the wife of Dr. Davenport, at Waldo Hills, on last Sun day, of small pox. It is chronicled that a youngster com mitted suicide at Hannibal, Mo., recent ly, because his father received the Deni ocatic nomination for Congress. The Indiana Legislature is composed : Senate, 26 Republicans, 24 Democrats; House, 47 Republicans, 53 Democrats. Thus the Republicans have the Govern or and one branch of the Legislature. The last member of the Shasta Indian tribe, says the rcka 'Journal, was Ic ill ed in that city recently. A bullet through the head of said Indian done "his business." On the 18th instant, the daughter of Henry Smith, of Wolf Creek, Josephine county, aged about eighteen, committed suicide by blowing out her brains with a pistol. No cause assigned. Anna Dickenson says "there is no work a man can do but that will be better done by having a woman at his side" and she might have added, "and its much more 'pleasanfer doing." - The letter from our correspondent from Salem in this issue was intended for kst week, but arrived just after we had gone to press. However it is interest ing, and we hope our correspondent will keep up his lick. The Jacksonville Sentinel says that Robert Hargadine, of Ashland, has pur chased 200 Angora goats, proposing to give them a trial in that section of coun- i try Their long coats of fleecy, white hair are much prized, and command 81 per pound in San Francisco. The Bunker Hill Gazette says that taxes this year in Illinois will only be about one-half what they were last year, i Illinois 'has been in the hands of the Republicans for" yearsT This, then, is the difference between "Radical" and Democratic rule the former lessens and the latter increases the burdens of the people. . " The Democratic party is now and al ways has been opposed to "monopolies." You will scarcely be able to pick up a Democratic paper that has not more or less bombast and higbfalutin in relation to "corrupt monopolies." And being teetotally and everlastingly opposed to 1I kinds of "monopoly," the Oregon Leg islature passed what it is pleased to term MA bill to .protect Litigants," which is simply giving a "monopoly" of legal ad vicrtiswg to Democratic papers. Any. ttung more outrageoas In the"monopoIv" line was never enacted. The beantiesof Democracy, as exhibited by the action of the majority in the late Legislature, in crease with as. The agony is over and Spain at last is provided with a King. The great body of the people still favor the monarchical form of government, else the Cortes, which was elected for the special purpose of deciding as to the form of government, would not have elected the Duke d'Aosta, by an overwhelming vote, their future King. The people of Spain had an undoubted right to select such form of government as best pleased them, or to commission certain persons to choose for them ; and the latter course of action having been adopted, the result is' Spaiu is to have a King for ruler. Spain had the opportunity offered her to take a po sition among the first peoples of the earth, to rise out of the "Slough of Despoud" where she has lain for centuries ; but she has willfully thrown it away. ! If the country is not visited by a terrible and devastating civil war, caused by factions in the conflicting interests of Dou Carlos, Montpcnsier, Prince of Asturias, Isabella and the Republic, present indications go for nought. Had a Republic been se lected, Spain would have had a .-table government and peace, uuder the influ ence of which her people would have grown rich and prosperous. By the selection which she has made she ugaiu invites revolution and anarchy. TUe salaries paid to city officers by the Democratic aduiini&tration of the city of Detroit amount to more than 26,000, whiio the salaries paid by the Republican government to the officers of the State of Michigan amount to just 67,000. The salary of a single city officer, the Con troller, is nearly three times as great as that of the Governor. Only another exhibition of the "re trenchment and economy" so fervently and urgently insisted upon by the De mocracy. Isn't it strange that, although Democratic orators and papers are etern ally preaching economy aud retrench ment in the public expenses, yet the moment they obtain the power they find that salaries are not bijr eoousrh for Dem ocrats, and taxes are entirely too light for the good of the people, and conse quently salaries arc increased and taxes advanced soiretiroes doubled and thrib- blod ? Forjrowisesthe Democratic party never had its equal but for fulfillment of 6 worn pledjres, it is troubled with a forgetful ness deyond all precedent. In a recent speech at Jacksonville, ac cording to the St titinel, Hon. Jas. D. Fay accused Messrs. Burnett and Wells of possessing an uncommon desire for "chicken pie" during the session of the late Oregou Legislature ; so strong and ungovernable, indeed, was their appetites, that they actually did gobble up 2,000 worth each. At least this was the in feretice from Mr-. Fay's remarks. This charge would seem to indicate that there was some little corrujitiim in the Demo cratic party of Oregon. These confes sions of the Democratic leaders, although late in the day, may yet open the eyes of the people to therot ten ness and corrup tion existing in this party of "time hon ored principles." m General George B. Maxwell, the Gentile candidate for Congress from Utah Territory, who was defeated by the Mormon, William II. Hooper, does not propose to let the matter rest where-it is Maxwell is a profound hater of the Mor mon ideas of polygamy aud union of Church and State, and being a lawyer by profession, proposes a contest for the seat clained by Hooper. He bases his contest on several grounds (probably made necessary by the fact that Hooper's majority was more than 21,000, in a poll of 25,000). Among others, the illegali ty of the female Mormon vote': fraud and force in the casting of Mormon votes : and that Hooper is disqualified un der the Fifteenth Amendment, because he is a Mormon. Congress will have a nice question to decide when Maxwell vs. Hooper is reached. The decision ill involve the question of bow far a citizen of the United States -becomes disqualified from holding office by the practice of polygamy, in violation of law. From the Boise City Statesman of No vember 17th, we learn that all the" con victs confined jo the Territorial Prison at Idaho City escaped on the night of November 15th. They overpowered the keepers at half-past six o'clock, locked them securely in the cells, then gathered all the arms and ammunition, and about ten days' rations apiece, and fled. Sheriff Brittain and Jeff. Howell, his Deputy, reached Boise City- early Wednesday morning, and obtained from J:ort Boise a squad of soldiers to go va pursuit of the runaways, .there were thirteen in all, of whom two or three were iii for life, and me rest tor from one year up to fifteen years' terms. - The trial of Tom Wathered, foi mur der, was progressing in the District' Court, Boise City, on the 17th. i vaptam Bledsoe writes that the Snake river mines are paying well. His own claims are rich. Salem Letter. Salem,.Nov. 17, 1870. En. Register: Other than an item from the Boaid of Health, there is but little of note in aud around Salem. There is at present an unusurl dullness in busi ness matters, aud a miserable desponden cy is depicted on the features of would-be-smiling countenances of our citizens, occasioned by the outbreak cf a contagious disease known by some as the "Democratic Scab," from the fact that it is the prevailing opinion that it had its origin in the debris of the last Oregon Legislature. .But it would be hard for me to harbor such an opinion since Gov. Grover vetoed their inuumfrable swamp land and China school bills, leaving the eight mad dog laws passed by the legis lature of -two years ago, and published in almanac form, practically uuehauged ; aud furthermore our City Fathers assert that the first scut preseuted is known to have invaded the person of a City Moth- Latest War News. Tours, Nov. 19. The Prussians at Chatillon were surprised and all killed or taken prisoners by Garibaldi. The Prussians claim successes at Mont rucdy and Chanveucy. French loss se rious. A fight had occurred in the Depart ment or Aisne. Losses equal on both sides. General Manteuffel is marching to ward Amicus. The Army of the Loire, uuder Palla dines, was met and baffled by the Duke of Necklenburg, and has retired south ward. London, Nov. 20. Gladstone's im prudence in writing to the Times is dc nounced in diplomatic circles. Article ninth of the March Treaty is considered a barrier to war. A St. Petersburg correspondent says a Russian fleet will koou appear in the Dardanelles. The World correspondent has inter viewed a member ot the Jintish Govern- j ineut, who says there will be uo combi- j nttion of Powers against Russia, and - says France is powerless : Prussia con- Sagacity of a horse. An Ohio paper tells the following good story : "An old family horse that has been running at will through the streets and commens lost one of his shoes, when with the intelligence of a human being, ho walked up to the blacksmith shop where he had been shod for the last twenty years, aud to the best of his ability asked the smith lo shoo him, by raising his foot and stamping the ground. The smith being busy, drove him away several times during the day, and thought nothiug of it. The following morning on goiug to the shop be found the old horse at the door ; again he drove, him off, but the horse came back, and enter ing the shop, walked up to the anvil, and there raised his foot, thus attracting the particular notice of the smith, who examined the foot, and, finding it worn off to the "quick," kindly picked up an old horse shoe, and fittiug it to his foot, ua:!ed it on ; when the grateful animal, frisking his tall by way of thanks, trotted offcoutented'y." ef (politically speaking), a mohogany uives with Russia; Italy is unwilling; colored female with a beaver aroma. Now, after diligent study of both views, I confess my inability to render a satis factory opinion, further than that dairy men are in loss haste than formerly to bring in butter, even though it has as sumed the formidable price of 37 to 50 'cents per pouud. The public schools are closed, aud at oue time it was the intention to have the church doors closed against the lovers of holy worship, but by further investiga tion it was found to be unnecessary, as they had no congregations at best. Sa loons and theatres remain in statu q", the moral of which proves conclusively that men can live without religion if they have a sufficiency of whisky. Last Friday, after the usual chapel ex ercises were had, the Faculty of the lite rary deportment of the Willamette Uui vcrsity announced that the school was dismissed till further news could be ob tained from the small pox wards. Yel low flags are floating at many places in the city, and the disease seems spread ing gradually, but as yet has not assumed a very grave typo. There have been but few deaths a small child died yester day. More Axon. Was there ever such another series of extraordinary coincidences in one family as t! is : George Hazard was born i-i Austria i conservative, and thut Gran. ! 'U , ' ' Anolua ville's letter docs not mean war. j iJ?za'u' s"u Ueorgo, was V Vnifk- Vni- -T -..H-.,:ni : norii in couui iviugsion, luarcn , liDj; dispatch announces that the three Pi us- "I !vf ter l '.ard, eldest son of Thomas sian armies under tire Duke ot Meckleu- i Wils Loru ln South Kingston, March 3, burg, General Von Dei Taun aud Prince ! 1,03 Cristophcr G. C. Hazard, eldest Frederick Charles have efiected a juno- j b,Vve was bora . 1H -NcwPorf' tion, and the whole force are now actinir I -arca !- upon oCensivc agaiust General Palladints I Aiuiy ot the Loire, supposed to b retreatin-r bemud Orleans. The Prus NE W AD VE RTISEM EN1S. WAR! WAR I WAR ! WAR TO THE KNIFE, AND KNIFE TO THE HILT ! NEW TO -DA Gen. Iligii Price Killed. Gen. Trust Mortally "Wounded." BUT REMEMBER That you can buy all kinds of GROCERIES PROVISIONS FOR CASH, CHEAPER :AT (the young man from Wisconsin) Grocery Store, than any place in Albunv. For M. PEARSON still Uvea, and is always ready to BUY, E1.L, SWAP Oil DICKER. : .TO.' PJ&A.RSOIV, n;v2G-12 At Gbcadlc's old stand. -A Quaker's Horse. When Second Indian Cavalry Repimcut the was of ,., . - .- I i originally recruited, it was in want oi sian army is now wovinjr soutnward. and , - . , ' . , , . . inr.nr M.,f..- l .-i . i i . horses, which the Kovernment could not Ueneral iVlanteunel, who was ordered to i ' , operate against the northern line of For- i 1 1 J ,. , , " titled cities, has retrograded and is now ! lj,an." nppll to among others, to murchin? west to join hi the attack upon ! fh. a hors,e for he ood, caU8C l the Army ot the Loire. which it was known he was heart and London, Nov. 21. The Impendence I s.ouI f!,uVot,c,J ; "''"P replied to 1.1.,. ? ..;!.. .... ... i the clynel : -I hou knoivest we are op- Eastern miestion. rmrr-ssn f..nr .W Psed " principle to war; but those five Sewing: itlacliiiic Agrcsicy. i r 1IIE ROOM ADJOIKTXO M. PEARSOX'S I i Grocery Store bus becu neatly fitted up by Miner it Poarson, for tho purpose of exhibiting for sale the I . Buckeye Shuttle Sewing Machine! t!:e only hiw-priccd licensed sewing machine that makes the genuine "lock tituh," and which is sold fr $2 o. Warranted to do all kind of work, on fine or carso good?, as well as auy machine in the market. Ladies rc requested to call and examine the Cuckeyo machine bel'oro pure-basing elsewhere. Everybody buys the Buckeye Sowing Machine in pro IV re nee to any other, who does i;ot first go to agents, Fcliini; bogm or hij;h-priecd machines, for advice, aud sufler themselves to be imposed upon. Come and see for yourself. MIXER fc PEARSON, . General Ajenis for the Slate of Oregon. the the ear the war is euevitable, aud that n Great Powers will have armies in field before the 1st ol' Jauuary. Vienna, .ov. 21. 1 he excitement here concern in?: the Eastern horses in youdtr meadow are mine, aud if one is niii?ed in the ritt inquire about it. moi uing 1 shall be allowed. Agents wanted in every town and county in t'io State, to whom a liberal commission will uov2li-12 The President is busily engaged in Ail Ictierd uiroclod to .MINER & PEARSON, Albunv, Oregon. 'JUCbtlOll ; TAT-r n-i 1-1 rr liiij nccirm f.-v ( itnrrra.o is unabated. Jt is believed that the i 1 1 - moral support, at least, ot the fJnited j EEOWMSVILLE. Slates will be thrown in favor of Russia, i A. Wheeler, dealer in fancy and et:ipl Dry Tho London I'o&t deoies that Italy has ' Hood. Hats, rioihins. Roots and Shoe, tirocc- refused to join ICngland and Austria iu T ri' s. Crockery, Hardware, lion and Steel, Wagou Timber, Plow?, Agricultural Implement?, etc., etc. Motto ".mall profits and quick returns." The iditor of a paper in Nebraska, who affisred a premium for the largest water Melon left at his office, has been supply iog tho Omaha market with those vege tables all summer, besides boarding his kaods on the fruit. The Rosebug Ensign of Nv. 19th says : Last Christmas eve a gold watch was stolen from the residence of Mr Am brose, in Yoncalla. Tho thieves were pursued at the time, caught and search ed, but the watch was not found on either of them. Last week it was picked up in the gateway leading out to the stage road in front of the house where, likely, the thief had dropped it in runuing. The French blocicado seems to have affected the merchants of North Ger many in some degree, notwithstanding its inefficiency. A very large number of failures are reported from Danzig and other cities of the Baltic. The Litigant Act. The laic Leg islature passed a law 4ifor the protection of litigauts," which authorizes the Gov- j ernor to designate iu each county a paper in which all legal advertising must be dt-ue. Or, in other words, a law to com pel Republicans to patronize Democratic newspapers. As Democrats are not the most noted of all people iu the world for their literary propensities, Democratic newspaper offices have sometimes had to be closed up in Oregon on account of insufficient support. This fact 'made it apparent that some step should be taken to insure them a more liberal support. Therefore it is now the law of the State that the Governor can tell you although a Republican office may be owing you three times the amount of the printing you want done, and the chance3 be against your ever fretting a cent to :- go to a Democratic office and get your print ing done and pay your money for it. : A law to compel every Republican iu the State to take a Democratic uewspaper Would be about as respectable as this, and if the late Legislature had passed' such a law it would not have surprised us a particle. Eugene Journal. The Mayor of Palaiscu, France, has been executed by the Prussians. His house was occupied by half a dozen" of the enemy's officers, who cause to settle the terms of a requisition.- Art alterca tion ensued, and the Mayor, Dr. Morere, an old man of seveuty-five, losing his temper, drew a revolver and fired off six barrels at the officers, wounding four of them badly. The other two siezed the Mayor, who was summarily tried -and shot within an hour. . The London Telegrttph thinks . that "Count Bismark and all the soldierlike and statesmanlike heads of the Father land are naturaly anxious for peace. They see that if the war does not stop at once it may last all the Winter, and, whatever may be the result, inflict serious loss on Germany. Under these circum stances English neutrals may profitably place a few plain, practical considerations before the German people." I3its. The San Francisco Call goes after the "bit nuisance" vigorously. It says : "There is no good reason why the la borer or any other man in San Francisco should pay fifteen cents as he must, it he has only a quarter of a dollar to pay with for what costs the dealer one cent, and is sold for two cents in New York and Chicago." There is a great deal of sense in what the (Tall saya. The short bit arrange ment is a nuisance and should be abol ished. Yallejo Recorder. . The Lancet, good medical authority, says it is the fact, although a curious one, that of the passengers in a train which met with a terrible accident lately, all, or Tery nearly all, who were asleep at the time escaped nature's anesthetic in suring them not onlv against fractures and contusions, and even against the bad effects of shasing and concussion. exposition to Prusnia. Rrl'ssei.s, Nov. 21. The Belgian troops have been recalled to positions occupied before the war. The frontier is still well guarded. It is rumored that General Von Der Tauu has been removed. London, Nov. 21.- It is rumored that Gentian vessels are blockaded by French at Yaruioth. Versailles, Nov. 21. The Paris ians are much disheartened. Nine companies of French attempted to relieve La Ferte, but were driveu back beyond the Oise river by the Prussians. A sortie immediately tilter irotu the loit was also repulsed. 'Moltke has. probably changed his plans, all the forces are concentrating towards Pari.-i. London, Nov. 21. Private dispatches received in Tours says an armistice has beeu agreed upon. iJcrliti dispatches s:iy that I'aris is dis posed to 3"ield. Ken;! I Head ! j fimiE POST OfTICE AT LEBANON WILL JL he open for the delivery o mails from cipht o clock to nine in tho morning on Sundays, alter w hich time it will be promptly closed, and will reiuaiu closed until Monday morning. Parties wi.-liin" mail mutt come during the mail hnne or they iciV not Le accommodated. S. 11. CLAL'OHTON, P. M. Lebanon, November 2i, 1S70-12-4W l'UULIC SALE. IfcUnSjUAST TO OKDEll OF TIIH CIR cuit C urt of the .Vtate of Oregon for Linn county, jt the Oct bcr Term, 1S70, the following real property of the estate of Lewis Churchill, dee'd, late of said county, will he sold at public outcry, to tho highest bidder, at the Court House door in the city of Albany in said coun'y, ou j Saturday, the 31st of December next, viz : Fractional N. r.sl.'of the N. V.'. ,r. of See. ;2, and email fraction in S. V. corner rf S. W. qr. of ec. 21), Tp. 12 .S. 11. 3 'V.'. of Willamette M., containing y C.100 acres more r le-. Also Ir.te tn.mil part of Lot No. 4, Eloek No. 10. in t!ie j ihl eity of Albany, having a lr. ntage of t'oit 011 front rtivct, -.Mi!im-U!-iiig 25 feet froiii the N. j E. corner of said 111 k, and a Vptu of It 0 feet. to-;lK'r w:.!i the improvements lhcr.ou the I same In ing s:.jfct to c'owcr. I 'i'KUMS t;.ht l oill uf , V. 3 bnlf in !.l f-oo-l ana i-v.i- ,,,..1 r ; , , . r .... ... . . . . won-.-"!! l,,lvtr ln r'-hc.v.ng c.,r.j , .,,,. ,, ,.,... ,,. ,,.,,..-.. ! Hy or ier of c.u:-f. " " tllR'AED It. .:EAIk. j November "4, ISTo-liiv 1 lto!cr.-e.' AGENTS WANTED. Just Out. UACROI T'S TEW 1IIAP OF THE PACIFIC STATES, California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, . Nevada, Utah, Arizona, B. Columbia, Alaska. Elegantly engraved on copper and colored In counties. Fifth edition, thoroughly revised and brought down to date 1870. It shows b great Overland Kailroad, also the proposed Norther and Southern I'aciiio Railroads and their connec tions ; also all Itailroads completed and projected in California and Oregon. Upon the tamo sheet, on a less scale are too maps of Alaska, and a complete Kailroad map of tho United States. No other map can compare with this edition in fullness of detail, and beauty and accuracy of lt topography. An enterprise of such magnitude and importance as this large and elegant copper plate map, in order to bo properly appreciated, should be in every office, scbool-bouse and dwell ing. Those wishing as agency should pply Im mediately for terms, to 10w A. L. BANCROFT 4 CO., Publishers; 721 Market street, San Francisco, Cal. Dlscrlptlre Li.-.t CITY I'llOPEIlTY FOR SALE! STITZEL & UPTON, Real Estate Scalers, Albany, Ogn. I'Oll Till U T Y Y E A K S Hiif Unit wf ll-knovrn, standard, and impulur rem- i'AIMf KrLLKR, manufacture-! by Perry I) ivi-s Son, I'ro-i-:,(., .t been bcf-'ic the pii!-lie, and ia that time ha- b-.-eom known in all palt.-: of the world, an 1 been used by people of li i;:itiot:s. It remains, fo-tbiy, that i-.tme eient ifnit toe most severe pain hn never bo?n enualeii. Mid it has earned it world-wide popularity by its in-trin.-te merit. No ei:i:it;ve airent bar1 had so wrie read a!e or ;-ii e:i sin h universal satisfaction. The various ills f r v. bieb the Vain Killer in an ! unfailing cure, are. too well known to require rc- I CITY OF ALBANY : Lot 3, block fl Oood bouse. Lots 3 mnd 4. " 2 unimproved. Lots 1, 2, 7, 8, " 19 Good house and stable. Lots a and 0, " 2 Good bouse. Lots 5 and , 130 " Lots 1 , 2 and 3, " 0 house sod two stables. 9 Lots " 60 " " i " (Plenty of excellent fruit a desirable homestead Lots 6 aud 7, " 24 Good bouse. Let 1, " 14 " " Lot 8, 14 " " Lots 2 and 3, " 3 and stable. 3 Lots ' 44 " " " Lot 7. 105 " " " Lot 4. " 3 " ' - Lots 3 and 4, 20 , r Lots " 10 " 9 Lots " CO nniuiproved cheap. Lois 3 and 4, " 5 desirable lots. , Lot 4, 1 IS box house., 7 4 aeres good timbered land, one mile from Albany, in Benton county. Ten Homestead Lot. A acres each, mile north of Albany Ferry, at $12 each. For particulars npply to J. C. MBXOEXIIALL, Ileal f.state Agent, OHiee in Parrish Briik, Albany, Oregon. 40 MV. SAUK'S CAT AURA REMEDY. 77r B.Jr a!e at Settlemeir's Drug !tore. Price. bOo per package. 10-vJ aTk"'! 9 Settlcueir's I'rug .Storo, vis : I'evoe's Coal Oil, bv the ruu...... 75 cljS gal. Lard Oil, retailed at.... $2 12J " " Aid evtrvthing else in proportion. lOv.l . F. SETTLEMEfR. ESarg;ii5 OfiVred ! A live hours' Cll'-aenfetlt took I.lace- enpitn! ili.oi in thi? advcitbem-nt. As an exter- j ar Met2, with equal loss oa Loth I "?.'". a!-' Medu-mo, the Pa:n K:ller stand , "BnOM AXD AFTER THIS DATE I WILL 1 . 1 ' unrivaled. E' sell mv entire et.lt r Id by all i t, . .. . rnov iii-y u-aaas, mcr uooas, uiotnins. DC sides It is reported thut llussia lias nine '. iroD-elad.s at Nicolacf drawino- less than" eighteen feet of water. l'russia will urge an aiuicab'Iu settle meat. riHIKOLfXK The best thing ever oflered to the public for eralu aiinjr rninse spots from silks, cleaning kid gloves, ite. Trv ir. For sal by flUv. il. K SKTTI.EMKIR.. THE GEEAT BLOOD PURIFIER. lireetions accompany- eaeh bottle. Dni-.'sits. Price 2.1 cts., ;'.0 cts. nut! $1 per-hoit'c lit ll er claims Russia is williug to sub to a Congress. Tho l'opo at Home has ordered every church to be closed during the visit cf King Emanuel to that city. Washington, D., C, Xov. 21. A S A dispatch from 1'ekiD, via London, announ ces the arrival of Reward and party there, all well. They will proceed to Calcutta, Bombay atid the Ten-ian (Julf. Tho agent of the Alaska l-'ur and Seal Company was at the Treasury' .Depart ment to-day, and informed the Secretary that the Company was endevoriug to obtain possession and coutrol of Copper and Behrings Island?, with a prospect of receiving possession of the islands. WILtlAIVI DAVIDSON, Office, So. Oi Front Street. PORTLAND ... - OREtSON. Cost I EEAE, ESTATE DSALEK. Special Collector cf Claims, Two young people of Maoon, Ga , of whom n is prophesied that their married liio would prove one or continued mis fortune if united in tho light of day, late- y a i? I!, n,a8'te midnight and had the ceremony performed by lanip- lisrht. "The rose that all Heroes. are praising It now appears that the "boue sweat ers" no longer sell the fat from the horses to soap boilers, because the cheap butterinakers offer better prices for it. The Princess Louise is to have an American brothcr-in law, which will be handy in case of a divorce being wauted. It is still a matter of doubt as to who has been elected Lieutenant Governor of Aevada, so close is the election. JJy the latest showing, which ig indefinite or con trary in some of its figures, the Demo- t crats claim the election of Denver, by nineteen votes, wji-tle tho Kcpublieans claim that Siingei land has been elected with a majority of ten. The result can only be determined by an official count. Jarsr amount cf CITY and EAST PORT LAND Property l'r Sale. Also. IMPROVED FAIi.MS. and valuable nn eultivated LANDS, located iu all parts of the State. Investments in REAL ESTATE nnjl other PROPERTY, made for correspondents. CLAIMS of all description promptly collected HVUtSES nnd STOItES leased. All hindi of Financial and General Agency busi ness f r.inaeteil. Parties having FA KM PROPERTY for sa'c will please fiirui.ih i!es ription-of tho same to the A J ENTS OF THIS OFFICE, in each of tho princiiml CITIES and TOVv NS of this STATE. r.iune i rro-tf. to close out. There is uo miste.ke about this, as I am determined to close out entir.ly n thue line, and will positively et.ll at Crsi coat. X. U. AH persons knowing tin myelvcs indebt ed to me, arc requested to maKu inline. ii.ile pay ment. All accounts due aud unsettled 30 daya from this date, will he put ia tlio hau ls of in ofliecr for collcciioii. Thia ii pe.pi ive, as I mean ousinj-.j-s. Nor. P.), To ll 3. tlUADWOUL. ATTENTION. NKW TO-DAY. The Glen wood (Iowa) Opinion says: "A Democrat 6tepped- up to the pulls lately, and asked for a Deinocritic ticket, lie was informed that there were none. A by stander handed him a Republican ticket. He said he couldn't go anything with Republican on it; took out'a peticit and drew H through the detectable name at the head of the ticket (Republican), and uepositcd the ticket in the ballot-- bos." Kevenuf. Divisions. 3Ir. Thos. Frazar, U. S. Revenue Assessor for the District of Oregon, furnishes the Orego nian the following as the re-division of this Internal Revenue District, with the names of the Assistant Assessors, num ber of the divisions, address of the Assis tant Assessors, etc. ; 1. F. W. Jolsom, Eugene City. Di vision Lane, Douglas, Josephine, Jack, son, Coos and Curry counties. 2. T. B. Odeneal, Corvallis Linn, Denton, Marion, Polk and -Yamhill..; 3. A. II. Morgan, Portland Multno mah,"' Clackmas, Washington,. Clatsop, Tillamook and Columbia. 4. il. V. Cardwell, Dalies Wasco, Grant, Umatilla, Baker and Union. There aro nt present in the Michigan University 27 female students, 15 of whom are students of mcdicino and one of law. The law student is a Miss Kill goose of Indiana. Rather suggestive name for a lawyer. A leading factory at Anderson, Indi ana, blew up, November 16th, killing four men and wounding five or six. This space ia reserved for E. W. PIKE, who hadn't ttnio to write out his ad. this week, hut will tell all ho has to show or sell next week. ;. I havo only time to way now that I nave ft largo assortment of Hooks, Ptationory, Musical Instru ments, Sliect Music, Periodicals, Newspapers of oil descriptions, tlold Pens. tc. Ac. fi. W. HIKE, In Hill's Hrick, First street. Albany, Oregon, Nuvcmhcr 24, IS70-12 .J. (I I.W THOlCiYTOrV, i TTOUNEY AND COUNSELLOR. AT LAW rSL Office No. 1 l.Firet street, between Mor rison and Alder, opposite tho Occidental Hotel, Portland, Oregon. Will practice in the Superior and Inferior Courts of the State, and in tho District and Cir cuit Court of the United States, giving special at tention to the collcctioo-of debts in all parts of Oregon, aud to obtaining discharges in liank ruptey, which, since the last amendment to the law, may be obtained from all debts contracted prior to January 1st, 1SGU, without regard to tho per ceotage which the aseetts ma v finally par. November 2, 187012v3y U3ERS0NS WISHING GOODS AT BAlt B gains, fir Cash or Trade, should give us a call and seo f .r themselves, ns we will give great inducements fcr the next Sixty Days, ou all goods on hand now. Nov. 13. 1H70. . CIIEADLK .t CO. . Take It'ot.cc.' 4 LL PERSONS KNOWINtJ THEMSELVES 2, indebted to 11. CIIEADLK A CO., by note or book account, will pl -n.-e settle the same by the 1st of January, lfi;i. liy fo doing they wiil savc costs. .Cf Ca"h or Prudu-e taken in pavment of nccoiu.t or note. ft. CHE A UL IS 4 CO. JCuv. 19. 1S70-11 . " ca SAP FItA,CISCG STOKE! CORXEB rtltST i.vt) TKIIRV STREETS, ALBA N V ....! KCON. Keeps constantly on hand a full assortment of STOVES, POMPS & TINWARE I I will have far salo the celebrated Xxxxi.oxxc3L Kools. cook stove, and other leading styles. Also, manufacture all kinds of Tin, Copper and silieet-Iron Ware, in tho best style, at lowcs't rates, I'OR CASH or COUSTRV PKODUCE. Always on hand a full supply of Tho Purest Wine and Liquors, for Medicinal purposes only. A well selected stock of Groceries ami Crockery ! will always be found at my establishment. I will sell all goods In my housa. for Cash or Produce on delivery, cheaper than ever before offered in this market. SKB- All kinds of repairing done, on short notice, and entire satisfaction warranted, at my Stove aud Tin Store, . Nov. 10-11 JULIUS GRADWOIIL. CHALLENGER THKESUEK Mowers J Iteapers And all kinds of Agricultural Implcm'ts & Machines On hand and (or sale by i May ?s,ro 33 r.LAIN, YOUNf 4 CO., Alhanv, O rn . An Infallible blood pcaitFtCBi. poneaa, imz raro toxic and SEavns proucrtiea a certain cure for aaEiaATlsa. UT, KEvaALGLt, and all kindred Oiaeaaea. It completely restore the system when Im paired by disease, revives the action of tb tIDXEYa mm CBXITAL OBSASa, ladl' cally cures tcaoFi'LA. mlt mausjaa. and all l atrnvE mm cvxAssKOtna Dis eases, gives immediate and permanent relief in DvspErsia. Km-wmtrwcMJiB. Tomors, Boils, Bcald Head. Ulcers and Bona; eradi cates from the system all traces of Mercurial Disease. It Is rcaELV vecetable, bains; Biad from an herb found indigenous In r.ns..i.. It Is therefore peculiarly suitable for bum by Females and Children, as bloob sFVmi FIEBt mm BEBOVATOB. For Sale by all Druggists. . CeEMNOTOW. K03TKTTKK AOO. XOENTS,' C29 and 631 Maxkei StrMt. Ban Franoisos. iJ t fi" 0 & V . LATEST EVIDENCE ! CURE TMAT . COUGH ! USK THE BKST ltKMEDY ! Every day brin-s strons; proof of the great Talus' of this TTJISG- BALSAM. Dr. T. Meredith, Dentist, office No. 132 West Sixth street, states as follows i - Ciscikkati, October 1, 186. Messrs. J. X. HA KRIS CO. Uents t About one year ago 1 took a cold which settled oa my lungs. A violent rough was the- consequence which increased with severity. I expectorated large quantities of phlcgia and matter. Durinjr tho last winter I became so much reduced that I was confined to my bed. The disease was attend ed with cold chills and night-sweats. A diarrhoea set in. My friends thought I was in tbe last stsces of consumption, and could not possibly get well. I was recommeuded to try Allen's JLmng- Balsam Tbe formula was given to me, which induced ns to givo it a trial, and I will only add that my cough is entirely cured, and I am now able to at tend to my business as usual. Yours respectfully, P. MEREDITH. All afflicted with Cough or" any Throat or Lang trouble should use Allen's Lung Balsam without delay. J. N. HARRIS t CO., Sole Proprietors. Cincinnati, Ohio. CAUTIOHT. Do nof ho deceived you who want a good aei. ieiue, and desire "Allent Lung Italmm." Do not ullow unprincipled dealers to sell you a prepara tion called Allen's Pectoral Balsam-sea that tow get ALLEN'S LUNU BALSAM, and you will have the best Cough remedy offered to tas publio and one that will give you satisfaction. FOR SALE BY . REDINGTQN, HOSTETTER & CO.. 62D A 631 Maret-tt., San Fraucisco, Cal., Agents for California and Pacific Stat)a noi5 jr S..M by oil Drugg'sts.-tS-'. 9 Id jr4