interest at tbe rate of seven and ttvee tenths per centum per oanum, and to be redeemable within five yesrs from the date of ia&uej The said certificates not to be of less denomination than fifty dol lars, and to be receivable lor taxes due said corporation to such amount yeaily as 8 id corporation may designate hy Uw; uut, however, to exceed fifty per centum of the Amount due by sny tax payer. And said certificates shall be uod for n other purpose than tbe pay ment of the ascertained indebtedness ol tbe corporation of Washington to (he tilth day of June, eighteen hundred and seventy. Sec. 7. And bi it furlhtr enacted,. That the Sergant-at-arnis of the Senate bB, and be Is hereby ruthorieed and directed to purchase two exhaust faas, one engine, exhaust pipes, and so forth, fur the re moval of the impure air of tbe Senate chamber, and there is hereby appropriat ed the- sum of five thousand dollars to ttarucAse the same, or so much thereof aB may be necessary : Provided, That the improvements be made under th tuper vision of tbe engineer of the Senate, and that jhe Joint Committee on Ventilation be directed to inxuire into the practica cability and expense of making meh al terations iu the Senate chamber and the ball of ebe House of Representatives as will bring said chamber and hall to the exterior of the building. Sic, 8. And be it further enacted, That thaact approved March three, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, making- an ap propriation for the completion of tbe custom house, court house, and post-office building is Keoxville, East Tenner seee, was intended to inclnde and revive, and thall be deemed and held to include and revive all former unexpended appro priations for the same object. Ssc. 9. And be tt further entitled, That the payment for transportation of public stores, provided for in A resolution for the relief ot John E. Reeside," passed by the present Congress, shall be made in accordance with the orders and de csees ot tbe supreme court of the District of Columbia. Sec. 10. And be it further evicted. That t the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby ' nnincriced and required to ascertain, or ' cause to be ascertained, tee amount ef expenses necessarily incurred by tbe ter ritorial authorities of Hoolana for arms and supplies of the volunteer forces cal led out to suppress Indian hostilities in tbe territory of Montana ia the year eighteen hundred and . sixty seven, acd report to Congress at the next session tbe n iiui-s of the persons entitled to relief, together with a statement of tbe facts and sums upou which such report may be baaed. SkC. II. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized 10" pay such persons as were actually employed ia tbe insurrectionary Staiesiu connection with the Treasury Department, office I J of the United States, duiiog the year eighteen hundred and Sixty-five or eighteen hundred : and ix;y six, iu connection with the reve nues of the government, compensation at the rates provided by law lor service ren .-J a k. . . I . suQicient fur that purpose is hereby ap propriated out of any money not other wise appropriated. See. 12. And be it further enacted. That two" hundred and 'twenty-five thousand dollar;, or eo much thereof as may be ne cessary, be, and the same ia hereby, ap propriated to construct a good and sub stantial pier ot Hone or iron in the Dela ware buy, at or near Lewes, in Sussex county, m the State cf Delaware, out of ny money in tbe treasury not otherwise appropriated, and te be expended under the direction cf tbe Secretary of War. Sec. 13. And bo it further enacted. That ct may and snail be lawful for tbe presi dent, directors, and company of tbe Junction aod Breakwater railroad, in tbe State of Delaware, to extend their rail road upoo and over said pier, and freely to use said pier in connection with their said mad, subject to such regulations and charges for maintenance and . repairs as the Secreta-y of War rosy adopt. Sic 11. And be it further enacted. That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby directed to wiihol patents for any portion of the lauds know u as the Black Bob In dian lands iu Kansas, and also to with hold his approval of all transfers of said lands, and to permit peaceable occupancy by all settlers or Indiana now residing thereon, omit further action of Congress in relation thereto, without prejudice to existing rights. Approved, July 15, 1870. Pcatic Wo. 185 AN" ACT making appropriations fur the snpport of the army for the year ending Jon thirty, eighteen baud red and seven cy-oae, and fur other purposes; Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Iteprrtentalive of ttte y niteavtMe ofAmer tea its Congrett Attembled, . . That the lollowiog soma be, and tbe same are hereby, appropriated oat of any moneys in tbe treaxury not otherwise appropriated, for the support of tbe army fur tbe year end inu the thirtieth of J one, eighteen hundred aud seventy -one i For expenses of recruiting- and transporta tion of recruita, for band red and seventy -two thousand dollars. For pay of the army, twelve million nine hundred and thirty ij re thousand three hun dred and ninety dollars. Foe commutation in lie a of forage for offi cer' where the ume are out furnished by the (Jiiarteraiuatas- s Department, two thousand dot lata. ,-, ' for 'payment's to discharged soldier for cIcthiOK uut drawn, two hundred thousand dollars. Aud Use proper accounting officers of sue treasury arc hereby authorized aud re quired to l rainier from any surplus ef the or of the volunteers," not otherwise disposed of by law, such sum as may be sufficient to cover deficiencies iu tbe Oj-propriatieus for payments to discharged soldiers for clothing not drawn, " for the fiscal year ending Juno tairueta, eighteen tisnorej ana Mventy. - Kor subsistence in kind for regular troops and employe es. four million thirteen thou sand nine hundred and seventy-seven dol lars and twenty-two eents. For contingencies of the army, eighty thou sand dollars. For army medical museum, five thousand dollars. For medical and ether necessary works for the library of Surgeon General a "ofHcei three thousand dollars. For expenses of Commanding General's office, five thousand dollars. For expenses of the signal service of the army, live thousand dollars. For reenlar rnpi'lioj of the Onartermaatar'a department. t wits Kor the regular sap plies of the Quartermaster's department, con sisting of fuel fur officers, enlisted men, guards; hospitals, storehouses, and offices; of rorage in kiiiu t r tne noises, moles, and oxen of the Qu .r term aster's department at the several po la and stations, end with the armies in the liel.i, fo the horses of the several rout menu of cavalry, the batteries of artillery, aud such companies ef infantry as may be mounted, aud for tbe authorized number of officers' horses when serving in the field, and of the outposts, including bcddinir for the ani mals ; fnuw for soldiers' bedding; and of stationery, incl-.ilini blatikbtoks for the Quartermaster's department, and fir printing of division uiid department orders and reports, four mill ou live hundred thousand dollar. For the' general and iucideuat expenses of tbe Q.turteriua.-ler's department, consisting of postage on letters and packets received and sent by officers of the army on pnblic service ; expenses of courts-martial, military commis sions, and courts of inquiry, including the ad ditional compensation of judge advocates, re corders, members, and witnesses while on that service, under the act of March sixteen, eighteen hundred and tw ; extra pay to sol diers employed tmdar the direction of the Quartermaster's department, iu the erection of barracks, quarters, storehouses, and hospitals, in the construct iou of roads, aud other con stant labor, for periods ot uot loss than ten days, under the acts ef MttrcSi two. eighteen hundred and nineteen, and Augnst four, eigh teen hnudred und HTty four, iuclnding tboae employed at division and department head quarters; expeuaes of expreesas to and from the frontier posts and armies in the field ; of escorts to paymueteis aad other disbursing officers, and to trams where military escorts cautiot be tarnished ; expenses of the inter ment of officers killed in action, or who die when on duty in the held, or at posts on the frontiers, or at posts and other places when ordered by the Secretary of War, and ot non commissioned officers aud soldiers ; authoriz ed office furnltdre : hire of laborers in the Quartermaster's department,' iucludiug the hire of interpreters, spies, aud guides for the army ; compensation of clerks to officers of tbe Quartermaster's department ; compensa tion of torae and wagou masters, authorized by the act of July five, eighteen hundred aud thiity eight ; for the apprehension of desert ers, and tbe expenses incident to their pur suit; and for the following expenditures re quired for the several regiments of cavalry, the batteries of light artillery, aod such com panies of iulautry as may he moauted, viz : the purchase of travel ing fora, blacksmiths' and ehoeiug loots, horse aud mule ahees aud nails, irou and steel fot shoeing : hire ef veterinary sorgeous, medicines for horse's and mules, picket ropes, and for ohoeinK the boruei of the corps named : also, generally, the pro per aud authorized expensed for the move ment aud operations of an army, not expre-s ly assigned to any other department, eig'jt hundred thousand dollars. For mileage, or the allowance made to offi eera of the army i lor the trauxportati.m of themselves aud theie baggage, when travel mg ou duty without iruops, escorts, or sup piles, fifty thousand dollars For tukiug meteorological observations and giving notice oh northern lakes and seaboard of approach ond force of storms, Buy thou sand dollars. For tbe transportation of the army, includ ing baggage of the troops when muvi'ug either by lond or water, of cloLbing, camp, and irar risou equipage from the depots ot I'hiladel pbia, Cincinnati, and New Vork jo tbe sev oral posts and army depots, uad from thoe depots to the troops ia the held ; and of sub sisteuce stores ftom the places of purchase and from the places of delivery under con tract, to such places as the circumstances of the service may require them to be seat ; of ordnance, ordnance stores, and small arms from tne fouuderiea and armories to the arsenals, fortifications, frontier pods and army depots, freights, wbaiiae, tolls', and ferriages ; the purchase and hire of horses mule.-, oxen, aud harness, aud the purchase aud repair of naifons, carts: aud di. .. ..f ships and other sea going vessels, and boats require u isr lue transportation of supplies and lor garrison purposes ; for drapes aad cart age at the several posts, hire of teamsters. transportation ot funds lor the pay and other disbursing eepartments, ths expense of sailing pnblic transports on the various rivers, the tJuif ol Mexico, and tbe Atlantic aud the Pa cilU.; ljr procuring water at such posts as, from their situation, require it to be brought Irom a distance; aud lor clearing roads and removuig obstructions from roads, harbors and rivers to the extent which may be re quired for the actual operations of the trsopi u the held, five million dollars. For hire or couimutaliou of quarters f r officers on military duty, hhe of quarters for troops. f storehouses lor the safe keeping of military stores, aud of grounds lor summer cantonments ; tor the const rue lion of tempo, rary huts, hospitals, and stables; and for re pairing public buildings at established posts, 1 ktcb uuuureu Mtm uuy tnuuaaud dollars For tbe ordnance service required to defray the current expenses at tbe arsenals, of re ceiving stores aud issuing arms and other ordnance supplies, of police and office duties, of rents, tolls, feel, and lights; of stationery and office furniture ; of tools and instruments for use ; of public animals, forage; and ve hicles ; incidental expenses of the ordnance service, including those attending practical trials aad tests of erdaanee, Small arms, and other ordnance supplies, one hundred and hfty thousand dollars: Provided, That no money appropriated by this aet shall be used to pay for any new cannon or small arms. : For establishing and maintaining national cemeteries, three hundred thousand dollars: Provided, That twenty thousand dollars of mis amount oa expended in planting and cul tivating trees and shrubs in the several cemeteries. Src. 2. And be it further enacted. That the president be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed,, on or before tbe first day of July, eighteen hundred ond seventy-one, to reduce the number of enlisted men in tbe army to thirty thousand, aod thereafter there Shall he no more than thirty thou-and enlisted men in the army, at any its time, unless Otherwise authorized by law. ... Bee. S. Ah J be ft further enacted. That the President be, and be is hereby, author ized, st his discretion, honorably to discharge from the service of the United States oQiceri of the army who may apply therefor on or be fore the first ef Jaaaary next ; and snch of ficers so discharged nndor the provisions of this aet shall he entitled lo receive, in ad dition to the pay ml allowances due them at the date of their discharge, one years' pay and allowances. Sec. 4 And be it further enacted. That the President be, and be is hereby, authorized, at his discretion, to place on the retired list of tho army, on their own application, any com missi ed officers who have been thirty years in the service, and the officers who may be rc .tircd by virtue of this scetion shall be en titled to the same pay and emoluments as are now allowed, or may be hereafter allowed, to officers retired from aotive service. Sac. 5. And be it further enacted. That tho proviso of the sixteenth section of the act approved August three, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, limiting the number of officers on the rctirqyl list to seven per centum of tbe whole number of existing officers, be, and the some is horeby, repealed ; and hereafter the number of officers who may be retired in ac cordance with existing laws shall be in the dis cretion of the President : Provided, That tho whole number on the retired list shall at no time exceed three hundred. Sec 6. Aad be it further enacted. That the offices of General and Lieutenant General of the srary shall continue nntil a vaeancy shall occur in the came, and no longer ; and when such vacancy shall occur in either of said offices, immediately thereupon all laws snd parts of laws creating said office shall be come inoperative, and shall, by virtue of this act, from thenceforward ce held to he repealed. S?EC. 7. Anii be it further enacted. That no appoinfuient to tho grade of major gen eral shall be made until the number of officers of that grado is. reduced below three, after which the number of major generals shall not exceed three. Sec. 8. And be it further enacted. That no appointment to the g'rade of brigadier gen eral shall be made uutil the number of officers of that grade is reduced below six ; after which the number of brigadier generals shall not exceed six. Skc. 9. And be it further enacted. That the grade of regimental commissary in the several cavalry regiments U hereby abolished j aud the lieutenants now holding tho appoint ments of regimental commissary may be as signed for duty to companies of their regi ments, and shall fill the first vacancies that may occur in their respective grades of first or second lieutenant in the regiments to which they now belong ; aud nothing herein con tained shall scet their relative rank with other lieatenants of their grade. "Sec. 10. And be it further enacted. That the grades of regtiuents.1 commissary sergeant and regimental hospital stewapd are hereby abolished. The number of corporals in each company of cavalry, arrillery, and infantry shall be reduced to four ; and the said non commissioned officers shall have the privilege of receiving an honorable discharge, with full pay and allowances to date thereof, if they shall so elect, in preference to remaining -n tbe service in such other grades as may be as signed to them by tbe Secretary of War. Sec 11. And be it further enacted. That the Ueneral of the Army aad commanding of ficers of the several military departments of tbe army, shall, as soon as practicable alter the passage of this act, forward to the secre tary of Var a list of officers serving in their respective commands deemed by them unfit for the proper discharge of their duties from any cause except injuries incurred or disease contrasted in tbe line of their duty, setting forth speeifieatly ia each case the cause of such uubtness. the c-ecrctary ot War is here by authorized and directed to eonstitute board to consist of one major jreneral, one brigadier general, and three colonels, three of said officers to be selected from among those appointed to tbe regular army on account of distinguished services m the volunteer loree during tbe late war, aud on recommendation of such board the President shall muster .out of the service any of the said officers so re ported, with one year's-psy ; but snch muster out shall not be ordered witaeut allowing snen offiacr a hearing before snch board to show cause against at. Skc. li And be it fnrther enacted. That tho President is hereby authorized to transfer oijjcers from the regiments or cavalry, artil lery, and infantry to tbe list of snpernumera r:cs ; acd all vacancies now existing, or wbieh may occur prior to the first day of January next, in the cavalry, artillery, or infantry, by reason of such transfer, or from other causes, shall be filled in due proportion by the super numerary officers, having xeference to rank seniority, and fitness, as provided ia existing law regulating promotions in tbe army.' And if any supernumerary officers shall remain af ter the first Jay of January next, they shall be honorably murtered out of the service with one year's pay and allowances: Provided, That vacancies now exi.-ting in the grade of second lieutenants, or which may occur prior to said date, may be filled by tbe assignment of supernumerary first lieutenants; or officer? of higher grades, who, when so assigned shall rank as second lieutenants, promoting I pro v id ed such officers (ball prefer to be s assigned instead of being mustered out under the pro visions of this section ; and officers so assign ed shall take rank from the date of their orig inal entry into the service : And provided fur ther. That chaplain be appointed to posts or regiments until those on waiting orders are as signed. Sec. 13. And be it further enacted, That the professors of the United States Military Academy, whose service ia the army acd ae the academy exceeds thirty-fire years, shall have tbe pay ef colonel, and these whose dike set vice is less than thirty-five, bet exceeds twenty-five years, shall have the par or 1m tenant colonel ; and all other professors shall have tbe pay of major ; and hereafter there shall be allowed end paid to said professors ten per eentum of their eurren yearly pay for each and every term of five years continuous service : Provided, That' such addition shall in no ease exceed forty per eoatont ef said yearly oav : and said pro Tests rs tarn bereey placed upon the same footing as regards re tirement from adtire service as officers in the army. - .' Sao. 14 And be if farther enacted- That tbe pay and allowances of tbe enlisted men of tne aJmy suau remain as now hin uj w u til tbe thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and eevedty-one; and it shall be unrawfol for any officer to one anv enlisted man as a sevvaat ia Sec. 15. And be it further enacted. That taction two or ta act entitled V An act aiaa ing appropriations for- the support of the ar my for the year ending June thirty,-eighteen ' hundred and sixty-eight," and for other Mr poses,'.' approved Match two, t igbteea hundred and sixty-seven, ire, ma tus tsan wmuj Skc 16. Artd be it further sujsjctej. That eeraafUir no officer shall be entitled to wear r white on duty any uniform ether than that of bis actual rank, 'on aooouut of navratc Ween bre vetted i nor shall be be addressed ia eveWre orifficial communications by aay title other tbati that of his actual rank. j Sec. 17. And -be it further nseetetf, That the President T the United uuuea state s, and he is hereby, anthorizd to drop from the rolls ot tne army torcetertion any omrer who is novr, or who may hereafter be, absent from dutv three month without leave ; aud any of ficer so dropped shall forfeit all pay and allow ances due or to become due, aud shall uot be eligible for reappointment. Sc. 18. And be it farther enacted. That it shall not be lawful for any officer of the ar my of the United States on the active list to hold any civil office, whether by election or appointment, and any such officer accepting or exercising thefunctious of a civil office shall at once cease to be an officer of the army, aud ins commisstou suau tie vacated tbereoy. Sec. 19. And be it further enacted. That nothing in this act shall be construed to pie em ma sniguiueui iu uulj, hb uuuaiuimi sec ind lieutenants of tbe graduates of the Milita ry Academy. Sec 20. And be it fnrther enacted. That the Secretary of War shall prepare a system of general regulations far the administration of the affairs of the army, which, when ap proved by Congress, shall ho in iorce and obeyed uutil altered or revoked by the same authority ; and said regulations shall be re ported to Congress at its next session : Pro vided, That said regulations shall not be in consistent with the laws of the United States. Sec. 21. And be it further enacted. That the Secretaries of War and Navy be, and they are hereby, authorized and directed so to ar range the course of studies and the order of recitations at the Military aad Naval Acad emies that the students in said institutions will not be required to pursue their studies on Sunday. Sec. 22. Aad be it farther enacted, Tbat from aud after the passage of this act the Sec retary of War be, and he is hereby, authorized t ) permit one or more trading establishments to be maintained at any- military post on the frontier not in the vicinity of any city or town, when, in his judgment, such establish ment is needed for the accommodation of em- rants, freighters, and other citizens ; and tho persons to maintain such trading estab lishment shall be appointed by him ; Provid ed,. That such traders shall be andcr protec. lion and military control as camp followers. The joint resolution approved -March thirty, eighteen hundred aad sixty-seven, to author ize the eommaading ueneral of tbe Army to permit traders to remain at certain military posts is hereby repealed. Sec. 23. And be it further enacted, Thit any retired officer may, on bis own application, be detailed to serve as protessor in any col lege ; but while so serving such officer shall be allowed no additional compensation. Sec. 21. And be it' further enacted. That the pay of the officers of the army shall be as follow Tbe pay of tbe Geneial shall be ' thirteen thousand five huudred dollars a year ; Lieutenaut Ueneral shall be eleven thousand lollard a year ; tbe pay of major general shall be seven thousand five hundred dollars ; the pay of brigadier general shall be five theu saud five hundred dollars ; tbe pay of colonel shall be three thousand five huudred dollars; the pay of lieutenant colonel shall be three thousand dollars; the pay of major shall be two thousand five hundred dollars ; tbe pay of captain, mounted, shall be two thousand dol lars; tbe pay of captain, not mounted, shall be eighteen hundred dollars ; the pay of ad jutant shall ba eighteen hundred dollars ; tbe pay of first lieutenant, mounted, snail be six teen hundred dollars ; the pay ot first lieuten ant, not mounted, shall be nfteen hundred dollars; the pay of second lieutenant, mount ed, shall be fifteen hundred dollars ; the pay of second lieutenant, not mounted, shall be fourteen hundred dollars; the pay of chap lain shail be fifteen hundred dollars ; the pay of aid de-eamp te major general shall bo two hundred dollars per annum in addition to pay of bis rank ; the pay of aid-de-camp to brig adier general shall be one hundred and n.ty dollars per annum in addition U pay of his rank ; the pay of acting assistant commissary shall be one hundred dollars in addition to par of his rank ; and there shall b allowed and paid to each and every commissioned, officer below tne run a or origauwr general, mciuu ine chaplains and others having assimilated rank or pay, ten per centum of their current yearly pay for each and every term of five years or service: Provided, mat tne -total amount of such inorease for length of service . shall in no case exceed forty per eentum on the yearly pay of his grade as established by this act: And provided further. That the pay of a colonel shall in no ease exceed four thou sand firehun.lred dollars per annum, nor the pay of a lieutenant eolonel four thousand dol lars ner annum, -and these sums shall be in foil of alt commutation of quarters, fuel, for- aee, servants wages and clothing, longevity rations, and all allowances of every name and nature whatever, and seall be paid inontbly by the paymaster : Provided, That fuel , quar ters, and forage in kind may be inraisbed to officers by tbe Quartermaster's department, as now allowed by law and regulations : And provided further, That when any officer shall travel under orders, and.shall not be furnish ed transportation by the Quartermaster's de partment, or on a conveyance belonging to or chartered by the United States, he shall be al lowed ten cents per mile, and no more, for each mile actually by him traveled under such order, distances to be calculated according to tbe nearest post routes ; and no payment shall be made to any .officer except by, a paymaster of tbe army. . Officers retired from active ser vice shall receive seventy-five per centum of the- pay. ef the rank upoo which they are re tired. ' . . - , , See. "l5. And be fnrther tmaeird,' That every private soldier and effieer who faas serv-v ed in the army of the United States daring the rebellion, for ninety days, aad remained loyal to the government, and evsry seaman, marine, and officer, or ether pers-in, who has served fa the nary of the United States, or in f-tfae marine corps or revenue marine, during the rebellion, for ninety days, and remained loyal to the government, shall, on payment of the fee or commission to any regis or receiver of aay land office required by law, be entitled to enter one quarter section of land, not min eral, of the alternate reserved sections of pub lie lands along the lines of any one ef the railroads er ether public works in the United Btateav wherever public lands have been er may be granted by acts of Congress, and Ce rcooive a patent therefor under and by virtae of the provisions of the aet to secure home tends to actaai settlers en the pnbtie domain Sad tho acts amundatory theoeef, and oa tbe terms aud eoBditsons therein prescribed ; aad alt the provisions or said acts, except as here in modified, shall extend aad he applicable to entries under this act, aad the Commissioner ef the Geaeral Inad Office ia hereby author hied Is prescribe the necessary rules aad re (re lations te carry this section into efiet, and -de-termioe all fasts necessary therefor. i Approved, July 1, 1870. fa oiio Kssoiution No. 91 A JOIST RESOLUTION giving condemned cannon to decorate the Soldiers' Burial Plot at White Plains, New York. Beit enacted resolved by the Senate and Uouee of Representative of the United Slate of America in Congrtes Attembled That the Secretary of War bo, and he here by is, authorized to donate four condemned cannon and twenty-eight balls to tbe "White Plains Veteran Association," "to decorate mo Soldiers' Plot at tbat place. Approved, July 15, 1870. rptrsuc EssoLBTioa No. 83. . A RESOLUTION authorizing the Secretary of War to take charge of tbe Gettysburg and Antietam national cemetries. Resolved by the Senate and floute of Jier- retentativea of the United States of America in Congret attembled: That tbe Secretary of War be, and is hereby, directed to accept and take charge of the Sol diers' National cemetery at Gettysburg, Penn sylvania, and the Antietam National ccmetry at Sharpsburg, Maryland, whenever the com missioners and trustees having charge of said cemetries are ready to transfer their care to the eeneral government. That when the Tiforc-mentioncd cemetries are placed under tbe control of the Secretary of w ar, that they be taken care of and maintained fn accord ance with the provisions of tho act of Con gress entitled "An act to establish and protect national . cemeteries," approved February twenty-two, eighteen hundred and sixty seven. Approved, July It, 1870. Public ptfecrottoc So. S2 J JOINT RESOLUTION authorizing the dona tion of certain property of the United States, in the city of Galveston, State of Texas, to said city. Resolved by the Senate and ITovse of Repre sentatives of the United States of Americss' in Congress assembled. That the buildings, barracks, fences, sheds, cisterns, and so forth, the property of the United States, in the city of Galveston, State of Texas, now abandoned by the United' States troops, and ordered to be sold at publia auction, under tbe direction of the Quarter master's department, be, and . the same aro hereby, donated as hereinafter provided to said city of Galvestov, for the purpose of aid ing the oity in holding agricultural, mechani cal and horticultural fairs, and in developing tbe agricultural and mechanical resources ef said State; or for such other public uses as may seem good to the authorities of said eity of Galveston: Provided That this resolution -shall not be construed to convey any title in the grounds whereon the said buildings, bar raeks, fauces, sheds, cisterns, and so forth, are situated, or any authority to demolish or destroy the same, but to be held to be returned to the United States whenever required for any purpose for the nse of the government. . Approved, July 15, 1870. Public Resolution No. 84. A RESOLUTION authorizing the Commis sioner of Indian Affairs to appoint guardians or trustees for minor Indian children who may be entitled to pensions or bounties un der thoexisting laws. 1(u Whereas sundry Indians served in the fed eral army, some of whom died in the service snd others since, leaving minor heirs;, and whereas there is no provision of law for said minor Indians to obtain bounties, backpay, or other benefits to which their ancestor was en titled: Therefore, Be U resolved bv ths Benats and House- ef Hep rissntatives f Ms United States of America m Congress attembled : . , That the Commissioner of Indian affairs is hereby anthorized and empowered to appoint guardians or trustees of any of said minors; and to take bond and security for the perform ance of snch duties: and such guardian. r trustee shall be anthorized to collect from the government all such back pay, bounties, and pensions te which said minors may be entitled, and to expend tbe same for the use and benefit of such minors, with the consent snd under the direction of any eoart of record f the United Slates or of any Territory having Ju lisdietion at the where such minors may re side: Pi orided, Thst the terms of . the loreg -ing resolution shall not apply to the Chero kee, Creek, Choctaw, Chickasaw, oi Seminole nations of Indians, or eooflict in any manner with tbe provisions of the treaties of eighteen hundred and sixty-six with tnose nations: Pro vided further. That the provisions of this re solution shall extend only to Indians serving in the ninth regiment of Kansas cavalry. Approved, July 14, 1870. Public Resolution No. ! 9. JOINT RESOLUTION granting condemned cannon for tbe erection of soldiers' monu ments! . SetdetM by the Senate and Bouse of Reprmm . lativtt of the United States of America tm Oses- greet attesmetei t That the- Secretary of War is hereby an-' thorized and directed to deliver to the Ladies Soldiers, Monument Association ef the city of Bridgeport, Connecticut, eight pieces ef con demned iron ennnon, to be osed in the erec tion of a monument on Sea Side Park, in said-, city of Bridgeport, to the memory of the sol diers who fell in the war of the rebellion. , See. S. And be it further resolved. That, the Secretary of War be, and he hereby ia, 41- -rested to deliver four condemned pieces of iron -ordnancelo each of the following places, vis:.. Quinsy, Illinois; Morristowa, Morris county. New Jersey; Eastford, Connecticut; Pitts burg, Pennsylvania; Jersey City, New Jersey; Gardiner, Maine; lleightstown. New Jersey; the Ladies Monument Association of Peoria, Illinois; the National Soldiers' Cemetery, at . Grafton, West Virginia; the Franklin County Monumental Association, - Chambers burg, Pennsylvania; to be used In the erection ef soldiers' monuments, or in the ernsmcntaticn ef the same: Provided, that no expense he in curred by the government for the transporta tion of the same. . . ' - . ; Bee, 3.. And, be it further resolved, .Tart the Secretary of War be and be is hereby, an- . thorised to place at the disposal of the Lin coln Monumest Association, incorporated Jby act of Congress, so much damaged and cap- tared bronze and brass ordnance as may be necessary out of which to east the principal figures of said monument, from time to tuna as the models are aoiapleted. . ' Approved, July 15,1870. 3 ! i 1 -3