fetor. Science vs. I.ui-k. J -t 'Vi -i! " "At that time, in Kentucky (said the Hon. Mr. Knott, M. C), the law was very strict against what it termed "games of chance." About a dozen of the boys were detected playing tlseveD-up" or "old sledge" for money, and the Grand Jury found a true bill against them. Sturgis was retained to defend them when the case cuuie up, of course. The more he studied over the matter and looked into the evidence, the plainer it was that he must lose a case at ,ast there was no srettiug arouud that painful fact. Thnfn hovs had certainly been bet ting mouev on a game of chance. Kven public sympathy was aroused in behalf of turis. J'eople said it . was a pity to see hiiu mar his successful career with a big prominent case like this, which must go against him. But after several restless nights an in spired idea flashed upon Sturgis, and he sprang out of his bed delighted, lie thought he saw his way through. The next day he whispered around a little among his clients and a few friends, and then when the case came up in court! he acknowledged the seven-up and the bet ting, and, as his sole defense, bad I the astonishing effrontery to put up in j, the plea that old sledge was not a game of chance '. There was the broadest sort of a smile all over the faces of that sophis ticated audience. The Judge smiled with the rest. But Sturgis maintained a countenance whose earnestness was even severe. The opposite counsel tried to ridicule him out of his position, and did not succeed. The Judge jested in a pon derous judicial way about the thing, but did not move him. The matter was"be coming grave. The Judge had lost a little of his patience, and said the joke had gone far enough. Jim Sturgis said he knew ofno joke in the matter his clients could not be punished for indulg ing in what some people chose to consid er a game of chance, until it was proren that it was a game of chance. Judge and counsel said that would be an easy matter, and forthwith called Deacons Job, Peters, Burke, and Johnson, and Domi nies Wirt and Migglcs, to testify j and they unauimously and with strong j feel ing put down the legal quibble of Stur gis, by pronouncing that old sledge teas a ga'me of chance.' i "What do you call it wor?'v said the Judge. I "I call it a game of science I" retorted Sturgis, "and 1 11 prove it, too . They saw his little game. He brought m a cloud of witnesses, and produced an overwhelming mass of testimony to show , game of chance Instead ot being the simplest case in world, it had somehow turned' out to be an excessively knotty one. The Judge scratched his head over it awhile, and said there was no way of coming to a de termination, because just as many men could be brought into court who would testify on one side, as could be found to testify on the other. But he said he was willing to do the fair thing by all parties, and would act upon any suggestion Mr. Sturgis would make for the solution of the difficulty. Mr. Sturgis was on his feet in a sec ond. "Impanel a jury of six of each, Luck vs Science give them candles, and a couple of decks of cards ; send them into the jury-room, and just abide by the result." There was no disputing the fairness of the proposition.' The four deacons and the two dominies were sworn in as the "chance" jurymen, and six inveterate old seven-up professors were chosen to represent the "science" side of the issue. They retired to the jury room. i In about two hours, Deacon Peters sent into court to borrow three dollars from a friend. Sensation. In about two hours more, Diminie Miggles sent into court to borrow a "stake from a friend. Sensation. During the next three or four hours, the -'other dominie and the other deacons sent into court for small loans. And still the packed audi ence waited, for it was a prodigious oc- casion in Bull's Corners, and one in which every father of a family was necessarily interested. The rest of the story can be told brief ly. About daylight the jury came in, and Deacon Job, the foreman, read the following: VERDICT. "We, the jury in the case of the Com monwealth of Kentucky vs. John - . Wheeler et al., have carefully considered . the points of the case, and tested the merits of the several theories advanced, and do hereby unanimously decide that ihe game commonly known as old sledge or seven-up is eminently a game of sci ence and not of chance. In demonstras tioo whereof, it is hereby and herein stated, iterated, reiterated, set forth, and made manifest, that,' during the , entire night, the "chance" men never won a game or turned a jack, although both feaU were common and frequent to the opposition ; and furthermore, in support of this our verdict, we call the attention ' to the significant fact that the "chance' men are all busted, and the "science men have got the money. It is the de liberate opinion of this jury that the " ''chance" theory concerning seven-up is a pernicious doctrine, and calculated to Inflict untold suffering and pecuniary loss upon any community that takes stock in "That is the way-that seven-up came to be particularized in the statute books of Kentucky as being a game not of chance but of science, and therefore not punishable under ; the law,", said Mr. Knott. - "That verdict is of record, and holds good to this day." "Mark Twain," in the Galaxy! - 4 A Dutchman at Decatur married a second wife in about a week, after the loss of wife No. 1." The Sabbath follow ing, the bride asked her lord ? to take her - Tidinv-and wduleutrup" with" the - following response ; ..You? think I ride out mft anoder voman " in so soon after . death of mine frau?"JNo, no I" ; : - " - , , - . The man who has lost four of his wives and married the fifth, simply carried out a four-gone conclusion. - 1 Illinois Items. Victor Guillott, of Prairie du Rocher, Randolph " county, was killed, on the 3d inst., by being thrown from his wagon between two vi cious mules. The animals kicked -him to death. Some fiend placed an obstruction on the railroad track near Greenville, in Bond county, which threw an engine off. No one injured... On the 5th, a man was struct bv a Jim j passing train at Lemont, and iustautly killed. The Quincy Journal, of the 5th, says : We have received the news of a murder j perpetrated on the 1st inst., in Cooper j town township, in Brown county. The j only particulars ; we have been able to j obtain are, that one Edwin DeWitt was killed on the afternoon of Thursday last by Geo. DeWitt. The Alton Telegraph of the 5th s iys : "A lorrible murder was committed Fri day night at Scottsville, Macoupin coun ty. The murderer, Jack Straughan, stabbed James Banning, inflicting a wound in the abdomen from side to side, resulting in instant death. The murderer is a low, heavy-set man about fifty years old, hair a little gray, chin whiskers, and sandy complexion. He is still at large. From his own statement, this is but a repetition of a similar crime committed in Kentucky some years since." A jealous colored man, at Chicago, lately attempted to murder a colored girl named Hattie Clay. She had been flir ting with a rival, and he attempted to fctop it by firing at her through the win dow. A young man named Dawse, a tele graph operator at Chenoa, McLean coun. ty, was killed on the 4th by a railroad accident. Sheriff Myers, of Cairo, was fired at by an unknown assassin on the night of the 3d. A Weekly Newspaper, . Containing 28 columa of matter, IS- PCBLIfHEU EVERY SATURDAY. In the City of Albany, S8 Per .V ADYASVE, Six months.. "LOCAL ITEMS' ..... $2 made a SPECIALTY. NEW , ADVERTISEMENTS. Cross Ties, loo "ooo NEW TO-DAY. OREGON & CALIFORNIA R. R. Apply to J.' L. IIALLETT, on the grade. Oct. 3, 1370. II. TUIEL9EN, Uen'l Supt. THE NEW FOOD. " 7KeW;X0Fetisements. CEO. F. SETTLEMIER, i it xj o. eis t . I - - .in -V :t-'i v -1 - (Successor to D. -W Wakefield,) Parrlsh'a Mew Building- ALBANY, :OREGON, First Street, 1870. 1870. FALL. TRADE . A Kausas paper says that some j-ears ago a man got miffed at something in its columns, and discontinued his subscrip tion. Now mark the fearful judgment which followed this ill advised act : "From that day, bad luck has followed him. He suffered an attack of sunstroke, which almost killed him; his son was bad ly mangled by machinery; he fooled away his property iu a bad trade; he was taken dotvn by a severe spell of sickness, and while in that condition his wife tried to poison him, and then rau away with an other man." Let others take warning, and by keepiug up" subscriptions avoid a series of such dreadful mishaps." -The Elko Chronicle Idaho acquaintances, rich mine j Kich Widow . i says that two old i -both widowers, have found a 7 that old sledse was not o" Dist rict, and named it the , but a game of science. I "ch d- . are 11 .ctfel- uw auu iatviu .'Aiiier. a uc waiia ui itic specimens of vein matter shown to the editor of that paper by Mr. Miller, are exceedingly rich in silver and galena. A terrible affray occurred in Columbus, Ky., on the Sth instant. Fiv-j country men, who had a difficulty some weeks since, agreed to settle it by a free fight. Thne minutes from the first blow all the combatants were hors de combat. One was killed and two mortally injured, and the other two were very seriously if not fatally hurt. THIS REGISTER JOB PRINTING OJb'l'lOE, Fitmt ttreet, (opposite Parrimk - Co,' ((ore, Vlln.v" s s s Oregon. I s For a few cents you can buy of your Grocer or Dwiggist a package of SEA MOSS FARINE made from pure Irish Moss or Carrageen, which will make sixteen quarts of Blante Mange, and alike quantity cf Puddings Custards, Creams, Charlotte Russe, &c. . It is te cheapest, healthiest and most delicious food in the world. It makes a splendid Dessert, and has no equal as a light and delicate food for Invalids and Children. A Glorious Change!! titk cjukat Moiu.n's tonic. -DEALER IN Drugs; and,: Medicines, CHEMICALS, PAINTS. OILS, GLASS, ETC. 1.1; i. .t.,l fa4S TT AVISO a verv fair a! JJL we arc prepared to exerut, with and diapateh, all kinds of ortment nf materia! ncatne.5 A man, stopping his paper, wrote : "I think folks doaut ort to spend their mnn ny on papers, my father, never did, and evrcy body says he w?s the smartest man in the kontree, and had the intclligentest set of buoys that ever dug taters. JOB 3E3El.I3NrTIKrC3- such as Dand-bils, l'rogrammcs, Jfilf-Ziriidi, ( jrds. Bait Ticlcrts, j I'amphlelt, Jjttbeh, Ufa ilk of all ltiiiclss, at as low fiR arcs a a due regard to ta.tv and good work will allow. When you want anything in the printing line, call at the Rkbistkh office. Plantation Bitters. Tliis 'wonderful vegetable re storative is tlie slieet-aiieiior of tlic feeble and debilitated. Aui touic and cordial for tlie ngrd and languid, it lias no eijual among stomachics. As a remedy for tlie nervous vteaUues to wliicliwomen are especially sub ject, it is superseding every otlier stimulant. In all climates, tropi cal, temperate, or frigid, it acts as a specific iu every species of disoxder wlsicli undermines tlie l:o::it-j ;l:engt: and breaks down til-- spirits. For sale by :t" ' -?--'ists. L. GOLDSMITH & CO., IMI'OKTEIIS AND JOliliEHS OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS XroTI1 li will JOTIKY THE TRAbE Ieilf on the THAT TUKY A ncv farce, callsd Stage Coach, prov ing to be an intolerable bore, an auditor rose and asked the manager, who was on the boards, whether the Stage Coach was likely to have a run, ''because," continued he, "if it is, I shall beg leave to be an out side passenger." CRAFTSMEN'S LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY Politics are waxing furious in the State of Nevada. "You are another !" is fre quently indulged in, and newspapers are more . vituperative than elegant. Nye, Stewart and Fitch are visible on the hor izon. A late dispatch says the loss of the cel ebrated trotting mare Lady Thorn, by the breaking of a hip bone, as reported a few days ago, is not true. The bone was not injured, and the mare is in prime condition. David A. Sayre, the banker, who died recently at Lexington, Ky., is said to have given away in benevolence not less than 6500,000. He founded Syre Insti tute, at a cost of $100,000, and, though his losses in business amounted to $700, 000, he left a very large estate. He was a native of Madison, N. J. or NEW TOBK. BUCIIAHfAi & MEARS, CEXEIIAt. ACENTS FOR Oregon, and Washington, Idano and Montana Territories, PORTLAND... ...... Cash Plan, Low Rates, Strictly Mutual. All Information Wanted. The press will confer a favor on a worthy woman, the motner ot nvc cniiarcn, ty passins around the inquiry for the wherabouta of her husband, N. 1 Dodge, who left San Jose, Cal., for Oregon, about a year and a half ago, since when she has not heard from him, except once immediately on his arrival, bbe is leartnl rnat some accident may have befallen him. Ad dross, Mrs. N. P. Dodge, San Jose, Cal. M. S. Iforan, Assemblyman from Sac ramentoj late Assistant Police Attorney of that city, has been appointed Master Iiriek Mason on the Governor s -man It is rumored that Prince Kunjr, of China, has been murdered. ; - In the field, as in -Paris, -Napoleon's victories have been over the Left. King William the French. aska no Favres ; from this All the German female babies year will be -named Augusta. Swords and Spears are the names of a couple of editors who do up ' the war news for a Yioksbarg paper, r - ,. Ham Toast. Chop ; some lean ham fine, put it in a pan aith a little pepper a lump of butter, and two eggs beaten when well warmed, spread it on, hot bat ter toast, and serve. - - j . - "Boy, what's that hungry dog follow ing me for r - Boy "He thinks you're a bone, reckon." The Keinedy dots not ."implv nliecr fi,r a shor time, but it produwg j?rtect anl prmannt enrvs of iho worst c&seg of Chronic Naal Cnfarrh, nl k-7 piy $500 retotril fr a rrte thnt I rannnt cure. CoM iu thn bcal' and Catarrhal llca'l- ' ache are cured with a few applications. If V"ii j have a discharge from the nse. offensive or th j crwisc, stopping up the nose at timvs, partial loss of the sense of smell, taste or hearing, eyes water ing or weak, feci dull, have pain or preysure in the head, you may rest assured that you have Catarrh. Thousands annually, without manifest ing half of the shove symptoms, terminate in Consumption and eud in the. grave. No disease is so coniuion, more doceptive or less understood ly physicians. 1 will send my pamphlet on Ca tarrh to any address free. lr. Cage's Catarrh I.eniedv is now I SOL1J UY MO.ST IJRITOOI(5TS IX ALL PARTS I OF THE WORLD. 5 Price 50 cent.. Sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of 60 cents, or four packages for two dollars. Ue ware of counterfeits and worthless imitations. See that my private Stamp, which is a positive guar antee of genuineness, is upon the out side wrapper. Remember that this private Stamp, issued by the I United States Govcrntncut expressly for stamping my medicines. Das my portrait. name and address, aud the words "U. S. Certificate of Genuineness" engraved upon it, and need not be mistaken. Don't be swindled by travelers and others, repre senting themselves as Dr. Sage ; I am the only man now living that has the knowledge and right to manufacture the itnuine Dr. Sago' Catarrh Remedy, and I never travel to sell this medicine. R. V. PIERCE, M. !., 4fim3 1S3 Seneca street, Buffalo. N". t. SOtli day of Aujniwt, 170, the Largest ami Rest Assorted St-k of Domestic & Foreign Dry Goods n te fiaiQfi in this market, comprising every brand and make of Cotton Good. known to the Trade, at It K I) V C E D K A T E S All articles warranted pure and of the best quality. - Physicians Prescriptions carefully compounded. Albany, Oct. 17, 1868-8tf . . , SJ3.,000- BET Or THE ELECTION! t - o- : ' Any one who wants to win can do so by calling' on ' It. C. HILL & SON, WHO, thankful for past patronage, still in vite the attention of Linn county et til., to their unequalled stock of IJKUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINT & VARNISH BRUSHES, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISH ES, ALCOHOL, KEROSENE, WINDOW GLASS, TRUSSES, FANCY AND TOILKT ARTICLES, ETC. Agents for Dr. D. Jayuc A Son's preparations, II. II. II. Horse Medicines, etc. Do you like medicine for its bitter or nauseat ing taste? Wc have, that description.. Do you want tlie effec t with an aromatic taste? Alter taking a few doses of our Elixir, 'twill be so very pleasant that your prejudices Must surely turn awry, and the preparation ' Will lose the name o' physic, (but not the effect.) : Physicians and customers from the country may rest assured that their orders will be prompt ly attended to. 1'reseriptions caruiully and cor recti v compounded. Have you the impolite gnert called acorn? We sell "Corn Slayer," which surely docs the work, without pain. Du you desire a book of any kirnf. a tlold Pen, an Album, Stationery, or audi? S. Driggs is with us, ..r the accommodation of all favring him with a call. Do you want a fino Watch, a set of Jewelry, cheap or dear? J. IVTitus sells the same, under the same rof. Come and see us. Buy a Bmik. Ttuy a Watch. Buy a Pili. Buy something or nothing, but come and sec us. anyway. A well sprinkled floor and a cool drink of water iu the summer, and a warm stove surrounded by comfortable chairs in winter constantly kept for the accommodation ot all. Albanv, Jlav 14, '7-:i6 . NEWDVJ3RTISEENT8j WASHINGTON LIFE- INOURANCZ CO., OP SEVTYOBlt; ( V, Orgranized, Policies Exempt from ' Execution. Cash Assets, - SECURELY - r $3,000,000, INVESTED. " OVER 21,000 mEMBBRS. PURELY MUTUAL. one year from date of Dividends paid Policy. ' ' -': ; ' , " All Policies and Dividends Noo-Forfeit-' able. . . . , ... , , - Over 8,000 Policies . med in 1SG. ! mill: 1 nation of desirable features which no oilier organisation can claim. Its growth has been steady, its success marked. Its system of busi ness is pre-eminently adapted to benefit the hold ers of its Policies, i " M'KENNEY &, LINDERMAN, (icbcral Agiiits, , 131 Mentjiomery street,' Pan Kraneisco, directly opposite Occidental Hotel. W. WIIITWELL, General Agent for Crregon and Territories, . rouTLAXiv orP:gox. . : , Nov. 6, "6'J-y , . , j By authority of a Special Act of the Jeg inat urc of the. State of California,. . $1,000,000. v." a RATES OF TOLL OVER THE Willamette Valley and Cascade Dlouutaiu AVaon Iioad. ... 3 We also invite special and Well Selected tock ittention f to our Larse Policies Non-Forfeiting by their Terms. - No Restriction on Travel, Residence or Occupation. Policies issued in Gold or U. S. Curren cy, as desired. No extra charge upon worsen. All varieties of Policies issued. " upon Surrendered Large Cash Value .J'olieies.j ; I?. S. MERRILL, Agent, ct3-5 t .i Albany, Oregon. ELKIJVS 12 1 KINS EXUXNS & &. SON, SON, SON. Lebanon. Lebanon, Lebanon, NEW GOODS SMALL PROFITS, QUICK SALES PROMPT TAY. Orejron. Oregon. Ore trail. FANCY GOODS, CLOTHING, MENS' FURNISHING GOODS ! which we ofTcr at I'XSURPASSED PKICES, on the most favorable terms. OCR . STOCK OF To Desclitittes Itircr Four Horse or Mtio tenia Two " One " " Ox teams, thice yoke For every additional yoke....--... . Loose horses, nr hcail ....... ......... " cattle, ier heal sheep or hojjs Teams ri tiirnin empty, hall price Pack auimaLs loa lcd. unloaded Horse and tidcr To Fih Lake.: A Four hore or mule team, each way Two . . . " Oue " .' . " ., Pack animals, loaded.. . ' iinloadel Horse and rider 0 team, three yoke To Upper Joda Spring : Four horse or mule team, out and back 2 Two ' " 2 Ono " " ' " , 1 Horse and rider, , " Loose animals. " ' ...... - Ox teams the same as horse teams. A. IJAt KLKMAX, W. W. I'AiiRisn, Pres See. March 0. LS09- 8 511 1 tin 13 O OTS Sc SHOES I Is worthy the attention of every Ituyer, hivinjr been expressly Manufactured for the Oregon Trade, and will offer i;reat inducements to purchasers. X,. GOLDSMITH & r5 Front and CO., r. First -St., Portland. Oregon, 1.12 Church street, New York. 1 J 0 A13 IHVA.AH3A3 6m GILBERT 30., ACENT8. SALSMr OKBGON. , o J. IIATIwOAir,f Attemey ui Caoxtaeller at Liw, ALBANY, OREGOX. FPICI3 -On Main street, nppositn Foster's Brick. - i I-u WE HAVE JLST RKCEIVKD A CHOICE Selection of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Imported direct frtn ; New' York via the Pacific Railroad, and can, for Cash or Produce, give customers bargains equal to any firm in Al bany. All of our stock is bought at the LOWEST CASH MICE. Buy f RTk.lns c3 Son, DRY GOODS, ROOTS &. SHOES, ; GROCERIES,. . Hardware Iron and XI eel, . At PRICES, PRICES, ALRAXY ALBANY PRICES, PRICES. ALBANY ALBANY Wholesale and Retail. richest rnirF.a pa in for EGGS, BUTTER, ETC., ETC. N-B. All persons owing ns will at once come forward and pay up, so as to begin new seeouuts. i . .; . ' ELKINS A 80N Lebanon, April 1, 0.-6m3U - . CHEAP SEWING MACHINES. 6)Q HOME SHUTTLE SEWISOtfzao UJiiCj Machine. A double-thread X5CO lock-stitch Shuttle Machine stitch alike on both sides.- , . (UG)f Celebrated Conwnen-gonse tD4J Family Machine., Both ma chines f ully Warranted for & vnnra. sent to any part of the coast In c t v, Af-enU wanted in every town on the Pacific eoaaCl Home Shuttle Sewing Machine Co., '7 .a. a. TRAVER, 131, First .St., Portland. Farmers Can Ride and Plow, . r mrriiixo one op the L. GOLDSMITH & CO.. SOLE AGENTS OF WILLAMCTTK VVOf)L en Manufactory, have Large. 8to4af Ihe Uoods maanfMtured by the- Ihuvo entjooed Co. now in store, cossistini; of S. ,j,.' Flannels, Tweeds, Caittimerei, - - nd Jllankets. ' OurN EVTST YLE CA8SIMKRE W Style and Finvh any QoU maaufaotured on thlt ..i .ft. ,... .j! September i, io.?. - a t GAY" PLOWS, .Manufactured and Hold for tho very low price ol J&0 and S5"7"i. : TlfK simplicity and practicability of this new Plow commends It favorably to the special notice or every farmer. It possesses a decided superiority over nil other plows now iu use. The wheels arc four feet in diameter, anil run on the nnplowed land. Its entire construction is in no way complicated. The plow is nianagedin every manner with ease, and requires onlv two levers to oe used in milking any alteration. Tlie aupe rionty or the -Uay ' PIow will be clearly shown ny the following ct-riiBrator ; IV e, the wndersi-med, eitircnji of Linn county.' uree;oB, uarinst ,i:haaea - aud -used pon our farms the "Hay" Plow, hereby certify that the samo as given us entire sat faction... Its faeility tor adjiitHng; td tuft the deptk fifitrow without niOTjofC frVni the Jeat. Is iii)i.1c apd caiv.H'e like the plow fo'rlUi draught, bocause tlic tame is hroajrht to bear directly upon the. plow-beam in stead of thct-jirriage ; also, becauso it is strong and durable, all except the wood-work being con structed of wrought iron no castings are used. The wheels running upon the solid land is an ad-, vantage over other gany-plows, in strikiuc off land and in-plowing, not having to make the nec essary changes in the machinery, and the seat is always level, not thr wing tho driver forward or Sideways as in otocr plows, liciter wora auu more of it can be accomplished by. the uso of this Plow than by band. ' " - . ' ' We take pleasure in Teeornmendinft the "Gat Plow to our brother farmers, as one haviug no snrierior in Oregon. J. . RBKI. :-''v-i W. P. KiSTTOMi ' - A. S. I.OONRV. ". K. W. PIKK. ' ; W. H. OOLTTRlSR. .11. DAVIUcOX- May 20th, lt. The "Oat" Plow is manufactured, by II. Gonldiuc. Portland Machine Shop. a Ait Mter will be prooiptty attended to by ad dressings . . . ., i ! i'. ' ' C. I. GAY, - - .. - Portland, Orwgoo.- 1RAXI).JIPT' CONCERT IN AI OF VJT tho JcreoMf Lib. rrancisce, Calilornia, ibrarj .lMoctVitVoM . of San i .MONDAY, October 31st, 1870.: ? Ticket of Admission, 5.110 gold eolo. . Treasurer The Bank of California. Dnrinir the eutcrtainnont the sum of $Ml.,(t00 U. H. Gold Ciin will be returned to the Holders of Tickets, bv the distribution, by chance, of the following IS1FTS t 1 Gift of $100,0(10 tiift or Gilt of iilt of Gift of tiift or Gift of Gift of Gif. of Gift of. Gift of tiift of Gift of tiift of tiift of Gitt of Gift of Gift of Gift of . Gift of Gift of Gift of tiift of , 10 Gifts, 20 20 lifts, Gills, 30 Gifts, 5(1 Gifl., 50 Gifts. 125 Gifts, fl.Oi'O each..... 7-0 each...... Mill each 4H) each ::('( each 200 each 100 v;h... 50.0110 25.000 20,fmu 19.000 I'M (id J 7.G1W lrt.t 00 . I5.0"0 H.OiO 13,(410 12,1X10 ll.WMI .111.01 n O.OnO 8,000 , 7,ti00 f.,000 . 5,000 " 4.000 it.OOO 2.00O "1.50O lo.ono ' 15,000 10.000 12,000 li.OOfl 10,0A 42,500 Gold, do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do d do do , do do do d do U . do ' do do - do place 628 Gitts in all $500,00 1 lie t or.ccrt au-1 Histrilmtion will take under the immediate direction of the Board of Trustees of the Mercantile Library Association, a.-sistcd by a Supervisory Committee selected from State, City and Ooimty officers, aud well known citizeus of Sun Francisco. " ROBERT 1!. SWAIN, President M. L. A. ' AV. II. L. HA11NKS, Vice-President. M M. C RALSTON, Treasurer. c - After paying the xpensea of the entertaionntit and making the distribution of the Gift, OS above announced, the balance w ill be appli- d tn extin guishing the present indebtedness vf the Muraa tile Library Association. . Holders of tickets to which gifts may be award ed, will receive the same ou presentation of swh tickets or eoupnngHo the Business Agents of the Board of Trustees at tthcir office, No. 318 Califor nia street, Sau Francisco. May . Albany Jlseate. . . . J. BARROWS CO.. Agente -A - - -Cor Lhtn t Beaton counties. JOHN BRIOGS, Agent , Tor Linn A Benton counties.' 'CO-87 ' ; S. H. Clanhton, ' 'OTARY JtBalO AN1T- REAL ESTATE Office ti-PeaOffioe building, T--ct WHI ea te in akin & Ieeil and f& er cwo eey : Lu. blililk tW'fmimRl nrtt.nn"nrJI,W,M. trusted toiBr"- 3 " aiXc; :,iJ:t OF ALT KINIa. prmfad WhJeVyx.1oV(i jrates; m orlered , at ?h ia-e(B. Vl N-OTIOB. .. Holders of Tickets) to the Gift Concert in aid of the Mercantile Library Association, are hereby notifieil, thai the Concert is postponed until Monday, October 31st, 1870. Unexpectod interferences have operated to make this delay necessary to accomplish the result of freeing the Library from debt, without recourse to other privileges granted by act of the Legisla ture, passed February 19, 180. ., . - : This is positively the only postponement' which will be made; - The Concert will taae place on the day above named, commenciug at V o'clock a. nt., and to continue until all tlie gilts havo been awnrded. : The funds already in bank are considerably -mora than sufficient to insure the successful com pletion of the contra-t with the public. Thu sulo of tickets will positively close oo Fridny. tho 28th day of October, 1870. ", All tickets remaining unsold nt that time wfll be withdrawn fmm sale and cancelled.' . They will be advertised by their numbers, on the 20tb dar of October, 1870, in one or more of "the .daily pa pers of this city.' Any diminution thus made is: the number of tickets to be drawn, will not mSpat the number or amount of gift. They will be mm heretofore advertised, to-wit : 628 gifts, inorisl ing in all to $500,000 gold. .?.. . - Ticket holder residing out' of San Francisco will receive daily accredited lists of the award of Gilts, which will also be published in the leading; San Francisco daily papers, on the II rat of No vember, 170. - Jielivery of gift will commence Koveroimr 2d, 1T0. at the Office. No. .HI 8 Califortia at met, to all parties presenting tickets to which glftshavebeea awardel. All gii's awarded to noa-reaiwanta will be held to their order and for their account. ROBERT B. -SWAIN,- Vrefc Mi K. A;' W. -II. L. RAP NES. Vice-Pre.uW. . W. C. RALSTON, Treaaur53' TIIOr. K.-llAYES; Recording See'y, - DAVID WILDER, -Cor. Sec'y. ' -...'I TwcaTwita.., .1' fc.-.c v4'A W. Ash burner, i. M. MeNulty, A, M. Ebeta. W. E. Wood, A. P. 'Elrelt, -Isaac' WorWaer. W, G. Badger, P. R. Keloids 6a'l A.bbarfe MAURICE DOKK A tHARlES g, pfeXKllB; 1-slO No. 318 California a't'reet. w fcatw. TV 6ATl:'loe two blirmat-kirte jfiU be pid',4CASHr ii ib4 rtWofi J" v.-it f A-'ftflfY -"BTJ-a w&ii s os feandfe 'Albaaw, Aug, e0fH8T0-S w hi- "V - .w W --t fffii-MW'!WS'Af