-n.5W!raw - r- " -- ' i " . ' ' " ' ' - . " 1 "IT " 11 - " i - 1 - - "- V" V '.-.j . -; V . VHWi"! Sil i"-'-S" .... !, -ift.' v.frtL'.Wl i T ,eei; lUtA r : ' - -- " - " '- -' : ' r ' "' 1 " ' ' " 1,1 " tj - 'i , ', ;,. i 1 ""r" -V VOL.3. " , -' ALBANY, OREGON, .SATURDAY, , OCTOBER 22, '1870" I '.'i- ."-. ; w;!.:r.'.:::d 7--; jaBBBJBBBBBBBBBjBBBBBBBBBB She jptojj giigitn I'lilLlsniO KVEBV BATfRDAV BT COLL. VAIV C LEVE. nrrK-B OS t-ORSEIl of tkbrt 1st first-sts. TERMS IX ADVANCK. One Year ....Three Dollar Si Months - Two LMlur- Siujjle Cities Ten Cnts . - ADVERTISING RATES. Transient aJvertisemonts it Sqaare of ten linea or !. first insertion, $2 ; each subsequent insertion, $1. Larger advertisements inserted on the most iberal terms. " . JOB "WORK. Having received new type, stock of colored inV. eardi. a Gordon JotjWr. etc., we are pre pa -ed to exevutc all kinds of (.riming in a better mann.T and fifty per eeut. cheaper than ever be fre offered ill tbia eitv. Ag-enta for the Register. The f.ll'wiuj gentlemen are anthorlxetl to re eeive and ro-eipt .for subscription, advertising, ete., fr the ltt:niSTKR : ' HIRAM PMITIf. Esq.... Uarrisbur. .litltre 8. II. rUAHillTON Lebnnon. I'KTKR III JIK, K.-n. rownsville re. 15. KIRK. Ks., K. E. WHKK1.KH. K.-q Seio. T. II. UKYXOLD.-5, Esq. SaU-in. !:. XV. CANXUN. Kq.... Portland. 1.. P. USHER. Esq "Frisco PORTLAND CARDS. e. f. RtrssEi.r., j ' Attorney at-Law, J "C P. FERRY, '- Xotary Public. RUSSELL &. FERRY, Real Estate Brokers & Collecting Agents, Portland, ' Ore g-on. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE Sale of Real Estate, Real Estate I j ligation, and the Collection of Claims. Office, North-west corner of First and Wash ingtou Streets, Portland, Ogu. . fob 6-70- a OKO. SlUB. ! ' J.llir.3 MORRISON. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, I'ormerly New Columbian, Corner Front and Jtorrison streets, PORTLAND, OREGON, Noah & Morrison, Proprietors. Fjj'e Coach to and from tho House. AaiEHICA. KXCIIAIVfiK, roitStt op Front 'and Washington Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. JJUSIXESS CARDS. J. C. MEN DKN HALL, : V t il i .v I u b 1 i o . Ll;.NY. OREGON. r EG r INSTRUMENTS v A LL KINKr i i m uL- and mtestoL I. P. W. Quimby, - - - - Proprietor. Late of the AV extern IL.t.-l.) riIIIS HOUSE is the mut er.ininuliits in the l State, newly ftirni.-liod. and it will he ths i udeavor of the Prprietor to make bis gneste comfrtaltlc. Nearest Hotel to the steamboat laitdinir. tfrf The Concord CacH will always l.c fmt nt the lauding, on the arrival of steamship ar river boats, carrying passengers and their bai' rape to and from the lKarsy'-c -A.fre. y.fe BM'fUe'l with I'ttfmt Kire K.rttHyHthrrt. ADVERTISEMENTS. BUILDERS, ATTENTION I SASn, BLIXD , AftlV DOOR FACTOR Y T- ! a. h. Ai.Tiiot sK. x. WRionr. j. k. backensto. AlTIIOUSE & CO., iroS STREET, fos THE BITER BANK), . ALBANY, : : : tiltEGON. Ir EEP QN HAND A FULL ASSORTMENT, and are prepared to -Iiii-nisli. to Doors, Blind and Order Iceti-oiB atteutled to Conveyances and col- I0--70 L. STRUCKMEIER & CO., .UliltCHAAT TAILOKS, ALB AN V OHEfiOS; KEEPS ALL KINlS OK FINE CLOTH. S-iit niale to order, in'tiie mot fahiou aie ailvl approved ?tvles. 4.iv L. "STKUCKMEIER Jl CO. W. entcy. (1 K N T LI. M EN'S P.O0TS MADE TO ORDER V ou sh-irt notice, and wUh ueatness aul dis paieh. All Kinds of Repairing' Done. Albanr. June 11. IS70 40 IK IS. RICE, .11. !., PHVS1CIAN AND SURGEON, Albany, ------ Oregon, o FF1CE ON T1I: SOUTH SIDE OF MAIN Sireet. Albany, April ;0.-:;2 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. fko:?ia:v I$riI.IIAS. WHEAT AND FLAXSEEDJEPOT. CLEANING and HOISTING oapaTityV IO.(MM) Ituvhels per Day I A "bare of pnrroiiajre solieite.1. 43'7(J K. CARTWRTGHT. J The highest cah price paid for Wheat. LADIES' EHPORIin. tnch as- ' . , Crown, Panel, Rand, and Seetion Mold of all sizes. WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES ! Flooring, Sc3Lixis:, nnJ nil utlitT kimls of ICu&IiIiii IVIaterial ! ALSO Are prepnnvl to dn MILL WORK : furni?li Sha ker Fans'. Z,ijzT.x P linkers. Suctiuo Fans. Driving Pulleys, vf uy kiiitl, at our Factory on Lyn street. t be river bank), next Keluvr Alarkbaiu? warehuti&e. At-TIl)USI-: t CO. Albany. February 0, 180'J- -I THE OLU STOYK DEPOT! JOII. DRIGCiS, nr. i.e p. ix- mns. A. J. DUNIWAY, IEAI.KB IX FasMoaalJle Miltoyaiiu Fancy GoOuS. Follows Dress and Cloak Making' in all their varied branches. BLEACHES AND PRESSES STRAW GOODS Iu Latent Style and best manner. STAMP FOR lifrAID A.XD EMBROIDERY. STOVES, COOK, PARLOR & BOX. of the best pattern- " A 7.o Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware ! nd the usual r.ssortmcnt of Famishing Goods tv bo obtained in a A'. V liul.oi, CIONSTANTLY on hand and receiving, a lare i-tock of Groceries and Provisions, Wood and Willow Ware, Tobacco, Cigars, Con fectionery, Yankee Notions, Ae.. 4c, Wliolesale and Retail, opposite K. C. Hill i Son'- drug store, Albany, Oregon. jn-50'70 Crncr Oregon. First and Rr-ada'biu streets. Albany, janlnl7-7o" IXiltabidel & Co, DEALERS IN GROCERIES AND PRO visioos, Wood and Willow Ware, Confee-ti-.n-ry. T-d-ao-o, Cigars, Pipes, Notions, etc. Main street, adjoining the Express office, Albtwiy, Oregon. I E. A. Precland, EALER IN EVERY DESCRIPTION OK Jif Scho.d. Mi-, ellaneon-' and Ilank Rooks, Stationery. Cold and Sle.-I Pens, Ink. etc.. P.st offiee i:uildin. Albany, Ore.m. Books ordered from New York and San Francisco. I J. n. hitcrem.. J. x. ion. i n. a. SMiTn. Mitchell, Dolph & Smith, VTTORNEYS Axn COUNSELLORS at LAW, Solicitor in Chancery and l'roctors in Ad miralty. Otttee ver the old Post Office. Front street, Portlaud, Oregon. I JAMES A. WARNER, Civil Kiisineer fc .Surveyor. TS PREPARED TO DO SURVEYING AND Engineering. Uses improved -Solar Compass.; Orders by mail promptly attended to. Residence iH St.. opisite Dr. Tate's residence. Albanv On7oa. ' . uI9-Cm i rowti.t. Ioell & I linn, VTTDRNEYJj i COUNSELLORS AT and Sliciirs i" ChaniHrry, (X.. Flian, Notary Public,) Albany, Oregon. CoUueiions rmply attended to. t. FLIXX. LAW eonvevanws I GEO. W. GRAY, X. D. S., rOl LI SOLICIT TH K PAT- r ronaire of ail nervous dir- inz ARTIFICIAL TEKTIl and HKsT CLASS DENTAL opera tions. Nitrons Oxide adminijtereil for r.i less extraction of teeth, when desired. - Chaffs mmlcrale. Office in Parrish .t Co.'s brick block. Resi dence, first house sooth of Congregational Church, trouting: on Court House blocs. ; Albany, Oregon, July 2, 170.43 ' j ' ' WOTIOE I , IS IT E R E BY - G I Y EX, THAT I It AVE opened a : . -i ivery and Feed Stable ! in th town of LEBANON, where I will be coni lMlly en band to attend to. tbo wants ' of the joople. -; I will run a hack from Albany to Lebanon and -Soda Spring,, on Saturday of each week. All business extracted to my care will be promptly attended to, , I' V. B. DONA C A. I-banon, Sept. 10,1378 l,3m3 C. IVSEALEY dealer ix jb manufacturer of jPTJUHTITTJUE ! and .CABINET WARE ! ; X5 eolclin I C t c , Corner First and Broad Alb in streets, .It MAT, OnE'.O.V. sir STORE ! Repnirn neatly ami promptly rx"nttl, .Zf on rraiuialilc term. '5bort reckonings, make long friends." Front street Albany. Xext door to Mansfield A Co. dec5 CS I IJIPORXAiwT TO THE INSURING PUBLIC ! Fire! 3?"X"o! FVLx-o ! ' A Stitch in Time Saves Nine !" Fir and Marine Insurance Company! Xos. 410 and 418, San Francisco, Califorrta street, - - California. Sf r-ARTirCI.AU ATTE5TIOX PAID TO "S3". i - . ! ORDERS OF ALL KINDS in his line. OetoW ISfiS.S ST. CHARLES HOTEL, - Corner First and Washington gts., j iXTt,i ' - OREGON. " " II. 13RENNEH, Proprietor. , Y Xnr9i4odS taxac;hotti,; th's proarietor bopea to jrir. entu a4fction to the traveling pablhv . The d ar aapplo.1 -rkkf ipring-botr tornr. - Tlie table ""will recelre the cIoBcst attea tion, and every thing tbe market affords palatable to gnosta will-be supplied. jaa 9- 1 ) BLACKSM1THING! PLOWS ! PLOWS ! PLOWS rilllE undersigned gives notice to the general I public, that be is uow manufacturing the Caleliurg Patent Plow ! ad any other style of plow that may be ordered. Also, particular attention paid tt v -i Wag-on Making" and Horse-shoeing". Wagons for sale at my shop at $140 and flC.tl. ltorse shoeing as follows : Ca.-h, $2 : credit, $"! All work entrusted to me will receive nromntf attention, and be exeAile.1 in the best possible manner with good material. A share of public patronage is solicited. . ' ...... Shop on corner Ellsworth and Feond streets. opposite Pie-ee' Ferry. F. WOOD. Albany, .November 1,1808-11 STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LI A RLE Cash Capital, In Rold Coin, $750,000. ' Ieposlt in Oregon, 9S0,OO0. ; . Lossrt Promptly and Equitably Adjusted And Paid in Gold t'out. TUTS COMPANY having complied with the laws of Oregon, by making a deposit ttt fifty thousand dollars, is now prepared to efiect insur ance agaiust Loss or Damage by Fire, and also against Marine and Inland Navigation risks, on liberal terms. CHAS. OUSTAVE TOCC HA UP, Pres. D. HA VEX, Sec'y. I J. C. MENDENHALL, i Afeat for Albany. Albany, January 8, 1870-18 ALBAIVr DATII 1IOUSI2. rrUlK UXDERSIGXED WOULD RESPECT JL fully inform the citizens of Albany and vi eiuity that be has taken charge of this establish ment, and, by keeping clean rooms and paying strict att'ntic 3 to business, expects to suit all those who may favor him with their patronage. Having heretofore carried on nothing but First-Class Hair Dressing" Saloons, he expec'g to give entire satisfaction to all. Ss9 Children and Ladies' hair neatly cot and shampooed; i JOSEPH WEBBER. ' -.,-;.- r- ;:-' iTe.I9y2 .!.;' :5t. ,n f n AriicLin ri ARiCE t, Main street, ,TIeat , of AIbsbv. flrsron. All. Kinds, A D OF TlTSKril SSr WAtttf.J z: . - ,Z A." r. ' SEARS, 9- " , -- t ... w . n W" so-.i ' ', . '-:,'.- TrL'"' mi-TT'TT " CO . -a i i . v. v. v: Si tl raKFABED TO t ,.; ., -Jry,v " Ait KINDS OF, TURKIXG !, j ' " I keep on band and make to order . v RAWHIDE-BOTTOMED CHAIRS, , u a3?1SUp a ear th "Magnolia Mills." Albany; Nor. , SAAr FltAIVCISCO STORE! roRsun first ALBASV........... r stiikethj- ...OR liCON. Keeps constantlv on hand a full assortment ef DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CLOTHING. Roots, Shoes, Ilaidware 4c Crockery, -. and a full supply of Ladies' Fnrnisliini Embroidery, Fancy Goods,lc. ' " - ttii?o. vtoelc of TZI E ' BET LIQUOR ! for Medicinal purposes only.- " .Always on'hand a large stiick fif Box, Cooking and Parlor Stores ! - and manufaeturea all kinds of ' -Tin. Copper and Sbeet-lron Ware, all of which are offered at the lowest rates - for i CASH R COUNTRY PRODUCES t All kinds of. repairing done, on short notice, and entire satisfaction warranted, at my Store and Tin Store. ! . s JULIUS" Nov, e-11 GRADWOHL. ALARMING MORTALITY I Within the past three years, six of the local Insnrnnce Companies of San Francisco, repre senting a capital of over $2,800, 00", suspended th first four during the low rite war of 1S67 and 1SC8 the last two during the past few weeks. Six -out of Twelve in less than three years is an alarming record of mortality, aud should suggest to the insuring pub lic tho propriety of avoiding experimental, inex perienced, and low rote Companies, and patroniz ing tho old established, conservative, wealthy, and prudently managed corporations of the solid and permanent order. - T - ! I I T T S 9 - ' C1IALLEAGER THRESUEIt RAINESS' READERS Mowers -1 Reapers ': .j.. .--And all kinds of ' Agricultural Irnplem'ts & 3f achines . : -Oa band and for sale by c . ..... - - ; "''R''TTt.iirrVTrwf rf. May 28, '70-58 Albany, Ojo. 'p- war -A StarUlne . Theorvs , From San Francisco CUronicie! "1 Editors Chronicle ?-HUUertt the eytnpathetic tide of popular feeling-"haa gone with Prussia. in the great European combat. If it Las been even partially diverted in favor of l'ra nee this' is owing to the remembrance of how that Power magnanimously involved herself in a tre aiendoua war with England in 1778 by her recognition of the young American Republic, and, the sentiment of gratitude on our part prompting us to reciprocate, now that France is, iu Iter turn, fighting for the boon of self-government against. Imperialism within, and Absolutism with out. But there is , another light in which to view, this subject, suggested by an editorial appearing recently iu the Boston J'osi, wjiich draws Jhe curtaiu from beforo a characteristic scheme for - "-"-- - .;: JUSTLY" TAK"ES RANK AS THE LEADING A M ETK'I CAN I-ii'e Insui'ance .C- Their contracts. rc endorsed by wish assets exceeding ; Sl,700,000. Their business is managed by rindrwri!ers who have no superiors and but few equalsin the Union Tieir risks are small, carefully selected, and scat tered throughout the entire L'nited States, thus avoiding heavy loss iu tbe most sericus conflagra tion. Their rates are not of tbe guss or gainb- j ling order, but are based on actual experience. ; and are as low as good insurance cai be furnished I at. Their losses are honorably and promptly ad- ! iusted, and paid in gold coin without delay or 1 discount. Their agents, located at all points of importance, have authority to issue policies direct, thus avoiding tbe danger and delay incident to the sub-agency system : and, iu each and every particular, both as regards solvency, permanency, prudent management, honorable conduct,cquitable rates, and conservative practices. The PlWnii, of liar I ford, iurnit'ltcs facilities to the insnring puMie unequall ed ly any other Company doing buinesa on this It. II. ZTIAC.IL.Ij, 424 California f-t., San manager, r rancisco.. Policies Issued and IleneweJ Direct by I,. VXIIf X, Agent, ALBANY, OREtlON. jy2'70-tr.ui:t SPRING AND SIMMER STYLES. CUSTOM MADE CLOTHING. CIIKV0IT SUITS, J WHITE DUCK SUITS, CASTOR BEAVER SUITS, Heavy Canvas Hunting Coats, White Marseilles Vests, . . Fignred Marseilles Vests, Furnishing Goods of all Kinds and a great variety of other NEW AND SEASONABLE GOODS. PRUSSIAN MARITIME AORANIHSsEMEXT At the expense of the- United States. Tle article is as follows t:i ' ' I "At' the time BisniarcT Broujjlrt' Iveo pold and the Spanish -throne so fatally together, he deposited for Prussia a hun dred millions of dollars in ' London, with which to induce the insurgent Cubans eventually to claim the assistance of Prus sia through Leopold, and thus bring the island under Prussian dominion. , The object was, obviously, to provide a naval station and -colony for ambitious Prussia in the West indies, through whose watera so many of. the future' leading highways of commerce are to pass. The plan would prove a master-stroke of policy, if it could be carried out. Now that Prussia is victorious in her war with ! France, what should hinder -.the- designing Bis marck from pushiug on with it !" France certainly is powerless to interpose. Spain, without France, could not very well help herself. England has no interest even if she dared, to say a word.' The United States alone must resent aud resist it. We have an a nation, again and again de clared it would be a cause of war lor any foreign Power to accept the transfer of Cuba. In the case supposed, should We j DC equally reauy io aispuie it wnu rrus sia ? Or would the sympathy professed for her as against France work the effect of a concession to her desires ? Here is a not impossible question that may yet arise to teach us the value of keeping a strict neutrality iu foreign wars." THE POSSESSION OF CUBA Has long been a cherished idea with Bismarck. The evident object of Prus sia s territorial acquisitions during the last six years has been commercial ad vantages Schleswig-Holstcin, Lubec, Hamburg and Btemen are each and all commercial ports, fronting on the North Sea or the Baltic. But the seizure of seaports alone cannot convert, an ambi tious Power into maritime greatness. There must also be-what England has ever had, and what France has for a cen tury striven to obtain foreign colonial possessions. How to get these ? THE GENIUS OF BISMARCK Descried iu the grasp of decrepid, iinpe-, cunious opain a rich, productive island the "Gem of the Antilles" almost a con tinent in size, of which she i liable at any moment to be" despoiled, on one pre text or another, by the United States, as was proposed at the famous Ostend Con ference of the three American Ministers, in 1855. Laying at our very doors, this island has always been regarded as des tined to fall into the lapof the Republic, and its attempted acquisition by any European Power would be justly consid ered as ' A MENACE Safety aud AT AMERICAN Schiffswcrte & Maschinen, at Hamburg, ( there have been launched upwards of two hundred iron ? hips within six years, numbers ef which, as well -as ' those of Bremen, have repeatedly loaded grain in San.i Francisco. ;harbor. -The tlerman builders get their iron plating from Bel gium, their iron rope i from Westphalia, and au " immense effort is being . made throughout Northern 'Germany to emu late and.,-: . ::;.'-- ',.:"-,'. i ' Z SC'tPASS TUB ENGLISH -' In iron ship-building. And as the iron merchant ships, so in naval iron clads. The Prussian navy" has become formida ble, and is constantly being perfected and increased. One of the conditions imposed by Bismarck for making peace is that a portion of the French iron clad navy shall be transferred to Prussia,' as in part' indemnification for the expense of the war.V ' -; f Cuba in the hands of , Prussia i -would not only divert thither much of, the Qer man emigration wh?ch has hitherto flowed to the .Boiled States, but from that powerful fortress she wbtild command the TRADE OF THE WEST INDIES' . And the Caribbean Sea and hare a naval station, such as Bismarck wauts, which Would offset any acquisition which, we might , obtain in Uayti. Commerce and uaval supremacy is as certainly BUmaick's dream for the, mighty Prussianized Ger many of the future as that he baa seized all the ports of tho Baltic and North Sea. The great chess playe'r has . converted those seas into a Prussian lake. , It will be Holland's and Belgium's turn to be swallowed next, and perhaps even what has becu left, after the despoiling of . j 11HAVK LITTLE DENMARK, Will presently be appropriated. - ; France wy the only check to 1'russian aggression. Overran by - A million of trained men, she no longer presents a barrier to the ambition of kings as during the Republican wars, when ' under De niouriez, Morean, Pichegru and Jourdan, she hurled back, time and again -' the forces of despotism invading France for the one avowed purpose of re establishing the fallen monarchy and crushing out Republicanism. The last news now is that Bismarck's plan is to be consumma ted, and a German prince "colonized" upon the Spanish tbroue. PRIM ANP BISMARCK . Arranged the former plan, to thwart which, in the interests of civilization aud national safety, France has well nigh sacrificed herself. Their scheme now in to place upon the Spanish throne a sou We arc prejiared to ofTer to the public the lar gest and BEST SELECTED stock of Clothing of our own manufacture, ever brought to Portland, aud aprices that DEFY' COMPETITION. . WM. CURRIER & CO.. jy2-l.V3in 10.1 Front-st., Portland. MACHINERY ! OF ALL KINDS, . It 1Z I V I Xt 13 x ' - ' r.Y " BEARD & COLVER. Headers, ' .. Tliresher, - ' - i5" -! --Jtlowers,- ' ' i ' "Reapers, '" SHOULD BK LOOKED TO SOON. 1 ' u " lersous having tho , ' . "T heeler & Me lick Endless; "Chain - ' - i TnrekbertV --' ' can have them repaired o tboy will clean tho grain as well as auy Thresher,- and clean as much as their power will threeh. ? , . 4 . . : " Flax Fan'sH, "; MADE TO. ORDEU ONLY. Ia short, all ether Agricultural Machines and implements made and repaired. "i"'""' - - '- - We are completing arrangecaenta" ' ta oiaaafae. tare Seed Sowers, Sulkey and 4Jng Plows, of the best patterns now io use. " . All work warranted made of tbe best material.:.::-.,': : -- Shop on corner of Washington and Eacond-st., Albany, Oregon. . - 3t)B3 , May 28, l70.,ft ' " ' " v. - BLANK Deeds, -Mortgage. -te, a baad latest styles, and for sale low, at this offiee COMMERCE, 'destiny, more pronounced. even, than the rrencu occupation oi Mexico. With a Hohenzollern prince on the Spanish throne, a Prussian "protec torate" over Cuba could easily be ar ranged ; a protectorate to commence with, but to be ehanged into actual ownership by purchase or seizure at the earliest op pot tuoity ; that is to say, upon the first war in which the United States might become involved a war- helped along, perhaps, by the astute Bismarck and when, too, the United Spates-' might; for the moment be as indisposed to enforce non-interference hi the affairs of Cuba, as she was unprepared duriitg tho rebellion to summarily eject the French from Mex ico. But a Franco-Austrian empire in our borders was. no greater menace .and insult to the United States than a Prus sian prince ou the throne of Spain would be to France. If Prussia should once get a foothold in Cuba, she would ncvers re eede an inch, even at the risk of ' ... " , . : . -j-"..-: -..:.-- -' . i.! . WAR WITH THE UNITED STATES., T ; In the event of such a war, , Prussia would have the moral support of " the world ; for, the same argument would be used that was lately urgedjas regards . the proposed Hohenzollern plan of environs iug France with, her traditional enemies and engineering a Teutonic prince on to a latin throne.., The argument Las been this 'illad not Spain the right to. call whomsoever she. pleases to hcr. own throne.? , What busiuesa waaisjU' of France's ?", And so "of the Prussioii -protectorate over Cuba:, 'lias: not .Spain the right to do what she chooses wjtlv her own island AVhaibJuslnpsi iiVf Jtlic United plates ij,a U Vr rt'.fir, If we were to think,of . trying , conolu,. sions on. tliis point with Pruseia, f Wo should find s that - the maritime (Power which has sprung into oxistencc, yjUfr U Northern Europe , for iits :cea porta tf Jn whicH tpj j... e0:rUix?Z .9C"faiib..ji i-coNSTarjcr iaojr-cLADs; , i m?t Would give as qurte M tntfch; as ctihl attend to - especially 4adcr i th present decline of all Bhtp-Dfliidrrie" faetlitief in the United States. : Hamburg and 'Bre men, whTcB lhave been absorbed by Prus sia, are building the finest tbe world. Frorn the hfpyir'd'of Meesrs. of the King of Saxouy; while Prussia, by means of her prodigious but concealed preparations for war during may years, is now able to defy auy iutcrference ; from any other Power. Turkey removed from the pathway, will soon, leave British India open to Russia, toward which she has beeu " . REACHING ACROSS ASIA For a century. With that conquest, British commercial supremacy will be checked, and Prussia will nod no obsta cle to her schemes of territorial and maritime aggrandizement. It will be remembered that King William, under the dictation of Bismarck, replying to the remonstances ot France, agreed that he would withdraw Leopold not as "the King of Prussia," but as tho "head of the House of Ilobenzolloru." Prussia would thus remain virtually uncommitted, and be at liberty to pursue her . ; MACll I A VKLI AN SCHEMES Without having in fact violated any obligation before the world. And so that wily Power, now politically the "bully of Europe," has quietly but actively . been " preparing ' for war ' by resolving its whole male population into an army of some millions of trained men an army in all but the uniform and with jesuitical hypocricy holding up its hands to heaven and deprecating "the painful necessity which obliged her to repel '.French aggression," when really France, forced" into action by thq aggres sive -1 'S '' ' - M' ":-- MACHINATIONS OF BISMARCK, ' " Was compolled to require not ; only ' that the Spanish throne should not be Prus sianized, but that similar menacing 'con spiracies should be disavowed - for ' the future. '; i ; Aud now comes the news that Prussia is showing her teeth at the United States for what she alleges to be 'a'breach of neutrality on bur part. It will bo in teresting to see to what lengths nnbridled absolutism will go, and i how . much: fuis ther it will be encouraged by mistaken public sympathy in 'the,. United States.' i " 1 STATESMAN. ' .A very am using afiairoecurred at the Treasury Department, on Wednesday last. The Assessor of the Covington, Ky., dis trict was - escorting nine--lady friends through the internal revenue diaee, when a report was circulated among the clerks that Ungham Young had arrived with a number of Jim wives. . From down stain and up stair came the elerks, and soon the hallaand corndora.wero.filwd -with a ?urioaa throng tof both sexec ho;4orgot all about omcial o us in ess in. then- over powering anxiety to get. a peep at the citorufent lasted twenty minutes before an explanation teokHrce? and 'tla'cerifle rjan aarrileafied- froaa s the perrdextng MtteatidTtne was 'reiimr: "'e 1 - CrRCTJ MSTA KCFif AtTEU. C A SE8. A few uinhli sioce the passengen in a crow ded street-car were atartbad" by .the ebft. cooings of a couple in a corner- - A bluo veil hidthe.. Judy's facej and the genlle mau'a hand was playing nervously, with its folds. . v "You love me, then V they heard him say. " 1 " . The reply was in tone less loud, bnlj its accent was tender ae heart could wish. "I have loved vou so long, the swain continued, "and i have almost been afraid. U indulge tho sweet hopes that are mow resolving themselves into certainty .j 'iVas you atraid ot pa. t. . "No, but of you." "Why .should you be afraid of roe ?' "Because it seemed so impossible that you should love me.'' . .-"Why t" -;.' - - j' -- "I'm homely ; my face is not handsome; Tliave nothing that attracts the love of women." -'- ---- - .'. :- - '. ltut you are rich," the lady archly re plied.. . ... .. ... u . "Passably so ; but not very." ' '..The conversation had by thin time gr.own absorbingly interesting, and every car was listening in the crowded car. "Would you marry me if 1 was poor?'' "llow can you ask am I mercenary '?" .No but so manyare." There was a' momentary silence, and then the whispered conversation wan- ib sutned with- a mutual confession. In plain words both acknowledged resem. blance to Job's turkey neither had a cent. .. They would commence their mar ried life very much as they begun the world with nothing. The mutual cod- i fession was evidently a damper on their enthusiasm. - They were silent. The la. dy cast furtive glances at the ewain, and at last murmured audibly : . - 1 , 'I am too young to marry." " The tone was disappointed. It had a: hesitation accent about it that meant more than the language. But the answer came heartilybluff', and to the point. "So am I." " , -: ; "We've both been mistaken." ; "Yes." And so they had. They lcfl the car quietly. The question of marriage was thoroughly understood. There was to be uo wedding. '-,'-' 9 ; itM -"'Tvras akam still morn in rhich is one of the fall or ortum A Tail.- October, months. It was at the seizen uv the dying year which awakens fond remissness of formur memories nv the rekolekshuu uv bi goce daze. ;" " " ' The rane cum doun in a kind uv Sue mist, in a sad, lingerin kind uv way, as if it hated to wet the spot ou which it lit, but didn't cgzackly no whar else to go. The fcrnal breeze uv ortum kept' a blowin away, but not hard eoufflo blow euuybody's hat off. The trees swaid back aud 4th like an old woman with the teethack. . ' . , i i .' On tsich a lovely morn as this, a mai den fair, with pensiv air & golden hair, gazed out of the cast kitchen winder uv a house in the beautiful and romantic Strait, Elccnoy, gazed long and well, gazed and gazed and better gazed she gazed as : if there wuz sumthin on her mind which I euppozc there wuz! She wuz a nice girl uv medium heit, with a mild temper & iron spoon in her I left hand. ' She had been bakin pr.ncakes Her eyes 'flushed & her buzzuin hove with the emotions ur her feelings. Suddenly she spoak & re vealed the cause uv her colisytood as she says:' "Thar, mam, I'll be dad hobbled if that old kow of Snigginzes hain't broke into our garden again? David the Psalmist. His life and history, an written for us in those psalms of his; ia considered to be the truest em blem ever given to men's moral progress and warfare, here below. AU earnest souls will ever discern in it the faithful struggle of an earnest human soul towards what is good and best. A struggle often ' baffled, sore baffled, down as into entire wreck j yet a struggle never ended j ever with tears, repentance, truo unconquera ble purpose begun, anew. Poor human nature! Is not a man's walkirg in truth "a succession of falls?" Man can do no other. . Ia this wild element of a life", ho has to struggle onwards j now fallen, deep abased and ever with tears, reientanee, -with bleeding heart, he has to rise again, straggle again still onwards. - That his struggle be a faithful, unconquerable one ; that is the question of questions. ' This' Wisconsin4 tail tt Coadoctertoh such excctTlTfiXrthclplcs Tha'Fwhen nris oners are rlusaany; ill-benafoof, tlTej are takerTout anfTboarded at a hotel .until C BgainrrVr ' Ins lirsigbed y the rresiueocY oi ine j;erpetua i JSmigration Ftind of the TerntcSvttlTc'also attemnt. t ed to resign the Trustaiinvf th Mot if mnn riM..A vnt : !.4" 'i.-. .:.' Speak. Out. There are soma natures which never grow large enough to speak out and say a bad act is a bad act. until tney nave inquired into the politics - or nationality of the man who did it. . And -they are not really scarce either. Cain is branded a. murderer . so heartily and unanimously in "America, onlv because ho was neither a Democrat or Rermbli- can,. . The Feegee Islanders' abuse of Cain ceased very suddenly when the white man mentioned Casually that Cain was a Feegee Islander.' The next remark "of the savage, after an awkward pause, Was s i' Well, what did -Able ome footing around iereior.r-;i s U. .-..;.;:! . : , -. Tbe very latest thing in the adverti iBgls alady who, through the newspapers, -keeks for employment as an "ornamental guest." She will assist at dinner or even ing parties by her grace, and -wit and beauty, coutributiug to the entertainment of guests, and ehewiil do ererythiog fa the hfghest .style of (lie art--onJy she Osmanis that a handsome compensation be-Boad s4 IV- A' ladv bmiIv eichtv Tears of ace, who iA obliged to walk more than two miles to ehuroh.Tias received the prise offered by the Sunday School, in Wellington, Ohi, . for bringing in tbe largest number 'of new scholars in a given tima.