4" ' L.W'- 1 . Vif..-. , V s -f 1 y v.; i. 7 ; ... . Inquiries Answered. ... Five months since, we published, in answer to numerous letters received here from , the East, a list of questions and answers with regard to some of the more prominent characteristics of Linn county and the Willamette Valley. At the earnest request of friends, we republish the article, making the corrections that have been made necessary by the lapse of time since tlm first publication : , 1. WLat is the length of your Winters and Summers? Winters, four mouths rainy, season, and two months occasional showers, (..at tic kept in yood order on grass the past two Winters. 2. Amount of snow iu Winter? The last two Wiufcrs, none. The greatest depth of snow of which we have any-accouut, reached about fourtecu in ches, and lasted about one week. 3. Amount of rain iu Summer? No rain from first of July to Septem ber. 4. Range of thermometer? -Durins the last winter the thermome ter ranged from 45 to 50; in '.he Sum mer, lrom GO to 90. '5. How are the Kastern consumptives effected by the climate in your locality? On some it ha8 a beneficial effect;, on others the reverse- 6. Can you raise apples, peaches, pears, plums, grapes, etc ? Emphatically, yes. Oregon is cele brated for her "red apples "in fact the leads the world in the production of mammoth, high-flavored apples. All. the other fruits mentioned with the exception of peaches, are successfully cultivated in this county. Peaches are more or less cultivated, but ate not a sure crop. 7. What is the production of wheat, corn, grass, etc , per acre? Wheat, from 15 to 40 bushels; oats, 25 to 50; grass, 2 tons. Of corn there is so little cultivated that we hardly know what would be an average crop say 25 to 40 bushels. 8. Do .P.3. What nrosnect is there 'communication, and to what points . More than fifty miles of the Oregon & California ltailroad, commencing at East Portland, is completed, and trains are makinsr daily trips over it. the road will be finished and the ears running to this city in a few weeks, and the hundred mile strike (uiuetecn miles south of Al bany!, will be reached by the 1st of next January. The road is to conucct 1'ort land, Oregon, with Sacramento, Califor nia. Between fifty and one hundred miles of' the California end of the road has been constructed, and the early com pletion of-the entire line is looked for. 34. What prices do the following arti cles command ? Tea, 72eT?.igl 25 sugar, lOfrt.lSc: kerosene, SI ; .syrups, 75c(WSl; coffee, 20c ; salt, 2He ; beef, on foot, 5Gc; flour, per bbl., 4 50 ; tobacco S5cfVt)$l; vinegar, per gal., 50c ; pork, Go net. S5. A bat are ordinarily good ' cows, horses and sheep worth ? Cows, S2f55; horses, 40.250; sheep, SI 25(2. " 3G. Of what nativity are the settlers iu your vicinity ? The gn at majority are Americans. . Terhibi.k State of Tuinos. The correspondent of the London Ttligrcph, writing from Carlerulie, on August 20th, says: . ' It is evident from the care with which the troops have been disposed around Mttz, that Marshal Bazaiue, with all the : remains of his army, is still safely inclus i ed within the walls. The town is now 32. llave you swamp or mais'u lands in your locality ; aud if so, to what ex tent ? : We have no such lands. j Cjr, 3 Mvv 2tl 2 ' of railroad SSHilV jr&lViMW M iU&U'jU! NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. W A IV T E 1 loo ooo Cross Tie: NEW TO - DAY. 1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A Weekly Newspaper, Containing- 28 columi'of matter, 13 PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY In the City of Albany, AT $8 For -An-nxim, AV ADVA. WE, Six muutiij OREGON & Apply to J. L. Oct. 3, 1870. CALIFORNIA R. R. HALLETT, on the grade. II. TlllELSEV, Gou'l Supt. THE NEW FOOD. 1070. 1870. FALL TRADE. 'LOCAL ITEMS" made a EEC! A LI Y. i ....... . . ! - For a few cents vc of GEO. F. SETTLED.. ER, 13 12. XJ O I H T . (Successor to D. VvY Wakefield,) Parrish's Xcw IluIIding, First Street, ALBANY, OREGON, DEALER IX "Drugs and Medicines, CHEMICALS, PAIrJTS. OILS, GLASS, ETC. All articles warranted pure and" of the Lest, quality. Physicians Prescription carefully compounded. Albany, Oct. 17, lSC& 6;f ' ' "X'ILXXlS WASHINGTON LIFE INSURANCE CO., OK SEW VOKK. v.- ".. ... 4k ft? Organized, I860. onr Ore: t- v cr ii T rrv rJLITli; REGISTER JOB PRINTING VllJtn- s s s Oregon. package cf inado v cii T5WG Zzrlli Carragee:i, vliicli r: r:in:tocn 2iir.rt3 -cf Tl-.ii -nl alike quanti'y ' Z-g-o, f.-c. it i-ii'.c 11 1 S3 BET ON TIfE ELECTION ! ioctt m 1 root crops (potatoes, turnips. beets, etc.), flourish with you ? and what is the yield? Yes, and produce as largely as any country. 9. What are the chances for purchas ing wild, or partially improved, lands? Improved lands can be purchased; al so, partially improved. 10. What is the average value of each, per acre ? ' Improved, 10 to 30 per acre ; hill and lrem S3 to S5. 11. Is the country settlin Population i-ibegiuning to pour iu upon us from all quarters. 12. What is the comparative amount of timbered and prairie lands ? In the-valley about one-sixth; in the mountains the best of timber is to be ob tained. 13. What is the greatest and least width of the valley ? The valley averages from 20 to 50 miles in width. 14. Whi't is the length ? One hundred and eighty miles. 15. What improvements, if any? All kinds of improvements, same as in the Eastern States. 16. What kind of soil preponderates ? Clay. - 17. What kind of timber, if any 1 White, red and yellow fir, ash, oak, maple and cottonwood. 18. Where is your nearest market? At present Sau Francisco, California, is our main market.' 19. What is the price of wheat, bar ly, etc., at the present time ? - Wheat G-5 to 70 cents; barley 45 cests. completely blockaded. Ua the eastern side (Joneral Steinmetz commands with the First and Seventh Army Corps ; on the north are the Saxons (Twelfth Army Corps);the Saxons were detached against MacMahon. Kd.; and Prince Freder ick Charles, with the Second, Third, Fourth, . Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, and Eleventh Army Corps, together with the Guards the O uards were" in reserve at the battle of SeJan. EJ-, encircling it on the south and west. Putting the whole army of Marshal Bazaine say at 100,000 j men, and the original garrison at, say i 10,000, we have a total of 1 10,000 troops ; j add to this number 40,000 sick and woun- j ded, and 50,000 inhabitants of the town j and surrounding districts, now within the ; walls, and we see that there must le at j least 200,000 men to be fed within the j beleogured town ot Mctz. What is to j become of the army ? Relief is out of the j question, and cither it must cut a passage j ! through and mitke giod its escape, or j ' speedily be red jeed by want, disease and ' famine Already' deserters describe the j stiite of things existing there as terrible ! 1 in the extreme. Metz is not a lare place : ; u fast or tnere my have been loud enough to last j up aa r j tj,c. carrisoti for some time ; but w:tli the ; rreat accession to their numbers that has co rial r.s r, Ti iooa lor .' .irr..- 110 :cn. ." J& '.rSJdL. .,.1 A CloriouE i ... amen.; !alt-iii::.t!:i in-.; ilz a r:: v:.:c:: .i-r.i'.el.".- at L. GOLDSMITH & CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF- FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS TOTI1Y THE TRAUE will open, tbo THAT THEY SOIh day of August, , the Largest and Pest Aborted Stoi k of taken place, their supplies will soon be i exhausted. Ocean Navigation. It is reported that a prominent JNt w York ship owner has s o.iei eu to bt OO.OUO that he has AYIVG a very fitir a.sortnient of matrnni we are vrepart-d to cxerutP. with r.ealnes? aud dispatth, all kiuJa of such as IlauJ-LUti, 1'rogra nt'mrs, BilllicaJi, C Jtrcte, Ball Domestic & Foreign Dry Goods t' hr ftMioil in brand and m::Li Trade, ut vthis iiiarkut. comj'ri.-ing cv-ry of Cotton Ooodri knowu to Ujc i 'j fctcamer which can Lcat by 'twenty-six : hours any steamer which has yet crossed i i the Atlantic. Also that the eteanier is of j j Americau build, and will be cmnmanded jbyan American; and that, if the lct I should be accepted, it would enable him. i to show the world somelhirg new about-! i American steamers. or n TitJ.-fts, I'tinrjJikf. I Lahf-h., Blanks REDUCED RATES at as 1o.t fip. tires as a dite regard to taste and jood work will allow. When yoa want anything ia the printing line, call at the Beoister office. 'i"i;c Itcm-.Mly d. t:l:lo. 1 lit it pro !.; of i It v, or.-t .-. Cold ia 't'jv; 1; ache ;irj cured with i CRAFTSMEN'S The Morgan County (Iudiana) Gazette tells of a man iu that county who was re-, ceutly married to his divorced wife, after a separation of tweuty years. After the divorce the woman moved West, and there matried a German, who went into the late war and was killed. Two chil dren were the fruits of the second mar. j riage, and none of the first. The woman j returned to Morgan county a short time i since, and was reunited tu her first hus- j band, who had lived single during her j absence. LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY UF NEW YORK. I5Lc:isa;va:v &. f kaus, Sullivan County (Ohio) is the home of Estella Whitcomb, thirteen years of age, and who for three tears nast has for her 20. Have you schools, .churches, saw 1 own choice been engaged in regular farm and grist mills, etc. ? j work, in plowing,. Bowing, reaping, mow-. 3Tes, ffc are well supplied. you, . 21. Which is (he nearest and cheapest xoute to your place from San Francisco? By ocean steamer from San FraDciseo to Portland. " 22. Wrhat ia the estimated white popu lation of the valley ? Population estimated at about 40,000. 23. Are the Indians at all troublesome? Not at all. 24- What game and fish have and are they abundant ? ' In the way of game we have deer, bear, elk, grouse, phoasant, quail, duck, etc., and our trout and salmon are unequalled an aounaaot. . 25. Is the surface of the valley even, or otherwise ? The valley is generally level. 26. Is the river (Willamette) naviga ble, and if so, to what distance from its Mouth ? - - During the winter the "Willamette is navigable as far up , as Eugere City ; during the summer as far as Albany. : 27., How far do you call it (by water) from Albany to Portland ; to Astoria ; to can jrrancuco f Trom Albany to Portland, about 100; to Astoria, 200 ; to San Francisco, about 800 miles. 28. Have you many spring brooks iu your locality ? - In the hills und mountains they are found in abundance. 29. "Are the small rivers 'emptying into tiift; Willamette-capable of being turned to account -by -darning, etc. ? - They are. Some are being so convert d to use at the present time. - 30. How far is your town from the ocean in a straight line west? It is about forty miles from this city to the Pacific ccean. 31. What is the population (in nuui bers) in Albany ? Between" 1,500 and 2,000. ing, and harrowing, as well as driving and managing horses. East hummer Phe ked about forfy acres of hay, besides doing her share toward, mowing, loading and pitching it. - Ore- CKSERAl. AOK.XTS FOF and Washington, Idano Montana Territories, PORTLAND.. In Indianapolis, an orphan girl aged 32 years, attempted to poison herself last week, because a youth of twenty summers, named Purcell, for whom she .had waited from hia childhood, declined to become her husband. Purcell was asked to pre vent a future catastrophe, but he replied that " he wasn't agoing to be scared into it." - - Machinery has recently been invented in England which weaves from, the hair of cats and rabbits a sort of velvet tissue, distinguishable from Bilk, tut not inferior in fineness and beauty, ' Table Rock, a Republican township in Siskiyou county has only oDe Chinaman, and that one is employed on the ranch of a prominent Democrat. Mrs. Jeanettc Sikes has sued for a di vorce from Wirt Sikes, Olive Eogan's agent. It is not stated whether Olive is in any way implicated. . Two old blind men were burned to death in their houses in Boston, Mass.. fceptember 23d; both were hard drinkers. The people of Kokomo, Indiana, know inai me weatner lias moderated, as play ing games of euchre on the curbstone has been resumed there. Tho steam power employed in ibis country is equal to 130,000,000 of men, but that of Great Britain is greater, beino equal to 400,000,000 of . men. A provincial paper concludes a long obituary with the following strange noti fication : "Several deaths are unavoidably deferred." .-.. Cash Flan, Low Kates, Strictly Mutual. All Policies Non-Forfeiting by their Terms. No Restriction on Travel, Residence or Occupation. Policies issued in Gold or U. S. Curren cy, as desired. No extra charge upon women. All varieties of Policies issued. :-9 not jimpiv '? re for a slior L-i.-s 't.'V".tft and p'rm:uieni rtirts of ("-.runic i"a?al 'j;.-.ri'li, r.nd rirnr'1 'or (t rare th! I rfrnildf id" and Catarrhal Hea-1- IvW .'1"l.!k';)li'tl.!. If vou j have a tlisi liargp from the nt.se, .3 nilve or i th r erwiHo, pfoi'j.in tip tbo nos? at ti.nc3f partial lor:g ! of the ifenire of uvdl. t:irt3 or h-'iirinir, tyef wator I iu or weak, feel dull, have j-aiu or ire5gare in i the head, you may rest a.sir-.-d that you have ! Catarrh. Thousaudi air.uially. without naanifet : i:i; half of the above r-yii!j.toin, termrnatL iu Con?umpiion aud end in tae prave. io dieae ; is yo etnnmon, more dot eptive or Ices wnder: tod 'j hv physicians. 1 will send my pamfiik't on a ; t.tMi to any addr.-ss free. 1r. page's Catarrh llemo-.lv i now i SOLD BY MOST imrG3IST. IX ALL PARTS ! OF THK M'OiiLI). Pri'e 50 eents. S:-iit ly mail, liotptti J, on receipt I of CO t'vii, or fonr ivA;.i:g?s for two dollars. Bc- w are of connierf,if s and w.,ri l.Ie?s i:iiitaii.or,s. Sec ; that my piivate Stamp, whivh ia a p-sitire puar ; aniea of gv'-nuinenre', is H;on the ontsidt; wrapjicr. j KcnKKiherhat this private Stamp, issued by the : United State3 titjvemineut exprepsly for stamping my medicine?, hns my porrrait.naint: and address, and the wordd I. S. CerfioVate of Lltnuineness" I enerraved upon it, and need not be mistakca. ; Iout he dwindled by travelers and others, repre- OREGON i periling themselves aj ir. Saie ; T am the only man now living that hns the haonledc and riht i ti inanufac'nre the iftnninc tr. S;c Cafarrh Kemedy, and I never tiart-1 to s-11 this medicine. ! R. V. PJERCH. M. 1).. ! 4ra3 1-13 Seneca gircet, BuHalo, X. Y. Wo al.-o inv ite r'pe.-ij and Well Selected tStot d attention k of to our Li FANCY GOODS, CLOTHING, j HENS' FURNISHING GOODS which we ofTer at UXSURrASSEOTlUCES. on the most favorable tcrm? OCR STOCK OK and Large Cash Value Policies. upon Surrendered oct9-5 Ii. S. MEBRIIilt Agent, - -';' " Albany, Oregon. ELKIJMS & SOU, El-KINS &. SOW, KLEINS & SON. Lebanon , Oregon. Lebanon, Oregon. Lebanon, Oregon. -NEW GOODS SMALL PROFITS, QUICK SALES PROMPT PAY. WE HAVK JUST RECEIVED A CHOICE Selection of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS Imported direct from Ktw York via th Pacific Railroad, and can, f r Cash or Produce, give customers bargiiins equal to any firm in Al bany. "All of onr stock is bought at the LOWEST C A S II r It I C E. BOOTS fc hSHOKS ! Is worthy the attention of every Payer, hiving been txpre."!y Manufactured "for tha Oregon Trade, and will offer great inducements to pur chaser!. X.. GOLDSMITH & CO., 75 Front and 16 first -St., Portland, Oregon. 132 Church street, New York. Any one who wants to wlu can do no hy calling on Xfc. O. IliXT. Sc SON, WHO, thaukful for pbt patronage, still in vite the attention of Ltnn county et al.f to their unequalled stock of DRUGS. 31 EDICINE3, CHEMICALS, TAINT& VAHNISU BRUSHES, TAINTS, OILS, VARNISH ES, A LCO II O L, K EllOSKN E, WIN HOW GliASS, t r u s s 1: s, : FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES, jLTC. Amenta for Dr. 1. .Tayno i Son's preparations, II. II. II. Horse Medicines, etc. - j Do you like rnedkiue for it bitter or nauseat ing taste ? Wc. have that description. Do you want the effect with an aromatic taste? Alter taking a few doses of our Elixir, 'twill he so very pleasant that your prejudices Meet surely tn. u awry, and the preparation Will lose the name o phytic, (hut not th'j effect.) Physicians and customer? from the country may rest assured that their orders will he prompt ly a' tended to. Prescriptions carci'ully and cor rectly coiiyiouudt. .1. Have yow the impolite rii.-?t called acorn? IVe sell 'Conf Slayer," which suiely does tho work, without pain. l)o you desire a book of any kit:', j a (iohl Pen, an Album. Stationery, or such? V,r. !. Driggg 14 wi'h us, for the neoomm liatiou of all favorinr him with a c;ill. llo you want n tine Watch, a ?t of Jewelry, cheap or dear? J. D. Titus sc!!s th; Siinu, under ' the same roof. Come and see us. Buy a ll-wk. Puy a Watch, liny a Piil. Uuy som-ti.iii.tc or noihinjj;, but come and Jee us, anyway. A well srn-iukled Moor and a cool drink of water in the summer, and a warm stove surrounded hy comfortable chairs in winter constantly kcv.t f r th: aeftom-.nodatiou ol ull. Albany. May I t, '7"-':;t5 HATES DF TOLr OVER Til E Willamette Valley and Cascade FJeuntam AVagoa Koad. To Des-chniies Iliver : Pofir l!(fr-c lit;e team '.. ...... :r! T'O Two ' - ,i Oil tn 2 (m Os t-:arr.3, iliMj.-U 4 jfl fiin-vt'H- a-I-Iitio:;:.! y'kt , .',0 Loose hoiSv.-?. r er head of cattle, p r head 1, " sheep .r hogs - "J Team ri-tni'uin;; mopt-, hitlf prictt. Pack ai;iii!;lls, l:a led 50 unloaded 25 Horse an 1 rider 1 0( To I'Jsli I.akc : four horse or mule tea;:i, each v.ar 2 Two 1 Ono " " " 1 Pack animals, loaded. ' , unloaded Horse aud rider Ox team, three 3'oke 2 To. Upper Soda Spring: ' Four horse or mule team, out and back 2 00 ; Two " 2 00 One " " ' " 1 00 i Horse and rider, " S'l j Loose animals, ' 26 ! Oi teams the same as horse te-irr.-v A. HACKLEMAX, W. V rAEMsn, l'rcs. CC. March (, 1SC9- S Farmers Van Hide sd Plow, nr stscrmxe ose of tub "GAY" PLOWS, Manufactured and sA:l for tho very low price oi j Policies Exempt from Execution. Hash Assets, - - - 83,000,000, 1 SECURELY INVESTED. . i OVER 21,000 MEMBERS. PURELY MUTUAL Dividends paid one year from date of m Policy. All Policies and Dividends Noo-Forfeit-able. Over 8, OOO Ioiicie -siicd fis 869. THIS COMPANY POSSESSES A COMBI natioti of desiralde features which no other I orani-Aatitm can claim. Its growth ban been j steady, iis success marked. Its system of boei- ness is pre-eminently adapted to benefit the hold ers ot its 1'olicn.s. U'&Umn & UNDER MAN, General Agents, 131 Montgomery tret, San Francisco, directly opposite Occidental lloteL "Vr-. WIIITWELL, . Ceueial Ajrcnt fir Oregon and Territories, rOKTLAMt, OllKOOX. Nuv. (5, 'OJ-fy .. 1 lij author ill (f a Specuil Act of the Leg islature i'f the. Slate, of California. !,QC 0,000. GIFT COXCEKT IK AID OF fititi.'f I.ibrmy AoviatiuH An tiiu Jrrr rra:icl.-ce, (aiilorr.-ia, -MOXliAY, Octoler Hist, IS70. Tickt ts of AduK.i-jit, $5.00 Rold coin. Treasurer Ti.o Pak of California. rurin:r tlu- cuts rtainncut. the- sum of $;00,000 I'.J. (Jold Coin hi-TeturiicrJ (r. the Holder of i 1, hy tot disui'.tHit-n, by chuneo, of tho foil;. win-' Cli'T : , ' 1 1 1 1 Gift f .... Cift of t'.i.t of Cilt of i;;t of C :!": ft' Cil't of ift of if. of f! of I i" d" of of of of ( -ft l.i'i ; lit It ift if I. Hilt 1 1 1 . I 1 can of 1 Gift of 1 (lift of..... 1 Oift of 1 Cift of A. 1 ii:t of , .... I (iift of It) tii!ts, ill .11 I) em 20 (Jifts, 20 (iifis, ot) Oifis, 50 Cir, ,r0 Oit'is. 425 (Sifts, 7. .0 e.'rf'h .... .r.O.I ia. ll -500 each .... :: 0 each .... 2i' tacit lotl c-:ch ..fl(tO,000 Gold. .. .M),(i00 do .. 2.i.t-00 .. 20,0(111 .. J 9.000 .. l,KKI .. 3 7.00.) .. Hi, ()fl .. j 5.000 .. H.O'.O ..- i::,t(Ki 12.0(H) .. 11 000 .. 10.001) tf,0CO S,(H) T.tCO 6,000 5.000 4.01.0 :s,(.oo 2.000 1 ,:,I0 .. HIJ):!0 .. ia,(.o JO.M'O 12.600 . lo,0l!l( .. 10.0:i0 .. 4'. 500 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do da do do do do do do (i:S Ci.ls i.: i S .V' Men wlio are not Congressional candi dates in a Western district are distingui shed by their weariotrba'l'rcs."" Thcre'are but six. . : . i'-7 . fib AW a W. Iluy of " 3I.XlS.lXX0 e& Son, DRY GOODS LOOTS & SHOES, G 11 OOE It I ES , Hardware, Iron nnl SI eel, ALBANY ALBANY At PPvICK.-. TRICES. ALBANY ALBANY PRICKS, PRICES, Wholesale and Retail. U . i 11 I: i . "i;!' I'M I is 4 nicur.sT 1-niCED taik rait EGGS, BUTT E E, E T C. E T C. 1 Cm GILBERT BR0., AGENTS. SALEM, ORIiQON. o Attorney and Counsellor at Law, ajui.ini, OREGON. - ' VFICK Oa Main rtrcct. oimnpitn T.i.. Brick." -'- . i r.j i N. B. AH persons owing us will at onc.o eonie I forward and pay up, so as to hettin new accounts, j L. KLKINS & BON. ! Lehunon, April J, 70.-6m30 CHEAP SEVING MACHINES. CtfGiQ HOME SHUTTLE SEWIXGrW 6) Q ffas&Cj Machine. A douhle-thread VjO lock-stiteh Shuttle Machine stitch alike on both sides. Celebrated Comraon-Seuse fhZA I Family Machine. Both nia chines fullv Warranted for 5 years. Machines sent to any part of the coast hy express, C. 0. 1). Agents wanted in every town on the Pacific coast. Liberal commission. B . Home Shuttle Sewin or Machine Co., 2v U. TRAVER. , jr.J, l irsi St., Portland L. GOLDSMITH & CO., SOLK A (i E NTS OF WILLAMETTE WOOL cn Manufactory, have a Large Stock of tho Ooods manufactured by the above mentioned Co. now in store, consisting of FlaunelM, Xweecls, i'assiiueres, - and IZlankets. Our NEW STYLE CASSIMERES Excel in Stylo and Kiuifh any Goods manufactured on this coast. 52m3 , September .Id, 18T0. FgtlE simplicity r.nd .ra.-ticaVi!ity of thU new I ES Plos ;omnit.-n-ls U i'avorahlv to the special notice of every farmer. It osseSiC a decided superiority over all other flows now in nse. The whc.;.- are !bnr fott in diameter, and run on the unt-ldwcd laud. Itf entire eouttiuetion is in no i way complicate!. The jdow is managed in ove-ry j manner with ease, and refuires only (wo levers I .to bo used iu mukiuir any alteration. The supe riority of tho '-liny' Plow will ho clearly shown by the folloni?ig certificate : We, tho undersigned, citizens of Linn coanty, Oregon, having .jmrchased and nsed iiron our farms the "Hay" Plow, hereby certify that the same has given us ent iresatisfa. tion. Its facility for adjusting to suit the depth of furrow without moviog from the seat, is simple and easy. Wc like the plow for its draught, because the same is brought to bear directly uj-on the plow-beam in stead of the carriage : also,' because it is strong and durable, all except tho w ood-work being con structed of wrought iron no caltinrs are used. The wheels running upon the solid land is an ad vantage over other gang-plows, in strikinc oif land and in plowing, not having to make the nec essary ehangos in the machinery, and the Beat is always level, not thr wing the driver forwaid or sideways as in other plows. Better work aud more of it can be accomplished by the use of this Plow than by hand. Wo take pleasure in rceommendiDg the "Gay" Tlow to our brother farmers, as' one having no superior in Oregon. J. ti. HEED, A. S. LOOXEY, W. IT. GOLTTI1EE. May 20th, 1869. Tho "Oat" Plow is manufactured by II. floulding. Portland Machine Fhop. - All orders will he promptly attended lo by ad dressing, C. I'm CAY, t Portland, Oregon. W. P. ESnOM, K. .JW PIKE, II. DAVIDSOX. May " Alliany Agents. J. BARROWS & CO., Agents for Linn A Benton counties., JOIIX BRIUGS, Agent - for Liuu & Benton counties. "G9-37 S. IX. Claurhton, TyjOTARY PUBLIC AND REAL ESTATE 1. AGENT. Office in tho Post Office building. Zebu no a, Orc'om - Will attend to making Deeds and other eoovev ances, also to tho prompt collection of debts en trusted to my care. : ' j OV Abu KINDS, irintv 1 at the very lowest rates, an ordered, nt thi.-i orfice. tullOjPfO Tho Cotci-rt an..l I'ijl.ibu.'ton will take place i-.n'.b r Ike in-mediate direction of .the Board of Trustees of th-j Jlcrcuntila Library Association, assisted by a Supcrvis' ry Committee selected from btnto, Ci.y and O.- unty odi eers, und well known ciliiicns of iynw I'ratici-co, t POBEUT B. KWAIN', President M. L. A. W. H. I.. BA!iM.F-. Vioe-rresldcnt. WM. C. R A LSTOVTr.;'uriT. Aft.;r payiit; the xpen.s of the entertainment and m.king the di-ti ibtition of the (iifts, as abuvo auuonnccd, the balance will bo nppli d to txtin guitbing the present indebtedness of the Mercau til? Library Association. Holders of ticket to which gifts may be nwardf cd, wiil receive the same oil presentation of such ticket" or coupons to tho Busiuets Agents of the Board of Trustees at tthcir t.fiiee. No. 318 Califor nia s'reet, t'an l'raucieco. ... I'JO'SXCE. Holders cf Tickets to the (iift Concert in ' aid 'if the J!'rciintila Library Association, are hereby notified, that 1 hi Concert is postponed until IVXonaay, October 31st, 1870. Unexpected iutcrfc rences have operated to make this d.liy necessary to accomplish the result of ficeing tho Library from debt, without recourse to other privileges gnu-ted by act of the Legisla tor?, passed l ebruary 19, 1BT0. This is positively he only postponement which will be made. The Concert will taxe place on tho day above named, commencing at 9 o'clock a. m., and to contiune until ull the gifts have been awarded. ' The funds already in bank ore considerably more tbmi sufficient to insuro the successful com- " plction of the contract with tho public. - ( - Tho sale of tickets will positively close on Friday, the 28ih day of October, 1870. ' All tickets remttininc: unsold at that lima wilt bo withdrawn from sale aud cancelled. They will bo advertised by their numbers, on the 9tu day of October, 1S70, iu one 1 r more of the daily pa pers of this city. Any diminution thns made ia the number of tickets to be drawn, will not effect tho number or amount cf gifu. They will bo as heretofore advertised, to-v. it : 023 pifte, amount ing in all to f 51(0.000 gold. Ticket holders residing out of San Francises will receive daily accredited lists of tho award of Gifts, which will ahw be published in the leading San Francisco daily papers, on the first of No vember. 1870. Delivery of gifts will commence November 2d, 1870, at the Office, No. SIS) Cnl iforlia street, to all parties prescnting'tickcts to which giftshavc been awarded. All gifts awarded to non-residents will be held to tbMr order and for their account. " ROBERT Br SWA IX, Prest. M. L. A. W. H. L. B4PNES, Vice-President. W. C. RALSTOX, Treasurer. - THOS. R. .HAYES, Recordina; Beo'y. 1AV1D WILDER, Cor. Bcc-y. " . Tnriirr.es. ' ' - :" . - W. Ashrinrner, J. M. Me.Nultr, A. M. Kneta, W. E. Wood, A. P. K1&1U " I sane Wormier, W. (r. Badger, F. B. Reynolds, Sam. 'I Hubbard. ' til-4nSKS AOEJtT. - . MAURICE BOIlli A CHARLES R. PETERS.' 1-slO : Ko. 318 California street.'; . 2m70 WAITED. - - ' A i li V B"EI'8 OF OATS, foe j IViUUU which the highest market pric will be paid, in CASH, at the store t.f , ! N. S. U BOISE. I Also. P.utlcr nnd Eggs, in unlimited quantity, j for whi-h the highest loaiift price will be paid in, ca-h. Call and see mo. I Albany, Aug. to, lSfO-Mi -ti r ,'.r- .fj-v!.ws j- i