The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, October 15, 1870, Image 2

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- - - O. S. Official Paper for "oTcffo' ""
At a recent a!e
The YauilillI Case.
OCTOIJKU 15, 1870.
e or larin properly 'in
Adair cou,1,y, K.y., twenty sucking calves ! ,fhc yatnl,n; t.asc jeM;rVes more tban a
were sold at 824 each, la ihesame couu- j ,,a.aiIlir notice at our hands bUausn it 51.
; ty, singular cuorigh to nay, young pigs S lutraea so thoroughly the democratic
l..ii.rl. fr.vf.i ..mi K. nine ' wav ol Uoiuir thing 1 he committee in
! the itenate went through .-ill th viil.nn
iae only
cents each.
brought from
State Fair. V were in attend
auce at the State Fair a portion of Wed
nesday and Thuisday, and are free to say
that the Fair is a "big thing" a great
financial success. The attendance is im
niene, everybody and his wife and his j into Alsace and Lorraine without risk.
-:r i ..... i
n;ie s relations having- gone tn the 'iar. j
We Lave not the time to sav more about j
At Vieuua, a manufactuier ha carried
out. the hippy idea of printing pocket
handkerchiefs with maps o! the theatre
of war. '1 hey have been a great success,
everybody wishing to poke their heads
The F-urek
compliments a candidate:
s ii the case ami then agreed upon a rule
of conduct, that votes imported for elec
tioneering purposes should be rejected,
and in caej where a man came into the'
j county the Ityal Uugth of time before
the election and lra bona tide purpose
j his vote should be courted. The exam
ination commenced t.u tiieNewby tide
.,,';, rr T. ,, i Hml " "' fetrietly toliowed so that
Qr. men from Yamhill c.iimtv nlm
U thi ... ; t - - coj, vu.v iour who iiau Ue
"-"-" Ltie is a candidate fur Recorder Ju j dared that they went to Yamhill to help
the largest and most complete exhibits j C0UQty lrtherc is aaother Illan J carry the election wre rejected, though
ever given by the Society. j - Cii, wha ,;ln w . ,,,. . I "e other thrte kit immediately after
- I (uC ItTtlniK it Iww... ...... .,.i
A Delegate to the NevEua Democratic : beat Lytic
estate Convention introduced a resolution
! h,. 1 I.,,.. .... : i- i -ii . ,
j i".uivu uur in lamina tliat tliev
iitinorleil lt'4. v. t.v l...i l ....i ,
r y' 'u."u,r , , 7 v ' - SIxt cdUyrs f.-o.u.iui.iJu have taken 7, 1 !C' 1,1,4 01
to pav the national debt to the last cent, j - . : j thw large number unly a lew were re-
and tlte result was that maav of the Simon I t".e'r "V for f? k.ep.og, ! jeeted by ; the cmu.ittce, no man bei,lsI
1'ure Democrats immediately set him j a VlCW PI'0'3 "vorce a little 1 rejected utiles positive preof wa brought
, . , ,- - - ! whue. that lie c:ii!S there to ete. Yet when
down a-i an Abolition emissary, introducea j
into the Convention for the purpose of If atiti.-juity -aact.ioas a custom, chig
kicking lip a rc-fT j liens av ail right. A learned Ilindu Iho fact.that a man worked for JI-irt, on
I sav -nt has discovered that c;bi lions tTfr. l" .uc.uuiu ule u;tcli. waj roumt lor
it catne to exaudniii; the votes cast lor
i Dr. Watts thev f it-ut all about the rule.
IIiGtl IIandiip Mr. George R.
hi rejection if he voted the Republican
Kcscuc ef a Starving Hunting- Parly.
The subjoined particulars of the re.
cent rescue ot a starving hunting party
in Nevada given by the Virginia City
Enterprise of'a leccit date:
A train of ten muies, loaded with a
great quantity of provisions in bottles,
tent out to relieve th lour hunters sup
posed to be hunting in Sierra Valley, has
returned. The hunters uie A. L. Edwards,
of iho County Treasurer's olliee ; L. Ne,
the well known jeweler ; John McKeu
ncy, proprietor ot the Virginia and Day
ton sta;e line, and James O. Lniau, of
Wells, Fargo & Co. 's office in this city.
The uicii were all found in a very weak
condition. Kd wards started to Carry
N)eon his back to a lake which they
discovered at a distance, but soon gave
out. McKeuney then took both N)e aud
Kdwards upon his back, but after going
about half a mile he, too, gave in. Ly
man then took Kdwards under his riuht
arm, Nye under his left, and -McKeuney
upon his back, and carried all threesome
fourteen miles to the lake. Here they
were iouod by the rehif party, sitting
upon the shore v. ieping and dif:
Dates to October 8.
v"-,ee i Worn two thf.u;nrl l.x- ,1. !
Getchell, of Amity, was met at hi store l tho . Aryan j V"?- ! , " "'?e
doorouTbursdav morning at 5 o'cleck. by ! 1 ilart on that ground that he employed
keys, kecptog him covered while tliey Potti t"t. wlscreaa one n,illiou quarts of j with hid previously expressed intention
went through his safe and took about ' ml'K were brought ay m:o the city, t ana actually voteU h r several Democrats,
Was counted out beco'ure he was tlruuk. !
j which is nut in accoi donee v. i'h U-.v. J
I i jiey turew out i no vote or a man wlio
eountv over a vear.
ana tin y couuteu tiie votes ot a number
who were challenged and did sucar in
thirst. The lake contained nothing but
pun-, water, ;whi t eas liiey iiad supposeu ;
it to be filled v. i:h la -er Leer. Fuur ti.ules j
were tt once uu'oa
i each man
.,. i l : i . i i-
.. 1 . I ,J !..,! l.:. -e tnu UitiK a lcattttn in Niw irk ( ire n. . . .
li.rn iuftcia nua ueuiauueu ts r-.- iz , i --- - ----j -
keys, keeping him covered while they j Ported tht whereas one miliiou quarts of
went through his safe and took about i brought daily into . the city,
$1,100 in ct.ia which iiad been deposited ! 0ne five hundred thousand quarts
the night before to buy wheat with. j wcic consumed..
w. t-v . .- - ' I The Missouri cciimk takers renr.if i ad resided in tho
l tie ictnoci-af.c papers nave liiautUs-:- , , " -
i i- i -.i.Ue'U "io:ot:els. llicre wcmj more -but
51c-.11 juinij icgaruing a scitieineni
Of the Alabama claims so long a3 deiav
j most v.f tlieiu Uave lioea raised to vGc-n-
j their votes and are s;aid not to be natu
j ralized They were thro to nke a case
and they made one and' turned out Dr.
j Watt.-just because they had the votes to
' do it with.
In the ILusc the proceedings were an
eould be charged ai-aiust the Aduii
tratioa. The.appointtnent cf Morton is Tii'3 "f Infallibility ii beating
Renera'lv regarded as evidence of an in- J fruit ia a11 li,at Catholic countries
tention, to pa.-li the matter, and now the i Not "ui' las the Bavarian Government, j
Exporter intimates that this is all done i w,tu "IC luJ sytupatlsy Ot the leauers ot j exact c:py .d this; both bodies actni'
for mdltipl rfTpo- t-. t i the Roman Church, prohibited the pro- j with tucb ui.iA.ju.ity a to indicate a pre
These Democrat ie papers are verv liaid I uilSl"' . t- uogrua, tut. even in
has i
democratic papers are verv
e; and upon the whole wc
'necessity for trying to p!c.i-e them
nicerted movement. Townseud and
Newliy were declared members of the
to please; and upon the whole wc see no ! k-l,J'u u K-eaL reaci.ona.y uiuw-meui "a ; Jjegilature, in direct contravention of
beiruu. In Jiadrid. ai rerorted some 1 t'
Tin the niiiLt of the 7th int.,on Burbee's
farm, half a mile north of Jacksonville,
occurred a detruc;iv.j fire. Mr. Bur
ce'i Jbarn, containing 10U- tons of hay
and three valuable horses were eonsmned
Sy the fire. Loss, estimated at -53,000.
Marshal Seatn in arrested Tom. Brown on
smqnci'-n, whom he mot coining to town
from the direction of the lire. It is fullv
believed to hare been the work of an
tiie esores.-ed wtsUes et ; lie ctltzn-iQ
sago, stxtv el the!iul: c ergv Uieir coun'y.
i.bout twelve o'clock ! 1, ,,.. , ".' ,i, .,.. . 1 f..r..i .... I 'Jo have ousted the lJ..vful tt.-v.r.rwnt:!.
tivt a wus enoimh ;
SoOti swallowed his mule-,h;a ! of bottled
grub. '1 he train left them completely
recovered and in high spirits. 'i hu four
soda crackers tarried out to them will
last tlieu; six wtcka During the day
the traiu they went out hunting
near tho shores of the lake. They did
not kill m u eh game, being chased back
to camp by a s-hark. which rushed out of
the b' u.-h after thetn while they were
trying to get a shot at some tine
up in a tree browsiair on the
tr Ut. up in a tree browsiag on
tender buds however, they eIlt in a
lo'v mulo-hiiids of gau.e, mostly - v.hang-doiMile-
and setstiil.-, but in the lot :;ve
seme lint:
a trap iuey nao set tor a it' CK ot musK
melons that hadbrnkeu into a raiieh-.,an.s
field; ai.-.o, hoc fly up tho creek, 'i lie
uame is at the Cout.'-. l i-::SUier Kanet 11V
office, wile-1-'.; friend., or' the hunters wiil
Pk call to3ny and get a share.
London, Oct. 7. Considerable uneas
iness was manifested in diplomatic circles
to-day ovet the news fioiu Vienna. An j
extraordinary Cabinet meeting has been
held this aitemoou to consider u note from
Berliu. j
The opinion is general in diplomatic
circles that a rupture is imminent between
Austria aud Frunsia. It is certain that
orders lor the disbaudment of the Aus
triau army of observation on the Fi ussiau
frontier have been secretly eountei uiand
ed, aud every nerve has been fctraiucd
fur the past two moutjhs to place the
army 011 a war footing. Von Beust, the
Austrian Fremier, exiled froti Germany
by Bismarck, who was jealous of Lis
reputation as a s-atemati, lias been intri
guing with the South Germau States,
and with such success, that it is believed
to have cullcu fur a note from Berliu de
manding an explanation.
Viknna, Oct. 7. An extraordinary
Cabinet meeting was held, to day. It is
ruiiiorid that serious complications have
arisen the l'i itssian Government.
ZJuk.'ciii I'oircj'Ondcnic, Vuu Beust's
ofiiciul organ to-moirow will cnuiaiu a
jitjly to the 1'iusriuii Government Ga
zette ot yesterday, saying tiiat the buv
crnmeot earnestly desires peaco, but it
cau never admit Frussiu to become the
dominant power of Kurope. This, it
adds, is now the avowed determination of
Bi.-uiarek and his royal master.
Mew YottK. t.)et. 8. Later correspon
dence from Vienna states that most inti
mate relations ext between Austria aud
Russia, and in the eveut of tho latter making demonstrations against
Frussiaa force to 9.00J and a Freuch
force not so large. The fight lasted all
day. The French retained the position.
George Sands writes from l'aris that
the city is good for a six mouths' seige.
The iTussians thieatcu Gicrssors,
whwre they'were repulsed five days ago.
A redoubt near St. Denis has been
abandoned by thu French, as the posi
tion is untenable.
Versailles, Oct. 8. Last night the
entire gai ri.iou ot Meiz made a sortie on
both banks of the Moselle. The attack
vras on an entrenched position of G- r
mans, which was repul.-cd. French loss,
l,tUe; Fru-sia'u loss, 000.
Washington, Oct. 8 Amount of
coin i the Treasury SiiS,4Sl,U14, iiielud
tug S-G,o4;j,4&J coin certificates. Cur
rency balance 36,348,4(33.
Swimming Races by Women. The
following account of swimming races by"
women, taken froui a M'ew York city
journal, may prove interesting to our
lady readers. Tho alTair c.une off on the
-lit of September last :
A female swimming contest took place
yesterday ut the l'ublie Free Bath, lout
ol Charles street, MTorth river, which
all.nded 'abundant amu-emeut to an audi
ence, ot geirtLmeu and ladies aembled
to witness the scene. The bath in which
the swimming came oft was a few weeks
since removed irum Wcs; Tliii teent h
stteet, and or. the days set apart "lor
ladies use was always well attended.
L'nder the tuitiuu ot the lady Superin
tendent tiie lady attendants at the bath
progressed rapidly iu the art of swim
uiitig. The lady superintendent deter
m ned to give prizes to the best swim
mors in a pubiie ex'iihitiou, at which
both ladies and gent !ci!0ti were permit-
i'i ussia, Austria will eeriaiulj become ted t. bo present. Yesterday atteriioon
j tier ailj'. It is LeileVeU, upon good au 1 Wis liSCif Upon the two svviuimnii.
By half past three, tunic five hundred
people if both sexes were iu their re-
From Russia, intelligence Las been i L'"itcJ ?saU,d t'",a u be used in pre
received that evcral of tho chief wheat- i Pall"? U,v wap. l' VtUtil V1 ,he tj' ih'oCT'
A . 1 . . .. . - ! ,.i,f inilli w !:i v ill,'! id V.'.il' I.I Clilnil-
. 1 1 1 1 a.- ,..---..v...-'-.-.i i.e(i-. .ii 1 i.f.i r . it i "iiiniit" riiii ii.c js in 1 r. 1 . n un i 1 a
! - . T . , . 0 . . . , . j im-u who bar.- i:t-.t.r been elected is an i greatly behind hand iu that, culture, I Oelhgeieut thaU inH leave any poi t U the
, priest of Jewish extraction has j.....ed the ,ra!,,s atll yhe to t,.:s .. adl, ; he ! owin to the Ion-, r.tra.-t.,! e.-h! 1 Lulled States wuhm twenty tour hours
I Frotestatits, and f.-ruied a new church at I f.ct lh-t the men thus fur'ctd unori the . lowed bv dron-hi. and at Arehaii-el some ; x thu uuParture OI a"'
I Avila. where there is a Catholic tbt;i.ig- ' ptop'e of Yamhill county have been ex- alarm was iclt for the hardest.
ical Seminary. In strenr.ittura. turn' her ' I'-s-y njecieu oy imise jicopie, use
! priest has come out." and brought four-
teca parishes w;h him. Thee are a few
j of the uuiy signs of the times
'-A Skx DF Fuoi.s." Ani'.wtr the maty
truitiful and coiiip:caieutary not tecs gtv-
A hole was cut through the brick w!!'. Itii the Oregon-Legislature by j.iurna!.-! en
of the old Cstu store, same uiht, about j this coast, the following fi-mi ti e Yreka
- the time. of the fiie, aud G. Karewaf ki i Jmrmd t3 dis-tiisgul-hable f;r its candor
"a-olrbed of ?31S in money-. No clue h is j and c!es adhcret-CJ to fact. It re-
"been yet. di-eovei e l to llie robbers. j mark? :
'i ho Deraocrats of the Oregon Legis-
set of
'Crnta of our !.if,t
id wiil in doubt
INLIAN FiGIIT. A telegram i"r
tlU.ll LJ-JS I 1,..,,, - .... . . .1 1 :
iiu.l. i-w i;c 0'Uv e 1
Angeles-, California, dated October Otn, 1,,.,!. as most of the Demi
baa the following :
, Two lac-i n.;i:ed Brennce and Maimey
were attacked bv Indians, and from the
i -ei
in Legislatu:
e, a;
i: nke a
:er b.'uiv and do
to promises before election.
accord -doubt
shelter jiff irded hy tho rut-lu, they fought ! tney wul juo.ers economy :
brae!v for two hours, kiiliii'' one Indian I btt ---s and Falnies d' t't
y raising an
3 State and
and wouading several others. Th? at- ! coutiiy oiheiuis, jut as- they chauged
tacking party of Indians immediately left 1 their mind in nierencj - to favoring the
for parts unkn iwn. j g anting of lands railroads. Before
j they get through, they will pass imvs
ritfc At ihiua. -x teieuram ironi j making it a state I'rtson otien.-e to vote
I irniie became euoruiuus Kecoly e.r-
ea.-tie was the motion ot Mr. ttare, about
i the (;luse of the fare in the ilouu, on
j Friday-. A resabjtiou !iad been tillered
; declaring Mr. 'fi-wusend entitled ! a
; scr.t in that body, he haying received a
I uiajoi'iry of the legal votes cat . by his
j constituents. Mr. Hare moved to amend
i so as to read, '-a majority i f the legal
; votes ea.-t bv this Legislature." Stieh
I was indeed the- only majority they ever
I rceeivea. !
j Now the facts are, that Yamhill h- I
1 bona f.dxi and certainly Republican by j
! about tiiry niajuri'y, and knowing this!
J tact tt.e L'Cmocrat eouMtieneel a most ,
stupcnd.iu-i system of Iruud by 1I1.3 impor
j tat ion of votes to override the wiiV of tiie j
I people They imported over a hundred j
f, nt le:.t i twice as many as were I
.' brought in by the ilepublicans to conri j
, teraet tliein, so; that they leduced the fair J
' Republican majority to a mere hindlul.';
aud what tho jiillainy fd' tljc pot houe t
I politicians could not aceou plisil has been
I secured by the! net of "this Democrat ie t
that a .!:,aua, ot au of- e -ntetts, tho pr.zes being a castor aud a
oysters that thev had oau dit iu i le!,i.u e ""U ueiensivo Clnn ueler, has , ret ot jewe.ry.
- . ' ..I,.. .,1. . . :.,.i .11 , . .1..,
vi'j ucm voiivsuucu ueinccu me io iiie first HACC.
Washington, Oct. 8. All the mem
bers ueie pieseut at tile meeting I sl)L,.live p.t.e.s. both bebw and on the
excel.t the Attorney Geueiul, Fost master , ro,,t ot tle ba, h. The aniuscmeuts began
Ueneial auu See.etary ol tt.e interior. 1 witj, a .. ca,,cr. fr wl,icli there
V proclauiatlou to be issued wilt declare j nl.. , Mim MarsJana
that the bays, waters and harbors o, the ij 1 ...)d ..U!iaU Waters. Their -e was
. 1.
about thirty, both good-looking, and very
mu.-cular iu Miss Ili'l had
a good .start, springing some distance
in advance of her opponent," but was
quickly overtaken:. For a time i: was
neck and iiei-k. then llill tiad the lead.
uiier oeiiigeieni. ; war es,eis 01 ; . i(i t, , jj,, , ,,. tl,e (.taku aJJur.
,. 1...! ;, ....... 1. r i...c 1 ,., ... .... ...
There is considerable damage done to i ) ' . 7, , , . V' 1 , t . ! ' atrs "evor,. showed no si-mi
i- i i Luited States ports more than six hours, ,i r.,.;,..,,. .,,,,1 iP ,.1 ,.r ,i I '..j,
i cotton crop, h-oin rust, wounds and un I 1 0 1 .. . . . 1 . 1 .,r, . i i latigae. .mu inane : an nu.u uii
lavoi able Aug-ust weather, hut t ha oner- ! . , " . a" m-. ui, o
, . c ,. v. , and war teascta Having once euteieu a
. ; . ', i L nited States port eltail not re-cute
A paper called the Magnolia Flower
blossoms in Arkansas but the editor
complains that it does not make a scent.
. .An exchange tells of a man who put
his foot against a saw to see was run
11 ng. It was, but be won't run for some
time again.
Professor Litchfield, of the Utiea Ob
servatory, has discovered 1,118 asteroids
between the constellations Aquarius and
Capricorn us.
lion "James L. Orr. of South Carolina,
has declared his adhesion to the Republi
can party, believing it destined to control
the country for many years.
"Rum done it all," said a man ou the
scaffold, and I'll never touch another
drop as long as I live."
Miss Minnie Bradbury, ot Marshal
county, Indiana, is studying theology,
with a view of eutering the'mioistry .
A lady caught her husband breaking
her hoops Two hours afterward tiie un
fortunate mati was seeo ut a drugstore
purchasing hair restorative. f
llcury Ward Beecher siys that ho
would as soon go a courting with his
father's old love letters, as logo to church
aud carry a book to p"ay out of . I
The Ohio arid Mississippi Railroad is
now issuing 1 ,000 mile tickets, good on
that road and all its branches and connec
tions for six month. The tickets for the
1,000 miles are sold at $2o, or 2J cents
per mile. j
Men are very uncertain in matters of
love. -S' thought .Miss Jane Low, of
Galena (111.), who, riding with her lover
to the minister's home th other day, to
get m irried, h id her wrists sprained and
one log broken by au "upset." A physi
cian advised her to go bune as soon as
possible ; but she started for .matrimony
and inatrijiiony it should be, and so tho
parson was sent for and the knot was tied,
the biide being in bed with her leg iu
The Boston J'ost rather unkindly says :
"St. Louis, seeing no chance for the cap
ital, is trying to be content with an
800,000 j .il."
of 1
eit ti
ally to gie up the coutested trooby, Miss
UI1C : ft ill cniniii" in wmnpi bv a hoii'tli. -
1 , .. .. :utlllltJlie. tiu.ii. iL-t-L mu ' ' will- .
decrease 1 yield ot coitoa, and coujtdtra j , ,, 1 THE SICOSli KACS
, , . J ' j i,e;m port ol Us owu Ooy ei iiuietit. !
o:e increase. I The making of our ports a depot for I The second race ws for a set of jew-
The noted stallion, Lexington, whose j S'ip-ly iug materials of war for beiliger- ! t--'ry. 1 jr which seven women toute-ted.
stock has been so long highly inked, is i ,..lfJ .ti a?0 prohibited. Proper oSiieers ! This- proved a very exciting race, and
ot the United States will bo instructed to ciiusca mucU amustmeuT. llmse wlio
tiai tiie inislortunn to oc tiie Ia.--t in ttie
oeail. tne -eMr ljHgiai.U fair, at
Mauchoter, M. II , September Vth. he
rati into she horse Lucius Speck, killing
him instant Iv. :i;.d so .-1 riou.-l y iujuting
himself l hat" he had to bo k.tle'd.
An Ohio hog grower says that the
foliov.i'ig ticatiif i t make the biggest
hog out ot a pig, in twelve mouths:
Take two parts ot bailee two of corn.
enforce this pi ooiammtou.
" '1 n U ci'ebrateil milii ii o ha won a devo. r.dly
bisli rej;atii.ii a an- alleviator of puiu und a
pr.sji vo uf licnlih. It tin bocurae a houFohotil
remedy. IV- m h ta.-t that it jjivt immudintc and
I'cnnan.nt ruler. It i pun l.v vejjutntde prepa
nt':in, mirio li-'.m ibJ het nnd purest lnnt.:rial
::.ifi! t J keirp an'l n i'l every family. It f rec
o:nui.'d.:l l y p' yeicians and p.-r m f a ll elun
rs. .'i:id tu-day. mttr a puidie trial of thirty yrara
t .0 iircr.ijio life of mun '.t is'aiid-i unrivalled
on I urex"-lel. sprn i-ling ioi us .fulacus over th
iii.Io wml !. It Inrire and lni-ruasinjf slo affords
polities ivi ienco of its e idurin j fnm. We d
nut rt-jcui tt nc eiserv sny uucd 111 1 lavur
.... 1 : . v. t .,: e t hi 1.1. 1 hi 11 m,r i.f Mlchiiii i n.' n-..u nonw .
icitil.-, u."i. o.--.v u..-, iioin r - ,(.'.. , , , 7 r its i-tH.-ai-v t'iao nil tno adv.. r:i --uvnta 111 Ibo
Fro.buig, dated" the hth, says that .New ! te wash from tho.-e ahea, but tins only j wrU- G-v8 it 0110 )ltir ,rimX .,; w.uW not
11 .. 1,.,,.,,. , , ,T. ...i...- ! gave them an imr et us to sti uggle out of j be withmu it, fur Ira ttins its vi
, 1 1 !... I-,, L- A ,.., r:,.a I ..,.1- I.'tti,..r ...,d tilritotion sceouu-anv eai-n vot;l. fe-Ma tiy all
lis., l'i:llniw I.i-ii-.v 1 .1 ... 1 1 1". 1 I.- ill: 1111 1110 .-
! II
d them together; i the
Anna Price. Lucy Fisher and i tHri'iin aceoajpany ear-h VoUls.
... . . . - . i Ilru .f-i-lfl.
at several poiuis. Imics broke out iu the I am"e. --uei u.u eie me cuiei j i, i- 25 SO H. a.1 SI per baft!
town in coiisetiuetice. t,
The l ot,s!, tou.iyanuoutices that il! 5eir amu.--in-iit. Mi-s
arroi,diemeuis of Mayea ha ve maiciy ca me oil t lie witm 1 r.
l:d ! Wed Sotiifc goOil skill !
Price ulti- I
is j chosen the Count ol Paris, Gen. Troehu J
and oue o! oats. G
then C::ok, aud f.-fd cold. II
the' cheapest food, and that a
good improved bictd can be
gain a pound a day until a year oil. It is ag-iiti reported to-day tiiat toe f ih baili roof .1 uUiaitce of tvventv
A correspondent of the ! iivrirmi Government will be obliged to quit ft Je-ep ; and .niter from the side
1,--V i7 . ' d:.-eni from the now Tours after electicu. .Bui-Ueaux is like-iy 1 8fveu li e ". Small r.o es were also made
N K W . A I Y H il Id S KM ION TS .
A JL'Mi' ALL I'.liI.'XD.
y pig of j jiri lLZ-ilue as candidates to the Loastit- j , largo number, t.f all sizes and ages,
mado to t m-tjt Assembly. . thc-o indulged in iuui i ig froiu the top
1.1 .1..1:... . . -
Yreka, Cal , dated Oetuper 8th, contrib- anything but the Democratic ticket, and
' Legislature. J udge B lise we: t over the
IM-. Kl,... ;,. K i UlUbl SUDtUil to.
a. inv-, wiui. eouutji, 1 11 11 ti'iiri uai u .
sT-l - . - 1 i- : "
j licit; v.urc a uumueroi leamsiers camp- 1
-ed there at the time whose horses and 1
tirnules were in the barn, ten or twelve of
which were burned, together with the
wagon of Mr. Bddy. loaded with freight
4or this place. lie was badly burned iu
Irving to save Lis mules. Fire supposed
ij be the work of incendiary, as it started
' from the upper part of the barn.
adopt oiU'-T measures ot a national
content and trxau;
tned the
.1 .y. 1 , - -,. , t.-i
11 ics una ; lin.rsuay rrignt, uoout 1- . . , . . oriostiim nn tn" t.rru,n of h fontei-t
n'eloek 1 fTri bn.'-i. t,,r,,,..pi(, i ture wliicti congress aud . tis oLtier States i 1 .11 , ,. ,
o hock, a ure . oroe OUv at tor.ugcse ou the I ountv wudg-e. After a cartful
1 . . .
says if
a pig
The State election in Nevada comes off
' on the 8th of November. Both parties
Tiave taken time by the forelock, and arc
.already preparing for the fight. The
i Hepuhlicau orators have been making a
" rigorous canvass; and speak with great
"confidence of the result.
'. Two wags, passing out of a tou on
fl.o Galveston road, says the Kansas
"Tribune, wero struck with the beauties
;off Lawrence.. "Whose plaee is that,"
-. said one of thni. "That is the lordly
residence of. Major George A. Reynolds,
. Cost thirty thousand dollars." " W'hat is
,lis salary, and how long has he held of
fice '" "Two years, at fifteen hundred
dollars a year." "Lord! what did the hon
est fellow do with the rest of the his sal-
ary?' "Started his brother and two
other honest men in t'he newspaper busi
ness to deecuuee corruption.
. Republicanism Pays. The follow iug
showing of the workings of Republican
ism' from the columns of the Syracuse
Journal, is conclusive- evidence to all
reasonable minds, that wherever Repub
licanism,, is ia the ascendancy, there
prosperity , . aud contentuiout reign gu
prenie: .
- . owa, under Republican rule has paid
off all her public debt, and has a large
surplus Indiana ha paid the last, did Iar
she owed, and her bonds aro no longer
the sport of Wall street stock jobbers;
Jlliiiois has steadily reduced bcr indebts
edr.ess, and his at easy command the
' means to extinguish it; M ichigao has
reduced her indebtedness about two mill--
ion in the..past oi&bteen months. The Na
tional AdmieistratieB has reduced the
immense burden of nearly three thous
and million dollars, put upon it by Pern
ooratie misrule and treason,' by - nearly
two huedred usiHionsy in , less thaa -two
years, besides relieving the country -of an
immense amount of burdensome taxation
'by atigid ysiem of economy and a faitli
: ful cxeeutioD of the laws. And the work
utill anei on more rapidly than ever.
Republicanism doe pay indeed, and the
people will do well to maintain the ascen
dancy of its principles.
Tile French Crown Diamonds-TIic
telegraph reports that the "statement that
the Lmpress carried off the crown dia
moods is refuted by the French Govern
ment organs." V.'hat t'icse crown dii
monds are is told in the "Monthly Gof'sip"
of Lijipincott's Jltiffazinc for lattt Septem
ber. The yvriter gave an account of a
gala night at the grand opera, August
18, 1S51:
"The Imperial party arrived, and the
diamonds 01 tuo L-uchtsses paled bciorc
the splendor of the crown- jewels like
stars at sunrise. T he Lmpress looked
one blaze of light. She had driven iu
from Compeigno iu a carriage open at the
sides, with a lamp suspended from the
top, that the populate might feast their
eyes upon her magnificence. Upon her
head there arched 111 graceful curves au
the firm and reliable county of i lin!y Slates uhich icport the prospect of """ "s - -
as been - than distau- I bA heat above or up to the a verage. ' uu P on j)0 r,S'u h the
this Legislature. It was one ! -J be M iddle and Westeru States ind ca-e I 'vi'r- i I'C tannoi.ude W!W
.st da..rable crimes ever U i a decline of five and ten per cent. j serc. 1 he loss ot summers eorp.
, Oregon, !,.,- Democracy to uu-j T, r. .,, ,. ,r..r,.-d . , v, . I "".ouuteil to JJd and the loss id
.. ,.:7, ,!... l',.,,v. i l!C S-. Jo-tpo, .oitii., - j the loth corps was Pol d men.
1 exau.tnatioti 01 the case no l.iereascd the
uiajo. ity, otid ! by bis 2erisitn thv sit
; ting members wuuld have gained several
I votes There i no use is arguing the ease
; further, but we wish it distinctly unaer-
i stood that the firm and reliable county of
i .Yamhill has
chised by
o! tne iiiur
tempted in
deitake to overthrow Inn Republican
party and the pnpu!ar.wiH of Yamhill
county. It was-a game ll'.ey had intro.-j
duced anu practiced for years past, and
the people should hold them responsible
lor it ttmiugi. alt Coming time. Jet
by ad means, have laws to firotctt tue
rigAts of the people at the polls
Let us provide that election frauds
shall be severely punished, and let us
see that these laws, whet, enacted, are
strictly enforced. SU smin.
common advice to kid pi,
iiLmo mouths old. lie
ii profit in keeping
months while ho is
frame, there must be nmr
log Hun a second ntnu in ruttis w.i-jn you
have nothing to do but lay the iiesh and
fat oh.
Tennessee, Michigan, MTorth Carolina
West Virginia, and ls.c msin are
t eight or I to he chosen as tne capital in mat tuut.
there I 1,-00 Vjarioa.uians u-e arrieu iu
;,je i Prance, commanded by Trappi fe.
his ! Veiisailles, Oct 7 via London, Oct.
profit in keeu- i 8 i"e i-reucli maintain a Mgoious
1 ..... 1 ...... .......
! cannonace ou iun j. iukhn wu.,.oci.-.
OottHtV, Oct. 7 via London, (Jet. 7.
i Yesterday, when the French engaged
I Kuuuuer's divisioti and the Freuch' 1111-
up between theyoimgir -vvimnn-is, and
afforded much iuri. At I lie close the
prizes were distributed by the lady su
periiiteinien t and the fortunate wiuuers
made suitable replies.
lieun. iler corsage 01 mteiless scai let n
suk yvas edged with a row ot large dia
monds set in black enamel, from each of
which hung two gems cf smaller size.
What a pity the Su!funa3 of llaroun 1
Rasscid could pot have seen her then !
They would have piled "with envy cer
tainly. The Imperial necklace
was similar in shape to those of the
Princess, Metteruich and the Duchess dc
Moruy, but of far finer stone. TI13 ear
rings are great drops of solidified light,
and the bracelets were single rows of
immense diamonds. Think of that and
-weep, nh yo ujicrowncd Kmpresses of our
American hearts and purses !
A French Soldi ft it's Patiiiotism.:
antique -diadem at whose summit the . v., ,( ,hc i(,i!,',wi,.g in the Franco
peerless 'Regent diamond flashed a , All!e,;,.,.n . W!,ei) & m Wdliam of
I be destruction or polatm s ly t
pio'ato bug has bet u so complete that,
potatoes heve rctn led ill St. Joseph at
unci dolar and eighty -cents per oushel.
At rleast one half of the whole crop of
j western Michigan has destroyed."
The Wan-cn, Ohio, Chronicle - states,
that a new cattle disease has made it-
appe:irau.eo in that section. It is called
the blnckieg ; the flesh on the fore legs
gradually drop off, leading the bone
The's Horn Journal uf Lex
ington, Ky.. says: '-Farmers in Simp.-.on
and other counties, are feeding to hogs a
The little town f Kearny, in the Jer
kies, used to boast, of a worthy jind
wealthy farmer, well known to the penc-h
dealets of this metropolis. " .James Van
Emburgh, however, is (f more. Having
slipped off this mortal coil at the over
fiD't age of five score and four. At the
jovial age of ninety six this hardy peach
grower underwent matrimony lor trie
fifth time, selecting as his bride a Tea
Ionic damsel of sweet sixteen, who, 'with
in ar year, 'rewarded his -i devotion with
twins. More wonderful yet, this sedate
Jerseyman lived his entire 104 jears k.
the identical town where he drew his
first breath, ".when George was King."
- The Managers of tho Mercantile "Libra
ry Lottcy tbiok they will have 15,000
to 20,000 tickets unsold at the end of the
month, which will bo destroyed, v
An Omaha tbreo year old asked its
mother "if God's middle ; name . .was
dv. " " i -......-'.-...' .
Prussia entered Frankfort,"- he saw a
French Grenadier who fought alone n
the bridge of th" city Hgaiust a large
number of Prussian soldieis. A 1. um
ber of corpses attested t lie vigor of his
deffciise; but, coven d by wounds, he was
on the point of falling, when the King
ordered him to be taken alive. '1 lie Prus
sians o'neyed with great ditSeulty, and
took him" before 'their master.. "What is
your name ? :-sked the King." What matters-a
name ? i am "a Frenchman." "You
are a liero ! I have saved your life ; nnd
now 1 give you your liberty uncoiid.itlon
ally. I on ly regret that a man like you
should serve such a tad cau.-e." '.'Citizen
William," answered the grenadier "I
thank you, but let us not talk politics ;
we would not agree." So saying, the
soldier gave tiie military i salute, turned
on his heels and, covered with blood, went
hack to his regiment . siuglug the Marseillaise.
A Boy's PofiKET-- A boy invited his
mamma, the other day, in our presence,
j to repair a slight accident to a pantaloon
1 1 .... ..t fl-t- . ..,. . I r...L-..t nt.f 111 riiitlilrf ir ti., r tit. i m.i...y.
the i iu,la' uol,) t"sJouui ui.tett j j -j-. "xv
mist uie i. e auu iuiu sai v iu oicl iou niniisina 01 iiislci
Wiiiie's pocket upon the fi !", an exact
inventory of which we proceeded to note
down as follows : An India rubber ball,
a bottle-cork, an old gas burner, part ot
an exploded fire cracker, au old -spool of
Cotton, ii Muall block, part of an old
match b x, one old cmel ipe. a bag of
inaibles, a hickory nut, piece of silk
ford, sundry- piece of twin.- and strings,
the lid ot 11 old pi'd bos, pieces of
chestnut hull, a piece of gingercake, "a
piece ot tin. a rabbit' tail, .pieces of
fancy colored paper." two old nails, a small
picture book, a shite pencil, a broken
jewsharp, the- remains of a pocket hand
kerchief', 'a penny- whistle, a j.-'ece of
shoe, two grains of corn, a pocket
knife 'handle, half a peach stone, two
spotted chicken feathers, a brickbat, a
great deal of wheat that was spoiled
the field bv continued yvet weather.
Lost lis Horse A Dutchman thus
advertises for a lost hor.-e:
Von nite do otider day, ven I vas pcen
awake in mine sleep, I hpars somcting
vat I tinks wa3 not yus rite, in mine parn,
and I yust out shumps my bed, and runs
mit de paru out. and ven I- vas dere
cor.m, I si e dirt mitre big gray iron mare
hos. ho was bin tied In so and rans mit dt
stable off. and ebery one who v ill back
bring me to him, shall pay so much as is
de custom price.
TFooff's Ifmseho'd Majnz'ne. pubfis'hed
by S. S- Wood, Newburg, N. Y. , S1.00
per annum, siugle copies lOcts, is the
largest and the best dollar monthly iu the
world. It is high toned, interesting and
thoroughly household iu character. Every
.number of Vols. V II and VIII will con tain
a f 100 prize story complete. Besides
furnishing $1,200 worth tf prize stories,
during the year, Mr. Wood purposes to
publish all the best stories entered in com
petition for the 100 prises. Also, each
number will contain 'about twenty five
pages of other matter designed to enter
tain and instruct all classes
Won't foinc of our Democratic politi
cians p-ntip and run that Oregon Legis
laturo ? Re illy, this is too bad; voting
away the public lands. to soulless railroad
monopolies. Where is Haight ? Where
is Jo. Hamilton? . Some of the; faithful
should go up and talk to those fellows.'
Let Tom Fowler, the Tulare statesman,
be dispatched to Salem to speak his rail
road piece. Send Larkin. of El 'Dorado,
ptprtd Jim. Far-ley to talk them to death
Gildea and Slicer. The Democratic party
is in danger. Let its patriots rush to
Salem, and save it from utferdestruction.
Mory&vdle (Cal.) Appeal.
... : I
llarrisburg. Penn:, bus at. empty treas
ury, is unable to pay its ins bill for street
lamp, and the gas is shut oft", involving
the city in darkness nightly 1
. . A New Orleans Court , has decided
that-calling a man "small potatoes"
doesn't render it legal to knock him
down with a watermelon.
London, Oct. 8 A Berlin telegram
says the French occupy Viilejuif.
T''U:ts, Oct. 8. Gambetti is here.
Garib-ildi i. .expected to-morro-.v.
News to the 7i h. states that the Francs
Tcrreurs were defeated at Ahlais, and
130 Prussians captured (50 Fre eh.
The Mayor of Athcnay telegraphs that
the Fran-cs Terreuis had driven back a
force of Prussians.
I.oxd.N, Oct. 8. A correspou len t at
King William's headquarters states that
tho assault on Paris will bi gia iu one
week, the lGth, ou the anniversary of the
battle of l.iiipsiC.
The Prussians are near Pithivicrs and
have appeared at Matispordeis-
TiiLEs. Oct. S. The Government an
nounces cheering news from every quar
ter of France. .
Peasants are prepared to push the
Gambetti recently left Paris, in a bal
loon and lauded sately-outside of the
Prussian lines and is now ou bis way to
Enthusiasm is increasing. Volunteers
arc rapidly swelling the ranks of the two
armies mow forming.
The Prussians ectn determined to ad
vance 00 Normandy. The people are
sending their giain an-d cattle further
Miuth and placing every obstacle possible
iu the way of the Prussians.
- Papal troops and Garibaldians make a
force of six thousand and form a nucleous
of one of the new armies.
The Journal de ' lirussds says that ne
gotiations arc njyv pcnlin between
the Germau Government (backed by
Russia) and Napoleon the object being
toprevent the establishment of the French
STi Quentin, Oct. 7 Midnight.
Tho Prussians have arrived within three
leagues, and we expect them to attack at
daylight. "
London, Oct. 8. Railroad trains are
now running day "and night on the rail
ways, eastward of Paris, which are used
by the Prussians in bringing up heavy
-seige guns. Ouo of these trains was
thrown from the track last inight. Four
Ftcnehuicn were arrested on suspicion of
loosening the rails.
spinning top, a ilead
assortment f button.
A Boston cougregat ooal preacher is up
before a ('umiuitiee of his church on a
se ions charge. He wa caught swearing
at a to v that kicked over a pail if milk,
'i he profane clergy m.i u c'a'uiS in exteiiu'
ation that, while milking the. animal, she
switched hiin iu tiie ej es w iili Jicr tail
before upsetting the pail. Tho provo
cation was so great that the swear was in
him aud had to come out.
How different was this triumphant
entry from Coiupcigne, iu a blaze of
splendor, to the ex Empress by a side
door on the Seine side," only a few even
ings ago ! On the Grand Opera night
the Emperor is also described as "very
lively and animated, chatting with the
King of Spain, using his opera glass,
and apparently in tho best of spirits."
The Sfotfsman figures -that if the fcili
to alloy? a -clerk for tho Stato Treasurer
passes, that officer will receive the mod
est sum of 84,675 per annum, salary and
fees, and still have all the chances to
speculate on the State funds, of which
Democratic politicians have had so much
to say during the last two years. This
tiken for a starter is astonishing indica
tion of what we may expect from Demo
cratic economy.
There are twelve brothers and four
sisters in n New i'ork family named
Frost, and five of the brothers were chris
tened as Winter Frost, White Frost,Sharp
Frost, Jack Frost, and Snow.-Frost.
Mrs. Cnlf, widow of Samuel Colt, of
lerc was suarp lighting yesterday in revolver tame, is the richest widow jo
Department of Vosgcs, between a 1 the United States.
L;.fcuiiu' salc ut Heal i'roptrty.
11 un iersigned. Hum s'inUu an Julin t.
Ai-nt'ii, Lxo' utora i.t" ili-j tttatj uf '1 lieiuuff M
tei. Jce-i-aS'-'it, in pnrc'UiUict: ot hu ortltrot Ceut.ty
Cotiri in anl fur Linn comov, Ori-ffun, uinile at
tiie AiijB.i t rra tlivrcof, IS70. will Bull ut publio
aucli-.n. ia In ut i f Ihu Ceurt HeUst) duor io tL.
vity tA' A.iiiiiy ia cuid eounly, on tho.
15th day of November, A. D. 1S70,
nt I o'eliiek P. M. of Aid day, the fidliiwiux de-fi-rilud
rci.l prunrty Iu aaid eMato,
lo-w.t : lieiiini i : ut ifie nortti we t.corncr ot W.
11. MvCnliy'i laud claim No, il. Not. JJu. 2'J73.
then a riooiin p iioh sti rod, thtnee riitiiinf ia
a norilicily liirj.-iion with th county rvad 132
rculH in a puiiit. t'ifiice wet I0j rods to ibu laco
ol :. m nininic iwen.-y ai re or
k . Also, tbo toll i ns d.acriiied tract uf l.tnd,
Ituianiiij at t o sautaeuat enrn -r of ( l.iiin No.
41. Ni.t. No. 21173. th.-ni-o w.-at 13 315.100 cbain.
it:, in o 11. .it 11 gS G6.10 chaiiid, thenee taut 13
96.101) chaian. thciieo sou.h 1 iy : 2D 2I.1C0
cluiiua tj placo ut li.-inaiiis.' i-mitaiuing forty
iut, nmrj or lets." h-.ili i.t' imid traeta of laud
liciti r situated in Tp. 15 S II 4 V'et Will, merid
ian, in Linn count v, Oiv.gon. .
TERMS Ob' siALIi Gold cdu of the U. R.,
oni-li.ilf casli ia l:aa l.-th,i liulume in six mtiotus,
securud liy tunrt:iTe nn be premitfea.
Dated, October llih. l.-ttO.
Oct. IS, 1S70-w4h6 Executor.
A dniinjstra'oi'a N'oli-c.
NOTICE ia hervhy piven that I, tbe under-
iiod, bve been ai.poiiiti d, by tbe County Court
of tbe county of l.'nn, St itj of Orson, Adminis n of tbo estate of Jamil N ison . deceased.
AU jieraona having claims niiin.-t auid ratal are
heruliy rernusted to (iron ait tUeia, witb propir
vnui i.eis. in iiij unu.-rsiji ca at Albany, Oregon,
'iioi nix iuijii in i i 1110 uu'.e' tirrot.
Dated 3cpt. 20.1H70- JOSEPH NIXOX.
THE 1 i X: GISTE 1.
OL JL- X03I3,
f 'irtt mtreet, (njtpotitm Pnrrith Co.'a afore,
Albany s s s Oregon,
HAVING a very fair assortment ef akteriai
we aro prepared to executo, with Do&tDeas
and dispatob, all kinds of
J03 IXl.I3-TI3M