I SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1870. Subscribers finding an X after their name will understand that their subscription expires witi that number, and they are invited to renew their subscriptions. Terms $3 per annum, in advance: six months, $2 ; three months, $1. LOCAL AFFAIRS Yom Kippur On Wednesday our Hebrew fellow citizens celebrated the holiday of Yam Kij-per, or Feast of the Atonement. The holiday commenced at 6 o'clock on Tuesday evening and lasted to the same hour of Wednesday eveniug. All their business houses were promptly "Fine Sheep. From a private letter to Mr. Nimrod Price of this county, we learn that Mr. Wilson, who has recently returned from England with a number of ! Cotswold sheep, will be in attendance at our State Fair, where the sheep will be on exhibition, and those of our farmers who wish can purchase a portion of the number. Those who wish to improve tl c breed of sheep, will thus be offered a chance to du so that may not occur again fur an a Lie. rEUSONAL. Mr. Wu. Griggs has been lying very low since the late Coun ty Fair, with lever, aud his friends fear the disease will culminate in consump tion. BROWNSVILIE ITEMS. FKOlt OfR UEGCI.AR COP RESPONDENT. Brow.vsijh.le, Oct. 4, 1870. Things are looking up a little about Brownsville. Business is better and mon ey plentierthan it has been at any time for a year past, and everybody seems to be doing well. Although there is a general complaint among the farmers ol light crops, the advanced prices j now paid for grain, and the prospecfor still better prices, somewhat compensates for the partial failure. The flouring mill is now being re paired. A new wheel is to be put iu, several ruds of new flume built, and the closed in this city during the time, and j T rnv.,u l;iJe the trip to San ! mill otherwise thoroughly overhauled and we suppose the day was duly celebrated by prayer, and a tatal abstinanee from all kinds of food. New Tin Shop. J. Gradwhol is fit ting up a new tin shop adjoiuing his store on the corner of First and FerTy streets, and will soou be in readiness to repair and manufacture to ' order all kinds of Francisco, overlaud, i'i nineteen days, buying a heavy stock of goods in the mean time. Ben. Underwood, Postal Agent, passed through here the oilier day, looking thir teen and a half per cent, better than usual. The Brenner brothers, of Brownsville, paid us a'visit during -the week. They utensiU in his liue. Mr. C. C. Godley the veteran tini.st of Albany, will have ! report Browusville all O K charge of the shop, which is a sufficient I Mr. 1j. Cheadle is slowly convalescing guarantee that all work entrusted to the j from a rect-nt ''sre'd" of chills and shop will be well aud faithfully executed, j fever. - 7i TT t . At last account. Mr. Geo. Y-juult, who Every Sabbath. At a businos meet- j ' ' . ' . 1 1 . .i r v ii u .1 I has beeo sick so IoDg . with the typhoid ievcr, was report en worse, wuu nine hopcs'of recovery. 31r. Johu Irvine is slowly convales cing. Judge Ilumison visited our city during the week, lie thiuks of leaving the Dalles, and locating somewhere iu the valley. Mr. S null, -broth r-in-l.iw of Mr. V. D. Bcld;ng, and aiither gjollotnan whose it was decided by the unanimous vote of all present, that the present pastor, Rev. Mr. Todd, should devote his entire time and ministrations toward building up the church in this city. Therefore, hereafter, preaching may be expected twice every Sabbath, instead of every alternate Pah bath, as heretofore. The jue.stiou of removing the church building to a more central point is being agitated. This should be done, as it is now entirely too far away from the centre of the city. Track Laying. We understand that the grading on the railroad between Salem and the Santiatn river is about finished, acd track laying will proceed very rapidly. It is posssble, should the name we hive forgotten, departed Iovra durinjr the week. for ; Jl"UR5. We arc indebted to,Mr. A. j C. Joue. County Clerk, for the follow ing li.-.t of gont'emca who have been j drawn to act as jurors during the term of j Circuit Court for Linn county, which convenes on the -4tn inst: iMmrou put in good running order for the Fall and Winter trade. We understand the Company intend to buy wheat and pay Albany prices for it as soon as the mill starts again. The Postofiiee has been removed from the drug store of Rowland & Hume, to A. Wheeler's dry goods store. While taking a stroll on last eveniug, we stepped iuto the new Baptist church, which is now completed. " The interior presents a very neat appearance. It is seated with, two tiers of seats, with center and side aisles, aud is calculated to seat comfortably 2-30 persons. The painting, staining, graining and varnishing has been done under the supervision ot Mr. P. Hume, and, if we are any judi;e of that kind of work, it is a neat job. It will be opeued for service and dedicated on the third Sabbath (10th) iu this month. The Statc Fair is beginning to exercise the miuds of a good ruany of cur citizens, aud considerable preparation for a week's sojourn at the capital are being made. From present indications Brownsville will be tolerably well represented there. Your Brownsville correspondent expects to be one of tb number. " NEW TO-DAY. Daxoerovs. These "rubber slings" with which the boys throw buckshot, are a A -i tt irniinne motir nti An i ri rl Vnta eVi milrl weather not prove too unfavorable, that T , r n o u i a- i, " , . , ' r . , ' j l ricp, J B Eafolletf, b D Haley, J iiuo- be very careful how they use them. On , , , a . J i thv Riltlts, 1 rank bhedd, in Cochran, 1 hursdav a shot from a sling in the the last of the present month. i?cn. ' , Jf . , , . . , , , . 1 aui L lover, l nomas .vir.inn, jesse j hands ot some careless Doy, sttuck ana the road to. ' . . . . . . J . .. I'airisii, II .v jucuarinc-y, Linton . j went thro igii a window pane iu me resi-ltod'-crs, Y.'m B Goie, F M Keizer, B ; dence of Cant. Shields, cominj withiu J W Redman, Joseph Brown, SauTl Clay- j an ace of hitting Mrs. Shields, who was present Holladay lqtends numbing the road to .i irirw -l- . f -, t r f me iwmiic stasc dv me isioi januavv, 1S71. UESaK'ATED toco.NUT. Ihis article I roolj pavij SherriH, B Burtenshaw, Rus- i standing close by. An instrument that which makes a splendid flavoriug for pies, ge, T3rock, Henry Perthiek, E B Jloore, will throw a buckshot across the Willam cakes, puddiugs, etc, as our lady readers j John Thomas, John W Bell, John A ' ettp river at this point is rather a dunger koow, can be hid at the outbli.-b.i.eat . Crawford. S E Young, Wm Smith, G W 0us thing to put into the hands of small of Mr. Du Bois. We have tried a package, j j,jba Tabor, Thomas Foa an, Wm boys, and will eau.e some boy's father a and pronounce it perfectly splendid. For Montgomery, J II Johnson. ; big bill of expense, cakes there is uothincr equal to it. ; : " Local I'arajcianli. U IC I.IXE. .nr. n . i. j'onaca, tuc Santiam Bui doe. The frame woik; measuring about 100,000 feet, and tliL iron, about one hundred "tons, composing th bridge to ba erected at Jefferson lur the O. & C. Railroad, is rapidly aniing at that point, and the work of framing will soou commence. In fasc of neec- The only child of Mr. and Mrs. How- : enterpn.-ng owner ci me nacK una oe- ard Mansfield is still very ill, with' little tweeu this city, I-cbanon aud Soda hr.r.cs of recover". Springs, gives notice this morning of a For some wct vuistUiso.e-s has becu ' change in the time of leaving Mis city. 4 . . ft .- ,ii 1,P,u,ii l,.,v. f?U. i Hcreatter, until turtner notice, no win y lively, and out iiosed of "jrobs"" of coeds. Large uuuibers of our people will at- ot each week. leave this city for those points on Saturday 11 orders or parcels cn- sity, the bridge can be put together m ; trusted to the care of Mr. Donaea, will be Ur -2: ' (he majority taking their own provisions, promptly attended to. Hardware. Our frinds, Y. II. &c., with the intention of camping. - j Wheat Receipts. The receipts of Kulin & Co., are disposing of immense j ,)ue 0f tilic principal attractions t the j wheat during tho week have been very tuantities of gffjds in their line. Their I Fair Ground net week will be a sight light. For the week ending October Gth, low prices and courteous manners have j at tlc ears on the railroad many of our tiTc Magnolia Mills reports but 3,214.18 drawn to them a splendid trade. They pCOple will sec a train for the first time, j bushels, aud the Albany City Mills 5,400. have a large invoice of new goods now It is reported that all the .hotels and: T T e -t i b , , Salmon. l resh salmon, taken from " -j i." i.i...-3 .iijr. i ercu r.nvrte nouses at oaieni are crowu- ; , , ! . . . , , . . i the Co!u Farm for Sale. Mr. James A Balch has a neat li tie farm of ninety acres, seventy-Eve of which is in a high state of cultivation, situated three miles west of Lebanon, which he offers for sale very cheap, where. See advertisement cLe- Relioiocs. We arc requested to an nounce that Rev. Father Wcuniuger will give a Mission at the Catholic Church iu Corvallis, commencing on liext Sunday and continuing through the week. The Lixn County Judgeship. A full bench of the Supreme Court has af firmed the decision of Ju3ge Boise in the case of Whitney vs. Johns. Judge Johns will therefore hold the full term of four years. The Depot. The great question now seems to be, "Who shall secure the de pot?" and parties are '"going" after it, one gentleman proffering a deed to ten acres of land, provided it is erected on his land. Br the Fifteenth. The Superin tendent of the grading, iufot ms us that he expects to have the grading all com pleted from the Santiam to this city by the fifteenth Inst. More &ew Goods. Messrs. A. Cowan & Co. are receivings magnificent stock of Fall and Winter goods, which should be seen to be appreciated. Go at once. ' : : - -' - And Again. Messis. R. CLeadle & .Co. have receiTcd another large invoice of choice dry goods, etc., to which they invite 'the inspection of the citizens of Linn county. - Assessment.- The assessment role of the County Assessor of Linn county shows the total amount of taxable prop rty, real and personal, for the present year to he $3,321,466. Litigation. Considerable litigation U apprehended in acquiring the right of way for the O. & C. Railroad, from this point south. Polls There are fifteen hundred and fifty-five voters in Linn county. tubia river and put up in cans sim;laro oyster ca-is, have been received by Mr. I)u Bois. They are pronounced a great delicacy by epicures. j ed with pc pie, an i bed and cutcrtain i mentare not to be oblaiue l at any price. Fine large apples are offered in our markets at from two to three bits per bushel. Wheat is still quoted at Go and 70 cents per bushel. J. Conner, Esq., is getting "shot" of I his goods rapidly, because he Sells at such 1 low figures. 'per day for teams to work on the O. & C. The Sociable at the residence of J. A.-j Railroad. Winter, on Wednesday evcuinsr, was both I nfeasant' and mofitable. ' " I New Charter. A petition for a new t 4 W. II. JKUIIN Si CO., Having just received a Large and well selected Stock of , HARDWARE, seen as FARMER'S & MECHANIC'S TOOLS CONSISTING OF ANVILS, VICES, BELLOWS, Hammers, Hammers, Hammers, Hammers, Sledges, Sledges, ' SJedges, Sledges, Saws, Saws, Saws, Saws, Saws, Saws, Planes, Planes, Planes, PLines, Planes, Planes, Corss-Ctit and Iflill Saws, Together with a large assortment of Nails, Nails, Nails, Nails, Nails, Nails, Springs, Springs, SpriDgs, Springs, Springs, Springs, Axles, Thimble-Skeins, Bolts, &c, &e. o Also, a. well Soleeted Stock of Wagon TimlDcr, SPOKES. niTBS. BENT RIMS, SHAFTS. POLE5, HK'KOUY AXLES, ETC., All of which we ore now offering to the pulilie at low rates. As we make the business a spec ialty, we can and will keep a lictter assortment at lower prices than any house in this city. CiacLii Couiit. Tho October term of the Circuit Court for Linn county, convenes in this city oQ Monday, 24th inst. Teams. Ben. Holladay is paying 1 Messrs. Beach & Monteith s mill race will be completed next week. Our butchers arc paying five cents per pound for beef aud pork, on foot. Messrs.. Blain, Young & Co., and W. II. Kuhn & Co., during the week have been beautifying by painting the fronts of their stores. W. II. McFarlaud & Co. have almost everything you can think of that's handy to have in the house, in the line of stoves, tin ware, etc. Go nud see. " At a recent fire in the prairie, a few miles soukh of this city, on the Sabbath, the ladies turned out cn masse aud aided largely in extinguishing the fire. The fire caught in the grass from a ?traw i,il " - : An attempt is being made to secure a weekly mail between this e'.ty and Leba non. . The needs of the large communi ties to be served by such mail demands the early attention of the postal depart ment. Notice of final settelment,in the matter of the estate of Davis Layton, deceased, is published elsewhere. Groue and pheasants are to be found in large quantities a short distance from the city. Quite a little flock came into the city and lit on our office sign, Friday morning. Mr. J. B. Smith, a resideut of Sat,d ridge, who so suddenly disappeared after receiving S200 from 51 r. E. Cartwright, one day last week, and who it was feared had been foully dealt with, has been heard from. When last seeti,-rre was be tWccn this city and Portland,"looking for a new home. Weatbsr warm aal pleasant. city charter was in chculation Wednes day aud Thursday. The introduction of a C.iinaman into the '-Forks of Santiam" (Scio). recently, caused no little excitement vide 2rv3 of Sept. 29th. Correspondence Extraoriunary. We have opportunity to lay the follow ing before our readers, says the Bulletin : , Ohio, June 30th, 1870. To the Postmaster at Meadow viele, Oregon : Dear Sir; - A' relative of mine died in your vicinity lately, aDd I wish you to ini'orm me of what property he died possessed. . Yours, respectfully; F. II . J. The Postmaster responded as folbws: MeadowviELE, Umatilla Co., Ogn. ) July 28th, 1870. J F. II. J : Sir: Yours of June 30th has reached me. As you ask after prop erty particularly, I have to say there have been three deaths in this vicinity during the past year, namely : one white, man, one Chinaman, and one mule. If you will inform me which one of these three is your relative I will try to be more ex plicit in my next letter to you. Most respectfully, THE POSTMASTER. NEW TO-DAY. Receiving and opening a largo and splendid assortment of WOOD AND WIXX.OW WARE. Which we offer at reduced rates. V. 11. KCIIX 4 CO. In the Monteith Firc-pr-mf Brick, First-st. March 12.-70-27 IHsrrlptivc JLi t or CITY PRO PF.RTY FOR SALE! BT ST1TZEL & UPTON, Real Estate Dealers, Albany, Ogn. CITY OF ALBANY : Lots 1, 2, 7 and S, Block 10 goi-d house, Ac. Lots 3 and 4, " 20 " Lot , " 24 " " 4 Lots in " 16 house and barn. 4 Lots in " 44 " Lots 3 and C, in " 118 no improvements. Lot " 56 ' " Lots 5 and 6. in " 2 good honsc. 25 feet on First street, in Block 3, with a No. 1 Frame Store-house two stories. Rents for $25 a month. Lots 2 and 3 in block 3, with good House and Bam. Trice, $S0o. Lot 1. 2 and U ia block fi large dwelling and two (.tables. Lots 5 and 6 iu block 130 gnod house. T'l ice. $700. Ten Huraetcad Lots, 6 acres ca' b, J mile north of Albany, at 5120 ca h. For particulars apply to . J. C. M13JiIENII.I.I Agent, junll-40 Albany, OTcgon. THE EYES ! THE EARS ! Dr. T. CiOLDEZV, OCULIST AND ATJR IT, ALBANY, : : : OUEUOX. MARRIED. On the 18th Sept., 1870, by Rev. Noah Powell, Mr. Alfred Blcvins and Mis Lonsana M. Maxey all of Linn county. . ear Lebanon, October 2d, 1870, at the resi dence of the bride's mother, by S. II. Claughtnn, J. P., Mr. Samuel Hogae and Miss Sarah Z. Lee all of Linn county. At the residence of tho bride's parents in Brownsville. October . 1870, by Iter. Mr. Worth, Mr. J. D. Titus and Miss Elisabeth Baird. We extend our heartiest congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Titus. May their jewels increase in number and value as the years roll on. At the residence of the bride's parents, October 8, 1870, by ReV. J. H. Roork. Mr. P. 1. Brock and Miss Maranda Sippy all of Linn county. DIED. On the ?6tb Sept., 1870, Mrs. A-illa BlcTins, aged 23 ers, of consumption. R. GOT.nKV 13 A SON OF THE noted oil Oiithiiluiic Doctor, S. C. Gulden. - Dr. GOLDEN has had experience in treating the various diseases to which the eye and ear are subject, and feels confident of giving entire satis faction to those who may place themselves under his care. Albany, April 10, lS69-31y O O O It iS That rholograph Besl, A 1! L- BLACK, BROWN, GREEN, SCAR LET, MQR00N, "P ORANGE. Those that take White, or nearly so, are Purple, Blue, Crimson, Pink, &c. Sept. 18, '69-2 J. A. WINTER. APEIVTS WANTED. NOW READY : The most NVoudei ful Book of the Nineteenth Ceutury ! A Curious Book for Curious People, And a Good Book for every one ! BUSINESS TILL KUSniXl JESS ipfgP5! IB' NEW JEWELRY STORE o J . U. TITUS, Albany, - - Orcg-on. AGENT FOR TUB CEI.KBRATED American & Swiss Gold & Silyer Watches Of every description. Direct Importer of the very be.t SWISS MADE WATCHES, Gents and Ladies Sizrs. fnE FINEST SELECTION OF . JEWELRY AND FANCY GOODS, Of all Kinds constantly on hand. O REPAIRING OF WATCHES, SPECTACLES & JE WELTI Y AT San Francisco Prices. o Every Article Sold and all Repairing Done, Warranted. PJLAIIV IIOJIE TALK autl MEDICAL COMMON SENSE, BY E. Ii. FOOTE, M. D. We claim to keep all FIRST QUALITY .GOODS, 1 1 and at prices that defy competition. A. COWAN. A. V. STANAnn. A. COWAN & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODS FIRST STREET ALBANY.. Thry offer a largo and wel" lected stock of STAPLE DKY GOODS ! At Extraordinary Low Prices von OixsIil ox Iiocltice I NEW TO DAY. In addition to a very large stock, covering everything iu the liue of Cottons, we have a complele assortment of FANCY DRESS GOODS! Latest styles of Boys and Men's CLOTHING ancl FURNISHING- GOODS ! HATS, CAI'S, BOOTS, SHOES, Ac. Carpet, Wall-Paper, Paper & Linen Blinds, &c, &.c. "Especial attenti n is directed to our stock of IRON AND STEEL AXD GEAEBAL HARDWARE! WhL-h is the iarCHt'and most complete this eide of l'ortlaud. Yoii-arc invited to call and exaiuiue our goods and prices. The highest market price in ca.eh paid for Wool, Bacon aud Lard ! by Oct. 31. 1S69 S A. COWAX 4 CO. A. CAROTHERS n. SALTH ARSH. A. CAItOTIIERS & CO., DRUGGISTS & APOTHECARIES, ASD 1 K A L K H S IN If you want to know the effects of Sexual Star vation ; Prostitution ; Continence on the one hand and Vio: on the other; If you want to know how to have Healthy Ba bios ; how to keep them healthy ; how to grow up healthy, and die only of old age ; If you want to know all about Common Sense Remedies ; Electricity ; Animal Magnetism ; and who believe in it ; If you want to know all about diseases peculiar to women; to girlhood; to the maiden ; to the wife and mother, read"Privato Words to Women." If you want to know Talitable hints to the child less ; how to overcome barrenness ; how to become a mother ; . If you want to know all about diseases peculiar to men : their nature and treatment j impoteucy ; seminal weakness, 4c.; If you want to know all about thesexnal organs; cause of their disgrace ; their influence on devel opment ; on women and civilization ; Ifyouwantto know all about marriage; its history, polygamy and monogamy ; polyandry and free love ; If you want to know the philosophy of elope ments; adaptation in marriage; philosophy of child marking ; how to perfect marriage ; And a thousand things never published before, read this wonderful book. SOLD ONLY BY SUBSCRIPTION. Send for circular and terms to A. L. . BANCROFT k CO., General agents west of the Kocky Mountains. r A l N T H, DYE STUFFS, O I I. S PATENT MEDICINES, Perfumery, Toilet Goods, &c. Our Coods are FRESH and PRESCRIPTIONS C OMl'Ol'N DEI). STOllE OPES VA V AX1J SIGHT. Vo Sti tet. three iW httva CuHltor', Albany, feu U,,70-2:i Oregon. stitzelV dpton, REAL ESTATE BROKERS, AMD GENERA L A G E N T S. Branoli office, Albany, Oregon, J. C. MENDEMIALL, - - Agent, GENERAL LAND AGENCY FOR OREGON. Established July, iS8.. An office where general information concerning the resources of Oregon ean be obtained free of charge. Loans-negotiated on first Mortgage, Real Es tate and Collateral Securities. We have for sale a large amount of property located in the town of APiany. Also, Farinius land, of every des cription, 'located in Linn and other counties in this State. To the citisens of Albany and vicinity, and to the owners of Ileal Estate : Wo take this method of railing your attention to our place of busi ness. Having determined to open a Branch Of fice in your city, we can offer you a medium for obtaining purchasers one that is appreciated by buyers, as it saves them much time and labor in searching for what they want. Our principal Agency, at Portland, Oregon, is thoroughly es tablished, aud the office so well furnished for giv ing information upon Real Estate, that it affords the most complete facilities for all parties having business in our line. tfsf You incur no expense in placing your property oa sale with us unless a sale is made. Office on First street, opposite Post-Office. JOHN C. MENDENHALL, Agent. Albany, Ogn., March 23, 1870. 28tf. STITZEL A UPTON, REAL ESTATE BROKERS, J. C. MESDEXlI tU, Agent, Office First st opposite Post Office, Albany, Ogn. HAVE for sale in tho city of Albany, a desira ble Homestead, Lots 1, 2, 7 and 8, corner Third. Fourth and Elsworth iIkpIi. one f ih best localities in the city. A good one and ibalf siory nous?, who an omer conveniences, ippiy i J. C. MENDENHALL. Agut, Albany, Oregon ti H H O" H.2. 55' P 6 0 H o 68 H A 0 - es u o e e es mm o to es ti c M S B & 13 ft n n & a o M H 5 0. Z (S c - h " H s i i is V 45 H . s u o o s o o 5 i ti a g B . . , a v s m 8 w o 0 H 0 W o I 0 F S u c3 r i w a 5 ALBANY ADVERTISEMENTS. L. CUEADLE, CBCAVhK, Front-st., Albany, Ogn. 120 Clay-st San Frn- ciaeo, California. Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Groceries ana Meneral Merchantlise J AND FORWARDING & COMMISSION MARK GOODS : Care of , T-. 0.s Albany, Oregon ; or IX. 0.9 Saa Francisco, Ca). Liberal advaneea made on consignment ft o C3 fi es o ca a wmmi S ft. a. o CO a "PS' 0 III 1 w a V s I o H S e h m TS es mi G, fa e tm mi it W u o mm es EC u z 2 c NOTICZ TO SHIPPERS. I INTEND DOING A General Commission Business IN SAN FRANCISCO, for the purpose of selling All I'iiids of Produce that may be consigned to me to sell. J LAMAR CDEADLE, Will receive and attend to all orders on mo to tc Blled iw San Francisco. oct9.5tf 1. CI1EADI.E. GOODS RECEIVED BV i Every Steamer which will be sold for CASH or TRADE. WHEAT WANTED: AT Sixty Cents per Bushel in trade, or on Book account. For all that may be lOflcred oct9 5 H. CUEADLE. feO H m a H r J S r s g. S. 1 J I "3 S m ol o g ff5 PS i - - o 03 J "a. a fig fii s?' n H mi ml Sk g cn 2 o u 03 ft -s & a O & o a EH fa o a m M M U 0 B e u mm. ;& - es : . fi es 3 u u 9 Is mO S"5 Administrator' Sale of Real Estate. -VTOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT. IN purauanoc of an order of the County Court of Linn county, State of Oregon, made on the second day of August, 1870, in the matter of the estate of Isaiah Mcrcier, deceased, the undersign ed, Administrator of the estate, will sell, at pub lic auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, U. S. gold coin, in diBerent parcels, on Saturday, the 8th day of October, 1870, between the hours of 9 o'clock A. M. and 4 o'clock P. M. of said day, at tho Court House door in the city of Albany, in Linn county, Ore gon, the following described real property, to-wit : Lot No. 5 In block No. 10, and lot No. 3 In block No. 16, in the city of Albany, Linn county, State of Oregon, as known and described upon the town plat of said eity of Albany, now on file in the office of the Clerk of said Linn couniv. Tebms or Sale One-half in gold coin, down; the residue in gold coin, on credit of six months. with ten per cent, per annum, soenrad by note and mortgage on tee premises sola. Dated, August 2, 1870. - 8. M. PENNINGTON, Spt. 17, 1370-4 w2 Administrator. Incorporated 1835. THE OLDEST . PURELY LIFE INSURANCE CO. - IN THE UNITED STATES Governed by the Massachusetts Lapse . L.aw. - No person, after cart fully examiniffi this Law, will forego the advantage of insuring in this Com-' pany. . . s New England Mutual Life Insurance Company or BOSTON. Purely JVTxx-tlXAX. . It was chartcrod in 1835, and its enviable his tory, during twenty-six years active operation has thoroughly established its reliability. Its Becord Stands Follows Cash assets, January, 1870... i8 ,000,000 OA Cash Dividend, 1866 Cash Dividesd of 1867... Cash Dividend, 1868 Cash Dividend, 1869...... Total surplus dividond-. Total Losses paid...., 73,000 00 626.573 H 786,197 480,830 00 4,000,000 0 4,200,000 00 By the Acts of Massachusetts, incorporated into the Uenerai Statutes or 18H4, a policy of life insu rance for the benefit of a Married Woman or awv ptrton or per tout specified, goes to them independ ently o! the lcbts ana l,iatilitiea ot tbe party who effects the Policy. Dividends of thin Company are paid Annvallt to the Assured, in Cash. The NEW ENGLAND is tbe only Massachu setts Company doing business oa the Pacific. Coast, and thereiore the ouly Company governed ey the equitable aiauacDusetta JUapse L. Examples showixir th Workings of this MWi PLAN ORDINARY LIFE. For example : A party ens urine at the ace of thirty-five. Premiums all Cah. One Annual Premium will continue policy in force 2 years and 3 days. Example: Premiums ail Cash A ee, 35 ; Flan, t Ten-Year Endowment, payable at the age of 43.. One Annual Premium will continue policy in force as a Term Policy, 7 years. If yon wish to make it absolutely certain that not a dollar of tbe money you invest will ever be ' forfeited Insure in the New England. if yon wish to get yonr dividends wiih tbe second annual payment, and annually increasioc on the contribution plan, that is to get just what is yours no more and no less, and just when it ia due Insure) in the New England. NO STOCKHOLDERS IN THIS CO. Its business in Lino county in the last year and a half, exceeds that of all other Companies combined. EVERSON & M1DDLEMISS, GENERAL AGENTS, : : 6AN FRANCISCO. S. HL BoIlSREBGB, 102 Front-st, Portland, Agent for Oregon and , Washington Territory. - 49 JAMES ELKINS, Agent for Albany, Ogn. A BARGAIN. A BARGAIN CAN BE HAD IN THE Stock and .Business of the Drag Store in Brownsville, Orugon. Tbe nndersigned, wishing -to change hi baainoia, will dispose of his stock on easy terms. ', . V- Apply by letter or at tbe store of - . PETER HUM E. . Aug. SO, 1870-4-50 Brownsville. Ogn.