U. S. Cffici.il rapcr for Oregon. i Hood, which ia more than 11,000. Con- sequent !y they are much grander than ' mountains of cvcd greater elevation, which ; vises fiom plain.- six or seven thousand . " rrr: :.. feet in hight, like those ot Utah and OCTOHKll 1, 170. ; Colorado. 1 can see Mt. Hood at this , moment, while I am writing. The snow ; is in strange contrast with the weather at ei;;ht--six decrees. following exccediu-lv ! " f, CaT Diwppointment, ,. . . . r , ; on a larjre snnu lsianti, i saw more man well written letter descriptive of the great j tl.ounand seals, rittht in the mouth SBHS ITEMS. i T "R T, TR & R APHIC. reported, semi-offieially, to have been i captured. SATURDAY, The New Nwrtliw cut. We take the The Cosmopolitan Hotel, or Portland, after a thorough overhauling, has been reopened under the chargo of Al. Zieber and D. Ilolton, two of the most popular boys in Portland. AVe predict a big day for the house under tl.eir management. A joint stock company has been or ganized in Portland, for the purpose of SPECIAL to Tin-: Ui:SISTKU. .Northwest from the J'rczs of the 16th ; ,,f the river. As the Columbia sometimes 1 building a new hotel on Front street -Sept. It is woithy of geutial pei usal: , sends its fresh water ten miles out to sea, j said hotel to be two hundred feet square. Portland, Oregon, July great the 5th above 29. To my it is evident that salt warer is not indis- surprise, wTien I arrived here on ; penaaLle ,to these strange animals. What j D fa ,j :h instant, I found the thermometer i a splashing they made when our litt e 90 degiees. It reached that point Reamer blew her whistle 1 c tried to -- present sta. The Bulletin says that a man named in Walla Walla vaV ate to Scptemher 'lO. Torus, Sept. 27. A dispatch from Lille, isept. 20th, says the following news has been received here by a carrier pig eon from Paris, dated the 23d : Division ot ( Jen. Mandhay yesterday 'attacked the heights of Ville Juit, sou li of Paris, which were occupied by tie Prussians. pti ! Uazaino told Favre : My Emperor ! placed rue at this pott, and 1 thall hold : it tili I fi.ll. I London,- f:'ept. 2K. Tile British Cabinet met on Friday, to consider t lie question ot intervention. foreign patent has expired, a patent on the same article in this country cannot be extended. London, September 20. A special at lvuuen sends to-day particulars of an action reported from loiitiaa. Theie ! was an important en vagenient and re sulted in the complete defeat of the taining a sharp Prussian ire for some j time, our troops captured tiie. redoubts of .Maulm. He occupy tiieiii now. i tie son cut, from fourteen ! WSH,U , -,4.U11U "" every day from the 3d to the 13th, but ; trrouM tnem nnu anve incm oac.c to i acres, one nunurea tons or nay over j sillt.r.lb!c forcc of French made a recon- went down everv iiitrht below 05 detrrecs. ! 'u " "-- seven tous to the acre. i noisance and drove the encmv from the Ia lUStice to the clim-ito. I must sav this i w,tn our Ilecl or vn,5 111,5 fcma" Doal- 1 he 1 rtissian corvette, lierlhia. ar- Germans. The action was foneht on the rived in Susiiie, after a protracted en- j line of the Orleans Railroad, beyond trajrement with three French filiate. ; i Epiuay station, sixteen miles from Paris. Advices from Tours state that re;t I A coluniu of 10.000 Prussians, ad- The battle began at 3 A. u. After sus- ! confidence ani enthusiasm prevails among vancing from Spence, two miles on the the people and troops m Paris. ! plateau of Iomreiiieau, attacked the 1 he Aorti Oi-mian (iozettc censures i Preuch forces, inferior iu numbers but occupying a lormidable position above or near lrettle, which commanded the roau the Ltuteu Estates lor its recognition the trench Republic. of degree of heat is very rare. At Astoria, ! wlJ ,,eUo,T ;';1 his tail waggishly and all along the coast, it is entirely un- ' at MS 33 ,he dlv'eiJ unJur 'hboa'-, , . known. There SO degrcos is sellom , 'n' p;lh,K;u fisheries of the Columbia reached in summer, and the freezing be worthy of a letter by themselves point not often in winter ; and this, mind whe" 1 llave lcarn. ,norer al,out the,u you, under the 40th parallel. '1 hey surpass anything of their kind. The menu temperature of last Januarv , ome devote themselves to canning, oth was 41 degrees and a fraction; that Jf J ws M salting in kits and barrels. The .Tnlir CD ,lr..- Aimmf A X , - fi-!i a re i t c nor in mis s I most of them September, Ml degrees; October, 52 ' weighing from twenty -five to forty pounds, i The "divers" (subuiariuc armor wear- November, 48 degrees; December, 42 8on,c as ,,U,CM vcuty. cSiy- A,l-'!ers), who are cn-aucd on; the rocky t foundations for the piles of the new dc- The new depot now in course of com pletion for the O. & C. Railroad at East Portland, is to be one of the largest and most imposing in the Jstatc. It will be between scveu and eight hundred feet in length, over one hundred feet wide, and the platform will b twenty-five feet Great rejoicing throughout Germany ! to Halatin. Villiera. Cnchet and Lasclcs over the capture of Strassbiirg. ) The attack bean at 0 A. M. The JNEW lur.Ii, Sept. 2'J. startling above low water mark. village of Uroucy. The same day Gen. ncs 01 ultJ masssingoi an immense itus iloirrooa- K-t.rimrir J 'A .iir.,.. AJ .r..l. tishcrmcn get about tweutv-bve cents a e.. J J J - o J " -- 1 with the measles and sent home. i A quartz ledge recently discovered .1 1 ilAnrnna Arllt Ai lljmmna r-,,. head lor them. In 1 liilailelnhm vou degrees; June, 57 degrees. People Viv" j wuulJ "Aly give five or six dollars for J rot Ren. llolladay is building opposite ii.gin the Fame latitude, near the Atlantic onC- '''0 strangers they are a great deli- j Portland, -work two hours in the forenoon coast, at Montreal, for instance, can ' cacJ 1,,lt t,ie residents do uot hanker ; anij two l,ours ja thc afternoon, each scarcely credit these figures January 9 them The number caught every ! man wnU,v w;ier F()r t).is .- degrees above freezing, and July 10 de- season i almost ineredil.de. ' .U div-r !' i.r -.v prees below summer heat, liut'thcy arc 1 eify contains K,O0n mhub- . tJ !l J,ur fU I" r. the result of careful observations made at' itu".ts u1' a11 rat'es and complexions. A Of one hundred children attending Astoria by the Government. : variegated iKiuquct of human posies two primary schools in Nevada, on the The rain fall is not less remarkable. 1 could be gathered here .f most diverse j ju September, seventy were taken will give it to vou in niches and tenths l,uls aua :agrauee, noni io In the last fourteen years the smallest pearly white, brownred, yellow, coppcr ciuantitv in nn rear wn T.7.S !n,.l in : colored, and tui key-egged faced. 18G8, and thc largest 100 inches Ct i'dit ! One morning, as I sat at breakfast with ; near San Rafael valley is pronounced - - - V-. ; .1. . 1 T ..f.& .1. A I I .. . . .t ., uie uoor open, i saw a sigui inui eouiu very nCi. .v piece taken troin the not be witnessed in an Eastern city, while j ,,.c wci hin sixteen oullce contained liero it is an everyday occurrence. lt ! ,. reetly opposite a barber shop, run by nc- i fourteen ounces ol pure gold. J he ; grocs, and a laundry operated by China- j excitement in that neighborhood is intense. men. The Africans and the Mongolians-j Ti e Owyhee Arahtnthe reports that were airing themselves outside. Along ; Jcff Standifer and party arc prospecting came au Indian with his souaw and half- i , . , ., ., ... , ,. , - ., , two huudrod miles north ot Missoula, grown lemalo papoose; and in the oppo- j isitc direction two Caucassians and an , where rich diggings are reported to have i Irishman. The five races, with their res- j been found. i pective irrand divisions Lurope. Asia French forces, mainly consisting of Gardes Mobile, with battalion of the line, and six mitrailleurs in position. The trench retreated under cqxc"oTnWOOUs, aud brought the Germans on until they were brought into range of masked bat teries, who opened on them suddenly with tremendous effect. The Piussian of her purposes and policy in continuing ; column was cut and the French charjrud llreaeh enough ,,ie war wi.t'1 France. j on their flank, drove thc fragments iu a at ! there is great uneasiness in iei !m hurried retreat down the steep and rapid 1 i morn f un n t m ll ilir ft t tacked the village of Pienetitie, one mile i conveyou tins morning in a special north of St. Dennis, which the Prussiaus I t,yIua I-"'Joo cnrrespomleut. It is stated, had occupied in considerable force. The j ln addition, that the Russian Minister at euemy were driven out of the village, and the Col,rt ,jf" Rerhn, has been instructed the French troops returned to St. Denis I t0 demand of Prussia a full explanation unmolested. Rkui.ix, Sept WILLIAM DAVIDSON, Office, o. l Front Street, POUTLAXI - - - - OREGON. REAL ESTATE DEALER. Special Collector of Claims, ! and London A Cabinet meeting m the ; deseent hovnr.d the. town of Loitcherv. Focus" Sept. 27. Following dis- i latter capitul, whiciiwas to have been : toward Corbets and Louis. There the :h from the Prefect ol the department ' 5:6,1 011 I'l i'O"' called for to day. i Germans attempted to make a stand and in consequence ot the urgent dispatch- ! reform, but the French artillery winch the hritish Minister , h, hrought up by the cross roads to !M)g!:imi to inter- , 0 the country, here opened to warrant an assault has been mad St rassburg T paten Irom ttie I retect ol tuedepar of the Loire, dated Orleans, to day, has just been received by the Minister ol War: The Generals here, seeif.g they cannot resist the overwhelming forces of the enemy commanded by Prince Albert, have just evacuated Orleans in good order. I.oMuiV Set.!.. 1?7. 1 ;i':iiite reTilliii- atimr the Reniiblic, denial. ds orders of ! prevails overywlo re. the Emperor or Empress to surrender.! 'I he 'll-jnt,h has a balloon special It is now said that Dazaino has not. f. .Irom .lours, rtutea eilnesday evening lioin j.ord lyons, at Tours wiil be se;-' I view am! explain, before all Europe is set I iu flames. London, Kept. 20. The military I preparations of Hiissia are proceeding on ; a ttgantie scale. Tins greatest activity on them i again with more cltect than belore. J tie ' retreat, was converted into a ; the ( Jeruian troops fled in all directions, j throwing away their arms. ! I he v rench captured all their artillery, i A lnrjre amount of CITV and KAST rOUT LAN U Prnportv for Pale. Also, IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable un cultivated LANDS, located iu all parts of th State. Investments in REAL ESTATE and other PROPERTY, made for correspondents. CLAIMS of all descriptions promptly collected. JIOI SES and STORKS leased. All kinds of Financial and Oeneral Agency busi ness transacted. Parties having FARM PP.OPF.RTY f..r salo will pleaso furnish descriptions of the same to the AGENTS OF THIS OFFICE, in each of the priucipal CITIES and TOWNS of this STATE. juuo i rro-tf. THE STATE FAIR. Xo dt mht a very crcditablo display may be ex pected on the grounds of the Asricultural Society dur'uiR Fair Week, but there is no show in or about Rrownsville equaling the splendid assort ment or goods on exhibition at 'Wheeler's store. TV.A .tnr.lr I.nnn ..r.fnllv Ucll.l-tod with Bll CVO to the wants of all classes of people, and will repay the time expended in an examination. When you want to buy or look at goods, or talk over thc news, go to Wheei.eb's. New Goods P. C. Harper, of liar per & Co., First street, goes below sooo to lay iu a new snpply of Fall and Wini ter goods. Wheat. Our buyers arc now paying; dieat. route and j Co and 70 cents per bushel for w directions. I MARRIED. Om the 20th Sept.. 170-, at the residence of her parents ! Uav i standards, and bet ween 000 and i 00 men ! county bv licv. Mr. Williams, Mr. John W. batt el ies aud cannon , witli two regimental I ,i 'in.. Ilulena C Pike all of Linn ?detz on any terms feet four inches) in 18i7. Thc heaviest fall in any month wa! two feet and seTcn tentha of au inch in December, 1;V7; the lightest one-tenth of an inch iu June 1869. No wonder these people are web footed. Away from the coast thc rain fall is less, aud the temperature more variable. Last Sunday I was compelled to re main all day at Astoria. Roing unac quainted with the calibrc of the preach ers, and not liLinir to take hp.ivv risks in that direction, f took to tlm tcnr,.l4 in Africa. America, and Ireland were rep company with an old settler. I was well i resented on twenty feet of sidewalk. The repaid for the temporary sacrifice of my Raddy was ragged, but he looked as if he The idea of the cession of tire island of Cuba by Spain to the United States, is said to be training usual devotional amuscmeuts On steep hill tides, several hundred feet above the liver, were trees six, eight and ten feet in diameter, aud more than two hundred feet high, and so close to gether that the antlered elk cannot move among them except by circuitous paths. I am relucta we have 5onie scattered saplings, and a few runt cd pines and oaks, and a good many thickets of underbrush, out of which, from necessity we make saw logs ; but forests and full-grown trees we have nut. What think you of trees that will cut thirty thousand feet of lumber 1 and what think you of a square mile contain ing at least three hundred trees three hundred feet iu hight. and two hundred feet without a limb ? In coming across 1200 miles of un shaded desert, I wondered what had be come of all thc trees. I have found them. They are here on the Pacific slope. Some great convulsion has swept thorn fioiu the land's centre to its western rim. Na tnre in tno of her "mighty throes has owned them all. did (iod help them if he ferod to surreudc whitever. I l.oxiins, Sept. 27.--The arrest of ' dacohy, the noted Liberal, has given pro- j found-offense throughout North tier- ; many. j Oiu.KAXS, Sept. '11. Frinec Al- ! brevht's cavalry encountered the French troojis, gathered for the defense of Or leaus, near Anthony. After three hours hard fighting, the French retreated on Tours. Prussians occupy Orleans to morrow. London, Sept. 27. Public opinion in KngUnd is reacting against I'rus-ja. The pretensions of the latter is alarming thc round :n Madiid. i r tliel1 own saiety. i,oru t,an- 1 , ,. . , t , . : novas in a speech showed how suddenly , A dispatch from I.o.nbay reports that , a Q urj, co,jarsc um5el. a ne;v , the German corvette Medusa, and the j SVsi,ti nt warfare, and d. f. nse'esfl Kn.r. The laundry business is almost monop- ; rrench corvct I)up!ex, have made ar. i land is frightened into r morse tor not , 1 1... ,1. i l. ........ T1..H .1. ,l.n,. I 1 . I .... 1 ... forcing t lie dovernmcut into active meui ation J5f.iu.in, Sept. 27. I'jxeitemcnt in creases over the arrest of Jacoby, and an imposiug protest has been sent to IJis marck denouncing the nia'nitainanee . of military law, now that danger of invasion has ceased. LONDON, Sept. 27. Evidences of a plot fur another rimp tie i-tnf, projected by Napoleon, has been discovered at Lyons. liKRt.ix, Sept. 27. A inaiii festo is pub lished demanding the co o; oration of the rnnnli ir. establishini' united Germany. Tin years ago she had but j xh0 manifesto is regarded as forcshadijw- ing futme political agitation. IAUMstaiT, ept. Zt leiegraui.s nave been received from Ludwigsdiutcn, an notiueing the surrender of Strassburg at f o'clock Monday afternoon. Loxiiox, Sept. 2S. Heports thicken. Hussia is preparing for war. 'J lie army of the South has been mobilized, 'ilielate moycuH'-nts towards the Ttwki.sh border are ominous. An armistice of -torty-eight hours has been concluded at Mezieres. for the re moval of the wounded. 'r........ , oc .i: ..!. :.. . .iitn ti o-rrfliim n-fiut o-.m to 1 in I n:l f . till iMrilltinc ot tlie sti-muor .Xc-aioi . ' . 1 . 1 . J " ' 1,1 r m. ti. . l-.- ! reeeiveu, and anuouncrs that the 1 rus- trouble between Kuss.a and Prussia. ; U,F" .f.u,,,. "F aIttllI, bave not entered Orleans wo had not been anion u: lira and spruces ? ILe turmer has massed an mmiensa army j P v . - r4 , on the frontiers of the latter, an j vvas leaky and urtseaworthy and was aban through her 3Iinisfcr at Perliu demands I doned to the Spaniards, an immediate aud full explanation as to j (J. W. Clark, a well known Ohio river why Prussia still cuntinucs the war on ! steam boat pilot, fell down in a fit of apo Franee. Of course this suddeu and j PW in a 8trj a5 Lo.,lis- ,- eTitenitier .il. and uiirii almost instant v. resenting that the Prussians vi ro rc- ,.,l."c,,, I, . v.,.l ; .ihn.lt- ..i..l tr.r.t ' Cuiiipliiueuts rcceiveii. viiroosiwisiiMiu.it... wliomiendered in a body ai-d were sent , fhUr anti.ipilti(mB of bappiuess bo turning towards Pari ; next day to L,nartres. .Among- mo pi is- i m(,re thal rcllnzCd. ! oners are two Colonels of the Prussian t Oa 'luesday last the 1- rench made an- uo aml a number of Saxon officers. other sortie from Metz. The forces eon- 1 sisted of cavalry and artillery, and were : If you have a discharge from the nose, protected by the guns of fortress Qucleu. ; offensive or other wise, partial loss of the The affair resulted in a defeat ol the i sense of smell, taste or hearing, eyes wa French, thoutrh they carried off all their i tering or weak, feel dull aud stupid or 1 , , I . , , ',.,-..- - ........ 1 . .1 NEW TO-DAY. WANTED ! i;,i.i 1.-.. .K m. Ti..,. .1. it,.;, i H'.t-, tT t.llllH..-;t-. llt. 'J vwt.il . ,. I 1 I - T .. ,, , . , ,(. ,i i j 1 rangcinents for a nav.il duel, iu the Jap woi k well, and at halt the prices charged , . ' 1 by Urdget and Dinah. These represent ! ancse waters at an early day. that Johu soon rubs the garments into ; Mr. Win. Bond, of Krie county, I'emi- ductantly cornp"c!ledj& admit that laSs. l"lt tljat is uot the experience of i tfvlv;Hlia who recently arrived iu Poi t- .- nn r..r..itj .. F"i V. l.-.vo those who atrcnize them. At every turn o , , c c e no loreata in the iisrv- e tiae J land, comes here for the purpose of irar- you win see ineir omi names on muiis, , -Ton- Duck Chung. Took Yune. Sing , chasing 40,000 acres of land, upon Kee, Loong Song, Kee Wah. Here, as i which aboutfifty sturdy old Pennsylvania in San Francisco, they are sober, quiet, Dutch farmers, with their families, intend ar.d industrious. 1 have heard no res pectable person speak ill of them. A million would need fewer policemen to keep them iu otder than a siugle precinct of your Fourth ward, ii the attempt should ever be imnle there. The rich valley of the Willamette is a to setde. Washington Territory has a population of 23,450, as shown by thc census just completed. 11,594. n. .;..,,-.. . Tt, i!,,.,.,t ..ri prairie eighty miles lontr and from twenty ."' " . j v .u i - Y ,. .,J r r . . .- ! Curmiissioticrs appointed bv the I resi- i to forty wide. It is the best portion oi ; , , . , - . i . .. . l.. i x .i . .-;.. ' f , i t ,, t r.t v.,rt.-i,-f ,,.-.,t lli.t riif.ii t- I I . f t-o the State, and is fast lillintr up with a ; . , ' , . ., , ,. . -r , . ,n, . - ;. . . , ; lection of eacn twenty miles section ot thriity population. The river, troni which , , ., ..... . -t . t' 1 . i , .i .u i '"C tlreuon nj l a htorriia lvailroad it takes lU name, tlows from the south, ( ,, . ,.- . , , , . . .... , . , ' lesers. Ocarv, risk, and ieavier com- anil empties into the Columbia one huu- 11.1,1-- .- , 1 1 . , . ; pleted their inspection ot ihe secontl vec drcd miles from the ocean, l'ortlaod is 1 . , 1 ., n, , . HUH Ol I Hl lll UlliCS Oil J lILMIll . X 11CII . ...:li l... .1: 1 .1. . ie scat of -soverunient, forty miles furth- 1 , ' . 1 ..w- , 1 , . - it... ...11. - .1 : L. 10.11 1 iiieu i ul 11 au 111 " i" mi , uuu jiom manv little trees ec u? ard Albany, the third town in the ' , ' ,, v 11 man nun iicea. t' j , : that source will be made public. State, sixty miles. T. P. 1 1 i i-:.... 1 . 11 . ,. ft ,.: . . i rivuitr iieeomiis 110111 iij.aiii i epui t Jly Uregonian, speaking of a certain T , , , ,, . . .. . ; , ,. e ,, , .. , ', y . c. I ..iff, Irtlt.Trti.i.a rvt ,t,l.l ui,-.it f., . ., . 1 1 1'-t f .- tli l.frilir.n- ot t 1 1 ft li-fiiintr rilrfiilfir wounded and dead, together with Prus sian prisoners. Mi-jzn-.ui'.s, Sept. 2S via Lnxo-ix, 20. An armistice has been concluded with the Prussian forces around this .lace, which will probably continue until Oc tober 7th. Verdun is be.-ieged. but the Prussians have made no active demonstrations. L'xii)N, Sept. 20 - lamhtirg corres pondent writes on the 27th : The reserve corps i.if ISO.Oi'') men ) Frankfort to reii.fjiee the France. iJKttr.ix, Sept. 20 M'uliiight. The greater portiou the French officers, pris oners in German, have signed a bitter protest against Napoleon. They charge him with treason and the betrayal of the interests of the French people from the i very commencement of the war. j Negotiations for the entry of tjhe I Southern German State-- into the NorfU- ' cm Co:ifedera;'ei;i have failed. l.oMioN, Sefit. Iviissian papi r- ; assert, that the Government is .irminid to i prevent Prussian aggressions and ast i tiotis of eooiiuest. Paris letters say ; faith in t he rest.i; ; the Ktnpire, and that it i- 1 ism aruk's determination to re-tore him. debilitated, paiu or pressure in the head, j take cold easily, you may rest assured ; that you have the Catarrh. Thousands j annually, without manifesting: half of the : above symptoms, terminate in consumption ; and end iu the grave. No disease is eo ' common, more deceptive or less under- j , stood by physicians. 11. V. Pierce, M. i V., of Duifalo, N. Y., is the proprietor of j : Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy a perfect I : Specific for Catarrh," Cold iu the Head," ' sed throiiL'h ! or catarrhal headache, which he sends to Prussians in any address, p st paid, for sixty cents, or ' four packages for 2. 1 aniphlct sent tree. Sold by druggists. I Ono Iliindred Teams and Five Xliaiicli-etl 3Ien I To work on the 0. A C. R. K., south of Jefferson. Apply to John L. llnllett, on the work. ff. THIKhPEX, Ott. 1. lS70-4tf General Superintendent. Sale ol" Town ots IX ALB AN -Y r Ijur.srAXT to an okieii of tub County Court of Muriou eounty, Oregon, i.ie at the SeptciMiwr lerin tncreol, IS,U, I mil thi: imp atlun of erialists.l: .N a poiC! i n The blocka if the mouth of lilbe has been renewed by lieet. Fr thrown thein here, and bv some ma-ie ! twelve miles trmn the junction; Salem,, tealizing our spread-eagle Latin, "L Plu nous Lnum, out of made one big one. Telegraphic Summary. IX. September 21. Special . expose fur pale at puhlie auction, to the highest hi'lilor, nt the Court lionise door, in thc city of Albany, in Linn eounty, Oregon, between .tho. tmers oi' 11 A. .M. ami 4 l. M.. I-'ule to eoimueneu- -rr; , ! at 10 o-elo-k A. M., of ' llKAI-lxn ox its txos, say all who Saturiiiy. 4!le 20?h jav of October. lTOr have made use of Dr. 11 7,- Jlahaiti of ., r,lU,v:,, ,i,.striin.,i rcui citato .-itu.ite.l i.i 117'? ( 'In ', and by such Use cured t Hai kh-iuuu's a.Mition to the city of Alhany, aud themselves of coughs, colds, and consump tion, tho prudent will always keep this remedy by lhe.m. 2 Some of the Democratic organs in. Oregon have published the resolutions adopted by the Democratic State Conven tion of Iowa, but they mvjrleeted to print Convention rejected. to tj as tliOSt ulssi tall pnr-liase priee ihoviii and have a lceil as 50011 liberties of the people of this : . al' ! nfl-rovcl hv the Cuuty c..urt. t he r-!i ea- iad- ei n t-5 i.l.l. . , , . I than three or four feet in diameter It i we had not been among firs at nd hemlocks that greatly exceeded this measurement 1G0 from the ground, I would bav'e looked upon my friend as a jpkerJ Put here they were all around me like a trail, and its commingled branches shutting out tho light of day ; more than half the earth's surface cov- Thcv 1 came near the city, halted, and then com- i meticed to move back toward Pari., j Civilians whom they captured say that kk I b!e to the lb nidi ioh;iiiii Jacoby, ! er of the Democratic party, has b imprisoned at Kocuig:-burg. by ordej of the military authorities, for callin:: a meeting of partisans, who drafted reso lutions against the annexation ot Frejich territory. The Democrats of Mutiich passed similar resolutions. j Paris papers compute the personal! i:i hundred Inu tile resolution the liero it.is: lZi-aulvwl That we eoin.lei irons to t'tiu country, and de.-true' ive to on: lorm ot government, the Usui pations of Congress in its innovations upon the long etablish cd national prieiples, by whicii are de teiiniu.d the lights of thc States with the federal union; and in the exercise of ille gal and unfair means t effect and com pel States to accept amendments to their Coti.-titutions; and we decl:re that it is the lir.-t essential to the perpetuity ot our system ot government, that each State be tree aud untramuie'ed in i desires with reference to tiny amendments j hclotifiin i to the heirs of the la c Harvey Gordon, ilei'tvtsiM!, to-wit : J,-ts No.'s '!, 4. 7 and 8, in . Mock ?. 10-i ; Lots X.i.'s :i, 4, 7 ami ., in l.loek lft.'. ; the tve.t hiu'f of Moek JOS ; l.otg Xo.'j ;;. 4. 7 ami S. in l.loek lift ; Lot No." 3, 4 7 and in Mock 114; Cue wH halt' of block 11 j : a!l of M .. ks 121. U'5 ami I'-'S : and lot 1. 2. 3. 4. i an4 ti. iu block ll'li. 'i'enn- of 5ul tiuM C'oin. tiie-ibir'l in hunil : ou--iliird r one year, and oiio-third intwo yeaj-. X tc;. to be friveit for tho ! -fv:rrfl piiynicnt. l)c:,rio tcu pi-r eent. intere. Ii.-el to be deliverol wlien the lait payment i in ide. Anv one ib-sirin to lo so, cflu pav tho TU'' p-;-?rnt fl-uri.--hin con'litiou nml brilliunt pro.pei. ts cl' ihe ei.'y of Albany, make it a desir able phi".' for investment in lots, either by ppecu-bit-Ts i.r pcr'in.1. i!eirirjr a perimoient, pleasant Ii m:e. All com.: nut, nn'l if you ilnn't lvant ti Iav, sec stli.. bii-9. roi't h"w much tbt-v will nv. O t 1, 7 :l-t P. 1.. WILLIS, liuardian.' ered by their cigantic bases. I measured I .... i i i c. .... ii. i r r... :t ; uiiiooKeu ioi aiep un iiic pat l ui iiu.vm, l iuice Albert received a aisiiatcii. whicii ' (- , , , . , , , lions ot 1 lanes. seems to nave smiaeuiy cn.ingea nis rilans. Ih uatcd r ontainblca. 1 hev nnpo: a trunk that hud becu felled inside of the town. It was twenty-one feet iu circutn frence eighty feet from the stump, while this measured thirty-three feet above the inequalities of thc roots. A gentleman told me of a fir, sixty-two feet in girth as far up as be could reach and this is on the hills. General Crook told mo that even this is surpassed by the red wood forests, further south, and near the shore. Of the last named variety are the excep tional big trees of California. The moment I entered the Columbia river I was amazed at the arboreal luxu riance of the hills. It was a rich treat to gazo once more on nature's favorite hue, after passing four days on thc desert and three more on thc ocean. Ia all fruits but tropical ones, this country is equal to California. Its cher ries aid plums I have seen ; its apples j civilized "-lobe ana pears i. nave neara oi, ana they are just about iu proportion to the trees. Tho cherries are nearly gone, and thc plums began to come iu. One early variety is already exaustcd. The curculio has not discovered this country yet, and you can generally tell how many plums you are going to get by counting thc blossoms. The size of them will depend upon the space they have to grow in. What would you think of a pair (not a pair of plums) weighing ice poitmls ? I have heard of such, and from what I have seen of other thiDgs, I am persuaded to believe it. If you show this letter to any one you had better suppress tho writer's name, for there are people who will cred it all sorts of ghost stories, and yet reject with scorn any material fact that con flicts with their narrow experience. The trip up the Columbia river is brim ltM of pleasure and instruction. It is a glorious river- next to the Mississippi and St. Lawrence, the greatest in North America in its scenery far surpassing the former, and equalling the latter. From tho mouth of the Willamette and other points, fivesnowcovered mountains an be seen ; Mt. Hood and St. Helen's within 40 miles; llanier, Adams, and Jefferson, much more distant, but all nowclad as far down as visible. When I first came in sight of Sf. Helen s, I thought it was the grandest 10,000 feet high, but it rises almost di rectly from the sea level ; and so of Mt. sets thc whole of Kurope in a tremble, and thc greatest eicitc incut is manifested as to what it all means. Old England is in a terrible stew, and thc Government is soundly berated for not attempting mediation when there was a hope that fhe Soldiers' Union of Ohio, l'eousyl vani i and Yisijinia, assembled in old Camp IJrown, Wheeling, Va , September 22. Col. Curtis W. Vaughn was elected ! Yesterday, but were tentilsed. President. j MF.XKt.l.SHLIM, Sept. 2S. The sur- tiellv& Carroll's store at Patterson X. i render of Strassburg was signed at 2 j J., was robbed of 8.30,000 worth of dry j o'clock this A. M. Four hundred and I r.n,tc -,.-. tl. I- ,f s:. .,(,. ith..r .'"id i tit'tv-one officers and seventeen thousand such an attempt would have proved sue l ijurCi'ars removed the plunder with a ' nien laid down their arms at 8 o'clock. l 1 ll.l . -11 1 . .1,. 1. , C .1... ... , I 'I'l. cessiui. v nai win uc me result, w me horse, and have escaped course affairs have taken, it is at i (,-..., i,.i.;. c.,.- i!,.,f i-.n. e Prussians have entirely evac- ' - , , , .... i .... . i.' , ; . i ,,J; , . , , . ,J siderabie numbers ot remans are Icavlin itainblea. 1 hev imposed no tax, . . i- i I '" Loeivumiotjxic;iit.iiJiiiiy. j A letter from Ncismes says : When 'the llepublic was announced, the descnd ants of the Huguenots tried to hunt duwn aud shoot the Uishop of ."Ncismes, an American Catholic in the neighbor hood, and he was obliged to take refuge in the woods. There is a report, that a plot has been discovered among thc French population but made heavy requisitions for provis ions and forage. A dispatch from Kpiual, September ith. says the Prussians attacked Uaew aud alterations to t lie Constitution of the United States. The resolution was proposed by Mr. Kvuns of the Ottumwa Vq ti ri(nrff and tabled. It recites jut what (Jovernor ( i rover argues for in his Inaugural. What do tlie Democrat of Oregon think of the Democracy of low a. ' Stat. 'Rights tabled by a Democratic State Con vent ion! Vdiuinitrator's Notice. XoTK'K ia hereby given tbnt T. thc nmlcr- -!c-d. havti been ni poioteil.by the County Court nt' the eounty ot Lmio. Stale f Oregon, .Vhuini tmti.r of the estate i-f James Nixon, deceased. Ail pernios having claims again.-t gaia estate ard hereby reoncste'i io pr,.s'iit them, with prop r CXprcSO'' its j vuuehevp. to the nni'lcriiie'l at Albany, Oregon, . 1... ; wiiliin pix nwuohs of die date hereof. l.td.cpL2,'lS7- JOSEl-n NIXON". READ ! READ ! READ I A clerk ill au Frio hotel has a uiaguiri- ; cent scheme in view. It is a circular hotel. ! to rest on a pivot like a locomotive turn ! table. Tlie object is to give every gue.-t j a "front room'' that being an almost in- j variable reiiuo.-t, by assiuniii'' guests to j $10,000 STOCK or General Merchandise, Now bring foM to clso lusim's, consisting of J) ii en o o t s i new present hard to foresee. It may result in a general war, in which thc whole of Europe will be engaged, causing such terriblo destruction of life and property as has never been witucssed on this earth of otls. The transactions of thc next few days will be looked for with bated breath by thc people of thc entire Our Legislature has not fairly grappled with the Chinese question as yet. Do our Democratic Solons intend to follow in thc wake of their California brethren, and, after making such a terrible hulla balu all through the canvass about the "dangers to bo apprcheuded fiom the hordes of rat-caters," adjourn without a word pro or cou in relation to thc Chi nese ? Come, procrastinate no longer ; let us have one good howl from you at least. In the Legislature on Tuesday last, Senator Fay arose to a question of priv ilege, lie referred to an article which recently appeared in the Portland llr.r ald, iu which it was charged that a can ditato for U. S. Senator had attempted to secure his election by corruption and treachery. He denounced the article as scandalous and scurrilous, and evidently jointed at him. On his motion a com mittee of five was appointed to investigate the charges made, by the Herald. Thc District Attorney of Philadelphia has been instructed from the Treasury Department to appeal all cases involved in the recent decision of Judge Strong to the Supromc Court of the United States. 4 The statements about thc imperfect armament of the fortifications of Paris .I . -ii . . . . i i no Placc win oe iu once occupicu oy me i ,,-,,.,,.,. MnlliriH Sent !, '1st besiegers. .. .. j The town is declared in a state of seige. . uliio, et'p. j. i no ci irj'o.-i lioii n. " iKr, ,,l-.., 11,.... I 1 !,,,. at Sedan to secure the French guns and ; . ' . ' , , . . '"T ( i t tit its tlt. icui upon JCl CO C Ol others. CLOTHING, BOOTS & SHOES, SHELF HARDWARE, of nearly every description ; together with resist the (Jermans to the last grows stronger in the west and south. Troops continue to pour into Tours. Advices trom Paris to Sunday thc 25th, have been received by balloon. Perfect order exists in the city. Ihe PrusMaus have inarched into Or- fwenty thousand stand of arms have been discovered. A report has reached lloueti of the escape ot 10,000 r rench prisoners. At a Jloston prayer-meeting a brother ' was praying while the church bell was i SHOVELS, ringing, arid the minister, thinking thc ; SPADHS boil had rung long enough, told thj sex- ! We received to day copies of I'iiaro j ton to "go aud tell that fellow to stoj and the Ganfoix of the l'jtl:, from an ; The sexton, mistaking his instructions,--; American lady, who made the journey went and told the prayist that tlie nun. aw nnnfirmoil h tin. nrnMiatimi nf Vin. '. """' ' . ,. . ' j from Paris to Dieppe in au open conch, i wter wantcu nun to "dry up. ... A duel " w J ...W .... -.,c m.rl ,.t nnnt n til l.,lll'illf,ll tl . ' . ... I ,, , . - 1 i. . .11 . it... no, unit ...c uun w , f .. : li , .. ' I Ulltl lilt. tUlt The coming State Fair promises to be a "whopper," at least in the number of people who will assemble there. 'Almost everybody we meet say they are going. Count us iu. cennes and thc removal of the old style guus to the city. Uut a small portion of tho wood in the neighborhood of Paris has been destroyed. Those at Clermont already afford shelter to the Prussians. Prussian soldiers praise the bravery of thc French highly. They relate that a company of troops of the line, not the fan tastical windy Turcos, were reduced to fiftoen nicn, at the battle of Weissenburg, and when asked to surrender replied with a volley into the German ranks. The next moment saw every man of that heroic band stretched blecdiug to the ground. The Idaho Telegraph Company was incorporated in Uoise City, with a capital stock of 150,000. Thc object of the com pany is to build a line of telegraph from Elko, Nevada, by way of Cope, Silver. Poise, Idaho, and Centrevillo to Placer ville, and lioise is to be the principal place of business. There is said to be a ,:corner" in the peanut market in Cincinnati. Thc crop was "short" last season, and a Cincinnati firm has been buying up all tho peanuts that could be had, to make the "corner," and run the article to a "giddy" point. The firm claims to have 300,000 bushels in store, and the quantity still increasing. On five acres of land iu Poise Valley 220 bushels of good clean wheat was rai-ed-an average of 44 bushels to the acre. Joseph Daniels,of Peabody,Massachus etts, is under arrest, charged with attcinp ting to outrage the person of Mrs. Dur casshelober, his mother ii . law. Iroad lines were cut. displayed an American flag and the city. ... . - i- - i i i i copie rchiuing in mo .-m ourns oi : ,,-,, ;,v,,1t ,i;(r.ltv Paris have returned to their hon.es, from j Thro u a c.llious statement which tncy una ueen uiivcn oy tne law- ; jr0U1 She ! wa prevented by an explanation. KOt lessness ot Mobiles Prussians t opened fire on gunboats while" passing St. Cloud recently, killing and wounding several of the French. Prussians are erecting a battery at Severes. A lively fire was opened on them from Fort Dessey while they were at work. London, Sept. 28. Telegrams from Carlsruhe say that at 8 o'clock this morns ing the gates of Strasburg were opened to the Crcrniin troops. Ihe citizens yes- I terday, driven to desperation, posted a white flag on the Cathedral, but Ulrieh ordered it removed. Surrender was afterwards compelled by the citizens and garrison. , In Camp nkau Mktz, Sept. 26. At noon on the 23d, the French sallied forth in considerable numbers against the Prussian right. The battle raged until 7 o'clock, wken the Germans, receiving support, assumed the offensive, and drovo the enemy within their lines. On the 24th a still more despcrato attack was made. The French advanced in long line, the infantry supported by artillery and cavalry, covered by the cannons of tho forts. Once tho French gained a temporary advantage, carrying the out works of the Prussian lines, but were finally forced to retire under thc protection of their forts. No details of tho battles have been roceived. London, Sept. .28 Montmedy is We call this a pretty incident, which t ild-iv occurreu recently in a u estern town: in ! ..-.! 1. . 1. - . - I .11 . 1. just returned from Germany. lie bays ! .6"-' "lo 'i'"cr a..os ,o oe the Southern States are only using Pru's- ! before the others so that no sia in the war to eventually T.roelaltn a i ,,:,n" .u,ay h.Qr w,ie t,ie' crowd out i . . f 1. . . r . x . ii i t a well known American irentlekuau I ",u ' "? ,ouu, 11 lHU V scnooi is a 1'er-ublic. The Republican sentiiuent, i ho says, is general. Luglish civil ciigiucers and chemists are the inventors of the projectiles for ute on tho walls of Paris against the Prussians. They are charged ivith petroleum, and spread a sheet of llauie over'a surface of sixteen to twenty square yards.- Two hundred workmen are ac tively encased in nianufaeturinir them. together. Not long ago the building ; took fire, and the scholars rushed for. the ! doors from all the rooms but one the one w lie ro the lame girl had her desk. There the girls sat quietly in tho excitement until their unfortunate compauion had passed out beforo thei, as usual, when they followed with an outburst of fright as intense as their conduct was noble. Tim n.-tm.I..inn U'.,ulwnnn to IflO I A letter lrom Sir Henry Lytton Pujlwer , 3jj8 Ti'ic Distl.;ct of Columbia 131,889- j an increase since IMjO of seventy-nine per cent. the tho to the liondon Times, rcproachin English Government for apathy in cause of peace, has produced a marked cileet upon the public sentiment here the ministry incurring the reproach .j j Nor for OtiEGON.-No such thing as I this happened as the cars were first view- The Russian Government transferred ed near Wacor.da station, a few davs an-o forty million roubles, lately on deposit at j for the first time by a Webfoot belle: the Rank of France, to thc London She was standing hand in hand with Ranks. A Washington dispatch of September 21st, says : j Commissioner Fisher to day refused the application for extension ot the jMar shall pateut for the pneumatic process of manufacturing iron and steel by which the Bessemer Etecl is produced, and (after to-uiorrow this process will be open to the public. The Commissioner decided adversely to the application, on the ground that the origiual patent lapsed in iLtr lanu in IM'S', atn ry our laws after a 1 t. .:,i. i uei luvei, wiiii eye anu mout ti agape, watching the coming of the first train on a new railroad. The locomotive was quiet until it came into the depot, but when the whistle blew, as the engine was stopping, tho girl burst out with the ex clamation, " Why, la! she came plum in afore she bellcred." From the Roise city Xtatesmaii of Sep tember 20th we get this: Chief i ustice Chase was recently afflic ted with a t tioke of paralysis. MILL and CROSS-CUT SAWS, no p k , IRON & STEEL! a lure assortment ; ulfo. Iron Axles, Thimble Skeins, Rlacksmith Tools, &c., itc, All to foe Sold at Cost ! JNO. CONNER. Allianr, Sept. 24,1870-3 Administrator's Notice. "VTOTICR'IS HKH12KV GIVEN THAT WE, il John V. Smith ami Marparcll Osboru, havo tbis Jay, by the County Court of Linn county. State of Oregon, been appointed ro-adininixtratnr and aihnini."tratrix of the estate of James Martin, deceased, lato of Linn county. State of Oregon. All person having claims against said estate are requested to present them to the undersigned at Peoria. Linn county, Oregon, within sis months from the date hereof, wi'h proper vouchors. JOHN I'. SMITH. JUKUARETT OSBORX, Administrator A Administratrix. Dated, Sept. loth, 1 7"-vnw-l - 3J-01- SEicxlo 2 oOo ciiab:f,i:s itownrs Premium Wagons, OREGON MAKE, AT R. CHEADLE & CO.'S, ALBANY, OREGON. J.ilv DO, lf fO-inf