The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, September 24, 1870, Image 2

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V. S. Official Paper for Oregon.
Linn County Aorici.i.tikai, asso
CIatio.n. Owing to Mfcs of business.
snd the impossibility of securing addi
tioual office help, we have been unable to
pay that attention to the Linn County
Fair that its merits demanded. We were
unable to make but two visits to the
grounds, and those were flying trips,"
and made under such circumstances as
allowed but little time to pee all that was
worthy of notiee at our band., or that
might Lave been "taken in" on a closer
investigation. Hoping that this will be
a sufficient excuse for the brief notice
that follows, we proceed to remark
The weather, up to the time of going
to press (Friday), lias been nil that
could be wished, waim and pleasuot, and
with less dust on the roads leading to and
from the grounds, than on previous oc
casions. There is a marked differ ncc in many
respecta between the present Fair nod
that of last season. The display iu the
Davilion is superior, in mine respects,
and in others not so good as that of IS'19.
The ladies' de art merit suffers not hing by
Ofii Senator The election ofJas.
K. Kelley docs not seem to afford the
lights of Democracy that keen satisfac
tion that a genuine victory always affords
the victors. In fact out would be led to
conclude, from their nrmouneemf-TiEof his
selection for the United States Senator
ship, that it was rather abitterpill that
they would have preferred almost anyone
else. "We v.-ill acknowledge that he is
stamp. After much labor unci time,
which baa probably ewt the State Sl,U(Jt,
by joint resolution, tl)e members have
voted themselves three dollars worth of
rather a sorry stick for United States j oostagc stamps each. After disposing of
Legislative. A iroodiy portion of
the time of unr Legislature, since our
. . !
last repoTf, has been tatter' trp in voting j
upon and discussing the question as to i
whether members should vole themselves pr-is Sept 19 V fi 'lit took place
two or three dollars Worth ot postage j yeteidav ten miles from Paris between
iSI'ECIAI, TO TUi: ltKtil.STIiH.
Dates to September 23.
I wore '"atked by lo.OW Prussians. The I guns, with lit Ie loss Humors arc afloat
Prussian wer4. mowed down by the ar. I of 1 1. e capture ot Stra.-st.ur-, but lack
j til ery of the Fisneh. but, after consider- j continuation.
iioio ioss, icerosaca tl.e
river in good j London, Sept.
Senator, especially when it is remembered
that he is to occupy the seat of the mau
who ha proved himself the leading mind
in the U. S. Senate ; but then the De
mocracy have the pie sing reflection l hat
before they did elect him, they compelled
him to go buck on his record, aud prom-
thia question, the "Amis Queue Bill-'
called tor a great deal of time aud mueh
gas in its discussion. At length evou
this master effort of the geuius of an
Amis palled on the members, and it was
laid on the table. At la t aecou .ts the
j larger portion of this august body hud
iso to aid and support the very measure ! gone out to reload. Wlicu they get back
he opposed and denounced with all his j they may do something
power during the late canvas?. Tiny
compelled him to do that which no other
prominent man in the State, under the
circumstances, would have done under
any pressure. If Democrats can find a
particle of comfort in the election t.-f such
a niau, they are undoubtedly the most
cheerful sit of men iu the world and S
easily satisfied.
Schuyler Coitus.
The following is the text, of a letter,
which appeared iu the Brooklyn (N. Y.)
Cition, September Till, from Schuyler
Ouitax, announcing his prospective re
tirement fioui public lite :
1 thank you fur your good wishes in
my behalf, out 1 iuic-ud wi.n tins term
to close my public l.fe absolutely. 1
thou shall have had eigli:e-u years oi
cuiitiuucius service ut V asfiiugtou, mostly
the advance guard of the Prussian army
and a rcconnnitcring party of the French.
The latter were driven back, and the
Pi us.sians estHbiished tin niselves on the
bights which tire French had been hold
ing. Prus-sians numbered 80,0(Jd ; fight
sid to bare been very bloody, and the
French, though beaten, inflicted heavy
loss on the Prussians. The contest raged
upwards of two boors.
Trains of northern railroad from Ilonen
only run as far south, as Beateal, at pres
ent. Prussians are expected at the latter
As the Italian Government has takeu
decided steps in sending troops t o Home,
we may soon expect to hear tha
Ktet ii w 1 City has become the capital of
the Italian Kingdom, and the temporal
comparison wilh former year, but uu- , rule of the P pe has ended. It is said
duubtedly cxcells in quality if not i that Victor Emanuel will set apart a por
iu quantity. I tiou of the city of Home for the especial
In the furniture line, the bed r.-iom set, use of the Pope and his Cardinals, end
manufactured by Mr Chas-. Mcaley. was provide an adequate yearly endowment
the handsomest we ever saw anywhere, j for his aud their support, and will not j Ulls Ccterm.uatiou, and 1 assure you it is j f
and was so pronounced by all. i interfere with hi liberty of action in eccle j no pretense, but a reality, as you wiil see. i nut
In the line of labor saving machinery we j iasti a! matters. It is not known whether
noted a falling off in the jjumber display- j his Holiness will accept these terms ; it
ed. j is even rumored that he proposes to leave
A sulky plow, manufactured by Messrs. i Home, with the intention of making Eng
L'eard & Culver, and the "Gay Plow," j laud bis future residence.
attracted considerable attention.
place on Saturdav.
Fragtncu's of the Sedan artry have
arrived at Rouen, consisting of 000 men.
who previously escaped from Melz.
L'in l(.". Sept. l'J. Home not yet
occupied, though the Italian.-i have ad
vauced to within a short distance of the
Paris, Sept. 10 Red Republicans
continue to placard walls in the city wit h
handbills announcing u new government.
Trouble is apprehended. Citizens declare
they prefer Prussian rule.
London, Sept. 19 The Pnt says
t'. at a balloon, with f,lU'J letters Iron.
Metz, was captured at Neufchallel. In one '
of them .Marshal Baziiue savs his army
ling ; French ! " '"
. . : i.- i
up to .ugu-t i '""'
. ' .not tiienr
Gen. Cb;r.?if't is placarding the wall-s
of 1-ariH with an iiifl.,n,latory address
.-gainsj tiio resolutions passed b,- the uov
erument of Lyons, that, should Paris
surrender, her right to capitulate, shall
not be rcogiii7ed, and that the city of
Lyons and people. will defeud the country
to t he last man.
The subtnarine cubic between Prussia
and Sweden has befii cut by the French.
T0CB8, Sept. -M. All telegraphic
communication with Paris ceased yester
day. '1 biers started on special train today
for Vienna, whence . he proceeds to St.
I'LoniM-i:, Sepf. 20 8. a. m.- The
seige of Home commenced by five divis
ions, under Inn. t ardova, who will invest
the city. ltetancu is a mere matter of
foi m. an J the surrender of the city is
expected to-morrow.
Fx.niti'.M.'K, Sept 2. Home is occu
pied t.y the Italian troops. There Was no
bloodshed, the Pope forbidding any re
sistance. 'J he Homaus received the
Italians with tho greatest enthusiasm.
The city of Foivnce is cohered with
flags in h .uor of t he news of tiMJ occupa
tion of tlotiie by ti e Italians. The peo-
! Telegrams in
some ot the London journals assert that
the Prussians- have been repul.-ed 111
the last assault, upon T011I ; have aban
doned t besiege, and ate marciai.g to join
the army around Paris.
.Tot' us, Se pt 21 Fighting near Paris
continues, wilh varying results. No.
important engagement us yet. The Pro
visional Government will repress the ex
cesses of the Hods.
Calais, Sept. 22. The main portion
of the French llSet is here. Three ot the
ironclads are at Duukirk.
HiOUl.lN, Sept. '21. The official state
ment of the military situation declares the
investment of Paris completed to the
f ullest extent.
The bombardment of 'foul has been
continued inei ssati' ly since the 10th of
September with .heavy siege guns.
It is under-tood t hat Napoleon is pre
paring a Juaiiife.-to to the Fieneh people.
M Attst ir.i.Ks, Sept. 22. Gaiibaidi is
prevented tWm leaving Cuprcr.a. and is
guarded us a prisoner.
12(1 genie.
re neariv erasv with oehuht.
Jlarvelous aetiri'y prevails on the part
The Very jL:t(Cfei.
Itusfcia t' to lake a Hand in the
l.ciiei ai Troubles.
last 1:vi:mnu'.-
on a stoimy sea, iougeiiouti lor any our; I is well suntdied wilh ev et yll
at the i and my umbuiou is all gratltied anJ sat- ! victorious in every fi 'tif 11
isneel. General Grant will ctuubek'ss be : 31st.
renominated, aud 1 think should be. ( Usui tick insists on the evacuation
-My articles and speeches show my taiih of Meiz aud Strassburg, or else I'aris is
111 luiu aueL my regard lor him; but tho j to be starved out.
people will Want some: Eastern or South- j '1 he Germans lail-h at Bazuinc-'? bopi s
cru Vice i're-siueut, aud shbuld have one. ! of escaping f rom MetZ.
i shall le ive puohc l:le voluntarily and IJkki.IN. Sept. l.t. The following is
Without a regret, and go into active I olti-ial : V hi le Napoleon was at Nam ur
1 ........ . A . .. I.. I II 1 . i . , - , . . , - ' - .. .
uusuicm. .'iy inciiua nvie an koow oi , tie cuioLr.zecl the eltscio ine ami Courage
1 , 1 it
,nc!i a ri;.l atonna 1 aris
; ;'re beinii thrown 110 at the to tlie e-ity. and the
n ot her sides are belli .-treiigt ii-
si-EeiAL TO THE f Ed ISTE It.
It well known that tho ' Empress
Eugenie has taken a most active part in
the drama which is now so rapidly de
veloping in Europe ; that fho has been
most energetio in advocating the present
war agjiust Prussia's arrogance, and in
usmtich as she nsay possibly euccumb to
the terrible strain npon lier physical and
mental powers, great us they undoubtedly
arc, a sketch ot her life may be accept
able at this juncture.
The Empress Eugenic was born of
Countess Tlieba de Monrijo, and is a di
rect descendant of an Irishman by the
name of Kirkpatrick, a wirrcbant of
wines an . fruits at M alaga, Kirkpatrick
had four daughters, of whom the young
est was distinguished already at at early
age, uot only by her great personal beauty
but by her extraordinary talents aud
accomplishments. Accident liuide her
uctjuamted with a former Spanish officer
ol artillery, the Count de .Mol.tijo. Ho
was poor, but belonged to the oldest
ans.ucracy of Spain, and Miss Kirkpat
rick lenioved to Madrid, and entered iho
highest social circles as Couutess de
Moiuijo. Eugenie, the present Empress
of the French, is oue of her daughters.
1 he Countess Theba de Montijo, Kuzc
uie'n mother, by deglees oceanic one of
the tenders ol fash on at Madrid, aud at
her entertainments were to be met the
leading men of the times dtplomaiiis,
authors, artists politicians- -all were Con
stanll to be seen at her brilliant soireirf,
for the Countess was not ouly a beautiful,
vei y hour.
'J iiClts. Sept. Ll -the
Prussians on tl
lestis railroad, a shat p
were repulsed and driven
Ii i- reported that
lire ot the Or-
ck upon
N EV 1 ultK. S. ut. 2o Paris st ecial
1 I . T 1
io-tlav say iliatGeu. ltoe'iii intends to I but also a most taleuted, witty ana nc
call ino Paris all I l oops new ou side not j complishcd lady. She had great influ
eiiiploye i 111 scouting j nice at Court, aud bur two daughters,
fi he heavy ;:uns ot Fort Ivrv did gre it ' beautiful and accomplished like herself.
harm to Prussians massed in tirj woods. ! were cany 111 lile ajipointea ladies 01
I roii ei
lad -
UU oOaf
This is the 'last campaign I shall partici
pate in, aud 1 feel as happy at the pros
pecme release liom the exciteu cuts of
political Ine, as the studeut w-ho is about
to graduate and go forth from the wans
111 uhieli he has been loi years, free from
prolessots and eritics. W'iieti vou tiiiuk
for the deu nse o
the Prussian soldiers, and Said thut !tn. have couimence.i operation-,
hing could keep them out of l'aiis Floating batterte have breti crectei
LoxnoN, Sept. lSiy-Favre bus gone tc' defend the entrances of the irreis o
to Prussian licadqilarters, under safe i br.mee.
ConJu;t from 15i-i;i ,ieL- i I he or,fx o , split elies
Mr. t lolayson had on the grounds a !
combiried Seed sower and Cultivator, S
Go IT YE C'ail PLts. 'lhe Democratic j oVer y., cou,..ed.- that it i u wi-e
C fi T . l .. ; .1 .. .
I ci-uuiu 'Ji inc vMcgciu iaiuii: roio ? ue icr mi oir i :oir.
oted Scuator leriiian, of Douglas, out
j of his seat, aud Mr. Mosher in
! man has served one term in the Senate,
! having been elected in lSdS. They might
1 jujt as well have given Herman's fieat to
Jo. Teal ; and legally he would have been
just much a Senator as Mosher. Sail in.
Vhifh m-nmibiiii ft. 1 Ha. v fi t.Yi,.'.tl-jS fitt(iii.r
our larmers.
In the way of live stock, the number
on exhibit'on was not rcmaikable for its
extent, but for quality aud blood the ex
hibition was certainly a success. Jes.-e
I'arrish had some fine French Merino
sheep on exhibition. There vera also
some fitic praded fdieep from Henton
courty. Those Chester White,' (with
litter of pigs,) owned by Mr. Mart Payne,
and a fine looking bull and cow, com
pletes the lire stock show up to the time
Echoes pkm the Capital. Fol
lowing from the Portland Ihrald are put
iu for our Democrat iu' frieijids :
Judge Heed h is plenty of money.
That's riiiht. The Uible ;says that the
orutseu Jieed snail never oe orose.
A game law is to be introduced for the
Democracy, if you think there's no here- j protection of mallard and canvass back
Ujjj. j duck, and Joe Teal.
m j The Portland iron foundry will not be
Cognomens. The lesser lights of the ; afr,.t..,.,i i,v .t,., tiri,, ui,!s ..f Amis' bill
I Legislative body cowin session at Salem, : to prohibit caste.
j have commenced a k;i.d of re thri-.tcaiug j 1 he knowing ones say that it is
of the ' bi swells." uiviiiir them names i Lafayette Lane's turn to be nominated
of writing.
A. il. tr-a .nn.1rr.ld ,.l,;pptin ' meu so named. i or instance : .-ir
made to the last Fair, on account of the ' ris is styh-d tl.e "coyote of Lant
j to indicate tho style and character of the
1 men An T-'.ir i n a f -i n - !r
superior premiums offered
fast horses, the Managers determined, if ! gentleman liom Douglas is styled the
possible, to do away with these objections, "giraffe." Our own Hepreseutative, IL.n.
by reducing the premiums offered to fast ' Geo. II. lleln. is styled the "Liou ot
stock. W hether this reduction in the ; Linn."
for Congress nest election. 1 We thought
; so " lis :t hng Lane that has no turn.''
j The 11 II call of the House is compiled
; crrone m-lv, as tlie nam ot Mr. 11 a iter
owners yf i Speaker, the "tiger of Polk ," while the I jdaeed Oetbie that of Mr. Il.ue. The
amount of premiums, decreasing tiS it
certainly has done, the number of ani
mals competing for prizes, has added to
the interest or receipts of the Fair, we
leave to the decision of those who have
been in attendance, and to the report of
the Managers when the Fair shall have
Whaterer may have been the decision
as to the success of the Fair of 1871',
there can be no difference of opinitin iu
regard to the manner in which the busi
ness of the Fair has been conducted- A
better, more affable, polite aud accommo
dating ee of officers, all through, are not
to be found. They have labored hard to
make the occasion one of interest to all.
In arranging the premiums, they endeav
ored to do justice to all classes ; to pro
mote the besCrnferests of tbir community,
they gave the largest premiums to the
most worthy objects. For their efforts
to benefit the community they should re
ceive the hearty thanks of all.
. The leesons taught by the present Fair
will be treasured up for the benefit of the
next annual gathering. Many and im
portant suggestions will receive attention
then, all tending to perfect and lend ad
ditional attraction to future Fairs of the
Linn County Agricultural Association.
First Dcu. Mile race for three year
olds, won by Isaac Mansfield's gray mare
time, 2.27- ... .
Second Day. One mile, trotting race,
for three year olds, won by Hallcck Grif
fin's sorrel mare time, 4,24.
One mile, running, for four year olds,
won by K. Rexford s "buckskin Bill"
time, 2.
Third Day. Two straight miles, trot
ting, for four year olds, won by J. II.
Kincaid's "Big Oim" time, 8 18.
Two straight miles, trotting, for four
year olds and upwards, won by j II. Wal
lace's "Comef'.-tiBve, 639.
- Two straight miles, running, for four
year olds, won by E. O. Sperry's "R E
Le" time 4.22.
In the trial of draft horses, tSe
Thk Skw Mt.MiitK, Mosher Mr.
Stout asserts that Mosher, the gentleman
selected to fill the teat of the Senator elect
from Douglas, (31 f. Herman), promised
faithfully, before it wn decided that he
was to take the seat of Mr. Herman, that
he woold Tote in the caucas for him (Mr.
Stoat ), for the Senatorhip, first, last and
all the time. Mr. Fay asserts that be
had promised to vote for him (Fay) for
the Senatorhip, while the same pr imise
was freely made to Mr. Kelly. After
his admission to tho aforesaid seat io the
Senate, Mr. Mcshcr "went back" on all
three of the gentlemen be was fo anxi
ous to see elevated to Senatorial positiou
by bis vote, went into caucus and voted
for Lane. The man is undoubtedly a
bedrock Democrat he shows it by the
manner in which he respects his woid.
hunter should always follow the hare.
I; is proposed tei refer all amendments
of the law regulating pilots and pilotage
to Mr. Helm.
It was an act 'of tardy justice to eleet
Mr. O' Hean to the House, considering
i he State was named after liini thirty
years ago.
1'akis. Sept. l'.i. Prussi-.m scouts
have anived near the walls of Paris, j
City rpiiet.
Prussia explains she vriil le fu'.Fv pr;- '
pareo to treat, for peace when Franc- ;
presents a government s.ab'e enough t
enforce the treaty. j
Three thousand Prussian uniforms'
were found in thro- houses this morning
Or oiand review, some regiments f
provincial Gardes Mobile refused to cry
Vt'l-' it j?rjllhiijiie.
London, Sept. l'J. Dispatches of
to day-destroy all prospects of Uazaina
esjape. Only a handful of meu have
escaped thus ar.
Tie siciie of 'foul is beinsr vigorously
pressed the place cannot hold out long.
Tie Prussians last niht surrounded a
battalion ot French 'J'terreurs at Meary
P..1U3. Sep. 10 Reported that four
hundred Fbi-'iis cieeiipied Versailles yes
tttd.iy. Postal servie - sttspeuded ; mes
sengers to be organized.
Tot; its. Sept. ly. Thiers arrived
from London.
Lo.imn, Sept. 10. Northern tinny
is marching on St. Dennis.
Fore.:iiers in great danger of being
-pics iVnriy A uieneans have
French loss not yet published, but report
ed as much less than the Prussians
T hus has commenced a series of struggle-
which inaugurates the seigf ol Paris
and uhie-h must now be terminated by
victory and the v.ithdrawal ot lhe Pru-
latis, ni by cJeleat that vuleouveit every
ioii-e into a fortress.
Provinces and communes are fast cum
mate- t fiat ti-mitck lias mi m tested a lug to the re.-cue ol the ijc.-eigt-il capita'.
dispiw-ii ion to recede fioin b.s exlicmo There has already been subscribed
terms, j,tid will lic it with the lVov isioii i 5-27.i-.'U.l'Ue tnwanis the tiutiomti defense.
a! Government as soon the lower has I The aspeet ot the streets change- Woii-
bceo cuiiiiiiL 1 by the Ciii-titutioi-.-ii ' dettutlv fioui day to day. A tiibuline-es. j With Wounded soiu.ets, arc CotittliUuhv
Prussian f.'i-t now fi'iiug fit se.i at j p.iss.'ig
Croti.-tadf i l.uNi('N, Sept. 2o. A dispateh from j
It is reported in it the !;.:--; ins I Pel lin say.- ii-nri I ek and J ules Pavre
badiv ilcti-a e.! y ter-'.-iy in an attttmpi to j went el '-ete 1 all day. '1 bo I. inner iu I
st"t m one i t tii I in-- ie-t 1" P..i is. i s s e i on the meeting oi lhe Assembly 'o ;
'ii'lt.. Sept. 21 Govci niin-nt -lia J mtify the treaty. l'avre. eoneed d" an
ordered all trups in the country to con J itu.e uinit f r the cos' of tl.e war; the !
vcie on Paris. i suru n ler of p ot of the fie t ; the ills- j
Kuiuored that the French have entered j m.iit! n of Metz, Strassburg, and jios.-:- 1
Orleans. j i ..!y other Jortios.-es.
Ftiliowiui: dispatch has bet n reoe'u id : J 'be Pi iis-i.iu- a e :ir farently ) reparin 1
by t he M inist ry :
1 ours has aa: u
1 'ru-.-iaiss were i ej
d ismoii nted .
' -1 '
S. t.t. 2J
l eked The
:i!.-ed and their Mta
honor no Isabeha 11. 0'ieen of Spain.
The elder daughter was married to the
Puke of A'.bo, a nobleman of high degree,
and oie of the oldest aud proudest names
of the Spanish aristocracy. It is said fie
hesitated long upon whom be should con
fer his hand, ti.les and great wealth, and
it .seems that while he loved the older
sister best, and finally married her, be
was mot beiovud by t he younger, Eugenia ;
! the present Lmpicss. On I ho evening ut
ibo Oetro h il. mide public by hei injiher
in a brilliant company of guests. Eugenie
j retired sudden y to her own apartments,.
iu 1. a'ter sencli bad boea instituted for
her. she w.h found seii'de-H on ber bed,
; with tin cuity flagon alongside of her..
I Mediciri assistance was at oneOummoiied,
i . n i they succeeded iu savinii ber life,
! but up to this day, in conscfjticiice of it,
; slu' is subject to neivous attacks, and
j often succumbs t a kind of nervous
! depicssioii which gives lo r a tad, listless
j 1 ok, nhhougli it makes her great beauty
the more attractive and iutercistiiig. She
always h id number'.e-s ndmirers, and
many oilers of riaiie, tiui-iigst. them
It ;s rrpi.-rt.-.i that th. I'mfsian in
est in o Palis have bct-li defeated on the
.l.iins oi' Mcaiioii. and stilleied licavy
to inovt' on )iiea!s. which has been
ev;.cii..ri-d ly tin: l ij.'nii. n-i! oi.iv Spuniah and i'leiich noulcuicM
In comiiierci i! ciieles hope of peace is ,,f lb-: highest dejrc". but als i a royal
neatly aliandoiie I. Pi u-sia v, ill lu-i-t on j i, . e ! I lie house of OilculM, bu'-she
i ll (joverumeut w.ll
terms- wlitcn no
it priveiit dare ;
;t doc-s
trcated as
been li'll:
because of their
Pa in a. Sept. lCb Contiaaoas
ing to-day aroi-.nd Pa: is
Marslial A'aih-nt narrowly ccared
, ,. r e i.i ! haiiirmir by a mob. while visiting the
A singular treak of nature lately occur- ! ,. r . J "
j s: . - , i . ,i ioitiuca:ios.
red iu Swautou, V e-i mount. About the ,. , ,
i ii- i Led iiepuodeans are fitnior-l jin; hard
leth ol June a cow belouguvi; to Mr. i ,. , ' , -o c
tc- -i ii i .i - ip i - u i 'or the ascea lency.
Y in. Burned b.rtli io a call, which
Jj(.irN, .-..-p-t. -.-j- j. j '. m
in the course ot a few davs was killed.
and the milk of the Cow t-ave.d. It was j
noticed that the miik v-ar very thin aud i
ajipeared to have no more richness than
ordinary skimmed milk. And yet the
cow arpeared well and lhe cause wa
Theie has been skirmishing near Ivouy
and Ch.illctori. on ibe outskirts of Pans.
The Prussians occupy Chi.nont Men
don. The Crown Prince is iu tho vicin
ity of Fotitabula.
Prus-ians crossed the .Seine at Chassis
.ri.Tiv.-.rd linwuror I lio n,i h.t nn.-.r I,.- r I AdVICOS ItUlC OeC'll rCCelVel trolll
calf, and since that her milk has been, j ?tr -'burg up to yesterday Monday.
tiertectlv -ood. j lananu ot tne garrisou was nearly fpiiet
LuNi'tifX. S pt. '2 i . iermaii
now i-ccitpy iSeuiou s
It is sa d (ieti erder ti
to utrei Iv desTc'V St i a.-sbui ii
not. surreinirr.
Palis i- entirely shut i'i. all e -iiit:niii-eatioii
being cot o.i excet.t via Deilin.
Oifieiiil d s; atclit-s Itoiti Piussian head
j'la.l teis st,:ti.' til it a r doiiL't Willi seven
guns, bef-re Palis, his been cap Hired.
lii.itl.ts. Seiit. 1:1- -! he. .ouijile e in-ve-tinetit
nf Pmis was aecm-ipiisiied yes
terd iy The French trimps have 1,-et-u
driven t he ca pt me d on: wol ks
with several c.iui.oii csecaied with little
Torus, "21 Gin. Wcrder has
icfused to siu ai'y more safe conducts
for, itiu.ts of Sirasbuig. Geiu-ral
boiiibiM-dm- nt i ftlie city is to take place
quite a luystcy. Just about a month
j immediately.
! LoNlmN,
r arms ;n
i:, chiding
pi x. i n i-er
t. "1. The number of
arts l staled to t e
lo.CUU o'uritet is
urn was awarded to II.
erman, of
ai Salem. Late Thursday aft
ersoon a fire caught in the sash and door
factory cf Messrs. Bothbj & Stapleton
on Front street, Salem, which spread'
ery rapidly and sot fire also to the foun
dry and dwelling of Mr. Drake, adjoin
ing. All of the propery enumerated was
destroyed, causing a loss of some 820,000.
Don't Mention It. Speaking of the
"queue bill," the Statesman intimates
that our elegant Congressman, Joseph
Smith, will be one of the sufferers should
it become a law. It is said our heavy
Congressman fdlows tho example of the
'"queue" wearers in shaying the head,
thus giving an amplitude of forehead that
nature forgot to bestow. Oh, Joseph 1
New Boat. The Koseburg J-Jwiyn
says the new boat for the navigation of
the Uuipqna river will probably be com
pleted thejsresent week.
Grand Lodge. The Grand Lodge of
I. Oof G. T., meets al Oregon City, on
the 18th day of October, 1870.
Senator Elected. Jas. K. Kelley
was elected U. S. Senator by the Oregon
Legislature on the 20th inst. The vote
stood 42 for Kelley, 26 for Geo. II.
iogal tenders, 8788Jc; gold, 114.
Full Dress. It is now stated that
the new style of "full dress" in Paris is
nothiDg but fathcrin the hair. It ts
not likely that this new style will soon,
if ever, be transferrea to America but
there is no telling whal fashion won't do.
Count us in on the first show, however.
Iowa. The Cedar Falls Gazette says
that the yisld vf wheat in that- vicinity
will range from two to seventeen nushels;
of oats there will not be half a crop ; and
although corn may be benefitted 60Eoe by
the late rains, the yield will not be more
than half a crop.
The ninth census shows Multnomah
county to have a population ef 11,513, as
follows: Males, 6,189; females, 4,019 ;
colored males, 588 ; colored females, 117.
Number of voters, 3.265.
a J exas Hanger, at Atlanta, to ofler to
stand off a hundred yards and let the
inventor turn the thing loose on him for
six wi cks, at two dollars and a half ad iy.
Grading has commenced this side ot
the S.intiatii. Holladay is detera.ined to
have the ears running to Albany by next
A crowd gathered at the Piqna. Ohio,
railroad station to fcc 1 Grant. As the
traiu was moving off, an old gentleman
asked 4V who uid they say that fellow
is?" ' That is General G'ant, our
President."' "Oh, aid the old fellow.,
"it is, is it? Well, stnnger, you see iTa
nut about town much and don't pay
much attention to tbe newspapers, and
know but little abont these things
What might his politics be?"
men ui d
lo.0c' ,
from the
"lieds at nvmis Iwruauig tix-lerare ;
the at (iea! to their lea-lets frutn Hoche
lort bad Lt. i'.l t fled.
It is announced io night that the heavy
The bombardment t hi eat ens to
Gi n. Flrieh' hud been badly wounded
It is said that the mitrailleuse is much i His office headquarters, had been reni..v
tbe same machine as that which inspired ! ed to Prefects of police. Vote bein;
. . . i t . i i i : '.in i ri'ii j - i i ii i.
taken hy the people ot the city on the ; , . ".. , , , -,
...!; .(.....'.....;. ';. . a -i i ! batteries i Stra.-bur.r have he. n .-ik-
3uti u Oi iuiii; iii, il a.i occmeil
by a large majority to continue the de
lensc; to the la.-t. v
Postal service with Paris is now per
formed entirely by messengers.
A sortie from Metz was ordered yes-
tnrrlnv loif s n Vi 1 11 1 n I 1 irilititurn a,t
The' French oea-ants'contiuue to mun I I,uU'd '!ll'.u
der German olh
the whole city.
Wc are authorised to state that the
Willamette Valley Railroad Company,
after having thorough surveys made of
all t he different routes proceeding cut of
Portland, have determined to adopt the
route which will lead from the Oregon
and California Railroad, at a point near
Milwaukie, and cross the Willamette
river at or near Oswego, and thence on
the west side of the river through the
Tualatin Plains to Hillsboro and Forest
Grove. ,
Fiuken, the partner of Major Goddard,
tbe man who swindled the Portland
merchants, is still confined in the county
jail. The creditors of the late firm pay
bis board in jail, and seem disposed to
keep hini frhere until the last horn blows.
Walla Walla Statesman.
Keziah Iliritoo, colored domcstio in
the family of Dr. McDowell, liloodfield
(N . J ), confessed to setting fire to bis
barn, poisoning tbe well and tbe theft of
the family silver. The woman had lived
in the family twenty five years. "
A Montreal lady who tried to pour
melted lead into her sleeping husband's
ear. found he was only playing possum,
and lost her nose. She wanted a change
of husbands, and is finely to get it.
Sasan B. Anthony challenges the
world to a talkincr match on the women's
rights question, mile heats, best three in
five, to corsets.
eer.s. by ptckitiif them off
with r.fles. T hey have also t ut the tele
graph wires, and inflicted other damages
near Epetnay.
The Democratic demonstration of the
people of London last night, was one of
the greatest popular assemblings ever
seen iu the British Capital. Resolutions
of the meeting were friendly to the Ge-i
man people, but bitter against German
Tbe TiTH'a Berlin- correspondent con
firms the assertion that Pi ussia is ready j
to treat wilh any French Government
capable of giving a guarantee of peace. i
Barricades are rapidly forming at Paris,
inside the fortifications.
Lyons is in a good state of defe-Dse, as j
there arc many troops there. j
Terrible suffering leported at the seat
of war from starvation. Women are vio
l ited, the dead outraged, and prisoners
famished. Italians are about to force
open the Human gates. Only a feeble
resistance is anticipated.
T''L'RS, Sept. 20. Sharp firing has
been beard near Courgct, f-r two hours
An engagement occurred between the
French sharp-shooters, on the opp -site
side of the Marne. and the Prussians.
The bitter were defeated and driven off
at midnight.
Berlin, Sept. 20. The Queen yes
terday received a letter, written by the
Emperor ot R'ssia, conirratultitinsr her
Majesty on the great victories of the
armies of Germany.
There is no foundation for tho state
ment that King William will not treat
for terms of peace with any other than
There are no signs of the capitulation
of Metz. .
Heavy sifge guns are needed at Paris,
but they cannot be carried forward until
Tool is reduced.
London, Sept. 20. An engagement
'us ill s'lriecdcr.
Lomvon, Sept. 22.- Kmir William re
ports to the Queen that the investment ol
Paris is now complete. The French ad
vanee on the north of l'aiis had b.-eii re
ol seven guns and
twenty -five hundred prisoners. 1 rns-ian
deli ats ob.-cu! ely repotted as having oe
ciitTcd at At bis and Meuxs
Xego' ititions at Meuxs is proceeding
hopel uliy. T he general pri"cijfti s bi-ve
alieady been arranged by ck and
Favre. and t ho detai Is arc now under dis
ciissioti. Thin far the only question is in
regard to the ratification on ilie French
The Ann rir-an ambul .iice corps is of
.incalculable si rvic-c at the seat of war.
' The line of communication between
j London and I'aris is reopened,
j Dispatches from Berlin say that .1 COti
j stitutioii isprepating for the security f
j Germ hi ttnitv, and tirrargeuients lor
pn.t filming 1'ic hrick Euioeior of Ger
many. T-Cits, Sept. 22. The Pru-sLius
have cut the Orleans railroad, and are
now occupying several omts along the
line of r rathe. They menace Orleans.
Th-.bronz slut nary have been melted
up to sirpplv th j bj-dojre. 1 wilh cannon.
Tovtisj. Serif. 22. Nothing detinue
cccdi- to. 1
, LoxiiiiN. Sept. ouit.Ts just
j liom the: Vicinity f Paris, re-port I hilt a
very severe 1-a'tl i. ecu i re 1 y est- r l.iy nt
:a point itnmedtati ly .- nth ol tbe city
'The French to c s in heavy
met tbe Pras.-iai'S p S"e i in f frse, au-1
; the former Were repulsed with gieat lo.-s ...
Li-NtioN. Sep'. 2" 0 p. i - Berlin
! teleguiliis have the i'dlowuig startiii g
; intelligence : Ru-siai motion to te::
: lb-, l.i.ick Sea. and probably the Pat-da
' nclivs. War between the Czar ami Su!
j tan imm'aeiit.
i Strong S-'iniwiclal I'asi Inn of tile t'liitcd
I states.
Under this beading 1 lie Ne.v York
! -, . prints th.s :
j Whi.e the Governments of the
EuiotKan nation- can baldly make both
: ends meet, even in time of peace, th's
I e--unify h is an ovel -flow jug trei-ilty, and
! is paying the nnti debt off at the
1 rate o!'oe; a bundled mill oiis of dollar.
! a year T he stupchduous sum raised and
i expended during tin four years. of our
! war v. as un r-a r 1 ii -led i:i the hi t ry oi
: the woiid, and ail without a lote-in loan
i oi aid from foreign capitalists. T he e
never was a war that e-oc-t so much " itliiu
j i be s.'tiie t iii.c; -for not only wire the
1 loices raised err onions, but the pay and
j equipment ot the mci Mid the o).-t ot
; en t y t hing u.-cd wete nittch gieati r than
: in an oiiier c-ountry. i be cost of ihi
! l'i.ussiau andFicueh armies in pay,
j clothing, provisions, arms -and tvery th ng
; eKe for war purpo.-es is le.-s iRau a third.
i.i it
. i.eci.iicu ineui an.
j O.i a visit : Paris. in IS 19, in company
! of lo r m il ber, sl.e p-irtieipate l in a hunt
j on horseback . At Compe'gne, where
i X qi- h'ou first saw her, slie attracted bis
; atu nt ion at on.e by her glorious beauty,
tovai beating, and tbe accomplished aud
b -i-i style i 1 r.dii.g he-r I'.or-c a full
I bi-ioi'e 1 A n-l.ilusiiiii. Napoleon nan
. eiir civati d ciiei- n while proposed and
was iiicijitol. It is will known how
li-.w t. ii.iifi'.ly this -highly gifted and
: In.' u i ni v. . lu.iu iia-. I uliiilud I bus f r the
duties of ler high position. Any otifr
I uhi h is seoii Wiuterlialier's ee'ebrated
j pic ure "I Eugenia and her Court will,
1 w ii bout hesitation, award her the prize
I for beauty, al'h.ough every one. of ber
t companions is a fairy iu looks Mi 1 form..
j Ilitr life as a wife and mother has -been
i singula' ly free from leproach, and not
j the slightest stain could be ca-1 on ber
i reputation. She has s'ood by I lie side of
j Najio con no' only a- a goof wife, bur as
a icliable friend, h is been a goo 1 mother
to his son, and lor in n y gieit oi.d gfiod
: qti .litii-s will be liu'lou'o'e lly nni . ci sally
at j.i ec at 'd sh .uid her pieseut- severe
i ilciess prove fatal, and should she be
' removed from the present scene of strife.
i In a rive-skirting Fontainbleau there
is a huge bouidcr iu the bed, now dry,
and which has not been seen sitice tW'
i C'-ut uries, bea tbe l.i t die.idlul
j aflLci Frae. At tfrat erio 1 was cugrav
; ei on tbe stone. " Those who have feeu
j im crc i. and those who may again view
! me, shall cep."'
A Georgia patier says it is renorted
i t- . . . . i i i- . . . " - .
pi rnaps. i i wnai uioame';n i t !cit t Im tce.i one-story houses were struck
an 1 amount ot ma eiiaU was h, re. Then i)y i;l,ttlig ,n last .Monday in this city,
look at the i tun u.ous bounttts aid liom ; ,.H,1," be a warning to our pooplo
five hundred to a th. ii-an i iloliars a man , ,(l,Vt. j one-story bouses. Let thctn
::ri umoHiir mar won o . q-:ip ami Keep n.sMe in two or th
a i iench orGeruiaii .-oido r o r sve-r .1
years. Be-ill' . I be general ex t i n Vag a lice
and pliin lerol'the I rea.sure Wete frightful.
res ile in two
or c.iinp out.'
or three-story residences,
and won 11 liac ' arkruj ted l'in- other
iiali iii. No countrv .n lhe vioild cou.d
rai-e su;-li sums as we did. c t live
years after tbe war not enly" has all the
vast floating tb-bt been ili.ehui' but
we have paid oil' several 1 u i.'ic I milLou-i
of the organized ii bt. At the picscnt
rate ot liqu.dat ion we could e xtinguish
the whole. is a little mo e to iu two
thousand iimbons. Wiiluii Uiteeii years
it is not sui pi ising, tle-tlote. that
our ered.t i eniaius good during t ho terrible
eoiu'lic-t of aims t iiat is com ul.-ing Europe.
t liist. of course. Ft. itd Sta es seeurities
I'O t ibeshock. as all otheis d d. liom that i ulous mid all skiu diseases
li i rj' ists
n itiiral sympathy which the finances of
one great civilized country have, with
lliosi; of othercotiiitries. liut aliei Wards
when people and Tiptibsts began to
, t took place at Vissoux. 25,t0O French
received trotn 1 ai is to oay. j ni.,,c clearly tlu re . irees .it" tho
i nere is gii iti activity among ine troops
here to day. iiud many are leaving with
all possible baste.
Radio ni service Mill irregular.
LoNlmN, Sept -It is generally believed
that the Prussians are i.egoti.itiiig with
the French solely for the sake of delay,
6t as to secure postssiou of Paris.
During the investment of the city, the
fo'lowiug engageiui nts occurred: On the
17th, a Prussiau br.gade routed several
battalions of Fieneh north of Brevaness
Forest. The r.est day a almrp skirmish
occurred at Vitry. On Monday the
French were diive-n from the entrench
ments at Petroy, leaving seven guns.
Nenr'Vcrsailles, 2,000 mobile gardens
c'aptareJ a number of Prussians.
Limdellsiieim, Sept: 22. llic siege
of Strassburg is being pushed vigorously.
Lunette No. f3 captured to day, and five
United States mid the superior value and
seeurit v of our Invsids. they clu ig to t Item
as the be-t investment ifcy could hiv.
Hcoce there haie been few of our bonds
sent home from Europe Nor is it likely
tlion- woij'H be any serious depreciation
if even the war should spread over
Europe. Our superior and well paying
securities would be held and be sought
for by the people no matter what strain
tbre might be upon the governments
and capitalists for money T here is no
reason, iudeid, why nur lnn-ls should not
gradually rise to their true value under
any events that may occur in Europe. : If
wc have been able to accomplish so much
in rai-ing muney for a gigantic war and
in rapidly paying off the debt iu the past
what can we not do in the near future
when our population will be doubled and
the wealth ot the country quadrupled?
Dr. P'mifcc's Alt. Ext or Golden Med
ical Discovery is not a fancy drink made
of poor poisonous strychnine whisky,
proof spirits and re-liise liquors, spiced
and sweetened to pletise the taste anil lead'
topers on to ruin, as are tbe so called
'Bitters'' oi the day. It is a pure ined-:
i-.'al extract of nalhe loots and herbs, and
is a sjedy. sale and sure remedy for all
vme. acute and lingering coughs, loss
ol appetite, --Iver complaint" or "Bil
iousness," and vTonstipattoii of the l?ow
els. Notl ing equals it for purifviug i he
blood - and curing Pimples, Blotches.
Iv uptions, Salt Rheum. Erysipelas. Scrof-
Sold by
Says the Jliititin: '1 he officers of e I
Washington County Agricultural Soe. y
are rnak ng stron ff irls to have ;..;
coming Fair at llillsboro surpass any
exhibition which has been given since
the organization of the Society. The
grounds are being improved in many
way, and buildings erected, etc A
number of horses arc training at the
course. Tho. highest premium offered
by the Society is a purse of 8401) for the
fatesf. horse in a single -dash of a milo,
" free for anything. " T he . Fair will be
held at Ihlbboro on October 4th, 5th,
Cith and 7lh.
Tho lviin ot Mr. Joseph Fuss, ou
liowcl Prairie, was burned tbe other day,
together with several hundred bushels of
grain besides nearly all his farm
Presideiil Fay rondo a great mistake
in not phi ring Mr. Stout at the. head of
the Committee fin 'Corporation."
Spftfr- s"-;-". i''.itij -rsjqji. mfipl-'"
M iff m-