f s r - 1 -!r.:'-T,,:Jfvf,.t-'-B I ! 1 i 5 .SicCAV r' " r . r I I. CAt.tr'.: V vol. ALBANY, OREGON, SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 17, 1S70. NO. i2. -i-J T j-TZJ tl riBusnni evehv satiroav bv UOL,!,. VAA CLKVK. omen on coitNnR ok fkrry am mkst-sts PORTLAND CARPS. f.. f. russell, Attornev r.t Law. C. P. FEHBV, Notary Public. RUSSELL & FERRY, s-! Real Estate BroKers & Collecting Agents, Portland, ... - Oregon. TEItMS-IX ADVANCE. Ono Yr Three Dollars Pix Months. Tv,, Dollars ! Single Copies i' " '-" QPKt'IAI. ATTENTION tilVEN- TO THE 7T777.T lZ ;-T- I Sale of Heal E.-UHte. Real Estate Litigation, AIh..I.-l RAIE.. j and tho Collection of Claim. Transi-'iit ii-U-ertisciu, ms ru-r Hqtiitre of -ten i OtBce, North-wc:.t corner cf First and M' ash- line or less, first insertion, : each subseitietil , ingtou Streets, IVrtMiul, "gti. insertion, $1. j Larger advcrti-euieTit-1 inserted on the most INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, Jul! Wi.'i'.lv. ! I'oruierly New Columbian, Having received new type, stock of colored Corner Front and Morrison streets, inWs.cardj.ii. Gordon .fobocr. etc. , we aro pre- PORTLAND, OREGON, pa, ed rxwnu all kinds of printing in a IjfttiT j . luaiin-r and firtv per re.it. chcapvr than ever be j AOail it MOrTlSOn, rr0pri6l0iS, for onreI in ibis cit.v. j Agents for the Register. IVb 6-70- a JAMES MORUISoSr. The f.dl'wiug gentlemen are authorized to re ceive aid receipt fur subscription, advertising, etc., for the Ki:cistki: : II HI AM SMITH. Ki Harrishurg. ,'ndgc S. II. ( LAt'ii II TON Lebanon. I'KTKU llt'ME. Ki lirownvil!o TV. U. KIIIK. E-.(. E. E. WHKKI.Ell. lN.j Scio. T. II. KKVN H.U.S, Es-i Sal.-m. ;i:o. V. r:,'.l)N', Ki.j Portland. I.. P. FI.-U1 It. K..j -Fri-o. Free Co-U t aud fn-tn tho HiiS(. vtii:ricav k.cilixk, ("ORMIIt Ut 1 runt and V a sli i n g-1 o it Streets, j I OHTLAXD. DUKilO.V. AD YE liTISEM ENTS. NEW TO-DAY. BUILDERS, ATTENTION ! SASH, I1LIXD AM) DOOR FACTORY! S. H. Al.TIIOlsr. . W K1GIIT. J. f. lllKESSTCI. AITIIOl'.SK A: CO., . LYON STItKET. ("M THE It I V E 1C HANK), ai.iiaxy, : : : okegox. t'r' ekp ox han p a m i.l a.ssoutmknt, IV. and are prepared to Xiii-nihsli to Ortlei1, Uoorti, IMPORTANT TO THE I S l1 R I X G PUBLIC! TEL EGRAPHIC, SPECIAL TO THE IlKOISTER. Dales to Septcuiber H. ALARMING MORTALITY I i It I in (Ik, and K.ikIi, X.. P. V. Quimby, .... Proprietor. (Late of the Western Hotel.) 3V3CZXjiTX2a"CJ3, tui'h as Crown, Panel, Bautl, ami Section 31 old of all si7.-s. WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES! AVithin the past thr-"" years, six of th lo, al Insurance Companies of San Francisco, repre senting a capital of over $2,000,000, suspended the Orst four durinsr tHo low rate war of I St7 and the last two during the paat few v.eek.. Siv out oV Twelve in h'ss than three year? is an alarming record of : I rtltlCC. Loxuox, S;pt. i. Prussians rapidly advancing on Viis ; cavalry within ten miles of the city fortifications, the Uitiin anuy Leing within thirty miles. The greatest txcitenicut prevails in Paris and vicinity. Paris, Sept. i). Along the Boule vards to-night the people are shouting vive la United States I vive la Independ ence ! Fa vie to-day again reiterated to Minister Washburue and the Sta'es. Lonkox, Sept. 9. Meetings weie held yesterday at Limerick and Killarny to ssymoathize with France. Paris, Sept. U. The people to-day attacked the. office of the Jarsciftu'iie. on i account of Cluscrct's article yesterday-, ! broke the forms and burned all papers to i be found. Switzerland recognizes the Itepublic of thanks 1,'uited rillirs HOt'SE is the ui.'.-t eommodioiii in the j 1. State, newly fnrnislud. an 1 it will be ths I ndeavor of the Proprietor to make his ueste i comfortable. Xeare.it Hot-.-l to tl:e .-teambout t Siding, an 1 all :hcr V;iu-!s tit" ISnildiiiU' ialcrial ! mortality, and should surest to the insuring pub lie the propriety of avoiding experimental, inex perienced, and low rate Companies, and patronis ing the obi established, eonsei vative. wealth v. nnd prudently managed eorporati-'ns i,f the solid and permanent order. the .1. C. M HXIUINHALL, 4I.KA"Y. ::::::: 'U;i:(;i.X. TI'iM IWSTKTMKNTS ALL KINhS i .Ts'f" The ConcT'I ttn li will always e fui i at th-" L'i!iiii. vn tlie arrival f s-tt-ainrtiiji? ar : rivt r LtaTii. carrvin' itiissci.sreri nui tlivir hn.y- ! II ntc Mr.ifi trttt I'nttuit tire r.''ta"tmh:rg. N E W A 1 V E RT I S EM E N TS . L. STRUCKMEIER &. CO., 31 H KCII A A T TA 1 1 It ALBANY, OlitllOX. ' EE PS ALL KINDS OK FINK CLOTH. Suit liade to or'b-r. in t!io most fashion nl;i and uppi vc l stvb's. 4''.y L. MI! l'" K M EI Elt A. CO. I I UOMAA IS! II.IH ! WHEAT AND FLAX SEED DEPOT. C1 LEANING and HOISTING eapa.itv J lll.OOO llushcls per Pay : - sli.ire of patronage solicited. '. '7H K. CAUTVYItTGHT. j a'- ' T!ie highest cash price pai 1 for Wheat. A I. so - Are prepared to do MILL WOUIv : furni.-h Sha ker Fans. 7.'gza Shaker-, Suction Fans. Priving Pulleys, of any kind, at our Factory on Lvu street, (on the river bauk, next below Markhum's warehouse. Ai.Tiiorsi: it CO. Albany, February 0, ISfiH- t THE OLD STOVE I)E1M)T! .ioiix mucins, ,f. V. HcialJcv ij a i i i: s' k li i o in r .ti. 1KA! KK IN g 1 KNTLKM r.N'S llniiTS MA PK T'Kl;lKII "'.i nolle-, and v. 'it't iic;i?!its aitd dis- ait-ti. Al' Kinds of Repairing Done. Alltjny. -fi.ne U. I"1?" -Jo f. ss. ssici:, .n. PH.S1C1AH AND SURGEON, Albany, ------ Oreg-on, FFPK -N T1IK SO! Til SI HE tK .MAIN o reel. Ibany. April '70. A. YVriKKLKU. t a i" j" JL u 1) 1 i . i; i: W n s v i l l v. i : ; x . MRS. A. J. DUKIWAY, ITAI-KU IV i Fasliionalile MiUJneryaiifl Fancy Goods. Follows Dress and Cloak making- in al! ti.eir var.ed branches. ; I:I.EA Hi:S ANli PilLSSES PTKAV." GOnps In Latest S:vle and best manner. , .V7'.t.!." lUiMIt SI K M I: l: i ! I K It Y. C,.rr;. r Fir-t a!ol i:r a ia'bin stre-ts. A!b:iiy. , Hic 'ti. jaullii ro STOVES, COOK, PARLOR & BOX. JI'STLY TAKES ItANK AS THE i, i: a i) i n c; A M K It I C A X Their contracts are endorsed by cash assets exceeding el' the be-t I'attero' Aj.M) TOO, . wh lections afen,led to EGAI. IXSTUl.Ml'.XTS cil' ALL KfXPS made an I at:c.-tv: I. C-oivcvaures :tT(t . J. IBAAAOA, Attorney and Counsellor at law, AI.I1AM, oki::-. o I'FI' E :i Main street, opposito Foster'? Urick. I . f.'j A. S. Ini;oi, ('CONSTANTLY on hand and receiving, a liire stoi k of Groceries and Provisions, Vt,.,d and Willow Ware, Tobacco, Cigars. Con fectionery, Yankee Notions. 4-.. ,'., Wholesale and lii tail, oppo-i'e. li. I.'. Hill i S .n's dru toe. Albany. Ort'(i!i. jri-PI'TO C. IVSEALEY I KAI.l-.'il IN .t MANI FAfTI KEK OF JLT" XT Xt KTIT XJ3T133 ! and CABINET WARE ! Corner First and Broad Albin streets, .1 . li A . )'. (if? h. ;iiy. 1'in, V Iieet Iron and rJ -r- t "1 " vv r -- I and the uual rssortment of Fnruishin (Joods t be obtained in a TITM 3TOXTE ! f 't' tin i -tt: .;titl.l i tfrtirt. "T" "Short reekoninos. make b,n fri'-nds. Front street Albany. Next door to Mansfield .1 Co. do, -a'f.S I "A Stitch in Time Saves Nine!" TTiNrioircr firp Diirt Mdrinp TiKnroTinR nniTioflnv' xiiu una lii-ai iuu iujiu uuuj uuiuuu j j Norf. and 41?. California strwt. Their I'U.-.ini's mHnajrt'd hy undrrwrittr have n ?uv'riMrs and hut f-w eiital in iho I "J'hvir ri.-fk.-- arc small, carefully rtolecft'd, and i tvr- d thruu.du'iit the exit hi- V'r.itfi! Tfitt's. thus avjit!iisr heavy in the niot pirinii cnfiara- ' tioii. Their rates are nt if the ;-ite.s t amh linjr order, hut are baed on a-tnal e.x .wrieii.e. and are as hw as pM-d insurnm-e ran In- fiuiiisiietl at. Their -hf.-s arc ho!i(.ralIy and i-r-m'tly ad justed, and jaid in pld coin wit!tut tJelay or dU'uut. Their agents, loeatetl at all puints of! imjjortai:et havo Authority to issue jj-dieie? direct, s tiius avoiding the iia!i r and dt lay incident t : the sh-ajfeiuy sy-teui : and. in ca- h and e orv patieular, both nc trt'iinls 8oireny . j-riiian,icv. ; rudcnf mauai-tiieiit. himralde eoiiducf , -lirahlc rate?. and enii-rv;:ti e i-ractice?, Tlie rinrnix, of IIartl'orI, furni.-hes facilities to the inurinp public unequall- f ed by any other Company rloin business on this eoa.-t. It. II. HA(.ILL, Ianaser, 424 California St., San Francico. San Francisco, California. Ililtabidol & Co., J EALE US IN GKOCKKIKS ANI I'KO 8 p visions. Wood and Willow Ware, Confec tionery. Tobacco, Cigars, Pipes, Notions, etc. Main street, adjoining the Expre.-s oi;ice, Albany. Ororon. j' T1 1'inrurt.in attkiion vxii. to -TV; j OHllERS OF AL.L. RINDS ! in his liue. ! O. tober IsfiS S Policies Issued and Kenevred lircct by Ij. rLI.:, Agent, ALBANY', OKKtiUN. jy2'7-i:!ui.J S1RIVG A3iD SIMMER STYLES. i STOCKHOLDERS I NPI VI Pf A ELY I.IAP.I.E E. A. Freeland, nEALEP. IN EVERY PESf.T.IPTIOX OF School. Miscellaneous and lilnk liooks. r-tatiouery. Gold and Ste I Pens, Ink. etc.. Post-of5'.-e liuildin. Albany, Oregon. Iook4 ordered from X'ew York and aa Franciser. I J. II. M ITf" II Kit.. J. S. DOLltl. A. SMITH. Mitchell, Dolph & Smith, VTTOIINE V.S An COUNSELLORS at LAW. Solicitors in Chancery and Proctors in Af miraitv. infi-e over the old Post Office. Front street. Portland. Oregon. JAMES A. WARNER, C;ivil li ii si fieer A; -Surveyor. I S PREPAP.EP TO PO SURVEYING AND Engineering. Uses improved Solar Compass, orders by mail promptly attended to. Residence on 1th St., opposite Pr. Tate's residen-e. Allomv Oregon. nlU-r.m ' BLACKSMITH INC J PLOWS ! PLOWS ! PLOWS IoeII & I I inn. TX0RNEYS &, COUNSELLORS AT LAW A and Solicitors in Chancery, (X,. Flinn, Notary Public,) Albany, Oregon. Collections and convevanees promply atteu,ied to. " r GEO. W. GRAY, 1. X. s.. - T0VLl) SOLICIT THE PAT f f ronasre rf all persons desir ing ARTIFICIAL, TEETH and FIRST CLASS DENTAL opera tions. Nitrotm Oxide administered for the pain less extraction of teeth, when desired. Charges moderate. Office in Parrish Jfc Co.'a brick bloek. Resi dence, first house south of Congregational Church, fronting on Court JIouso block. Albany, Oregon, July 2, IS70-43 lHE undersigned gives notice to the general I public, that he is now manufacturing the . f-Jalesburs Iatent Plow! j and any ther style of plow that may be ordered. Also, particular attention paid to I Wagon Making- and Ilorse-shocinp;. ' Wagons for sale at my shop at 8140 and $100. Horse shoeing as follows : Cash, $2 ; eredit, $.' j All work entrusted to me will receive promptf j attention, and be executed in the best possible i manner with good material. A share of public ' patronage is solicited. Shop on corner Ellsworth and Second streets, ; opposite Piece' Ferry. F. WOOD, j Albany, November I, ISB8-II Cash Capital, in fJold Coin, S7SO .MM). Hcposit in Oreg-on, S5(MMM). Losses lrom))tI; anrf KiptititLl; Adjusted -And J 'at'i I in (Hold Coin. rV!HIS COMPANY" having complied with the I laws of Oregon, by making a deposit of fifty thousand dollars, is now prepared to effect insur ance against Loss or Pamage hv Fire, and also against Mnriue a ml Inland Navigation risks, on ; liberal terms. ! Ot 'STAVE TOUCHARP, Pres. (HAS. P. HAVEN, Scc'y. CUSTOM MADE CLOTHING. J. C. MENDSNHALL, Affent ftfr Albany. I Albany, January 8, 1870-18. : J73E3C33 XiAA Fit A A CISCO STORK! COHNER riBST Nl t'Kltl'V STRKKTS, AI.II A XV.'. .. OK Iif;)N. I CIIEYOIT SUITS, WHITE Dl'CK Sl'ITS, ! CASTOR 15EAVEII Sl'ITS, Heavy Canvas Hunting Coats, AVIiitc JIarseilles Ycsts, Figured Marseilles Vests, Furnishing Goods of all Kinds ami a great variety of other The inoatsj around l'aiis have been j filled with water. ! AH persons desirin"; to leave the city ; are required to do so imuiediatelv. j Lox uon, Sept. 9. Communications j nasc passed between England and the j new French Government, but titers ia no recognition of the Kepublic as yet. Paris, Sept. ft (j P. M. An artuis . tiee is uudcr consideration, instituted by the diplomatic corps. . The question has beeu submitted to the Provisional Gov i ernment by Russian, Italian and Spanish ; embassadors. ' Eonpon, Sept. 10. King William has given orders that Napoleou be treated ' as a sovereign of France. It is denied, that Lord Lyons has gone . to King William's headquarters. Paris correspondent of the Yt-s says, : Euglaud having declined to negotiate for 1 an armistice, Austria undertakes' it. The tS'tidard'g Paris correspondent says the Prussians cannot successfully be.seige the city with their six hundred thou.-aud men, the causalities of war thus far aggregating four hundred thousand : more thau one-half this immense number cither dead or maimed for life. Pakis, Sept.- 10. It is certain that the Ministers of Finance, War and For eign A flairs will go to Tours at once. It is believed if communications arc cut. matters have been so arranged that the authorities will manage to correspond : between Tours and Paris. A letter received from Strassburg says ; the condition of the city is much better i than supposed. Tlie garrison has plenty of l:iuni;ioiis, and food for two months'. P.uus, Sept. 10. Fijnro sas the Kepublic of France has been officially recognized by Spain. Heavy raius the ' past few days has retarded the Prussians ; between Kethcl andltheims. TheGarde j Mobile have attacked the Prussians at j different points, killing, wounding and ; capturing numbers of thcui. j .Vk-W Vokk, Sept. 11. Paris specials j say the prospects of peace are more favorable. Austria and Kussia, having i consented to negotiate with Germany, , began by insi.-ting on an armistice. Bis marck insisted, as a preliminary aTrange i mcnt; that three 1'russian army corps be encamped within twenty miles of Paris, j to satisfy public opinion of Germany. ! Great indignation is felt at Paris in : consequence of the icfusal of Earl Gran . ville to aid peace negotiations. His course was inspired by the Queen, who j w ishes to make the llepublic impossible. Paris, Sept. 11. Trochu has given : orders to destroy all the woods in sight i of Paris ou the enemy's approach, j The citadel of Laon surrendered to : save the city from destruction. The i Prussians subsequently blew up the for , tifications The Provisional Government, although j assailed by the lied Republicans and Orleauisfs, succeeds admirably. The i conduct of the people of Paris in the : highest degree orderly and praiseworthy. Asiatic cholera prevails among the ' troops beseigiug Metz. i The gatiisou at Toul still holds out. 1erne, Sept. 11. Delegations have NEW AND SEASONABLE GOODS, j "tt. ALBA.W ISATII HOUSE. ST. CHARLES HOTEL, Corner First and Washington Sts., ALBANY OREGON. IX. BRENNER, Proprietor. riTII A NEW Pf'ILPING, NEWLY T T Fumidied throughout, the proprietor hopes to give ntire satisfaction to the traveling public. 'Ihe beds are supplied with spring-bot-'ms. The table will receive the closest atten tion, and everything the market affords palatable "oguesu will be supplied. jan 9. i FRANKLIN MARKET, Main rcet, - Albany, Oregon. -Heats orAIi Kinds, f'i' THE VERY BEST QUALITY, tonstantly un baud. " C G. O. Z1AIGHT. milE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT 1 fully inform the citizens of Albany and vi ciuity that he has taken charge of this establish ment, and, by keeping clean rooms nod paying strict attntk J to business, expects to suit all those who may favor him with their patronage. Having heretofore carried on nothing but First-Class Hair Dressing- Saloons, he expec's to give entire satisfaction to all. Children and I,adies' bair neatly -cut and shampooed. JOSEPH WEliBEK. se I9y2 rUKAIA. - - TUKAIAfi. t3 Keeps constantly on hand a full assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CLOTHING. Roots, Slioes, Haidware Si Crockery, and a full supply of Ladies' Fnmisliing Emliroiaery, Fancy Goods, &c. also, a stock of THE BET LIQUOR! for Medicinal purposes only. Always on hand a large stock of Box, Cooking and Parlor Stoves ! and manufactures all kinds of TiH, Copper and Hlieet-Iron Ware, all of which aro ofi'ered at the lowest rates for CASH R COUNTRY PRODUCE! All kinds of repairing done, on short notice, and entire satisfaction warranted, at my Stove and Tin Store. Xor. 0-11 JULIUS GRAPWOIIL. 1 AM PREPARED TO DO ALL KIKI OK TUK.MMi ! I keep on band and make to order RAWHIDE-BOTTOMED CHAIRS, AJiU Spinning' Wheels. Sf Shop near the "Magnolia Mills." JOHN M. METZLER Albany, Nov. 8, ISC-1 CHALLENGER THRESH Elt IIAIAIvS' II HADE IIS ! MoAvers ! Reapers And all kinds of Agricultural Implem'ts & Machines On hand and for sale by I!I,AIN, YOl'XG CO.. May Zi, '70-S8 Albany, Ogn. M'e are prepared to offer to the public the lar gest and UESJT SELECTED stock of Clothing of our own manufacture, ever brought to 1'ortland, and at prices that DEFY COMPETITION. WM. CUItltlElt & CO., jy2-4.1-3m 103 Front-st., Portland. MACHINERY ! OF ALL KINDS, '. E P A I It 1Z 3 I5Y BEARD & COLVER. IIcadei-N, Xlireslier.i, iflowrrx, lleaiicrw, SHOULD HE LOOKED TO SOON. Persons having the Wheeler & Mclick i:ndlcts Chain Threshers, can have them repaired so they will clean the grain as well as any Thresher, and clean as much as their power will thresh. Flax Xfinss, MADE TO ORDER ONLY. In short, all other Agricultural Machines and implements made and repaired. We are completing arrangements to manufac ture Seed Sowers, nlkey and tiang Flows, of the best patterns now in .use. $kf All work warranted made of the be:d material. Shop on corner of Washington and Second-ets., Albany, Oregon. S8m:t May 28, lo70. LANK Deeds, Mortgages, etc., on band latest stylus, and lor sale low, ut t'uic office i; Paris, Sept. 11. Spain formally recognizes the new llepublic; UeJgiuru is expected to do so ot once. London, Sept. 129 A. M. The Empress visited the Prince Imperial at Hastings on Thursday She is ill. liiiKi.MS, Sept. 11.- Official reports of the battle of Sedan say that forty-five cannon were taken, and the French lost, in killed, wounded and pri: oners, 140,000 London, Sept. 11. A popular de monstration ou a largo scale is being held here to-day, in favor of the French Ke public, and against monarchy at home and abroad. The imbecility of the Brit ish Government strongly denounced. The name of the Queen received with a tem pest of hisses, and a voice in the crowd proposed three groans for the Prince of Wales, and the response was universal aud passionate. j Lonpox, Sept. 12.-j-Telegrams from the seat of war here to-day are a perfect chaos of wild and contradictory state ments. Paris has begun to refuse private telegrams. J The Times says France has been cursed with military dictatorship. A stubborn defense of Pans is certain if the city is beseiged. The idea that the Prussians will walkj in without diffi culty is a great mistake. Oneny, Sept. 12.-Paris advices of French euccesses at jToul and Mont Medy, together with reported bait of the Prussian advance, led to more activity on the Eourse j The Prussian, armyj has baited 25 miles from Paria, at the epecial request :y-- rry- of Uismarck, to consider the propositions of Kussia and Austria for an armistice. Pauls, Sept. 12 The Ministry has just made public the following important intelligence : The Prussiaus attacked Toul Saturday morning at 5 o'clock, and persisted uutil 9 in the evening. .They were, however, constantly repulsed, and many of their batteries dismounted. More than 10,000 Prussians were placed (rs dti rondnit at Mont Medy on Thurs day. The garrison speedily repulsed the Prussian attack. The Prussians have surrounded Meaup. They have arrived in force at Crecy, aud are approaching Noisy to Grand. Paris is cheered this morning by the news that the Prussians arc insisting on an armistice. Also, that the United States has interfered, aud sent decided dispatches to lierlin, in consequence of ! which the 1'russian advance has been stopped. HitcssEi.s, Sept. 12. Italy, Austria and Kussia agree in principal, and have authorized llussia to ask Prussia for an armistice. A dispatch to that effect has been telegraphed to IJcrlin. No answer as 3'et. London, Sept. 12. Six French iron clads were seen off Goodwins to-day. Their course was southwest. Berlin, Sept. 12. The official re port of the capitulation of Sedan states the number of prisoners taken at 122, 000. London, Sept. 12. The statement of the GatduLs that England demands an armistice, is untrue. Jules Favre is expected here to-night. If he asks the English Government to present terms, it will do so, but it will not if unasked. This intelligence is official. Berlin, Sept. 12. The King sent a dispatch to the Queen, dated 10 p. m. Sunday, saying the citadel at Loan ex ploded after the surrender, just as the Prussians were entering. Many were killed, including 200 Mobile Gardes, and many were shockingly mutilated. Will iam of Mecklenburg was wounded. There must be treason. London, Sept. 12. Agents have ar rived here from Berlin, who, it is thought, arc seeking to place the Prussian loan ou the market. j All the bridges around Paris have beeu blown up. j Sedan, Sept. 5. The following is the : speech of Count Von Bismarck to the i victorious soldiers in the Get man camp, j immediately after the news of the surrcn i dcr of the Emperor Napoleon had been communicated to them. The feeling of the troops as they surrounded the car , riage of the Count was one of iudescrib- ablo joy and gladness : "I have done nothing to assist in ob taining the glorious successes: which have attended the arms of out united soldiery. Addrces yourselves and your praises to our noble King William and the able War Minister, Count Von Moltke, to whom alone is due the glory of what has been accomplished by the surrender of Gen. McMahon and the Emperor of the French. But wait ! I had forgotten I had done one thing : I have so acted in my diplomacy that all the South German States have severally aided with their power in men and money. It is to them and the Brave Bavarians and Wurtem gers we owe the crowning climacteric of to-day's result." . ; A Novel Makriaoe Scene. At Ravenna, Ohio, the other day, a married woman, before the Mayor, performed this singular marriage ceremony : "Before you, as witnesses, I agree to take Catharine Stooel, who I hold by the right hand, aud who I intelligently, relig iously and spiritually love, to be my com panion through life, and to her I accord equal rights, socially, religiously and politically with myself. "W. Pierce." "Before you, as witnesses, I agree to take Walter Pierce, who I now hold by the hand, who I intelligently, religiously and spiritoually love, to be my companion through life, and I agree not to usurp over or transcend him in any particular. Catherine Stooel." "By this voluntary and premeditated act, in your presence, we declare our selves religiously, philosophically aud scientifically married. "Walter Pierce." "Catherine Stooel." The papers having been duly filed, his honor completed the contract thus en tered into by pronouncing the parties husband and wife. There is one distingutshed candidate for member of Congress in llliuois. The Bloomington J'autatrajdi says that Col. Mctriam of the 8th Congressional Dis trict has facilities for visiting at least four of the counties of his district such as fen candidates for Congress ever had. He lives at the junction of McLean, Tazewell and Logan counties, and rfear tho corner of DeWitt. His farm is in McLean and Tazewell, his barn in Logan, and the bulk of hi s crop is raised in McLean. He eats in one count-, feeds his horse in another, and plows with him in a third, goes to church in a fourth, and will Lo elected to Congress from all of them. The Courier dts Ktats Unit gives the following account of a French invulner able cuirass : It is a cloth cuirass ot a tissue extremely supple and light, the stitches of which are exceedingly close and absolutely impenetrable. The pro cess of making and preparing it is a mystery, but what appears to be claimed is that bullets will not penetrate it; they glance off or fall harmless ! The inven tor himself is said to have stood tho test of this. Clothed in a sort of flannel vest, very light, he recieved the charge of a run without exneriencino- so much na a bruise ! This . belongs to the class, important it true. I'reucli Stories ot Die ken. 17 The passion of the French for aensa tional stories has been illustrated in a re" markable manner in reference to the late Charles Dickens, about whom foreign aro journals full of anecdote. But the French go ahead of the others. here tkey get their stories from is a mystery to every body, for they are unknown to England Here are a couple of the most popular. The first is to the effect that overwork had. made Mr. Dickens so eccentric in his habits that he turned day into night, aud was in the habit of walking the streets of London froin midnight until fire in t he morning. Ou the occasion of these walks, the great novelist observed a lady of respec table appearance following him. Night after night she followed him, and if the novelist approached her she hastened away, startled and confused. At last they met face to face, and the lady de clared, in great agitation, 'Charles Dick ens, you have done me an injury, I eaa no more rest. Look at me, so that you may remember me for I desire to be re mcmbercd. You will sec me no more "Mr. Dickens soon afterward ascer tained that she was the wife of a colonel in the Indian army. In a few days same a caske.t ot ebony and ivory to the novel ist, containing a portrait of the lady, a lock of hair, and this note: 'I have loved you madly, but that love I have given j'ou I owe to another. "I am of my own free will going to an other world, where I may think of you without treachery. 'Pity me.' It was sigued "The lady of the other night.' Mr. Dickens flew to the house, to find., that she was dead with a dagger in her heart. Another ot these stories is of a female of more aggressive character This woman lead a scandalous life, but presumed to fall in love with the novel ist, and to write him ardent letters, tr which he sent no reply. The woman de termined on revenge, and tried to stab the novelist as he was coming out of the theatre. But such was the humanity of Charles Dickens, that hia only desire was to save the uul'ortunate woman from the legal consequences of her iufatuation. He snatched her from the witnesses of her attempted crime, thrust her into tho carriage, put his coachman in with her to keep her quiet, and himself ascended the box, took the whip and drove away." Philadelphia Ledytr. - Chance to Get Ilicu. The Grand Gift Concert in aid of the Mercantile Li brary Association of San Francisco, -California, an advertisement ot which ap pears in our columns, is just the thing for those who wish to make a fortune easy and suddenly. The first prize is $100, 000, coin, and there are twenty-two other gifts of the same kind, ranging in amount from S50.000 tol,500; ten gifts of 61 ,100 each y twenty gifts of $500 each ; twenty gifts of 6750 each ; thirty gifts of $400 each ; fifty gifts of $300 each ; fifty gifts of $200 each, and 425 gi As of $100 each, making a total of 628 gifts of $500,000 in gold coin. Head the advertisement. The census of Polk county, just taken, shows a population of 4,705 2,622 males, 2,083 females. There arc 740 dwellings and 710 families. There are 52 manufacturing establishments in the county, having an aggregate capital of $1,385,025. The Book. A. L. Bancroft & Co., of San Francisco, have just issued a work ' that will doubtles reach an immense sale. Sec ad. in anotLer column. Sportino NoTES.-Mrs. Julia Monroe aud Mrs. Martha Mann ran one mile and a quarter for a purse of $50, at Rocky River, near Cleveland, on the. 25th of July. Mrs. Mann gave up at about half way, but Mrs. Monroe kept on and ac complished the distance in 10.30, look ing much fatigued. At Pittsburg a race came off on tho Upper Mouougahela Course between Charles Bruman and Mike Bishop, for a purse of $200. Bruman won by about 200 yards. The distance, which is said . to have been three miles, was made in 21.40. Stephen Boyd and Robert Howell shot at 24 single birds, 21 yards rise, 80 yards boundary, at Bell's Roads, Pentt., for $100 a side. Howell won, killing 19 to his opponent's 16. Betting was 60 to 30 on Boyd. . " Oneida, county, Idaho, has a. popula tion of 2,000, one-fourth of whom are children under ten years of age. The Taylor Street M. K. Church at Portland, said to be the grandest edifice on the coast, has been finishedat a total cost of $32,000. The small amount still due on its completion was raised at its dedication recently. Punishment Enough. A man with four wives was brought before Hans Swarthart, a Mohawa Justice, for com mitment on the charge of bigamy. "Four vifes ?" exclaimed the-astomsn-ed Hansfour vifes? dat was a most hinocious crime! Diseharch him at von at' "Why V protested the prosecutor. "Why discharge him when is positive T Wil the Court expUi-T "Yes I ecksplains. Off he lift art four viles he got bnnisluuent enough. I Hf nit too, and I got too much bw ishment already." A mantTe shelf a Mj' eboulders. V i ? i- 1 I! 1