The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, September 03, 1870, Supplement, Image 6

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    . V
For Met of f Yutdsand De h.
civil fugiacfr, chief tirrk, dranehttmnn ,
unn oitrK oFcUsj four, two clerks ot class
three, ooe clerk of class two, ore clerk
of ciiiss one, uoe mesBniger, and one la
borer, niottsen thousand two buudrrd
nu 1 sixty dollar.
For i-l-itiouevy , hooks, plane, drawings.
labor, Mid unset, llaneoni items tight
hundred dollars.
For cbuf of f.ureau of Equipment
fd rvrruilrnp, crief clerk, cue clerk,
of class f. r, line clerk, of tlas three,
i wo clerks of fU'fs itto.lsn clerk of
lass, one tnesreng-er, not one labor
er, fifteen thousarni four hundred ami
sixty dollnrf.
For stationery, book, and iui-ce!!atie-items,
seven hundred and 5:-.v dol
lar... Er chief of Rim-Hii n( Navigation,
Chief clerk, ooe cleik, it t-l iss three, one
clfrk of rUss two, one ires-entrr, u:
.-re ltborer, wine thousand eight hundred
t'i sixty dollars.
for STittvnncry, honks and roisce'.!.int -"'
i'em, a-ilu hundred dollars.
F.-r chief -f Duree.n' of Ordinance,
citefcWk, draughtsman, 'one cleik cf
Imss three, two clerk. ..fctas two, one
rtiesFenrer, nod one laborer, thirteen
thousand and sixty dollars.
For stationery, book-", and miscellane
ous items, eight hundred doll-irs-.
For chief of Buret 11 of Construction
nod Uepnirs, chief clerk, driiusrht-siuau,
t e lerk f class four, two clerks of
t-eot i-i iiroctirc, r t." aid in proenrin;;, the
issue of su-jii certitieato, r know it to ueh
c-eriifi at. '. or know i W such person to he
fraudulent' alter .d or auto ihitv- : or if any
person who lias b en y,r luny he admitted lo be
fix, heicj an appropriation for
and r ot.l indent txpeeees of the
uf Statistics. J
Sections one iad eeven of the net of:
ir . t . , , . , . . i
" e'tmt'en nuB.1r.-il una lorry- t ..." ,., ;, r h
nine, heirp an impropriation to pay tor H,fid vjN kll(( yinKy deny that he has been to
boreea, mules, mid no torth.loRior de- admitted, uitii intent to evade or avoid any
strnjed "while in the military service, duty or liability imposed or reoaiied by law.
Section one of the art of Julv twenty-
cvurv person o fleudinjr; shall bo deemed and
seven, eighteen hundreil and sixty-one, a Iju'dud guilty oi felony, un.i, on eunviction
beintr an a pproprition refiiriiiicg to th-reof, elmll ho i'ntcn -cd to bo imprisoned
Si.i. ... :. . : ....i nn.l k.-,i at liird In ar f.r a pi-ri d not less
i .infers during toe Nt rebellion. r "r rR ' ",v.e 'c"" "f
i , ., , , , line-l in a ram oHo. than three humlrcd
j Au.l hereafter it Khali hn the duty of the dollars ror ni.r' t han . e thousand dollars, or
I proper department to., il.niit eiiui;ii for the bn(h 6ach VuI1i,ueut4 maybe imposod, in
excuse. Hiid exp-ndifure. under these seveia! h air't ..... of tlie court . And every pfcrson
i head., n. the nsuwl manner; and the ippropr. u aDv 4.ncij ,,looVt or at.
j t..... ..f the reca.yed fr-m trau-ter herebv" uiada felony, or
IrattH tu tin, uccomit i.feoiitinueat exneneot f i ' lo , UJ aLi in-j
' tt- i-.. , c f ,rt,,,,,. I counsel, advise. rpT"-ure, o ''.. ij
't rei-eiveil f.:u fines, nenairies. Mild f roourt-s
M.idilgasct r, San Juan del Xoitt, Saiut lc
niitiito.( IV. COX.SUL.ATEi.
AnX CnTen. Bithai. Biitavia, Bay cf I.hinda,
take tip in bonds f ;r tl.iri y days after the ex
piration of the time specified, tile Comptroller
of 1 1 e t'nrieiicy sliall hao pAwer to sell I lie
bjnd-i piedited ir tho cirenhuion o! said bank
at public auction in New York ei!y , and niter
pt-oviiiiiiiz for the redemption nnd caiieeliaiion
of said circulation, m.dthe necessary expeuej
of the Hnle. to miY oyer anv balanca reu:ain
j ini from the proceeds t the bauk, or Hi Ieal
I repretentative:-Provided. Tbitt banks which
Caiws liuytier. . Canuia, Cape Tow'n, Cariliane- j are wiudintr up in (rood faith for the purpose
Ul ."iiiHojKiiiiiu win. oj.itrr ri.i.. w .
ewptfroni tho provisions ot this aci: And pr
vi.tKil further. That the assele and liuhiliiiea
of t.auks s in liquidation hhall he reported by
the banks with which they are in process of
to the Hi-c.tii't for extein'K ot ih t o ted
j S'ate-f c.Kirtu, sh.-iil reuse fr.uu mi.T after .huie
. Ihiily, tfitileeti huudreJ and seventy.
Sr.;-. 5 Ami it further e.-i ir. I. That
ul! hahosres ot" r-(.r.pri.ol:-'iis ci'.t;iind in liie
- Hiioeal jtpr.priHiioi t.ilts and made specifical
ly for the service of h.iv . :d
noiitiitonir uiiexpen.l'd at t!ie
i'h (is,-:.l shall only h.
itfa three, two clrka
one ruescefper, . tid cue laborer, frii
'een lbousMi.d lour hundred and sixty
Frstationery and misceilaneous iteum,
eijrht hundred dollnrs.
For chief of tiureaii of Ktenni Enpi-oct-rine,
chief clerk, draughtsman, one
e'erk ot class two, one assistant dra.iehts
uian , ooe JUfji.ciijjcr, and one laborer,
Iwen tbofiand two hundred and tixiy
ti olhirs.
r orstatinnery nnd niiscel'iincotts items,
ei.- i.t hundred doilam.
I'or chief if Buresti of ProvjuionK nnd
Cio:hitiit, chief clerk , one clerk of class
four, two cicrkg of .-lass three, t;irte
!erks of cla one, two cleik of c!s
two, one messenger, tkaA otie laoorer,
eiyhtern thousand two hundred aad sixty
i- or stationery and ruiscellaceou iterrs,
eiht hundred dollars.
ror chitf of fireii of Medicine an 1
fU'fterv, one clerk of class tour, out.
cler of clas three, one tnesseter, atoi
one laborer, eijfbt tbouaaud four Ouodred
ud sixty doij.ira. ,
For ttinnery and misceiltneoug items,
four hundred dolUrj.
Fi.rtiv-. wicbinea and cto lt'oorers
'"r the bm'.iiig occupied tv tlie Navv
I'-partiiieuij live tbousmd 'and fjtt; do'
Inrs. For incidental labor, fuel, liaht?. and
mirce'liaeous ltem lor vuid t ui!u:l,
e.x lUcusanJ dolltrs.
O.liire of the attornev tipnersl f"ors:tl
aries of the Attorny Cie.irsl, tu a-si-1-ar.t
nttorne.s yetFeral, clerk, ctii.-f
ler k , lour c-fr hs 1 1 cin - fiur. t o clerks
of class ttirt-c, oue clerk ofcias t . jm
cleik ot clasi one, oue iiiejeiiotr, t'.iiny
ionr lUousaud live bca.i:ei -un.l furty U ji
lars. For one clerk, two thoaand do'.Ur.
For orit.rfrtt. ex;.t-ti?e of Hore t
fi"e, viz : For fuel, lahor, leriru'e,
li -nerj, a;,. I misweiitucoui ueui. tea
tboiiSkiid dollars.
For purciiase, of law and othr neces
sary t.ooks for the off;je, ou t!-.uini
-ar. u.i.i ie
t'Xi.iraii.tii uf
applied to the
pavineiitof expense p-.iperiv incurred .turn.";
that vear. or t the fulfillment of coiitMet ..p-
! erlv wi.hin vear: and sti'-!i l.alau.ea
i..s m-.1 f,.r i he ai l p .r shall be c ..
' r-e.l lit the sol-plus f.iiot: lr.v:.iel . I tiat ti.ia
; lion shall ll'-l l.J.plv tonppropriuliolis known
: as perii.antnt or ni.u-nuaie approi'iialion.
; S.:c. (". .n l Ir i' jnrt.rr euaiHil. That
1 nil Inquires ot n.t.roi'iMtioiM whivli stiali have
remained on the Look of the Ireasuiy, without
I l.e.uit drawn mriou-i i;i the seTtleti.eut ot i:c
c la f .r two years lioili the d lie of luM- ap
pr..ri:itio made i.v l.i.v,i;rt i t.e reKoted lv
st iTut-i! v of ib. Ti-oani'V t. i;.. Au'hror of the
. Treusorv whose .liny ft i to seille a.-couois
. Ihereuiuier, and the Auditor s i-iil ex oeiue lie
; books of his office, and ceinlv to the Secretary
v heiher such ImiaiKC will he required in llo-
s ttiemeut or i.iiy Mc.'otiiits ptii.iu.i in hisof
; tie.-; and if it rIimII appear ti'ia: such bahiuce
I wili tint be required tor Ihls pu. p-'-e. than the
1 Secretary nay inr'ude such halluces in his
1 warrsi't", whe' the head of ili.i roper lic-
pantueut shall have ceiulie.l mat it uiay he
can led into the trenerKi ticirsuiy or not. l!ui
no iipj-ropriarioli for the puyineu: o! .l ' intern
es: piincipal of tlie puhlic dri.r, .;r lo vvhicii
Couicss ui.-iv h ive .'ieu a lunger Ouratiou of
ia'.v, sh;ul be tiius trt-utd.
Sfu. 7. And ii." it further rnccttd . That
it sh.iil not be lawful tor any parnnent of the
coveritrceiit to expend in unv one t-.cul year
ai:v s.iUl in exress of p;ir..pri:itit.s made t.y
C"Ui;res for the ti-e il year, or to involve the
i:o t rimiel.l in any cmur... t torthc lurme pay
. of uieury in e.x.'eau ot such appiopria
, tiol.s.
cure, the comuiissioil tlicr.o.t. .-nan oe o.
indictment And punishment in 'bo siiuie iniiti
n.r and to Ihe sauio extent m .'bo principal
party "iiilty of such felony, and sm'ii person
mayio tried and convicted thereof without the
provium c -nvictiou of soth priucii&f-
Rec .1. Ami ha it further cuneta: . Thnt
any per.-:"ii tvho shall knowingly uk- a.'ty ccr
tilieate f naturalization heretofore ijfau ted by
any court, or which shall hereafter Iw cr.'ntc.l
an, t.evl.m. Coija. cypriifl, ramianu isiauus,
Faval, tiiiayaquil. (iii'uyuia, iMarunhujii, "lul
uuioiMs. .'kejico Slonievuleo, Union, Paylu.
;'ki. I'.u-co del oite, " I'iiacus, liio Graode,
Saint Calberine, Saint John, (.Nev,)
Siuitmifo, (Cape Verde.) fcitettm. Tahas.-o. Ta
l.iti. Tlilcahuauo. Tuiibez. Venice, Zauzibar.
A i oor River, Apia, lleliz-e, Gaboon, Saiut
Paul tie turunda, ).ai.tlnla, Sahanilia.
For loierpreieis to the consulates in China.
Japan, Mam, and Turkey, inchidiuii loss by ex
change iLeio, live lLouaauil aijjht huudred
dollars. ... ,
For I lie salaries of the eiarsnal for tile con
sular courts in Jpan. im bniiou at N'auns
, nki. and i.. China, Niuiu. i. nu Turkey, iiichidmo;
I.i-h bv exebuaice ihe.eou, aeveu tuuusaud sev
en hu'iKlred iioiUra.
I,-..- -i,.ii. ii-i . book t ases, nrnin of tu
which Y.-ji . . r shnil be. l.roeured tiirc.:is;u i IT..ii. Slates, sejls. urei cs. and tlus, and
T.-aud or by fal-e evid'imv. or hit- been orst all ! nvmut, ot reot. 2ceiht. .itaiee, and uiiscel
bo issued i.y the ekek, or any other odiecr of ! hu'.eous .jxpens. iro-liidiug iosu by exchange,
the e;mrr Tvithout anv apj.earaiire iiud hearin ? f ri.viv th-'U-ud ..'.urs.
of the applicnt in court and without Jawfu." ! V'.ar expenses 1 r interpr tiers, jrnarda. and
authority: and any pcr,..n .vu shall'f.dsely other nmiieis. .-.t te cor.u.a ie at Ccnistautiiio-
,." ..:... , . l... ..;,; ,. r ,., i-n-,i k ,,. Sinvina. Oandut, Ale.xa ndrin. .Urusa em.
Stiitcs, a itii. n:t having been .luly a.ltnittcd to
niumsaiii, iv: a.iy iiaun.iv.. t-. ., ... , r.. In- Aeioixt enrivief in
pi ic-;i ' ,-
t -i j.ii mill 'I'm kev. and for xv a-
or, aad up.ji conviction thereof, in due curse '-t ' ( lhe sa vr i,.cmdis.e loos
law. l.a!l be M-otenced t pay :. line not t e - ,...,,. . loliara.
" For i-X' lenses under t'ie nan trahry act, ivven-
m t - - -
.... - .... f . , j-. ...,-,,.. .. - var1
i - V-,; ----- ,- ; ;
nt nn ti tdiKt nf t-I.hlfin Lnridffi ftr.d IWVIit
1uaih. dailii.ti iuiW within on yw r f- 1 Fir ia.prov.m t t tfaboyffa liarbor, VhwcmIb,
For itupravtmB it of MtHJitoirot r, VT ixmrto,
.Approved, July 14, 1370.
And he it t-trtket f s trV', That
of at i nrt :tii'tVf..i Mar; u thrt-.
Sr.r. .
a"' nt a () tri 4!intt i n- Hie civU nul -
Huiti'-fii (i.iiifirci aiMi t-1 v "lie," xltuM te
:ivt u:
i r-tvtt in Xltiintii ni;i;:iisar:tii n
Ii !tl ;i !
lUtr tFit
ext-eciiiij one I in-tisaifl uuilurg, or be iiiijin
Tiei U't txec'lin two veins, oitiior or bttb,
in the Iiscr:tion ui" tho count tattu?; cogniz
uuce of tite same.
S.-e 4. An(f it further rrt.ictc.t'. That
the pr'Vi-ijns f tiiirt net !h:iU utpl tt all
proccciins hud r taken, ur attricptu-l t le
h:i-l tr tiken, !efrc any court in which noy
iru-ioJin ' for uturxliziit uu shall be cin
inci.ccJ. had, r taiie::, ura:fouited tw he com j
menci'd ; and the curt of the Uniied Slate
tfhati have jurisdh-thjR tU -ileuse under ;
tho. rvvishm.s uf ihis act. iu r Wivre whaUo-
evtr cturt r tribunal the saiue ahull have
bee a com milted.
e v'. A it furt'tcr cdflcVi?, That
in :ijy eity haviar upwards vC tweitry thous
and iuh&hituiits h'iil ,u til duty f tho
ju i.:e i f t'i.: circuit e.-r.rt tI' the t imid Stated
ior the t in uit wbereia said y mull be, upon
that sippiieuthn of two it!en. U in
j n rliia-' fr vaeli eleetiojj ctiairiei r tin pre-
-inct in said city, and to chanv or renew said
apiM.intinent :n CL:i.iu U;uy rctiuire, Iruii
i iiwit t-- tiuiu. two citit- is rv-ideiit !" the di
! triet or iit''s-.e. (tin: i"Uj each polu.eui l ry
; wac. rti.-.H so ucM.j.liare.d, .-aait h.-. and are
; h retry, ii;hrid fi aitcii i ul all iiu.t.- aud
! i.ioe- fii'l lor the rezie-traU'. f vUt! . who.
StUil (jSJjrUl.. ill LUC wt rw.ou "'"' - ...w.
: ;y tiiutcumi i d i f i'd.
; " For aje:i iucwrreJ unae r mtmctions of
! iha Mtei ctary ef Site of hi ii iin tioin from
toi-iii count riei perfni chii od vritli crimes,
; ami -X(Wtnw ititadtJit tiierct , including leas
. bv r;cha:iue, ?ive thofnd do i.r.
"For Jclief and proJtM.iioi ot A tasriciir eea
! n)eu iu lortia touuuie, tci thousaud dol
: lar.
j For erpeiirfci wlihdi may ha inc tirretl in ac
; kno le i.utt: the e! vice f in: ister4ind vrews
i foreign ?eirt in i.-cntni- American citi
t zeun trom tddpwieck . live tho"-aiot tiolUird
For th j ayujenl i'f i-ixtii annual inptftl
! mciit tit th proportion contriL t:ted Uy the Uni
; td Matf lowuid tut: capi' ).!::tioll uf th
I Sehe'-.U due. U v tivr. Uionat d live Imndred
; Kin! tihl v-uur stud i r hiici lnr:hei
' iru. Ht cxeccdiuir live thou.-and dolhus. as
I miiv h tieecfiuty tofitrrf out th
I t.t the treaty bet w tea the L uited tatea and
: I5c!iiuiii.
I For defravi.nij tho cxi-"n7"C of defending
! rUmnn under the coiivt-tuiou t. i:h Mexico at"
Juiv Itttir. ciirhic-n l;auli-fd m J s ixty-ciwht. to
he t Xi Mit-d ua icr the uneeti t't the Aitor
iicv (ieiu-rai. tWiMUy tiouua ii dollar, or uo
Kiucii ti.e-tcol "a may he- lu-ceis -ry.
Public No. IHD. f
AN" ACT to amend an act entitled -Aa net 1
uutoorizini the construction of a bridge i
arro-a the Miecmri opoti the mih'tarv rcer-
Viitiou at Fort Leaven worth, KaiiBas" f
Be it tnacttd by the Senate and House of-.
Rrprcstntvtive of the United States of Amer- j:
ra in Conrress aemhled: Tuai the sisth t
oectionof the act entitled "An act 3uthori2inu f
the construction of a bridge across the Wisnou- j
ri ivrrf up n tlie mihiaiy ie ei vation at Fori j
Leavenworth. Kansas,'' be amended so as to
rend as follow: fcsc tion b. And be it f?irther
enacted, That if, shall be lawful for the .aint !
Joeeph andOenver t'itv Kaihvmd C'umpany.a I
corporat ion chartered unu created by the lav j
or the Sta.r of KmiHtiS, or their a'iut, to
hnl a bridio.auti oiaiutuin the saiae across j
the HisRouri river ut- or near Saiut Joseph, j
idisor.ri, on the tertua, and mibied to the litiii
tlitiOil! and reHlrictkjtiH f:nntHimti in, lht tii-si I
I fecotid, aud third seclioi.:- of the act. of Co.i- i
j j-'res;., pusfsed July twemvdive, eighteen huu- ;
j dred and sixty mx Fen;itied ' An act to author- ;
1 IZe the COIlStl UCiitlM 4f rsrtlin h:-;iir' iir.-i lo i
eatahbsli them as pot roads,"' Mud tliat baid
corj.oratiou may huveT hold, and snpy all lUm j
rights, privileges, and franciiiden conferred by, I
at id couthii.ed in st;d hist nieuiioiied act; aud j
ta;d coit;;auy may construct nnd maintain i
wayB for wacis, tarriaes, and for loot pas- '
wiiers, chariiiij and receiving rcaouablo !
teiU therefor; and wiscn eatd bridge is con-
structeu under Paid limitations it shall be a
lawjui structitre and b rycoinized and known t
art a post route: Provided, That if aid bridge j
liali ie corifiruoted Ub a drawbridge the spaun
ot the Uraw MiaU uot be ies than two uuuUred
iee. hi tae clear on each buie
point. .
ApprroTtd, Jaly, 14,
ot the central !
lt!;; d Un r-teen t-;y . a- therein nuiii-vt,
t.t any ad aii iee aud vtart by iheta
iceiv vd.
SrC. 9. An') I it rnrt'ttr f.iCirt', That,
I he 'ret?ideit of fho Fi.tted Siae b au her
i-d to (O-trai i.e and eiiJ "i:t one r ;nrt e.x
! pi'.'o oiir low .nl t:ie ii"! t h pohr. nnd ;o appoint
, s-nvit p-io:. or h Iu iu y tiwe.'a tm-tl
'r f;:tt d to coiimiatid ti.rrt.vd : tittait :.ov of
1 fin-rot fi c public ei-( vU to lkt (dit m t u
! ta;ne. and i u-e any public v-m i loav te
j i-':iiaitie f"r I he pov p t ; I b ( ciei.tilic "n a
; liitTu id 'io- - pt iKiM u tt i'? pii-. riii-t m
1 ai-eordaiiL'c vvt:i ii;e advare i f lb Nau iml
' .r;Miemv f iKiti'e-, a:. a itiat toe sum of hit v
1 ih- tij-und ddia i. or tu h i nt t t i.neof an iiav
b- :itcr-iiy. heiav itpprt-ftria ed. out i t
' anv :a 'iirvr in 'be tr-w-(iry ul o'o-rwMe up-
yt ojo i;i'ed . f becAuudcd liulci the Ji: eetiiii
' t t the tVdeur.
Afprovod. i-wlv 1J. 1S70.
iO'J a
MAed ami i Hiiitori.e ! re.-iHlercu. would 0: ctit.Tivd lo vote ror
tilt-ltd. ,;;t.t - , rr;,rt.-:0I,t ;1T iVe IU 1 1 U . UUt Jtl .11 i IIIIH'9
and p. ares f.r hdnsr i'ieotiuti' of retret-uta-tive-
in I'titi ri! and f r cmiHiinir the votes
c ist ;:t fnid de-ti-i-t. to chaiicne any
ii-iine nn pi'rf-J to t-e recitrred, and any vote
o!i.:fcd, ;:nd to be pretet and witne.-. through--ur
the e:untiniz f ail vote.-, mid to remain
ivh f" ttic ballot h'j:e'i nr kept at ;dl times af
t. r p"'l are on ubu! ike rotes are iinaiiy
c .unt 'd :an i s-tvd person- rnd cither of them
li:4;l have the ri:n: at'ix their filature ot
hi.- sin:iture t,t said r-irtr Ur purp.-cs of
i h'U-iheniion. aiI to nttaeh fio-reto, or t the
e iXdu-.ite i- liie intm 'er f vote- csr. aud
Mite avht ? (tch'rti t-;e trtU or fairn-'f there
of '.ihirii ih:'y r.r he nviy a-;: to artarh ; ;ind
ary r,ti.i who .-h:ti. pieveo.: any pjrMn !d !
i;;ii iie;i iVotu d'tlnx itii v "f the a-t? authorized
a i ircpaid. r w !i s-kail ijifider or m-dt-si any
s.u-a per-n in doinir aT:y f the ad acts, or
haU aid or abet in pn. vjttfitiir. hindering. ir
tno.c-ti'.: any m-h person ii repe- t. of any
Midi ac, th.ill be ruifty ,jf ;i tinsdcamtnor,
ami "ii e.n vir ti'Ti stoi't he puti'.-hed by ;iu
ior.m. .'.t not iv taati 01 e year. -
PLDL1C No. 111.
AN ACT to define ti duties of pen -inn agnta.
irrcrib th- mauLr cf P7hig ptfuaion, aud for i
it'c it cumrted ty t'e Sennt and Htnisr. nf .
RetirentitUitive tf the L'nited 5nte of Amtrivt$ '
in Cvtiyrex tiwxetnbied :
Ti t wittiiu fi;t4Q days tmzn)iteiv prrcrdiog ;
tho tour'. a df.r of Marcu, Jaao, tpteiuOt-r, id te- .
C4'ibrr iuetca yetr, ttij ntTrral aonn tor tue ty- ;
iiioiit ot .etfftuua suii yreptro a mrterly t uclii-r
f .r each o.uti ery p r-o wri j pe'si-in id payatdt) 1
ttC bis Kidney, ana r.uis uit tii nus b oii!. di- !
rc ci to the r5JrfM-i of Ito- isna!iUr?r iiiid in sacb '
Voucher, W'ia on e.' a'tr the It onn dny uf Mrei, ;
Juun, t oteM.ber, iiC V-camtT oext S'tccee.liu lh '
it o; uufii br n a rxcato iojo ttturii ib '
ni to tUo i-ucy nt wuich it whs ji y j.crsit ciJ &t '
bh thi i.ziuu ;f Bticli peroofa is auu pr3v- ;
bit. . .
Sko. J. Ai?.'.'frf JI fitriUer c uicteJTnax the
IheMiieut in auihorif.r'tl, oa thu "peonnnetidatioii
01 tho ee:-tdary of the i'reaa try. t- cnse ex
amina?ioiit in be made into it.-.t accounts of the
t-oi-i-oiar ohSt-erso.f the t rotei. S:ate. and into
kII inanel y coime'.-ted wiin ih. bu-ineMs of their
pa;d oiliceii. aorl i tiiai enn tie may appoint
fc.ti-h Bzent or antf d luav be necessary for
mat purpa-e: wtai unv aceaT . when so appoint- I .
ed r-hall tr the porpone if ic akitii: t aid exam- Kir. An be it furt.tcr rnacied. Tnat
i;.ata,t, imve aiithotttv to bmmimer ratim up-j.. the retype of .ucb tucwr. .r..pen .xc.,l
as. i take ieMwu ;.y. una ha ! have Hi-pw to ,lVB iQ iTi. Ul nJTt.rribt.a by .s.Crel.
U.I the book anil paoe-nt ad con-iilHr o,,uer.-i. r)l oi tUe Xuteiior, theaut f,.r the pyneiiof pu
Aud an v a.eiit st;pointed 'iw bvhalt ftiiatl ie i,B hIi :aj:n rti:.i!i y a:vr bis ch -.k u ;fiepr pr
1-aid fot his servu'i- a !t.-.;l a?ti icasoitahirt i-otit- tasjtaiit treaiurtrr o; tifctaiJ deiiutitHf y t,f ia
pen-ation, iu addition hi- aetual iirce i Lied tfcrr n:r tb a.tuut tlun p-j.-b juui(jcr,
' I,,.,- .i-twj ti.rf f-fitae to b mid on; af i a''e ioh oo.-hruru3 , and trunortt .lio bXtH
trie PUht appropriated t-n coiinuiar fa!;tiiei;
Im? oo i.rnoer oatii ihiiu . eo tliotinrtiid JoiJarj
I... . v ..iWa. . ."A iiMtii:iMi)n f.f .m-h
1 a;ent fr :iu'ed m anv "ue year. And the j
i'rer-i.h iiv iiiaK coatiimaic -U to Conyiese. at
: i he coi!menectPKnt i fr Dt?cenb-r se-i-ion, j
; the i.jur.fs 't' llie a ire nt api. otred. and the I
by md. directed to tie ntiife-'a ut liia rooiaujuor
o-ilfd thrfto; but any p-rj-mijr aiy k r iL-d,
i t!i;)Ubt proper by ih Couoiiiii .-awr E'augious,
toapt persunl v and reyiv- hid pi-u-i u.
ter iha prosrfcy: ot this C, by bi kidx Hiwociutif tio
crsb-ii or to be orgau a-a ia owiea iwviue;
than tiir proportioo, ia- ho'.l b lawful fur tit
C nijitro.! r ot the Cutrrnct o iasoe iirh cirr qb
il.n to b takirg aiiocittitJii apply ing frr the sari in
otc-r tiiHtB"'r ivrritoriea bavmg b s lhan thrr
prep rtb n f f$ the preferarica to och M hav e rha
jcrntit d ficieucy : And provide! lunbtir, T .iat no
babtciDtr; aP,ciatioa here lier orau'atd shall htive-a
circuUitlOD iu exceet of fiva buudrfcO lhoua j1 dol-
Skc.L. And be il further enarted That !
at ilm ad of nch luotitti .llr ilio pAas. tf tin
Htitahtli bo the duty of tbe Compiro' ur uf the
Carrenco to repnt to tbe .Secretary or the Teery
tiieaiu .unt ot circolatiuK nutes Fuedt nad-r tbe
proriNiuna of ihu pucwchug swctiou, to btUiorjai ,
brjkiu; aniocitioue duriuct tbe prev'.oaa xaonta ; !
whereupon the f ocrtary of tba Ttea-ury tbail r
i3ow aud CHUcel ao nmaitut of th tic a i w centum !
t. nipori y lonn certificates is.tced nt oer tho acts uf
March two, efsrtem huudredaud txty-rn, and
Jcly twen'y-iivoi eighteen hupdrod and alx y-cibt
-(? lets i hau tbe amount of circalatiuK butts sure- ;
p ttsd, aud may, if iieceastry, in order to procure
Uin p'-eaentaiiiu of such teattxtrarv loan certiiiratea
fur redemp inn, pive notice to tbu boKhrs thereof, by
pnb iiHtiou or otherwHf. thnt cwtam i f said car
ii fi ftt, (whfch shall be des Raited by number,
date, and amount.) sball ceaa to bear in Ore c from
oid after a fi:i to ba tn ench aotie. and
rbnt the cortibcateeiio Uet;iated nbnti no luuger be
nvai'ab o as any portion of tba lawful muuy reserve
ia p i-sdou ot any national baukitUjt aesociatioD,
a- d after tbeda deiiiwuated in nuch notice to iuei
er ebail be piJ oa huch Certificate, and tbry shall
not thereafter he cauutu as a part of tba rttrve uf
any Laukiug aA-stKiationt
Sso. j. And h it fvriJier enacted, 0"bat upon
th deposit, oi Kiij United$ L'uuda, bearing la-Tev-L
puahte iu (ju J, wiib tte Or. as rr ot iba
Vu!td states, in tba mtnuer prsciibed hi tbe
jiiirf. eath and twoutietb wcnous of the imtumal cat
eifctf ont. it ssatl be lawful for tbe CiupiruUer cf
tbb Ctrrency ta utace to tba fcMsocittiuu laaklua tbe
tutu, ci cu.atui notes i.f duTcreuS deuouu'mUoiis
Xiot le3 than tio dollars, not esccedicf iu aintuut
titrhty ptr CfUturo tt tha pir value of ihe boada dw
2t uMl vbfuh uotes etoatl Dear opu thafr fuca lbs
jrtai of tbe tss'-eiaiiou t mhtcii tbty ua ii'iiM
ao tay aht tb, asijon prt-sttututwiu ar tba Lillys of the
-us scitioa, u gold coiu of tba Uoiied etaies. aud
bait b t eceeiurable upon sueh. presouttiou in such
coiri : fr rotated, T.iat uo banhie assi cia'tou oi'
tiniEeJiinctr hts . ctiou hall bava a cticuiativD tn
. tXt-Mot utitf OiOtiou f duliars.
Ssc. 4 -i' further enacted. That evry
nacuioai b t. Jug aeoctaiioii foruted u cider tbe pro
vi'doua ot tbe preeedii: section of th:s act shall at
ad tiu keep ou baud nut less than twenty-live per
cttteiuua uf Ha buisiaudmg Circulata?n iu guld or sil
vercatuof tbo CoiteU S ate, aad shall receive at
par iu h payment of ucpis tne ftuld uotos of every
ocSer (ic i ouatii aflocii.tioa wbich at the time ot
burj piyioetiTM bad b redtemins ita cuculatiutC
uuCeo iu f,okl cjiti oi the Vui ed States.
Sg. C, -itft oe furtfter enacted. That ever?
j.qjciai.m i.d tr Hie puiposaof is o lug atold
t ti'-A-fs hs protidod iu this act khaii b u ject co ad
h& rttpnremtutn icci provi.tiuos of ih uatioi al car--eirx-y
ut, 4 2xpt the first ciiiM of sectun tweuty
tvf;j, wbico ohi&.y the circuliitiou of uatiouui bauft
u j; ns--ovifetMMia T' th:e buodrad nddlous of dot
I ml C'a3r) uf "fcit.a thiny ivvu, wuicti,
tfifcu ii: wUh the pitctihug secttou,
isvt.xUi i. q tua it oiil baabh.i aociaiiios or iu
iaU iu its." ciiy o' .Su JTrauciitCM ta redteni their cii-,ut-:i..
uo ee at .ur io tbu city of Kew V i k ; aud
me hist clause ot-uihii thirty-two. which rqrts
every fiioial bft3an.i( H- ritttiou to recede iu
pvaflit ot deOu tbe notes of ovtiry o;hr uatiouel
t'vLo.hip: aeaociwoa ut i ai : P.Yddf That ia ap
plyiugitae proVbciean aud rquiteoifltto of said act
iom (.xiiuir-g aMtfociaaiout LciviQ ptovtUtd iur the
-tiiis ijaiiui nwuj." "." ftii- m'ovy of the
I'ttilvfd eitt("' iltiiti bvbi'id atiU cl?tttiUed to sutHU
r itvei, c.)ia of toe UaiVed b
Sic. G. -4 KiZ trf it furiUer enucled, That io cecere
V t.J :t ilJllitl-ic (Ln.l ItiiltiOU 'Jl LUrt ilMtlOL:il Ldi K'
i. c.uTi.eiicy thei uey oe iasu. ct (drcuuiL ; in.
t-j e-;itilttj Hjitiotin ratt z U ia Blare and Tcr-:t-jres
ttfKi ieus triao lua llitsir yr'p rduu its
berei.t ur:a. Aud tne au.ui& of cuculaoou ia
his -HiLUJLi auLhorjfta simii, uud-r tba 0iie nou ol
. tie o 4 riry of Lha 11 easiury, as it u-.y bo r it i!i eJ
f,)T Ltd putpi. ha HjOjcrtiWti. ii iicitiu li. tJuu,
fr-xt i'tki.i4 wocfv; r. t.j-j;iU.l-?d iu fitatea iiVi:.
.a cir.vluoi exoc'dat; provided Tor by iie aot
euutt J 'Au a;', to auvud au tt;t ti.tiritil Ati ct to
pr-.v d :d a i-i"au bait kit currrijey Kfrun-d by
pj -ct:e oi t 'it'j r-tis-d twUdM, ftuu io i foViau liir
itirtcirju(aiiott at.u aoimpliou ibereol.
rruEiir: cornT of tv-l
NA't ?o crei.1, .iiuiie..'.A.
ic No.
a f-oit
:' Ui-lircrv
i.t Ua !
ce an 1 tine
kiXvi' tlj-.U:Mad t'i
le r 1
For the Chif
nt- "r retire-1 i-J: d.jii.-tr.
r"..-r tiine eirt-uit j !.s ti
c-tr- un, forty-life thou-inU UolUrn. .
For t-MVe-iti; nj-tcits or t'je jinlire
tufMue.i to l-'ie teniri i :iu;t f.jr ntteroi J
tiiij region of toe S-i.reme Court of tile -Co
.'.! -S.itt-S ot.e t.iou-auil ijolUri.. :
For salary of til? i eorre r oi' the ?e
e'p.on tbe hiu-rme (Jourr of tlie
L"n-Ud ftates, Uo liiuiiiani five uwatireU j
coilHr". . " :
For "ilrtry of the rorhal of the S i
preiue Court, tUiee lUoutm-i live kiio-j-ed
uo l.i-a.
For eataries of the dsstrtrt jtxiire of
the Foiled States, oi.e liunrl nr.'.isii
te'eth'. tr.onsnoa fue hundrerl rfoliirj.
For s-rtii-.riea ot tue . Uiet jhii -e ..r the
Hnjrerne court of tile Itir-trici t-f Coiuuj-
t-i, ttl -US aOclHte j I illl'l j-t-fe of '
th orptiAn tiinetreu ttioiisMd-i l-M:.rH.
For b-4lnry of tlie warden of tt.e J-..I ii U-stricl of Cluiubi-., two lUousaad
lo'i-irs. '
For couif-ensarion .t rhe tliJrict nt
toroeys of toe Cmtnl tMte.-., eiyht-ca
ttiou onil i;-e hm.iire.l no-1 Lil y .1 ,;! on.
For oni;"-ri9 -it loo of ttie iiis'rict lunr
chl? of tne Uoit.ii jititt, eicvru ttiouf
nn.i three huu.lreu .iohaia.
i?KC. 2. And bt it furl! cr rmtclfu Tht
the iiead .f tile fteverii ut p.irtio. i-'s are
lirreby anta riic'l to .pfjoiut l-mn.'e
.-irlktf, who luny be fonu-t to be eoinin
itftii fcn.l worlby, lo noy of the r...l.-i of
c!-rrtiin kuu.a to tt.e in toe rt--
oective drijitrttiiecjrf, with tt.e cotnoi-ti.
m'lOQ beiougiDj; to the clnisf) to whi. it
tliey may be nonoioteil, tint i he cumber
of iirst, Sjcoiiil, third, nnd tourto tiHrii
:!etkii atotil not lie increased or 1 ii i j Src
tiou. - ,
Sec 3. And If it further!t Th-tt
the coir-getniiion ot iii ujesscnjer, ai
i?t:.t itirsaf i-ffrJ, laborers, ami icli-
, i.ieo (wttberdny or oitit ) for
iu lb u act unless otherwise et.ecitictslijr
tlattd, shall be as foliowd : For in-s-eeupersPsliijht
huodred aud forty dol.nrti Autiuni tor aaibtant iiiesHerjger,
seven huudted and twetiij uolltifj per
MDUutu ; for l.bnrer s aad iratcbuiro, sev
ea buudre.1 aodtweotj dollni p-r annu-jj ;
and after the (-ai5Hge uftbis act uo niiii-
e)S herein oriil:rr toe appropriated, or
mat may b hereafter appropriated, for
contingent, iocideutal, or laisceiitrjeoti s
porposa, tiiiall be expended or paid lor
c-i.icial or clerical coujpeiibalioD ; and ic
.ball be the di-ty of the accouotng ofli
cer lo reject and disallonr all Bucti paj
UieLtS SB illegal.,
Sec. 4 And 4 it farther enacted, That
9.M acts and joint resolution, or parts
thereof, and alt resoluiiona of either'
House of CoegrtrS, prauiinj? extra com
jiensMiiou or pay,b and tbe same are
tier by, repealed, to take effect on lUf
firt day ol July , eilneea bundred and
fceventy, and that the ppropr iiiliona
made by tbe following parts of acts and
resolutions be, aod tba same are hereby,
repealed, to lake effect from and after
Jane thirtieth, eighteen' hundred and
seventy one, viz : '
Section five of tbe act of June twenty
ix, eighteen hundred and forty eibt, be
tcjf an appropriation for tbe siiarieaof
special exatniuep ot drus, medicines,
cuetnkals, and so forth. And baid sala
ries shall, from and after June tbiny,
eighteen iuodiel aod seventy, te paid
from tbe appropriation f. r collecting tbe
revenue from customs.
Section fonof tbe act of July twenty,
eighteen hnndred aod sixty seven, beioi
an appropriation for tbe jffcy and e.rpene
vs of the eomraissioners under the treaty
between the United Slates and the re
public of Veueioeia.
Section two of the act of Jane twenty
seven, eighteen hundred and sixty foa.,
being an apppropriaiion for tbe pxy and '
expenses of the commission tinder treaty
between tbe Catted Hiate, and her Bri
taate Majesty tor the settlement nflbe
-lims ot the Hadoo' Bay and Paget
tiuund Aftricoltoral Compaoies.
Bection tlree of the art of A sril seven,
ijhteeh hundred and sixty-mr.e, being
4tn appropriation for the pny, expenses
and advances n account of the cummifi
ion under the treaty or the United States
sod tbe republic of Mexico. .
Section thirteen of tbe act of July
twentjeight, eighteen bundred and sixly-
!; it enacted t:v the enete and Hou?e
oi - ii ot the 'nire.l i'.-it i kih.
of A ir -ric in t'or-jf ren stssenihled, j zv.
j .nr. i, id . tie r:e .'l Altnn.;-otn.
f-. .4:.
in .my .-Itv li;
itti.t inlinl-i:
tll:irhal ot' !!
wliert-iu ."ui'l
, .te r
f of
n!-. it
e Vl:i
J :iit
I cti
. -il i-w-tiiit-
I there
t--:i!- t-
lit ri' -v.
l!ie .:':!(.--i.ati
' re.-i.L-
C 'l-!ilil;-.-l
ii -ii 'li.-tri'.'t
itloH-intt- i :
I fTt oi
L't tllC-
survt v-
j '.ri--rni It-e Lint: kioI tat. c-jhii-l:'-n
lilfi ei!l-'nili:-l:ts -rcM-riix- i ill t lie ;
I '--ruTe--; noj-r.-vt-.l -I: hv... eii;l-.tevn
'Ire 1 Kii I th:rJy-oiie, 'l-jiti "Ah act :i!i
tl:o -tuiirs or i'.-rrin iiierr.-lini.lio iuu
inr . i'lttslmr. Wbe'-iin. "iTieiiinti, I,
v li le . ..iot Loui:. Xa.-livii!o. n 1 Xatch
l-e -cnre-l aii-I 'iit 1 atih-'c p'.Ave."
Ai.proyeds ...: II. lfTV.
li it:Hir":i
yi rv..- or-K-r :'. :.ny
t-.t-.vos in l'o:'r;'-"r
-l.-i li i.- ;ire i; iot-;
.1 r at '!;..-! ei'-tt-olf
11 'o or brcacli
I i.eir I-. .
;i i al i"ii
.-!.ti l-n
rc.i Stiltes
all is-, t..
rimv ht- lx'--e.-:iiy
rf'tt.ii:i at whit-h r-
;,-i- il...
aiiiolint Jiai.l to -;i.-.'i, t..ntler vyiili Hie reports
ul j-ncli uii. i.t: Mini tiu.r sitiv or omenta
api..ii. n n.-iit-r lhi "cti ui shall receive iin
Hiiiuin! eaiarv ! f-vo tho.ittoi i .loliar.-., in aoiii
li in to tie expense oBiet.-i.ire uiiotveti. the
Min:e to l-e oi.i.i oiit of tlie Uinhpi ro;ii iattd fj
i-otooliar n.tiane?.
Apprcvt.lrJuiy 11, 17 r.
and I
t.; pre
preyf u-
Stc, 3. And be ii further .7rfcri, TLa.
bars alter no pheio ull be ; atd lo ai(y pcts'ti
o bar tiaa tbe insionr enltLlcd tbrto, u r on -wnn
than arc t'iim to tbe ptoviior of ibis c(, a-d
no warrant, pt,w-r uf ait-jroty. or iiusr ptprr xe-
u ad or purp jriifi to be exe utd by aov p-i s oi..r-r '
to auy alt ruey, claim tt'ti-nt. brkc;, i r o'.ir p-r- ;
So a b ii bb ra rganit d bv aay a"-tt ib py
nirat f -aions, !' sb'l any p ui n be pud ;
Cbt-reoa : Proi Jed. Ihf p iueui t... ;ra rs
ink wmier legi.i ritabdt!t-M niy t- mti to iJi'fgunr- .
d at-s of mci p ts m ttici re.r;uer brriD i re- .
sjribfd: An-l provide! furth-r, 1U ptusiuns j
pa auio to prrniir io t-jreio c .inn ; ieJ uo.ypoa.ade
atcoidtu tj ta& j-re. viiK'as ul exufliii; lvtri.
J to pr
f o-
nn v
of the peiic couiuiiitetl iu
i cent o.
AV ACT f . r the re'.iefof the United
ISttted a'd bttambhip Cotopacy.
and Ilxsvxe of
if emitted frr
ffrprest Hf'itttex of t '
c United .
et id i the ii -
tiun- l to hi f A f rie
v-i1i j of AtVi' ic.'cni.
Apptored, .?u!y U
aivs re
.n native
er-.Trtr,i. Thsit
T'y rxt nde 1 :
and t persons
irii i
j., t .
Ssc. A, And l-e ri further enm-ted Tfiat 1
Jn f.dui;ia to the c a ps i-rttiu now l o--t-o a Ia
eacb peucion ae:j, rh .it b atlutved ai full C imiieu- ,
kt.Dil or a ' etc Y,-!f. luetudtfi p it-t-isirt r c, lir U Of '.
Il:o provt-t i s of ib a;t tbe nui t.: tho y cn s
aud uo oioe, fr a -ti "U-:ht-r pir-:-nr"i twnd p '-id by j
.fcim, am mm .itia'd be pmi by the L:uitJ &:to. i
A"d any pnusi iu SiC-nt r ottier p e'ou tirp'-uyod or I
iCfl Jtt f I'cTf.T ti-t l ' i -- a; . Mit tHi jy uo if sua. i inti r ri cie, or u l
, y iii'.j auT leo or reae.rU froiu any jfi a.toser f.r h' j the fe.-cretar-y o. the i rearUw . ; v c iI( c..t(uectitu w b (be pay ia. eat of na, .r htr
f a:.d lie i? hfreb, authoriztd to j peonoa eball l. held z,uni f ni'o.aje-Tior, aad,
luo'd to tbe C;ted" States aud Brazil tlwbed by a Quo not M U-!
Sieattuhip Cotripmiy, out ot a. y money j J
uot otherwise appropria- ' mc. Ana r-e t: jn niter enactd, 1 tiat
.. -...liui-od ctt tl. i ,n" . ".T.t Ary jl tlu luUuur .rikli c-ld Nnit-kbltf
Vvzi.v: So. 1 !'J
r: t:
t.-n-l the
or a.l.tiii-
ie time for
-o.ti ti'UIi
r it ewic'r i t 'i the
reKei'tii-' rft t f the C tmetJ St-ui: .
in C'.-r r s (..--,-1toi'rV.
.- f-r nrt-scnthif ra
ruiited to
.-..nrlj 5--;it t- . ' tl,-
i ff'll't nf
Tbt !!.-.- tiu
ji.l li . i--n ai l'-i.rft
;i.-litu i-t.-l n. i f.-..itt
a!, utt.-r iTiia-n rune all
t: not rrcsente-l in -llc
f..r i
tio. i
of j
:i!:t, t-i;i:lf.-n iiiitHiirf! :. n i i
llfixi.y C.lfll-i-. -i UOt:t t!!-: .rXJ Iia- "
ni"li!ij.s alter tiic wu-.a: ..' tlits
iiiitns J.-r i-J'-ii l.-'itii- :
fortrt i i,,: Voi.i :
AN j, T i.'s'sin-.- 3ipr-.r.ririon Tor tlie rmiw
'.ir uti-t tintho.-iitic i v;."'.. nf the i;..vorn-
me-- f.-r rne en-lui l-iue tiiirtv. eilt- ;
t. h -.?nue' i':;J seventy one, and for other ;
prt.pKw. i
lie if ffii-tr-t f.o 'he S""it irri'f .' 'f I'-'P'- I
. r o - r t'ltitrt' zt.ri-fA:n:ri 'l in l.'oa '
y t.j- ttwiiJ .'
That lh ioliowii-e snin 1.. mill rh.-sHir.e -ri-
h rehy. appropriated, of any money in i
t'-e ii-a-itrv i.ot :l.f-rwire ni'i.r.-i.riHre.i . f--r I
t j. - jr. u h.-r"ii:ar!t-r exin-esi-il ,..r t
--nr t-ii-ii;'-' ihe tl.inielti if .June, -
h'uoir-it .-lul -t-lenrv ot.e, liHl!.i:
I-" r 5aial-V of t-.iVoV CX t I1IOI i . lilt TV
i-(-i.- t-Jeiaii- tei-Tut. v i. lie;it alio
in the treasury
11 .... V
.t.t, .... .. . . - r vou.-ii. m m.i.tiii:ir I In I T-'HtK.-.
t ut-txiii bou-e at New 'i ork city by yvay j ti -n ut tb tu tt ).rtttt! and -io r to tn.
ot touuat e taxes ti 'u:i the vlsei9 of said ant. for the p.y u-ut or iu-wk, ip wbe!i he v emt-lovd in matt service be
ne a
tweeii the t. tjiteil states
under tiie provi-ion oitoe act ot twen
i eiii'us Mat, eijrUteeit hrt idred aad six
ty four, emitted "An act authorizing
lb etartiishnient of ocean mail sleara
sbip service 'oeiwet-n the Cuited States
and IJri.S'1," lmtwithstaodtn ttiat such
sums were piid vi-irhttut do- leal pro
test and appeal : j'rovtar.l, Tl:at satisfac
tory evidence stmll oe produced to the
.ball c.:.a a u -le t b . uriitt'.d in cra.lutc
ttf th. th.t lirtHit.'r no pt-Mt-ou wnt hi n.J -x
hrBXli, rtrttupoa the vooebww ip.ud ri.ri-t (tiieote-l :
.uc he .ball Hi hi aive all r i.-.t-uciioria nad
ln.k a.l uteJiui lrinliAlkiu. lor crit tltnt latu
an 1 Ho :
March :i
n t li c: t i.-n u:' In-:
i. rihtceu bun lr--. a
An at in
and for vl-.
ci..;i..-n t";j-r.).
r avor-jve-l
-i iir-ity-iiir-e.
u l
o nly 7 , is7.
5MC N"n.
AX ACT to Eineu.l the
..rid to pn:.;f:i cri.ju-s
t-Totttt-r purp".-.f.
ain.-r th-i surne
Krit:.i-e. ;U evf.tcfti TSlol.san.i live hull. l-e. 1
(luMi:-t re.-h. Ih-rty-tive Ihonali.i th.tiMn-.
T-. li.ot-ia,. i'r.'.-;-i -i . Si-ain, AiiMn.i. lra'l.
--T-xi.-o. 4'hiita.aiol ItHlv.jtt twelve thujsuii.1 t-a h. itiniy ix thousand .h.liiir.-.
'f.. 'i Peril . iul'1 J.lj.ilii. t-n ihousuliil 'io!-I.t'-e;u'ii.
thii-rv rii-.n-aiid d'-liarf-.
T-' .- aiil.i!"lf--.l es!'-lir. at Portugal. Svrilzer
I tori, l.ree.-c. liuluifon, Holland Oerilnark,
Mvt!.i-ii, 'I ni kee. K.'ntar. Now "Intuitu, II. -I.
via, Wtie in la. Juii.eiital.l. A iiaiULjini. s-.iti.l-r.h
it 1-hili-.-. Co.-":'. Hum, 1 loli.lurai.. itn.l itl-va-i.-r.
a" seven Hum-aiid five liiiii-licl dollars
on.; hmniie-i ami thirty-five tlion-ui'd u.ti
aai.l Siecreiry tiia; at tba toe Bald
) t-ixs were impo-ed the s-tid were
I in B-axii specially exempted from jiuii
lar exa'-tioit.-i to which oilier Tes?tU were
iu tbe potts of t hut country liitle.
; Approved, Ju'y 14,
ud 1 eat-
: I.t..
I .'nr m'tiister rer-i.lerr a' the Arirent-ne I!e-
lie i! rntrrteet thi- SrTin'ectnd Ko'tsenf Hep. 1 pnhiic. -?v.n lhorS--.rt.i Vive liiiii.ii-t?-! i.ltarn.
rexentuttr s cf tfti- tmrefi states cf" Auicrictt ' For nii.wi.tter i-i F.-t-nuay, it. cie.i:terl alsd to
tn t'uiisrcxx ttxtnifittd : ' ! lararriiav. eleven litoo.-.iU-l two nundre.l mid
. Titat in nil eu;;e.-. 'where any oatli. a3:ruia- i
i ,. .vl. t. ..." ... ...i ... I
' . - i. . ..r ..... ..... I.... . ., I ircnelal at. llavt
... ..j v. .i7 ..w. wi' i" me , ,t,,iJM,.(,
For salary of uiiniflUi'
For salary of minister vepnient anil
seven lhotialid live bundled
fcci.t'j Xo. ltIti-3
AX ACT to e.mer.d existing laws relat
ing to internal revenue.
,V it eiKici'-d tie S naif and House cf
Ii'jireiirnt-ineet f the I'-iitd Utitciof Amer
ica in CVo!rr..-. axznrjdtd:
Tbatoa aud after the passage of this
act, iu addition to the articles now ex
empt by lav.-, tbe articles mid products
hereinafter enumerated shall be eierapt
from internal lax, namely : Canned aud
preserved ti-lt , snell fish, meats, lruita,
aud vegetable.
Approved, July 11, 1370.
j uaiut-atiiatiou ot aliens, or in any proircedinjra
under uch acts or laws, an.i any person or
i persons takino or making s-uch outb, aiirma-
j lion, or aui-litvit, matt Kuoivmiy tvciir t(r af
firm iais.-ly, the ?ann: rh-ul be -J- cioc-i and ta
ken lo be jierjury, and tbe jHirsttn ir jtcnuim
guilty thereof thall upon conviction thereof
he scnteu.-e.i to imprisonment for a term not
cx-jecdiiiir. five years aud mil less than otio
year, untl to a Duo not exceeding onu thous
and dollars.
.Si c. 2. Ati'i he it further That if I
any person applying to be ailiuitted a citizen, !
or ap:cariUii as a Witness for any euch person, (
sbiill ktiuwtngly ers-Dale any other person ,
than biuiscll, or lalscly appcur in the name of
a ilcc-eaK.-d person, or iu an to-sauied or lictit.
ious uan.e, or if any person shall laL-ely make,
f-.rge. or counterfeit any miih, afiirinatiun, no
tice, aCi'.l:tvit, certificate, order, rccoid, sipna- i
lure, or other iitsiruuient. paper, i.-r prncecUiag
rc-inirt-d or aarin nzed by any law or act rcla-
tinii to nt proii lius for tbe naluralizntion of! Kt.r .ularina of consul ireneml. ectiwiila. vice
aliens; ur shall utter, sell dispose ot, or use eoiisiilit.t-onimercial neiil, au.l lliirteen con
as t riae or pcuuine, or tor liny unlawful pur
pone, any false, forged, ante-date, or counter
feit oath, allirrr.ationT notice, certificate, or.icr,
record, signature, instrument, paper, or pro
ceeding as aforesaid ; or eell or dispose of to
any person other tban the person for whom it
wa originally issued, any certiijcato of citi
zenship, or oi:rtilicate i-bowing any person to
bo aduiitted a zitizen ; or if any poison shall
in any manner use for the purpose of regis
tering yotcr, or as evidence of a right. to
vole, or otberwi.-e, unlawfully, any order, cer
tificate of eitizeDfhip, or eertificate, judgment,
or exemplification, showing mich ptrson to be
admitted to bo a citizen, whether heretofore or
hereafter issued or made, knowing tbat such
order or certificate, judgment, or exemplifica
tion has been unlawfully iued or made ; or
if any person shall nulawfully use, or attempt,
to nse, aDy such order or cert i 8 ca to, issued to
or in the uauio of nny other person, or in a
fictitious - name,, or tho name of 'a deceased
person; or use. or attemp to use, or aid, or
assist, or participate in tbe nee of any ccritfl
cate of citizenship, knowing the same to be
forced, orcounterlcit, or unte-uaica, or anow
. . i i i r. l
in" tbe same io uava uwu jawtticu vj i .
orotheiwise unlawfully obtained; or it any
person, ' without lawful excune, shall know
uigly have or oe possesses oi any iaic, i-jigou
ante-date, or counterfeit certificate of citizen
ship, purporting to have been issued nndcrtbe
provisions ot any law of the Coited States
relating to naturalization, knowing each cer
tificate to be false, forged, ante-dated, or
counterfeit, with intent unlawfully to tye the
the same; or if any person shall obtain, ac
cept, or receive- any certificate of eitizensbip
known to such person to have been procured
by frani or by tbe nse of aDy false name, or
by means of any false statement mado witb in-
Fiblic No. 170.
ACT to vacate tbe Fort Dakota mil
itary reservation in the Territory of
Dakota, and for other purposes.
lie it enacted'!,; the Henaie and House of atirca of the I'mtid Siajes of
America tu Congress Assembled
That the military r eservalion at Fcrt
Dakota, in the couo'y of Minnehaha,
and Territory of Dakota, be, and the
same i hercoy. vacated, and the lrtnds
' embraced in said reservation t-hall be
subject to private ttitry under the pro
visions of tile pre eruption and home stead
laws of the Uuited States, except so
lutii-'o thereof as may be embractd in-8tc'-ion3
heretofore reserved for school
purposes : Provided, That nothing in this
act shall be construed as to intcretere
with tiny rights which mar have accrued
previous to tbe withdrawal of said lands
f.r tbe nunt.ose of such reservation :
on. three hundred and seventy eix Ihonuaiidsix And provided alto, Tbat any iinorove-
taliuj sixry-inree uonars, ..ataety: j iuetjlg on 8:lj)1 re,rvtioa made by the
j mihtory authorities prior to its relin-
quisbment by tbe Secretary of War,
ehail be appraised by tbe register and
jesi.Ient and consul I
general at I'.ibeiia, toor thousand dollars ;
1-or saiarie. of secretaries of legation, in fol- i AX
lows: j
At f.ondon and Pari, two thousand si.-: bun- ;
diet and twritv-live dollar, ea.-h. I
At tviiiit I'etersbuii. Mailnti, Berlin, Flor- ;
ent-e, 'it-nim. Kio Jant-iro, jttul -ttexico, one
tliiiiisitml eit'ht laiii.iied dollars each.
For salaries or assi-taut seereiar'tes of le'a
tittii at J-toiidoti and I'atis. two thousand ilollare
For salary of ilio swretnry of 1- tion.aetiin
as init-rpreter to tbe to China, Uve
thMisat-ti d.tllare. .
For sa'ary ot . the secretary f legation to
Turkey, acir.igae interpreter, three ihunsuud
For e alary of the interpreter t the lesjatiou
to .lapan, two tlnaisaml five hundred tlollar-t.
For continiceitt cxi.ei.Hesi of 1oiein inter
ro.iise proper ami all continuant expense, of
sill iiii.-sioue abruud, one liutiured thousand dol
litf s
Bxc. 6. Ac.? be rl further cn Thnt
Ui' a fur trie .-t. went ot uftai--u.. aiitt i. c!-r& '
.-(oiiitei by tht-n M.i-i dcir! iu a-rlllit l,.r Inal .
( p wttlrlt;n.tlti tth.'l ho rt-t'-rfr-i lo tt
n ed ia lite tui-.t'l llttt C; ua-'f l eii,it:.s,
re L-rbf &.ittior n an. I rt ija:r..t . i...:-z -a-j '
t;.o-e'o-, ti r'si6 an-! te-tt.ry i-trf ttft"; 1.. ? ttii p?ii . '
..tiiiern .lid thslr wiice. t-a ii-i i.t t'rr-!na!!y m
l..eir 1!.-t. lit- m I -r U;t !ir,vw, i i woicit .-a-r- tit. .
chectl f-r tha, when (iu. and i-tvat:t, h it
t-- t,ivea direc; lit. ttjil of rli. par;,; ttttnieil '
f htir.iu, if Jdwireil, ait'l Uot uiailcti to lo. c: b.-rwc
dree, as required hy lh-t .erral .ftclil of if.i. arl ;
and nny p.-rs-ta wti; phall ttfss! ..-td c jrrti.-.;y t.--k
and sut.-tcrit-ts any nch sf5 heli-re a- y ,t-itT. t-r !
ti.. rit-nti.ttf'i cittr f tr tot. itt!ienr. o p.-tittiin-, 1
li.t'l (i.oeemst! (uilry of rt-.i-iry, a-i .- on rimvicri-Mi i
h. Tiini. isi hw iati isoo.umtt aot x -t'etriit fl-.t '
ui-. act! by H3. uot exceeding tu. lo.-tittaud aA- :
1 iar..
j Srr. 7. Ani l:r ii further cr.a-.'ed, Ti:ot the ',
j ft-e ot ag-itt. aiul atcoritt3s t.jr .;e .re; sra-.i-.n .:td .
pr.t-faiiou of a elalm lor pen.tun or onoty -
uud.r any or all the Tail .-utt cU of Gaiereas f.i-ai.c- I
nic the land, u a.r cv or .11 of ti .uttu. nets ot -Co.ii;rfWi
jrliti'-i Iha land, ciidi-r any o of tho !
y iri ut -tc X ot CliYi-stiS Kr-.tttlL-; the salito, shall !(; j
txcwil ja.ny ciiso ill. sura ol ittvtil-tita d..tmt. ;
It sb.ll b the du.y ot' tho acat or attorney cf rec i.t ;
la the pro.cnion of tb. a. to cause t-. b fl ed .
wi'li tbe C-auoiuaioner of, for t-i. ar-orovAl
duplicate art c es ol afreem-ttt, ailbnut .d.liilnLal i
c.-.i to the claimant, aeitin-r lurch the iet a. reed up- .
on by- the tarliev aud a-hich arefti. nt t:hull is ex S
rented in preset c- of aud certified b- .--nti. t iu er.
c-rapetettt t-t d'..i..iter oatr-s. It. t-.-l rte.t li-r-.l
apti-ati-ta is made for peni-.o crntii. land, and i
n-t isreetntnt ia tilt-d wi h and hy the C.tni ;
m-s-ioiier a herein provided, tu. to. shail be tun
dollars and no ntoro.
Ssc. P. Am! I.e. U further entcted, Tliat
any sgsut or nilcrrey wtto sita-1 uirevily or indirect- '
ly tout act Or, deuiaiid, rtc-ive. or retain any -greater
comp tti.tloo lor h! servicts a. autb areut I
t r attorney, la any c ai ru t-.r - enti m or btuuty
land, tu.u if. t.recrihd or Hiiowetl nutter tu.
f ns of ihi pr- c ilu3 stctioi.. . .all h t de.Qae-j guilty
if n mi.denlea-.tor, an-i, ujou roitvictieu thereot-,
sl-a'I, for eiery .uch . ffe.:s. ho fi led ttor exceeding I
five ha-drcn dollars or fmprfontd at hard abttr not j
exceeding CVi, cr both, iu the dis -return of the j
c. urt.
siilar t h-rke, iuciu.iiui; Iw. by extdutosie lliere-
Aleximdria, Calsntla. Constantinople, Fi-nnk-f..r!)ii-'he
Main, Havana, M- i.treal, bhungiiai,
Beirut. Tatupico, ltoudon, l'aiis.
Aix-la-Chapelle, Acnpnk-o. Algiers, Atnoy,
Amsterdiim, Antwerp, Asplnwall. llan;kok,
Iiasle, lielfnst. Bueno, Ayres. Ifordeaux, Bre
men,, xlouloune. Cadiz.
Callao, Cautou, Cbemuirs. Chin Kianz, Ciif
loii. Conticook, Cork, Demerara, Duudee, Kl
aiuore, Fort Krie, Foo Choo, Fiuichal, Weueva,
JJenoa, Gibraltar, (llasgo w, Godericli, Halifax,
Harnburif, Havre. Ilonolula," Honi kong. Han
kow. tiakoOHai. Jt;rnsaleni, Kunaitawa, KiuuSj
toii, (Jamaica.) Kinf stou in Canaila, La lioch
elle; LacirnvrM. Leeds, l.etihorn, l.eipsic. Lis
bon, iverp.-ol. Lyomi. Malaga, Muira, ll .n
ehestcr, Matanzas, Marti' illes, Muiiritiue, Mei
lio nne. Slessiiui. Wutiii-h, Jlahe. Natia-Hki. N'a
1 les, Na-san. (West India.) ew Castle, Nice,
Xante,. Ode-Kan,, Oporto. flsaeca. Taleruio, Pan
aunt. Fertiainbuco, Fictou, l'ort Mahon. Fres
rott, l'riuce Kdward Island, Quebec, Kiode Ja
neiro. Holter.laiu, San Juan del Mir, San Juan,
(Port lfico ) Saint John, (l auada East.) Hanli
ago de Cuba. Fort S.irnia, Kome, Singapore,
Suivma, riotitharnpton, Miimt Petersburg, -Shu
la Cruz, (West India.-!,) Saint Thomas, Spizzia,
Stuitittttdt, Swatow. Faint Helena, Tardier,
Toronto. Trieste, Tiinidad de Cuba. Tripoli,
Tunis, Tnii.tiill. Tnrk's Islnni!. Valparaiso,
Vera Cruz, Vienna, Valencia, Windsor, Veddo,
Zn ichBirtnit ghtm. IJarineii, and Winnepeg,
Stlairit irectlctueut, Uritisb iVorth Aaorica.
recei ver of the land office of the district
in which said reservation is situated,
and paid for by the purchaser of tbe
lands on which tho same are located:
And provided further, Tbat no patents
shall is.ue for any portion of said lands
uutil the improvements thereon shall
bave been paid for at their appraised val
ue. Approved, July 14, 1870.
AX ACT lo require national banks going-into
liquidation to retire their circnlating notes.
Be it enacted bft the. Senate and House of
IZcprceniiiticcs of the United States of Amer
ica in Congress assembled. That every bank
that has heretofore gone into liquidation un-t
der the provisions of section forty-two of the
national currency act, shall be required te de
posit lawfulsWiiiey of the United Slates for
He outstanding circulation within sixty days
from the date of the passage of this net. And
every bank that may hereafter go into liqui
dation shall be required to deposit lawful
money of the United States for its outstand
ing circulation within six months from the date
ot the vottj to fio into liquidation; whereupen
the bonds pledged as security for such
f-irci latioii shall be surrendered to
th 3 association making such dept sit. And
if noy banic (iholl fall to n;u!rt the floreTr-it and
Sec. 9. ylntZ he it further c.taetcd, Thiif
tb. C ttnmiaaloiier cf Pensions "hall fui wad thce
llticate ot pension, icrauttd fn .uy case, to the t;etit
for paying pensi'tDS wber. said cert flcate shMl I e
made p-tyahl.. aud at the same tiin. tora.rd thtre
w thotie of th. articles of nsret-nierjt tt ed tn th.
esse and approved by tbe C .Dioaiastoner, s-tttn.
forth th. ft-, agreed up .n betwoeu tbe claimant and
the att..rny or .ft-titt. a-td wtier. no agreement is ra
A e, ns her it.h.Ore pii.v.ded. be sbsti dirtcc that a
le of ten dollars only bo paid said ageut or a'.t.r
ney. fxc. 10. And he il further enacted, Thnt
it shall be th. dutv 01 thea(rnt paying such peusiou
to deduct (r Jin tb. autouat da. tbe penttioner th.
amount of ft-, so. agreed upon or directed by the
Commie; loner t. be patJ wrier, n. agreement is
filed and Approved, and t.i f. rward or c .use tu he
furwarded tu tbe .Rent t-r attorney cf record named
i t th. said greemeot, or it. ease there i. do agree
ni.ut, to tb. .K.ut Ing th., tbe amount
of lb. proper fee, deducring tberrf-om th. sum of.
thirty cents In payuieut of bt. ..rvicu. in lorvrard
ia tb. ...uo.
Sec. 11. And beit further enacted. That
all aci. and pirt uf .ci. in coi-flx vtflb th. pruvta
t in. ot thai act be, .ad the saui. are bettby, ic
pe.led. ApBroyad, Jaly 8, 1870.
Fcblic Xo.161.)
AN ACT to pjovldj for the redemption of thre. per
cent, temporary loan certificate, and for .11 in
creas. of uatioa.1 b.aa iiotea.
S it enacted hi the Senate and House of Itei
rcsentaiive of the VnUed mates of Ameiica in
That fifty-funr million, of dollars in notes for clr
eul.tioa may be t-taued to national bahkiuK asst ci
atiotts in addition to three buubrid milliou. cifdi.1
lar, anthor z d by a twent-.econd cectiuo i tb.
"Act tn provide a national currency seemed by a
plsdg. nf United S:t.s bonds, and tu provide fir tbe
circulation and redemption tuervof " approval June
thrM, .irfhteen bundred a.-d Sxty-fuur; and th.
amount of notes so provit'ed .hail be fuiniebad to
banking asKciarloos org.n i d or ta b. organized In
tbo. bt.tes and Territ rius baying les. than their
proportfoa under th. apportionment ent. teotptat-sl
by tb. provisions of the "act tu .rn.nd ,n act to
pruyide a natioaai ca rency .ecared by a pledge of
United Statu bond, and lo pruvid. 'or tb. circul t
tlua aud redrmpti to thereof,' approved Marej inrta
.tgoteeo baodred mod s-xtt-Ov., end tb. b ode d
po.f ted with th. Treasurer ol Ih. Ui-ited bt.l,, lo
ateare the additional circulating ntrtes herein author
ised .ball fe. of any de--er p iou f hotCB cf tb. U,
Ud rtate. beAiiug iaterast lo ooin, but a new appor
tionment of the tucrnesed circulatlou bei-.ia prt vid
W f'k bn if tcade as toon pracriC'bV, bsJ
l'jr impr. v. meat of Milw.r.i. h arbor, Wi.coa.ln,
fbt ty thoutsnd dollars. . . .
IT -r ia p.ovemeiit of E.cln, hal bor, Wisconsin,
ten tb. nsand dollars
Fr lu.proveraeiitofKsnosha harl or, Wisconsin,
t.n thousand dolla r..
For iatptovr-meu-of Mkhlgsn City harbor, Indl
aoa, tw.u.j-B.o t'xn'aod irotl.-s.
I-'or Improvement! of .w Buffalo Bsrbjt .ailcblgao,
Fjr lmprovem.1. t of Port Weabiogto. harbor,
Wis-onsin Cfteeu d -liars
Kor improv.oi.r-1 of Atx Hoc Eel., harbor,
Mioblgau, teu ihty t.snd dollar,.
For laiorovem.ot of liaini.le harbor, Ulcl gan,
twenty ttioosand dc liars. '
For niproviaeiit of I'ere Marinette barber, M. ea
i t"n, t.u tbou.uid -ijll.ra. , . -
IVr imt.rov.meat p f.nlwatr barbor, Michigan .
ttitt thousand doltai . i
l'or improvement . if Whit. River harbor, tllchl-
K-rt, twenty thoasa: id dollar. t
fvt iiajir..BU.H t .. j. .-.p,-. , - - a,
tu 'hoa.aBd d. llsrs
Fcr t f CrsniJ Ii.veo aarhor, Michi
gan, t.n thousand dollars.
or improvement t f black Lk harbor, Mishf
gsn t.n thousand dollars.
t rimpnvem.ntol Baugatuclt harbor, Michigan,
t'l-- thousand dollar.
For improvement c f South Haven h.i bor, Micb!
n t.n thousand d. tiers,
.Tor improvt-m.nt ol' Saint Jaw pi harbor, Mlcbl
gfcn. flrtr.n thuunand dollars-
Kor lmprevem.nt o Saint Mary's Falls CsnsI, and
B-lnt Mary'. river, M:cbigaD' one hundred and fifty
iouai dot'ars
iorirup.ot.ment .f Au Kabl. river, Michigan,
'teen tl-oc.Ed dolla.a.
?.tr itnpr v meut cf 8vgtnaw river, Michigan, ou
Lb -usautl live hundretl dollars.
For impr.-Aetrt.rit c?Sttiut Cl.Ir fi.ts, Michigan,
a- xt.u thuiiaat-d five hnmired dollais.
For In. prt v aien. cf Cliutoa river, Michigan, flv.
tl.uas.nd dollars.
For -iDipri.veni.ut of. Toledo barbor, Msunios bay,
Ohio, litty th usanU dollars.
rorl:u-Jrov-m.ut ot baodusky C ty bsriior, Ohio,
t.o ibtHiasnd dollars
s-or fi Dftruvimeut of lUeavlaad harbor, Ohio, twenty
tb-.os.od doll .r.a
Fur Improvement of Ci-naeant harbor, Ohio, six
th. use ud dollars.
For improvement of Kr'a harbor, Pencsylyanla,
t.eutj-thousand dull ra. e'eariog and bnovine th cbann.l of tb.
St huyi kill river at its month, at (, btun's point, aud
ab ye to the t I s tn- t fArrset l'itde, Fbiladelphia,
Feunalvauia, fifteen thonsund dollars.
For improvement cf Dni.x irk harbor. New York,
tw.nti-Ii.e thousand dell..-s.
or m p ovsm.utot liaflalo harbor, New Ycrt,
eittj thuusaad dollars.
Foi- -v mvut of Oleott bather, K.w York,
tel. tf. on. and d-.ilars.
For in.provemei.t f Charlotte harbor, K.w York, trtocaBiid dollars. .
Fc. lmprovem...t ct Oak Orchard harbor, K.w
York , eight thousand dollar,.
Fjr improvement uf Big Bodes barbor, NsW Yoik,
five t h.-visand dollars.
Foi iu prov.m -nt Littl.Sodn, harbor K.w York,
fir. ruonsaud dollars. ;
F..1 imnruveuortt if I'n'taevvlll, harbor. N.w
Y- rfc , live thon-.nd ool are
I-... ei. larcement. accprdine io the nlaa of tbe Er
gins. -deoarim-Dt, tf ha. b r fseiliiie. at Oswego,
N.w k'urk. fitleen tbonsaua d -l'ar..
F r lti.oroveDiei.t of Ptattsbur harbor, K.w
Vortr. tttu lboisat-d dol arr..
For imt-iovenieut ot Kiirllngton barbor, V.rmont,
twent t-rive thor.ssnd dollars.
Fur imt;rov.-nieni of the epper Missislppi rl'er,
rrnov iug su.. and dreatgiog, thirty thousand del
lai s .
For imprr.veni.nt of the Wiscotisla riv.r, on.
bundled ihontand dollars.
For in y fjvsm.ut of tbe Minnesota river, t.o
to. u.i.r.d dollar..
Fur the t-r. .rv.tioa of the F.'lsof Saint Anthony
ar.d th. navii; th. Sjissht.inpi river above tb.
ssine. tifry trtt-usand d-'llars-
. i'or in p.-oveine:it of Ih. Dvs MoinE. rapid., four
hn".tr--d -boiv-and d .Hare.
For liitrtror.m-nt tf tne Kt-ck Islaod rapids, on.
h- etlrtna-id buy lho-i.d ti.-lurs.
For iiuprovtmeiitof tho I Itoors rivir, onohnn
tjrl rhns-oid dollars
For m-prov-oi.tii of tb. mf nth of the Misslssl; pi
rf-.r, tfc.e. hundi.d thousand dollars.
for improvement ot th. moult! of tb. aiat
Joi(t.s nvor, Florida, tiftaen th.-nsand dollars.
Fur reniovitia- otvtructions in TOV.U creek, nesr
Chsrlestt n. Bouth C-irottrila aeveri lbous.n1 dollars.
For iu tr-jven ent r the Falls o tb Ohio nv.r
fifty thona-
M vxh itiit-r, ei,ateei bvnoretl aud s x y-fivt!. bui I an-! I. .ins.iii. canals two bundled and
i ia jtMii.uiiv so t itti oi i.ot tx.ieiu treaty- j snd dollars.
i-.vo ui.oi-iii '1... ' I the Cut-i F ;c licprovemeut or the Mississippi, Miss-.urf, and l-a-l, i-. .i-T lh Juecliou if tttt f .rftur tl Ark an.a. rivers, oce buLcied at.d nny thuasacd
It.i i'tti. ii-y, iaaeu s.:.tolaelit sitowitili tt.e I do;l.!t. 1
ti ft.--ii.itii'-.. i-J cacti i: ia-.e ttii-2 'territ--. r.-, sf3 tto j F.-r iio-roycnerit of tbe Ohio river, fifly tbonsaad
rii'M.ii ti. 1. r-tnl It. e.icli i'-nktoi atttc-iti'ou ia do larn.
I imprrvsrrient of fit. ilodffco river, new ork,
f ji-iy tlii-ii.a.'d dollars
j F-.r rem. vine bin nctfona In Kaet river New
I York iocln icir Hell Gale, two hundred and filly
i th'-rsvn'l dt-llara.
! F-r i!).;roverrent r-f V.w Haven harbor, Ccnnect
j icur, Uriten thousand di par.
; For i-.-;.rovemeut uf Cooccclicut river, forty
' tL-Hisat-t ilttH'r..
j. F r t"-;-ro.ment of Providenc rlv.r, llhcds
I d fire IhoR.a'ld dollars.
i ijiprov.-aient of i'.wtc-caet riv.r, Khod.
' I-i out, e fci.l rh'-u-.nd UoUa-s. -
F -r t-.-.T sl-ucilon of l-reakwater at Cock 1-l.nd,
hit de llt d thuty, thrtisand d-tllars.
j r ut- i Tfservaii'Jii and iinnrt-vroent of Be. ton
harbor, 3i-.afachc.etts, oh. buudred thousand dul
la i
Fo-ir-pr-'-vrn.etit cf Ilyarnia hat bor,; JassacuQ-
s , tst-ITt tl,..tiia-i1 tJ.tltarH.
F r irat rw of Taunton river, Massacbucctts,
tea tt:oli.a.'d s0;ora.
For iriipoee!2te-tt of MerrJmac river, MsSearhn
selrs, tw. nly Ihoussrid cellar.
"t. r ir;i.r..Ternt nt cf Kubbt-Lnnk river, Maine,
Ge- t'l.-li-a.-d drtilara
K -r;nieat of facirlvar, iiafoe, ten thous
and d -U ITS.
t or imt-.rovtttnnt of Pjrt'snd barbor, Mahie, ten
thonsaiid dollars.
Kor ftpprr-vement of Kencebef, riv.r. Jfsine.
sc---j'lat.C4i wuii litis aeiit.i.o, aou vlisii, vto.u sucn
v,.-ats'.:i.uliou of i conation is reontrea. ru.kq .
r-t.;i.iili-t:i s. r .ocu bia.-uat upuu suca L-at lit, com-iti.-jci:ig
with li-c l.-i..ii having a t:itcu..iii.-u ei
-c tjii. -r.e iti.llioa ol o--lWis :it Stait-s having ho
, xje.-s of cir-jitluti-jn, al.J .1 hflrAwit, ttie.r clicoa
.in tti!.x;ist t.f oti-e laiM'ti. ot liotia s aod line p o-
ceo ifg pio rut with b -n!.s hating, riicuta
t ou . Xcou-Jiog lltreu h.'jdrej tholatt.tid doi-a.s in
:.l, pikVlt-s; :be ei-ai. ei;. e.s'cf c r-ulal ou, aod
ie w- ri i; t;te circul li-a of suiih li k ia h V
ia til-j'eet -lu', rwi'il t'J li. len-vtli v.iilit-
rutueti in i-aufcs iaSuttta l.aviu a satai! r ji oot-r-ti
it. criti! . i,oso ir; rt-.u-r x es finvii heon ie-lu-.-d
to tlt ..ttilu rrnue. and; tuu t.. luvke Itle
t eilrrtt-l l, lr bvtti aci liutil tlie fell
stc.iiiittot i.enii-five nii-iio; s, ber.iu i-ioit d-d l.-r,
t -vit be aiiltdfaan; aod t.t. cu-c.l,rtio-
Im: d.niribltlet.1 ii.orj, the n.--s aiid
li rtu.. I h iviu; it-'s .iir.ii lut-ir l-ro-t nioi.. (o a-
l"l.-,'tlil.t tlt"t SitDJw. AoJ it shiol ho I he ttaty ot I
tr.e c -li.f.rt-iier ot t.'te t'a:r.-. ty, r.roltr il-t; d,re-- J
-.i -It t-f: los s, crt-try t,f ia,- 'irr41tir, f..a-tav,-ith tu I
l; , i-ti n-iiion tt- tho aru-.iini. lii.reof i.;-ou tbe I
Uiit- itb.-tt. i d.cated as he;..;u pre-c lhstl. And ;
u;-ou faiiliieof huct. ass-jCtatii-tis, ctr any uf lheit, lo 1
letut ui trie aruotiut s- i.q lirea wuhiu ore ic ,
.hull ljt? ihetlcty of th-C -jipirolier ci llie OLritncy j
tr s-il at puhi-c auc -ion havtuK grveu twtnry Liiy-i' .
it'tt'c-. "thereof la t ite tttl y i-ewnoaticr .irit.1sd in 1
vVasliin. ton oi-i c-no "n iNear .rk city, atl tm ir.nt 1
t-.--vis c. p- s rc-t
s.-tU cltcul .iioa.
'iia-t: lri-.-l M.t- H?st.c:itr u huj ut't irturit-i! iu
c luoi sac- w:u butil. ttti'iirllloo; a.,u tlj-s C-.-at-tio.ttrol'
th Cirreiiiy so.'i tin the in .a-i-rus to--..ttctu
t o .ti oy of ii. r.ot-- -f stud b.n.iuit. utK.cta
li. a, St litel JC tine irtia Int. irtvsury, a, Vtili et; tsl
' I r it:'a--:iil r. -1IHI--I iifl ti..t ti i return !, a-.:d i-utl
I- trtr if t-tiy, such l-a- kin s oi mtioit.-
1.". Vt-Je-J, 'I'liat i-o ciit-tl.'l.Ht ti.isil l-tt U11J-. Irawn
i-otier tat-p-ovis ol i lui- .ts-c:t.n nttti! at
y ssitj atwtot ia-i.m. as eecut itv for 1 fit .-tn th, uad dt-tutra
:iJsl L.t tue circuUiiou t.t to will:, i F-.r iV-urnverrieiit -f aaelgation at tb, a Gut,
lit y lotur Ititl-Iol'tl lirartKi li;
li.e Ut-i.ti tae-u o,.
j op o-ite IJ.tb jnalne, let tnovsaod diirars.
' Fur irijiroYe.Tieui of Union river, Min., fifteen
i tb.-n.Dnd dollars.
j' For fixipiovrmeiit of th. Penobscot river at Bio
, g r .i 4 below ata1!.. fl'tern reo.iaaad dollars,
j F'.i- loiprovrm.nt of the at Port
; I.utl ftiir: to nto.rh .f rfv.r, Oregon, thuiy-oa
tn.iaod dollars.
i Fr ito? i vertii cf tbe Tesn.ase. river, eighty
lur llrst s.cli'ju i th-cand dollar. t- be extended bei-.w Ctiaitar-oog
. ; For Itnnov rr,eot uf Tt?il:i2-.iazUia harbor.
- Ee-t-war... firtesn thoeand dotlr.i-j.
An-3 b- it former t-aeteiL That afirr tb. '. rr iDmnmiilif tA'nln-vi.htth-r n.nnl'.
eiorratioi .ftiit ir.. pas-taiis -r tt is i cr.l. tu ibttcand flv. hundred dollar,
.cra-i.v bai k-i.j: ..!,. at, ovt toealt a m any r.-.oe r trotirf.v.m.nt ... f he cb.ttnet of tn, month of tb.
having inoi a tbau I'a prop-rrfou of cir-tiTnuoa may j Op-"u.r ri r. Iu i.or li Carolina, ou hundred
l-e reu.e.e to nay r-'tate Ui :i-i; li ft Unn i . prt- ; ib- R.ii-1 rnik's.
p-rtinu c' c-cu ctjuu. uedtveuen rci.j and retjalti- ! F.,r impr. ytment of Oa'.vrston harbor, T.iaa
iii.r-sri. lite-Ctiti-ttotlei- of ll.e Ccrrorscy. ui'it th. tajertl v lh'-usnd dollars. '
a.-i! f ri.e stet.-r.tary if Ih. 'irt a-nry, uiay ie- F. r cniargeu.ent of uarbor facllille, at Cbfcag. t-.t vi-leti, t.ut tho aai!-.:r:t .f .hr i -sue of j Hiirto;s, acrorcin to 1 he plans cf lit. Rugiocer oe-
ealtl La-iks .t- tli rtrtr'l!. tit-fucio 1 froa tho arnount of 1 !rtrtllitr. oneliuhdre-1 thn., cutlj.ra. at.d ... .
J oa. bor cf ref-c--. iifiy thousand uol-srs
7..-r iniprtivccient of bar iur and nay cf Mobile
' r.fiy Ihonaand Collars. '
For the i-xtprovetuenr. i-f in. Hot mac river bet ween
i 'b. bona bri.-(e. iu .IViishiuslob, ed th. cilv of
i.wn.:o, t.i. jvistnct ut Culumbia. fifty
Ii.w 1S.-.UM pruviti.d fcr in this act.
.vprtivvt-u, July 2r, 1-'
Pt-ELl'J Xo. lii. j
A" ACT u-klog sj.i-.prit oca fur the constructicr,
presorvalion, au..( i.-.iis 'wmo firiitirali.-lM
t-od tttii., worfc--!f d.-feuan, for itte fiscal ymr end
Ju't. Ilia iy, iti; bucdrtd and seventy-
!3e it nctFd'l)T tbe Senate and Ilou8
of UePret-etitatives of the Failed tMa'ted
of A.jienca in Congress assembled ;
Tbat-the fiilowiL-v sum. re. and they are hoteby,
at.-propliateu. out of any in the treasury not otoer
v. le ttpltroptiat'-l . r luecon-.tiueliou 'preservation,
Mid repair t.f certain for incatiuns arid o-h r .-k Ii s
.i -I f-...s for tbo you-euuing the tblrtie u of June,
itriiu-s.i hu-.drcd ...d sevet.iy.oue
sor F rt l'.-vhte. Frr tmrg... .and Prt ?-roTnel,
in I'. tt!et.d but brr Maine, aeveoty-livo thc-Ur-and
Fur H-.jrt IttJi-eadnn.--o Tins ton harbor, Massacan
aens, fi t-.hiec tboieaud duhais-
Ftr Fort Warren, boston harbor, Massachusetts,
m t ill dred th--aa.iml ttoltars.
For F -rt Winthicj., 11 m a hurbor, Massacbnt.tts,
eixty-ulno thousand dollars.
F. r jrort ttanilit n. nn.i additional batteries,
Sv York harbor. Now York, f.rty six thousand
dol ars.
1- a; tort on -.beslteof Fort Tonipkiris, rtaten Island,
New ovk, the Clievpended baianci of apprepria
.ttoi.e bere-.t.-ioro uiatlo for "ca-eDiated battery oa
Mat. n i.!-.otl." "re hereby aether i-d to he lians-ferre-i
.iii appli-d.
For F..rt Fehujlsr, Easl river. Hew York, eiabty
tb.-urat'd d iliais
-rF.-rion Willett's point rpposito Fort Scbnyl
r, Eat river' New York ninety th- uand do s.t.
For Fa t Columbus. Ouveraur's ialaud, Jw York,
fifiy ihcu-snd d-1 era.
lor Wtw.1, Bwliow's ie'aoil. Now York,
siveen ti u-ai a dollars.
F. r letter v l'odsin, Kew York harbor, thirty
tl.ou a-td dora-.
er Firt Mttf! n, ceru I-hiladelrbla. Pennsylvania
flltv-five tb usai.dd. liars.
For F.rt t'el.waie, Dal.war. river, lltlaa-are,
tbu ty-.,tsvi n tbousvnd dollars.
. For httl.ryat Finn's poiut opposite Port Dela
ware, thirty-tbreo thnasatid diillai..
For . fort at Fort poiul' entraoce to Mao Francisoo
hs-rbir, Canf..riiia, one hundred thoo.tnd d- liars.
For tort at time pt iu, tmranc. to baa FraUGiaoO
hsn or, oue hundrea thousand dollars.
For fort at silt-.trsj Isl nnd. San Francisco harbor.
Ca'iftThla, Ohytirirasand dollar..
Foe euutlitgencitts, and pl.s-rvation and repair of
- - ' " '- o ititvs sis. d. nil ap.
proprfatlun availahlo, on bnoured and fifty tbonsaod
For iCOTistrvictloa ef sea-coast mortar battarkMat
eusnngdefciuiv, positioas, soveuty fiv, thousaad
Forsnrvey. for milftary d.fonses, .on, hnndred
thru-and collars.
A. proved, July II, 1870.
PCBLIO -NO. 132.
AS ACT making apnropriatloos for th. repair
preierr.tion, and er-oipletion of certain public wtirki
T . j ' . "'"ar purpoassi, for
r- i "oo"g sue tuimetn, eighteen hnn
d. sl and a.vsH.ty-ou. .
Be it enacted by the Senate aad Ra...
of Representatives of the United States of
America in jongresa assembled;
a nana, following sum, of Cionsy b, and are
uer.j, .yiiiviiinicu, tv us usw sat or say ntooay
- In t 'reasary no other wt, appropriated, to b.
exp.udsd under lb. d rsctioa aad so peri nt sdevc, of
th. d-cretary of War, according to such plan, as
hal' be by him fi st (elected and approved, tor tb
r.p.'r. preservation and completion cf tb. following
public work, hsretofor, commencsd under the
anth rity of law, and for other purpose. hrsinaftar
aua. d, tbat 1, to aay : ;
for improvement ofMnparior City harbor, TFia
ocnaia. forty thousand dollar.
For ituurav.ui.ut of Outunagosi barbor, Isika
Euperi -r, Michigan, ten tbonaand dollars.'
Far improvm,Btor Marqaett. harbor, Lake Bc
perlcr, Michigan, twenty-nv. rhnusand dollar.
For 1 oprovemant ot Green Day harbor,- WieeoMra
aveut,- tboc'ssa flrrt botprhad olT.r.
tnonsand dol-ars.
For the iti-nroiierrt.nt r.f Jim, river. Ytrglnia
ar.d the removal of bar h d obstructions frcia Kich
ln.nd to aad lucliiouig Harrison', bar, l-elow th.
uuctiouol tbe Jail ta and A;i. oiaattox rivers, City
lb -us.a i tioltn;,.
Fjr lmt-ove.-r-ent of Biyoa Ts-'a Loaiiiaca .sv
,utr,a thiir,li.i v. hnudr.d dollars '
For xasniiiatioii and .nrvey. tor improvement ea
th- norm aud ncrtnwe.tejn ir.. es u.d ti vers, aad
tbe Allan ;a and i'a;io eovits. said ftw eoetitt.n -
cies nf rivers and ba-b--ra not l.rcTided Iur ia thla
at., or. bnsrire.1 .na fiftv ihonaan.t dollars.
rc 2. And lie Cnactnl, That th. Sec
retaiy of w.r is h.t.o.. amoiM io can, exantia.
i ion. or anrveys, oc butn. to he niais at tbe f Iiowu-g
p.-lots, namaiy ; At Cfaailtsutu. fottib Carolina ;
at Cypru. b.yoa, Ttm at th. U .u a -xtntc rt..r,
Wulibr, Ci ueciiut, a: Bridgeport bii br,
Connectcut, at fon-bpurt l arbor, Crnnecikn t ;
at Frtr.u Mil. ta'la N.w Harrpt ire; at Pawratuck
river linope I, lard and C.nceciicut : at
sitc pier, itbuu. Iila'id ; C c'ik.-v riv, at loy.r
New Hampshire; ut lUyai iiysr.Msine : at Natra
cu.o riv,-, Maine; ttnllivan river. Main.; at
r-u-iiv.o talis, -. w. rt tb. towns vl Ii.nrcrk and
siiiiivan; at soma r.vr' Kew J-rsey ; atmoa-h
of bal m river, wlercey; at river, VI.
glnla. taeiwwa Richmond and O.ty po'nt, incliid
iug IIarri,ai.. bir bel. w tbe pint; Aopoma'tt x
r-.var, Virginia, from P.'.rabu.g to ha niouth ;
James river andKa,awaha canal. Virginia; t
happ.hauontck .fvor, below Fr.rteriekalio-r
Viriufa : at Koanuk. nver. North Carolina :
at uoca-a river AUbama: at rob!!, barb ir. Alabau.a
Cumb.rianir:v.r. frum.itamiuth to th. of navl
.alios ; Xt mblgbo. river, in Alabama nd Uid
la.ippi. from it, mouth to tbe head ot navigation :
at Stint Luia and Alton harbor., Mwsl.s ppi riv.r,
between Altou - aud mouth f tl-rrimac river ;
at sag. river Missouri ; at Ouachita, Littl. a) ias
arurl, and Petit Jau. rivers, Arkanaaa: at Bey on
Faint 4ohn, fr. n Ih. month of Baton Saint Jvhn.
L-nt-laua, tbroush bake Ponu hartrain acd tb.
liiRoel, to Snip Island; a' Iactaneia harbor, lex
1 at Corpus Christ! Texas: at B ff.l . bayun
for a channel cf uayigat'on ihrouoh Buffalo bay .
audOaivsaton bay. to B.IIiar channel, nr.- th.
outer i ar in lb. Gull ofM.XIco; a( fh.boygao
ri.sM-, Michigan ; at If arbor tf Rafug., on Laa.
Huron, hetwe. u f.lnt Clair rlvsr and F Intanbar
dn... Michigan : at Port C.latcn Ohio; for so
vyor exaniluatlon f t the bar, and other . b-troc-liuna
to na.icaUn of the Cache, ft. FraneU. Lltu,
K.d, white, and alack rive.. Ark.naaa ; lie sui
vev or exaa.iCail o of ihe bar of the S.evamento
riv.r. knownUs th., a.g. Btcv. forth, purp,. or
removing tneWm.; .t th. mouth of tic nitorivsr.
Wajccu-in; atSjb, month t f th, Anbepe. rl,'
Wiaeotisi.; at tV.e.Oir harbor, on th, eilswr.
rlvtr, Pnn,,WatV; Alpaena baibor, Nlch'
gan; at th n autb InTvJv, Fear river. North Caro
i.1.. . ht,BI ronie fivm Ueunepin, on tb.
Illinois river, to Keck, on' th, Mihisippi, ata ueneaeo, ny tb. most dii.ct said f.asib .
.r.sio river oe rtw Hlverhead. N.w.
Yovkt at the.Ltraco. to Port J.ffsraon harbor.
b. mth aid. of Long Island wood at TMc-ki
Hw Otio, at Saliaoa river Leks Ontaita. N.w
' '-' oiouiit oi l ao rivers WhKonsm ; at
.r... T . " 1"n,,T Irxaa , at bel war,
V. ,h cilJ l"rnton and Bcrdantowa,
S. i",'wb,ur N Jersey, at h. month
of B.bine river. Tax.,; at Fr.ich Broad rivsw.
Teana-sw, , at pin. rlvsw, Saginaw bay. Michigan .
Il- " Jagcv 1 exaa : at th, month of Msa-
.. sum riv.r. udii; at ttluverater harbor Mtwsachav-
,h harbor of Cambrld., and Ih. Quean,
town . Marvland , at Ih. month of lb. Apalarbt river, storida, at Nag', hel. la North Care
iina, wita a vi.w of reop.ntng tb. old Inlet near that
p ace ; aorvry rf tb. v abtah river, from it. mouth
. "iT. towB of vVebaan Iudiana; f. r tb.anrveyof
v.u,mett, river, above Oiwgoa City, On-goa,
urv,y oi in, ta-piue. rivar, oreaoa.
8o 3. jlyioT ie further enaefd, Tbattb, seta
Of leity wu ihotUMtna f and) nid. hundred dollar I
paid out of aey uiOL.y iu tb. treasury not etkee.iM
I lr. prial.d, to b. .ipinded oudr tb. dlrsctlon tf
lb. B- cratary of War, to tb. widening aad deepening
th. th.p canal ia th. t-atapeco lver aad thaaapaak,
bay. Lading toward th harbor of 15a ti more.
vsre. A A J I. - a.. . w .tre&wt That th, SUfrl
of Walr, ibtsa attd dotlara. of any uoapprot-rraioa
money fnb, treesnry, h. pud a,d applUd,undr
tb. direction ,f th. S-tr.tary of War; io aa) o Ib.
bnrbor or waters ai'-bemoutb ef tb cnatiurbaarua
5tc 5. frtcf be it furtfter enacted. Th.t tf,
fircreiary ol Uar is -iiesea... eulb.. s-d and ftaofred
o detail ihr.e engfnecra, who., duty It .ball tat.,
xamfn, all bridge, nw er.ctfd, cr In atrorea, ef
.i.eiiurt, acoro th. Ohio river, and tor. port wetai -r,
sa tbeifr opinion, such tvridgaw, raziy of ibem, a.
nowranstinrted, or pn posed to b. con at r acted, do
or will iiiteiar. with th. fr...d sab. Bavigailta at
.old liver; aid ifrhtydoor will so inl.rler.. to
report .iftuv-hat .xl.rt-f sjso .ltd elevation
above wat-r will heie.jultrd to pi .vent th-lroctinu
to ravigatlon, and Ibsir otlmat. ot be c at r.eatrrd
to mange bui b briegea n. w built or being la.M, to
arch width i f ieu end .levailon si water as
will prevent obstruction to nay-gallon, fitch report
to ba mad. and eotuniauicated to tb, tatxt asasloa ef
Ai-piovsJ, July 11, 1S70. r
Public, Xo. 153.
A'' ACT rrsVIrg tppmprlatfcns lor IbePest Offle,
Depvt tni.nt duriLg th. fiscal Jtar tcdlcg Joosf '
Ion nelh ghlcn hnitOrrtl aid ruenty in.
V it enacted hy the ttnate and House of
Jtejreeentntires of the L nittd Stettesof Amtrien
s'ta .'oft'res, vssmbled :
That ibe rollowiitg teal b.' end tb,
fatrsrby. PJ pri.ttd for seivic. of lb. Pa.t.3c
U-p .I'.ect f-r the )tar .ndiog Jnc. il.lrtie.b
oigbteeai itutdred and i.t-.oty vs cut of any money.
In tb ursasu. y enung fum tb, revenue, of tb.
Mid deparimef' '"' to tb, act fth
rend o Jttly elghlMB Boadnd sod thlrij-.ix :
Firr ivaoa poi i.... . oi to. . .i inland, Itcludfog
yatyofmail lrtaaigeis, rout, ag.ata, mail rent
sts.av. Iiuabal islist ay clerks, aodbsggaa-. maalera,
abirteeu muliou five "bandrtd .nd aux thouaat,.
cirht bnDtlredaud mnmy-thre dollar.
For trnn partatiou of tb. foreign mall, fcur htta
drcd and eiuty tbonaand dollara.
F -r pay cf poacmaar. a, flv Uti lion dollar,.
For pay olietler-carrbrs, tU. mUiion two uiindrsd
as, flrty tnctatid dollar,.
Fur pay f blank ageat. acd assistants, algbt "
tbnn.atid dcllars.
F. deprectalioaa and ar.eclsl agents, on,
hnndred aod twenl-five thousand dollar..
Fur Tatte, atampa and .ovelt;... fi. t ,drd
aad iweuty tin u. aud dolloar, : Provided. Ibac, .
nu part of this api-iopviatiou hall l i a ns tided ur
ramped envelop beyond. t.B p rry in ply l ffi
cieut for us. till tb. first day of Oeit her . . xt, lo
cairy out runtrvtct. hrtaftr lob a..d. wi.h tb
It bidder .csm ruing to law upoo sample, to b.
fori.1 bed by Ih. pici,sfer Ginrral-.-.
For shit, steon boat, aid way letters, eight
tb. usand two but dr. d dollara.
For mail bay, aid mail-tag cxtchtrs, en, bua
tired and tbrtv tbcusand dollars.
V rmail lock.; keyt, aud atampa,' forty thonsaad
d-l ara.
Fur wrapping paper, thirty-eve thrnaand dollar..
For twin, thu-iy-s-vs tbouaand dt.llaia
For letter-balani:., thre. . tbous.nd nr. bondraal
dol a-a.
For advwtlslng, forty thniad dollar,: Provided
That ro- part t f lb. sum .hall be aid o any apee
pi.b isbed I. tb. ls rlc. t Colnmhia f.,r stlrerils
ina mail route., except Virginia and Maryland.
For aitscellaneuu-. paymeula, iDc'uding balauce.
due foreigi. countriei. and to post master for iv-t.
light ful and incidental .xpenses, rrgisferrd. aaek
age. and fttiutl envelope, lor fees tn
-.ited Slates attorneys, marsba's and .Ink uf
eunrt, .ight haudr.da.d fitly ibuvaand d.llara.
Fur p-..t roci. map. twenty tbo.sand dollara.
Fttrutnoey traa.irrt.d bv u-atmsstet, and depe.
ited in th. treasury oa poitag, rtcaipts,, an, oilll
toa dollar,.
PCBLIC XO. 15-1.
AM ACT to amend an act entitled "An act mating
rpreprtatlons to d flci.. ci'S In Ills appro
-tatiorts for the aertice of the government forth
fiscal year eudir g Jane thirl loth, .igu'een bandrtd
sua seventy, and for oiber ptirpts. a," approvag
April twenty, eighteen haedred aod saveoty.
Be ii enacted by the Senate and House of Rep
resentatives of the Vetted States of A merica
in Congress assembled i th r-iovl. . Iu ih. cisoss In act of April
tntlth. ,'guteen hundred and aeveniy, er. tit Lad
' Ao act mskirg appropriations t rtoa scryic. of .
thflcovernnteit for lb fiat-al year ending Jana
tt-lrtiit:, eightt.n l-nndrt-d ,ard seventy, r d for
.'her porisme.. limtilng tb. pv of regi.tiai, and I
ahfriff. in ih. Arst ntiiilarv di-ttie. ... ... ...ti..
par Cay, bo, and tbe asm. ia bby so eme.ded as "
to autunriz. lb. paj ment of six dollara per day t, registrar aud ahoriffs, iiislcad of Bv. a rttaiet.
Afpiovsd, July li, 1870.
Public No. 155.
AN ACT to rregnlat. b. porchaa. of fo.l forth
tsvikla'ive, .xeemive, and judicial d. priss "
aud lor tlinttli..ry and naval Mtarmsliment, of
tb, CnlttdBiHles la tb, lusirict of Coluaih.
Bextenactedbythe Senate and House of Hep
resentafires of the Vnited Stales cf America
in Congress assembled.
That turn aud aiier U-, rasssg, cf this act It
shall not ba at. fol for any efflcer or ytara. a lit lb
civi', militsry, or nftial . v . of th. .United a tales
In the tiistriet ef Cuiuubi. to p. cb.s an hrsdt.
cr b tuminons cnal cr wood for th. pnbifo a-tyic
xc-l-t oa sxtt'dnior. tbt th. a.m. shall, b1nv,
d. livery, be lo.pectvd and weighed fir measured by
a. m oompeieDt p a n t, b appointed by th.
le.d oftt, d.nartii ent of ebief.f tb. branch of tb.
try r. for which tb, turrbaae is marl,, and that
th p-rs-rs ao apnolt.tvd stall, bator, ea'ering
nimn the doty of inaftaclor, w.t.h.r, .ud nteaisitrer,
ai'd to ihe aatia-act cn-of t.o appointing ttTicer,
k nd him..'f abb nut it, tban two aantl ,. lo lb.
p.ual aom ot five thousand dollar., that ,acb suid
..try ion of coal w.ighd by htm .tall ci-sistof
two tbow.aud two btzudred and ftrty povnds, a .d
t-at racli acd every curd of wood tiv b.
meanr-d snail ofti-. standard tveasiir. ot oi.,
hundred acd twenty e ght And the In-
uec.of, wegiher, and meaaarer b.rby tu b. -
poialed, flti.U be entitled o receiv. from tb. v.a
dcr. of fuel weigbtd and measu.ed by him, tv.s f
cent, fur bach toa ol co.l ..'ghai-aio nine on', ir
at-hcoid of wocd .ioaaartd hy bun: Provided,
Th.t each load cr parrel of word or coal Wrrgoett
and meiaiired by him .hail be ao orcpained bv h a
. jvt-. of the number of tor, or pound, rfesa Cord, or part, of cold, of wo jd la
each loud or parcel.
Ssc. 2. Aud f. It further enacted. That tb, prry-e-aocnnntiag
other of to. troasury e'nait betcrti
ished wub . copy oi tb aprKtinrmnt'of .acb litspee-let-
weigr, anu me.-uree a pointed nudsr this a?t,
srd that f; shall not ba law.iti tor any suiioauiii-g
. tflrer to psas or allow to th. cr- d-t of any dtt-bor-Ing
. fficer in ih. llet.ict nf Columbia a-ny mt.y
paid blm tor parctna. nf aolbnci. or brtwmlaoue
coal, or for stood, nates, to. voucher thereof ft, ac
crnnpaoiml liy,a cert inc ate or the proper, Inspector,
waiaher, and measurer, thst th. ouan.ity paid ft r
has eaendcursained by him a, rcquirsid by tbl,
Sro 3 Aidhefuriher enacted. That Congrvt,
may at any limn rni-.' amend ur altar this act.
a; proved, July 11, 1S70.
Public No. 156.
AN ACT ts establish a port of delivery at St. Jo
seph, Missouri.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep
resentattaes of ihe Cntted Stales of America
in Congress assembled.-
Tnat .be city u rt. J.seth, in th. Stat, of Mia
curl, shall be, and la hereby, coi.ttiiur.d a port
nf delivery asrei'il to and Bade apaitrftb. or Iter. di.trictuf New Oil -ana, aid ahali ;b anlj-ct
lo the same regulations and lestrictictta a oii.-r
f orta ot divery in tb Untied Stale, aud .1 tb
privilege aud f c lit altorded by th act of Con
gro. cf it. second of Match, ,lg-e.u hardr-d .
and thirty. oe entitled "As swit ailc-alng tb.dw.'
flea un foreisa m-rcr-andia. imported ioto ill.
lurg, U'beellHt, C uciuoat. laiaisvili., 51 1,-iaH.,
Isi shvillr, and Natch. to b. ecur.did paid at
tans, places," shall b. ixtendtd to said part. so
v.ynrof eoa'oma shall ba laalde a,
aaid port ai d p.rfmta the doth a pre.crloed by law.
wboaball rroetv. the earn un.penation new pro
vided, or which may hereafter be provided, by Is
for satveyor cf the ame gradtf. .
A;pr jvod, July 11, 1H70
PuEltic Xo. 157.
AN ACT relii nitablng whatev.r title mv remain
in th. Caita-d a tale, to a certain parol ef groai-d
la Fr.mottt, Ohio, to th, corporation of Fromonl.
S il enacted Im t Senate and Jlcnise ofltepr
eentatires of the Vnited estate of America in Con
gress assembled.
that waat.ver till. may remain la Ib, Lnlted
ftts'tgin. parcel of grunod in tbsxclty of Fremont,
(form. Iv Croghanaville ) Ohio, laid out uudsr the
a t of Cungta a cf April twenty.alx, eighteen hue-,
which 1. sot included fn .ey of
thejiots, e.raaua. and aver. as. oftb. el-jr. bullying
etwewu tb, ItrU, streets, sod .v.- nos, and tb..
Sndaaky rlv,r, Indlcatad oa b. .fiici.1 platofih.
town of Cogarnll'e, be, at i th, earn, ta br.oy,
lllnqv.ald to tb, corp. at ion ef Fremont.
ApprovM July 11, 170.
Public Xo. 142.J
AN ACT to declare tb. eonatrectlnn of eeeUca fifty
flv. of aa set .milled "Aa act to provide a ration
al eorrenc a r.d by a plefg. of Coited Btate.
l-onds. and to rrovld. for th. clrcolat on "J ra
demi U-.b thsseai." approved Job, thre. ,n
haodr mid tr'x.-y-fonr. th, set, amaislarnry
bsreot, at.d to amend th. aama.
Be it enacted Ay the Senate and Vonttcf
Representatives of the United States of Amer
tea in Congress assembled i
That eeottoo any R-f tb. act ttM "Aw met
to nrov d. a a.nonal corratwy wearwd by a p f g'
UB?trf bits. Veda, and to provld. for th.
tlonnd re tiers ctlon ihsreof.'' appro, ed Jua Ihr-.
,Sht" "alTrid aad , xty four, and all .el. .md aaidaecOoo. shall b.coBatra.d to.pply
liSv irS d- d Irecvir. cwsbFr, ..Ihw. clwk jw
"rt of MV banking waool.tbm. whether ''
7k. act orBBder tbe act saitbUd
f.Jt to s Ttb. circular, aod vedv-p-t.
...mrl Febraarv tw.nty-fly sa"- tn.ftm. l't' -.- - - ,
tesa hundr.d and stgty-tBW.
Approved, Jnlj . "0'
, rpsauo RasiotCTioB No. T.
A EMOt-ClIOS to pay "'mYr0,h'Um
Resolved ly the Senate and Horse of Repr.
tentative the United . State of America
in Congress assembled.
Tbat th.rb appropriated out of atty "en.y -la
th. treasury not ott..rwle .ppwprlausd, th. aom ol
fifty tbonaand solLra to .oaul. tu, ttacratary ot ih.
luMrior to d.fray ih. experts-, ol atelegaBow I
dlaus vl.lung W.shinglon, and to parcba. pr.asait.
lor Ihe msmbers thereof tn th, Jwar gbtswo -dred
and arrenty.a
AfpTcrrtxl, Jb1S. I". '