The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, September 03, 1870, Supplement, Image 5

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    . V
Famed at thb second session or tub foktt-
"Schedule of statues cited and repealed,
priutt-d iu lb Statins at Lirge, in
- clad ng such portio s outy of tbe appro
- irKtuH hli rrt.rni to asare appliable
to tke Patent Office.
i Ihe
roal blohe for reporting tho pro ,-redings of ; For comprint ni.m of four laborer in
the Senate lor the. third .-Hssiin o f the forty- I 'a- i"! two thou-and chjlit hundred
first Congress, eUrht hunurcd dollurs each. 1 eighty dollars. .
four thousand dt diurs. j For compensation 'of fnroaca keeper, in
PiPITiit p. . j chariTe or beminjf apparatus under ihe old
tAl ' uliltn. . h:i!l of Ihe House or Kepreseiitatives, eight
For oncciptai 1, no tii .u and e1 frht hundred hundred mid s..r-v lour do. litre.
dollars : two lieu tenants, at one t housand live ! f,r compensation of f irnace keeper at, the
hundred hollars each : twcutv-fi rc tritales. ' re-eneut t House, seven hundred and twenty
, volume 5. page
. chapter SS, volume 5,
, 1319, chapter 108, volume
chapter i2, To'.ume
Act of July 4, chapter V.j
117 m
act of March 3. 1S3S, chapter 45. volume 5,
page 11. '
Act of March 3, If.
pace 3.".:!.
Act of Airuft 2'J, 1S62, chapter SCo, volume
, pai;o ol.i.
Act of August 6. lt'3f. chapter 90, volume
v. pave S9. ..f May 27, 1943, chapter 47. volume 9,
Act of March 3,
V, poire :;;.".
Aet ..f March 3, 1S51. chapter S2, volume!)
piijre H17,
A.t ..r AiiuusfSO. lo2, chapter 107, volume
10. p ige "o.
Act ..t August 31, IS52. chapter 103, vol
ume 10. pa-e 7(i.
Act oi . March 3, 15.1, chapter 97. volume
lo- d ijre 2ov.
Act Ai.ri! 22, l5l,
10. pa-e 27(i.
A. tot March 3, 1SJ5. chapter ITj.vilurne
10. pagac::;.
Act ot August. IS, ISiC, ceapler 123, volume
11. pare 1.
Act of March 3, lSi'J, chaptc SO, volume tl
page 4 10.
Act o!' February IS, 1S6T, chapter 57, vol
ume 12. pa tie i;;i.
Act of March 2, 1S1, chapter tS, volume
12. paSe 2io. ,
Act ot March 3, 17S5, chapter
pae . ju.
Act of June 2.V lS6t, chapter
13. pape J'.r-l.
Aet of March 3, ISO.',, ebapter
Ju. page ;)...
Act of J line 27. lio6,'chautcr
14, dajri 7t.
Act ot March 2?, 1S67,
18. 1 'i.
a o. .!.!- uo, 1m5, chapter
IJ, pagv.- II J.
Act of July 2:i, - ISoS chaptep 227, voiumo
J. paelriS,
Act of .March 5, 15fi3, chapter 121, volume
1 j, pae 2GU.
102, volume
106, volume
112. volume
1 S J, volume
r 17. volume
177," volume
, cLrter IS, vol
charter H", vol-
A't or Fi:Vur'iary lj, 11'.'
ome 3, pae S1.
Act ot letirii iry 3, 1SJ1,
ome t. pare t.'.'t.
A -t of June 30. l.1t. chapter 157, volume
4. page 72S.
Act of August IS, 1 j. chapter 1 i'J, voiumo
11. paire iZ.
Act f February i, 1S53, c:i!iptr 22, voiumo
11. pare .''..
Act of Ftitruarv IS, 1S31, ehnpter 37, vol
ume 12. 13 '.
At of March 3, 1 chapter 120, volume
13. pi;e ..
A?t of February 1?, 1G7, chapter 43. vol
m? 14, pace 3J5.
Approved July S, 1S70.
ACT making appropriations f..r the l-?i-U
ivc, csttirt.o', and juofcial npcn.-w of
the srov-roineat for the year ct,4 a; t:.elbirti
e:ii of Juue, citceu iiun ire 1 aai seveotv
ne. K- it -ncte by the S-nx- a id House
of K--pr. 3-Li(i vt-a tlt the ."oii-d .-nalts
of Am. r:cv iaCunice mr-ni'ili-t,
Ttiat tile f-.dlowsB.r m- le. jiuI tte i-auce Is
lieieoy, appropriated, (except -tiicrwi.-e oereiu
provided.) out of any la mij iu the trea-'ury
not ott.erwi.-e appropriated, f r tho ol.jec'a
berei latter exprcsoi, f.r ine fwai jear en i
inj the thirtietu of June. eU-Ltoea hond.el
- aad eveaty oae, na'ju.y .
For eorapcnsati-n and mileirs ef senators.
eur tiuottred and tweoiv taouj-a-c.l d lttr.
; For compeaatMS of the oSi-.-ers, elerk?,
nea-'enerri. and others recctvior m annual
salary iu the service of the i nate, viz; Scc-
ret?y of ihe fcenate, four tbv:?aud three
i-na.ired and twenty dollars ; icer charged
wni d:huracuiunt9 of the .Seuate, rive hundred
and i"rT.o!y live dollar ; chief clerk, three
tii maid .J dl irs, and tiu a ldiuanal sum of
oae thou-aud d Ibu-a wh'ae the tatd otlic; ia
hld b? tae preoot incaaeieac. and no lon
ger pria rijial elerk, principal exe-utiv
c er", ininute and journal elerk, and hoancial
ofk, in ?he o.5--e'f S-.-jretary of the Senate,
ct two tiiouian i fise hundred aad uiee:y-;wo
aollr e-u-h : -ix elerk-i ia otlic :f the Secre
tary of the Senate, st two thouiaad two hun
U.ea a id t-.vei-ty d -liars eaeU ; keeper of ?tu
tiouery, two thousand oae hunare.l ana two
diil ir.-, an 1 f uty ccntd : tw useea'er?, at
-one th jusa-id two hundred and ninety six dollar.-
eich ; one page, at m ven hundred and
twenty d dlara; Serant-at-arms ar.d .Door-ke-per,
four thouaud thpi hundred and
twenty dollars r l'rovidcd, thar Le el-all
recciv , directly or indirectly, r.o tees or other
compensation or euaouleut wuatever for jer
forinmx the daties of tho oee, or ia coaoec
tit.n therewith; 'assi-tant doorkeeper, two
thousand lie hundred iiinety-tw dollars ;
Postmaster to the Senate, two tin asand one
ban Ire J d UlcrS ; assistant postmaster and
mail-carrier, one thousand seven hundred and
twenty-eiht dollars ; two mail carriers, at
one thousand two hundred dollars each ; su
perintendent of the document room, two thous
and oae handrel and sixty dollars ; two a
ttistant in document room, at one thousand
four hundred a:id forty dollars each : superin
tendent of the folding room, two thousand one
i.unared antl sixty dollars : three meiseners,
.ao ingas ar-si-tant doorkeeper, at one thousand
eijht hundred dollars each ; twenty messen
gers, tit hi ap'iin.ed and removed ty the Serjeant-at-arms,
with the approval of the Com
saittee to audit and eou'r nringent ex-
peases of the Sen ite. 1 1 thoma d tour hun
dred and f.irty doliars e.. . v.ietii'y U the
President of the Senate, two thouand four
hundred and f.) dollars and forty cents;
!erk to th Committee tn fina-coi?, two
tbourand two hundred ard twenty dollars;
clerk to the Ooicmittce on Claims, two thous
and two hundred and twenty dollnts; e erk on
printing records, two thousand twu hundred
and tw..ty dollars ; clerk to Co io la it tee eu
Aopropriation, two thousand two hundred dol
lars ; sua 'in ca I ; it in oh ir re of tae furna
ces, one ih u-and four hundred and forty d-l-ars
; assistaait in ehir e of private pas-ages
eirhc hundred aai pilty dollars ; one ia
bonr in stationery room eirht hundred and
ixty-.'our do. lars ; Chaplain to the Senate,
ain hundred dollars ; chief engineer, two
th.nsanl ooe hunirei and sixty dollars ;
two sssistaat engineers, at foorteen hundred
and forty dollars each ; twS lircmm, at ten
hundred an 1 niaety-ave dollars each; three la
borers, at peven hundred and thirty dollars '
each iu akinr in all oue hundred and eigh
teen thousand eiht hundred an 1 aevculy-iwo
dollars and eighty eents.
For eonn.nreat expeu-es of th-; Renatu, Tix :
For Stat:. nary and tew.'pa. era tor screnty
fonr senators, at the rate one bun ired aod
twenty h dollarseach ranuutn. nie thoua
ood two hundred and fifty dollars.
For stationery for o .mraittees and officers,
eight thousand dollars. .
For clerks to committee, fourteen paces for
the benate ehaaatwr, two riding pages, one
Page lor .he Frei leaf, room, aoj "
paga for the office of the Secretary of the Sen
te, aaakiog tJghteoo page, in all, at the rate
of three dollars per day while actually eiByloy
et, and horses and carryalls, forty thousand
dollars j and p g -s to he appointed and re
moved by the iu greaot-at-aruis, with the ap
proralof the Committee to audit and control
the contingent exiienses of the Senate.
F r fuel far the heating apparatus, six
thousand dollars.
For furniture and repairs of furniture, ten
thousand dollars.
For labor, twelve hoa'aad dollars.
For folding documents, materials therefor
ten thousand dollars.
For packing-boxes, seven hundred and forty
dollars. I
For miscellaneous items, and clerks,
exclaeivs of laaor, twenty thousand dol
Jr. For the usual additional compensation to
the reporters of the irooatefor the Canresa-
at o.:e tlX'U.-uud two hnndred jnllars ; and
niht watchmen, at one thousand d .liars each, I
eilit thousand d- dlar, muking jn all forty- i
two ihousan 1 eirh t hundred dollru'S, one-half
to paid iuto th contingent tuud of tho
House of Kepreseu iatives, and tl- other half
to be paid into the c..ntinient fu id of the Sen
ate : VortaW, Ths t no disabled soldier shall
be discharged by r ason of this a ct.
For e tiiK'nsat;in ami milcac v of mombera
of the House ei Keprcsentatives and ilelcgatcs
I trom Territories, one million t iiree hundred
i an-! tweuty-livetaoasatid didlar s.
j For coniiensati.n of the o (beers, clerks,
I me.-senircrs. and others reccivii ig an annual
1 salary iu ihe service of tha llou ie of Reprisen
j uiiiu-s, via : Clerk of the llou seof Keprcsen
f tatives, (.Mir thousand three hundred aud
twenty dollars : chief c!crk and jtiornal clerfe.
tiire tnouat.d dollars each : four assistant
clerks, at two thousand five hundred and 1
ninety-two dollars cacli ; one : sistant clerk,
at two thousamt tivc hundred and twenty dol
lars ; niucassi.-tant clerks, itic lading librarian
and assi-tat.t librarian, at tw o thousand one
hun-ircd and s.xty dollars e n il : one chief
mts eacr andclerk t the makor, at five
dollars anil eventv-six cents l dav each ;
i f r three messengers, at one thousand tour
I hundred and forty dollars ; o le engineer, one
i tbousaud eight hundred t three as
j sitaiit engineers, at one thoi ,:-and four'hun
j dred and trty d-Ilars eacii : six firemen, at
j oue thousand and ninety live l.'ilars each per-
annum ; for clerk to Commit tee of YVavs aiad
j and .Means, two thou-and li'.'e houdred a: id
ninety-two dollars ; clerk ttf Committee on
I Appiopriations, two thousand live hundred
( and i.iticty-two dollars : cierk to Committee of
j Claims, two thousand one hundred and six ty
( d-. liars; clerk to Ccnitui:te on the lul; io
, Lands, two thousand oue hundred and six ty
t dollars : Pi-ori'ie-1,' Tuat be shall receive, -di-
rcctly or indiieetly, no fee?, other compens t
: tion, cr caiouieut whatever f -r perfi'rniing tl ie
j duties of his otlice or in connection therewith ;
; Clerk to the Sergeant at-rms. one tLonsan d
j live hull. ired dollars ; uies.-etier to SergeauU-
! at-aruis, oisc thousand tour hundred and Sort y '
; dollars : l..orkeeper, two thousand live hue . I
I dre.lan.l ninety-two dollars ; lir.-t ussistac t
I doorkeeper, two thousand hve bundled an J
i ninety-two dollars ; Postma.-ters, tw 'hous - f
! and live hundred and ninety-two dollars : j
i li r assistant postmaster, two thousand an d i
cigiity-cighl d-dlars ; four messengers, at on e
triousau l seven humlre I and tw. nty-eigb I
1 do'iars each : Chaplain of the House, um e
! hundred dollars : two stenographers futi r
th aisand thr-.-e bundreJ and cigbty dollar s
j ca. h ; supcT ntendeht and assi s
I taot of the d .ciiment room, at five dollars an d
seventy six cents per day each ; document li le
clerk, one tbousaud eight hundred dollar! . ;
eleven loess. gers. live at one thousrn.l
hun Ired dollars, and at one thousand f" ur
hundred and lorty dollars each ; twelve nu s
seurers ilnrinir the session, at tho rate of one
thousand lour h ; ilred and lorty doilarecach
per ai.-niiiii making in all the sum ofoue hu n
dr -d and forty-seven thou.nd nine hundred
a-i.i sixty set en dollars and tixty cetits.
For con:i-irent expenses of the House of
Kep resent .lives, viz :
r or cartage, three thousand eirht hundred
dollars: ;
F.'i clerks t c 'uiuiiner-s, nn.l terupitnry
eleiks of tile ?.tu.-e of ltepiesentatives, tuiny
two thousand two hundred and tuirty two dol
F v folding 3-x-uuicnt?, including materials.
ibty thouaand dollars.
For fuel, seven thousand dollars.
For hors and carriages for the transporta
ti n of mails, an 1 far ;he use of messengers,
ten thousand dollars.
F.r lali.rer-. twelve thousand dollars.
For miscellaneous items, til ty thonsand
lor newspapers an. stationery for menihsrs
an.i de-egates, at one hundred and twenrv hve
i-.ilars ench r annum. Thirty one taousand
two hundred and hl'ty dollars ; and for sti. n
j rry tor committee and o5 -trs of the House,
: ve tL-oiis.-in.l d-.liars.
F.-r twenty p. ige- for the floor of the House
I and three ri-li:-g pa ere. at the rate of two
dollar, and fi'ty cents per day v.h;le actually
. enrairod-ix ih nai.d dollars.
F .r pa.-king boxes, two thousand live bun
. dred ilollars.
For furniture, two thonsund five hundred
F--r t'ie nsUTl a i lltiona--! comr ensa'ion to
th.; reporter of the House f t the Coiigvssion
a! Gloi.e 1". r Ter-orting the .f the
House f.r the thiid session of the 'orty f.rsr
C mgres-. eight him-ltc i dollars each, lour
thousand eight hun Ired doll. rs.
Vim two policemen at the President's house,
two thousand six hundred and forty dollars.
K"r compensation of two nigiit watchmen
at. the President's house, one thousand eight
h-jrdred dollars.
For compensation of the doorkeeper at the
President's house, one thousand two hundred
For compensation of two trnwkeepers at
i he bridge across the eastern branch ot the
. otoiiiHc. and for fuel, oil, and lamps, one
-.lionsand nix hundred dollars.
tor watchman iu Franklin
hundred and twenty dollars.
sipiare, Feven
in the appropriations for service -f thn gov
cruuieui for the tis'-al year entliiig Jnoe thirty,
eighteen hundred and si t.VrCinel and for other
purposes," approved March three, eighteen
hunde I a id sixty nine, is herebv repealed
For Fust Comptroller of the Treasury, live
thoasa'id dodats; chief clerk, (wo thousand
dollars: tsn clerks of class four, twelve cUrks
i-f class three, twelve clerks of class two, six
clerks of cla s "tie; six copjists. at tiina hun
rlred doll , is each; one messenger; one assist
ant messenier at seven hundred and tmetvy
dollars, and three laoorers in all, feveniy
seveu thousand three bnudrcdand tweuty djl
lais. For Second Comptroller of the Treasury,
three thousand dollars; chief elork. two thousand-dollars;
twelve clerks of class four, twen
ty clerks of cla-8 three; twenty eight cieik of
dass two: twenty-one clerks of das one;
twelve copyists at nine hundred dollars each;
one messenger , eight hundred and forty dul,
Jars; one assistant messenger, at sev-u hnii-
di-edand Iwentv dollars, and two lalioiers
r- r coinpeiLsatiuu of the nerson in ,,. i Jl io,.,.l ...,.i e...-..;t n.oosaiul eiuht
of -the heating arraruins of the i himilnJ dnllin
Congress, and other steam-heHtiior a
in the central, bedding, eight hundred and
xixty-f mr dollars.
For electrician for the Cepitol, one thoa
nand t wo liuudred dollars. '
K- r compensation of live watchmen in res
ervatiou number twe, three thousand six
hundred dollars.
For compensation uf draw-keepers at the
1 -tomae hridue, and for fuel, oil, lamps, seven
thousand hve hundred and seventy dol ars.
For salaiies of live judges of the Conrt. of
lairue, the chief clerk and assistant clerk,
bailill' and nieaseutier thereof, twenty six'
ihon-and eial.t. bundled and forty dollars.
For conijieu Hiion of a-toriuys to attend
taking testimony, witnesses, and couimissiou
rs three thousand live hundred
For stiUiotiery, books, fuel, labor, and
other contingent and mi-cjllaneous expenses,
three thousand dollars.
For payment of judgments which may be
rendered by the conrt iu favor of el liumnts.
one bnudred thousand dollars ; I'rovided.
That no pardon or amnesty jgrauted br the
Pre-diient. whether general or special, by pro
emulation er otherwise. nr any acceptance !
such pardon or amnesty, nor o-ttli taken, or
other act performed iu pursuance or as a con
dition thereof, shall lie admis-alde iu evidence
m the purs, of any claimant iu the t'omt f
Claims as evidence in support of any claim
aaainst the. Cuited Staiea. or to establish the
standing of auy claimant in said court, or ids
light to bring or maintain suit ilieiein; not
ehall any such pardon, amnesty, acceptance,
outli, or other act as uloresa'd, ol
lered or put in evidence on behalf of any
'iiiumtit iu said c-aint. he used oi considered
by said court, or by the Hppellute ourt on ap
peal from iid Court, in deciding npon t:ie
claim ol sata c.aiiuant. or any upe:il there
front. us any pari of the proof to s-isfaiu tiie
claim tit the claimant, or to entitle, buu lo
maintain his action in sai.i Court of Claims, or
on apjieal therefr .m: but the pro f of loyalty
required by ihe twelfih section of the act of
Maich three, eighteen hundred and sixty
ttit-ee. entitled Au ct to amend an act to es
tablish it court for the ilives' ijat ion of claims
aifaiust toe Cuited stales." apiir .ved Febru
ary" Iweiifv four, eiirlllecli bnudred an.i titiv- j
live, and by the third section of the act e:iti ;
lied "An act to provide for ihe .!ccti m of j
abandon, d proja-i ty. and for tl.e prevention of
frauds iu iiiMiriccrioiiai-y d.sfiicis within the !
I'liif-(I r-tatt-s,"' :i pr.ivetl Marco twelve.
iiihteen buiidre-1 aud -i a: y th . ee, and by the
third section of foe act e titleo, "An m-t to i
-ecup'ied '-y the Treasury Dc; artuisut, fifty
t i.iusand dollars.
1 For cotKpensa'ion of the Congress,
i Printer, and the clerks and ines.-eng.
j his ofiiee, twelve thousanl live hundred
i fourteen dollars. ;
i , For c .nrinient expenses of his office, viz: ;
J For star ion.-ry , posta-re a-lvertising.furnitur?. 1
' traveling expenses, horse and wairons. ant t
; misecil ineous items, fifteen hundred dollars.
For 'be public printing, five hundred thous-
; and dollar?.
For pap r for the public printing, fourhun- 1
dred and tifry thou-and dollars. j
! For the pui'ie binding, lour hundred and ;
i fifrv thousan i d- liars. : j
F-.r liiliorraphin z and r-nerravitig illustsa- ;
provide foi appe els Ironi The t'oiirt of t laiins.
and lor oilier pnrp ee-," opprovt tl ,Iaue i wen
1y liv;. eii-'bieen hutnired mid sixt y-e'-ibt.
! -l-all be nia-ie bv proot of the tnattrrs re
1 ijiured bv said sections, rest.eoiivoly, irre-pet--!
live el theetT.cto! any exe utile p'oclama-
Tion, par.ton. li'imesiy, or t-i(c-r act - f cotel -j
iiatioo r . blici -n. And iu a'.i ciesw!iere
jutletiient snail l ave la-en liert-tof-o-.- rentlered
1 in the C.lrl tif Claims in fav r i-f ativ claim-
ant or itnv proof iti lovaltv thaa such as
' is a'onve retoired ntid provj-led. an.i which is
herebv (ieslaied to have been an-.! tf !e the
I Irne lett-nt and meat irg sai.l lespeetive j
I tcs. the Stiptt-me C- urt shall. 'on aj'p' al: have j
ie fur' 'it-r of ihe c.i'ise. and shall '.
i lismiss t!e some for want of jo: da-lion : :
? Al ti fiti-rl er. Thatr tvbent-ver any j
i par. loll sh.-.P have het'etfore been orttilotl t.y I
j th- I're-i !eie t.f til- t'tii'erl Sra't-s to any per j
Hon brit!gio snir in the Com' of Claio.s for j
the pr ctei?sof itba-idtitit-d in- c.ipfute! prop- j
erty iitiiVr the said act nopr.-vod M ircii i
i t wel ve. e 'ohiecn loiinlred ami sixf v three. a:el j
! the acts Htitet-datory of toe s--rne. and such :
1 paroon shai! ret-it--. in pii!-s';iln-e. t!iat soc'l t
; pe son took parr in Tl e 'u-e rt-lo-ilion a: -aiiisr 1
; l.i;e 1 1....-. -i iiiio-nt tf tlie T'oifo.-l SraTes, (r wa-s !
1 i.'-.i;!v o' ativ act tf it-b- I ion aeaifi-t or ilUloy- !
i st I v o t -e I'olre.i States, and -ne!i pardon j
' tiliall h ive l-e- n ace. p'-ti in v ri i g. l-y the i
j per-: ti to whom the- sa'ne isiird. without titi i
j exi re-s dis -l.ii ner of ai d trretntit uguttist 1
! slice faci tif g-iiit coot-i-iit'd in s-vh accet-iaoce i
; taich p-iid.-n a d icc.-ptance shall be tak--n and '
I tl-M me'l in s'ich lit. in ihe sail v'oint. t.f t
i laio-is. a-al toi a:-peitl IheretV -m. coiielasive '
: 'vid. pee thai sue', person did take parr ia and i
i i.'ive nel and comfort to the late rebellion, and 1
; l:d not in ai -tain true allegiance or cn-raMly i
, adhere to the I'ni'ed stale-; nil-! on pro 1 of
' such t-ard'tn aod acceptance, which pr -of n.ay i
; be heatd samiilHrily. on motion to- otherwise, j
j the pit isdieiiou of the court, in thrt ca-t shall
i c'-an--, u!id Ihe c--irr shall f .rth Willi dismi
. the suit tif such ciaimai.t.
For Commissioner of Customs, three then
sand dollars: chief clerk, two thousand dol
lars; two rlerks of class four; bix clerks ol class
three; tight clerks ol class two; five clerks ot
class one. tine messsuirer, ami one laborer--in
all, thirty-six tbousaud nine hundred and sixty
For First Auditor of the Treasury, three
thousand dollars, chief clerk, two thousand
dollars; I hi- e clerks of clas- fourii'en clerks ot
class three: ten clerks ot class two; thirteen
clerks of cla-s one: one messenger; one assis
tant messenger, at seven hun Ired and twenty
-i..!!.. .....I laborer iii all. lilty-eight
tiiousand two h mdred and eiiihty dollars
Kor Second Auditor, three Ihoiisand dollars:
chief c leik, two thotiund dollars; six clerks ol
class four, lift v tour cle.ks of class three, one
hundred and nine clerks of clas two. one hun
dred clerks of class oue. one in.setHer; hve
assistant messengers, at seven hundred and
iwentv dollars each: and -even laborers -in ml.
three hundred and eighty-tVmr thousand two
huodrert and eightv dollars. . -,
For Third Auditor, three thousand dollars;
cbiet clerk, two thousand dollars; eleven clerks
of class four, additional to one clerk of class
four as disbursing clerk , i wo hnndred dollars:
twenty eight clerks of class three, ninety two
clerks of clas wo, ninety six clerKS of cla-s
one; tun copvisls. nine thousand dollar-; three
ivewettjers: two assistant messengers, at sev
en hundred and twenty dollars each: and tour
laborers three hundred and twenty nine thou
sand six hundred anil forty d liars.
tortbe Fourth Auditor, thiee thousand dol
lars: chiel e!erk. two thousand do'iis; live
cb r .nof class tour, eighteen ' lerks of class
three, t vvelvc e'erks of class tw , eleven clei ks
of cla-.s one, one III. ss.-iise , one assia ant mes
senger at seven hu. aired a id twenty dollars;
and ih fee laborers in all, seventy six thou
sand live bund ed mnl twen y dollars,
Kor ihe Fifth Audi'.or. tare thousand dol-
'ii'i- chief cleik. two thousund dollars; lour
..-erks of clu-s tour. e.aht t lei ks ot class three
t-it:li; co-rk- f class tvt, twelve clerKs of class
one- seven convi-;a. six th-'U -and lliree hundred
tioll-irs: one me.-s.. ng r, oue assisiimt messeil
. ..r and two laborers lifiv-nino thousand
nii.e liui.died tloltars.
For coiniieneation of the Audit Tol'tiie Trcas
ire for tiie Post. O'ilce Denartment, three
j thousand dollars: chief clerk, two thousao
j j!., iac.-; nine clerks o: class four, adtllfioiial t
-ik of t li-s r on' as tiisbarsino ciers, two
(e.l iloSlais: lor clerks of c'ass three, six
lerks.f t lass two, thir.'y seven clerKs
class one; one messenger, toie assistant mes-
r at jeveti fun.ii-ed atoltweiitv u ;iiars:
ieven bihorcr- ttvo htin-lrtol and tvventy
thousand eigb huudred and eighty tlol
one t
lain :
t v tour t
i t:ons t f mat-h;n rv ft.r annual report of the
Commissioner of Patents, seventy -eight thous
and dollars.
F-.r lithorTsphing the charts for the annual
j reoort ttf the Coat a irvey, two taousan-1 five
hundred dollars.
j For cngravirur on wood and electrotypes for
j tee annual ropoit of the Commissioner - f Ag-
riciilture, tw- thousand five hundred d liars.
F"r ail olher lithographing and engraving.
one thousand dollars ; VoivoW. That here
1 after no enveloes, letter or note sheets, for
the usa of Congr-ss or any department or offi
cer, hall be printed froji steel or copper
plates or by lithographing. '
j For copies of maps, plans, and diagrams ic
i fac simile on tracing linen, for the use of the
Supreme Court of the United States, three thous
doilars ; Woritet.Tbat so much of the "Act
making appropriations for the legislative, ex
ecutive, and jndiciil expenses of the govern
ment for the year ending the thirtieth of June,
eighteen hundred aod seventy, apuroved
March three, eighteen hundred and sixty
tiine, as relate? to the printing of extra copies
of public documents be, and the same is here
by, repealed : And provided further. That ail
piopositions originating in either house of
Congress for printing extra copies of public
documents, the cost of which shall excetdthe
um of live hundred dollars, shall Ihj by cur
rent resolution, and all such resolutions shall,
upon their transmission from either house, be
immediately referred to the Committee on
Printing of tbe house to which they are sent.
For mrpti!tntion of the Pre-i lent f (i,e
United S.ta'es. twen'y fr. th.. esatnl tlol'ai-s.
Fo'rwiHH-itsH'i.tti 'o the Vice President of
the T"n;ed Stales, eiaht thousand do'iars.
For ccrt-natiori of Fecre'ary t sign pal
er s for pntiiie len !s. lifteen bnudred th. liars
For-compensation to the p. i va:o -ecretarv;
ns.-istai.t secretary, twiio sonii le a short-bend
wri'ei ), two executive r'eil;s. at two thousand
ibree hilii-Ired Hollars eaeli: Stewart, und mes
se'itrer of the President of the Cuited States,
t: irteeti thousand eii:l;f hundred dollars
For e.mtinoent expenses tif the executive
office, including stationery therelor, four thoa
suiid dollars.
f the Librarian,
For compensation
thousand dollars.
For three assistant librarians, two thousand
I one ttnndrea ann sixty uonars eacn, six laous-
and four huudred and etghty dollars.
For two assistant librarians, one at one
thousand twit hun Ired dollars, and one at nine
Hundred and cixty dollars, two thousand one
ben Ired and sixty dollars.
For one messenger, one thousand seven
hundred end iwenty-elgtit dollars.
JFor three laborers, ar. eight hundred and
e xtv-fonr each, two thousand five
hnndred and ninety two dollars.
For three assistant lihrarrans, at one thon
sa id four hundred and forty dollars each, fonr
tli'Misand three bnudred mid tweutv dollars.
Ftr cominifeiit expenses, of said library,
two thon-and dollars
For purchase of book for said library, eight
thousand dollar?..
For purchase of law books for said library,
twolbousaiid dollars
Fur p.irchaae uf files -of periodicals and
newspapers, one thousand five hundred dol
lar. - '
For ej pene ef exehmiging public doca
mente for ihe pitblitrutfous ot foreign tfoveru
menle, one thou-4tud live haudrod dollars.
For botanic garden, aradinir, draining, pro-
I curinir manure, tools, fuel, and repairs, and
purehasiiig trees and shrubs, under the direc-
ti-.n ot ihe jibrary Committee ot Congress,
uvw iD'-s-tRiiti n"iiars.
For pay of snperiotendent and assistants in
botauic gulden ami greenhouses, under the
direction o the Library C mmittee of Oon
Rrvas. eleven thousand two huudred and ninety
six dollars.
For cleit in the Offira of Public Buildings,
on ihoosBiid two hundred dollars
hundred and forty d liars. B"
For comi-ensaiion lo the pnblie garduer.
one tbocaaud f .or buiidre.l and forty dollars
r orconipeoaaiion to the laborer io h-rve
of the water-closetii in the Capitol, .even
hundred aud twenty dollars. "
For eempeusation of a toreaian and twentr
one laborers employed in the pubhe gTouii.U
dairteen """1 lwo batMlred and ninety -six
For cempenf ntion of the Secretary of Kta.
tn- . assistant secretaries of sr-ne: for chief
clerk a' two thousand two hundred dollars: !
one exa-uiner of claims, rtt Ibree thousand I
five bmi'lred dollars: eioln clerks ot' class loui,
id.liti lial to tine clerk of t ! r" four ns tlis- t
bnr-iiig c!e-k; eight clerks of ciass three, three
lerks t.f class two. three clerks of ctnss one:
iiie oie-senyer at eiirht hundred mid for, v dol
lars; one Hs-istanf messenger, at seven hnudrod
:nd twenty . dollars; nine laborers and four
watchmen sixf.v-six thoil-ainl eight hundred
auid i wenty dollar-: two cleiksor class four,
f make indexes of the records tif the State
Department, and otic clerk t.f class three, five
thousand two hnodred dolinrs.
For publishing the laws in pamphlet, form,
and in newspapers of the States and Territo
ries, and in the city of Washington, seventy
fc've thousand dollars: PmvidrA, That no laws
r treaties shall he published in newspapers
except, those which are of a general nururr,
which law- shall be selected by the Secretary
of State; and Him samu shall in ail cases be
pnblisheii without delay.
For prof-readuiti , and packing the laws and
documeiitsfor the varioua legation and con
snla es, iiiciuditit? hoxea ami transportation of
Ihe -Mine, three thousand dolcrtt.
Fur stationery, furniture, fixtures, antl re
airs, five rtmnsand dollars.
For books and maps, two thousand five
linndreif dollars.
For extra clerk hire and copying, ten' thou
sand dollars
For contingent expenses, viz: rent. fuel,
lights, repairs, and miscellaneous expesses,
Ihirly-iwo thousand five huudred dollars.
For coinpen-a'ion of the Secretary of the
Trea-u'v, eiiiht ihotiBHiid dollars; two touisl
ant secretaries of the treasury, nt three thou
sand live hundred Collars each; chief cleik.
two thousand two bumf red dollars; forty nine
clerks of class fonr, additional to one clerk of
class four as dishutsing clerk; thirty cleiks of
class three; twenty-six clerks ot class two;
twenty seven clerks of class one: finny two
female. clerks, at nine hundred dollars each;
eleven messengers; one assistant messenger,
at seven hundred and twenty do lais, and ten
laborers iu ail two hundred and seventy-one
thousand and sixty dollars.
in the Const ruction branch of the Treasury
For Supervising Architect, three thousand
dollars; assistant supervising architect, two
thousaud lire hundred dollars; chief clerk,
two thousand dollars ; photographer twenty
five honored dollars; two a-H'staiit photo
graphers, oue at one thousand six hundred
dollars, and one at one thousand two h ndred
dollars; two clerks of class four; four clerks
of class three; three c lerks of class one. and
one messenger t wenty-eeven thousand two
huudred aud forty dollars.
r or compensation til the 1 reastirer oi me j
j United S:;ttes. s x thousand live hundred dol
f lars, assistant treasurer two thousand e'uht
j hundred tioli'ir-:'ti.-r, two thousand eight
jliuii-tre l u -! r : as-i-tani cashier, two thou
' sand live htladre i tl liars; live chiels of divis
' ion, at two th.i'isud two hundred dollars each;
; two principal b.M.k-keepers, I wolhousand two
! holi-lreti tlo' ai-s each; rwa fellers, two thou
! sand f w bun ired ih. iars each, one chief clerk
ftwo thou-an I tlollar-; two assistant tellers.
two ihoii-aitd do'iars each; fifteen cleiks of
i class four: fii'eeu clerks of class three; eleven
i clerks 'if cla--s tvvo. nine clei ks ot class one;
s xty te uuie e'erss, hl'ty four tiiousand do.l.trs;
j titeen ttiesei:oei ; live male laborers, at seven
j haodred mil twenty dollars ea h; autl -veri
j f.-uiale laborers: at two hundred ami forty do!
I lars each iu a, I. one hui.Uivtl and eiirhty-mue
, thousand four hundred and eighty dollars.
I Kor compensation of ihe Kegister ot the
T.easory. three thousand dollars: assistant
i register, tvvo thousand dollars; chief" cierk, two
' t.ioiisatld tb.llar-: five clerks of class four
twelve clei ks tif t lass three. I wenty -four clerks
ot cla-s t .v-o, ten lerks t.f elites one; one uies-senoc-r.
two assistant messenger's, at seven hun
d:td a.oi twetitv tloM-irs: antl twt laborers in
all. eighty f ur thousand five hundred ami
twmity dollar
i' r compeiisat'on of the Solicitor of the v. Tnree thoiisauti live hundred dollars:
assistant solicitor, thre- thousand dollars; chief
elers, t .vo li:o i. s.tiel tiollars; one clerk of t 1 ts
1 itiri ttit-ee clerks of cUss three, three clerks of
c-ass two. one clerk tif class one, one messcn
ger. and oue laho er iu all, t venty-lwo thoa-
: sand a- d sixty tiollars.
F- r couipeiis. tioti ot the chief clerk of the
j I.iolu-hon-i? Hoard, two thousand dollars: one
I cierk of class three .one c.'erk ot class two. one
clerk of class one, one uiessanirer. and one la
I borer in all. seven thousand seven hundred
! and six:v doilais.
i F r Comptroller of the Currency, five thou
j Sand dollars; for I eputv omptroller two
! t-.oiisjii.l do lor-: fen clerics of class four, eih-
foeu tiiousand tl"Iiars: twelve clerks ot class
thrte, tiine'eeu loousaiid two hundred dollars;
eight cl'-rks of class I wo, eleven tiiousand two
hundred dollars: eight clerks of class one, nine
thousand six bnudred do lars; iweniy-lour
fern .U clerks at nine hundred dollars euch,
twenty-ore thoas ind (six hundred dollars: tour
messengers, two laborers, aud two night
watchman, live thousand seven hundred aud
s xt v dollars-Hi ad, ninety two thousaud e'ght
eiyhl. hundred and sixtv dollars.
For Commissioner of Internal Ieenne, six
thou-and dollars: three deputy commissioners,
one at three thou-and five bnudred dollars, aud
t wo at three thousand dollars each; one solici
tor, four thousand dollar-; seven heads of di-vi-ious.
two thousand five hundred dollars
each: thirty f air clerks o! class four, forty-
I euiht i lerks of class three, liity-tw- clerks of
class I wo, thirty sight clerks ol cla-s one. nine
tv-tive female clerks at nine hundred dollars
e ich. five messengers, thrice assistant messen
gers, al seven hundred and twenty doliui-s
each, anti lifieeu laborers in all. thre. hundred
and ninety live tho isand five hundred aud sixty
' Fur temporary Herks f ir the Treasury Pe-pariim-nt,
I ity thousand dollars: Provided,,
That tu tenijiorary cl rk shall receive a greaicr
compensation than at the rate of twelve huti
tlre.l doilais per annum for the time actually
emp'pyed: And provided further. That ten
Ihoii-aiitl dollars are hereby appropriated to be
expended in ihe ollice tif the Treasurer of the
United States, at the discretion ot the Secretary
of the Treasury.
For dies, paper, and for stamps, tvvohnudred
thousand dollars.
For salaries and expenses of collectors, asst s -sots,
assistant assessors, supervisors, detec
tives, ami storekeepers, together with the ex
pense ol carryiiitr into effect the various pro
visions ot the several acts providing internal
revenue, excepting items otherw se provided
Office of assistaut treasurer New York For
assistant treasurer, eight thousand dollars; for
depufv assistant treasurer, chief clerk, cleiks,
messengers, porters, watchmen, and detec
tives, one hundred im l forty seven thousand
dollars: Provided, That the compe satiou of
the deputy assistant treasurer shall be three
thonwmil dollars per annum, and no more.
t KB ee of assistant, treasurer at Hostou For
assistant treasurer, five thousand dollars; chief
clerk, two thousand seven hundred dollars; for
derks and meseuger, tweni.y three thousand
do'iars; and so much of the act making appro
priations lor the legislative, executive, and ju
dical e.xveuses of the government for the year
end ng the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred
tsiul xeveuty, approved March third, eighteen
ltsnilred and sixty-nine, as limits the amount,
appr'tpriaied for salaries of clerks mid meesen
jiers in this ollice to twenty thousaud dollars is
hereby repealed.
(tliee of assistant treasurer at San Francisco
For assistaut treasurer, in addition to his sal
ary as treasurer of ihe branch mint at San
Francisco, fifteen hundred doilais; for cashier,
book keeper, stamp clerk, clerks, mes eiigeis,
watchmen, and porter, seventeen thousaud Bav
eu hundred dollars.
Office of assistant treasurer at Philadelphia
For assistant treasurer, in addition lo his sulnrv
as treasurer of the mint, lilteeu hundred dol
lars; lor clerks, messengers, aud watchmen,
thiity foui ihousand eight huudred aud twenty
thre dollars.
Ollice of a-sistiinf. treasurer at St. Louis
Fur aasisiaut treasurer, five thousand dollars;
for clerks, messenger, and watchmen, teu
thousaiid e.ght hundred dollars.
Ollice of assistant treasurer at New Orleans
tot assistant, treasurer, four thousand tlol
lars; for one chief clerk, twenty-live hundred
tlol lars; oho clerk, two thousund tiollars: two
clerks, thre thousand dollars; one porier. nine
liuudred dodars; two watchmen, fount-en buu
licd and tony dollars. amouiiiiiiu in all to
thirteen thousand eight hundred and forty dol
Ollice of assistant treasurer at Charleston,
Jtoutu t aroliua for assistant treasurer, four
tbousaud dollars, oue clerk, eighteen huudred
dollars; one cierK. sixteen Hundred djllars.
aud one assistant mesaeuyer, sveu huudred
and twenty dollars.
office of assistaiif treasurer at Haltimore
For assistant treasurer, five the uaaiid dollars;
one clcrs, one thousand eight biiudre i dollars;
tvvo clorlis, two thousand lour hundred dollars;
one clerk, one tiiousand dollars; one messen
ger, eight hundred aud forty dollars amount
ing iu all to clevvyi thousand and forty tlol
t.flice if depositary at Chicago Forcushier.
two thousand five hundred dollars; one cierk,
one thousand hve honored uollais; two clerks,
two llituisaud four hundred dollars, one clerk,
one thousand dollars; one messenger, eight
hundred and forty dollars uiiiountiug in all lo
e:oit Uioii.-and two liuudred and forty dollars.
Otlice of depositary at Cincinnati For cash
ier, two thousand dollars: one cierk one. thou
sand eight huudred doilais; two clerks, tvvo f n r huudred dollars, oue clerk, one
ihou-and dollars amounting iu a.F to seven
thousand two hundred dollars.
Ollice of depositary at Louisville "or cash
ier, two tiiousand dollars; one clerk, one thou
sand live hundred dollars; one clerK, one Ihou
aud two hundred tiollars; one watchman, sev
en hundred autl tweuty dollars amounting in
ail to hve thousand lour huudred aud tvxenty
Oliice of the depositary at, Pittsburg For
ca-iiier t.ue thousand eight bundled dollars;
oueeietk, tine thousand lour hundred tl liar-;
oue w atcbuiaii, seven hundred and twenty dol
lars amounting in all to Inree thousand lime
hundred and twenty dollars.
i nice oi tieposiiary al Pallia re for nep .s- I
itarv, (iu addition lo bis pay as receiver.) two j
itiousund tiollars; one cleik, one thousand two j
huudred doilais: oue watchman; se vi-n hundred j
und tweuty .i! hilars amount ing in all to three i
thousand nine hundred ami tweutv dollars. i
Forcoaipensatioti to special arents to exam- j
amine the books, accounis, ami money on hand ;
at the several depositaries, including national j
batiks acting as deposilaiies under the act of ;
the sixth ot August, eighieeu hundred and lor- ;
ty-sx. si thousaud dollars.
For coiitingeut expenses under the act of the
fcixth .f A Uktus , eiehteeu huudred and fortv
six, for the collection, sale-keeping, tran.-ler,
and disbursement of the public revenue, h:tv
thousand dollars: Provided, 1 hat- no part, tif
said bum shall be c.peude.l lor ciei i al .tervi
ees For checks aud certificates of deposit for of
fice t.f assistant trea-urer at Ne.v York, aud
oilier officers, eight thousand doilais.
-For salaries of governor and superintendent
of Indian affairs, phief justice and two associ
ate ludges, and secretary, eleven thousand
eight hundred dollars.
For contingent expenses of the Territory,
oue thousand dollars.
For compensation and miletage of the mem.
hers of the legislative assembly, onioers-
clerks.and contingent expenses thereof, nine
teen tuousand three hundred und ei0'uty dullard.
For one captain of the watch, one tbonsand
four hnndred dollars; one engiueer, one tbon
sand two hundred dollars; one machinist and
gas filter, ouo thousaud two hundred dollars;
One storekeeper, one ibousand doilais; thirty
watchmen, at seven huudred aud twenty dol
lars each , and to one of said watchmen, acting
as lieutenant of watchmen, twe hundred and
eighty dollars iu addition: thirty laborer, at
seven nnndred aud twenty dollars each; five
firemen at six hundred dollars each; seventy
women as cleaueis, at one hundred aud eighty
dollars each in all sixty-three thousaud eight
hundred and eighty dollars; and the first pro
viso in the act of Congress entitled, "An act
making appropriations to supply deficiencies
for, seven million tiollars: Provided, fnat af
ter the passage of this act the proprietors of all
internal revenue bonded warehouses shall pay
to I lie collector the current expenses and sala
ries ol storekeepers tir oilier officers in charge
of such-warehouses; and th same,' when not
paid, may be collected by the same means
provided i'or the collection of other taxes; and
all sums so c die ted in the nature of reinburse
nients io the United Sta'es lor payments on
acc uut of expeii-es aud salat ies tif storekeep
ers or other ottisers in charge of such ware
houses, or thai may hereatter be so collected,
shall be carrifd to tho credit of the appropria
tion for salaries and expen-e of collectors,
storekeepers, and so forth; mid the Commis
sitnier of Internal Revenue and the accounting
otlice.-s of the treasury are hereby authorized
and directed to fake the necessary steps to car-,
ry this proviso into effect: Antl provided furth
er. Thai, the President may, at his di-cretion,
divide tho .stales and Territories respectively
into convenient collection districts', or alter the
same, or unite two or more districts or two or
more States or Territories into one district,
.and may exercise said power from time to time
as in bis opinion the pabliu interest may re
quire. For detecting and bringing to trial and pun
ishmeut persons guilty of violating the inter
nal revenue laws, or conniving at the same, iu
rases where such expenses are not otherwise
provided tor by law, oue hundred thousaud
Iu the office of the Secretary of the Treasury
and the several bureaus, including copying,
binding, sealing ships' registers, translating
foreign languages, advertising, and extra clerk
hire for preparing and collecting information
to be laid before Congress, and for miscellane
ous items, fifty thousand dollars.
. For stationary for the Treasury Department
rand the several bureaus, forty-live thousand
dollars. .
. For desks, tables, eases, boxes, and miscel
laneous articles ot furniture, including repairs
and renovation of tbe same, ten thousand dollars.-
." . ,
For carpets, yoil cloth, mattings, rugs, and
other uiiscellaueoua articles of like nature,
including repairs, renovation, and putting
down the same, two thousaud five hundred dol
lars. . ,, .
- For fuel. lig it and miscellaneona items
for the treasury building, and other farnildiny
For salaries of governor aud superintendent
of Indian affairs, chief, justice and two asso
ciate judzes, and secretary, fifteen thousand
For contingent expenses of tho Territory,
one thousand dollars.
For compensation aud mileage of tho mem
bers of tho legislative assembly, officers, clerks,
and contingent expenses thereof, twenty
thousand dollars.
For compensation of governor and superin
tendent ol Indian affairs, chief justice and
two associate judges, and secreatry, fifteen
thousaud dollars.
For contingent ex-peuscs of the Territory,
one thousand dollars.
For compensation and mileage of the mem
bers of tho last legislative assembly, officers,
clerks, and contingent expenses thereof,
tweuty thousand dollars.
For salaries of governor, chief justice and
two associate judges, and secretary, twelve
thousand dollars.
For contingent cxpnsej of said Territory,
one thousand dollars.
For interpreter and translator in the exec
utive office, five huudred dollars.
' Si
For salaries of governor, chief justice, two
associate judges, and secretary, fifteen thcus
and tiollars. ;
For contingent expenjes of the Territory,
one thousand dollar.
For salaried of governor, chief justice, two
associate judges, and secuetary, twelve thous
and dollars.
For contingent expenses of said Territory,
one thousand dollars.
For salaries of governor and superintendent
of Indidian affairs, chief justice, two associate
justices, and secretary, twelve thousand threo
hundred tiollars.
For contingent expenses of tho Territory,
one thousaud dollars.
ing and binding the same, office furni
ture, and repairing the ame, and miscel
laneous items, including two daily news
papers, to be filed, bound, and preserved
for the use of the office, and tor detec
tion and investigation of fraud, fifty
thousand dollars ; three-fifths of which
sura may be expended for the dast speci
fied object.
For compensaiiou cf the Commissioner cf
the Patent, Ollice, four thousand five liuudred
dollars; for one assistant commissioner, to be
appointed bv the President,, bv and with the
' , - . .1 1 ' . . . .. . 1. al.ull
advice anu consent oi mu oeoa.e, "
act as Commissioner in case of the dealb.res-
dollsrs: chief of division of dead-letter otjice,
two tbonsand five huudred dollars; chief clerlt
two thousand two huudred dollars: three chief
.e'erks, at two thousand dollars each; addition- .
alio one clerk or class four, as disbursing
clerk, two hundred dollars; twelve clerks -class
four, fifty one clerks of class three, lorly
five clerks ot class two, fifty clerks of olass
one; fifty female cleiks. at nine hundred dol
lars each; ten folders, neveti thousand two
hundred dollars; one uiessmger, at eight hnn
dred and forty dollars; and four assistants at
seven hnndred and twenty dollars eachj nine
watchmen, at seven bund red and twenty dol
lars each; twenty five clerks in dead-letter of
fice, at eignt uunarea dollars eacu m"iu
f all, three huudred and thirty-twe thousand
! four hundred and tweuty dollars.
Icop srntifinerv: nine tnnnsauu uouara, i
i ;
a V MS OtllllllllKl.lUtll tit cow " .uu --- ' , & ... , - ... I
: " : ... ..1 inUa-j nf tha t 'ononis- ': r.l f.,r t he iel ei-al Post Office building, inCIU
IgUailOU, iciiiD vi d.vbuv v -- - --" . ; - j ,
. - -.t. j....: , .i.. ...a:. tfifn,. ...... n t..iuuril tour
aiUg tllO 4 HO 1 1 tit . Vliaitl, , . o low... .-- - -
hundred dollars; for gas, four thousand dol
lars: lor plumbing and gas fixtures, three thou
sand dollars; for telegraphing, three thousand
dollars; for painting, one thousand five hun
dred dollars; for carpets, threo I dol
lars; lor furniture, three thousaud five hundred
dollars; for livery, seven hundred and fifty
dsllars; for hardware, eight hundred Collars:
. for engineer, one thousaud hix hundred del
lars; for assistant engineer, one thousand dol
' lars; for fireman and blacksmith, nine hundred
; dol a s: for two firemen, twelve hundred dol
i lacs; for six laborers, four thousaud three hun
I dred and twenty dollars; for one vvaichman,
' seven hundred and twenty tiollars. lor mie car- ,
! peuter, twelve hundred imil liliy two dollars:
i tor three ar-sistant messengers, seven hundred
i and twenty dollars each; for two female labor-
eis, nine bnudred atd sixtv dollars; lor oue Jr
j male laborer, ai lwo hundred and forty dol
ars; for contingent expenses, seven-thousand
Ive hundred dollars. And tho saanortii ius
Treasury lor the Post Office Department ti,
herebv authorized to charge to the uppropria
tiou lor mail transporlatiuu the salary antl per
diem of the assistant superintendents of the
postal railway service; to the appropriation of
the money-order bureun the salary and er
diem of llic speciul agent detailed lor tln-t sol
vice; and to tbe appropriation for the free do
livery system the salary and per diem of tbe
special agent detailed for thrt service; this pro
vision to upplv to the appropriations tor the
I fiscal year ending Jnne thirty, eighteen. hiiu-
dred aud seventy. as well as to su .queut ap
propriations foi the postul service.
stoner, and eball perform such other duties as
- i : . . - i . .. . i, - i , ;
may ue assigncu in nuu ov ms ..uuiuunon...,. ,
three thousand dollars; 'for chief clerk, two
thonsand five hundred dollars; three exami- ;
ners in chief, at three thousand dollars each;
twenty two principal examiners, at two thou
sand "live hundred dollars each; twenty-one
first assistant examiners, at eighteen hundred
dollars each; twenty one second assistant ex
aminers, at sixteen hundred dollars each, tuvo
of whom may be females; one librarian,
eighteen hundred dollars; one machinist, one
thousand six hundred dollars; five clerks of
class four, six clerks of class three, forty-five
clerks of class two, aud forty clerks of class
one making in all two hundred and seventy
eight thousand four hundred ddllats.
For twelve permanent clerks; at one thou
sand dollars each, twelve thousand dollars.
For teu permanent clerks, at. nine huudred
dollars each, nine thousand dollars.
For two skilled draughtsmen at twelve hun
dred dollars each, two thousand fonr hundred
For fifteen copyists of drawings at oue
thousand dollars each, fifteen thousand dollars.
For fifty one female copyists, at nine hnn
dred dollars each, forty five thousand niue
hundred dollars.
For one messenger and purchasing clerk,
one thousand dollars.
For one ' skilled laborer, one thousund two
hundred dollars.
For ten skilled laborers, at, nine hundred dol
lars each, nine thousand dollars.
For thirtv laborers, al, seven hundred and
twenty dollars each, twenty-one thousand six
hundred dollars.
For six laborers, at six tmmtfed dollurs
each, three tbonsand six huudred dollars.
For contingent and miscellaneous expenses
of the Patent Office, namely: For illustrations
of annual report, stationery tor use ot office,
furniture, repairing, papering, painting, ice,
advertising, books for library, moneys re
funded, printing engraved patent heads: inter
national exchanges, plumbing-, gas-fitting, ex
tra labor on indexes and abstracts for anuuul
reports, tilting rooms over porticos, temporary
elerks, luborers, and draughtsmen, and other
contingencies, uinety thousand dollars; Provi
ded, That no moneys shaii be paid to the chief
justice or associate justices of the supreme
court of the District of Columbia, npon auy
appeal to either of them from the decision of
the Commissioner of 1'atents; and section two
of the act of August thirtieth, eighteeu hun
dred und fifty-two is hereby repealed.
For printing or photographing, or otherwise
producing copies of drawings, for use of ollice
and for sale, fifty thousand dsllars.
'U' .
i piiian- ci tiie tlire.nur. lraaur.r. h-.&r-
L sirr a. iti, ciiit-I c;;ier ami i-tira-
vtrsJ.siMtHi.1 asayer, and Pt-veii cipilis, t.'uriv
evtu ! Itonsutui nine hundred doIInrs.
Kr wa.iffft f workfne;! mid a ij'iter, oue
hun-ired aud twecty-Uve tiiuu-aud dollars.
Kor luri drill, and com imrciit exp riii'd, iu
rludiiii; wasiitije aiid rt-jiiiirt, tweui v-tive tUoa
tanti utiarrt,
Fjr f"jecim'iif of ores a.nd coins to be pi
nurvd iu the cabinet of the mint, six huiidrod
Far freight on bullion aud coin, live thousand
For cumpennatioD of the Secrelarj of t
lutt-rior, assistant secretary, chief clerk, four
cierfcs of class four, additional to three dii-
bursins clcrkr, three clerks ofclaa three, four
clerks of c!a?s two, and on clerk of clubd one,
one tnedcuer, two useibtaut inuSs-enTs at
suven hundred and twenty dollars each, and
three laborers in his office in all, thirty-acven
thousand tivo hundred and forty dullard.
For ct:njIetirijr the survey of tho Colorado
of the We-t ud its tributaries under the di
rection of Professor Powell, twelve thousand
dollars, to be expended under the direction of
tho irecrntary of the interior.
For Commissioner of Lducation1 three thous
an 1 dollars: one clerk at .eighteen hundred
dolbtr ; ore clerk at sixteen hundred dollar ;
one clerk at fourteen hundred dollar-; one
inefene. at eihi hundred and iorty dollars ;
stationery, fix. hundred dollars : library, one
thousand dollar : collecting fituti.!tic and
writ i! und couijuiin matter for nnnual and
fpc-'iitt rcp'rfs, three thu-iid dollar? ; eon-
tin n,,ie.-, one triousar. i twohunilrcd and fix-
ty dollar in all, fonrtecn thousand five liun
' (irv l do'diirrf : rritt , 'lhat from ar.d after
. th thtrtietU d.ty o: June, eighteen hundred
! and t. r-u:y, lirn rleru-al Htree iu the office of
': sai 1 oiiti:i:---.ioner shall be a in thi. aection
! authorized.
For twenty-eight watchmen for tbe general
S'rvlcc of the Jutori r leparimei.t buiidin,
' und all the bureau therein, to bt allotted to
j day or night f.-rvic, bh the Secretary of the
i Interior msy direi't, fourteen thousantl f.-ur
j hundred diilars ; anil section sevou of the act
; of April ten, eighteen hundred and sixy-ii"';
I creating the ot!iee of uprriatendciit of the
Inferior 1-vpartuient, is hereby rpc;iled.
!l For stJitiuncry. furniture, bookw, and maps
for library, and for miscellaneous iti.ui, nine
thousand dollars.
For e.xoensc f parking and distributing:
Congrs-p'ttal .lonrnaU an i documents, and
compiling the Biennial iU-iHster, inc'tiuingthe
salary if the SupcrinteTift-'nt of Public docu
ments, tevt-n thousand dtd ais.
For attal repairs of tbe Interior lepari
tnent building, ten thousntid didiars.
For find, lights, ami the salary of the en gin -
For talarioN of enporinteudtnt. treasurer, u -rand a.sisant engineer, tightcun thousand
aaver, inciter and retiaer, coiner, and .ix j dollars.
clerks, thirty thousand live hundred dollars. For rent of building on 'r street, crncr of
For wayes of workmen awd iu.jus;ers, one j Eiglith street, from the- f'.-.-t tft- of July,
hui.dred and iifiy ihfiiisai.d dollars. j eighteen hundred and ventr. until the fir-a
For incidental uud coutin-e:it expenses, re- ; day of Julv, eiht. en hundred ani peway
pair. and wu-tage, -sixty tune thousand live j ,.iie, at an annua! rental ot not ext-eba ten
Hundred aud I.-rty-hve douars. thousand dollars, to'he determined by the Sec
rceary of the Interior, euch sum as inav be
ASSAV OFFICE NEvV VORIC- j neccdary is hereby appropriated.
There shall be paid out of the unei
pended.balance heretofore appropriated,
as follows : For Commissioner of tbe
General Land Office, lecord, chiet clerk,
three principal clerks of public lands,
three clerks of class four, twenty-three
clerks of class three, forty clerks of class
two, forty clerks of cla-s one, draughts
man, nssiptant draughtsman, two mes
sengers, tbrre asibtant messengers at
seven hundred and twenty dollars eacb,
two' puckers, seven laborers, employed in
his ollice in all, one hundred and ser-entv-one
thousand seyen hundred and
eighty dollars ; also for compensation of
additional clerks in the general Land
Office, vis : For one principal clerk as di
rector, one clerk cf class three, four
two, thirtv-ave clerks of
class one, and two laborers, fifty-two
thousand six hundred dollars : also for
cash system, maps, diagrams, stationery,
ftiroi;ure, and repairs oi' the same ; mis
celaoeous items, including two of the
city newspaper., to be hied, bound, and
preserved for the use of the office, adver
tising and telegraphing ; miscellaneous
items on account of bounty lands and
military patents, and contingent expenses
under the swamp land act, ten thousand
dollars making a total appropriated for
tbe General Land Office of two hundred
and thirty four thousand three hundred
aud sixty dollars ; and the remaining
balance, if any there be, shall be, and
hereby is, covered into the treasury ot
the United States, and shall be disbursed
only upon a specific appropriation.
for salaricsof superintendent, assayer, and j
ruclter autl refiner, assi-tant a-tsayer, othcers, '
and clerks, twenty five thousand seven hun- '
dred dollars. " j
for wages of workmen, addition to uucx-
p.'it!,-tt liuiancesoi tornicr appropriations:, loriy
th.o, - iud dollars.
! incidental and contingent expenses,
fitty : luusaud dollars.
For asaaycr, (who shall have charge nf the
aid mint.) luo thousand hve hundred dollars.
For inciter, two thousand five hundiod dol
lars. For wages of workmen, sixteen thousand
For three clerks, at one thousand eight
hundred dollars each, live thousand lour hun
dred dollars.
Fur incidental and cuhtingentcxpcnMes, in- 1 clerks cf class
eluding repairs and wa.stage, five thou.sand
dollars : I'rurUd, That atter the first day of
April eighteen hundred and seventy, the
brunch mint at Denver shall be carried on as
an assay ollico only, and all unexpended bal
ances of appropriations shall be paid aud cov
ered into the treasury ol" the U'nited States,
and all tbe i. dices not herein provided for are
hereby abolished.
For siilarics of superintendent, ass.iyer,
meltcr, chief coiner, assistant assaycr, assist
ant luelter, and refiner, assistant chief coiner,
and clerks, tweuty thousaud two hundred
For wages of workmen and adjuster, fifty
four thousand dollurs. .
For chemicals, charcoal, antl wood, inciden
tal'aud miscellaneous) expenses, seventeen
thousaud six hundred dollars.
For assayer, fifteen hundred dollars.
For wages of workmen fourteen hundred
and ninety two dollars.
For chemicals, charcoal, and wood incidental
and miscellaneous items, fifteen hundred dol
lars, .
For salaries of governor, chief justice, and
two associate judges, and secretary, twelve
thousand dollars.
For contingent expenses of the Teritdry,
one thousand dollurs.
For interpreter and translator in the execu
tive office, five hundred dollars.
For compensation and mileage of members
of the legistalive assembly, ouieers, clerks,
and contingent expenses thereof, twenty
thousand dollars. t
For salaries of governor aud superintend
ent of Indian affairs, chief justice and two
associate judges, and secretary, eleaun thous
and eight hundred dollars. V
For contingent expenses of said Territory,
one thousund dollars.
For compensation and mileage of members
of the legislative assembly, ouieers, elerks, and
contingent expenses thoroof , twenty thousand
dollars., ,
For compensation of surveyor guneral i
Louisiana, two thousand dollars. .
For cleiks in his otlice, two thousand five
Inn', died doliars-
For surveyor general of Florida, two thou
sand dollars; and for clt-rks !u his office, two
thousand live hundred dollars.
For compensation of surveyor general of
Minnesota, two thousand dollars; and tho
clerks iu his ollice, six thousand three hundred
Kor surveyor general cf the Territory of -liihota.
f wo'ttiousantl dollars; and the clerk,
ia l.:s o P. ice, six thousand three hundred dol
lars. Kor surveyor genera! of Kansas, two thou
sand dollars, and the clerks in his ollice, six
thousand three hnndred dollars
Ftir compensation of extra clerks in repla
cing the township plats, descriptive sheets,
and co forth, of the laud otlice at Topeka.
Kiin-UM, destroyed by the burning of that of
fice, five thousand dollars, or so much thereof
as may be necessary.
Foi' surveyor tfeiieriit of Coloradj, three
thousand dollars, and lor the clerks iu his of
fice four thoiisasd dollars.
For siirvcvor veneral of New Mexico, threcu
thousand dollars, and tor clerks iu bis otlice,
four tiittusiitid dollars.
For surveyor (renersl of California and Ari
zona three thousand dollars, aud tor clerks in
his i.oiee. eleven thousand dollars.
For surveyor geneial of Idaho, three thou
sand dollars, and for cleiks ia his office, four
taou-aud dollars.
For sniveyor general of Nevada, three thon
f aid tiollars. and for the clerks iu his office,
foiirttiotisaud ueliars.
For surveyor ireneral of Oregon, two thou
sund five hundred dollars, and for tue clerks iu
h.s ollice, four tlionsaud dollars.
For surveyor general of Washinirtin Terri
totv. two thousand five bundled dollars, and
for the clerks iu his oliice four thousand dol
lars. For surveyor general of Xebrneka and
Iowa, two thousantl dollar, and tor the clerks
in his office, six thousand three hundred dol
iar. For surveyor general of Montana, three
thou-and dollars, and for the clerks in his of-,
lice, four thousand tiollars.
For surveyor general of Utah Territory,
three thousand dollars, and for the clerks ia
bis office, four thousand dollars.
Kor salary of l"nittl States iccordcr of Isnd
titles t'.f St. Louis, Missouri, hte bnudred dol
mini;, three tnotlnstia
d dims, and the clerks iu Lis office, four thou
sand dollar.
For compensation of the Secretary of VVar,
; eight thousand dollars; chief clerk, five clerks
i of class four; for additional to one clerk of
j cla'-s fonr, as disbursing clerk, two hundred
dollars; for six clerks ot class three, three
i clerks of class two. iht clerks of class one;.
I one messenger; three agsistat.t messengers, at
I seven hundred aud twenty dollars each; one
laborer forty-six inmisauu hve hundred autl
twenty dollars.
For coulinirent expenses, seven tbousaud
! dollars. ;
I -
! , i
For three clerks of class four, nine clerks
I of class three, twenty-seven clerks of clats
j two, twenty six clerks of class t ne, antl two
I tnt-s-eutreis. ninety thousand four liuudred and
! eighty dollars. Kor contingent expenses, lit-
teen tnousun 1 dollars. ,
j For four clerks of class four. iht clerk of'
( class three, tweutyStlerks uf class two.'seven-
ty live clerks of class oue; tinny ci pyists, at
! nine hundred dollars each; superinteudeiit of
i the building, two hundred dollars; one uei-seu
ger, two assistant messencers. and six labor-
eis one bnudred and ieTny-uiie tuou-and
i teven hundred and sixty Collars.. Forcontiu-
gent expenses, hve thousand dollars.
! For chief cierk, four clerks cf class
four, one clerk of class three, tweuty
; three clerks of class two, twenty-five
j clerks of class one, and' two . mtasrn-
gers, seventy-four thonsand tif hundred
j and eighty dollars. I
For contingent expenseses, five thous
! and dollars. i
! For one clerk of class fonr, one clerk
! of class three, eight of class two,' fifteen
j clerks cf class one, one messenger atd
' two laborers, thirty fonr thousand eight
i hundred and eighty dollars. For cot-
t:ngent expenses, viz : ollice rent, repairs,
; and miscellaneous items, five thousund
i dollars.
For compensation of the surveyor
nf the Territorv of Wiliiin, three th.
For compensation of tbe Commissioner
of Indian Affairs, chief clerk, three clerks
ot class four, seven clerks of class three,
fiveletka of class two in all, twenty
eight thousand six hundred dollars.
Temporary clerk For one clerk of
class three, seven clerks of class two,
.twelve clerks of class one, and fonr fe
male copyists, at nine hundred dollars
each in all, twenty-nine thousand four
hundred dollars. '
For one messenger, one assistant mes
senger, at seven hundred and twenty dol
lars, and One laborer in all, two thons
and two hundred and eighty dollars.
For blank books, binding, stationery,
fuel, lights, and miscellaneous items, in
cluding two city newspapers, to be filed,-
uuuuu, nuu preserved tor 106 USO Of the
office, five thousand dollars.
i . s.
For compensation of Commissioner of
Pensions, chief clerk, twenty-two clerks
of class four, forty-eight clerks of class
three, seventy-six clerks of class two;
seventy clerks ot class one, nine female
copyists at. nine hundred dollars eacb
one messenger, five assistant messengers,
at seven hundred and twenty dollars sacb-
and five laborers in bis office In. all
three hundred and twenty-seven thons
and nine hundred and forty dollars. -
For stationery, engraving, and retouch
tog plates for bounty-land warrants, print-
For compensation of Commissioner of Agri
culture, three thousand dollars; chief clerk,
two thousand dollars; entomologist, two thou
sand dollurs; chemist, two tiiousand dollars;
assistant chemist, sixteen hundred dollurs: su
perintendent of experimental gardens and
jronmls, two thousand dollars; statistician, two
thousaud tiollars; disbursing clerk, one thou
Faud eiffht hundred dollars: superintendent of
seed room, one thousand ciiii. hundred dol
lars; librarian, one thousand eitflit hundred
dollurs; botanist, one thousand four hundred
dollars; three clerks of class four; four clerks of
class three, six clerks of class two, seven
clerks of class one; engineer, one thousadd
four hundred dollars, superintendent of fold
in ir room, one thousand twe huudred dollars;
assistant. snperiutetideui of parden aud
proouds. one thousand two hundred dollars;
assistant superintendent of seed-room, one
thousand two hundred dollars; three copyists
at nine hundred dollars eacb; two attendants in
museum, at one thousand dollars eacb; chief
messenger, eight bandred and fitly dollars, two
assistant messengers, al reven hundred aud
twenty dollars each; one carpenter, al nine
huivai eti and sixty dollars; three watchmen, at
seven hundred uud tweuty dollurs each; and
eiulit, laborers, at te veil huudred and twentv
dollars each oiaitiug in ail seventy thousaud
eibt hundred aud seventy dollars.
For collecting? statistics and compiling and
writing matter for monthly, annual aud special
reports, fifteen tbeusand dollars.
For purchase and distribution of new and
valuable seeds, twenty-five thousand dollas.
For expeuse of putting ap tbe same, for la
bor, bagxini;, paper, twine, gum, and other
necessary materials, five thonsand dollars.
For labor en the experimental garden, aud
for flower pots, repairs to green-house and
beating apparatus, gravel for walks, ond pur
chase of ne-v plains, and seeds for the same,
ten thousand dollars.
For stationery, two thonsand dollars.
For freight aud charges, one thousand eight
hundred dollars.
For fuel, one tbqusand eight hundred dol
lars. For lights, five hnndred dollars.
For repairs of building, furniture, fences
and water, one thousand two hundred dollars.
F'ir keep of horses, lifteen hundred dollars.
For new furniture, one thausaud dollars.
For cases for the department museum,, one
thousaud live hundred dollors.
For collecting and model 1 ing specimens of
fruit, one thousand dollars.
For cases for the library, ene thousand dol
lars. For fereign and domestic agricultural and
scientiho periodicals, two hnndred and lift,
Kor completing valuable sets of the same,
two hnndred any fifty dollars.
For current publications aud works of re
ference, five hundred dollars.
For collections for the herbarium, one thou
sand dollars.
For chemicals and incidentals in analysis,
furnaces, fine chemical, apparatus, microscope,
and Debasque saccbarometer. for labratory,
one thousand three huudred. and fifty dollars.
For philosophical apparatus, two hundred
and fifty dollars.
For collection of minerals and ores, one
hundred dollars. .
For incidental and miscellaneous items, two
thousand dollars.
For paper, twine, gum, and necessary mate
rials for folding-room, live hnndred dollars.
For compensation of the Postmaster Gen
eral, eiirbi thousaud dollars; three assistant
postmasters general, at three tbonsand live
huudred dollars eacb; superintendent of
money-order svstsm, three tbonsand dollars;
superintendent of fereign mails, tfcre lb on
For one clerk of class four, one clerit
j of class three, two clerks of class two,
J eight clerks of class one, one messenger,
j and oue laborer, seventeen thousand
three hundred and sixty dollars. For
contingent expenses, including rent of
! tbe Surgeon General's Office and Army
i Medical Museum, eight thousand ioi
! lars.
! For four clerks of class four, four clerks
, ot class three, four clerks of class two,
j four clerks of class one,, one messenger,
i and one laborer, twenty fire thousand
' live hundred ami sixty dollars. For cot
I uugect expenses, viz: fur stationery,
- ollice furniture, : -miscellaneous, and inci-,
. dental expenses, including two daily
Washington newspapers, tnree thousand
i dollars.
I -
Eor chief clerk, three clerks of class
four, two clerks of class three, lour clerks
of class two, six clerks of class one, and
one messenger, twenty-two thousand two
huudred aud forty dollars. For contin
gent expenses, viz : stationery, one
thousand dollars.
i For one clerk of class four, one clerk
of class three, one clerk of class one, four
tbonsand six hundred dollars. For con
tingent expenses, five hundred dollars.
For two clerks of class two, two thons
and eight hundred dollars. -
ERAL.. For one clerk of class three, Hkteen
hundred dollars.
For otfe clerk of class four, eighteen
hnndred dollars. '
For compensation of superintendent of
he building occupied by the War De
partment, (two hundred and fifty dollars,)
lour watchmen and two laborers, four
thousand five hundred and seventy dol
lars. Foi labor fuel, lights, and miscel
laneous items for the said building, ten' '
thousand dollars. I
For superintendent of tbe building oc
cupied by the Paymaster General, (two
hundred and fifty dollars,) and tor five
watchmen and two laborers, five thoos
andtwo hundred and ninety dollars.
1 or rent of building, aod fuel aad con
tingencies, twelve thousand five hundred
For superintendent of building corner
of Sventeenth and F streets, (two hun
dred ad fifty dollars,) and tour watchmen
and two laborers, four thousand five hun
dred and seventy dollars.
Eor contingent expenses, viz: Foe! en
gineer and fireman, matting and oil s
cloth, gas, whitewashing, tepairs, and
other ihcidental expenses of ssid building,
seven thousad five hundred dollars.
Eor compensation of the Secretary of
tbe Navy, eight thousand dasVars. , , .
For compessation of the solicitor and
naval judge advocate general, three ,
thonsand five : hundred dollars ; chief .
clerk of Navy Department, at two
thousand two hundred dollars ; addition
al to chief clerk, three hundred dollars,
to continue while there is no assistant
...tar. and no longer : on disbursing -
clerk, at two tbonsand dollars-; three
clerks of the fourth class, four clerks of
th third class, two clerks of tbe second
class, three clerk of the first class, two
messengers at eight hundred and forty
dollars each, and one laborer, ' twenty
seven thousand six hnndred dollars.
For stationery, labor, newspapers, and
miscellaneous items, taree tbonsand five, .
hundred dollars. , ...... ova 3 .
-s I