A ' ( t 4 " SATURDAY, SEPT. 3, 1S70. Subscriber finding an X after their name will understand that their subscription expires with that number, and they are invited to renew their subscriptions. Terms $3 per annum, in advance; six months, $2 ; three months, $1. LOO AH, APFAIRS Railroad Meetino. A fair attend ance was had at the railroad meeting on last Saturday night, and upon the vote being taken, the meeting was unanimous ior accepting the note proposition of Mr. Ilolladay, in lieu of the subscription pa pers issued some time since. Each sub scriber on those papers gives his note for the amount subscribed, payable thirty days after the road is finished to this city, provided such completion is had by July, 1871. It was the general feeling that Mr. Ilolladay is coming out of his way, at considerable extra expense, and against the wishes of those who would fain see Albany left "out in the cold," in . making our city a point on his road, and that the $50,000 asked for is nothing : more than his just due for so doing. The form of the hate, as given above, has been accepted" by Mr. Ilolladay, and we sup pose there will be no difficulty in chang ing the subscriptions into cotes. We must have a railroad, and to get it are willing to aid in its construction. We had better give the 850,000 and get the road, even if it is not finished in two years or more, thai to refuse to "come down" and get lo road. Our prosperity j as a city depends to a great exteut, we might almost say, wholly, on our being on the main trunt of the Oregon & Cali- j fornia Railroad, and so small a matter as the changing a subscription into a note shouldn't cause a mouieut's hesitarrcy in any ODe who has at heart the interests of this community. The form of note has been caret tiny gotten up ana printed, ana a comamtee consisting of Messrs. Ilanon, ittJntgomery, Barrows, Froman, Conner, Ilogue and Foster appointed to attend to getting them signed by those whose Dames arc attached to the subscription papers. It is to be hoped that each per son will sign upon presentation, so that there may be as little delay as possible in fixing up the whole matter. Appointments. The M. E. Annual Conference, at its receut session at Van couver, W. T.; made the following ap pointnieuts for Salem District : N. Doane, Presiding Elder; Salem, L.J.Powell; S. Salem, J. II. Wilbur; Silverton, to be supplied; Jefferson. L. T. 'Woodward; Lebanon and Scio, John Flinn ; Albany, C. W. Todd; Brownsville, J. II. Roork; Monroe and Corvallis, P. M. Starr; Buena Vista, to be supplied ; Vaquina, to be supplied; Dallas, D. L. SpaulJing; Willamette University, L.J. Powell, Pro fessor, A. F. Waller agt ; Santiam Acad emy, J. B. Calloway. Principal; J. D. Driver, agent American Bible Society, and member Salem Quarterly Conference. There were sixty five members present at the Annual Conference. The follow ing resolution was warmly discussed and finally passed by the Conference : Resolved, That the presiding Bishop be requested hereafter to ask every candidate for admission into this Confer ence : "Do you use tobacco in any form ?" and no person who will not pledge him self forever to abstain from it's us, shall be admitted. Shooting Affair. The Albany Brew ery on Broadalbin street, was the scene a nT i i ; of a shooting attair on eancsaay evening. It seems that Linn. Bowers, ! who lives three or four wiles from this i city, ' Benton county, went into the i brewery ou the evening in question, and i called for beer. Charley Hoggers, one of the proprietors, drew the beer. Alter a few more words between the parties, brought about by Roggers' disputing an assertion made by Bowers, the latter re- markea mat ue tip...-".- --- to shoot some before he left town. Rogers remarked that if he wanted to hhoot, he could pitch in, and he would pay all expenses. A few words passed between the parties, when Bowers re marked, "I will shoot," acd drawing his six-shooter he fired across the bar at Rogers, but missed him. At the second firehi3 aim was destroyed by the brewer, John Netter, who caught him from be hind, while Rogers hit him "one" over the head with a beer mug, cutting quite a gash. Bowers was soon disarmed aud in the hands of the City Marshal, who lost no time in carrying the shootinger into the presence of the City Recorder Arnold. Bowers, acting as his owu at torney, in justification of the shoot ing, said it was an agreement between him and Roggers, that he was to shoot and Regera was to pay all damages, and he did shoot, and hurt nothing, while he had received all the damages, in the way of a large gash on the head. In view of all the facts in the case, the Recorder bound Linn. Bowers over in $500 to await the action of the grand jury. Retuuned. Messrs. Riley, Menden hall, Althouse, and two others, after a six days' hunt, brought down fifty-two deer and one black bear. Messrs. Corn ley, Chouse, Hurd and Pat. Farrell, after a two days' hunt, killed nine deer. Through the kindness of Mr. J. C. Men denhall, we were presented with a ham, which we relished muchly. A Success. The Methodist Sewing Society, held on Wednesday evening last, at the residence of Judge li. M. Powers, was a very pleasant and agreeable affair. Mrs. Powers has the rare tact of making her guests feel perfectly at home. The church fund realized quite an amount from the lanje number iu attendance. .Wheat Receipts For the week end ing Sept. 1st : Magnolia Mills, 5,988.7 bushels ; Albany City Mills, 4,500 bush els. Services To-Moiirow. There will be preaching at the M. E. Church to morrow, morning and evening, by the Rev. J. S. Douglas. All are invited. THE WAR Between the old and the new ; between high prices and long credits on the ono hand, and small profits and ready pay on the other, still continues to ra-ro with unabated fury at Browns ville, and Wheeler, who represents in this contest the new order of things, seems determined "to fight it out on that line" if it taks a lifetime. People visiting Brownsville will fiud at his store a fine stock of all kinds of goods, which is being sold lower than ever to make room for a Urge Fall stock. 44 "Oil Up." Pure linseed oil, manu factured at Salem Mill, can bo procured of Geo. F. Settlemier, druggist, First street, Albany, at $1 30 per gallon, tf .. .. - WILLIAM DAVIDSON, Office, . Ot Front Street, PORTLAND .... OREGON. real estate dealer. Special Collector of Claims, A larjie amount of CITY and KAST PORT LAND Property for Bale. Also, IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable un cultivated LANDS, located in all parts of the State. Investments in REAL ESTATE and other PROI'KRTY. made for correspondents. CLAIMS of all descriptions promptly collected. HOUSES and STORES teased. All kinds of Financial and General Agency busi ness transacted. Parties having FARM PROPERTY for sale will please furnish descriptions of the same to the AUKNTS Or THIS OFFICE, in each of the principal CITIES and TOWNS of this STATE, jnnc 1 1'70-tf. NEW TO-DAY. 1840 The "Pain Killer," After thirty tears trial, is still receiving the most unqualified testimonials to its virtues, from persons of the highest character and responsibility. Physicians of the first respectability, recommend it as a most effectual preparation for the extinc tion of pain. It is not only the best remedy ever known for Bruises, Cuts, Burns, Ic, but for Bys iotery or Cholera, or any sort of bowel complaint, it is a remedy unsurpassed for efficiency and ra pidity of action. In the great cities of India. and other hot climates, it has become the Standard Medicine for all such complaints, as well as for Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints and other kindred disorder?. For Couirhs and Colds, Canker. Asth ma and Rheumatic difficulties, it has been proved by the xnost abundant and convincing testimony, to be an invaluable medicine. Directions accom pany each bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Price 23 cts., 50 cts. and $1 per bottlo sept. MARRIED. In thia city, Angust 28, 1S70. by Rabbi IT. Borris, Mr. Mosc Sternberg to Miss Lena Rosen berg, both of Albany. Compliments received. May the-r married life, to happily commenced, bo ever joyous through long years of usefulness. Messrs. L. Goldsmith & Co. On last Tuesday Messrs. L. Goldsmith & Co.,' of Portland, opened their immense stock of foreign and domestic; dry goods, at 75 Front and 76 First streets, to which they invite the atteution of the trade. From a reference to their advertisement, which appears in this issue, it will be seen that their stock embraces every, variety of goods demanded by the people of Oregon, manufactured expressly to meet their wants, and they will be disposed of at such prices as cannot fail to prove beneficial to the purchaser. If our merchants can procure goods at as fair terms at Port land as at San Francisco, it is obviously to their interest so to do. Being confident of , the ability and the disposition of Messrs. L. Goldsmith & Co. to do this, we heartily recommend our valley mer chants to call and compare goods and prices while at Portland. It will doubt less save expenses to, and freight from, San Franoisco. The character of the firm for liberality and integrity is unimpeachable. Lire Insurance. The Company that insures at low rates and pays all losses promptly, is the Company to insure with. See the card of Mr. Jacob, Adm'r. of the estate of our late townsman S. Rosen etein. The deceased insured in the New England Life, through Messrs. Russell & Elkius, for $5,000. In less than two years thereafter he died, leaving his wife and children nothing to protect them from actual want, save and except this life policy. The New England, through its manager for Oregon, comes promptly forward and pays the $5,000 in full, and the family are placed in good circum stances. Jas. Elkina is the agent for . Albary. . . -. Accident. A man at work on Beach & Monteith's mill-race, just below the mill, was pretty badly braised on Tues day by the caving in of the rock through which . the race - is being dug. He is about, all right again, we learn. The Scio JVetcs says that Mr. J. R. Lake recently purchased, in that vicinity, a colt with six legs, for the sum of $200, which will be added to the other attrac tions of the Overland Circus. The same paper e&ya that Mr. .More head, in searching for a spring of water on his land claim some twelve miles from Scio, found a promising coal vein. The croppings were tested, and pronounced a guod article of coal. Oa the first page of the Reuistr will be found the opinion of Judge Boise iu the Whitney Johns case. Whithey ap peals to the Supreme Court. Jas. B. Sperry, Co. Assessor, has ap pointed A. N. Arnold, Deputy Assessor, and he will in a few days commence the assessment of city property for county purposes. Those wild birds that went into the country a mile or so and raided on a melon patch, were caught in the act, and one of them received a charge t small shot in the rear. It is cheaper to buy melons, boys. ' R. Cheadle & Co. have been receiving new goods again. By next steamer they expect to receive the largest stock of sugars ever brought to this market. We are obliged to Mr. Pearson for a fine, lare melon. He is largely increas ing his stock of groceries. Grouse, pheasants and wild pigeons are to be found in quantities a short dis tance from the city, and they r.re young, fat and tender. Mr. I. S. Waldrip and family have ar rived from McMinnville, to take up their residence here. We welcome them to their old home. Miss Lizzie Smith, youngest daughter of Mrs. Delazon Smith, is very low with diptheria. Mr. Doolittle, reported so low last week, is still alive, but fading rapidly. The Oregon & California Railroad Co. now have six locomotives, the last receiv ed being a thirty ton, first class engine, called the "Salem." Mr. Hank Mendenhall, next door to this office, has put in a force pump, to keep his butoher shop cool, and lay the dust on Front street. Thieves and roughs just from Portland are attempting to pass counterfeit twenty dollar pieces in Salem. Look out for them, as they will doubtless try it on here. We call attention to the postpone ment of thebaic of real estate belonging to the late Davis Lay ton. The sale will take place on Saturday, October '1st, instead of last Wednesday, as at first ad vertised. Rev." II. C Jenkins arrived from Conference on Thursday. James Nixon, living near Harrisburg, an old resident of this county, died sud denly in the harvest field, on Saturday last. Wheat in this market still quoted at 70 cents per bushel. Mr. John Conner is still offering bar gains in the line of dry goods, iron and steel, etc., to eloso ont business. Mr. Brenner and family leave for their new home in Brownsville on Monday August 31st daughter. August Slst, 1870 a daughter. BORN. 1S70. to the wife of E. From, a to the wife of A. C. Jones- DIED. Near Peoria. Linn county, Oregon, Aug. 29th, 1S70, of paralysis, James Martin, in the 66th year of his age. Deceased was a native of Muskingum county, Ohio ; emigrated to Illinois iu IS20, and from that State to Oregon in 1952. In Dixie. Yamhill county, Aug. 2d. 1S70, of consumption, Rev. Levi Vanslyke, aged 44 years. NEW TO-DAY. IVolice. O WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : Durine my absence from the State. I have author ized Di. O. F. CRAWFORD to act as my acent. i and all his acts iu my behalf are hereby lully autuonzeu i.y me. f. J'. lifciN lJttiON. Angust 27, 1370-61 T AV. II. KUIIIV & CO., Having just received a Large and well selected Stock of F HARD WARE, SUCH Al FARMER'S & MECHANIC'S TOOLS consisting or ANVILS, VICES, BELLOWS, Hammers, Hammers, Hammers, Hammers, Sledges, Sledges, Sledges, .Sledges, Saws, Saws, Saws, Saws, Saws, Saws, Planes, Planes, Planes, Planes, Planes, Planes, Corss-Ciit and ITIill Saws, Together with a large assortment of IRON V:VI3 STEEL Nails, Nails, Nails, Nails, Nails, Nails, Springs, Springs, Springs, Springs, Springs, Springs, Axles, Thimble-Skeins, Bolts, &c, &c. o , .. . Also, a well Selected Stock of "Wagon Timber, SPOKES, HUBS, BENT RIMS, SHAFTS, POLES, HICKORY AXLES, ETC., All of which we are now offering to the public at low rates. As we make the business a spec ialty Wwe can and will keep a better assortment at lower prices than any house in this city. Receiving and opening a large and splendid assortment of WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, Which we offer at reduced rates. w. ii. Kunx & co. In the Monteith Fire-proof Brick, First-st. March 12.-70-27 A. CAROTHERS. I B. SALTMARSH. A. CAROTIIEKS & CO., DRUGGISTS & APOTHECARIES, AND DEALERS IX PAINTS, DYE-STUFFS, OILS PATENT MEDICINES, Perfumery, Toilet Goods, &c. Oar Goods are FRESH and w arrantedl'VLro PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED. STORE OPEX DAY AXD XIGUT. trow Street, three doors beloir Connor'-, Albany, feb 12'70-23 Oregon "fOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT JJI my wife, Aon McCallister, has left my bed and board without just cause and provocation, and all persons are hereby warned not to harbor or trust her on my account, as I will pay no debts of her contracting from this date. RICHARD McCALLISTER. August 27, 1870-51:4 The standard remedy for Coughs, Influenza, Sore Throat, WhonpinJf Cough, Croup, Liver Complaint, lironchiti, Bleeding of the Lung, and every affection ot the Throat, Lungs and Chest, including CONSUMPTION. tVistar's Balsam does not dry up a Cough, but loosens it, cleanses the lungs, and allays irri tation, thus removing the enttae of the complaint. None genuine unless signed I. Bctts. Prepared by Seth W. Fowle A Son, Boston. Sold by Redington, Hostettcr fc Co., San Francisco, and by dealers generally. 41y70 Dlscrlptlve List CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE ! ar STITZEL &' UPTON, Real Estate Dealers, Albany, Ogn. aTOIIIV COXftEK, MIU IK GENERAL MERCHANDISE, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOtS, StlOOS, ttJO Closed ont at abont coat. NEW TO-DAY. XI A R D -XV ARE, A well Selected stock now on band, and will be filled up constantly, and SOLD AT REDUCED RATES. IRON AND STEEL. The best assortment kept in the city, and con- r stantly receiving fresh supplies, SOLD AT THE LOWEST RATES. AH who want bargains give me a call. JOHN- CONNER. Albany, March 5, 1870-26. MACHINERY ! OF ALL KINDS, It E X1 j- I R E I & COLVER. Headers, Threshers, Mowers, Reapers, SHOULD BE LOOKED TO SOON: Persons having the Wheeler 4c Melick Eudleas Chain Threshers, can have them repaired so they will clean the grain as wen as any xnreener, and clean as much as their power will thresh. Flax JT urns 9 MADE TO ORDER ONLY. In short, all other Agricultural juacmnes and implements made and repaired. We are completing arrangements to manufac ture Seed Sowers, Sulkey and Gang Plows, of the best patterns now in use. ar-AU work warranted made of the best material. Shop on.corner of Washington and Seeond-sts., Albany, Oregon. 38m3 May 28, 1870. CITY OF ALBANY: Lots 1, 2, 7 and 8, Block 19 good house, 4c. Lots 3 and 4, Lot 6, 4 Lots in 4 Lots in Lots 3 and 6, in Lot Lots 5 and 0, in 20 " 24 " 16 house and barn. 44 " 1 1 8 no improvements. 56 " 2 good house ZS feet on First street, in Block 3, with a No. 1 Frame Store-bouse two stories. Rents for $25 a month. Lots 2 and 3 in block 3, with good House and Barn. Price, $800. Lots 1, 2 and 3 in block 6 large dwelling and two stables. Lota 5 and 6 in block 130 good houe. Price, $700. . Ten Homestead Lots, 6 acres each, mile aorta of Albany, at $120 eaeb. For particulars apply to i. C. MEfiDEUHAIX. Agent, jnnll-4Q :; Albany, Oregn- CHALLENGER THRESHER IIAIIVES' HEADERS! Mowers J Reapers And all kinds of Agricultural Implem'ts & Machines On hand and for sale by BLAIN. TOUNO A CO., May 38, '70-38 Albany, Ogn. Fox Sale X CnARLES BOWIE'S Premium Wacons, OREGON "MAKE, AT R. CHEADLE & COS, ALBANY, OREGON. ; July 80. 1870-47tf BUSINESS , . TILL RUSHING I AT THE NEW JEWELRY STORE o J. I TITUS, Albany, . . - - Oregon. AGENT TOR THIS CELEBRATED American & Swiss Gold & Silver Watches Of every description. Direct Importer .of the very best SWISS MADE WATCHES, Gents and Ladles Sixes. THE FINEST. SELECTION OF JEWELRY AND FANCY GOODS. Of all Kinds constantly on hand. 0 REPAIRING OF WATOIfES, SPECTACLES & JEWELS Y A T San Francisco Prices. o Every ArUcle Hold and all Repairing Done, Warranted. We claim to keep all FIRST QUALITY GOODS, 14 and at prices that defy competition. A. COWAN. A. W. STANARD. A. COWAN & CO., Wholesalo and Retail Dealers in STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODS FIRST STREET ALBANY. They offer a large and wel! elected stock of STAPLE XItY GOODS ! At Extraordinary Low Prices roa Cash ox- XProcXu.ee I In addition to a very large stock, corering rerything in the line of Cottons, we hare a complete assortment of FANCY DRESS GOODS! i Latest styles of Boys' and Men's CLOTHING and FURNISHING GOODS ! HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, Ac. Carpet, Wall-Paper, Paper Blinds, &c &c. da Unen Especial attention is directed to onr stock of IRON AND STEEL AND UL.KRAL HARDWARE! Which is the lnrgest and most complete this side of Portland. You are invited to call and examine our goods and prices. j i The highest market price in cash paid for Wool, Bacon aud Lard ! by . NEW. TO-DAY. A; COWAN A CO. Oct. 30, 1S69-8 STITZEL & UPTON, REAL ESTATE BROKERS, AND ! GENERAL AGENTS. o Sranola offloe, Albany, Oregon, J.C.MEXDEM1ALL, . - Agent, GENERAL LAND AGENCY FOR OREGON. Established July, 1868. An office where general information concerning the resources of Oregon can be obtained free of charge. Loans negotiated on first Mortgage, Real Es tate and Collateral Securities. We have for sale a large amount of property located in the town of Albany. Also, Farming lands, of every des cription, located in Linn and other counties in this State. To the citizens of Albany and vicinity, and to the owners of Real Estate : We take this method of calling your attention to onr place of busi ness. Having determined to open a Branch Of fice iu your city, we can offer yon a medium for obtaining purchasers one that is appreciated by buyers, as it saves tbem much time and labor in searching for what they want. Our principal Agency, at Portland, Oregon, is thoroughly es tablished, and the office so well furnished forgiv ing information upon Real Estate, that it affords the most complete facilities for all parties having business'in our line. You incur no expense in placing your property on sale witn us unless a sale is made. Office on First street, opposite Post-Office. JOHN C. MENDENHALL, Agent. Albany, Ogn., March 23, 1870. 29tf- i STITZEL A UPTON, REAL ESTATE BROKERS, 3. C. MENDENHALL, Agent, Office First st opposite Post Office, Albany, Ogn. HAVE for sale In the city of Albany, a desira ble Homestead. Lots 1 2, 7 and 8, corner 'I h.r.t. Pnnrlh and KlgWOrfh StTCetS, OU f the best localities in the city. A good one and nlf story house, with all other conveniences. pp:y to J. C. MENDENHALL, Agent, Albany, Oregon C O L OjH S i That Photograph Best, s A R E j I BLACK. BROWN, GREEN, SCAR LET, M0R00N, and dfeP ORANGE. Those that take White, or nearly so, are Purple, Blue, Crimson, Pink, &c. Sept. 18, '9-2 J. A. WINTER. Testimonial. Mr. Geo. W. Travers, 131 First street, Port land Dear Sir: With much pleasnre I add my testimony in favor of the Home Shuttle Sewing Machine. My experience in using it several months has proved qnite satisfactory. I have no trouble in running over seams and uneven sur faces, making a strong "Lock Stitch" which can be readily changed while the machine is in motion. I would advise every lady, before purebasia to examine Toe Home Shuttle. Mrs. CEAS. G002NCTTGH. Po.-Uaad. For saaeples of work acd circulars address OKO W. TRAVEFS7 Portland, Ogn. tt-2y o ' 00 PS H Q fi. H M s H H 0 0 s ft Q 0 0 $ 0 0 i 0 (8 Q x- ft U V 1 b O B s t o fi S t? o e ALBANY ADVERTISEMENTS. t. cnxAEtE, . CaCADLI, ' ' Front-st., Albany, Ogn. I 120 Clay-., f!n Fran- ) Cisco, t alii oral . 0 0 83 8! 0 0 R 01 u a a s a tm 'u a. S e tf H U g e v H an u s 90 w - a CP a 55 w 00 S3 z; O -3 to a pa E-t Pi 1 '-4 C3 H. Cheadle & Co, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Groceries and Meneral Merchandise' a!l FORWARDING A COMMISSION TIEItCIf AIl'TS. MARK OOODSf Care of . JL O. Albany, Oregon ; of XC San Francisco, CaT. Liberal advance, made eft consignments. N0TICZ TO SHIPPERS I INTEND DOINO A General Commission Rasines IN SAN FRANCISCO, for the purpose of selling All Kinds of Produce that may he ooasiened to me to sett. LAMAR CIIKADLC, 3kJ.1cja,xxy, Oresou Wai receive and attend to all orders on me to be filled in San Franoisco. oct-5tf R. CHEADtK. ' GOODS RECEIVED BY 33TV?-ex-y Steamer which will be sold for CASH"' or TRADE. u s 3 - S a t-D o w p , t- 00 I I . -8, e h GO rv-i b 4 fH S fa a e O e Be aa 60 OR ES o ea u a o u M A 3 a 8 c a 3 u u a w St 3 o a 3 a A -S s a it 0 n i WHEAT WANTED ! AT Sixty Cents per Bushel in trade, or oa Ksok aeoount. For all that may toe offered oct9- R. CHEADLE. Wit jpjmtig &giiffe B 3 5 P-r w 9 to St a e n a m a a o s. P? H n o o QQ O t i o & S5 i- ts PS Ea? at u b b O a a 8 9i 8 i w tm m tm 9 A WlEKLT NlWSPAPER, Ceartainiatr S8 solum s of matter, J3 PCBLISHFD EVERY BATURDAT. I& the City of Albany, AT ' A' AVTAJfCMT. Six mostbt., 1 "LOCAL ITKM3" made a SPKCIALTT. THE REGISTER JOB PRINTING fSret etreet, (oppotite ParrUh fc Co.'t lore, JSllymxy x t s Oregon. 0 H P W is ial W. S. DRICJCJS, CITY NEWS DEPOT, Front street, Albany, Offn. HAS JUST OPENED A FIRST-CLASS NEWS DEPOT and STATIONERY STORE, Where at all times will be found the latest Peri odicals, jnansines, Newspapers, Books of all kinds, Writing Paper, every variety, all kinds and sisea of Envelopes, and the most beautiful PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. This stock has been selected with none but First-olass articles are kept. Goods received direct' from Saa Franoisco by every steamer, fcflj. Terms moderate. Give me a call. W. 8. DRIGas. Albany. April . f.-31-ly. , mrrcHER's Xisbtninsr Fly-Ii!ler, Is ahead of asytsiuc of the kind. Haady and cheep. Try it. Sold by the Prnggists. 42m2 HAVING a very fair assortment f materia! we are prepared to execute, with neetaaes and dispatch, all kinds of 3E3C A2BT 3PA3T6 Y sack as . Band-biOt, Programme, BM-headi, . Ctrdt, Ball Ticket, . Pamphlet; -! Label, ' Blamk of all Uin&B at as low flares as adue regard toU-Uartgeoi work wUl allow. When you want atytbiag in the printing Ue, eall at toe RBStsraa eSee. 4 V i S 4 r - v. :: i .1 i