Wit jlfiaag fpgkto. "lesd Broke." lie is deaU broke." 'H'-y much does he owe ?" S'Oue week to morrow, over the month," said the clerk, examining the ledger. "Whew !" whistled the landlord. ''Has he no friends to pay for him V "Plenty of friends now, but let them find out that he is broke, and they'll be off like a convey of birds." 'I must see him ; and the hotel pro prietor walked out upon the piazza, ap proached a young man leaning against one of the front pillars. . "Mr. Watson, your bill, I see, is in ar rears one week over tl.e settlement day. Why is it ?" Tho young man flushed at first as if in anger ; then a pwiie overspread his hand- some face. "I know 1 am a little delin- 1 quent, Major Snow, but 1 can't pay at j present." I "Do you expect mocey scon ?" "Well, really, I don't know who should j send me anything from their surfeit of i cash," ' "Then I am to understand that you arc, not only unable to pay, but do not expect to be able ?" "Undoubtedly, Major. "Sorry, Watson, for you have been a favorite of. the season, and I don't like to turn you out before the break-up. Nor will 1. If you can give up your suit of rooms, and take up with one suited to your circumstances, I will let you remain a fear apparently, which made Percy shv rather than haughty : and Watson began to catch glimpses of a character beneath all that couventional veil which he had not expected to find. Of course the wealthy Miss Oromancs would scorn his further relations. Her rooms were near his own second floor apartments: she dailv, all the season, had encountered him in his walks through tha lnii corridor, and must have been Miss I the open-eared maid, having lost not a ! j word, returned to tier mistress to nua r.er ! absorbed iu penning another note. Tins i was written with great ca'e and many . ; pauses. It was finally finished aud lead ; j as follows : , ! ! "Mr. Watson will please excuse tho boldness of this note ; but, having been a J wituess to the meeting between yourself ! and Mr. Evans on the piazza, I feel it lncumDont on me to sjv that 1 lully ius- NEW TO-DAY. one of tho first to learn of his fallen for- tiiy your proceeding and your words. I tunes. Indeed, lie lialt surmisea tnat ner dressing-maid had made special inquiry into his cane, seeing her iu confidential confab with the floor-stewardess and room girls. So Watson, with a reserve or pride not entertained with others, kept apart from Miss Oromanes. On that third evening of his changed fortuues, when the Sappho of the Cas cades annihilated him, greatly to the pleasure of the youns; "bloods" around her, Watson wandered away at length upon the piazzas; and through the loug, deserted halls, restless, thoughtful, di gesting the notes which ho had been ta king of human nature, and trying to fix the relative value of a man without mon ey. It was the crystalline he was learn ing not the truth in mere solution, sometimes clear, sometimes opaque, but always thin, but the precipitated, hard, angular clear cut crystals ot miued in unexpected places. Had he remained upon the second floor, never would he have obtained the gems, the mere solution only would have repaid his keenest search. But that migration to the upper spaces had given him a won- ask no apology lrom you. Indeed, I will ! be pained to receive it. Believe me, I '. i am exceedingly paiued at the inference j you have drawn, namely : that I could i j find a justification in dropping your ac- ' quaintancc in the tact of your temporary ' embarrassment. Alas for my riches, if i they compel me to bear such imputations j ou my sense and motives ! I am, sir, i yours very sincerely, HELENE OROMANES." j This missive the maid bore to the fifth story. It found the Romantic Rob ert m bed ; but the letter was tlung iu over the door ventilator. "A letter for Monsieur Watson from my lady," said a voice at the door; and Watson sprang up as the envelope floated down to his lcet. "A note from my lady !" What on earth did that mean ? Another rumpus experience, ! brewing of course ! Turning ou the gas he read astonished, pleased, delighted, as the rich color mounting to his temples testified. And then, foolish man, he kissed the note. So vevy preposterous for one iu his NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Eiecr?r'3 and Gr-ardian's Sale of Real XTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVES THAT TnE JA undersigned, James P. lloguc, Executor of tue estate of Davis Lavton, deceased, aud L. C. Buikhart, Guardian of the estate of Augustus C. Layton, will sell tho following described real property at public auction, at tho Court House door iu the city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, to-wit : The north half of tho donation land claim of Davis Lavton, deceased, Not. So. 1924, Claim . No. 3. in Til S.R4 W. Linn county, Oregon. ! The said Guardian will sell all tho right, title -11 ml interest nf his said ward. AllCTUStUS C. Layton, ! iu and to the above described land, the same be ! inir his undivided one-third interest in fee simple in and to said lands : and the said Executor will sell nil the riirht. title and interest of Clara D. Layton in and to said land, tho same being her two-thirds undivided interest iu fee simple in and to said land, on tho 31st day of August, A. D. 1B70, at one o'clock P. M. of said day, in lots as per survey and plat of said north half of said claim, on file in tho Clerk's office in said county, as fol lows : Lot No. 1, 0 acres. " 2, 40 " 3, 38 SO. 100 " ' 4, 29 39.100 " " 5, 29 54.100 " 6, 22 84.100 7, 22 29.100 " " S, 18 69.100 , 35 67.100 Terms of Sale Gold coin of tho U. S., one half to be paid on tho day" of sale, and the bal ance in nine months from the day of sale, with interest at twelve per cent, per annum, secured by mortgage on the premises. JAMES P. HOGUE, Executor. L. C. BURKIIAKT, Guardian. Julv 2S, 170 47w l CEO. F. SETTLEMIER, (Successor to D. W. Wakefield,) Parrinu'8 New Building-, First Street, ALBANY, OREGON, -DEALER IS Drugs and Medici ues, CHEMICALS, PAINTS. OILS. GLASS, ETC. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW TO-DAY. WASHINGTON LIFE INSURANCE CO., OF NEW YORK. All articles warranted pure and of the best quality. Physicians Prescriptions carefully compounded. Albany, Oct. 17, 1868-6tf BET ON THE ELECTION! tho season out, trusting you to pay me in uer."8 ieB"i , ?.V V , " h, tho fntnrp " I urably extended that barring the fact that the future "You are very good, Major, and I guess I'll have to consent." So the baggage of Robert Watson was lifted'and borne from the elegant suit on the second floor to a little seven by four teen room on the fifth floor. How quickly it became known that the change had been made ! Every serv ant in the house betrayed the knowledge in the absence of the usual deference paid to the possessors of "parlors." At dinner, the "boy," who had been too eager to anticipate Mr. Watson's wants, suddenly became oblivious to those wants, and only answered theui after repeated orders. The cashier and register clerk, always so obsequious, gTew dignified and indiffer ent. Only the urbane Major preserved a kindly greeting for his guest too poor to pay his bill, and remaining by suffer-ance. "Queer," thought the hotel proprietor. I "He certainly had money enough when he came, for he deposited a cool five j thousand in tho safe. He hasn't been j fust, I am certain, and his habits have been so good that-the young bloods have j rather played off from him. But he has j been a fuvoritc. Not a bell in the room ! but would have dropped, her best frit-ad t NATIONAL LIFE Insurance Company OF THE UNITED STATES of AMERICA, WASHINGTON, D. C. Chartered by special Act of Congress, Approved July 25, 1868. ft5? V his bill was unpaid, he was the happier, because wiser for the upward reverse. Suddenly, in his solitary promenade, he confronted the heiress. She was walk iug arm in arm with young Evans, of her "set," in confidential communication it would appear, else why should they have been in that long hall alone ? asked Wat son, as, with a glance, he took in the situa tion. The meet in r was a surprise to both parties, and the inclination of both men was to pass without recognition. Evans, indeed, frowned ; Watson flushed iu anger, and with head erect bore down and passed his enemies, like a suspended or cashiered officer of the line, conscious of bis soldierly qualities, but equally con scious of his "altered circumstances." ' Too high he held his head, in fact, fcr j he caught no soft glance from the lady's i eye, and trod so firmly upon the trail of j her elegant evening dress as to cause a ; perceptible cracking of seams at the skirt ncats. r.vacs turned with a sudden million : lhey let events take for his attendance. Hang me if I can understand it. Watson, hailing from Baltimore, had been a season guest at the Cascade. Friends he had in plenty. He was cour ageous, well-bred, good-looking, intelli gent, and, apparently, rich what more could be asked ? Among the ladies he had moved quite a prince ; and many were tho gossamer web? woven as toib . - ... I. t . 1 . . ' 1 l, v.v-. t-a4 n - Vi, , . i i. , gentleman, and now learn very incorrigible recusant he woula not & . . ... , . j a . not pa v vour bills ; and he of voice, manner , and sentiment, beautv of person "the elegance of attire all were agreeable to him, deeply so. for he seemed to enjoy them immensely; but not the brilliant poetess, Miss Mountjoy, nor tho coy and artless Miss Dumain. nor the rattle-headed young Miss Lambert, nor the very rich Miss Oromanes, ap peared to command him. He was to all alike, the agreeable companion, the can did friend, the shrewd resisant of all arts to lead him into love's labyrinthine mazes. How would all these beauties of the saloon receive the announcement sure to be made of his "altered circumstances," as the Major expressed it ? Evidentlv Mr. Watson was not indif ferent. He still frequented the piazzas and parlors, giving every friend, male and female ample opportunity t6 "cut" hia acquaintance, or otherwise to express themselves. It was somewhat curious to note the progress of his decline, not fall, for Watson had that iu his character con struction which, even if poverty and trial, would preserve him from a sacrifice of personal dignity and self-reliance. But that he was on the decline became to him a sorrowful fact. Sorrowful did we say ? That is, jugd ing by the usual standard of human fe licity or misery. To lose one's friends, to behold your position in society grad ually slipping away, to realize that no longer you are held in coveted considera tion by a chosen few, is, ordinarily, a source of sorrow. Hut in Watson's case it was difficult to tell how keenly the knife cut to the quick of his sensibilities ; for, while every acquaintance was given full facilities for doing the disagreeable office of giving the "cold shoulder," the Baltimorean appeared like an interested spectator, and was as unmoved when passed by a supposed friend without the slightest notice, as if he were a newspa per reporter, anxious to see the act and not the fact. Into the parlors during the evening he particularly pressed his way. If a bevy of gay fellows surrounded Miss Mountjoy; he worked his way to the circle, and, at last, received from that lady of Sappho like lips hia discharge. She did most gracefully and crushingly turn her back upoD hina not three days after his remov al from the second floor. Miss Dumain he sought, confident that one so artless certainly would be above the hollow-hearted crowd, and etill give him her friendly greeting. Vain con ception ! The artless girl was ooy indeed ; and when at length he cornered her, it was to his discomfiture. She suddenly turned and forced her way past him, without even one of her downcast glances. On the contrary, her eyes were fixed fully on his faee, and plainly said, "Sir, we are strangers." Next he tried rattle-headed Miss Lam- ' v bert, and ahe rattled on quite as usual but Watson soon discovered that the rat' tie was not for him. Strangely enough, and proud and ex elusive Miss Percy unbent somewhat from her lofty carriage, and gave him a welcome ; .but over it all as a shadow r' anger. "Dolt," he hissed. Watson passed on, staying to make no apology, but he heard the lady say : "Fie, it is nothing;" and he was con scious, too, that she was looking at him j wondcringly. ! An hour later Watson was down on the piazzas again, evidently on the quest i for some person, and he found his man ! ere long. Evans was the gentleman wanted. Going up to him Watson said : I "Mr. Evans, what was the word you j used at the time I trod on the trail of iMiss Oromane's dress?" I "I said dolt, sir ! and I say it again. I We have hitherto supposed vo'i to be a that you can- pay your bills; and he laughed, halt the j , , , ... . , , I opportunely given mm to crusu anoiner. J be hot blood new to atson s face ; his hands were clenched as if to strika ; by a Etrocg effort, he mastered his pas sion. "Evans, no gentleman ever would have uttered that sentence. Only a coward would liing another's poverty in his face. Miss Orcmanes, educated as 6he has been j to give virtue to wealth, might find in j my inability to pay my hotel bill a jusci- ' fication for dropping my acquaintance; but I doubt if ever she would have coun tenanced incivility. I owe her an apol ogy for my seeming rudeness, and will give it to her ; but you I hold in su preme contempt even to exchange words with you. Hereafter do not speak to me, for if you do I shall slap your face, eveu in the presence of ladies." And the speaker went his way to his attic room. This scene, overheard by several gen tlemen and ladies, soon was the talk of the rooms. Evans, being a recognized leader of a very aristocratic circle, soon convened others of the 6et, and Major Snow was, ere loug, summoned to be in formed that he must "clear out Watson" Evans offering to pay the delinquent's bill. And tho news flew throughout the parlors and promenades that Major Snow was to give Mr. Robert Watson of Balti more, hia walking papers in the morn ing. An observer of the Beene between the two gentlemen on the piazza was Miss Oromanes. Having at once retired to her room to repair the accident to her skirt, the lady donned another dress, and, to enjoy half an hour undisturbed, stole out upon the pleasant open weather promenade, obe was thus a witness ot what transpired. She, too, retired, in circumstances. Many were the guests who "turned out" fully two hours before their usual ten o'clock breakfast the nest morning, in order to see Mr. Kobert Watson do- part. To their surprise there was Wat I son, cheerful and content, promenading ! up and down the back piazza, arm in arm j with Miss Oromanes, and Major Snow j looking on admiringly. To Evans and ! his set it was a declaration of war; but i who would dare to take up arms against the spirited heiress to a i all retired, resolved to their course. ! And they did take their course, of ccitrse. Iu three days' time a magnifi i cent equipage drove to the stand, and I Watson soon appeared with the beautiful 1 Miss Oromane3 for his compauion iu the i. morning drive. ! "Whose equipage is that?" demanded Evans of the Major, who had escorted his guests to the carirage. "Oh, that's W atson'p, was the reply. "Watson's be hanged i has he paid his bill V maliciously. j "Paid his bill? Lord bless you. he is ' rich enough to buy out this whole cou ' cern, aud to hire you and me for call ibojsl" "Explain yourself then, sir !" demand - ed Evans, irately. Did you not inform j the guests that he could not pay his : bill, aud that you had sent him uj Lta::. ! out of his secod-floor suite .' ' ! "Not I I Some of tho clerks r to be sure Executor's Sale of Iteal Property. TVTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEX THAT THE J3i undersigned, Hiram Smith and John F. ! Martin, Executors of the estate of Thomas Mar- j tin, deceased, in pursuance of an order of County Court in aud for Liun county, Oregon, made at the August term thereof, 1S70, mill sell at public auction, in front of the Court House door in the city of Albany in said couuty, on tho 6th day of September, A. D. 1870, at 1 oYlock P. M. of said day. the following do scribed real property belonging to said estate, I to-wit : ! Beginning at the northwest corner of YV. II. McCully's laud claim No. 41, Kot. So. 2973, j thence running south 56 rods, thence running in ! a northerly direction with the conn-.y road 132 rods to a point, thence west 105 rodso the place ! of beginning, containing twenty acres, more or ; less. Also, the following described tract of land, i 'Beginning at the southeast corner of Claim No. ! 41, Not. No. 2973, thence west 13 Ufl.100 chains, ! thence north 23 65.100 chains, theo.ee cast 13 96.100 chains, thence south 1 15' west 23 21.100 chains to place of beginning. containing forty acres, ; more or less," both of sufcl tracts of land being situated in Tp 15 S R 4 West Will, meridian, in Linu county, Oregon. TERMS OF SALE Gold coin of the V. 5?., ' one-half cash in hand, the balance iu sis months, . secured by mortgage on the premises. Dated, Augusta, 1S70. ; HIRAM SMITH , .1011 N V. MARTIN'. Aug. 6, 1$70-4wk4S Executors. Any one who wants to win can do soly calling on it. O. HILL SON, -W-B7-HO, thaukful for past patronage, still in W vite the attention of Linn county et al., to their unequalled stock of DRUGS. MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINT & VARNISH BRUSHES, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, ALCOHOL, KEROSENE, WINDOW GLASS, TRUSSES, ! FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES, F.TC. Agents for Dr. D. .Tayno Jc Son's preparations, II. 11. II. Hor3e Medicines, etc. t Do vnu like medicine for its bitter or nauseat- ing taste? We have that description. Do you ' want the effect with an aromatic taste? After i taking a few doses of our Elixir, 'twill be do very ' pleasant that your prejudices Must surclv turn awry, aud the preparation Will lose the name oe physic, (but not the effect.) Physicians and customers from the country may rest assured that their orders will be prompt ly attended to. Prescriptions carefully and cor rectly compounded. Have vnu the impolite guest called acorn? We sell "Corn Slaver,'' which surclv does the work Cash Capital, 81,000,000.00 DIRECTORS : CLARENCE II. CLARK, JAY COOKE. W. O. MOORHEAD. GEORGE F. TYLER. J. HINCKLEY CLARK, K. A. ROLLINS, HENRY D. COOKE, W. F. CHANDLER, JOHN I). DEFREKS. EDWARD DODE, II. C. FAHNESTOCK. Organized, I860. Policies Exempt from Execution. Cash Assets, - - - $3,000,000, SECURELY INVESTED. OVER 21,000 MEMBERS. PURELY MUTUAL. OFFICERS: CLARK, Philadelphia, P CLARENCE dent. JAY COOKE, Chairman Finauce A Executive Committee. HENRY D. COOKE. Washington, Vice Presi dent. Dividends paid one vear from date of Policy. without pain." Do you d. sire a'book of any kinf, ! EMERI.ON W. PEET. Philadelphia. Secretary All Polici-able. ;S and Dividends Non Forfei Say, asked Major. Evans Administrator's Sale of Ileal Kstate. "70TITE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT. IN pursuance of an order v the County Court of Linu couiity, fctate of Or g. n, made on th'. scond tiny of August, ii-70. iu t e ; i.itt:r of t:.e estate of Isaiah Mvrcicr, .ie .:-r irj- e-:i. Administrator of the s. ". . .1;, lie auction, to the highes- : ..r. :c v.ib, U. gold coin, in tliffcieut :.r. ci; .-..V nt n Gold Pen. an Allium. Stationcrv. or such? W 6. Drigs is with its, f.-r the accommodation of all favoring him with a pull. Do you want a line Watch, a set of Jewelry, i cheap or dear? J. D. Titus sells the same, under tho same r '"'f. ; Come and sc us. Buy a Book. Buy a Watch. : Buy a Pill Boy something or nothing, but come 4 and see us. anyway. A well sprinkled floor and : a cool dnnk of water in the summer, and a warm stove surrounded by comfovtai.'l chairs in winter cons'ar.tlv kept fr the accom i odatimi of all. Albauv. May 14. '70-:-'fi Af tnarv. E. S. TCRNKR, WaiibiLg-.on, Assistant FRAN-i-V? O. SMITH, M. D.. Medical Di . Orf J. KWING M EARS, Dir-c: r. M. D., Assistant M Saturdav. the 1 1ST0. between t!' o!'ek P- :-: .: .1.- i . .: v : have said something, to which i-tht-.i ded more ; but I really thought tun l of the gentleman to mention the m. . . to anv one. Now it turns out th i; all a little game of his own." "Littfc game ? What t!-.j .! . : .y have had in playing hide . . .V: demanded Evans, iu t .:,..; . ''- ' y i 'Well, in part. I m-;.; : - :; ' s; up value of friendship i : . . , .aid the power of ruoney Hi j :.: .cul.u' both of which I have uo douot he Las done to his entire satisfaction. Ha ha ha I What think you about it Mr. Evans "Think about it ? Why that it was it was " 'What?" 'Why, a very artful dodge nothing less." "Capital dodge, that's a fact, seeiug that a3 a poor man, he won Miss Oro manes, aud " "Now what do vou mean ?" fairly- shouted Evans, in his excitement. i "Mean ? That before ten o'clock on the morning of the day he was to have had ' his walking papers by your orders, he was dead in love with the heiress, and-" i "And what sir?" ! "And she dead in love with him." ! "It's false, I know !" cried the man, now white in the face with some inex plicable emotion. "False, cb ? Going off in that carri age together to the preacher's looks like it, don't it?" "Good Heavens !" The Major's conjecture was premature, as he well knew ; but the shaft had struck Evans to the heart, and he fairly stag gered to a scat. Evans had played a long and deep game to win the heiress. He had long been her recognized Buitor had discounted her possessions in his cay life ; and the result was, he was dead broke He left the watering place that day. Harper's Weekly. iaU-J. eptemoer, I".'--: of 9 o'clock A. M. and 4 : at t!?e Court Houso A."- -zy, :n Linn county, Ore- ' r:' e.i roul j roiierty, to-wit: .' --o. 10. and lot No. 2 in . v or' Albany, Linn county, -.-.ovm and described upon ' v Ibaay, now on f:lo v". r.. Linn couuty. LE One half in g-'Ul coin .ii to. a s. in, on credit ot six .u p-r era. l'er annum, secured by ; i'c tn tlu- premises s.M. 3. M. PENNING TON, Administrator. isro-iswi ELKiNS ELKINS ELKINS & SON, SON, SON, THE atterti.n f '.-v:o:-; ;r-.te taring their Uvjs. :r : ; rca i.i ot insurance they alter, iy '..a-.', is special advantages "Sired by 'he LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. "AL t".r.;..fT. COMB' - 110 O.iiCt has btcn Its KVStCtu cf bvti- 1 tj benefit thu hold s'" POSSESSES A .ivUc sc&tures '-vhi. ii c'..i:iii. Its r r--wtL, marked, t'.v sdui't NEW GOODS QVICK SALE Lebanon. Oresron. Lebanon, Orrgotw Lebanon. Oregon. -SMALL I'KOElTtf, 5 PROMPT PAY. i THE ADVANTAGES ARE: OFFEIIEH iit:ri::c:v street. Kan the 0i:ln',al Hotel. A a. ron for !iiminoii. In the Circuit Court of the Stato of Ore the couuty of Linu. G. W. Phillips, plaintiff, vs. James Wilos.LueindaJ. 'Wiles, Johu N. Durham, Mary A. M. Durham, James Sanderson, Mary K. Sanderson, Esau Prewitt and Sarah E. Prew itt, defendants. evident exoitement, to her rooms; and when her maid, half an hour later brought the house news that- the Major was to clear Watson out in the morning, the heiress, with perfect deliberation, but with brightened color in her cheeks, and a clear sparkle in her beautiful eyes, sat down to her desk and indited the follow ing note : "Major Bnow will please take no action in the matter of the difference between Mr Watson and Mr. Evans. I overheard every word that was passed between the gentlemen, and I fully justify Mr. Watson- Were it not an insult to him, I would offer to become responsible for any amount which he may Dot now be able to pay ; but I know that he is a thorough gentleman, and would equally scorn to wrong vou or to leave your house at the dictation of others. I am sir, yours, HELENE OROMANES This tho maid was instructed to place in the Maior's haDds at once. The maid had not far to go, for she met the pro-He prietor advancing up the stairway. glanced at the billet and laughed ; then paused and said : "No use for my trip up five pair of stairs. Mr. Robert Watcon has the free dom of this houso for the next five sea sons." i And down stairs he went again ; while The Remedy does not simply relieee for a short time, but it produoes perfect and permanent cures of the worst casus of Chronic Nasal Catarrh, and will pay $500. reward for a coe that I cannot cure. "Cold in the head" and Catarrhal Head acho ars cured with a few applications. If you have a discharge from the nose, offensive or oth erwise, stopping up the nose at times, partial loss of the sense of smell, taste or hearing, eyes water ing or weak, feel dull, have pain or pressure in the head, you may rest assured that you have Catarrh. Thousands annually, without manifest ing half of the above symptoms, terminate in Consumption and end in tho grave. No disease is so common, more deceptive or less understood by physicians. I will seud my pamphlet on Ca tarrh to any address free. Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy is now SOLD BY MOST DRUGGISTS IN ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. Price 50 cents. Sent hy mail, postpaid, on receipt of CO cents, or four packages for two dollars. Be ware of counterfeits aud worthless imitations. See that my private Stamp, which is a positivo guar antee of genuineness, is upon the outside wrapper. Remember that this private Stamp, issued by the United States Government expressly fr stamping my medicines, has my portrait, name and address, and tho words "U. S. Certificate of Genuineness" engraved upon it, and need not bo mistaken. Don't bo swindled by travelers and others, repre senting themselves as Dr. Sage ; I am the only man now living that has the knowledge and rig'it to manufacture the genuine Dr. Sage' Catarrh Romedy, and I never travel to sell this medicine. R. V. PIERCE. M. D., 46m3 1S3 Sf-neea street, Buffalo, K. T. Suit to have deed reformed and a mistake in the de scription of the premises correct'd, and for the specific performance of tho contract of the grantors. To Jams Wiles, Lucinda J. Wiles, James San derson and Marv E. Sanderson, defendants : TN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ORE- 1 gou : ion are hereby required to appear in tho Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon for the j couuty ot i.inn. and answer the complaint therein filed against you by the above named plaintiff with tho Clerk of eaid Court, within ten days iroin the date of service of this summons upon you if servod within this county, or it" served in any other county in this Stato, then within twenty days of the date of service cf this summons upon you : And if service of this'summons upon you be had by publication, then by the first day of tho term following tho expiration of six weeks from the first publication hereof, to-wit : the fourth Monday of October, 1S70. And take notice, if you fail to an swer a3 above required, the plaiutiff will apply to the Court at said term for the relief demanded in said complaint, to-wit : for a judgment or decree to reform a certain deed by you executed, and for costs, Ac. Dated July 12, 1S70. First publication July 16, 1ST0. Bv order of Hon. R. P. Boise, Judge. N II. CRANOR, Atty for Plff. STATE OF OREGON, ) County of Linn, j ' j I hereby certify that the foregoing summons is a true copy of the original now ou file iu the i Clerk's office of the State and county aforesaid. Given under my hand and official seal affixed. this 12tu day of July, 1S7U. 45w6 A. C. JONES, Clerk. Summons. In tho Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon for the county of Linn. James Knox, Letitia Knox and! Suit to compel J. B. Clondeniue, plaiutiffs, the perfoiuj- vs. anceofalegal John Lowderback, defendant, j obligation aud J for damages. To John Lowderback, defendant : IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ORE gon : You are hereby required to appear in thd Circuit Court of tho Stato of Oregon for tho county of Linn, and answer the couiplaiut therein filed against you by the above named plaiutiffs, with the Clerk of aaid Court, within ten days from the date of service of this summons upon you if served within this county, or if served iu any other county in this State, thon within twenty days of the date of service of this summons upon you: And if service of this summons upon you be had by publication, then by the first day of the term following the expiration of six weeks from the first publication hereof, to-wit : the fourth Monday of October. 1370. And take notice, if you tail to answer, the plaintiffs will applv to the Court, at said term, for the relief diuian v" :n said complaint, to-wit : for a judgment or c r- c (Jischarging a mortgage, and for one Luiiiti .hi lars damages, besides co ts. Ac. . Dated June 21, 1870. First publication June 25. 1S70 By order of Hou. It. P. Boise. Judg.j. N. H. CI-LNOSl, 42w6 AtS'y lV,r ;.:dntifts. Y7E HAVE J EST RECEIVED A CHOICE f T Selection of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Imported direct fr.m New York via the I'aelQc ' Kailroad, and can, f.T Cash or Produce, give customers bargains equal to any firm iu A' bany. All of our stock is bought at the ; i LOWEST CASH F R I C E. Buy of HUXsixxjg c? Son, DRY GOODS, BOOTS & SHOES, GROCERIES, Hardware, Iron and Steel, The National chaitor, tho lare capital, the Low Rates, the common-sense plaD, the definite . contracts, the honorable tind fair dealings, the j Non-Forfeiting Foli ies. the perfect security, j 1 the liberal Terms of the volicies. etc.. etc., rend- ; ; ers the NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COM- PAN Y of the United States of America worthy of the patronage of every busincs man. This company, during the sixtceu months of its existence, has issued 8,825 POLICIES, j covehiss j $26,800,000 INSURANCE. i The extraordinary rapid progress of tho eon pany attests the estimation in which it is held b tho public, and tho largo amouut of new business transacted it is tho best evidenco of the popular ity of its principles, niid its adaptability to meet the requirements of its Assurers. A . A'Kl IT WELL, General Agent for dTevou and Territories, PORTLAND, )KEGON. Nov. 6, '09-9y " v'y ALBANY ALBANY At PRICES, PRICES. ALBANY ALBANY PRICES, TRICES, Wholesale and Retail. highest rmcrs taid tor EGG S, BUTTER, ETC. ETC. N. B. All perrons owing us will at once come forward and pay up, so as to begin new accounts. L. ELKINS A SON. Lebanon, Arril I, 70.-6m3u RATES OF TOLL OVER THE ; Willamette Valley and Cascade Mountain Wagon Road. To DcKchuttes Kiver : Four Horso or Mule team SI 50 Two " " 3 00 One " ' 2 00 Ox teams, thice yoke 4 50 For every additional yoko 5U i'5 15 3 50 25 00 Loose horses, per head cattle, per head " sheep or hogs Teams returning emptj-, half price. Pack animals, loaded ' unloaded Horse and rider To Fish take : Four horse or mule team, each way '. Two " " " " Ouo " " " Pack animals, loaded " unloaded Horse and rider Ox team, three yoke To Upper Soda Spring : Four horse or mule team, out aud back 2 Two " ' . 2 One ' ' " Horse and rider, " Loose animals, " j Ox teams the same as horse teams. A. IIACKLEMAN. W. W. PARKisn, Prcs Sec. March 0, 1S09- 8 "STAR" PICTURE GALLERY! PROWKSVILLE, : : : OREGON TTf A? 232EN T: ITS POLICIES ARE NEGOTIABLE. By the Charter of tlie Company, certificates of obligations will be issued, ngieeing to purchase its policies at their value which, when accompa nied by the policy duly assigned or transferred, are negotiable, and may be used as collateral se curity, in making loans from the Company or from other parties. The Hon. Jno. E. Sanford. Iusurancc Commis sioner of Massachusetts, in his Report for 863, speaking of Dividends in Lifo Insurance Compa nies, says , ' The sooner such guarantees cease to be made, and such expectations created, the sooner Life Insurance will come to rest on itstruo motive, and men insure their lives for security, and not for dividends. The best and the most popular companies will then be those that prom ise only equity, and render all that they promise, and furnish the best security, with tho most up right and judicious management." cnarTSMEK's LIFE ASSURANCE OF NEW TOHK X C0HKAXY CKMItAL AGENTS FOR OrcgOB, and Washington, IJano Molilalia Territories, and PORTLAND OREGON. " By the Stock plan tho full cash effect of tho premium is immediately secured to the insured, the Company taking all the risk. By the Mu tual plan, tho full value in insurance of the pre mium paid, is not secured to the policy-holder, who takes a portion of the risk himself." Cash Plan, Low Rate, Strictly Mutual. All Policies Non-Forfeiting by tbeir Terms. No Restriction on Travel, Residence or Occupation. Policies issued in Gold or U. S. Curren cy, as desired. No extra charge upon women. All varieties of Policies issued. Lar ie Cash. Value Policies. upon Surrendered oct9-5 E. M. MER1ULL, Agent, Albany, Oregon. FITTED WITH SKYLIGHT tyl.v and tho operating room ALBA.M "J WOULD ItESPECT- i i :ul.ir'a !it.itij of Albany and vi- euity ;':.-iv . vr. takes, rjarse of this establish ment aid, hv -.v-p!.i$ iau rooms and paying tri; r. r :-,r.-;.- , t .. i'c'.iiw, expects to euit all thos wiia im-.j t i'.'t r him -rH'.t their patronage. Having ro!o:'o: t c.-.c: od or. rot ting but First-Class Hair Dressing Saloons, hecxpec's to give entire satisfaction to all. 3f Children and Ladies' hair noatly cut and shampooed. JOSEPH WEBBER. sel.I9y2 STRICTLY KlilST CLAS.'i MAKE! w;t'.: a choi ft-5?k of Ma.erials, Chemicals, 4c, direct from Philadelphia. Our work shall recom mend itself. Pictures from Ring to Life size, at the lowest piices. ., ' , , fpecial facilities for taking Family Groups and copying Old Pictures. cfi'$fig'$t PETER ilUMK. Iu the Drug Store will be found a full assort ment of Drug's, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Paints, Oils, ic, Ac. Also, Books and Station- ""Ssa- School Books made a specialty. Dr. Rowland has charge, aud may be consulted professionally at any time. Post Office building, Brownsville, Oregon. April 20, '70-33. PETER HL'ME. Policies Issued In Croltl of Currency, WM. E. HALE, MANAGER. WELLS, rAUWO -V CO.) CiliMiHA AO-Sl FOR. TU PACiilC COAST. CHEAP SEWING MACHINES. CttGlCf HOME SHUTTLE SEWINGf(5Q Machine. A double-thread jO lock-stitch Shuttle Machine ; stitch alike on both sides. V i Celebrated Comraon-Sonso CtjfCtfX fJs9 Family Machine. Both ma- fps3 hiues tully Warranted for 5 years. Machine, sent to any part of the coast by express, C. O. I. Agents wanted in every town on the Pacific ooaPt. Liberal commission. Homo Shuttle Sewing; Machine Co., 2y G. (. TRAVER, 131, First St., Portland. J. C. MEIYIEIVIIAL.L, TB AVKUXO AGENT For Oregon and Washington Territory. Albany, September It, IRC9 1 is' .C.BhOWN ii V ! Y, .'.'1 i 6m GILBERT BR0., AGENTS. SALEM, OREGON.