$ in bimiwi " " '-" 4 5 'j i SJw Jetting lgij5te. SATURDAY, AUGUST 20, 1870, A Uarhaix. Mr. P. Home, of Brownsville, ! ishing to change his business, offers his fine stock of drugs for sale on easy terms. Browns- i ville has heretofore had the reputation of being ' one of the liveliest towns in the State, and as this e , .7 e . v v.;. -n ! portion of the State expands with the new lito iu- Sabscnbers finding an X after their name will i !-,. . . . , .. . that number, and they are invited to renew their subscriptions. Terms S3 per annum, in advance; aix months. 52 ; three montns, 51- LOCAL AFFAIRS bringing population and capital among us, so will Brownsville be renewed nnd strenetheneJ and increase in population and wealth. Persons wishiue to invest in the firmr business, nr refer- : i red to Mr. Hume's card in this issue. ( Circuit Cocrt Pkoceepisc.s. A special term ! of the Citcuit Court was held on Tuesday the 16th inst., J udge Boise presiding. This term was held j for the trial of the case of the State of Oregon in ; the relation of John J. Whitney, relator, and S. ; A. Johns, defendant, the action beiug to deter- j mine which of the parties in the caso is entitled to ; the office of County Judge of this eountv. The history of the rase is briefly, that tho Hon. Burr 1 .Morris died, the incumbent of the office of Count v Judge, in September. 1S66, and the vacancy was filled by tho appointment of Hon. E. R. Ocarv to tn position by tho Governor. At the general election in Juue,lSt'S. the defendant, J. A. Johns. was elected County Judge, and at the expiration of the term for which Judge Morris had been chesen, on the first Monday in Juno. 1670. the relator, John J. Whitney, was elected to said ' office by tho people. Judge Johns refuses to sur- , render the office, claiming that he was elected for : a full term of four years, which will not expire till Juue, 1S72. The cae was ably conducted by the counsel of both parties, and has elicited much interest. Messrs. Burmester and Williams ap peared tor the relator, and Messrs. Cranor and Strahn for the defendant. Judge Boi?e has the ease under advisement, and his decision is looked for in a few days. Among the legal gentlemen present we observed Judges Thayer and Burnett. Hf Corvalls, aud Pistnct Aitoruev Butler, of Dallas.' IVJieiik's the Arm-iioi.es! A friend of ours . imi ordered a pair of pants at the tailors, giving the latter to understand that he was in no hurry for them. Short!..- after ordering them he found it necessary to make a trip to the metropolis, aud of cours; wanted the now patils l. wear. Accom panied by a frieud ho is somewhat celebrated for his ra iny practical jokes, lie drove up to the tailor's in his buggy, ntnlrs Irs friend was about getting out. he requested him us a favor to sny to the. tailor that he wanted those pants finished by a certain day. The friend promised t J attend to the matter. 'and with a face as long as that of a horse, he called on the taiior and informed him that she gentleman who had ordered those pants wanted tnem right away, and as he was going on a hunt he wanted them cut six inches shorter in th leg, so tbey could be ''foxed' at the bottom. and the cloth tnus cut off added to lengthen the waist. The tailor, supposing the order f chamo in the 'stv!e" to be nil ri-'ht, t-roce ded to finish the garment in good shape by ihe requir ed time. At tho appointed time, the cwner of the pants called, was handed the completed gar ment, ard. unsuspectingly proceeded to net into them. On getting fairly into them, he found the waist reached his armpits, while his leg was ex. posed from the kuec down. Seeing the comical figure he cut Ik weighs in the neighborhood of 250 pounds), and at once comprehending the sit uation, be gave one .-Ui.-'ieal look at th: pants, and then iu Lis shriilcs: tones vociferated "Here, . where in h 's t'.c urm-holes !" Jt is a safe bet that somebody will have to pay for thoc pants before i'.c ''summer is over and gone.'; ''R.EMBn ant." Our arfist friend on First-st Mr. J. A. Winter, proposes to 'exeursii.'" for recreation, aud will be absent from the city from the SOth inst. to the 12th of September. Persons who wish pictures in the meantime should govern themselves accordingly. After Mr. W. returns, he will introduce the new stylo of photograph knowu as the Kembrant." which just now is all the rage. Mr. W. has established a reputation as a superior artist, aud is constantly aiding to his facilities tor executing all kinds of work in the most superior and finished uiauucr. THE WAR Between the old and the new ; between high prices and long credits on the one hand, and small profits aud ready pay on the other, still continues to rage with unabated fury at Browns ville, and Wheeler, who represents in this contest the new order of things, seems determined "to fight it out on that line" if it taks a lifetime. People visiting Brownsville will find at his store a fine stock of all kinds (if goods, which is being sold lower tuau ever to make room for a large Fall stock. 44 flBBBUHHHHBMHHHSBHHBSIIIHmBB NKW TO - DAY. NEW TO-DAY. W. II. Kl llf t CO., sele llaving iuat received a Large and well Stock of II A U 1) W A IS E , NKW TO-DAY. BUSINESS STILL RUSHING. AT t B K NEW JEWELRY STORE WATE. Fon Tnr 1. oifs. -"What to Wear and how to make it." is tho title of a book of lustruetious I on dress and dressmaking, published by Mine. I Deiuorest, at 15 cents. Dressmakers and ladies ' generally will fmd in this manual much useful information, and complete instruction iu every department of ladies' and children's driss. It is issued semi-annually, aud sent free of postage. Address Mme. leinrost. S.'IS Broadway, X'tw York. M EMC At. .Tho Salom Mrllcl an J SuryU-nl AVtoiff-', for August, is fully up to preceding numbers in interest. As a medical journal it lankl high, and should receive the lil-ers! support of our people. Tl:e stage arrives now about nine o'clock each cveuing, going south, generally full ofpassengers. We arc favored with sevcial communications this week, f. r which we are under obligations to tho writers. Come ngaiu. gentlemen. Oners. Monday is the day on which the big circus wi'd give our folks a chance for a holiday j Exhibition of of sight seeiug. 1 U combination of attractions ; have, during the ottered hy tte vreat vvertauit wiu uounticss oring an immense crowd here on that occasion. j IWfvflf which the highest market price i will be'paid. iu CASH, at the st re of X. S. IV BOISE. ; Also, Butter a-ul F.gg. in unlimited nuantity. : for which the highest market price will be paid iu cash. Call and see me. Albany, Aug. L'O. 1ST0-5O A HAiSsAI. i VBAUCtAlX CAN BK HAI IX THE Stock and Business of tho Prug Horo in ' Brownsville. Oregon. The undersigned, wishing : to change hi t-usiness. will dispose of his stock ou easy terms. i Applv bv letter or at the store of ! ' PKTF.K Hl'MK. j . Aug. '10, 1 70 i :M Brownsville, Ogn. DAN CASTILLO'S i COMBIN ING TWO CI l!C CSS KS, The Overland & Great World. Sl t'H A A I j FARMER S & MECHANIC'S TOOLS j lONsisristj or ANVILS, VICES, BELLOWS, Hanimors. lLuimiers, Hatntucrs, Hsttimers, Sloiigu?, Sledges, S'odgcs, Sledges, ; Saws, Satvs, Shws. . Sawj. Saws. Saws. I'lsnes, I'lane, l'latics, : l'lanes, Plnnes, Planes, ! Corss-Ciit and rtl ill Naw i, i Together with a large assortment of ; Nails, Nails, Nails, Nails. Nails, Nails. Springs, Splines, Springs, ' Sprink.'!, Springs, Springs, Axles, Thltublo-Skeina, Bolts, &c, &c Selected NKW TO-DAY. J . Albany, I TITUS, - Orogon. AliTNT J'OR tBt ltLlH.Ul3 American & Swiss Gold & Silyer Watches Of every description. Pirvt Importer of the very best SWISS MADE WATCHES, Ciritta and Ladles lzra. TIIK FISi:sT HFI.KCriON OF JEWELRY AND FANCY GOODS, Of all Kluds constantly ou hand. O 11 U V A I H 1 N O OF W A TCHSS. Sl'KCTACl.KS A JKWSLXr M H i at U C! I r a 0 S D 3 a ALBANY ADVERTISEMENTS. t.. oriMti Froot-at., Albany, Ojn. R. riliMt, MO CUy-st., Sao Fr ciseo, Califcrala. 1 Also. well T "Tixxlo or Wheat Keceipts. IVr the week entlingAug. 13th. ft'lUtwing receipts of wheat rcpvrleil : Ma-nolia Mil!--. 6.017.:.? bushels ; Alhnnv Steam Mul.-, C.000 bushels. No oilier reiK.-.s. Oitutioy Chkksk. The Vwuni man from Wis- cnain, Mr. Pcurson, who runs the grocery store ou the corner Fir?: ;:ml Ir atlal'in, ou Satur day ro-ntvil us wish a hnu slice from a irjsh cut cheese, saying ho wtsbc-.i us to try it. We have trirl il. aivl in our oi'iuiou it is supori-jr in rit'hne? au-l t!aor t' uny Kaatern ruale chtesc we have seen in this market it simply ue licious. Mr. l'enrdou h.is :t muuV cr v f these rent rouud. f;it-lauking i'!ee?e, whi-h ho iiifurnicd u were manufacture! hy ti. W. Cri;ui:i, near .ir sister city of ia3cm. It' Orcjon can proJuoe .vu h cheese as tho article we have boon T'0akin vf, then we hax'c uo further u?c t"p-th'e KnMcni uiule article : wo prefer our isi-Mr-r-on made, uot only because it is- made Iwfr. nn 1 it is our duty and pleasure to cneour.e hme productiin. hut be cause it is really better art'r-h. and is s- id tit as law a figure K.tst-rn. We advise 1-vers f U .... . I.I lo iavctijf p.V l4NlV.- in tnt ".ib-trac: "tli-'f of ih- 5 3 to '.If tjUl and se Julm t new j! the -Xise oU.er day while tif our tvWH saiau, Mr , our aUoutk-a was uliraetcd by a thin in the luiu ot ai' ve-. it wa a -teve Buck paten;, wiih what ia called a ' rear xten- '. ton, wiiieh is itia'I i-f ljnt the tuil si.'.e oi uu stove, and is iatemle as a place Vj st n':l kinds ; of victuals which nee 1 t be kept hot f"r any re- ; rjnired length of time. Whrc the i:rst joint of ! pipe fits to the siovo is a lare copper boiler 1 hrouh the center of which the pipe ru:s) ; which may be kept full of water, tlie heat trom tho pipe k- epiu it at the boiling point. Ibme- S Brief Mfntion. Tho Whitney -Johns case in 1 tho Circuit Court on Tuesday, brought a large j amount of 1 gal talent into our city. j Ifov. Ballard has purchased property in I.eha- , the j non in this county, iutending to reside there. 1 Siekne.ss in the family of Mrs. Kiehurd Powers prevented the meeting of tho Sewing Society at . : her residence ou Tuesday. 1 Brownsville sent a larjre delegation to this city on Tuesday, ; Tho team of Milt. Houston, three or four miles out from this city, ran away tho other day while hauling hay, aud one of the animals killed they ! say. Fine watermelons were brought into market ou j Tuesday. ' Judge B'.d.-e reserved his opinion in the Whit 1 noy-Johns cac for three or four days. We may : publish when received. Steamboat visit.-: are rather too infrequent ; if : the present dry spell hold.- much longer, they'll ; get ''infretpuenter.' Owing to lack of shipping facilities, our mills i arc nut much on the grind of late. The city is full of strangers, some recreating ami others Liking for homes amongst u. ; Idna County Fair will open on the 20ih and , continue to the 2-ith of ? ptruiber from Tuesday : to Saturtlav only five weeks off. Mrs. Millett, we are sorry to say. is still too unw.-ll to canvass for "Ten Years in Wall Street' 'j the m s.i tlsriiiing art ! exciting b.-i k we Iiave i . peruei tor years. Friend Br'igs, at tc V 1 Stove St -re, !iitb eit fixing up gay. Carpenters and painters have utMfd nuirhTy to the appearan-e of the building. The City C-niMeil has appropriate 1 SO-l f'T the purchase of a bit, on whieh to cict t an engine hou.-e. It has alo vrdcred the opening of nX) alleys throughout the city. We are indebted to Senator William fur various valuable papers. We are Sorry to learn that our old friend and brother typo, Mr. F.ph. McFarland, at present veiy low with typhoid fevvr. As high a- 5 cents per bu-hel was paid by our buytrs for wheat, last week, but news of deprys flion in Kur :o and tiie East has s.mt it down to IHE MANAtSKHS and pr.u.riet'rs of this truly Wonderful and tiigantieestal'Ii.-duncnt. eneourageti by the liberal patronage whifh thv of- ; torts uf enterprising managers have heretofore met, and with the view uf presenting to the people . of tho Pacific coast an . Surpassing- Excellence, past w inter, culled from tho various cities ana town- ot JUmrope ana tnt; eon- ; tineul, liie most ditingut.shed a:tits in the pro fession, including The Mott Beautiful I.ady Uideis, The Most Kouovvne l K.juestriatis, The Most Skillful Trapeiisls. I he most Surprising AerwbaM, The lVt rowerful Athlete. The Most Accomplished Jester, XVXK. JUL.E KENT, l!e pupil of the world renowned showman, I'au Kieo. Also, tho Mtdiauimcd Troupe of Hedouiu Arabs - and Crocker's Den of Performing: Lions, together with their intrepid keeper, the KINtt OK Llt)X TAMEKS, who will enter their den at each performance, and feed them with raw meat from his naked hands. The attractions are too numer ous to admit of oen a passing allusion to all of them The mauacment beg to call particular at tention to their dazzling and gratuitous display. Among it.s many brilliant features i the Nep tune's Triton Borne Sea Chariot. Following this proud cavalcade cuies the Allegorical Car, bear ing upon its top an enormous living I. ion, un chained, loose and untramtnehd through the streets, lying at tho feet of his keeper. This com pany comprises SIXTY HOUSES and SIXT BEOBEK. by one-half the largest company that ever attempted b travel ..n thi coast. They will exhibit at Harrisbmg Thursday, August J$ ' Monroe Friday, August U b Cor vail is.. Saturday . August 20 Albany Monday, August 12' Brownsville ...Tuesday, August - Lebanon Wedu-day, August I Seio Thursday, August J' I Siherton Fiulay, August 2ri Salem Saturday, August '27. Two pi rlVi :na:ii :v ea h day, At hall past i and at H I. M. sbokks. urns, bkxt uims. SHAFTS. BtEES. II 1CKOKV AXEKS. KTC, j All of which wo are now offering to the public i at low rate. As we make tho business a spec ialty, we eau and. will keep a bettor assortment at lower prices than any houso in this city. Hreeiving and opening a large nnd spWuJid assortment of WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. W hich we oflwr at iviim'c.l rates. V. II. KfilX .t CO. In t!ii Montoitli Vti'O-pri-'of ltriok, Firrft-st. ! March 12. -TO ?7 livery Sou Francisco Prices. rtlrlc .lil aud !( Repairing Hone, Warranted. W( claim to k.i'p 11 rillST (Jl'AI. ITY O 0 O I S . 1 1 and at prior that ih-fv cutnpclatioti. & . A. W. StAXARf. A. I'AKOItU R. I . SAlTMAKSn. A. COWAN. A. COWAN & CO., VYtiolcsftlt' aud Hrtail Prlr iu STAPLE and FAXf 1 DRY GOODS FIUST STHKKT A 1. 1! ANY. a: CO I CAROTXIERS &. CO. DRUGGISTS & APOTHECARIES, n r. a i it it s i r r a i n t s, i y K sn: its, oils IWTKNT MKDICINKS, Uerfumery, Toilet Goods, Ac. Our Goods are FRESH and "X77".xx-ixixt o ci lO vxi o v n i: sen i v tios s com vov n i k i . They oflor a luri nnd wU -U-otcd stock, of stai'Li: uiev ;oois At CztraordinAry Low Prico Oxk1i i Proditoo I In addition t a very lari Ktuek, covering very thing in tlte line vt Cut tun a, w have a complete nssortmeut of FANCY DRESS GOODS! l.at . t .-.Ivli'i of Iioya and Men's ' CLOTHING anil FURNISHING GOODS! HATS, CAl'S. HOOTS. Kllnr.S, .u. 1 y 0 0 M 0 0 sTuiu: ".. ia r AMi sunn: t !!?- Albany fi;.- c'c.r. btuit: IV!, 1L"T0-J.q OroKon. ,M1I M.H, Carpet, Wall-Paper, Paper Blinds, &c, &e. A. Ltinen I r i. r. it GENERAL MERCHANDISE, i k v (;oois. clotihnu, X3oot, Slloos,tJO. CKwnd out at about eo.t. l-'.piv il ntionii hi is ilm cl" d lo our took of IKON AND STEKL - AN I' j u i i: 11 A II A It 1)WA It K ! Whi h ! the l:ir;;- I mid itio.it 'olnldol this idc .1 l'orllnnd. ! You no iuviti-d Vo mil and csamiim our good Jlllll luii'i-ti. 1 5 $ Q 0 0 o 0 A (0 a (3 o 0 PI H ci u u C s fl v u it A O d (3 rt s u a mm X u a. s if H U Qm R O e H S: u s -3 e a R. Clieadlc Co.. V hoUialn and Retail tlr in Groceries and Meneral Mercliandise i - At FORWAKUIXG A COMMISSION u:it ii r. M A UK iJnuhS i J. w o ; Car of 1 CJ1., AU-any, Oregon ; or If.. .."' 'San Francuiuo, Oal. Liberal ad aiu'ra made on ronalgtimeuta. ) A-r v, I! k ;r.rt1 3 c u fl 3 N0T1CI T0 SHIPPERS. I INTKM" 1INU A General Commission Hustings IX iKVTV PUANCIHCO, i for tba inirpojc of olliiig ' All KimU of riotliitc ', that may h oon'i(jnr.l to me . nU. 1 A 11 A It C1I12A ULI!, ', .llocvxxy-, Oregon i ill rfni an.l allpii.l ( all or.liTi OU ma to b flllrd in tUa l'rain'ii'o. .H-ty-Mf HlltR noons KK.cKtvi:i nv i Uvory Stonruoi wbioh will I old lor joVHii rri-.vii2. ! WHBAT Y.NTKlt j - AT - '(MUty Cent itr HiikIiiI i Is it If i can ato'at a glance how convenient such an ar- I oM 'i"-iii...,s75 cen:s. ranged stove must he. It struck us lit once .19 j Our C'uy Marshal hus tired 01 wuitin on par being a great Mvnr of kitchen labor, mid t nd- j ties lor the payment of taxes, and will immediate. visa those iookini; for a jrood nnd convenient . . . , ,, . ... ti .-xnine .hi,. Mr. Hri,, will take ; Jven,w th VVty ad city denn.jm'Uls jilcasuro in showing you through his establish- I mcnt. exhibiting thn Thrious novelties ho ha ! lately added to his stock. I Coustv I' Ant. Our pooplu must not forget that the tiuio for holding the Linn County Fair 'is rapidly appro-, hing. Only a thort five weeks intervenes, tuid tho.-o who intend competing for dne or more of the vp.ii-ju? premiums offered as a reward for genius or in lustry, should ho getting everything in readiness tor th'- oeca.iioii. Ue! expect the show iu the ladies department to far j sarpass acy previous Fair, for t:io reason that which will add cuiii'.leraSly to tluir till of A hiut to the wise. The irrepreSMblo Jo. Teal ha. been hero aain, gobbling up more real estate. II purchased a large tract of laud just aeress tho river in lienlou county. Hands for harvesting have been iu demand of late, and $2 per day offered fr.'-ly with none to bo obtained. Tho mill race now being conatrucicd 1-y Me.rii Beach A Montcith, is quito an undertaking, and will cost a pilo of money. The work of excavat- i Tho standard remedy for t'ouy;l'i. Influt'iria. i .Vo Thrift!, H7io..yiin. 'o;'i. Crimp. I.irir l'., ,!!, lint. l!: i,iu hiti-, Ill r iitij thr ,iim;, nnd evcrv alV.'ctii.n ot the Throat, l.unj." aud Client, i iu.h'ulin- ''UN.SLMI'TIO-N. ovinia r' Ilalsam docn not dry a 'u.ii. but loosens it, cleanses the lnns. and allays irri tation, thus rrmi-rimf thr roouc of the complaint. None i inline unle.-s signed 1. 1U'TT. 1'ieparcd by Setli W. F.iivl.. .t Son, Host in. Sold by Uedin-ton. Ilostetter .t Co., Han Francisco, and by dealer irenerailv. UyTH A well Seloctc be till V Ii I' ll The highest market price in cash paid for Wool, Union and I-aril ! 1 stock now 011 hand, aud w d up constantly, and bv o & I i a: jt Oct. 3d, ISIiU-N SOLD AT REDUCED RATES. A. COWAN :.l -0. 1 5 I ft. e 2 4 I K O N A N I s t 1: 1: L . nnd evil- t:ii;irilian'.s Salo t" Ktral I'.statf. TOTICi: lri IIKHKIIY HIVKN 1HAI. pursuance of an order of they aoro alwavs first and foretnott iu all irood works, and from the other faet that the premiums ing, under the supervicion of Mr. J. B. Montcith is being rapidly pushed.. The late "heated term" has made business ouere l in tins department are more than double taiiie of but year. We know if the lames win iho Fair a taeeess, such it will b beyond a per . adventure. Let us have a full aud complete rep resentation of all the in'erepts of our county at tho Fair next month, and to this end let each and -every ono contribute something-. up for Coll An Eose FiiACTcrtcp. On Tuesday even ing last, as Mr. Andrew Blcvins was returning ho jio from this city, and when at tho old Helm place, ab-tit six miles out, a colt came running np behind tho team he was driving aud frighten ed them into ruoniug. Mr. Blevins immediately I "utraightened" on tho lines, when one of them j broke, and he was precipitated from the wagon to ' the ground with such force that his collar bone (was fractured, aud his arms, head and back ; pretty badly bruised. He was taken into Mr. Turner's and Dr. Hico was tent for, who minis- tered to the Eufi'erer's wants, and reports him in t fair condition at present, and rapidly recovering. I f Navigation. Riier navigation has closed for he present, boats not being able to make this polat, owing to lack of water on the rapids. Un til we are blessed with a big shower, we cannot . hope to see a steamer at our landing. The trav eling public are now forced to patronize the over land stage, procure conveyances of our liveryists, 'or foot it. " The stage has come and went crowded ' of late, and on several occasion, hacks have been chartered of our livery men to convey passengers as far as the present railroad terminus below cia lem. As liolladay is reported to have received sufficient iron to finish his road to Salem, tho traveling time between our city and Portland will aeon be but ft matter of six or eight hours. our physicians, and they arc now mak their long "play spell." Brother Morgan, of Portland, a member of the craft, 16 up for a holiday among his old friends hereabouts. Sever?! of our citizens who returned during tho week from tho Sod"-S, not only declare tho fact, but their looks denote t'uC ben'&cial effects of the waters there. And still people OoO.k there from every point. 'Wo havo been luxuriating in a smoky atmos phere for days past. The woods in the mountains in every direction seems to be on fire, caused in most instances by the carelessness of campers. The cloudy weather of tho past few days, indi cates a change in the weather programme. IN" the County Court ol tin' county of l.inn. Statu Oregon, made ,.n j tho 2d dnv of August, 1S70. in tho mntter of the ! estate of Thomas J . Cline, minor, the undersigned. ! Oiiar.lian of said minor, will sell at public aue ; tion, to thu highest bidder for cash, subject to the I value of permanent improv ements placed thereon 1 by .1. I.. Harris A Co., on j Saturday, tho 10th d:iy of Si jdetnber, I 170, between the hours of 9 o'clock A. M. and J j o'clock P. M. id said day. at the Court House j door, in the city of Albany, in said Linn county, i Stat- of On-iron, the undivided one half of three f,,r j (3) acres of land in the extreme northeast corner of the original uonution 1.1 11 a claim 01 noorgo Cline, in l,inn county. State of Oregon. TLllMS OF SA1.K-Cah, I". S. gold coin, down. Hated. August 41, 17". J AN K CMXK. Aug. 0- lSw4 tiuardiao. The best assortment kep? in the city. ntuntly receiving fre:-h supplies, SOI.l AT Till: LOWEST HATIW. All who leant bargains give me a call. JOHN CONNER. Albany. Match i. li-70-2o. OF MACHINERY at. 1, Kinds. I If II Y & COLVER. if i i 3TS.3I3-A.31. ESTATE. STITZEL& UPTON, REAL ESTATE BROKERS, A S t i U K N V, 11 A L A 0 K X T S. Bi'aiioli o f JT 00, Albany, Oregon, i j. c. mi:mi:miai.i - - Agent. (1 KN KRAI, LAND AliKNCY FOlt 0RF.OON. F.stiihlished July. ICB!. An office where general Information concerning tho resources of Oregon can be obtained free of charge. Loans negotiated on first Mortgage, Ileal l's tate and Collateral Securities. V have for sain a largo amount of property located in the town of Albany. Also, Farming lands, of every des cription, located in Linn and other counties in ! this State. ' 1 Ems! " a. 5f m a a. a, o O o e s a in U -2 o H 1) B. i 1 4 ca " v 5 fc u o i2 S a o O Ik 3 B3 0 0 r t Hi ill trade, or on Book account, l ur nil that may l oflVrrd 0t8 & 11. cnuAin.ic. A NV 11 ki.v Nf.wHi'Ai-t.n, Oonialuinjr 28 aetuuiK of matter. IS Pi ItLlSHKD KVF.KY SAH KIHVi In the t'lty of Albany. A v. 1 "A BEARD I A.tOTHF.tt Ishtasce. It will bo remembered that Mr. Solomon Iloaenstein died at Oregon City Very suddenly some three months ago. Mr. It. had provided for the future of his family by tak ing out a policy in the New England Mutual Life in the amount of j,ut)U. Tins amount was pain over by the agent of this Company for Oregon, Mr. S. M. iloldredzo, on Wednesday. Wo are informed that the widow and children would have been left penniless had it not have becu tor this policy. With it they are in independent circum stances. Here is one of the practical results of life insurance that can be nnderstood and appre ciated by all. BfccsHisa L. Tho late order of the City Council making it incumbent on property-holders to repair and make good all sidowaks,driv. down the nails, ate., has caused oar citizens ii bostir themselves, and many yards of new walks here neen nut, rcw places m Oregon are as w.U suppuaa a Albany with good, clean sidewalks. Found ax Last ! A remedy that not only relieves, but cures Consumption and its numerous satellites which revolve arouud it in tho shape of Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Bronchitis, Ac. This remedy is Dr. Wiatar s Balsam of Wild Cherry. "Oil Up." Fure linseed oil, manu factured at Salem Mill, can be procured of Geo. l' Settlemier, druggist, First street, Albany, at SI .'JO per gallon, tf WILLIAM DAVIDSON, Office, No. O Krout Street, PORTLAND .... ORKOOX. REAL ESTATE DEALER. Special Collector of Claimn, A largo amount of CITY and EABT PORT LAND Property for Sale. Also. IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable un cultivated LANDS, located in all parts of tho State. Investments in REAL ESTATE and other PROPERTY, made for correspondents. CLAIMS of all descriptions promptly collected. HOUSES and STORES leased. All kinds of Financial and General Agency bust nAws irtLnsacted. Prti havinir FARM PROPERTY for sale will please furnish descriptions of tbe same to the AGENTS OF THIS OFFICE, in eaob of the prineiral CITIES asd IOWSS of tfcis iiiAl js june 1V70 tf. IMarrlpUvc List --or CITY 1'ROPEKTY FOR SALE! BY STITZEL & UPTON, Roal Estato Dealers, Albany, Opu. CITY OF ALBANY : Lots 1, 2, 7 aud 8, Rlock !'. good house, Ac. Header, Tlirelieiei, Slower, liea pern, KUOULI) UK LOOKED TO SOON. Persons having the VUcclcr St Mcllrk landless Chain ThrcKlicr.H. can have tbein repaired so thev will eleau the grain as well as any Thresher, and eleau lis much as their power will thresh. Flax AMisf, MADE TO ORDER ONLY. In short, all other Agricultural Machines and implements made and repaired. We are completing arrangements to manufac ture 8eea Sowers, Hulkey and Oang Plows, of the best patterns n..w U"'' All work warranted made of the best material. Shop on corner of Washlngutfo n'l Second-sts., Albany. Oregon. Mbv 28, 1S70. JUmJ ; To the citizens of Albany and vicinity, and to j the owners of Heal Estate : We takn this method t of calling your attention to our place of bni ! ness. Having determined tit open a llraneh Of fice in your city, we can oiler you a meiiiuin lor obtaining purchasers- -one that is appreciated by buyers, as it saves them much time ami labor in searching for what tbey want. Our principal Ageney. at Portland, Oregon, is thoroughly es tablished, and the office so well furnished forgiv ing information upon Kent Estate, that it affords the most complete facilities for all parties having business in our line. ,JtJ You incur no expense in placing your property on sale with us unless a sale is made. Office on First street , opposite Post-Olliee. JOHN C. MKNDKN'HALL. Agent. Albany. Ogn., March 2n, 170. ZUtf. STITZEL A VPTON, K K A 1. K K T A T K 11 R O K K R S, J. C. Mi:NI)KJ.HAM.. Agent, Office First st opposite Post Office, Albany, Ogn. HAVE for sale in the city of Albany, a desira blo Homestead, Lots 1, 2. 7 and 8, corner Third, Fourth and Elsworth streets, one f thrs best localities In the city. A good one and .half story house, with all other conveniences. Apply to J. C. MENDENHALL, Agent, Albany, Oregon Lots 3 nnd I, " Lot 0, " I Lots in " 1 Lots in " Lots 3 nnd f, in " Lot Lots & and fi, iu ' 25 feet on First street, 10 21 " lfi house and barn. 11 ' " 1 18 no improvements. ;, " 2 good house, in Rloek 3, with a No. 1 Frame Store-house two stories. Renta for $25 a month. Lots 2 and 3 in block 3, with good House and Barn. Price, $H00. Lots 1, 2 and 3 iu block 0 large dwelling end two stables. Lots 5 and 8 in block 130 good bouse. Price, $700. Ten Homestead Lots, A acres each, mile north of Albany, at $120 each. For particulars apply to .?. C. MF.NOESHAll, Agent, jnnll-4V Albany, iVragnn. CIMLLEXGEIl THRESHER HAIMV III, Il,lt ! Anil all kinds of Agricultural Implem'ts & Machines On hand and for sale by IILAIN, YOUNG A CO.. May 2, '70-38 Albany, Ogn. o Xox Salo Z o0o niti,i:s BOWIES Premium "Wagons. OREGON MAKE, AT R. GMEADLE & CO8, ALBANY, OB EGON. July Hi, IB70-7tf O O 1 O It H That Photograph IIchI, A R K BLACK, BROWN. GREEN, SCAR LET, M0R00N, nd deep ORANGE. Those that take White, or nearly an, are Purple, Hlue, Crimson, Pink, &c. Pept. tf, ''.! 2 .1. A. WINTER. Testimonial. Mr. Geo. W. Travers, 131 First street, Port land Doar Sir: With much pleasure I add my testimony in favor of tho Homo rihuttle Bowing Machine. My experienco in using it several months bas proved quite satisfactory. I have do 'rouble in running ovor seam aud uneven sur faces, making a strong "Look Blitob" which can be readily changed wbila th. machinols In motion. I would advise every lady, befcro purchasing, to examine The Horn Shuttle. Mr. CHAB. O00DNOUOU, Portland. For staples of work sd olrouUrs a4dr.il OKA. f. TRAVFBP, Prtland, Ogo. 0 2y or ISS a r psj &S 3 P. d J I S I r 1 ad 'z mm i U 2 law ! a o E-i pi Ci o In ID rtl V. t-s a, u b z u X H MM X 0 V fi M sM B u B n JG w fee 4 P. U o ji it f.V A l YA VCf.', Kit mouttn LOCAL ITKM." made a PPKCIALTY JOH V It I NT I N (j t int itrrrl, (ofoitr 'tit 'A 4- f'o.'s !'., Albany t s s Oft'juron CITY NKW8 DKIMrr. rtont trot, Albany, Oregon. WAS .itiPT npK5EI A FIRST CLAflfl II ci;1VJ DKWIT and 8 T A TION B KY'PTOll E, Where at all tiroes will be found the latest Peri odicals. MaitnTinos, newspapers, in.oss OI all kinds, Writing Paper, every variety, all kinds ami sites of F.nvelnpes, aud thu most beautiful r iiotoor apiiic Albums. This stock baa been selected with great car, and none but First-class artiolas are kept. Ooods received direct from Ban Froaclseo by every steamer. tSV Termi moderate. Give mo a call. W. B. PRIQOfl. Albany. AprU 9, T0.-31-. DUTGIIGR'B Ligbtninff Ily-KHIer, Is aksfcd of MytbUik ot th. kiod. Handy and cheap. Try it. Pold by th. Jrugjist. 42mJ n AVISO a very fair assortment ef material we are prepared to riocule, with neatness aud dispatch, all kinds of TOI3 PniNTINO sued as l Hand-bill, logramrn,i, CWs, Pali Titkttt, LabeU, of JXll UitsClH, at as low flgures as a doe regard U taste aod nd work will allow. When you want aoythm a tbarriatlnj line, eall at the RiTra effiee.- f - 1 k I i ' ' ' . ' t': : .' , .. ;