VOL. 2. ALBANY, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 20, 1S70. NO. 50. She JUfang gteguto ! PCBL1SHED EVERY' SATURDAY BY COLL. VA CLEVE. OFFICE OS CORNER OF FERRY ASD FIRST-STS. PORTLAND CARDS. TERMS IX ADVANCE. One Year Three Dollars Six Months xTwo Dollars Single Copies Ten Cents E. F. RUSSELL, Attorney at Law, C. P. FKKRY, 2f"tarv Public. RUSSELL &. FERRY. Real Estate Brokers Meeting Agents, Portland, - - - - Oregon. TO THE ion, ADVERTISING RATES. Transient advertisements per Square of ten lines or less, first insertion, $2 ; each subsequent ; insertion, $1. j Larger advertisements inserted on the most J iberal terms. SPECIAL ATTENTION UIL. lu l Sale of Real K.-tate. Heal Estate Litigat j and the Collection of Claims. ' OfBce. North-west corner of First aud V ash ! ingtou Streets, Portland, Oj;n. fob 6-70- 5 ADVERTISEMENTS. BUILDERS, ATTENTION I SASH, BLIND AND BOOR F A C T O R Y GEO. N0AII. JOH WORK. Having 'received ntv type, stock of colored inks, cards, a Gordon Jobber, etc., we are pre pared to execnto all kinds of printing in a better uauue-r and fifty per cent, cheaper than ever be fore offered in this city. Ajrcnts for the Register. The following gentlemen are authorized to re ceive and receipt fur subscription, advertising, etc., for the Register : HIRAM SMITH, Es., Harrisbur. .Tudee S. H. CLAUG11TOX Lebanon. PETER HI ME, Esq Brownsville W. R. KIRK. Esq E. E. WHEELER. Esq Seio. T. II. REYNOLDS, Esq Salem. Geo. W. CANNON, Esq Portland. L. P. FISHER, Esq - 'Frisco. .I.VMt.S MORKISON. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, formerly Xew Columbian, Corner Front and Morrisou streets, PORTLAND, OREGON, Xoali A Morrison, Proprietors. Free Coach to and from the House. s. n. SMITH. THE GEO. B. COOK. OCCIDENTAL, IVRMtKLl "Western Ilotol, Comer First and Morrison streets, Portland, Oregon. M essrs. S.M1T11 a luck nave tascn tnis well known house, retitted and rt.-furuished throughout, built a lare addition, rnakin.; BUSINESS CARDS. J. C. MEN DEN II ALL, IN" t i x- Public ALBANY. ::::::: OREGON. T EGAL INSTRUMENTS OF ALL KINDS i ANKIUCA.i I A made and attested. Conveyances and col and Sittintr rooms, making it by far the I Best Hotel In Portland. ! A call from the traveling public will satisfy i them thai the above sta:.'m-nts are true. ! . SMITH 4 COOK, Props. ) N. B. Hot aud col l Ba;hs attached to the I house for the benefit of guests. 60 ! Portland, August loth, IS69. S. It. ALTHOUSE. X. WRIGHT. J. F. BACKENSTO. AITTIIOISE A: CO., LVOS STREET, (oS THE RIVER BANK), A1BANY, : : : OREGON. K' EEP ON HAND A FULL ASSORTMENT, aud are prepared to 1 Furaish to Oiclex9 i Doors, ! Blinds, ; Sasli, ' and 2va:oiL.3oxisrc3v-s, ' such as j Crown, Panel, Band, and Section Mold j of all sizes. j WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES ! ! 3?looring, Siclins, and all other kinds of Iluiltliug "Material ! NEW TO-DAY. IMPORTAJXT TO THE INSURING PUBLIC ! ALARMING MORTALITY I Within tho past throe years, six of Ahe local Insurance Companies of San Franciseo, rcpre sentinff a capital of over $2,000,000, suspended I the first four during the low rate war of 1867 and j the last two during the past few weeks. Six out of Twelve j in less than three years is on alarming record of mortalitv. and should suggest to the insuring pub- ! lie tho propriety of avoiding experimental, inex ' perienced, and low rate Companies, aud patroniz ! ing.the old established, conservative, wealthy, and j prudently managed corporations of tho solid and , permanent order. TELEG RAPHIC i SPECIAL TO THE REGISTER. Dates to Ausrus 1 . ALSO Are prepared to do MILL WORK : furnish Sha ker Fan-. Zigzag Shakers. Suction Fans, Driving Pullevs. of anv kind, at our Factory on Lyon street, (on tho river bank), next below .Mai'Kiiaui s warehouse. Albauv, February ALTHOUSE & CO. 0, 1S69- 4 locti.'iis attended to. 36- L. STRUCKMEIER & CO., JllSKCIIAXT TAILORS, ALBANY, OREGON". KEEPS ALL KINDS OF FINE CLOTH. S-ii;s ma le to order, in the most fashion ao,e and approved tvles. 4iiv L. STRUCKMEIER A CO. cor.NEK or Front and Washington Streets. PORTLAND, OREGON. - - Proprietor. L. P. W. Qnimby, - (Late of the Western Hotel.) J. W. Bt-iitfey. 1 .UN'S R001S MADE TO ORDER u.n:ue, a.id with neatness and dis- jpgf .1. Kinds of Repairing- Done Alb.aiy. Juno 11, 13T0 40 i. 18. RICK, JI. PMS1S1AN AND SURGEON, Albany, ------ Oregon, K1CE ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF MAIN o erect. Vlbauv, April '70.-32 A. W HEELER, y 1J n D l l c O t SX X' BROWNSVILLE OREGON. TniS HOUSE is the most commodious in the State, newly furnished, and it will be ths endeavor of the Proprietor to make his pueste comfortable. Nearest Hotfl to the steamboat landing. ,2SP The Concord Conch will always be fou- ! at the landing, on the arrival of steamships ai i river boats, carrying passengers and their l.-a: - : gftse to and from the bunts We nchnrge. i Ifoutt supplier! tn'lh I'atcnl I'ire Extifgnithti-t. ', COSUOI'OLITAA SIOTEI,. j iror-MEitLY Ar.itioost's,) ; Front street : s : Portland, Oregon. i I U Z t" X D E It I G XKD. H A V 1 N G I' U II fha-:i"l tii?? wcil known Ilotol, are now jrc- vared tn uiitr tin- iruvc:; j-ui-ue nrtrcr aocom i modaliuns ibau can he fuu::d clscwbcro ia the t city. Hoard and Lodging S2 ) per day. BLACKSMITH INC ! PLOWS ! PLOWS ! PLOWS FB1HE undersigned gives notice to the gencib.1 jL public, that he is now manufacturing the ; Galesbtirg Patent Plow !' ! and any other style of plow that may be ordered. ! Also, particular attention paid to JUSTLY TAKES RANK AS THE LEADING AMERICAN Vire insurance vo. Their contracts are endorsed by cash assets exceeding Wagon Making- and Horse-shoeing, j l.TOOjOOO. AVagons for sale at my shop at SI tO and $160. I Their business is managed by underwriters w'io Horse shoeing as follows : Cash, $2 ; credit, S3 j have no superiors and but few equals in the Union I T' cir risks are small, carefully selected, and seat All work entrusted to me will receive prompt( ' tered throughout the entire United States, thus attention, and be executed in the best possible b avoiding heavy loss iu the most serious eonflacra- manncr with good material. A share of public j tion. Their rates are not of the guess or gamb- patronagejs s -lirited. Shop on corner Ellsworth and Second streets, opposite Pie ce' Ferry. F. AVOfD. Albany, November I, TS6S-II Antwerp, Aug. 12 10 A. M. Advices from the seat of war state that a great battle was momentarily expected. Berlin, Aug. 12 Midnight. The French wounded are being forwarded to Shannon to-day. 2,2G5 French officers and soldiers, taken in Saturday's battle, have arrived here. The garrison of Htrassburg consists of only one regiment of foot and a small force of the National Guard. Tho sup plies are in proportion to the garrison. It is thought its capture will be easy. The London Telegraph is authorized to contradict the former report that the Prince Imperial was iu Loudon. McMahon marched out of Sauternie, Sunday night, on one side of the town, while the Prussians were entering it on the other. Prussian accounts say nothing could equal the destruction of life at the bat tle of Worth. It is believed that Napoleon was on the field with McMahon. The French headquarters arc wholly iguorant of the details of the battle, but are impressed with the belief that it was decisive and important in its resultSi Theirs is reported to have said the j Kmpire was ended and a Republic inevi- j table. A let'er from Nancy denounces the Emperor's bad generalship. iN'cMahon, while gallantly struggling, was beaten for lack of support, although multitudes were eager to have him pass the llhine. The Prussians to day are at Alsace; to-morrow 'vi'l be in possession of Lor raine. The people are desperate, believe thi.-iiiselvi.-si betnueu, and are clamoring t'.jr luaUcrs L'-npon. An;. 12. The Bank Mided between Frouard and Paris has been destroyed by the Prussian cavalry. London, Aug. 14. Napoleon's retreat from Metz confirmed. Paris, Aug. 14. After the French army had retired from Nancy, the Prus sians occupied the city, and the Mayor was ordered to pay 50,000 francs. The railroad and telegraph lines, aud the fine bridge of seven arches, were destroyed by the French. Prince Frederick Charles' headquar ters are at Hevey, within twenty miles of Metz. London, Aug. 14. Specials from Carlsruhe say that Strassburg was bom barded with hot shell on Friday and Saturday, and the city given 43 hours to surrender. Paris, Aug. 14. Strassburg can only be captured by famine, and it has provis ions for many months. Berlin, Aug. 14. King Villiamsj headquarters yesterday were half way between Metz and Saarbrucken. London, Aug. 14. The Errperor has left Metz lor Chalons. A great battle expeeted between Chalons and Nancy. Metz is still in the possession of the French, but their position has been turned. The rivers Elbe, Ercer, Judher and Moselle are blockaded by tho French fleet. Paris, Aug. 14. Eugenie has issued another proclamation of an assuring char acter, the Corps Legislate spectators were ordered to disperse, and the sitting goes on with closed doors. 375,000 additional men go into service immediately. Admiral Farragut died on Sunday. Paris, Auk. 15. Thirty thousand of McMahon's troops, which were supposed cut off, have arrived safely at Strassburg. Twenty French citizens were shot at Werth by the Prussians, in retaliation for alleged cruelties to Prussian wounded. The Emperor on leaving Metz, issued a complimentary address, charging the citizens never to give up that bulwark of France. A dispatch from Napoleon says our army commenced crossing to the left bank of the Moselle this morning. Our advance guard had no knowledge of the ' presence of the enemy. When half our ! armv had crossed, the cnemv attacked in 01 ! "reat force, but were renulsed after four pecie pajinent to- hours fighting, with great loss to them. Berlin, Aug. lo. lhe yueen re- A Wonderful Spring Natural Chicken Soup. About one mile out from Elko, on the old White Pine road, aro a number of hot springs the property of Messrs. Laumeistur & Groej. per. One of these springs is really a great natural curiosity a spriug the like of which is perhaps nowhere else to be found in the whole world. It is a hot spiing of considera ble size, the water of which, when prop erly seasoned with pepper and salt, can not be distinguished f rom the best chick soup. Of the hundreds who Lave par taken of it all agree that it has precise ly the taste of chicken soup or broth. The proprietors have made many expert' mcnts with the water of this spring, and find it both wholesome and nutritious. Three pounds of beef boiled iu the water of the (spring yields as much soup as could be obtained from twelve pounds of the same meat cookod in common water. The spring is one of a group of hot springs situated in a stretch oi moderate- ly hilly or rolliug ' couuuy , - uud in no way remarkable iu appearance. Like the other springs about the placed . it ie at the top of a little mound of loam and sediment formed by the decay of plants and mineral deposits from the. water. The proprietors of the springs have constructed bathing rooms near them, into which hot and cold water, nronerlv minsled, is led: but as yet thertf are no hotel accommodations. However, the springs are but a mile out ot the towuofElko, and a wagon leaves tho town for the spriDgs every two hours. Physicians speak very niguiy oi mo medical virtues of the springs, and were they situated near some large city tiiey would be worth a mint of money. The soup spring would supply not only all the soup houses, but an tne noieis ana restaurants with a good article of chicken soup ; then at a small cxpenser for pepper and salt, invalids with vtaat , . . . i n r .. Ft;inci is day- Paris, Aug. 12. Tho Prussians do j ceived a dispatch from the front saying : THE OLD STOVE DEPOT ! "T -E'AL INSTRUMENTS OF ALL KINDS JLj made an ' atiesieci. f-ju-V-yiuces and lectious attended to. 1269 J. IIAAM-OA, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. ALBANY, OREGON'. FFICK -Ou Main Brick. The Hotel Coach will be iu attendance to con-Tey-p ..?it;i:j .cl l4gg';tt to and from the Hotel free of' charge. ' J. E. SPRENGER. lin order, but are based on actual experience i and are as low R3 good insurance can be furnished at. Their losses are honorably and promptly ad ; iusted, and paid in gold coin without delay or discount. Their ageuts, located at all points of ; importance, have authority to issue policies direct. I thus avoiding the danger and delay incident to j the sub-acney system ; and. in each and every particular, b"th as regards solvency , permanency, ! prudent management, honorable couduct,equitable j rates, and conservative practices, iThc Phoenix, or If art lord, i furnishes facilities to the injuring public unequal!- cal. The greatest kindne&S is eu by any ouier company doing easiness ou .n.s , l.v0L r,,Um,M "Victorious combat occurred near Metz. i I hasten to the scene of conflict," and I siprned, William I London, Aug. 15. The French Gov 't eminent has ordered all privato tcle I graphing suspended throughout France. of rrnssia announces that she will take . rorralua"lc rcvoiuuonary uuveuienu , , , , : have recently occurred in Italy aud Spain, personal charge of the wounded of both j ProclamatlOM of republics is hourly ex- nations ; tlitir treatment snail oe menu- riected. nt-t occupy Nancy. Fear.s of a famine are dissipated; large wheat crops are expected. Bfblin, Aug. 12 The Bavarian army is encamped near Saarlouis. The Queen ;hown to coast. Office Oregon A California Stae Company, 15. G. WiiiTEHorsE, Agent. tf : STOVES, COOK, PARLOR & BOX. R. MAfSILl, Manager, 424 California St., San Francisco. o street, opposito Foster's 1-C'J X. S. DuBois, CONSTANTLY on hand and receiving, a larre stock of Groceries and Provisions, M'ood and Willow Ware, Tobacco, Cisars, Con fectionery, Yankee Notions, Ac. Ac. Wholesale and Retail, opposite R. C. 1IU1 4 Son's drug store, Albany, Oregon. jn40'70 ZXiltabidcl & Co., DEALERS IN GROCERIES AND PRO visions. Wood aud Willow Ware, Contec , tiunery. Tobacco, Cigars, Pipes, Notions, etc. Alain street, adjoining the Express office, Albany, Oregon. I E. A. Freeland, DEALER IN EVERY DESCRIPTION OF School, Miscellaneous and Blank Books, Stationery, Gold and Steel Pens, Ink, etc., Post office Building, Albany, Oregon. Books ordered from New York and San Francisco. I J. H. MITCHELL. J. V. DOLPH. A. SMITH. Mitchell, Oolph & Smith, VTTORXEYS Aien COUNSELLORS at LAW, Solicitors in Chancery and Proctors in Ad miralty. Office over the old Post OfEea, Front street, Portland, Oregon. I JAMES A. WARNER, Civil Engineer & Surveyor. IS PREPARED TO DO SURArEYINU AND Engineering. Uses improved Solar Compass. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Residence on 4th St., opposite Dr. Tate's residence, Albany Oregon. nI9-Cm POWELL. L. FI.INN. lowell & Flillll, ft T7DRNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW A and Solicitors in Chancery, (X Flinn, Notary Fnblic,) Albany, Oregon. Collections and conveyances f.romply attended to. I GEO. W. GRAY, D. D WOULD SOLICIT THE PAT- T ronnge of all persons desir ing ARTIFICIAL TEETH aud FIRST CLASS DENTAL opera tions. Jfitrons Oxido administered for the nain. less extraction of teeth, when desired. Charges moderate. Odice in Parrish & Co.'s brick block. Resi dence. 6r?t house: south of Congregational Churcb fronting on Court House blocK. Albany, Oregon, July 2, 1870-43 N E W AD VERT IS EM ENTS. ntOHAA BiriLmA'fiiS. WHEAT AND FLAX SEED DEPOT. CLEANING and IH.HSTINii capacity lO.OOO Bushels per Day ! A share of patronage solicited. 1.V70 E. CARTWRTGHT. JEiT- The highest cash price paid for Wheat. LADIES' EMPORIlfl, of the best pattera" AT.SO- Tin, Sheet Iron ami Policies Issued and Renewed Direct by , I,. FHA., Agent, and the usual assortment of Famishing be obtained in a Goods ta ALBANY, OREGON. jy2"70-43m3 MRS. A. J. 15 UN I WAY, PEALEIl IS TIN STORHJ ! 2icpo.it neatly ami prompt?; executed, "f Jfif on reanonahte levin. -53:. j "Short reckonings, maVjc long friends. SPRING AND SLMMER STYLES. Gen. Phil. Sheridan has gone to the front. London, Aug. 12. Napoleon's pres ence ou the battlefield of Worth is con firmed. Scraps of news about the recent battles are allowed to be published in Paris. The Emperor and the Priuee Imperial have left Metz for Verdun. Paris, Aug. 15. A plot in which about one hundred persons, armed with poniards and revolvers, were interested. ' has been discovered, and many arrests have been made, it causes tee most intense excitement. The Prussians have appeared before Toule. No details of the battle before Metz The Prussians are penetrating France S on yesterday have been received. The in three grand divisions, by way of For- people are clamorous for news. Favor- iiuic iiiuiuiiiiiiii!' Ml 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 t iului v ULcaLi; immmense enthusiasm. S., FasMonaWe Millinery anil Fancy Goods, i Follows Dress and Cloak Making in all their varied branches. BLEACHES AND PRESSES STRAW GOODS In Latest Style and best manner. STAMP FOR BRAID ASD EMBROIDERY. Corner First and Broada'bin strnc-ts, Albany, Oregon. i;inlnl"-70 C. MEALEY DEALER IN & MANUFACTURER OF and CABINET WARE ! I3ecliing-, Etc., Corner First and Broad Albin streets, ALBANY, ORE G OX. PARTICULAR ATTE0T1ON PAID TO "S ORDERS OF ALZ. KINDS in his line. October I88S-8 FINE CUSTOM MADE CLOTHING. ST. CHARLES HOTEL, i Corner First an.i Washington Sts., ALBANY, - - - - OREGON'. XX. BRENNER, Proprietor. o riTH A NEW BUILDING, NEWLY f T Furnished throughout, the proprietor hopes to give entire satisfaction to the traveling public. The beds an supplied with spnng-bot tomi. The table will receive the closest atten tion, and everything the market affords palatable to guests will be supplied. jan V- 1 FRANKLIN MARKET, Main Street, - Albany, Oreg-on. meats of All Kinds, Asrn OF THE VERY BEST QUALITY, ConEtantly on hand. 39 Sm G. B. HAIGHT. Front street Albany. Next door to Mansfield A Co. dcco"6SI " A Stitch in Time Saves Nine!" UNTIOlVr Fire and Marine Insurance Company ! Nos. 41G and 41S, California street, San Francisco, - - - California. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE Cash Capital, in Gold Coin, STSO.OOO. Deposit iu Oregon, 550,000. Losses Promptly and Equitably Adjusted And Paid in Gold Voin. THIS COMPANY having complied with tho laws of Oregon, by making a deposit of fifty thousand dollars, is now prepared to effect insur ance against Loss or Damage bv Fire, and also against Marine and Inland .Navigation risks, on liberal terms. GUSTAVE TOUCIIARD, Pres. CHAS. D. HAVEN, Scc'y. CIIEVOIT SUITS, WHITE DUCK SUITS, CASTOR BEAVER SUITS, Heavy Canvas Hunting Coats, White Marseilles A'csts, Figured Marseilles Vests, Furnishing Goods of all Kinds and a groat variety of other NEW AND SEASONABLE GOODS. O 3 M W f I- AS PREPARED TO DO AM. KINDS OP TURNING! I keep on hand and make to order RAWHIDE-BOTTOMED CHAIRS, A5D Spinning Wheels. Shop near the "Magnolia Mills." JOHN M. METZLKR Albany, Nov. t 8, Ift8-I J. O. MENDENHALL, Agent for Albany. Albany, January 8, 1870-18 THE EYES I THE EARS I We aro prepared to offer to the public tho lar gest and REST SELECTED stock of Clothing of our own manufacture, ever brought to Portland, and at prices that DEFY COMPETITION. WM. CURRIER A CO., jy2-43-3m 103 Front-st., Portland. THE SAW FUAIYCISCO STORE! COnSER riHBT AND FERRY STPEETS, ALBANY OREGON. Dr. T. JL. OL.EIV, OCULIST AND ATJRI T, ALBANY, : : : OREGON. R. GOLDEN IS A SON OF THE noted old Opthalmie Doctor, S. C. Golden. . Dr. GOLDEN has had experience In treating the various diseases to which the eye and ear are subject, and foels confident of giving entire satis faction to those who may place themselves under bis care. : Albany, April 10. 18f9-31y Keeps constantly on hand a full assortment of DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, CLOTHING. Boots, Shoes, Haidware & Crockery, and a full supply of Ladies' Fwmsning Embroidery, Fancy Gooas, &c. also, a stock of THE BET LIQUOR! for Medicinal purposes only. Always on hand a large stock of Box, Cooking and Parlor Stoves ! and manufactures all kinds of Tin, Copper and Sneet-lron Ware, all of which are offered at the lowest rates for CASH R COUNTRY PRODUCE I AH kinds of repairing done, on short notice, aud entire satiBiacuon warruuiea, at my Stove and Tin Store. JULIUS GRADWOHL. Nor. 0-1 1 jgSF- If you want the very best Cabiwet Puo toobaphs, you must call on BRADLEY Si RULOFSON, 429 flontgomery street. Ban Fran cisco. . . " 6 Cm . . . . i .i w-T.vir iphi?. Jiiorisaees, eic, va uauw J3 latest styles, ami for aale low, at this office hach,- Wissembourg and Mulhausen. The French commissariat is said to be i inadequate ; the army furious for organ ! ization ; no food distributed for four davs, the soldiers living on potatoes taken from neighboring fields. The Corps Eegislatif surrounded by troops. The indignation against the Emperor and the old administration in creases daily. Gen. McMahon admits a loss of 15.- 000 men out of 18,000 engaged. Prus sian's loss unknown. London, Aug. 12. Correspondence from Chalons says the disorder in the French army is very great. A scarcity of arms exists. Paris, Aug. 12. The city is quiet, but the people are very indignant at the lack of news from the front. Brussels, Aug. 13. It is reported on good authority that Eugenie has made preparations to go to England iia Bel gium in case of necessity. London, Aug. 13. Sharp fighting in front of Metz yesterday. Reinforce ments lor the French, of both men and stores, constantly and rapidly arriving. The Prussian advance appears to have received a decided check at this point, ana a great battle cannot long be delayed. ISew York, Aug. 13. Paris has been transformed into a camp of war. The armament of fortifications has boen completed ; five thousand additional ar tillery arrived on the 12th. Paris, Aug. 13 (Midnight). It is rumored that a great battle is now going on at Metz ; all news suppressed, and it may be impossible to get particulars before to morrow. London, Aug. 13. The Herald says that the French Embassy has received a Cable report from Paris that there was fighting to-day before Metz. An attack was made by the French. No reports of tho bght received in this city from cor respondents. Pfalsbourg TPhalsbourg on the map! the key of Vosges, twenty-five miles from Strassburg, was surrendered to the Prussians. London, Aug. 14. The evacuation of Metz considered certain. French detachments on the railroad near Ponta Mousse u vrero attacked by tho Prussians; the l'rench retreated leaving their baggage trains. Paris, Aug. 14. Nancy has been occupied by the Prussians, and commu nication between there and Pans inter rupted. A portion of iae railroad The French journals have given up all hope of armed assistance from Italy, j The Herald's cable gives accounts of disturbances of a serious character at Lyons and Marseilles, in which three persons were killed. i Tho Germans hold Ponts a'Muusson. London, Aug. 15. The Herald's cable says that while the French were retreating to the west ot the Moselle, they were attacked by tho Prussians under Gen. . The French were thrown into confusion, but soon formed and made a gallant stand, but eventually were routed by the Prussians. Dispatches trom Carlsruhe say tiio Prussians occupy Mulhausen, and that 100,000 landwehr aro crossing the frontiers. Paris, Aug. 15. Paris journals as sert that Nancy was given to the Prus- j sians to enable tho French army to retire to Loue, which is better tortiued. 1 hey also assert that the Piusians outnumber ed them, and that the French army is taking up position lor a great battle. London. Aug. lo. I'aris letters say that the public feeling is growing more hostile to the Emperor. It is openly said he will never re-euter l'aris j he is called an imbecile, and his generals traitors and courtiers. Correspondence from Chalons says the French are rushing troops and munitions to Metz, where a great battle will be fought on Tuesday (to-day). Fire at Harrisburo. A note from niram Smith, Esq., dated Harrisburg, Aug. 12th, says that on yesterday even ing (Thursday, tho 11th), about fil o'clock, David Boauey's ham, in the southeastern part of town, caught fire aud burned up, the fire not being discovered until too late to save anything. The barn contained, besides a large quantity of threshed grain and bay, two valuable horses, all of which were consumed. Another barn, belonging to F. M. Mans field, standing near, filled with sheaf oats, also caught fire and was destroyed. The dwelling of Mr. Mansfield was only saved by the timely and prompt exertion of tho citizens. Fire supposed to have been caused by matches, dropped by children. Look out for fires this dry weather. The late war news was known in Ore gon before it was in Paris. They were afraid! to tell it ther stomachs might be furnished--' "Chicken broth bath and fatten by absorption. Messrs. Laumeister & Groepper are also . making use of the water of the' springs for the purpose of hatching chickens. They have already hatched several large batches, and find the operation inexpensive. The eggs are placed in small wooden boxes capable of holding o dozen or two caeh, and theso are then placed in frames and sunk to the proper depth in the water, the tem perature of which is regulated by the proper admixture of hot and cokl water. The eggs aro placed between layers of cotten wool and are turned over once every day. The water is not alowed to come in contact with the eggs, The proprietors of the spring intend to go into this chicken-hatching Dusiness quite extensively as soon as they can erect the proper tanks and buildii'gs. Chickens have been successfully hatched, with little trouble and expense at Steamboat Springs, near this city, lhere is hot water and etcam enough there to hatch out ten acres of eggs in one batch. Why "Can't a "Chicken 11 ajchir-ijiar. pany" be formed" to -utilize all this waste i prise. Don't bo humbugged with the foolish idea that Catarrh cannot be cured ! The world moves, and medical science is progessive. The proprietor of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Kemedy will pay $5't reward for a case of Catarrh which he -cannot cure. Sold by druggists. Can get it by mail for sixty cents from Dr. 11. V. Pieroe, of 133 Seneca street, Buffalo, N . ., who is tho sole proprietor and the only man now living that can make the Genuine. Don't forget that the Genuine has Dr. Pierce's private Gov ernment Revenue Stamp on each package. Animated Figures. "1 can prove t you," said a jocular friend, that the effigies at Madame " Tussaod's have a peculiar power of human animation." "How do you mean ? was the natural query. " Because if the exhibition were to take fire, they would run away V (They are wax.) world -va- Yoi God's word is like God'a ried, veTy rich, very beautiful. never know when you have exhausted all its secrets. The Bible, like nature, has something for every class of mind. Look at the Bible in a new light, and straightway you tee some new eh arms. Late Telegrams. Following tele grams are under date of Aug. 9th; All France is shouting, To Arms I Two million men are ready to march to the front, and a nether million can- be kept as reserves. One French General wa killed and another is missing. ) The French Minister intends to create a National Committee with- power to act during the war. Henri Rochefort will probably be re leased. Tho emergency induces liber ality. ' Republicans believe their power has come to arm against Napoleon rather than TruBsia. The Democrats of Paris demand the arming of the citizens. They are not however, in favor of the Government of Napoleon. - The Bed Jiock Democrat says the crops of Baker county are good. The wheat and oats already cut yield largely. The grasshoppers have not done the damage expeeted of them. , . ! - The male snobs of New York wear gold bracelets on both arms. Chicago real and personal property fig ures up a valuation of ?2G6,014,880. Wilmington, Del., now employs only female public school teachers. There are seven public libmrie s at JacksonTi!;?. Ills., coataining 15,b3J