VOL. 2. ALBANY, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, 1870. Agister. PUBLISHED EVERT SATURDAY BT COLL. VANCL.EVE. CPriCE OX CORSKR OF flBRT ASD FinST-STS. TERMS IX ADVANCE. One Tear.. Three Dollar Six Months..... Two Dollars Single Copies Ten Cents ADVERTISING RATES. Transient advertisements per Squaro cf ten line or less, first insertion, $2 ; each subsequent insertion. $1. Larger advertisements inserted on the most iberal terms. PORTLAND CARDS. F RUSSELL, Attorney at Law, C. P. FERRY, Notary Public. JOB WORK. Having received new type, stock of colored j inks, ear, a Cordon JooweT, we are yre-pa-ed to execnte all kinds of printing in a better manner and City per cent, cheaper than ever be fore offered in this city. Affcnts for the Register. The following gentlemen are authorized to re ceive and receipt for subscription, advertising, etc., for the Register : niRAM SMITH, Esq Ilarrisburg. Judee S. H. CLAUGHTON. Lebanon. PETER HUME, Esq..- .Brownsville W. R. KIRK. Esq E. E. WHEELER. Eq Seio. T. II. REYNOLDS. Esq- Salem. Geo. W. CANNON, Esq Portland. L. P. FISHER, Esq 'Frisco. BUSINESS CARDS. . II. RICE, .11. i., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, o Albany, Oregon, FFICE ON THE ?OUTH SIDE OF MAIN Street. Albany, April '70.-32 A. WHEELER, otary P xi b 1 i BROWNSVILLE, OREGON. IS" c . LEGAL INSTRUMENTS OF ALL KISDS matle an 1 attested. Conveyances and col lections attended to. I2"69 BUR I ESTER & I1ELL1SGER, A TTORNEVS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW, Albany. Orogon. ueftce In the Parrish Brick. 23 J. IIAXXOX, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, ALBANY, OREGON. FFICE -On Main Brik. o street, opposito Foster's 1-69 DuBois, hand and receiving. IV. s. r ONSTANTLY on j larze stock of " Groceries ' and '- Frevisiens,'''' Wood and Willow Ware, Tobacco, Ci-rars, Con fectionery. Yankee Notions, Ac.. Ac, Wholesale 1 . . : 1 : T r 1 1 ; 1 1 . Sn- .tra. RUSSELL & PERRY, Real Estate Brokers & Collectins Agents, Portland, - - - - Oregon. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE Sale of Real Estate, Real Estate Litigation, and the Collection of Claims.. Office. North-west corner of First and Wash ington Streets, Portland, Ogn. feb 6-70- 5 OCO. XOAH. JAKES MORRISON. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL. ' formerly New Columbian, Corner Front and Morrison streets, FORTX.AND, OREGON, Noah & Morrison, Proprietors Free Coach to and from tho Honse. - 8. D. SJIITH. OEO. B. COOK! THE OCCIDENTAL, FORMERLY osterxa. TTotcl, Corner First and Morrison streets, Portland, Oreg-on. Messrs. SMITH A QOOK have taken this well known house, refitted and refurnished it throughout, built a large addition, making thirty more pleasant rooms, enlarged the Dining and Sitting rooms, making it by far tho Best Hotel lu Portland. A call from the traveling public will satisfy them that the above statements are true. ' SMITH A COOK. Props. N. C Hot and eold Baths attached to the house for the benefit of guests. 50 Portland, August I&tb, ISC9. AMERICAN EXCIIA1VG13, cohser or Front and Washington Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. X,. P. W. Qaimhy, - - - - Proprietor. (Late of the Western Hotel.) THIS HOUSE 5s the most commodious in the State, newly furnished, and it will be ths endeavor of the Proprietor to make his gueste comfortable. Nearest Hotel to the steamboat landing. ;-sr- The Concord Coach will always be font at the landing, on the arrival of steamships ar ' river boats, carrying passengers and their bar gage to and from the boat free of ehnrge. Howie anpplfed with Patent Fire Extinguishers. V . NO. 49. ADVERTISEMENTS. BUILDERS, ATTENTION I SASH, BLIXD AXD DOOR F AC TORY S. H. ALTHOCSE. K. WRIGHT. J. r. BACEEXSTO. AliTHOVSE Sc CO., LYOI STREET, (OS THE RIVER BASS'), ALBANY, OREGON. KEEP ON HAND A FULL ASSORTMENT, and are prepared to Furnish to Doors, Blinds, and Order, Sash, such as Crown, Panel, Band, and Section Mold , of all sizes. WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES 1 jaT"lzoxijQ.s; and all other kinds of Ruildiii!! 3Iaterial ! Are -AT,SO- prepared to do MILL WORK ; furnish Sha- P ker Fans, Zigzajr Pbakers, Suction Fans, Driving Pulleys, of any kind, at our Factory on Lyon street, (on the river bank), next below Markham's warehouse. AIrilOTJSE & CO. Albany, February 0, 1S69- 4 BLACKSMITH INC ! PLOWS ! PLOWS ! PLOWS NEW ADVERTISEMENTS "GAY" NEWS. Farmers Can Ride and Plow, .4 BT SECURISO ONB OF THE SPECIAL TO THE REGISTER. , Dates to Auga. T. ; Paris, Aug. 5. It is unofficially re ported tbat the French troops have taken GAT" PLOWS, Saarlouis, after a great battle infactured and sold for the very low price ot The Tribune's cable Specia COSJIOPOIilTAI IIOTEL. Pront street (PORUERLT ARRIOONl's,) : ( Portland, Oregon. and Retail, opposito R. store, Albany, Oregon. 1 Son' drug jn40'70 Hiltabidel &. Co., DEALERS IN GROCERIES AND PRO visioos, Wood and Willow Ware, Confec tionery, Tobacco, Cigars. Pipes. Notions, etc. Main street, adjoining the Express office, Albany, Oregon. "I E. a. Freeland, DEALER IN EVERY DESCRIPTION OF School, Miscellaneous and Clank Books, Stationery, Gold aud Steel Pens, Ink, etc., Post office Building, Albany. Oregon. Books ordered from New York and San Francisco. I S. H. Claug-hton, HaJOTARY PUBLIC AND REAL ESTATE AGENT. Office in tho Post Offico building, Lebanon, Oregon. ' Will attend to making Deeds and other convey ances, also to the prompt collection of debts eu trusted to my care. I j. n. vtTcnEi.i.. . j. s. dolfii. a. smith. Mitchell, Dolph & Smith, ATTORNEYS asd COUNSELLORS at LAW. Solicitors in Chancery and Proctors in Ad miralty. Office over the old Post Office, Front street, Portland, Oregon. I JAMES A WARNER, CiTil Engineer & Surycj or. 13 PREPARED TO DO SURVEYING AND Engineering. Uses improved Solar Compass. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Residence on 4th St., opposite Dr. Tate's residence, Albany Oregon.' nI9-6m . rowBu. L- rtivsr. Powell & Flinn, :- ATTORNEYS COUNSELLORS AT LAW and Solicitors in Chancery, (X.. FTinn, Notary Public,) Albany, Oregon. Collections and conveyances promply attended to.' :' ; I ST. CHARLES HOTEL, Corner First and Washington ts., " ALBANY. - - - ' - , OREGON. H. BRENNER, Proprietor. THE" TNDERcIGNLD, "iVIN PtT. cha'ed this well known Hotel, are now pre pared to offer the traveling public better accom modations than can be found elsewhere in the city. . Board and Lodging 2 OO per day. FTIHE undersigned gives notice to the general I public, that he is now manufacturing the Cwalcsburg Patent Plow ! and any other style of plow that may be ordered. Also, particular attention paid to Wagon Making- and Horse-shoeing. Wagons for sale at my shop at $140 and $160. Horse shoeing as follows : Cash, $2 ; credit, $3 All work entrusted to me will receive prompt! attention, and be executed in the best possible manner with good material. A share of public patronage is solicited. .. Shop on corner F.llsworth and Second streets, opposite Piece" Ferry. .F. WOOD. Albany, November I, IS6S-II" - , THE OLD STOVE DEPOT! Manufactured and sold for the very low prie $65 and $75. THE simplicity and practicability of this new Plow commends it favorably to the special notice of every farmer. It possesses a decided superiority over all other plows now in nse. . The wheels are four feet in diameter, and ran on the nsplowed land. Its entire construction is in no way complicated. i.ne plow is managed in every manner with ease, and requires only two levers to be used in making any alteration. The supe riority of 4he "Gay" Plow wiU be clearljakoans - We, the undersigned, citizens of Linn county. Oregon, having purchased and used upon, our farms the "Gay" Plow, hereby certify that the same has given us entire satisfaction. Its facility for adjusting to snit the depth of farrow without moving from the seat, is simple and easy. We like the plow for its draught, because the same is brought to bear diraetly upon the plow-beam in stead of the carriage ; also, because it is strong ana auraoie, ail except ine wooo-worK oeing con structed of wrought iron no cartings are used. The wheels running upon the solid land is an ad vantage over other gang-plows, in striking off land and in ploying, not having to make the nec essary changes m the machinery, and the seat is always level, nt thr wing the driver forward or sideways as in otner plows. .Better work and more of it can he accomplished by the nse of this Plow than by hand. We take pleasure in recommending the "Gat' Plow to our brother farmers, as one having no superior in Oregon. . ; J. Q. HEED. W. P. ESHOM, A. S. tOONEY, E. W. PIKE, W.H.flOLTTREE. II. DAVIDSON. May 20th, 1869. The "Gat" Plow is manufactured by II. Goulding, Portland Machine Shop. - All orders will be promptly attended to by ad dressing, C. P. GAY, ' Portland, Oregon. Albany Agents. J. BARROWS 4 CO., Agents for Linn A Benton counties. JOHN BRIGGS, Agent - for Linn A Benton counties. May , '69-37 f NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF BOSTON Tbe Hotel Coach wi!l be in attendance to con vey Passengers and baggage to and from the Hotel free of charge. 3. B. SPRENOER. Office Oregon 4 California Stage Company, E. a. Whitehocse, Agent tf NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FRO.lIAnr BCTsLUII-WS. JOIIIV BltlCiGS, HEALER IS STOVES, COOK, PARLOR & BOX. of the best pattern- -A7-&0 WHEAT AND FLAX SEED DEPOT. CLEANING and HOISTING capacity 10,000 Bushels per Day t A share of patronage solicited. 45'70 E. CARTWRIGHT. -e- Tho highest cash price paid for Wheat. Is ADIES' EMPORIUM. IHTTTH A NEW BUILDING, KEWLY - Furnished throughout, the proprietor 'hopes to give enure aatuiaction so tne traveling 'public. The heds are supplied with spring-bot toms. The table will reeoive tbe elosest atten tion, and everything the market ailbrds palatable to guests will be supplied. . jan - X FRANKLIN MARKET, Main street, - Albany, Oreg-on. Kinds, Meats of All A WD V OF THE VERY BEST QUALITY, Constantly on hand. ' " 30-6m. ',"r!t' G. B. H AIGHT. ALBANY BATH;, HOUSE. mHl! UNDERSIGNED "WOULD RESPECT - JL fully inform the citizens of Albany and vi cinity that fee nas taken eoarge oi uw u ment, and, by keeping clean rooms and paying strict atttntic a to business, expects to suit all those who may favor him with their patronage. Having heretofore earned, on notning out . Pirst-CUs Hair Dressim? Saloons, he exeee to eive entire satisfaction to alL Children and Ladies' hair neatly cut and shampooed. JOSEPH WEBBER sevI9y2. o F ALL KINDS. Printed at the vara lowest oraereu, at tma Office. KIRS. A. J. DDNIWAT, DEALER 1ST ' Fasliioiialile MiUineryjiiu, Fancy GoOuS. Follows Dress and Cloak XKakuur in all their varied branches. " BLEACHES AND PRESSES STRAW GOODS : In Latest Style and' best manner. STAJfP FOR SSATD AND EM BR 0 IDE It Y. Tin, Sheet Iron and and the usual assortment of Famishing Goods t be obtained in a ZS Repair neatly and promptly exentcd, -SE ftS on reaionabU ttrmt. "f "Short reckonings, make long friends." Pront street .,!....... ..Albany. Next door to Mansfield 4 Co. , dec5'68-I, ' Corner Oregon. First and Broadalbin streets, Albany, ; . . janlnl7-70 C. IVIEALEYn DEALER IN A MANUFACTCRER OF STITTJ and i Y . .33 I CABINET WARE ! Bedding, IStc, Corner First and Broad Alb in, streets, ALBANY, OREGON. $7,000,000 00 S2(t,573 55 786,197 86 3,512,771 00 579,500 00 3.343,100 00 2,852,031 INCORPORATED 1835 Cash assets - A.. Cash Dividend, 1887 t.. Cash Dividend, 1868 j... Total surplus divNend.. .... Losses paid in 18C8.........,.. lotat losses paid. Income for lb67- No extra charge for traveling to and from thf Atlantic States, Europe, Oregon, or the Sandwicl Islands. All Policies non-forfeitbg, and governed by the non-rorteinng law or Massachusetts. Policy holders the only persons who receive d iv dends in this Companr, which are declared and paid annually ; first dividend avail able at the payment of the second annual premiums. All Policies remain in forci as long as there is any surrender valte. NO FORFEITURES ! This old and popular Company, (the oldest Ma- Lile Insurance Company in tnis country) insures at the low est possible rates. ; tual rABTlCCLAtt ATTEBTIOH FA1D TO ORDERS or AU KINDS " A Stitch ia Time Saves Nine ! " -x73Kroaa-. Fire and Marine Insurance Company ! Nos. 416 and 418, California street r San Francisco, - - California STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE Cash. Capital, In Gold Coin. 750,0OO. Deposit in Oreg-on, 950,000. Losses Promptly and Equitably Adjusted A nd Paid in Gcild Com. THIS COMPANY having complied with the laws of Oregon, by making a deposit of fifty thousand dollars, is bow prepared to effect insur ance against Loss or Damage by Fire, and also against Marine and Inland Navigation risks, on liberal terms. GUSTAVE TOUCH ARD, Pres. CIIAS.'D. HAVEN, Sec'y. The stability of this Company, with its past h tory, inorcasing capital and business, aud the sat isfactory manner in which it has discharged its obligations in the past, are guarantees for the future such as far-seeing and careful men require in their investments. - x Persons generally, who thoroughly understand the workings of Life Insurance, are anxious to avail themselves of its eqtitable provisions. Foil information will he given to those who desire, at the Agency, i. ! Home Office, 39 tat Street, Boston. Pacific Braneh Offices, 302 Montgomery Street, San Francisco. Room 3, Carter' Building, Portland, Oregon, ETERSONT & XXATNES, General Agts. . . ALBANY, OREGON. Albany, September 19, 1868- y . The Tribune's cable special ; says the French reluctantly admit that they do not occupy Saarbracken ; tbat tbey simply hold position ; on the bights, on which they, had erected batteries a week before the attack. ; - It U now well understood that Saar- bruckea was never an ontpost, and so loDgs tho'PrassisDs Oeoapy Saarlouis 13 not an important military position. Dispatches from Frankfort say it is generally believed the great battle will be fought near Mayence. The number of troops now massed between Mayence and the front, is immense. Citizens of Frankfort, who appeared hostile toward the Prussians, now show lavish hospital ity to the troops. If they do taot love the Prussians, they at least deceive the French. This war, instead j of taking Frankfort from Prussia, has developed a sincere attachment to the fatherland. German officers believe the Prussians will bring into the field a gun superior to Napoleon's new artillery, and that France will find her match. Loudon, Aug. 5. Trustworthy re ports of the battle of Saarbrucken say the Prussians had only 6,000 men, while the French had 30,000. j Paris, Aug. 5. Gen. Don ay was killod in the Weissberg battle, and our troops forced to retire. Frankfort, Aug. 5. Five hundred French prisoners have arrived here from Weissberg. Total number of prisoners taken by the Prussians, 800, including 18 officers. I London, Aug. 5. -The report of the capture of Saarlouis came via Paris, and is unfounded. The influence of the Empress Eugenie to retain the French troops at Rome failed. The last of the French detach ments leave 'Home to-day. Brest, Aug. 5. The North German three-masted schooner Saare, was cap tured by a French man-of-war to-day. Paris, Aug. 6. The number of French troops engaged before Weissbaden was 8,000. They had to contend with tbe Prussian army corps, including picked troops of the Guard. In spito of inferi ority in numbers, the French resisted the assault for several hours with admirable heroism. The Prussian loss was so heavy tbat they did not dare pursue.. At Saarbrucken we have ; broken tne Prussian lines ; ours remains intact. The Baden army yesterday passed tne French frontier, advanced to Louterbourg, established headquarters and seized some boats. I The French loss at Weirmercher was three killed and one wounded. They shelled St. Jean Station. j La Liberie publishes a private dis patch, dated midnight, from Strassburg, reporting tbat Men. il cm anon neat tne Prussians yesterday evening, the latter evacuating. Telegraphic communication to Weissberg has been re-established. McMahon has 7U.UUU men. xe-aay there will be about 150,000 men cOncen- ... nrr i i -ARl8, Aug. 7. Paris is declared in a state of siege. Later The Prussians have crossed the frontier, and are advancing on Paris. A great battle is imminent. Berlin, Aug. 7. The following tele gram has been received here : JklAYENCE, Aug. 610 P. M. The French have been turned back on their entire line, and have commenced to re treat into the interior of France. Saar brucken has been- retaken by the first Prussian army . cor pe-"under the -Prince Royal. Reports that we have defeated McMahon, who was heavily reinforced. Have taken two eagles, six mitrailleurs, .hirty cannon and Tour thousand prison ers. Our loss is heavy. Paris, Aug. 7. Gen. McMahon has fallen back to Stavorine. Frossard has retired a short distance. The Empress has issued a short procla mation, saying that the opening of the war is unfavorable to Frances Let us hasten to repair reverses. Let there be but one party, and that for France. A special train left for the front, to bring back the Prince Imperial 1 The defense of Paris is assured. London, Aug. 7. A Herald dispatch says the entire number of French prison ers taken is announced at 8,000. Metz, Aug. 7. Thionville has been avacuated, and the Prussians have crossed tbe Rhine from South Baden. London, Aug. 7 4 P. M. Positive information of the illness of the Emperor, at Chalons, has been received. The Prussians menace Metz. McMahon continues to retreat towards Nancy. , The Times says the French are in a critical position, as it is a question wheth er the Jmperor s health leaves mm in the possession of his ordinary faculties The Emperor is now bound to accep conditions. The Prussians claim that they will have 800,000 men within the theatre of war by this evening. The Paris Journal denies the loss, of any cannon or eagles at Weissberg Wis- sembourg ? Tbe French disaster caused profound terror in Rome. The Pope has asked Eugenie for one ship to defend him from Italy's new organization. Four millions of francs were seized by the police at Huns, belonging to Roth schilds and other Jewish bankers.' McMahon reports his headquarters at St. Arerne Severne ?, and . that hi corps suffered less than reported. The Prussians occupy St. Avoid. All the males at Metz have been press ed into service. Napoleon's quarters are at Chalons Seucr. Tbe Prussian reserves are rapidly join ing their advance. The National Guards are assigned to the defense of Paris. Guns have been mounted and new fortifications erected. All citizens between the ages of thirty and forty have been incorporated into the National Guard. in hts line. October .; 1868-8 rum? in o: -; - turn mo. H r H S3 OB & mis X a w t-1 in FaSTASSB to no v' j, -r-AZ.Ii KIKDS Ol-TTJBBriWO I I keep on hand and maie to order -'-. . RAWBZD&BOTTOBSfiO CJXAXKSr . AUD . - i' "i - S p I a 1 r "W 1 e 1 Shop near the "Magnolia Mills." . JOHN M. METZLER Albany, Nor. 8. I8S8-I . ; J. C. MENSENBAU, Agrent for Albany. Albany, January 8, 1870-18 THE EYES! THE EARS! Dr. T. Ma. GOLDEN, ' . OCVUST AND ATJRX T, - ALBANY,1 s : : . . 0EEQ0N- K. GOLDEN IS A SON OF THS noted old Opthslmio Doctor. 8. C. Golden. . ? : -: Dr. GOLDEN has had experienoe ia treating the Tarions diseases to which the eye and ear are snbjeot, and feels confident of giving entire satis faction to those who may plaoe themselves under his care-'? Albany, April U69SIy ' ' If you want the very best Casnrar Pao Tooaapas, yon tanst call on BKADLBT & RCXOFSON, 439 Montgomery street. San Fran cisco. I la sAI FKAIVCiSCO STORE! corscb rinst asn psbbt streets. ALBANY .... OREGON. Keeps constantly on band a foil -assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CLOTHING. Boots, Shoes, Hardware Crockery, and a full supply of . Ladies' ; . FnrnisMui Embroider?, Fancy Goods, &c. also, a stock of TBE 8ST UQtTOR! for Medicinal purposes only." , ? Always on hand a large stock of Box. , Cooking and Parlr Stores ! and manufactures all asao oi -Tin, Copper ana sneet-Iron Ware, . all of which are offered at the lowest rates for CASU R COUNTRIf.JPItomiCEX ' -' AU kinds of repairing done, on short notiee, and entire aaiisfactioa warranted, at my Stove and Tin Store. ' JULIU? GBADWOHL.'. Nor. 0-11 '. -'" O O X-. 0 .. 3Et S That PhotogrP- Best, ClAW, Cr.37M, CrsEEM, SCAR isi, rc.":oo:-,"ddp chakse. Tbose that take White, er nearly so, are - Sept. 18. '9-S ; J. A. WINXBri. trated near Weissberg. Prussian loss in the recent engage ment reached about 10,500 in killed, wounded and prisoners. j A London dispatch to-day says tbat the defeat at Weissberg was disastrous. Gen. Donay's division, composed of pick ed fighting men, were utterly routed. Weinberg is in possession of the Prus sians. i London, Aug. 6 9 A.M. Advices from the seat of war say that the army corps, under McMahon, advancing, had a brush with the Prussians, last evening, occupied and now hold strong positions on the Hanovarian frontier. . ; The French line operatives have kept sp communication by underground 'telegraph-wires. ' i ;! V- Uarlsruche, Aug. S 6.15 P. M. Forward movement - of the right of the Prussian army from Treves and Saar louis, commenced yesterday. Prussians captured Sierck, and attacked Thionville in overwhelming numbers, . After some resistance the French threw away : their arms and took to flight, j - At Salerie, the army commanded by the Crown Prince moved in the direction of Bitsche, the advance guard , of the French making bat slight resistance. ;' To-day tbere was a general advance of tbe whole army. Upwards of 2,000 pris oners have been forwarded to Frankfort. The position of the main body of the French army is at present unknown. A great battle began yesterday, bnt was interrnpted by darkness. It was re sumed early this morning,' and continued to rage until 7 o'clock P. M. Victory declared for the French. , Paris, Aug. 6. Information has been received here that heavy fighting has' been going on since morning, at sev eral points along the frontier. - London, Aug. 7. The information received says that the. victory j of the Crown Prince was complete. The Prussian army advanced to Hag enau, and captured the plaoe. Mitz, Aug. 7. A dispatch fromtha EmneroT confirms the report . tbat Gen. MeSlabon hat lost a battle, and says that all communication with htm is out off. The battle lasted all day. J Bismarck's Opinion of the Ameri can Government. Lippincotfs . Mag zinc has the following : Bismarck himself publicly declared his conviction that popular representation, as exemplified in the United States, was the only sure and permanent foundation on which the governing system of a great people could rest. It is a remarkable and significant thing that Bismarck, who had so long been regarded by Englishmen as a living symbol of the most dogged and uncompromising Toryism, should come to receive as he did, the public and cor dial thanks of . the English Beform League (then the most radical organiza tion in England, composed of men, who regard John Brieht as slow and conserv-' ativel for his fundamental principle bf free government. I presume we may take Bismarck's own word for It, that he had learned his great lesson in the art ot government, from the . teachings of the American war; : The echo of Appomat tox rolled along the Khine, Elbe, the Spree and the Danube. r The Merry Wives o Hamilton. The White Pine News of the 14th says. A party of our city matrons chartered a coach vesterday, and packed it wit themselves for a trip to Shermantown and vieinitv : but we nave our own ideas bout this. It looked very much" aa if this lunch business was a "blind," and that the expedition is of a political char acter. Not a male oitisen, excepting the driver, was in the crowd : and he looked so chop-fallen, tnat be presented an un mistakable appearance of petticoat sub location. If this is the secret and selfish " ... . it in wnion women are Eoioe io eon duet this campaign, we shall countervail them. Men' rights may become a par amount issue, f f such conducts as those are permitted to go on without let Or hindrance. Lunch, forsooth 1 , Length op the War. The N. Y. Herald gives some interesting informa- tion with regard to the duration of late European wars. In the Crimean war of 1853-6, Turkey" declared war against Russia, October 5, 1853. - Russia - de clared war against Turkey, November 1. France and England declared war against Russia, March 27-28, 1854. Sardinia joined the allies, January 26, 1855. Sweden joined the allies, November 21, and hostilities were suspended, February 29, 1856. The war between the Western Powers and Russia lasted two yearsi lack ing one month. . The Itallian war of 1859 was begun by the rejection of the Aus trian ttltimstfnm by" SafdaifTAjp tue ausuisuB crossed tne nemo, April ? ,. .ins i icrn.il cutcreu ienoa, nisJ a. 1 ne Dattie ot niontobello waa fought May 20 j Magenta, May 30-31; Solfe- rino, 'June 14. - A he peace of Villa . Franca was signed July 11. Thus it will be seen that active hostilities lasted but ten weeks. The Schlegwig Holstein war of 1854, covered a space of but twenty-two weeks of actual hostilities. Tho German Italian war of 1866 was begun by Prussia, Jane 14. Italy de clared war against Austria, June 20. The treaty of peace between Prussia and Austria was signed at Prague, August 29, and between Austria and Italy at Vienna, October 4. Actual hostilities only five weeks. In the present war, should Napoleon, through the" force of circumstances, declare for a republic throughout Europe, as be has threatened, long and bloody : war "between the crowned ' heads on the one side, and . Napoleon and the people on the other, may ensue ; but present indications point to a brief, though it may be bloody," war. ' .' - Circtjs and Menagerie. By far the largest combination show that ever visited this neck o' woods is advertised to give a performance here on Monday, the22d. The Overland and Great World Circuses have been combined, forming a company of sixty people and sixty horses. The performers are leaders in the show business ; the clown, J ule Kent, late pupil of Dan Rick, is the best on the coast ; the troupe of Bedouin Arabs, tbo den of performing lions, and the numer- niia rktlipr flttrantmna: an tct mnk-A nn the "hugest" bill of attractions yet offered, under one canvas in Oregon. Mr. I. R. Lake, one of the proprietor?, is a perfect brick, and being an old Oregonian, deserves well of our people. Look out for the big caravan on the 22d. A Singular Compliment. John B. Gough tells the following story, though the joke is at his own expense. Once while on a lecturing tour through England he was introduced to a village audience in these terms : Ladies and gentlemen, I'ave the 'onor to hintroduce to you the distinguished lecturer, Mr John B. Gougb, who : will haddress us on the subject of temperance. You know that temperance is thought to be rather a dry subject ; but to-night, a wo listen to our friend, the horator from hover the ocean, we may 'ope to ave tho miracle of Sampson repeated, and be refreshed with water from the jawbone of a hass ! - Tommy Chandler- the priie Center. has been elected as a delegate to th Demooratio County Convention ia San Franeisoo. ; It a fair to presume tut he is in tne interest or tbe "King." A young man in Illinois has : eloped i witn toe second wire or bis own uncle. American Influence at St. Pe- Tersbf.rg. Madam Jeraska, a wealthy Polish lady, was sent to Siberia . ae an exile in 1863 by the' Russian Govern ment, tier crime was - making shirts and underclothing for the rebelious Poles. Friends of hers escaped to' America: among them a well known patriot, Dr. Kalussowiski, and they have ever' since used every endeavor to procure ber release. General Grant became interest ed, and a memorial praying for the release of Madam Jeraska in order - that she might come to America, was . sent on to Mr. Curtin, the United; States Minister at St Petersburg,' for presen tation to the Czar, ; A recent telegram from Washington - announces that Secre- . T 1 1 " -I iary run nas recewea a repiy irom our Minister to the effect that Madame Jeras ka has been released at the instance of tbe illustrious memorialist, and that she is tree to proceed to America SL Jr. Uultetin. Butter Without Chtjunino. The new mode of making butter, by burying tne cream, is increasing in popularity. A correspondent describes it as he saw it in ban Joaquin valley. Cal.. thusi "1 followed her (the dairvwoman! to the milk room. , I saw her place a quantity of cream in a thick linen sack, then roll the aaek in a large cloth, and then place it in a hole which had been dag in tho sand for that purposo.' .-It was then cov ered up with tand and a board was placed over it. The next morning, when remov ed, it eame out as fine a roll of hutter as ever I saw taken out of a hura. It re quired but little working, as the : earth had absorbed nearly every , parhole of mil. It 18 BOW uve aaye . ' and just as sweet and as solid a butter een '-; - ; ;' Ten members of tbe Senateand twen ty four of the House of Representatives, have beon either printers or editors, or otherwite eonneoted with ewspaperg; The Prineess Thyrs, ef Denmark, is said t6 be the most beautiful ;of the daughters of the Danish King.;. U.