The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, August 06, 1870, Image 2

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P. S. Official Paper for Oregon.
Railroad Progress. From the
wuieiman we iearn mat ait the camps -j
but one, will be moTed South of Salem
next week, as the work of grading, by
that time, between Portland and Salem,
will be completed. One camp will re
main at Lake Labish, where pile driving
is still to be done. The greatest difficulty
to overcome between Salem and Jefferson,
is the clearing away of the heavy timber,
when thai portion of the road will bo
ready for the traek layers.
The War to Bknkfit America.
Should the war between France and
Prussia coutinue "six months, it - will
advantageously affect American interests
in several ways. It will increase the
oceau carrying trade of this country, and
thus stimulate the ship-building interest,
and ni J in developing our merchant
fit vice. American steamers will perform
the foreign mail service, hitherto in the
hands of the German and French steamers.
Another effect of the war, which will be
of more direct and special benefit to the
' Pacific States and Territories, will be the
great improvement in the market price of
breadstuff. Already our markets begin
to exhibit indications of a - healthy ap-
' preciation in values. Our harvest has
been abundant, and we have a large sur-
News from Exchanges.
Idaho. The Capital Chronicle, of
Boise. City, showed it respect for the
murdered Hon. E. D. Ilolbrook by in
verting its column rules for thirty days.
liest ranche butter sells in the - Idaho
camps at three bits a pound.
Water for irrigating is scarce in the
Boise valley. , ;
New Mexico. Lieut. Drew, in
charge of the Apaches in Southern New
Mexico, loSt his way in the mountains
lately, and perished of hunger and thirst.
Nevada. James G. Wilson arid Wash
Waller were convicted at Elko of rob
bing, last May, Wells, Fargo & Co.'s ex
press, and sentenced to 25 years each in
the penitentiary.
... -w .
ivANSAs. Lawrence projects a news
paper, and advertises for an editor, whose
venerable age will protect him from per
sonal violence.
Colorado. A lad named Fred Char
tor was killed at the new town of Greeley,
two or three weeks ago, by a car wheel
striking him on the head while he was
playiug along the railroad track.
The Central City Register puts Judge
Gorsline forward as the Democratic can
didate for Congress.
The Utes in Western Colorado are as
suming a threatening attitude..
Cattle thieves are operating extensive
ly in Southern Colorado. The Pueblo
Chieftain is anxious that an "example"
be made of some of the unprincipled fel
lows. '
The Kansas-Pacific is completed to a
point twenty seven miles west of Kit
Carson, and one hundred and twenty
three miles west of Denver.
Minnesota. The Indians aro troub
lesome about llayaiond, Stearns county.
At St Paul, oq the 26 tli tilt.. .Adam
IcFI 11 - AlAfl- Ir V. . - V
,lus to supply to those who delight &
war. On the other hand, it is possible j was almost instantly killed.
A.Maotuto paper says that the appear-
that U. S. bonds, uow held in Germany,
will be returned to us depreciated in val
ue, for a time, unfavorably effecting our
finances. But this can ouly be for a time,
and the advantages arising in other direc
tions will more than make a "standoff"
to any such financial depressions.
, War News. It will be seen from our
telegraphic dispatches, that since our last
weekly issue the two great European
powera have gone to ork in earnest: to
depopulate their kingdoms and create
desolation and waste where before peace
and plenty smiled. The French army,
uuder the great chief, Napoleon, crossed
the frontier on the 2d inst., in force,
drove the Prussians from their fortifica
tions in front of Sarrbrucken, and soou
made themselves masters of the town,
with but small loss o. either side. Saar
brucken is a small unfortified town on the
river Saar, and of no great importance to
the Prussians. A naval fight between
the fieeta of the two countries took place
on the Baltic, in which the French were
victorious,- capturing two Prussian gun
boats. As the Prussian Government,
through Count Bismarck,, has refused
peremptorily, all peaco overtures from
Napoleon, we may expect the war to be
carried on with more earnestness here
after aad that both parties will put forth
all their generalship in the straggle to
humiliate and crush each other. We look
for s tiring news during the coming week.
- Later A battle is reported on the
3d in which the Prussians were victorious,
killing one French General and capturing
500 French prisoners.
Complimentary. Very 'few men
have retired from public office possessing
in a larger degree the esteem and confi
dence of his fellow-citizens of both polit
ical parties, than has Dr. D. W. Ballard,
ex-Governor of Idaho Territory The
following complimentary notice, among
many of like character in both Republi
can and Democratic journals, we take
from the Idaho Statesman of July 23d :
In-this number' of ' the Statesman
appears the farewell of Gov. Ballard, who
gives place to lion. Gilmaa Marstou, of
Naw Hampshire. Gov. " Ballard has for
four years nasi discharged the duties of
this territory, and it is not too much
praise to say that ho retires with credit
to himself and carries with him the best
wishes of a large majority of our citizens.
A man of social and genial disposition,
and rectitude of character, if he lacked
the more brilliant qualities that dazzle
the public eye, he had in an eminent
dejrreo the respect and confidence of
the masses-- His home was always open
' to political friends and foes alike, and
his personal qualities of head and heart
endeared him to a circle of friends that
reaohed beyond the distinction of party,
and make his absence create a " void sot
easily filled. His amiable lady and
interesting family will be sadly missed
in the eooiety of "'Boise City, and the
kindest wtshes"Tr6mlhe"peopIe "of ' Idaho
follow both them and the Uoverner on
his retirement to hw old home.".
ance oi wheat is not flatterin", and the
indications are that there will be a light
A railroad from St. Cloud to Mankato
is projected. The enterprise is one of
gTeat importance to St. Cloud and Man
kato, as well as intermediate points.
Dr. Foster, editor of the Duluth Minn
eiolian, was brutally assaulted and nearly
killed by a gambler called Big Hanson,
whom he had lampooned, with other gam
blers, in his paper. .
Frederick Frederickson was drowned
at Delano while bathing in Crow river.
The friends of temperance in North
field are prosecuting all liquor sellers who
do not comply strictly with the law.
A little son of Mrs. Rood was drowned
; at Stillwater ; and on the same day a
young son or -lr. lierrou was drowned
at Point Douglass, near Hastings.
Bridget Rierson died at St. Paul from
taking an overdose of laudanum white
under the effects of liquor. One of the
children testified, on examination, that
he brought his parents whisky "twice a
day about a pint each time."
August Nasse, who shot' his father at
Shakopee, has been discharged, it being
established that the killing was justi
fiable. . ,
Joseph Riley, who killed Hugh Kelley
at Reed's Landing, has been sentenced
to State prision for life.
The house cf Senator Buell, of Cale
donia, valued at 9,000, was destroyed
by fire j thought to be the work of an
M. Ingalls was drowned in Sauk river,
near St. Cloud, by the capsizing of a
skiff, j
Fori Dodge returns a population of
over 3,000.
A Mrs. Johnson, of Cedar Island,
near Fort Sully, fell from a loaded wag
on, the wheels of which passed over her,
causing, death.
Nebraska. Good coal has been
found in Lancaster county.
the new town ot lecuniseh now has
400, and Pawnee City 600 inhabitants.
Blue river has been bridged at Bea-
A fine academy edifice is being erected
in Rock Bluffs, Cass county.
luere are twenty six Republican . and
five Democratic newspapers published in
Nebraska. ;-
Rev. Mr. Boyer, of Nebraska City,
George Francis Train, while delivering
a rambling lecture' on Chinamen, in San
Francisco recently, received & rotten egg
on the bosom of lm .White shirt. The
egg was thrown by an exasperated Irish-
t I Tha increase of burglaries in Portland
oL late, has induced the City Council of
that city to increase the po-itce force. She
now bas seven deputy marshals instead
of two, aa formerly.
The San Francisco Chronicle is the
only paper oo tha coast that has publish'
ed a map or toe seat oi war.- it is an
enterprising journal, and of course is
Big success; , - '
..- t ;,!:
I$vrte A Week. The steamer Shoo
flu ia to make a . least two trips a week
- -from
Salens- tor this eity hereafter.
The Rochester Union (Democratic)
urges Fred Douglas for Congress
that city, on
died of heart disease, in
the 1st ult.
Iowa. A printer named Austin, em
ployed in the office of the Council Bluffs
Times, was shot and killed by another
printer named Bell.
A woman s suffrage convention iatelv
convened at Mount Pleasant. There was
a large attendance, speeches being made
by both male and female speakers.
An lowa farmer, while drinking at- a
brook, Was surprised by a water snake, a
foot lonjr, eliding down his throat. A
dose of Chicago whisky killed the reptile.
A lad named Patrick Lewis, 12 years
old, of Ottumwa, lost his life by drown
ing while bathing in . the Des , Moines
river. ........
Hay is baled and delivered in Du
buque at $3 a ton. ,
Cass county now has a population of
6,000 an increase of 100 per cent, in
four j ears. . .
Ueorge Stanley, the murderer of r"at-
tersou at Ames, had his preliminary trial,
and from the evidence adduced he was
clearly proven guilty of the bloody deed.
lie was sent to Cedar Kapida tor safe
A campmeeting of the Methodists of
the Dubuque District, Upper Iowa Con
ference, is to be held at a grove five miles
north of Earlville, commencing the 21th
of August. The presiding Elder gives
notice that every charge is expected to
be represented by at least two tents.
Crop prospects are gloomy for North
ern Iowa.' The editor of the Waterloo
Reporter puts his estimate at fifty per
cent, lower than he would have done two
weeks ago, basing his estimate upon per
sonal observation in ten or twelve counties
in Northeastern Iowa.''
Missouri. The Moore House, in the
town of Fulton, and other property, al
together valued at $25,000, -was lately
destroyed by fire.
' . Adam Spramburst and A. W. Jeffries,
among the - earliest settlers of Franklin
county, died lately.
' The St. Joseph Gazette says there is a
colt three miles from this eity with horns
like a deer. The horns made their ap
pearance six weeks after birth, and are
now several inches long. . .
Crops are promising in all parts of the
A double-bodied gill is giving exhibi
tions throughout the State. She sings,
talks and eats with both heads, and walks
and dances upon either two or four feet.
She is "educated and accomplished" of
Kansas City has become notorious for
desperadoes. Lately, a man named Wil
liams shot one named Worden, and crush
ed the skull of another named Mason.
The latter is dead, and the former is in
a critical condition, and Williams is in
jail. The next day Jim Hall stabbed and
killed Timothy Harlan, ; (this makes
eight stabbing affrays in which Hall has
figured in;) and George D. Campbell,
from Knoxville or Dalton, Iowa, was
murdered by an unknown party, and his
body placed on the railroad track and run
over by -a train.
James Morrissey was shot dead by
Amos Lewis at a circus performance in
Salisbury. .
Joliu llartuian, a St. Louis lawyer, has
been arrested for swindling a- prisoner
client out of 8480.
- Mad dogs are at large in St.' Louis.
. Nellie Star, an inmate of a St. Joseph
house of ill fame, kept by Mollie Gilpin,
tried to end her wretched life by taking
arsenic. Her life was barely saved.
A son of Joseph Whittenburg was
kicked to death by a mule, with which
he had beeu plowing, in Chariton county,
last July.
A bed of yellow ochre has been found
on the land of a Mr. Harris, near Knob
Noster. Several car ,' loads have been
sent to the East.
A man named Bayley was killed by one
Jordan, ten miles from Knob Noster,
lately. The particulars of the affair are
not given, but it is stated that the dead
man was found in the harvest field with a
bowie-knife in his hand, and a scythe
thrust through his heart.
On the 22d ult., two little boya, Jas.
Ross, aped seven years, Anthony Finley,
aged nine, the sons ot laboring men,
were drowned in the river at Kansas
City, while bathing. ;
Two children, sons of Mr. Herndon,
in Savannah, were so terribly burned with
kerosene on the 21st ult., that one of
them died, aud the life of the other is
despaired, of. ,
On Thursday the'lGtb ult., at Roche
port, a colored wonran named Eliza Hol
land, residing near Cheltenham, St. Louis
county, fatally stabbed James Madison,
her son-in-law, who against, her will had
married her daughter.
Illinois. -A citizen in Chicago de
tected a burglar 'cutting through a win
dow blind, and fired a pistol through the
window and killed the thief instantly.
The heirs of S. A. Douglas are en
deavoring to recover possession of the
"Douglas tract" in Chicago, now owned
by several parties. It is valued at $1,
200,000. A flaw in the conveyance is
relied upon to regain it.
Twenty-seveu firms aro losers by a late
fire at Mendota, the whole loss amount
ing to 100,000. i
Miss L. Petrie, of Griggsville, has
charge of the man route between Naples
and Hannibal, and it is said performs the
business well.
The old settlers of Morgan, Cass and
Scott counties have a reunion in August.
In Lee county, wheat, oats, barley, po-
tatoes, timothy, hay and late planted
corn is, or will be, a failure with but few
exceptions. .
Harvest in Southern Illinois is about
over, and the yield is more than average.
The peach crop in some localities is a fail
ure and in others there will be a fair yield.
A can of coal oil exploded at Canton,
and so badly burned Mrs. Laura Ridge
way that she died in nine hours.
- Three foundlings were picked, up in
Quincy within a wcex.
Springfield projects a new line of rail
road to St. Louis by way of Lincfafield.
: The residence of J. Dunlap, of Jack
sonville, valued at 810,000, was destroy
ed by fire on the 26th ult. ,
Mrs. Meithel, a German woman living
near Woodstock, in a fit of temporary
insanity, terribly mutilated with a razor
her son, aged 18, and her daughter., aged
8, and then committed suicide by cutting
her own throat. : i
In Cairo, on the 24th of June, Ed.
Weil and A. Meyers attempted to force
D. Lipstein, of Columbus, Ky., to retract
someting that ho had said, and were beat
ing him when Lipstoin shot Weil dead
and severely wounded . Meyers, who will
recover. -They had all been partners in
business at Columbus.
The editor cf the Augusta Sentinel
saw Jeff Davis the other day at a hotel
in Memphis. He says : "The last time
we saw him he was down in Georgia
naing tniniy Dy our lines, reviewing.
And there he sits eating '-a gray-headed
confederate postage stamp. He wasn't
insuring lives when we belonged to him."
"' Hon: Hiram Appletoo, of Mystic,
Connecticut, recently forwarded a letter
to a neighboring town, . requesting the
Postmaster to deliver it "to any respect
able attorney." After ten days it was
returned with the insignificant indorse
ment, "None here."
From Havana we learn that the yellow
fever aud cholera are' doing the Spanish
army more harm than the Cubans.
Two colored gentlemen are supposed
elected to seats in the forty-second Con
gress Jaa. Harris, of North Carolina, and
R. B. Elliot, of South Carolina.
Trouble ia expected at the coming
election in North Carolina.
A terrible pestilence is reported as
sweeping through all the towns on the
Illinois river,.above and below Canton
landing, caused by the stench from decay
ing fish, thousands of which line either
bank of the river for miles above and be
low Canton. People living in the bottom
have been compelled to move to tho
On the 1st inst., in Salem, Dan. Wal
do's residence was destroyed by fire.
Loss about . $1,500. While the house
was burning, Waldo's daughter died of
From a Salem telegram we learn that a
son ot-Wm. Sappington fell from a bug
gy, a few days since, striking on the
small of the back, receiving injuries
which caused his deaths .
Hon. Wm. n. Seward writes that he
will visit San Francisco the last of the
present month, to sail thence for Asia on
the 1st of September. He will spend
the winter in Asia.
At the election for county officers in
Helena, Montana Territory, August 1st,
Miss Annie Corella procured a ballot and
proceeded to cast her vote. -A lmocrat
challenged her vote, on the ground that
she was not of age ; but she cast her vote,
amid the plaudits of the spectators. .
The California & Oregon Railroad is
being rapidly constructed. -
The election in Utah for Delegate to
Congress passed off quietly, the Mormon
women generally voting. Mormon Dele
gate probably elected.
John F. Tracy, of Chicago, a railroad
president, reports an income of $200,000,
on which he has paid $10,000 taxes.
A newly-discovered Chinese poem,
Li Sao, written 300 years before Christ,
is said to prove that the existence of
America was known to the Chinese at
that time.
During an affray in his saloon at St.
Louis, late on Monday night, Mike
McCool was accidentally shot in the left
arm, fracturing the bone and producing a
serious woud.
Id a quarter of San Francisco, within
a radius of 1,700 feet, there are, either
finished or in process of erection, three
Jewish Synagogues, twelve Christian
churches, and a Chinese Joss-house.
Returns of the vote on the new Con
stitution, in Illinois, from all but eight
counties, have been rccieved. The ma
jority tor minority representation will be
about twenty thousand.
the scene ol Lydia lhompson s new
play, written by Alexander Dumas, is
laid partly in south America, and part-
Iy m Pans, I ho Chicago scene is not
put in.
There is a "Man Flute" in Ire
land, who produces all the effects of a
flute without recourse to any instrument
A young damsel of sixteen, who had
worn short dresses all her life, positively
told her mamma she would wear them
no kmger. V ,
The family of the late Colonel Steptoe,
of the United States army, are reported
to be in much distress at Lynchburg, Va.
. clergyman in a Connecticut town
declined an increase of his salary to
3500, because the collection of 400 was
all he could standi
A fashion article iu a Wisconsin paper
describes the suit of an Indian boy five
years old. It consisted of a garter tied
around the leg. .
Senator McCreery peremptorily re
fuses to be a candidate for Governor in
The population of Oberlien," Ohio, un
der the new census, is a little less than
A. II. Stevens, "the late Vice President
of the Confcdfcrcy, now weighs but 76
A young Parisian couple .whose loves
had been forbid, resolved together to
leave the world. They retired to bed in
a close room with two fires f charcoal
burning on the floor. After a shoit
sleep Chloe awoke and smashed two panes
ot glass to let in the air to relieve her
headache. This awoke her lover, who
up braided .her with being afraid to die,
stabbed her with a clasp knife and
bolted. Thus the course of true love
never did run smooth. - ' -
The census just taken in Hungary
shows a population of 15,439,238.
For Sale !
Premium Wagons
July 30, t870-47tf j
Testimonial. i
Mr. Geo. W. Traveta, 131 First street, Port
land Dear Sin With much pleasure I add my
testimony in favor of the Home Shuttle Sewing
Machine. My experience in using , it several
months has proved quite satisfactory. I have no
trouble in running over seams and uneven sur
faces, making a strong "Lock Stitch" which can
be readily changed while the machine is in motion.
I would advise every lady, before purchasing, to
examine The Home Shuttle.
Mrs. CHAS. GOODNOUGH, Portland.
For samples of work and circulars address
GEO. W. TRAVERS, Portland, Ogn. 89-2y
Executor's and Guardian's Sale of Real
noperty. ;
undersigned, James P. Hoeue, Executor of
tue estate oi uavis jLayton, deceased, and JL. C.
Burkhart, Guardian of the estate of Augustus C.
Layton, will sell the following described ; real
property at public auction, at tho Court House
door in the city of Albany, Lisa county, Oregon,
to-Witt j
Tha north half of the donation land claim of
Davis Layton, deceased. Not.- K. 1924, Claim
No. 58, in T It S, R 4 W, Linn county, Oregon.
The said' Guardian witl sell all the right, title
ana interest oi nis saia ward, Augustus C. Layton,
in and to the above described land, the same be
ing his undivided one-third interest in fee simple
in and to said lands : and the said Executor will
sell all the right, title and interest of Clara D.
Layton in and to, said land, the same being ber
two-thirds undivided interest in fee aimplo in and
to said lanu, on too . i
31st day of August, A. D. 1870,
at one o elocK f. si oi said day, in lots as per
surrey and plat of said north half of said claim,
on hie in the Clerk's office in said county, as fol
lows :
Lot Jvo. 1, SO acres. j
" 2, 40 I
" " .3, 38 80.100 j
" 4, 29 39.100 " I
" " 5, 29 54.100 " :
' 6, 22 84.100 " I
" 7. 22 29.100 " I
" " 8, 18 69.100 H
' 9, 35 67.100 " I
Terms or Sale Gold coin of the V. 8., one
half to be paid on the day of sale, and the bal
ance in nine months from the day of sale, with
interest at twelve per cent, per annum, secured
by mortgage on the premises.
J AMES P. HOGCE, Execulor.
L. C. BURKHART, Guardian.
July 28, 1870-47w4
Within the past three years, six of the local
Insurance Companies of San Francisco, repre
senting a capital of over $2,000,000, suspended
the first four during the low rate war of 1867 and
1868 the last two during the past few weeks. .
Six out of Twelve
in less than three years is an alarming record of
mortality, anLshould suggest to the insuring pub
lic the propriety of avoiding experimental, inex
perienced, and low rate Companies, and patroniz
ing tho old established, conservative, wealthy, and
prudently managed corporations of the solid and
permanent order.
The , cry of "boiler bursting" was
raised at a ITtica fire but it didaot dis
turb the equanimity of an enterprising
reporter, who solitary and alone, contin
ued to take notes, fully realizing the
ad vantages ot being on . tne spot it an
explosion occurred.
- Jounoy Steele, the played out "oil
prince," is-said to have received a letter
requesting nis instructions concerning
820,000 which he deposited in a New
York bank durinp: the high day of his
prosperity and had utterly forgotten.-
A Kansas gentleman lately ate three
Eounas ot raisins on a Det, Dut was no
etter after eating them. In fact, his
next raisin will not -be until the general
resurrection takes place. -
; John G. Nicolay, formerly private See.
to President Lincoln, and late United
States Consul at- Paris, has been tender
d mud has accepted the position' of man
aging editor of the Chicago Republican.
A fancy for everything Chinese seems
to prevail among the visitors at Newport.
On the tasmonable promenades are to
be seen Chinese umbrellas, Chinese
hats, and hair done a la Chinese. - ;-
Office, No. 64 Front Street,
Special Collector of Claims,
A large amount of CITY and EAST PORT
LAND Property for Sale.
Also, IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable in
cultivated LANDS, located in all parts of the
State. '
Investments in REAL : ESTATE and other
PROPERTY, made for correspondents.
CLAIMS of all descriptions promptly collected.
HOUSES and STORES leased.
All kinds of Financial and General Agency busi
ness transacted. -
Parties having FARM PROPERTY for sale will
please furnish descriptions of the same to the
AGENTS OF THIS OFFICE, in each of the
principal CITIES and TOWNS of this STATE,
fjune 11'70-tf.J
Between the old andthe new 5 between high
prices and long credits on the one hand, and
small profits and ready pay on the other, still
continues to race with unabated fury at Browns
ville, and Wheeler, who represents in tfaU contest
the new. erdes or things, seems aetennmea --ve
fight it out on that line" if it taks a. lifetime.
Pnnnle visUinor Brownsville will And at his
store a fine stock of all kinds of goods, which is
boinr sold lower than ever to make room for a
large Fall stock. . , .44,
able and npproved stvies. i
Who has an InGimary in
San Francisco, at 528 Kearney street, has arrived
in Albany, after remaining some six weeks in
Portland, and operating with great success on
difficult cases, lie will remain in thU city seve
ral weeks, for the purpose of examining and cur
ing I
Diseases of the lij'C
All who are afflicted with Eye Diseases are in
vited to call and ascertain what can bo done for
them, especially those who havu chronic or sup
posed incurable diseases. Examinations free.
Dr. M. was assisted in his operations at Port
land by Dr. Baugbman, and iu a!ein hy Dr.
Albany, July 23, 1870-48 .
The .Remedy does not simply relieve for a short
time, but it produces perfect and permanent cures
of tho worst easts of Chronic Nasal Catarrh, and
I Kill pay $500 reward for a cate that I cannot
cur. "Cold in the head" aud Catarrhal Head
ache are cured with a few applications. If you
have a discbarge from the noso, offensive 'or oth
erwise, stopping up the nose at times, partial ljne
of the sense of sraell, taste or hearing, ryes ifator
ing or weak, feel dull, have pain or pressure in
the head, you may rest assured that you have
Catarrh. Thousands annually, without manifest
ing half of the above symptoms, terminate in
Consumption and end iu the grave. No disease
is so common, more deceptive' or less understood
oy pnysicians. 1 will send my pamphlet on Ca
tarrh to any address free. Dr. Sage's Catarrh
Remedy is now
Price 50 cents. Sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt
of 60 cents, or four packages for two dollars. Be
ware of counterfeits and worthless imitations. See
that my private Stamp, which is a positive guar
antee of genuineness, is upon tho outside wrapper.
Remember that this private Stamp, issued by tho
United States Government expressly for stamping
my medicines, has my portrait, name and address,
and the words "U. S. Certificate of Genuineness"
engraved upon it, and need not be mistaken.
Don't be swindled by travelers and others, repre
senting themselves as Dr. Sage ; I am the only
man now living that has the knowledge and right
to manufacture the genuine Dr. Sage' Catarrh
Remedy, and I never travel to sell this medicine.
46m3 133 Seneca street, Buffalo.' N. Y.
Discriptlre LUt
or ...
.. . ' ' , IT .(
Real Estate Dealers, Albany, Ogn.
Lota 1, 2, 7 and 8, Block 19 good house, ic.
Lots S and 4,
4 Lots in
4 Lots in
Lots 3 and 6, in
Lots 5 and 6, in
25 feet on First street, in Block 3,
1 Frame Store-house two stories.
24 "
IS house and barn.
44 " "
118 no improvements.
58, " "
2 good house.
ith a No.
Rent for
Having just received Large and well selected
. Stock of
seen as
Hammers,' Hammers,
Hammers, Hammers, .
- " Sledges, Sledges,
.. Sledges, Sledges;
Saws, Saws, Saws,
Saws, Saws, Saws,
Planes, Planes, Planes,
Planes, Planes, Planes,
-c . . Turn cue aj '
jorss-iii I hiiu iTAiia e5av .
Together with a large assortment of :
Nails, Nails, Nails,
Nails, Nails, Naus,
springs, springs, Bpringsy
Springs, Spriucp, Springs-
Axles, Thlmble-Skelns, Bolts, &c, e.
Also, a well Selected Stock of
W agon Tlmtoer,
All of which we are now offering to the public
at low rates. As we make the business a spec
ialty, we can and will keep a better assortment at
lower prices than any house in this city.
'ire Insurance Oo.
Their contracts are endorsed by cash assets
Their business is managed by underwriters who
have no superiors and but few equals in the Union
Their risks are small, carefully selected, and scat
tered throughout the entire United states, tbus
avoiding heavy loss in the most serious conflagra
tion. Their rates are not of the guess or gamb
ling order, but are based on actual experience,
and are as low as good insnrance can be furnished
at. Their luascs are honorably and promptly ad
lusted, and paid in gold coin without delay or
tliscount. Their agents, located at all points of
importance, bave authority to issue policies direct,
thus avoiding tbe danger and delay incident to
the sub-agency system ; and, in each and every
particular, both as regards solvency, permanency,
prudent management, honorable conduct, equitable
rates, ana conservative practices,
The Pliwnix, or Hartford,
furnishes facilities to the insuring public unequall
ed by any other Company doing business on this
$25 a month.
Lots 2 and 3 in block 3, with good House' and
Barn. Price, $800.
Lots 1, 2 and 3 in block 6 large dwelling and
two stables.
: Lots 5 and 6 in block 130 good house. Price,
; Ten Homestead Lots, 6 acres each,) mile north
of Albany, at $120 eaeh. v
For particulars apply to '
- . J. C. MEXDEXHAtL, Agent,
; junll-40 " Albany, Oregon.
424 California St., San
Policies Issued and Renewed Direct by
I.. rL,IMT, Agent,
jy2'70-43m3 ,
Heavy Canvas Iluntiog Coats, -White
Marseilles Vests,
Figured Marseilles Vests,
Furnishing Goods of all Kinds
and a great variety of other
We are prepared to offer to the publio the lar
gest and BEST SELECTED stock of Clothing
of our own manufacture, ever brought to Portland,
and at price, that DEFY COMPETITION.
jy2-43-3m 103 Front-st., Portland.
J. W. Bent fey.
on short notice, and with neatness and dis
patch. - jzgf- All Kinds of Repairing- Done.
Albany, June 11, 1870-40
IVotice. .
MY WIFE, Amanda Kestcr, having left my
bed and board, I hereby warn all persons
not to harbor or trust ber on my account, as I
will pay no debts contracted by her.
Albany, June 4th, 1870-40w4
Not . x- y J Public,
ALBANY, s : : : : : s OREGON.
made and attested. Conveyances and col
lections attended to, 38-'70
Receiving and opening a large and splendid
assortment of
Which we offer at reduced rates. -
In the MonUith Fire-proof Brick, First-st.
March 12.-70-27
The standard remedy for Cougha, Influenza,
Sore Throat, Whoapinj Cough, Cranp, Liver
Complaint, Jtroehitit, Bleeding of Me Lunge, and
every affection ot the Throat; Langs and Chest,
including CONSUMPTION.
Wistar'a Balsam doe. not dry up a Cough,
but loosens it, cleanses the lungs, and allay, irri
tation, thus removing tke canoe of the complaint.
None genuine unless signed I. Butts. Prepared
by Beth W. Fowle A Son, Boston. Sold by
Rcdington, HoatetteT A Co., San Francisco, and
hy dealers generally. . 41y70
Perfumery, Toilet Goods, ic.
Our Goods aro FRESXX and
ont Street.
three diMwe below Oonnor'e,
feb 1270-23 Oregon.
, SIaoes,rjbo.
Closed out at about ooat.
11 it iy w: a. je ,
A well Soleoted stock now on band, and will
be filled op constantly, and
best assortment kept iu tbe city, 1
stantly receiving fresh supplies,
nd con-
All who want bargains give-me a call.
Albany, March 6, 1670-28.
Headers, "
Persons having the
Wheeler St Mellck Endless Chain
ca.n have them repaired .0 they will olean the
grain as well as any Thresher, and clean as much
as their power will thresh.
Flax Fans,
MADE TO ORDER ONLY. In short, all other
Agricultural Machines and implement made aad .
repaired. . ...
We are completing arrangement, to manufac
ture Seed Sowers, Sulkey and Gang Plows, of the
best pattern, now in an. ,
All work warranted made of the best
Shop on corner of Washington and Secoud-at.,
Albany, Oregon. . 88m3
May 28, 1870.
I I T T S '
Mowers J Reapers
And all kinds ot
Agricultural Impleia'ts & Machines
On baud and for sale by
28, '70-38 ' . Albany, Ogn.
ronaxe of all persons desir
tions. Nitrous Onide administered for the pain
less extraction of teeth, when desired. Charges
. Ofiee in ParrUh A Co.. brick block. Resi
dence, first bouse south of Congregational Church,
fronting on Court linos bloea.
Albany, Oregon, July 2, 1870 8 ;
' i