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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1870)
rMllBUP ?fU$t? 4 HoilE?TEAD IjOTS. Judge Thornton -J o S" 'O" " is laying; off some fine homestead lots just across ine river in Bentoa county, which he will sell at a low figure to those desir ing residences within easy reach, of this city. Each lot wiJl comprise six acres, and axe located on a high bench back from ihe river about half a mile a pleas ant walk from the ferry landing, and a beautiful spot for suburban residences. J. C. Mendenhall is agent for their sale. SATURDAY, JULY 16, 1870. - Subscribers finding an Z after their name will understand that their subscription expires with that number, and they are invited to renew their subscriptions. Terms $3 per annum, in advance; aix months, $2 ; three months, $1. LOCAL AFFAIRS A Noteworthy Invention. Under this beading we notice a lengthy descrip tion, ia the Pittsburg Review and Price Current of June 9 th, of a valuable machine recently invented by an old Albanian! Mr.Wm. S. Pratt. It is called "Pratt's Universal Patent Saw Gammer and Filer" and is so simple in its construction and operation as to be readily understood by any practicaanjnechanic. It is described as an application of a rotaryjemory wheel, or cutter, which iaBJployed in lieu of a file in"sharpSO,w plate3 of every de8. wipUonjf;,h th-- i;tti mflPr,;ne - fio- aaw can be filed in from ten to reive minutes, being a saving of seventy- five per cent, of time in keeping the saw. in order. . The saw when thus filed will retain an edge longer and will cut from sixty to seventy per cent, more stuff than if sharpened in the old way. These are, in brief, a few of the virtues possessed by this new invention, which will prove a colossal fortune to the lucky genius, Wm. S. Pratt. All old lesidents of this city will remember Mr. Pratt as a former townsman, and will be glad to hear of his great prosperity. Nearly a Fire. About six o'clock on Sunday afternoon, three or four little boys, between the ages of four and eight, concluded to "play" camping out, and getting some combustibles together, they started a fire in a wood-shed in the rear of Dr. Tate's office on First street. When discovered the fire was burning right merrily, and in all probability would soon have communicated to the shed, then to the dry goods boxes, wood and other combustibles to be found in the rear of the stores in -the block, and the result might have been the destruction of the most valuable portion of the city. Tho timely discovery averted the calamity. A . little carelessness might do an amount of damage that it would take years of hard toil to remedy. Clothing Burned. A few nih etnee, at the . residence of Mr. Allen Parker of this city, through some mis understanding, a candle was left burning in the children's bed room, after the chil-r"-; hi ! rrtired f.r the night. The can . ii-! b'trneJ livwu au-i s';t iire to fhs pHs' . dresses lying near, communicating to iLe furniture of the room, when fortunately j Mr. Parker was awakoned, and with some Directors. On the 12th inst., the Willamette Valley & Cascade Mt. Wagon-Road Co. elected the following named gentlemen as a Board of Directors to serve the ensuing year: A. Hackleman, John Settle, Wm. Hals ton, Milton Hale, Andrew Cowan, M. Luper and Jason Wheeler. ' Ice Cream. That prince of landlords and clever fellows, Mr. II. Brenner, of the St. Charles, dropped iu on us Wed nesday with a present of ice cream, the first we have received the present season. It was palatable, you bet, and was enjoy by the printshop. Mr. B. will make ice cream for the public as long as his ice holds out. Go for it, quick. Cheaper than the CuEAPEST.-Mr. John Conner hns a large and varied stock' of dry goods, clothing, boots, shoes, hats, etc., as well as iron, steel, nails, screws, and we don't know what all, any and all of which he ia selling very low, some ar ticles at less than cost, to close out busi- ej ness. Now is the time, and there the place, to get bargains. Now, every word of the above is true. U. S. Laws. We give a supplement containing ten columns of the acts and resolutions passed at the present session of Congress. File them away, and if jou get into a discussion with any of your neighbors, who are so unfortunate as not to be subscribers to the Register? you can bring the discussion to a sudden termination by drawing the law on them. That's what you can. And their discom fiture will be suddent and overwhelm ing. We intend to issue more, soon. Adjourned.-We learn that the camp meeting near Brownsville, commenced last week, under the auspice of the M. E. Church South, came to a close on Tuesday, and resulted in much good heioir done '; n?i ineen persons pro-x'e&se-J rclig'or. and vcrc tt:ke! to the church. Business Man. We neglected, last week, to call the attention of our read ers in and about Brownsville to the new special of Mr. Wheeler, one of the shrewd- !-.!; ost --"'ui LusitK'ts inn in the Wiiiainuttc teller. WhcaLr is bouud to sell goods at such low figures that. all ... . . He Still Uveal As the earth revolves around on its axis once in twenty-four hours, the Sun shines by day, the Moon and Stars by night, and "the seasons' come iu their turn, Spring, . Summer, Autumn and Winter ; as we are running from the cradle to the grave, reaching for some hand in the distance; stepping to gain a toothold on some vessel far out at sea, swiftly flying still further from us, and trying to live, so does the young man from Wisconsin, M. PEARSON, still live, and. still continue to do business in Albany, Ogn.," and feels thankful for past favors and patronage, which nerves his heart on to a greater effort to accommo date his many customers, and to sell them GROCERIES aud PROVISIONS, of which he has a very good stock on hand, cheap for cosh or produce. . The young man from Wisconsin, M. PEARSON, still lives, and is always ready to ,buy, sell, swap or dicker, at Cheadle's old stand, corner of First and Broadalbin streets, Albany. - 6w. ! Badly IIt;rt, On Friday morning, Mr. Miller, while shoeing a horse at his blacksmith shop on Broabalbin street, received a bad wound in the calf of the right leg. lie had started, and was on the point of driving, a nail, when the horse became restive, aud at length jerked his foot from the grasp of Mr. Miller in such a way that the partly driven nail entered and tore open the entire length of the calf of his right leg. It made a bad wound,. and may prevent Mr. M. from labor for some time. Personal. Judge Thornton, of Port land,' dropped in on us Wednesday. The Judge is looking in splendid condition. Judge Denny made his appearance on Wednesday, en route for CorvalUs. Our old friend, Mr. I. S. Waldrip, of McMinnville, is at present in the city on a visit. Wc were glad to greet our old friend, Mr. Henry W. Settleniire,on Thursday, an old resident of Linn, who has been absent on a visit to old Illinois since last September. Henry brought one of Ill inois' handsome productions, in the shape of a wife, back with him. Us congrat ulate him on his good taste, and wish both every pleasure and happiness in all their ingoings and outcomings. Henry D. Godley and Mrs. Paxton, both, from California, arrived ia this city on Thursday's boat. Mrs. Geo. ITays, to the recret of her fiit-ads. Ic:; fr l.c.r borne- in Umatilla City on Friday's boat. difficulty extinguished the flames. If the and wiI1 Phasc. By all means try fire had been given five minutes further time, the whole upper part of the build ing would have been wrapped in flames, making it exseedifigly doubtful about saving any of the children, some half doz en or more, sleeping there. The extreme coolness and presence of mind of Mr. P. saved the building and the lives" of the children. Some three or four girl's suits were destroyed otherwise the loss was trifling. . Gone to the Mountains. Dr. Alex ander, Mart. Payne, A. Cowan, and a host of others, with their families, have gone to the mountains, where they will enjoy life to the full during this splendid weather. We wish them the "best in the market" out there, and are only sorry that want of time keeps us from angling for the speckled trout or baggiag the ten der groue in fact, seeing the mountain elephant. Fro man Buildings. Mr. E. Cart wright annouuees that he is now ready to receive wheat and flax seed at the new buildings recently erected on the bank of the river in the eastern portion of the city. Mr. Cartwriht has expended large sums of money in improvements since he purchased the buildings, and he is now prepared to clean and store 10,000 bushels per day He is also paying the highest cash price for wheat. See bis card elsewhere. '' - iJ " ". Wheeler on lie' H do to tic to, you'll find. . Returned. Jos. Hanon, Esq., Capt. Monteith, Frank Redfield, Billy Twee dale, and others, have returned from their trip to the Yaquioa Bay. Fish abounds at the Bay, there is plenty of game in the rnountaios, and they had a splendid time. They speak of the weather at the Bay as being, for the most part, cold and chilly, high winds prevailing during most of their stay. They experienced none of the deliciously hot weather felt here last week. '-'... " :' ' - ; No Owner. A small oilcloth carpet sack, containing .clothing, a testament, money, etc., was found some weeks ago on tbe road, and left t this office to be claimed by the owner. As, yet no claim ant has appeared. Now, this is to gWe fair warning that, if the proper owner does not appear within fifteen or twenty years from this date, and take said prop erty, we shall be under the painful neces sity of donning the new raiment, oxpend- iugthe money, and giving the testamentto me uedy family. Mind that. , Success. The steamer Success has again taken her place in the line, visiting this city on Wednesday:3', The Co'a new steamer, Shoo Ply, will soon be complett ed, and , wo may expect to hear her wbis tle at our wharf before many days. Bridge Over the Santiam. Ben. Holladay's men have already commenced operations on the bridge to be built over the Santiam river for tbe passage of the cars on the C. & O. Railroad. Our latest information is thai Albany will connect with Portia d about the 1st of January, 1871. Hurrah for the good time coming. Blackberries. This healthy and pal atable fruit never was more plentiful than now. Dusky maidens of the forest per ambulate our streets daily with gallon buckets crammed with berries, which they offer to part with for mox bit. We don't buy a great many owing to their want of confidence in tho strength of our excequcr. Unwellness. Unwellness has been ouf principal ailment for the past few days, so much so that our family physi cian predicts ultimate sickness if our health does -not remain good ; and we honestly believe he is correct or otherwise. Thus any shortcomings in the present issue must be laid to the want of longer comings. ' - - Saw Logs. Quite an amount of saw logs have been received at our mills with in the last few days, and will soon be sawed up into lumber. , Arm Broken. We learn that a small boy accidently fell and broke bis arm, at the campground on Sunday. We could not learn his Dame. Improvements Are being made in va rious portions of our city. The new res idence of Mr.- Godley, on Washington street, is quite an addition to that part of the city. ': '' " - ' - - Brick. As there are no building brick to bo had here, if persons wished to erect brick habitations ever so bad they couldn't do it. ".'-' - - Bulletin Boards. Tbe new bulle tin boards in front of Messrs. Carothers & Co' b. drug store are neat and tastily got ten up, and are a credit to the artist who done the stork Mr. Clay' Kuhn. Legal. See summons in another column, wherein G. W. Phillips is plaintiff and James Wile's et al., defendants. ' " : Campmekting Is still progressing There will undoubtedly be a large audi ence on the ground to-day. Ink. Messrs. A. Carothcrs&Co. manu ufacture a splendid arfciolo of ink, as we know from actual experiment. Lard. Mr. Conner has some fine lard,, in cans. i - Weather Splendiferous, magnum bonum, hiu closh, bully, etc., etc. Items. On the 23d. next Saturday, there will be a half-mile race over tho Fair Ground track, for a purse of 850 and gate fees. Jack Crousc is furnishing iced drinks. W. II. Kuhn & Co. have received "dead leads" of hardware daring the week. Jas. Riley, of Harrisburg, has been ; appointed Deputy County Clerk. Healthy. As bur Doctors have mostly gone to the mountains, the health of our village is good, and must of ne- "cessity remain, so until our people can -get a chance at the doctors. But won't they make them make up for lost time when they do get back! Salem Oil. Messrs. A. Carothers & Co., druggists of this city, have the pure Salem oil, which they are offering at 81 30 per gallon. - Groceries Ih good supply, art fair rates, can be obtained of Mr. Pearson, the youth from Wisconsin. Tiy him. Financial. For tho financial con dition of Linn county, 6ee statement else where. Fact. Sanded sugar and painted faces, look much better than they tastes! Sich is so. ' ' Wistar's Wild Cherry Balsam. This Balsamic , compound has become a home fixture. Let all who suffer, and have in vain attempted to cure the coughs, colds, bronchial or pulmonaiy complaints, make' use of this unequaled remedy. : .-".; 2w - , "Oil Up." Pure linseed oil, manu factured at Salem Mill, can bo procured of Geo. F. Settlemier, druggist, First street, Albany, at $1 30 per gallon tf. Financial and Commercial. Legal tenders 8889 ' The war excitement in Europe, caused by the threatening attitude assumed by the French Emperor, has caused a slight advance in gold and a consequent depre ciation of currency. Government securi ties of all.kinds have declined, including those of the United States. : Should "grim visaged" war actually follow these pertentious signs, gold will go up, up, and currency down, down, it may be to a pretty low figure; but should all signs, fail, and peace continue in tho ascendant, gold will recede again, and. legal tenders go on ad vancing towards par. ; A war i n E urope would prove. beneficial to Oregon iu this, it would advance tho price of wheat to good figures. - The wheat - prospect all over Oregon is of the most flattering character, and in all probability it will rule at much higher prices than for some time past, in in any event. " . San Francisco-markets have not mate rially advanced since our last. We have heard of no change iu our home markets except in the' matter of hen fruit eggs are quoted at 20 centi per dozen. i . -, FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF LINN COUNTY, KBCEIPTS A! IXBDITCBS Of Linn County for the Year ending Jnly 1, I8T0. 151 00 . 42 25 07 83 22 00 75 0C 650 00 224 00 1,189 00 681 81 Tn ftmnnnt of old notes On . hand .....-$ To am't Cowan note on hand To am 't cash on hand-settlement Jnly 6, 1869 2,27 63 To am't ree'd on peddlers' license ...... ......--.... To am't reo'd on ferry license billiard " ,i ,t u a liquor " " " eoll'ctd on delinquent list, tax 1866 and 1867.. To am't collected on delin ; quent list, tax 186S...... To am't collected on delin auent list, tax 186S To am't collected on assess- ' ' raents by Sheriff. 100 43 To am't collected on delin- " quent tax, 1866 & 1867. 121 16 To ain't col. on tax, 1869....12.25S 65 To am't col. on assessments - made by Sheriff ....... 442 66 To 'am't col. on delinquent . list, tax 1868 165 82 To am't eol. on tax roll, 1869 4,917 53 " " " " " 1869 5,130 48 i w 1869 3,297 63 .. . 1869 e,894 66 " " " " delinquent Jist, 1868 To am't col. on assessments by Sheriff, 1S69... To am't col. on delinquent ' list, tax 1866 and 1867.. To am't col. on delinquent list, tax 1869...... To am't col. on delinquent list, tax 1S69 To am't col. on assessments made by Sheriff.. . ........ To am't col. on delinquent tax list, 1866 and 1867- To amount col. of Harvey Smith, late Sheriff, on delinquency on settlem't To am't of poll tax col. by A. P. Nye, Co. Assessor To am't col. of W. L, Ken dall, damages on ae't of an estray animal, L. T. To am't ree'd of Geo. K. Helm, Cl'k, trial fees,l.t. To am't ree'd of jeo.R.Helm. att'ys fees in criminal cases, L. T To am't ree'd of A. N. Ar nold, Justice, criminal cases, L. T........ To am't ree'd of Geo. R. Helm, trial lees, X. T. To am't ree'd on office rent To am't ree'd of Helm, Cl'k, District Att'y fee, L. T. To am't on band in Distrtat School fund on settle ment July 8, 1869, coin To am't ree'd as fines, L. T. - - on sale of es trays, L. T. ........ .. am't ree'd cn sale of estrsys, L. T am't ree'd on sale of estrays, coin To am't ree'd ou sale of estrays, eoin ... To am't reo'd on sale of estrays, coin- To am't ree'd on sale, of estrays, coin To am't collected oa delin- Vr. 2,470 93 844,83 306 34 360 96 145 93 516 50 1,489 56 124 00 11 19 38,378 21 To To 600 00 731 28 100 00 71 00 40 00 20 00 54 00 20 00 1,636 28 10 00 10 00 53 00 63 00 460 00 460 00 235 00 . 5 00 240 00 27 77 49 00 81 00 10 40 138 17 337 50 337 50 Total receipts $44,568 92 44,568 92 DISBURSEMENTS l.tD ACCOCSTS AUOWID. To S. A. Johns, Co. Judge, salary $ 900 00 To Supt. Crmmon Schools... 500 00 To Co. Treasurer, salary " 800 00 To per diem and milage of Co. Commissioners 366 00 To Co. Assessor... 527 93 To conveying State revenue to S'.nle Treasurer 50 00 Sheriff fees... 1,973 20 County Clerk and Auditor... 1,552 55 Criminal prosecutions before magistrates 394 85 On ae't of roads and bridges 3,108 45 ' " " " paupers 864 00 " " " insane. 82 80 A term of the Circirtt Court, Oct. term, 1SC9, items ou record, total 1,161 60 A term of tho Circuit Court, March, 1870, Hems ap pear on record. 1,615 10 Dist Atty's fees, both terms 420 00 Bailiff's " " " 135 00 Painting court h'se. contract 1,140 00 Extra work by W. O. Riley, . allowed 65 05 Work done on eourt bouse by Cundiff .... 75 00 Writing contract for paint ing court house...... . . 2 50 B.W. Cundiff, sup'nt paint's 100 00 Insurance of court house.... 279 85 Sawing and cording wood... - 15 00 Carpet, Ac, for court house 113 63 Publishing and printing 64 00 Paid to the city of Albany., 4 25 Stationary, lights A repairs 236 62 Miscellaneous orders.......... . 24 22 Allowed on ae't of election, June 6, 1870.. 357 00 Interest paid on notes against the county 636 07 Infest paid on Co. warrants 424 35 Partial paym't on Keea note 300 00 Judgment in favor of the State and against Linn eounty judgment paid - in full am't judgment 1,498 12 Interest on do. 322 07 costs and per et. 299 62 Am't State revenue paid to State Treasurer, as per re ceipts ....17,964 28 . Amount paid on District School orders.. 4,744 44 Thus showing excess ef re ceipts over amounts paid out, and accounts allow ed, for the year ending July, 1870........ Or. 11.119 73 3,361 70 1,382 55 1,731 64 724 35 2.119 81 17,964 28 4,744 44 43,148 65 1,420 37 (Attest) $44,508 92 GEO. R. HELM, Connty Clerk. cocsitt rewn. Jame Shield. County Tremturtr, in account with Xinn County, To am L "old notes" on hand July 6, 1869 $ 151 00 Toamt. Cowan note on hand July 6, 1869 42 25 To amt. cash on band July 6, 1869 2,277 68 To amt. rec d on peddlers license To amt. ferry license......... " " billiard license " " liquor license-. To amt. ree'd on delinquent tax list 1866 and 1867. To amt. Jrec'd on delinauent tax list 1868 1,189 To amt. ree'd on delinquent tax list 1868. . ..... To amt on assessments by Sheriff To amt. on delinquent tax ' lists of 1866 and 1867. To amt. reo'd on tax roll of 1869 To amt. ree'd on assessm'ts made by Sheriff- To amt. ree'd on delinquent list tax 1868 - To amt. reo'd on tax roll '69 i " '69 i '69 tt to . . 6Q To amt. ree'd on delinquent list of 1868.......... ... To amt.' reo'd on assessm'ts by Sheriff, 1869 . To amt. reo'd on delinquen t 'list, tax 1866 and 1867 To amt. reo'd on delinquent list, tax 1869 To amt. ree'd on delinquent list, tax 1S63..,.. ....... . To amt ree'd on assessai'U made by Sheriff. To arat. reo'd on delinquent - list, tax 1866 and 1867 To amt. collcctedof Harvey SmUh, late sheriff, de linquent on settlement with County Court... To amt. poll a property tax - - eolo't'd by Co. Assessor To amt, reo'd of Co. Clerk, - -trial ffees, legal Under.. To amt. reo'd of Co. Clerk, ally's fees, criminal ea- Dr. 2,470 93 97 83 22 00 75 00 650 00 844 83 224 00 00 68X 81 . 100 43 121 IS ;. 12,258 65 : 443 66 ." 165 82 -4,917 53 -. 5,130 48 3,297 63 6,894 66 306 34 X , 360 96- t 145 93 616 50 1,489 66 124 CO 'll 19 88,378 21 600 CO 781 28 71 00 cs, legal tender.. ....... To sou. ree'd of A. N. Ar nold, Justice, criminal cases, legal tender...... To amt. ree'd of Co. Clerk, trial fees, legal tender. To aanU ree'd as office rent, o To amt. ree'd of Co. Clerk, Dist. Atty's fees, 1. t... To amt. collected of W. Iu Kendall, damages for using estray horse, 1. t. To amt. collected ob delin quent tax list, 1869.... 40 00 20 00 64 00 20 00 10 00 1.546 28 100 00 337 50 100 00 "337 50 $43,677 By 80 Co. warrants red'md, Sept. 14, 18C9, prinep'l 2,027 interest 38 By 481 Co. warrants red'md -Apr. 26, 1870, princip'l 12,217 interest 302 By 51 Co. warrants red'm'd - June 22, 1870, principl 2,030 interest 83 By amt. poll tax paid State , 1 reasurer as per roc pt of Dee. 13, 1869 By amt. paid State Treas., revenue as per receipt. By amt. paid State Treas., revenue as per receipt. By amt. paid on judgm't to Btate Treas., rev n for 1867 judgment ..... 1,498 . interest upon it. 322 costs of suit...... .';"' 299 By eld notes cot collectable k- 161 By Cowan note........ ...... 42 By amt apportioned to die- trict school fund 5,048 By loss on currency notes... 67 76 43,677 76 Cr. 86 67 2,066 53 6s' 43 12,620 08 26 25 2,113 51 00 1,676 11,424 00 4,964 28 17 964 28 12 07 62 2,119 81 00 25 193 25 77 6.048 77 60 57 50 By bal. on hand in Connty Fund 1,594 $42,083 73 02 1,594 02 Attest : $43,677 75 GEO. It. HELM, ; Co. Clerk. school rcsD. Jame Shield, Connty Treasurer, in account with Dietrict School fund, for year ending July 1, 1870, Dr. To amt. on hand on settle. meat July 6, 1869 53 00 53 00 To amt. ree'd on fines, L t. .400 00 To amt. ree'd on sale of es trays, 1. t 235 00 To amt ree'd on Bale of es trays, 1. t 5 00 700 00 To amt. ree'd on sale of es- trays, coin 27 77 To amt. reo'd on sale of es trays, coin 49 00 To amt. ree'd on sale of es trays, coin........ 51 00 To amt. ree'd on sale of es trays, coin- 10 00 138 17 $5,048 77 5,048 77 $5,939 94 ...' .-.."'. Cr. By amt. paid on school dis trict orders. $ 4,744 44 4,744 44 By balance on hand.. ... 1,195 50 1,195 60 Attest : $ 6,939 94 GEO. R. HELM, Co. Clerk. EXHIBIT Shotcing financial condition of Linn county for year ending July 1, 1870. - Dr To Baber note, J. A. Craw- . ford, assignee princpl.$ 1,738 21 interest 173 82 1,912 03 To J P. Tate note princpl 600 00 . interest 26 33 626 33 To Wm. Hale note, M. Hale assignee principal.... 1,000 00 interest 30 00 1,030 00 To amt. Jacob Kees' note principal 2,200 00 To amt. Edward Loat note, ino:.:;y borrowed since July o, iatiS principal 2,000 00 interest.. "S3 33 2,033 33 To amt. Co. warrants out standing a unrcdeem'd 6,252 58 8,252 58 Total indebtedness of Co... $16,054 27 REBOCRCES OF THE COrSTY. By delinquent tax list 1861 621 76 ' " 1862 - 376 72 " " " 1883 767 76 ' " " 1864 1,091 88 " .. .. 185 1,713 ji " " " 1866-67 4,254 06 " " 1868 858 04 " returned into Court, 1869 6,061 65" By delinquent Cowan note, . principal .. ......... 42 25 By delinquent Co. warrant on Marion Co. in case State vs. Montgomery ........ 360 00 Cr. NEW TO-DAY. o H $16,147 23 16,147 23 Cash on hand in Co. Fund. 1,594 02 1.594 02 $17,741 25 17,741 25 Excess of "resources to bal- - ' ance account 1,686 98 $17,741 25 Showing the iutlebtedness of County, over and above cash absolutely on hand with which to pay, $14,460 25. j - Further showing the present indebtedness of the County, including cash on hand, to be less than stated indebtedness, Jnly 6, 1868, the sum of $2,00 90. : Respectfully submitted and attested, GEO. R. HELM, July 1, 1870. Co. Clerk. Resolutions of the Albany Fire Co. We the undersign committee on resolutions beg leave to submit the fol lowing: ' 1st Resolved, That the heartfelt thanks of Albany Fire Co. No. 1 are extended to the Mayor and Council of the city of A1-. bany, for their permit to take tbe Fire Engine on the excursion te Salem, J uly 4th 1870. 2nd Resolved, That the thanks of Fire Co. No. 1 are extended to the offi cers of the P. T- Co. for the free use of their boat to carry the engine to Salem, and more especially to the officers anor men on board of the steamer Albany, for their gentlemanly conduct and courtesy to and from Salem to attend the celebra tion. ' t- .-: .' . 3rd Resolved,- That the thanks of this Company are extended to the firo department of tho city of Salem, for the hearty greetings received on our arrival and sumptuous fare with which we were entertained whilo sojourning with them. Long may they live : to entertain firemen and all others ; and we congratulate onr sister city of Salem for the efficiency of her fire department and never tiring fire men of which she is -possessed.1 , 4th Resolved, That tho thanks of the Company is extened to the ladies of Albany for the flowers that were furnished to decorate our fire apparatus on that oc casion; may their smiles always be. as sweet us the flowers are, and may their presence always be ready to cheer the tiresome firemen, whether at the brakes or at the fireside. . Resolved, That a copy of these - reso lutions be furnished to the daily and weekly papers of Salem and Albany for vublication. -'A. N. ARNOLD, F. M. WADSWORTII, E. CARTER. . ' Serandin, a Parisian wit, ' regrettiog the stay of Prince Fierce In France, eays that "the Prince's pistols are the only part of him which go off." On the 28th tilt, a hurricane visited Chicago, blowing down several houses. 5L5 P O" P3 oa PS H 1-5 '- P r H 6 m i Pi : 5 H 0 1 o J 10 Q 0 o - tf to 4 43 . w u 4 . a . m ', z mm et . w . - cs U ' . . - s , W 2 S 2 - e a .; e ' ' Cs H 2. m O .5 : .2 PS ft - 2 - g H 5 . mi u H tm 9 9 o .- tm, -3 w a -o tji S" e w S s ta- Ct ALBANY ADVERTISEMENTS. ' L. CBE1DLS, n. CHEADLE, Front-st., Albany, Ogn. J 120 Olay-st., San Fran f I Cisco, California. : It. CHeadle . Co.. " ' Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Groceries and Menefal : Merchandise J FORWARDING & COMMISSI . MERCBIAIwTS. " " ' MARK GOODS : Care of .. . . ' - L. C,, Albany, Oregon; or IrC. C? 9 San-Francisco CaJ. Liberal advances made on consignments. N0T1CZ TO SHIPPERS. I INTEND DOING A 4 . . .. ' ' ' ' General Commission Business : . IN . FRANCISCO, for tho purpose of selling - All Kinds of Produce tbat may be consigned to me to sell. . m E.AHIAR CI112ADL.I2, A.T "iocxjaiy, Oreson Will receive and attend to all order on me to be filled in San Francisco. oct9-4tf It. CHEADLE. EXKUVS & SON, BLKINS & SON, EXJSXtXH &. SON, Lebanon, Oregon. Lebanon, Oregon. Lebauon, Oregon. NEW GOODS SMALL PROFITS, - QUICK SALES PROMPT PAY. w E HAVE JUST RECEIVED A CHOICE Selection of - SPRING AND SUMMER C00DS, Imported direct from New York via the Pacific Railroad, and can, for Cash or Produce, giro customers bargains equal to any firm in Al bany. AU of oar stock is iKrnght at the L O WEST CA SB PRICE. ' - . ' ' - ''- Buy of - DRY " GOODS, BOOTS & SHOES, GROCERIES, Hardware, Iron and Steel, At ALBANY ALBANY PRICE?. PRICES. ALBANY ALBANY PRICES, PRICES, GOODS-RECEIVED BY Every Steamer frliieb will be told for CASH or TRADE, WHEAT wanted: ATrr Sixly Cents per llushel in trade, or on Book account, For all that may be ottered oct9-5 R. CIIEADLE. A. Weekly Newspaper, Oentaininr 28 columa ef matter, IS PUBLISHED EVERV SATURDAY, tn the City of Albany, ' -At ' ... " da Per ATinHTfi,, .- Iff ADVAXCE, . Six months.......... ........!... $2 "LOCAL ITEMS" made a SPECIALTY. Wkeleaale mad Ketalls IORBST T RICES PAID FOft ' EGGS, BUTT ER, ' E T cl, ' ETC. N. B. All persons Turing us will at once come forward and pay ap, so as to begin new accounts. L. ELKINS , SON. Lebanon, April 1, "0. -6m30 s,ooo BET ON THE ELECTION"! . ;V .' y.-. c ;. - -V. - " Any one vrbo wants to win can do ao by .. calling on - TEL.' O. -OULHU &. SON, WHO, thankful for past patronage, still in vite the attention of Linn eounty et al., to their unequalled stock of , . DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINT & VARNISH BRUSHES, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, , . ALCOHOL, KEROSENE, WINDOW' GLASS, ' : TRUSSES, FANCY 'AND TOILET; ARTICLES. aETC. Agent for Dr. D. Jayne ft Son's preparations, II. II. 11. Horse Medicines, etc. vDo you like medicine for its bitter or nauseat ing taste T We have that description. Do yon want the effect with an aromatic taste f After taking a few dosos of onr Elixir, 'twill be to very pleasant that y onr prejudices Must surely turn awry, and the preparation Will lose the same o' physic. . (but not the effect.) . Physicians and customers from the country may rest assured that their order will be prompt ly attended to. Prescription carefully nod eor retly compounded. , ; : Hare you the impolito guest called a eon t We ell "Corn Slayer," which surely doe tbe work, without pain. Do yon desire a book of any kins', a 9 old Pen, an Album, Stationery, or sueaT W. 8. Drigg ia with us, for the accommodation of all faroring ntm with a call. Do yon want a line Watch, a set of Jewel rr. cheap or dear? J. D. Titos sella the same, under us stms root. 'v.. Come and see na. But a Book. But a Watch Buy a Pill. Buy something or nothing, but come ana see us, anyway.:- A weU sprinkled Boor ana a cool drink of water in tbe and warm tore surrounded by comfortable chairs in winter constantly kept for tbe accommodation ef all. Albany, May 14, '70-36 TIIlS REGISTER JOB PRINTING' first street, (oppotite Parritk 4: Co. etore, Albany t : Oregon. HAVING a rery fair assortment of material we a re -prepared to execute, with neatness ana aispatan, au kinds ot 3?X.AXSGT ASCTX3 3?ASreTT xxi.X3srTiKro neb ae . s ' -. Sand-bills, '-.-I Programmes, - ill-he&di, . ; . '". - . Ctrds, .. - Ball Tickets, Pamphlet, Label; Blanks of all ltiile at a low figure, as a due regard to taste nod good work will allow. When you want Mythln in rteprUtieHn.,erilattheRi!eut-aeaco.