BBBBBSOBBBSSSBBBBHRi U. S. Official Paper for Oreg-en. SATURDAY, JULY 16, 1870. . A conspiracy whose object was to de clare Spain a republic, lias been discov ered in Madrid, and the leaders arrested. Riots are threatened in the north of Ireland, and troops and police were con centrating in that quarter on the 12th. . Iu the contested election case irom Kentucky, the House decided in favor of Rice, the sttting member. . IT. W. Scott, editor of the Oregonian, has been confirmed as Collector of Cus toms for the lately created District of "Willamette. . . Senator Corbetfs recent speech, in which he argued strongly for the discon tinuance of the income tax, is one of the best yet delivered on the subject. . There seems to be considerable doubt as to whether our minister to England, Motley, will be re called. Prominent Re publican Senators urge the President to retain him.' .. .. , .. The IIous has decided that Segar is not entitled to a seat from Yiiginia. We suppose that this Segar was not the pure leaf the Virginia brand used to stand A 1 in the markets. . A small quantity of coarse salt put in to coal oil lamps is said to be a sure pre ventive of explosion. It purifies the oil, thus giving you a better light, and the experiment costs nothing. The salt ehould be changed every three months. We notice that our old friend, Mr. II. T. Levins, is to occupy the position of Business Manager of the Bulletin, the new paper to be issued by Jas. O'Meara, Esq., in Portland. Mr. Van B. De Lash- mutt has been awarded the carrier's routes. Both gentlemen are old prints, and will manage biz right up to the han dle. . Oxe Editor in Luck. We notice that JMaj. Enoch G. Adams, editor of the Vancouver (W. T.) Register, has receiv ed the appointment of Register in the Land Office in that city. We congratu late the Major on hia appointment, an are sure the effieu couIJ not 'havo been be stowed on a more worthy gentleman. Jn the xourtn pa;?e ot this issue we publish Senator Williams' letter with re gard to the Humboldt branch railroad It shows the jiocple of Southern Oregon how nicely they "put their foot iu it' while laboring to deteat the only man who was working energetically for their best interests. Read it, and then crow some more over the "glorious fruits of the late Democratic triumph" especially to Southern Oregon ! "Youens have struok it rich, neithor!" The Railroad Is progressing favorably- Grading has been completed to a point near Waconda. Piles are being driven in Pudding river bottom ; Molalla bottom has already been "piled", from the river to the prairie on this side, and tho bridge was to be . ready the preseO week. Iron having arrived, track layiog was to have commenced on Thursday. Pile driving will commence at Lake La bish in a day or two. The prospects that the cars will be running into Albany by January, 1870, are at present very flat tering. i L; S. Notes Stolen. Two or three days since we received from U. S. Treas urer, Spinner, the following note: JUSlItU OIATES iOTE8. SERIES OF 1861) Two thousand notes, often dol lars each, from No. 113.530.001 to No. 113,532,000, both inclusive, were stolen irom the .treasury. ; No $10 notes, of- number higher than 113,236,000 have been issued. Please look out for stolen notes. A liberal Reward will be paid to any person lurougn wnose instrumental ity the thief may be detected. Hold parties presenting the stolen notes, (if suspicions auacti to themj and in any case or preseorauon notify - S. E SPINNER, Treasurer U. S. Washington, J une 14, 1970. Western Monthly For July, con tains the portrait of-Gvn:' II. C. Paine, member of Congress from: the 1st Wis cousin district, with a short and interest ing account of hia life and adventures. Tho contents of the present somber are of the most entertaining character- in fact the Western is the very . best magazine that reaches us. Published in Chicago, III., by lh Wentern Monthly Co., at $3 per aqnuni. - , , , .The Bright Sips. -This vigorous young, "paper for all children' now vis its it readers every week, instead of once a month as formerly. It would nol be un welcome, if like the sunshine, it should come every day. "f 1.00 yea V Speci men copies free. Address, The Bright Side, Chicago, I1L - . ;; s I CVMkJ 5 W eiTea to Vioe President hl "Wrtlr , thenogro Senator Revels- pamed by h.s wife, , who .wore a white satm moire autiquaud byer charminj manner made herself the observed of III hservers-was nol preset. Rough, isn't it ? You expected thi. item to tore out just as it didn't. But you ey eaScuUU upon anything ia this Ufa. Hu man nature ia too frail, too crone to de caption. . , New from Jflxcnanfjee. E. Meeker, of . Olympia, will shortly issue a work on Washington Territory, giving the general features of the coun try west of the Cascade mountains. Three thousand copies are already engaged.' A Few days since a Frenchman . was murdered near Spokane bridge (W. T.)f" from appearances, while sleeping. The deed seemed to have been done with an ax, as there was a horrid gash in hia heed. A rope was about his neck, as if it had been the intention to drag the body away from the Scene of the murder. One riding and one pack horse, the latter loaded with grub belonging to deceased, had been taken by the murderers. . A few nights since, at Salem, a fellow tried to steal one of the blooded Bheep recently purchased at the , East by Mr. Jos. llolman. The thief was pursued but escaped after receiving a whack over the head frem a club iu the hands of his pursuer. The contract for supplying the State with stationery was let to J. K. Gill, of Salem, his being; the lowest bid. According to the Salem Statesman, the contract for carryicg the" overland mails, from Portland, Ogn., to Sacramento, Cal., has been let to Oilman or Alman, of Yreka, at the rate of $95,500 per annum, Jesse D. Carr being his bondsujan. - A. private letter to the Portland Com mercial, dated June 16th, states that new gold discoveries have been made on J ocko river, in the Pen d'Oreille country, and there was quite a rush of people to the new diggins at that date. ' The Portland .Bulletin is to be issued morning and evening. The census returns in Clackamas coun ty show that, out of a population of 3,000 enumerated, there has been but 30 deaths in the last twelve months. This is a good showing as to the health of Webibot, and will be hard to beat in any other State. Many other counties make an equally good showing. Farm hands are said to be in demand in Yamhill county. Messrs. Haiiey & Co. have transferred their stage line from Kelton, on the Pa cific Railroad, to Dalles, to a California company. The consideration was nearly 8200,000. lien. Ilolladay & Co. are erecting a large hospital in East Portland, where any of their employees who may be in jured will receive medical attention. All but oue of the Wisconsin Congress men emphatically declare that they will not accept renominations. The South Carolina Republican State Convention, to nominate candidates for Slate officers, is to be held in Columbia, on Tuesday, July 26th. The Temperance men of Michigan will hold a Convention at Jackson in August, and talk of presenting an independent ticket for State officers. The London Times imagines that the time "is favorable for any well-considered attempt to reorganize parties in the Uni ted States," and obligingly suggests free trad 3 as the cardinal issue when such an attempt shall be made. Curious to ob serve how anxious Great Britain is for this country to adopt the free trade sys tem r The Democratic Members of Congress addressed a circular to the Southern sup porters of their party urging them not to "risk the loss of Senators or Representa tives by electing men who cannot take the test oath, or who are under the disa bility imposed by the XVth Amend ment." This is very good advice, and wo second it with, all our might. The Chicago Republican appreciates the President's independence in the se lection of his officers. He picks his men, says the Republican, as he - did his sol diers, for their fitness, honesty, and integ rity of purpose. It is a bad habit, no doubt, and gives rise to much personal abuse, but the people seem to stand it pretty well! In fact they rather enjoy it. . j The Springfield Republican says that there are indications that the Massachu setts Democrats intend to make political capital out of the employment of Chinese laborers. They hope to please the "Cris pins," it says, and to carry the State by the help of the latter. " Such an expedi ent might turn out to work very much on the principle of the boomerang and re turn to plague its authors. By proclamation of Gov. Baldwin, the Legislature of Michigan will meet in spe cial session at the Capitol, in Lansing, on Wednesday, July 227th, to take action in reference to municipal aid railroads, some action beine deemed necessary in .consequence of the recent decision of tjie Supreme Court of the State, that many of the bonds issued by counties,' &o., in aid of railroads have been issued under the provisions of laws which are uncon stitutional and void. If the recently published address of the Democratic Congressmen, says the New York Herald, is to be taken as the first grand prouunciamento of .. the 'Cam paign, the initiative shot into the ene my's Camp, it may as well be said to have fallen still born, or, like the fuse of damp powder fizzle out before it attracted at tention. It would not fill, worthily, a place in the political column of a country democratic newspaper, and tnatt seems to be the way in which that class of journals are treating the document. ... When a man has the kissing mania on him strong ' out in Oberlin, Ohio, ' they try the water-cure- the hot water-cure. Mrs. Sarah Simpson caught her hnsbasd iu the act of kissing the hired girl ; vn long since, and before the echo died away she had poured, a bucketfal of boiling water n the pair. It broke Mr. Simo- oa of the habit. He don't want to kiss any hired girl aga'm Mr. Simpson don't, it only wants to save tLo rest of his hair, d to get rid f that appearand of underdone porter-house steak which dis tinguishes his countenance at the pres. ut moment. . -,''.' .' Goose Lake The Jacksonville ,VVics 1 says that from Mr Tenbr6ok, just in from Goose Lake, we gather the following facts concerning tnat vauey ; That there are about one hundred settlers in the raljev : that there isa store in the valleyi having a good aud increasing business; one saw mill in operation and one in course of erection, which when completed, will mm isa mmoer at $12 per thousand feet; that a brewery will be built during the summer ; that the grass throughout the valley is plentiful and excellent, that large herds of cattle are being . grazed mere, ana the range. is not bait occupied; that as yet no siekness in .the valley, and consequently "no doctor need apply;" that, anally, the citizens consider they have the garden spot of Oregon, through which a railroad is inevitable, and say, in the woids of the old patriot, "let it come." I . . The Amnesty Bill is to be postponed until the next session of Congress. The bakers of Marseilles are on a" strike and the price of bread is going up. MARRIES. -:; On the i'A inst., at the residence of Mrs. Me Dermht in this city, by Rev. Dr. R. C. Hill, 5$r. A. H. Dawson and Mrs. Mary J firm Reynolds all of Linn county. " .4 i. TECS WAR r Between the old and the new ; between high prices and long credits on the one hand, and small profits and ready - pay on the other, still continues to rare with unabated fury at Browns ville, and Wheeler, who represents in this contest the new order of things, seems determined "to fight it out on that line" if it taks a lifetime. People visiting Brownsville- will find at his store a fine stock of all kinds of goods, which U being sold lower than ever to make room for a large t an stooK. 44 WILLIAM DAVIDSON, Office, Bio. 64 Front Street, PORTLAND - " - - - OREGON. NEW TO-DAY. IMPORTANT : " J TO THE INSURING PUBLIC ! REAL ESTATE SEALER. Special Collector of Claims, A larce amonnt of CITY and EAST POltT--LAND Property for Sale. Also. IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable un cultivated LANDS, located iu all parts of the State. i Investments in REAL ESTATE ' and other PROPERTY, made for correspondents. CLAIMS of all descriptions promptly collected. HOUSES" and STORES leased. All kinds of Financial and General Agency busi ness transacted. Parties having FARM PROPERTY for sale will please furnish descriptions of the same to the AGENTS OF THIS OFFICE, in each of the principal CITIES and TOWNS of this STATE, june ll'70-tf. This Valuable Family-Medicine has been widely and favorably known in our own and fureiiru countries, upwards of THIRTY YEARS! It has lost none ol its good name by repeated trials, but continues to occupy a prominent posi tion in every family me'li'ine chest. It is an External and Internal H"- " "y . i"-r Summer Complaint, or any efV;.-r f?- :t' : ; .-1 diee in chTHr-r-ri or a-irat5 1; .r. .... L .tr .ai"!. ;i"'j Ji bi- Without. ic;;j".i. .-a moro suc cessful in curinpr the various kinds of C1I0LER A than any other known remedy, or the most skill ful physician. In India, Africa and China, where this dreadful disease is more or less preva lent, the Pain Killer is considered by the natives, as well as European residents in those climates, wre remedy; and while it is a most efficient remedy for pain, it is a perfectly safe medicine, even in unskillful hands. Directions accompany each bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Price 25 cts., 50 cts. and $1 per bottle. July NEW TO-DAY. FROIHAIY BIII.IIIV;S. WHEAT AND FLAX SEED DEPOT. CLEANING and HOISTING capacity 10,000 Bushels per Day ! A share of patronage solicited. 4570 E. CARTWRIGIIT. The highest cash price paid for n bean Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the eounty of Linn. G. W. Phillips, plaintiff; TS. James Wiles, Lucinda J. W iles, John N. Durham, Mary A. M. Durham, James Sanderson, Mary E. Sanderson, Esau Prewitt and Sarah E. Prew iit, defendants. - f Suit to hare deed reformed and a mi'take in the de scription of the premises oorrect'd, and for the specific performance of the contract of the grantors. To Jams Wiles, Lucinda J. Wiles, James San derson and Mary E. Sanderson, defendants : IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF QRE gon : Yon are hereby required to appear w the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon fur the county of Linn, and answer the complaint therein filed against you by the above named plaintiff with the Clerk of said Court, within ten days ironi the date of service of this summons upon von if served within this county, or if served in any olber eounty in this State, then witbin twenty days of the date of service of this summons upon vnu : And if service of this suinmon's upon you ),, had by publication, then by the first uuy of the term following the expiration of six weeks from the first publication hereof, to-wit r the fniiriti MonJay of October, 1870. And take notice, if you fail to an swer as above required, the pliathT will Rj.i.i.v to the Court at said term for the rc-liuf demanded in said complaint, to-wit : far a judgment or decree to reform a certain deei by you executed, and l;r costs, Ac. Dated July 12, JS70. ' " First publication July 16. 1870. , By order of it 041. It. P. Boise, Judge. , N. II. CUANOR, Atty for Plff. STATE OF OREGON,"? ' County of Linn, ' I hereby certify thai the foregoing summons is a true copy of the original now on file in the Clerk 'j office of the State and county aforesaid. Given nnder my hand and official seal affixed, this 12th day of July, 1870. 4owfl A. C. JONES. Clerk. Citation. - In tho County Court of tbe County of Linn, State of Oregon. : In the mutter of the estate of Isaiah Meroier, deceased.' - To Mrs. Franklin P. Smith (formerly Miss Mer eier), Sarah L. Mercier, Josephine Mercier and Mary Mercier, heirs of said deceased r - IN THE NAM Is OF THE STATE OF ORK gons You and each of you are hereby cited vo be and appear in said Court, at the court house ia the city of Albany in said county, on Monday, the first dav of Auirust. 1870. (beina a day of the August term ef said'Court), then and there show cauiii. if on v exist., whv an order of sale of the real estate ef said deceased should not be made as prayed for in tbe "petition of S. M. Pennington, tbe'Administrator of tbe estate of the said Isaiah Mercier, deceased. Said real estate is described as follows, to-wit : - Lot No. 5, ia Elook No. 10, and loi.No. 2, ia Block No. 1. ; By order of said Court. - In testimony whereof, I,. A. 0 -Janes, ttc. Coiraly Cleric' r the county aforositia., hvs uere unto set my hand and affixed tbs seal of . said Court on this 7& day of July, 1 870. ... . .. i A. C. JONES. .. July 0, 1870-44w4 . ; County Clerk. ALARMING MORTALITY I Within the past three years, six of the local Insurance Companies of San Francisco, repre senting a capital of over $2,000,000,' suspended the first four during the low rata war of 1867 and 1868 the last two during the past few weeks. Six ont or Twelve in leu than three years Is an alarming record of mortality, and .should suggest to the insuring pub lio the propriety of avoiding experimental, inex perienced, and low rate Companies, and patroniz ing tbe old, established, conservative, wealthy, and prudently managed corporations of the solid and permanent order. ! , - NEW ; TO-DAY. NEW TO-DAY. JUSTLY TAKES RANK AS THE LEADING AMERICAN IJre Insurance Oo. Their contracts are endorsed by cash assets . exceeding - 1,70 o, o o o . Their business is managed by underwriters who have no superiors and but few equals in the Union Their risks are small, carefully selected, and scat tered throughout tbe entire United States, thus avoiding heavy loss in the most serious conflagra tion. Their rates arc not of the guess or gamb ling order, but are based on actual experience, and are as low as good insurance can be furnished at. Their losses are honorably and promptly ad justed, and paid in gold coin without delay or discount. Their agents, located at all points of importance, nave autnonty to issue policies direct, thus avoiding -the danger and delay incident to the sub-agency system ; and, in each and every particular, both as regards solvency, permanency, prudent management, honorable conduct, equitable rates, and conservative practices, TIse Phoenix, of Hartford, - '"ilities to the insuring public unequall-..ju- Company doing business on this coast. I It. II. ffiACilLL, TIt-rs-er, 424" California St., San Francisco. Policies Issued and Renewed Direct by T. FlilJViV, Agent, ALBANY, OREGOX. J jy2'70-43m3 SPRIXG A2SD SUMMER STYLES. CUSTOM MADE CLOTHING. CHEVOIT SUITS, WHITE DUCK SUITS, . CASTOR BEAVER SUITS, Heavy Canvas Hunting Coats, White Marseilles Vests, Figured Marseilles Vests, Furnishing Goods of all Kinds . ; and a great variety of other NEW AND SEASONABLE GOODS. We are prepared, to offer to the public tho lar gest ac-1 UJiiT .SIXKCTKD stock of Clothing of out ovrn rGF.uufaeture. ever brought to Portland, ad at prices ftat DrY.C.OilPSTITIOA. .;-2"?.?.-t' ' "i " i-ft., rortiand. GEO. W. CHAV, D. D. S e7orLI?OLICIT TUE PAT" f T iDDa?t' of all persons desir ing ARTIFICIAL TEETH, and FIRST CLSJS DENTAL opera tions. Nitrous Oxi'Ja administered for the pain less extraction ff teeth, when desired, ; Charges moderate. '; - ; -. ". " - Office in larxbh & Co.'s brick block. Resi dence, first house south of Congregational Church, fronting on Court House block. Albany, Oregon, July 2, 1370-43 ' : - -' Summons. In tbe Circuit Court of tbe State of Oregon for the county of Linn, t ,- n James Knox, Letitia Knox and 1 J. is. t, loudening, plain una, John Lowdcrback, defondant. Suit to compel the perform ance of a legal obligation and for damages.. t To John Lowdfrback, defendant s IN THE NAME OF THE 8TATE OF ORE gon : Ton are hereby required to appear in tbe Circuit Court of tbe State of Oregon for the eounty of Linn, and answer tbe complaint therein filed against yon by the above named plaintiffs, with the Clerk of said Court, within ten davs from the dato of service of this summons -upon yon if served witnm this county, or U served in any other county in this State, then within twenty days of 'the date of service of this summons upon you : And if service of this summons upon yon be bad by publication, then by the first day of the term fol twi'ig the expiration of six weeks from Alie.i'firii- :.s'j'n hereof, to-wit : tbe fourth Moi.d..-i O.iaoer, 1870. And take notice, if you tuil to answer, the plaintiff's will apply to the Court, at said term, for the relief demanded in said complaint, to-wit : far a judgment or dere discharging a mortgage, and -for one iadV?.i dol lars damages, besides co?ta, ie.c , . -Dated Juno 21, 1870. .' ' '" First publication June 25, 1870.' " V . ; S '' By order of Hon. R. P. Boise, Judge. N. H. CRANOR. . 43w6 - Att'j for plaintiffs. JT.'"iy..' lienifcy ENTLEMEN'S BOOTS MADE TO ORDBR VJT on short notice, and with neatness and dis patch. - " . . ysf All Hinds of Repairing Done. , Albany, June 11, 1870 40 ' DUcrlptlve 1.1st CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE ! BY STITZEL & UPTON, Heal Estate Dealers, Albany, Ogn. CITY OF ALBANY : Lota 1, 2, 7 and 8, Block 19 good house, Ac. Lots 3 and 4, " - 20 " " x Loto, ; ' " 24 " " 4 Lots in ' 16 house and barn. 4 Lots in " 44 " " Lots 3 and 6, in "11 3 no improvements. Lot " 56 " " Lots 5 and 8, in " 2 good house. 25 feet on First street, in Block 3, with a No. 1 Frame Store-house two stories. - Rents for $25 a month. Lots 2 and 3 in block 3, with good House and Barn. Price, $300. Lots 1, 2 and 3 in block 6 largo dwelling and two stables. Lots 5 and A in block 130 good house. Price, S700. " . For particulars apply to 3. C. MEJiDENHALL, Agent, juull-40 Albany, Oregon. p o o Pd S3 n J O a. o o a o t 6 e 3 in 525 bo ft 1 at A 3D . c3 ' u e o BS H $ a o u M t m - a V 3 P 0 Q h. a ' c P-. S o I j? "3 e u n CO 5 si ft O ss s 2 U H m St o o (U H H 14 Q O i-3 oo & a E-t i PS a a a 7) a fi 0 e B es JS w w m 9 . 2 . - a. W. BIQGERS, ni. D. Botanic Physician and Surgeon, ALBANY, OREGON. GRADUATE OF THE PHYSIO-MEDICAL or Curtis College, of Cincinnati, Ohio. Employs in practice neither Mercury, Arsenic, Morphine or any other poison, but relies on such agents as act in harmony with life, and are en tirely harmless. " OFFICE In Parrish's t.rick, over tho post office. Kosidenee Water streot. below Pierce's ferry. Albany, April SO, 1570 34 CITY NEWS DEPOT, , Front street, Albany, Oregon. - HAS JUST ' OBKNED A FIRST-CLASS NEWS DEPOT and STATIONERY STORE, Where at all timos will be found the latest Peri odicals, Magazines, Newspapers, Books of all kinds, Writing Paper, every variety, all kinds and sizes of Envelopes, ' ' " and the most beautiful .'PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. This stock habeeu selected with great care, and none bat First-class arijcles are kept. Goods received direct from San Francisco by every steamer. Terms moderate. . Give me a calL W. sT BRIGGS. Albany. April 9. 70.-31-ly. The standard remedy for Couehs, Influenza, Sore Throat, Whooping Cough, Croup, Liver isompiatni, Jjronctitu, jtieeaing of rae-Anns, ana, every affection ot the Throat, Lungs and Chest, inrt-j?.! CONSUMPTION.- V:"i?tii' t ilalsam does not dry np a Cough, but loosens it, oleansea the lungs, and allays irri tation, thus removing lh eaut of the complaint. None genuine unless signed I. Butts. Prepared by Beth W. Jowls Son, Boston. ; Bold by Redington, Hostetter 4 Co., Ban Francisco, and by dealers geperally. 41y70 MY WIFE, Amanda K ester, having left my bed and board, I hereby warn all persons not to harbor or trust ber on my account, as I will pay no debts contracted by her. L. HESTER. Albany, June 4th, 1870-40w4 w. kuixm & co., ; Having just received a Large and well selected Stock of HARD WARE, r . SUCH .. AS ' .... FARMERS & MECHANIC'S TOOLS cossistiko or ANVILS, VICES, BELLOWS, Hammers, Hammec .' ' Hammers, Hammers, Sledges. Sledges, SJedges, SledgesyJ baws, baws, Haws, Saws, Saws, Saws, Planes, Planes, Planes, ' Planes, Planes, Planes, Corss-Cut and Mill Saws, "Together with a large assortment of iifcor Jisjy STEEL Nails, Nails, Nails, Nails, Nails, Nails, Springs, Springs, Springs, ' ! . " Springs, Springs, Springs, Axles, Thimble-Skeins, Bi't. -- cc- Also, a well Selected Stock of . 'Wason TCI m'toer, SPOKES, HUBS, BENT RIMS, SHAFTS, POLES, HICKORY AXLES, ETC., . All of which we are now offering to the public at low rates. As we make the business a spec ialty, we can and will keep a better assortment at lower prices than any house in this city. Receiving and opening a large and splendid assortment of ; WOOD AND WILLOW WARS, Which we offer at reduced rates. W. H. EUHN 4 CO. In the Monteith Fire-proof Brick, First-st. March 12.-70-27 A. CABOTHCaS. R. SALTMARSH. A. CAHOTBBRS & CO., DRUGGISTS & APOTHECARIES, Ill lliltll IS PAINTS, DYE-STUFFS, OILS PATENT MEDICINES, Perfumery, Toilet Goods, &c. Our Goods are FRESH and Warrant o d 3-ixx- o PSESCRIPHOSS COMPOUNDED. STORE OPEX DAY AXD XIGIT.' Front Street, three t"ot bef;:r Ccrnur't, &Xbuy, . .. fo'j 12'7? 2" ' .Oregon. JOIIX COrVII3R, GENERAL MERCHANDISE, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Soots Snoes, cCso. Closed ont at about cost. IT JS R I W -A. E 9 A well Selected stock now on land, and will be filled np constantly, and - SOLD AT REDUCED RATES. IRON AND STEEL. The best assortment kept in the city, and con stantly receiving fresh supplies, SOLD AT THE LOWEST RATES. All who want bargains give me a call. - JOHN CONNER. Albany, March 6, 1870-20. MACHINERY ! : ,. . OF ALL KIND?, It E '.r;-:A: T-V.XJ. ' l X . CEARD & COLVER. Headers, Thresher, Mowers, Iteaper, 'should be looked TO SOON. . Persons having the Wbeeler Je Mellck landless . Cbain Threshers, can have them repaired so they will clean the grain as well ah any Thresher, and cloan as much as thoir power will thresh. Flax ; Fans, MADE TO ORDER ONLY. In short, all other Agricultural Machines and implements made and repaired. We are completing arrangements to manufac ture Seed Sowers, Sulkey and Gang Plows, of the best patterns now in use. . .. - All work warranted made of the best material. Shop on eorner of Washington and Second-sts., Albany, Oregon. 38m3 May 28, 1870. PITTS' CHALLENGER THRESHER HAINES' HEADERS ! Mowers J Reapers And all kind of AgricaUnrai Implera'ts & Machines On hand and for sale by ' "' BLAIN, YOUNG CO., May 28, TO-38 r . Albany, Ogn'., , J. C. MENDENIIATL, IV o t a r y DP u b i i q ? H'liAili ; : : s t r : OliEdOIi. LEQAL INSTRUMENTS OF ALL KINDS made, and attested. Conveyances and col lections attended to. ...:-.';--. 88-T0 "" BUTCHER'S Lightning Fly-Killer, . Is ahead of anythiug of ihe kind. Ilsndy and cheap, Try it. Sold by the Druggists, 42m? NEW TO-DAY. cm BUSINESS STILL RUSHING AT TBI NEW JEWELRY STORE J . D . TITtS, Albany, - - - - Orejron. - . :,! '-':: -' AOBST FO THE CBLEBBATBD American & Swiss Ooli & Silfer f atcnes Of every description. Direct Importer of the very best , SWISS MADE -WATCHES, Cents and Ladies Sizes. n i i raSkJISEST 8ILEOTIOS OP JEWELRYi GOODS, -:".0f all Kin is eonitttlj on ' -0s- REPAIRI NO VA TCHES. SPEOTA CtES & J San rrR io Prices. Every Ariicla Mold and 8H Hepatrlng' Dune, Varranted. ' We claim to keep all. " ., : . .FIRST QUALITY GOODS, 14 and at prices that defy competition,. A. cowau, , A. vr. STAKARI. A. COWAN & CO.,- - Wholesale and Retail Dealers in STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODS "FIRST STREET........ ...ALBANY. They offer a large and well elected stock of ' STAPLE DRY GOODS ! At Extraordinary Low Prices PAR V Cash oi Produce I In addition to a very large stock, covering everything in the line of Cottons, we , have a complete assortment of i ' FANCY DRESS GOODS! Latest styles of By' mi Mia's HATS. CAPS. BOOTS, SHOES, Ac. "V'-'-- At-SO , Carpet, Wall-Paper, Paper & ' Linen " TSUnds, &c, &c. l-.spew'tljsi Is 'uncttd tr etOi.k of i IRON AND STEEL - ' .'-,-"-.' .and. :i: 131 131CA1 1VAU I Which is the largest and most complete this side of Portland. You are invited to call and examine, our goods and prices. . The highest market price in cash paid for Wool, Bacon' and- Lard ! Oct. 30, 1869-8 A'. COWAN CO. STITZEL & UPTON, ntHL COIHIt -OHUKtHO, lit GENE 11 A L AGE N T S. Braxnoli o-X"oo, illbany, Oreg-on, ' ; . C. MENDKMI . Ajrent, jp KXEC ALLAN I, AWyc? KS S.jOV. UT FsmbliAed July,- lo'Sf. An en where general information concerning tho resources cf Oregon can be obtained free of charge. Loans negotiated en first Mortgage, Real Es tate and Collateral Socuritios. - We have for salo a large amount of property located in the town of Albany. Alo, Farming lancln, of evcrv des-. cripti.m. !oiat-i in l.iaa .E1 otbec couEties in Xo thotU4i3 of Aifetr.7 nn4 viciuitt, !? f i!.t. t'wr.i.-s-'i Rvl K;t: V.'a'tko U.ii tsesi'.-i of calling yonr attention to our place ot' tiiisi oess. Having detoriniacd to opoja a Branch Of-h.-o -in yvur city, we cn offvr you a medium for obtaining purchaser 'one that is appreciated by buyers, as it saves ihnm maun time and labor in searching for what they want,. Our principal Aginny, ot Portland, Oregon, is thoroughly es tahli:;hed, and the otfio so well. funiisLed forgiv ing information upon Rent Kstate, that it affords the most complete fnoiluios for all parties bavin? business in our line. .. . You incur nq txen3e in placing yonr property on sale with ns unless a sale is made. Office on First street, opposite Post-Omee. C. MESDB8HAM,; Agent, Albany, Ogn., March 23, 1878. 29if. . BTITZKL A UPTON". REAL ESTATE BROKERS, f. C. NENDENHALT.. Ant Office First st opposiU Post Offloe, Albany, Ogn, H Li V?' . mJB! ny r Any. deeira- jptrj . , ... ' " ' " corner Third, Fonrth end Ulsworth streets, one tf the naaste IajmIUIas 4 &L A A .....n. iu ao mj, a gooa one and shalf story honse, with all ether eonvenienoe. ADtl1v v v - , Albany, Oregon. "STAR" PICTURE GALLERY I BROWNSVILLE, : , : -OREGON,. HAS BEEN REFITTED WITH SKYLIGHT of the latest style, end the oceratlnir room with instrnments of . -. . STRICT JLY FIKST ri.ASs mirr with a ehoiee stock of Material. C6 st, ils .t 3 direct from Philadlnhik n.--.-.- ' ; v ' . mend its 1.'. ..'... .. ' Pictares frcu E'b.- T .'t-. t, prices. " . Special faeihtie for taking J'amHy Groups and copying Old Pictures. Call and see specimens. T ll irfmrni wi a. PETER HUME. - Ia the Drag Store will be found full assort ment of 7mrs, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Pitlats. Oms, o Ac.: Also, Books and Ptat'.sn- siiil- rto;.! Bois taad) a Lr. kowitad lt e'rare,- and asay ! prolesaional'.y at nuv t;T.e. ' Post Office building, BrownevillsOGregoiv. - Af.rU 20. 70-33 , PETER HUME. y be octsultci! To Whoa It C2ar OoBcerat ll. BABER is mj Legal Agen during JT my absence. -' ' SAMUEL DJ5NNY.' Albany, March 15, lSr,-2S-3w. t