VOL. 2. ALBANY, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY. 16, 1870. NO. 45; PTBl-lSHED STMT 8ATCRDAT BT COLL. VAI CI-EVE, PORTLAND CARDS. OFFICE OX COBJSB OF FEBRT AXPFIRST-STS. TERMS IN ADVJX One Tear....... Six Month.... Single Ceoics. CE. ....Three Dollars , Two Dollars ..-Ten Cents r - -asar "Je EHTISING RATES. iverVnements per Square of ten less, url insertion, ?2 ; eacu subsequent rtion. 1. ' Larger advertisements inserted on tbe most Iberal terms. JOB WORK. Having received new type, stack of colored inks, cards, a Gordun Jobber, etc., w are pre pared to execute all kind ot printing in a better manner and fifty per cent, cheaper than ever be fore offered in this city. Agents for the Register.- The following gentlemen are authorized to re ceive and receipt for subscription, advertising, etc., fur the Register : HIRAM SMITH, Esq , Judge S.H. CLArGllTOX.. PETER HUME, Esq W. R. KIRK, Esq E. E. WHEELER. Esq T. H. REYNOLDS. Ksa Geo. W. CANNON", Esq Portland L. P. FISHER, Esq -Frisco. ...narrisburg. ....Lebanon. .Brownsville ...Scio. .. Salem. BUSINESS CARDS. . IS. RICE, .11. !., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Albany, ------ Oregon, iFFICE ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF MAIN S' kl f Street. Albany, April ' ro.-32 A. WHEELER, o r ii x y X xi T 1 Lli OWXSVILLK, "ORIOX. 2S E." F. RUSSELL, Attorney at Law, C. P. FERRY, Notary Public. FGRRT, RUSSELL & Real Estate Brokers & Collecting Agents, Portland, Oregon. S1 PECIAL ATTENTION? GIVEN TO THE Sale of Real Estate. Real Estate Litigation. and tbe Collection of Claims. Office, North-west corner of First and Wash ington Streets, Portland, Ogn. feb 6-70- 5 S. D. SMITH. THE - ' CKO. B. COOK. OCCIDENTAL, JJUlt-MliKLX Western TTotol, Corner First and Morrison streets, Portland, Oregon. Messrs. SMITH Jfc COOK hare taken this well known house, refitted and refurnished it throughout, built a large addition, making thirty more pleasant rooms, enlarged the Dining and Sitting rooms, making it by far the Best Hotel In Portland. A call from the traveling public will satisfy them that the abore statements are true. SMITH COOK, Props. X. Ti. -Hot and cold Baths attached to the house for the benefit of guests. 50 Portland, August 15th, 1869. AMERICA! EXCHANGE, CORKER Of Front and Washington Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. L. P. W. Qnimby, - - - - Proprietor. (Late of the Western Hotel.) T1 r EG AL INSTRUMENTS OF ALL 1 J made an 1 attested. . lections attended to. KINDS Conveyances and col- 12 U'J UURMESTEK & RELL1SGER, TTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW, ! Albauy, Oregon. 1EF1CF. in the Parrish Brick. 23 J. IIAIVIVOJY, Attorney and ConnseUor at Law, ALBANY, OREGON. FFICE On Main street, opposlto Foster's Brick. 1-69 o DuBois, hand and receiving. X, s. CONSTANTLY o J large stock of ' Groceries and Provisions, Wool and Willow Ware, Tobaeeo, Cigars, Con fectionery, Yankee Notiuns, Ac.. Ac, Wholesale and Retail, opposite U. C. Hill 4 Son's dru store, Albany. Oregon. ' jn40'70 XlUtabidel & Co., DEALERS IN GROCERIES AND PRO visions. Wood and Willow Ware, Confec tionery, Tobacco, Cigars, Pipes, Notions, etc. Main street, adjoining the Express office, Albany, Oregon. I E. A. Preeland, DEALER IN EVERY DESCRIPTION OF ' School, Miscellaneous and Blank Books, fct-atiooery. Gold and Steel Pens, Ink, etc., Post office Building, Albany, Oregon. " Books ordered from New York and San Franeisco. I S. XZ. Ciang-hton, -vroTAny public and real estate jl AGSN'T. 9:nsinthe Post Office building, e'"M'Mt, Oregon. Will attend to making Deeds and other convey ances, also to the prompt collection of debts en trusted to rov care. I ; HIS HOUSE is the most commodious in the State, newly furnished, and it will be ths endeavor of the Proprietor to make his cueste comfortable. Nearest Hotclto the steamboat landing. ICS- The Concord Coach will always be four at the landiner. on the ni-ri vnl rf whins Pr - gajre to and from the boats free of charge. SI'tnsc tupplied Kith Patent fire Extinguisher. COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL. (roiuiEmr arrigosi's,) : : Portland, Oregon. Front street THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING PUR chased this well known Hotel, are now pre pared to offer the traveling public better accom modations than can be found elsewhere in the city. Hoard and Lodging S?2 OO per day. .ADVERTISEMENTS. BUILDERS, ATTENTION I SASH, BLIND , AND , DOOR FACTOR Y S. H. AI.TH0U9E. St. WRIGIIT. J. r. SACKESSTO. AlTIIOITSE & CO., I.TOS STREET, ("X THE RIVER BANK), ALBANY, OREGON. EEP ON HAND A FULL ASSORTMENT, and are prepared to Orders Sasli, K IT" in-nisli to Doors, Blinds, and . such as Crown, Fanel, Band, and Section Mold of all sizes. WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES! Flooring, 3Siic3Lxxg;, and all other kinds of Biiildinir material ! ALSO Are prepared to do MILL WORK : furnish Sha ker Fans, Zigzag Shakers, Suction Fans, Driving Pulleys, of any kind, at our Factory on Lyon street, (on the river bank), next below Markham's warehouse. ALTIIOUSE & CO. Albany, February 0, 1869- 4 BLACKSMITHINC! PLOWS ! PLOWS ! PLOWS The Hotel C'.ach wi!l be in attendance to con- vey Passengers and baggage to and from the 1 Hotel free uj ckarue. 3. B. SPREXGER. FT HE undersigned gives notice to the general I public, that he is now manufacturing the Cale$Iiirgr Patent Pioiv ! and any other stylo of plow that may be ordered. Also, particular attention paid to i - Wagon Making' and Horse-shoeing. Wagons for sale at ray shop at $140 and $160. Horse shoeing as follows : Cash, $2 ; credit, $3 , All work entrusted to me will receive prompt! attention, and be executed in the best possible raannerjwith good material. A share of public patronage is solicited. Shop on corner Ellsworth and Second streets, opposite Piece' Ferry. F. WC"D. Albany, November I, ISRR-TI j Office Oregon t California Stage Company, C. G. WniTEUorsE, Agent. tf .ew Columbian Hotel, Nos. 113, 120 and 122 Front street, PORTLAND, : . i t OREGON ED. CARNEY, PROPRIETOR. The Largest, Best and most Cor venient Hotel in Portland! Located in the center of business and near all the steamboat landings. Board and Lodging From one to two dollars per day according, to the room oecnpied. J!T Rooms newly furnished and well ventil ated. Superior accommodations for families. The New Columbian Hotel Coach will be in attendance at all the landings to convey pas sengers and baggage to and from this Hotel 17 t Free ol Charge 69 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. J. B. MITCHELL. J. X. DOLPH. A. SMITH. Mitchell, Bolph & Smith, 4 TTORNtY? Air. 'OVNSELLOR3 AT LAW, i'li ':t-T- in CtiiU-. rvy ;,!! Profrtos in Ad ii.ira!'y. OSvc w t ho tdd Post Ol2ce, Kroal street. Ponlai-.-l, r!r,-:;n. j JAMES "A. WARNER, Civil Engineer &. Surveyor. IS PREPARED TO DO SURVEYING AKD Engineering. Uses improved Solar Compass. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Resideuee on 4lh St., opposite Dr. Tate's residence, Albany Oregon. nI9-6m FT) WELL. L. FLISX. Powell &. Flinn, a TTORNEYS5 COUNSELLORS AT LAW f and Solicitors in Chancery, (L. Flinn, Notary Public,) Albany, Oregon. Collections and conveyances rtremply attended to. I ST. CHARLES HOTEL, - Corner First an 1 Washington Sts., ALBANY, :- -' - - OREGON. - U. BRENNER, Proprietor. liriTH A NEW f. BUILDING, NEWLY y Furnished throughout, the proprietor hopes to give entire satisfaction to tbe traveling public Tbe beds are supplied with spring-bot toms. The table will receive the elosest atten tion, and everything the market affords palatable to guests will be supplied. jaa n- l LADIES' EJWPOlXIUJn. IVIRS. A. J. DUNIWAY, DEALER IN FasMoiiatils lillmeryM Fancy Goods, Follows Sress and Cloak Making in all their varied branches. BLEACHES AND PRESSES STRAW GOODS In Latest Style and best manner. STAMP FOR BRAID AND EMBROIDER Y. FRANKLIN MARKET, JOaia street, Albany, Oregon. Meats of All Kinds, V ' f " " . t : 4 S D . ' OF THE .. VERY ; BEST QUALITY, ' ConstanOy on hand. J , i- 30-6m G. B. HAXGHT. A.OAIy BATH HOUSE. rnUE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT I fullv inform the citizens of Albany and vi cinity that he has takes eharge of this establish ment, ana, by keeping clean , rooms ana paying strict atttntte a to business, expects to suit all those who may favor hint with their patronage. Having heretofore carried on nothing but rirst-Ciass XI air Dressing Saloons, he eipeei to give entire satisfaction to all. J6" Childrea and Ladies' hair neatly ent and uunooecL. . JOSKFH WSdBK. " svly2 ." o t ALu KINDS, nrintad at the ar Ia. rates, a oraerea, at Tnm emte. Corner Oregon. First and Broadalbin streets, Albany, jan In 17-70 C. IV! E A LEY DEALER IN MANUFACTURER OF THE OLI STOYE DEPOT! JOII.V BRICGS, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Farmers Can Ride - and Plow, BT SECURISO OKI OI" TBS 44 GAY" PLOWS, Manufactured and sold fur the very low price ol S$5? and 8$T5. THE kimpiicity and practicability of this new Plow commends it favorably to the special notice or every farmer. It possesses a decided superiority over all other plowrnow in use. ' The wheels are four feet in diameter, and run on tbe unplowed land. Its entire construction is in no way complicated. ; Xne plow is-managed in every manner with ease, and requires only two levers to be used in making any alteration. Tbe supe riority of the 'Gay" Plow wilVbe clearly shown by the following certificate v ' We, the undersigned, citizens of Linn county. Oregon, having purchased and used upon our farms the "Gay" Plow, hereby certify that the same has given us entire satisfaction.. Its facility for adjusting to suit tbe depth of furrow without moving from the seat, is simple and easy. We like the plow for its draught, because the same is brought to bear directly upon the plow-beam in stead of the carriage ; also, because it is strong and durable, all except the wood-work being con structed of wrought iron no ' eastings are used. Ibe wheels running upon the solid land is an ad vantage over other gang-plows, in striking" off land and in plowing, not having to make the nec essary changes in the Machinery, and the seat is always level, not tnr-wing the driver forward or sideways as in other plows. Better work and more of it can be accomplished by the use of this Plow than by hand. - . AVe take pleasure in recommending the "Gay" Plow to our brother farmers, as one having no superior in Oregon. J. G- REED. W. P. ESHOM, A. S. LOONEY, E. W. PIKE, W. H. QOLTTREE. II. DAVIDSON. May 20th, 1869. - . j The "Gat" Plow is manufactured by H. Gonlding, Portland Machine Shop. - All orders will be promptly attended to by ad dressing, . I C. V. GAY, Portland, Oregon. Albany Agents. J. BARROWS A CO., Agents for Linn A Benton counties. JOHN BRIGGS. Agent : for Linn & Benton counties. May , "69-S7 - - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. GEO. F. SETTLEMIER, . J3 It TJ O GIST (Successor to D. W. Wakefield,) Parriah's New Building, First Street, ALBANY. OREGON, , All articles warranted pure and ef the . best quality. Jfnyaicians. Prescriptions carefully compounded. Albany, Oct. 17, 1868-6tf NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OP BOSTON. Purely 3&T-j.i;-CL,X. 1S35. $7,000,000 00 INCORPORATED Cash assets , Cash Dividend, 1S67 Cash Dividend, 1808 .. Total surplus dividend. Losses paid iu 1868 . Total losses ptiid.. ....... ........ Income for. 18G7 ...... No extra eharge for traveling to and from thr Atlantic States, Europe, Oregon, or the Sandwicl Islands. 526,573 55 786,197 86 S.512,771 00 575,500 00 3,342,100 00 2,852,031 41 E ALER IX STOVES, COOK, PARLOR & BOX. ef the best pattern- ALSO Tin, Slieet Iron and Copper ,w .xro,J and the usual assortment of Furnishing Goods t be obtained in a - Repair neat) 'y and prnmptlq -- f-7 . 4 . Sg-on reosonaof rermw. "Short reckonings, make long friends." Front street........ ............... Albany. Next door to Mansfield Si Co. dec5'68-I i AH Policies non-forfeiting, and governed by the non-forfeiting law of -Massachusetts, Policy holders tbe only-persons who receive d iv dcrdsin this Company, which are declared and paid annually ; first dividend avail able at the payment of the second annual premiums.: All Policies - -remain in force as long as there is any surrender - " '.- '" ' : r value. NO FORFEITURES ! This old and popular Company, (the oldest Ma tual Life Insurance Company in this , country) insures at the low est possible rates. The stability of this Company, with its past his tory, increasing capital and business, and the sat isfactory manner in which, it has discharged its obligations in the past, are guaran'ees for the future such as far-seeing and caret ul men require in their investments. ns jionerall.v. nrnfy thoroughly understand tne working ot Lue insurance, are anxious to avail themsulveB of its equitable provisions. Full information will be giren to those who desire, at the Agency. . Home Office, 39 tate Street, Boston. Flrei 37,xoI 3Lie 2 "A Stitch in Time Saves Nine!" UIOTON- Fire and Marine Insurance Company ! Nos. 416 and 418, California street, ' San Francisco, - California. 3T X T XT . and-- CABINET WARE ! X3eldingr9 Etc., Corner First and Broad Alb in streets, ALBANY, OREGON. PABTICOXAK ATTEHTIOIC FAIO TO OTtrETiS OF ALL EII-IDS in his line. October 1868-8 rURIVIIVG. - - TURJIWG. a w o w CO l-f ts as : a w ' w . f CO I AM PREPARED TO DO ALL KINDS OF. TURNINCi! I keep on hand and make to order . RAWKIDE-BOTTOWEXJ CHAIRS, - ' ' AS ' S a 1 n n i n g , W he els. ' 8t- Shop near the "Magnolia Mills." JOHN M. METZLER Albany. Nov. S, I868-I STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE Cash Capital, In Gold Coin, $750,000. : Deposit In Oreg-on, SSO,OO0. liotset Promptly and Equitably Adjusted Antl Jraidm Uold Com. THIS COM PANT having complied with the laws of Oregon, by making a deposit of fifty thousand dollarsa sow prepared to effect insur ance against Loss or Damage by Fire, and also against Marine ana inland .Navigation risks, on liberal terms. .. ' , GUSTAVB T0UCHARD, Pres. D. HAVEN, Sco'y. I... 5. C. MENTJENHALL, - i Agent for Albany. Albany, Jannary 8, 1870-13 CHAS. THE EYES I THE EARS I Dr. T. JL. GOLDEN, OCULIST AND AtTRI T, ALBANY, ; ; s - OREGON. TTaTl. GOLDEN IS A SON OF THE IV t.y noted old Opthalmic Doctor: 8. C. . Dr. GOLDEN has had experience in treating the various diseases to which lbs eye and ear are subject, and fools confident of giving entire satis faction to those who may place themselves under his eare. .Albany, April 10, 1869-Sly t , i .- - - If you want the very best Castket Frto- T04BAPHS. VOU mUSt CU 00 Hti.AUL.IUI RULOFSON, 429 Jontgoraery street, San Fraa- cisco. ' 1 " . 6m ' Pacific Branch Offices, 303 Montgomery Street, San Francisco Room 3, Carter' Building, Portland, Oregon, EVERSON & HAINES, General Arts III 8SEI.I. & KI.KIIVS, Affts, ALBANY, OREGON. Albany, September 19, 1868- T CRAFTSMEN'S LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF NSW YORK. BlICnANAW&MEAllS, GENERAL AGENTS FOR Oregon, and Wasljlngtob, Ilauo and Montana Territories, DEALER IN Drugs and Medicines, CHEMICALS, PAINTS. OILS, GLASS, ETC. Walk in! Walk in! LADIES AND GENTLEMEN I Walk into B. RREHIVER'S STORE, and see the goods which he lrota is receiving direct San Xxtxi.oiSiOc, Trhich he i3 going to sell very low for Cash or Produce ! , Call and examine mv Goods before you pur chase elsewhere, as I am always willing to show my goous. ' ' S, v. l win pav from date for imrty aays io come, 30 cents per dozen for Eggs. tep. 5, 6-3y js. CBMar.iv. SAI FKAHCISCO STORE! CORKER FIRST AND FERRY STREETS, ALBA NY ...... i. ...; OREGON. Keeps Constantly on hand a full assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CLOTHING Boots, Shoes, Hardware A Crockery, ' t and a full supply of Ladies' FuraisiMg Emoroiuery, Fancy Goods, &c. also, a stock of THE BE T LIQUOR ! for Medicinal purposes only. Box, Always on band a large stock of Cooking and Parlor Stores ! and manufactures all kinds of- : Tin, Copper and Sheet-Iron Ware, all of which are ottered at the lowest rates for CASH '1R COUNTRY PHODUCE1 All kinds of repairing done, on short notice, and entire satisfaction warranted, at my Stove and Tin Store. JULIUS GRADWOIJL. Nov. 0-11 RATES OF TOLL OVER THE ' Willamette Valley and Cascade Mountain Wagon Road. To Deschuttes River : Four Horse or Mule team $4 50 Two " " " ...... ........ 3 00 One " " " 2 00 Ox teams, thiee yoke.....;....................... 4 50 For every additional yoko............ ........ 60 Loose horses, per bead .......................... 25 " cattle, per head.......... .......... .. ;; 15 " sheep or hoga....... ............... 3 Teams returning empty, half price. - Pack animals, loaded.. ......... K 60 " " unloaded ................. 5 Horse and rider.... 1 00 . To Fish- Lake : f Four horse or mulo team, each Two " " " . . 1 One " . " , ..... 1 Pack animals, loaded............ .................. " " unloaded. ....... ............... Horse and rider....... ...m.. .....m.-m. . Ox team, three yoke. ... 2 To Upper Soda Spring : Four hosso or mule team, out and hack 2 50 Two " .... 2 00 One . " " " ' ' " 1 00 Horse and rider. " ...... 50 Loose animals, " ' 25 Ox teams the samo as horse teams. A. II ACKLEMAN. . W. W. Parrish, Presj Sec. "March 0, 1869- 8 . -" LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. : The Little Corporal Magazine. The July number of this' beautiful jave nile comes to us greatly enlarged and improved as well as finely; illustrated.. The wonderful growth of this young Na poleon of the juveniles "has been surpris ing as it is ihteresting. Its circulation has shot far ahead of that of any of its competitors.0 Its matter is entirely origi nal and of a very high order. The fresh ness and vivacity of its pages cause the eyes of all our young people to sparkle. In its new, improved form it is one of the handsomest, as it is the cheapest, inaga s'.ne ye have ever' seen. Childlike but not child it xejolcea-tbo heaits of both , parents and cbildren' alike. This -nam- ber begins a new volume j jnow is' a good time to subscribe.2 One dollar a year; painple cop', 12 cents. , Published by SEWELL & MILLER, ChicagoIll. " Circus. Friday night of last week, our people had the pleasure of attending the best circus performance ever bad in these parts. There could not bej abso lutely, a single objection urged against the "Show,", while the bill. .'of; entertain ment was so much better and so, greatly differed from former exhibitions, that it met with immense an merited applause. The trio of violinists just capped any thing we ever saw, and was alone worth the price of admission. ; Nelson's Circus will return this way again in a few weeks, when those who want to get their mon ey's worth should put in an appearance. Campmeeting. The Methodist camp- meeting, held in a aense fir grove on the Calirjooia river, some three rnilCg- fretu this city, opened on the 7th. The attend ance of last Sabbath, -was immense it seemed to be a general turn out of the people from every direction. Up to Mon day night there had been eight additions to the church.;; The meeting will be con tinued until Monday next, if not longer. . Match Hace. The match race over the Fair Ground track on last Monday, for five hundred bushels of wheat,between George Lewis bay mare, Snip, and Levi Turner's sorrel mare, Blaze, came off as announced. The distance run was 1 mile, and. both animals acquitted themselves well" making first rate time. Z?uwon the race by twenty feet. ' Finable. On last Sabbath, within a few yards of the outskirts of the camp ground, a number of men and boys were enjoying a bath in the Calipooia. This of course was in direct - contravention of the laws of decency and good , behavior, and a committee was appointed to call them to an account." 'We are charitable enough to suppose the youngsters were thoughtless in committing such a gross violation of the law, and that hereafter they will take care to go at least one mile from the grounds'-when they wish '1 to bathe. A heavy fine can be imposed on all who committed such a breach of -the peace as that of last Sabbath. Personal.; Pat. Farrel. started for the Yaquina Bay on Tuesday. The "In- juns will get him, sure, as neana anoin- er horse started alone. ; "r- SotTHEEir Oregon. From the J ack Bonville Nevi of the 9th inst. we' get the following list of accidents in that! locality: On last Wednesday a little oori of Mr; J. R. Taylor, of Sam's valley,, fell from a wagon and dislocated his shoulder. : The1 joint was readjusted the; following day, and the boy is all. right.1 On Wednesday week, near Flounce Rock, two of Mr. Uriah Gordon's little daughters were bitten by a rattlesnake. They were crossing m oat field with their father, who was in advaneof when 4lid foremost girl exclaimed, "Oh, 1 I've snag ged my loot ;" and the second girl,. step ping in the same place, uttered the samd . exclamation. - . Both were barefooted, and both were struck on the same foot, just below the ankle bone. , la a moment their tongues began to swell, vomiting" pommenced, and the eldest had to be car- ried home. ;.Tbey were iaade,to drink freely of good whisky, while poultices of rattlesnake weed were applied to the wounds. They suffered severely for several days, but are now recovering. A little seven year old boy, son ol J. N. Wooly, who resides near Phoenix, on the 1st inst., ascended a tree to reach a crow's nest. ' Upon reaching the nest the' little fellow's hold broke, and he fell to the ground, a distance of forty feet, breaking bis thigh. His mind was de. ranged for several days, but the1 attend-" ing surgeon informs us that his mind is all right again, and that ho is doing well. On the 2d, at the copper7 mines on the Illinois river, in Josephine' county, Chris Dore, in the attempt to drag . hiv gnu from a boat, by . the muzzle, discharged it, the contents carrying away the bone of the right arm. . The arm was amputa ted at the shoulder, on the 3d. - A man who had just "come the plains across,,' drove off the bridge over Wall's creek, below Rock Point, and broke botb bones of hia right leg, just above tho anVle. ' "Our informant did not learn tbe untortunate man s name.-' 33 s : CLIMAX CO KNITTER! PORTLAND......,.. .OREGON. Cash Plan, Low Rates, Strictly Mutual. All Policies Non-Forfeiting by their Terms. . No Restriction on Travel, Residence or Oocupation. . i, Polioies issued in Gold or U. S. Curren cy, as desired. . ' t No extra charge upon women. : All varieties of Policies issued. Large Cash Value vpou : Surrendered Policies. -l - - - oct9-5 . S: MERRILL, Agsnt, . ; .. .Albany, Owgon. "f N presenting the claims of this NEW KNIT- imt MA(;U1JS Ji to popular favor, we aim at no more than a brief and candid statement of its actual merits. Weeonfidentlv claim that tba CLIMAX KNITTER is superior to all other ma chines in tne follwrog respects : ... - . j , 1. Simplicity of construction and operation. 2. Completeness and excellence of work. 3. Convenience of shape, site and weight of macnine. ' , 4. Durability of machine.. ' ,'-; ' 6. Rapidity of work. - . - t 6. Cheapness. . It is so simple in its construction and in its werkmgs, tbat less than half the time is required to learn to knit on it than on others. With it the children of the household can do all the knitting. It is made entirely of iron and steel. A man's sock can .be made in thirty minute. . It makes the regular old old-fashioned knitting needle stitch or loop, (with several others J desired) turns tne neet, roaaing it ot as good sbape as by band, wunout any sewing ) narrows or widens, at the pleasure of the operator, and makes a per fect toe. Any article that eaa be knit by hand, can be manufactured on this machine. . -Persons who wish to see the machine in opera tion, are requested tc caU on tne agent ia this city. S.S. MARKIIASX&SON, Agents for Oregoa. Albany, Ogn., Feb. I . 1876.- 8 A -new Gas, Water and Manufacturing Company has been formed in East Port land.' The corporators are, Ben. Holla day, A. M. Loryca, J, B. Stevens and H. Boyd.; They intend manufacturing gas for illuminating purposes,- in feast Portland : will bring water from the Clack- mas river, to furnish power for manufao; tunng purposes, and will bring water from the springs at Brooklyn Mills, Asy lum and Stephens' Saw-mill to East Port land, for domestio ' purposes. Capital stock, $500,000, in shares of $100 eacb. From the official report of the wheat crops of 1870, issued by the Agricultural Bureau iu June, we find that there are 1 ,000,000 acres les of. growing '.wheat than last year, and that tbe average yield will also bo considerably , less. - lor tho great wheat growing State, of Illinois, as well - as in Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota, the crop bas eufFored greatly From drouth the past few weeks, and the yield will bo greatly diminished thereby. : T. O. Sterns, appointed County of Baker county, vice McArtbur, resign ed, refuses to tura over the office to the newlv elected Judee-. : Tho matter will go to the Courts for adjudication. ' On the 18th, at Portland, a new daily paper to be called the Hvlletin will be issued." It' will be edited by Jas. O'meara, Esq., assisted by Dr. Ames, of San Fran cisco, and will be the' largest paper ever issued in Oregon, .t t 4 j s-ji''w'' "L'i . I '"! . Gov. Ilolden, of Georgia, baa declared Caswell county in a state of insurrection, giving as bis reason, for so doing that out rages have occurred there during the past two months that the public knows noth ing, of. The Philarmonic Society of Portland, give a grand vocal and instrumental con cert at. their hal l in that city, on the even ing of the 21st, for the benefit of the German and Hebrew school. At Portland, on the 8tb, Lizzie Greco was arrested, charged with robbing a man in Salem, on the 24th of last month, of $220. She was held in $300 to await the action of tbe Grand Jury. - Hon. J. S, Smith has appointed Bob ert T. StutsmanJ of Clarksville, Baker county, to fill a vacant cadeXship at West Point Military Academy.. ; . , The newly appointed Attorney Gen" eral, Ackerman, took the -oath of office and entered upon his duties on the Otb iust. . . .' , ;-. . . , The Baker City Democrat says that on the 5th a mining claim on; Muddy Creek caved suddenly on a band of Chinamen, killing three and, crippling two others. At the Palm House, San Francisco, on the night of the 8th" inst., a man named Dorris took 'strychnine, ending his troub les. 5; . -; ' . - T . . i 'i i I. I,. r ,v An Intelligent Juryman. A ease was tried in the County Court a few days ago, says the Sacramento Reporter -of June 28th, in which two meb were con victed, upon the plainest evidence, of robbery. On Saturday, the ' attorney who defended the prisoner, demanded, SB t rlATf WQVO lliat flVkSttl ttl MflAlVA Sn. uo btivj sv va w jiwt savA w vvv a v ovuH tence, that one of the jurors who bad found tbe verdict -should be sworn ' and examined as to the manner in which bo had acted in" tbe jury-room, and as to why be had signed tbe rerdicL The result was that a man named W. D. Corn stock swore, although he had .takes an oath to render a true verdict, and aid sign a verdict of guilty, tbat he did not believe them guilty, and ho signed the verdict because the rest of tbe jury (tho eleven obstinate men) had agreed to sign a rtquest for their pardon. It need not be said that there was a sensation in Court. Thes Judee confessed, himself astounded, and asked the simple minded juror if he knew" anything about the crime of perjury, besides .addressing to him some wholesome counsel for the future'. Of course, the verdict was set aside, and the prisoners remanded to wait the process of framing and perfecting a new indictment. ' '- ""- ' A WnsniRitit, T)na'.K mentleman in Oswego who has a dog valued in the family as a pet, relates a strange inci dent of the power to charm and fascinate, common reptiles, but rather extraordina ry among quadrupeds.-- Recently the kitchen girl , eaw thia dog -seated . on bis haunches with one forepaw lifted, eyeing a rat under a cupboard, in some room contiecting'the house. ; The rat also bad his eye fixed on the dogt and after watching them a few moments, tbe girl, thinxing it 6trango, called some ; of tbe family, who, interested to see how. this curious circumstance would turn out, came and stood quietly. by. For half an hour these animal maintained the same position, being six or eight feet apart. At the end Of that time the rat slowly and trembling with fear, began to ap proach tbe dog; their eye still fixed on each other immovably. Contmuuig to creep up, when within a couple of feet, tbe dog torung and catching the rat, quickly disposed of him. It was after wards discovered that the : hole in the wall through, which the ra eame wa immediately back ef where he was first seen. This occurrence is vouched for on tbe moat reliable testimony, and is one of tbe most singular instance of "$aim. ing" on record, Batlou't Magazwt.